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View Full Version : Most embarrassing moment you've had while chasing/dating your preferred gender?

2009-03-31, 09:21 AM
So I thought it would be interesting to see some of the mistakes that we in the forums. have made over the years with your preferred gender. We didn't start off as God's gift to the ladies/men, otherwise there wouldn't be a whole lot of point to improving yourself.

Strangely, as I wasn't always the smooth-talking ladies man I am today, I'll start first. :smallbiggrin:

I had just left a relationship with a girl I was quite taken with, and thought I'd go out to a club with a mate to just have fun dancing and chilling out. I ended up dancing with this attractive blonde girl for most of the night, got her number.

Now this is the part where things get pretty embarrassing. Apparently my mind had decided to transfer all the feelings of my old relationship on to this new girl. I called her six times the next day. Six times. Never actually spoke to her again, for some reason she never picked up the phone, haha.

Oh, and the crowning moment? Sending her a 'heartfelt' SMS saying something along the lines of "I know I've probably freaked you out, but I will be at *this place* at *this time*, and if you don't happen to be there I won't bother you again." :smallsigh:

My mind cleared from the cloud of sheer idiocy I'd been under about five seconds after I hit the 'send' button. I was so mortified I didn't go to the place I said I'd meet her. Still facepalm about it to this day. :smalleek:

So... who can top that? :smallwink:

The Rose Dragon
2009-03-31, 09:28 AM
I've no embarrassing moments. That's cause I never actually do anything.

Well, the one time I referred to myself as "the one cute, fun guy you meet [insert place name here]" on a text message, and she didn't object. I took that as a sign of approval, and used that again later (in person this time). She said "Maybe that's just in your imagination!".

That's not as embarrassing as anything else, but that's all I got.

...I don't do much in the dating scene, sadly.

2009-03-31, 09:38 AM
I slipped, and almost nicked my mask on the chainsaw. Pretty damn embarrassing.

Wait. You meant...


Cristo Meyers
2009-03-31, 09:47 AM
I slipped, and almost nicked my mask on the chainsaw. Pretty damn embarrassing.

Wait. You meant...


Beat me to it...

Damn you, Rutskarn and your dry wit!

Lesse, my wife and I's first date was pretty much a comedy of errors: ice storm the day before, so the first 20 minutes is scraping off a half-inch thick layer of ice off of the car, it did it again while we ate dinner, so another lovely period of ice scraping, forgot the right movie time so we had to kill about an hour before the next showing so we drove around a bit and skidded into a ditch, spent the next 10 minutes pushing her Mercury Grand Marquis out of the ditch...

...but that's not the worst of it...

...the movie we saw? Daredevil.

The Rose Dragon
2009-03-31, 09:49 AM
...the movie we saw? Daredevil.

Well, congratulations on managing to get married anyway.

Cristo Meyers
2009-03-31, 09:51 AM
Well, congratulations on managing to get married anyway.

Payback came in the form of How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days...

I was in so much pain that I literally left clawmarks on the armrest...

The Rose Dragon
2009-03-31, 09:53 AM
Payback came in the form of How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days...

I was in so much pain that I literally left clawmarks on the armrest...

Well, the lead actor and actress were pretty.

And it had Bebe Neuwirth in it.

So it's not that bad...

Oh, who am I kidding? It was almost as bad as Failure to Launch.

2009-03-31, 09:53 AM
I've no embarrassing moments. That's cause I never actually do anything.


I have nothing else to add to this conversation.

2009-03-31, 10:02 AM
Let's see, I've...

...had a girl stand me up on a date and tell me the day afterward that she had multiple personality disorder and only one of her personalities liked me.

...been led on by a girl for months only to find out she was dating two guys while telling me she was available.

...been cast as that same girl's father in a play. The guy cast as her love interest was one of the two she didn't tell me she was dating.

...had a terrible romance novel written about me.

...been stalked by romance novel girl after dumping her.

...found out a month after an old crush's engagement that during the time I was attempting to flirt with her she was interested in me, but didn't think I was interested in her, and she would have dumped her now-fiance for me had I asked her out then.

...spent over fifteen minutes asking the inside of a purse to forgive me and take me back after an ex-girlfriend's cell phone accidentally called me.

...done it again after the phone called me again.

...gotten so flustered after a failed attempt at flirtation that I accidentally slammed a door in the girl's face, stormed off back to my dorm, and forgot that I was on the way to eat before the debacle happened.

2009-03-31, 10:07 AM

I have nothing else to add to this conversation.

Me too. :smalltongue:

2009-03-31, 10:46 AM
Funnily enough I was responsible for someone else's moment.

She'd been flirting with me for a few weeks, but I was totally oblivious to it, then at a party one night she was rather drunk and asked me to sleep with her, in front of most of our year-group from school.

Like the tactful person I am I simply said "Uh, no thanks.". xD

That was embarassing for me, I hate to think how it was for her.

2009-03-31, 11:32 AM
Getting rejected?

Hmm, yes, that must have been it.

I don't recall many other moments, or any other moments in my 'romance life'.

late for dinner
2009-03-31, 11:46 AM
haha...Here is a failed attempt at getting a girl to go out with me...I was stupid to think it would work but not afraid to try....

Me: (Sees one of the prettiest girls I have ever seen, so I walk up to her and this is, may God strike me dead if I am lying to you, the first thing that comes out is) "Your eyes are as blue as the Ocean ,and girl, I am lost at Sea."

Needless to say she laughed and pretty much ignored me.

Other Embarassing time: At Gamestop, cute girl works behind counter. I start talking to her just about video games and it turns out she knows alot about them and alot about the movies that I like and listened to all the same music as myself....I am thinking do it Brandon do it...so I say "Can I take you out sometime? and without a breath and really really fast she says, "NoI'mtoobusyIcannevergoout." See you later pride....Really, never?"Yeahnever"

Ok those are my stories.

Occasional Sage
2009-03-31, 11:49 AM
On the second date with my now-wife, she was sitting on my lap while we told stories (hilarious, sad, interesting, no real theme). She was telling one about an escapade involving her, her best friend, and the house of the ex of one of them. She ended up laughing so hard that she... passed gas. On my lap. Extensively. Which made her laugh harder in shocked embarrassment, which...

I still tease her about that.

Johnny Blade
2009-03-31, 12:02 PM
So, a while back, I lost a lot of weight. Once the scales told me I had burned 20 kilos, I decided to celebrate this by getting myself a girlfriend, and consequently, took the next train to town.
It was a nice, sunny day, so there were lots of people on the street, and so it's not surprising that it wasn't long before I came across two young ladies that both caught my fancy. In a somewhat clumsy but nonetheless successful manner, I started a conversation, and as things are, before long we came to the wonderful topic of music. Bent on showing off, I said some stuff about liking Michael Jackson's earlier stuff because it's cool to dance to it - a white lie, but it yielded the desired result, those two girls wanted me to give them a little demonstration right there on the street.
I complied, gladly, and actually put on a good show, and ended my performance with a quite dashing whirl, when suddenly, I felt a cool breeze.
It was then that I remembered: while my waist had decreased, that of my pants was still the same.

Cristo Meyers
2009-03-31, 12:05 PM
So, a while back, I lost a lot of weight. Once the scales told me I had burned 20 kilos, I decided to celebrate this by getting myself a girlfriend, and consequently, took the next train to town.
It was a nice, sunny day, so there were lots of people on the street, and so it's not surprising that it wasn't long before I came across two young ladies that both caught my fancy. In a somewhat clumsy but nonetheless successful manner, I started a conversation, and as things are, before long we came to the wonderful topic of music. Bent on showing off, I said some stuff about liking Michael Jackson's earlier stuff because it's cool to dance to it - a white lie, but it yielded the desired result, those two girls wanted me to give them a little demonstration right there on the street.
I complied, gladly, and actually put on a good show, and ended my performance with a quite dashing whirl, when suddenly, I felt a cool breeze.
It was then that I remembered: while my waist had decreased, that of my pants was still the same.

Bravo! Bravo! You sir take home the prize!

Johnny Blade
2009-03-31, 12:09 PM
Bravo! Bravo! You sir take home the prize!
A prize? They give out prizes for embarrassing anecdotes now?
If so, I'm off to write my autobiography. Expect to see me in Stockholm on December 10th this year.

2009-03-31, 12:20 PM
oh i've got TONNES of these... but i'll start with a recent misadventure

any regulars in the RWaA thread will know its been about 8 months since my last serious relationship. In that time, not a single girl has got me remotely excited to the level i'd consider dating them, let alone having a relationship... all except one. Long story short, shes a girl (a very attractive, intelligent, pretty lass infact) i've never got anything more than just-friends vibe with, so never put much thought to it. A few weeks back at a club, she kissed me, and caught me VERY off guard with it - and that in itself is a rarity

next time i saw her a few weeks after, thought i'd play it cool, see how the vibe is - sometimes a kiss is just a kiss after all - so go to say hi

i go to give her a kiss on the cheek hello, and just as im leaning in she turns a bit towards me

her eye + my nose.... smooth

FML...... *le sigh*

2009-03-31, 01:06 PM
My dating moments are usually tragic in an emo way rather than a funny way. Here's the best I've got though:

I had a romance plot in a LARP. The girl enjoyed flirting with me in game and we eventually went out. Turns out we only had in character interest for each other.

2009-03-31, 02:44 PM
The entire high school Latin class heckling when it became very obvious I had a crush on a visitor to the class. I had the forewarning of knowing that we were Statler-and-Waldorf-quality hecklers, and he had the blessing of never needing to return--until joining the class the next year.

Johnny Blade's prize is a Johnny Bravo avatar. He's earned it.

2009-03-31, 02:56 PM
Let me first establish that I wasn't really pursuing this girl, per se, I was just trying to make friendly conversation.

So this previous summer, I finally got the opportunity to travel around Europe, particularly France, and put to use that silly French minor that I've got.

About halfway through my trip, I was taking a train from Montpellier to Toulouse, and sitting next to me was a very nice girl about my age, who went to school in Toulouse. We started speaking, and got along well, because she was able to ask me random questions about America and Texas, and I was able to practice my French, and ask random questions about French people.

One question that had been bothering me, that I decided to ask about is why does the number of kisses change in a greeting, depending on where you are in the country? (The "kiss on both cheeks" thing that the French do changes depending on where you are. Some places it's just one kiss, sometimes it's one on each cheek, sometimes it's twice on each cheek. It's very odd). So, I tried to ask her this (in French)

Fun French lesson for everyone. There are two words in French that are very similar. "Baiser" and "Baisser". One of these is the verb "To kiss." One of them is slang for the verb "to <censored>."

Guess which one I used?

Basically, I asked this very nice, slightly shy college girl: why do people <bleep> each other differently in different parts of the country?

It was awkward.

Occasional Sage
2009-03-31, 03:08 PM
Fun French lesson for everyone. There are two words in French that are very similar. "Baiser" and "Baisser". One of these is the verb "To kiss." One of them is the verb "to <censored>."

Guess which one I used?

That's an... unfortunate similarity.

2009-03-31, 03:42 PM
I've had a similar experience Hzurr. I offered a girl in mexico a tamale at a gathering. I thought I had said "You want this?". Through improper use of grammar, the sentence translated as "I love you". She responded with a laugh and "Yo tambien" (me too). I was puzzled, thinking I had asked a yes or no question. Yeah.

2009-03-31, 04:35 PM
Never buy them anything made of glass. They might throw it at you.

2009-03-31, 06:09 PM
Never buy them anything made of glass. They might throw it at you.

I really hope that isn't from personal experience, because at your age it's a little too early for you to have to deal with psycho glass-throwing girls.

Divine Comedy
2009-03-31, 06:23 PM
I really hope that isn't from personal experience, because at your age it's a little too early for you to have to deal with psycho glass-throwing girls.

You act as if insanity has an age limit. You're never too young or old to be crazy.

2009-03-31, 06:30 PM
I really hope that isn't from personal experience, because at your age it's a little too early for you to have to deal with psycho glass-throwing girls.

Fortunatley, it was in a box.

2009-03-31, 06:34 PM

AHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah. Hee. You poor, poor bastard.

Ah, I never really do stuff either, so nothing on that front.

Lycan 01
2009-03-31, 07:34 PM
I elbowed my GF in the face last week. Twas an accident... We were sitting together, and she was playing Oblivion while I gave advice. I tried to lean down and grab something - the tv remote fell, IIRC - and she leaned down to see what it was. Well, due to the way I leaned... I basically upper-cutted her with my elbow behind myself. All I heard was a loud "thwak" and a soft yelp.

I felt quite bad about it, but she was too busy laughing to care. She said it didn't hurt, although my elbow was killing me. Man, that sucked... XD

2009-03-31, 07:43 PM
Does the fact that I have never really chased/dated my preferred gender count?

2009-03-31, 07:48 PM
I nearly dropped a date when I lost my balance trying to dip her when dancing. :smalltongue:

2009-03-31, 07:55 PM
Does the fact that I have never really chased/dated my preferred gender count?

You dated something other than your prefered gender? :smalltongue:

2009-03-31, 08:15 PM
I nearly dropped a date when I lost my balance trying to dip her when dancing. :smalltongue:Heheh, it wasn't a date, just a dance class, but, well... Let's just say going straight from several years of Aikido into swing dance went horribly wrong for my partner once. :smallredface:

2009-03-31, 08:17 PM
There was always a tree me and my first girlfriend use to hang out by after school. One day I was climbing it and she was below me. My shoe slipped and hit her in the face...it was a heelie, one of those shoes that weigh 10 times the average shoe because of the wheel in the heel.

2009-03-31, 09:09 PM
I think I can top everyone!
I'm 90% self-taught but I did go to school once.
Near the start of the school year one of the guys I hung out with asked me if I had a girlfriend. For fun I mentioned the prettiest girl in the class. He was very impressed. A little while later he asked how we were doing and I told him it had been a joke.
However the guy had told said prettiest girl that I was her boyfriend and she was so happy she told (more like BOASTED) everyone about it!
When she found out about the little "joke" she was REALLY furious. Pretty much the whole class immedeatly stopped talking to me and I decided my little experiment in going to school hadn't worked out too well and left.

I was completely unaware at the time that I was actually fairly good-looking (and suitably exotic and interesting) myself.:smallfrown:
From my sister I later learned I had AT LEAST 3 people crushing on me!:smalleek::smalleek::smalleek:

And here I am today. All alone without a girlfriend or any social skills.:smallsigh:

2009-03-31, 09:09 PM
There was always a tree me and my first girlfriend use to hang out by after school. One day I was climbing it and she was below me. My shoe slipped and hit her in the face...it was a heelie, one of those shoes that weigh 10 times the average shoe because of the wheel in the heel.

You're young enough to have worn heelies unironically?

2009-03-31, 10:17 PM
I once tried to reverse pickpocket some cookies (putting them in her pocket) while crouched down. I heard a noise behind me and looked, nothing interesting, but when I looked back to what I was doing, BAM!, I ran my face right into her chest by accident. It also didn't help matters that my hand was about a quarter inch from her butt.

2009-03-31, 10:57 PM
That's pretty funny when combined with your sig.:smallbiggrin:

Em Blackleaf
2009-03-31, 10:58 PM
I think the fact that I can't narrow it down to just one is pretty embarrassing. :smalltongue:

I TAed for a science class in seventh grade, and I usually hung around the table (surprise!) where my crush sat. We were rolling a roll of tape back and forth, and it turned into a pretty intense finger-tape-soccer match. And I'm a bad finger-tape-goalie (I'm also bad at real soccer, that might be related). He rolled the tape right past me and it shot halfway across the room under a desk.

My face: :smalleek: :smallredface:
His face: :smalleek: :smallbiggrin:

The only reason that was embarrassing is because it was during a power-point presentation, when the class decided to be quiet and well behaved.

I don't think that teacher ever thought I was a good TA. :smalltongue:

But I don't think that's the most embarrassing one.

Sixth grade, in front of most of my friends.

My friend (to my crush): Hey, do you like Emily?
Me: >:O
Crush: Nope.
Me: Oh. Okay.
Everyone else: I'm so sorry, Em! D:

Hey, that's another embarrassing moment a teacher witnessed (we were all walking into class).

That was a really weird day. But I'm pretty sure everyone there is over it.

Wow, my friends are all pretty embarrassing, but I still love 'em all to death.

2009-03-31, 11:41 PM
Getting rejected the only time I actually asked someone out?

Does things that would make normal people feel embarrased but not me count?

2009-03-31, 11:45 PM
I just remembered a moment that WAS embarrassing. :smalltongue: When I was about fifteen...a crush and I and a bunch of other people were at a mutual friend's house and I was sitting listening to him having a conversation with someone else. Not in a creepy way...just sitting around because I didn't have anything else to do.

Someone's mom walked in, saw me sitting there, and said "Ooh, (crush), I think somebody likes you!"

Me: :smalleek: :smallredface: :smallannoyed: :smallmad:

I think I jumped up and said "no!" and left the room. NOT the best way to handle the situation. :smalltongue:

The rest of the day was pretty awkward.

2009-04-01, 12:22 AM
Can't really say I've had any but taking my new gf out on a date and being sat at the table next to my ex and her friends was kinda odd

2009-04-01, 12:56 AM
...Getting my head stuck in my ex's armpit and having to get deodorant tongue in order to keep from being suffocated. and then getting several pictures and a video taken of me looking and acting like a cat spitting up a hairball as I tried to clean off my tongue.

That was pretty embarrassing.

Hmm... most silly was the time I decided to give a girl an entire packet of poetry that I had written for her by shoving it into her locker and telling her she had a week to think about who sent it to her before she'd find out. And then finding out what a stir that had caused amongst the english profs. And then realizing how much **** could've hit the fan for me from how stupid that was.

Getting rejected the only time I actually asked someone out?

Does things that would make normal people feel embarrased but not me count?

Try getting rejected with the "view you as a brother" speech without actually having the intention to ask her out in the first place.:smallconfused:

That was weird. I was kinda embarrassed for her, because she got so flustered and I was like... Whut? Look Missy, 1. I haven't asked you out and just cuz I mentioned that you were cute doesn't mean that I was going to. and 2. Do you have to worry a lot about your brothers being sexually interested in you?

Ninja Chocobo
2009-04-01, 02:07 AM
Do sit down, ladies and gentlemen, for I have a performance for you of a tale wherein I know when to shut up even less than usual!
One fine day (overcast and cold, as is my preference), a FRIEND and I went to a miniature anime convention that visits the major capital cities on the East coast of Australia roughly twice a year, known as Animania.

As we were waiting in line he espied a GIRL, which he apparently knew from somewhere else, and he invited her to queue with us (she being in front of us at the time; one could hardly call us unjust to the others in the queue). This GIRL had long, dark hair, pale (without being pasty) skin, freckles, and a knitted wool (or made to appear such) striped blue jumper, the sleeves of which extended past her hands, if she was not careful. She was short, at least compared to us, and, if I may say so, extraordinarily cute. Perhaps not "hot", as it were; her figure, or at least that which could be seen under the oversized jumper, was unremarkable to say the least; but cute enough that this did not matter (at least, to me).

But enough of my meandering descriptions. While not as lonely as I currently am, I still wished to make a friend (perhaps, in time, something more) of this GIRL. I attempted to engage her, and my FRIEND, in light, possibly relevant to the venue, conversation. She talked...very little, even when directly addressed with a question. Most of the time the conversation was between my FRIEND and I.

Now, this being an anime convention, however miniature, cosplayers were bound to appear (some better than others). My FRIEND drew my attention to someone in a rather impressive costume of Lust, from Fullmetal Alchemist. For those of you unfamiliar with the character, this involves some substantial (http://dl9.glitter-graphics.net/pub/341/341939vv8a819kcc.jpg) cleavage (http://www.yale.edu/anime/imgarchive/Full%20Metal%20Alchemist/lust2.jpg), which this girl did not appear to possess in quite the amounts of the character. I decided to remark upon this to my FRIEND:

ME: (to FRIEND) Well, it is a very good costume. There is one, aah, fairly noticeable "flaw" in it, though.
FRIEND: *smiles, nods*
GIRL: *looks perplexedly towards me, says nothing (as usual)*
ME: *sidelong, imploring glance towards FRIEND*
FRIEND: *smirks*
ME: Er, that is, I mean she doesn't quite "fill out" the costume enough...as it were.
GIRL: *continues perplexed expression*
ME: I, um, um, er...tracts of land? (This is at an anime convention! There is a substantially higher probability than usual that she has heard the expression!)
GIRL: *you know the drill*
ME: *sighs, looks down wretchedly* I mean her breasts. The character she is dressed as has breasts substantially larger than hers, and so the costume doesn't quite fit in that area--
FRIEND: *smiling* She knows; she's seen the show.
ME: *wretched, vexed* Goddamnit. (to FRIEND) God-damn you. You could have said.
GIRL: *remains silent. I did not see her expression as I was otherwise occupied with staring at the floor*

For the remainder of the duration we were in the queue, she says even less than before. Perhaps this was due to the fact that my FRIEND was far more interested in talking to me than talking to her, and I was too embarrassed to attempt speaking with her again. After we left the queue, and entered the convention proper, I didn't see her again for the rest of the day. Or, to be more precise, ever.
Thus concludes my tale of truly palpable embarrassment. I hope you have been entertained, or at least are not too sore from sitting down for the duration, as I urged you at the beginning. If you chose to defy me by standing, or kneeling, and are now sore, it is your own fault. Good day to you all.

2009-04-01, 07:28 AM
Hmm... most silly was the time I decided to give a girl an entire packet of poetry that I had written for her by shoving it into her locker and telling her she had a week to think about who sent it to her before she'd find out. And then finding out what a stir that had caused amongst the english profs. And then realizing how much **** could've hit the fan for me from how stupid that was.

Hey, that reminds me... the girl who was leading me on while dating two other guys was one of those girls practically everyone had a crush on. One of her many admirers (not me, but a friend of mine) attempted to reveal his affection by reading a creepy poem about it out loud in an English class.

That. Did. Not. Go. Over. Well.

She thought it was funny, actually, but the rest of the class never let him live it down and the teacher was quite embarrassed by the whole situation.

Oh, also, the first night I ever touched alcohol I found out that flirting and booze are things that do not mix well for me. What I remembered was a night of subtle flirting with a crush of mine who was at the party. When a mutual friend insulted her the next day and I came to her defense, the immediate response was "You know she has a boyfriend, right?" First, that told me I was much less subtle in my pursuit of her than I remembered being. Second, no, I did not know she had a boyfriend. I think I turned several shades of red.

That's also the night I admitted in front of several friends that I had read a dominatrix's blog the night before, and I told at least one of them that I was looking for a girl who would hurt me. So... yeah.

2009-04-01, 10:58 AM
There was that cute girl I had a crush on back on high school. I was terribly shy at the time though, and didn't have the guts to do anything. Until the last year of high school. It is customary in this country for the last yearers to go on a 5-day trip on some island, where we get to party for what is likely the last time with those friends. On the last day of that trip, I finally got the courage to ask her to dance in the club we were all in, as I considered it as my last chance. Surprisingly she accepted, and dumped her friends to dance with me. It went well enough, at least until the first lull in the music. In that brief pause I mumbled something like "Would like to go out with me for a coffee some time?" under my breath. She answered "What did you say?". And then I completely lost my nerve, said "Nothing!" with a surprised look on my face, and abruptly left her cold without saying anything else. I skulked on the other side of the club for the rest of the night, and avoided her like the plague for the one month of school we had left. After we graduated, I only saw her in passing once the next summer. I didn't even wave at her.:smallfrown:

2009-04-01, 05:51 PM
This is pseudo-embarrassing, my wife and I were remarking back on how we met.

Me: I was a wreck, you were the first girl I had ever asked out and in fact were the most beautiful person I had seen. I couldn't even get the courage to ask you out. So, I had to give $20 to my roommate and tell him that he could keep it if I didn't talk to you in a week.

Her: Oh, I thought you were just being friendly. I didn't think our first date was actually a date.

Since I had no car, I actually had to ask her to drive me there; ugh, our first date was kind of lame, but it worked out well.

2009-04-04, 07:02 AM
I certainly have more than my share of stories. Keep in mind that I'm shy meeting new people, talkative around friends, *very* clumsy, and likely to be labeled a "creeper" by most females.

Probably the simplest of my failures are a direct result of my Italian descent and New York upbringing. If I get even remotely excited while talking, I have to make flailing gestures. In multiple cases I have smacked people walking up next to or behind me. For example, a girl who was about to ask me out.

I've never shared the entirety of my worst story, and probably never will. Too personal. In any case, the girl in question was at the time my only friend because my school sucked. My father had had a heart attack and at the time looked unlikely to live. I was terrible at reading signals. Murphy's law. She accused me of "stalking" her, in full view of most of the grade and several teachers. Now I hate girls who complain about guys "stalking" them.

A more recent highlight would be the girl I took to homecoming. Unbeknownst to me, she had never dated an actual guy before and was utterly terrified. She coped with this by ignoring me and clinging to her friends the whole time. About twenty people complimented her, and didn't even mention the fact that she had a date. In the end it was me following a very pretty girl around the room while she ignored me. I'm sure it looked like I was the uncomfortable one. The next day, cue tons of people asking my why I was such a lousy date. FML.

2009-04-04, 10:53 AM
The would have to be my first kiss.

I hadn't seen my then-boyfriend in a year (we'd met at a convention), so my family went up to meet his family. We ended up alone in his room, leaving our siblings downstairs watching TV. He asks if I want to kiss. I say sure. He goes in.

I crack up laughing WHILE he's kissing me. I calm down, apologize, we try again, and it's total fail again. He understood because I was nervous (it was a lot for one day to a girl who'd never had a boyfriend before and was 17).

Thankfully, that has never repeated itself and we did eventually have a successful kiss. Just not that day.

2009-04-04, 11:57 AM
I have a regular habit of talking to attractive women, and getting so caught up in the conversation, that contact info is never exchanged. However, one woman did ask me out. We dated for 1.5 months. That was about when I discovered that she was seeing someone else. Thing is... I was the "other" guy. The guy I surmised she was seeing was dating her first.

That and there were several other issues... Like, she didn't believe in air conditioning, and it was July. I don't think, by the rules of this board, I can mention any of the other, more embarrassing moments... Suffice to say, I like breathing very much.

Ricky S
2009-04-04, 05:08 PM
This isnt particularly embarassing but when I started going out with my ex, on the first date I was extremely nervous and so was she, I went to the atm to get some money out and dropped my wallet. Both her and I bent down at the same time and hit our heads, quite hard, much to both our horror all the people behind started laughing. Needless to say that it formed a strong foundation for our relationship:smalltongue:

2009-04-05, 02:08 PM
I once said "I love you" to a crush on a dare once. The thing is, I hated the person who dared me. Go figure.

2009-04-06, 05:16 PM
I once said "I love you" to a crush on a dare once. The thing is, I hated the person who dared me. Go figure.

You are a horrible person.

2009-04-06, 07:39 PM
Nah, it'd be horrible if it was the other way round - if she had a crush on him.
Or if she responded in a positive, would-like-to-go-out-with-him kind of way, and then he was like "Actually I only said that 'cause of a dare nyah I'm a big jerk," or words to that effect.
But the first was stated to not be true, and the second seems exceedingly unlikely.

2009-04-07, 12:54 AM
It's my turn!

And this story is really new. As in, it happened today.

So, I was working at the Blockbuster as I usually do, when this incredibly attractive girl enters the shop. I've seen her a few times before, she's a really nice girl and I got so fas as to give her a free rent last time I saw her. I like her a lot, and we had a chat about some movies and books we've seen and read, about things that we like and about movies we haven't seen. I ask her about a movie I just found out (like a couple hours before) that they're still showing, and she says she hasn't seen it. So I make the bravest thing I've done in my entire life: I asked her out. And the best part is, she said yes! I've got her phone number and I'll call her tomorrow to arrange everything, but it was really embarrasing to me. I had never done that before (I mean, she's a client, after all) but I hope everything will go fine.

So there. You asked embarrasing, I gave you embarrasing. It was lame, I asked her out almost when she was leaving the store and maybe I made a funny face, probably turning every shade of red I have seen in my life. My hands are still shaking and I can't think clearly, let alone type. But I had to yell it everywhere. I feel so awesomely great! I hadn't felt this good in a long time!

2009-04-07, 05:07 AM

2009-04-07, 05:20 AM
Nifty, even. Almost as nifty as your avatar. :smallwink: Good luck, space cowboy...

Johnny Blade
2009-04-07, 05:47 AM
It's my turn!

And this story is really new. As in, it happened today.

So, I was working at the Blockbuster as I usually do, when this incredibly attractive girl enters the shop. I've seen her a few times before, she's a really nice girl and I got so fas as to give her a free rent last time I saw her. I like her a lot, and we had a chat about some movies and books we've seen and read, about things that we like and about movies we haven't seen. I ask her about a movie I just found out (like a couple hours before) that they're still showing, and she says she hasn't seen it. So I make the bravest thing I've done in my entire life: I asked her out. And the best part is, she said yes! I've got her phone number and I'll call her tomorrow to arrange everything, but it was really embarrasing to me. I had never done that before (I mean, she's a client, after all) but I hope everything will go fine.

So there. You asked embarrasing, I gave you embarrasing. It was lame, I asked her out almost when she was leaving the store and maybe I made a funny face, probably turning every shade of red I have seen in my life. My hands are still shaking and I can't think clearly, let alone type. But I had to yell it everywhere. I feel so awesomely great! I hadn't felt this good in a long time!

Please screw up on the date though, so you can make up for not posting anything amusingly embarrassing this time. :smallwink:

2009-04-07, 07:31 AM
It's my turn!


I feel so awesomely great! I hadn't felt this good in a long time!

Heh, thats awesome mate. I ask girls out at my workplace(s) all the time. Just gotta make sure you ask them out of earshot of the manager, and in such a way that they don't register a complaint.

Of course, I'm not really the one to take advice from in this regard, as I tend to be able to get away with many a brazen act.

2009-04-07, 08:56 AM

I've crushed on a lot of girls in the past. Luckily I've grown up a bit in the last six or seven months, and changed my preferences from "First Girl Who'll Have Me" to "Someone Actually Worth My Time." But, before that I was a silly little kid like alot of us may or may not have been.

But how to pick...

Oooh! Okay, I've got one.

So, it was April Fools, in... ohh... 2006, it must have been? anyway, my mother and I had made it over the Nullabor across to Margaret River in WA. We were grape picking nearby. I didn't have any internet, but I had my mobile phone.

Now, we'd only started travelling that year, so I'd been in school up until the previous December. When I was in school, I'd had a oh my goodness major crush on one of the girls, Ashley. Looking back I don't have a clue why, but, I did.

So anyway, I still had this crush on her, cause I was a stupid kid and couldn't work out that the most popular girl in school wouldn't be interested in a guy who would two and a half years later realise he'd wasted his teenage years being hopeless at chasing girls.

Anyway, I texted her almost constantly. At this time, there was a cyclone up much further on the western coast - like, right up north, whereas we were about as south as you can get. I used to be real paranoid about natural disasters, but I worked this one in my favor by sending around an April Fools joke saying the cyclone was like, coming for us. I didn't want anyone to be too worried, so I left a lot of blank space then wrote "April Fools!"

One of my friends who had a crush on me (and that's a whole 'nother story together, though none of it is particularly humourous, more, "what was I thinking?") sent back some sort of "OMG! Please don't die! Can you see it?" she was relieved when she found it wasn't true.

However, Ash just said something like "Oh yeah. What else is going on?". From this, I assumed she'd got the joke, or not been fooled.

We texted for about five minutes before she said "So why did you have the word 'April' at the bottom of the message?"

She didn't realise it was April Fools. She couldn't have cared less that a killer cyclone was bearing down upon me :smalltongue:

...yeeks, thank goodness I eventually moved on from that stage of life :smallsigh: :smallsmile:

2009-04-07, 02:01 PM
Okay. This story isn't my story, but it's too good to avoid.

My buddy was performing on a traveling tour of children's shows. One of his co-workers he's got a thing for, in a huge way. So they're spending time together, talking, hanging around. They eventually have a down day in Wisconson, and my friend decides he's going to take said girl on a date. So he goes through finds a restaurant for them to go to. He chooses The Rainforest Cafe. He's never been. She has.

They get into the cab, and my friend says "Hey, we're going to The Rainforest Cafe. You've been there before, right?" She just looked at him kinda funny, and said, "Yeah... it's vegas-ey." She's from Vegas. Has to be a good thing, right?

My friend, (we'll call him Matt, for convenience sake from here on out) says his first twinge of "This is a bad thing" was when they pulled up outside the local mall. They go inside, and he sees the tropical fronds sticking out of the restaurant's front. He gets one last chance to turn back. She asks him, "Would you rather go somewhere else?" He looks at her, and bravely decides to stick it out. He's going to make this right.

So the host is seating them, and mumbles something that sounds akin to "Would you like to sit next to the grill?" My buddy Matt looks at him kinda funny, shrugs and says "Sure, why not?" This draws an absolutely frightened look from his date, that perplexes him even further. They're led to a normal table, with a normal waiter.

For those of you that have never been to The Rainforest Cafe, it's a Disney property. That means there's a lot of themed statues, lots of ambiance. So Matt isn't really paying attention to the decorations. You can imagine his surprise then, when just as soon as he opens up his menu, the ANIMATRONIC gorillas behind him explode into action. All he can do is stare over his shoulder in horror at the pride of Disney engineering as the monkeys (pardon the phrase) go bananas. He turned back, horrorstruck, and asked his date, "Did you know that was going to happen?" She looked at him kind of funny and said "Yeah, but that's nothing compared to when it.." And on cue, the restaurant breaks into its trademark fine mist that makes it The Rainforest Cafe. Matt had his face in his hands, thinking it couldn't get any worse. "Well, at least the waiters don't..."

VOLCANO! The waiter began to sing. Needless to say, they left without ordering at that point.

That's one of my favorite "first date" stories, and an embarrassing one at that. Not my own, but worth sharing. :smallbiggrin:

2009-04-08, 12:26 AM

Please screw up on the date though, so you can make up for not posting anything amusingly embarrassing this time. :smallwink:

Does it count having called her on the phone several times through the day, worried that she might have changed her mind about the whole thing, only to find out a couple hours ago that she had left her phone at home?

Edit: After reading the post just above this one: Awesome story. One should always do some research about the place where one's going to take someone to dinner, I guess.

Johnny Blade
2009-04-08, 03:46 AM
Does it count having called her on the phone several times through the day, worried that she might have changed her mind about the whole thing, only to find out a couple hours ago that she had left her phone at home?
Well, that's not really the best thing to do now, I'd say, but...ah, forget it. We have enough funny stories here already.
Including, as you already said, the one right before your post. :smallbiggrin:

2009-04-08, 04:25 AM
Does it count having called her on the phone several times through the day, worried that she might have changed her mind about the whole thing, only to find out a couple hours ago that she had left her phone at home?

Okay, slow down champ. Back off a bit, or you'll appear needy/clingy.

2009-04-08, 05:25 AM
Hmm...I could probably come up with a few embarrassing stories. I'm very clumsy and socially awkward so hilarity tends to follow me. :smallredface:

The most embarrassing moment that comes to my mind at this moment however happened around the age of 16. I had been hanging out with this girl that I had liked since forever and we had become very good friends. I always had a very strong attraction to her since like kindergarten.

She had convinced me to come with her to a friend's place to hang out with some people. I was very shy and stayed off to the side a bit while she socialized with everyone in the small gathering(all guys who also were attracted to her).

There I was standing off to the side, jealous and disappointed with myself for being shy, playing with some broom stick that had lost the end. I'm looking down at my feet and lightly kicking the stick repeatedly when I do something really really stupid. I kick it harder so it rises up and... *THWACK!*

Of all the times to kick it...it nails her right in the forehead as shes coming to talk to me. She's like rubbing her forehead and doubled over pain, everybody else is helping her and laughing at me and I just feel terrible. I apologized like a million times and despite her forgiving me I still felt bad about that incident.

Killer Angel
2009-04-08, 07:45 AM
Well, it was my very first date with my future wife... non exactly a date: we met casually at a pub, started conversation and after a couple of hours, we left our friends and went to another pub, less "chaotic" (no crowd chattering, music at a low volume, etc.).
Then, she dropped her beer (a pint) on my pants, almost full.
It was one hour past midnight.
In january.
It was snowing.

We still laugh, thinking about it... :smallsmile:

2009-04-08, 09:20 AM
Well, picture this; myself, Laura (whom I still haven't gotten over, three years later), and two other friends, Cat and Captain. We all had a free at the same time (well, tecnically...) and we were hidden in a computer lab, so my English teacher wouldn't find me. We muck about on computers, looking up stuff on youtube, facebooking, checking webcomics, etc. We go off for recess, we chat with friends, we come back. The door is locked. So Laura says that she'll unlock it from the other side (which involved going downstairs, across the building, upstairs, across the building), and I automatically volenteer to accompany her. I had been trying to work up the courage to ask her out for quite a while, and this was the first time I'd had her alone (I wasn't dumb enough to have planned on asking her out then and there, I was going to ask her if she wanted a coffee after college sometime, and chat about it then). Anyhoo, we make it there and back, and come up against the door...

When she went to open it, I blocked her way. "Let'em wait for a bit." She doesn't get the hint. "I think we should just let them in." "Nah, they can wait. At least until we get our breath back." Neither of us was out of breath. "I'm just going to unlock the door." "Go on then." I lean against the door. "...I'm just going to open the door, SoD." "Go on, just you try!" Now I'm quite weak, but even I could overpower Laura. I brace myself, and lean back on the door with all my wait...she leans forward, reaches out...and turns the handle. I realised the flaw in my plan as the door swung out. I fell to the floor, and, as an automatic reaction, grab at anything to stop me from falling over. The only thing within grabbing reach was, you guessed it, Laura. So door slams open, I fall to the floor holding Laura, who lands on top of me. Fortunatly, she was shorter than me, so only I got smashed in the head with a rebounding door.

2009-04-08, 11:00 AM
This was right before I started dating my current BF.

I had been considering breaking up with my ex for a while, and I met this guy randomly on the parking lot in the rain. We hit it off well enough, and I liked him. He was one of those people that you don't see very often anymore, intelligent, respectful, etc. You know, a decent person! I hadn't lived in my apartment for more than a week so I figured, "Hey! I could use a new friend, especially if I'm going to be living here for a few years."

So, we went swimming since we had nothing better to do. I quickly realized that I liked this guy more than just as a friend. But... there was something really strange about him. I spent at least an hour trying to figure out what was bugging me. I finally realized the issue - there was a faint blip on the Gay-dar.

Several mental expletives later I just turned off the hope. The more I thought about it the more I was sure that he was gay. Then, I realized that he was talking about his female ex. I decided to quash all my hopes just to be sure I wasn't going to make an idiot out of myself.

When we went back to my apartment, my roommates had locked me out, with a security deadbolt. They didn't answer their phones. So, I had to go stay with the new guy, to whom I was attracted, who might or might not be gay, for the night. At his apartment, his roommatse finally spilled that he was Bi.

It took me a week and a half to finally break up with my ex and start going out with him. We've been going out for almost two years now. I'm still embarrassed every time I think about it.

2009-04-13, 01:18 PM
this wasn't too long ago.

I was being sorta creepy, and I had this picture of a girl that I had a crush on from the old yearbook. It was a really nice picture, and I'd seen it a lot. And so I saw the girl at school, and I noticed something different. You see the picture of her was pretty old, and in that picture she had braces. I casually walked up and asked "hey, did you just get your braces off," the reply was a very confused look and a silent "err....no?" It turns out that she got them off back two years ago, a little after the original picture was taken. It was really embarrassing...

2009-04-13, 06:58 PM

If the timing weren't wrong, I'd think you were my ex...

Anyway, my most embarrassing story is from when I was in 7th grade, I literally chased a girl across the school after I said the wrong thing during a Valentine exchange gone awry. We both made some poor choices that lead to that situation, however.

2009-04-13, 09:09 PM
Well I don't really have any stories myself. (Things that would be stories to other people basically just get forgotten by me, and in this case I haven't done much (any really) chasing to have stories from)
But my brother's friend told us a good one a while ago. It was someone else having an embarrassing moment at her.

She was at the bar with her friend, someone she had went to school with for years and they did everything together (both female) and they were both about 22-24 give or take. At some point a guy walks up to the table and tries to start talking to her, and goes on about how he wishs he was that close with his kids and how it was so great she could go out and do stuff like that with her daughter. So basically he thought she was old enough to be the mother of her friend, so he thought she was old enough to have a kid in their 20s, when she was 20 something herself.

Needless to say that didn't go far. He left and later had the waitress send over some drinks from "that dumb guy in the corner" and that was about it.

2009-04-13, 11:34 PM
If the timing weren't wrong, I'd think you were my ex...

Anyway, my most embarrassing story is from when I was in 7th grade, I literally chased a girl across the school after I said the wrong thing during a Valentine exchange gone awry. We both made some poor choices that lead to that situation, however.

I hate it when that stuff happens. I had a friend whose boyfriend bought her flowers to be delivered to her on V-day. Then, he wound up breaking up with her the day before. That would doubly crushing for her and embarrassing since they flowers were delivered in the middle of Geography class.

Also, skywalker, what part of that horrible tale reminds you of your ex? Because if it's the horrible roommates, my condolences to her! If it's her thinking that a guy of interest was gay... all I can say is that it's funny as heck when you look back on it later!

Hell Puppi
2009-04-14, 12:50 AM


I fell into a fountain at Sea World.

2009-04-14, 04:16 PM


I fell into a fountain at Sea World.

So...your preferred gender is dolphin?

2009-04-14, 08:43 PM
After a performance, my future wife and I were going to meet for an encounter. There was no question as to what this entailed, even though we didn't know each other really.
The night happened to be archive night, and I was the lead, so I had many costume changes for each photo to document the play's important scenes. I was horny, and wanted to get outta there. I knew everyone was waiting for me, and tried my damnedest to get the photos done quickly. I ran about like a mad-man trying not to delay things.
Unfortunately, things didn't go smooth, and with the large cast I began to rush even more to help speed it up. Everything instead slowed down. For example, in once scene I had been in prison, so I had a beard, but I was so sweaty the beard kept coming off right when the picture was taken. {This happened several times.}
I was running around like a crazy guy trying to get home, losing my sword, can't find my jacket, where's the bad guy?.... when I looked in the front row, and my 'date' was sitting with other girls from the cast presumably talking about why I was so frantic. They were laughing and I knew then that the whole cast would soon know of our escapades, because actors love to gossip. The rest of the show I was the butt of many jokes. :smallcool:

I still got action that night! :smallwink:

2009-04-14, 09:23 PM
So...your preferred gender is dolphin?

I was gonna go with Shamu XD

2009-04-15, 07:23 AM
In college i dated a girl for about... a year and a half.

Before we started dating we were ok friends. Hung out sometimes but not a bunch.

Anyway, one night i went out with some of my friends to a house party. Bieng the young kid i was then i drank way way way too much. My friends carried me back to the dorms and poured me into my bed, but i kept trying to get up. Apperently (didnt remember a darn thing from that night) as i was bieng carried to my room i saw her sitting outside talking with some friends, and i was demanding to speak with her.

My friends went and got her (they wanted to see how bad i embarassed myself) and i sat up, put my hands on her shoulders, and with what was a most serious of faces told her "You have the tighest little butt i have ever seen." Immediatly after i passed out.

Thats me, Mr. Casanova.

2009-04-15, 09:52 PM
Also, skywalker, what part of that horrible tale reminds you of your ex? Because if it's the horrible roommates, my condolences to her! If it's her thinking that a guy of interest was gay... all I can say is that it's funny as heck when you look back on it later!

I don't know how much I should say about her circumstance... But the part about thinking about breaking up with the guy (confession, I was thinking about breaking up with her, not sure if she was thinking the same), and then that you met in a parking lot, in the rain, and then went swimming (which matches a story she told me verbatim) just really, really made me remember her. I can't remember her room-mates... Anyway, I think that was it.

I still got action that night! :smallwink:

Isn't this the most important part by far? I think so, yes.

My friends went and got her (they wanted to see how bad i embarassed myself) and i sat up, put my hands on her shoulders, and with what was a most serious of faces told her "You have the tighest little butt i have ever seen." Immediatly after i passed out.

Thats me, Mr. Casanova.

This is priceless. I wish there was a video.

2009-04-22, 05:02 PM
Heheh, it wasn't a date, just a dance class, but, well... Let's just say going straight from several years of Aikido into swing dance went horribly wrong for my partner once. :smallredface:

Niiice one there, I know how you feel.

2009-04-22, 05:24 PM
Me too. :smalltongue:

Me three!

Well, to be fair, I don't have any one story but the girl I've liked since pretty much the seventh grade (I'm a Junior now) probably thinks I've creepy pervert. This is by no means an INCORRECT assessment necessarily, but it's not exactly the sort of thing you want people you like to think of you...

Hell Puppi
2009-04-22, 05:29 PM
So...your preferred gender is dolphin?


No, I was attempting to impress said gender with my daring/willingness to help others because a friend's bracelet had fallen into the fountain.
The tile on said fountain was a bit more slippery than expected, so I went in face-first, passing through a water jet and earning a nice welt across my belly.
I got the bracelet though >.>

Second-best moment: Accidentally hitting your crush in the private parts with a wooden pole.