View Full Version : Imperium of Man vs. Buster machine no. 7

2009-03-31, 05:17 PM
First off, Spoilers for anyone who hasn't watched Diebuster.

A quite simple versus match. on one side, 40k's Imperium of man. On the other side, Buster Machine no. 7 from Diebuster, along with the Buster Legion.

Imperium of Man:

We've been over their capabilities quite a bit already on this board, don't you think?

Buster machine No. 7 and Buster Legion:

The Buster Legion is a massive fleet of techno-organic, self-evolving drones developed by humanity as an autonomous defense force against the Space Monsters, which see humanity as an infection in the universe. while a single unit of the buster legion isn't particularly powerful individually, their numbers are so numerous as to clearly tint all space around the solar system a full, bright red. the Buster legion has the ability to near-instantly travel faster than light by way of Folding Space, across an unknown distance.

Buster machine no. 7 6th Generation Buster Machine, powered by a degeneracy/dual singularity reactor. Spends most of Diebuster disguised as Nono, before awakening in episode 4. Capabilities include:

- Complete control of the Buster Legion while "active".
- Space Folding abilities
- an Energy shield capable of completely nullifying most energy attacks. In Nono's debut battle, this shield easily absorbed an energy attack that had, previously, bored clear through Titan and destroyed a fleet on the other side.
- ****tons of lasers.
- Buster Beam/Buster Beam Slice, an energy attack that is capable of cutting planets in half with minimal effort.
- The ability to generate extremely large numbers of micro black holes and moving them.
- Can combine with the Buster Legion to form Diebuster, a humanoid Mecha roughly the size of the moon with similarly upscaled versions of Buster Machine no. 7's abilities. Also, Diebuster can release massive bursts of electricity through its limbs as part of a melee attack.


This is strictly a match between the Buster Machines and the Imperium of Man. No other force is involved, especially no "hurp durp chaos gods intervene," especially especially no "God Emperor violates all fluff and canon to come back to life and defeat Nono through conveniently unspecified means". This is Strictly between the Imperium military forces as they are at the "current" 40k time and the Buster machine force. Assume some significantly greater force than either is enforcing this. first to annihilate the other wins.


Nono and the Buster Legion are transported into the 40k verse around an Imperium Planet. neither side knows anything about the other, initially.

Shas aia Toriia
2009-03-31, 05:49 PM
Well, in the scenario you provided, Buster machine no. 7 would win, as the Imperium's might lies in its force of numbers. They are, however, very slow to react to threats. As such, in the scenario provided, once the imperium shot on the Buster machine, Buster would essentially vaporize them all.

Now, assuming that it materialized over, say, Terra or Mars, we could expect something a little different.

2009-03-31, 05:51 PM
Well, in the scenario you provided, Buster machine no. 7 would win, as the Imperium's might lies in its force of numbers. They are, however, very slow to react to threats. As such, in the scenario provided, once the imperium shot on the Buster machine, Buster would essentially vaporize them all.

Now, assuming that it materialized over, say, Terra or Mars, we could expect something a little different.

I meant the entire Imperium military, not just whatever force happened to show up. presumably, no. 7 goes to them instead of waiting for them to come to her.

2009-03-31, 06:18 PM
Just one moon?

I'm not saying the IoM would have a guaranteed win, but sheer scale gives them an edge. I mean, if they got any guns that can take out the shields, well, it's over. Zerg rush, kekekek, etc.

2009-03-31, 06:18 PM
How strong is an individual unit of the buster legion? Also, how larger? And how far out is this shell around the solar system?

2009-03-31, 06:44 PM
I haven't seen the Buster Legion/Diebuster series/movie/game/whatever it is, but from your description, it seems as if Buster #7 would be impervious to anything the IoM could throw at it, and since they have no way of developing new technology, they would eventually lose a war of attrition.

It would probably take a long, long time though. The IoM is huge. How far can the Buster machine travel at the speed of light/what kind of energy source does it have? Infinite?

2009-03-31, 06:53 PM
It's been a while since I watched Gunbuster, but If my memory serves me right, individual buster legion is relatively weak. But they're really, really, numerous. The protagonist's team blast thousands them daily, but mankind still can't get rid of them. But they're weak. One beam attack from earth's robot might kill a hundred, but thousands are behind them, literally. Zerger than the Zerg? They're rather smallish too compared to earth's robot in that setting, maybe just as big as a car or a tank. Closest thing that I can think is those robot drones from the last matrix movie. Imagine that swarm, not only covering the earth, but circling the entire solar system just outside pluto's orbit.

Hn. Both force use sheer number. Just how many is 'thick swarm of machine that completely blanket solar system.' Just as ambiguous as Imperium of man's "thousands of worlds"

I guess nono is outside of Imperium's league. She can cleave planet with relative ease. But if the imperium can thin the buster legion....