View Full Version : the work of the Red Blade

2009-04-01, 02:06 PM
time to start

OoC thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=5944901#post5944901)

You are all currently in dark and damp cells, you are all in separate cells except for a shadowy figure and what may seem to be a 4 armed figure that has only one leg, this shadowy figure has been here since before you all arrived. (blackjack and lauric know that your ethereal abilities wont let you escape from your cell)

there are 6 armed guards guarding you all, till your individual trials.

ok tell everyone what you would have told them legal or otherwise to pass the time in this pit of filth

I shall update what happens on Thursday

2009-04-01, 02:23 PM
Lauric Vedeem

The "shadowy" figure makes well to stay in the shadows. Only moving around every couple seconds. Lauric begins scanning the room, as if he hasent seen enough of his cell.

After a short while he turns his attention to the new guard outside the cells.

Lauric stands around idly.Not doing much to disturb his new guests or the gaurs outside.

2009-04-01, 03:55 PM

Jalla does her best to blend into the shadows and stay fairly motionless, trying to avoid attracting any sort of attention while taking in as much information as possible at the same time.

The new prisoners draw her attention, but she maintains an eye on the guards.

2009-04-02, 12:19 PM
Roland Beltan

Roland looks around to see if he recognises anybody, then closely examines his cell searching for anything that might help him escape.

2009-04-03, 01:54 PM
Well im going to move on.

There is a knock at the door leading out, the newest guard eagerly goes to the door and check who it is, he tells the other guards that there is a new prisoner.

Upon hearing this all of the guards get ready to make sure that this new prisoner doesn't try anything. This new prisoner is a thin old man, with white hair. As he is being lead to the last cell, you all notice that the guard that went to the door has just stabbed the two guards in front of him, and with their screams the other guards turn and just as fast the new prisoner and the guard that brought him in have stabbed the remaining 3 guards, all five of the stabbed guards just crumple up as if their weight is just too much for their bodies to hold up.

The old man turns and addresses all of you, "I have a job that needs to be done, and with this jail not actually supposed to exsist, I don't think anyone is going to miss any of you. So in exchange for your freedom all you have to do is work for a group I am in, your other choice is one that i'm sure none of you want to make" he says with a sly grin. "We have all of your belongings that were confiscated and I assure you that you will be compesated for your work"

((ok so i need everyone's response))

2009-04-03, 01:58 PM
Lauric Vedeem

The hidden being sits in his cell, watching the events unfold. An eager look on his face.

Once the elderly man address them lauric speaks up. Yes, about time something was done.Now, about my gear, how- Err, nevermind. Lauric stands near his cell door, ready to be free.

Unleash my spirit and you shall have my sword and my mind.

2009-04-03, 02:09 PM
"It seems you have the advantage of us, good sir," speaks a faintly Spanish-accented voice from one of the cells. A dashing man in black silks, complete with a matching wide-brimmed hat and flowing cape, sits cross-legged on a stool in the corner. He tilts the brim of his hat, and a dazzling grin flashes out of the darkness. "But since none of us seem in a position to argue... please, continue!"

2009-04-03, 03:21 PM

Jalla nods slightly.

2009-04-04, 10:19 AM
Roland Beltan

What it is you want us to do, sir?

2009-04-04, 01:40 PM
Alright since you have all agreed, we need to put plan Q into action boys. They proceed to unlock your cells and release you. The old man then readies himself and says Proceed with the plan, then the new guard then runs him through, while the other guard starts leading you all out, as you are all about to leave, the new guard says "hold on you need to take this, because im sure to be too busy for a couple of days with the higher ups because of this incident and tosses the other guard a finger(heal roll to figure out which finger).
A couple of hours later you all arrive at what seems to be a warehouse, after a couple of minutes of navigating the warehouse you arrive at a narrow hallway, which leads to a dead end, which the guard opens up. He then leads you to a small complex with a couple of people in it. He explains that this will be your new home for a while.

2009-04-04, 01:55 PM
Xorro looks around the complex and studies the people curiously. What does he see?

2009-04-04, 02:23 PM
xorro will notice that half of the people never leave the complex and that the other half seem to report directly to one of the people that never leave, a couple hours later a man approaches xorro and asks him if there is anything that he needs

2009-04-04, 02:53 PM
Lauric Vedeem

You may not have noticed it out of the corner of your eye, but one of the prisoners broken out of jail wasent with you during the travel to the complex. Or was he?

Lauric vedeem materializes from the ethreal plane to the material. At this anyone who can see him sees a transparent, colorless drow wearing leather armor and alot of dangling fabric and cloaks. Lauric, forming from thin air, floats around the room for awhile. ( did we get our gear back?)

Hmm, nice place.

2009-04-04, 03:39 PM
((I was kind of hoping for a description of the place and the people so I know where I am, but okay...))


"Yes, good sir," replies the dashing swordsman. He lifts his hat slightly, revealing that his nose and mouth are covered by a black mask. "What exactly is this place?"

2009-04-05, 04:51 AM
Roland Beltan

Roland looks around and try to figure out where they are and who those people may be.

2009-04-05, 01:12 PM

Jalla scans the area, looking for potential cover and escape routes in case of an attack.

2009-04-07, 09:07 PM
ok the guy that walked up to xorro that none of you are supposed to leave for about two weeks, while the secret search for all of you is going on, you are all also going to be assigned a personal assistant, he turns to lauric and says "You are going to have a special assistant assigned to you, since you pose a particular difficulty that our other guests don't pose". He goes on to explain the rules you are supposed to follow

1. you are to leave the guests that you didnt arrive with alone, you may ralk to then but do not try to find out why there are here or what they do.

2. You are allowed to explore the compound, with the exception of other guests rooms, if you discover a entrance other than the one you entered from, you are to tell me and me alone.

3. Your personal assistances are just that they are to get items you will need while you are here, they will also serve as informants and will infiltrate buildings and groups that you want them to.

4. you are all going to be given an allowence of 100gp a week that you can spend on whatever you want.

5. Those that you arrived with are now your allies you will work together while you stay here so make sure that you trust each other and can work together, you are responsible for each other while on missions, we will not stop you from fighting with each other as long as you dont involve any other of the groups here.

You are then lead down a couple of hallways and assigned rooms in one corner of the complex, they are all suspiciously styled to your individual tastes, a little too well suited to your tastes, you all also find all of your gear in your individual rooms

the rooms are assigned this way

big meeting room
roland| |Lauric
Jalla | |Xorro
| |
| |

He also explains where all of the facilities are located they include: blacksmith, fencer, apothacary(also sells posions), a habadashery(for costumes), a small shop filled with magic items(scrolls potions some wands and other small things, less than 2000 gp eac, you can also order specific items that they dont have in stock, Pm me what you want and I will tell you the price and when it will arrive) and other similar places.

the compound is roughly 5 square miles in its area

ok you all have two weeks in game to explore the compound, get to know each other and do whatever else want to. I want at least some time spent talking to each other or practicing or training together, I will allow teamwork benifits just list which book it is in, also pm me whatever you want to do alone

2009-04-08, 02:28 AM

Jalla explores the compound enough to get a good knowledge of the layout, but tends to stay in her room. She makes an effort to study the mannerisms of the other people, but otherwise avoids interaction with them.