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2009-04-02, 01:11 AM
"Welcome to Stuttgard, the heart of Cyprus!" The ferryman bellows over the roar of the wind on this cloudy, June day. The city is a combined effort of human design and dwarven engineering, built into a massive gorge that connects all of the major rivers in Cyprus. There are no conventional buildings, as most of the city is literally constructed into the rocky cliffs itself with buildings jutting from the cliffside walls. Huge bridges the size of standard city streets connect adjacent cliffs together and an intricate system of gears rotate the bridges and elevators that carry cargo. The peak of the highest cliff is precariously shaped like an open hand, palm up (this is a natural occurrence much to your surprise). In the center of the "palm" are three spiraling towers made of white opal with various prismatic colors. Each tower is slightly taller than the next and from smallest to largest they are Tafelrunde, Gottesohn, and Gottvater.

The four adventurers subjected to the ferryman's hammy performance are strangers united under a common calling; a letter personally delivered by a courier in an impressive coach.

"Greetings and salutations,

You have received this letter in earnest as our nation has fallen under dark times. As you may or may not know, the king has fallen to a terrible disease. With no heir to take his place, the bloated nobility under the king's rule battle each other to claim the throne. People are conscripted to die. Free men are enslaved to fuel the war machine. Fields are burning, children dying, and only a handful of able men and women have the gall to do stand strong.

You have been selected not for your experience but for your untapped potential. We know you; not personally, mind you, but your names have caught our attention. We extend an offer to join The Father's Heralds, a mercenary company under the banner of the great Lady Lydia DeWitt. Should you accept, travel arrangements will be made immediately. You'll be paid for your services with equal share of the spoils. Most important of all, you'll be doing this country a proud favor.

-Lennon, 3rd Circle Diviner"

The ferry docks in a channel and a series of flood gates takes the group to a small dock where a squirrelly man with paper and pen waits.

"Customs. As new residents you'll need an ID card."

After taking down everyone's name and basic information, he inks a quick (yet surprisingly accurate) sketch on paper and hands it to each of you.

"Brother Jicardum, Aeron Waldeburg, Aerie Pethune, and... Shane. Yes, welcome to Stuttgart, heart of Cyprus, blah blah blah. Stay out of trouble."

A minute later the clopping sound of horse hooves is heard and from a small bridge comes a large travelers carriage. At the reigns is a hardy looking stable hand with short red hair and a scraggly beard. He looks completely out of place in his courtier clothing, like a poor man dressing as a noble.

As the carriage comes to a halt, the side doors open followed by a stream of prestidigitated fireworks. Leaping from the carriage is a lanky man, quite obviously the carriage driver's twin except with longer hair and unkempt mutton chops.

"Greeeetings, travelers! Lennon, 3rd Circle Diviner, astrologist, alchemist, and right hand to her Lady Lydia. This is my brother, Bangers, who expertly handles the estate's livestock and kennels. Come, we have much to discuss and very little time to do so!"

He urges everyone into the carriage which is quite comfortable. Slamming the door and whistling to Bangers, the carriage begins to wheel away.

"Now, now don't be shy! Introduce yourselves. I know all about you but it's only polite that when new people meet exchange pleasantries. If you have any questions I shall do my best to answer!

lord of pixies
2009-04-03, 12:40 AM
A man with tan skin and a shaved head and dark Blue eyes clears his throught andsays in a clear voice;

hello, my name is brother jicardum and I was wondering about this kingdom, I'm from... Out of the area and would like to know more about this land. Like the cities and laws?

He took a quick looked around and his features milted away revealing his grey skin, bald head, and colorless eyes.

Sorry, I like putting my cards on the table, and believe it rude to hide, so... Hi.

2009-04-03, 01:53 AM
Aerie looks at Jicardum with one eyebrow raised, then turns to Lennon. Actually, it's been some time since I was in a city too. If you could tell us of any customs we might run afoul of...?

Mangy Mathan
2009-04-03, 06:11 AM
A pale, slender man slouches on the bench, scratching his coal-colored, somewhat unkempt hair. He wears a formal shirt, pants, and jacket of blacks and grays. His profession is quite obvious, due to the thick leather tome that hangs from a chain wrapped around his waist.

He appears startled by the sudden change in the appearance of his companion, but then quickly gains a look of intrigue. He is quite impressed by the group he has found himself in.

"Business can wait." He says in response to Aerie. His voice is rather dull and unintrusive. "Once we reach our destination, I'm sure that's all we'll have time for. Let's enjoy the ride, instead."

He makes an attempt at bowing politely, despite sitting and in an enclosed space. "My name is Aeron Waldeburg. As you can see, I am a licensed arcanist." He pats the book on his lap. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Lennon. As well as you, Jicardum. I look forward to our continuing interactions." He turns to his other companions. "Though I didn't catch your name."

Thank you for not giving me my pet yet, or this scene would have been a whole lot more awkward. "Hi, my name is Aeron Waldeburg. Don't mind the corpse sitting next to me, it's just my soul-slave Matt. He will be working as my bodyguard, scout, and mule. He will also double as an alarm clock. Say 'hello,' Matt."

On a more serious note, I'll obviously keep him under wraps when I get him. :smallsmile:

Me: "Don't take off his cloak! He has a skin condition."
Guard: "And those glowing red eyes, is that part of his 'skin condition'?"
Me: *Ashamed* "Yes..."

2009-04-03, 01:42 PM

A tall man wearing well oiled leathers nods to each as they introduce themselves.

"Greetings, I am Shane Arthen."

2009-04-03, 03:50 PM
Oh, right, sorry. Forgot to introduce myself. Aerie smiles sheepishly. I'm Aerie Pethune. I specialise in archery.

2009-04-04, 09:32 AM
A man with tan skin and a shaved head and dark Blue eyes clears his throught andsays in a clear voice;

hello, my name is brother jicardum and I was wondering about this kingdom, I'm from... Out of the area and would like to know more about this land. Like the cities and laws?

He took a quick looked around and his features milted away revealing his grey skin, bald head, and colorless eyes.

Sorry, I like putting my cards on the table, and believe it rude to hide, so... Hi.

Lennon hesitates at first then quickly thrusts his arms forward and rubs your face squealing like a giddy girl. A second later he blushes and returns his hands to his lap while regaining his composure.

"How rude. Heh. Sorry it's just that... you're related to dopplegangers, right? Yeah, they were hunted down and killed centuries ago. Straight up genocide. There are still some that fled to other parts of the earth but ever since my research revealed that doppleganger and changeling skin can be used for skin cream... well, enough of that!"

"A bit of advice, choose a face and stick with it. Quite a few people believe the king didn't die of natural causes... myself included. I'd hate to see what people would do to you when they start expecting regicide."

Aerie looks at Jicardum with one eyebrow raised, then turns to Lennon. Actually, it's been some time since I was in a city too. If you could tell us of any customs we might run afoul of...?[/color]

"Greetings Ms. Aerie" He politely plants a sloppy kiss on your hand. "You should be wary of guards and nobles. While the TFH sash will mark you as a member of Lydia's entourage, the guards are bored and looking for an excuse to practice their sword play if you understand what I'm trying to say. Nearly every noble in this city thinks their testicles are the size of my arm and they won't hesitate to make your life hell if you cross them."

[quote]He makes an attempt at bowing politely, despite sitting and in an enclosed space. "My name is Aeron Waldeburg. As you can see, I am a licensed arcanist." He pats the book on his lap. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Lennon. As well as you, Jicardum. I look forward to our continuing interactions." He turns to his other companions. "Though I didn't catch your name."

Lennon eyes you warily, obviously judging you by your appearance.

"Licensed you say? I hope for your sake that you're not a corpse loving, grave robbing, hex casting, demon consorting type. We have enough undead roaming the countryside. Result of the civil war, you know. They say the naturally wild magics that saturate Cyprus make all bodies not blessed by a priest rise from the dead. I welcome you as an intellectual peer but by the light of Pelor I pray you use your knowledge to destroy undead, not add more."


A tall man wearing well oiled leathers nods to each as they introduce themselves.

"Greetings, I am Shane Arthen."

"Shane, huh? How... plain. Judging from your scorched fingers you're a warmage. Yes, I can immediately identify casters by their appearance. You can tell a lot about a person by their smell, appearance, and fingers which are usually stained by spell components. It's funny how difficult it is to get bat guano out of your finger nails. Other wizards look down on warmages. They call you weapons and nothing more. I'd never say that to a warmages face but I respect all arcane brethren."

"Ah! We're here!

The carriage pulls into a small cave that opens up to a large mansion perched at the end of a cliff overlooking the gulf.

"Welcome to casa del DeWitt, hehe."

Bangers takes your belongings as Lennon shows you to the main hall where a short little goblin butler arrives to take your equipment. Lennon shows you the residential wing where each of you is given a private room. Each room has a rich king sized beg, fine oak dresser, desk, foot locker with lock, closet, weapon and armor rack, and a book shelf half full with religious and historical material.

"Everyone else is enjoying the town right now. You're free to explore the city but if we need you... well, we know where to find you. In your footlockers you'll find your set of courtier's clothing, a clasp for your TFH sash, and general grooming equipment. We expect you to wear the sash at all times in public. You'll be paid 5sp a day but if you get in trouble out in town we'll restrict you to the house and cut your pay! We'll be having dinner and a meeting soon so I'm confining you to the house for the time being. There's a male and female bath, a very nice library and study, an archery range with training dummies in the courtyard, several ripe fruit trees in the orchard, and you can visit the stables, my lab, or Nash, my other brother who works the forge. Have a nice day!"

Lennon walks out whistling an annoying tune.

2009-04-04, 11:46 AM

"Shane, huh? How... plain. Judging from your scorched fingers you're a warmage. Yes, I can immediately identify casters by their appearance. You can tell a lot about a person by their smell, appearance, and fingers which are usually stained by spell components. It's funny how difficult it is to get bat guano out of your finger nails. Other wizards look down on warmages. They call you weapons and nothing more. I'd never say that to a warmages face but I respect all arcane brethren."

"What other arcane casters think of me is their business. I am not a weapon, I am not a wizard, I am a warrior." Shane reaches out to shake his hand. "But I will warmly great any man who so quickly figured out my profession. A keen mind is always impressive to meet."

Mangy Mathan
2009-04-04, 11:47 PM
"Licensed you say? I hope for your sake that you're not a corpse loving, grave robbing, hex casting, demon consorting type. We have enough undead roaming the countryside. Result of the civil war, you know. They say the naturally wild magics that saturate Cyprus make all bodies not blessed by a priest rise from the dead. I welcome you as an intellectual peer but by the light of Pelor I pray you use your knowledge to destroy undead, not add more."

"The knights and guard hire thieves to infiltrate and root out criminal organizations, and druids to push back infestations of wildlife. I see no reason why a necromancer would not be ideal for laying the dead back to rest." He opens his mouth to continue, but notices that the ride is nearing its completion. "While I would love to debate the philosophy of necromancy and the undead, it appears we lack the time. Perhaps later. Suffice to say, I keep my powers well under control." Aeron smiles reassuringly.

Aeron's Alternative Responses!

"I'm not a cliche if that's what you're asking."

"Well, that'll teach you all not to kill each other, now won't it?"

"I will at second level."
Aeron immediately finds the sash and puts it on. Unless anyone attempts to interact with him, he spends some quality time with his dirk at the archery range. Throwing knives was something he always admired but never knew how to do well.

Knowledge rolls for fun facts...

I may not know where we are, but I'm sure I know something about Lady Lydia! :smallsmile:

lord of pixies
2009-04-05, 03:25 PM
I take the shape that I was in previosly and wander around the grounds, looking for features for a new "default" persona.

2009-04-05, 09:34 PM
I take the shape that I was in previosly and wander around the grounds, looking for features for a new "default" persona.

I don't know what you're looking for in particular but there are numerous bas-reliefs, oil paintings, and sculptures depicting the long line of DeWitt's and their predecessors. They all look like normal Cyprians; fair skinned, blond hair, blue eyes.

Several hours pass when a bell rings throughout the entire compound signaling dinner. Ushered to the table by the goblin butler, Jicardum, Aeron, Aerie, and Shane are greeted by a magnificent spread and the remainder of TFH.

Lady Lydia, who sits at the head of the table, stands as you're seated. She's a powerfully built woman, taller than six feet, with well toned muscles, braided blond hair, and rigid perfectly symmetrical facial features.

"Greetings," she speaks in a commanding voice. "Welcome to my estate and The Father's Heralds. I am Lady Lydia DeWitt. You may refer to me as Lady Lydia. Allow me to introduce the rest of my fine group..."

Amir Al-Asad: His brown skin and curly black hair give away his Azerian bloodline. While the war is over, prejudice runs deep and it's uncommon seeing Cyprus' former enemies this far north. He doesn't give a word of greeting.

Amad Okash-Alad: Another Azerian judging by his exotic robes. This "man" looks like a half-orc but his skin is blue and his eyes have a glint of intelligence far beyond the more savage demi-humans. He greets the group in a strange tongue that sounds like a roaring fire and crackling embers.

Teobald: This hulking, blond haired man definitely looks like a northern nomad. He nods his head in greetings then swills his mead in a single gulp.

Rolen de Molay: Another powerfully built human with short black hair and green eyes. His clothing and posture suggests noble birth.

Bjorn Tyrfingrson: A completely unassuming young teenager with wavy red hair a soft beard. He looks more like a man-servant than an able bodied adventurer.

Steps-Lightly: A weaselly looking halfling with bronze colored skin and spiky black hair. He gives a half-hearted salute in greetings while flashing a million-dollar smile.

Alistair: Suave half-elf with oily, slicked back hair and a smile wider than Steps'. He gives Aerie a knowing wink and makes a "CHIIK-CHIK" noise with his mouth by sucking air through his teeth.

Nash: Brother of Bangers and Lennon. Bald with muscular arms and a scruffy beard. He introduces himself as the group's armorer, fletcher, and blacksmith.

With the entire group introduced (using the new party's descriptions in the first few posts), Lydia clears her throat immediately gaining the dining halls attention.

"Now that we are properly introduced, please enjoy the feast. We have a mission today. Tonight, to be exact. The details aren't known to me but you should treat every mission as if it's your final one. MORE WINE!"

2009-04-05, 10:09 PM

Digging into his meal Shane says "I look forward to this mission, without proper oiling a weapon will grow dull. Warriors and their weapons must be used frequently."

Mangy Mathan
2009-04-05, 10:24 PM
Aeron Waldeburg

Aeron keeps mostly to himself, sipping his wine and nibbling his food. He tries to avoid staring at the blue-skinned oddity, but finds that difficult. To keep him occupied, he chats with Nash about how different the craftsman is from his brother Lennon and why.

If Nash seems interested, they also chat about various nobles, particularly Lady Lydia. Aeron doesn't reveal any information he believes she would find uncomfortable, but will instead discuss her more heroic and legendary exploits.

lord of pixies
2009-04-05, 10:40 PM
I walk over to amir al-asad and try to strike up a conversation while nibling at the food

2009-04-05, 11:24 PM
Aerie Pethune

She concentrates primarily on her food, but makes polite conversation with anyone who approaches her.

2009-04-06, 02:31 AM
Aerie Pethune
She concentrates primarily on her food, but makes polite conversation with anyone who approaches her.
@Aerie: OOC: Can we get a description, please InsaneAlien? I got the 'archer' bit, but what else?

Bjórn Tyrfingrson, aka Bjórn the Agreeable

Physical Description:The young teenager, only 5-1/2 feet tall and of slight-to-moderate build, flits to and fro like a butterfly to try to make each new member feel welcome, even though he himself only joined TFH in the past month. His skin is pale, and smooth, and he does not appear to have seen many suns though he possesses a small smattering of freckles on his face. His hair is a sort of red-orange, with a cross between wavy-curly texture. He has a beard that is sparse and soft, and he cannot be more than 16 winters old ... but with a baby face that makes him look nearly 12 or 13. His eyes are a golden brown that soften to a topaz as you move further towards the outside of the irises, and are surprisingly largish and ever-so-slightly slanted. He is not necessarily unattractive though he is ungainly. For all that, and the fact that he seems particularly out of sorts in a band of battle-hardened (or at least harden-able, for he does not seem even quite that) adventurers, he has an easy smile that is nearly as broad as Alistair's less sly than Steps-Lightly, and more sincere ... and simple-natured ... than both. It is easy to see where he gets his moniker "the Agreeable".

He wears a chain shirt under his tunic that must be several times older than the youth himself, as if it were some village heirloom and barely serviceable. His courtier's clothing (not a fancy doublet so much as a tunic, breeches, and good boots) includes a fine cloak with an opal brooch. And of course, the ensemble is completed with the TFH sash. This sash is a purpure sash of expensive silks. The emblem of TFH is that of a mace and trumpet of equal length side-by-side with a sun above and a moon below. The words "Survey! Conform! Prevail!" circles the mace and trumpet. Also worn is a leather thong necklace around his neck, the focal point of which is beneath his tunic and chain shirt.
General:This is being included because not everything is seen in 'strict roleplay' but more in 'off-camera' scenes such as the small talk that one may make.

Bjórn will tell those that ask that he comes from Gratzny and the Northland Wastes, much as Teobald, but from slightly more civilized fare. His parents were basic farmers, but his keen intellect won him a form of 'adoption' by the local monastery where he has been since he was nine-ish. He is currently sixteen years of age.

Bjórn knows a lot about a lot, and he enjoys spreading his knowledge around. He usually adopts a humble and kind demeanor, but when discussing weighty topics he becomes unconsciously condescending. He possesses spiritual knowledge and excels at explaining kinships, natural connections, one’s purpose in life, and otherwise serving as a spiritual guide. Still, his vast intellect houses a store of concrete, useful information. He specializes in philosophical and theological (arcane, religious, and temporal) matters, though he still knows a lot across the board in nearly every subject, and has joined Lady Lydia’s party to improve his knowledge through personal observation. When the party comes across something unusual, they turn to Bjórn for advice.

2009-04-07, 04:47 PM

Digging into his meal Shane says "I look forward to this mission, without proper oiling a weapon will grow dull. Warriors and their weapons must be used frequently."

Without missing a beat, Alistair pipes up

"I agree. Simply ask any bar lass in Stuttgart and they'll attest to seeing frequent use of my well oiled weapon."

Alistair and Steps exchange a smug, knowing grin and a high five (or low five as far as the halfling is concerned).

To keep him occupied, he chats with Nash about how different the craftsman is from his brother Lennon and why.

If Nash seems interested, they also chat about various nobles, particularly Lady Lydia. Aeron doesn't reveal any information he believes she would find uncomfortable, but will instead discuss her more heroic and legendary exploits.

You get a particularly interesting lecture on what it's like working with his brother who enchants the weapons. To Nash, creating armor and swords is a fine art and judging by the masterwork equipment on display throughout the house you'd be inclined to agree.

I walk over to amir al-asad and try to strike up a conversation while nibling at the food

He glances at Amad, exchanges some words in Ignan, then looks back at you.

"You far from home, foreigner. Take advice. Keep to yourself. These peach skins full of hate. Zeno-fobic Amad calls it. Good people at this table but outside..." He shakes his head before finishing. His common is heavily accented but you get the gist of what he's saying.

She concentrates primarily on her food, but makes polite conversation with anyone who approaches her.

Aside from rude gestures from Alistair, you're left alone.

2009-04-07, 05:27 PM
After dinner is cleared, the group is ushered into the war room. Lydia enters with a stately man in royal robes by her side.

"Comrades, this is Viscount Locke von Linnos, my former commanding officer in the war. As some of you may know, children have been disappearing from the streets. The Viscount has strong evidence pointing to the source. You have the floor, my lord."

The Viscount motions towards his boy-servant who places stacks of parchment on the table.

"Thank you, Lady Lydia. Several months ago, a handful cases of missing children have been reported to the city guard. Since then, the total number has reached 27. The children kidnapped are all human, mostly male, and from various social, religious, and political backgrounds. The only common factor is that the kids are prepubescent... between the ages of 8 and 11."

The baron passes around the parchment which contain realistic sketches of the missing kids.

"No evidence is available that links this to a single source except for one small thing..."

He grabs another parchment and passes it around. On it is a picture of an orphanage.

"That's the First Church of the Sun Father; an orphanage run by a former Pelorite. When he died under natural causes, one week before the first kidnapping, this man purchased the orphanage."

The Viscount passes around a parchment with the profile of an old man with long, flowing white hair.

"Earl Rochester de Largo. The Earl is known for his humanitarian works, funding of liberal arts, and radical opinions. He's gained popularity amongst the working class and has their full support. I first suspected him when, a week after purchasing the orphanage, the first child was kidnapped who happen to be from the same orphanage."

"Now, it might seem like base suspicion on my part, but that's where this man comes into play."

The Viscount passes around another parchment. A young man with a long face and hooked nose looks up under short, greasy black hair. Lennon shouts

"Hargreaves! Feh!

"Indeed," says the Viscount Hargreaves... no last name given. Graduate at the top of his class and 3rd circle enchanter."

"Actually, my lord," Lennon interrupts again "He's a transmuter by nature. He transferred to the enchanter class when my... when Miss Olivia joined. She was a friend of mine, just a friend, and I helped her in alchemical studies. Hargreaves, my alchemist partner and a skilled craftsman of poisons, transferred to "court" her. She was found in her dorm room a week later, babbling like a buffoon and died on the operators table from brain damage. No evidence connected her unfortunate demise with Hargreaves but I've kept tabs on him through scrying ever since."

Then you know," the Viscount continues That he's a wanted man. Concoction and selling of controlled substances, illegal spellcasting, grave robbing, and now, if we can catch him in the act, kidnapping. The Earl has given Hargreaves sanctuary in his mansion 20 miles south of Richmonde. He's hosting a party..."

The Viscount passes around a stack of expertly crafted party invitations adorned with magical symbols and glowing runes.

"An "informal" social gathering to be exact. I have obtained a search warrant but his mansion is on a hill overlooking the only path. Even if we were to ride there at full speed, it gives him enough time to hide the evidence and for Hargreaves to escape. First, I want a small team to infiltrate his mansion during the party and gather whatever evidence is available. I will donate 10,000 gold for evidence leading to the Earl's arrest and 10,000 gold if the children are found. The bounty on Hargreaves' head is 5,000 gold alive and 2,000 gold dead."

"Second, and this is where you come in m'lady, is the secret warehouse Hargreaves uses to smuggle his goods. My scouts have reported a riverside barn where men can be found moving goods at odd hours in the dark. I have a warrant that allows a full scale raid. The guard office is offering 5 gold per pound of illicit material brought in for destruction. The information you need can be found in those documents. Thank you for your time."

The goblin butler sees the Viscount out. Lady Lydia stands and stretches her back.

"Very well. We'll split into two teams; one to raid the warehouse and the other to deal with the Viscount. Amad, Teobald, Steps-Lightly, and Amir will be joining me in the raid. Alistair, Bjorn, Rolen, Aerie, Aeron, and Shane will be attending the party."

"Alistair is in charge. You'll follow his orders. Bjorn... for the Cudgel's sake, don't pull a stupid stunt like you did the other day. I can sense a loathing for the rigid structure of our society in your heart but now's not the time to show off."

"As for the rest of you, don't blow your cover. I chose you because you're relatively inexperienced in combat but the Earl is certain to have body guards that won't hesitate to bash your skulls in if you're found snooping around. A 3rd circle wizard is also nothing to scoff at. If you see Hargreaves in person, don't attack him. Be like the alligator. Wait with your jaws wide open and let your prey come to you before snapping."

"Finally, if you find those children try your best not to expose them to danger. The Viscount is personally funding this expedition because his own daughter was taken from him. The Viscount is a powerful man and if we can please him we'll have a useful ally, benefactor, and source of funds on our side."

"We leave tomorrow morning by horseback. Good night."

2009-04-07, 06:22 PM

Quietly tot he others around him.

"Subtlety is not my strong point."

lord of pixies
2009-04-07, 09:17 PM
Brother jicardum looks confused for a second then says timmedly

umm... My lady, forgive me if I am mistaken, but I belive you forgot to say where I was going. Should I go with the fellow beginers to the party?

Mangy Mathan
2009-04-07, 10:45 PM
Aeron Waldeburg

Aeron lays the pages before him on the table, scanning them intently, burning their faces into his mind. "So we're up against a politically, magically, socially, and economically powerful man in his own personal sanctum, trying to incriminate him for something he has few ties to?" He stares ahead for a moment, his face marred by a look of incredulity. Suddenly he turns to his peer. "Have you perhaps performed any other divinations that may aid us in this task? What do the stars hold for us?"

umm... My lady, forgive me if I am mistaken, but I belive you forgot to say where I was going. Should I go with the fellow beginers to the party?

"Oh, yes, I would like that very much. I'm sure his unique talents will prove to be quite a wonderful party trick." Aeron states with a wry smile and a friendly nod to Jicardum. "Also, I'm assuming this will be one of the few times we are not to wear our sashes?"

Going to reorganize my prepared spells before we get down to business.

EDIT: Hu. Subtlety is apparently not my super power, either.

2009-04-08, 02:21 AM
Brother jicardum looks confused for a second then says timmedly

umm... My lady, forgive me if I am mistaken, but I belive you forgot to say where I was going. Should I go with the fellow beginers to the party?

Lydia looks at you as if she's noticing you for the first time.

"Hmmm? Right, sorry... you kind of blend in with the-- yes, you'll be with the investigation."

Aeron lays the pages before him on the table, scanning them intently, burning their faces into his mind. "So we're up against a politically, magically, socially, and economically powerful man in his own personal sanctum, trying to incriminate him for something he has few ties to?" He stares ahead for a moment, his face marred by a look of incredulity. Suddenly he turns to his peer. "Have you perhaps performed any other divinations that may aid us in this task? What do the stars hold for us?"

"Yes, sir." Answers Lydia.

"Better this than raiding a warehouse run by an unknown number who knows what. We must exercise caution either way. Still, the Earl will be keeping himself busy with people of equal power."

"Also, I'm assuming this will be one of the few times we are not to wear our sashes?"

"Absolutely not. The invitations are on my behalf. They're expecting us but obviously not to investigate. This is a political gathering for the Earl. He'll sooner throw you out for causing a ruckus than reveal himself and attack. If he's too defensive, it will seem like he has something to hide. The people attending are your greatest offense. If you find overwhelming evidence, present it publicly. The Earl will more than likely turn himself in out of shame."

"I can't say the same for the wizard, though."

2009-04-08, 07:00 PM
The night passes by uneventfully. Amad approaches Bjorn in the morning as the group is loading their belongings into the carriage.

"I spoke with Terra. She's the dryad you saw at the zoo. We spoke about many things but she briefly brought up your name. Said to beware a man with four legs in your travels as he bares a heavy burden."

"Before you make assumptions, realize that stargazing and dream assessment are always cryptic. Beware isn't necessarily negative in connotation. Neither is heavy burden. Either way, follow your heart and keep your eyes, and more importantly, your mind open."

TFH departs as the church bells strike eight in the morning. Everyone without a mount is given a riding horse and Rolen is given a swaybacked war horse (same stats as normal warhorse but 5ft. slower).

"Sorry," Lydia apologizes "It was the only animal I could find on short notice."

Lydia leads the group on her black percheron (a powerful draft horse) Charlemagne. Her full plate mail, perfectly polished, reflects light making her look like a shining mirror.

Day 1: The first day is uneventful. The group passes by scouting parties looking for bandits but nothing exciting happens all day.

Day 2: The group sees a hill giant, 9ft tall, leading a group of chained goblinoids. He gives a wide toothy grin as he lumbers past. Daggling at the very end of the chain is a dead goblin being dragged across the dirt.

Day 3: In the morning, the group reaches Richmonde. Lydia orders a room for the raiding group and purchases lunch. Afterward, she gives Alastair his orders, the invitations, and a powerful handshake (Alastair tries his hardest not to wince).

Before the group leaves, Lennon approaches Bjorn.

"Oh yeah, I just remembered. Your blood reacted positively to cold iron. I don't want to make any assumptions, so I want you to give this to a dwarf named Ding Ironsmock. He's a... little eccentric but he supplies Nash and knows ore like the dirt in his beard. He's a guest at the party. You'll know who he is on sight. Trust me. Give this to him..."

Lennon hands you a small box, about 6"x6"x3".

Around 11:00, Brother Jicardum, Alastair, Bjorn, Rolen, Aerie, Aeron, and Shane depart.

At 19:00, just as the sun is touching the rim of the distant mountains, the group sees the Earl's mansion several miles in the distance, perched on a high cliff. Standing in the middle of the road are three men wearing leather armor with daggers at their hips.

The man in front holds out a hand and stops Alistair's horse.

Leader: "Hold. We da Earl's pers'nal guard. Invuhtayshuns, please."

Alastair presents the invitations.

Leader: "An' da gift?"

Alastair: "Invitations said nothing about a gift, my good man."

Leader: "Feh, ya din' read da' fine print."

Alastair: "An what might that be?"

Leader: "Dunno. Thas' why they calls it fine print!"

There's movement off to the side of your vision. You first notice a poorly concealed trail in the dirt like wagon wheels being dragged off into the trees. Then, you notice two men, armed with crossbows and crouching behind a low stump take aim at Alastair.

Surprise Round

Aerie: 19
Man A: 17
Man B: 16

Aerie, you're on a riding horse, unarmed, and the two men behind the bushes are aiming at Alastair.

2009-04-08, 09:46 PM
@ jmbrown:
The night passes by uneventfully. Amad approaches Bjorn in the morning as the group is loading their belongings into the carriage.


Bjórn bows deeply and says [in Sylvan]: "You honor me to give me such news from such an oracle, Amad al-Asad, and you are blessed to be given such liberty and honor yourself."

Before the group leaves, Lennon approaches Bjorn.

"Oh yeah, I just remembered. Your blood reacted positively to cold iron. I don't want to make any assumptions, so I want you to give this to a dwarf named Ding Ironsmock. He's a... little eccentric but he supplies Nash and knows ore like the dirt in his beard. He's a guest at the party. You'll know who he is on sight. Trust me. Give this to him..."

Lennon hands you a small box, about 6"x6"x3".

"Thank you, Lennon. May the Smiling God bless you all."

Bjórn, as is his habit, keeps close to Roland (it's "Roland", by the way, not "Rolen" ... just as in the "Song of Roland & Oliver"). Over these couple of days, Bjórn will chat up Roland every now and then about high-brow goings-on of Stuttgart and what gossip he can squeeze out of the otherwise taciturn paladin.

2009-04-08, 10:24 PM
@ jmbrown
Uh... I shout to warn Alastair. Two men on your left! Or your right, the DM didn't specify!

2009-04-09, 01:52 AM
(it's "Roland", by the way, not "Rolen" ... just as in the "Song of Roland & Oliver").

((yeah, my mistake. I play in another game on a different board where a character's name is Rolen.))

Uh... I shout to warn Alastair. Two men on your left! Or your right, the DM didn't specify!

((It's to your right while facing Alastair))

In the split second after Aerie finishes her warning, a bolt flies out from the underbrush and skips off her armor. She instinctively drops to the side of her horse, using it as cover to avoid a second bolt.

((You didn't use an action so I allowed a ride check to use your horse as cover)).


Alastair: 20
Bandit B: 18
Aerie: 17
Bandit C: 16.9
Bandit D: 15.9
Aeron: 15
Bandit A: 14
Bandit Leader: 12
Shane: 8
Roland: 6
Bjorn: 5

Alastair draws his rapier and dismounts from his startled horse which begins bucking.

Bandit B, standing behind the leader, pulls a javelin from his back quiver and tosses it at Alastair but the wind catches it throwing it wide.

Aerie's light horse rears back in fear after the two bolts went whizzing past its head. Bandits C and D have cover 30ft away and 10 of those feet are thick underbrush (double movement). Remember that a ride check to control your mount in combat is a move action and that drawing a weapon during a dismount doesn't count as drawing while moving.

Mangy Mathan
2009-04-09, 09:46 AM
Aeron Waldeburg

The sudden ambush startles Aeron, and he clumsily dismounts his horse before it puts him in danger. Silently cursing his lack of offensive magic, Aeron takes cover behind the horse, surveying the battlefield.

A: If the horse runs off, Aeron will try to find a nearby bush or corner to take cover behind.

B: If the horse remains, and a bandit is within 30 feet, Aeron reaches out with a vicious hand, wrenched as if strangling his victim from a distance. "Addero timeo." (Cause Fear (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/causeFear.htm) - Will DC 15)

C: If the horse remains and no bandit is within range, Aeron will instead run his hands down his slender body, muttering "Magis arma." (Mage Armor)

"Who are you people?" The dark wizard shouts angrily. "Do you know who you've just assaulted?"

2009-04-10, 01:40 AM
Flashback Conversation to On-the-Road

At some point on the first day, Bjórn will ride up to Brother Jicarum and engage him in conversation (if the latter is amenable).

@Brother Jicarum"Brother Jicarum," says the soft youth, "are you a monastic of some sort ... from a temple, friar, or abbey of some such? I only ask because of your title."

Bjórn takes stock of Jicarum's 'adopted' image - not realizing that this form is not Jicarum's own - and continues, "I must admit, you don't look like a monk or somesuch. Where are you from? Where did you study? I remember at the party one of the newcomers that came in with you mentioned 'your special talents' ... what type of talents?"

2009-04-10, 01:55 AM
Aerie dismounts swiftly and crouches down, trying to present less of a target.

Can she pull out her bow as a standard action if I say it was stuffed down her boot? Drawing a hidden weapon is a standard.

2009-04-10, 02:58 AM
Aerie dismounts swiftly and crouches down, trying to present less of a target.

Can she pull out her bow as a standard action if I say it was stuffed down her boot? Drawing a hidden weapon is a standard.

((A longbow is like 4ft long. You can only hide small items and light weapons You can convert a standard action to a move action if that's what you're asking.))

Move action to dismount, move action to draw bow.

Bandit C (standing in the bushes next to Bandit D) reloads his crossbow, nudges his partner and points at Aeron, drops prone and fires. The bolt lands in the heel of Aeron's boot.

Jicardum, you're 20ft away from the leader and the other three bandits and 40ft from the two in the bushes. Your horse is starting to kick uncontrollably.

2009-04-10, 09:17 AM
((A longbow is like 4ft long....))

OOC: Actually, a longbow is "long" for a reason. A classic English yew longbow is about 6' tall, and that's after stringing! The "shortbow" varies but usually is around 3-4' after stringing. Obviously, neither of them were ever meant to be 'concealed weapons' that you can stick in a boot.

lord of pixies
2009-04-10, 02:09 PM
rolls: ride [roll0]
to hit with unarmed strike [roll1]
damage for unamed strike [roll2]

i fall of the horse, if:
A ride roll makes for soft fall (dc 15), then i run over to the leader and punch him for non-leathal damage (hostige/source of information)
Bif ride roll doesent make it, then i take [roll3] damage, stand up, and draw the kama hidden in my clothes.

OOC: praying that the rolls work

2009-04-10, 03:53 PM
i fall of the horse, if:
A ride roll makes for soft fall (dc 15), then i run over to the leader and punch him for non-leathal damage (hostige/source of information)
Bif ride roll doesent make it, then i take [roll3] damage, stand up, and draw the kama hidden in my clothes.

OOC: praying that the rolls work

((When you fall, you're prone. Period. The soft fall use of the skill is only to refrain from taking damage when you're thrown from your horse. It's easier and safer to just dismount.))

With great Alacrity, Brother Jicardum leaps off his horse, rushes towards the leader (still flat-footed) and strikes him in the throat with an open palm. The leader grasps his windpipe and stumbles around, staggered.

Bandit D (the other one in the bushes), seeing his leader taken down with a single attack, turns to flee (double move, 30ft through the underbrush and he's barely visible in the dense copse of trees).

Aeron dismounts his bucking bronco, crouches low, and points at Bandit C (the one prone who shot a bolt at Aeron's heel). He gives a frightened shriek and starts to scramble to his knees.

Bandit A, standing behind his staggered leader, lets out a dopey "Dur, whadda we do, boss?"

Between chokes, the bandit leader shouts *cough* RUN *cough* SCATTER!". He tries to tactically retreat but in the course of moving around Alastair's horse, the half-elf manages to get a lazy thrust in between the leader's ribs. He falls to the ground with a croaking noise.

Bandit A, having delayed, double moves to the party's left (opposite direction of the two bandits in the bushes).

Shane, your horse is startled and you're finding it hard to control. Bandit A is 30ft to your left, Bandit C is trying to get to his feet in fear, and Bandit B (30ft ahead of you) looks like he's about to bolt.

2009-04-10, 05:40 PM

Attempts to dismount quickly [roll0]

Shane whispers an arcane word into his fist, reaches back and throws a blob of acid like a baseball at bandit A.
[roll1] with a possible [roll2] acid damage.

edit - my bad, its 1d8 damage not 1d6, want me to reroll?

if he has the move action left use i to take cover behind his horse.

2009-04-10, 06:17 PM
((don't bother rerolling))

Shane tries a quick dismount but snags his clothing. He touches the ground and launches a ball of acid at the confused bandit. It strikes him in the chest, burning a hole through his clothing. He collapses to the ground screaming in agony. Shane's horse is completely spooked and bolts 100 feet away.

Roland, there's only one target in range (Bandit B, 30ft away) and he looks like he's about to soil himself.

2009-04-10, 08:01 PM
...I was joking about the concealed longbow. Jeez, talk about no sense of humour.

If there's anyone left standing by the time Aerie's next turn, she fires at them.

2009-04-12, 11:20 AM
...I was joking about the concealed longbow. Jeez, talk about no sense of humour.

If there's anyone left standing by the time Aerie's next turn, she fires at them.

((I should have guessed but, you know, all subtlety is lost on the internet. Anyways, enacting my 32 hour rule))

Roland realizes the group is victorious in this encounter. To press the attack would be savagery.

He rides up next to the frightened bandit.

"You've lost. Run away and take with you the knowledge that Heironeous punishes the wicked."


The bandit looks visibly shaken and a dark stain slowly creeps around his crotch.

Bjorn, while combat appears to be over your horse is still spooked after Shane's impressive display of arcane artillery.

2009-04-12, 11:31 AM
Brand, while combat appears to be over your horse is still spooked after Shane's impressive display of arcane artillery.

Umm, wrong game dude. I (assuming you meant Bjórn) am not playing your feisty tallfellow halfling scout Brand Liroyl.

EDIT: Ninja'd. You just fixed it to say Bjórn. :smallwink:

Bjórn, who only was taught how to ride a horse (0 ranks, but passing familiarity) by Roland or Lady Lydia in the past few weeks, was fine riding basically, but he is too scared to death to dismount off of a spooked horse. The ungainly youth holds on for dear life and desperately entreats his horse to be kind enough to see that danger has passed ... will have to double post for the Ride roll since I edited this one.

2009-04-12, 11:37 AM
Ride [roll0] ... sorry for double posting, but last one was edited before the roll.

2009-04-12, 12:22 PM
Bjorn tries futilely to control his startled horse and spends the rest of the round trying to keep from being tossed and trampled.

Round 2

Alastair, perturbed over the inconvenience of dirtying his new boots, advances towards Bandit B and thrusts with his rapier. He hits, cutting a deep gash in the man's stomach.

Bandit B, having no intention of staying around, withdraws 60 feet and into the brush to the group's right.

end of combat rounds

Aerie, unless you want to take an extra shot at Bandit C, he stands and flees under the effect of Aeron's spell.

Alastair walks over to the fallen bandit leader.

"Bandits. There's been a ton of them since the war ended. Can't blame them. The war stole everything from people in power. Many women became widowed. Children lost their parents. Knights lost their land. Nobles lost their fortune. It's not uncommon to see a group of bandits led by a disenfranchised baron."

Alastair removes several invitations from the leader's pockets, a sack of gems, and a vial of crystal blue liquid thoughtfully labeled "pain killer."

"Looks like they got some people before us. This potion is probably a weak healing potion. I'll hold onto it for now. Good job, everyone, especially Aerie for keeping a keen eye. Bjorn, if you're done fooling with your horse this man has about ten seconds of life left. Not that I care."

Alastair points his rapier towards the man who got splashed by Shane's acid.

2009-04-12, 04:47 PM

Shane could not care less for the man he blasted with acid. As soon as the man fell Shane stopped paying him any attention and has no further interest. He goes after his horse.

lord of pixies
2009-04-12, 05:53 PM
brother Jicardum walks over to the unconsios bandit leader and, pulling rope from his pack, ties him up use rope [roll0]. He says to the group with an evil grin...

here's an idea, how about I wake this guy up, ask him some questions, and then strip him of his clothes and infiltrate the mansion? i could then go places where normal party-goers couldn't

as he says this his face changes to that of the leader.

2009-04-12, 06:09 PM
Assuming Roland or someone helps him with controlling his horse ...

Bjórn timidly gets off of the horse and tries to stabilize the bandit leader in question: Heal check = [roll0].
.................................................. .......................................
"Wow! That answers the question that you ignored yesterday on the road, Brother Jicardum! You're one of those rare unarmed warriors ... shoulda' known with those muscles! [OOC: you just can't hide 18 Str on a human if it's natural.] And you got some illusory talent, as well ... and all without casting a spell!"

A changeling, albeit of a monstrous humanoid, is a humanoid. Knowledge (local) check = [roll1]
Obscure Lore check = [roll2]

"However, I am inclined to believe that these ruffians are not in the employ of Hargreave, but more likely heard about the event - seeing as it is a major social event - and thought to prey on the opportunity. But I'm willing to keep an open mind.

"Say, Brother J, you wouldn't be a changeling, would you?"

Mangy Mathan
2009-04-12, 06:49 PM
Aeron Waldeburg

"Is everyone alright?" The necromancer asks, surveying the scene. Once he is sure no harm has been dealt to his team, Aeron brushes dirt from his coat and calms his horse, but waits to remount until his companions are done socializing. "Good work, everyone." He states with a smile of satisfaction, then turns to Shane. "Excellent aim. Very efficient."

He then proceeds to watch the drama surrounding Bjórn's horse, and once that is dealt with, Bjórn's attempt to save the bandit.

2009-04-12, 07:22 PM
brother Jicardum walks over to the unconsios bandit leader and, pulling rope from his pack, ties him up use rope [roll0]. He says to the group with an evil grin...

here's an idea, how about I wake this guy up, ask him some questions, and then strip him of his clothes and infiltrate the mansion? i could then go places where normal party-goers couldn't

as he says this his face changes to that of the leader.

Alastair redraws his rapier in shock then slowly slides it back into the sheath.

"Uh... yeah. Look, don't bother. This guy's a bandit. A cutthroat. The only reason he had invitations is because he cut them out of someone's fingers.

Alastair nods his head.

"But, that... ability of yours can come in handy. Look, change back into your regular face until we reach the mansion. I'll have you pose as a guard and scope the area but right now the important factor is getting inside. We can continue this conversation on the road."

Alastair waits for everyone to calm their mounts (and Shane to retrieve his) before leading the group down the road again. The mansion is no more than four miles away and clearly visible in the distance.

lord of pixies
2009-04-12, 08:05 PM
before we left, i took back my rope, changed back to my default persona, and took all weponds/valuables from the wounded robbers. (p.s. what did i find? i know that they have crossbows, but what else?)

2009-04-12, 08:51 PM
before we left, i took back my rope, changed back to my default persona, and took all weponds/valuables from the wounded robbers. (p.s. what did i find? i know that they have crossbows, but what else?)

Only the leader was carrying anything of value and Alastair snatched it. You find on the leader a shortsword and leather armor. On the other bandit you find a dagger, leather armor, and four javelins. Only the two guys in the bushes were using crossbows and they're long gone.

The ride to the mansion is short and uneventful. The sun is beginning to set and the road joins with a more widely traveled intersection. Numerous travelers, some on horses and others in carriages, herd themselves towards the Earl's mansion.

At the mansion, a guard sees your horses to the stables. To everyone's surprise, they're greeted at the door by a well groomed ogre in dress robes. Alastair hands the hulking best the invitations which the creature can barely pick up without smothering them between his massive fingers.

"Urgh. Changing room down hall and right. Stay on red carpet. No visible armor allowed. One weapon only in sheath at all time. Staff and walking stick okay. Shield allowed on back."

You change out of your adventuring clothes and into your courtier's outfit complete with sash. If you're wearing armor heavier than light, it's removed (I believe this only applies to Roland). Everyone removes all weapons, including ranged weapons, but may keep one sheathed weapon on them (please specify which one weapon you have on you). After the group finishes placing and labeling their equipment in the provided chests, Alastair pipes up.

"First things first. We gather intelligence. Scope the party out. Learn the movers and shakers. Once we know who we're dealing with, we begin the investigation. Jicardum, that's where you come in. All of the servants are wearing rich clothing and none of it's uniform. When I give the go ahead, remove your sash and change your identity. As long as you don't act suspicious you can move freely around the mansion. Once you learn the layout of the mansion, I'll create a distraction."

Alastair removes a vial of powder from his waistcoat.

"A little something Lennon cooked up. I bet you guys didn't know he made drugs in some thug's basement before turning to the magical arts. Fat cats always toast at midnight. Don't drink the wine, alright? Hehe."

The ballroom is a massive 200 square foot interior dome with crystal pillars. A group of minstrels in the center play upbeat dancing tunes while jesters and performers scattered amongst the hundred plus crowd perform their acts. The party is mostly merchants and skilled workers whom are the Earl's biggest supporters. A small group of nobles, knights, and priests have their own little circle where they gossip, pour drinks from fancy decanters, and sip from comically huge snifters.

Among the crowd, certain individuals are more noticeable than others. Among the more interesting people are

A fat, greasy man standing by himself against the wall. He rubs his pudgy hands on his shirt and looks around nonchalantly.

A dwarf with silver lines in his beard. He's wearing a fine silk smock and a blacksmith's apron lined with gemstones.

A dangerously skinny woman in midnight black robes with black hair in a tight bun and black eyeliner. Her thick, red lips contrast vividly against her albino skin. She smokes from a long pipe revealing the tips of her fingers are black as well.

Standing next to the aforementioned woman is Hargreaves. He looks the same as in the picture but has a long, wispy beard. In his hand is what looks like a smoking pot. Every once in a while he holds the pot up to his head and sniffs deeply from it.

Speaking amongst a group of priests is a short black man with a bald head and short, curly beard leaning on a staff. In between sentences he coughs violently. Roland recognizes him as Brother Ubel, a priest of Boccob who was briefly interred under suspicion of murdering his mentor [Roland's].

Finally, lounging in a corner of his own among thick, fluffy pillows is an imposing figure. He wears deep purple robes of Azerian design and is decorated in a myriad of jewels, rings, bracelets, and necklaces. He has the head of a tiger; a feature that no one at the party seems to mind considering the large group of dancers and guests sitting around him. He smokes from a tube connected to what looks like a large, smoking vase filled with water. On closer inspection his human-like hands are reversed with the palms where the back of the hand should be.

Knowledge checks all around; nobody knows who (or more importantly what) this guy is. Aeron and Bjorn know he's an Azerian noble. Judging his outfit, a very very very high ranking one.

The tiger-man instantly looks in the direction of TFH as they walk in. Anyone looking at him feels as if his eyes are tugging at their thoughts, sorting them and pushing them to the surface.

"Well..." Says Alastair, "Motley group of people we have here. We've got four hours before the toast. Jicardum, I'll talk to you in about thirty minutes. Try not to get too fat or drunk on spirits, you hear?"

With that, Alastair disappears into the crowd.

2009-04-13, 05:50 AM
Aerie Pethune

Aerie keeps her longsword at her side, grumbling slightly about having to leave her bow behind.
The dwarf catches her eye, so she walks up to him and greets him politely in Dwarven (you know, like you'd greet a rabbi with "Shalom.")

2009-04-13, 09:33 AM
The dwarf looks Aerie up and down (mostly up where he's standing).

"Ya call that the proper way to greet a dwarf?"

He whistles to a passing waitress who pours two shots of a crystal clear liquid.

"Mountain Blue Vodka. Now this is the proper way to greet a dwarf!"

He raises his glass to his lips waiting for you to do the same.

Mangy Mathan
2009-04-13, 10:30 AM
Aeron Waldeburg
I am well aware, out of character, of what that is, and am more than a little freaked out that 1) No one at the party seems to know what the heck it is and 2) it's there in the first place. You get bonus points for keeping things interesting. :smallamused: Also, Aeron decides to keep his dagger. I assume spell component pouches and spellbooks aren't considered weapons, right?

The wizard was a little disconcerted by the tiger with arcane eyes. He wracked his mind trying to identify what it was or how it got that way, but came up empty handed, other than it was a creature of noble nature. Aeron boldly met its gaze, and bowed. He then proceeded into the crowd, half-heartedly hoping to break its line of sight.

Aeron usually hates crowds. He always feels that they were watching him, like a black sheep, despite the fact that his chosen profession is not readily obvious to most. He comforts himself by imagining them as zombies: Mindless, soulless, and without conscience. He chuckled to himself when he decided that they already had those traits. Still, he had a job to do. Aeron made his way, as casually as he could, to the lady in black.

"Wonderful party, isn't it?" He chirps, then winces at his horrible introduction.

2009-04-13, 11:40 AM

Shane is more charismatic than most, but has only been trained to fight. He tries to non-nonchalantly walk around, eat appetizers, and listen to conversation.

2009-04-13, 02:05 PM
Bjórn the Agreeable

Bjórn, not being on the road and being no kind of combatant, keeps his quarterstaff (which is a walking stick to him) in the changing room and has no other weapons that he takes with him. For the likes of him, having a weapon is no better than not having one ... and he just might hurt himself if he had one and had to use it.

Once he takes he quick survey of the party, he meanders without seeming purpose towards the dwarf. He sees the dwarf teach Aerie some dwarven manners, and Bjórn decides to take a similar tact ... but instead of ordering something as refined as "Mountain Blue Vodka" he checks with the wench to see if they have something more along the lines of a northern dwarf's taste. Having lived near the hills and mountains in the northern wastes of Gratzny, it is like that a dwarf choosing a drink like the vodka - especially one who appears to be a smith - would be the butt of a few jokes. "It's not just the kick in the head that counts, but also the kick in the teeth," is a dwarven miner's maxim for choosing a good drink.

Bjórn orders three tankards (he refuses glasses unless they are stout mugs or porcelain steins) of Myconid Mash (or something similarly blue-collar dwarven miner, or the closest thing possible). He walks over to the dwarf as if to offer a drink and absent-mindedly says [in Dwarven] with a slight nod to the dwarf, "Oh, I'm sorry, I see that I'm not nearly as fast as my colleague here in sharing in good spirits. Well, what are you drinking, anyway? Hmmm, I fear that the Myconid Mash [or whatever it happens to be] I was about to offer is a bit, um, well, let's just say I feel embarrassed now for so blatantly giving away my humble roots."

Bjórn pauses a second, eyes him curiously and continues, "Should I take it back? I brought one for you, too, Miss Pethune. I wouldn't want to offend either of your sensibilities with a sensible drink."

At that, holding both tankards/steins for the others in his left hand, he takes a long and hearty draught on his drink (he ate some starchy during his 'meandering' to get here); not to finish it, but to show that such fare doesn't bother him as much as one would think to look at him.

@jmbrownOOC: Good Con, good Fort save, but more importantly ... other than reindeer-tipping, what else is there to do up north but drink, even at the monastery? And remember his religious leanings, as well - enjoyment, pleasure. No, think of the shock value one had watching Toby, the young fresh-faced boy in Sweeney Todd, sock back a tog of gin. He is probably a better drinker than most commoners in the middle lands - especially when you compare the alcohol content of mead to a beer.

Bjórn takes a breath of air and sighs happily, "Yes, that will put a beard in your teeth if not on your face! Say, you wouldn't know an acquaintance of my teacher's by the name of Ding Ironsmock, would you, sir? My teacher, Lennon, told me to find him and present myself to him for some business."

lord of pixies
2009-04-13, 05:10 PM
OOC; i took the dagger from the bandits and put it on my belt.

before i leave the changing room i peek out to see if/what the servants have on them as far as wepons go, and arm acordingly.

apon entering I go to one of the servers and make some small talk, and try to learn the names of her/him and some of thier coworkers.

the knowledge check [roll0] and i like this, while i think i know what it its, i dont know much about it

lord of pixies
2009-04-13, 10:08 PM
sorry for the double post but...

roll for knowing what it was that the tiger-man did to us[roll0]

brother jicardum keeps an eye on him, while keeping an eye on alastair, while talking to the servant.

2009-04-14, 03:17 AM
Aerie Pethune

Aerie grins at Bjorn, accepts the tankard and knocks a good amount back too.

Nice idea. Outdrinking a dwarf is definitely the way to get him to like you.

2009-04-14, 11:26 AM
Bjorn and Aerie

Before the dwarf accepts the tankard, he downs his shot of vodka, snatches Aerie’s shot, drains that, then takes the tankard and drinks with both Aerie and Bjorn.

”Ah! A shrieker in every ounce. You have good taste, boy. Aye, I’m Dingus “Ding” Ironsmock. Supplier, smelter, and smithy. A friend of the Fire-Hair Triplets is a friend of mine. How can I help?

Aerie and Bjorn aren’t lightweights. The drink burns but it’s nothing you can’t handle.


The tall woman stares ahead and speaks in a low, bass filled voice.
”It is customary for a man to greet a woman with his name.”

Hargreaves giggles like a school girl and sniffs from his smoking jar.

Aeron, the smoke is pleasant but makes you feel lightheaded. You resist the effects for now but you can’t avoid inhaling it while standing next to them.

”I am Vanya Romania [she puts extra emphasis on the “ahn-ya”], record keeper and secretary for the Order of Necromancy. I’ll forgive your juvenile mistake only because you’re one of the order. I can tell by your eyes. Most men see one thing…”

She thrusts her chest out.

”But necromancers are trained to see the underlying aspects of the human body. The flow of skin over muscle over bone. You look at me like a puzzle, do you not?”


Shane overhears uninteresting gossip and he-said-she-said. He can’t shake the feeling of the tiger-man looking at him and even with his back turned he can feel the tiger-man’s eyes on the back of his head. Shane’s startled by a clear, booming voice.

”You there! I am thirsty. Bring me something to drink.”


Shane turns to see the tiger-man looking at him while mumbling words of arcane power.


Jicardum notices that none of the servants, even the guards, are armed. They wear fine clothing yet there’s no uniformity. They could easily be mistaken for guests if they weren’t serving drinks and finger foods. The servants have no interest in small talk as they’re too busy focusing on their jobs.


2009-04-14, 11:36 AM

spellcraft [roll0]

Shane's eyes take on a slight glaze and he stands up straighter. He gives his head a sharp nod and says "Sir, yes sir. Coming right up."

Shane hurries off to find a strong drink, suitable for an officer and brings it to whomever commanded him.

2009-04-14, 11:44 AM

Despite what previous opinions he had, Shane feels obligated if not honored to present the mysterious tiger-man with something fine to drink. He selects the fanciest decanter of wine he can find, grabs two glasses, and marches over to where the tiger-man is lounging. Pouring two glasses, he hands the tiger-man one who sips on it lightly. He places the glass down, presses his palms together (or... back of his hands, Shane still can't get over his reversed palms), holds them next to his heart, and bows slightly.

"Namaste. My throat was parched. Now that you're here, I have a question that's been niggling me for the past moon. Answer correctly, and I'll grant you a boon."

He flashes his jewelry.

"Answer incorrectly and I'll gut you where you stand."

He bares a wide, toothy grin and licks one of his long claws.

"Tell me... what is more important for a leader? To be feared by his subjects or loved? Answer and elaborate on your choice."


You make small talk with a waiter who's all too eager to speak to someone from a foreign land. His name is Bengo, fair skin and brown hair, about your height, and by day he cleans the guards' equipment. One important thing he does bring up

"The Earl locks himself in his study after nine and doesn't come out 'til twelve. Strange thing. Once I walked in because a mouse ran under the door and, get this, the Earl was gone! Not a trace of him but sure enough his door and windows were locked. So tell me what it's like at a monastary? I hear you monastic people are like eunuchs. Is that true? What's it like going through life without ever feeling the embrace of a woman? I don't think I could live like that. Oh, excuse me, the good baron over there is signalling for more wine."

2009-04-14, 12:39 PM

"Fear is meaningless, it has its uses in the short run but it does not generate true loyalty, trust or respect.

Love is equally useless. Love gives a leader loyal followers whom he or she can trust. At the same time a pet whose owner feeds its anything it wants dies from being overfed while loving the owner.

In a perfect world a leader should want to be respected by his subjects. Respected for making the correct decisions and respected for his or her ability to lead. If this leads to love by the followers then that is good, but sometimes a good leader has to make decisions that his followers will not like."

2009-04-14, 01:10 PM
Bjórn the Agreeable

[OOC: Continuing in Dwarven, as much for his own sake as for Ding's...] "It's a pleasure to meet your acquaintance, Ding. I am Bjórn Tyrfingrson, but known by my friends as Bjórn the Agreeable. I am training under Lennon to learn more about 'What Lies Below the Earth' as well as other scholarly subjects, but am more under the protection of Lady Lydia than I am anything remotely resembling one of her heralds, such as this consummate femme fatale here."

At this, he gestures to Aerie, then shakes his head. "No, ill fortune and raiders in my home and my mistress' honor to my old master is the only thing that allows me to walk with such esteemed company. Useless with any weapons, not sly like Alastair or more skulking types, sophomoric interest only in magic - not dedicated. No, the only thing I bring with my few winters is a golden nugget, at least cursory knowledge of nearly every subject known, and an easy way with people and languages - making me far more of a true herald and totally out of my dithers among mercenaries and adventurers.

"So I hope you will forgive Lennon for spending his time teaching trivia to a glorified man-servant/ courtier with no real impact, skills, or lineage; but, he thought a curious allergy of mine enough of an academic conundrum to share with you, the side effects of which made itself possibly apparent when I made fun of a noble bullying a homeless man."

At this, Bjórn produces the small box that Lennon gave him, and he presents the same to Ding Ironsmock.

2009-04-14, 01:17 PM
The tiger-man thinks deeply then nods his head.

"In a perfect world, perhaps, there would be no need for leaders period. People are fickle and the gap between royalty and commoners is too wide. As a result, respect can be lost by a single poor decision. One hundred praises are canceled by a single failure."

He scratches his face and makes a strange, purring noise.

"Regardless, your wisdom satisfies me. There are no incorrect answers in life. The decisions we make only have consequences. To choose incorrectly would insinuate we know the results before we make them."

"Now then, your boon. You get to live. Isn't that grand? HAH!"

He laughs uncontrollably then stops suddenly.

"You may also ask me a single question. Do be specific. Many foreigners forget that Azerians are very brusque when it comes to questions."

2009-04-14, 01:39 PM

"So I hope you will forgive Lennon for spending his time teaching trivia to a glorified man-servant/ courtier with no real impact, skills, or lineage; but, he thought a curious allergy of mine enough of an academic conundrum to share with you, the side effects of which made itself possibly apparent when I made fun of a noble bullying a homeless man."

At this, Bjórn produces the small box that Lennon gave him, and he presents the same to Ding Ironsmock.

Ding waves his hand as you finish.

"If words could kill you'd have slain me ten times over. If each of the squabbling dukes had an advisor as eloquent as you there wouldn't be a need for mercenaries."

He takes the box, cracks the seal, and opens it. Inside is a note, a block of cold iron ore, and a vial of blood. Ding reads the note, holding it close to his face making it impossible to look over him. He crumples it up and shoves it in a pocket. Uncorking the vial of blood, he pours it on the ore and watches as it sizzles ever so slightly.

Ding hawks a loogie and spits in a nearby spittoon.

"Ya gots fairy blood. You're still human, yes, but there's more than a bit of the fey magic in your blood than most. It's strange... you'd be hard pressed to find a human that's 100% human. Trust me, we dwarves track family trees better n' everyone and though we rather have our backs scratched by a wyvern tail than admit it, you can usually find a bit o' giant or goblinoid in our lineage."

"But you? It's dominant enough to alter the way your body works but not your appearance. I'm sure you've seen humans with mixed bloodlines like trolls and gnolls. You're not technically a fairy, but your body definitely behaves similar."

He hands the box back to Bjorn.

"A dwarf doctor once talked to me about "traits." Said it explained why people's bodies act the way they do. Certain traits appear at odd times like when ya come of age or after you're exposed to a certain chemical. Some people go on living never knowing they had a trait. Hogwash if you ask me, but you never know."

"Keep the cold iron. Do periodic blood tests as you grow in mind and body. Who knows... maybe you'll be the first human to transform into a fairy, heheh"

Mangy Mathan
2009-04-14, 02:32 PM
Aeron Waldeburg

Aeron bows politely. "I see you're not one for subtlety. Good. My name is Aeron Waldeburg. It is a pleasure to meet another from the Order here." He turns to the crowd, watching them move and weave like the waves of a pond. "Indeed, all people are merely interwoven systems of flesh and bone, surging with energies of all different kinds. Each one like a painting, a masterpiece few dare to admire."

The necromancer stares for a moment at the crowd. His heart skips a beat when he sees Shane speaking with the tiger noble, somewhat afraid of what might happen. Don't offend him, Aeron thinks, please don't offend him. After a brief moment of contained worry, he decides to focus on his own social group.
[roll0] Do I know anything about Lady Romania? Either Arcana or Religion, whichever fits, both have the same bonus.
If Aeron remembers something about Lady Romania, he will chat with her about something she's interested in, to break the ice. If not, or if the conversation either stalls or she's not interested, he takes a deep breath and turns to Hargreaves. "May I ask, sir, what that is? The scent is quite enchanting."

What a lovely game we're playing.

Crap. If this guy is an enchanter, whatever he's smoking is gonna ruin my will save. Not as much worry if he's primarily still a transmuter. Either way, I've got to get as much information as I can with as little exposure as possible, all while keeping suspicion to a minimum. Also, SCORE. I knew she was a necromancer from the moment I saw her. :smallamused: Necromancers have a mind-link like that.

lord of pixies
2009-04-14, 03:26 PM
after talking with Bengo, i grab a drink from one of the waiters and wander around... keeping an eye on my teamates. However, i do pay specail attention to the tigerman and alastair.

2009-04-14, 03:40 PM

Arcana: The tips of her fingers are dead. Literally. The black skin is necrosis. You've heard of a ritual that involves cutting off circulation to the fingertips and toes. Once the member is dead, it's soaked in perservants for three days that permanently halt decomposition.

Religion: She's a worshiper of Wee Jas.

Nobility and Royalty: Like she said, she's the record keeper for the Order of Necromancers and handles the distribution of tests. She's a 5th circle wizard and inspects Cyprus' graveyards to record signs of undead activity.

If Aeron remembers something about Lady Romania, he will chat with her about something she's interested in, to break the ice. If not, or if the conversation either stalls or she's not interested, he takes a deep breath and turns to Hargreaves. "May I ask, sir, what that is? The scent is quite enchanting."


The smell is sweet and you get that slight light headed feeling again. A wave of pleasant emotions briefly overcomes your senses.

Hargreaves grins, flashing off his yellowed teeth.

"Sanguine Myst. Anti-depressent. Boosts confidence. Makes you giddy like a school girl!"

He holds up the jar to your face.

"My latest concoction. Want a hit, hee hee?"

2009-04-14, 04:07 PM
Bjórn the Agreeable

Bjórn, stunned just as much by the dwarf giving his prognosis so openly (true, only Aerie was right there, but still) as by the deliberatoin itself, begins to feel quite queer in the stomach. His breathing becomes more ponderous, every pore is on fire and he begins to sweat as he is overwhelmed by this news and tries to 'man up' and not cry.Bluff to look in control = [roll0], with any DM appropriate modifier for the situation. "Would you excuse me, please?" Bjórn asks Ding and Aerie and starts to walk towards any private privvy, closet, or outer balcony that is unoccupied, consciously having to keep himself from running.

Once in solitude ... he cries quietly, but deeply.

He doesn't know why he does, or even what particularly upsets him so much other than that this news so challenges the most basic suppositions he held about himself. "Gods, I'm not even human."

After several very long minutes, and after he is spent ... he is just that, spent, and stays in his spot (relocating if necessary due to interlopers) practically catatonic. He is not thinking about this puzzle, as he would anything else. In fact, he is curiously without any real thought at this point but has retreated into himself ... thoughts in the subconscious running too quickly for him to catch that he just remains where he is, listless and barely aware of any other goings-on. Unless disturbed, he will be in this self-imposed mental lockdown for two hours and will not an effective part of the evening's 'assignment.'

2009-04-14, 09:33 PM
Ding turns to Aerie.

"Told the boy he was half-fairy! Didn't think he'd storm off about it. It's not like he's growing wings out of his back. *sigh* Humans.

He grabs an entire bottle of Blue Mountain and walks off.

2009-04-15, 07:02 PM
Aerie Pethune

Figuring Bjorn needs some time alone, she wanders around the party for a while.

Sense Motive to oppose his Bluff, although I doubt it's really necessary. (d20+2)[roll0]

When she doesn't spot Bjorn anywhere after a while, she starts wondering where he is, and begins to surreptitiously look for him. Eventually finding him, she asks him if he's alright, and awkwardly hugs him.

2009-04-15, 07:56 PM
Nearly an hour passes before Alastair appears from a door to the side of the ballroom. He approaches brother Jicardum, bringing a bottle of wine with him.

"Alright, Jicardum, what's the deal? I saw you talking to a manservant earlier. What I need you to do is get a layout of the mansion. All I know is that it's four stories high with a circular floor pattern. The ballroom here takes up two stories and is at the center. You'll find rooms around the circumference and I overheard one of the guards calling the main circular hall 'outer ring.'"

"Walk around, see how many guards there are, jiggle the handles on all the doors, then report back to me. I want to know what's locked, what's unlocked, where the highest concentration of guards are, and any relevant information you might have overheard. If anyone asks what you're doing, play stupid. You have the advantage of changing your face. Alright? We have three hours before the toast so be swift."

"*sigh* Where's Bjorn and Aerie?"

Alastair storms off with the bottle in his hand.

lord of pixies
2009-04-15, 08:45 PM
brother jicardum

(once Alastair is out of earshot) he's half an hour late and i'm the one geting an earfull... ok, lets see what face to do...

Brother Jicardum quickly takes off his sash and changes his face (making sure no one sees) then walks out of the room, looking like a normal servant. i start on tthe bottom floor, outer ring. and work my way up. checking doorhandles and watching guard possitions.

2009-04-16, 01:14 PM
Bjórn the Agreeable

Bjórn looks at Aerie, trying to act beyond the need for the hug, but his vulnerability is too much and he sinks into her grasp and sobs heavily.

After several long minutes Bjórn collects himself again, but this time for real and does not sink into listlessness as his burden has been helped by the lady. (How old-ish is she, anyway?)

It's Aerie, right? Please don't tell anyone Aerie - not just about my unmanliness here, though they might expect such a thing from me - but about what Ding Ironsmock said. He probably should have taken me aside but brazenly chatted openly about it; he's probably telling people right now, but just in case ...

... then there's the legal aspect. I know the legal codes well enough that most persons with 'tainted' blood are usually considered the non-legally-dominant race for legal considerations. This means that I will be treated as less than human and more like, well, whatever kind of faerie - or just a fey in general. For example, the zoo in Cyprus sports an exhibit where a dryad is one of the attractions.

I don't want to be a sideshow thing for others entertainment, especially since I look like anyone else. I have enjoyed the life of a secluded scholar, and I still enjoy a scholar's pursuits. And I have no spell or stealth or puissance at arms with which to help me.

If this gets out, it will also likely be very hard on Lady Lydia and the whole company - a scandal, if you will.

Bjórn looks pleadingly at Aerie for some kind of affirmation that she will keep his secret.

2009-04-16, 03:30 PM
"You don't give the lady enough credit."

Bjorn turns to see Alastair standing at the doorway.

"Sorry, I overheard everything and I'm sure the Lady would be offended if she heard it too. If you haven't noticed, she surrounds herself with "freaks." Probably because she's one herself. A Cyprian lady is supposed to be dainty and proper with a zipped lip and oven mitts. If you honestly feel out of place among the company of her goblin servants, a half-elf street brawler, a halfling river pirate, a barbarian loner, a boy from a country Cyprus was at war with for nearly a century, and his blue skinned orc-thing godfather who openly practices a pagan religion, then you may feel more comfortable in the zoo. What's a half-fey among us, hmmm? A freak or family?"

"I'll respect your wishes and keep this to myself and I expect Aerie to do the same. I want you to admit to the group of your own free will. Perhaps a little self reflection will help your balls drop and we can treat you like a man and not a boy."


Jicardum walks around the outer ring, noting which doors are locked and which are open, and proceed up the stairs to the upper three floors. Surprisingly he doesn't encounter any resistance and most of the guards are on the 1st floor ensuring guests don't stray from the red carpet. Jicardum notes the following during his tour

1st floor unlocked doors

-Storage and changing room
-Guest lounge
-Wine cellar
-Water closet (bathroom)
# of Guards: 20 total + the ogre "butler"

2nd floor unlocked doors

-Guard room

# of Guards: 4 patrolling

3rd floor unlocked doors

-1 guest room
-Observatory (above the ball room, takes up 3rd and 4th floors in the center)

4th floor

Everything is locked. Two bugbears guard a large door and stand perfectly still with their arms crossed. Jicardum also hears soft sobbing coming from one of the rooms.

Jicardum returns to the ballroom thirty minutes later to report to Allastair who's seen exiting the kitchen with an empty vial in his hands. None of the party guests seem to notice or care.

The host, Earl Rochester de Largo, has finally made a public appearance and he sits in one corner of the ballroom in a fancy throne, sipping wine with other nobles.

2009-04-16, 05:04 PM
Bjórn the Agreeable

Bjórn pensively nodds his head. Thank you, sir, for putting things in perspective ... but also allowing me the right to make this known to Lady Lydia when I feel the time is right. How may I be of service for our mission, Alastair? I just know things and can make nice, but beyond that I don't really know what I'm doing here or what is expected of me.

2009-04-16, 09:47 PM
Gorrammit, I thought I'd covered everything important about my character. I'll run over the basics again for everyone's benefit: she's 24, long brown hair, green eyes. Average height for a human. Which she is. Anything else anyone wants to know?

I'll keep your secret too. Noone'll know until you're ready to tell them. She turns to Alastair. What'm I doing?

Mangy Mathan
2009-04-16, 09:52 PM
Aeron Waldeburg

"Maybe later." Aeron politely declines. "It's quite potent, it must be very high quality. Are you an alchemist, by chance?"
3rd circle wizard + 5th circle wizard + Hostile ambient effect? I am not too fond of this situation and will most likely leave it shortly, I just want to speak with Hargreaves a bit. The Necromancess seems to be a bit of a dead end, I don't think she knows anything; she was just my ticket to getting close without raising suspicions too high.

Also, sorry for the delayed post. Forums have been stupid and I lack patience to click "Try Again" repeatedly when it times out.

2009-04-16, 10:29 PM

ooc - terrible diplomacy and wisdom, I struggled with how to handle this and decided this was in character for him. Sorry.

"A number of young male children have been disappearing, all prepubescent I believe. If you know where they are, please tell me. If you don't, please tell me where I might seek out information on their location."

2009-04-17, 12:32 PM
Bjorn and Aerie

"Stick tight until midnight. Bjorn, I'll need your smarts in case we find something odd. You've picked up random trivia like a bard learns legends. Aerie, your senses saved me once and they'll surely help again. I'll gather everyone when we're ready."


Hargreaves looks at Aeron sheepishly.

"I guess you could say that. I'm a transmuter by specialty and alchemy is more or less the science behind transmutation. However--"

"However, his research has broken the limits of science and magic."

Hargreaves turns and looks at Vanya who interrupted him. He eyes her warily, takes another sniff of his jar, then speaks to Aeron.

"The problem with my research is that no one wants to fund me. Researchers are just as dogmatic, fickle, and political as organized religion. We claim to be in the pursuit of higher learning but tell me, what would you say if I told you the earth was round? Or what if I told you that each star in the sky is a giant ball of burning gas so far away it would take millions of years to reach by traditional methods of travel? "You'd call me a madman. You'd laugh at me. You'd kick me out of the university. Ruin me forever!"

Hargreaves eyes begin to glaze over as he snorts the jar again. Spittle runs down his mouth as he gets worked up.

Researchers need funding. To acquire funding, you have to play the political agenda. Tell people only what they want to hear. The scientific community is, in effect, self defeating. No sir, I am not an alchemist. I'm an intellectual pioneer! A crafter of dreams! People call me a horrible person. A madman! I'm sure you've seen my wanted poster. I'm sure you know the Earl protects me from bounty hunters. I've done terrible things in the name of research, on sentient creatures and sapient creatures, but it's all in the name of progress! The Earl understands this progress and that's why he trusts me!"

Vanya butts in again "Speaking of progress, tell them about your new project, darling."

Pumped up with adrenaline, Hargreaves sniffs the jar again and grunts loudly. "HA! Yes! I've discovered the formula to man's ultimate desires. The true formula... and it's been under our noses since the dawn of man's creation."

"Dreams! Every time you dream you actually shape a small pocket in another plane of existence. Dreams are, essentially, a raw form of transmutation magic. I've learned how to harness the energy of dreams into a potion. Once quaffed, the imbiber can shape themselves to a limited degree. Imagine it; a potion that acts as a wish spell. You could revive dead flesh. Shape your body into any appearance. Alter your immediate surroundings!"

"Unfortunately, adults are stagnant dreamers. Stress, anxiety, and other elements plague our dreams. No, no. You need pure dreams. Pure, unadulterated dreams of the wildest imaginations and untainted by the harshness of reality."

Hargreaves stares with his mouth agape for several seconds as drool runs down his side. He closes his mouth. Opens it. Closes it. Opens and then closes again. Slowly his eyes roll over to Aeron, then down to his jar, then back to Aeron.

"Of course, it's all theory and you should take all theories with a grain of salt until proven. Excuse me."

He shoves the jar into Vanya's hands and runs off to the Earl who's nibbling on cheese. Hargreaves whispers something into the Earl's ear. The old man shoos Hargreaves away with a frown on his face. Hargreaves runs through one of the doors leading to the outer ring of the mansion.

Vanya shrugs. "A good man, but his eccentricity gets the better of him. Everyone at this party are supporters of the Earl and thus supporters of Hargreaves' research. He may be a wanted man, but the people here understand that sacrifices must be made in the name of progress."

Your mind is getting cloudier but you're hanging firm.


The tiger-man scratches his chin as he thinks about the question.

"How could I answer such a general question? I could tell you that no male children have disappeared from Richmonde, the closest town, as you did not specify where they were disappearing. I could simply tell you that 'yes, I know where they are' and send you on your way. But, I'll entertain your curiosity. The Earl's interests and my interests are mutual and I would do nothing to incriminate him. However, I have thirty advisers and do the opposite of what they say. When asked why, I respond with 'Why do cats do anything?"

"Heh, alright. No, they're not here. Behind a fount of knowledge made clear on the ninth hour, thirty feet under, and through the looking glass containing dream's desires. There, in a world made and unmade, you'll find what you're looking for. Was that a cryptic enough answer for you? I know it's customary for oracle types to never reveal the truth. That would be too easy! HAHAHAHAHA"

The tiger-man laughs uncontrollable for a full minute. Wiping a tear from his eyes, he stands.

"A fun party but I must retire. He bows deeply, casts a spell, and vanishes with a loud *CRACK* sound as the air rushes in to fill the space he was standing.

Yep. He disappeared into thin air.

Mangy Mathan
2009-04-17, 12:53 PM
Aeron Waldeburg

"Indeed, his theories are fascinating, and I would love to see his research." Aeron watches the transmuter hurry out the door. "Unfortunately, he seems to have fled before I could inquire further. Perhaps some other time. However, I feel I need to get some fresh air, and perhaps some water." With a smile, the wizard bows politely. "Have an enchanting night, Lady Romania."

With that, he finds a balcony, or otherwise some outside location like a courtyard. It might be the same place his comrades are talking.

2009-04-17, 02:05 PM
Aeron Waldeburg

"Indeed, his theories are fascinating, and I would love to see his research." Aeron watches the transmuter hurry out the door. "Unfortunately, he seems to have fled before I could inquire further. Perhaps some other time. However, I feel I need to get some fresh air, and perhaps some water." With a smile, the wizard bows politely. "Have an enchanting night, Lady Romania."

With that, he finds a balcony, or otherwise some outside location like a courtyard. It might be the same place his comrades are talking.

Aeron walks in on Bjorn and Aerie right as Alastair walks out. Bjorn is beat red and misty eyed like he's had a sip of Barbazu Bumbo (puts hair on your chin... and everywhere else you don't want it).

2009-04-17, 04:47 PM
Bjórn the Agreeable

Bjórn, quick-witted if nothing else, recognizes how he must seem to Aeron and gets up, unsteadily ... as if a little tipsy, and using Alastair and Aerie for support (what it is with "A" names, huh? Alastair, Aerie, Aeron, Amad, etc.) ... he quickly says (to Alastair & Aerie, but for Aeron's audience), as a man-boy who doesn't want to seem less able to hold his liquor than anyone (and with only the faintest drawl in speech - not exaggerated as those play-acting drunk are wont to do): Nope, s'okay, I think I'm alright. Just put down that Myconid Mash too quickly to impress the dwarf I met. Damn fool thing to do, I know. Oh, hello, Aeronn. How did you fare with the cute, tall women that speaks like she has been bequeathed a great big hairy pair o' ones, huh?

2009-04-17, 04:50 PM
Sorry to double-post, but forgot the Bluff check (and I can't roll in an edit): [roll0]

lord of pixies
2009-04-17, 06:32 PM
After reporting this information to Alastair, i add
i have an idea. I'll bet all that i own that the whining i heard behind the door is the kids. unless you have any objections, i say we pull our friends from the party. You and half of our group create a diversion in the (insert whatever room is farthest from the stairs, second floor {library?}) while I, and the other half take out the guards and lead the kids away. After that, a few of us stay outside a ways to watch the kids while the others grab our things and Hargreaves, we have a warent, so we should be able to take him legaly (and if were fast, we shouldnt have to wory about the guards)

2009-04-17, 09:33 PM

Shane curses himself for failing to phrase his question properly, then goes to report.

Mangy Mathan
2009-04-17, 09:51 PM
Aeron Waldeburg
[roll0] - Will edit this when I see the result.

Aeron meanders casually up to the group, appraising them. He knows that Bjorn's behavior is a ploy, but decides that whatever it is is none of his business, and casts it aside without a second thought.

"Are you familiar with the myth of the Dream Eater?" The necromancer asks in a haunting tone. "A bat-like creature that lays on the chests of sleeping children and devours their dreams?" He looks around to make sure no one is around before continuing. "That is Hargreaves. He is working on using Dream to enact physical changes in the Material. Naturally, the two are opposed to each other, so forcing them to interact is tricky business, but the theory is sound. To enhance his chances of success, he has decided to use pure, uncorrupted dreams."

Aeron nods sagely as his companions connect the dots in their heads. He stumbles briefly before regaining his composure. "Also, some pretty heady drugs, apparently."

2009-04-17, 11:58 PM
After reporting this information to Alastair, i add
i have an idea. I'll bet all that i own that the whining i heard behind the door is the kids. unless you have any objections, i say we pull our friends from the party. You and half of our group create a diversion in the (insert whatever room is farthest from the stairs, second floor {library?}) while I, and the other half take out the guards and lead the kids away. After that, a few of us stay outside a ways to watch the kids while the others grab our things and Hargreaves, we have a warent, so we should be able to take him legaly (and if were fast, we shouldnt have to wory about the guards)

Alastair shakes his head.

"The guards quadruple our number, are highly trained, and you suggest splitting up? I trust your skills in combat but planning is forte. I've already got a diversion planned at midnight. We will, however, investigate the sobbing but we're talking about several dozen children kidnapped, not one."

"Are you familiar with the myth of the Dream Eater?" The necromancer asks in a haunting tone. "A bat-like creature that lays on the chests of sleeping children and devours their dreams?" He looks around to make sure no one is around before continuing. "That is Hargreaves. He is working on using Dream to enact physical changes in the Material. Naturally, the two are opposed to each other, so forcing them to interact is tricky business, but the theory is sound. To enhance his chances of success, he has decided to use pure, uncorrupted dreams."

Alastair looks at you with a serious face.

"That... is... the stupidest thing I've heard all night. I saw you talking to Hargreaves. Are you sure you didn't take a hit of his dope?"

"Not to question your intelligence but there are too many holes in the theory. Are dream eaters shapeshifters capable of living double lives? Why would the Earl willingly protect him if he was a known monster? Either way, let's recap what we know about him."

"He's a transmuter who left to study enchantment in order to acquire the girl of his dreams who died soon after under mysterious causes. His controversial research have made people afraid to fund him and he was laughed out of the scientific community. He's a drug addict and supplier and wanted on charges of drug trafficking and possible kidnapping. He's protected by Earl Rochester who also funds his controversial research. He's researching something revolving around dreams."

"Still not enough data to come up with anything meaningful. I believe he enchanted the children rather than forcibly kidnapped them. I believe the Earl is the one pushing this research more so than Hargreaves. I don't like speculation or assumptions so let's drop the subject until midnight."

Moving on to midnight (if there's anything minor you want to take care of, do it in a flashback)

At midnight, the party begins to dwindle and everyone in the house gathers in the ballroom (guards included). Dozens of servants begin passing out glasses of fine red wine. Earl Rochester with Hargreaves at his side stands on a raised platform and he silences the crowd with a wave of his arms.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for attending this ball. Through your generous donations I am able to continue research on new, progressive medicines so I may benefit the community and the future of Cyprus. Since the King's unfortunate death, the archduke's of Cyprus have waged a personal war over the throne. They care not for the plight of the common man or the nobles that support them but know that someone high up understands. As is customary, I'd like to adjourn this ball with a toast."

The Earl raises his glass.

"May the gods bless the King's soul. As for the future King, gods save them. Cyprus will not survive another monarch."

The crowd mumbles among themselves and drink from the glass of wine. Alastair makes a waving motion stopping anyone from drinking their glass. In less than ten seconds, one hundred people slump to the ground.

Alastair draws his rapier.

"Knockout potion based on a dark elf concoction. They'll be out for at least 2 hours so we have to be swift. Any of you with sticky fingers better not get any ideas. The poison was illegal enough. Now then, Jicardum heard sobbing coming from the 4th floor. Let's move."

Leading the party, Alastair takes everyone to the fourth floor. The mansion is empty as every guard, servant, and guest were drinking the fine wine.

"Shame I had to poison so fine a drink. You'll literally never taste something so pleasant in your entire lives. Lennon for gave me with a special needle so I could slip the poison in the bottles without disturbing the cork-- oh crap."

As he reaches the fourth floor, he sees the two bugbear guards at the door. They look at the party as they clamber up the stairs and they draw javelins.

"I should have expected they wouldn't be at the ballroom."

Round 1

Jicardum 19
Shane 16
Alastair 13
Aerie 12
Roland 10
Aeron 9
Bugbear 1 8.9
Bugbear 2 8
Bjorn 7

Jicardum is directly behind Alastair and 40 ft from the nearest bugbear. The way the circular hall bends give the bugbear cover against ranged attacks from your position.

Note: Alastair stopped at the changing room for everyone to grab their equipment. He orders everyone to have their weapons drawn before continuing.

2009-04-18, 03:51 AM
Bjórn the Agreeable (Flashback)

@jmbrownWhat is my take on this dream business, as described by Aeron? I trust Alastair's judgement, but Aeron's intellect and learning.

Before rolling (read: thinking/ recalling on his knowledge to measure against his instinct) Bjórn's instinct believes this to be apocryphal, since dreams are based - as Alastair mentioned - on a contradiction to the physical, and are more firmly rooted in the realm of Illusion. Only Illusion at the most powerful levels can take on truly tangible effects (such as the various 'shadow' line of spells), and are highly resistant to physical change due to the stronger links to non-corporeality than the physical. Enchantment, while it may steer the minds of the dreamer(s), in and of itself is only useful in 'piggybacking' on dreams to know the 'inner mind' but is powerless in the dream itself.

K (Arcana): [roll0]
... the most common place to see more scholarly works on experimentation into dreams, symbolism of the like, and other esoterics that may be coterminous, such as astrology and numerology.

K (The Planes): [roll1]
... It is theorized by some (and Bjórn might not know this at this stage) that dreams are actually beyond the realm of mere arcana, and a whole flood of very obscure scholars mention that there are even realms wherein the dreams - even nightmares - of others lie, and the knowledge of these (demi-)plane(s), through knowledge of advanced philosophical and mathematical study, can give greater insight.

Spellcraft: [roll2]
... Useful skill not only for straightforward knowledge of spells (and all that knowledge provides) but also for advanced rituals, and how the mechanics of magic itself works. Can correlations be drawn based on Bjórn's baseline knowledge?

Lore: [roll3]
... Any legends/ stories/ myths of others doing this same thing, or with similar or even related experiments and research that Bjórn might deem useful?

K (History): [roll4]
... Blended with my other knowledges (if successful), is there anything which actually is on record dealing with such material?

2009-04-18, 11:13 AM

The first thing Bjorn gathers from his self reflection is that there are few, if any, recorded studies on dreams. The "scientific community" (which is a blanket term for wizards, alchemists, historians, and any other non-religion specific researchers) frowns upon anything dealing with planes other than the prime material. If it isn't "based on reality" (as in the world around them), it's considered pseudo-science. Dream readers, diviners, and researchers who try to deal with dreams are laughed out of the community and the common people are too superstitious to take such researcher seriously.

There's really nothing magical about sleep or any information that can be determined by the placement of stars or outside forces. It's been determined that there are different "phases" of sleep (although it's still theory and speculation and should be taken with a grain of salt). For the first two or so hours, the body shuts down and the heart beats at an even pace. For the next six or so hours, the sleeper enters a "deep sleep" phase where the majority of dreams occur. The last hour the body begins to restart itself before waking.

You've heard that when a person sleeps, their consciousness is so powerful it creates a link to the outer planes and literally shapes a small pocket plane. However, there's no evidence whether this pocket is ethereal, corporeal, or even reachable through magical means. It's a superstition that if you're killed in your sleep you're killed in real life. It's never been officially proven, but nightmares can startle a sleeper and certain afflictions can be linked to shock through dreams.

No rudimentary spell can ((by that I mean 1st or 2nd level)) alter, shape, or read dreams. You haven't heard of any rituals, items, or the like either.

Lore (some good info gleaned here)
You've heard of legendary creatures capable of contacting people through dreams (why, you and Roland were contacted on three separate occasions by the same person). You read a tale (mostly fictional but based on some truth) of a demi-god Dagon that slept underwater and its dreams were so powerful they drove any sleepers mad. Outsiders not native to the prime (particularly demons and devas) have been known to contact people in their sleep. There are tales of wicked old women who latch onto the backs of sinners and torment them through the night (sounds familiar to the woman who caused you terror that one night).

All of this suggests that yes, the pocket dimension where people dream is reachable. What methods it takes to reach it are indeterminable as you have no knowledge of someone from the prime actually traveling there.


The last person who tried to reach the "land of dreams" is unknown. According to scattered records, the researcher in question believed that by placing a one-sided mirror before a sleeper (with the reflective side towards the sleeper) they could peer into one's dreams and even step into their dream world. What happened to the researcher is unknown and you (as in Bjorn) don't know if this historical knowledge is even accurate.

2009-04-18, 03:18 PM

On his action

Shane steps back on his left foot, leaving his right side pointed at the bug bears, raises his right arm and points. He mutters a quick word and a jet of fire streams from the finger towards the bugbear.

Depending on Jicardum's action. If either bugbear is not in melee Shane will target it.

[roll0] ranged touch attack against a possibly flat footed opponent.
if both are in melee subtract 4 for not having precise shot.
[roll1] fire damage if it hits.

lord of pixies
2009-04-18, 04:10 PM
Brother Jicardum

brother jicardum pushes past Alastair and walks 30 ft. then says calmly:

All the People in this mansion are unconsios exept for you two, me, and my group. all the people downstairs are rich. think off all the loot they would have on them... but you get nothing if you waste your time fighting us, and they wake up.

deplomacy [roll0]

2009-04-18, 05:12 PM
Jicardum tries his best to get his point across as fast as possible.

OOC: For future reference, combat rounds are 6 seconds. That's not very long so long or complicated phrases will either be cut off or blurted out quickly. Also, it takes at least a minute to use diplomacy and a -10 penalty to use diplomacy as a full round action.

Shane barely strikes the closest bugbear to Jicardum with his orb of fire.

Alastair draws his rapier and charges the bugbear hit with fire.
"I could end this now!"


((his attack was actually 2 higher as I didn't count for the charge))
Alastair clumsily thrusts but the bugbear throws out its shield to block.
"Argh! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!"

Aerie, you're 50ft from the nearest bugbear and your bow is drawn. The wall curves from your current position giving the bugbear cover. Likewise, you can use the wall for cover if he throws his javelin at you.

Mangy Mathan
2009-04-18, 05:28 PM
Aeron Waldeburg

If Bjorn is Unarmored:
Aeron skids to a halt as the bugbears come charging up the steps. Again, he curses his choice of subtle magics. Instead of sowing discord like he did with the bandits, as amusing as it was, he decides to sow something different; comradery.

The necromancer approaches his scholastic companion, and mutters "Magis arma!" He seems to sculpt a suit of armor out of pure energy around Bjorn.

Move - To Bjorn.
Standard - Cast Mage Armor (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/mageArmor.htm).

If Bjorn is Armored:
Aeron sneers menacingly as the bugbears approach. He quickly dodges to the wall, pressing against it to take advantage of the cover. He readies the same strangling motion he performed earlier, but decides to wait and see if Jicardum's sweet tongue is able to work even more effective magic.

Move - to the wall (obviously still within 30 ft. of the bugbears, assuming I wasn't lagging that far behind Alistair and Jicardum.
Standard - Ready Cause Fear (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/causeFear.htm), to be triggered if the bugbears attack. Will DC: 15. Lasts only a few rounds, but it could take him out of the battle for a short time allowing us to focus our energy on one.

2009-04-18, 06:29 PM
Bjórn (Flashback)

@Mangy MathanI would love to talk with you at length concerning dream theories from various disciplines and legends, but now is not the time. Suffice it to say, while the dream magics and studies are woefully incomplete and data is sparse, I think that Hargreaves has a carved a chimney in his head for his hookah to vent out of ... and he is otherwise a highly creative but nonetheless idiotic twit.

OOC: FYI, Bjórn has a chain shirt that is obviously older than any of you under his clothing ... he is armored.

lord of pixies
2009-04-18, 07:01 PM
@ jmbrown
you couldn't attack unless you have a move greater than 35 feet. And you defanantly can't charge because you can't charge through another creature (even an ally). And I appologose for the whole "try to talk them out of it" idea. I couldent charge, because alastair was in the way, and I couldn't throw my dagger (already used my move action to get there so I couldn't get it out) and it never did make sence that talking a a free action.

2009-04-18, 08:07 PM
OOC: You move double your speed on a charge and you were standing side-by-side with Alastair, not in front of him.

2009-04-22, 10:50 AM
((I know the forums have been screwy the past week but I'm moving forward))

Aerie moves ahead 20ft and takes cover in the threshold leading to the observatory. She takes aim at the bugbear Shane injured and fires.

19 arrows remain

Aerie's arrow punches through the bugbear's armor and he howls in pain.

Roland's turn. He's armed with his longsword and can reach the furthest, uninjured bugbear on a charge.

2009-04-25, 07:28 PM
Roland double moves to put himself in reach of both bugbears and flanking bugbear 1 with Alastair.

Aeron takes cover along the wall behind Aerie and watches.

The first bugbear, his fur scorched, spits on the floor at Jicardum's offer. He drops the javelin, pulling out a morningstar, and raises it above his head to crush the foolish half elf. Aeron casts a spell and the bugbear yelps in terror, turns and flees provoking attacks from Alastair and Roland.



The bugbear steps quickly to the side, dodging Alastair's thrust but steps right into Roland's powerful, two-handed swing. The longsword cuts a deep gash and the big goblinoid slumps to the ground.

The lone bugbear hesitates for a second. He looks at Brother Jicardum, completely open, and a malicious grin crosses his face. He throws the javelin at Jicardum which slices across the changeling's shoulder dealing 3 points of damage. The bugbear turns and runs down the circular hallway 30ft, putting him out of view of everyone except Jicardum, Alastair, and Roland.


2009-04-26, 03:40 AM
Bjórn the Agreeable

Bjórn, almost of his own doing to save a crazed homeless man, has faced possibly mortal combat before. The shock of actually being in such a fast and deadly fray puts him "in the black" where he has trouble focusing his hearing and external sensations seem far away, as if he were down a well. As if in a daze the youth seems drawn to the monk and Bjórn moves over next to him while pulling his necklace out: a wooden symbol of a bunch of wildflowers.K: Religion DC 20 to recognize due to the rarity and relative geographical specificity of this symbol and its associated religion.Bjórn reaches out his hand to Brother Jicardum, tears welling in his eyes. Somewhere in Bjórn's mind, or heart, he recognizes that while the monk is very tough this is a nasty gash on his shoulder that surely causes him pain. Pain is the sensation we feel that removes us from comfort and diminishes pleasure and enjoyment , he thinks to himself.

Every morning, Bjórn would review the mechanics of an arcane spell he once managed, by sheer luck, to cast successfully by appealing to his deity to keep him from harm, and thus longer in enjoyment. This spell requires an understanding of planar mathematics to invoke properly, and sets forth an invisible barrier made of force to protect the invoker from various harm. Bjórn's understanding of mathematics, code, and language ciphers is so keen that he intuitively reapplies the matricing of the rebuffment of physical objects to an attraction instead, and the separated portions of Jicardum's flesh begins to knit.1 use of Spontaneous Heal, 2 uses remaining.
Trade out shield for cure light wounds.
Cast CLW, healing Jicardum of [roll0] hit points.
This is the first time Bjórn ever managed so ambitious and powerful a miracle, and was more guided by an unseen force through which strong deific energies channeled through him. Bjórn get suddenly dizzy, his nose begins to bleed, and he holds his head and sinks to his knees as he tries to regain himself.

2009-04-26, 07:58 AM
Round 2

Jicardum has been healed fully. He sees the bugbear 40ft away taking cover along the wall.

Mangy Mathan
2009-04-26, 12:34 PM
Aeron Waldeburg

[roll0] to identify Bjorn's holy symbol.
Aeron is puzzled by Bjorn's behavior. He seemed overly concerned with Jicardum's injury, which did not appear to be life-threatening, despite being deep. He watched in amazement as the energy Bjorn channeled caused Jicardum's flesh to merge together like sewing a broken seam, and within moments the wound was gone. When the healer suddenly dropped, Aeron's puzzlement only grew. Why so much effort for such a small injury? He wondered. He would have to figure that out later. For now, there was still a guard between the Father's Herald and their targets.

The necromancer quickly scanned the spells that lined the shelves of his mind. Manifestus Magicus? Utterly useless. Magis Attrecto? Good if used creatively, but he saw nothing nearby to manipulate. Magis Arma? Potentially useful, especially considering the injury Jicardum suffered, but it would require Aeron to step into full view, as well as chase down the changeling, neither of which were particularly appealing. The wizard decides to wait and conserve his arcane might for any further problems he and his companions may encounter.

Double Move - adjust position with the group, keeping to walls and doorways for cover. On the lookout for any mundane miscellanea, such as tactically useful locations, keys hanging out of doors, and decorative weapons or armor.

lord of pixies
2009-04-26, 07:09 PM
Brother Jicardum

after geting healed by Bjorn, I charge after the fleeing bugbear and yell
Get back here coward!!! How dare you strike me and then run away!!! Coward!!! when i reach him i hit him with a strong kick
attack roll [roll0]
damage [roll1]

2009-04-26, 11:10 PM
Shane; Brother Jicardum went charging off after the bugbear and you hear a "thump" followed by a pained grunt. They're both out of site and around a bend.

2009-04-28, 11:32 AM
Shane, carrying no equipment except the clothes on his back, rushes towards the fallen bugbear and picks up his dropped javelin.

Alastair charges the unarmed bugbear, stopping to the creature's left and flanking with Jicardum.


Alastair curses in elven as the bugbear throws up its shield to block the attack.

Aerie, you hear the sounds of combat coming from the bend around the hall. The bugbear couldn't have run far and you should be able to spot him on a 30ft move although his relative position to you is unknown.

2009-04-28, 10:33 PM
Aerie Pethune

Aerie races along the hallway until the bugbear comes into view, swiftly nocks an arrow to her bow, and fires.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
18 arrows left.

2009-04-29, 12:52 AM
The struggle with Jicardum and Alastair makes aiming at the bugbear difficult and the bend in the hallway even more so. Aerie adjusts her aim to avoid hitting Jicardum but the angle causes it to strike a tough spot in the bugbear's armor and the arrow snaps.


Roland, realizes that the unarmed bugbear is at a huge disadvantage and the combined might of Alastair and Jicardum would be more effective than his own attack. Like a raging bull, he charges down the hall and slams into the bugbear.


For all of Roland's might (and he's a pretty big dude) the bugbear's footing is just right. Everyone hears what sounds like a mace slamming against a side of beef.

Aeron looks around and notes the major features of the hallway. A door leads off to the observatory, there are armor stands displaying decorative (albeit mundane) suits of full plate, frescoes, oil paintings, statue busts of important looking people and... a door off to the side that's wide open. All of the doors open inward and Aeron didn't notice an open door before the action started. The door is off to the side in the opposite direction of the fighting. Aeron can't see inside from his current position.

2009-04-29, 01:05 AM
The bugbear drops his shield and pulls out his morningstar, gripping it with two hands.

"If'n I go down, you go with me!"

He figures the unarmed monk, who's off balanced after the charge, would make the easiest target. He takes a 5-foot step to Jicardum's right; breaking the flank with Alastair.


The bugbear clobbers Jicardum across the head, bringing him down to 3hp and leaving him with a serious migraine.

Bjorn sees the power of the swing nearly floor the monk in a single swipe. Blood flows freely across a nasty gash in Jicardum's skull.

2009-04-29, 05:09 AM
OOC: I thought it took a move action to loose a shield, and a move action to draw a weapon. How does the bugbear still have an action remaining to take a swing at Jicardum as well?

2009-04-29, 09:10 AM
OOC: I thought it took a move action to loose a shield, and a move action to draw a weapon. How does the bugbear still have an action remaining to take a swing at Jicardum as well?

You're right. Jicardum takes 5 damage.

Mangy Mathan
2009-04-30, 02:17 AM
Aeron Waldeburg

Considering all the party guests should be downstairs, Aeron assumes that whoever opened the door is either a guard patrol or... something else.

If there is a suit of armor or similar display next to the doorway, or near enough that the less-than-athletic necromancer could maneuver it quickly into position, he will rush over to the display and ready himself to push it over at the first person to come through the door with more than a child-like stature. If successful, he hopes it will buy his companions a bit of time.

If there is nothing to push over, or if he does end up shoving it into someone, he will run up to Aerie and draw her attention to the doorway. Since she's having a hard time contributing to the melee anyway, he figures her eyes and expertise would be better spent protecting the group's rear.

2009-04-30, 04:19 PM
Bjorn's stomach churns. This isn't the first fight he's been in, but seeing (for the first time, even) the power of the bugbear's swing and the horrible gash caused by the morningstar puts him at ease. Bjorn hesitates (delay)

Round 3

Jicardum's head is spinning from the blow. The bugbear shifted to a position breaking the flank Jicardum had with Alastair although Jicardum can step to the bugbear's side and flank with Roland. Roland calls

"Don't over exert yourself, Brother. Retreat if you must."

2009-05-01, 12:50 AM
Bjórn the Agreeable

Bjórn reminds himself that more important than this doughty warrior in pain, is the reason for the party's visit here: the children. He moves up to right behind Brother Jicardum and Alastair, and searches his mind for how he may help in this fray.Readied Action: If Jicardum (or anyone else in reach) drops, he will swap out detect poison for cure minor wounds, and then have only one more spontaneous heal that day available.
He will cast defensively, Concentration check: [roll0]

lord of pixies
2009-05-01, 06:34 PM
Brother Jicardum

I use two quick jabs to cover myself as I take A five foot step.

1 [roll0] damage [roll1]. 2. [roll2] damage 2 [roll3]

2009-05-01, 08:13 PM
Jicardum's first swing is a clever little feint for a follow up uppercut to the bugbear's throat. The bugbear looks like he's about to collapse.

Alastair moves in, flanking with Jicardum for the (hopefully) killing swing.


His rapier pierces the bugbear's armor but not without force to harm it. He looks completely flustered.

Aerie's turn.

2009-05-01, 08:53 PM
I'm assuming that Aeron got Aerie to notice the door. Aerie advances toward the door (Having a hard time visualising the hallway without a map, so I don't know how far the door is.) and gets ready to attack the next threatening creature that comes through the door. (Readied action)

2009-05-01, 09:07 PM
Aeron edges closer to the open door allowing herself to look inside while still using the threshold for cover. She notices the room is painted a bright blue and the only objects she makes out is a toy chest and a kid's rocking horse.

Roland, intending on finishing the battle, swings his longsword.


EDIT: Woot, possible crit! I just noticed I skipped over Shane but as soon as I post the next update combat rounds will be over.

2009-05-01, 10:07 PM
Roland gets some good leverage on his swing


Roland swings his sword through the bugbear's head. The momentum lead by tremendous strength carves through the bugbear's head, down his chest, through his abdomen and slicing through the groin. The bugbear wheezes his last breath and his body splits open in two halves. The bugbear, perfectly butterfly cut, collapses in a gory pool. Alastair, Jicardum, and even Bjorn are sprayed by gore.


2009-05-01, 11:07 PM
Roland looks embarrassed as he wipes off his sword.

"I underestimated my own strength."

Alastair walks over to the other bugbear and sticks his rapier in its throat.

"No matter. You saved me the trouble. We can't have any witnesses or our alibi is--"

Alastair notices Aeron and Aerie covering the open door. He motions the group to get against the wall for cover.

"Aerie! Cover me!"

Alastair inches up to the door behind Aerie then stands under the threshold. He slowly shuts the door.

"Looks clear but lets check the hall first. Don't want anything sneaking up on us."

Alastair orders Aerie and Shane to walk one way and Roland and Aeron to walk the other direction while Jicardum and Bjorn cover the stairway. When the two groups circle the hallway, Alastair has already sorted through the bugbear's equipment.

"One potion on each of them, the one Roland killed had a vial of oil, and AHA! A set of keys!"

Alastair tosses Jicardum a potion.

"That should heal your nasty wound. Either drink it or hand it back, please. I need you at top game. Bjorn, that was an impressive display of healing. Roland... well, I'd never want to get into an argument with you over a carriage parking space. Jicardum, I prefer a sharp tongue over a sharp sword but understand the context of your situation before putting yourself out in the open."


You feel... odd. It may be the head wound, but your mind is uneasy. Your entire life has been spent walking the straight and narrow; indeed, while a monk's life is filled with many twists and turns they're trained to see order out of chaos. For the first time in your life you feel as if the wall blocking out the noise from the outside is beginning to crack. It's a passing feeling, one you can only focus on briefly, but you recognize it.

Perhaps with meditation and self reflection, you can discover the source of your discomfort.

Alastair waves at Jicardum.

"That room... it's a child's room. Accommodated for one child, but definitely a child's room. It's also the same room Jicardum said he heard sobs from. Let's investigate. Aerie, you've got the best senses among us. I may fight like one, but I'm no rogue. Jicardum will cover you while Shane and Roland cover your flank."

Aeron and Bjorn first attempt to identify the two potions and vial. It takes six minutes combined (Aeron checks a potion, handing it off to Bjorn as he checks another) which is about the time it takes for Aerie to scour the room.

2 cure light potions and an oil of magic weapon


While Bjorn and Aeron check the potions and Aerie and Jicardum check the room, Roland approaches Alastair.

"I assume you have good reason for slaying the bugbear?"

"I don't enjoy cutting people when they're down but we can't afford witnesses. In the result we fail to find substantial evidence we'll need an alibi. Remember the highway robbers? They were carrying invitations. If we fail, we return to the ballroom and play ignorant while I "dispose" of some invitations. When they check the invitations, they'll notice the missing ones and arrest the suspects."

Roland shakes his head.

"You'll frame innocent people?"

"To protect us and the Lady's good interests? You bet. Besides, you of all people should know how thorough Cyprian investigations are. With no evidence, they'll be released within a day. Unless... you've forgotten already the priest that "killed" your master."

As Aerie finishes her search, Alastair orders the group to file in.

The room is indeed a child's room; fifty square feet of blue carpeting and baby blue painted walls. A bed with bright red sheets sits in one corner and a dozen shelves filled with toys and a half dozen closed chests. A mirror against the wall has a symbol inscribed on it in blue paint. A wall closet is in one corner and it's closed. By the bed is a nightstand with a lit, half melted candle. The lone window is open and a cool breeze wafts in causing the rocking horse to gently rock back and forth.

Results of Aerie's previous search

There are two tracks on the floor; one two hours old and the other ten minutes old. The carpet isn't soft enough to determine relative size of the tracks. Alastair curses as the scuffle outside the door will make it nigh impossible to follow the tracks if they went in that direction. Still, he makes a note to have Aerie try and follow them after they've searched the space. Alastair also notes that whoever was in the room left after the guests were poisoned but before they reached the floor and fought the bugbears. Alastairs stands outside the doorway to make sure nobody goes down the stairs.

Aerie notes that all the shelves are filled with mundane toys; wind up boxes, strange flying machines, stuffed monsters, wood swords, and wax knights. There's a man sized depression on the bed. Based on the wick left on the candle, it's been burning for thirty minutes.

Finally, Aerie notices scratches on the nightstand. Apparently a small but sharp object was resting on the nightstand. The two sets of scratches are spaced about three inches apart and look like claw marks.

Alastair grabs a torch from a sconce in the hallway.

"Neat. It's one of those magical burning torches. Aerie, you check the closet. Everyone else search a chest. If anything looks suspicious, report it to me."

lord of pixies
2009-05-01, 11:50 PM
brother jicardum drinks the potion tossed to him (i'm guessing the one we got of the bandits) and when he is finished with aformentioned activities, he mutters somthing to the lines of...
if only i had goten here sooner
obviosly blaming himself for the childs rekidnaping

when he hears that one of the foot prints are very recent, he exclaims
What are we waiting for!?! the child could still be nearby!!

2009-05-02, 01:47 AM
Bjórn the Agreeable

Hold on, Brother. We were told to hold the stairs, and so we shall until Alastair says otherwise. Don't let our passions ruin our perspective.

2009-05-02, 07:37 AM
Jicardum heals [roll0] hit points

brother jicardum drinks the potion tossed to him (i'm guessing the one we got of the bandits) and when he is finished with aformentioned activities, he mutters somthing to the lines of...
if only i had goten here sooner
obviosly blaming himself for the childs rekidnaping

when he hears that one of the foot prints are very recent, he exclaims
What are we waiting for!?! the child could still be nearby!!

Alastair blocks you off.

"Whoa, don't they teach you patience at the monastery? This is a big mansion and it won't do us any good to be running around like a chicken with our heads cut off. Now get back in that room and search a chest."

2009-05-05, 12:50 PM
Bjórn the Agreeable

C'mon, Brother J! I could use your intuition to complement my intellect.Hoping for Bro-J to Aid my Search check. Search = [roll0]

Mangy Mathan
2009-05-05, 03:23 PM
Aeron Waldeburg

Aeron looks at the rune on the mirror, hoping to discern its meaning.
[roll3] You never know. :smallannoyed:

As much as he does not enjoy taking orders, this room is indeed of interest, and so he picks whichever chest catches his eye first, pops it open, and riffles through it, setting anything of even moderate interest on the floor next to him.

2009-05-05, 06:42 PM
Shane is the first to open a toy chest and much to his surprise, a small squadron of toy soldiers leaps out on their own and begin battling each other on the floor. Alastair's mouth hangs open.

"What kind of witchcraft is this? Bjorn? Aeron?"

Aerie pulls open the closet doors. Inside she finds clothes, mostly robes of high quality, fit for a man around six feet. Aerie finds a scroll case, two potions, and an oak wand in the closet. The drawer in the nightstand contains a play journal detailing a fictional war between the animated toys. Alastair helps round up the toys back into their chests.

note: these rolls account for a variety of features, not just one thing.

Only Bjorn has the faintest idea as to what the rune is. It's a medium strength conjuration rune similar in design to those used in teleportation spells like dimension door. How its activated is beyond him and anyone else. The toys are animated objects brought to life by powerful transmutation magic. What magic that is is beyond all three of you arcane scholars.

"Either Earl Rochester has a son we don't know about or Hargreaves is more disturbed than previously thought. Hargreaves is a wanted criminal so we'll take this equipment as "evidence.""

The group filters out of the room and into the double doors the bugbears were guarding. Sticking the keys into the door, they enter a grand bedroom with king sized bed, mahogony armoire, porcelain bath tub, fine oak desk, and a door leading to a balcony. Alastair sends Aerie off to search the room for any hidden secrets while the group looks for evidence. The papers located in the desk are mostly unimportant; tax ledgers, political campaign notes, financial records and party invitations. Aerie finds a hidden safe in the floor but without a combination she can't open it. The closet contains more clothing than a tailor's shop; all of it the finest and richest quality. The desk has a plate with a bottle of fine bordeaux uncorked and a chunk of camembert cheese. Another mirror similar to the one in the "playroom" is located on the wall. Jicardum finds a box of cigars ontop of the armoire. Alastair sniffs them.

"Hmmm. Azerian tobacco. Illegal this far north of the border. Enough for a slap on the wrist but not what we're looking for. Roland, hold onto it."

Alastair doesn't allow anyone to take anything from this room. "Not until we know for sure the Earl is guilty. I don't want to be caught up in legal red tape. Put everything back the way you found it and lock the door behind you."

The last room to check is the observatory, and Alastair notes that the backdoor (on the other side of the hall) is wide open despite the earlier sweep around the hallway revealed it was closed. Gathering the group into a fighting formation, Alastair creeps in. The observatory is a 100’ tall crystal dome with hanging candle chandeliers. In the center of the room is a large table with star charts spread across it. A tiny flying creature that looks like a little wax woman with bat wings is lighting candles and replacing the old, burnt out ones. Alastair holds up his hand, signaling the group to stand down.

”A homunculus. A servant constructed by wizards. I know because Lennon has one. Let’s follow it. Homunculi never stray too far from their master.”

What Bjorn, Aeron, and Shane know
Homunculi also have a psychic connection with their creator. What they see, their creator sees. Homunculi are imbued with a poison that induces sleep and they’re constructed through a ritual requiring transmutation, illusion, and divination

The group has to hustle to keep up with the fast moving homunculi which loses them by the 3rd floor. The homunculus stops on the second floor to replace a burning candle, then zips off to the first floor moving 100’ per turn. It darts down the stairs but before the group can reach it the door to their right flings open and the ogre butler, still in his dress robes, strolls out holding a large sack, a look of surprise on his ugly face.

Surprise Round

Aeron: 19
Alastair: 15
Bjorn: 13
Aerie: 12
Shane: 11.9
Jicardum: 9

Aeron, the ogre is 20ft from your position.

Mangy Mathan
2009-05-06, 07:19 PM
Aeron Waldeburg

Aeron knew he had little to contribute to any more battles, so he decided to help out someone else, and contribute vicariously through them. Without hesitation, he thrust his hand out, crying "Magis arma!" A suit of vaguely visible black armor appeared over Jicardum.

Casting Mage Armor (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/mageArmor.htm) on Jicardum.

2009-05-06, 11:32 PM
Falling dust visibly brushes aside as Aeron places a spell on Jicardum.

Alastair steps up 5' and lands a solid blow in the ogre's thigh.

"No witnesses!"

Bjorn, you're 10' from the ogre.

2009-05-07, 12:02 AM
Bjórn the Agreeable

Bjórn, nonplussed by Aeron's display of magic, looks at the brilliant older man with a smirk and a soft snort and says, "Oh, yeah? Check this out!"

Bjórn takes a solid stance, staring deeply at the ogre, raises his arms, wiggles his fingers and with regal authority in so small a frame bellows ancient words of divine might that allow him supernal power to do what any caster worth his salt would do in this situation ...
"Cowardis Withdrawicum!"

Bjórn then withdraws 30 feet ... away from the ogre, of course. :smallsmile:

2009-05-07, 12:59 AM
Aerie is within 10' of the ogre and armed with her bow. The sack the ogre is carrying is rather heavy and looks like it could be used as a large, improvised sap. Fortunately, the ogre is too stunned to react.

2009-05-09, 01:26 AM
Bjórn the Agreeable

Potential horror/outrage question ... does it look like the sack is filled with a child(ren)-shaped load?Spot check = [roll0]. Of course, subtract -1 for every 10' to target, and I withdraw 30' myself ... but there you have it.

2009-05-09, 11:22 PM
The sack is lumpy in some areas with straight edges and sharp objects poking through. Bjorn (and everyone else for that matter) is certain no "humanoid" objects are in the sack.

Aerie fires an arrow, dealing four points of damage as it strikes the ogre in the thigh.

Shane was standing next to Bjorn, 20ft from the surprised ogre.

2009-05-12, 02:17 PM
Shane, testing out his newly found weapon, tosses a javelin which pierces the ogre's chest doing moderate damage.

Jicardum, you're 10' from the ogre.

lord of pixies
2009-05-13, 12:07 AM
Brother jicardum walks up and throws a kick at the ogre

[roll0]. Damage [roll1]

2009-05-13, 12:22 AM
Jicadurm kicks the ogre square in the chest and the sudden jolt knocks him out of his confusion.

Roland delays, not wanting to strike if the ogre is willing to surrender.

Round 1

Ogre: 20 (he actually got a natural 20). The ogre butler sways a little on his feet. On closer observation, those who've encountered peaceful giants either as slaves or workers (primarily Bjorn and Roland) realize this one isn't as tough as the standard ogre but slightly bulkier in muscle and a little quicker on his feet. He grasps his sack (improvised large sap) and in his panicked state targets the weakest looking assailant. The sack, unwieldy, and the damage from multiple attacks causing him to be lightheaded, He slams the sack down hard, not really aiming at anyone, and gasps a dumbfounded "Oh..."

Roland, grasping his sword two-handing, slams the blade into the dumbfounded ogre's head, splitting it open. The big lug collapses and the contents of his bag spill out; candelabras, crumpled oil paintings, smashed open boxes containing gold coins, random jewelry, silk sheets, and three ever-burning torches.

End Combat

Alastair, normally cool and collected, is dumbfouned.

"We... we just slew a giant in the blink of an eye. Heh. HAHAHAHAHA! YEAH!"

Mangy Mathan
2009-05-13, 12:30 AM
Aeron Waldeburg

"Yes yes yes I'm sure Lady Lydia will be amazed at how quickly we kill unarmed people homunculus getting away go go go!" Aeron rasps rapidly as he runs to the stairs, trying to catch up to the tiny flying construct.

2009-05-15, 10:26 AM
Bjórn the Agreeable

Bjórn looks at the body of the fallen ogre, then looks at Alastair and says flatly: "Yes, congratulations, you killed a servant whose only crime was being a thief and an opportunist. He just happened to be an ogre."

:smallsigh: "Let's get back to doing what we set out to do ....

... sir."

2009-05-18, 11:09 AM
((Oh, man it's the 18th. I was going to continue yesterday but my friend invited to his place and he makes killer mojitos))

"Bjorn, if I had a sword as sharp as your tongue I wouldn't fear giants."

The group resumes chase of the homunculus and completely loses it. Scattered on the first floor, they finally find it replacing several candles before running out of fresh sticks. Flying over to a set of double doors with a sack of half-melted sticks, the little wax woman reaches her hand in a small opening in the cieling, tugs, and the doors slowly slide open. Alastair orders Aerie to enter first and the rest of the group slowly slips in behind.

The room is a study of some sort. Four large bookshelves adorn the far wall. On the other wall, a fire place. In the center of the spacious room are several recliners, a darkwood table, and a rug made from what appears to be a golden lion (only Bjorn and Aeron recognize it as a lamassu's pelt; a noble magical beast representing a lion that eradicates evil around its territory). The entirety of the western wall is a large terrarium; four medium sized wolf spiders crawl around behind the glass. By the bookshelves is another mirror with the conjuration symbol on it and a grandfather clock. Perched ontop is a raven. It watches the party with its head cocked to the side as they enter.

The homunculus dumps its bag in the fire, then takes a box from one of the shelves filled with live rats. It gingerly tosses rats into the spider pen. The raven caws, swoops over to the desk, and rests there.

"This place looks important. You guys search around. I'm going to check on our guests to make sure they're still out."

Aside from what I described above, the only feature that "stands out" from a quick glance (i.e. without a search check) is the grandfather clock which reads 9:20. The toast happened at midnight and the group has been searching the house for at least half an hour.

2009-05-18, 12:15 PM
Bjórn the Agreeable

Searching is not Bjórn's strong suit, though his general knowledge of various subjects and strong analytical/ intuitive mind helps. He searches as directed (either directly or by aiding) by Alastair, though without direction he is prone to check the bookshelves first.Search check=[roll0]

2009-05-18, 02:13 PM
The books are mostly historic and religious texts; famous battles, important nobles, geographic locations unique to Cyprus.

Behind a tightly cloistered pile of books on the shelf closest to the grandfather clock, Bjorn finds a little flap. Lifting it up reveals a small alcove with several hand written pamphlets and notes. Huzzah! One of the pamphlets is a cloth map with red markings; one of the markings being the location Lady Lydia and company went to investigate. Underneath the map is a ledger complete with names, dates, money exchanged, and cargo. On the first page alone:

Dingus Ironsmock
-5485gp 10lbs cold iron
-3248gp thirty gallons plump helmet brew
-745gp thirteen hobgoblin slaves of the finest quality

Notwegen Ubel
-500gp 124oz. opiate
-20gp silver holy symbol of boccob
-2500gp 25 black onyx gems valued above 10 platinum each
-3000gp ceremonial dagger*
-10000gp candle of invocation
*Wrap the hilt in cloth before handling the dagger!!!

Rajha Bahir Alazon*
80000gp -crystal ball
75000gp -Rod of Rulership
50000gp -Fifty hill giant slaves
*The Rajha is a strange creature. He will only deal business with the archmage in person.

-We have agreed to give thirty elven maidens in exchange for a score of goblinoid slaves every second Monday for one year. See to it that this is done.

Viscount Locke von Linnos
-In exchange for information regarding [this part has been inked out] we've agreed to exchange information on the whereabouts of his daughter. A gracious benefactor in the past but desperate. Cannot be trusted.

Lady Lydia de Witt*
-5000gp stone salve
-300gp unguent of timelessness
*A staunch opponent of our leaders but her underlings frequently order supplies. Mark up prices but maintain a friendly attitude.

The Forgotten*
-500gp in oils and salvents
*Client prefers to go by this nom de plume. Humor him.

As Bjorn scans over the first page, his eyes travel downwards. Along the floor, by two of the bookshelves are scrape marks against the wooden floor. The homunculus swoops over to the shelves and begins tidying up silently closes the hatch and replaces the cloister of books Bjorn displaced before she returns to her spot on the table. The raven caws and flies over to the top of the terrarium, it's talon dangerously close to the latch that would cause the front door to swing open. The spiders hiss and pound against the glass hoping to catch the fresh prey perched inches away from them.

2009-05-18, 02:37 PM
Bjórn the Agreeable

Bjórn, jaw dropping, brings the following items to the notice of Alastair:

The ledger.
The scrapings on the floor, possibly movement tracks for a secret door or compartment.
The raven's claw that is likely to cause a problem if someone doesn't get to it first.

2009-05-20, 12:05 PM
((Shane's player has stepped out so I'll be rp'ing him for the time being unless someone else wants his character)

Alastair left prior to Bjorn finding the ledger and he'll have to search for the half-elf who mentioned he was going to check on the guests. The Raven, seemingly bored, stops picking at the latch and returns to his perch on the grandfather clock.

Shane, looking at the grandfather clock, remembers a key detail the tiger-man told him earlier.

"On the ninth hour..."

He rotates the big hand back to read 9 'oclock and a faint *click* is heard. Two of the bookshelves slowly slide back, revealing a 5x10 hole in the ground with a ladder leading down. Cold air rushes up, extinguish half the candles on the chandelier hanging down from the ceiling. The wax woman opens a drawer, grabs another stack of candles and goes off to work.

2009-05-20, 12:44 PM
Bjórn the Agreeable

Bjórn, looks at Shane, looks down this new crawlspace, and looks back at Shane smiling. "As interesting as that looks, remember why we're here," says the boy. "I am holding, I think, a key proponent of what we came to find. Yes, there may be children down there, but let's let Alastair return so we can show him - ledger and secret passageway - what we found. I know I would feel better if we had his keen senses and swordarm, such as it is tonight, before we go down there."

While speaking words of caution, Bjórn says all this at the same time as he takes a candlestick that the homonculous has been so kind to keep tip-top in hand ... as he will be useless for just about any other endeavor.

Roland de Molay

Roland, normally silent stares at Bjórn and says, "No, find him. We need to let him know now, not whenever he decides to return. We've cleared from there to him, and the rest of us will stay here and guard this portal. Go help Alastair with what he needs to do so you can both hurry back so we can all finish our mission and leave this excess behind."

Bjórn, seeing that even if he could outtalk the paladin, realizes that he's right. He sets down the candlestick and leaves the room, grumbling as he goes search for Alastair.

2009-05-20, 06:48 PM
Bjorn hears soft groaning coming from up ahead and finds Alastair kneeling on the deck, clutching his rapier.

"Ah, Bjorn! Look out! There's a little monster flying around. I felt a sting in the back of my head and my limbs... they're like lead. I turned and saw a little man no bigger than a lantern with bat wings and scales. It stung me again with a scorpion stinger. I stabbed it with all my strength but nothing happened! He snickered, vanished in thin air, and flew away. We have the evidence... forget Hargreaves-- oh, heavens, my body..."

He collapses on the deck and is completely motionless except the soft rise and fall of his chest as he breathes and the blinking of his eyes. A small bit of drool runs down his cheek.

Back at the study

The group notices the curtains by the open window whip about. A small gust of wind blows in and ruffles the papers on the desk. A voice, low and harsh, eminates from the spot.

"Warehouse raided. The viscount betrayed us. Activate teleporter so we can arrive. His daughter's life is forfeit."

As soon as the message ends, the wax woman perks up and flies off the table and down the hole.

2009-05-21, 01:27 AM
K:Planes to figure out what the little flying man might be...[roll0]
Bjórn the Agreeable

Bjórn bolts back up to the library to tell the others what has happened.

Roland de Molay

Roland, kind of thrown off-balance by the disembodied voice, asks half to himself: "What's a teleporter?"

He then rights himself and says, "I think we are in for company, folks. What in Avernus is Bjórn doing? Anyone have any ideas?"

And with that, Roland readies his shield.

lord of pixies
2009-05-23, 11:45 AM
Brother Jicardum
As soon as the message is over and i see the wax woman go down the hole; i say
like hell her life is forfet! then i say to my teamates lets Go!!!, if we wait up here, then we may be to late...

as i say this I run out to the deck, sling Alastair over my shoulder, and run back into the hole.

(Im prety sure i can lift him, 18 str. and im not wearing armor)

2009-05-23, 12:23 PM
[OOC: Brother Jicardum, Alastair is not in the room ... Alastair met Bjorn elsewhere in the manor. You don't even know there is a problem with him, or that there is a little flying ugly fat man.]

2009-05-23, 12:27 PM
"What's a teleporter?"

Aeron: "Powerful conjuration magic. Sends a caster from one point to another. Looking over Bjorn's shoulder, I noticed that ledger mentioned something about an archmage. The Earl is rich and powerful. I don't doubt he has friends in high places."

like hell her life is forfet! then i say to my teamates lets Go!!!, if we wait up here, then we may be to late...

As Jicardum springs to action, Bjorn arrives in the room panting.

2009-05-23, 01:29 PM
Bjórn the Agreeable

"Alastair ... (pant, pant) ... has been poisoned by ... (pant, pant, pant) ... a small flying creature. He said we have the evidence, and forget Hargreaves."

Roland de Molay

"Done!" says Roland. "I'm not thinking about him at all. We heard a voice say that someone is teleporting and that the viscount's daughter's life is forfeit. Grab the candle."

Bjórn looks after Roland, stunned, for the youth surely thought now was the best time to leave. But he doesn't want to be left alone, so he picks the candlestick (or candelabra) up and heads down after Roland and Brother Jicardum.

2009-05-23, 09:59 PM
Unless someone stops him, Jicardum runs out and grabs Alastair (it takes him 60 seconds to run out, pick the guy up, and run back in). Alastair counts as a medium load for the monk. If Jicardum goes down the hole with Alastair in tow he'll have to make a climb check with the appropriate check penalty for a medium load.

2009-05-23, 10:15 PM
[OOC: ... and also lose Monk's AC Bonus, flurry of blows, etc.]

Bjórn, having seen his combat power at work, is now further impressed by the monk's raw physical power. "Thanks," he says to Brother Jicardum, "I had no chance of doing that."

2009-05-23, 10:47 PM
Flashback: while Jicardum runs out to grab Alastair, Aeron is rooting through the drawers. He pockets some scrolls, a golden idol of Boccob, a fine lock and key, and a masterfully crafted merschaum pipe in the shape of a beautiful woman with bat-like wings that wrap around the bowl. He begins packing tobacco in the pipe when he wanders too close to the terrarium and the spiders start banging against the hard glass.

He hums out loud, places the key lock around the latch, and locks it while pocketing the key.

"That raven is probably Hargreaves' familiar. It's strange. If Hargreaves' created that homunculus he'd know we were here already. Maybe he sent that bat-creature after us?"

(Aeron failed his knowledge roll as well.)

2009-05-24, 03:06 PM
Roland and Aerie will go down the 10' ladder first followed by members Shane and Aeron then Bjorn and Jicardum who's hauling Alastair. If Jicardum is willing to leave Alastair in the study, he can go down the ladder after Aerie with Shane, otherwise the penalty to his movement is detrimental to the fighting ability of the group.

The hole is 20ft deep and Roland isn't skilled in climbing. He moves carefully, 5' round with his sword sheathed and shield slung across his back. Aerie can safely take 10, bow slung across her back.


Roland, with the aid of Aerie, easily navigates the ladder.

2009-05-24, 03:15 PM
15' above the ground, a voice is heard coming from below.

1st round

"Is that you, Ribald? Hargreaves is in the back hooked up to that machine of his. You should know the password, right?"

2nd round (10' above the ground)

"Yeah, I got the stuff you wanted. Some of my best work, actually."

3rd round (5' above the ground)

"I'll be in the back. Come get me after you've spoken to Hargreaves."

There's footsteps and then a door shuts.

4th round

Roland and Aerie touch ground.

Aeron and Shane are 10' up, Bjorn and Jicardum directly above them.

This is a square warehouse made of stone 50'x50'. It's dank, musty, and lit by blue burning torches evenly spaced in sconces. Palettes stacked with crates up to waist height line the ground. Against the far wall is a set of large double doors. To the west is a single, wooden door and to the east is a doorless threshold which opens up to a narrow hall lined with suits of armor.

2009-05-24, 09:22 PM
Roland de Molay

Roland readies sword and shield and steps out from the ladder to guard the clmbers, meanwhile taking stock of his surroundings (read: detect evil).

2009-05-25, 02:18 AM
Roland draws his sword (but not his shield unless otherwise noted) and casts detect evil first pointing at the wooden door he heard shut earlier.

Round 1: nothing

He moves the cone towards the open threshold with the armor stands (the double doors are too far from his current position for him to check)

Round 1: evil aura detected

Round 2 (Jicardum and Bjorn touch ground): 2 faint auras and 1 dim aura.

Aerie hears movement coming from the direction of the wooden door.

2009-05-25, 02:25 AM
[OOC: In the post before yours, I said sword and shield.]

Roland de Molay

"I sense the stick of sin, thrice over." Roland continues for the third round of detection. "Steady your hearts and prepare for glorious battle."

Bjorn looks dejectedly at the candelstick in his hand (makeshift club?), then at Roland, and then back at the candlestick. :smalleek:

2009-05-25, 02:44 AM
Detect evil has a somatic component so you need a hand free.

nevermind: spell like abilities have no components

On the third round of concentration, the dim aura vanishes and Roland pinpoints the two evil auras. He knows the location of one (beyond the threshold) and pinpoints the other as being the suit of armor itself.

2009-05-25, 03:00 AM
Roland de Molay

Roland, figuring that the suit of armor has some sort of fell enchantment but not much more than that, looks at Aerie and Jicardum and signals "1" with his swordhand and points to the threshold. It is clear from the paladin's motions that he expects a stealthy hand to make this kill to not alert everyone. He then looks at Brother Jicardum and points at him to lower Alastair.

2009-05-25, 03:31 AM
Aerie only notices a humanoid figure standing behind the armor but she can't determine what exactly it is. Whatever it is, it stands completely motionless.

2009-05-25, 02:15 PM
Roland de Molay

Figuring that stealth at this point is silly if someone is hiding from himself behind the armor, makes sure his shield is protecting him, keeps himself interposed between the armor and his allies and says, "Come out, coward, or I will run you through."

2009-05-25, 02:26 PM
The figure doesn't flinch. Someone calls from behind the closed door.

"Didja say something, Ribald? What's going on out there?"

"surprise round." Everyone has 1 action before "something" happens.

2009-05-25, 02:36 PM
Roland de Molay

Roland runs forth and conducts an overrun on the armor/hiding guy ... basically to knock the suit of armor over onto the guy and knock him prone. Because it's a surprise round, opponents are flat-footed and unable to make AOOs, unless of course they have Combat Reflexes. Also, opponents should not be able to choose "avoid" against an overruning assailant since they cannot make active decisions until no longer flat-footed.
Overrun Strength check (do I get a bonus for the armor crashing down on him?) = [roll0]

Bjorn hangs back, because there is really nothing he can do.

2009-05-25, 03:32 PM
As soon as Roland moves through the threshold, the sound of a bell ringing fills the warehouse. Roland knocks over the suit of armor and tumbling with it is a humanoid skeleton. As it clatters to the ground, two pinpoint red lights appear in its empty sockets and it springs to life. Now that Roland is in the room, he counts six armor stands (including the one he knocked over) and behind each is a similar humanoid skeleton.

Jicardum, Aerie

lord of pixies
2009-05-25, 09:41 PM
Brother Jicardum
I lower Alastair down onto the ground when signaled to, and closely fallows roland and runs into the room, hands empty, and prepairs an action to attack the first non-party member adualt to walk through the door. unless mister hidding skeleton wants to attack me.

2009-05-25, 11:36 PM
Brother Jicardum
I lower Alastair down onto the ground when signaled to, and closely fallows roland and runs into the room, hands empty, and prepairs an action to attack the first non-party member adualt to walk through the door. unless mister hidding skeleton wants to attack me.

The closed door and the threshold with the skeleton hall are on opposite sides of the room. I assume you move over to the closed door.

2009-05-26, 03:36 AM
Just to be done with it ...

Roland = [roll0]
Bjórn = [roll1]

Important details just remembered ... I remembered about everyone's favorite clueless keeping his quarterstaff in the coat room ("Why would I need that?"). However, I totally forgot that Roland wouldn't have his scale mail since it is medium armor, nor would he have his shield. He is unarmored but has his full complement of armament. :smalleek:

jmbrown, I put Roland up on Tangled Web and gave you permissions.

Also, since I don't want to be guilty of double-posting, and this is written on an Edit, could you please roll K:Religion for Bjórn concerning skeletons? I am curious if he knows that they are susceptible (or less resistant to) bludgeoning weapons.

2009-05-26, 08:19 AM
Actually, Alastair went back to the changing room and told everyone to pick up their equipment. Roland's fully armored.

Bjorn: Human skeletons; reanimated corpses imbued with negative energy. Human skeletons aren't particularly dangerous due to their simple makeup. Their structure combined with magical energy makes them resistant to anything that slices or pierces.

2009-05-26, 02:06 PM
[Thanks for the reminder. This would have been much more deadly if we didn't have our gear. Knowing that, I would like Bjórn's surprise round action to simply step out into the "Ringing Room" and take a look around. [/spoiler]Spellcraft = [roll0] ... I am guessing a simple alarm spell.[/spoiler]

Bjórn the Agreeable

"You'll do better with your mace, Roland. Sorry, Aerie, but your arrows won't be much good ... these things are resistant to anything that would pierce organs or cut arteries. You have to smash and break the bones. Other than that, they aren't that tough .... umm, for the rest of you that is."

2009-05-26, 10:57 PM
Don't worry, I know how to stop these things. Aerie grins, putting away her bow and drawing her sword.

(She has Favoured Enemy: Undead. I figure slashing is gonna be more use than piercing right now.)

2009-05-26, 11:48 PM
Aeron takes cover behind some crates adjacent to the wooden door.

"Animated skeletons. Fascinating. No, Aerie, your sword won't fare any better than your bow."

Round 1

20 Skeleton 1
17 Aeron
16.9 Skeleton 6
16 Roland
15 Bjorn
14 Aerie
13.9 ???
13.8 ???
13 Jicardum
10 ???
9.9 ???
7 ???
6.7 ???
5 Shane

The skeleton Roland knocked over springs to life and clambers to its feet. Roland cuts through it with his sword. While the blow would have felled any normal flesh and blood human, the powerful negative energies that enervate this perversion of life absorb most of the strike. 3 points total. The monster launches itself at Roland but its claws scrape harmlessly off the wall.

Aeron pulls a scroll from his pocket and as he reads it, it crumples to dust. He presses his glowing hand against the wooden frame and the door glows briefly.

Bjorn: Hold Portal

"We don't need any extra combatants. Turn your full attention to the skeletons, Jicardum. Ah, save me a skull... for study, of course."

Now that Roland is in the hall; it's a 30' long, 15' wide hall. Along the walls are suits of armor, each with a skeleton hiding behind them. At the end of the hall is a stone door, currently shut. The skeleton closest to the stone door rushes from his resting spot and charges Roland. Roland tosses up his shield in time to block the attack.

Roland is currently in melee with two skeletons; skeleton 1 which he injured and skeleton 6 whom charged him.

2009-05-27, 01:59 AM
Roland de Molay

Roland drops his sword on the floor, takes out his flail and swings at the skeleton facing him.Flail attack roll = [roll0], damage = [roll1] He's used to fighting slower armed men with greater mass, however, and the skeleton proves to be too quick for him.

Bjórn the Agreeable

Bjórn's scientific curiosity satisfied, he now realizes he is in a room where creatures of bodies brought to this hideous mockery surround his group, and he knows an even deeper fear than ever before. Petrified, he knows how useless he is and just begins to cry, holding onto his pendant that is shaped like a bunch of wildflowers and wails softly, "Chaav, please you have given me more today than ever I thought possible, but please give me the power to stop this evil!"... and little does he realize his belief in his God gives him power to turn undead! Burn 1 turn attempt, 4 remaining.
Turning Check = [roll2], Turning Damage = [roll3]Bjórn's back arches and he looks upward as power surges from the ends of his limbs to gather in his center, then jumps to the pendant, and outward throughout the room to wash over the negative-powered skeletons with a hammer of positive energy.

2009-05-27, 02:47 AM
For the first time in his life, Bjorn channels the energies of his diety to repel the undead. From his vantage point, he can only see three of the skeletons (two on Roland, one behind a suit of armor) and he's certain they're affected.

Aerie is within range of the two skeletons adjacent to Roland however they're beginning to back peddle.

2009-05-27, 03:40 PM
(OOC: Yeah, I know sword is no better than bow against skeletons. Still, it's better than nothing, and Favoured Enemy gives 2 bonus damage on every attack.)

Not wanting her expertise in undead slaying to go to waste, Aerie steps forward and drives her blade into the nearest skeleton.

2009-05-27, 10:00 PM
Aerie steps up next to Roland and swings her longsword only to have the blade pass harmlessly through it's ribcage. Despite the miss, Roland notes that Aerie has a preternatural sense when it comes to fighting the skeletons.

Skeleton 2, the second closest skeleton hiding against the left wall, runs down the hall at full speed knocking over the armor stand it was hiding behind.

Skeleton 4, directly to Roland and Aerie's right (and whom Bjorn couldn't see because of the corner blocking his view) leaps out and attacks Aerie. It scratches her hard in the face for 5 points of damage.

Jicardum can move and strike the skeleton that slashed Aerie in a single movement and there's a straight line to charge if he wishes.

lord of pixies
2009-05-30, 12:24 AM
i charge the one that slashed Aerie

to attack [roll0]
damage [roll1]

Die you creatures of darkness!!!

2009-05-31, 10:55 PM
Jicardum punches skeleton 4, the one assaulting Aerie, caving in its skull. The magics holding it together dissipate and it becomes a lifeless (again) pile of bones.

Something bangs behind the sealed door.

"Hey! Hey!! What's going on out there!"

The door breaks off its hinges and standing behind it is a half-orc in half-plate wielding a falchion. Standing behind the half-orc is a weaselly looking man with a sling in hand. Aeron makes an audible wimper.

The man with the sling begins casting a spell (Bjorn and Aeron: summon nature's ally 1). A small cloud of dust begins swirling between Aeron, Bjorn, and Shane. He calls out

"Athkabek! Kill the cleric!"

Skeleton 5 charges the unbalanced monk and slashes him for 3 points of damage.

Skeleton 3, standing behind a suit of armor furthest from Roland, turns and flees and cowers next to its companion.

Shane, mentally drained, launches his last spell at the half-orc but misses nearly burning Aeron instead.

Round 2

Skeleton 1 flees (total withdraw, no AoO).

Aeron takes a step back. "By Vecna's eye!" He casts mage armor on himself and draws a dagger.

Skeleton 6 flees but is struck down by a combination of Aerie and Jicardum's attacks.

Bjorn briefly hears flapping behind him and a sting to the back of his neck dealing 2 points of modified damage. He feels his muscles burn but the northland blood pumping through his veins nullifies it. Wheeling around, he sees a tiny, grinning man with red scaly skin, leathery bat wings, and a barbed tail hovering a foot from his nose.

Seeing the monster in person calls for a new set of knowledge rolls. Bjorn fails his again (oh god oh god oh god) but Aeron blurts out

"Imp! Devil! Bjorn, your candle holder, it's made of silver--" Aeron's cut off by the advancing half-orc.

Looking down at the candle holder in his hand, Bjorn notices it is made of silver.

Roland currently isn't being threatened. Skeleton 5 is threatening Jicardum, Bjorn's attention is drawn to his side (Roland can't see the imp where he's standing), and Aeron is backing away from a half-orc as wide as it is tall. Roland can't see the druid behind the half-orc's massive frame but he does note the swirling cloud forming on the ground.

2009-06-01, 01:23 AM
Roland de Molay

Roland trusts in his wisdom that the half-orc, which consorts with this whole Hargreaves affair, must be evil. With that, he wastes no time or silly analysis but calls upon his inner righteousness that this fight against dark powers must be won and charges the half-orc with flail spinning powerfully.Attack Roll (Charge & Smite with Evil) = [roll0].
Damage = [roll1]
If half-orc just happens not to be evil, reduce attack roll by 3, and damage by 1.
Roland's AC is now 15 (touch 9, flat-footed 14).

2009-06-01, 01:24 AM
Roland de Molay (Cont'd)

Critical Hit, BABY!!!!![roll]Additional damage = [roll0]

EDIT: A solid baseline damage, with max damage on the critical roll for 23 points of damage!!! Boo-yah!!!

2009-06-01, 01:26 AM
Wait, I'm sorry ... I didn't roll the confirm roll. (Sigh.) Sorry for triple-posting.

Confirmation roll: [roll0]

EDIT: ::Mouth agape:: :smallfurious:

Well, that will learn me. :smallsigh: Well, I am still happy with a moderate 10-point damage hit.

2009-06-01, 10:48 AM
The half-orc warrior tries to parry the flail by slapping the shaft aside. Roland twists the shaft and the momentum from the swing brings the head directly into the half-orcs face. Free action, the half-orc drops his falchion and pleads for mercy.

Bjorn is standing a nose's length from the hovering imp who's dancing in the air and maliciously swinging its tail about.

2009-06-01, 12:20 PM
Roland de Molay

Aware that some trickery may be afoot, he seeks the half-orc to go to that very level: afoot. "Drop to the ground, face down. If you arise without permission, you are telling me your request for mercy is a sham and any future requests for mercy are lies."

I will let the DM roll the Intimidate check.

Bjórn the Agreeable

"Help!" Bjórn cries. "This is the thing that poisoned Alastair, and it just poisoned me!"

Bjórn makes a pathetic and ridiculous swing with the improvised club.-4 for an improvised weapon, though it is probably a club for general stats, so I doubt there is also a NWP penalty as well.
-2 for noncombatant, and we have ...
, [roll1] damage.

2009-06-01, 01:05 PM
The half-orc drops prone and has to move his head around to avoid choking on his own blood.

Bjorn thrashes wildly in the air extinguishing the candle. All he hears are the laughs and taunts of the dancing devil.

Aerie sees Bjorn swinging at something but she's currently engaged with a skeleton.

lord of pixies
2009-06-01, 05:51 PM
brother jicardum
i hit the skeliton that attacked me with two quick jabs.

attack [roll0] damage [roll1] and attack 2 [roll2] and damage 2 [roll3]

you there- with the sling- drop to the ground or you will become just another pile of bones

2009-06-02, 04:15 PM
Bjórn the Agreeable

"Ye gods! Forget the skeletons! They are cowering right now, get this poisonous little devil off of me. It's too quick for me!" Bjórn shouts.

2009-06-02, 07:13 PM
Using these rules, (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=60864&highlight=duct+tape) would I be able to spend a round taping Bjorn's candlestick to the end of my sword? I'm sure I have some twine in my pockets somewhere...
If that's too stupid an idea, Aerie simply charges across to Bjorn and attacks the imp.

2009-06-02, 07:54 PM
[Please tell me you're insane, insanealie- umm, never mind.]

2009-06-02, 08:44 PM
((Aerie's blade instantly cuts through the twine. Meanwhile, half the party is dead as Aerie tries to wrap string around her sword))

Aerie rushes to Bjorn's aid (barely dodging an attack from the skeleton Jicardum has yet to slay) and sees the little devil. She hits it squarely but its thick hide absorbs the entire blow.

Jicardum turns the skeleton to dust on his first swing.

The half-orc wriggles around trying not to choke on his own blood.

The swirling cloud takes form into a wolf. Bjorn, being the closest foe, draws its ire. The wolf bites him for 2 points of modified damage and manages to drag the poor boy to the deck.

The man with the sling grabs something off the table next to him.

"Worthless coward!"

He tosses the vial at Roland but it falls short and lands on the half-orc. Fire bursts from the vial and the half-orc begins rolling on the ground in pain trying to put out the flames. Roland takes 1 point of damage from the splash. The man with the sling takes a step to the side to avoid a charge from the paladin.

Shane's at a complete loss as to what he should do with this flying creature. He calls up a cantrip and fires a ray of frost from his finger tips. Focusing on the chilly air in the damp warehouse, Shane's ray achieves max potency and strikes the imp square in the back for 9 points of damage! The little devil shrieks in a horrible high pitched voice.

Round 3

The skeletons continue cowering against the far hall.

Aeron, out of spells and weaponless, finishes his previous statement.

"Imp's heal in seconds and can become invisible! By Vecna's hand, don't let it escape!"

In a desperate if not bold move, Aeron charges the imp and reaches out for it. The creature instinctively stings him with its tail and Aeron noticeably slows down but not enough for the creature to dodge his grasp. Aeron snatches the imp from the air and grips with all his might.

"Aerie! Help me pin him! Jicardum! Bash its skull in! Shane, hit it with whatever non-flame related magic you've got!"

Roland sees out the corner of his eye Aeron grappling with what appears to be a large bat and a wolf 10' behind him mauling Bjorn. The sling-man is 15' ahead of him and to the right. He can't charge over the inflamed half-orc (and the half-orc gives him a 2 square penalty because of his writhing).

2009-06-02, 09:22 PM
Roland de Molay

Hearing Aeron's advice concerning the devil-bat, Roland rushes over to slay the incarnation of tyranny and evil.Forget the slinger for now, help my friends. Charge if possible to this new combatant.
Attack = [roll0], add +2 attack if a charge is possible.
Damage = [roll1] against the imp.Unfortunately, Roland, mindful of hurting his friends, hesitates as Aerie and the creature roll in a grapple and Roland's attack is lost.

2009-06-02, 09:47 PM
The imp, with slightly more vigor than when Shane shot him, stabs Aeron knowing that it can't possibly break free. Aeron cries in pain as black liquid oozes from his open wound and his arms begin convulsing violently.

Bjorn is prone adjacent from the grappling imp yet staring down the jaws of a hungry wolf.

2009-06-03, 03:47 AM
Bjórn the Agreeable

Bjórn is prone. Bjórn is badly wounded. Bjórn barely has any of that inner fire he felt when he healed Jicardum. Bjórn can't fight. Bjórn is useless. Bjórn does the only thing a heroic adventurer with his current resources in this situation would do.

Bjórn falls unconscious due to bloodloss.Actually, he plays dead. This tactic might have a better chance than against a normal wolf, since the human that directs its actions is actually more likely to be fooled. DM should roll the Bluff check, base modifier is +5. One thing that might help is that "likely to believe Bluff" is pretty strong, given the fact he is small, non-physical, hasn't cast any spells, and the guy who made this thing wasn't in the room when he turned the skeletons.

2009-06-03, 02:30 PM
Aerie's turn.

2009-06-07, 09:09 PM
Aerie grabs Bjorn's candle holder in a mad rush and bashes the imp's skull in. It goes limp in Aeron's hands but he doesn't release his grip.

Jicardum is 10' away from a growling wolf who is no longer interested in the fallen cleric.

lord of pixies
2009-06-07, 11:21 PM
Brother Jicardum

charges the wolf and tries to diliver a strong kick to its ribcage

attack [roll0] damge [roll1]

for the last time i yell at the man with the sling give it up!!!

2009-06-08, 01:32 AM
The wolf vanishes in a puff of smoke.

The half-orc puts out his flames and lies still.

The man with the sling moves passed the fallen half-orc, dropping his sling to draw a club, and casts a spell. The entire warehouse room fills with a thick mist.

Shane moves in the direction of the man and shouts out as he's smacked in the ribs with the club. He fires an icy ray but the thick mist makes it difficult to aim.

Round 4

The skeletons continue to cower.

Aerie and Roland can see Aeron through the thick mist but even then he's barely a blur. Aeron pins the imp and he can be heard whispering something to it in a strange, harsh sounding tongue. The imp responds back in the same tongue. Aeron calls out

"The devil yields."

Roland is adjacent to Aeron and the last thing he saw before the mist was the club-wielding man standing but a step away to his right flank.

2009-06-08, 01:38 AM
Roland de Molay

Roland de Molay steps over to the right ... and swings only if he thinks that he has the right target. He does NOT swing blindly. If he can't verify the target, he readies his action to strike the man.Attack = [roll0]
Concealment (must exceed 20 on percentile) = [roll1]
Damage = [roll2]

2009-06-08, 10:02 AM
Roland's blade connects and the man stumbles to one knee. He drops to one knee and drops his club.

"Ya got me! I give!"

Bjorn is prone and can barely see the shape of Aeron huddling over something in his hand but nothing else.

2009-06-08, 10:11 AM
Bjórn the Agreeable

Bjórn gets on his feet.

2009-06-08, 10:13 AM
Aerie can see the shape of Bjorn rise to his feet and Aeron grasping the now conscious but passive imp in his hands. She has the silver candle holder in one hand and her bow in the other.

lord of pixies
2009-06-08, 01:30 PM
brother jicardum
"spellcaster!" i say to the man previosly known as the man with the sling"would you be so kind as to banish this acursed fog? it tends to make seeing a bit difficult."

2009-06-08, 04:04 PM
Roland de Molay

Roland keeps a wary eye to make sure the half-orc hasn't decided to become feisty again with the fog.

"Brother Jicardum, you have impressed me with your strength. Would you be willing to take control of the devil from Aeron, please?"

lord of pixies
2009-06-08, 05:03 PM
Brother Jicardum warily gives the imp a look, then holds the imp by the tail, because it is currently peacefull, i hold it as gently as i can without letting it loose.

2009-06-08, 05:22 PM
Roland de Molay

"Pin it, please, Brother Jicardum. Don't be fooled into thinking it peaceable because it takes no violent action."

2009-06-08, 05:41 PM
The mist subsides. There's still the matter of the skeletons cowering against the far wall. Aeron, having some religious knowledge, warns everyone

Aeron aims a ray at one of the three remaining skeletons and it crumples to dust.

"Ah-hem. Would you three be so kind as to help? Shane, I'm sure you know how to use a sling."

Although combat is technically over, Bjorn estimates the skeletons will regain control in less than thirty seconds.

2009-06-09, 01:32 PM
Roland de Molay

After Bjorn lets folks know that they have half a minute remaining, Roland charges the closest skeleton to perform a shield bash.Charging attack = [roll]1d20+7[roll], damage = [roll0]

2009-06-09, 01:33 PM
Attack re-roll due to player stupidity = [roll0]

I deserved that ... so, is it cowering low and I get "high ground bonus"? :smallbiggrin:

Otherwise, I just missed it by 1.

2009-06-09, 02:38 PM
Roland makes a clumsy swing but the skeleton is cowering and easy to strike. It crumbles to dust.

The remaining skeleton whips around as Roland breaks the limitations of Bjorn's turning. It lashes out with two claws but only one hits for 3 points of damage.

Jicardum? Aerie?

2009-06-09, 03:11 PM
Roland makes a clumsy swing but the skeleton is cowering and easy to strike. It crumbles to dust.

The remaining skeleton whips around as Roland breaks the limitations of Bjorn's turning. It lashes out with two claws but only one hits for 3 points of damage.

Jicardum? Aerie?

((I thought that only the person who channeled the positive energy has to stand back ... which is why Bjórn hasn't attacked or forced his position against the skeletons. See the following, taken from SRD:Effect and Duration of Turning
Turned undead flee from you by the best and fastest means available to them. They flee for 10 rounds (1 minute). If they cannot flee, they cower (giving any attack rolls against them a +2 bonus). If you approach within 10 feet of them, however, they overcome being turned and act normally. (You can stand within 10 feet without breaking the turning effect—you just can’t approach them.) You can attack them with ranged attacks (from at least 10 feet away), and others can attack them in any fashion, without breaking the turning effect.

2009-06-09, 03:30 PM
In that case have Roland make his next 2 attacks (you're on round 8 right now) unless someone else wants to jump in. Aeron is busy with the imp and Shane looks weary. Bjorn can't tell if the half-orc is still breathing and the druid is shuffling around uncomfortably.

2009-06-09, 03:35 PM
Free action: drop longsword
Draw flail on move//charge...

Charge #1 (incl High Ground): [roll0], damage = [roll1]

Charge #2 (incl High Ground): [roll2], damage = [roll3]


Meanwhile, Bjorn goes over to check the half-orc.

2009-06-09, 04:13 PM
Combat over. Bjorn and Roland, despite being banged up, feel elated. Perhaps with some rest they can look back on their past experiences and grow stronger as a result.

The half-orc is still alive but disabled. He curses at Bjorn in orcish but is otherwise too wounded to do anything drastic. Aeron releases the imp who silently clambers onto his shoulders. Aeron's muscles shudder slightly and he noticeably limps while moving.

"Imps are craven little beasts. This imp is a native and has served the Rochester family for decades. In exchange for his life, he'll commune with his god to answer three questions. When finished, he agreed to fly away north 66 miles before returning at which point he'll become hostile again."

Before anyone interjects with "well how can we trust him" Aeron answers

"Devils are evil but their souls are the very essence of rigid structure and order. A devil is bound by their word and some take pleasure in making devious contracts. Ah, I made sure our little contract was arrow proof. No loop holes... although, nothing is stopping him from warning others of our trespassing to or from his choosen location so long as he flies 66 miles away before return-- Look, just think of questions to ask him so we can be on our way!"

Shane has already begun investigating the crates and he props Alastair up against the wall. Shane pries open a crate with his javelin, rips hay out, and pulls out a wooden box.

"Opium, Sir Roland. Tons of it."

The room where the druid and half-orc were is a quintessential alchemists lab. Several tables with boiling liquids, beakers, tubes, and hoses producing funny smelling potions and items. The lone shelf is full of drugs and unlabeled potions. The double wooden doors in the warehouse area open up to a large stable with over a dozen horses. It's otherwise empty.

Shane: "What do we do with these two?"

The half-orc is in no position to move on his own power but the druid has been watching the group's movements carefully, waiting for the right moment to haul tail.

lord of pixies
2009-06-09, 05:06 PM
brother jicardum

about the hostages :belkar: i have an idea, it starts with an "s" and and with "litting there throughts" lol

before much is said or done, brother jicardum gags the druid saying wouldn't want you to invite any more friends

then he looks to the rest if the group and says two words about the hostages "knock out"

2009-06-09, 05:14 PM
Roland de Molay

Roland feels good. This was his first really pitched battle, hopefully of many more glorious combats to fight in the cause of justice and virtue. He defeated a mighty combatant, and with Bjórn's surprising usefulness in the battle - till now he had intended on making a "not fit for field duty, good for research at base" recommendation on the boy - laid waste to vile mockeries of undead. And then, his motley companions managed to subdue a powerful creature and servant of dark and tyrannous masters of Hell.

When Shane opens the box with a javelin, Roland just shakes his head in disbelief, but is angered once he finds out what lies inside. He looks at the evidence grimly and says, "Once we are ready to leave here safely - and we guarantee we can leave here - we burn this place. We have our evidence in the ledger, let's not have materials we can't say 'aren't ours' for somebody else to arrest us. No need leaving it to corrupt weak souls or to be bribed out of an evidence locker. No, when we're ready to move from this complex the lab and the opium get torched."

Concerning the imp ...

"It was my intention to send that imp forcibly back whence it came, to test whether devils die or simply return to hell to face their failure, which is why I told Brother Jicardum to hold it.

"You have foolishly made a pact with a devil, Aeron, and no good - no matter how true it may be - will come from the answers you receive. He may have to answer truthfully, but you can bet that malice will be laced expertly within.

"But, I realize that I and Brother Jicardum are the only ones here capable of really harming it with your magic depleted - all of your magics depleted (he looks at everyone) - and with many of you wounded. And by allowing that thing to be ungrasped, Aeron, you have released what chance we have of easily dispatching the creature. Of course there are things I would know, but we have been given the power, wisdom, and virtue to determine that for ourselves."

To the prisoners... "Druid, you have used magics in support of an evil enterprise with the company of devils, drugs, and in this den which creates an object of vice and wantoness. Likely, you are that creator. Tell us where the children are, what exits may exist from this area down here, any traps we must bypass, and the more intelligence you provide ... especially if I have not yet asked for it, the more likely you shall live to repent your wretched life."

"Half-orc, you have fought bravely and well, but you have placed the strength with which you have been blessed and the excellent prowess of battle in which you have trained at the mercy of madmen and become stained with their sins. The same strictures apply to you. But, I am impressed by your wisdom in knowing a greater foe, so if you feel shame or honor in this defeat I understand and will offer you a merciful death and confession to the boy-priest here if that is what you request. Otherwise, we shall remove you from this place and remand you to the authorities to face proper judgement; but I will speak well of you first if through that time you act well."
.................................................. .................................................. ..
Bjórn the Agreeable

"Hold still, you big galoot," Bjórn says to his angry patient. "If you move to violence, the sudden blood rushing to feed your head will burst your tenuous blood clot, overtaxing yourself and spelling your doom. Now, if you move very slowly, we can get you about."

Concerning the imp...

Bjórn whistles soft and low, fully tempted by the offer of knowledge from beyond. "We could ask where to find the children?" he offers sheepishly. "Or perhaps whom the Rochester's served ... you know, the one for whom that ledger was made. I mean, who's the Archmage, anyway?"

lord of pixies
2009-06-09, 06:25 PM
brother jicardum recomends the fallowing questions for the imp

where are the children that have recently been abducted in connection with hargreaves' expariments
after you give us this information where do we find the aformentioned children (exact location and directions from here to there)
after you give us this information when do we find the aformentioned children(when will the children arive there/when we get there)

the more specific the beter, lest the little devil find a loop hole

and while were at it, lets try to heal alastair
heal 1d20+2

2009-06-09, 07:49 PM
Aeron to Roland "Simple minds cannot comprehend the inner machinations of a devil's mind. Put your fears aside, paladin. I have full control of this situation."

Without any coercion (re: intimidation or diplomacy) the druid doesn't provide any help. On the contrary, he spits and yells at the top of his lungs many curses and foul words.

The half-orc reveals his name to be Athkabek, a hired mercenary, sailor, and smuggler from the south. He says that tonight was the night of a massive shipment to all the warehouses across Cyprus and he was overseeing the main movement with his superior, Ribald. They received a whispered message an hour earlier to hasten the packaging but haven't heard from the man since midnight when he was supposed to arrive.

Athkabek mentions the druid's name as Cathbad IV, the youngest of a family of alchemists (unless Cathbad is knocked out/gagged, he spoils any attempt to hear the half-orc with his shouting and cursing). The Cathbad family is the Earl's source of drugs and alchemical reagents. He doesn't know anything else about them.

Athkabek doesn't know much else. The Earl deals with numerous other suppliers to keep one group from knowing too much about the other. He says the Earl actually takes orders from someone higher up but who is beyond him. The mirrors act as some sort of transporter from point A to point B with the activation being a complicated rune drawn in chalk. He says a powerful wizard constructed it but doesn't know any details. The only archmage he knows is Archmagister Sionnach, one of the headmasters of Stuttgart's university, and he doubts such a great and respected man would be involved in this business.

Despite his poor choice in employment, the half-orc isn't evil but the druid is the aura Roland detected upon entering the warehouse. He knows Hargreaves is a seedy addict but he knows nothing about kidnapped children. Athkabek doesn't know anything else and the pain is too much for him to speak further.

After five minutes of gathering your strength, Aeron prepares to commune with the imp's god. Shane and Aerie find a sackful of useful items from the other room including an everburning torch, five vials of alchemist's fire, two smokesticks, a tanglefoot bag, eight vials of acid, and a sack containing fine rings, jewels, gems (Athkabek pipes in that he only deals in untraceable items of value). Shane argues that with only a single spell left, he's useless in combat. Unless someone else wants them, Shane will take all of the items (leaving the valuables with Alastair). Aeron, who can barely walk after tangling with the imp, asks to at least hold the torch.

The stable is carefully hidden underneath the mansion and leads to a back exit around the cliffside overlooking the coast. The horses from the party guests are visible in the distance. The only other exit is the stone door at the end of the skeleton hall which has no apparent opening mechanism and doesn't budge.

Five minutes later, ten minutes total, the imp finishes his chanting. In the center of the room a small ball of fire erupts into a man-sized apparition of a humanoid head. The man is handsome with perfectly symmetrical features, a neatly trimmed goatee, oily well kept hair, and protruding horns. There's no doubts in anyone's mind that this is a horrifically evil deity but judging by his cool and commanding appearance this being rules with charisma instead of force (although one would be immensely foolish to assume he lacks power).

The apparition speaks curtly in the same infernal tongue and Aeron replies in kind. They talk for a minute before the apparition laughs cruelly and vanishes in a burst of fire. Aeron and the imp exchange pleasantries (Aeron appears escatic) and the imp vanishes from sight.

"Wow. My first peaceful contact. Uh, well... question the first: Do the children lie beyond that door? The answer: through the shimmering veil. It should be noted the limitations of this communion are simple yes and no. The deity in question isn't obligated to answer in full unless a yes or no answer is misleading. Question the second: does Hargreaves ultimately plan on harming the children? Answer is no. Question the third: is the key to the stone door located in this room? Answer, "the dead were the key."

"My infernal isn't very good but he put extra emphasis on the were. I believe he means the skeletons which are now dust. Perhaps we can beat the answer out of the druid?"

Aerie senses something wrong. For one, Aeron is too chipper after nearly being paralyzed by the imp's sting. Second, the conversation with the evil deity was longer than expected. Based purely on the exchange; deity's opening remark, Aeron's greeting, first question and answer, second question and answer, third questions and answer... something else. With no knowledge of the infernal tongue she can only assume but there was an extra exchange of sentences after the third question.

Even now Aeron is convulsing in pain but cheerily waving at the spot the imp was, mumbling under his breath. She recalls in the mist, after clocking the creature, the imp speaking to Aeron ever so briefly. What did the horrible little monster say to him?

2009-06-09, 10:25 PM
Aerie is about to declare her suspicions to the rest of the group, when she stops and reconsiders. This isn't really the time nor the place for starting a fight. When the party returns to the mansion, she'll have time to consider who to ask for advice.

2009-06-10, 12:50 PM

"Bjorn, can you do an assessment of our health? There's one healing potion left on Alastair's person and we should ration it properly before continuing."

Now that combat is over and the annoying ringing has subsided, there's enough time to look at the hallway where the skeletons were. The suits of armor except for one (the one Roland pushed over) are mounted on raised platforms. There's enough space between them and the wall for a human-sized person to fit through without disturbing the armor; in this case, the skeletons were hiding behind them. At a glance, there's nothing special about the pedastals, the featureless stone door, or the suits of full plate.

A sliding sound is heard as the bookcase up stairs returns to its original position and the hatch leading down shuts. A crank wheel next to the ladder manually opens the book case.

What do you guys do with the prisoners? Athkabek is wearing a suit of half-plate and his talwar is still laying by the broken wooden door he smashed. Cathbad IV is throwing a tantrum, kicking, screaming, and rolling around like a child. He had on him a club which is little more than a broken table leg, a simple leather sling, 10 solid bullets, and a carved necklace of a boar.

2009-06-10, 01:11 PM
[OOC: What laws surround/protect/aggravate the handling of such persons? Both Bjorn and Roland are curious. If the laws are more medieval, then a young noble has the right of sentence. How Roland views this situation really is based on Cyprian law and culture. As players we tend to have our PCs approach the world with 20th-century "enlightened" views.

I don't see Roland in that vein. Considering Cathbad's egregious use of magic and wicked demeanor, it appears that he has no desire for redemption. It is not the concept of prisoner/no prisoner (that may or may not be evil, but isn't good) but his view of the existence of wickedness in the world that has Rusty-the-player's instincts tending toward allowing Cathbad the means to pray for acceptance into the best afterlife his soul might allow, giving him one last chance for true repentance, and (assuming no repentance) formally declaring his life forfeit and executing him on the spot.

On the other hand, Roland sees that Athkabek is less of a stool pigeon looking out for his own skin and quite possibly a person who might be shown a better way. He is entertaining the ideas of putting the half-orc's tulwar in its sheath at Athkabek's side without making any demands, concesssions, or warnings ... but letting his future actions decide what course his life may take.

Also, if the DM could roll Heal checks (again, I can't be sure of my suppositions) to determine my 'diagnosis' (such as it is) for the party, please.]

2009-06-10, 02:13 PM
Normally nobles are allowed to judge and sentence on the spot (such as the case with Bjorn and the mad-whipping-man) but as a young graduate without a true rank, Roland doesn't have that power or authority... yet. Cathbad is completely uncooperative and spits at anyone who gets near. No one has the empathic skills to tell if Athkabek is telling the truth out of pity or the fact that he's crippled and captured.

If asked, Shane recommends letting the wounded half-orc go and leaving the druid tied up for the guard. Shane doesn't care for the harsh, cruel ways of the law and although the crime (drug smuggling) in question is serious, neither prisoners have shown proof of knowing about the bigger offense kidnapping. Aeron echoes Alastair's opinion of leaving no witnesses although Alastair only said that in the event they found no evidence and had to come up with an alibi for infiltrating the mansion. With proof in hand, this forceful incursion is now 100% legit.

Bjorn's heal check:

Aerie: 40%
Roland: 100%
Shane: 100%
Bjorn: 50%
Jicardum: 60%
Aeron: 10% plus severe damage to his reflexes; Bjorn prods the wizard's pressure points and finds his reaction time half that of a normal humans.
Alastair: Completely healthy but still paralyzed

lord of pixies
2009-06-10, 03:08 PM
I recomend we let the half orc go... or even tag along if he so pleases (although we would probablyonly arm him with a club). about the druid, i say we hang him upside down by his feet and and leave him swinging (back and forth, back and forth)

although let it be known that brother jicardum would have no problem with slitting the druid's throught. however he seems to like the orc

2009-06-10, 05:15 PM
Bjórn seeks the quick end to Cathbad ... moreso than anyone. He has always had a great respect for those who wielded the magic of the land and could consort peaceably with animals, plants, and faerie-folk. This man has abused that power.

Roland admits that he cannot carry out any sentence (and why). He recommends tying (and gagging) him here for now. To Athkabek he gives him his falchion to replace in scabbard, and Roland offers him the chance to redeem his life by coming with the group for now. Again, the freshness of virtue shown in the time yet to come may help Roland have trouble remembering the details of any crimes he may have committed.

2009-06-11, 01:11 PM
After given sufficient time to cool off, Cathbad IV pipes up.

"Alright, ya caught me. But know this; my father works for very high people. If you care for your Lady Lydia, and yes I know who you idiots work for, you'll spare me. Too much trouble will come to your heads if I'm not returned in pristine health."

He winces as the ropes dig into the gash Roland gave him.

"Relatively speaking. Listen, you fools are really after the mad wizard, right? I don't know the specifics of his little trap down the hallway except that the skeletons attack anyone who sets off the alarm. The password is "Wonderland." Normally the stone door slides open when you speak the password and reach the end of the hall but you stupid gits...

Look, I don't know what crimes the wizard has committed other than being a wizard and I don't care. The guy's a creep. He spends all day locked up in his little cellar, getting drugged up, writing poetry, singing songs, and playing hide and go seek with that little wax woman he crafted. He's a grown ass man with the mind of a child but don't let his naivety and absent mindedness fool you. He raised those skeletons you destroyed, helped contruct those transporters, is respected by that little flying monster you chased away, and earned the respect of the Earl himself.

He's insane but not hostile or aggressive but here's his biggest secret; he's got faerie blood! If you want to beat him without too much trouble on your part then play along with his games. Entertain him. Humor him. Talk to the guy until you catch him off guard or hell trick him into submission. You've probably read faerie tales. You've heard of the sphinx who ate travelers unless they guessed her riddle. How about the little goblin that would take a woman's child unless she guessed his true name in three tries. Fey are tricky and like games and that's rubbed off on him. Even if you're not skilled in talking people down, you can probably get him to surrender through simple small talk, a riddle of your own, or a logical obsurdity.

Just be clever... though given the looks of you that doesn't seem too likely."

Aeron seems to snap out of his stupor and nods in agreement.

"While speaking to him at the ball I managed to coerce some critical information through small talk. I don't think it would be difficult to get his guard down and the last thing I want to do is fight a powerful wizard."

After a thourough search, Aerie finds that the raised pedastals the statues are standing on are actually pressure pads currently pressed down under the weight of their suits of armor. [/s]Only the lone pad with the armor Roland knocked over is depressed. In front of the stone door is a pressure pad that's depressed and Aerie doesn't detect any traps.[/s] Pressing it down does nothing.

Correction: the pad without the armor is raised. The pads with armor are depressed. Pressing the pad by the door does nothing.

When Roland knocked the armor over, he ruined the stand. Without a new stand there's no way anyone could set the armor back up.

lord of pixies
2009-06-11, 11:23 PM
looking at the presure pad, brother jicardumtries to stack the scatered pieces of armor onto it, putting presure on it with his body if need be, if successful in getting the pressure pad to go down. I signal to to a party member to stand on the pad infront of the stone door and say the password. and if that doesnt work, i ask my teamates to help me slide the suits of armor off of all the pressure pads, and then step on the pad in front of the stone door.

2009-06-12, 01:06 PM
Without the armor stand, there's no way Jicardum can assemble the pieces of the fallen fullplate onto the pedestal. He can pile on the breastplate and maybe a helmet or legging. Combined the armor doesn't weigh more than 70lbs and Jicardum can easily apply the pressure with his hands or by standing on it.

When the pad slides down and Aerie presses on the plate in front of the door, the stone door slides up revealing a small antechamber with an identical featureless stone door. A lever next to the door in the antechamber is visible. Not even 3 seconds after releasing pressure on the floorplate the door slides shut.

Aeron asks Jicardum to hold down the plate and he strides into the antechamber.

"There's another lever on the other side of the wall."

He pulls it and the stone door stays open.

"Gentlemen... and lady, I posit that this lever opens the other door. Shall we?"

Aerie hears movement and muffled talking behind the door but can't make out any details. There are three maybe four different voices. Roland knows that the stone is too thick for him to penetrate with his detect evil ability.

2009-06-12, 04:41 PM
Bjórn the Agreeable

Bjórn goes to the middle of the group, getting his sling ready as he is all but useless with his quarterstaff.

Roland de Molay

Roland looks at Brother Jicardum, and nods, taking the lead. He now knows Brother J's fighting style enough that Brother J will not be hindered by Roland being in the lead, but anything with a drop on the party will target the first of the heroes ... and better for that front man to be well-armored.

lord of pixies
2009-06-13, 03:27 PM
brother jicardum
i yell to the orc and druid, what awaits us behind this door?

and brother jicardum takes a place right behind roland

2009-06-13, 04:44 PM
((I'm assuming you guys tied up the prisoners?))

Athkabek weakly shrugs. Cathbad mumbles "The proving grounds of the mad overlord, hehe."

Based on Bjorn's diagnosis, Aeron's the worst off in both health and physical fitness but out of the potential front-line fighters Aerie's the worst. Who gets the potion of cure light wounds?

Shane hides Alastair's body in a stack of hay next to a horse. Best not to let any potential passerbys discover his body. He stuffs Cathbad and Athkabek under the table in their lab.

Once everyone assembles at the door, Aeron pulls the lever (taking cover behind the wall as he does so) and the stone door behind the group slides shut as the one in front opens up revealing a large circular room. Dozens of strange gadgets, spinning tops, floating balls, and dancing lights adorn this room. The floor is a lush carpet and the surrounding walls made of a deep, dark wood. The several scattered tables hold books, notes, papers, scrolls and quills. Against the far side is another mirror 10' wide and 10' tall and shimmering with every color in the spectrum. Floating several feet off the ground in the center of the room is Hargreaves encased in an ebony ball. His wax woman homunculus is perched ontop, holding a piece of chalk and looking forlorn.

Standing off to the side of the floating wizard and intently watching the door is a dwarf in halfplate with a warhammer at his side and a large steel shield strapped across his arm. Scattered about the room are four half-orcs in scalemail with bows on their backs and morningstars at their sides. The half-orcs reach for their weapons but the dwarf thrusts a stout fist out.

"Stay yer hands, mates. These ain't our enemies."

Pointing to Roland at the front "Me name ain't important. Who we work for ain't important. Ye after the wizard and them kids? We can help. But, if'n ye want a fight that won't end well for either party, then have at you."

2009-06-13, 06:48 PM
Aeron still gets the potion. Bjórn spontaneously casts his last two 0-level spells (message & read magic) on Aerie to heal her of 2 hit points.

Roland asks simply, "Well, then, we could use that help for Hargreave and the kids."

2009-06-13, 07:11 PM
Aeron is fully restored but still sluggish from the poison. Aerie is about 70%.

The dwarf the nods his head.

"Huh. Thought ye'd put up a bit of a fight. Kinda dissapointed."

The dwarf knocks on the ball encasing Hargreaves.

"Can't touch the ol' boy. Not even a good poundin' can shatter this contraption. Y'see that mirror back there? It's a transporter. Takes ya from point A to point B. Handy gizmo."

"We came through it 'bout fifteen minutes ago and had a little bout with Hargreaves. Business related but that's not important right now. He threw a fit and said he'd get us our 'package' so he climbed into that lil' ball. The wax woman drew a new set of runes on the mirror and now it's glitterin' like a damn rainbow and Hargreaves won't come out! I sent one of my boys through the veil to check it out but he hasn't returned."

"Look, I know how these mirrors operate. Ye need someone on the outside keeping the chalk runes fresh or else they'll vanish and the magic useless. The wax woman normally keeps the runes fresh but she's not taking orders anymore with her master being sound asleep. That means ye have about ten minutes to get those kids out of there and-- oh! What's this?"

The dwarf's expression takes on a sinister tone as he pulls out a piece of chalk.

"Why, what's this in my hand? Boys?"

The half-orcs guffaw

"That's the last piece of magic chalk, boss--"

"It's the last piece o' bloomin' magic chalk and I'm the only sunovabitch in here who knows the proper runes! We don't care about them kids or the wizard but the only way to lure him out is to grab them kids and taunt him with it. Ya go in and do yer business and I'm certain the wizard will come out of his plastic bubble where I'll smack him one and get me prize. Ya get the kids, ya get the wizard, I keep the portal from closin' on ye and I go on my way."

"So, what do ye say? Hurry now, magic chalk don't last forever!"

2009-06-13, 07:39 PM
[OOC: Sense Motive for Bjorn (and yeah, sure, Roland). Also detect evil from Roland.]

lord of pixies
2009-06-13, 07:43 PM
i walk up to the mirror, and ask "With you being so kowledgable and all" i ask the dwarf where does this go?

after looking at our beat up group and then the 4 half orcs, i ask any chance you could lend us a few of your goons?

2009-06-13, 09:23 PM
When the dwarf and half-orcs don't make any hostile movements, Aeron rushes over to Hargreaves to inspect the ball.

[OOC: Sense Motive for Bjorn (and yeah, sure, Roland). Also detect evil from Roland.]

There's evil afoot!

i walk up to the mirror, and ask "With you being so kowledgable and all" i ask the dwarf where does this go?

after looking at our beat up group and then the 4 half orcs, i ask any chance you could lend us a few of your goons?

"Pfff beats me. The mirrors can only connect to other mirrors so whereever ye expect a mirror to be that's where ya'll go."

Roland detects 1 evil aura towards the center of the room.

"I guess I can lend ya one of those lugheads. They're overpaid as it is. Krusk! Your sorry arse is followin' these chuckleheads."

The biggest, dumbest half-orc in the bunch stupidly points at himself then nods his big head. Spittle flies out of his slacked jaw.

Roland pinpoints his spell and the only evil aura is coming from... Aeron.

Bjorn and Roland have no reason not to believe the dwarf's words.

Aeron finishes and returns to the group.

"Strange device. Can't make heads or tails of it. It's arcane and Hargreaves appears asleep."

Neither Bjorn or Shane have anything further to add. Much of the room is a mystery to them as much as it is to Aeron.

lord of pixies
2009-06-13, 10:44 PM
well, times a waisting, i start twards the mirror, i enter the mirror unless someone makes a motion to stop me.

2009-06-13, 11:33 PM
Shane grabs a javelin and bobs in after. Aeron sighs and looks at Aerie. He weakly says

"Uh, ladies first!"

2009-06-14, 01:10 AM
Knowing that Roland is the party's best defensive warrior, and his own self is otherwise useless, Bjórn takes Aeron's arm over his shoulder to help him along.

Bjórn looks at the dwarf and says, "I have always had a knack for drawing, because I would draw sigils I saw in books into my own works to compile in research projects. Show me what must be done with this magic chalk."

Seeing as his counterpart warrior went in first, Roland will wait until everyone else has had a chance to enter the mirror to guard the rear.

2009-06-15, 02:00 PM
Jicardum, Aerie, Roland, and Shane pass through the barrier as Aeron, too weak and barely able to stand, remains in the lab with Bjorn. The dwarf hesitates for a moment but grumbles under his breath as he shows Bjorn the proper (and complicated) process of maintaining the chalk rune.

Roland, Aerie, Jicardum, and Shane feel insubstantial as the mirror vanishes behind them and they walk through empty space. All around as far as the eye can see lies pure whiteness . There's a floor and gravity keeping you from floating off into nothing but even with a light source your physical form casts no shadow. Somewhere in the distance, a voice is heard.

"And so, the intrepid adventurers stormed the gates of paradise to challenge God. "Lord," they said "Why have you stole these children in the dead of night? What gives you the right to forsake us and steal our beloved?" And God said "My sons... all who come here do so on their own free will."

There's a ripple like a rock dropped into a still pond and the group finds themselves looking down at their own reflections in a small pool. Looking up, they find themselves in a picture-esque glade surrounded by lush green trees, flowers, and icy peaked mountains in the distance. Several cottages made of gingerbread with licorice thatched rooftops and candy cane lantern posts dot the landscape. The lone path leading up to a small keep is paved with glittering gold and in the center of the glade, fifty feet or so from the pool, is a large stone statue of a humanoid garbed in fancy robes. Beneath the statue are forty or so children of various races and genders wearing silk robes of scarlet crowded around a figure garbed as the statue. In his hand is a large tome.

One of the children pipes up "Do the adventurers challenge God?" Another kid shouts "Does God punish the rude trespassers?! The man closes the book and sets it down. His facial features are undoubtly the same as Hargreaves but the once whispy goatee is replaced with a well groomed full beard and his shoulder length hair whips gently in the wind. He stands and looks straight at the party standing in the ankle-high pool.

"The ending to our story, children, is about to be decided."

lord of pixies
2009-06-15, 04:40 PM
"Yes" Brother Jicardum says to the children in a soothing voice"the adventurers chalenge god, for while they came hear on there own, they do not see how it pains there loved ones, how there loved ones weep and cry every knight, how they do everything in there power to get there back. However, god, being god, does not like the idea of having his new children taken away, so he chlenges the adventurers, he pauses, looks up at hargreaves But, that is a little to violent for such lovely children to see, so "god" would take himself and the adventurers to some place just out of the childrens sight, before he tries to "Punish" the adventurers then he pauses

...or perhaps he coulld try to show that he knows whats best for the children by showing that he is wiser through a game of riddles? with that, i say to him Gods choice showing that its his choice wether we fight or talk

2009-06-15, 05:11 PM
Hargreaves crosses his arms.

"Little Sarah, what did your mother do?"

A little red headed girl stands up.

"Men paid her money and she screamed all night."

Hargreaves points to a little halfling boy

"Fred Frumpkin, how much could your daddy drink?"

The halfling boy stands and sings

"As much as a dwarf before he fell forever asleep."

Hargreaves points to a human girl

"Renee Linnos, ah that name rings a bell. What did your daddy do?"

The girl stands and curtseys

"All work and no play. He locked me in my room alone all day."

Hargreaves does a port de bras.

"There's one thing these kids have in common. Their parents were all neglectful. It's a sad, terrible thing when a child is left abandoned."

Hargreaves waves his hands and the kids stand and move to the side, clearing a path from the statue to the pool.

"As I was explaining to your necromancer companion, a child's mind is completely maleable like fresh putty. Through dedicated study I've combined dream with reality."

Holding his hand out, Hargreaves produces the largest, ripest apple anyone has ever seen.

"In my heavenly garden, what you will is what is real. I admit to using these children as guinea pigs but look at the end result! A haven for all the misuided souls of Cyprus."

He tosses the apple and it lands perfectly upright, stem up, by the pool.

"Go on. Taste it. You'll find its texture unique and the flesh nourishing like no other fruit. If you concentrate hard enough, you can create something of your own."

Everyone notices Shane struggling to 'see' something ahead of him. From thin air a rabbit briefly appears before vanishing again.

"There. Now you've got it! A little more work to your concentration skills and you can create a world of your own. Now, faced with this new moral dilemma..."

He pauses for dramatic effect

"Will you pull these miserable and unfortunate children from their paradise home and destroy my groundbreaking research in the name of your twisted justice? Will you return these kids to a world locked in a civil war? Where brother kills brother and entire families are torn apart to appease the fat pockets of the dukes above them?!"

2009-06-15, 05:24 PM
Roland de Molay

"I will," says Roland, "but not necessarily because of some 'twisted sense of justice.' These kids have faced terrible things, I do not doubt. It is in this that they must learn and better themselves. I did not choose the path of the paladin because of the benefit I might have wrought for myself in the afterlife. That is self-serving.

"No, I have taken up my cause because, while all may not possess my strength and conviction, I know that I cannot run from the world. Regardless of what we face, we have a responsibility within ourselves - child or man - to learn from what life teaches us and to not only ennoble ourselves but to show others that strength of conviction.

"Hargreaves, this place is cursed because these children, and perhaps yourself, no longer truly live. You play in this place but do not truly learn, truly grow, or make meaning of your life. And to that end, even when the continued happiness of children is at stake, I believe that this thing, this experiment is hollow, meaningless, and doomed to doom those who linger long here."

2009-06-15, 05:51 PM
Hargreaves looks unimpressed but all of the children drop their heads in unison as if the weight of Roland's words weigh heavily on them. The grass slowly shifts from bright green to a dull brown and the buildings twist into oblong shapes.

"I do miss home"
"I remember the sound of the windmills..."
"...The smell of fresh baked bread."
"...Horses on the cobblestones..."
"...Meeting other kids at the zoo."

Hargreaves spins around.

"Childreeeen! Happy thoughts! Paradise was built with your sweat and tears! Don't let these four fools take that away!"

With that, Krusk pops up next to Jicardum. He looks around stupidly, spots Hargreaves, draws his bow.

"Uhhh, you the wizard! The boss wants his wand, uh-yup."

Hargreaves ignores the half-orc.

"Fine. You wish to break their will and destroy their spirit, I'll allow it. We'll play a game. Children, conjure me up three champions! The brave heroes will choose a champion to battle. If they win, God will admit defeat."

Three clouds of swirling colors form in front of Hargreaves. From the first one emerges a terrible giant with spiked armor and twin scimitars. From the second cloud a huge man with the head and tail of a lizard appears; his four arms end in massive claws and flames pour from his nostrils. From the third cloud a fully armored centaur emerges with a 15' long spear ending in razor sharp barbs. Hargreaves stands before the horrible monsters made of pure nightmares.

"Your choices three. Walk away and leave me be. Join us in blissful harmony. Or, point your finger and a fight it shall be."

"All who stand before you will accept your challenge. Simply point and defend yourself."

2009-06-15, 08:09 PM
Roland points at one of those standing before him with whom he truly has some quarrel ...

... Hargreaves himself.

lord of pixies
2009-06-16, 12:18 AM
let us choose wisely
lest it causes us misery
chosing a powerfull wizard
or battleing a lizard
or attacking a giant in spiked armor
may cause us horror
but fighting a centuar with a stick
might just do the trick!!

i say, thinking that fighting a wizard might prove bad, yet five on one fight where the aponent doesnt have a wepon that can hit up close... *i pull out my quarterstaff*

2009-06-16, 08:32 AM
Before Jicardum can finish his poem, Roland points at Hargreaves. The wizard chuckles to himself.

"Predictable... but poetic. You want me, you get every iteration of me."

From where Hargreaves stands, four identical clones leap out. The monstrous aspects vanish.

Round 1

19: Jicardum
16: Hargreaves
15: Aerie
12: Shane
10: Roland
5: Krusk

Jicardum is 30' from the five wizards. ((If you attack, pick a number between 1 and 5. I'll roll 1d5 in the next post and determine if you hit))

lord of pixies
2009-06-16, 10:37 AM
Brother Jicardum

...had to choose the wizard ...*sigh*

i run up to one of the wizards and attack with my quarterstaff (two handed)

[spoiler] hit [roll0] damage [roll1] which witch; [roll2]

2009-06-16, 11:43 AM
Jicardum does an overhead thrust with his quaterstaff.


His staff smashes an image which vanishes leaving three left. Hargreaves runs 30' back to the statue (completely dodging a clumsy blow from Jicardum as he does). He casts a spell and touches the statue of himself. The image of the statue becomes slightly displaced as if looking at it under water.

At initiative 15.9, the large statue steps down from its base, moves over to Jicardum, and slams its fist into the ground next to him.

"When I said every iteration I meant every iteration."

Aerie is 30' from the large statue fighting Jicardum and 60' from the four wizards.

2009-06-18, 02:47 PM
Aerie fires a shot at the statue and easily hits the huge thing for 6 points of damage.

Shane does a full-round action to try and persuade the crowd of children.

"Renee! Your father is risking his wealth and status to rescue you. He's a politician, he works, but understand that as a father he cares very deeply about you. Do you truly believe this wizard with his make believe world can ever replace that love you feel for a real human being?!"

Renee (and several other children) look ahead with a mixture of grim determination and sorrow.

Before Roland gathers his wits about him he notices his sword is glowing. Does he extend his will to his weapon to try and resist it? Jicardum feels his body toughen and his clothes rip as his muscles burst through the seems (+4 str, +4 con).

Hargreaves cries out

"Don't listen to the liars and fakes, children! Remember all that I've done!"

Roland is 30' from the statue engaged in combat with Jicardum. Does he resist the effect that is happening to his sword?

2009-06-18, 04:03 PM
No, he does not resist.

2009-06-19, 01:48 PM
When the glowing subsides, Roland's sword is different. It's still a longsword but it weighs a few ounces less, the blade is finely polished, and the weapon as a whole is more balanced (masterwork longsword).

Roland's turn.

2009-06-19, 03:42 PM
I am not sure how far Roland is from Hargreaves ...

2009-06-19, 08:35 PM
I am not sure how far Roland is from Hargreaves ...

60' from Hargreaves, 30' from the Hargreaves statue.

2009-06-20, 01:12 AM
Roland de Molay

Recognizing that he is putting himself in danger (AOO from statue & no Dex bonus), Roland charges runs to Hargreaves nonetheless.Attack = [roll0]
Damage = [roll1]
AC (running) = 14

EDIT: I had to change the action type once I noticed/ remembered that Rollie is wearing medium armor and only has a 20' speed.

2009-06-22, 11:16 AM
Krusk fires an arrow at Hargreaves and an image vanishes with two remaining.

Round 2

Jicardum is 10' from the large statue that nearly crushed him. He feels exceptionally strong and hardy.

lord of pixies
2009-06-22, 03:27 PM
lets finish this brother jicardum yells out as he charges the statue and swings two handed with his quarter staff

hit [roll0] damage for quarterstaff [roll1]

2009-06-24, 05:29 PM
Brother Jicardum leaves a sizable crack in the statue's kneecap.

Hargreaves is noticeably anxious. He calls out to Roland.

"It doesn't have to end this way, friend. We are friends, yes?"

He casts a spell. Roland feels his mind becoming cloudy.


Roland briefly feels sympathetic of Hargreaves' cause. He feels that the man isn't as bad as he lets on and is truly a poor, misunderstood outcast... that feeling is quickly washed over when Roland takes into account the man's hubris, crimes, and animated statue killing his companion. Perhaps Hargreaves' charms would have worked had the foolish wizard not attack them outright.

Hargreaves does a little "hop up" on the statue's stand 5' off the ground giving him high ground against Roland.

Aerie's turn.