View Full Version : Space Knights IC

Xerxes Shadow
2009-04-04, 03:28 PM
One of the busiest streets in Hazure is Aromatic Avenue, named for its abundant collection of restaurants and bakeries. One of these restaurants, called Kliknag's, is almost never busy; in fact, there's a dartboard behind the counter for the staff to amuse themselves. Today, there are only four patrons there: an armored, armed insectoid knight, a pale junkie, a scientist, and the scientist's daughter.

((Black text is for everyone, green text is for Kezz'hra, blue text is for Yarn, and pink text is for Grace.))

You sit alone at a two-person table, moping. A tentacled server approaches you and refills your lone mug of coffee. "Are you sure you don't want something to eat?" she asks.

You're here waiting for someone. A scientist kind of guy, your contact said. You're anxious; you're jonesing for a fix. A jingle from the door signals his entrance, accompanied by a teenage girl.

Your dad leads you into the restaurant. "Go sit up by the counter, honey, I have to talk to someone." As he walks away, you hear him mutter, "Can't believe I'd sink this low to fund the research..."

((I'm not sure how old Grace is. Is she young like 5, or is she young like 14?))

Yuki Akuma
2009-04-04, 03:51 PM
FTM-576b mk. 2.3.11 "Grace"

The teenaged girl sits down at the counter her father directed her to, humming idly to herself as she reads the menu on the wall! Her legs kick back and forth idly.

Oddly, the chair she's sat on strains a little bit to hold her up, even though, with her physique, she couldn't possibly weigh more than 100 pounds soaking wet.

2009-04-04, 06:30 PM
Supreme High Commander Kezz'hra

The bulky but short insect man's antennae perk up when the server refills his cup. "I'm quite alright, thank you," he replies in a deep, hissing voice with a slight clicking accent. He raises the mug to his mandibles smelling the air takes a sip. The handle of his plasma blade knocks against his seat as his leg twitches idly. The entry of the strange girl and her father, as well as her undue taxation of the furniture, occupies Kezz'hra's attention for a moment, but he soon turns back to his own considerations. He's seen much stranger things over the centuries than a girl in a restaurant.

2009-04-04, 07:16 PM

Yarn mutters something darkly to himself under his breath. He didnt anticipate a child being here. Was she a prostitute? Servant? Well, looks like snatching the drugs is off the table (dont want to shoot a kid), not that he considered it strongly anyways. A good dealer was hard to find.
Yarn reaches the small gray backpack in his lap and idly prods at the single full hypo he has remaining.

He sends his mind poking at the aura of the scientist, testing his stress levels and aggression.

Xerxes Shadow
2009-04-04, 09:46 PM
The server shrugs. "Suit yourself. Call if you need anything." She goes back to busying herself behind the counter.

The scientist sits down across from you. "You are... Yarn, correct?" He continues without waiting for an answer. "I have your items, but you'll need to follow me into the alley. They're all there. You know, to stop people from seeing them and such." He is visibly nervous and keeps glancing at the girl as if making sure she doesn't look over.

"Need anything?" asks the server, returning from the insectoid's table. "Coffee? Soda? Food?" She glances at the chair uneasily. "Sturdier furniture?"

2009-04-04, 10:19 PM
Yarn laughs nervously almost to himself. He speaks under his breath.

((Since you use blue to talk about Yarn im going ot have him talk in blue.))

Alleyway? Not required. Money for four ounces is taped to the bottom of the table. Take it. Leave whatever sort of container your using behind when you leave. I have a microshotgun in my backpack so dont try any funny buisness. Wouldnt want anything to happen to your Doll*.

((*Doll: A slang term for a private escort, callgirl, or owned woman. Derogatory, but with a connotation of money as opposed to a street prostitute. The character here is making an incorrect assumption as to the nature of the gynoid, whom he does not recognise as such.))

Xerxes Shadow
2009-04-04, 10:31 PM
He reaches inside his coat. "You're going to want to step into the alleyway right now or I'm going to pull a gun and then ask my 'doll' to rip your arms off." He continues to sweat.

2009-04-04, 10:46 PM

Yarn flashes a too-broad grin that doesnt touch his eyes and quickly reaches under the table to take the money, which he slips into his coat.

Ok. Ok. Have it your way. No skin off my nose, boss.

He stand up and for a brief moment closes his eyes as he yawns.

((I would like to roll Unstable Psionics to read the aura's of any entity in a ten-fifteen meter radius. Determining their mood, location, and health, as well as any major magic effects on them.))

Yuki Akuma
2009-04-05, 05:04 AM

The girl continues humming to herself, apparently not noticing the altercation between her father and the junkie at all. The server gets a broad smile. "Ooh! Umm. Soda." She nods her head. "Cream soda. With ice cream. Oh and a muffin? A blueberry muffin." She nods!

Her fuel cells run on sugar, you see.

2009-04-05, 01:06 PM
((Im a-gonna roll if you dont mind, and you can deny me the right to make that check if you want. Putting it in spoiler so you can set difficulty before seeing outcome.))


((Hope my memory of the roll command works.))

Xerxes Shadow
2009-04-06, 02:11 AM
You sense four people already in the restaurant. The scientist is nervous, the knight is sad, and the server is bored. The girl doesn't seem to register at all. As you snap back into reality, the scientist motions out the door. "Okay, let's go. Move it," he says.

"Sure, I'll get that for you. Hey, it looks like the guy you came in with is leaving."

You sense a sudden burst of psychic activity.

2009-04-06, 02:22 AM

Yarn starts out towards the door with a fork held loosly in one hand and his other hand over the pocket in his jacket where the drug money is now resting.

Yuki Akuma
2009-04-07, 05:14 AM
"Mmm?" The girl looks up as the scientist guy begins to leave! "...He told me to wait here. He'll be fine." She nods her head firmly!

Xerxes Shadow
2009-04-07, 06:10 PM
The scientist leads you into the alleyway, his stress levels growing all the while. "Stop," he says when you are both standing in front of a dumpster. He pulls the object out from his coat, and it appears to be a remote control, or possibly a detonator. You see a small blinking light seeping out from the cover of the dumpster.

"If you say so," says the clerk uncertainly. "I've seen that guy he's talking with around before, and he's not the type your friend should be getting mixed up with."

2009-04-07, 08:45 PM

Yarn warily eyes the device in the scientists hand.

So...you have what i want?

Xerxes Shadow
2009-04-08, 10:33 PM
"I do have what you want," the scientist says, "but only if what you want is a deal with someone who wants you dead. Which I have." He shakes the remote control at you a little. "I also have a fully armed combat robot in this dumpster here." He presses a button and a beeping noise comes from inside the dumpster, followed by a series of whirrs and clicks. A humanoid robot leaps out, Sonny-style. Twin gatling guns begin to spin on its wrists, warming themselves up for a deadly spray of lead. Laser eyes begin to glow. The lid of the dumpster, broken off in the robot's entrance, lands with a crash some ten feet away. The insectoid knight from the diner steps into the alley. "Kill," says the scientist.

You hear a crash from the alleyway where your dad is. "What the hell was that?!" exclaims the server. The insect knight gets up and leaves, and your augmented robot hearing detects the sound of warming chain-guns.

((being NPC'd)) A crash from the alleyway sounds like trouble. Your paladin instincts bring you out the door and into the alleyway entrance, blade drawn, as the scientist says "Kill."

2009-04-08, 10:53 PM
Yarn dives towards the exit to the allyway and attempts to send a blast of force back at the robot and its master.

The roll, U-psion


((I mean, all he has on him is his money and a fork. He didnt grab his backpack when he went into the ally.))

Yuki Akuma
2009-04-09, 05:42 AM

The girl's eyes - pink, oddly enough - widen quite a bit, until she's suddenly running outside to the alleyway!

She stops dead in her tracks as she sees what's going on, eyes as wide as saucers. Then she grits her teeth, stalking up to her father and 'brother'.

"Bad boy!" Whap! She slaps the robot in the face.

Ridiculously Humanoid Robot (mostly going for the 'emotional' side rather than the 'super strength' side): [roll0]

Xerxes Shadow
2009-04-10, 07:20 PM
The robot's head snaps to the side, responding to Grace's slap, and the entire robot is violently thrown to the other side as Yarn's push reaches its target. The scientist is thrown onto the top of the Dumpster lid and is knocked out cold. The paladin attempts to run forward, but is stopped by Yarn's residual force.

2009-04-11, 06:16 PM

Yarn pushes himself upright with a growl and spreads his arms wide, feeling a familiar pain rush down his spine. He needs his Psyche and he needs this to end.
"Couldnt have just made this easy...."
He attemots to lift up the dumpsters, flip it over (to drop the scientist off it) and then send it crashing onto the combat android.


Yuki Akuma
2009-04-11, 06:24 PM

The girl who just, let's be perfectly clear here, slapped a combat android, gasps and rushes to the scientist's side! "Daddy! Are you okay?" She looks up and glares at Yarn!

Xerxes Shadow
2009-04-11, 10:40 PM
The robot recovers from its hits and ignores Grace (for the moment), turning its attention towards the dumpster lid. As the hunk of metal is hurled violently at it, it reaches out its arms and stops the projectile cold, then throws it at Yarn. He manages to dive in time, but it still nicks his leg and will inhibit his concentration later.

Down to 1d20. Also, I forgot to mention that the robot is 3d10 (now 2d10), sorry.

2009-04-11, 11:17 PM

Upon hearing the crash outside, Kezz'hra leaps into action. He draws his sword, the blade hissing and spitting with charged plasma, and bashes through the door outside. At this inopportune moment, however, the haggard-looking psychic let loose a blast of mental force. Not only did the force of the blast hold him back, but the burst of unstable power rasped across his already wounded psyche. When Yarn's focus is broken, Kezz'hra enters the fray. He skitters around the robot's attacks to arrive beneath its chassis, where he makes some impromptu modifications with four feet of magical, plasma-infused steel.

Disgraced War Hero-[roll0]

2009-04-12, 03:42 PM
Yarn staggers backwards out of the allyway and notes that a large chunk of dumpster has now gone flying off into the street. A man on a hovering motercycle-like vehicle has skidded to a stop. Yarn throws his fork at the man, steps over, headbutts him, then pushes the man off the hover-cycle and climbs on, and angles the five hundred pound bike into the narrow alley.
Move it or lose it, pink-eye! ((speaking to Grace))
He guns the engine and the elemental within roars; the bike charges foreward at a space much smaller than most people would consider driving in.
Out of the way bug man.

((Attempting to crash a freakin' motorcycle at the back of alley. Roll using Designated Driver))


Xerxes Shadow
2009-04-15, 05:52 PM
The robot expertly jumps over Kezz'hra's makeshift modifications as the hovercycle screams past Grace and her dad. It slams into the robot and drives it into the wall a split second later, both vehicle and victim exploding in a fiery ruin as Yarn reflexively makes an emergency exit. Grace's dad wakes up from his concussion-induced coma just before the stunt is finished and has the privilege of witnessing something BADASS.

Robot is dead due to Yarn's use of an inappropriate cliche. Everyone gains DM favor for awesomeness. Later I might convert this into points.

Yuki Akuma
2009-04-15, 05:55 PM

Grace's head snaps up as she sees a hovercycle careening towards her! "Eep!" She grabs the scientist guy, and leaps... far higher than a girl her age - or, in fact, any age - should be able to manage. She does avoid the hovercycle, though, as she then lands deftly at the mouth of the alley!

She then puts her daddy down, and glares at him as he comes around.

2009-04-15, 06:38 PM
and has the privilege of witnessing something BADASS.
((You should all nominate me for BADASS itp))

Yarn climbs to his feet and coughs a few time before staggering numbly out of the ally and into the diner. He emerges a moment later with his backpack from which he pulls a small pup shotgun. He uses one hand to point it at Grace and her ((nameless)) father.
I think. I think someone needs to do some explaining. Quickly, before the guards arrive.

Yuki Akuma
2009-04-15, 06:43 PM

Grace looks up at the shotgun pointing right at her and her father! Wordlessly, she raises her left hand... Two compartments emerge from the sides of her arm with a 'shunk', each one housing a bright red, miniature missile. Another hatch opens on the top of her hand, revealing a minigun, while her shoulder opens up to reveal what looks like a plasma cannon.

"I think someone needs to point that somewhere else." Her voice is surprisingly friendly for someone who's obviously threatening someone else with atomisation!

2009-04-15, 06:58 PM

Yea...your real tough. You think your dad would survive the crossfire? I dont wanna shoot you, but i need some answers. And some Psyche which i thought i would be getting from him.

Yuki Akuma
2009-04-15, 07:03 PM

The girl with the oddly-coloured eyes grins and nods her head, apparently not catching Yarn's tone. "Yup!" She pauses for a second. "If you don't want to shoot us, then don't point a gun at us, silly." She doesn't sound particularly patronising when she says that.

2009-04-15, 08:21 PM

Yarn lowers his shotgun.
A'ight metal-t**s, do you know some place where me and you and daddy and buggz here can low low until the guards give up?

2009-04-15, 10:17 PM

After Yarn decimates the robot, Kezz'hra gets up and dusts off his clothes and armor. The blade and guard of his sword telescope back into the hilt, which he places in his holster. He looks up and glares at Yarn. "Young man, you should know better than to be so insulting to a lady, even a mechanical one. Especially," he adds, "one carrying such firepower on her person."

Upon hearing unrest in the street proper, he says to Yarn "Now, young man, I should report you to the authorities for such flagrantly unlawful behavior, but I felt the extent both your powers and your instability just a moment ago. It seems you would be better off with my supervision than with incarceration. Otherwise you would just be a menace to yourself and others."

Yuki Akuma
2009-04-15, 11:46 PM

'Steel-tits' hmmms to herself, putting one finger to her lip as she thinks! "Well... daddy does have a super-special secret lab at home... he thinks I don't know where it is, but it's where he built me..."

2009-04-16, 04:37 PM
((you posted your name as Crystal....))

Yarn nods.
I have transportation nearby ((well, he would)). I suggest the bug lead our scientist friend *kocks gun* so he isnt tempted to leave or anything until we get this sorted out.

((I move that the scene suddenly switch to an undergound lab))

2009-04-16, 05:20 PM

Kezz'hra sighs and holds his head in his hand, saying to Yarn "I will argue basic entomology with you later, child." Kezz'hra lifts the good doctor off the ground and puts him on his back, an impressive feat of strength for one five feet tall. To Grace, he says, "I will take this man into my custody as well. His robotic monsters and drug dealing are a danger to society, but I would not be willing to give a man to the authorities in front of his...daughter."

Yuki Akuma
2009-04-16, 08:30 PM

The girl crosses her arms over her chest and pouts! "I am not a danger to society! I only blew up that one bar gang den, and that was an accident!" She hmmphs. "...And I am not a monster, either!"

2009-04-16, 09:14 PM

Kezz'hra looks somewhat perplexed at Grace's indignation. "When I said 'danger to society,' I was not, in fact, referring to you. But I apologize. But dear, would you be willing and kind enough to offer shelter to an old transient and his charge? Perhaps we can offer some sort of remunerations."

2009-04-17, 09:38 PM
This is all very well and good but we need to move, now.

2009-04-17, 11:11 PM
What is Space Knight IC?..

Can someone explain?..XD

2009-04-18, 03:24 PM
((Its the In Character thread for a fantasy/sci-fi role playing game.))

Xerxes Shadow
2009-04-18, 10:19 PM
((If you would like to join, here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=6001086) is the OOC thread, but please don't post here unless you are actually in the game. Anyway, MAD SCENE-SWITCHIN' THYME))

After following Grace's directions, you indeed find yourselves in an underground lab. Futuristic gadgets are scattered everywhere, all of them heavily related to robots. There are crates all along the side of one wall labeled "FTM-576b mk. 2.3.1" through "2.3.10." There is another, marked "2.3.11," but it is open and cobwebs are collecting inside. Another wall is lined with shelves consisting of square cells designed to hold blueprints.

By now the scientist is awake and wide-eyed. "Grace, when did you find out about this lab?"

Yuki Akuma
2009-04-19, 04:24 AM

Grace 'hmmms' to herself, one hand on her chin. "...Remember when you first activated me to test my AI? You didn't wipe my memory after you shut me back down."

2009-04-21, 02:00 PM

Kezz'hra studies his surroundings, his eyes wandering and antennae twitching. "A rather secure location, Doctor. Is their any reason for your secrecy?"

Xerxes Shadow
2009-04-23, 04:47 PM
"Well, you see..." The doctor motions to his electric daughter. "Grace's AI is advanced enough that it can totally mimic a personality. However, only weeks before she was completed, AI that good became illegal." His hand leads your eyes in a sweeping motion across the room. "So I bought a storage facility and turned into the lab where I do maintenance and such on her." He hesitates for a second. "Make yourself at home, but... don't open any of those crates along the wall. Especially you, sweetie."

Yuki Akuma
2009-04-23, 05:04 PM

"He based me on his previous daughter," the gynoid says, quite conversationally. "She died in a lab accident. He says he didn't get the personality quite right, but I look identical to her and the personality isn't that bad..." She seems to have absolutely no qualms against talking about this, apparently.

"When I ask if the first Grace was full of weapons he tends to change the subject."

2009-04-23, 11:10 PM
Yarn ***** his shotgun loudly.

Enough pleasantries. Tell me why you where trying to kill me.

2009-04-24, 01:49 PM

Kezz'hra reaches up to put a claw on Yarn's shoulder. "Peace, child," he says admonishingly, "you must keep better control of your emotions. You would not want to kill this man in front of his heavily-armed daughter, would you? She is liable to be upset." He chuckles, or at least makes a rasping noise with his mandibles.

Xerxes Shadow
2009-04-25, 07:38 PM
((You did WHAT to your shotgun?!?! :smalltongue:))

"Thanks, whatever your name is," the scientist says. "Well, Grace was... expensive. And so is maintaining her. And, since she is illegal, I can't get any research grants to keep her stable, so I have to turn to other methods of getting what I want. I made a deal with someone who wanted me to kidnap you. It didn't work out, apparently." He clicks his tongue. "Shame, too, they offered me a TON of money."

Yuki Akuma
2009-04-26, 04:44 AM

Grace smiles sweetly at Yarn. "...If you do that one more time I'm going to snap your gun in half."

2009-04-26, 03:21 PM
Hmm. Do you have some way to contact these people? You could tell them im dead.

Yarn fishes in his pack and pulls out a hypo full of Psyche.

2009-04-26, 05:02 PM

Kezz'hra shakes his head. "I doubt that would work. Those who are after you would probably want proof of your demise. And if he returned without you, I would not imagine the would be very forgiving."

When Yarn takes out the hypo, Kezz'hra hisses. "I knew it! That surge in the alley felt familiar - you're polluting your mind with that filth! Have you any idea of the dire consequences you risk?!" Kezz'hra shouts all of this at Yarn, and grabs his hand to keep him from injecting himself. His anger is obvious. "I was correct in my judgment of you, it seems. Sit down. You need guidance in more ways than one."

2009-04-26, 10:35 PM
Yarn, not liking anyone getting their hands near his fix, lets out a feral growl and pulls back.

Its none of your concern what i do with myself. Even if i wanted to stop, which i dont, i couldnt. Im already starting to lose my ability to differentiate colors*. Without Psyche i would be dead, which is why i need to resolve this quickly. Im down to my last hypo.

((* Psyche addicts begin to lose fine sensory differentiation over the course of time. Its caused by progressive damage to the nerves and is a sign that withdrawl from the drug will be very severe. The full blown late-stage withdrawl to the drug includes mania, hallucinations, extreme sensory distortion, spontanious orgasms, convulsions, internal bleeding, loss of vision, and finaly the failure of the CNS.))

((You did WHAT to your shotgun?!?! ))
Darn censor. We need more FREEEDOM! (http://www.elfonlyinn.net/d/20030413.html)

Xerxes Shadow
2009-04-27, 12:07 AM
"Well, the guy actually did give me some Psyche," comments Dr. Andronuts. "Since I am now having polite conversation with you instead of kidnapping you, I imagine my employer would be a tad pissed off anyway. Here." He tosses Yarn a briefcase, then hesitates a second. "You know, I have a little experience in biochemistry. I might be able to work on a cure for your addiction, maybe even letting you keep your powers."

((Oh... wow. I completely forgot Grace's dad has a name until now. D'oh.))

2009-04-27, 01:39 PM

"Young man, you need help before you are too far gone. I can help you break your chains. The doctor might be able to help, but as he said, there is a risk you could lose your gift. I can teach you both power and control." Kezz'hra taps the side of his head. "Plus you would be able to confront your unknown enemy far more effectively; make them see justice."

Yuki Akuma
2009-04-27, 02:24 PM

The young android girl has, meanwhile, changed into a French maid outfit... and is currently dusting.

Hey, all this talk of 'freeing you from your addiction' and 'kidnapping' is boring, and this place needs a good dusting!

2009-04-27, 06:32 PM

Yarn looks over at Grace and blinks twice slowly before turning back to the others.

Thats an intersting offer. But i dont have the time for that right now, as someone is trying to kill me.

He addresses the scientist.

Do you have a bathroom in here? ((So he can shoot up in private.))

2009-05-01, 05:24 PM
((What? Has everyone dissapeared?))

2009-05-01, 07:50 PM
((I hope not. The three of us have already posted our bit. The ball's in the GM's court, now.))

2009-05-01, 10:38 PM
((If that happens then i will be batting 4 for 6 of games ended because the GM game up. The other two where me leaving as the game moved too far into left field. That happens sometimes in freeform.))

Xerxes Shadow
2009-05-02, 12:12 AM
((Oh man! Sorry guys, I could've sworn I posted already.))

"Oh, yeah, it's in that corner." Andronuts waves his hand towards a small door. "By the way, I've never seen your kind before." He points at Kezz'hra. "Where are you from?"

2009-05-02, 12:58 PM

Upon hearing Dr. Andronuts' question, Kezz'hra suddenly becomes very gloomy. He looks away, and seems to become. "I don't like to talk about that..." he says, rubbing the side of his head.

Disgraced War Hero for maximum brood.

2009-05-02, 08:54 PM
Yarn heads off to the bathroom with his Hypo and his shotgun.

2009-05-03, 11:15 AM

Kezz'hra chuckles to himself. "I wonder why he feels the need to take his weapon with him. Maybe he's insecure."

Xerxes Shadow
2009-05-04, 11:47 PM
The force of Kezz'hra's brooding gives everyone in the room a sudden, five-second long case of mild depression.

"Or he could still fear that I'm going to try and kill him." Andronuts runs his fingers through his hair. "Speaking of which... my employer will be none too pleased that I, for lack of a better term, wussed out, and he seemed like the kind of man who would, for lack of a better term, shoot me in the face if I ever wussed out. I would like to enlist you and your charge's help in saving my hide. You seem like a nice fellow, what do you say?"

Yuki Akuma
2009-05-05, 06:31 AM

Grace is still dusting! She's definitely listening to the conversation, of course, but she doesn't feel any particular need to interject at this point in time.

2009-05-05, 07:05 PM

"As a Zaket'ha, cannot deny a request for aid from a man in need, though I do not approve of your illegal activities, or your creation's attempt on my life. I also accept on behalf of my witless pupil. Before we do anything else, however, I must wait to speak with him." He patiently waits for Yarn to Finish answering nature's call.

2009-05-08, 12:01 AM
((I dont htink drugs qualify as nature))

Yarn walks, or rather stumbles, out of the bathroom. His hands rub across his arms in a strange repetitive motion. His face has more color in it now and light sparkles faintly behind his eyes. He speaks to the room rather than one particular person.

Someone wants me dead. I want to ask them about that. Personaly. But im going to need a bigger shotgun and more Psyche.

He then turns to Grace. Can you simulate bleeding?

Xerxes Shadow
2009-05-18, 08:16 PM
"Yes she can," Andronuts answers. "Do you have a plan?" He waits for a second. "Oh! Aaaand, I have a bigger shotgun." He runs over to a pile of junk in the corner and pulls something out of it. As its coating of parts is shed, a big honkin' motorcycle reveals itself, complete with mounted turrets and something that looks like a rocket launcher. "I guess it's not exactly a boomstick, but it does the job!" He looks up brightly. "This is just the spare. There are other vehicles in my storage unit."

2009-05-19, 11:33 PM
I know a place where Psyche dealers like to hang out but it might be too dangerous to fight them and i dont have money. I think emotional shock and awe would work nicely though.

Yuki Akuma
2009-05-20, 03:45 AM

The gynoid's head slowly tilts to one side. "...Why do you want to know if I bleed? Are you going to cut me open?" SHe doesn't sound particularly thrilled by the idea. "Please remember, daddy has programmed me to feel pain. For some reason. It's not particularly productive but..."

2009-05-20, 05:15 PM
I was actualy planning on shooting you. That you can feel pain is a plus.

((If he shot her to intimidate someone would that be a roll for him on Dangerous Junkie and a roll for Grace on RHR?))

Yuki Akuma
2009-05-20, 05:17 PM
Grace stares at him for a good, long while. "...You're planning on shooting a teenaged girl. As a trick. Have you really thought this through?"

Xerxes Shadow
2009-05-20, 10:35 PM
"Dude." Andronuts stares at you. "Shooting my daughter is WAY uncool."

2009-05-22, 10:04 PM

Kezz'hra stands between Yarn and Grace, and sighs in exasperation. "Young man, have you really thought this through? Should we not draw up a plan of attack before storming in guns blazing? You might put innocent lives at risk for the simple sake of your vengeance."

2009-05-24, 11:38 PM
Actualy that was about trying to get more Psyche. THEN i was going to rush into wherever the guys who want me dead are.

But i suppose a plan cant hurt.

2009-05-27, 04:17 PM

Kezz'hra sighs. "I suppose your priorities are not skewed in your drug-addled state. Doctor, do you know anything about your clients that could be of use?"

Xerxes Shadow
2009-05-28, 04:23 PM
"I know that they are a fairly large organization, large enough to justify a front." He takes an HPDA* out of his pocket and presses a button on the screen, which projects a map of the spacity. He presses a few more and the camera zooms in on a nondescript office building. "The company is called R.A.T., no idea what it stands for. They seem like a boring little software company, but in reality they are a front for what I think is a drug cartel." He writes down the address on primitive, primitive paper.

2009-05-30, 09:10 PM
((might post later. I work on the weekends.))

2009-06-04, 11:14 PM
Yarn looks at the map and for a moment his face tightens and a strange look sweeps across his face. He speaks in a flat commanding tone.

If its a drug cartel they will have lots of cameras and stuff outside. Much less inside where they might catch their own operation. The will also be heavily defended but mostly on the ground floor. I need a way onto their roof.

Xerxes Shadow
2009-06-05, 11:39 PM
"Well, I do happen to have one climbing-robot prototype. I'm sure it wouldn't mind if you tagged along. Be careful with it though, I lost its schematics so there's only one."

2009-06-11, 04:02 PM
((someone else give imput))