View Full Version : Character Creation Contest for Midget on a Horse!

Fifty-Eyed Fred
2009-04-04, 04:34 PM
THE MIDGET ON A HORSE (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=102030) CHARACTER CREATION CONTEST!
http://i722.photobucket.com/albums/ww230/RufusChamberlain2/MidgetonaHorseBanner3.png (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=102030)
I've decided to open this contest up to the wider Arts and Crafts forum!

This is basically a competition for creating a character that will potentially appear in my epic saga Midget on a Horse, in one of the so-called Extra Pieces, in which stories can happen within the same world at the same time as the main events, or possibly within the main narrative itself.

Your entries should include information and a picture (so that your character can be in the comic, obviously).

If you read the comic now (Don't worry, it's quite a quick read so far) you will get a better idea of what this character should be like, but as general guidelines:
Thin lines, PNG format and block colours make for easier tapestrying. If it looks medieval or fantasy based it will seem a more natural character for Midget on a Horse, but don't let that bind you - an extremely odd character would make for a nice contrast :D. Just do what's natural for this :P.

You all have until the 15th of April 2009 to enter, at which time the winner will be chosen!

But most of all, I wish you GOOD LUCK!

Fifty-Eyed Fred
2009-04-05, 05:43 PM
Szilard already entered in the main thread, so I'll put his entry up here:

Also, a character for the contest, none other than Henry Clay!

He must have lived forever, because he was a part of every major event for the first century or so of the United States of America.:smalltongue: He is a master diplomat, and is also known for starting a war or two.

Here's the current picture, but I'll make a better one later.

2009-04-05, 10:34 PM
I don't really have ganas to participate in this particular contest, interesting as it is.

Still, I'd like to lend my support to Henry Clay. Didn't agree with everything the man said, but the guy got stuff done, dammit.

2009-04-06, 05:54 PM
I still have to get to the redrawing...:smalltongue:

Fifty-Eyed Fred
2009-04-08, 06:27 PM
You guys have a week to get all of your entries in!

2009-04-10, 06:52 AM
How about this for a character?


Fifty-Eyed Fred
2009-04-10, 03:05 PM
I'm assuming that's a saint, or a priest? Do you have any more info? Otherwise I imagine he'd fit quite well in Midget on a Horse :P.

2009-04-11, 05:16 AM
He's a Saint. I took h im from a photo I took of a stained glass window I saw on holiday. I liked him cos it looked like he is a buisiness man carrying a lunchbox and umbrella.

I didn't find out his name, so he can be called:

St. Harold the Slightly Irksome.

Fifty-Eyed Fred
2009-04-13, 11:20 AM
Thank you, Grlump!

Only two days left to enter before I choose the winner!

2009-04-15, 11:42 AM
I'm little late, but it's better than nothing:smallsmile:

Now meet The Green knight:



Mighty hero, defender of the innocent, well-known orc slayer and awfull poet. Truly the right man for each adventure, however he has great weakness against blue color...

2009-04-15, 01:03 PM
I like it. V. Origional.

Especially about him having a weakness against the colour blue.

2009-04-15, 01:22 PM
This might be easier for tapestrizing than my previous picture.

Fifty-Eyed Fred
2009-04-15, 06:11 PM
The Results
Well well, thank you to everyone who entered. This contest was mostly judged upon what use I could get from the character from what I could come up with, since as your character was to appear in part of the story he needed to play a part within that story. You know, at the end the choice was pretty tough as I could see good uses for all three of these characters in the overall narrative. However, out of these there was one story I came up with that decided it, as it was exactly what was needed to tell one part of the tale. Drum roll please!

*starts playing bodhrán*

The winner is...

-skimmer- with The Green Knight!

Thanks as well to Szilard and GrlumptheElder for taking part. -skimmer-, you will see The Green Knight in a Midget on a Horse Extra story (a la Pepin Hurdy-Gurdy Master's) soon!

2009-04-17, 05:07 AM
Well done -Skimmer-

2009-04-17, 01:39 PM
You too guys, you too:smallsmile:
I still would like to see your characters tapestried here....maybe if Fred had little time...

2009-04-26, 11:52 AM
Aww. I really want to see Henry Clay tapestried. An the businessman saint with the umbrella is also amusing.

Please use them as cameo or something, please?