View Full Version : Where's Fourth?

2009-04-06, 10:29 PM
Giant said he'd be doing 3.5 and 4e jokes, but I have yet to see a 4e joke besides Kubota reading the PHB. Am I missing something?

Nimrod's Son
2009-04-06, 10:37 PM
Am I missing something?
A little patience, maybe? :smallwink:

2009-04-06, 10:41 PM
Ignorance as Elan's power source was a 4E joke. Power sources didn't really exist as a mechanic in 3.5.

Mystic Muse
2009-04-06, 10:57 PM
plus the fact that although there are gooing to be 4th edition jokes the comic is really more 3.5 ed centered and will not be updated to 4th because it would contradict too many other things that have happened so far. the list goes like this

no great cleave.
no manyshot I don't think
no owl's wisdom.
the YBD wouldn't have had a ghost of a chance against the party.
no sorceror/rogue/whatevermulticlass for nale because it would be so pointless. and there's no illusion magic specialization in 4.0
no smite evil
no detect evil
no lawful good
no lawful evil.
no shape change
no disintegrate

the list goes on and on and the above things are just off the top of my head. I know you weren't suggesting it would be updated but other people were asking why it wasn't. another reason is a lot of people hate 4th edition so it would take away a lot of the audience if it was.

The Extinguisher
2009-04-07, 12:20 AM
Besides, it's not like there have been a plethora of 3.5e jokes lately anyway.

Totally Guy
2009-04-07, 02:59 AM
Whan Celia and Haley found out Belkar was under the effects of the Mark of Justice Belkar said he wanted a do over. Maybe he should have reasoned that Halflings get a Second Chance.:smallbiggrin:

2009-04-07, 03:29 AM
no lawful good
no lawful evil.

Lawful Good is still there. Chaotic Good was renamed Good, Lawful Evil was renamed Evil, True Neutral was renamed Unaligned, and Chaotic Neutral, Lawful Neutral, Neutral Good & Neutral Evil were removed. (Turning the 3x3 grid into an X.) But yeah... I'm just nitpicking.

2009-04-07, 03:58 AM
Giant said he'd be doing 3.5 and 4e jokes, but I have yet to see a 4e joke besides Kubota reading the PHB. Am I missing something?

Didn't he say he *might* be doing 4th jokes instead of he *will* be doing them (as you just put it)?

2009-04-07, 07:22 AM
Lawful Good is still there. Chaotic Good was renamed Good, Lawful Evil was renamed Evil, True Neutral was renamed Unaligned, and Chaotic Neutral, Lawful Neutral, Neutral Good & Neutral Evil were removed. (Turning the 3x3 grid into an X.) But yeah... I'm just nitpicking.

So, wait... there's only Lawful Evil (aka Evil), Chaotic Evil, True Neutral, Lawful Good and Chaotic Good (aka Good) left? That seems odd. I've never played D&D, but the alignment system seemed restrictive to me, even before. This seems like a step in the wrong direction.

2009-04-07, 09:19 AM
So, wait... there's only Lawful Evil (aka Evil), Chaotic Evil, True Neutral, Lawful Good and Chaotic Good (aka Good) left? That seems odd. I've never played D&D, but the alignment system seemed restrictive to me, even before. This seems like a step in the wrong direction.

Yeah, it sounded incredibly stupid to me. And as I understand it, it's not really an X anymore as it is a straight line- Lawful Good is more good than Good, and Chaotic Evil is more evil than just Evil. Because obviously order is exactly the same thing as good, only moreso, and likewise chaos is the same thing as evil, only more extreme.

2009-04-07, 09:28 AM
I think it actually makes the alignments LESS restrictive, since it basically expands the existing alignments to cover the territory of the neutral-blank alignments. It loosens the restrictions in place for being lawful vs chaotic.

2009-04-07, 09:39 AM
Nor will I limit myself to either jokes about 3.5 Edition or 4th Edition.

That's all he said on the subject in a nutshell. No guarantees that he was going to make the rules jokes "more inclusive," just that he wouldn't consider himself bound to follow the dogma of either edition.

Now let's try not to let the classic hallmarks of the edition war seep into this board, yes?

Mystic Muse
2009-04-07, 12:16 PM
I actually kind of like D&D's alignment system. while it isn't the best and it's really hard to tell whether certain acts are evil good or neutral it's still a good system. at least it's better than randian ethics.

hmm maybe I could argue my blackguard is evil under randian ethics but not the D&D alignment system so he's still technically evil:smallbiggrin:

2009-04-07, 12:20 PM
It would be cool if the party met 4E people along the way (though they stay 3.5)

2009-04-07, 07:15 PM
I know the giant said he wouldn't commit to either 4e or 3.5, but It's been almost a year and like I said, I haven't seen any 4e jokes.

2009-04-07, 07:36 PM
Where's Fourth? At the bottom of the Abyss, in the great everythingness that is primordial Chaos.

May it STAY THERE forever.

I've tried playing an halfling Paladin of the Raven Queen in 4e, with a mage and a warrior, and only the Warrior ever got to do anything in combat. Or rather, he was using 95% of the combat time just to sort out his tactical abilities... DM: "Now it has changed : you got a Move phase, an Engage phase, a Disengage phase, then ... spend a healing surge for... mark target so that your allies can hit it better ... No, it's a ritual now, and costs <1/4 of your $> and you'll have to cast it (10 minutes time) at every ... target has to be marked for you to do X ... " Me: *brain shuts off, yells* "HOW DO I KILL?"

2009-04-07, 07:47 PM
I know the giant said he wouldn't commit to either 4e or 3.5, but It's been almost a year and like I said, I haven't seen any 4e jokes.

Isn't 4e itself the joke?

Morgan Wick
2009-04-07, 09:03 PM
Yeah, it sounded incredibly stupid to me. And as I understand it, it's not really an X anymore as it is a straight line- Lawful Good is more good than Good, and Chaotic Evil is more evil than just Evil. Because obviously order is exactly the same thing as good, only moreso, and likewise chaos is the same thing as evil, only more extreme.

Seems to me to be more of a half-swastika... there's some Unfortunate Implications for you!

2009-04-07, 09:04 PM
I think a good joke would be to have a 4e group that the order meets. Imagine V when he finds out that wizards in 4e have unlimited spells.:smallbiggrin:

Mystic Muse
2009-04-07, 09:32 PM
V wouldn't like tat but his enemy wouldn't like v. the best spell in 4th edition does 6d6 and ongoing 15 damage save ends. that's at epic level. V is more powerful and would probably kill a 4th edition wizard. although there are a bunch of different situations where either oculd win. lot of things could end up bad for either side. and my money would be on V.

2009-04-07, 09:49 PM
I know the giant said he wouldn't commit to either 4e or 3.5, but It's been almost a year and like I said, I haven't seen any 4e jokes.

As I said previously, Rich did not guarantee that he would put any in at all. If they show up, then they show up, but he's not backing down on a promise here.

I notice some of you starting down the "3.X vs. 4E" path... can we seriously not bring that over to this board?

Silverraptor: After the Order reunites, that would be fun to see. Maybe the Linear Guild will find out about "all-new sources of power" and seek out the rules of 4E in an effort to be even moreso the opposites of the Order. :smallwink:

2009-04-08, 06:35 AM
yeah, please keep the edition wars on the WotC boards, this is my "quiet place". you wouldn't deprive a dwarf of his only quiet place, would you :smallfrown: ?

the gags are more focused on the character interaction now then the rules, but i've seen a few. towards the end of the Haley/Celia they did a joke about becoming too "gamey" (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0619.html), a common complaint whenever there's a new D&D edition that comes out (3rd ed was a Diablo 2 clone & 4th ed is a WoW clone. i guess Blizzard is just that darn good that the past 2 editions were based of their games :P )

i believe i saw a few more, like the power source thing, but nothing really rules-based come to mind