View Full Version : In the Shadow of Superman

2009-04-07, 04:49 PM
OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=5968584#post5968584)

We are all of us living in the shadow of Superman

March 21st 2010
Superman Saves Day
Yesterday at about four in the afternoon three men in bear costumes attempted to rob the General Bank of Metropolis. The three men were armed and threatened to use violence if the bank's personnel would not comply. One of the employees managed to activate the silent alarm in a feat of heroics, but when the police arrived at the scene sirens blazing the situation escalated. The men in bearsuits took the staff and twenty customers hostage. These "Three Bears" were ruthless and executed five of the customers to show they meant business. When Superman arrived at the scene the police were running out of ideas. The Man of Steel went into the building and foiled the three villain's plans. One of the men, dubbed Papa Bear, as he appeared to be the ringleader of the three, managed to escape, but another was caught, and the third was gunned down by the police as he tried to flee. The man currently being held in police custody has been identified as Noah Fisher, while the deceased man has been identified as Jonah Fisher, his brother. Enquiries are still being made about the identity of the third man.
Meteorshower May Make Impact
Scientists have reconsidered their earlier calculations that the meteorshower expected from the asteroid Prometheus, which is expected to brush past our atmosphere tomorrow, will only hit the ocean. According to new, more accurate data, it is conceivable that the harbour, or even more populated areas of town, may be hit. Renowned astronomer David Scott estimates a 3% chance that any part of the city will be hit, which is, according to him, quite a lot. Authorities assure us everything is prepared for and there is no need to panic.
Gotham's Arkham Asylum to be Replaced?
After last Tuesday's breakout voices have gone up in support of shutting down Gotham's almost historical Arkham Asylum and replacing it with a less outdated structure. The main argument for this suggestion seem to be the frequent breakouts by some of Gotham's more notorious psychopaths, counting monsters such as the Joker and Two-Face among their ranks. Staff have stated that the reason for these escapes are the poor structuring of the building and gross underfunding. Officials have replied that Arkham already has one nurse for every two patients and more armed security than any other asylum, and that building a new institution would cost estimated millions of taxpayers money. They have acknowledged the problem, but also claim they simply do not have the resources to fix it.
Metropolis Falcons playing Star City Hedgehogs
In two days our very own Falcons will be playing the Star City Hedgehogs for the American Baseball Championship title. If the Falcons win this game they'll have made the finals. According to Coach Finnerty the team is happy to have come this far, especially considering last year's weaker season. Replacing Coach Donahue and giving Finnerty free reigns over the Falcons seemed to have been the right move. Our experts say the Falcons are likely to win this match, but whatever happens, the team is considering this year a win.
Transcendence Opening Tonight
The new exhibition of artist Lillian White titled Transcendence is to open tonight at the Rookhausen gallery. The new work is widely believed to be a private homage to the Man of Steel on the part of Lillian Knight, in tribute to the hero of her adoptive home. Access on opening night is on invitation only and the whole of Metropolis' elite is expected to be there.

"You're free to go" the police officer spoke. Bernard Wein nodded. he was relieved, but also very tired. He'd been at the police station since six o' clock the previous day. They'd had to question him and all the other hostages to try to identify the third robber, the one that got away. Wein had told them right off the bat the man had never taken off his mask, but he'd been forced to sit through the entire proceedings anyways. In the meanwhile the press had dubbed the bankrobber Papa Bear, and the cops had followed suit. Bernard had to admit there was something very paternal about the way Papa Bear treated the other two robbers, who Bernard supposed he now had to call Mama and Baby bear, even though they'd both been rather burly men.

What had bothered him most about the whole situation though wasn't the cops. They'd handled the situation rather well, he felt, or at least as well as you'd expect them to. Superman, however, had been a disaster. Everything had been fine until he came to save the day. Sure, they'd been held at gunpoint, but they'd been alive. Superman came in there to talk. To negotiate. The robbers flipped out and opened fire. Not on Superman, but on the hostages. The Man of Steel had been rather helpless. Sure, he'd stopped them, but not before seven people had been hit, five of them mortally wounded. Supes shielded the hostages from one of the robber's guns, leaving them open for the other two, who luckily decided to run when they saw Supes attacking their colleague. Their was loads of gunfire outside as they fled, and at the time Bernard had supposed both escapees had been gunned down, but it turned out only one escaped via the front. There was no trace of the other. Superman then left, without a word, to take the two wounded people to the hospital.

Bernard exited the police office, only then realising he still needed to deposit the wad of cash he'd got for some consulting. It had been his original reason to head to the bank, but he'd obviously never gotten to it. He also realised he'd vomited on one of the robber's shoes in fear and all he'd eaten since was a pack of salted nuts from a vending machine and a couple of coffees. His stomach grumbled.

Jack had just had breakfast and was still in his nightrobe when he picked up the mail. There were a couple of bills, notices from books he'd borrowed and one more interesting piece:

From the desk of Lex Luthor

Doctor Jack Walker,

Your activities and accomplishments have piqued our interest. For a man of your age you have done quite a bit of remarkable research, and are apparently a very driven mind. Therefore, we are hereby offering you a position at LuthorCorp. LuthorCorp is currently assembling an elite team of scientists to investigate certain matters, and your expertise would be very useful among their ranks. If you consider this offer interesting, please visit the LuthorCorp building. You have an appointment at two.

Lex Luthor

Jack stared at the letter for a while. LuthorCorp had some of the best technology, probably far more advanced than what the university could offer, and Lex Luthor enjoyed an excellent reputation. To be sent a letter by him personally was an honour, even if it had probably been typed out by a secretary. He was supposed to be giving a class at two though. In fact, he was supposed to be giving a class in less than an hour from now.

Emma took place at her desk. She'd rather be working on the actual technology, but running a company involved a minimum of paperwork. There was, luckily, only one letter in her mailbox. Unfortunately, this letter turned out to be bad news.

Notion of take-over

Adressed to the CEO of RepliTech.

I'm afraid we have to inform you that your company has been target of a take-over by LuthorCorp. We currently own sixty-four percent of the shares in RepliTech. This is not an official notice, such will follow later, but we like to send some warning beforehand. We are not obliged to, but we will give you some idea of what LuthorCorp will be doing with your company. RepliTech will be reassigned and absorbed by the LuthorCorp research department, though it will remain a autonomous whole. Most of it's current employees will be put on the LuthorCorp payroll, if they so choose, but obviously the current CEO will have to be replaced. We at LuthorCorp have heard good things about your work though, and are willing to offer you a job in our new elite research team. Should you be interested, you have an appointment at one at the LuthorCorp building.

Lex Luthor

Emma read the letter. And read it again. She could hardly believe this.

Lord Asmodeus
The chair turned, revealing James' boss, Lex Luthor, his hands folded just below his face.
"Do you know why I have called you here, James?"
Lex had never used James' first name before. It had always been "Parkson this, Parkson that". In addition to this, he had absolutely no idea why Luthor had called him here. He wondered if he was getting fired. He tightened his grip on his right hand, to try to stop it from shaking any more than it already was.
"Perhaps you'll remember an incident quite some time ago. It was back when your father still worked here. In fact, it took place on his very last day"
Lex paused for dramatic effect, but James couldn't help wonder where this was leading.
"Your father died that day, at the hand of that so-called boyscout. Does that not make you angry? Does that not make you wonder why nobody said anything, why he hasn't been punished?"

"...No, of course it doesn't. He's Superman, right? No-one could punish him, even if they wanted to. And what if they need to? What if one day Superman becomes a liability?"
Lex unfolded his hands and took a pen. He started signing several forms on his desk as he talked on.
"I'm assembling an elite team to look into a contingency plan, Parkson. They are not to know of the precise purpose of the research, unless you feel it's safe to tell them. I'm leaving this entirely in your hands, Parkson. You'll head this team and report everything back to me. Do you have any questions?"

Someone Else
Tonight was the big night. Tonight her new exposition would open. But then complications had arisen. Dad had called. He was coming to town and needed a place to stay. He wouldn't explain why either. It was work related, he said. So she had made her way to the station, to pick up dad.

She let her mind wander but snapped back to reality when the train rolled to a halt. With a soft hiss the doors opened, and her dad was first to get out, followed by a heap of children on a schooltrip. She recognised the uniforms, they were from a Gotham school. The kids must have been thrilled to visit a decent city once.
"Hey there, Lilly White!" dad shouted, slightly too loud. He hugged her awkwardly, while still holding a suitcase in each hand. She walked him to her car, Whiman all the while spouting questions. If she had a boyfriend, how work was, if anything noteworthy had happened lately in Metropolis, how her friends were. It had been a while since she'd seen dad, or even talked to him. Mom usually did the talking on the phone, though it was more like a cross-examination than a conversation. She'd tell mom to give dad a kiss, but that was about as much contact as they had these days.

Wednesday had been in the store all day now, and there had been very little business. A large black man had walked in some time ago and now seemed to be checking out a whole different range of items. She was getting hungry and had forgotten to pack lunch. She'd probably have to go eat at Betty's again, the diner around the corner. Betty's wasn't the most fancy place, but the service was friendly, the prices low and the food pretty good, if you knew what to pick. Breakfast at Betty's was the best pick, usually, even during the noon. You'd get a large plate of bacon and eggs, a basket of bread and a black coffee. And if you didn't feel like that, you could have the pumpkin-pecanpie. Anything else was sort of a shot in the dark, and you definitely didn't want to try the soup.

The black man dumped a whole array of stuff on the counter. Kneepads, shoulderpads, spiked gloves for rockclimbing, spiked boots for hiking, a helmet, a mouthpiece for boxing, some padded clothing and an axe intended for gathering wood.
"Don't ask" he said, "Just bill it. I may be back in a couple of days to get some more stuff... May never be back too"

Someone Else
2009-04-07, 05:17 PM
Lillian Knight

Lilly sighed, smiling a little, as she walked down the station at Whiman's side, taking one of the two heavy suitcases. Questions were always Dad's way; that's one thing that hasn't changed. She managed a quick nod and shake of the head, her actual answers getting drowned out by the delighted screams of the Gotham kids. She couldn't help but laugh a little at their antics though though, that carrying over the volume as they left the station, walking down to her rather shiny new car, black and long, though not a Limo, picked up from a portion of Rookhausen's profits last season. Lilly flicked the boot open, the children running past them, amazed still at the bright, shining, city of the future..

Lilly smiled over the expansive boot at Dad as they loaded up his cases and the noise faded, a little guiltily, but unable to entirely resist the humor of the kids. "Sorry bout that, dad. Kids, right?"

2009-04-07, 05:19 PM

She gave a tiny sigh as the man came up to the counter- it would have been nicer if one of her employees was in to take care of this while she went out to do something else, but alas, they were out of town for the moment. Oh well, it wasn't like she couldn't manage it.
Eyeing the odd assortment of items, Wednesday raises an eyebrow and begins ringing it all up, starting with the various pads and 'armor.' Grinning a little, she looks up at her customer.

"Either you do a lot of sporting activities, or you're attempting to invent extreme lumberjacking. I don't think I've ever seen someone buy such an array of items."

In fact, it almost seems a little... suspicious, thinks Wednesday. Various types of body armor? An axe? And right after a man escaped from robbing the bank... no, it couldn't be him. Surely there was some rational explanation... for buying all of this weird stuff at once?

Wednesday's eyes slide to the axe, and she picks it up and goes to scan it, before receiving a beep from the cash register. She knew it was going to happen- but she just wanted an excuse to have her hand on the axe when she asked this.
Paranoid, says the little voice in her head. Completely paranoid.

"Oh- sorry. Can I see your driver's license? It's the axe- there's a restriction on age in terms of purchasing it, I guess to make sure kids don't run around with them..."

She smiled politely at the man.

2009-04-07, 05:34 PM
Someone Else
"Ah, yes, I remember when you were like that" Whiman said, and sighed. He took the suitcases and loaded them into the trunk, insisting on doing it himself.
"Don't worry, Lilly, I won't be much of a bother. I have a lot of work, and should be able to leave once this case is resolved. In the mean time, I hope it's okay if I stay with you. I know that even though you don't have a boyfriend you may sometimes -eh- But that's none of my business. If you want me out of the way, you just have to say the word and I'll go stay in a hotel for the night, or maybe sleep down at the precinct. And your mother told me you were having this big exposition tonight, and I'd love to see it, but I know I'd be a drag to have around with all your friends and business associates there, and I have a lot of work anyways, so after I drop off my bags I'll head down to the local police office and settle in. Get to know the co-workers, so to speak"

The man looked at her and smiled back, revealing several missing teeth.
"Don't have a license, I'm afraid. Can't drive no car. Don't see the use, in the city" he said, and smiled again, as if hoping this would help him.
"Look now, I just really need this stuff, and if you could just bill it I'll be off. Besides, I don't exactly look underage, do I now?"
He laughed. He certainly didn't look underage. She'd estimate him about 25 to 30. He was a tall man, and quite buff. The sort of buff you only get if you work out in a gym. He only wore some loosefitting grey jogging pants, some sandals and a tight blue sleeveless shirt, which showed off his muscles pretty well.

Someone Else
2009-04-07, 05:47 PM
Lillian Knight

"No... Dad..."

Lillian sighs, ever so slightly exhasperated as the pair get in the front two seats. She continues once they're both in

"There's no one. No friends coming round, no partner. When it comes to socializing, I generally do it on other people's turf. I have the penthouse to myself. "

She grins a little at that, and kisses her old man on the cheek, leaning over from the driver's seat to do so

"You're welcome to stay. I've gotten a guest room ready for you, complete with desk and stationary, and everything. Feel free to work all night, but you're in Metropolis for now. You deserve a chance to rest a little"

She laughs, as the car starts without a single rev, engine purring gently as Lilly pulls it out, and onto the road. The immaculate road, making a rather drastic contrast to Gotham

"Feel free to take a look round the exhibition though, if you want to. Rookhausen's just a few blocks from the penthouse. Just tell the staff who you are, and they'll let you in, whenever. And yes, that includes having a look now, before the opening."

She'd seemed to be getting a little brighter at this, but as they reach a traffic light, Lilly sighs

"Truth be told, It's a little depressing right now. Courtesy of the bloody Planet"

She clenches her fists around the wheel, ever so slightly, as she sees the copy that she'd left on the car's back seat. That bloody article... still annoyed her

2009-04-07, 05:54 PM

"If you have any other identification, I can take that as well... but I'm afraid rules are rules sir. A little business like this has enough problems- we don't want law enforcement down on our heads too."
Why'd she say law enforcement? She should have said lawyers... but, too late. Anyways, she normally wouldn't have made a fuss over the axe, but this just put her on edge. It was uncanny, really, just how jittery it made her.

She smiled apologetically at him, hoping he wouldn't get angry or do anything rash. Still, at least she had her hand on the axe...
In fact, what with a lack of identification being presented, she begins to move the axe and place it under the counter. Best to keep it out of reach entirely.

2009-04-07, 06:12 PM
Someone Else
Whiman smiled at her and then looked out of the window at the buildings flashing by.
"I do actually have a lot of work, and urgent work at that, but I suppose I could come by tonight for five minutes or so, that should slow me down noticably. I don't get a chance to see my daughter's work that often, after all"
He looked back and caught her glancing at the paper in the back seat. He reached back, folded it, and then started reading the front page. As he reached the second part of the page he frowned and adjusted his glasses.
"I didn't realise you got news from Gotham here too. We hardly ever hear anything about Metropolis"
He sighed.
"Perhaps it's just because we're so caught up in all the crime we have in our own town. Really, it hasn't gotten any better since you left, especially with that bat running around"

"Law enforcement?" he said, almost offended.
"Look, I don't want any trouble. I don't know why you're making such a fuss over this, I'm just trying to buy some stuff and I'm clearly not underage"
He slammed his fist into the counter.
"Damn, I needed this stuff by tonight, and I still have other stuff to do. What is it, lady, do you have a problem with black people?"
A vein popped up in the man's neck and his eyes seemed rather large. It made him look somewhat scary, and definitely quite angry.

2009-04-07, 06:17 PM
Jack checks his watch, a solitary bead of sweat forming at the corner of his eye and running down his face. I've slept in. He quickly got on his computer, rattling out an email to dictate that he would not be teaching today. Thank god I have an excuse. He couldn't possibly call in- phones were unnerving- and there was something about text messages that just seemed... slovenly. Undignified. But not having to teach was lovely. With that, he drops his robe, and slips into the shower for his routine, involving several shampoos, conditioners, soaps, hair prducts, and combs- all very expensive, and each step punctuated by excercizes. After all, the housing for his most important part must be maintained. With that, he slowly, carefully, and perfectly dons one of his many white shirts, followed by brown slacks, then his shoes- black, thin, gleaming professional shoes- and finally, a perfectly pressed brown coat of a barely noticeable slightly darker tint than the slacks. Afterwards, he takes out his contact lenses, and puts on his glasses- thin, light, sharp spectacles. His routine finished, he checks himself in the mirror, makes sure everything is perfect.. leaves ofr the car, comes back and checks his coat... leaves for the car, makes sure he has his glasses on... keeps going, checks to see if his keys are there... keeps going, then rushes back to the mirror to check his hair again, and repeats the checking process a couple more times. Finally, all compulsions quenched, he climbs into his car- a 1968 pontiac firebird, black hardtop (a convertible was aesthetically pleasing, but would ruffle his hair and clothes) and windows sealed tightly, drives off towards Lexcorp.

Someone Else
2009-04-07, 06:24 PM
Lillian Knight

Her dad's mention of the case being urgent irritated:Lilly a little, but she knew that look. He wouldn't describe something as urgent unless it was. She winked across at Whiman "Heh. We'll stop on the way, if you like. That wouldn't take too long. If the precinct complain, call it the price of lodging with me"

Lilly smiled a little at that, before her dad brought up the paper. She knew he didn't need much to be reminded of crime, and she sighed for being so stupid as to leave the paper there

Stupid... and they had that Arkham article as well

Still, she manages to put a smile on it "Yeah. Whereas Metropolis hasn't gotten enough problems of it's own, so it takes an interest in other peoples'"

She laughs a little at that, breezing along Main Street now

"Anything happened since I was last in town?"

2009-04-07, 10:13 PM

Taking a step back in alarm, Wednesday continues speaking in a very calm tone.
"Sir, I'm just trying to avoid breaking the law. The law says I can't sell this to anyone who can't present identification, and I don't want any trouble for breaking that law. It doesn't matter who you are, without verification, you can't purchase it.
"None of these other items have that kind of restriction, it's only the axe. You're free to purchase them, and I'm willing to give you a discount in order to apologize for the inconvenience and any insult you feel you may have taken."
She tries to be reasonable, and offer a bit of distraction from the problem he has with her with the discount.

2009-04-08, 02:36 AM

Bernard was walking along the street. Recent days were all a blur. He went through the daily motions as if half-asleep, feeling completely numb. The robbery has shaken him up and for the first time in the long while he felt alive. Perhaps the presence of the Supermen was what affected him the most, more even then deaths of several people he stood with in line, waiting for bank clerk to finish with some old lady. He knew he wasn't reacting as usual victim of the violent robbery would, but for whatever twisted reason he felt calm and content.

Bernard picked up Daily Planet at a newspaper stand. His hand moved to the wallet, before he realized it would be full of cash he withdrawn from the bank. It was unlikely that something would happen in the broad daylight, but then again he never expected a bank robbery to occur either. Bernard put his hand into the pocket and withdrew a bill, without revealing the wallet, fat with cash.

On the front page was the article about the bank robbery. It was odd reading it, for someone who actually was present. "So this is how trustworthy newspapers are. I really should stop reading these things" he thought. Bernard felt bad for how the newspaper treated the police. "How do they feel being on the receiving end of one of the Superman's "who are the real heroes" speeches? Policeman get treated like dirt in newspapers, no glamorous interviews for them, they work unexciting routine to keep the city safe, nothing like saving crashing planes, and of course bullets just don't bounce off them, when they are shot" Bernard stopped. The events in the bank and now the cover up in newspapers, he felt like he should do something. His stomach grumbled once more, there wasn't strength left in him to continue the thought.

Bernard stood in front of a small cafe, he always visited it during his late walks. It was nice and cozy and he felt that he carved a place for himself in it. Bernard glanced at the newspaper again and noticed another article, something about "Man of Steel" art exposition. It sounded interesting, perhaps he should visit it.

2009-04-08, 07:33 AM
Bernard stood wondering what to do next on that streetcorner for a while, until a delivery truck sped by and splashed him in water from last night's shower. The ink ran across the pages of his copy of the Planet, and Bernard suddenly felt a whole lot colder, even though the sun was shining.

He wondered if he should head into the café, Betty's Diner, as he was really feeling hungry, or if maybe he should just head home. Then there was the wad of cash he was lugging around in his pockets and really didn't feel comfortable with. He'd already faced one robbery today, and that was quite enough.

Across the street a man was waving around a sign claiming the end was nigh. He'd made a crude drawing of a meteor below the text. He lost pretty much all credibility when he stopped at a garbage can and picked out a mouldy sandwich to eat.

Jack rode into the LuthorCorp subterranean parking lot after first circling the building to find it. There was a rather fat black man, almost bursting out of his uniform, minding the entrance when Jack arrived, and he signalled the car to stop. Jack didn't really have much choice since the barrier was down. The man seemed rather disgruntled and asked for Jack's pass, but since he didn't have any he could only give him his name. The man scratched behind his ear with the back of his pencil and then checked a list he was carrying with him.
"Walker. Right"
He seemed to cheer up a bit.
"You're mighty early, but you're on the list, so you're free to pass through"
The man flipped a switch and the barrier opened. Jack drove through, parked, and found himself exiting the elevator into the lobby a little later.

The lobby of the building was quite big, taking up what would have been several floors in any other building, and otherwise it was quite empty. There was a small fountain, gurgling water into a rather large basin, there were several potted palm trees, and there was a desk with two women behind it with headsets. Everything else was just gleaming stone, metal and glass. The two women seemed rather busy, as they were both talking on their headsets as rapidly typing things onto their computers. They were wearing light blue hostess uniforms, with a small LuthorCorp logo embroided on it.

Someone Else
Whiman kept reading the paper as his daughter spoke, but no doubt he was still paying attention.
"I think it'd be best if I settled in and then headed straight down to the precinct, so I can put some of the boys down there to work. They're waiting for me, after all. I'll just have to wait until tonight to see your exposition"

"As for, ehm, the crime rates in Metropolis, I'm sure you have quite as much crime here as in Gotham, it just gets resolved better, since this city has Superman looking out for it"

"Oh, look, you're in the paper. Front page of the Daily Planet! And you didn't even think to send a copy home? Mom would have been so proud, Lilly. Well, I'm taking this copy, if you don't mind. She'll probably have me frame it too"
He laughed.

"Anything happened since I was last in town?"
"Hmmmm? Oh, well plenty. There's been the breakout, for one. And, well, several other breakouts. They should really do something about that place, but politicians keep yapping that there's not enough money. Who cares, if lives are at stake? I mean, how hard can it be, to keep some loons locked up? It seems to me all you'd need is a room, a door and a good lock"

"But I'm talking shop again. I'm sorry, Lilly, dear. We've been fine, really. We've got cable now. And you mom's sprained wrist is doing much better. Oh, and cousin Larry had a kid, I don't know if you got the card?"

The man seemed to calm down, giving up.
"Sure. Just give me the other stuff then. I won't be coming back here though. Hell, I probably wasn't coming back anyways..."
That last bit seemed rather grim. The man slid some bills across the counter and then looked outside where a delivery truck came to a halt in front of the door. Wednesday had told them a thousand times to go into the back alley, but they never listened.

Someone Else
2009-04-08, 07:55 AM
Lillian Knight

Lilly nodded at Whiman's request not to see Transcendence yet. It wasn't that different to head to the penthouse first, thankfully.

She shrugged at the comments on the crime rate. Personally, she wasn't so sure... but crime was certainly less obvious here. Lilly smiles at her father's diatribe on the Arkham issue though, nodding in mild agreement at his old, well known views... though she cringes at his notice on that small article on Transcendence. She sighs before explaining

"Well... they ran with that "adoptive home" stuff. And some bright spark at the planet decided to interpret the whole thing as being about Superman, the whole thing"

That one made her raise her voice. By her standards, she was obviously not in the best of moods, as she proceeded to into a diatribe just as bad as her father's

"I mean, I've worked for ages to pull this off. Every last piece of work in there. It's my first proper exposition on a single, unified theme. And it's going to go down as "a homage to the Man of Steel" And because he's what won the headline, and what'll probably turn the most profit when it goes on public viewing, Jackie's insisted that I can't issue a clarification"

She goes quiet for a few long seconds then, before she sighs, in part at her agent, but in part at her own recognition that she's gotten just as bad as her father. She turns her head for a moment, smiling at him.

"Sorry Dad. Now I'm the one talking shop." She laughed at that, which led quite nicely for Whieman onto the progression of the family... and Cousin Larry's new kid.

I... did...

Lilly wasn't going to admit that it was probably burried in the Rookhausen's paperwork. She had all letters sent to her office over the gallery now, and those that persisted in... Changing the subject was probably advisable

"Glad to hear you guys are doing well. I should pay you a visit sometime. Return the favour" She smiles at that

2009-04-08, 08:21 AM

Bernard cursed under his breath at the speeding truck and walked into the Betty’s Diner. He sat himself at a table. Waitress, whose name according to the name tag was Betty, same as Café, took his usual order. Bernard smiled a genuine smile at her and relaxed. He really needed a shower.

Bernard’s thoughts turned to the robbery again. He remembered what he felt when the Superman arrived and confronted the criminal bears. Strangely at that moment he identified himself with the robbers. They were normal man, confronted with someone so superior, someone with godly power. What did they feel at that moment? How would he feel if he was in their place? Of course the moment they opened fire on innocent people, he lost this strange feeling of connection to them and fell to the ground, desperately hoping that Superman would save him. And he did it again. Except that it was he who escalated the situation. With all his power was it that difficult to neutralize the criminals and save everyone? Why did he blunder so badly, when he should be infallible?

Betty brought his food. Bernard started eating, grateful for the distraction. He always got carried away, when thinking about Superman, which resulted in depressive mood almost every time. He looked at the wet newspaper, which he for some reason did not throw away. Maybe he should visit Daily Planet tomorrow. Tell them about the factual mistakes in the paper, make them post a correction. Five people died when the Superman arrived to save the day, not before. Bernard was uncertain, he disliked media. Was he always like that or did he really start disliking them after meeting Superman. Did it really matter?

Bernard left payment for the meal with a hefty tip. He wondered what Betty thought of him, with his nightly visits and gloom expressions. His clothes and well groomed features certainly didn’t speak of a man, who wanders streets at night. It wasn't really important so he stopped thinking about it and went for his home. He owed his body a good shower and then he could decide whether to go to Daily Planet or not. And there was that Transcendence exhibition opening tonight. He just might pay a visit.

2009-04-08, 08:59 AM
Bernard greedily ate up the stew he'd ordered. Under any other circumstances the stew would have been a bad idea, but he was so hungry he didn't even taste the gruel. In no time Bernard had eaten, and as he took out his wad of cash, heavily tipped the waitress and got up from his table, he noticed something. There was a man sitting at the bar. In fact, there were several man sitting at the bar, but this one was of special note. He was fairly broadly built and was wearing a plain white T-Shirt with the Wild Bear logo on the back, Wild Bear being a nearby store. He was wearing khaki shorts and beneath that somewhat familiar looking hiking boots. Someone had puked on them. The man was sweating unnaturally for someone who was wearing so little, as if he'd just gotten out of a hairy bear suit.

Someone Else
Lillian parked the car in her building's underground parking lot and then took dad and the suitcases up with the elevator. They didn't talk in the elevator, even though they had to go all the way to the top. Elevators often had this effect on people, and it didn't help she hadn't seen her dad in so long.

As the elevator came to a halt and they got out Whiman looked at his daughter and said "You know, you could always issue some sort of statement later, after the exhibition. Earn something from it first, and then clarify that it wasn't about Superman. I suppose not everything in this city can be about him"

"Now, where am I staying?"

Someone Else
2009-04-08, 09:10 AM
Lillian Knight

Lilly smiles a little, if a little exhausted still "Meh. That'd just look like sour grapes. And who'd read something that unimportant? No one'd print it"

She steps out, into the suite nodding to her father, with a bitter, resigned smile "Don't worry about it, dad. You've got more important stuff to worry about than your over-sensitive daughter"

Lilly laughs as she lugs her bag through her suite, past the living room, with it's comfortable plush sofa, armchairs resting gently on the immaculate tan carpet, and the large plasma TV. She heads up the glass edged, curving stairs, before finally arriving at their appointed door

"And you, dearest father... are staying here" Lilly manages a magnificent gesture as she threw the door open

The room's nice. Well appointed, with a painting above the bed. It's tidy with A single bed, soft, well made, and with navy blue checked sheets. There's a wooden desk across from it, paper left ready. A freestanding wardrobe, next to the bed, and a window opposite the extra door.

Lilly looked around as she shifted her dad's cases, one by one, into the room beside the bed. "It's got it's own bathroom, but if you're closer, feel free to use the one on the landing. Power's all laid on, wi-fi's up, password's "Arkham", with a capitol... anything I've missed?"

2009-04-08, 12:26 PM
Bernard almost missed his step, but managed to regain his footing without attracting attention. He looked at the man, but then quickly turned to look in another direction. If “bear” noticed his interest, he might recognize Bernard. It was an awkward movement, after all Bernard Wein was an architect, not a sleuth.

Different thoughts flashed through his mind. The most rational was to leave, call the police and return home. Another told him to ignore the situation altogether. Just because the guy was sweating and wearing a bear logo, didn’t mean he was the robber from yesterday. Statistically speaking the chance of something like that happening was very, very low.

“I could stay near the man. Observe how he moves, listen to his voice and when I’m sure it’s him… Then I can do something” Bernard thought. He remembered the bank. At that time the robbers grew nervous, lost it and started shooting. “If I approach the situation without caution people can die”. Bernard moved towards the bathroom, thinking about the position, where the man sat and the direction he was facing. Observe him, but remain outside his field of view. Be careful, if he is a criminal he would be on his guard. Check if he could be carrying a gun. Think what you are going to do next. The plan formed in Bernard’s mind, logically, step by step.

2009-04-08, 12:57 PM

Better a discounted sale than no sale at all...
Thinks Wednesday as she rings everything up, bags it, and hands it over.
"There you are sir. Have a good day."

With a smile, she waits for him to leave, then goes outside to deal with the delivery truck.
"Hey! I told you guys to pull in the back- drive around, will you?"

2009-04-08, 02:53 PM
James Paul Parkson

James had to be careful not to stammer or shake his head like a kid, as he responded as calmly as he could to Lex Luthor. "N-No sir. I'll get right to work. Well, one question sir, who else will be working on this?"

2009-04-08, 04:07 PM
Bernard slowly made his way to the bathrooms. As he did so the man turned his face and reached for the stirring sticks. He took one and slowly stirred his cup of coffee, gazing at the tiny waves. Steam from the cup brushed past his face. He looked all American, except his nose which was sort of hooked. His black hair was wavy, even at it's short length, and strands of it hung in front of his eyes. He put down the stirring stick neatly next to his plate of bacon and eggs and brushed the hair from his eyes. It just slid right back, but he didn't seem to notice and sipped the coffee.

Bernard noticed the man seemed to have a heavy object in his left pocket, but that may as well have been his wallet. No, he took out a bill from the other pocket and gave it to the waiting waitress. She looked at it sort of annoyed and said "Sir, I'm not sure we can break this"
He didn't answer, so she just went to the register and tried to find change anyways.
Bernard wondered if the heavy object in the man's pocket could have been a gun, but then recalled that the bankrobbers had been carrying rapid fire automatic weapons, hand-held, sure, but far too big for a single pocket.

Slop-Slop, the bathroom door went. The toilets weren't exactly clean, but that wasn't any wonder, as Betty's had precisely two employees: Betty and the cook. The cook happened to be in the bathroom, and zipped up his trousers as Bernard came in. He walked over to the sink, but didn't wash his hands. He just checked his hair in the cracked mirror. Not that there was much to check.

Lord Asmodeus
"Straighten up, Parkson" Lex said. He clicked his ballpoint pen and slid the signed forms to the corner of his desk.
"You'll be working with a team of specialists, selected by me personally. We're due to have the interviews this afternoon, and I would like you to attend. In fact, I would like you to do the interview. I will be there merely for the sake of decorum. Some of these people have received a personal invitation from me, so I will be expected to be there. As soon as they're on our payroll and they've signed some paperwork, you will receive your briefing. The first interview is at one, so you're at leave to do whatever you please until then"

Someone Else
He seemed slightly offended.
"Arkham? That's a little... tasteless, isn't it? But... appropriate, I guess"
He sighed.
"I'll get set up here later today. Now I should head down to the precinct, and then maybe get some lunch. I'm starving"
He kissed her on the cheek and then headed outside.
"I'll see you tonight Lilly. I'll be back by seven at the latest, I hope that's in time for your exposition?"

The man took his stuff and left, giving one of the delivery men a shove on the way out, causing him to drop one of the boxes. When Wednesday exited the store the two delivery men were clearing up the mess that had fallen out of the box right in front of the door. Climbing hooks, sprawled all over the pavement.

"Hey! I told you guys to pull in the back- drive around, will you?"
One of the deliverymen looked up.
"I'm sorry, ma'am, but this is going to take a while"

Oh, great, they were basically blocking the entrance to her store. Well, it was noon anyways, and she was hungry.

Someone Else
2009-04-08, 04:23 PM
Lilly shruged off her dad's disgust at using Arkham as a password "Something that's easy to remember, but hard to guess... It's tastelessness is it's strength"

She smiled at him as he kissed her cheek, returning the gesture

"More than. Though you might not like the exhibition "proper." It'll be filled with high society..."

She laughs a little at that

"Don't worry, it's not a one night affair. It'll still be there tomorrow, and for a few weeks, actually. This is just the opening. All you'll miss if you turn up later is a rather boring party, and a load of Metropolis bigwigs."

2009-04-08, 04:25 PM
James Paul Parkson

James nodded to Lex. He knew he didn't like it when people wasted his time. "Yes sir. He took the forms, and began to skim them over as he responded. "Do you want me to go now sir?"

2009-04-08, 04:58 PM
Lord Asmodeus
Lex raised an eyebrow, leaned back and folded his hands again.
"Unless you have anything else to add, that would seem like a good idea, yes. And those forms aren't intended for you, but feel free to take them to my secretary on your way out. Just report back here at one. I put my faith in you"

Someone Else
"Oh, I'm sure I'd like to see all those fat cats shower you in compliments"
He winked, and with a ping the elevator arrived.
"Bye now, Lilly"
The doors slid shut behind him.

Lilly checked the time. It was twelve o' clock. Dad was right, this would be a good time to eat. Then she spotted dad's briefcase, just lying there on the bed. He'd forgotten it, or perhaps he simply didn't need it down at the precinct right now. Lilly wondered if she should take it to him. Or maybe she should take a peek? She even remembered the code from when she was a kid.

Someone Else
2009-04-08, 05:06 PM
Lilly looked over the briefcase, thinking quickly

No way I can catch up now... And odds on, Dad won't have his mobile on. Hell, knowing dad, it's probably in here.

I've got an endless number of things to do, before tonight. If I'm going to get someone to run this down to the station, I'd best make sure that it's important, no?

Sle pauses for a few more seconds, then, with a roguish smile, sprung at the case, and it's combination...

2009-04-08, 05:08 PM
James Paul Parkson

James fought down the rising embarrasment and merely nodded. "Yes sir. I won't fail you sir." Not exactly original, but it was the sort of thing you were expected to say. James stood and walked quickly, but not too quickly, to the door. Once he was outside and the door was closed he breathed a silent sigh of relief. He handed the forms to Lex's secretary saying "Mr.Luthor wanted me to give these to you." before walking off.

James was nervous, for all the obvious reasons of course, but he had never really done many interviews. He'd been delegated some Engineering hopefuls Interns but nothing big, and he was supposed to interview some folks personally invited by Lex Luthor himself, in front of him as well? And then he was expected to run the project! James wasn't stupid, he was quite smart if grades in college and high school meant anything, but he just hoped he would be up to the task ahead. He hadn't even considering turning the offer down. When someone like Lex Luthor asked you to run a project, you ran that project and prayed to whatever gods you believed in things turned out well.

And with that thought in mind, James headed off to prepare for what he hoped would be the beginning of a great career, and not the end of a bad one.

2009-04-08, 05:35 PM
A solitary bead of sweat breaks out on Jack's forehead, his face reddening as he is asked for a pass. Doubt spears throughh his mind. Pass? What pass? Did I have the wrong time? Was it a scam? "Emmm... my name... Walker... I'm here for an appointement...?" Jack speaks shiftily his eyes dodging. Relieved as the man checks his list, Jack sighs and drives on.
Coming to the desk, the doubt returns to Jack. He walks up, puts his hand on the desk, and tries to look important. When he catches one of the ladies' attention, he opens his mouth... thinks over something to say, "...I have an appointment?"
He flusters, and hastily interjects before a word can be said, "Walker, Walker, my name is Doctor Jack Walker, I'm a physicist, I got a letter from Mr. Luthor, research team, I'm here for an opening... em..." He waits for the secretary to speak, having nothing else to say.

2009-04-08, 05:49 PM

Giving a sigh, Wednesday just shakes her head.
"Finish up quickly then- and if you're blocking the storefront, I might as well go on lunch break."
She flips the sign on the door to closed with a slightly irritated flick, and then stalks off down the street towards Betty's.

I need to sit down and get that guy and the delivery people out of my mind. It'll be better if I can just relax a moment.
With a sigh, Wednesday tries to let out her stress, then enters Betty's diner, giving the man with the 'end of the world' sign a disbelieving look as she goes inside.

2009-04-08, 06:48 PM
One of the women at the desk looked up at him and took off her headset.
"I'm sorry, could your repeat that? Oh, Walker"
She took out a list from beneath the desk and started going down it. There seemed to be about a dozen names on it, besides Jack's.
"Walker, Walker... Ah, here, Walker. But your appointment is at two o' clock. In fact, the earliest of these is at one... Lemme check if mister Luthor can receive you now..."
As she picked up the phone and dialed the number, the big glass elevator shaft at the end off the lobby slid open and shaky thin man with long dark hair walked out.

Lord Asmodeus
With no real sense of purpose, James headed down the elevator, to the lobby. The lobby was a huge modern hall made largely out of marble, steel and glass. There was a desk and a small fountain and some trees for decoration, but except for that it was all empty space. It seemed sort of a waste, but it was impressive.

James noticed a man talking to the girls at the lobby, and while he may have been well dressed enough to plausibly be an employee, James didn't recognise his face. Then again, he couldn't claim to have even seen every employee in the huge building in his time there, but the timing was quite peculiar. It was twelve o' clock, and most employees punched out at eleven forty-five and returned at twelve fifteen, as that was the allowed lunch break. There were plenty of people who took a longer lunchbreak, sacrificing some of their saved time, but no-one came back early or left late. Then again, he'd left late himself today, due to his meeting with Luthor.

He wondered what he should do next. The fact that it was lunchtime and his stomach was rumbling seemed to indicate it was a good idea to go have some lunch, but other things might be in order now that he'd been appointed to a new job. He'd felt like he had to arrange some stuff when he stepped into that elevator, but now he couldn't quite remember what they were.

Someone Else
The suitcase popped open with a satisfying sound. Inside, on top of a heap of paperwork, was a photograph. It featured a man with a long, thin face and somewhat angular looks. He was smiling broadly, and his face seemed painted like that of a clown, while his ratty green hair hung down in swirls over his face. It was a photograph of the Joker. Lillian picked up one of the papers next to it and read it.

Patient: Real name unknown, alias: The joker
Date of Birth: Unknown
Physical Condition: Acid burns covering the whole body, discolouration of the skin and hair
Mental Condition: Undiagnosed. Psychosis has been suggested, and severe detachment from reality.
History: After an extreme history of violence the patient, known by the nickname "The Joker", was brought to justice by the vigilante the Batman. He was diagnosed as traumatised by whatever incident caused his scarring, a diagnosis largely funded on his story considering the incident changing every time. However, when he stabbed the treating doctor during a hypnosis session therapy was halted. During his frequent escapes from the asylum the patient has exhibited returns to his old behaviour, but these violent outbursts have also insured his speedy return to the asylum every time. Of the seventy-five doctors that have over time worked on his case, twenty have been killed, eleven maimed in varying degrees and five have been taken into the asylum themselves. The patient has been repeatedly, in each and every diagnosis, deemed uncurable.

"The end is nigh!" the man on the streetcorner yelled at her as she entered the diner, "We will all burn and fire shall rain from the skies, 't is writ!"
Inside Betty gave her a nod and Wednesday was about to walk over to her usual place when she noticed a familiar logo: the Wild Bear logo, the logo of her shop. It was on the back of the man at the bar's T-Shirt. More than that, it was a T-Shirt they only handed out to employees.

Now she recognised the guy as Moses Fisher, one of her two employees who'd told her he'd be out of town today. The last time he'd shown up for work was the previous week, after which he'd told her he needed to visit his sick aunt.

2009-04-08, 06:53 PM

Wednesday stops dead.
Why hadn't she made the connection before? No, no no no, it couldn't be him. But why was he here? Surely there was some rational explanation. She was just paranoid, that's all. After that other man made her suspicious- well, she was just jumping to conclusions left and right.

Of course, he's still here after having told me about his 'sick aunt.' Wonder if he's just slacking off.
Wednesday moves over towards him, now frowning.
"Fisher. You told me you'd be out of town today."

2009-04-08, 07:07 PM
Jack tries to ignore the new factor in this social situation; the less to deal with, the better. He grows pale at the thought of being too early, and the passerby, and... he was out of his element. Just get out.
"Well, I could come back later, if he can't see me now." He looks around, trying to seem professional and confident.

2009-04-08, 07:29 PM
James Paul Parkson

James decided to go to a place closeby, it was practically next door. He might have time to grab a meal and be back before lunch ended, let alone in time for his first interview. No sense in going hungry. As he headed to the door he looked more closely at the newcomer, he was curious as to his reasons for being here.

2009-04-08, 10:44 PM
Emma Silverton

Emma looks over the paper a second time, taking it in.

"Hmm... this sudden." The roboticist turned businesswoman took another drink of her green tea as she thought over her options. She currently has 10% of her companies stock and her patents for her UniRec device and the modified RepRap printing head.

Leaning back, she mulled the idea over, sending her a letter beforehand was a nice touch and the thought of working on an elite research team was starting to sound better by the minute after months of having to deal with contracts and paper-pushing.

Checking the clock, Emma decides she has enough time to make the appointment. "Harold, I'm leaving for an appointment. Take any messages while I'm gone."

She heads to the LexCorp building, ready to do some negotiating.

Someone Else
2009-04-08, 11:25 PM
Lillian Knight

That makes her sweat. Metropolis or no, every Gotham kid knew to be afraid of the Joker

Why the photograph... is he here?

Still, this was important. As soon as the photo and paper are back in place, she shuts the case, and resets it to it's old combination, all with speed and grace She reaches for her bag, and quickly produces her mobile. Dad's still on speed dial, even now...

2009-04-09, 02:44 AM
Inside bathroom Bernard’s mind raced. Did he want to get in the newspapers that badly? “Yesterday’s victim apprehends robber. Is it to fill your life with excitement and rush of adrenalin? The bullets wouldn’t bounce from you either”, said his inner voice accusingly. The chains of logic wrapped his mind, binding something inside him that wanted to just go there and confront that man.

He automatically checked the wad of cash in his pocket. Could he risk staying close to a man, who may be a criminal, with so much money? There were no places for him to stash the money or acquaintances to whom he could pass it for safekeeping. This thought was the final push he needed. Bernard walked out of the restroom and turned to exit. He avoided looking in the direction of the man, so he missed the woman approaching the bar, with frowning look on her face. His hand checked his pockets to see if he had his mobile phone with him. He’ll call the police. And he wouldn’t stick around, since there is a danger that criminal could identify him.

As he started walking away from the café he saw the man with sign. The confused man was again yelling his proclamations to the sky. It gave Bernard pause. Then he started walking towards him. Bernard wasn’t sure what he wanted to do until he stood facing the doomsayer. His hand moved from his pocket and offered something to the man. A fat roll of cash.

As the wad of cash left his hand, Bernard felt liberated from all restrains in his mind. It was a crazy thing he just did, completely irrational. He couldn’t just throw around, money he worked hard for. The charities he participated in drained much of his income and he didn’t have that much work lately. It was stupid and crazy, but it allowed him to do something even crazier, something dangerous.

He was going to wait for the man to leave the café and then follow him. He wouldn’t try to sneak and hide behind the corners. In the criminal films he watched that was something that made amateur sleuths so obvious. No he’ll be walking straight and calm, as he always does during his night walks, some distance behind the criminal. Then when opportunity presents, preferably without innocent bystanders nearby, he’ll confront the man. “The “bear” might go for the gun in his pocket, but I’ll be expecting it. Just don’t give him chance to pull it out”.

Bernard moved back to the Café to check on the man through the window.

2009-04-09, 06:12 AM
The doomspeaker looked down at the wad of cash in surprise and then flipped through it with his grubby fingers. He stared at Bernard with wide open eyes.
"T-thank ye" he said, stammering, and then dropped his sign and wandered off.

Bernard crossed the street again and looked in through the window. He saw the cook enter the diner again and at the same time Betty, the waitress, left for the bathrooms. They ran into each other on the way and had a brief chat, which seemed to revolve around the huge, wet coffee stain Betty now had on her outfit.

The man, presumably "Papa Bear", was now talking to a woman. He'd turned around to face her, so technically he could see Bernard through the window, but he was focusing his attention on her. He seemed to know her,, and she him. She seemed sort of angry at Papa Bear. Bernard wondered if she had anything to do with the crime, if they were meeting up here afterwards and she was scalding him for not doing his job properly. She too was wearing a T-Shirt with the Wild Bear logo. She looked muscled, for a woman, and sort of masculine. The jeans she was wearing really didn't help, but at least she had long, sandy hair and the T-Shirt showed off what little bosom she had. Still, she wasn't exactly bad looking.

This new development caused Bernard to doubt if Papa Bear would exit soon, especially as it seemed his plate of eggs and bacon wasn't nearly finished.

"Yes, that's right, Jack Walker. W-A-L-K-E-R. I'm sorry, sir. Yes" the woman babbled into the phone.
"Well, I could come back later, if he can't see me now."
The woman looked up, blocking the receiver with one hand.
"Mr. Luthor has agreed to see you now. Simply take the elevator up to the fiftieth floor and head straight through the hallway to his office"
She tilted her head slightly.
"It would be an insult to leave now" she added, and no doubt it would also be bad for her, considering she'd just have bothered the big boss for nothing.

Emma left for the LuthorCorp building and arrived at about twelve. The building was an impressive sight, fifty floors of gleaming steel and glass and a penthouse with a tropical garden on top. Metropolis' hot climate was just about enough to maintain the garden, but Emma still wondered quite how the plants got through winter, or any of the cloudier days in the city, for that matter.

She entered the magnificent lobby and crossed it, her every footstep giving off an echo. The only other sounds in the room were some voices softly talking by the reception desk, where a man was asking for information, and the softly gurgling fountain that had been put up for decoration. There were also some potted plants, a glass elevatorshaft and a second man, who was walking straight towards her, or rather, the exit.

Lord Asmodeus
James eyed the man at the lobby. He seemed to be talking to one of the girls, who was on the phone and pointed out the elevator shaft to him. The man seemed slightly troubled, looking around him, unsure what to do next. He was dressed sharply and his hair was perfectly coiffed, as if every hair had been put into place individually with the utmost care. His suit was speckles and looked freshly ironed. If you thought about it though, he wasn't really a handsome man, with his long face and his curved nose supporting his glasses. He looked like someone who'd gone through a lot of trouble to dress up properly, like someone heading for a job interview.

As these thoughts passed through James' head he'd reached the middle of the lobby, and he spotted yet another person entering the hall. This time a woman, who came in through the front. She seemed more determined and at ease than the man. She was tall for a woman, and had long black hair that was tied back. She wasn't ugly, but hardly seemed approachable. If James had to describe her, he'd go for "business woman".

James wondered where he'd go for lunch. There were three places nearby frequented by LuthorCorp personnel. Most people went to the dining hall in the mall across the street, which lacked class but was cheap and didn't have bad food. Then there was the sushibar, which was more of a place for those higher up to go eat, really, and the third place was Finnerty's, a pub which served a decent fish & chips.

Someone Else
She shut the briefcase and flipped open her cellphone, quickly calling her dad. After a couple of seconds, she could hear a faint sound coming from the briefcase. And then it got louder.

When the moon hits the sky, like a big pizza pie, that's amoreee, the briefcase sang. Lillian swore under her breath. Dad's ringtone. He'd forgotten his cellphone in his briefcase. She wasn't sure how a man quite so methodical in his work could be this sloppy outside it.

Moses startled as Wednesday addressed him and dropped his mug of coffee, spilling it all over the waitress.
"Now look what you've done!" she shouted, and was about to throw a tantrum when she saw Moses wasn't paying any attention anyways. She shook her head disapprovingly and went off for the bathrooms to get that stain out.
"Wednesday? Ah, I thought I might run into you here. My aunt got better, but that doesn't matter now. I was wondering if you could give me an advance on my pay?"
Moses shifted so that he could face her. Wednesday only now noticed the stench he was giving off. It wasn't just the puddles of sweat amassing under his elbows, but also the goop on his hiking boots. They looked like someone had thrown up on them.

Someone Else
2009-04-09, 06:51 AM
Lillian Knight

You idiot, dad.

Lilly ends the call, unable to resist chuckling a little

I'll get Alex to run it over to him. He's always complaining that working the front desk at Rookhausen gives him nothing to do. And I'd best look in, anyway, before lunch

Smiling, she walks into the now returned lift, heading for the ground floor. It was a nice day, and Rookhausen was just around the corner. Why not walk?

2009-04-09, 11:47 AM

"I don't give advances, Fisher. You want money, you do work. I can be sympathetic about your aunt and all, but when you decide to come back and not tell me and use the rest of the time I gave you off to see your aunt as a mini vacation, I'm not exactly disposed to hand you money, got it?"

Wednesday is a little pissed, to be sure. She's trying to be sympathetic, but the fact that he didn't inform her of his return, and then has the gall to ask her for money...

2009-04-09, 12:12 PM
Someone Else
As Lillian walked into the gallery with the briefcase Alex was just leaving.
"Oh, Mss. Knight, I was just heading out for lunch. There's little for me to do out here anyways, what with the gallery being closed until tonight. I took care of some paperwork and tossed the invitations that were politely sent back, but I've been standing around minding the people from catering for the past hour. They wouldn't let me have any of the food because it's for the guests, so a lunchbreak seemed in order, if that's all right with you?"

"This... This is really important, Wednesday. I'm in dire straits, and I could use a helping hand. Please don't make a scene"
He looked around the diner warily and then skewered another piece of bacon and egg onto his fork.

2009-04-09, 12:20 PM

Wednesday glared at him, then dropped down into a seat next to him.
"Okay, fine. You really need money that bad? What for? Another sick aunt, maybe?"

She's made a slight effort not to make a scene by sitting down and lowering her voice, but she's still obviously pretty hacked off at him, and now disinclined to believe him in general. What is clear is that she's not going to drop the subject until she's satisfied.

Someone Else
2009-04-09, 12:21 PM
Lilly smiled at the blond haired young man. He'd been a good find, and was probably one of the more reliable staff members. He had good people skills too...

Why he wants a job waiting reception for me, I don't know. Can't blame him for wanting to do more really.

She smiled over at him, as she walked over. She wasn't in formal dress yet, thankfully, and felt a good deal more relaxed in consequence.

"Sure, oh time waster. But I've got a job for you to do whilst doing so."

She hands the young man the suitcase, smiling

"I need this delivered to the Met Police's central prescient. Tell them it's to go to Detective Inspector Whiman Knight."

She smiled, gently, holding up a hand to stifle any protest.

"That'll be out of your way, probably, I know. Feel free to extend that lunch a little. Still, no drinking, or heading over to friends. I want you back here ASAP, really. Something always goes wrong on Opening Night, so as far as I'm concerned, it's all hands on deck"

2009-04-09, 12:40 PM
The voice in his head changed. It was no longer soothing reason, but something completely different.
“Just go there and hit him in the face. Hit him hard. He won’t be expecting it, no chance of pulling gun on you. You’ll probably get a shot at his accomplice as well.”
Bernard stood watching through the window, his heart was beating fast. What were they talking about, this women and criminal? Should he return, pretending that he forgotten something and try to eavesdrop. But if they are discussing robbery, they’ll be talking quietly, it is a public place after all.
“What are you waiting for? You know he is on the run. He needs cash. What do you think he is going to do now? He’ll pull a gun and ask everyone to give him their money. He is a robber, that’s what he does. And then Superman will arrive, all smiley and shiny. People will die, and you’ll be here, vomiting on the pavement. Is that what you want?”
Bernard clenched his fists. He’ll wait, just a bit longer. But he can’t wait forever.

2009-04-09, 11:03 PM
Hmmm.... "not really handsome", you say. In my opinion, Jack could be considered quite handsome; however, he isn't at all hansome in a commonly accepted sense, and looking at him doesn't really throw out "handsome"; just... well, not at all unattractive (maybe to some, at least). Anyways, that's just what I had in mind for his description. Not trying to... be forceful or anything.
Jack sighs internally, bowing his head slightly.
"Ok... good... so, this elevator? Just walk up, walk in... em... ok. Ok."
He regains some composure, straightens himself, and heads into the elevator alllll the way to the fiftieth floor, heading to his office.

2009-04-10, 06:50 AM
Bernard decided to hang outside and watch some more. The woman and Papa Bear definitely seemed to know each other. They were talking, and she sat down next to him. And then he put his hand on her knee.

There was a sudden thud that startled Bernard so much he almost fell over. A kid had put his face to the window where Bernard was and was making funny faces at him. What was more, the kid was obscuring his view from this angle, and getting in sight any more really seemed risky. The kid was there with his father, who seemed the geeky office type. The man adjusted his glasses and then tried faintly to pull the kid away from the window, which the kid didn't seem to like. His face was getting red in anger.

The elevator doors slid open after a couple of minutes of elevator music. Otherwise, the thing moved totally silently.

The fiftieth floor seemed to be utterly calm. There was a small area with some comfy looking leather couches, a coffeetable and an expressomachine, and then there were three hallways leading away from there. One right, one left, and one straight ahead from the elevator. Jack took the one straight ahead, as he'd been instructed. There were some doors along the way, probably leading to offices, but it was awfully quiet up there. All he could hear was the sound of fingers zigzagging across a keyboard. Two hands worth of fingers, no more. He wondered if the offices had been soundproofed, or if there was even anyone there. At the end of the hallway he found another room, this time with a desk and a bunch of filing cabinets. Behind the desk sat that pair of typing hands he'd heard earlier: Mr. Luthor's secretary. Or so her nametag said. It also said her name was Adelaide. Situated on the other side of the room was a big double door, made in mahogany with golden, or well, gilded handles. Adelaide looked up at Jack over her halfmoon spectacles.
"Mr. Luthor is expecting you" she said, and then looked back down at her typing. It didn't look like she needed to though, because her fingers hadn't even slowed down when she looked up. A nametag on the door ahead read "Lex Luthor", without any further explanation as to his position in the company, as it was assumed everyone already knew that.

Someone Else
"Oh, right, Mss. Knight. That's a bit of a trip, but I'm sure I can make it"
He took the briefcase.
"I'll probably have to take the subway, but that's all right. Still got a ticket left from last month's game"
Alex lived right nearby the gallery and had, in contrast with Lilly, consequently never felt the need to buy a car. When he went out it was usually in the neighbourhood of the gallery, which was in a quite busy area of the city and had both a mall and several clubs nearby. The only times Alex ever really left this area of town was to visit relatives, or to go watch baseball in the Metropolis Dome. Alex flashed her a smile, nodded, and was off. He ran too, but she knew he'd probably slow down after the first corner. He knew there was little to do in the gallery until opening time anyways, and that was at nine.

Lilly continued into the actual gallery, as the front desk was in a separate room, and surveyed the caterers for a while. They'd pulled in to the parking lot out back early that morning and had been coming in through the back entrance with their gear. Most of the treats were prepared here, in the back room which could easily be converted into a kitchen, but some of the stuff that needed more time to make had come in chilled and had been stored in the big freezer she kept for just such occasions, as well as the champagne. She'd worked with this company a couple of times before and they seemed to know rather well what they were doing. They knew where everything was by now too, where they were allowed to place their snacktrays and what routes they were allowed to take when passing through the guests. They were on top of things and some of them even seemed to be taking breaks, which indicated they were ahead of schedule.

The only other people that had been in the gallery that morning were Jacob and Flakes, Lillian's somewhat less refined employees who stood in for lugging around the artwork and driving it back and forth. Both were on call, but weren't expected to be needed this afternoon nor evening. Yes, everything seemed to be in order. It was past twelve now, and Lillian was really getting hungry. There were some places nearby where she could eat, most notably the food court in the mall, which lacked class, and a local sushibar, which she visited on occasion. She could of course just head back to her appartment and prepare something, but cooking for one was sort of sad. Or maybe she could convince the caterers to give her some of the snacks for later that evening? They'd be serving oysters, among others, she knew.

"Something like that, yes. It's a family affair"
Moses took a bite of the egg and bacon and chewed on it slowly. He shifted again, and as he shifted Wednesday could see something heavy in his left pocket move. The end now stuck out of the pocket, a gleaming metal tube, the tip of a revolver, quite possibly. No-one else seemed to have noticed.
"Another coffee" Moses said to the cook, and then stuffed the object into his pocket again, adjusting it's position. He skewered some more bacon and egg and looked Wednesday in the eye. His eyes were a light shade of brown. They seemed swollen, as if he'd been crying.
"I really need this money, Wednesday, trust me"
He put his hand on her knee.

Someone Else
2009-04-10, 07:03 AM
Lilly smiled as she decided quickly, trying to resist the smell of the oysters as one of the caterers opens a freezer

Sushi's not really my thing... but what the hell. Special occasion.

But first... she resisted the pangs of hunger enough to head to the front desk, and take a quick look over the small, neat sheaf of papers Alex'd left. She soon found what she'd wanted.. Alex'd been under instructions to update the guest list as invites returned, so she knew who'd be in attendance that night.

With a simple, slightly undignified motion, Lilly garbed the updated list, and proceeded to crumple it into her bag as she departed. She probably wouldn't spend long at the Sushi bar; or eat too much (She'd head out somewhere better for diner) but even so, giving the list a once over might be just as well. She can do that whilst eating something light at the Sushi bar.

2009-04-10, 07:57 AM
James Paul Parkson

James decided he'd head for the mall. He didn't have a whole lot of time to go anywhere fancy or spend at a pub, grabbing some fast food and getting back to work seemed like the best course. First, however, he went to the girl the man had just been talking too. "Hey, who was that? I've never seen him before. Is he a new employee?"

2009-04-10, 10:07 AM

Wednesday gives a jerk of her knee to take it out of his grasp. She was not a touchy feel-y person except in the rarest of times, and right now was pretty far from one of those times.

"If you want sympathy from me, don't give me all of this vague BS. What is more- I'm not a loan service. You want a job? Fine. You can come in and work. I'll give you money in return for the work you do- but other than that, you're on your own.
"It's not exactly the most personal and caring method, no. But it is fair, Fisher, and it keeps me from being ripped off by scams and lies- usually."

Wednesday gives him a bit of a glare, obviously not believing the family story or the sick aunt at all anymore. Noting the gun in his pocket, and deciding she doesn't want to rile him in case it gets ugly, Wednesday stands.

"I hope everything goes well for you, but that is the most you'll get from me."
She turns to leave, whether she's had lunch or not. She doesn't want to be around him anymore.

2009-04-10, 10:48 AM
Jack smiles, nods, and fluidly walks on into the room, interested as to what the talented Mr. Luthor would be like in person.

2009-04-10, 12:41 PM
Mr. Luthor sat behind his huge desk in a leather chair, hands folded. He raised an eyebrow on his otherwise bald head as he saw Jack enter.
"Mr. Walker, welcome. You are dreadfully early"

Lord Asmodeus
The girl at the counter looked up at James.
"Oh, it's you. What do you want?"
"Who was that? I've never seen him before. Is he a new employee?"
"Oh, him? He's mister Luthor's two o' clock. Not that it's any of your business"
The woman at the front desk didn't really like James for some reason. She seemed to adore some of the other guys at the office though.

Someone Else
Lillian sat down at the sushi place and ordered. The sushi arrived rapidly, because they had a lot of customers this time of day and they had prepared bunches before noon. What had been hard had been finding a table so late.

She went over the list of guests as she ate. As expected, a lot of Metropolis elite would show up, most notably perhaps Lex Luthor. Then there'd be an assemblage of the press, consisting solely of two reporters from the Daily Planet, as it was Metropolis' only respectable newspaper. As if they hadn't done enough harm already, but refusing them would have been impolite, and they'd mainly be covering the guests anyways, not the exhibition.

She'd also felt forced to invite several Gotham socialites, most important among which the mayor and millionaire playboy Bruce Wayne.

Wednesday decides to leave, whether she's had lunch or not. Her stomach's grumbling, but she decides to find another venue to eat.
"Wednesday, wait!" Moses said. Just as he said this Wednesday bumped into someone who'd just exited from the lavatory. The guy pushed her off him and looked at her most foully.
"You know this girl, Moses?" he asked, with a voice that sounded as if he'd had one too many cigarettes. He smelled of the stuff too, him and his leather jacket, and his greasy hair with grey streaks. He grabbed her by the wrist.
"Gentleman over at the bar wants to have a drink with you" he hissed, "It'd be rude to refuse"
"Wolf, just let her leave, she won't help me anyways"
"Won't help you?" he said, and laughed the sort of laugh that rose in volume as it went along.
"Maybe she'll reconsider after she sees what a nice guy I am"
He turned Wednesday around and gave her a shove in the direction of the bar. He was surprisingly strong for a man of his build. Some of the onlookers seemed nervous, as well as Moses himself.

Someone Else
2009-04-10, 12:54 PM
Lillian Knight

Lillian smiled as she picked over the sushi. She wasn't enjoying it that much, it was just fuel, as she went over the plans for Transcendence, again and again...

It was a good list. Very good, with the high and mighty of both Metropolis and Gotham in attendance. It was going to be a... stressful time. But a fulfilling one, right?

She'd had to invite the Gothamite contingency, but to be honest... after talking to Dad, she kind of liked the idea of having some people from back home around. After living in Metropolis so long, it was good to have something to remind her of Gotham.

And Bruce Wane... perhaps the Gothamite Lex Luthor. Seeing them under one roof...

She smiled. The fact that both had come reflected the true theme of the exposition surprisingly well. Almost enough to make her feel kindly at the Planet's presence.

And they were both, of course, insanely rich and powerful, doyens of society... people she'd do well to impress...

You're moving in high circles. No wonder Mum and Dad are proud.

Then, after a few moments reflection, she looks down and resumes her eating of the Sushi. She'd best eat it quickly, so she can head back to the Penthouse, check her laptop, then head over to the Rookhausen again, then...

She sighed. So much to do...

2009-04-10, 12:58 PM
Jack ponders a moment, without much to say for that. "...Yes, I am." He stands there for a moment, at a loss. "I suppose you know why I'm here." Jack just stands there, regaining composure, and putting on an air of confidence. He felt more at ease with this learned man, knowing before him was a mind much like his own; one he could understand, possibly. Nevertheless, he didn't really know how to go about any of this.

2009-04-10, 01:28 PM
Bernard felt certain wrongness to his actions. He was endangering other people. And this café in a way was a piece of home for him; he really didn’t want to cause trouble here. The chains of logic were returning. It was now or never.

He took his phone from the pocket and dialed 911. “Hello. I’m in a café and I see one of the “bear” criminals from the bank robbery yesterday. He looks very nervous and I saw a gun, poking out of his shirt. He’s being looking at the cash desk for the past five minutes, I’m afraid he is going to do something.” Bernard quickly told the address of the Betty’s and hung up, before the operator tried to dissuade him from doing anythiing drastic. Now it’s time for action. “I’m going to do something crazy, but it’s okay, because I have a plan.” Bernard thought to himself as he walked to the door of the Café.

His mind was working fast. If he entered as he was, all riled up, eyes hard and fists clenched, like some cowboy in saloon from those Western Movies, all attention will turn to him. And that would ruin the plan. No, he’ll enter calm and relaxed, with a gentle smile of a man, who is just having a good day. It’s all about making a good impression and hiding true emotions, something he had practice with lately.

Bernard entered the Café, trying to remain inconspicuous and not betray his intent in any way. The scene that played out before him momentarily put him off balance. There were two men now and one of them was grabbing the woman. “The criminal types always turn on each other , when things go bad”, a thought flashed in Bernard’s mind, perhaps born from watching one too many criminal movies. “Okay, no change of plans. They are distracted, and this actually makes hitting those guys seem more natural for onlookers, one problem solved”. Of course there was now a problem of having to deal with three criminals, instead of only one. “Shouldn’t have waited that long.”

Bernard adopted the expression of fear mixed with concern, trying to mimic others around him. “That’s right, I just want to get out of here. Not my problem” he thought to himself. He edged closer to the men, hoping it wouldn’t give him away. Then he sprang to attack.

His first target was the guy with the gun in his pocket. The other one was holding a woman, so he’ll hesitate whether to let her go or turn to new threat. If those gym visits were worth his money he should be able to deliver a solid punch into the criminal’s face and get him out of commission for a small time. Then another man or should he strike woman, she looked strong too, shouldn’t underestimate her. The multitude of thoughts in his had vanished at the moment when his fist connected, leaving only a single odd one “Why does it smell of puke?”

2009-04-10, 01:30 PM

Okay, this was pissing her off. Wednesday steps into the shove, using her own substantial strength to try and let it just bounce off of her ineffectively. Almost snarling, she looked the man straight in the eyes, her own clear, piercing eyes quite enraged. She gestures while she speaks, making emphatic and angry movements with her arms.

"You dare call me rude? Screw you, a-hole! What's rude is trying to push someone around and bully them. **** off! If your little pansy friend wants to see me, then he can grow some balls and follow me outside without resorting to having his braver, bone headed friend pass me messages."

And then a guy comes in and punches at Fisher's face. Wednesday just stands there in shock for a moment, stunned by this sudden and random turn to violence.

2009-04-10, 07:02 PM
With all the might he could muster Bernard punched Papa Bear in the face. The blow catapulted the man off his barstool and into several stools behind him, which fell in a messy heap, but failed to knock him out.
"Wolf, no!" he screamed, but when Bernard had turned around it was too late. The second man, who looked like a version of the Fonz in his late forties with a lot more angles on his face, had put a hunting knife to the woman's throat. He laughed, his laughter reminding Bernard somehow of the soulless laughter of the hyena. Not an expression of joy per se, but a feral yell.

"Wolf" backed up with the woman, heading towards the door, where Betty just happened to exit the lavatories.
"One minute we're just having drinks and the next we're at each others throats! Ha! What are we, wildmen? Beasts?" he spat, "You think you can cage the Wolf? Well, I'll rattle the bars like crazy!"
"****" Papa Bear swore.
"Don't worry, Mose, I'm on top of it. All over it like a vulture on roadkill"
"What do you want?" asked the waitress behind them.
"I want you to shut up, ****!"
"We just want out of here, ma'am"

"Oh, yes, you're here because I invited you, and you're here now because, clearly, you can't read a clock. Never mind the bad impression you're making by showing up during my lunch though, as I'm not the one who'll be deciding if we hire you. The person who is doing the hiring will be here at one o' clock, as well as the first applicant. Then there's his half past one, and then there's you. We can only hope Mr. Parkson isn't too insistent on punctuality"

Luthor leaned forward and pushed a button on the intercom.
"Adelaide, would you please have my lunch brought up to my office. I'll be having the usual"
He let go and looked at Jack again.
"Now Mr. Walker, since Mr. Parkson is not yet here, I suppose I shall have to give you what clarification I can myself. I am assembling what could be described as an elite task force of scientists to be employed on a project of the utmost delicacy. Of state security even. We shall be looking into areas of science normally unventured upon, thinking outside the box, so to speak, if only because there is no particular box our subject fits in. Off all the scientists in the world, or at least the greater Metropolis area, I have selected you. Do you think you'd be up for the task?"

Someone Else
After she'd finished eating the sushi Lillian headed back to her place and checked her email for messages, finding only some spam, and a message from the editor of a local sewer paper called "The Mole" who practically begged her to allow one of his reporters at the opening. She could only guess how he even got her email adress in the first place.

When she arrived back at Rookhausen, Alex was already back as well. It seemed he really did hurry. He told her he'd delivered the briefcase to the police department, but Whiman had already headed out for lunch when he got there.

Moses was catapulted back into a bunch of barstools by the unknown man's aggression. Unfortunately "Wolf"s reaction to this seemed to be rather violent, as he drew a large hunting knife in the instant Wednesday was distracted and put it to her throat.
"No-one's ever called me boneheaded before" he whispered into her ear in a manner that might almost be described as sensually, if it weren't for the nasty sting in his voice.
"Wolf, no!" Moses screamed, but the second man didn't seem to react except by laughing. Somehow his laughter reminded her of that of a hyena.

"Wolf" backed up with her, heading towards the door and spoke.
"One minute we're just having drinks and the next we're at each others throats! Ha! What are we, wildmen? Beasts?" he spat, "You think you can cage the Wolf? Well, I'll rattle the bars like crazy!"
"****" Moses Fisher swore.
"Don't worry, Mose, I'm on top of it. All over it like a vulture on roadkill"
"What do you want?" asked a female voice from behind them, which Wednesday recognised as Betty.
"I want you to shut up, ****!"
"We just want out of here, ma'am"

2009-04-10, 07:05 PM
Jack grows pale at Luthor's obvious annoyance, holding his hands in front of him, very still. He simply nods, hoping not to offend him any further.

2009-04-10, 07:10 PM
The secretary walked in and put a turkey sandwich with some honeymustard on a silver platter on the desk which looked quite tasteful. Jack realised he hadn't eaten yet and was getting quite hungry as he saw this. Luthor took one of the precut bits of bread and placed it between his jaws. He then started munching, but seemed not to fully enjoy the experience, his mind busy with other matters. He jotted down some notes with his right hand and as he finished his bite he gazed at Jack again.
"Why do you think you should be in this team?" he asked.

2009-04-10, 07:20 PM
Jack opens his mouth, about to speak, then closes it, pondering a for moment. He just stands there a bit, trying to formulate the words in his mind. Finally, he licks his lips, and speaks slowly, cautiously.
"With all due respect, Mr. Luthor... why don't you tell me? I don't even know what this team is for. Apparently it's "out of the box". Well, depending on just how out of the box it is, and in what ways, I may or may not be able to help you. Assuming that it has to do with the integration of hard sciences and metaphysics- as that's my focus, and I can't see why you would call on me for any other out of the box projects- then I'm your man. I'm the leading expert in such things. If not... well, as I said before- you tell me."

2009-04-10, 07:56 PM
James Paul Parkson

James merely shrugged. If the receptionist didn't like him, that was her problem. He headed out the door, intent on grabbing something from the mall quickly. He wanted to be back before one, to prepare and in case anything came up. Mr.Luthor could be patient. Or he could not. It could be hard to tell. Either way, it never hurt to be ready.

Someone Else
2009-04-10, 09:36 PM
Lillian Knight

Lilly still smiles as he made it clear

"Thanks Alex. You're still a life-saver"

She kisses him, ever so slightly on the cheek, then turned walking away whilst talking.

"I know what I'm like. If I get too... wrapped up in things, just say, ok?"

With that, and a smile, she starts heading round the gallery. Everything was going to have to be perfectly in place, after all...

2009-04-11, 01:18 AM

For a moment more, Wednesday is distracted, but as soon as the knife goes to her throat, her mind completely shifts.


The man behind her was breathing. She could hear each breath as he took it, understand the buzzing of his words if she had time to decipher it. She did not. There was danger to her.


There wasn't time. Her arms were useless at her side. Pressure and thrusting were out- he'd have to draw the knife to harm her.


Yelling, noise, talking, meaningless. She'd have to use her chin. Chin drop. Only part of the body that could react in time. Funny to use one's chin to defend yourself...

* * *

Wednesday's reaction is nearly instantaneous as Wolf puts the knife to her throat. Her motions are fluid, practiced, and brutal as she responds to his action, lowering her chin and tilting it to the side as well as raising her arm and elbow to trap his hand between them, rendering the knife useless in his grip. Her other arm reaches up to grab his hand, and with a twisting motion she pins his arm against his body and slams a kick towards his groin while twisting and violently thrusting with her arms to snap the elbow of his offending arm.

2009-04-11, 02:49 AM
“The plan sucked” thought Bernard as he saw woman taken hostage. Again his best reference to the situation was the movies. Didn’t people there always have guns pointed at hostage taker? Kind of gave them more bargaining power, didn’t let the criminal to simply slit the throat of victim. Bernard half turned to the man he hit. He had a gun, probably. Something in his left pocket he noticed earlier.

He moved, with intent to seize the gun, hoping that the blow he dealt left the man too disoriented to properly react. If the “bear” looked like he was going to protect his weapon, he’ll hit him first, and then go for the gun.
Bernard didn’t want to struggle for the control of weapon and then have it go off and kill either of them. If it came to this he’d probably let go and call it quits.

The other man wouldn't kill the hostage, since he still needs her. "My actions shouldn't provoke him that far" he thought to himself. A thought nabbed him at the back of his head. The man seemed so feral, so unlike people Bernard dealt before. He really couldn’t predict how he would act. Bernard really hated this thought.

2009-04-11, 06:52 AM
Bernard jumped Papa bear, who was still in that heap of barstools. There were some gasps from the crowd, but no-one seemed to be planning to intervene. Bernard went for the gun and briefly managed to hold it by the barrel, but then Papa Bear grabbed it tight by the handle and aimed it in his direction. Bernard grudgingly let go and backed off.
"Everybody just calm down" he said, wiping off the bloody nose Bernard had given him with his free hand.

Bernard now noticed Wolf had exchanged the woman for Betty, the waitress. This wasn't going too well. The woman seemed altogether surprised and Bernard wondered what was actually her part in this. Meanwhile most of the customers had hit the deck screaming, hiding under tables and behind the bar.

And then a cop entered, with his gun drawn.
"Officer Knight, Gotham PD, what's going on here?"
He pointed his gun at about everyone who'd been in the battle, but special focus seemed to be going towards the guy with the hostage and the guy with the gun. Papa Bear was sweating worse than before now.

Luthor waited until he'd finished another slice of his sandwich. He dabbed his mouth with a napkin.
"This project happens to be quite so far out of the box that there is currently no-one who could call himself an expert in the field, simply because it is so far removed from what we are used to, so alien, so to speak. Perhaps you have heard of the meteorshower in Smallville in June 1976? A certain element was released in this shower which can not be found on earth. Currently the only location where one might find this mineral are hidden in Smallville soil or in the hands of private collectors"
Luthor let one hand rest on the desk and only now did Jack notice the metal ring on that hand with a large green stone in it, too bright to be an emerald.
"This element has been dubbed Kryptonite, and over the years it has been discovered to harbour some amazing qualities. The name derives from a burnt impression in the earth, in one of the larger meteor craters. This impression was a code, which when deciphered delivered the word "Krypton" as a title and then a treasure of other information. Both the impression and a small quantity of the mineral are in my possession, and this is the subject of my new elite research team. Satisfied, professor?"

Lord Asmodeus
James headed to the mall, which was just across the street from the Luthorcorp building. Plenty of people he recognised from the office were eating there already, huddled in little groups. James didn't really belong with any of them. He had very few friends at the office. Perhaps that was because of how hard a time he had trusting people. Still, they were all backstabbing snakes, trying to pass him by for promotion. If he hadn't been this paranoid, he'd probably never have gotten to be the head of Luthor's new elite team. Head of an elite team, wow, he'd really gone up in the world.

As he sat down with his food, which probably wasn't healthy but at least cheap and somewhat tasty, his phone rang. It was the asylum again. Something was probably wrong with mother. Something was always wrong with mother. People often though Metropolis didn't have an asylum, as that of Gotham was far more famous, or perhaps infamous, but it did, it was simply an entirely different kind of place. The Metropolis asylum had been built for the weak of mind, the poor saps that needed to be fed because they'd forgotten how to pick up a spoon and the silly fools that thought they were the third reincarnation of Attilla the Hun but wouldn't harm a fly. Metropolis asylum didn't have any armed guards, while Arkham set a record. The Metropolis asylum was called Lethian Waters, was built by a slow stream and a park and his mother had been there for the past five years. Ever since James' father died she'd been totally helpless and less coherent every day, and James simply hadn't been able to handle it, what with just having lost his father and suddenly having to run the whole household himself. He still lived at their old place even, since both parents were now gone. The phone kept ringing, and James wondered if he should pick up.

Someone Else
Lillian strolled about the gallery, having little else to do. The caterers seemed to have calmed down a little and retreated fully to the temporary kitchen. Some of them would even be in the parking lot out back smoking, she suspected. None of the food had been put out yet, nor any of the bottles opened, but several high tables had been placed about the place, ready for snacks and drinks to be put on them.

The gallery was devided in three rooms, though the devisions weren't too clear and you could just as well argue it was one big room. At the centre of the middle room, the one that gave out in the kitchen and the entrance hall opposite, was Lillian's largest sculpture, a floating, rising muscled human figure all in white, with surrounding him several somewhat smaller, bent over humans in black and grey, with almost molten faces and bodies. This sculpture had been on the front of the catalogue and the advertisements for the exposition, and it was probably what gave the planet the impression the artwork was about Superman. The only thing holding the floating, lifesized (or larger even) human figure in the air was a transparent rod which led from the floor to it's feet. Lillian had not wanted any metal wires to disrupt the vision.

Several very similar sculptures had been set up against the walls, as well as modern paintings in relief on the same theme. The paintings contained colours in the background though that the sculptures missed, depicted black skyscrapers against a darkred sky.

The two other rooms were separated from the middle one with a sort of broad pillar, broad enough to be called a wall even, but it did leave two wide entrances to each room. The rooms at the side were somewhat less interesting and displayed work that was further removed from the main theme. There was a sculpture featuring a man treading upon a smaller man in fetal position which Lillian feared might be interpreted completely wrong considering the Superman twist the planet had given the exposition, a sculpture depicted a huge man holding an orb above his head, quite possibly the sun, and plenty more paintings.

She had no doubt thought that the centre room would lure most of the attention, and at night the place gained an extra charm when you could see the stars through the glass pyramid ceiling overhead.

Lillian's thoughts were interupted when Bruiser and Hammer arrived, reformed thugs from Gotham she'd hired as bouncers. Both had been in her employ before, and it had been a while since either of them commited any crimes. they were still frequently dragged down to the precinct due to their past, but all they did these days was hang out in the gym. Some people were still hesitant to hire ex-cons as security though, and this kept their prizes relatively low. Bruiser and Hammer were the living proof that the Blackgate Penitentiary Rehabilitation Program worked. They wore tailored suits, knew how to do their taxes and had quite extended their vocabulary beyond that of the ordinary thug. Still, their main talent lay in violence, and Lillian wondered what they would do once they were too old for this gig. Hammer, the only one of the two to have any hair left, was getting grey rapidly, and Bruiser had been complaining about back problems lately.

"Good day, madam" Hammer spoke, making a slight bow. He was definitely the most charming of the two, which may have had something to do with his moustache too, "I fear we're early"
His voice was very deep and his natural charm made that he did most of the conversation for the two. You'd only ever hear Bruiser talk really if it was just them having a conversation. Bruiser usually voiced his opinion through Hammer, and they'd been working together for so long he didn't even need to tell him anymore.

Wednesday saw the strange man jump Moses and decided to act. She moved her chin and tried to trap Wolf's arm, but he reacted sooner than she could have expected, shoving her forward with his free arm. She could sense Wolf was no martial artist, but he'd been in plenty a fight. His knife slid along her cheek, leaving a thin streak of blood. She turned around to face the villain, only to find that he had grabbed Betty, the waitress, who been standing behind them. He held her in the same position as he'd been holding Wednesday, body pressed against his, knife not inches from the throat but on it, both arms clenched under his. Betty however was no martial artist, nor had she been in any fights. Things looked bad.
"Everybody just calm down" Moses said. Wedesday turned and saw he'd pulled a gun. Okay, now things looked worse.

Customers were screaming and most of them were looking for cover behind tables and such. Suddenly, deus ex machina style, the front door opened and a man entered, gun drawn.
"Officer Knight, Gotham PD, what's going on here?" he yelled, moving his gun from Moses to Wolf and everything in between (being the strange man and Wednesday).

Someone Else
2009-04-11, 07:04 AM
Lillian Knight

Lillian jumped slightly, as she always did, but beamed as she recognized the old man. Those two may have been thugs, but there were good, reliable and charged a very fair price. She offered her hand, intending to shake Hammers.

"You are. Don't worry though. So am I. "

She laughs a little, stepping away from the central piece, which she'd dubbed "Ascension", as she spoke to the charming old bouncer

"Given the sort of people we're expecting, it's just as well you guys are early. The guest list for this one's going to be high class, and any mistakes..."

She runs a finger across her neck, smiling gently though. as sje hands Hammer the crumpled guest list. Best for him to have the thing, ASAP.

2009-04-11, 08:54 AM
Bernard slowly put his hands behind his head. He wanted to appear nonthreatening. The “bear” had a gun, but seemed more rational then his companion. It was best not to provoke him. And the officer already had a lot to deal with. Bernard didn’t want to serve as distraction that might cost the man his life. Strangely at this moment the only thought in his head was “Please Superman. Don’t come to save us.”

2009-04-11, 10:13 AM

Wednesday's blue eyes dug holes in Wolf, glaring so hard that it seemed he might just go up in flames from it at any moment.

"Coward." She says, her voice overflowing with contempt. There was not a single drop of respect in her body left for the man- he could have fought, and he might have even won, but instead he chose to hide behind someone else, choosing to use an innocent as a shield rather than win this by his own merit. He was admitting that he'd already lost, and wasn't fighting against that; it was pathetic.

But she doesn't say anymore on that, due to the situation, but nor does she explain to the officer what is going on, since she doesn't really get it herself. Instead she just keeps her eyes on Wolf, hating him and daring him to face her in the manner that he should.

2009-04-11, 10:16 AM
March 21st 2010
Superchump Fails Again
During yesterday's bankrobbery in the General Bank of Metropolis the Superman failed spectacularly again. The police, wetting their pants at the sight of some costumed buffoons with guns, called in the help of our city's own walking, talking nuclear weapon. How exactly it was a good idea to have the hostages around this wirlwind of destruction is beyond this reporter, but it is well know that you don't need a degree to join the police force in this town. The crooks were scared stiff at the sight of the Superman, and well they should be considering he could break all the bones in their bodies with a wave, and opened fire on the hostages. Seven people died in the ensuing massacre before the man who claims he can outspeed a bullet could neutralise even one of the bankrobbers. The two others tried to flee, at which point the superchump killed one of them, and was apparently too busy with this arduous task to stop the other one, who ran right past our city's finest and escaped. The escapee, dubbed Papa Bear for the bearsuit he was wearing, is still on the run and considered armed and dangerous. Superman declined to give any comments to our paper.
Society as we know it to end tomorrow?
The meteor shower that was earlier predicted to be headed straight for the ocean, or "would even miss Earth completely, only skidding past it's atmosphere", has now been calculated to hit the city of Metropolis! Massive casualties are expected, and according to some sources this meteorshower will even mean the end of the world, much like the meteor shower that wiped out the dinosaurs ages ago. Our sources say "The end is nigh! We will all burn and fire shall rain from the skies, 't is writ!"
Terror from Beneath?
Numerous reports have been made of strange creatures in even stranger armour climbing out of the city's sewers, but police refuse to investigate this matter any further. After a three day stake-out in the house of one of the people who spotted the creatures, Mss. Eugenia Blossoms, a loyal reader of our paper, yielded no results, we decided this matter needed deeper and more thorough investigation, and we sent down one of our junior reporters into the sewers to look for clues. Could these perhaps be the fabled Mole-Men we wrote a report on earlier this year? Only time shall tell.
Metropolis Falcons playing Star City Hedgehogs
As splendid as this season is going we fully expect the Falcons to beat the Hedgehogs without even breaking a sweat. Mainly due to their starplayer, Hugo "The Boss" Carmichael, who we at The Mole stay convinced is a mutant plant by the government, no matter what the competition may say. Former coach Donahue had this to comment "Well, this Carmichael fellow is a real beast, you don't need me to tell you that! Now why won't you people leave me alone, *******!"
We are honestly flattered by the confidence mister Donahue puts in our paper, but we must admit this is new information. Perhaps the government have spliced Carmichael's DNA with that of some sort of beast, like with the infamous cowman in 1996? We are on the case, and more news will no doubt follow.

The focus of the guns on him seemed to lower when Bernard raised his hands. Everyone seemed terribly nervous, with those two guns flailing about and Wolf holding that poor woman hostage.
"Put the gun down" the cop said, now training his weapon on Papa bear.
"No, you put the gun down, copper, or I'll gut her like a fish" Wolf snarled.
It seemed clear someone was going to die here, unless someone did something. All bernard could do was hope Superman wouldn't come bursting in like the day before. He'd seen where that led.

Someone Else
Hammer shook her hand and Bruiser followed suit. Both men had a very strong handshake, but Bruiser's was stronger, and less considerate.
"Thank you for the briefing, madam" Hammer said, making another small bow, and then went over the list.
"Hmmm, quite the fancy get-together. Bruce Wayne? Dear lord, I hope you know what you're doing. That man has a reputation. He may just fal for the charms of a lovely young artiste"
His eyebrows wriggled suggestively.
"You'd better be careful around that charmer, miss Knight, I hear he's not the type to call back"

"Put the gun down" the cop said, now training his weapon on Moses.
"No, you put the gun down, copper, or I'll gut her like a fish" Wolf snarled, still holding the woman like a coward. Though... really, he didn't seem scared. He looked like he was rather enjoying this. Wednesday noticed he'd backed up all the way to the window now, and his eyes were darting back and forth wildly. Wolf seemed slightly unhinged, and more than a little violent.

"Ah, Micheal, I'm glad you could spare a few minutes from that busy schedule of yours!" said the jolly little fat man behind the desk. Harold Hawkes was almost to small to rise above his own desk and had to sit on top of a pile of books to be able to properly adress his employees whenever he called them up to his office.
"I've just read your piece on page three of today's paper and I must say it was brilliant! Stunning! Yes, you might just make it yet, Michael, which is why I'm giving you your big break today. There's an exposition tonight, the wretch is called Transcendence, I believe, and all of Metropolis' jetset will be there. And so will you! I've already sent an email to the proprietor of the place, some loony artiste from Gotham, and I'm expecting a polite invitation any minute now. of course, invitiation or no invitation, you will attend, understand?"
Hawkes took the time to light one of his gruesome cigars, which meant spending a long time fumbling with the lighter due to his stubby little fingers and zero adroitness. Michael was rather glad he couldn't manage to light the thing because Hawkes bought the cheap brand, and whatever didn't spill from the wrapping before you lit it stank like a cesspit.
"You'll take us some nice snapshots of fat cats being intimate, licking each other off like, well, cats!"
He laughed loudly at his own joke, and then realised he was still trying to light his cigar. He tossed down the lighter angrily and stuck the unlit cigar in the corner of his mouth.
"Listen, get down there and bring us some good material for the gossip pages. A gay affair between Luthor and the Wayne fellow for instance would sell big time! And none of that "superman is an alien" stuff, enough of that in this issue, be good and I'll let you write a whole two page exposé next week. You'll get to use those blurry pictures you showed me even? just bring me some gossip!"
His tiny fist hit the desk, catapulting the lighter into his waste basket. The editor swore and dived after it, soon spilling the contents off the basket over the entire floor. His boss was one of the many disadvantages when comparing The Mole to The Planet, but at least they respected Michael here.

Someone Else
2009-04-11, 10:29 AM
Lillian Knight

That one made Lilly laugh, long and loud. Slowly though, it quietens to a chuckle. "Heh. Don't worry, Hammer. Master Wayne'll hopefully have a wide enough field tonight to avoid trying to seduce the poor struggling artiste. Until I go after him, and wow him into a commission"

She gave the old thugs a little wink, before a point occurs to her. One she'd blotted out whilst occupied with checking the Exhibition.

"Now then, one final thing. This Mole rag. The editor somehow got hold of my personal e-mail address, and started begging for an invitation"

She stood tall then, her voice sounding it's condescending best.

"Naturally, I'm now going to send him a reply refusing him, totally and utterly. I'll try and keep it polite, but no promises. The Planet's bad enough..."

She sighed, though her smile hasn't faded "But if this idiot's desperate enough to invade my privacy like this, he'll probably not bother with sticking to legality. I get the impression you'll have someone to throw out tonight..."

She leaves it at that, looking at the bouncer pair.

2009-04-11, 10:35 AM

"You think you're in control?"

Wednesday's eyes bore into Wolf, and she takes one step towards him, her eyes like razors, shearing through his skin to pin him against the wall.

"You don't really have an advantage at all- yes, you're threatening this woman's life, but as soon as you do kill her, you've got nothing. You relying on someone being too afraid to do anything. If you actually kill her, you've gained nothing- nothing but a death warrant. You'll have no shield, no protection, and you'll just be shot for committing murder.
"So what can you really do to stop me if I just keep walking forwards? Kill her? Where will that leave you? There's no pressure on us, only on you- you're just trying to blind us to that."

Wednesday steps forwards again, moving towards Wolf slowly but steadily, a strange grin on her face that is disturbingly like Wolf's own expression at the moment.

"So why not drop her and the facade and grow some balls. Face this situation like a man rather than a coward hiding behind a waitress- because right now, her presence is only occupying your knife. If she dies..."

She's getting closer and closer, eyes hard and almost dancing with some bizarre joy.

"You'll die."

2009-04-11, 10:53 AM
The woman moved. Pushed this "Wolf" character. A bad idea, but he'd probably have gone over the edge anyways.
"**** no, Wolf, don't!"
He cut right through the waitress' neck grinning. Blood splashed all over the place, most of it landing on the woman, and lots on the cop too, followed by the corpse. The cop fell backward and let several gunshots fly, tearing through Betty and leaving several holes in the ceiling. The woman flailed wildly with her arms, blinded by the blood.

Papa Bear had gotten up in the confusion, as everyone was screaming and cowering, and now had his gun pointed in Bernard's direction. Wolf jumped into the window with his shoulder and flew right through. In a shower of glass he crawled up again and ran off through the street.
"Nobody move! Wolf! ****!" Papa bear yelled, wildly waving the gun, and eventually focussing on the cop who threw the body off of him.

Someone Else
"The Mole?" Hammer asked, "I actually know one of those jokers. Not really a refined gentleman but fairly bright, and nearly inexhaustible on the treadmill. We shall keep an eye out for him tonight, madam. Is there anything else of note, or may we take a brief break to get some late lunch?"

"**** no, Wolf, don't!"
Wolf grinned as soon as Wednesday took her first step forward and called him a coward. The blade pulled backwards and bit deep into the flesh of the waitress, blood gushing forth like a fountain, splashing all over Wednesday. Betty's face was frozen in a scream, but no sound came out as he'd cut too deep. Wolf kicked the dead body over to the policeman, who fired several times but was thrown back by the corpse and only hit the waitress and the ceiling. There was just... too much blood. Wednesday couldn't see anything. She could just hear a whole lot of screaming and the shattering of glass.
"Nobody move! Wolf! ****!"

Someone Else
2009-04-11, 11:15 AM
Lillian smiled "Take a long one, boys. I'm going to take a closer look at the Mole"

She, smiling, walked bast the front desk, and up the stairs. She maintained a small office above the entrance room; good for getting work done on the premises.

She opened the case, withdrawing her laptop. She wasn't actually a Mole reader, but she'd seen the sort of paper it was. And to think they'd had the nerve to invade her privacy.. Still, she couldn't resist taking a quick look at a sample of their work, running a quick search on them. And immediately wished she hadn't. The worst sort of Gossip sheet...

Well... no mercy Smiling rather evilly, Lilly sat behind her desk, perhaps the least elabourate thing in the building, and started typing


I was quite surprised to find your e-mail, given that this is a private address. My business address is public, but this is my personal e-mail account. Your access to it is overly intrusive, to say the least. None the less, I will ignore this, and respond to your message.

I gather that you wish me to extend an invitation to a member of your staff, to give some reporter of yours access to the Exhibition tonight.

Let me make this clear. You are not invited. No one from the Mole will be in attendance. None of them will be permitted entrance. Security is aware of the situation, and have been paid very well. Or will be, on the condition that they do not let unauthorized guests entrance

If you wish information on the evening, I suggest that you make a request to the Planet for syndication rights. They will have the sole press presence this evening, and that presence will be minimal.

Should you, or any of your staff, attempt to enter Rookhausen, they will be refused. Should entrance be forced, or pictures be taken, I shall regard it as breach of privacy, and will take legal advice on that basis, coupled with any other offenses committed in gaining entry. Your own over-intrusiveness in discovering my private e-mail address will also be taken into consideration.

Yours quite sincerely

Lillian Knight

That'd taken her some effort. She'd had to remove some of the choicer insults. (Whilst legal action is unlikely to result if profit for me, quite frankly, I'd consider it worth it to remove your poisonous little rag from circulation.) Still, it was good enough, and should give the editor the proper message

You are not welcome. Lilly smiled as she hit send, before getting up. She needed to take a short walk outside, after that... blow off some steam...

2009-04-11, 11:15 AM

As soon as the blood splashes, Wednesday wipes her eyes, listening to nothing. He'd set in motion- he'd made cause, and now there would be effect. She rushes towards where he was as she gets rid of the blood from her eyes, knowing that while he might be a strong, big man, he wasn't a runner like she was.

Eyes cleared, she leaps out of the window, zig zagging to avoid Fisher's gun should he attempt to shoot at her- after all, he was aiming the wrong way, and hitting a moving, erratic target was a lot harder than one would think. Once clear of the glass, she keeps running after Wolf.

2009-04-11, 11:38 AM
Bernard watched in horror as his waitress died. He felt deep pain of loss inside. There were more genuine emotions exchanged between him and her then with his friends and colleagues in the recent months. The Betty’s was no longer his place, splattered with blood like this. Bernard felt self-pity and hated himself for his own selfishness. He was the one still alive and the only reason for current madness. "Couldn’t you go crazy another time and place, where other people won’t get hurt. Might as well jump at the guy with the gun and get filled with lead. You deserve it."

Bernard didn’t do it. He didn’t know whether it was his self-preservation instinct kicking in or a sense of some twisted sympathy he felt for the “papa bear”. “I’ll jump him if he tries to shoot someone, only then.” Bernard thought to himself.

2009-04-11, 12:08 PM
Jack once again pauses a bit before speaking, his brows furrowed. "Well, I'm not much one for mineralogy... but if indeed this stone is as incredibly alien as you say, I may be able to help you. It depends in what ways it is alien... if it is odd in a more mundane way- a salt that acts as, say, a metal- then I'll be little more help to you than just a well learned physicist. If, however, it is far, far more alien- with truly alien properties, that are beyond anythng seen on this earth (which I assume you are implying), I do believe I could do very, very well on it."

2009-04-11, 03:31 PM
Suddenly the woman jumped out of the window and ran off in pursuit of the killer. Strangely, Papa Bear decided not to shoot. His hand shook.
"Back- back off" he said to Bernard. He then turned around the cashregister so it was facing him and yelled at the cook.
"How do I open this thing?"
"Y-you just hit the cash return switch"
Papa Bear stuffed some cash in the pockets of his shorts with his free hand. Bernard could spot a woman dialing a number on her cellphone under one of the tables.

Luthor nodded.
"I was indeed implying the latter. I do believe I'll hire you. We can't wait around all day for your future boss, and he'll need someone like you on the team anyways. However, in return for this favour, I do expect you to bring full reports on the team's actions back to me every day. This is, of course, a secret from the rest of the team. If they know you're reporting back to me their behaviour will not quite be the same"

Someone Else
Lillian sent the email and then proceeded to take a walk around the block. The gallery was in an interesting, lively neighbourhood, really. There was the mall, for all your needs, just across the street from the gallery, the sushi place, further along the street, then you had a nice view of the LuthorCorp building from the corner of the street, and behind the corner you could find a pawnshop and an electronics store. At the back of the block lay a small parking lot, which connected to the back of the gallery. There were two waiters smoking there, by one of the two catering trucks, and the bouncers had parked their car here.

When Wednesday managed to get enough blood out of her eyes to see more or less properly, Wolf was already gone. But it was clear where he went, as the window had been smashed. She jumped through the glass, landing on the pavement, and looked around for Wolf. She spotted him, a dot in the distance, and started running as fast as she could. She could see that she was gaining on him, but then he dolted past a corner. She tried to run harder, not to lose him, but as soon as she passed the corner she could see that hadn't been necessary.

Wolf had jumped into a car, probably his since it didn't take him long to get the engine started. The thing looked old, vintage almost, and had kitchy drawing of a silver eagle on the sides amidst a shiny dark blue paint job. The engine roared loudly. Wednesday spotted an ornament on the hood shaped like tiny crosshairs, and a a rabbit splashed across the grill. The car screeched forward, heading for her.

Someone Else
2009-04-11, 03:37 PM
Lilly smiled at the sight. The caterers were good. They'd only take breaks when ahead. When they were taking a smoke break outside, they were quite nicely ahead

She continues on her little stroll, breathing heavily, taking in gulps of the fresh air, as she tried to focus. She'd checked on the exhibition, the catering, security, the guest list... what'd she missed? Everything must be perfect... what hadn't she checked?... There must be something...

Or did she - wonder of wonders - have time to kill? A truly rare thing for her... was there anywhere at all near by a little... higher class?

2009-04-11, 03:51 PM

Oh ****.
Cars weren't something Wednesday really knew how to deal with, but one was bearing down on her and she had to think fast. He can't be allowed to get away, but she can't survive getting hit by a car. She had nothing to damage with car with except her own body.

The glass is the weak spot.
Was she really thinking of this? What kind of insanity was she getting herself into? But it was all she could think of- the only option that satisfied her intense determination to get this guy and not give up.

If I live through this...
Well, she'd thinking about that later. There wasn't enough time. But it would be interesting to see what the result was if she lived.

Instead of dodging to the side, or running away, or standing still, Wednesday runs towards the car as it comes to her, gathering speed as it gathers speed. She yelled, a wild look in her eyes as she jumped into the air, going into a flying kick towards Wolf's side of the windshield, hoping that the combined force from her and the glass colliding would allow her to shatter it and land on his face. Not really kick him in the face, after having her impact shattered by the glass, it would likely be more of a heavy landing.

It was insane. She had no idea if she'd really survive it or not, but if she died... well, this is the kind of way she'd want to go.
If she ends up in the hospital, oh well.

2009-04-11, 04:04 PM
Jack gives Mr. Luthor a quizzical look, and leans over a bit. "I don't see why you should need me to do such a task- wouldn't most already believe you're keeping tabs on the project? It smacks of unnecessary underhandedness. But... I suppose it's your company. You can do what you want with it, and that's none of my business. Very well then, I'll do as you ask... would you like me to report in person, or would an email or such suffice?"

2009-04-11, 08:51 PM
James Paul Parkson

James sighed and embraced the inevitable. Pulling out his phone, he answered it, already knowing it probably wouldn't be good news. "Hello, this is James."

2009-04-11, 10:45 PM

Emma takes a step to the side to let the man walk past to the exit. She gives a glance towards him to determine who he might be.

If she doesn't recognize him, she checks in at the front desk and then sits down to surf the web on her iPhone. She spends a few minutes surfing the web for any recent news on LexCorp dealings until the meeting starts.

2009-04-12, 02:45 AM
Bernard glanced at police officer, “papa bear” had his gun pointed at. What was he going to do? How likely it was that he would try to shoot, if “papa bear” got distracted.

2009-04-12, 07:01 AM
The cop has stayed on the diner floor, after pushing the dead body away from him.
"Now, son, don't do anything stupid. Put the money back and put the gun down, you haven't commited any crimes yet, you're just a witness to what your friend there did, and we'll let you go after you go down to the station and help identify him"
Papa Bear stuffed the rest of the money into his pockets and started walking towards the destroyed window, as the cop was still blocking the exit. he made sure to keep his eyes on Bernard and the cop.

Emma didn't recognise the man, as he was probably just another employee.

She walked over to the front desk and checked in.
"Hmmmm?" the girl at the desk asked, putting her headset down.
"Oh, Silverton, Emma? Yes, you do have an appointment at one. You're slightly early, but the gentleman you just saw heading up had an appointment at two and was here before you. Humpf. Let me check with Mr. Luthor when I can send you up"

The girl picked up the telephone and dialed.
"Hello, Mr. Luthor? There is someone here to see you at the front desk. Your one o' clock, Emma Silverton? Yes, Mr. Luthor. Okay. ... Shall I send her up, Mr. Luthor? Okay, goodbye Mr. Luthor"
She put down the phone again.
"You may head up with the elevator. You need to get out at the fiftieth floor and simply continue through the hallway straigh ahead until you reach his office"
She put the headset on again, pressed one of her speeddial buttons and then started talking about last night's episode of Seinfeld.

"Under no circumstances would you be to visit me personally. I will give you this emailadress, [email protected], to send your reports to. In case of dire emergencies, here's my phone number as well"
Luthor scribbled down some number on an empty envelope as well as the emailadress and slid it to Jack. As he did so the phone rang. he picked up.
"Lex Luthor speaking. Right, who is it? Hmmm, they're all terribly early today. Let me think, I'm about done with this meeting, so you can send her up"
He looked up at Jack, clenching the telephone between his cheek and his shoulder.
"Unless you have any more questions? Well, if you do I can answer them as Mss. Silverton comes up in the elevator. Yes, send her up please. Thank you"
He hung up.
"Very well, Mr. Walker, unless you have any more questions you may leave and return tomorrow to begin your first day at work"

Lord Asmodeus
James picked up his phone.
"Hello, mister Parkson, this is Lethian Waters asylum calling, concerning your mother. I'm afraid we have some bad news. Earlier today, your mother tried to take her own life"
The female voice on the other side of the phone paused.
"We were able to stop her, but, but we really fear for her health. She'd been talking about ending it for some days now, and we didn't really take her seriously, as she hasn't shown any of this behaviour before, but we did take care to watch her more closely. Then, then this morning she, well, she got up out of her wheelchair and walked over to an open window, and tried to jump out. We were only able to stop her just in time. We've had to restrain her for now, and we've only now gotten to informing her next of kin"

James let this sink in. She'd started wanting to kill herself a couple of days ago, they'd said. A couple of days ago had been the anniversary of his father's death.

James checked his watch and saw that it was almost one o' clock. Time to be heading back.

"Sir?" the voice on the other end of the phone said.

Someone Else
Lillian headed over to the fanciest place she knew of in that neighbourhood, a cocktail bar. She had some time to kill, and quite a lot of it, in fact. The exposition would be opening at nine. Admittedly, she'd have to eat and dad would get home at seven, so she had to be home to let him in, but that still left her a lot of time as it was only a quarter to one. She sipped her drink and looked around the bar, failing to spot anything particularly interesting. Except for her and some high end LuthorCorp executives the bar was pretty much empty. Well, there was the bartender, who was sort of handsome in his own way. He didn't seem to be doing much either, what with what little clientele they had at this time of day. There was some jazzy music playing in the background.

Lillian sighed. Maybe she had a bit too much spare time. She wondered if she was going to go do something or just sit around here for the rest of the day, maybe look around the gallery some more.

Wednesday jumped, but this didn't seem to startle Wolf as he sped on. Before her foot even made contact with the glass she could feel the hood ornament hit her in the groin. She heard something tear, which might have been her jeans. God, she hoped it was her jeans. Then the foot hit the glass, crashing right through, into one of the front seats. her leg chrashed through all the way, but her upperbody hit the roof of the rather low car. She could feel the air being pushed out of her lungs as a terrible pain hit her. She was unsure where this pain came from, and if it had been the belated consequense of the tearing she'd heard earlier or of the impact of the roof. The car took a sharp turn around the corner and Wednesday was thrown to the side. With the glass shattering and no longer keeping her in place, she was thrown off the hood to the side, rolling to a halt on the middle of the road. She was bleeding and could hardly get up. Something was wrong with her leg.

A woman ran onto the streets, halting several cars.
"Oh my god, are you alright? I totally saw what happened! He ran you over! Don't worry, I saw the license plate, that abstard is not getting away with this. Oh, my, your leg is bleeding. Oh!"

Suddenly Hawkes' computer made a bleep and a sensual female voice told him he had mail, following up the message with a slight groan. Hawkes crawled back onto his chair with a great deal of difficulty and checked his mail.
"Ha! Looks like you're going to have to sneak in tonight, Michael. That stuck-up artiste won't allow us in"

Someone Else
2009-04-12, 08:06 AM
Lillian Knight

Lilly caught the thought about the bartender with a faint smile, and discarded it before it went any further.

You'll be mixing with far more handsome people tonight. The rich, powerful, beautiful.. if you fall for a pretty face that easily, Wayne won't even have to try before you're dancing to his tune.

She kept the faint smile as she looked about her. The high-end LuthorCorp guys she knew in passing, but weren't friends. Still, she was here, in one of the fanciest joints in Metropolis...

You've come a long way from Gotham's streets, my girl... be proud of that.

She smiled faintly, as she drained her drink. Not much to do... she'll probably head back to the gallery after this, discuss sales policy... or perhaps bounce ideas of Alex for what she was going to do after Transcendence... she'd have to be back at six thirty, to check her dress for the evening, which'd have hopefully arrived by then. She'd had it hand made, in honour of this evening.

Still, life is good... Lillian Knight leaned back, and smiled, amidst the grandeur of the bar.

2009-04-12, 09:22 AM
Bernard remained motionless. There were many things he could have tried and every single one of them would make situation worse. The policeman thought that “papa bear” was first time robber, which wasn’t true. Bernard was certain of his identity now, the smell of vomit on the shoes was enough proof for him. So it was unlikely he’d just surrender. How likely was it that police officer would try to shoot him, when he would be exiting the building. That probably wouldn't happen. What were the odds that police he called would arrive at the most inappropriate moment and trap the criminal with café full of hostages? Bernard really hoped for those chances to be zero.

2009-04-12, 12:26 PM

Gritting her teeth and ignoring the flashbacks to when she fell for her first time in rock climbing (in her mind, rock climbing was only real when not using equipment), Wednesday attempts to push herself up, probably failing rather miserably.

"Don't let him get away!"
Her voice is harsh, pained, and rather crazy sounding. Possibly because she is rather crazy at the moment.
Which is why she attempted to deliver a flying kick to a car.

2009-04-12, 04:44 PM
James Paul Parkson

James sighed heavily. "Well, I'll be over there in the next couple of days. I'm sorry, but I really have to get back to work." closing the phone, James throws away his garbage and heads back to Luthorcorp.

2009-04-12, 09:10 PM
Jack nods to Mr. Luthor, and shakily walks out of his office. Damn these social encounters... let me prove myself in the lab.
He strolls out, gets into his car, and drives off to find the nearest cafe, preferrably a higher quality one. Inside, he orders a salad and some coffee, then sitting down at his meal brings out his laptop, typing in a concise emal to the head of the university.

Due to recent circumstances, I will be taking an indefinite leave from teaching.
~Dr. J. Walker.

With that, he returns home, excercizes for a while, takes a meticulous shower, reads a book (A.J. Ayer's Language, Truth and Logic), makes dinner, showers again and turns in for an early night.

2009-04-13, 04:35 PM
Just as Bernard considered the possibility of the police showing up, and how bad that would be, they heard sirens in the distance. Papa bear swore loudly, and the cop less loudly. The people in the diner seemed somewhat relieved though, as if they thought their ordeal was nearly over.

Jack had just put on his pyjamas and crawled into bed when he heard that sound out back again, in the alley below his window. The sewercover being moved. He'd heard it several times the last couple of days, and it honestly bothered him that he didn't know what was going on. It was suspicious.

Jack got up and walked over to the window, from where he saw an open manhole with a large humanoid figure by it, wearing bizarre armour. He wore shoulderpads and kneepads, a constructionworker's helmet and a black leather suit. One his back a chainsaw was slung. Jack wondered what was going on.

Lord Asmodeus
James headed back to Luthorcorp, racing to Lex' office. As he arrived there were already two people waiting by Lex' secretary, Adelaide. One was the woman he'd seen earlier in the lobby, and the other was a man fat enough to take up an entire couch by himself. James was uncertain the behemoth would even be able to get up. He was bald too, and his head kept twitching. Altogether he didn't make a very good impression. James wondered if these were the people he'd be interviewing and then headed in.

"Ah, you're back, excellent" Luthor said, finishing the last bite of a sandwich and wiping his mouth with a napkin, which he then replaced on the silver platter the sandwich had been on.
"It seems your new recruits are eager to get started, as no less than three of them showed up early. In fact, I've already hired one"
Lex took a file out of a drawer in his desk and slid it over to James. The front read "Dr. Jack Walker".
"He is, or rather was, a professor at Metropolis U. He taught applied metaphysics, a somewhat elusive field of studies, but most definitely useful for our purposes. I hired him, as I you can't do without him. If, however he doesn't suit you, you are allowed to fire him. The rest of the employees you can decide upon yourself, but make sure you hire a solid team. You won't be able to handle this by yourself"

Lex paused and got up from his chair to move to his window, where he had a magnificent view of the whole city.
"You think you can do this, James? Shall I call them in?"

Someone Else
Lillian was quite enjoying her drink, as alone as she might have been at the bar, when she heard the word "transcendence". She leaned back a bit and perked up her ears as she noticed the men from LuthorCorp were talking about her exposition.

"Well, yeah, it sounds like a real arty-farty kinda thing, but I bet there'll be snacks"
"You're going just for the snacks?"
"Well, no, Luthor gave me a ticket, I can hardly not go. I mean, I've been gunning for that promotion for ages"

Lillian remembered sending Luthor an invitation and giving him the liberty to bring four guests. It was the most she'd allowed anyone, but Luthor was a pretty important man in Metropolis, and so would anyone he invited be. Besides, the LuthorCorp building was just two streets from the gallery, they were practically neighbours.

"You're lucky Fred, I would have killed for those tickets, and that promotion"
"You would have enjoyed going to that art show?"
"Well, yeah. Normally it's not my kind of thing, I mean, it sounds pretentious, but this is different. The Planet did a piece on it. Apparently it's about Superman"
"Superman? Really? And Luthor's going? I thought he hated Supes"
"Well, having the Man of Steel around isn't exactly good for business if 30% of your profits come from selling weapons. Besides, where does that nutjob get the right to enforce the law anyways? Just cause he has powers he's better than us? I think he's a bit powercrazy, honestly"
"How could you say that, my kids love him!"
"Yeah... You're right. You'd have to be crazy not to like Superman. Better not mention that in front of Luthor if you still want that promotion though"

"Don't let him get away!" she exclaimed, and the woman said something in reply, but somehow Wednesday couldn't hear. All she could hear were the faint sirens in the distance, and then everything went black.

The lights flashed on again, way too brightly. She opened her eyes to slits until she got used to the light. The only sound in the room was the slow buzzing of the TL-lights, and the faint sounds of the hubhub in the hallways. She was in a hospital, covered in plain white blankets on a plain white bed in a plain white room. Something tight was wrapped around her leg. Bandages. They'd fixed up her leg. She wondered how long she'd been here, and then spotted the window. Outside it was dark.

2009-04-13, 04:44 PM

Blink blink.

Damn. Not again.
Wednesday thought to herself, far too used to this sight by now. At this point in her life, she'd gotten into the hospital frequently. Why was she here this time?
He got away.

She'd failed. Wednesday had made a stupid error, gotten someone killed, and failed to make the murderer pay for it. Gritting her teeth and ignoring the tears that came to her eyes, Wednesday clenched one hand, letting her nails dig into her skin. It was her fault- she had tried to play the damn hero, and it just got people killed.

It wasn't my fault. He took her hostage, he put the knife to her throat, he cut it.
But you made him feel threatened, says that little voice in her head. You bullheadedly rushed in and screwed it all up. Never stop and think, always messing things up.

Wednesday represses her thoughts and starts trying to sit up and look around for a nurse or a way to call a nurse. There was usually something, from what she recalled from other hospital visits.

Someone Else
2009-04-13, 04:49 PM
Lillian Knight

It's a good job Lilly's face was concealed from the pair. She went through several different emotions, including rage, contempt, shock, outraged indignation curiosity, black humor... her face was a picture...

Thankfully, she managed to calm herself somewhat as the two slowed in their conversation. Slowly, a little idea for revenge came to her. Lilly checked her glass; just a little left. Enough for a brief conversation over. She got up, and walked intently over towards the pair. Stoping as she got to them, Lilly smiled her most charming smile "Excuse me... Mind if I join you gentlemen? There are so few people about... conversation is at a minimum"

She wasn't dressed outstandingly, but she was smart enough not to stand out... thankfully.

2009-04-13, 09:08 PM
Hm. I'd always thought of Jack as more of a condo type fellow. Ah well.
Jack walks outside, in a robe and moccasins. At this point the gel and products in his hair have washed out, and its just a lank, messy mess. He peers around the corner, over to the man in the armor, and clears his throaght ostentatiously."Ehhehhmmmm.... ehhh...." He stands for a moment, at a loss. What's the phrase? What they always say... ahhh...."Can I help you, sir?"

2009-04-14, 01:42 AM
The police sirens shook Bernard out of his self-pity. It wasn’t over yet. As long as he has a plan. Bernard quickly glanced at people in the diner. He’ll convince the “papa bear” to take him hostage and flee the café. There were problems with the plan. "Papa bear" could refuse to leave the café, choose a less handy hostage and the police officer might try something reckless. Well, considering the risks already taken, why not.

Bernard slowly stood up, hands still behind head. “You shouldn’t stay here. The police will surround the building and bring snipers, so if you don’t leave now, you won’t leave at all. They’ll just need to wait till Superman arrives”. The mention of Superman was the touch Bernard hoped would scare “papa bear”. Make him so desperate he would be listening to the man who assaulted him minutes ago, rather than think for himself. “You can take me hostage, then leave for the car. This place is a trap, you need to escape.” Bernard looked at the “papa bear” to see his reaction. If his plan was working he would ask one of the hostages to toss him car keys.

The rush of emotions Bernard felt growing inside has pushed everything else aside. He unconsciously avoided looking at the dead body of the waitress.

2009-04-14, 05:10 AM
Papa bear looked at Bernard in surprise. He seemed somewhat relieved to ahve some input.
"You're right, I need to get out of here, but Wolf's got the car keys. Have you got a car? No?"
Papa bear turned towards the cook again.
"How about you?"
The cook nodded in fear and produced a keychain, which Papa bear snatched out of his hand. The keychain seemed to contain several other keys too, but the cook didn't protest.

Papa Bear gave Bernard a shove towards the smashed window.
"Come on, let's get out of here. I'll drop you off somewhere outside the city, once we're safe"
The sirens grew louder in the background.

By the time Jack made it outside, and out back, the armoured man had dissappeared. In his rush though, he'd forgotten to close the manhole behind him. Jack supposed he must have spotted him, out the window.

Someone Else
"Uhm, I suppose so"
"Well, yeah, you can join us, but we'll get going in a bit. We work at LuthorCorp, see. We're on lunch break"
"Extended lunchbreak" the other guy said, and laughed.
"We can afford it, we're quite high up, you know" his friend replied, and laughed too, though it sounded fake. This was the guy that wanted the promotion.
"It just so happens, in fact, that Lex Luthor himself invited me to an art exhibition tonight" he continued, clearly quite proud.

Wednesday managed to find the button to ring the nurse and did so. Not long after a young woman in speckless white uniform appeared.
"Ah, you're up, miss Jordan. Were you in need of my assistance?"

Someone Else
2009-04-14, 05:21 AM
Lillian Knight

Lilly nods, winking a little "Well, I'm self employed. Thankfully, I get to choose my own lunch-breaks... I'm about done as well though."

She raises her glass slightly as she sits next to them, and listens, trying to keep her faces as happily vacuous as possible. She chuckled a little though "Heh. You guys move in high circles"

Lilly managed a smile, and a light chuckle every bit as fake. The only difference was that she's a little better at than these two...

Blank, featureless... a pair of cooperate shells, drones with a little more power...

Stop sounding like an art studant.

She manages a look of surprise at the mention of Luther's invitation. "What... not this Transcendence thing?"

2009-04-14, 07:00 AM
Bernard nodded. He intended to fully cooperate with “papa bear”, at least until they’ve gotten to a car. He doubted that any of the café patrons would try to be a hero, and police officer would probably want the criminal outside of building full of hostages. The police could be a problem, so he’d probably need to shout a few “please don’t do anything” and “I’m fine, just don’t provoke him”.

2009-04-14, 09:16 AM

"Just a few questions. How long am I projected to be here, was the man who hit me caught, and what time is it?"
Wednesday asks, leaning back into the bed.

2009-04-14, 02:18 PM
Jack goes back inside, grabs a flashlight, and looks down the manhole....

2009-04-14, 02:25 PM
Jon Paul Parkson

Jon nodded, trying not to show how worried he is. "I'm ready sir." He wondered who the rest of his potential staff would be. If they all had resume like this Jack fellows, James didn't know if he'd be turning any of them down today. Although, since they had been invited here personally by Lex Luthor, that wasn't wholly unlikely, though they might prove not up to the task in the end.

2009-04-14, 04:16 PM
They actually got to the car before the police arrived, as it was parked right out front. Papa Bear shoved Bernard in the driver's seat and got into the back of the car, gun still pointed at him.
"Now look, my wheelman's run off, and I can't watch you and drive at the same time, so you're driving. Don't go getting any ideas though. If you crash this thing, it's you going through the windshield, not me. Worse, my gun may just go off. Safety's off, see. I've got good triggerfinger control though, so don't hold back. If the cops get us, then we're in real trouble. I'll shoot you before they drag me off to jail. I'll tell you right now, I'm wanted for multiple homicide, so I've got nothing to lose. You, however, do. So drive"

Jack shone his light down the manhole. There was a ladder leading down, metal steps embedded in the wall. There were clear spots with less filth on them, where fingers had grabbed them recently. An awful stench rose up from below, making Jack queasy.

Lord Asmodeus
Lex walked over to the intercom and pressed the button.
"Miss Adelaide, please call in the first applicant"

After some noise from behind the doors the fat man burst in, followed by a protesting Adelaide.
"I'm sorry, mister Luthor, he just wouldn't listen. I told him the lady was first, but he insisted on entering"
Luthor sighed.
"Very well, I suppose it does not matter. Please leave us, miss Adelaide, and take this platter with you while you're at it"
Luthor waited until Adelaide had left the room and then addressed the enormous man.
"I do hope you realise this doesn't make a very good impression on the person who will be deciding if you go or stay, mister Boswell?"
Boswell's head twitched.
"I've known you for years, Mr. Luthor. First impressions weren't a matter of concern"
"I'm not talking about me, Henry, but about this young gentleman here, mister Parkson"
Henry Boswell turned around, making most of his enormous mass wobble. Only now did he seem to notice James.
"Ah, I do not believe we've made acquaintance. My name is Henry Joseph Boswell. I was named after the scientist, Joseph Henry. Of course, they should have named me Joseph Henry, but my parents seemed to prefer Henry. They were physicists, and in physics the henry is the unit of inductance in the International System of Units"
Henry's head twitched.
"I- I can't say my folks were happy with my choice of profession"
"Mr. Boswell is a computer scientist" Luthor explained, "And notorious hacker, I might add"
Henry giggled. That's right, giggled.
"Now, now, Mr. Luthor, that's just a hobby I dabble in"
"Henry's been responsible for three stock crashes and for the doomsday worm, which infected about half of America's computers back in the day"
"No harm was meant, Luthor, all it did was scramble your files on the first of april, and it put everything back in order as soon as the day ended. All you had to do to stop it really was adjust your computer clock"
"Which, if I remember correctly, you wouldn't be able to do after the program had activated. You'd have to know your computer was infected beforehand"
Henry's head twitched again, quite annoyingly.
"It was all in good fun"
"Do you have any questions for this gentleman, James? Like why he insisted to overtake our other appointment?"

Someone Else
"Oh, yes, quite, Transcendence" the man who wanted the promotion said, "Have you heard of it miss?"
The other guy checked his watch. Though they were "pretty high up", he still seemed worried about the time.

The nurse seemed to hesitate. Usually patients weren't quite this direct when they just woke up. She may have expected some sort of confusion.
"I think you'd be ready to leave by morning. The doctor said you'd cut an artery, but they got to the scene in time and a woman had bandaged your leg with her scarf"
She pointed at the chair across the room from Wednesday. On it was a scarf, drenched in blood.
"She, uhm, left her number too. I was supposed to give it to you once you woke up. She said to call her about the man who hit you. She has his license plate number. But I haven't heard anything about him getting caught. Then again, he might have been. They wouldn't inform us if he was. Oh, and it's ten o' clock at night"

Someone Else
2009-04-14, 04:29 PM
Lillian Knight

Yes, I know a bit about it. The gallery's in the neighborhood, and I've heard the woman who runs the place once or twice...

She's got a temper on her, let me tell you. Holds a grudge against those who annoy her.

Lilly laughed at that, as she keeps her smile as best she can. She sips her drink slowly, watching the pair

"Quite a high up social event, I gather. Lots of very powerful people there... Your boss won't even necessarily be the most important guy in the room"

*sip, followed by an ironic smile*

"Any bets on how many of those there are actually going to be interested in the art?

2009-04-14, 04:36 PM
Jack grimaces at the scent. What did you think, you fool? It's a bloody sewer... just some nut in the night.
With that, he walks back inside, wary of the manhole and stench, and goes to bed. This is a mystery for a later date.

2009-04-14, 04:36 PM

"Can I get a phone and her number then? I should have had a cell phone in my pocket- if its still intact."
Wednesday doubted she'd be allowed. They'd probably want a doctor or someone to talk to her before allowing her to do anything else.

2009-04-14, 06:16 PM
James Paul Parkson

James nodded to Mr.Luthors question. "That's a good point. And also, how can I trust you won't indulge your little hobby again? If even half of what Mr.Luthor said is true, I'd say you were qualified for the job, but can I be sure you won't do something rash with 'no harm meant'. I don't mean to sound rude, but I've been made to understand we're going to be doing important work here. I'd like to be able to count on my own staff without having to make sure they aren't hacking into the pentagon, above all other concerns we will no doubt have over the course of this project."

2009-04-15, 02:49 AM
“Hostages killed in the bank yesterday” Bernard starts the engine. “I’ll try to drive past the police slowly, so they wouldn’t realize we are the ones they are looking for”. He adopts a relaxed posture and face expression. “Why didn’t you just surrender? It was Superman, man of steel, catch the speeding bullet guy. It should have been impossible for you to…” Bernard pauses, “Well, do anything. You were just men.”

2009-04-17, 07:26 AM
Bernard slowly drove off with the car. They didn't even pass any police on the way, as they came from the other direction. They seemed to be getting away. At Bernard's remark Papa Bear frowned.
"Wait... you were in the bank. Were you following me? How did you find me?"
He seemed to be getting nervous. Bernard's asking about the man of steel didn't really help, but at least it seemed to divert the target of his anger.
"Why didn't we surrender? Well, we didn't have any choice, did we? We needed that money, so we robbed that bank, we didn't want to go to jail, so we shot the hostages. You don't get to judge us. There's no such thing as right and wrong, there's just people... Take a left here"

Jack woke up to the sound of his phone. Before he even realised it he'd picked up in a reflex. He just held the horn, without saying anything.
"Hello? Jack? This is Bigby speaking, from Metropolis U. I've just gotten your message. You've got us in quite a pickle here, with your sudden resignation. We haven't got anyone to replace you, and really, you're contractually bound to give us notice"

Lord Asmodeus
"Oh, no, no, you've got it all wrong. I assure you, Mr. Parkson, I've never been caught"
Luthor laughed.
"As for my insistance to go first, I simply do not have the time to lose to spend an entire half hour of my day in a couch doing nothing. I would either have the job or I wouldn't, but either way I'd have some work to finish. Hmmm, and I only had an tuna-egg salad sandwich for lunch, and some cheezits"
"I could have Adelaide bring you a sandwich if you like, Henry"
Henry Joseph's head twitched.
"No, thank you, Mr. Luthor. I've got some lasagne left at home, and I'm on a diet. Besides, I'm sure Mr. Parkson's heard quite enough to make a decision"

Someone Else
"The art?"
The two men had a laugh.
"Hardly anyone's ever interested in the art on opening day, not when you can gaze at the city's haute societe instead" the guy without an invitation said, somewhat disapprovingly.
"Oh, yes, it'll be quite the show" the other guy said, without noticing the first man's mockery.
"Maybe there'll be some artistic types. Invited by the artist herself. The sort that goes on and on about composition and palette while talking about a blank wall"
"Oh, I hope not" the other man said in horror.
"Regardless, if you want to see people who are actually interested in the art you'll have to go another day. Today's just a farce. Me and my wife are going tomorrow too, I'd recommend it. It's not like you'd be able to get tickets for tonight anyways"

"Oh, of course" the nurse said, kind of flustered. She went over to the cabinet next to Wednesday's bed and pulled open a drawer with all Wednesday's personal items. She took out the cellphone, which was still completely intact except for some scratches on the surface, and gave it to Wednesday together with a small scribbled note with a phonenumber on the back of a flyer. Wednesday dialed the number but got the machine.
"Hello, this is -Lindsay- 's machine. -Lindsay- is not here right now, please leave a message after the beep. ... Beeeeep"

Someone Else
2009-04-17, 09:13 AM
Hmm... fair points, I'd guess. I might head there after this, see if I can pick one up...

This'd left Lilly depressed. All right, the pair were speaking the truth, but still... The exhibition's just going to be window dressing to the party...

She sighed, inwardly. It wasn't a pleasant thing to ponder. After the amount of work she'd put in... and just to allow the Rich and powerful to gossip a little... No. it'll be better later. Normal people will come. It's just one night of having to play hostess...

Still, she forced a smile as she rose her cup "Well, gentlemen, I'm afraid I'd do well to be going. I might not be an executive of a large multinational corporation like you, but I do have a job."

She laughed, draining her glass to the last as she does so.

2009-04-17, 10:06 AM

With a sigh, Wednesday leaves a message, succinctly stating her name, how the woman knew her, and that she was calling to find out about the car that hit her. She leaves her phone number in case Lindsay has no caller ID, and then hangs up.
After that, she taps her fingers along the top of the cell phone, settling down for a long, boring wait.

2009-04-17, 01:40 PM
Bernard turned to the right. The man misunderstood his reason for asking the question. Of course at this point he hardly understood himself, what exactly he was trying to learn. “

Bernard tried to remember the events in the bank. Which of the criminals was shooting at the hostages, or was it all of them? Why were they able to escape? He also thought that it was no wonder robbers were ready to go that far. Superman didn’t kill people, in a way he wasn’t as threatening as police to the criminals. If there was a cop in his place, the “three bears” would have been shot on spot, as soon as they opened fire on innocent people.

"That woman in the café, was she part of your gang?" Bernard inwardly cursed himself as soon as he uttered the question. The man was already on edge, questions like this could clamp him up for good. Why did he want to know it at all? He should be asking a different question now, before this ends.

2009-04-17, 01:49 PM
James Paul Parkson

James nodded. "I have. You are at least qualified for the job. However, if your hobby becomes a real problem for us, I can't gaurantee the benefit of having someone of your skills will outweigh the risks to the project. However, that's a concern for another time. For now, you're hired."

2009-04-17, 02:14 PM
Jack instantly regrets picking up the phone. Why did I pick it up? I always, always let it go to message... oh, I knew this would happen... thought I'd get off easy..."Em, listen, I...
Wait, I am? Um, well, as I said, recent events came up, I really can't come in tomorrow or anything, I don't know when I'll be able get back, just... I don't know... em... contractually bound... listen, this is a bad time, why don't you email me?"Without letting him get in a word edgewise, he turns off the phone and unplugs it, then groans and falls back to bed.
Finally, he gets up, checks the time, and goes through his routine, then off to Lexcorp.

2009-04-25, 04:05 PM
The man's mood seemed to have turned from conversation.
"I said take a left!" he screamed. He'd gone from pretty calm to furious, but seemed to cool down rapidly again.
"Go left at the next street and then head straight on until you hit Charles Street. Go left again there. Don't play games with me again, or I'll have you pull over and I'll shoot you like a dog. You know I'm capable. You seen me shoot those people"

"...You know, my brother got killed today, and my other brother got sent to the pen. I'm having a bad day"

Though the phonecall from the university worried him, Jack simply headed to the LuthorCorp building. Unfortunately for him, it was mysteriously closed. All the doors were shut and there was no sign of activity in the building whatsoever. He wondered if he would have been warned about this if he'd still have had his phone on, or if he'd bothered to check his email before he left. Strangely though, the only other person at the doors of the building was a enormously fat man who'd perched himself on a bench outside and was tapping away at his laptop.

Lord Asmodeus
Boswell smiled in a somewhat disturbing manner and then exited the room. Mrs. Adelaide came in after him and announced that two more applicants had shown up early.
"Very well. Please head out there and tell them to wait for a bit. I'll call you over the intercom when you need to send them in"
Adelaide nodded and exited the room, closing the double doors behind her. James caught a glance of the people waiting beyond as she did so.
"Now, Mr. Parkson, a brief word. While I approve of you hiring Henry, who has been my acquaintance for quite some time, I would advise strongly for you to take some consideration when hiring the others. Your team already has three members, and I would like the amount to stay limited to five, as an utter maximum. You understand that an elite research team such as this should be streamlined, and in close contact with each other. I don't believe this to be possible with teams that are too large. I must also admit that I do not have quite enough faith in your capabilities as a leader to imagine that you would be able to oversee quite as many as five other scientists. That would be pushing it"
Luthor paused and strolled back through the window, yet again gazing outside. Police sirens were audible in the distance, just a hollow resonance through the glass.
"Since I've invited four other scientists to join us here, that would mean you would have to eliminate three. You might want to get to know them all before you decide, to make an informed decision"
Luthor turned around and bent over the desk, pushing the button on the intercom.
"Send them in Mrs. Adelaide"

Seconds later the door opened. Three applicants entered, which left the fourth's identity a mystery. There was an older, balding gentleman in a labcoat who wore inch thick glasses, the woman he'd seen earlier in the lobby and a man who was fidgeting with an electronic device that made strange whirring sounds and had a trembling antenna on top. The man with the device looked up at James from beneath his Falcons cap. His leather jacket squeaked as he moved.
"Never mind this, I'm just working on some details"

There was a slight thud as Mr. Luthor closed his deskdrawer. James looked round to see four more files had appeared on Luthor's desk. One was Henry Joseph Boswell's file, and from the pages sticking out James could see it was largely edited with black marker. The other three files were titled "Dr. Herman Frost", "Edward Masters" and "Emma Silverton". The Masters file seemed to exhibit a similar case of blacked out text, as well as a lot of additions in red ink.

Someone Else
Dad hadn't turned up by seven. She'd been worried, but he eventually arrived at twelve past seven. He looked horrible. He was wearing a metropolis police uniform and his eyes were blank. He walked right into his room without a word after she let him in, and after a while he came out in new clothes. He sat down on one of the chairs in the living room, still awfully quite.
"I may just have to reconsider my view on crime in this city" he finally said.

Wednesday eventually fell asleep again, lulled to sleep by the humming of the lights. She woke up in the middle of the night to the ringing of her phone. Somewhat dazzled and confused, Wednesday picked up the phone.
"Hello?" said a voice on the other side. It sounded vaguely familiar. Sad and tired too.
"This is Lindsay. Am I talking to Wednesday? I- I called to say I heard your call. But I can't really talk right now"
There was noise in the background. It sounded like people, and music, and shouting. Wednesday vaguely recognised the beat in the background.
"Yeah, Pablo, I'll hang up. Just a minute! Sorry, I really can't talk right now, I- Stop!"
A second voice was audible in the background, but whatever he said was in spanish. Wednesday couldn't understand a word. He sounded angry though.
"Look, could you drop by my place tomorrow? We could talk"
That was Lindsay again. She gave the address. It was an apartment block in the old industrial area of Metropolis, the Benz. It was a terrible neighbourhood. Crimerates weren't so high out there, but poverty was through the roof.
"I- I gotta go now. Bye -click-"
Wednesday had barely been able to get a word through, and Lindsay had pretty much ignored what she'd said anyways. Wednesday imagined the noise of the music must have made it nearly impossible for her to understand. She checked the clock. It was four o' clock at night. By the clock was the little scribbled note Lindsay had left behind. She flipped it over. The back was a flyer, advertising for "The Howling Wolf", a sleazy bar, also in the Benz. Wednesday had only seen the place from the outside, but it seemed like a seedy kind of joint where the lowest of the low gathered and drank, and shot heroin in their veins in the back alley. It wasn't at all safe.

2009-04-25, 05:59 PM
Jack steps over to the man on the laptop, and taps his shoulder to get his attention. "Em... do you know what's.... up? Here, I mean. Luthorcorp. Closed. And... yeah."

Someone Else
2009-04-26, 02:08 AM
Lilly is obviously unhappy at this. She sits down beside him, in one motion, and tries to look her father in the eyes...

"Why? What happened?"

2009-04-26, 11:19 AM
The fat man looked up at him, his fingers still dashing over the keyboard. He was bald, and occasionally his head twitched.
"I don't know myself. I was hired by mister Luthor yesterday, but now it turns out the building is closed. Altogether a strange occurence, considering LuthorCorp's main branch office is always open, twenty-four hours a day. I once worked in a small office just on the third floor, and there would be weeks I wouldn't leave the building. Yet, today it's closed"
The man's head twitched.

Someone Else
"Oh, Lilly, you wouldn't believe my day. I just wanted to go out and get a snack, and I ran into a hostage situation. There were no cops present, one armed thug, one psychopath, two female hostages and one guy hell-bent on aggravating the situation. There seemed to be no logical reason for the whole ordeal even. I mean, one of the thugs took some cash out of the register, but I doubt that's what they were there for"
He paused and shook his head.
"I thought this city was better than Gotham, Lilly, I really did. I thought that all the evil in the world gathered where I lived, the sewer of America, and that everything else was clean. Especially Metropolis, with their superhuman protector. But he wasn't there, Lilly White, he just didn't show up. The psycho killed one of the hostages and ran the other over with his car, landing her in the hospital. The other guy escaped too, with a hostage. And there was nothing I could do. They had to give me clean clothes, because my old ones were covered in blood"
He stopped, and looked down at the suit he was wearing. They were pretty much the exact same clothes he'd gone out with that morning.

Someone Else
2009-04-26, 01:50 PM
Lilly isn't quite sure what to say. She ends up just taking one of her dad's hands in hers, and squeezing it a little more tightly.

Oh Dad...

The two just sit there, in silence for a while, before piping up, a little reluctant, but trying to bring a little cheer...

"It's not always that bad. Superman does come sometimes. When he doesn't... well things can go wrong, yes"

"But come on. After something like that, the Met will catch those bastards, right?"

2009-04-26, 02:04 PM

There was no way she wanted to get in trouble again so soon after being injured. Nope. Better to wait until the next day and meet Lindsay at her home.

Wednesday closes her eyes, trying to go back to sleep, but she couldn't help but go over the conversation in her mind, and think about where she said she was, and the person in the background...

Would Lindsay even be alright tomorrow?

"By Hel."

Wednesday grumbled to herself, knowing she wouldn't be able to rest now until she knew Lindsay was okay, even if her fears were unfounded. Sitting up, she began getting ready to leave, taking the flyer and folding it up to fit in her pocket.

2009-04-26, 02:06 PM
“I had a bad day too once. My family died in a plane crash. The pilot could have landed it safely, but Superman intervened. Had to save the day, but it’s difficult with planes. They go very fast and, when you pull on the wrong place, they just… crack... spill open, you know. I haven’t been feeling right since then. Have some trouble sleeping lately”

Bernard was telling about his past, truth intertwined with his nightmares, the delusions that perused him from the day when he met Superman. He chose to speak of it to make a threat to the man holding him hostage. It was also the first time he spoken to anyone else about his life, since the crash.

“You think it’s normal for a man who was nearly killed in a bank robbery go and attack the same armed robber next day? Do you think I wanted to play some sort of hero in the diner or is it possible that I just have a death wish lurking somewhere in my head? Just humor me a bit, a little conversation, before we arrive. That's all I ask."

Bernard accelerated slightly and passed another car a bit closer to underline his threat. He was confident that “papa bear” wouldn’t shoot him as long as there was a chance that it could lead to a car crash. And when the car stopped, he’d probably limit himself to knocking Bernard unconscious. He felt a pang of regret for pressuring man, who lost both his brothers, one to death another to prison, but the armed robbery wasn’t a chance, it was a choice.

2009-04-26, 05:37 PM
"You're driving recklessly, but I don't care, as long as you're following directions. Of course, if you get us pulled over, that's an entirely different story"

Papa Bear focused on the muzzle of his gun and shivered slightly. He'd stopped sweating mostly, and the sweat that was still on his clothes was getting cold. He listened to Bernard's tale.

"If you could go back in time and save them, would you?" he finally asked, "If your family, your kin, were in danger, wouldn't you do everything you could to save them? No matter what the cost? No matter what the danger?"

"You wanted to talk? Well, let me tell you this, me and my brothers grew up in a little town right outside Metropolis, in a trailerpark. Our dad was a crook, and he beat our mom every day. But mom fought for us. She kept him from beating us, and she stole his beermoney every day, saving up for me to go to a good school. She wanted at least one of her boys to escape from that hellhole. She used to tell me, Moses, pay attention in school, and when you get a nice job and a home, you look out for your brothers now, you hear?"

Papa Bear, Moses, paused, staring at the gun in his hands again.

"Then they sent dad to prison, and what little moneyflow we had just ended. Mom drew a small check from the state, but it was nowhere near what we got from dad. Dad refused to give us any of the money he earnt working in prison too. He preferred to spend it on cigarettes, and who knows what else. Didn't give a damn about ma and us boys though. We stopped visiting altogether"

"Still, with what little money we had, mom managed to pay the bills, always too late but never not at all, and she managed to keep me in school. And then, just one month ago, my little brother found her trembling in the trailer. She'd puked all over the carpet, and her eyes were white like sour milk. My brothers raced her down to the hospital, where the doctor told us she'd been skipping her medicine. She was up for about two hours before fainting again, and she told us she'd been selling her medication to pay the bills. Then when she passed out again the doctor told us she needed an operation. An operation which would cost more than all of the pills she sold together. Or she'd die"

"Insurance wouldn't even intervene in the costs. It was her own fault, they said. Neglect. Just as bad as alcoholism or shooting drugs in your veins, apparently. Courtesy of the Metropolis legal system. Our mom was dying and there was nothing we could do. Almost nothing. How's that for a story, huh? It seems to me we were trying to save a life, while you were trying to lose on. Which of us is righteous then?"

Someone Else
Whiman looked up at her, somewhat consoled.
"Well, Lilly, I don't know. Truth be told, the Metropolis police force isn't exactly a shining example of efficiency. They're not as corrupt as back home, but they seem to be all the lazier. We dusted the place for prints, but diners are busy places with tons of customers. We've only been able to find a proper print on the guy with the gun, because he touched the register. It turns out he was the brother of two men who committed a bankrobbery here in Metropolis yesterday, and most likely the third gunman involved. He was already a fugitive. As for the psychopath, I'm afraid he'll turn up sooner or later. Most likely whenever he turns up it will be in a scenario where it's too late. I didn't think they had people like that down here, I mean, Lilly, the man was feral..."
He hugged her tight.
"Look, I don't think I'll be able to make it to your big show tonight, I have to work. I've got my own case I'm working on, and now I'm involved in this thing too. Things will be hectic. But I'll be rooting for you, Lilly White"

Wednesday managed to get out of the hospital and into the subway unseen. She made it all the way out into the Benz, to the "Howling Wolf". Her watch had stopped working but her cellphone told her it was somewhere near four o'clock. Her grip tightened around Lindsay's scarf as some men whistled at her from inside a car. She pushed passed what may have been a bouncer, but what might have also been just another drunk. The music and the heat rolled over her like a particularly unpleasant shower.

The Howling Wolf was packed with scum. Loads of drunks who'd been there since the night before and probably sticked to the bar like glue, some goofballs smashing up the pinball machine, probably high on what the guy in the corner by the bathroom was selling, shady businessmen making even shadier deals with girls that were probably out way past their bedtime and a galore of hookers, the kind they'd have to pay you to sleep with. Somewhere amidst the chaos was Lindsay, seated at a table with some rather burly men. She was dressed in a quite different get-up than the one Wednesday had seen her with earlier, and that covered about a tenth the amount of skin. Next to her was a latino with a handlebar moustache and a leather cap who looked like he'd walked right out of a porno. Across the table was a rather pudgy blonde fellow in a purple zoot suit with two gorillas backing him. He was flashing Lindsay rather sickening looks and kept licking his lips. She squealed inaudibly, but the latino held her tight by the arm. Then she spotted Wednesday across the room. Her eyes opened wide in surprise, maybe fear or embarrassment too. She shook her head. The universal sign for "No, stay away".

2009-04-26, 05:59 PM

Wednesday was not in the mood to wait. She'd gotten someone killed, chased after a criminal while drenched in blood, and delivered a flying kick to a car. She didn't know what situation Lindsay was in, nor did she really care. All she wanted was to get her own situation settled.
On the other hand, getting into Lindsay's situation could involve another fight, which she didn't want, especially after just getting out of the hospital. Grumbling, she quietly watched from the sidelines.

Someone Else
2009-04-27, 12:21 AM
Lillian Knight

"Aww, Dad."

Lilly laughed, hugging him right back.

"Don't worry. You've got more important stuff to do. I can entertain the big wigs."

"Still, after tonight, I'll be more or less free. You need anything then, just ring, ok?"

Then, as an afterthought

"Oh, and did you get your case?"

2009-04-27, 12:34 AM
Jack rubs his forehead, and runs his hands through his hair. He sweats, losing his professional demeanor. "Em... and you don't have any idea at all as to how this may be? Em... yes, I suppose not... ahhhh, goodbye."Jack turns on his heel without another word, and drives back to his home to check his email and telephone messages.

2009-04-27, 03:25 PM
James Paul Parkson

James looked at all the individual scientists in turn before addressing them as a group. "I believe you all know something of the reasons you have been invited here, and have some idea of the purpose we have all been drawn here for, if that's untrue, please tell me. Continuing on, I believe since you all know why you are here, you should each take a turn explaining to me why you think you are going to be of value to this team, and I will judge your responses. Think carefully. Mr.Luthor invited you all here, but I will be the team leader, and though I'm probably not the best leader in the world, I'd like to make damn sure I'm working with some of the best scientists on this." He paused for a moment. "I believe I will begin with Mr.Masters" he gestured to Masters and then waited.

2009-04-27, 04:06 PM
Bernard thought about what Moses said. Go back in time. Save everyone. He always feared flying. There is nothing a passenger can do, if something goes wrong. Here it all depended on his attention and driving skills, there if an engine goes bust everybody is dead. What could he do if he went back? That would only matter if he could fly, like Man of Steel. Bernard inwardly cursed. Why everything he thought about always turned to the Superman. That was stupid obsession of stupid crazy person. Bernard suddenly imagined crashing the car and surviving it without a scratch, powers of the steel body. “Crazy thoughts” he almost murmured out loud.

He listened on to Mosses’ story. The man cared for his family and had the best intentions. Bernard could understand and relate, perhaps that’s why he felt certain sympathy for him. But these best intentions caused several people to die violent deaths, leaving who knows how many loved ones behind. Bad things happened to good people, but what’s worse it made them bad things in turn. “My, my, what a hypocrite you are.” His inner voice spoke, “Judging others like all high and mighty. You just never had a similar choice. Wouldn’t you murder for a power to make things right?” Bernard felt another pang of guilt and self-loathing. “You have your right. How long is it until we arrive?” His tone was of surrender, he didn't wish to argue with Moses.

2009-04-28, 05:36 PM
Michael Wood

Micheal faked a cough and pretended to be oblivious of the mess Harold had made on the floor,
“I don’t know Harold; this seems a bit below my type of journalism, I still got my reputation to think about you know.”
Micheal sank a bit deeper into the chair, trying to look relaxed “I’m on to something big here, a major breakthrough,” He pauses for more effect, “There is a witness who claims to have seen Superman meeting up with an alien air-craft…” He paused to see his boss reaction; almost half excepting to not have it blow in his face, but deep inside he knew that this was not what Hawkes wanted.

2009-04-28, 05:46 PM
Tonight, Someone Dies

The great city of Metropolis has a long history, and is therefore made up out of several very diverse parts. Below is a short summary of each of the areas Metropolis consists of and the atmosphere they provide.
Downtown Metropolis is a busy area at the centre of the city. Downtown is the city's most important commercial district and the area most attractive to visitors and tourists due to it's wide range of shops, stores, bars and restaurants. Downtown is especially busy, at all times of day, but maybe even moreso in the evenings when the well-provided go out for dinner and the pubs and clubs open up their doors for Metropolis' vibrant youth. Downtown is divided into upper and lower downtown. Lower downtown is the busiest area where the town's night-life takes place, as well as most of it's daytime pleasure. Upper downtown is dominated by the LuthorCorp tower, the headquarters of one of out nation's most important businesses. Upper downtown is home to a more artsy scene than lower downtown and hosts several fancier restaurants as well as some art galleries and musea. Paradoxically upper downtown is also Metropolis most important business area, largely thanks to the LuthorCorp tower. Upper downtown also hosts the Supermall, named in courtesy of Metropolis' lord protector.
The Harbour
If upper downtown is where deals are made, then the harbour is where they actually transpire. It is not an especially large area but since it provides Metropolis with most of it's wealth it is definitely worth mentioning. Historically the harbour is a relatively new area, as the city used to employ trains for transport, but all that changed when a century ago canals were dug all the way to the city. The harbour is a very busy area during the day, bustling with ships and commerce, but at night it is almost abandoned except for some sailors and a part of Metropolis' immigrant population. By day the harbour's numerous fish restaurants are to be recommended, but by night they are all closed and you'll only be able to find very little entertainment. Nevertheless, work never ends in the harbour and goes on 24/7.
The Benz
Before the harbour was built the Benz used to be the city's source of wealth. This is where the captains of industry settled and built huge factories and laid traintracks. The area has gone into abandon now that most of business has relocated to the harbour though and has become the least favorable area of the city. Many of the poorer inhabitants of Metropolis are forced to live here in cheap housing, often provided by wealthy businessmen who own entire blocks in the Benz. As to be expected the crimerate in the Benz is quite high, though largely limited to illegal gambling, selling liquor without a license, trespassing, vandalism, prostitution and theft. Actual violent crimes are somewhat more rare but do occur. This is not an area recommended for tourists.
The Hills
Where the Benz is the home of the poor, the Hills are the home of the rich. The Hills are a rather large residential area, the outer rims of it serving as housing for the above average earners and the centre for the truly wealthy. The Hills are generally described as quiet and peaceful and feature no real landmarks, except for a few golfcourses and parks. Housing prices have gone through the roof in the Hills lately, barring new arrivals from purchasing a house there.
Old Town
Obviously, Old Town is the historical centre of Metropolis, the downtown of the old days. It used to be situated in the centre of town until a fire burnt down the ghetto and Old Town absorbed what was left of it. The ghetto was never rebuilt and now instead is largely farming lands. Old Town is where you'll find the Metropolis park with it's large Superman statue, the central station, Metropolis U and the headquarters of the Daily Planet.

The conversation with Papa Bear had occupied him so much he'd lost track of where they were. The sun beat down on the car. They were on an abandoned road outside the city, both sides of the road flanked by cornfields. Moses relaxed in the back. He still had his gun but he wasn't really aiming anymore.

There was a parking lot up ahead, with a single truck and a car. Someone had erected some sort of shack there, which advertised booze, gasoline and ammunition. The lunatic from the café was waiting by the car.
"We're here"

The large man looked at him strangely as he departed, but then simply continued typing. Jack got back into his car and raced home to check his messages. As he arrived at his house he saw the manhole cover out back was shut again.

He'd gotten two more calls from the university, both demanding he'd call back. His phone made a strange click at the start of every message. One call was from Bigby himself and was a rather angry message, the other was from his assistant. The call Bigby himself had left was rather obscene, but the call from his assistant politely reminded him to check his email. Jack did as such, discovering three adverts for viagra that had piled up in a neat little heap and were more than likely identical, a message from his sister, an email from Metropolis U, most likely the message referred to by Bigby's assistant, an email from LuthorCorp, and most strangely, an email from the Planet. He quickly opened up all the emails, excluding the ones advertising Viagra.

Hey big brother!

Dr. Memphis says I’m doing really well here at Lethian Waters, but he says it’s a really bad idea to transfer to Arkham once I graduate. He told me he used to work there, and then told me this horrorstory about his time there, but I think he just doesn’t trust me enough. I know I can do this, big bro, I just do!
So I need to convince Memphis I can do this, that I can deal with the worst of the worst. But I can’t do that without a case, can I? Someone to cure? =p
Look, big brother, what I’m asking is, can I experiment on you? I promise not to use the clamps, and you might be better afterwards. Probably even, considering how GOOD I am! But really, mom says you should do something about that behaviour of yours. It’s getting out of control. She also sends her regards!

Bye bro,
Send me an answer soon,
Your lovely little sister,

Dear Jack Walker,
Your sudden departure at our faculty has left some problems in it’s wake. Your students, nor us, were given any notification and we do not have anyone available at the moment. Parents are demanding something to be done about this situation urgently, and some have even resorted to threatening our faculty with judicial steps. We are afraid reparations may have to be made if such steps are taken, but the Metropolis University will not take responsibility for these faults. Rather, the responsibility lies with you. You are bound by contract to serve until the end of term, which is registered as June thirtieth. Should you not make a return to the faculty by next week, steps will be taken from our direction. You understand that the faculty must act quickly when such rumours begin to spread.

Chief of Faculty,
John Bigby

Dear Mr. Jack Walker,

We regret to inform you our offices will be closed tomorrow due to unforeseen circumstances for an unknown duration. Activities are expected to resume as soon as things are back in order.

LuthorCorp main branch.

Dear Mr. Walker,

I’m sure you’ve heard of our paper, like everyone else in Metropolis. We are a very reputable paper and pride ourselves on good and honest journalism. We are currently working on an article about Mr. Luthor, and it has come to our attention that you’ve had a meeting with him just yesterday, a meeting that was marked as urgent in his itinerary. If you don’t mind we’d like to ask you some questions about the activities you and Mr. Luthor were involved in. In exchange for your co-operation your name would naturally be kept a secret, though the same can not be said if we need to employ other sources. Please respond tout-de-suite.

Lois Lane

Lord Asmodeus
Masters looked up from his device. His relatively thin face was flanked with curly black sideburns. He'd shaved, but badly enough for there to be plenty of black stubbles covering his chin.
"I'm here because I found a letter stuffed down my mailbox this morning threatening to send the cops down to the junkyard unless I showed up here at five. I showed up early because I didn't wanna risk being late. The letter mentioned some project but eh-"
Masters shrugged and briefly lost his attention to the device, flicking a couple of switches.
"I have no idea what I'm doing here. Whatever you're doing though, I assume you can use an expert in robotics, and I can use the extra money. I can assure you, I'm the best in town. Third best in the world even, but there's no official ranking, and who cares? I can't assemble a fully functional automaton in under three minutes, but at least I've got ideas. Big ideas. I'm not just some corporate slave. It's not speed that matters, it's ideas. Excuse me, I need to take a look at this"
Masters turned his back on the others, facing the door again, and kept messing with the machine. The woman took her chance to speak.
"Hello, my name is Emma Silverton. I'm also active in the field of robotics, though I think I'm more of an authority in the field than Mr. Masters, and not quite as rude either. I used to own RepliTech, until LuthorCorp purchased it just yesterday"
She shot Lex an angry look and continued.
"We've created the RepRap, or Replicating Rapid Prototyper, a 3D printer that has enough versatility to make all of the parts needed to make itself, ranging from the chassis, the motors, the sensors and wires. In addition to this I have invented the UniRec 1.0, a Universal Recycler. The machine is capable of melting down a wide variety of substances down into ingots for the RepRap"
"Ha!" Masters exclaimed.
"What?" she asked, slightly offended.
Masters turned around, pocketing the machine. Whatever he was doing with it was now done, though it was still bleeping.
"You should have seen the resources she needed to make that crap. Anyone could make that thing with that kind of backing! Besides, it's just child's play anyways. The RepRap was invented by another company and purchased by RepliTech. All they did was make some modifications, the real RepRap was made by the Japanese, and that was a product of tens of years of hard work! I could have made that thing blindfolded, if I'd wanted to, but I didn't see the use. You build a machine that may be the onset to the onset to something important, and then some company comes and buys it up and the name of some other guy, or girl as the case may be, ends up in the historybooks"
"I'll have you know I created that company without any funds to speak of and built it up to something big!"
"So you're good at business, that doesn't make you an inventor. All you made were some minor modificatiosn even a kid could have come up with. What, apart from the RepRap project, have you ever accomplished, huh?"
"Well, the UniRec 1.0 for starters!"
"That's just another modification for the RepRap, miss Silverton, stop fooling yourself! And "for starters"? That's where it ends! Give me the amount of resources you had and I'd have turned this city into a vision of the future"
"And what, mister Masters, might I ask, have you accomplished that was so spectacular?"
Masters shrugged.
"I can't tell you, by law"

As the two had been quabbling furiously the third man had been remarkably quiet, until Lex gave him a nod. He smiled and introduced himself.
"Hello, gentlemen, my name is Dr. Frost" he said with a heavy accent. It sounded slavic, or at least eastern European.
"I, to the contrary of my esteemed colleagues, have come here by my own volition. I say colleagues, but I mean that in a broader sense. We are all scientists, but I myself am not in robotics. To the contrary, I study geology"
His blinking eyes were magnified through the huge lenses the man dared call glasses.
"I too am not sure as to the nature of this project, and certainly not why you'd need a geologist. In combination with two roboticists, stranger still. Perhaps, I assume, you are planning some sort of dig?"
"Something like that, yes" Luthor said and nodded.
"So, Parkson, have you heard enough?"

Someone Else
Whiman seemed to have trouble placing her laugh. He'd just been sprayed in an innocent woman's blood that day after all.
"Oh... My briefcase. I guess I forgot it at the station. I'll head right back, all my files are in there. I didn't really need anything but a change of clothes anyways. And to see you"
He kissed her on the cheek and exited. Lilly realised the time, quickly got dressed and left.

When she got to the exposition it was about to open and there was a row of people waiting outside on a red carpet that had been laid out. Hammer, who was tending the front entrance, spotted her over the heads of the crowd and politely shoved some people aside to let her through.
"Welcome madam" he said most charmingly, while bowing his head slightly, "You're just in time to witness the first visitors entering"
Only then did Lillian notice the red ribbon that she'd had to pass by to enter. Hammer noticed her look.
"I'm afraid the Gotham city mayor insisted he'd be allowed to open this exposition in an official manner. I do believe he mentioned something about accounting for his travel expenses"
He flashed her a pearly white smile.
"Your assistant catered for the whole thing. I believe he said it would be good for publicity. An occasion for the gathered members of the press to take photographs, he called it, or something in that vein"
Before Hammer could continue he was interrupted by a sudden burst of flash photography. It was true that only the Planet had been invited to visit the exposition on opening night, but a lot of other minor papers had showed up too to see the exposition from the outside, and as the pavement didn't belong to the gallery, Lillian had no right to have them chased away. The object of their interest appeared to be the mayor of Gotham, who had just waded through the crowd up to the red ribbon, or rather it had parted before him like the sea before Moses. The mayor was flanked by billionaire playboy Bruce Wayne, who apart from being a notorious slacker was also one of the biggest investors in Gotham city. Strangely he had no girl on his arm and was armed only with a sparkling smile. More photographs seemed to be taken of him than of the mayor, but that changed when the mayor produced a small pair of scissors and snipped the ribbon with a big gesture. There was a polite but altogether not noisy round of applause from the crowd, and then the mayor strolled in as the first visitor, followed by Wayne, who gave Lillian an extremely polite nod as he entered. She had to admit he was rather handsome. When she got over the rush she noticed Hammer had gone and was tending to the crowd, as well as trying to shoo the press, in a charming manner that still suggested violence that only he could master.

The next big arrival, and no doubt after this it would get less impressive, was Mr. Lex Luthor. He'd brought a woman too, who seemed significantly younger than him and not at all at home in the spotlights. Another barrage of flashlights went off. Luthor faintly smiled at the cameras, seemingly preoccupied, and then headed in, whispering something in the lady's ear. She made a bit of a show of giggling at his comment, obviously adapting rapidly to her new environment.

After Luthor had entered the two reporters from the Planet came up to Lillian and blinded her with a couple of photographs. As she regained her vision her hand was being shaken by a somewhat eager young man.
"Hello, we're with the Planet. My name's James Olsen, and this here is Miss Lois Lane, I'm sure you've heard of her"
Miss Lois Lane, who was startlingly pretty, smiled politely, but no more than that. It hardly seemed genuine. James blushed.
"You probably haven't heard of me, but I've done a couple of articles too. That piece on fertilizer in this morning's paper, well, that was me! I mean, it wasn't front page material, page 7, but I did one hell of a job. Oh, sorry, pardon me for swearing!"
He laughed. The woman tapped him on the shoulder.
"Jimmy, I'm heading in. I think I'll go find out who that girl is Lex is with"
She sort of spat the word girl, as if she highly disapproved. She gave them another insincere smile and then strutted in.
"Okay, I'll head in later. Now, you're Miss Lillian White, right?" James said, hanging the camera over his shoulder and pulling out a notebook and a pen.
"Could you tell me something about the exposition?"
He seemed genuinely interested, but then again, he was a journalist, and one with the Planet no less.

She couldn't make out what they were saying. The music and the shouting was too loud. Wednesday sat down on a nearby barstool and ordered a drink because the barkeep looked like he might toss her out if she didn't. Whatever they were talking about at that table it seemed to be a pretty animated conversation. The latino and the man with blonde hair were discussing something, and the latino frequently made the gesture meaning money to the other guys. All the while Lindsay was trying to escape the latino's grasp, but only faintly. Wednesday couldn't help but notice that if she really wanted to escape she could just smash a bottle over the guy's head.

"Hey, baby, what's a cute thing like you doin' in a joint like this?" a voice suddenly said. A big, unwashed guy sat down across her, blocking her view of the table with his broad back. He downed his whiskey.
"Sugar, I haven't seen anything as fine as you in a while. Most of the women that roll through here are worn like an elastic band stretched too wide"
He laughed, slapping his thighs.

"Reputation?" Hawkes screamed, "Boy, you're with the Mole! Half of Metropolis mocks us, but the other half reads our paper and adores every word! If there's anything we've got it's a loyal fanbase"
Hawkes smiled.
"That and good journalists of course. But if we want to hang on to that fanbase, we need more than just another one of your conspiracy theories. The same thing every week doesn't sell, boy! I told you, get me some smut, and maybe next week I'll give you carte blanche! You can drag as many witnesses out of ditches as you like. For all I care you write story about bigfoot secretly marrying Oprah!"
He paused.
"Now wait, that might be an idea"

"What are you still doing here, Micheal? Get the hell out of my office and skedaddle to that art thing! And get Murphy in here, while you're at it!"

2009-04-28, 06:15 PM
James Paul Parkson

James nodded. "I believe I have Mr.Luthor. If it's all the same to you, I'd like to see the final applicant now."

2009-04-28, 06:20 PM

Wednesday begins to think it might have been a mistake coming out here, and is just about to leave, formulating an apology in her mind to Lindsay when her thoughts are interrupted by the man sitting in front of her.
"I'm going to ahead and say I'm not interested."
She says quite bluntly, standing.
"Sorry to disappoint."

2009-04-28, 07:30 PM
First things first, Jack deletes the viagra emails- his sex life is next to nonexistent- and then deletes the email from "The Planet" once he sees what it is. Rumourmongerers.
As he reads his sister's email, he smiles internally, shaking his head, and replies:


I expected more from you. You know as well as I that a patient that does not want to change is impossible to change- and you know as well as I that I have no desire to change. Truly, you are turning out to be as pitiful a psychologist as you are a person. You email your brother for the sole purpose to assault him and treat him as some lab rat? And tell the egg donor to quit her nagging, I'm far happier here than I ever was back home, largely due to the distance from my reviled family.
As ever, ironically yours,

He then turns to the email from the university, and furrows his brow.

I repeat: due to unforseen circumstances, I may not be able to attend my usual post for some time. These circumstances are out of my hands, and any compromise should prove largely impossible. Certainly, in my years at the university, I should have accrued some vacation time or the like. These circumstances are of the utmost importance, and require my complete attention. You will be hearing from me again once I acquire more information about this circumstance.

He then starts a few more new emails, the first to his lawyer, attatching the email he recieved and inquiring as to his contract, and the next to the union, attatching the same email, as well as his reply, then asks specifically about vacation time and leaves of absence and the like.

Finally, he drafts an email to Dr. Luthor himself.

Dr. Luthor-
This morning I was surprised to find Luthorcorp shut down, and was obviously unable to assume my post. I am mailing you for two reasons- 1st, to inquire as to when I might be able to begin my new work. The second, however, may interfere with that. I have recently recieved an email (attatched) from the head of the university I all too recently have been working at, and they have threatened me with legal action unless I return to my post by the end of the week. I have contacted my lawyer as to these matters, and hope to get it all straightened out. If this proves impossible, I will not be able to work for you. Any assistance you may be able to provide towards clearing this up would be greatly appreciated.
Dr. Jack Walker

Someone Else
2009-04-29, 12:14 AM
Lillian White

Lilly flinched a little at the flashlights. Sudden bursts of light like that...

For a moment... with the mayor, and Bruce Wayne, she could almost imagine she was back in Gotham... She returns the nod, unthinkingly, but that snaps her back, it in time to see Lex arrive. She smiled a little, though not so much at him as at his distraction

Well, Luthor has his employee's philosophy.

Then the reporters came up. Lillian matched Lois' insincere smile with one of her own, though she put a little more effort into it. She's half heard of Lois Lane, but not that well, and people this up themselves tended to annoy her, and leave her acting a little the same.

She's more stuck up than either of our richer guests... always the way.

She felt slightly more comfortable with Olsen. One final brush with someone simple and normal before the rich and famous... and someone actually asking about what they were going to publish...

Mind you, neither Wayne or Luthor had looked that bad...

She smiled beneficently at Olsen. "Well, what do you want to know about it? Meaning, overarching themes, composition, history... I can go on for hours."

She laughed a little, before continuing "Or do you want the guided tour? You've got an invitation after all..."

2009-04-29, 01:32 PM
Strangely, Jack received an answer from [email protected] almost instantly.

Jack Walker,

LuthorCorp has shut it's doors temporarily due to unforseen events for an uncertain period of time. In the meantime you are expected to continue the work you were hired to do. As for your trouble with Metropolis U, a sum has been deposited on your bank account that should cover your legal costs. Please continue your work for LuthorCorp and send frequent reports to [email protected].

Lord Asmodeus
"Very well"
Luthor turned to the applicants.
"You may leave. I have your contact data, and you will be informed if you've been hired. Good day gentlemen, and lady"
Luthor made a slight bow. Masters mumbled something and then exited looking rather disgruntled, Frost just followed him. Miss Silverton stayed behind though.
"Mr. Luthor, I won't be gotten rid of so easily. You have stolen my company, my life's work, and all that I ask of you is that I be allowed to have my position in my team again. I'm the engine of that team, they can't do without me, and I don't want to give up something I've put so much energy in. I'm sure we're on the verge of a breakthrough, Mr. Luthor, but they won't make it without me"
Luthor smiled and walked up to her.
"Don't worry, miss Silverton, I bought your company solely to provide you with some motivation for showing up. Should Mr. Parkson not be interested in hiring you on the team, I might be persuaded to sell you some of my shares, giving you the bulk again"
He'd walked up to her side and she was now forced to turn around to look at him. He put his arm around her shoulder and guided her out.
"The final applicant will be here in an hour or two, Mr. Parkson, provided he shows up as scheduled. I'll be right with you after I show this lady out"
Luthor left the doors open as he walked through the hallway with Emma, but Mrs. Adelaide came to shut them.

James now found himself in Luthor's office alone. He really looked about the place for the first time. Every other time he'd been in it Lex' presence had been to dominating to really focus on the details. There was of course the huge window with a view of Metropolis that you couldn't miss, then there was Luthor's huge desk, which had locks on every drawer, and on top of it the files for all five applicants so far and the intercom, as well as some writing equipment and a notepad. Then there was a painting on the left wall of an old, sternlooking man with a plaque that said "Lionel Luthor" and on the right wall a framed sketch of a large, muscular man in white floating above a street with several smaller, black figures around him, which were bent beneath the pressure of an invisible weight. It was titled Transcendence, said the plaque below, and was by an artist named Lillian Knight. The whole thing seemed rather racist to James and made him wonder if Lex was one of those extremist right types. His father certainly seemed to fit the stereotype, if that disapproving look was any indication.

Apart from this Luthor's office was surprisingly bare. The man didn't even have a computer set up.

Someone Else
"Well, uhm, we've already done a piece on the exposition, and I was told I had to focus on the actual opening night more than on the art. They said there was going to be a short piece in the culture section in a few days as well"
James seemed rather embarrassed.
"I'm sorry, miss Knight, I do want to write something down about the exposition, but I should keep it brief, and then maybe you can tell me something about yourself? And maybe something interesting about the guests? And, uhm, maybe you can give me that tour once I'm done here?"

As Wednesday got up she saw that Lindsay and the two men had gone, leaving only the latino at the table, a mean looking smirk playing across his face as he counted a wad of money. Then the man Wednesday had just turned down got up too. Darn, he really was broadbacked. He obscured her view again, towering over her.
"Hey, babygirl, you may wanna reconsider, you haven't seen what I'm packing"
His belly wiggled as he talked. One of his hands went for her hip.

2009-04-29, 03:40 PM

"Back off."
Wednesday says, batting away his hand in a forceful (but not painful) manner.
"I don't care what you've got. You're not getting anywhere with me."
She turns away and swiftly starts moving towards the exit.

Someone Else
2009-04-29, 04:25 PM
Lillian sighed at this, resigned to the Planet's printing standards...

"Should have expected it really.. don't worry."

She looks around. "All right. Let's not talk here though, please. My office."

She gestures behind the reception area, before heading off up the stairs, clearly expecting James to follow. Once at the top, in her "lived in" office Lillian quickly moved behind her desk, brushing her laptop away before sitting down, and smiles at Olson, warmly, if a little exasperated.

"Well, I'm afraid I can't tell you anything about the guests that isn't common knowledge, really. One of the LuthorCorp guys is a total idiot, and doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut, but that's about it."

She smiled a little at the thought of introducing herself to that clown a little later.

"And I can't describe the Exhibition to you in a short way. Well, I can, just not in a way the Planet will print it right now."

She leans back, closing her eyes... before opening them again, and looking Olson straight in the eyes, smiling a slightly vicious smile.

"So that leaves details on me, right? What do you want to know?

2009-04-29, 06:28 PM
Bernard stiffened at the sight of knife-slasher from café. “I’m not going near him. Just leave me the car and I’ll drive off to wherever or let me off somewhere else. He won’t let me to just leave, and I just don’t see you keeping him in check, after the café. Do you really need one more problem this day?” Bernard was rambling, sounding rather pathetic, after all the talk of “death wish” earlier. He just didn’t wish to die in the same senseless way as waitress in the café did. The image of the scene was returning to him with horrible clarity.

2009-04-29, 07:06 PM
James Paul Parkson

James sighed and took another look around the room, hunting for a clock. Not seeing one, he picked up one of the applicants files and began to read. He didn't know if that's what Luthor had intended, but he imagined that he was probably going to get access to them soon enough. After all, if he was going to be leading their little research team, it made sense that he should know the skills, talents, and capabilities of all his potential team. After reading for a short while he placed the file back on the desk as perfectly to the way it had been before as he could manage, looked around the room again, and sighed.

2009-04-30, 12:18 AM
Jack stares at the email a moment, wondering at its expedience. Hands shaking, he updates his lawyer with the good news, then grabs a musty, 6-month old pack of cigarettes from his dresser drawer, walking outside to smake a while, pondering things and calming down. What seemed like a crisis was turning out extremely well.
Apparently, Luthorcorp takes good care of their employees. This is getting better and better...
So why do I feel so nervous, despite the cheerful subject?
He grabs a book, and begins reading restlessly as he smokes, from time to time getting up to pace and gesticulate aimlessly, until he finishes with the pack. He hadn't touched any tobacco in weeks, and when he did at most it was one or two. Life for the past few years had been so very stable...
He meticulously sweeps up the ashes on his porch (as he lacks an ashtray he had nowhere else to put them) and then disposes of the butts.
Finishing this, he checks his email, checks his bank account online to see the recent deposit, chekcs his email, gets something to eat, checks his email, excercises, checks his email, takes a shower, checks his email, checks his email again, checks his telephone messages on the off chance he somehow has one, checks his email....

2009-05-03, 04:06 PM
"Drive off? Heh. I don't think so, you're pulling over"
Papa Bear once more trained his gun on Bernard, rather precisely this time. His eye gazed along the barrel of the gun, and finally at Bernard's neck.
"Don't worry, you'll be fine. He's having a good day. Just don't provoke him"

Time went by at a creep. For some reason Jack felt slightly uncomfortable in his apartment. Something wasn't right. Things weren't quite in their right places. The bits of ashes that accidentally dropped as he smoked only made things worse. The spots were mostly invisible to the naked eye, but he knew they were there.

After checking his email for a couple of times Jack found two new emails: one from his sister and one from his lawyer.

Big brother,

We worry about you, you know that! All alone in that house of yours.
Mom and me just want what's best for you, and dad, well, you know how he gets. Anyways, we all love you, big bro, we just wish you'd swing by more often.
And I wouldn't experiment on you! =p
I was just being silly. I would just need you to fill in some charts and do a little brainscan, and then I can make a diagnosis, prescribe some therapy or something. I know you don't wanna change, big brother, but if you don't think it's gonna help you might as well try it, right? Prove me wrong? That way I can work on my methods, maybe impress doctor Memphis a bit. After all, most of the batties in Arkham don't wanna change either; That's what doctor Memphis calls them, batties, cause they're all batcrazy, and most of them were dragged in by the "batman", get it? =p

Bye big bro,
Hope you'll reconsider,
Your favourite little sister,

Dear Mr. Jack Walker,

I am afraid I will have to withdraw as your legal advisor. I have ethical objections to working in any degree with Mr. Lex Luthor or any affiliates and certainly to being paid with his money. If you are in business with this man I would advise you strongly to withdraw. Should you, as I fully expect, continue down this road, this is the last you will hear from me. I can not blame you for taking a position at LuthorCorp, the money is very good and who am I to tell you to refuse that? That is, however, no reason for me to go anywhere near this corporation. I wish you all the best, Mr. Walker.

Leopold Hartman

Lord Asmodeus
The top file in the pile happened to be the one about Dr. Herman Frost. James opened it on the first page and stared at a significantly younger picture of the man he had just met. He skimmed through the file but found nothing really interesting at first sight. Dr. Frost was an authority in the field, surely, but geologists usually weren't too high in regard. Consequently he'd spent his time teaching at several universities throughout the country, most recently Metropolis U. Dr. Frost's most important achievements seemed to be the discovery of several types of crystals at large depths and of up to two foreign metals, not originating from earth. Dr. Frost had travelled the world for meteor crash sites and places with volcanic activity, where the earth burped out hidden treasure. In his younger days he'd dived down freshly opened crevices in the ocean and now even he visited very active volcanic areas. A small part in the doctor's biography had been blacked out. The only legible words remaining were "Roswell" and "US state contract". Okay, so maybe it was sort of interesting.

James placed the file back as he heard the door open again. He realised Mr. Luthor had been away for some time. He was smiling and had turned slightly red in the cheeks. It wasn't a look James was used to from Mr. Luthor.
"Ah, Mr. Parkson, I'm afraid the next applicant won't be here in quite a while, unless he too turns up early"

Someone Else
"Oh, uhm, are you seeing anyone?" Olsen blurted.
"And, uh, how was it, moving here from Gotham? Do you think that influenced you a lot? And how did you manage to become such a prominent figure in the Metropolis art scene in such a short period of time?"
James held his pencil tightly, ready to jot down any responses. He seemed to be staring at his notebook very intently.

The guy mumbled something offensive as she walked off but left her alone.

Ignoring the latino, Wednesday exited the bar. As she stepped outside she heard a scream and some laughs at the side of the building. Some bikers looked up, but then shrugged and just continued drinking cans of beer and tossing the empty ones across the fence of one of the many abandoned factories in the Benz.

2009-05-03, 04:39 PM

Damn it... you're not a hero, Wednesday!
She looks that way, then sighs.
It's quite possible nothing wrong was going on at all.

But what if something WAS going wrong? Asked the little voice in her head.

Cursing herself, she slowly sneaked in the direction of the scream, trying to figure out what was going on.

Someone Else
2009-05-04, 01:45 AM
Lilly was silent for a little in sheer surprise at the direct first question. Well, it is a gossip column.

Still, at least Olson had the decency to look embarrassed. She gave him a gentle smile, trying to reassure. "Not since coming to Metropolis."

As he continued, so did Lilly. "Yes, yes it has. I've been able to appreciate both cities, Gotham and Metropolis, both as places to live, and artistically."

She smiled "Two very different places, no matter how quickly you can travel between them. But... Oh, sorry. This is coming close to information on Transcendence"

She laughed, loud, but relaxed, before continuing "As to what made me prominent... well, I made some good connections, and some rich people paid good money for my work. Luck, skill at what I do.. take your pick"

2009-05-04, 06:47 PM
JAck almost smirks at his sisters' email, and begins a reply.

My, this Dr. Memphis' wit is only surpassed by your own. Truly, he is a comic genius.
Sardonic comments aside, I'd love to cave in to your demands, but cannot- I've gotten quite a new job. Lex Luthor himself has hired me for a very hush-hush research team. While the company has been shut down for no adequately explored reason, I wait with bated breath for its revival, and cannot miss my first day. If you would somehow be able to come down here, however, then something could be arranged. It seems futile to me, but if you insist...
Jack begins to relax, until he opens the next email.
Looks like I'm going to need to get a lot more cigarettes.
He immediately gets up, goes to his car, and does so.

2009-05-04, 11:04 PM
Bernard felt growing chill inside. He felt that the only way he wouldn’t provoke that maniac, would be to keep as far away from him as possible.
“What’s your relation to him anyway? You were telling me you were an honest man forced to crime by circumstance. Well, your friend just doesn’t seem to fit the same description. ” Bernard really wanted to do something to avoid getting out from the car, but he saw no options with gun pointed at him. He was growing more scared by the second, but tried not to show it. Showing weakness really wouldn’t improve his situation.

2009-05-05, 04:51 PM
The car came to a stop, with the engine still running. They were now parked on the dirt area some people might have considered a parking lot when they built this shack. The lunatic outside waved at the car.
"Wolf is our wheelman. He was never supposed to enter the bank, so his attitude wasn't really a problem, and he's the best at what he does. He used to be a nascar pilot, until he was kicked out for being too dangerous. He drew a good crowd, but they'd run out of daredevils who'd race him. Most of 'em were dead or paraplegic by the time he had to withdraw, and a lot of people decided not to tangle with the Wolf after a fellow named Wheeler beat him and found him waiting the next day in his garage with a tire-iron. Wolf's a loose gun, but he's good. Great, as long as you keep him out of the burning point. He's got a tendency to make things escalate, and he likes killing cops. Me and my brothers know him because he had some family in the trailer park. We went to see some of his races when we were kids. He's been on the run for years now, but we tracked him down in a week. The cops are more than able to find Wolf, but as he says, they can't cage the Wolf. They haven't been able to catch him yet, and I think they've run out of people willing to go after him. Now get out of the car and stay behind me. You'll be fine. Just don't look him in the eyes"
Not really seeing any other options, Bernard got out, and Moses followed. The shorts and T-Shirt he was wearing were really more suitable to the climate out here in the cornfields than what Bernard was wearing. Bernard felt hot, but also relieved to get some air after having been stuck in that car for so long. His back was sweating, despite the fact air-conditioning had been on.
"What took you guys so long?" Wolf asked, walking up to them. He was holding a half-empty bottle of Corona and his boots and pants had dust all over them. It seemed like he'd been here a while.
"I had to arrange a way out of there. You left me to die in that place, Wolf!"
"You should have just followed me out of there, Mose, through the window. It would have saved me some time, though I had one hell of a ride"
Bernard couldn't help but notice roadkill caked on the grill of Wolf's car.
"Want a drink?" he asked, apologetically offering Moses the Corona. Moses shook his head, which seemed to please Wolf. He took another guzzle.
"What's next, Mose? Should we make your hostage dig a ditch for himself and blow his sorry head off?"
Moses ignored that last comment.
"I scored some cash back at the diner. It should be enough to get us some guns and ammunition"
Wolf nodded.
"Sounds good. Planning another bankrobbery?"
"No, we're- "
He paused and looked at Bernard.
"I'll tell you later. We need to get some ammo and then we're out of here. Each of us a car, we sell one of them for more money. We'll need some cash for what I'm planning"
Moses seemed pretty determined.
"What about Mr. Short Fuse over there?"
"He stays here. He can hitch a ride home or something. He won't get anywhere near a copstation until we're miles away"
Wolf grinned.
"That reminds me, I've got a little present for you"
He walked over to the trunk of his car and popped it open. Moses stood next to him. Inside was a cop, tied down with duct tape, lying on top of a brown bear suit.

Before Jack made it to the door his phone rang. He halted and waited till it went to machine.
Yet again that strange sound he'd heard before the other messages.
"Hey there Jack! It's Diane, but you'd probably heard by now, didn't you? I know you won't pick up the phone, it's just one of those things we need to work on, but that's okay, I know you're there. I just read your email, big brother, and I'm coming down there right now. I'll be there in a jiffy, just need to pick some stuff up at Lethian Waters"

Someone Else
Jimmy laughed in a sort of cute way.
"Oh, I wouldn't mind hearing about the exposition. I'll see if I can fit it in"
Then the phone rang. Lillian picked up.
"Sorry to disturb you, madam. Hammer here. I have just gotten word from Bruiser, it appears one of those sewer journalists of The Mole tried to sneak in through the back. What would you have us do with him?"

She snuck into the alley at the side of the bar and hid behind some thrashcans. Further ahead she could see a limousine, which was quite out of it's element in this area, with a beefy guy in a suit at the wheel. Outside was one of the broadshouldered fellows she'd seen guarding the blonde guy inside. Out of the limo's back door stuck two bare legs in high heels, kicking desperately. She heard Lindsay scream again. At this precise moment her phone went off. It kept ringing, loudly. The gorilla outside looked in her direction.

2009-05-05, 04:57 PM
Jack hears the message, and bites his lip. He stands for a bit, arms at his sides, unsure as to what to do. Finally he gets in his car, and goes through with his original plan.
How far is it from Arkham to Metropolis?

2009-05-05, 05:07 PM
James Paul Parkson

James nodded. "Uh, do you want me to stay nearby, or do you want me to be back here in an hour or so?"

2009-05-05, 09:46 PM

Of all the damn times!
What's even more annoying is that she thought she had left it on vibrate only to prevent embarrassing situations. Apparently she'd messed that up at some point, which just pissed her off- this normally wouldn't have happened.

She can't help but wonder if Lindsay is doing some kind of BDSM scene, and if she'll just be interrupting something that she meant to do. Still, the situation seemed wrong.

Trying to act casual, she flipped out her cell phone to glance at the number and shut it up if it wasn't the most important thing in the world- like maybe a call from God. That accomplished, she'll stand up at start walking towards the limousine- the grunt's reaction should be a good indication of what was going on...

Someone Else
2009-05-06, 01:13 AM
Thought so. Such a lack of imagination

Lilly frowned, as she took the call, nodding an apology to Jimmy. It didn't seem to improve her mood

"Escort him to the front, where you can keep a closer eye on him. Don't take him through the gallery, of course, round the side. Then call him a taxi. Tell him that if he doesn't come back, I won't follow through with a lawsuit"

"Oh, and get his name. His real name. Just in case. That all ok?"

2009-05-07, 04:56 PM
Meekly Bernard followed Moses out of the car. He felt a bit of humiliation, keeping his eyes to the ground, standing helplessly. But if it meant he coukl keep breathing, he'd better not cause any trouble. The story about Wolf didn’t impress Bernard, the way Moses might have intended. To him the man would alwayes remain just a dangerous murderer. He felt a slight headache, the stress was just piling up, and he didn’t even have a chance to rest properly in his apartment since the robbery. The comment about digging ditch was something Bernard expected, actually visualized while he was still in the car.

Bernard’s eyes grew wide, when he realized what Moses was doing. He felt a stab of intense and cold hatred inside. “That psycho. He completely suckered me with his sob story. Bastard got his brothers killed and completely lost it. He is nothing more than a demented psychopath now” Bernard recalled the moment when he struggled for gun with Moses. He didn’t want to take a life then and let it go. “I should have shot him dead back then. And then his crazy cop killer friend. In foresight hiting him with something harder than fist would have been a blast”

The fear, product of survival instinct, was pushed aside for a rather self-destructive feeling of hate. Bernard remained standing as he was, but his eyes started looking for opportunities. The bound policeman would divert criminals attention. The place didn’t provide much cover, so his only hope would be to go for the gun, again. He carefully looked around. Was there anything lying on the ground that can be used as improvised weapon, something like a discarded beer bottle perhaps?

2009-05-10, 04:45 PM
Bernard looked around, hoping to spot something he could sue as a weapon. He didn't want to take his chances with these men. There were a couple of beer bottles lying around, some empty cans, a sharp rusty sheet of metal that didn't look safe to touch and then some spare boards by the shack, and some heavy looking metal pipes. The objects were tempting enough, but Bernard didn't really have any chance to grab anything, as the two men glanced at him frequently. It wasn't as if they'd agreed to watch the hostage, Bernard just had a patch of bad luck. Besides, Moses was still holding that gun.

"Wolf! What the hell were you thinking? Why did you- you- "
Moses stopped as he realised Wolf was just blinking at him in surprise. He'd expected him to be pleased. He calmed down somewhat.
"This is dangerous, man. We have to disappear for a while, until I've been able to get a plan together, this is going to attract attention. Where did you even get this poor sod?"
Wolf shrugged.
"I met him on the road"
He laughed.
"He tried to pull me over for speeding. Then he saw the bloodsplatters on the windshield and he drew a gun at me"
The cop tried to scream, but Wolf had stuffed something in his mouth and taped it shut. Wolf laughed some more and patted the cop on the shoulder.
"You should have seen the look on his face when I slammed the door into him, Mose! Can't aim for **** either, cops these days"
"Where did you leave the motorcycle?"
"The what?" Wolf said, downing what was left of his corona. He wasn't too pleased about being interrupted when he was telling such fun stories.
"The motorcycle. It's just one cop, and he had you pull over, so I assume he was on bike rather than by car, especially because motorcycle patrols are much more common in this area than cop cars. Where did you put the motorcycle?"
"I left it where he did, by the road. No-one can drive two vehicles at once, Mose, not even me"
"We have to go get it. Someone is bound to notice that thing just standing around, and if they come looking for him they might find us"
Moses walked over to the car they arrived in and took out the keys. He slammed the door shut without bothering to lock it and pointed his gun at Bernard, though not in an aiming kind of way.
"We're going inside to buy some bullets. You wait here"
Wolf laughed.
"Where else is he gonna go, Mose? It's just miles and miles of cornfield out here!"
"You heard me, you stay here, and you'll be fine. You've got my word. C'mon Wolf, we're going shopping"
The two men headed into the shack, leaving Bernard outside on the parking lot.

Jack waited at home for a while, until finally his sister showed up. Diane was pretty much Jack's opposite. She was always jolly and had the most chaotic habits. As he opened the door she stormed in and hugged him.
"Hi Jack!"
She let go and walked into his apartment. For some reason she was carrying shopping bags. before Jack could protest she'd waltzed into the kitchen and she'd started unpacking some vegetables and heating up the oven. This was a habit she got from mom. They both loved to cook, and if either of them came to visit they'd confiscate his kitchen and prepare him enough food to last weeks. Diane had also taken out some files. There were some files labelled Arkham and some files labelled Lethian Waters. All of them had names on them. Then there was one file which wasn't labelled and only had a name on it: Jack Walker.
"There's some sheets of paper with questions on them in there for you to fill in, but we can talk while you do that, and while I cook"
As she spoke and cut up a tomato at the same time she also managed to take a peek in Jack's bedroom.
"Still no visitors, eh, big bro?"

Lord Asmodeus
Lex Luthor shrugged, which seemed sort of short of his usual stiffness.
"You may do as you please, Mr. Parkson, as long as you're back in-", he checked his watch, "-two hours"

Someone Else
"His real name, madam? We won't even have to ask. The gentleman in question is a personal acquaintance of ours, the very man I mentioned to you earlier today. Mister Michael Wood and Bruiser are going to take a little stroll. I do believe that will be the last we'll see of The Mole tonight, madam. I will leave you to your affairs now. Good day"
Hammer hung up. James looked sort of inquisitive.
"The Mole?"
He laughed boyishly. Hammer had a resounding voice, the reporter had probably been able to listen in on the conversation.
"Wow, and here I was nervous I'd make a bad impression tonight"

Suddenly the door opened and Alex walked in. Or rather, halted two paces in.
"Hey, Lilly, I just wanted to come tell you the guests are asking for you. Bruce Wayne himself even asked me where you were. He said he'd like to meet the artist"
James seemed surprised.
"I'm sorry if I've been holding you up, miss Knight. Lilly"

Wednesday picked up her cellphone.
"Hello, this is officer Knight from Gotham PD. I believe we met earlier today?"
As she was wondering whether this was quite as important as a call from god, she suddenly found herself staring in the face of the goon who'd been by the limousine just seconds ago. Another scream from the limousine echoed through the alley. The goon cracked his knuckles.
"You'd better get out of here, miss, if you know what's good for you"
"Miss Jordan, are you there?"

2009-05-10, 06:06 PM
As the knock on the door comes, he walks over, takes a deep breath, and opens it. Even with his sister, any potential situation where he'd have to... talk... was rather revolting.
He clenches up as she hugs him, shuddering a bit. As she releases him, he makes a face like a badly suppressed smile, and follows her into the kitchen, staring in horror as she begins to unpack. It would take hours to rearrange everything by the time she was finished.
But, he just sighs, curtly shakes his head at her question, and picks up the paper.

Someone Else
2009-05-11, 12:59 AM
Lilly blushed a little at Alex's words, as her mistake in taking so long with Jimmy, and in private at that, occurred to her. I'm still not properly used to playing host to so many rich people...

She stands quickly, nodding to Jimmy, her smile still there, if faded a little now "No worries. Afraid I'll have to run now though."

She quickly moves towards the door, before tuning, and winking "Talk to you later though, ok? "

2009-05-11, 08:15 AM
(Er, I didn't mean for her to actually answer it- just glance at the number that was calling and decide from there).


Wednesday turns the phone off without answering her call, slipping it back into her pocket.
"That's rather rude. I've got just as much right to be here as you do, you know."
Her eyes slide to the limousine.
"And I couldn't help but hear something suspicious..."
She begins moving towards the limousine, making to step around the goon.
"As a good citizen, maybe I'll just investigate, hm?"
Wednesday was already sizing him up, looking for the best point of attack. She was going to punch him hard if he tried anything funny.

2009-05-12, 09:58 AM
Sensing that her brother wasn't really participating in the conversation, Diane simply kept on talking.
"So you're going to work for LuthorCorp, eh?" she asked, rummaging through the fridge and emerging with some eggs and a carton of milk, "I'm not sure if that's such a good idea, big bro. It's a pretty shady company. I mean, doctor Memphis once told me some people from LuthorCorp showed up in Waters and took some patients with them, just like that. He never heard of the patients again. None of the families filed any complaints, so the doctor's hands were pretty much tied, but LuthorCorp does not run any mental facilities. There's no future in healthcare, especially for the mentally ill. Doctor Memphis says LuthorCorp probably paid off the families to sell their ill relatives as labrats. God knows what they did to those poor people"
She was oiling up one of the ovendishes now. God knows what she was making. Jack blocked out her voice and tried to concentrate on the questions. They were stupid. Inane rambling.

"Does this look like a happy face to you?" one of the questions stated, with a picture of a clown attached. "When your house is on fire, what is the first thing you'd save? And why?" Dear god, how cliché, and not even grammatically correct. "Are you currently looking for a emotional/sexual relationship? Delete the word that doesn't fit." Wait, why was it a question if he had to delete a word? Did he still have to answer it after deleting the word? "Do you feel loved?" That's... that was hard to answer. "Do you feel capable of building normal human relationships?" Okay, what kind of relationships did they mean here? Friendship? Love? Briefly Jack wondered if he was even capable of either. He tried to recall any friends he had. When could you start calling someone a friend anyways? "When does someone count as a friend?"

He realised he didn't even have anything to write with and retrieved a pen from somewhere, a welcome break from the questions. His sister had dropped the carton of milk, spilling it all over the tiles in the kitchen floor. She was cleaning it up though. He wondered if she would manage to get it anywhere near as clean as he did. "Do you ever get out of the shower, only to decide you're still filthy and get in again?" There were little boxes by the questions now that he hadn't noticed earlier. Jack wondered if they'd been there all along and if he'd simply missed them. He checked. Nope, no other boxes, it was simply a chaotic quiz. He checked again. Still no boxes. He checked the box. "Do you ever check if you turned out the lights up to three times?" Rotten quiz. This was getting hard. He looked up, only to find his sister smiling at him, getting something out of the oven. He quickly returned to the page. "Do you sometimes have difficulty with social situations?" His pen hovered over the boxes for some time before he decided. "Do you feel like you're being watched?" Yes, as a matter of fact he had been feeling a little watched lately! "Do you sometimes have difficulty with social situations?" Hadn't they asked this before? Whatever, he checked the box, only to find there wasn't one. Jack quickly scribbled down an answer and continued. It was as if the list were endless.

Someone Else
James smiled brightly as she exited and winked at him. The boy had pearly white teeth.

As she'd been talking to the reporter from the Planet the gallery had been filling up with the creme de la creme of Metropolis society. Most obviously there was Lex Luthor, with his mysterious dame on his arm, but there were also other well-known figures, such as the astronomer David Scott, starjournalist Lois Lane and the Falcons coach.

Though some people were appreciating the art, most were appreciating each other. Especially billionaire playboy Bruce Wayne seemed very popular, but he pushed aside the crowd that had gathered around him to make his way to Lillian. He took hold of her hand gently and kissed it.
"Hello, miss Knight" he said, looking deeply into her eyes.
"Might we talk?"

Wednesday walked into the gorilla's thick arm. He growled.
"This alley is off-limits for the likes of you to-"
The goon was interrupted by Wednesday's fist making contact with his neck. He stumbled two steps back wards and then slumped forward, onto his knees. His face had gone red. Wednesday wasn't sure if this was because he was choking or because he was mad, but she wasn't about to find out. She took a couple of steps back just as he launched his big fists at her. Given some space, he crawled up again, clearly still suffering discomfort from the blow to the throat.
"I- kggg - I ought to kill you!" he yelled. Wednesday noticed the screams from the car had stopped as the passenger seat door slammed shut. Whatever she was going to do, she'd have to do it fast.

2009-05-12, 10:03 AM

Aw hell.

She wasn't even certain what she was trying to do, anyways. Whether she was even protecting someone, or instead just interfering where she shouldn't. It was all very confusing and vague, really. Still, the overly hostile goon didn't make things look good, nor did all the screaming, so...

Wednesday ignores the goon and runs towards the car, aiming to get to the driver's sear side- after all, getting through any door would be hard, and she might as well go for the one that might be able to stop the vehicle.

Someone Else
2009-05-12, 10:59 AM
Lilly, though she tried to keep her face blank, was slightly amazed by this. Yes, she's no stranger to high society, but someone like Bruce Wayne seeking her out across the room... even when she was hosting the party, there was something magnificent about that

She curtsies, just a little, smiling ever so slightly at Wayne. She'd never be less than polite, even to him

"Of course, Mr Wayne. A pleasure to have you here, by the way."

2009-05-12, 12:04 PM
Someone Else
Mr. Wayne pulled her away from the crowd, to a bit of a secluded corner at the entrance. He spoke fast.
"Mrs Knight, I'm not sure if you're aware, but I think there may be a problem with some of your staff. It may be a good idea to call in the police, as it appears you've erroneously hired two convicted Gothamite thugs. These men are brutal, Miss Knight, and have worked along side the likes of Two-Face and the Scarecrow. Monsters. I'd advise you to be fast, I'll keep an eye on things in the mean time"

Wednesday ignored the swooping thug and ran over to the driver's side door, pulling it open. A somewhat surprised driver , another one of the goons, stared at her. His hand shot out into his vest. Wednesday couldn't see what was going on in the back as there was tinted glass separating the driver's compartment from that of the passengers, but she could hear heavy breathing through the audiosystem.

2009-05-12, 12:19 PM

One of Wednesday's hands shot out to grab his arm before it could come back out of the vest with a gun, and then her other hand reaches to punch him in the throat much like she had punched his friend.
If that succeeds, she'll try and retrieve the gun he was reaching for.

Someone Else
2009-05-12, 12:31 PM
Lilly held her head. This... was the last thing she needed... How the hell did Bruce Wayne have such an in-depth knowledge of the Gothamite criminal underworld, anyway?

Still, she stayed calm, and as polite as she could manage.

"I appreciate the concern, Mr. Wayne, but I'm aware of this. I checked into the history of the pair, including criminal. Both have gone through the Blackgate Penitentiary Rehabilitation Program, and have been described as "model successes". They've been clean for quite a while"

She smiled a little, trying to reassure the billionaire "And be honest, they're getting on a bit. I know they've worked for some ungodly people in the past, but they've been doing only legitimate work for so long... they aren't a danger to anyone, except reporters, at this point"

2009-05-12, 01:16 PM
Someone Else
Wayne frowned.
"Rehabilitation... I'd watch where you step, Mrs Knight, they wouldn't be the first Gothamites declared rehabilitated to suffer a relapse. I wouldn't want to see anything happen to you and your exposition"
He smiled most charmingly. Some woman in the background was screeching his name, but he ignored her.
"I really do like the exposition. The theme appeals to me. A chosen few, set apart from the rest of mankind by nothing more than fate. How fickle the balance they walk, how grave the responsibility"
He clenched his fist and relaxed it again.
"Wayne Enterprises supports a lot of charities, miss Knight. I believe that great power comes with great responsibility. One has to give something back to the community. I wouldn't normally show off like this, but... I get a feeling you'd understand"

She grabbed the goon's wrist, clenching it tight enough for him to drop the gun, which she grabbed out of the air. She followed up wiht a punch to the driver's throat, this time with the but of the gun. He coughed loudly and doubled over, foaming at the mouth. It was then that the gorilla from earlier came running. Wednesday turned off the safety on the gun. The heavy breathing on the audiosystem had turned into loud groaning.

Someone Else
2009-05-12, 02:04 PM
Lilly isn't sure if this man is alluring or frightening... both, really.

The "hero" complex...those who rise above us all... at least someone got it at least close to right... I guess Mr Wayne's a fan of the Bat.

She nods though, grinning a little.. "I think so. The "glorious few" win their station by fate, as much as their own efforts. That doesn't set them apart from everyone else, in the end. We're all just human."

She winks "A good philosophy, Mr. Wayne. And one that could only help the world by spreading"

Lilly had designed the gallery carefully. Every figure came from the same base. You couldn't always tell it, but a sharp eyed man would spot it. At heart, everyone was the same.

2009-05-12, 03:03 PM

Wednesday points the gun at the goon running towards her and attempts to shoot him in the leg, hoping it will both stop him from being a threat, possibly bring the possible rape inside the car to a halt, and maybe even alert people nearby that something wrong was going on.

2009-05-12, 03:37 PM
"Does this look like a happy face to you?"
It depends. Ask him.
"When your house is on fire, what is the first thing you'd save? And why?"
Whatever's convenient.
"Are you currently looking for a emotional/sexual relationship? Delete the word that doesn't fit."
No, not really either...
Jack begins to sweat a bit. The test was beginning to make him uncomfortable and annoyed.
"Do you feel loved?"
I love myself.
"Do you feel capable of building normal human relationships?"
Jack swallows. Is it getting hot in here? He loosens his shirt, and keeps going.
"Do you ever get out of the shower, only to decide you're still filthy and get in again?"
Doesn't everyone?
As he notices the chaotic nature of the test, his hand begins to shake. His writing, before very structured and orderly but nigh illegible in its idiosyncratic style becomes sloppy and uneven.
"Do you ever check if you turned out the lights up to three times?"
"Do you sometimes have difficulty with social situations?"
What do you think?
"Do you feel like you're being watched?"
Jack's eyes widen as he sees this, and declines to answer, moving on to the next.
"Do you sometimes have difficulty with social situations?"
Jack stops breathing, staring at the test. Clearly, it is antagonizing him. Mocking him.
"Ah... who, em, devised... this?" He holds up the test, hand and body now stone still and quite pale.

2009-05-14, 08:51 PM
James Paul Parkson

James nods. "Yes Mr.Luthor" and gets up and leaves. He looks at his watch, two hours. He had eaten recently enough, and he didn't really want to head home and then come back. Sighing inwardly, he headed from Lex's office down to the front entrance. He supposed he'd take a stroll, consider what he'd heard. It's not like he had any work to finish up.

2009-07-01, 03:41 PM
As James was taking a stroll through the streets of Metropolis he found himself in one of the narrower streets. Not an alley precisely, as it was technically a street just like any other, but it was much less travelled and the buildings on either side were high enough to douse it in shadow. James stopped dead when he heard a voice behind him.
"Oi! Yer money or yer life!"
He looked around and found a very prototypical mugger. The man wore a beret, a filthy trenchcoat and a three day old stubbly beard. In his quivering hand rested a six-shooter that looked as if it had come with a happy meal.
"I ain't kiddin'. Louise here'll blow yer pants right off"

"The test? Oh, me and some other students did. It's been revised a dozen times though, and several of our lecturers went over it. Is it making you feel uncomfortable, big bro?"
She giggled and then bent down to pull something out of the oven. Frankly, it smelled delicious.
"It's designed to pry deeply. Some of our testsubjects reacted quite heavily back in school"
Jack blinked. He could have sworn he just saw something passing by the window rapidly.

Someone Else
Lillian's conversation with Mr. Wayne was suddenly cut short as a rather geeky looking young man tapped her on her shoulder. He had long, sleek black hair, some old fashioned glasses, and was wearing an old-fashioned sort of tuxedo with darkred padding and a frilly white cravat.
"Excuse me, I hope I'm not interrupting anything" he said, glaring briefly at Bruce Wayne, "But my name is Phileas Foggy and I would like to purchase one of your pieces of art. Particularly the dark figure trampling the evil underfoot seems appealing"
Wayne looked sort of shocked at this.
"You have business, I see. I shall be checking out the rest of the exposition"
Wayne quickly walked off.
"Name your price, Mrs. Knight, I simply must have this piece"

The gun went off, sending a shock through her body, immediately followed by a start of hellish pain from her leg. Wednesday almost tumbled over in pain, but the faintness soon passed. As she snapped back to reality she could see the goon lying in the alley in a puddle of blood. She'd hit some sort of artery in his leg. She wasn't sure if he was going to make it. His position ironically reminded her of her own earlier that day. The sounds on the audiosystem hadn't ceased though.

2009-07-01, 04:47 PM
Jack lays the test down, and gets up shakily. "Excuse me..." He runs over to the door, flinging it open and checking outside, searching about.

2009-07-01, 04:49 PM
Outside was... well, nothing, but Jack could swear he heard some kind of buzzing sound. His sister appeared in the doorway and looked at him oddly.
"Are you okay, big bro?"

2009-07-01, 04:51 PM
He looks around some more, circling his house, checking the skies. (What did it look like, exactly?) He largely ignores his sister, muttering about seeing something.

2009-07-01, 04:54 PM
Jack looked about as well as he could for the grey blot he'd seen flying by the window. After a while the buzzing sound stopped, or maybe it got too silent to hear. Jack wasn't even sure if he was really hearing it. His sister looked really worried. What was more, Jack noticed that the sewer cover was closed again as he circled the house.

Someone Else
2009-07-01, 04:57 PM
Lilly looks slightly surprised at this, an early offer... and slightly depressed. This Foggy might have an offer, an early one, perhaps a good one but he had stoped her talking to Wayne...

With a nod and a slight smile, she quotes a round figure, a little above what she'd been expecting, but not exorbitant.

"If you want to go further, talk to Alex, at reception. He can go through delivery policy, times of release, ect."

2009-07-01, 05:02 PM
Someone Else
"Ah, yes" Phileas said, his eyes widening briefly at the price.
"I was rather hoping the artwork would be gifted to the Foggy family. We are, after all, one of the oldest and noblest families in Metropolis. Related to the founders, even. You'll not find blood as blue anywhere. Gifting this to us would, hum, seriously increase your social status"

2009-07-01, 05:07 PM
Jack determinedly strides over to the sewer cover and yanks it open, peersing down inside, going so far as to lay down on the ground and stick his head in to get a better look. Suddenly, as the stench hits him, he realizes what he's done, and grows deathly pale.
If there's nothing of note, he hurriedly rushes into the house, brushing past his sister, goes into the bathroom fully clothed and turns the shower all the way on, to the hottest temperature, scrubbing himself and his clothes with a loofa thoroughly and roughly.

Someone Else
2009-07-01, 05:11 PM
Lilly frowned. That was... worrying. It might be a good idea, but it might be best to know what she was dealing with, when it came to this old family... tying herself to old aristocrats could be a bad idea.

"Well, either way, it won't be released this evening. I'll... consider the matter. Leave your details with Alex, and I'll get back to you, either way. If there's another offer on it, I'll give you notification before sale."

If that seems to be enough to satisfy him, Lilly resumes circulating, with a smile

2009-07-01, 05:34 PM
The first thing Jack realised as he gazed down was that there were splatters of blood on the stairs. As soon as he got over that, he realised that the smell was even more horrible during the day, likely due to the sunlight. He ran for the shower, his sister banging on the door asking if everything was okay.

Someone Else
"Thank you" he said, giving her a small nod, "The Foggy's will be grateful. The peace really appeals to me"

He seemed to be about to continue with his talk, but was interrupted by the sound of glass shattering, followed by screams. Lillian looked around and saw people running screaming in confusion. Hammer rushed past her from the entrance yelling for Bruiser in his walkie. Lillian followed in Hammer's wake to the main room, where a crowd had gathered around the central sculpture. All she could see at first was that there were splatters of blood on the thing. She also noted the glass raining down from above. A hole had been created in the glass pyramid.
"Bruiser, he's on the roof! The roof, dammit!" Hammer screamed into his walkie. There was no response, but that just meant Bruiser was on the job.

Lillian followed Hammer as he cleared the crowd and tried to guide them to the exit. In the arms of her largest sculpture, Lillian found the wealthiest man of the city: Lex Luthor, shot through the heart. There was a blue rose resting on his chest next to the blood on his chest. A camera went off. Lillian just stood there for a while, not knowing what to do, and then even more glass rained down. Bruiser crashed through, landing with his back on the sculpture. The thing tipped over, its plexiglass standard breaking. bruiser rolled onto the floor. Hammer swore loudly and pulled out a sidearm, emptying it blindly on the glass overhead, a single tear rolling down his face.

Someone Else
2009-07-01, 05:41 PM
Lilly just blinked, as she stood there, uncomprehending. Everything was so perfect...

Now, it all falling apart. This place was being wrecked, and Luthor, Lex Luthor... dead... in the arms of the statue.... She bent down over him, checking for a pulse.... on impluse, more than anything. Blood started to get on her lilly white skin...

Bruser falling brought her back to her senses. She jumped back as the heavy man feel down from on high, then looked up at the broken pyramid glass, trying to see what was going on.

2009-07-01, 05:50 PM
Jack slows his scrubbing, realizing his clothes are now ruined. He steps out of the shower a wreck, but a clean one. His skin is red from the scrubbing and the heat, and he is completely disheveled. He begins to calm down, leaning against a wall, collecting himself, stringing together a sentence in his mind before speaking. "I saw something go by, through the window. It was gone by the time I went outside, but the manhole... the stairs inside are covered in blood. Call the authorities."
He slumps to the floor, then looks himself over. Displeased, he gets up and begins to clean himself up, rearrange his hair, put in some product, etc.

2009-07-01, 06:12 PM
His sister didn't pick up the phone. She just looked really worried. Something was burning on the stove, but she didn't react. She took his hand, even with the product on it.
"You've been having a stressful period. Are you sure you're okay?"

Someone Else
As Lillian looked up she saw a brief glimpse of a shadowy figure with a long, sleek gun. It tipped its broadrimmed hat and then disappeared in the dark. Hammer swore again and ran for the back exit. The flash of Jimmy's camera went off again.

Someone Else
2009-07-01, 06:18 PM
Lilly followed Hammer as fast as she could manage, not thinking, not doing anything except run. Hard, in the dress.... but effort, and sheer adrenaline can make up for a lot.

She wasn't sure why. Perhaps it was the aggression from her street days she'd never quite gotten out of her system. Perhaps it was just natural for her to follow someone who looked like he knew what he was doing. Perhaps some part of her was now dismissing all this as a black, depressing dream. But still, she followed.

2009-07-02, 10:29 AM
Bernard stood outside the shack. He knew little about cars, certainly nothing about starting one without a key. He trusted Moses to keep him alive and he believed that Wolf would have no trouble hunting him down, like some animal, if he tried to run. Mostly it was that Bernard was really, really tired. He didn’t even visit his home, after being held up in the station, instead going to that cursed diner and starting this mess. Bernard numbly thought that cops chances for survival were probably much slimmer than his. “It’s not like I can really do something”. He even felt too tired to feel bad about it.

2009-07-02, 12:50 PM
James Paul Parkson

James nodded, and spoke slowly, not moving at all. "Ok. I'm just going to reach and grab my wallet."

2009-07-02, 07:54 PM
Jack stammers a bit, organizing his thoughts. He grows pale again, and closing his eyes yanks his hand away. "Don't touch me." He begins to stammer again, about to tell her to call the police, and then smells the food burning. He leaps up, and walks over to the stove, talking as he goes, gesticulating violently. "The food is burning you can't burn the food it'll stick and get all black and bond to the pots and it'll taint them and make them black and burnt and all the smoke in the air it'll get in the walls... and burnt... they'll be... burning..." He takes the food off, and with a spatula scrapes the bottom of the pot meticulously. He then looks back, and noticing his wet footprints grabs a handful of paper towels to dry them up.

2009-07-07, 02:59 PM
The cop whimpered a bit while Wolf and Moses were shopping, but Bernard decided to ignore it. This guy was dead meat, but at least he'd be able to save himself. He realised what a change of philosophy that was. Back at the diner he'd thrown himself at them, seeking danger, but now, without a crowd, out here in the middle of nowhere... It just made more sense to live so he could get home, have a bath and sleep.

Wolf and Moses exited the shack. Wolf was sporting a brand new shotgun, which he kept waving around and pointing at things he could use as targets, such as Bernard. Moses was carrying a whole bundle of weapons, which he dumped in the trunk of the cook's car.
"Y'know, I'm lookin' forward to this little trip you've got planned. Sounds like the most fun I'll ever have"
"Yeah..." Moses said, nodding slowly and earnestly.
"But we have to plan it out first. This is important. If it fails... Well, we won't get to try it twice, that's for sure"
"Unique is what they call that. We'll be legends, Mose! Like Bonnie and Clyde, or Jack the Ripper, or Napoleon!"

Moses slammed both trunks shut, the one with the guns and the one with the cop.
"We're heading out, Bernard. I suppose this is goodbye"
Wolf laughed. "We're really gonna let him live?"
"That's the idea"
He shrugged. "Okay, sure, I like the novelty of it, and I'm in a good mood. Congratulations, kiddo, you survived meeting the wolf!"
He howled and then fired his shotgun in the air twice. He tossed the thing into the back of his car and then jumped in, Dukes of Hazzard style.
"I'm leading the way, Moses, you just keep up" he said, and then he let the engine of his car roar. Moses gave bernard another wave and then got into the cook's car. The two of them drove off, back towards Metropolis, leaving Bernard alone in a cloud of dust.

"Sure, sure, go ahead 'n reach! I ain't no amateur, I know you've got to take your wallet. C'mon now, hurry up!"
He spat a thick black clod and shook the gun at James.
"Ain't got all day, son, got work to do now"

His sister looked at him in shock.
"Just- just calm down, okay? I'll- I'll be right back. You hear me, big bro? I'm going to make it all better"
She rushed out the door and Jack could see her pulling out her cellphone as she exited. He calmed down somewhat now that she was gone and most of the filth had been cleansed. Still, something wasn't right. He didn't feel comfortable in his own house.

Someone Else
Lilly ran out after Hammer out through the back, bumping into one of the people from catering on the way and making him tip over a tray of hors d'oevres. As she exited out the back a black shadow leapt down from the roof and bounced off the top of the catering truck, onto the asphalt. Hammer waved his gun at the shadow and tried to shoot, but he'd emptied his gun earlier and the thing only made a sad little click.

Then the shadow returned fire. One of the bullets cut through Hammer's arm before he dived behind the catering truck for cover. Lilly was left gaping at the shadow as the rifle swivelled toward her. A couple of shots rained down on the concrete walls behind her and sent bits of rock flying. The bullets just cut through the walls like butter. The shadow grinned, his white teeth flashing in the dark.

Someone Else
2009-07-07, 03:15 PM
Lilly's jaw drops at that. She couldn't quite grasp the concept that she could be in danger... and shots that could carve through a wall like that.....

Hammer's out. He can't fight now. But that guy's just fired quite a few shots

How many shots were there in a gun chamber? She didn't know. But that thing was so powerful... it was probably modified.

If I can get to him before he can re-load

Crazy idea. Stupid idea. He'd get to shoot her at point blank range...

But Lilly was doing something she hadn't done since her Gotham days, going on instinct, in the middle of a fight

With all the speed and strength she could muster, and a savage cry, the pale artist, dress and all, charged straight at the mystery gunman, arm flying round towards his gunhand, trying to get his weapon away from him....

2009-07-07, 03:31 PM
Jack stands there for a moment, waterlogged and with a pot of ruined, burnt food. He doesn't really know what to do, but he knows he is very uncomfortable. He clicks back into his normal, orderly, mechanical state. He has unfinished business. He strides over, grabs his keys, gets in his car and goes to the nearest tobacco store to buy some cigarettes. Returning to his house, he sits on the porch and begins to smoke.

2009-07-07, 04:36 PM
Jack lit up his smoke and took a deep draft, finally being able to relax. His sister hadn't returned, or maybe she had and he'd been at the store. He didn't know. He didn't really care either.

He was getting nervous though. He could swear he heard that whirring sound again. He took another deep draft and felt his nerves calm down somewhat. Until the van arrived. It was a white van, with black lettering on the side that said "Lethian Waters Asylum". It stopped right in front of his house, and his sister got out with a rather beefy man.
"Brother? Please don't be mad - I read the test. I saw how you acted earlier. You need help"

Someone Else
She ran for the gun. She had about a truck's length to go, towards a man who was aiming at her with a rifle that could apparently pierce concrete, and she ran for the gun. About halfway through she realised how stupid this was, but it was too late to turn back: she just kept on running. The shadow's eyes, the only part of his face she could see that wasn't obscured by his broad rimmed hat or his black cloak, widened. He was surprised, and rightly he should be. Heck, she was surprised. He had his rifle aimed right at her, finger clasped round the trigger. It even bobbed up and down as she did.

And then, as she was almost there, the craziest thing happened: he ran. Fast too. He was faster than her, but she kept chasing him. He was armed, and she wasn't, but she kept chasing him.

She chased him into an alley, where he jumped onto a trashcan and then onto a fire-escape and ran up. She was panting, and she was all alone, having left the gallery and Hammer far behind her. She wondered if she should go on.

Someone Else
2009-07-07, 04:45 PM
Ok. I thought he had a pistol, and was a little closer than that, but... roll with it.

What do you think you're doing?! You almost died back there.

He killed someone. And if I don't chase him, he'll get away.... After killing the most important man in Metropolis

You're not Superwoman. You're not even the Bat. Leave it to someone like that. You've got no idea what you're doing here...

The voice fades, as Lilly, breathing hard, starts to climb the fire escape, slowly at first, then picking up the pace. She wasn't sure what she could do, but if she kept him running, didn't give him a chance to make a clean get-away, perhaps, just perhaps, the police, or Superman, or someone like that might show up....

2009-07-07, 04:55 PM
Jack begins to grow pale at the sight of all this- he takes another drag, then flicks the cigarette to the ground. For the first time in his life, he's quite calm. My car is in the driveway. My keys are in my pocket. He arranges his shirt, makes every pretense of going along peaceably- then bolts for his car.

2009-07-07, 05:26 PM
Jack sprinted for the car and jumped in. The beefy guy ran over and grabbed hold of the door, but it was too late: the engine was running. Jack raced out of the driveway backwards and kept on going that way till he was out of the street and managed a turn. He looked in the rear view mirror. They weren't chasing him, but he kept checking the mirror. He still didn't feel at ease.

He wondered where to head next.

Someone Else
They had ended up on a rooftop. One of many. She'd chased the tireless shadow across town on the rooftops, or that's what her feet told her anyways. She had no idea where she was, but just ahead stood the killer, rifle in hands, at a dead end. Everywhere around him was the abyss without even a fence separating him from it. All that separated her from him were a couple of yards and a dingy board across an alley.

2009-07-07, 05:34 PM
James Paul Parkson

James didn't nod, or say anything, he just reached slowly back, grabbed his wallet, and held it out for the man.

Someone Else
2009-07-07, 05:39 PM
Lilly's stomach twisted a little. There was no cover now, no more ability to run.

Ok. He's stationary. Someone must have followed you. Just... keep him talking, until the police show up. If he looks like he's about to fire, hit the deck, and you might just get lucky

She looks across at the shadowy figure, smiling a little, with bravado she really didn't feel

"Nice night, isn't it?"

2009-07-07, 05:41 PM
Jack pulls over about a mile away in a relatively empty area so he can hyperventilate for a moment. He is now well and truly alone- no career as far as he can tell, no family he can trust, no... well, he didn't have much before. He gets a plan into motion in his head, then enacts it.
1st: Get some clothes, a few pairs of the suit he's wearing.
2nd: Get to the nearest supply store. Buy a small car battery, some crafting materials, springs, etc.- he's not going back home without a tazer. And maybe some mace. In fact, a homemade gun would be nice too... or better yet, a flamethrower. No, too heavy, too crude... something small and portable, but with stopping power.
3rd: Check into a hotel with internet, grab a bite to eat, and get on his computer to send an email to his sister, a very short one:

I sincerely hope I never see you again.
The rest of the night he works on his tazer, trying to find ways to pare it down, make it more potent, more portable, maybe several uses out of it in quick succession...

2009-07-07, 06:16 PM
Lord Asmodeus
As James took out his wallet, he suddenly saw a man drop down silently from the rooftops by a steel cable attached to a gun he was holding. The man was dressed all in leather and had mean looking spikes all over, and several sharp steel shafts hanging from his belt, together with a collection of other tools. He signalled to James to stay quiet and started approaching the mugger from behind with one of the steel stakes from his belt.

Jack stopped over at the mall and walked into the fanciest clothing store he could find. He had generally had a lot of money to spare to spend on suits, but as he browsed through them now he realised his financial situation may soon change. What was worse, he still felt watched. He could swear the security cameras were following him. He even walked back and forth in front of one a couple of times and it swivelled along, to the exact pace Jack was walking at.

Someone Else
The killer grinned again.
"You chased me all the way here for a talk, did you? I admire your strength and bravery, but I would advise you to stand down. I'm cornered. I have nowhere to run. That is, there is one exit: through you. I know you're stalling, for the police, or your security, or Superman, but believe me, they're not coming. I've operated in this city for over ten years, madame, and no-one's ever caught me"
He paused, his hand caressing the sleek shaft of the rifle.
"In fact, you're as close as anyone's ever gotten. Granted, I've never done a job quite as high profile as this, but the rules of the game changing won't make me any less of a talented player. That's what it is, madame, a game. You of all people should understand that. There's good players and bad players, and the good players win by the sheer right of being good. That's what the exposition was about, no? Marvellous work by the way"

2009-07-07, 06:22 PM
Jack dispels the thought that his financial situation would change- there's always money to be had.
He buys the clothes he wants- 3 sets of the suit he's wearing, running about $1,000, and then heads to the supply store to pick up the materials he needed- and then some other things he had ideas for. The feeling of being watched only makes him hurry to get the stuff, and maybe keep alert- there's not much else he can do.

Someone Else
2009-07-07, 06:25 PM
Lilly chuckled a little at the compliment "Thank you. I'm glad you liked it. Though you have rather damaged a few pieces, as well as any hope I might have had of turning a profit on it. The police will want the gallery cordoned, people will be too frightened to come in, and persuading the rich to part with money for bloodstained work..

Inwardly, Lilly started calculating He's good, but only so good. You won't be able to keep him penned up for long, but If you can keep the conversation going... someone might show up.

"Good rilfe you've got there. And you just shot a powerful businessman involved in arms trade... Was it one of his? Or is it a custom made thing?"

2009-07-07, 06:59 PM
James Paul Parkson

James didn't even acknowledge the new figure, he didn't even move his eyes in the mans direction, he watched him without moving his eyes at all, holding his wallet out for the mugger.

2009-07-10, 02:29 PM
Ashes to Ashes

Hear ye, hear ye, many thanks for accepting this pamphlet from your friendly neighbourhood prophet! Mere hours for the end arriveth hast our word reached thee, clearly divine provenance! For years has the government been witholding information, obfuscating THE TRUTH with insidious LIES, but now that time has come to an end, as your eyes will be opened by THE COVENANT! So read on and shudder as ye learneth the terrible truth!

For many a time hath I wandered the streets in search of enlightenment, and yea I hath found it! Tomorrow is a new day, if it was not that tomorrow brought hell, brimstone and destruction to our fair city of Metropolis! Thou heareth correctly! Tomorrow shall be the day of reckoning, as well as tonight, and all the following days! Endless calculations and studies of ancient texts have brought me to one prophetical conclusion: tonight our city burns! We shall burn in the fires of the skies, cast like dice from the gates of heaven and an unearthly abyss, and we shall suffer for our sins! The precise nature of our toil hath not been revealed to me, but I am but a mortal man, and tonight, in our hour of need, I shall undergo a transformation: I shall shuffle off my mortal shell and shall become THE PROPHET that our people need in this tragedy! I shall soak up the tears of the masses in my beard and I shall bandage their wounds with my skin!

From Mayan times the coming of the great shower of fire has been predicted to occur TONIGHT and as the SAVIOUR of mankind I shall take the task upon mineself to travel to the centre of the fire, where our alien lords shall gift me with power before unseen by man!!!! YOU are asked to join me in my quest and stand by me as the end approaches. We will all burn, and fire shall rain from the skies, 't is writ!

Finally I owe thanks to my generous anonymous giver without whom this pamphlet would not have reached ye! In my darkest hour when the oppressor spat at me and children taunted me for my good intentions this man came and he, he alone, saw my true potential, my shining but shattered heart, and he, THE KIND GIVER, lent me what funds I needed to spread the word, to print these very pamphlets you are holding. In a gesture before unseen THE KIND GIVER stuffed money upon money into mine hands and sent me on my way to save us all. A word of thanks to him, and a prayer for all of your souls as the end approaches.

Lord Asmodeus
"Oh, sugar, looks like I'll be eatin' like a king tonight, hehe!" the mugger said, snatching the wallet out of James' hand. That's when the man in leather stabbed him in the back with one of the stakes. The mugger cried out in pain, and then several spikes shot out the sides of the stake. Bleeding, the mugger fell down, letting "Louise" spin down to the side of the alley.
"Tonight the worms'll be eating like kings" the figure said, making an over the top effort to change his voice, which made him sound like a grater dragged across a trashcan. He pulled out another one of the stakes without paying the slightest bit of attention to James and advanced on the sad little heap that was now the mugger.

As Jack waddled up to the counter of the supply store with the stuff he wanted to buy he noticed the two mall cops by the entrance looking at him suspiciously. One of them was talking into his radio. He slid his creditcard through the machine to pay for the items as he observed the cops. They were joined by a third cop. They all looked rather determined and were eyeing him. They popped the holsters on their guns.
"Sir, I'm afraid your card has been rejected" the clerk said. Jack looked at the little display screen. The card had been blocked.

Someone Else
"Still stalling? I'm telling you, we could be here all night, and still no-one would show up"
"Wrong" a voice behind Lillian said. She turned around and saw the Batman. This was the closest she'd ever gotten to him. He somehow looked less impressive up close, but she was still really happy to see him.
"This is where the killing ends"
The killer laughed.
"This is where it ends? Oh, no my friend, you're the one who's wrong. This is where it begins. You may have made a name for yourself over the years, but I, I haven't. That's more than equally impressive. You don't want to cross blades with me. I understand you're on some kind of mad crusade, but trust me, Mr. Luthor was not a good man. Besides, Metropolis is not your town. This is my playground"
"This is not your town either. This is Superman's town"
The bat spat Superman's name, with quite a bit of disrespect.
"Oh, yes, but there's room for people like me. Metropolis is an orderly place, unlike Gotham where chaos reigns. I'm the guy that cleans up the excess, the bits and pieces that do not fit in anymore"
"And you say I'm on a crusade? You talk too much!"
"No crusade here. I'm just an honest working man, punching the clock and earning his five cents"
"Enough! You're coming with me"
"You're forgetting about this" the killer said, tapping his gun. The bat stepped in front of Lillian.
The killer grinned again.
"Good to know"
His finger tightened around the trigger and the bat took a running start towards the board.

Someone Else
2009-07-10, 02:39 PM
The Batman? Here?

That one surprised Lilly. What was the Bat doing outside of Gotham? Still, she couldn't have been more glad if Superman himself had shown up. She grined across at him, even if he wasn't looking. Batman might not have powers, but he was still incredible in a fight, vigilante or no. She barely heard the words, overcome with the relief that someone else was being able to deal with this....

But then, at his words on body armour, and the Killer's foul little smile, Lilly's stomach twisted, as she worked out what that evil grin ment..

He hadn't seen....

Without thinking, she yelled, getting the words out quickly as she stared to step to the side, hopefully out of the line of fire

"Bat! That gun cuts through concrete!"

2009-07-10, 02:39 PM
Jack grows pale a bit, trying to ignore the cops. He sets aside the car battery and the cans of gasoline- most of the destructive stuff. He takes out of the cart of stuff the modeling tools and plexiglass and the like. "Well then, I suppose I'll just buy these." His voice is hoarse, barely a whisper, and it sounds like he's about to break down. He pulls the cash out of his wallet, hands it to the cashier, and asks him to return the other things in the same defeated voice. He walks out, modeling equipment in hand, trying to ignore the cops.

2009-07-11, 06:50 AM
Disappointed, Jack hands some of what little cash he has with him to the cashier and heads out with about half the supplies he wanted. At the exit, he is halted by one of the mall cops, while the two others look on.
"Excuse me, sir, could you please follow us? We have a number of things to discuss with you and would like to do so in the comfort of our offices. I'm sure you wouldn't mind?"
One of the cops rests his hand on his gun and eyes Jack suspiciously.

Someone Else
"What?" the Batman managed, in total surprise. Then a number of things happened at the same time. For one thing, Batman leapt aside, but just too late. The gun went off and cut a hole through his cape; The cape blocked Lillian's view of exactly where the bullet hit, but after tearing through the bat it embedded itself in the gravel mere inches from Lillian's feet, causing a small fountain of rock flakes to spit up from the ground. The bat, still falling to the side, tripped across the edge of the roof, and went over. There was a woosh as his cape dragged up behind him, and then he was gone.
"This has been entertaining, mademoiselle, but now I must bid you goodbye" the killer said with a grin, and then leapt off the far end of the roof. Lillian heard a clash of metal, and then nothing.

Someone Else
2009-07-11, 07:13 AM
Lilly, blinks as everything goes, heads over the plank, to the second building. A little unsure of which way to turn first.... To help the Batman, or to try, against hope, to catch this damn killer....

Was there a fire escape, on either side? Lilly heads toward the edges of the building, in hope....She needed to get to ground level, whatever she needs to do next....

2009-07-11, 07:58 AM
Someone Else
Lilly crossed the dingy board, the thing creaking loudly under her weight and wiggling dangerously. She finally made it across to the isolated building. She walked to the other side, trampling one of the killer's shells underfoot, and gazed down. On the other side, at the next building, there was a fire-escape. The killer must have jumped all the way across the broad alley in between the buildings, she guessed. There were some bums by a bonfire all the way down, about six floors. Of Batman, there was no clue. Of course, he'd fallen down in a different gap. There must have once been a building there, but they tore it down. The place was now a construction site from the look of it, but she'd been too scared to look down while she was crossing the board. Except for a small crane sticking out it was all too dark to see anything down there anyways.

2009-07-11, 08:25 AM
Jack stammers, growing paler by the second, sweating, not really getting anything out. Finally, he composes himself, and thinks his answer through before he speaks. It worked before. "Excuse me, but my sister has recently been institutionalized. I am under quite a bit of stress at the moment. Unless I have commited some sort of crime and you need to take me in, I would prefer to do this it a later date. I need to tend to her affairs, you see." He lies like a good psychopath, his pulse hardly pounding, even with some emotion thrown in there about his sister.
I'll be out backpacking in the wilderness of Southern California, wrassling bears with my bare (pun intended) hands and eating raw mountain lions until the 14th, so don't expect much in the meanwhile.

Someone Else
2009-07-11, 09:06 AM
Lilly frowned as she surveyed the scene. Things only seemed worse..

She tried to judge the distance to that fire escape... could she get to it, perhaps jump to it, without the adrenaline of the chace, such a prospect would be harder, but even so... she needs to get down from here, somehow.

2009-07-11, 11:28 AM
James Paul Parkson

James eyes the new man oddly. He stands still, waiting for whatever would happen next to happen.

2009-07-12, 12:36 PM
Lord Asmodeus
The man in the spiked black leather suit plunged another stake in the mugger, and another, and another, each stake deploying spikes at the sides as soon as they burrowed in the flesh, until the mugger died painfully. Blood had splashed all over his leather outfit, but he did not seem to mind. In fact, the whole alley seemed to be caked in blood, James included. The man in leather's methods were rather nasty, and more than a bit messy.

He gave the dead mugger a punt with the tip of his boot and then looked at James.
"The name is Nevermore, you remember that. I'm going to sweep this city clean; clear out the gutters and flush out the rats. In a few weeks time, everyone will know my name"
He turned around and started walking back towards the steel cable he came down on. The gun was still hanging there.

The mall cop groaned.
"I'm sorry, sir, but we really do need you to come with us. I was just hoping you'd do so willingly?"

Someone Else
The jump... It seemed very difficult. She could possibly make it, but then again, there was enough of a chance she wouldn't. She hesitated. Picking up the track of the killer again would be hard now, considering what headstart he had taken and that he had proven himself quite the athlete during the chase. Then again, she did need to get down, and there was no other immediate route she could take, except perhaps going back several buildings to where she saw a roof exit.

Someone Else
2009-07-12, 12:41 PM
Lilly frowns, looking across at that fire escape

So damn far.... how am I going to make that

But then she thinks of the evening, of all the people at the party, of Hammer, Bruser, Alex, Wayne, Dad....

I need to get back. As quickly as I can manage. I need to talk to people.....

Lilly has to focus, as she walks back towards the board. Just before stepping off the building, she turns in place.....

With just a touch of adrenaline, she sprints across the building, launching herself across , placing a hand out to try and vault the reiling covering the fire escape.

2009-07-12, 03:34 PM
James Paul Parkson

James sighed, eying the dead mugger. Well, that was one way to make sure he didn't get shot. James reached down and picked up his wallet, and his eyes turned to the gun. "I wonder if the thing is even registered... well, the cops will know about this eventually." James got up and turned to leave, but before he did he pushed the gun under the mugger with his foot, if there was blood on him, he didn't notice. James walked out of the alley and looked around, trying to remember where the closest police station was, or at least looking for a payphone. thinking of this, James looked in his wallet, he didn't even know if he had change for a payphone, he might have money for a taxi if he needed one though.

2009-07-12, 05:52 PM
Lord Asmodeus
James acted remarkably cool to seeing a man killed before his eyes and being doused in a shower of his blood. He simply retrieved his wallet, watched the killer pull himself up to the rooftops and kicked "Louise" to her former owner. He then made it to the nearest payphone and rang the police.
"Metropolis Downtown Police Department, how may I help you?"

Someone Else
She jumped.
Her feet leaving solid ground was quite disconcerting, even after that chase. She saw some of the vagrants by the fire all the way down point up at her.
Cripes. All the way down.
Realising he was rapidly hurtling toward a steel construction with lots of irregular bits and now was no time to enjoy the scenery, Lilly forced herself to look forward. She was flying toward the steel railing at the edge of the fourth floor fire-escape. She grabbed at it with her hands, and missed.

Instead Lilly smashed into the railing on the floor below with her midriff, expelling all the air from he lungs with a strong blow. She started tumbling backwards but managed to move her weight forward, throwing her onto the third floor fire-escape, face first. She crawled up and saw a chubby woman with huge hair look at her in shock through the third floor window. Then she noticed her reflection, and saw the grid from the metal fire-escape floor that was pressed into her face. She hoped it would fade away soon.

The vagrants down in the alley were shouting incomprehensible things at her. She wasn't sure if they were angry or if they were laughing, but they sure were excited. At the end of the alley she could see a sleek black car that seemed somewhat out of place in this neighbourhood and at the other end there was a busstop. An older man in a tuxedo had exited from the car and had hurried along the street. Meanwhile the woman who lived on the third floor had closed the drapes.

Someone Else
2009-07-12, 06:03 PM
Lilly had been massaging her poor face as she looked around

Ok. Lesson learned. I'm not a physical person and shouldn't try to be one.

Still, she should soon be home now. Home, or at the Rookhausen. But the idea of getting on a bus, after everything that'd happened.... She'd sooner walk back. And she didn't want to be standing around for these hobo's to leer and laugh at.

After finally getting off the fire escape, she walked as quickly as she could in the direction the older man had gone. If he wouldn't give her a lift, at least perhaps she could call a taxi firm on his phone...

2009-07-12, 06:30 PM
James Paul Parkson

James tried to keep his voice as calm as he could. This was not the way he had planned to spend the day, and he felt more than a little numb. "Uh yes, I'm calling to report a mugging and a death. I just got mugged and now the mugger is dead." James looked around, trying to find the street address for when they asked.

2009-07-12, 06:38 PM
Lord Asmodeus
James told them he got mugged and told them the address.
"...Yes. Just a second, sir"
There was some silence on the other end of the line and some shuffling.
"Could you hold on, sir?"
A tune started to play. Something that had been at the top of the charts five years ago. After a while the music stopped abruptly and James heard a voice on the other end again, this time another one. He'd been talking to a woman first, but this was a man.
"Hello, sir? Glad you're still there. Our apologies for taking so long. Would you please describe what exactly transpired?"

Someone Else
Lilly ran after the old man and made it to the street as he walked up to some wooden boarding surrounding the construction site. He stopped dead, turned around, and looked straight at her, arching one eyebrow. He was old enough to have white hair and a fair amount of wrinkles, but he still looked fairly fit. The man was leaning on an umbrella and just waiting there.

2009-07-12, 06:44 PM
James Paul Parkson

James paused for a moment and rubbed his eyes. "I was walking down the street, looking for a place to eat or something, and I turned a corner. Behind me, a guy with a gun told me to give me my wallet. I told him I had to reach for it, he said it wasn't his first time mugging someone, I handed him my wallet. Then, someone came up from behind him, he signaled that I shouldn't say anything and I didn't, I just kept watching the mugger. The guy came up behind the mugger and shoved a metal stake or spike in his back. The mugger fell down and the man shoved a few more spikes in his back, the man who was dressed in spiked leather, told me he was Nevermore and that he was going to clean the gutters of this city and everyone would know his name, and then he left. After that I grabbed my wallet and went to the nearest payphone to call you."

Someone Else
2009-07-12, 06:51 PM
Lilly pants a little as she catches up with the guy. She smiled a little at the man in between breaths. Not too much, simply enough to be polite

"Excuse me... can I borrow a mobile? I need to dial a taxi."

2009-07-12, 07:01 PM
Lord Asmodeus
"Nevermore, you say? Interesting. Tell me, can you describe this man? In detail, please"
Outside the phonebooth James could hear the wail of policesirens.

Someone Else
"A cab, young lady? Certainly" he said, and flipped out a mobile phone. He called them himself, and gave them an address to come to. He pocketed the phone again.
"Now, young lady, the cab will arrive any minute. Metropolis may be big, but these men drive like mad. They will be picking you up two blocks from here, that direction"
He pointed down the street with his umbrella. Then he came closer and felt her cheek with the hand he wasn't wearing a leather glove on. He had taken it off to be able to properly dial the number.
"Hmmm, you'll need to get this looked at" he said worriedly.
"No great damage appears to be done, but if you don't put some ice on that soon those marks could be around for a while" he said as he withdrew his hand.
"Honestly, a pretty woman like you shouldn't be in this kind of neighbourhood this late at night"

2009-07-12, 07:07 PM
James Paul Parkson

James tried to remember the man. It was harder than he thought it would be, but he had a fairly accurate description. "He was wearing all leather, with spikes on it, he had his face covered up and he had a bunch of metal spikes that he used on the mugger. He dropped his voice a lot to cover it up so it sounded really deep and gravelly. He seemed kind of big."

Someone Else
2009-07-12, 07:14 PM
Lilly smiles, not flinching at the touch... the man was being truly kind, for a stranger. "I'm going home to do just that. I didn't intend to be out here, sir. Thank's for the help"

With a nod, she turns to walk quickly in that direction, praising to herself the generosity of strangers. Hopefully, she can get home, grab an icepack, then walk round to the gallery....

2009-07-13, 09:07 AM
Lord Asmodeus
As James was talking to the officer on the phone, a second officer tapped on the glass of the phonebooth. James could see three cop cars parked nearby (parked in their case meaning "placed onto the pavement and/or road") and some cops scurrying into the alley. The cop at the phonebooth's door took a step back and said "Could you please come with us to the station, sir?"
Then he pulled out his walkie and said "I'm here. I've got him" into the machine.

Someone Else
The man gave her a friendly nod and then watched her walk off. When Lilly looked back over her shoulder, he was gone.

The taxi was already waiting for her where the man had told it to stop. The cabbie was big, hairy, and very foreign.
"You girl I wait for?" he asked her, hanging out of the window of the car.
"Good, good. Get in back"
He took a bite of the pizza he'd put on the front seat and then turned around at her.
"Where I take you?"
Lillian gave him the address, and after repeating it for about five times, the taxi driver nodded and took off, taking no heed to traffic regulations. Luckily, there was little traffic this late at night. He dropped her off two blocks from her house and she decided not to bother explaining this wasn't exactly where she wanted to go. At least his prices were very mild.

Lillian took the elevator to her apartment, put an icepack on her cheek, and took the elevator back down. he was very tired, and it was very late, but she couldn't just let things be at the gallery.

Rookhausen, when she arrived, was surrounded by cops. The cops, in turn, were surrounded by press. This time not just the Planet, but also TV stations, press from other cities, and of course The Mole. A man in tattered clothes and a collection of fresh bruises walked up to her and held a taperecorder under her nose.
"Michael Wood, with The Mole. I'd like to talk to you about the ineffectiveness of your security at this event. From personal experience, I know there's gaps in their routine. They go away to drag off a poor journalist and beat him up in some alley, and meanwhile an assassin sneaks in and kills the wealthiest man in the city? Do you think they were bribed, or are they really that stupid?"

"More importantly, why didn't you see it coming? Former crooks running a security service, and you buy into it? Isn't it, really, your fault Mr. Luthor has died? Are you not personally responsible for the soon to come collapse in economy as the news breaches? Will you offer personal apologies to his family, or will you perhaps try to auction off your so-called artwork at ten times the original prize because it has some of Mr. Luthor's blood on it?"

Someone Else
2009-07-13, 09:23 AM
Lilly did not look happy at the Mole-man accosting her, but kept moving, holding the icepack tight to her face, not even justifying the little excrescence with a "no comment" as she headed through the throng of people for the police cordon. She has far more important people to talk to... Alex, Dad, Hammer, Bruiser, the guests....

If he says one more word against Hammer and Bruiser though, I won't be justifiable for my actions....

2009-07-13, 09:27 PM
Jack begins to sweat, growing even more pale, and steps back a bit, eyes darting, looking for a quick escape. He sizes up the cops to see if any of them look very athletic. "Ah. Em, well, I really must be going... what are the charges?"

2009-07-13, 10:22 PM
James Paul Parkson

James looks up from the phone and puts his hand on the receiver, sighing to himself. "Well this was inevitable." He nodded to the police officer and spoke into the phone. "I guess you'll have the chance to ask me about him in person."

2009-07-15, 09:06 AM
Lord Asmodeus
The officer grabbed him by the shoulder and guided him to his squadcar. Mere minutes later he found himself in an interrogation room. They'd offered him clean clothes and a cup of coffee and then let him wait for more than twenty minutes.

Eventually a man out of uniform entered. You still tell he was a cop though by the gun holstered at his side and the badge hanging from his belt. He gave James a small nod and the leaned on the table.
"So, mister Clarkson, if you could please tell us what went on this afternoon, in detail?"
James recognised the voice from the phone.

Jack's eyes darted across the room. One of the mall cops was breaking sweat just standing there, but the other two looked fairly athletic. The cops were blocking the only real exit from the store, but there was a door behind the counter. The clerk was occupied selling some items to the only other customer in the store, a largish man who had dragged a collection of steel plating, a blow torch and other various items to the counter.
"You're not going anywhere, sir" the mall cop said, grabbing for Jack's arm.

Someone Else
As she moved on even more members of the press were attracted to her like metal to a magnet. One of the took her by the arm.
"I'm Lois Lane, for the Planet, we met earlier?"
Several cameras flashed.
"Mr. Luthor, Lex, was a personal friend of mine, if you'd guide me in I could see him one more time"
"This story can look two ways, Miss Knight, and in one you're single-handedly responsible for the death of the most important man in town and with it most of Metropolis' economy! I want a scoop!"
"Channel 4 news, Miss Knight, could we have a word?"
Lois pushed pushed past the Channel 4 reporter and flashed Lilly a smile.

Someone Else
2009-07-15, 09:15 AM
Her name is Knight! :p Lillian Knight. Lilly White was a nickname, around her pale skin

Lilly frowned at Lois' appearance and easy familiarity. Even after everything that'd happened, she could remember Lois' greeting. She hadn't exactly made the best impression. And now there was a story, she was clinging on... Oh great. This is all I needed

Still, she might be a lifebelt of sorts. She was probably more used to dealing with the press than she was. Lilly nodded, looking clearly at Lois. "Come on then."

With that, Lilly turned back to trying to make her way to the gallery Hopefully Lois would be some help here

2009-07-15, 12:09 PM
Jack acts quickly, stabbing out with two fingers into the man's eyes while feinting at his groin with his other hand. He bats the cop's hand away, runs back, leaps over the counter whilst grabbing the blowtorch (and the plating if it looks possibly expedient) and slams into the door, shouldering it open then quickly closing it with one hand behind him, sprinting out into the street and trying to lose himself in a crowd.

2009-07-15, 01:30 PM
James Paul Parkson

James shrugged. "It's Parkson, and do you mean just the mugging or before that?"

2009-07-15, 03:14 PM
Lord Asmodeus
The cop seemed embarrassed.
"I'm sorry, mister Parkson. I was hoping you could begin from when you entered the street? Why did you go there in the first place?"

His fingers hit the man's eyes hard and he then toppled over as he got hit in the crotch. The cops drew their guns and yelled at Jack, but didn't actually fire as he jumped over the counter and grabbed the blowtorch in the process. Jack ran into the back door, only to discover that it only held a small coffeeroom. There was a small table with two chairs on top of which a duffelbag rested, possibly belonging to the clerk. The table also had a full ashtray on it and a lighter. Smoking wasn't allowed in the mall, but in this room the smoke got sucked right out through the vent: it was the ideal breakroom. Other than that there were also some cleaning products, a bucket and a mop in the breakroom for after closing time, and finally a coffeemachine on the corner of the table.

Someone Else
"They'll be knocking on your door tomorrow, Miss Knight! You have no idea what an angry mob can be like! Half the city reads our paper!"

With the help of Lois Lilly finally made it through the crowd, to where the police lines started. Her dad ran up to her and told the cops to let her pass, and Lois followed.
"C'mon, Lilly, let's get you away from these vultures"

The inside of the gallery still looked pretty much like she'd left it, except the crowd had cleared out and several cops were going over the evidence. Luthor was still lying there, a blue rose on his chest and a surprised look on his face.
"I requested to aid this investigation. I'm running two cases in this town already, but I couldn't turn my back on this"
"Interesting" Lois said, jotting something down in her notebook. Whiman squinted his eyes at her.
"Miss Lane, if you'll give us some privacy?"
She batted her eyelashes. "Okay"
Lane walked off and took a look at the crime scene.
Whiman wiped his forehead.
"Lilly White, are you okay? What's that icepack for? I was terribly worried. Some witnesses saw you running out through the back, and your friend Hammer said you went after the killer! A man with armourpiercing rounds, no less, and one hell of an athlete!"

2009-07-15, 03:26 PM
Jack slams the door shut behind him, locking it then sticking the chair under the handle to prevent entry. He quickly sifts through the cleaning products looking for something flammable, pocketing the lighter. He also looks for windows, maybe some kind of place he could escape...
If not, he takes the flammable cleaning product and unscrews it, waiting to hear a sound by the door... when he does, he dumps it out under the door crack and lights it up, bursting out the door and out of the store.
If there's no flammable cleaning product... he'll check the dufflebag. How big is the blowtorch?
All the while, Jack is strangely calm, collected and trembling, not from nervousness but an adrenaline rush.

Someone Else
2009-07-15, 03:26 PM
Lilly blushes at her father's words. They were totally right...

"I know, Dad. It was stupid... but that's what I've been doing. I ended up chasing that guy half way across the city... didn't even know I could still run like that."

"Still, I survived. The icepack's just for a scrape I took, falling on a fire escape."

She pauses a little then smiles. "Hammer's ok then? How's Bruiser?"

2009-07-15, 04:09 PM
Discovering the lack of a lock on the door, Jack shoved one of the chairs under the handle and then quickly tried to find a way out of the breakroom. There was no window or anything, the only thing that seemed big enough for him to pass through was... the vent. But it was screwed shut, and there was a large fan inside. Jack quickly pocketed the lighter, picked out a bottle of explosive cleaning product and then inspected his blowtorch. It was a fairly large thing, but not too large to handle. The only inconvenient thing about it was the gasbottle hanging from a bit of rubber hosing. Jack wondered what to do. They were banging on the other side of the door.

Someone Else
Whiman shook his head.
"Don't ever do something like that to me again, Lilly White. You leave stuff like that to the police. And yes, Hammer's okay. They took him to the hospital. His friend, Bruiser, too... I'm not sure if he'll be all right. He took a pretty bad hit..."

"You're going to have to tell me what happened, you know. You're a witness, and a key one at that. Take your time though, whenever you're ready, Lilly"

Someone Else
2009-07-15, 04:25 PM
"Warn you dad. It got... wierd. I'm... not sure if you'll believe this. Feel free to ask me questions, ok?"

Lilly took a little time to breath, enjoying the chance to rest a little. Then, she leaned back against the wall before beginning, her eyes clouding over a little....

"Ok. After we got out the back, that bastard managed to jump down from the roof, using the truck as a board"

"Hammer tried to fire at him, but the assassin was quick, and Hammer had a jam of some sort. Bullet to the hand, and he was down. I didn't have the reaction time those two did, and was still standing there. The gunman gave me a couple of what must have been warning shots..."

"Then... I ran at him. The ally was dark... he seemed closer than he was. Stupid idea..."

She cringed a little, before continuing...

"And he ran. He fired warning shots at me first, then, rather than kill someone who couldn't actually threaten him, he ran for it"

She smiled a little "I've not been at the top of my form, but I managed to put up fair speed, chasing the guy half way across Metropolis. I ended up with him seemingly cornered, stuck on a building with nothing close to it, and pointing the gun straight at me"

"The threat snapped me to my senses a bit. I tried to get him talking a bit, giving others a chance to pursue us, catch up with him... I managed to get him to talk a bit, not a lot, but I got some stuff out of him..."

Lilly then, with a little, slightly weak smile, delivered her climax. "That's when the Batman showed up"

2009-07-15, 04:32 PM
Jack checks the dufflebag for anything interesting, then goes to the vent. he digs through the stuff he bought for a screwdriver and quickly unscrews the opening. He grabs a broom to stick up the fan to stop it, then works at bending the blades to the side so he could pass through.

2009-07-15, 04:50 PM
Al the duffelbag held were some clothes and a pack of smokes.

Jack managed to open up the vent and jam the blades, and after a little work he managed to squeeze through. No sooner did he reach a split in the vent than he heard the door being broken downbehind him. The vent split four ways: up, down, to the left, and to the right.

Someone Else
"Hmmm, yes, Hammer told me he'd run out of bullets by then. And he was shot in the arm, actually"

"You got stuff out of him? Excellent... Not worth the risk, but excellent"

"The Batman?" he finally yelled out in surprise, "Really? In metropolis? Well, I suppose he must have been following... Hrum, yeah. So I suppose he caught the killer? Where did he take him?"

2009-07-15, 04:56 PM
First of all, Jack grabs the smokes.
Second, As he gets up, he unscrews the top of the cleaning product and dups some down below him on the floor. In the vent, he tries to remember which way would be most likely to lead him outside the store. He goes that way, and as he leaves, he takes a cigarette, lights it, takes a drag then drops it down on the puddle of stuff. He then squeezes through the vent with all his stuff (cleaning product securely closed) and, hopefully, out of this place.

2009-07-15, 05:02 PM
James Paul Parkson

James just shrugged. "I don't really know why I turned down that particular street, I was looking for a place to eat and I was thinking about work, and then before I knew it there was a mugger behind me with a gun. I guess it was sort of a stupid thing to do on reflection, but I don't really know that I did it for any particular reason."

Someone Else
2009-07-15, 05:16 PM
"Nowhere. He didn't know the killer was using armour piercing rounds. He wouldn't have known either if I hadn't yelled out to him"

Lilly smiles, just a little, and fading quickly as she remembers... . "He took a hit, I couldn't tell where, but he tripped, and fell off the building. Then the gunman, a quite incredible athlete, manages to jump off too. I can hopefully show you the place if you want."

"I couldn't follow after that. I jumped across to a nearby fire escape, humiliated myself by falling on my face... I headed back to the apartment to grab the icepack, then came round here."

2009-07-17, 10:25 AM
Lord Asmodeus
"Yes? Do go on. How did the mugger die? Why didn't you do something?"
Someone came in and took James' fingerprints.
"Just a formality, I assure you"

Jack crawled forth through the vent, his sight obscured by the smoke rising from the puddle he'd set on fire in the breakroom. Whatever that stuff was, it didn't smell good, and his nosehairs felt like they were burning with every breath he took. The smoke, which had decided the vent was the only way out of the small room, obscured Jack's vision so much he didn't even see the split. he just crawled right on, and fell down.

Jack tumbled down, banging into the vent walls on the way, and finally erupted from the vent shaft in yet another breakroom, but this time the mall cops' breakroom. There was a single cop staring at him from across the table, mouth agape and donut in hand. There were also two vending machines in the room and a small table with a telephone and yet another duffelbag, this time with security equipment. The cop on the other side of the room seemed to be blocking the only way out.

Someone Else
"So the Batman is still out there? Possibly dead? Without anyone knowing where he is?"
Whiman swore.
"C'mon, you have to show me the place, we'll go there in my squad car"

Someone Else
2009-07-17, 10:30 AM
Lilly nods, slowly getting up off the wall.. "I don't know exactly where it is, objectively. I had to get a taxi back... But I can try and show you the way.."

2009-07-17, 12:14 PM
Jack tumbles to the ground, walks over to the cop feigning an embarrased smile, and tearing the top of the cleaning product off splashes it into his eyes. He then finds something heavy to bash across the back of the mallcop's head, while locking the door.
After this is completed, he puts yet another chair under the handle, then checks for weapons- guns, ammunition, other items that might be of use.

2009-07-17, 01:48 PM
James Paul Parkson

James shrugged. He was sure it was just a formality, but he was getting a little suspicious. "I don't know, this guy Nevermore shoved a metal spike in his back, and then when the mugger fell down he shoved a few more in there. I imagine that might be fatal. I did hear some other noise after he shoved the spikes though, maybe they did something after he pushed them in? As for why I didn't stop him, it was my mugger he was killing, and he was shoving metal spikes in his back, I don't really know what I COULD have done in a situation like that."

2009-07-17, 02:05 PM
Lord Asmodeus
"I see. And this bloke just showed up out of nowhere, did he? What exactly does the name Nevermore mean to you, mister Clarkson?"
The copper rubbed his chin pensively.

The mall cop swore as the goop splashed onto his face and then went down with a thud when Jack slammed a chair on the back of his head. Jack then jammed the chair in between the floor and the doorhandle and started rummaging through the duffelbag, where he found a can of pepperspray (which tends to be more convenient for blinding people than cleaning product) and, somewhat ironically, a taser. There were also some particularly sweaty clothes he had to rummage through in the duffelbag and Jack now had the impression that he smelt of them entirely.

He also took the time to check the gun on the mall cop's belt, but it turned out to be empty. The only things of use appeared to be a pair of handcuffs and a card proving that the man was a staff member. It was the sort of electronic card that opened all kinds doors that were locked to the public.

Someone Else
Whiman sat down again.
"Ah... You don't know where it is? Metropolis is a big city, I don't think we'll find it just by wandering around. Especially considering you had to take a cab back. Perhaps we should just call it a night then? ...Well, you anyways, I have a lot of work left here"

2009-07-17, 02:11 PM
James Paul Parkson

James shrugged again. "Well I don't know exactly where he came from, he came up behind the guy and I had my eyes on the guy with the gun at the time. Nevermore... I don't know, in Edger Allen Poe's The Raven, that's what the Raven kept saying."

Someone Else
2009-07-17, 02:11 PM
Lilly actually laughed, if a little bitterly

"Dad, this happened under my roof. As the Mole is probably going to be yelling at me tomorrow morning, the most powerful man in Metropolis has been shot, at my party I'm responcible for this, at lest in part. Luthor didn't tell us that he was in fear of his life, and thus I'm pretty sure we're not negligent, but it's the principle. This happened here, and it all affects me. I'm... not turning in yet."

After that, she frowned. "I can give it a shot. It wasn't a good neighbourhood, but I might be able to find it, working backward...."

"If all else fails, we can try and find the taxi company and ask where they picked me up from. That should work, no?"

Any visible indication of a firm name when the taxi picked her up?

2009-07-17, 02:19 PM
Jack pockets both the tazer, pepperspray and gun, then grabs the dufflebag, shoving his materials, cleaning product and torch inside. He's in the kind of mood he gets when he is in the middle of an exciting breakthrough; the neurosis fades away, and his mind is sharp, focused. Of course, afterwards he'll probably have a cumulative fit over all the things he did. He holds the gun in his hand, taking off the safety, and opens the door just a crack, peering outside and gaining some bearings of where he is and where he might go.

2009-07-17, 02:33 PM
Lord Asmodeus
"Are you a big Poe fan, Mr. Clarkson? Is there any particular reason the raven keeps saying this?"
The cop squinted at James.

Outside the guards' breakroom lay a simple hallway, which was part of the mall. It didn't appear to be a very busy day, but that was probably because it was still working hours. On the other side Jack could see some clothes stores, and further along the wall on his side were the lavatories.

Someone Else
"I doubt you'll be able to do much, Lilly White. I'll just call Metropolis Taxi and see if they can remember taking you. Do you remember the license plate? No? Okay..."
Dad dialled the number on his mobile and had a brief chat with the dispatch. He finally hung up and sighed.
"They've got about fifty cars out tonight, and they say that with the description I gave them you wouldn't stick out enough to be remembered by the drivers. If they heard anything they would give me a ring, but that seems highly unlikely"

2009-07-17, 02:38 PM
James Paul Parkson

James shakes his head. "Not particularly. I suppose the Raven says Nevermore because that's all it can say? Nevermore just means never again doesn't it?"

2009-07-17, 02:45 PM
Jack puts the gun well out of view and, calmly and collected, steps out of the room and tries to leave the building without drawing attention to himself.

Someone Else
2009-07-17, 03:01 PM
Lilly frowned, but nodded "I'd better talk to Alex, make sure he's ok. Where is he?"

2009-07-24, 01:01 AM
Lord Asmodeus
"Yes, mister Clarkson, but what I'd really like to know is if-"
He stopped as his cellphone went off. He picked up.
"Hello? Ah, yes. Are they? Really? Okay, thank you"
He hung up and looked at James.
"It appears we're going to have to let you go, Mr. Parkson. Still, don't leave town, we may have to have another chat sometime in the future"

"Hey, you!"
Jack looked where the voice came from in a flash. He was about ready to run, but then noticed it wasn't one of the cops. It was the man he'd stolen the blowtorch from at the counter. The fellow walked up to him.
"Wanted by the law, eh? And quite the wizard with tools, I see? If you're looking to make some money, and aren't afraid of a good fight, you should head down to the sewers at night. Just find a manhole cover with a red star spraypainted near it. Make sure you prepare a suit and a weapon. The rules are no guns though, or other "real" weapons"
The man beamed at him.

Someone Else
"Alex? Oh, he headed home quite a while ago. He seemed just fine, really. A bit shocked, but that's to be expected. He didn't really even see the murder"

2009-07-24, 01:14 AM
Jack blinks at the man a few times, begginning to suffer from a cumulative attack of the willies. "...What exactly defines a real weapon?"

Someone Else
2009-07-24, 02:56 AM
Lilly blinked at her father, frowning "Are you sure, dad?"

Assuming some sort of vague reassurance, she sighs "Well, I can talk to him in the morning... i wish I could do something to stop the Mole though. If their reporter's anything to go by, they're going to print a libellous story blaming me for all this."

She sighs again, looking far from happy "That'll be all I need right now..."

2009-08-16, 08:27 AM
The man shrugs.
"They weren't exactly clear. The organisers wanted to make sure fights lasted long enough, hence the rule. Or that's what I heard anyways. But I wouldn't risk going down there with something they might interpret as a real weapon, from what I hear they confiscate them, and then send you into the ring anyways"

Someone Else
Whiman frowned.
"Intent to libel... I don't think I can do anythign about that. The press has it's freedoms. Sorry, Lilly White"

Someone Else
2009-08-16, 11:25 AM
Lilly sighs, even whilst smiling a little "I know, dad. Don't worry"

She... is feeling a little tired. Tomorrow. Tomorrow she can deal with all this, everything "I... guess you're right. I'll go get some sleep. I think I'll need it..."

She chuckles a little bitterly. She'll leave the gallery by the back door, if no one interrupts her. She can start picking up the pieces tomorrow....

2009-08-16, 06:59 PM
Jack flicks his tongue over his lips in a nervous gesture. "Well... interesting... ah, I'll... go now... yes. Em, thanks." With that, Jack bolts, then regains his senses and starts to walk more calmly. He looks for a possible back exit, and circles around the building to his car, slowly and carefully, on the lookout for cops.