View Full Version : Confederates Rising

2009-04-07, 06:34 PM
The ship lands on the soft forest floor. "Get up you filthy scum!" One of the guards shouts at you. You roughly hauled out of the ship and into the prison. Slowly the number of prisoners around you decrease as they are put into empty cells or are led away by the guards until only six are left. The hallway you are in ends with six empty cells and a closed door. Your numbers are now greater than the guards, but only by one. Even with that you all know that you could get pass the guards in some way if binders didn't block your movement. Suddenly you hear simultanious clicks and the bracers fall off of you. The guards are shocked by this turn to face you, but that's all they can do before the fight begins.

2009-04-08, 11:56 AM
Heaing his binders drop Berk leaps to action. He leaps behind the first Sullustan guard, he then shouts "Don't just stand there, hit somebody!"
He then waits untill some one attacks the first guard trying to help them disable him.

2009-04-08, 01:25 PM
Rose having just come to terms with how she got into this mess is jubilant when the binders fall from her wrists. She grins showing her porcine tusks to the guard standing right by her and she swings her fist at him.

Grrrowwg hwrr gogooa.
Run away little man.

2009-04-08, 02:12 PM
The guard runs in between two prisoners as he attacks the Mon Calamari with the stun baton in his hand. He strikes the Mon Calamari while shouting "Prison Scum!"
((He causes 3 damage to Lacu))

2009-04-08, 04:39 PM
When the binders sudenly release and fall off Juku knows now was there one and only chance, Turing toward the guard practically standing next to him, Juku lunches into an attack by throwing a punch at the guard. At the same time he lets out with a loud shouted battle cry,Oya!!!

Punch attack [roll0]
damage [roll1]

Oya! has Many meanings: literally ""Let's hunt!"" and also ""Stay alive!"", but also ""Hoorah!"", ""Go you!"", ""Cheers!"" Always positive and triumphant."

2009-04-08, 06:24 PM

The diminutive Lurmen recoils instinctively as chaos bursts out around her, and quickly realizes this is the only opportunity she'll have to get out of here. Thinking fast, she grabs her binders from where they've fallen, turns and latches them onto the legs of the guard being attacked by the clone trooper behind.

Not waiting for the guard to notice, she bounds off between the legs of the people around her, reaching for another pair of the restraints.

Goblin Music
2009-04-08, 09:59 PM
Grah! the Mon Cal yells as he is hit. that hurt! he snarls as he attempts to wrest control of the stun baton away from the guard

2009-04-10, 01:54 PM
Confused, but not one to give up the opportunity to attack these strange beings he lunges at the nearest one guarding him. There was little places to hide so using stealth wasn't an option. Jiibayag pulls his arm back far making sure this one would hurt. He had to get the spirit devices away from them.

Attack with fist [roll0] Damage if it hits [roll1]