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2009-04-10, 05:26 AM
Somewhere in the hills of Western Gateskeep:
Gateskeep was a diverse island kingdom in Empire.

Two groups have followed a trail of horse-tracks that lead toward a large 3-story building.

The lead group led by a dark Antarian and an elven ranger are nearing this building when a female elf in the rear sounds an alarm at something's approach.
This is Marielle a pretty wood elf in mithril chain. Seeing two elves may be one thing, but when the burly orc charges closer he will see that the other elf, the ranger is like no elf he has ever seen.

The lead group:
Baka- An Antarian with golden spear -PC
Bodiccea- A nearly naked female warrior -PC
Frigga- female human in armor- PC
Gladen- a strange elven ranger- PC
Marielle- elven lady in mithril chain- NPC

Rear Group:
Lockhart- big orc- PC
Nerissis- mysterious figure- PC
Zohra- Northern gypsy- PC
Arnett- human fighter- NPC
Nogar- dwarven fighter- NPC

Marielle is about to get defensive and faces up to battle the large orc rushing at her!

OOC- Say hello, describe yourself, and welcome to the Imperials!

2009-06-09, 07:35 PM

At Marielles' alarm, Gladen asked, "Face it here or run for the building? Friend or foe, we'll find out quickly."

"I would rather stand and kill here and kill any beast that is stalking us. It may have been trying to herd us to that building anyway." But he continues to move with the group in a defensive manner.

"Bodiccea, do not charge this enemy if they show themselves, but hold the rear guard. We may still need to fallback to this building. Frigga, you and I should flank the casters for their protection in case we are surrounded. Marielle, stay between us, but move quickly if when needed."


As the large orc breaks through the trees on the same trail, the others see a defensive group gathered before them moving back to toward the building. A barely clothed, and proactively brutal warrior stands first, with two elves, a priestess and an Antarian standing battle ready behind her.

The Antarian (black man) is a well built man standing just over 6 feet tall. His hair is long and worn in locks pulled back by a leather band. There are tribal scars meticulously placed on his face chest and arms. He wears a light shirt of chainmail and bracers. The chainmail that is not displayed as a mantle, but you can see that it is of the finest craftsmanship. There are other baubles, armbands of leather, decorative feathers, etc., that mark him as a man of the wilderness. He is also carrying a fine longbow crafted as two snakes entwined about each other, and a spear that appears as if it were made of gold.

When the orc shows himself, Baka makes no move to attack anyone, and has a deep sense of confusion on his face. This obviously was not the magical beast that he had expected to be attacking them.

I didn't want to overlap the other character descriptions, but wanted give a general sense of the 'lead' group since I had first post in.
Welcome Imperials. (I guess that means me too now.)

2009-06-09, 10:12 PM

Lockhart bursts onto the scene, a sinuous and athletic figure for all his orcish bulk. You see dark hair swept back over broad shoulders, and a respectectable array of weapons in his belt or over his back, but none in his hands.

He grinds to a halt just after breaching sight of the group, a beefy hand raised to shield his orcish eyes from the sun. He stands like that for a moment, legs planted wide, starting down the obviously well-prepared caravan. For a moment it seems like a hand might be gliding towards a weapon... but then he laughs loudly and greets you in a clear and goodnatured voice. "Ho the travellers! I wish to parlay!"

2009-06-10, 12:55 AM

You see a young woman standing beside the warrior, clad in an ornate set of full plate armour, but without a helmet. She has a Longsword in one hand and a shield with the relief of a roaring lion in the other. Her armour is of fine quality and well maintained. She has long blond hair, worn in a single braid down her back.

2009-06-10, 07:08 AM
The wood elf in mithril chain ***** her head to the side and looks at Lockhart in confusion. "Excuse me?" She looks to the other elf, a strange one, that Lockhart has never seen before. Where the wood elf has brown hair, this other odd looking elf has silver. {This would be Gladen.}

2009-06-10, 08:25 AM

Gladen has silver hear pulled back from a very angular face with a somewhat haughty appearance. He looks somehow more elf-like than other elves, as if he were pure-blooded and they were not. He wears mithril chain with a pattern of entwined leaves and vines. His left hand holds a bow, but his right hand is reaching for a pouch at his belt.

Next to him is a defiant-looking wolverine.

Gladen looked ready to cast a spell when the orc spoke, and then he hesitated. He responds to the orc by saying, "I acknowledge your empty-handedness by stowing my bow. " He stows his bow, but a hand returns to his spell component pouch.

Brash the wolverine is looking around, not satisfied that this orc is the only danger.

2009-06-10, 06:37 PM
Bodiccea "The Bodi" Tyrius

Her weapon having been drawn a few hours ago, she was ready to study her potential opponent. Having seen and fought against enemies much scarier than one lone orc, she retains her composure easily but doesn't drop from her battle stance.

As she circles slowly to get into flanking position, one can't help but admire the graceful and precise movements of her muscles, ready to unleash their enormous stored power like springs. At 5 feet 8 inches, she has a kind of savage beauty in her green eyes framed by her medium-short auburn hair. The savage look is further accentuated by the fact that she is probably not dressed for proper civilization. A veritable chain-bikini strip "covers the center of each of her rather large globes vertically, leaving almost nine-tenths exposed. The rest of her clothing consists of basically a loincloth made of leather hanging from her belt and a pair of cured dragon-hide boots. An amulet rests between her cleavage.

"So speak. You are not the one making those unnatural hows are you?"

2009-06-10, 08:17 PM

"Howls? Nay, I have heard nothing of howls, though I have been in these woods for a few days. If there is a beast you want killed though, I will kill it! In exchange, I would know what you know of the building ahead. It is of interest to me."

2009-06-10, 09:18 PM
Marielle looks at the orc, "I was hoping you could tell us of this building." She looks at Gladen reluctant to say more.

Brash growls indicating to Gladen that more are approaching, in fact, Gladen will hear the distinct sound of someone in armor coming.

2009-06-10, 10:38 PM

"Aha! It seems we are in the same position then! All I know is that a friend of mine was brought through here by some men on horses. I do not know if they are friends or enemies, but I will not leave a friend who may be in peril! And so I have come to this place, to see for my friend with my own two eyes. But tell me, is this a major thoroughfare I did not know of, for us to chance upon each other so easily? Or are you following the selfsame riders?"

2009-06-11, 12:39 AM

"We are not these riders. And, as you, we know nothing of this building. We are heading to Moun-sig, and this trail was a convenient path. But last night we had heard unworldy howls, so we intend to move on to this building before dusk." Baka moves forward, releasing his fighting stance. "I am Baka, of the Ashantu tribe. If you intend to travel this way, we should share this path. And move on quickly."

2009-06-11, 01:26 AM

The sinuous orc greets Baka with a hearty slap on the shoulders. Now that he's closer, the more discerning viewer could see raven feathers braided into his hair, and the holy symbol of Odin, a watchful blue eye, hanging around his neck. "Well met, Baka of Ashantu! I am Lockhart, of no tribe but my own at the moment, though I have friends around these woods someplace. No matter! If you be what you say, then I should warn you - we have reason to suspect that our missing friend was taken by force, and that the residents of yonder tower may be no more than vile raiders! Sadly, all is speculation and nonsense at the moment, but you would do well to keep your wits about you! You may find that the howling beast would have been better company. Or not! It is best to keep an open mind about these things, is it not? An open mind but a closed guard, eh Baka?"

2009-06-11, 02:25 AM

Gladen says, "My name is Gladen, and this is Brash. " The wolverine makes eye contact and waves a paw. Gladen adds, "My friend and I are wondering how many friends you have coming down that train. " Brash makes a low growl.

2009-06-11, 03:28 AM

The orc's eyes sparkle with something resembling respect. "Oho! Finally someone who knows how these games are played! My friends are few enough in number, though one would be wise not to take them too lightly. But of course the same would be true of you, would it not?"

2009-06-11, 04:54 AM

Gladen smirks. His past experience with orcs is warring with this experience. His posture loses it's edge.

Brash's growl fades and he starts actively sniffing the air.

Sense Motive: [roll0]

2009-06-11, 11:46 AM

All of a sudden Baka seems to notice everyone else's tension. He had thought it was just because a stranger had approached unannounced. Baka takes a second, longer look at Lockhart. "Ah. Lockhart, well met, servant of Odin. You must be of a race that has done great harm to others in this land. I have seen your likeness in books, but in my land, what I would guess to be your cousins, are few and remote, being much more savage looking than yourself."

"If your friend has been taken by raiders, we may have time to assist you since we are traveling in the same direction. Are the others you travel with of your kind? Gladen is an excellent shot. I would not like for him to injure your friends before we have met them."

"As to this beast. The cries of this animal were not natural. This was a magical creation. An unnatural combination. It could likely be a scourge to anyone wandering or living in these lands. I would not stay to keep it company. I would stay to dispatch its foul carcass."

2009-06-11, 04:22 PM
As Baka speaks the rest of Lockhart's party will come into view and hear him.

They are led by an armored fellow {Arnett-NPC} carrying a pretty Northern gypsy woman {Zohra-PC}. They are followed by a dwarf {Nogar-NPC} in ragged peasant clothes and an interesting humanoid {Nerissis-PC... depending on what he was looking like now}.

Arnett is a sturdy fellow, with the classic fighter build. He is tan with dark hair, a classic imperial human. The dwarf, Nogar, is a brown haired hill dwarf, and upon meeting the new group scowls. "I suppose you'll be wanting me to catch you rabbits too?"

"Hush up, Nogar, I like this group quite well." The warrior gives Zohra in his arms a glance, then gazes at all the females in this group with her if he can. "My name's Arnett. And I'm just here to cut things when they get by Lockhart." He pats his trusty longsword on his hip as best he can with Zohra in his arms.

2009-06-11, 04:39 PM

The gypsy woman disentangles herself from Arnetts arms gracefully and moves forward to see the new group. You can see that she is a very attractive woman, and you immediately feel drawn to her. As she moves into view, you see that amazingly enough, she seems to be dressed in dancing silks. The woman looks exactly what your mind would call up when you hear the words ‘gypsy dancing girl.’ She is an exotic beauty, her dark black hair cascades to her shoulders, and her soft brown eyes are gently hypnotic. Her figure is generous, and the fact that she wears only dancing silks does nothing to hide it. Beads, bangles and jewelry adorn almost every part of her, from the rings and tiny cymbals on her fingers, to the armbands on her wrists, the necklaces and pendants from her neck, earrings, beaded skirts, gems nestled in her hair; they are everywhere. The only visible weapon she seems to have is a short bow, with a full quiver slung over her other shoulder. Her movements, even the simplest ones, carry the grace of her dancer’s talent.

Well, Lockhart, are you going to introduce me to your new friends?
Zohra turns to the new people
No matter, my name is Zohra. You might number my kind as gypsy, but I also claim Amazon blood in my heritage from the north.

picture of Zohra http://i43.tinypic.com/2ihnm05.jpg

2009-06-11, 04:47 PM

A stunning, celestial-looking blonde woman approaches the group, walking gracefully beside Arnett. She's wearing a sky-blue, silky gown that looks utterly unsuited to adventuring, and there's a small gold signet ring on her finger. Her cold blue eyes narrow as they survey the people before her, and she nods to Lockhart and smiles at Zohra's introduction before smoothly continuing the previous conversation, looking at Baka.

"The only thing more injurious than an arrow, surely, would be the implication that I'm an orc." She raises an eyebrow. "And, my pretty Antarian friend, it may be that if the beast is of interest to you, you may enjoy joining us on our own little hunt for a time; I suspect it's related somehow to the artifact we seek."

Her eyes sweep over the assembled heroes again. "Nerissis. It's a pleasure."


Hi everyone! Since Nerissis is a changeling, people technically get spot checks against [roll0] to see something amiss in her appearance.

2009-06-12, 12:03 AM

"The only thing more injurious than an arrow, surely, would be the implication that I'm an orc." Baka lets out a solid laugh at the joke.

"So you seek a lost friend and an artifact. Let us keep moving and tell us of your lost friend first. Who are they? How were they taken? What do you know of these raiders?"

2009-06-12, 05:08 AM

Gladen introduces himself and Brash with a courtly bow when the others arrive.

When Baka says, "Let us keep moving..." Gladen takes the cue and resumes scouting ahead along the trail.

Brash stays close to Gladen, still sniffing the air.

Spot: [roll0]

2009-06-12, 06:32 AM

Our friend is named Belsamber. We have no idea of who took him. We were in a village and got separated from him trying to solve a disagreement between the villagers, the mayor, a 'professor' and cult of evil priests. Then we were attacked by a horde of metal constructs, and by the time we had driven them off, Belsamber had been captured. They had hung two other members of our party. indicates Nogar Nogar survived the hanging, the other member did not. And since then, we have been tracking the horses

2009-06-12, 10:57 AM

Nerissis pats Nogar absently on the head and continues where Zohra left off. "The specific artifact in question that we seek is part of a tome of exceptional evil that was stolen from a museum some time ago. The taint it carries has palpably affected the creatures and people in this land. I'm carrying the notes of our late Archivist; I should be able to tell you more once I have time to sit and examine them."

Gladen {and anyone else who subsequently succeeds on the spot check} will notice an odd tightness behind Nerissis' alluring features, as if there are muscles tensed where there should be no muscles at all.

2009-06-12, 02:31 PM

Gladen pauses and says over his shoulder, "I was told humans associate hanging with justice. Were your friends accused of a crime? "

Brash circles Gladen impatiently when he pauses. The wolverine wants to keep moving. Gladen takes the hint and resumes walking even before an answer is given.

2009-06-12, 06:02 PM

Baka waits for an answer to Gladen's question, but has another to follow.

"Do you know who took this artifact? What has led you here in search of this artifact?"

2009-06-12, 06:52 PM

"Our associates were guilty of no crime, save being with us as we tried to arbitrate a dispute in a village a ways from here. It went poorly."

She examines her nails briefly, then removes ink and paper from her pack and writes something. "The artifact we seek, we seek on behalf of our employers, a museum of arcane artifacts of some renown. It occurs to me that names have power, and that it may not be prudent to speak the name of the tome aloud. We are to retrieve it from however is apparently utilizing its power and return it to safekeeping."

She stows her ink and shows the paper to Baka; in graceful, looping script, it reads simply 'The Necronomicon'.

2009-06-12, 08:54 PM

Zohra bends down to level of the wolverine.

I know of this type of animal from the north, he is a warrior in his own right. But truly, I have never seen one even remotely domesticated as this one seems to be.

She holds out her hand.

Will he bite a stranger? Does he have a name?

2009-06-13, 01:30 AM

"Come, if we are to travel together then there will be much time for talking ahead, but for now there is the mystery of our abducted friend, whose plight grows perhaps ever more severe even as we speak! We should move at once!"


OOC: Lockhart apparently just gained not-a-paladin-but-kinda-the-same "Detect Evil" vision. If the "morally impaired" among you could let me know, either here or in PM, that would be swell. :smallbiggrin:

2009-06-13, 03:32 AM

When Zohra says, "Does he have a name?..."

Gladen turns, grinning, and says, "His name is Brash. As to his domestication, or whether he will bite... Brash makes his own decisions. We are bound by arcane rite, so he is very intelligent. "

To Brash, Gladen communicates mentally, "She calls you warrior. Is she friend or danger or liar?"

The wolverine sniffs and licks any nearby fingers before making up his own mind.

During this, Gladen watches Baka's reaction to reading the paper, and then approaches Baka to read it himself. He immediately shares any information he knows.

When Lockhart says, "We should move at once!"...

Gladen waits for Baka to confirm the notion.

Familiars are really NPCs, right? I think Blue decides whether Brash bites.

To see if reading the paper affected Baka:
Spellcraft: [roll0]

For the word 'Necronomicon':
Knowledge Arcana: [roll1]
Evaluating the word in Elven, Draconic and Sylvan.

And then backwards:

For the word 'nocimonorceN':
Knowledge Arcana: [roll2]
Then evaluating the word in Elven, Draconic and Sylvan.

2009-06-13, 08:40 AM

Zohra continues to hold her fingers out, if the wolverine choses to lick them or not.
Hello, Brash. You are a warrior, arent you? Ive seen your kin, you are warriors.

2009-06-13, 09:29 PM

"I know not this name, or if it be, organization." Baka keeps walking in silence considering this crossing of fates. Where can this lead us? And how would this lead to the uprising of a new king?

2009-06-15, 05:32 AM
Nogar is the ragged looking dwarf that stands near with a dagger stuck into his pants. He looks away when Zohra talks of the hanging.
Nogar will drift with Gladen as he tries to push the group on.

Arnett the human fighter seems content to stay close to Zohra and Nerissis.

Brash will be cautious, but goes off his master's actions. He will see that Zohra is not a threat, and concerns himself with leading on through the woods, though makes a pass at Zohra's hand.
In response to Gladen's question, Brash thinks Zohra speaks the truth, and does like her a little better for it. Zohra will get a wolverine grunt in response, that could be interpreted as a positive vibe.
{OOC- Depends on the player, though I am perfectly willing to let the players run the familiar. I will do safe generic actions, mostly to not kill them. Same goes for their NPC followers... unless the player neglects them. :smallbiggrin:}

Gladen's knowledge:
He would've heard of this legendary ancient book of evil. Bound in humanoid flesh, it was said to contain great evil magics within its bindings.

The group will near the thick tower with a stable out front full of horses, and even perhaps a stablehand or two.

2009-06-15, 09:10 AM

When Baka said, "I know not this name, or if it be, organization."

Gladen responds automatically, academically, "A tome is a book. "

Gladen reads the name and comments authoritatively, "Your precaution in not speaking the name aloud is wise. Many faiths would hang you for seeking it, " he glances at the dwarf and continues, "although their motives would vary. If you succeed in acquiring it, apply equal wisdom to what you decide to do with it. A museum is not the... " he hesitates, "A museum would not be my choice. "

The group will near the thick tower with a stable out front full of horses, and even perhaps a stablehand or two.

Gladen halts in sight of the stables, and defers to Baka to speak for the group. Brash has left Gladen's immediate company for the first time since the strangers joined them, and he can be heard digging nearby.

2009-06-15, 09:18 AM

We certainly are not seeking it for ourselves. We, or at least they indicates Lockhart, Nerissis, Arnett and Nogar were contracted by the Museum to retrieve the book after it had been stolen from them, at least thats my understanding. I only showed up later on, and they accepted me.

Zohra moves closer to Bodiccea. You appear to be a Northerner, like myself.

2009-06-15, 01:19 PM

Gladen shrugs and responds, "To some, it would be enough that you seek it, regardless of why or for whom. They would execute you ceremoniously, or torture you until.... Well, I am simply warning you about the potential reactions of... the zealous. "

Whatever Brash is doing, it's a bit louder now, but Gladen is obviously unconcerned.

2009-06-15, 07:31 PM

The barbarian frowns. "I've not heard of that book before, but if itwould cause lotsof trouble then give me a minute with it and I can ruin it in more ways than I can count! If we happen to see this...tome...whatever it may looklike, I'll be happy to dispose of it. Perhaps it would be a good substitute for firewood or wiping paper in a pinch? But let us not waste too much time standing here when there is a friend in need of rescue!"

Ahh yes, Bodiccea once again showcases her tact...or lack thereof, and also her extreme confidence.

2009-06-15, 07:51 PM

"Enough of this tome for now. We should tend to finding your friend first. Lockhart, you are an intimidating sight, you should probably hang back some as we approach these unknown. We may want Bodiccea out front to capture their eyes for a few moments. I have seen her set more than one man at unease with just her presence. Gladen watch the tower and give us warning if needs be. Nerissis, will you know the raiders on sight? We may look like the aggressors with our numbers here. I am not as good at negotiations so you may want to open our parlay with whatever we find here."

2009-06-15, 08:00 PM

The willowy woman looks at the distinctly non-willowy barbarian.

"That is neither the deal we made with the curator, nor an idea I particularly like for myriad reasons, not the least of which is that fact that actually destroying something so evil could itself have catastrophic consequences."

She turns to Baka. "I've never seen the raiders. All we really know is that they were mounted when they took our wizard. In fact, I'm not at all sure why that didn't kill him directly. It surely means something interesting. Negotiations, I warn you beforehand, may be a bit of a mixed bag."

2009-06-15, 09:05 PM

Zohra's eyes narrow and her face darkens, but she says nothing. She moves behind Lockhart and Nerissis with nothing more than a rustle of her beads.

2009-06-15, 10:43 PM
Zohra is dark for a Northern.

Only the upper levels on the building have windows. They are shuttered, but there is light coming from within.

In the stable there is a young hostler, who looks out at Nerissis as she approaches with wonderment. The lad is a yuanese-imperial mixed ethnicity, and stands slack-jawed with her beauty.

No sign yet from the building or windows.

2009-06-15, 11:24 PM
Nerissis smiles at the boy. "Hello there, my young friend. Can you tell us who lives here?"

2009-06-16, 01:55 AM

Frigga looks at the building, the stables, the stableboy, looking for hidden dangers. Nothing seems threatening to her, but it can never hurt to be cautious.

2009-06-16, 02:10 AM
The teen hostler is nervous as the beautiful woman talks to him, "Uhm, the master Greeson, of course..." He says it as if everyone around here knew. "Is there a problem?"

2009-06-16, 05:14 AM

Gladen keeps a keen eye on their surroundings.

Brash, bit scuffed up, drags a scuffier and freshly dead badger from the brush, bringing it to Zohra. He seems quite proud of himself.

Spot: [roll0]

2009-06-16, 11:04 AM

Zohra keeps one eye on the building as she bends down to the wolverine's level
What have we here? I knew you were a warrior after all

She bends even lower, and whispers something else to wolverine, in a voice too low for anyone to hear. As she does so, she scratches him fondly behind the ears, and sees if he likes being petted as well.

2009-06-16, 12:28 PM

"There is no trouble young man. These are fine horses that you care for here." Baka steps forward and inspects the horses politely.

Wild empathy: [roll0]
Search: [roll1]
Spot: [roll2]

"We have been traveling west, but we do not know your master. Is he a noble in these lands?"

2009-06-16, 06:44 PM
"He is lord of this domain." the teen answers Baka sheepishly. He is still quite intimidated by Nerissis' sex appeal.

While the group is around this area, Gladen's sharp eyes will spot someone peeking out of a top-story window through the shutters... but only for a moment.

2009-06-16, 06:58 PM

Nerissis loops her arm around Baka's shoulders casually to confer more authority on him in the eyes of the stablehand while she searches her memory for any information on this provincial noble.

Know (Nobility)- [roll0]

2009-06-17, 11:49 AM

Baka looks over the number of horses thinking this may indicate the number of people in the tower. He is also looking to see if they show indications of being ridden recently. "Evening is coming, but I believe your Lord has already seen our approach and will soon send someone here to greet us. How long has your master been lord of these lands?" Baka looks about the tower again. There is too much we cannot see and do not know here.

"Gladen, I would not want these horses to get upset by the presence of a wild animal. Perhaps you could ask your pet to look for some raiding squirrels out back?"

2009-06-17, 12:01 PM

Frigga turns to the stablehand, asking "I hope we do not disturb your master. We would not ask for his hospitality if he was unwilling to take us in!"

2009-06-17, 01:18 PM

Zohra straightens up from "talking" to Brash, and comes over to where Baka and Nerissis are talking to the young stablehand. She gives him a smile designed to bring a blush to even the most experienced.
But we do hope he can extend hospitality to us. The ground is just so uncomfortable after so many nights, and cold, hard trail tack...well, lets just say a hot meal would be heavenly, you might even say sensous she says, adding a wink to him.

2009-06-17, 02:12 PM

Gladen moves away from the horses but keeps within sight of the main door and the window that had a peeper. He calls Brash over, "Friend, come, wary strangers."

Brash comes over and starts sniffing the area around Gladen.

2009-06-17, 04:43 PM

Baka walks over by Gladen for a moment. "Have you seen anything? I was hoping you could send Brash around the back to see if there are others here, maybe planning a surprise for us. He would be the least noticed and excusable of us." If Gladen agrees he returns to the others.

2009-06-17, 06:00 PM

Gladen shakes his head curtly. "I see nothing but due caution. And Brash stays with me. Someone might attack him to defend their chickens, or to get his coat, and then I'd have anoth... we'd have a dead peasant to explain."

Brash is busy removing bark from a tree nearby, but pauses and then snorts loudly when Gladen stops speaking. Gladen communicates to Brash, "not funny."

Gladen resumes speaking, "Someone should go knocking -- that boy wouldn't leave the stables if they were afire."

2009-06-17, 10:45 PM
Baka will see 10 horses are in the stable, though on the trail they followed he and Gladen only counted six horsemen. Baka makes the hostler nervous, though Nerissis presence eases him. "Uhm... Master Greeson's been about for about 8 months. Since the baron disappeared about 2 years ago."
To Frigga he answers, "Not sure the master likes guests. Right now he's got visitors."
Nervously he looks into the stable where a girl in dirty overalls comes out from watering the horses. She is more curious about you all. He speaks as she approaches. "You kin stay with us, but... we live down the way in a cottage."

Marielle nods in agreement to going to the front door, and will volunteer to knock on the door if there are no objections.

Nerissis knowledge:
Greeson is likely one of the many nobles of the empire. Gateskeep has been a haven for low-ranking nobles looking to make a name for themselves. Greeson's family name would be more helpful. He is unknown, but he also might be a new upstart, and not from old money. Wizards are also known for taking land and calling themselves lords.... especially here in the kingdom of Gateskeep.

2009-06-18, 12:51 AM

Nerissis flashes the boy a brilliant, knee-buckling smile, but nods at the suggestion about the front door.

"Of course; we ought to present ourselves properly! We mustn't be uncouth!" She smiles again, and her companions may get the sense that she's thinking about other things, and has decided on being a vapid and social beauty for the time being.

She arranges her hands to cover her own gold signet ring and trots to the front door, pulling Baka with her. Once they get out of earshot of the stable boy, her smile becomes sharper and her eyes more alert. "We can pretend to be a hunting party. Baka, you and I are wealthy city landowners enjoying a rustic time in the country, Lockhart and..." she falters, looking at the large and mostly nude barbarian woman, "Uh- don't know your name... You two can be guards, Gladen, you can be our guide, Zohra, my lady-in-waiting, and Frigga, our... Um. Hm. Well, I'm sure you can work something out."

"We were having such a wonderful hunt that we lost track of time, and we don't want to be walking back to our own place when night falls. If the lord of this keep did kidnap our friend, his reaction to unexpected guests will be instructive." She tosses her pack to Arnett or Nogar. "Here, you two can be more guards and servants."

The graceful woman looks at the group, and her eyes go wide again as her bright grin resumes it's sparkly and vacant facade. "Oh, this will be justtoo darling!" She claps her hands with exaggerated, idiot delight and, reaching the door, knocks firmly.

2009-06-18, 01:03 AM

"Frigga, our... Um. Hm. Well, I'm sure you can work something out."

"...spiritual advisor? I am not good at spreading falsehood, my newfound friend. Let's see where this ploy of yours takes us, then."

Frigga steps up so she can stand at the side, close to the door but not in the center of attention.

2009-06-18, 04:49 AM
Marielle is there when the group knocks on the large metal framed door of the building. The only one on this front side of the building. There is a back way around the round building, a pathway through the garden as well.

There is a long wait so anyone needing to prep anything will have time.

Eventually there is the sound of many locks being moved, and the large door creaks open. A tiny hunched back man answers. He wears an old black robe, "May I help you?" He says in a strange crackly voice. His face covered with moles

2009-06-18, 05:14 AM

[During prep time]
Gladen comments quietly, "We need details of our hunt. We killed 5 deer over these past three days each at least 8 points, our minimum standard, and they are hung to drain. Since noon we've tracked a strangely large wolf, and that is why we are empty handed and lost track of time."

Gladen takes out a muzzle, and then he and Brash engage in a quiet contest of wills. Ultimately, Brash wears the muzzle, but observers get the impression he was not defeated -- rather, a bargain was struck. Gladen looks both annoyed and amused.

Brash tests the range of movement of his jaw.

2009-06-18, 06:08 AM

Zohra assumes a properly deferential position, behind both the "guards", where she will be mostly out of sight, but able to see what happens up front. She chants softly for a moment, and then tosses a set of dice in the air, catching them before they fall, and slipping them back in a pouch. She then busies herself, seemingly arranging her beads and jewelry.

2009-06-18, 02:12 PM

Lounging casually against a wall in the waiting area, Lockhart keeps his mouth shut but his eyes open. During the wait period, he seems to mutter an incantation to the Allfather, an invocation against evil, but is otherwise silent.


He's casting Protection From Evil. It won't last long, but may help.

2009-06-18, 04:15 PM
The hunchback at the door looks out expectantly. "Are you at the wrong tower?"

2009-06-18, 05:11 PM

"Since we were looking for no tower in particular, I don't think we have found the wrong one. It has been a long day." Baka turns to Nerissis, "Tell him my chuma. You are better at these explanations."

2009-06-18, 05:34 PM
The mole covered face looks at Nerissis. He seems attracted to her and smiles. {Regardless of the form she/he is in now.}

2009-06-18, 05:49 PM

Nerissis smiles at the hunchback and waves the arm that isn't wrapped around Baka. "Oh, do forgive us sir, but my husband and our retinue were enjoying a hunt in the woods, and we seem to have lost track of time. We were so hoping that we could strain your master's hospitality for the evening and stay here? I'd really rather not walk back in the dark..." She pulls in slightly closer to Baka, as if she doesn't even like the idea of nightfall.

Bluff: [roll0]

2009-06-19, 05:55 AM
The hunchback wants to scowl, but answers politely, "The master is busy. He wants no visitors. There is a village near here. No come here. Sorry."

2009-06-19, 11:41 AM

Leaning close to Baka and facing away from the attendant, Lockhart whispers "if we back down now, that may well be the end of it. A rapid assault from this close range would obliterate many defenses with ease... if we are now convinced that they are against us."

2009-06-19, 01:36 PM
Nerissis continues to wheedle with the hunchback.

"Could we see him even briefly to present our case personally? We'd be very grateful."

Diplomacy- [roll0]

Mod is +19, so a total of 25.

2009-06-19, 05:30 PM

Baka wonders at this play that they are putting on. But since it has already started...
He looks squarely at the hunchback. "We did not ask for visitation. We have knocked on your door as strangers, we did not call out to your master as our friend because we did not know him. We have asked for hospitality, not a servant's blunt tongue." Baka glances at Nerissis, somewhat indignant. "I do not understand the rudeness of your people here." He looks again at the servant. "It would be a small courtesy of your master to at least come down and advise us. Go and deliver your messages." Baka turns away as if to wait, and not questioning non-compliance.

If the servant is paused or leaves for to get his master, Baka will slowly walk about the yard, not wandering far from where they came. Given the chance he will also talk with Lockhart, and Gladen or Bodiccea.

To Lockhart: "Do you mean you would rather walk away now or push this through? We know nothing here. I would not push much right now."

To Gladen and/or Bodiccea: "We should talk more to the stablehand to find out about those that ride the horses. Who normally rides them? Have there been any strangers, other than us about? When were they last ridden? We must walk away from this soon if we know nothing. I sympathize with these travelers for the loss of their friend, but I would not push aggressively here without provocation or reason."

To Frigga: "Is it possible for you to detect any of their intentions here? Is there evil cast about this place? Could you even locate their friend with Freya's help?"

2009-06-19, 11:09 PM

With nothing to do at the present, Zohra simply moves closer to Nerissis, maintaining the deferential pose of a serving girl.
Is there something my lady wishes?

2009-06-20, 04:20 AM

Gladen waits impatiently while the ruse seems about to fail. He tries to see whether there are observers or eavesdroppers besides the hunchback. Spot: [roll0]; Listen: [roll1]

Brash starts sniffing and scratching the ground at the base of the tower, testing to see if it will yield to burrowing. Gladen communicates to Brash, "good, smart friend. tell me, can dig?"

[If the hunchback leaves...]
Gladen whispers to Lockhart, "Make your accusation. Either they have your friend, or not. If you want to find out, the time is now. If we are repelled, Brash has another plan."

2009-06-21, 04:33 AM
Brash thinks he can dig easily around here.

The hunchback is annoyed with Nerissis, but she still manages to keep him from slamming the door. Baka's presumptuousness pushes him over the edge, and he raises his arms in frustration slamming the door providing the group time to discuss things as need in private for a moment.

During this time Gladen will spot two spies from two different windows peering through the shutters. They look like human eyes.

When the hunchback goes back in the eyes in the shutters pull back, and you will wait nearly a half hour. Finally the hunchback opens the door and snaps, "Go away! He wants nothing to do with any of you!!" He is almost apologetic to Nerissis as he says this through the partially opened door.

2009-06-21, 10:07 AM

Zohra pleads with the hunchback when he opens the door again
Its getting late out here, please let us in
Suggestion DC:19

2009-06-21, 03:37 PM
The Hunchback groans at the Suggestion, but swings the door open to a dark entry chamber.

2009-06-21, 07:37 PM

Zohra steps back from the door with smug look at Baka and Nerissis, making room for them to enter first.

2009-06-21, 08:10 PM

Nerissis smiles at Zohra briefly but hangs on Baka's arm and looks around like a well-heeled noblewoman. She's fine with whatever plan the others work up.

2009-06-22, 12:41 AM

As the doorman steps back out of sight Frigga quickly casts Protection from Evil on herself, then follows the others into the house.

2009-06-22, 04:35 AM
Lockhart {will likely} charge right into the entry hall. The hunchback makes no attempt to stop the racing orc. Lockhart will get in the tapestry decorated hall and to the rear-door here with no trouble.

2009-06-22, 07:29 AM

Gladen communicates to Brash, "Follow close calm". Then Gladen enters the tower, moving to a point in the entry hall where he has room to move more, if needed, and his back to an outer wall. Brash follows, closely, calmly.
Spot: [roll0]; Listen: [roll1]

2009-06-22, 11:17 AM
The group will be able to get into the entry way without incident, and Lockhart thinks he can kick in the main door in the rear of this hall.

2009-06-22, 01:04 PM

Zohra repeats her actions of a half hour ago, making some motions with her hands, and then tossing a set of dice into the air, catching them before they hit the ground.
recasting improvisation, seeing as the points have to be spent in limited time

2009-06-22, 02:42 PM

After his initial excitability at gaining entrance, the burly orc will peer suspiciously around himself, pacing back and forth around his end of the room and keeping his sharp eyes out for whatever other exits this room may have.

(( Spot: [roll0] ))

2009-06-22, 02:44 PM
OOC- Not sure how improv will effect things...

After the hunchback realizes he's been tricked he will cower in fear from the mighty group rushing in.

2009-06-22, 03:00 PM
Nerissis smiles at the hunchback brilliantly, and there's an almost palpable rush of arcane energy through the air as she casts Charm Person to calm him down.

DC 20, because I presume he's not flat-footed. Otherwise, 21.

2009-06-22, 03:15 PM
The hunchback smiles brightly at Nerissis, he is quite charmed.

2009-06-22, 05:46 PM

Zohra looks around in the room as well, looking for other doors out of the room. Her face is currently an unreadable mask.

2009-06-22, 06:12 PM

What, Osiris, have we walked ourselves into? Baka steps through the doors as the hunchback 'welcomes' them into the front audience room. He casts his gaze about the room, but mostly sees that everyone else is quickly searching and assessing their situation. He turns back to Nerissis as she casts her charm spell. "Well, the man is now yours. You should inquire, of your lost friend, as subtly as you can. Have there been any recent... they would probably have called it a hunting party, to disguise it from the servant staff?"

2009-06-22, 06:20 PM
Nerissis nods to her 'husband' and disentangles herself, gliding over to the hunchback and lowering herself a little to get closer to him.

"I just had the most horrible thought," she says to him. "Are we interrupting your lord while he's with other guests?"

2009-06-23, 12:47 AM

Frigga takes in the scene, looking for dangers. As everything seems to be well for now she takes up position close to a wall. "What have we done now? The poor servant..." she thinks. "Freya protect us, I hope the Lord of this house is either as evil as they seem to think or even more generous"

2009-06-23, 05:42 AM
The charmed hunchback answers Nerissis, "Why yes. He's dealing with slave traders."

Zohra sees nothing here, though Gladen will notice a secret door outline at the base of a tapestry to your right upon entering.

Marielle, Nogar, and Arnett are outside guarding the rear, but staying in the treeline for now.

2009-06-23, 06:05 AM

"Slave traders? Seems they were right after all!"

2009-06-23, 06:05 AM

Zohra's face goes even darker at the hunchbacks words.

You say that so casually. Just a bunch of slave traders. Nothing special. Doesnt matter to you how many lives slave traders have ruined. Doesnt matter how many innocent women have their lives wrecked by slavery.

Zohra turns so that the hunchback cannot see her for a moment.

The slave traders? She makes a slashing motion across her throat.

2009-06-23, 06:41 AM
The charmed hunchback is still friendly, but defensive when talk of the slavers comes up, "It is a legitimate business. The empire suppresses it and allows it whenever they want it, but not honest businessmen. These ones had no women, just some wizard I think."

2009-06-23, 06:59 AM

Gladen moves to the secret door and says to Nerissis, "Ask him about this door, maybe it leads to the... negotiations." And then presses his ear to it, Listen: [roll0], and then looks for the opening mechanism (without using it), Spot: [roll1].

Brash sniffs at the bottom of the door.

2009-06-23, 12:19 PM

Lockhart addresses Frigga. "Perhaps there is a better invocation at this time than Queen of the Valkyries, Possessor of the Slain. But what have we yet done to incriminate ourselves? We merely talked to a servant who admitted us, did we not? But now that we know that this is the right place..."

Lockhart grins intently, revealing far too many teeth.

2009-06-23, 12:34 PM

Baka relaxes some as their latest discoveries come forward. It is one thing to come into someones house under false precepts. But, a kidnapper will finally have to deal with justice finding them. "A wizard? That would be a valuable asset for your master I am sure, friend. What did he look like?"

2009-06-23, 05:21 PM
"Not sure what he looked like. They had a bag over his head, and he was naked. Might've been a Yuanese-imperial mixed man, though... not that I know what a naked man looks like."

The hunchback has no idea about the secret door.

Gladen hears nothing through the stone wall, and can find a switch-button behind the tapestry.

2009-06-23, 06:09 PM

Baka looks to the new friends. "Is this your man?"

Also to the hunchback, "A negotiation like this must be lengthy and detailed. Where does your master conduct such business?"

2009-06-23, 07:48 PM

Holding aside the tapestry with one hand, Gladen says, "This should open it," and activates the switch. Then he pushes the door just open enough to see whether the room or passage beyond is lit. Brash makes one hop backwards, suspicious of the moving wall. Spot: [roll0]; Listen: [roll1]

[If not lit...] Gladen says, "Can one of you provide light?"
[If he sees an obvious immediate danger (monster or armored person with a drawn weapon)...] Gladen steps away, letting the tapestry go back to normal, and says, "Trouble!"

2009-06-24, 02:45 AM
Bodiccea has been seething silently all this time. In fact, this is an AMAZING show of self-control considering who she is. She was a slave for a time in the past, and just the mere thought of it fills her with rage. "This...empire...ALLOWS this...TREACHERY against all that is sacred to sapient life? These lands are more corrupt than I thought. If...if it weren'tfor the fact we need information and assistance against a greater evil, I'd personallyraze this empire to the GROUND!"

2009-06-24, 02:58 AM

Frigga steps close to Bodi, carefully lays a hand on her shoulder and quietly says: "I know what you must feel, let's tackle this one step at a time, starting here. Let's end this local problem, then go on and see what we can do about the bigger picture."

2009-06-24, 09:04 AM

Zohra is a bit startled, and a bit alarmed, by the ferocious outburst of the heretofore quiet barbarian woman and takes an inadvertant step backwards. When she realizes that Bodiccea is directing her anger at the slavers and not her, she relaxes somewhat, and even takes a step towards her, seeing her as a potential ally in this affair. She readies herself for whatever Gladen has uncovered, and watches the opening.

2009-06-24, 11:01 PM

Baka walks over to Bodiccea. Standing in front of Bodiccea he reaches out and clasps her shoulder solidly, as warrior to warrior. "The gods have found room for many things. Including justice."

2009-06-25, 12:00 AM

Nerissis is occupying herself with fawning over the hunchback and twittering appreciative things about how helpful he's been and how kind it was of him to let her into the tower away from the darkness, and how her mother, bless her soul, had always said that when someone did you a good turn you should repay them in kind, and happily, and...

As she rambles on, looking flawlessly like a charming but vapid aristocrat, she rolls her eyes almost imperceptibly to herself at the lofty and romantic ideas of her new groupmates.

2009-06-25, 03:16 AM

"Do not talk of justice! We are not the Elders, nor the Assemblage, nor the human Courts, nor do we have any other sort of authority to find or punish guilt. We are not justice. We are perhaps vengeance, perhaps righteous, but we are not justice."

You've yet to see Lockhart upset, but this seems to have struck a nerve.

2009-06-25, 04:35 AM
"The master conducts his business on the 3rd floor in his private quarters." he looks at Baka, still a little wary.

The hunchback flinches a little at Bodi's rage.
The hunchback is like putty in Nerissis' hands. She can also calm him from Lockhart's bursts of rage.

When Gladen opens the secret door, the hunchback is quite surprised to see that a study is beyond right here. A surprised orc warrior roars at the opening with battle axe. Another younger orc is at a desk across the room. He grabs on of the scrolls before him. The wall is sound-proofed, but Gladen will be able to react as the orc gets mad. This room is well lit with lamps.

Gladen can drop the tapestry, blocking most of the doorway.

2009-06-25, 01:32 PM

Lockhart steps beside the curtain, sword in hand, and prepares to clothesline the first thing that comes through that curtain at anything more than a walking pace.


Five foot step into position, move action to draw, standard to prepare his Readied Action.

If needed....
Attack: [roll0]
Damage (spending one IP): [roll1]

2009-06-25, 03:18 PM

"Trouble! " says Gladen, as he drops the tapestry and moves back at an angle, but not letting the tapestry block the scroll-bearer's view of him. Seeing Lockhart's positioning, Brash smartly steps to the opposite position, with the hairs on his back rising as he prepares for a fight.

Now 10 feet from the door, Gladen prepares to shoot the scroll-bearing orc during spellcasting.

Initiative: [roll0]

Readied v. Scroll-bearing orc if he casts
Composite Longbow +1, Composite+1, Shock (within 30ft)
Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] P&S; [roll3] electricity;
Skirmish: [roll4] precision P&S;
Tumble: [roll5]

Readied v. Ax-bearing orc if he steps between him and Lockhart
Aiding Another [Lockhart's attack bonus]
Claw Attack: [roll6] [if this beats 10, +2 to Lockhart's Attack]

2009-06-25, 07:12 PM

Lockhart and Nerissis are unsurprised as they have seen it before, but to the amazement of her new companions, as battle looms, Zohra begins to sway in a sexy dance, while making a quick casting motion with her hands. For some reason, Zohra's dance and her accompanying spell seem to fill you with confidence and courage. Your stirkes are more true, and seem to do more damage as they connect.

Bardic Inspire Courage coupled with Inspirational Boost, +2 to hit, +2 on damage

2009-06-25, 09:29 PM

Nerissis looks surprised and jumps behind the hunchback with a small "eep!" noise. As long as the hunchback isn't attacking them, she's going to play her part to the hilt; he still might be useful.

She's now standing behind him, peering over his shoulder. She readies an action to subtly cast Haste on her allies if the situation explodes into combat.

2009-06-26, 12:58 AM

Frigga steps over to stand beside Brash, spear in hand, shield ready. If anything comes to attack them she can use her spear to attack over Brash.

2009-06-26, 04:25 PM

Baka hears Lockhart's frustration with his new companions behind him. Instead of cutting off his assumptions, he continues to engage Bodiccea to make sure that she has full control of herself. She has a trained warrior's skill, but sometimes a barbarian's temper. Seeing her resolute nod he gives a small smile.

So many assumptions. I did not think that Lockhart had so much of the city in his head. Baka turns to respond, "You assume I..."
He is cut off by Gladen, "Trouble!"
He finishes, "Another time. Gladen? What is our situation?"

I'd like to indicate to Bodi to clear the path, without killing anyone if possible, but I'm not sure what Baka saw in the door. "Orcs in the Lord's house! We thought he was under attack or being stolen from."

2009-06-27, 07:02 AM
When the tapestry is dropped it blocks the passage way nearly completely. Gladen won't be able to shoot the scroll bearer.

Zohra the dancing bard is inspiring.... to say the least. {Inspiringly sexy! +2}

With the group readying for combat, the hunchback cowers, and Nerissis will actually have to fight a little to get behind him.

The orc on the other side of the tapestry rages, and charges through the tapestry with his axe up, full bore. Lockhart instead splits the tapestry and the orc with his own axe. As this happens there is a fiery explosion that heats the study. When the shard of tapestry settles from Lockhart's blow and the now dead orc topples in a bloody mess, Gladen will see that the other orc apparently blew up himself and much of the room in a fireball. The books and tables in this study are almost entirely destroyed.

2009-06-27, 07:49 AM

Zohra watches the dust settle with her mouth slightly open.
Why do I think that was no accident? Whatever could have been garnered from that room is gone now, and it takes a special kind of fanaticism to be willing to destroy yourself for the cause. Plus, any element of surprise we might have had just went away.

2009-06-27, 12:12 PM

The barbarian shakes her head as she lowers her falchion, Vera. "Amonst my people it is not unknown for warriors to willingly die for their cause, but this...this seems a bit much. Whatever it is these monsters were hiding, it's very valuable, and this just proves the our urgency!"


Intimidate - [roll0]

2009-06-27, 04:38 PM
Dying in battle for your cause is something I understand as well. Blowing yourself up with magic before you even know what you are facing is another thing altogether.

Zohra walks into the room, looking to see if there is anything interesting to salvage from the blast.


2009-06-27, 08:11 PM
The hunchback is frightened of Bodiccea, and squirms under her grasp, "He was a very important student of the master! A prince among orcs! His death is on your head now!!! That was his guardian who would die to save him!" He points to the orc warrior cut in two by Lockhart. The hunchback is very frightened by the near naked warrior, and any charm of Nerissis' is fading.

A few books may be found by Zohra, but anything on the desks and tables is charred or splintered by the blast. There is a door in the back part of the room. The shelves are toppled, and it is quite a mess in here. Nothing magical as all the scrolls were destroyed in the explosion.

2009-06-27, 08:39 PM

Gladen moves to the center of the fiery explosion and looks around. He is trying to assess whether the orc sacrificed himself purposely, or if this was a spell mishap.

Brash enters the study and begins sniffing at Gladen's feet.

Knowledge Arcana: [roll0]
Spellcraft: [roll1]

2009-06-27, 10:27 PM

Nudging the split orc with his foot, Lockhart grunts. "This one sounds like a good man. I will honour his death later. A 'prince' who would not fight for his title is worth no honour though." He then begins searching the fallen body and the room behind for any signs or value not destroyed already.


Blue - I'm temporarily without the link to Lockhart's sheet. I can probably retrieve it tomorrow, but can you check it for this one Search mod? He'll spend a second IP to boost it by +3 (and now can't boost Search again today).

2009-06-28, 04:39 PM

Zohra picks up a book at random and glances at it for a moment before discarding it as useless. She moves over to the door.
We've got a door back here, unless you think going another route would be better. Perhaps you 'persuade' our guide to enlighten us.

2009-06-28, 04:41 PM

Nerissis notices the hunchback getting more skittish, and begins to let her naive noblewoman guise slip a bit. She waves a hand impatiently at the man. "Help us."

Suggestion, DC 22.

2009-06-29, 03:52 AM
Gladen will spot a melted golden glob on the young dead orc's chest, presumably his talisman or pendant. Still worth some gold their appears to be a blue gemstone at the heart of it. It appears to be an old wizard's study... or once was.

Some of these books are dissertations on certain herbs. One book on blue raspberries encompasses 3 thick volumes. Another tome details thousands of ways to cook the stinking garlic.

Nerissis commandeers the hunchback's will again, though he still respects you all in a fearful way. He eyes the split orc still oozing on the stone floor. He bows to Nerissis. "What do you want my masters?"

Lockhart (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=117250)

2009-06-29, 06:59 AM

Gladen takes the orb from the body [using water from his waterskin if it's still too hot, using an arrow to pry it away if it's stuck to the flesh]. He holds the orb up for all to see, saying, "He wore this, but it's melted. Let me search for traps before we open anything. " Then he seaches both the desk and the other door for traps.

Brash is sulking in the corner, disappointed he didn't get to fight. He is sharping his claws on a stone wall.

Desk: [roll0]
Door: [roll1]

2009-06-29, 09:30 AM

Zohra looks to Gladen and the medallion.
Can I take a look at that medallion, I may be able to identify the emblem or the design

[roll0] Bardic Knowledge

2009-06-29, 09:41 AM

Gladen hands over the medallion distractedly as he heads for the desk.

2009-06-29, 09:57 AM

Frigga stands by the door, waiting for potential new enemies. She has a confused look on her face while she looks around.

2009-06-29, 09:22 PM
Zohra examines the medallion as Gladen searches for more in the room, and determines it was likely an emblem of nobility. It is now too destroyed for recognition, and was likely more valuable before it was melted as is, it is still valuable.

Gladen finds more tedious wizard notes among the surviving papers. The most interesting appears to be a list of summoned monsters, and their brief descriptions. Much of the list is damaged, unfortunately. Nothing of real value seems to be here other than more basic wizard manuals, and other esoteric books that make little sense to most laymen.

Gladen thinks this fireball was an accident.

2009-06-29, 11:01 PM

Baka follows everyone into the room and stands near the door as everyone fans out to investigate. After a bit, seeing that nothing substantial is found in the remains, Baka comments, "I do not see the remains of a human wizard here, which means..." Baka glances at the hunchback, "which means that there were no slave tradings here. Gladen, search that next door for traps. We should press on... who knows why such orcs would be here."

2009-06-29, 11:19 PM

Nerissis puts a hand on the hunchback's shoulder.

"How is your master guarded? Did the slavers bring guards of their own?"

2009-06-30, 04:30 AM

Gladen shares his conclusion that the 'self-sacrifice' was probably a spell mishap. "It looks like an apprentice used his master's scroll. I think we can expect to meet another wizard of greater stature. "

Gladen moves to the other door and searches for traps. [OOC: the roll above was 29]

Brash joins Zohra in looking at the amulet.

2009-06-30, 06:20 AM

Zohra shows the amulet to Brash, as he (or she for that matter) sniffs at it, she scratches him behind the ears. She waits for the rest of the party to complete their examination of the room, moving to take up a position to be in the second or third row through the door.
Whatever symbol this amulet may have stood for, it represents nothing now, except for whatever hunk of gold you can pull out of it...and the small gemstone that lies within

2009-07-01, 11:53 AM

Baka thinks about Gladen's comments for a few moments. "If there is already a great wizard present here, and an apprentice... why would they be talking to slave traders about purchasing another? All is not right here." While thinking, Baka slowly paces about the room, trying not to bump into anything.

2009-07-01, 04:13 PM

Those that trade in slaves often want more than one of anything. If they have one harem girl, they want a second. And then a third. And so on. So if he has one good wizard, he'll want a second.
As well, its my understanding that Belsamber was entrusted with certain...files...about the members of this team, at least the ones that started out. That would be Lockhart, Nerissis and Arnott. They would rather those files not become common knowledge.

2009-07-01, 11:19 PM

"Bah, I have little enough to hide, but Bel was one of us and I do not abandon a tri-... teammate so easily. Come, we have made too much noise and tarried long enough, this should be time for swift action!"

Lockhart quickly moves to the nearest visible entrance, and presses his ear against it.


Listen: [roll0]

If he doesn't hear anything, he'll signal to the others, counting down from three on his fingers, and (if nothing's happened by the time he hits 1) he'll open the door.

2009-07-02, 02:53 AM
Bodiccea just shakes her head and sighs. "I have heard of shamans who can ask the Powers to guide them and perhaps shed some light on mysteries. Can any of us ask the powers that be to guide us to find your companion?"

2009-07-02, 03:18 AM

"I don't know the person in question at all so I can not help you there. Maybe we should go and look for the master of this wonderful house, he should know!"

2009-07-02, 05:04 AM
"There were a half dozen or so slavers. I don't know if they were anything other than armored warriors. My master, however, has magical guardians... constructs, that you best be wary of." The hunchback answers Nerissis.

Gladen sees the door from the entryway and door in the study, both seem to lead to the same place, and both don't seem to be trapped.

Lockhart will hear nothing... at either door.
When Lockhart bursts one of the doors open he finds it leads to a large stone stairwell hall. There is a spiral stair up, the door to the study, the door to the entry hall, and another unopened door here.

2009-07-02, 04:45 PM

Gladen moves into the stairwell behind Lockhart, calling mentally to Brash, "Stay close, friend." Aloud to the others he says, "No traps yet but I should keep checking. "

Checking the unopened door for traps: Search [roll0]
If safe, he puts an ear to the door: Listen [roll1]
Passive noticing of secret doors: Search [roll2]

Brash knows the word 'trap' and keeps Lockhart between him and the door Gladen is checking.

2009-07-02, 08:23 PM
No traps on the other door on the opposite wall from the study.

It appears quiet on the other side. It is locked, but easily picked or broken. This door is flimsy.

2009-07-03, 01:39 AM
bodiccea has a worried look on her face. "In my experience, wizards in towers have better defenses than this. We must be careful. Nothing is ever as easy as it seems!" she says as she follows close behind, her falchion at the ready.

2009-07-03, 10:56 AM

Gladen responds to Bodi's comment as he works, saying, "The warrior is correct. Any wizard who hasn't secured his doors will have extra securities on his person... " When he finishes, he adds, "
I find no traps on this door, and no sounds beyond it. The door is, however, locked."

He moves over by Brash and scratches his head. Gladen's body language indicates that opening the door is not his task. Brash stretches his neck a bit to optimize Gladen's scratches.

2009-07-03, 01:20 PM

"I like how you think, Bodiccea! It is right to mistrust what seems too easy. However, anything is possible and caution can lead to defeat faster than recklessness. That said, let us see about this door."

Lockhart will look at the door for a few moments, check where the hinges are and where the bolt is likely to be, and (if nobody protests) kick in the door.

2009-07-03, 03:38 PM

"Our presence is already announced. If your friend is her, let's choose our fate and move to it." Baka sees Lockhart moving on the door. "As good as any. Let's go."

2009-07-03, 05:58 PM
Lockhart can kick in the flimsy door here with no problem. Inside is a kitchen. It is sizable, with large ovens for feasts as well as several storage cabinets and two large sinks. Against one wall is another door. This one small, as if it might lead to a wine cellar. There is no-one here... it seems, though activity as if a dinner was being prepared is evident; as if they stopped mid-prep.

2009-07-04, 07:25 AM

You can confirm it with your charmed hunchback, but wouldnt the masters study be on one of the upper levels? We did see movement and someone watching us from up there while we waited.

2009-07-05, 11:48 AM

Gladen frowns at Zohra's comment but says nothing. He ignores the kitchen and proceeds to check the stairs for traps. Brash sniffs the air of the kitchen, hoping for meat or mushrooms as Gladen works.

Checking the stairs for traps: Search [roll0]
Passive noticing of secret doors: Search [roll1]

2009-07-05, 12:04 PM

Lockhart nods respectfully to Gladen, pulling something resembling a tuning fork out of his pack. "Perhaps the two of us should work together, if you are worried about traps. Together we can cover ground twice as fast!"

2009-07-05, 12:23 PM

Zohra sees what Brash is up to, and checks to see if there is any meat to toss to him, and if she finds any, she will.

2009-07-05, 08:52 PM
Lockhart's Search: [roll0]

2009-07-05, 10:18 PM

Ner reaches down and idly scratches Brash behind the ears. "Our friend here," she says, waving to the hunchback she's been pulling along. "mentioned that 'the master' was conducting his business on the 3rd floor, in his private quarters."

2009-07-06, 07:17 AM
The wolverine, Brash, strolls through the kitchen and growls at the wine cellar door, as if he smells humans beyond the door.

Gladen {and Lockhart} find no traps on the stairs. The stairs above lead to a landing with 2 doorways. The spiral stair continues up as well.

2009-07-06, 01:08 PM

An empty kitchen. That is never a good sign in a manor such as this. Baka moves into the kitchen and peers up the stairs. "We should move up. Gladen, Lockhart, check those doors for their friend." Noticing Brash's digging actions, Baka understands the brave animals indications. "Frigga, there are people down here. Probably the kitchen staff, but we should check. Back me up. Nerissis, we may need you to calm them and convince them to stay put." Baka moves to open the cellar door and cautiously look down into the cellar.

2009-07-06, 02:50 PM

A wide grin crosses Lockhart's face - finally, a leader who knows how to give orders! "Yes, Baka!"


Take 10 on this Search as well, so 29.

2009-07-07, 12:11 AM
Bodi looks a bit bored since she knows naught about traps, but she is still alert for any sor tof dangers that may present itself. "Can't we just make the hunchback go first? That way he'll be sure to tell us of any traps as to not set them off himself!"

2009-07-07, 12:42 AM

Frigga keeps close to Bodi, following her orders.

2009-07-07, 06:47 AM
There are basically four chambers on this first floor. The central entry hall, the kitchen, the study, and the large spiral stair room. The building is in a rough circle. A tower built and modified from the days of the old war-wizard towers.

Baka and Lockhart will find that the wine cellar is boarded up and blocked, as they enter farther into the kitchen. Lockhart could destroy the door without effort, and it appears not to be trapped.

Bodiccea and Frigga will be in the adjacent room with the stairs, it seems safe all the way up. The hunchback will stay in the entry hall unless forced along.

2009-07-07, 10:44 AM

Gladen says, "I'd rather not further frighten whoever has hidden themselves in the cellar. I think we should proceed upstairs. "

Brash, by the cellar door, makes exagerated pantomimed hiding motions, covering his eyes with his front paws, then looking around, then hiding again. He is clearly amusing himself, if no one else.

2009-07-07, 06:21 PM
Bodi frowns. "It may e bad tactics to just leave a spot behind us unchecked. How can we be sure that nothing dangerous will rise from the cellars behind us when we are engaged with something else ahead?"

2009-07-07, 08:12 PM

Lockhart nods towards Bodi. "You think like I think! And yet, something may come from above while we are engaged with the cellars. Either way, we should move fast." He gives Baka a meaningful eyebrow.

2009-07-08, 07:08 AM
Brash snuggles up to Lockhart and growls at the cellar door some more.:smallcool:

Gladen will hear activity above as he stands at the base of the spiral stair near the priestess, Frigga.

2009-07-08, 08:27 AM

Zohra taps her foot impatiently, waiting for the "leaders" of the party to make a decision
Up...or down...it seems pretty simple to me.

2009-07-08, 11:24 AM

Baka stands considering for a moment. The real reason for his silence is his sudden realization. Most here are looking to him for leadership! His father was the war captain, his mother the priestess, but he had always chosen to stay away from such responsibilities, choosing instead to follow Osiris in his call to push back the evil from his creation. Was it this spear? A beautiful and power ful thing, but did it come with an unknown mantle? Chigani had used it well before him. If this is your path, the new horizon you have chosen for me, then I will go.... grudgingly.

Baka turns to Frigga. "We have not come here to pillage." Glancing at the hunchback, Baka tries to choose his words carefully. "But instead to help. I say we move up and take what comes. Ask the servant where the slaves are kept. Are there any other entrances to that cellar, or any of the 'master's creations' down there? "

2009-07-08, 02:04 PM

"Yes, Baka!". Lockhart vaults up the stairs on his long legs, and tries the handle on the first door he comes to. If it resists, he'll pause a moment until others get up there, and then give it a heavy orcish shoulder to think about.

2009-07-08, 06:04 PM

Gladen mentally tells Brash to guard the kitchen door, "Guard door, friend. Scare the cowards. Follow me if fierce men come." Then Gladen follows Lockhart's bounding steps upward.

Brash moves to the door again and scratches and growls at it. He stays behind, at least for now.

2009-07-08, 08:55 PM

Zohra follows behind all the rest, but keeps glancing back to Brash. She hopes the wolverine can take care of himself, and nothing more than servants and slaves comes around to menace him.

2009-07-08, 09:56 PM
The hunchback will answer when asked about slaves, "My master only keeps us as servants. He only deals in slaves, especially pretty bard slaves. None are kept here regularly."

Lockhart bounds up the spiral stair and can see that they continue up, but there is a landing here on the second floor with two similar doors. One on the left, the other on the right. Both doors are black, and are marked with evil looking silver runes, this might give even Lockhart pause when reaching to open one of them.

Brash proudly stands guard at the likely wine cellar door.

2009-07-09, 01:19 AM

"Heh, probably a feint. Well, we can spare another half minute." He takes the strange tuning fork from his pack again, rings it, and passes it slowly and deliberately through the air a bare centimeter from the runes. He seems to be listening for subtle changes in the note, as if a magical field would harmonize or dissonize with the pure tone.....


Search for magical traps - take 10 (again, lol) for 29.

2009-07-09, 02:28 AM
Bodi will go baclup Lockhart. "Aye, we do think alike, you and I. We can handle anything that is up there I wager. I have your back."

2009-07-09, 06:19 AM
[FONT="Times New Roman"]The hunchback will answer when asked about slaves, "My master only keeps us as servants. He only deals in slaves, especially pretty bard slaves. None are kept here regularly."

Zohra gives the hunchback a VERY dark look at that comment.
Your master is going to find that dealing in the market for pretty bard slaves carries a very high price shortly

2009-07-09, 06:42 AM
Lockhart thinks both doors are covered with magical traps. Gladen would concur.

The hunchback is sheepish when Zohra speaks to him and says nothing. He will try to stay in the entry hall.

2009-07-09, 11:46 AM

"Bah, longhair traps like these are troublesome. Gladen, you are welcome to try your hand at it. Bodi, if you would be so kind as to help me in the kitchen, there may be another way to get by those traps. We are looking for a metal container of good size with a lid that fastens, or the heaviest thing that is not too big for us to throw."

As he descends and begins to rumage through the kitchen, he talks. "Let us hope in Gladen though, for this is dangerous and may not work. First, know that most but not all longhair traps strike the place next to the door. Second, realize that if we are not in that place, the trap will not hurt us. Third, know that some traps are drawn on, and these drawings may be damaged by water. Fourth, failing this know that there is a weapon among my people called a Randtiia, a Shotput, which would do great damage to any door and may allow us to gain entry that way. But again, let us hope in Gladen, for his way may be the quickest and safest if he succeeds."

2009-07-09, 12:21 PM

Gladen nods and Lockhart's comment and attempts to disarm the trap on the first door.
[OOC: Disable Device: [roll0]]

Brash is very curious as Lockhart starts rummaging in the kitchen, and follows his actions with an active nose.

2009-07-09, 07:18 PM
Bodi nods and follows to the kitchen, looking for heavy stuff.

2009-07-09, 09:45 PM
Gladen works on one of the doors and attempts to wipe the magical residue from it. He fails to do it properly, realizing that this is a Greater Glyph, and also fails to evade the effect. A cold frosty blast blankets him. A normal human would be frozen stiff. The grey elf is no normal human, but Gladen is still severely chilled. {d:27 cold} The spell on one door is now discharged.

Bodi and Lockhart will find anything and more that they need that can be found in any well-stocked kitchen.

2009-07-10, 01:23 AM

Frigga stays near Gladen. Seeing him frozen she lays a hand on his shoulder, praying to Freya for Healing.

Frigga casts Cure Serious Wounds, resulting in [roll0] HPs being healed.

2009-07-10, 02:52 AM

Gladen curses softly in Elven, and then comments to Frigga, through chattering teeth, "How foolish of me -- the blue wire... Thank you for your healing words. Now I attempt the other door. Um, perhaps you should step back for safety."

Gladen attempts to disarm the trap on the second door. Muttering, "... blue wire... " he takes a packet from his gear, and blows dust on the door to reveal finer details.
[OOC: Disable Device: [roll0]]

Brash looks for dislodged scraps of food as Lockhart and Bodi pull things apart in the kitchen.

2009-07-10, 12:31 PM

Lockhart returns from the kitchen, bearing a large pot full of water, with a clamping lid for the safe transport of soup, and an improvised shotput in the form of a heavy cast iron devise apparently used for the toasting of bread. "Hold, Gladen. Your courage is commendable, but let us now try it my way first."


If he gets there before Gladen sets off the trap (or successfully disarms it), and if Gladen agrees to wait, Lockhart will start with the pot (damage: [roll0] against whatever the Hardness of the door is, plus water will get all over it), thrown from whatever relatively safe distance he can manage in that confined space. If there's no visible magical discharge, he'll follow up with the shotput (damage: [roll1], or whatever you think is reasonable, against the Hardness of the door). Wood is usually Hardness 5, Stone is 8, Iron is 10. I'm hoping the doors aren't Mithril (Hardness 15) or Adamantine (Hardness 20), but you never know.

2009-07-10, 06:47 PM

Baka helps Lockhart as he can, but soon realizes that the best thing he can do at the moment is stay out of the way. He moves over to the cellar door and tries to hear anything down there.

Listen: [roll0]

2009-07-10, 07:35 PM

Zohra sees that the priestess spell did not fully cure Gladen, and she moves forward to touch him with her wand of curing


2009-07-10, 09:32 PM
Bodi sets down a pile of heavy stuff next to Lockhart. "You throw. If anything big comes through the door, I'll have Vera ready to chop its head off."

2009-07-12, 05:33 AM
Brash finds a whole goat in one cabinet, freshly killed, and cleaned. It looks quite tasty.
At the 2nd floor Doors:
Once again Gladen fails to successfully disarm the trap and unleashes volts of electricity toward him. {Natural 20!} The quick reflexes of the gray elf possibly saved his life, as he evades the electricity, it harmlessly arcs around him. {But, looks awesome with the movie special effects.}

Traps are gone. :smallcool:

When Lockhart gets there he is too late, but they are still locked. The heavy pot will need several blows to break down this sturdy black reinforced door that is locked.

Gladen is looking a lot better after the healing.

Lockhart is now making a ruckus with his pot-against-the-door routine, which will slowly damage the door. Bodi will be there a while on guard as Lockhart bangs away

At the Wine Cellar:
Baka will hear the shallow breathing of two frighten individual as he takes a moment in the kitchen after the louder members leave. Brash will be munching away on a freshly killed goat.

Lockhart's ruckus even above made it harder for Baka to hear.

2009-07-12, 06:54 AM

Gladen comments, "Ah, that cobweb was part of the trap. Very clever. Sorry for the spectacle, my friends." He then takes out a journal to make a sketch of the trap's design for future reference.

Brash crunches into a femur to enjoy the marrow.

2009-07-13, 07:30 AM

Nerssis holds her ears and winces gracefully, leaning against a wall to let the stronger members of the party deal with the obstacles.

Bored with the un-charm-able and un-beguilable mass of the door, she glides over to Gladen and looks over his shoulder at the diagram, setting a hand lightly on his other shoulder. "Are you sure you're all right? That electricity looked nasty.

2009-07-13, 10:52 AM
Bodi has a thougt. "These traps are all magical in nature right? If we wanted to see more of them, can someone not just throw up a spell that could deyecy magical energies? So if we see a door swirling with magicalenergy, we'd be suspicious."

2009-07-13, 12:46 PM

Gladen responds to Nerissis, "Yes, I'm fine, thanks. With traps like that, you just have to know when to hop."

Gladen responds to Bodi, "We are already aware of the traps, Miss Bodi. Awareness and circumvention are two seperate talents, and I've only been failing at the latter. Anyway, the traps are spent now, and if you're done giving magical advice, you can open a door." After wiping his hands clean of the powder he uses on traps, Gladen readies his bow.

Brash drags the goat closer to the cellar door and enjoys it as loudly as possible for the sake of his 'audience'.

2009-07-13, 01:02 PM
and if you're done giving magical advice, you can open a door."

After hearing this comment, Zohra readies her wand of curing, to apply to Gladen after Bodi "applies" something else...

2009-07-14, 03:58 AM

To avoid further discussion Frigga steps up and kicks the left door in.

Strength check (assuming Bull's Strength is still in effect): [roll0]

2009-07-14, 06:45 AM
{OOC- Ah, excellent! The left door on the landing...:smallbiggrin:}

Kicking in this door, as Lockhart likely looks on ready, Frigga will find, a large, fully equipped alchemical lab, with actively bubbling cauldrons and beakers of colorful liquids through tubes and whatnot. Gladen might think it is a potion lab, either way all of you looking into this large room will see a man in black-blue robes, hood down, behind one of the tables. His hands are down and out to show no sign of violence is intended, but he seems outraged. "What on earth gives you the right to barge into our tower!!! Please! Just don't damage the lab. Please! What do you want? Gold? Silver? Gems?" He has a scrawny face, and thin pointy beard.

2009-07-14, 07:51 AM

You mean, like this?
Zohra appears to "juggle" a beaker, but recovers in time.
You mentioned our rights. Our rights are our friend, a wizard named Belsamber who brought here against his will. Oh, and the fact that your master trades in slaves. Thats our right.
Zohra suddenly looks "alarmed" at Lockhart.
Oh thats right, you dont like bubbling liquids and alchemists do you? Please, dont come in and start breaking things, Im sure this gentleman will be glad to tell us where our friend is
Turns back to the alchemist
Its those large orcish hands he has. Cant handle sensitive, breakable stuff you know

2009-07-14, 11:29 AM

Lockhart looks affronted at Zohra's comments. "It is not my fault they are built for puny human hands! All those flasks and vials seem to break by themselves in my presence!" He makes a motion as if to step into the room.

2009-07-14, 08:11 PM
The barbarian resists the attempt to clock Gladen across the topof his head, and instead strides into the room. "Well, maybe we won't break your beakers. What if we just TOOK all of your alchemical equipment and experiments instead? I'm sure they're very useful to someone. Unless of course...you tell us what we want."

2009-07-14, 08:16 PM
The alchemist is angered, but remains somewhat calm, his hands still out before him for all to see. "You have no right! Unless you come with the king's blessing! Our right to trade in slaves is none of your business, and those laws are determined by province. And this one considers it legal!!"

When he sees the orc start to enter the man panics, "Please! I know nothing of this person! We have slaves come through from time to time, I am sure we sold him to a planes-dealer if he did come through here. He's not in here for sure!!" He is also scared by Bodi's threat.

Most of you will think he is lying when he says he 'knows nothing of this person'.

2009-07-15, 12:57 AM

Baka walks up the stairs since there is no obvious battle breaking out and listens to the conversation between the mysterious man and the angered party. Standing at the landing he rebutts the alchemists claims. "We have not come here to take your life wizard. Your hood is pulled low, but your eyes see much. This man was not sold or indebted as a slave, but kidnapped. And you are right, the king does overlook many things this far out in the country. Tell us now, where is the man we seek."

2009-07-15, 04:04 AM
Baka squints a little better into the room when he gets there and sees the alchemist's head is actually exposed, and the hood down, back on his shoulders. He is a thin man with a squinty gaze himself. He looks even more outraged at Baka's words, but can't say anything for suddenly there is a ruckus coming down the stairs, from the third floor. At first, the group is poised and ready to kill, but then the sight coming down the stairs seems almost comical.

Sashaying down the stairs is a short athletic man with a hairy chest, wearing nothing but a large golden cod-piece and a pink frilly cape, and before you attack he over-dramatizes every word in as friendly a manner as he can. "Oh, you beautiful things! Such a handsome orc, I love a big man." He'll even try to move close to touch and fondle Lockhart even bumping his golden codpiece into anyone who comes near him. "It is so fabulous to have guests. Frans! Quit being so rude! I believe the wizard you seek has already left. Somewhere on the astral plane. Now, if you want to discuss things, please, have some tea. We have some wonderful friends here you'll be happy to meet. Pity about the orc boy, his father will not be too happy with us about that."

2009-07-16, 03:22 AM

On a face with less innate grace, the expression Nerissis wore would look like stunned silence. She managd to pull it off as remaining gracefully mute as she assessed the situation.

This was a little more gaudy and ostentatious than most noble affairs conducted elsewhere- in civilized places, she mentally added. Possibly the man was exclusively homosexual, given he didn't even mention her or Zohra, which made her current form useless.

She swishes over to Gladen and drapes her arms over the dexterous elf protectively and slightly amorously. In addition to serving her own amusement, the move might keep the eccentric noble from pouncing on what she was beginning to consider her ranger. ... Or, she considered belatedly, it might only encourage him.

In any case, as her gloved hands cross around Gladen, her golden signent ring vanishes smoothly from her finger. She'll take a backseat for now.

2009-07-16, 06:14 AM

Gladen smoothly adjusts his stance both to complement Nerissis's gesture and to keep his bow and quiver clear for use. He says, "Yes, Frans, let's all step into the stairwell, and look for more friends behind that second door. Empty-handed, Frans, empty-handed."

Gladen looks at both Frans and the other man for spell component pouches or weapons. OOC Spot: [roll0]

Downstairs, Brash's immediate hunger is sated, but he continues cracking bones with his teeth for the sake of the noise it makes.

2009-07-16, 06:31 AM

Zohra takes in the whole scene with ill-disguised anger. It is not clear whether she is angry with Frans or the noble, but something is clearly not sitting right with the gypsy girl.

2009-07-16, 08:39 AM
The alchemist looks at Gladen and nods, "The stairwell will be just fine. Please, don't touch anything on your way out." He is very annoyed as you all crowd into the tiny 2nd floor stairwell. He keeps his hands where you can see them, but it appears his robes may have plenty of room for components.

Other than the large golden codpiece and pink cape the flamboyant one looks harmless, and is effusively friendly.

"Unusually warm and cozy in this cold, old stair. Let's go up and introduce our new guests to the old. So cozy there."

The alchemist seems sarcastic, "Why don't you do that. I'm sure they'll be overjoyed. Personally, I'm busy. He'd rather stay in the lab."

2009-07-16, 08:55 PM

The appearance of this distraction seems to be an annoyance to Baka. His effusion of self declared help seems like a life long practice at deception. "The one we seek has left on the astral plane? Do not dismiss us so easily. He was brought here as a slave, not of free will, by kidnapping. Where are the slavers?"

2009-07-17, 05:16 AM
The one with the frilly pink cape looks at Baka, "Seriously. The wizard. Your friend. Seriously. Our guests sold him about an hour ago. We just provided transport. Its all over now. Let's just have tea. Cereal." He tries to take the group up with a wave of his hand.

Frans the alchemist tries to slink back into his lab.

2009-07-17, 10:05 AM

I thnk you fail to understand just how much trouble you are in. You have admitted to helping slavers. You have admitted to selling our friend to slavers. I DONT LIKE SLAVERS...and neither do several of my friends. We are NOT here for tea and cereal. Or any other games you seem to like to indulge in. We are here to get our friend back. Or cause a whole lot of damage if thats not possible.

2009-07-17, 03:24 PM
The man in pink looks surprised at Zohra's aggressive words."Cereal? You can't be cereal? We did nothing wrong, in fact, the lord of the land would love to speak to you on this matter. I am sure we can straighten all this out."

2009-07-19, 04:44 AM
The flamboyant one urges you all up the stairs, "I'm serious! Cereal Serious! The men who sold the wizard are right upstairs. WE!!! We are just the conduit!" He puts his hands on his hips and looks expectantly at your group.

2009-07-19, 09:26 AM

Zohra continues to glare darkly at the dandy, and her expression does not seem to change when she looks to the party as well. However, grudingly, she begins to ascend the stairs.

Very well, I will climb. However, my opinion on this slavery will not change. And I dont care if the law of the land allows it. I dont care for it, and I dont care how many frilly words your lord chooses to dress it in, or how many excuses he tries to make. And I am not going to accept being given a name of who has him either, I have more important things to do with my life than chase down and correct a mistake that shouldnt have happened in the first place.

She twitches her dancing silks and jewelry irritably and sets her face in a grim line. EDIT: and heads up the stairs, one step behind the dandy.

2009-07-19, 10:21 AM
The man in pink smiles and will attempt to pat Zohra lightly on the cheek. "Don't worry cutie, you'll be able to voice your opinion."

On the top and final landing of this thick tower is a large black door. "Let me open this one. Greeson put these traps all over this place." He will advise, and look to see who has come up with he and Zohra.

The landing here could fit you all, but it will be crowded.

2009-07-19, 04:56 PM

Rather than leave an unexplored room at their backs, Gladen opens the second door.

Downstairs, Brash is getting bored with guarding the door.

2009-07-20, 01:48 AM

Frigga follows the strange man up the stairs if she is not the only one going. In that case she waits for the others to go up.

2009-07-20, 10:45 PM
Bodiccea is unfazed by the man's strange ways. She has seen stranger things in her travels, and she trusts this man only as far as she can throw him. Admitted, she can throw pretty far, but it is not her forte. "Just take us to the people who bought the man, and we will...DEAL with them directly." She continues to have her sword drawn...just in case.

2009-07-20, 11:44 PM

Baka lingers on the middle stair case, letting Frosty lead upwards. He keeps an eye on the actions of the alchemist and waits to back up Gladen on the second door.

2009-07-22, 02:12 AM

Lockhart ascends cautiously, hand on his sword, and mindful of the quiet voice in his head that would warn him of evil.

2009-07-24, 02:49 AM
Frigga and Zohra will be following the man up first. Bodiccea goes right up with them.

Lockhart backing up the ladies follows. Using his detection skills, Lockhart finds the man with the pink cape is not evil, but the alchemist is.

Baka holds on the stair, he'll be able to see through the door that Gladen opens.

The man in pink swings open the dangerous looking door, and reveals a large open room with an observatory/telescope suspended above. A balcony rings the top area with more books above. There is a table and a few desks, and several men and a two women. All look quite annoyed at seeing you enter.

The man in pink calls out, "Gree! We have lovely guests!" None of them seem amused, no sign of Besambor. They make no move to attack, but appear to be a heavily armed group of adventurers. Lockhart will notice that all of these guys are evil.

The 2nd Door:
Gladen opens the door, and sees a small curved hall with a few more, normal looking wooden doors.

Downstairs Kitchen:
Most of the group has gone upstairs, with Brash silently watching the cellar. Brash hears someone tip-toe up the stairs beyond and peer out the door for only a moment. Brash can see the person looking is a fat chef, and will slam the door quickly at seeing the wolverine. {Brash can easily keep the door open and likely defeat this chef...}

2009-07-24, 04:55 AM

Gladen curses softly in Elven as the door reveals more doors. He turns to the group and is surprised to find only Baka is still with him. He says, "I'll secure this door. So we'll know if anyone comes out.". Gladen closes the 'second' door, retrieves a beaker from the alchemy lab, and perches the beaker on the door knob of the 'second' door, set to fall if the door is opened. When that is done, he will be ready to go upstairs.

Brash finds renewed interest in the door, and goes to scratch at it for a bit.

2009-07-24, 06:46 PM

Baka peers down the hallway that Gladen opens up.
Spot: [roll0]

If he sees nothing suspicious he watches as Gladen puts the beaker on the handle. "Won't the alchemist just take his beaker back?"

2009-07-24, 10:32 PM
The Alchemist is in his lab when Gladen pokes his head in for a beaker. He looks with questions in his eyes, but says nothing, 'allowing' the elf to take a beaker. Judging by the size/shape of the tower, Gladen will think the rooms beyond the several doors are smaller.... unless they involve extra dimensional space.

When Gladen sets the beaker in place, Baka will notice that the alchemist didn't follow the elf out of the lab or complain. Baka sees nothing special.

3rd Floor:
The room full of people stare uncomfortably at those gathered outside in the stairwell. The man in the pink cape enters and saunters over to a man in a dark robe.

2009-07-25, 05:30 AM

Gladen nods at Baka's comment. He retrieves a second empty beaker, says "Stay here, " to the alchemist, closes the alchemist's door, and perches the 2nd beaker on the alchemist's door knob, set to fall if the door is opened.

2009-07-25, 03:04 PM
Gladen's 'door-trap' is set. The alchemist tried to ignore the elf, and continues his chemical experiments. He can join the others as the awkward silence continues.

Above on the 3rd floor the man in pink waves you in to join those in the room.
The man in dark robes, with a shaved head and face, is in his late 30's and somewhat attractive. He holds his hand up, "You are NOT welcome here!"

2009-07-25, 03:51 PM
Then just return to us our wizard companion, Belsamber, and we will be glad to be on our way.

[roll0] bluff check, since she has no intention of leaving.

2009-07-26, 12:37 AM
One mean looking warrior in fancy, but dirty plate mail, and a face as craggy as a cliff steps forward. He looks to have NOT shaved or bathed in days. "Was that his name? I'm really sorry, but he's long gone now. You gotta talk to the gith now. I'll gladly put you in contact with them on the astral plane. Hehehe." He chuckles cockily, as he struts forward to see who stood outside the doorway.

The pink caped man rolls his eyes, "I told them Bob. Sheesh!"

Currently the people within were bunched up. A well-placed fireball could get them all.

2009-07-26, 05:23 AM

Gladen looks at Baka, and gestures his readiness to follow him. If Baka enters the room upstairs, Gladen will stop at the doorway.

Downstairs, Brash busies himself trying to remove a nail from the door, first scratching away the wood to reveal the head, then tugging on the head of a nail with his jaw.

2009-07-27, 03:11 PM

Lockhart raises an eyebrow sceptically. He'll let the warrior walk right up to him, and he'll stare the guy down.


Intimidate: [roll0]

2009-07-27, 07:51 PM

Baka smiles at Gladen's solution, wondering if it will work. Most times the simplest solution works better than the crafty one. At Gladen's prompting he moves up the stairs to find a very crowded and tense situation.

"You gotta talk to the gith now. I'll gladly put you in contact with them on the astral plane. Hehehe."

Lockhart seems to have the bold warrior well in hand as he stands tall to stare the man down. From the back of the group he moves to Nerissis and talks to her ear alone. "I do not know your friend mage or this group. We are helping you blindly as those of good with strength must do. Do you know these men to be the kidnappers?" Baka studies the group inside very carefully, especially the shaved head man who seems to be rather upset by our presence. It seems likely that they are setting out a believable story that sounds quite impossible to retrieve the stolen wizard, to get rid of us.

Knowledge: The Planes (unskilled) [roll0]
(OOC - Would the Githyanki deal in such a manner?)
Sense Motive: [roll1]

2009-07-28, 01:26 AM

Bodiccea knows not of the Gith, but she does know when people are being disrespectful. "Do not give us mere flippant answers. You will give us the name and probably locations of the ones you sold our friend to. You will do so QUICKLY, and if you do, nobody needs to DIE...today."

2009-07-28, 05:27 AM
Bodi and Lockhart do present a formidable threat, so the room full of baddies react. Even the man with the pink cape retreats. A few of the toughs stand up ready to fight.

The lord of the tower, Lord Greeson, calms them all with the lifting of his hand. He backs off the tough 'leader' thug. "I can tell you right where he is. In fact, I'll send you to the very slave outpost. Good-luck. You'll need it."

The craggy faced man says snidely, "You gonna have to convince the gith that they don't want him. High price for wizards these days. Especially one that is well-versed in illusions."

Greeson wants this settled now. He is annoyed at the craggy man, but mostly focused on you all at the doorway. "Enough, Stench! There you have it. Your wizard friend is out of our hands, and at MY OWN COST, I will send you there. Just to get you out of my hair. Is it a deal? I warn you, its on the astral plane, and if you're not used to that it is quite odd."

2009-07-28, 09:30 AM

Zohra has clearly lost her patience with this group.

NO, it is not okay. I guess you didnt hear me the first time, so I will repeat myself. We are not interested in a hundred different side trips to resolve a problem YOU created. YOU sold him to the gith, YOU get him back. You want to deal in the slave trade, this is the price that sometimes happens. And dont bother to tell me that the empire allows it. The empire isnt here right now, and we are. We are not interested in how much it will cost to send us there, nor are we interested in how much it would cost you to get him back. DO IT.

2009-07-28, 03:42 PM
Lord Greeson said simple with a smile. "No."

2009-07-29, 04:54 PM
It should be noted that already those in the large 3rd floor observatory room are spreading out... some trying to get closer.

2009-07-29, 06:22 PM

Considering the reason that Baka and his fellows were even in the area, he is not anxious to run off to the astral plane in search of a kidnapped wizard. And listening to Zohra's demands, he is persuaded by the logic. It would be the duty of the kidnappers to produce the kidnapped, at their expense. Although, this is seldom how the world works. Hearing the wizards simple and dark response, "No," snaps him out of his reverie about the moral and legal complications set before them.

As the deadly movements of the others here start, Baka takes a visual inventory of their opponent.

Baka mutters to Gladen, "Put a target on the wizard. Stop him if he casts upon us."

2009-07-30, 03:31 AM
Sparks almost fly as everything begins to slow-down.

Those of you able to peek through the doorway will be able to see quite a packed room. A number of humanoids, some hiding in the shadows are hard to make out.

At the rear-center of the large roughly circular chamber standing defensively behind his desk is Master Greeson, near the pink-caped-one. {2 here}

The front-line that stepped out before you was a the cocky gruff man, and two thuggy brutes that noisily moved in their heavy plate armor. {3 here}

Behind the 3 brutes spread before you steps, a strong woman in black armor. Another woman in plate rises defensively. {2 women in armor}

2 shady looking men seem oddly familiar to Nerissis and Lockhart. And the partial Yuanese men begin to laugh and change, showing themselves to be disguised Bar-lguras from their meeting before at the guard-post. {2 here}

There is a robed man, and possibly more leather-clad dudes slipping into the shadows as best they can. {At least 4}

Something is about to happen, but all are waiting on the first move. :smallcool:
The slaver side appears to be cracking.

2009-07-30, 02:01 PM

A fleeting grin plays across Lockhart's face for a moment as a plan ferments in his head. He leans close to Baka, muttering so he and Gladen and hopefully Zohra can hear: "follow my lead"

Lockhart pauses for a second, shakes his head, and chuckles. "Come my friends, let us take our business elsewhere. One human is not worth this effort" He moves as if to back out of the room, but doesn't take his eye off the slavers.

2009-07-30, 03:42 PM
If the group retreats those in the room will let them go.

2009-07-30, 04:07 PM
Bodiccea, unsure of Lockhart's plan, will follow his led, and she never releases her hold in her weapon.

2009-07-30, 05:37 PM

Zohra shoots Lockhart a very angry look, although the slighest quirk of her eye (concealed from the slavers side) shows that she realizes he is up to something. Continuing to mutter about damn slavers and dont deserve to live she backs out of the room, although her fingers continue to dance about her beads and silks.

2009-07-30, 05:56 PM

The orc lumbers out of the room with the others, leading them back down the stairs to the second floor. Once they're out of immediate earshot, he pats Bodiccea on her broad shoulders, and keeps his voice low. "I know, I know, it rankles me too. But consider that this is their house, and we are now free within it. I wonder what sort of mischief we can wreak, to draw them to us? I suggest we start with the alchemist. I will trust you not to let him make too much noise, until we are ready. Do not kill him, we will need him to scream later... unless our subtle friend Nerissis could do the job. Zohra, I trust you to keep the alchemist from raising alarm until our strong friend here can properly silence him. Gladen, once our fiends are past, help me make these stairs an unhealthy place to be. Bring vials from the room if need be. As to the rest of you, if all goes well then angry men will some come for us down these stairs and through the Alchemist's door. Prepare for them as best you can."

Lockhart will stay about the middle of the stairs and wave everyone else through. Once they're all past (assuming everyone goes), he'll start spreading his bags of marbles on the stone steps behind him as he slowly descends.

2009-07-31, 02:42 AM

Gladen appears dubious of Lockhart's proposal, but he cooperates. He goes to the lab door and removes the doorknob beaker, commenting, "I hope you don't consider a lab full of combustibles to be a defensive position. " With a hand on the doorknob, he asks, "Does anyone have a spell ready for the alchemist?" [OOC lingo: Gladen 'readies' to open the door when an ally claims to have an action 'ready' for the alchemist.]

Brash is still working on that first nail.

2009-07-31, 07:25 AM
The moment almost all the group are off the 3rd floor landing, but still in the stairwell the activity level booms in the room. Greeson shouts, "Remove them from my tower now!!!" Those of you holding to the rear of the group will see the Yuanese men disappear as they laugh hideously like demons and teleport.

The 3 tough guys in armor will move to blockade the door.

No surprise rounds here. We're in combat now! :smallcool:

Gladen will still be approaching the lab door, nearing the 2nd floor landing.

Bar-lgura- demons
Front 3 Thugs
Frigga 20+0
Bodiccea 15+4
Lockhart 9+6
Zohra 11+4
Baka 8+4
Master Greeson/Man in Pink
Gladen 5+6
Others of the Enemy
Nerississ 1+4

2009-07-31, 02:01 PM

"The demons grab then vanish! Guard yourselves!"


Lockhart was at the front of the group, and was going to be working his way to the back. If he's at one end or the other then he'll draw his spiked chain, otherwise he'll draw his sword. Either way, he'll take a ready action to whack any 'porting demons the moment they show up, and Rage at the same time.

2009-07-31, 03:53 PM

Zohra had backed down the stairs to the landing outisde the alchemists door. Hearing battle beginning to break out, she abandons her plan of using magic on the alchemist, deeming him to be the least danger at that point. Instead, her hands flick in a spell quicker than the eye can follow, as she launches into another one of her bardic inspirational dances.

2009-07-31, 07:43 PM

Baka is actually getting a bit worn down from all of the posturing and subterfuge, not his usual choice of activity. But the Lord Greeson's cry as he is backing down the stairs narrows his mind quickly. He catches a glimpse of the Yuanese demons teleporting away. He turns from the rear(ish) of the group to wait for their appearance to attack, but continues moving away to give the other more room to maneuver.

Will attack the Yuanese as they appear and cover Gladen and the rear of the group.

2009-08-01, 06:01 AM

Remembering Baka's order, Gladen moves to target the wizard, but holds his shot hoping to interrupt spellcasting.

Downstairs, Brash will pause in his new hobby and raises an ear.

Gladen's movement [at least 10', tumbling if necessary] and [readied action against enemy spellcasting] attack:
Tumble: [roll0]
Composite Longbow +1, Composite+1, Shock (within 30ft)
Attack: [roll1] (increased by bard)
Damage: [roll2] P&S (increased by bard); [roll3] electricity;
Skirmish: [roll4] precision P&S;

Brash's skill check:
Listen: [roll5]

2009-08-01, 03:04 PM
OOC- I'm pausing just the weekend, with so many taking their leave, I hope all can post for the first round of this most dangerous battle.

2009-08-02, 08:22 PM
{OOC- Here we go.}

The Battle at Greeson's Tower:
Brave Frigga is the one of the slowest in her armor and will cast a defensive spell as the group retreats down the stairs. PRAYER Her prayer will resonate in all who ally with Frigga and Freya on this day!:smallcool:

Bodiccea unsure of Lockhart's action will retreat down the stairs protecting Frigga in the back of the group. {DM action}

Lockhart had moved first toward the lower levels and can be as far down the stairs as he wants unimpeded with spiked chain out. The second floor bottle 'trap' still in place on the bedroom door-hall.

With Frigga's prayer newly in place Zohra adds her own flair to the battle. Her incredible dance and movement is enough to drive a man crazy, and drive her troops to great things. {MIGHTY BARD INSPIRATION +2}

Baka can hold the rear next to Bodi, and they can fill the stair on a retreat down. Trying give Gladen a wall to fire behind. The 3 tough men don't seem to be pursuing hard out the door.

The last glimpse the rear group will see of Greeson on the retreat is him sending forth a tiny pea after casting a well-known sulfuric spell. The spark that ignites the fireball reminds you all of this dangerous spell pain. Not all are effected by the blast, but it does expand in strange ways in the stone stairwell. Cheap fancy looking tapestries are burnt to a crisp and so are Frigga, Bodi, and Baka. Gladen as well, as he stayed up to try and disrupt the wizards shot, but can't get set-up in time.
Reflex Save:
Baka 19+13 {d:17}
Bodiccea 9+12 {d:17}
Gladen 3+13 {d:34}
Frigga 9+6 {d:34}

Gladen can still set-up for a tough shot on the wizard next round, but the others are coming, and with the pink caped man now covering him with the cape he provides a difficult target. {Holding for now, he looks pretty bad.}

Nerississ can also hold their action and continuing a retreat with Lockhart to the 2nd floor.

None of the enemy give chase, but the 3 thugs will watch the retreat from the doorway.

End Round 1-------------------------------->

Gladen hp 29/68 {holding for shot on Wizard}
Bar-lgura- demons
Front 3 Thugs
Frigga 20+0 hp 39/73{PRAYER}
Bodiccea 15+4 hp 111/128
Lockhart 9+6
Zohra 11+4 {BARD +2}
Baka 8+4 hp 58/75
Master Greeson/Man in Pink
Others of the Enemy
Nerississ 1+4

2009-08-06, 02:11 PM

Zohra targets the middle one of the three thugs with a hold person spell, hoping to cause confusion and a general bottleneck in the doorway they need to come out of if they are pursuing. (DC:18)
With what is left of her round, she will use in further moving down the staircase (5 foot move, not sure how many steps that covers)

2009-08-06, 09:37 PM
ooc - I just want to make sure I have the tactical situation correctly: We're retreating down some...stairs right now? And I am holding the rear to make ure the rest of them get down safely?

2009-08-07, 06:30 PM

The Bodi will do her job and guard the rear. She will move when the rest of the gorup moves, and in the meantime will ready an action to land an Insightful Strike on the first enemy to get into range!

ooc - she readies her maneuver Insightful strike. Normal attack roll of 1d20+18. Damage is her concentration check which is 1d20+17.

2009-08-08, 01:58 AM
Gladen holds his shot, staying strong at the top of the stairs. Those of you retreating down will notice this lag at the top of the stairs. Lockhart will realize not everyone followed him down all the way.

Nerississ notices and turns invisible. {DM action: I don't know where Virgo is? :smallannoyed:} Now that Nerississ is invisible you aren't sure where s/he is.

Outside the tower you hear the faint cries of Marielle and Arnett.

The front three thugs don't move from the doorway yet, as the blocked action in the room behind them becomes flurried with activity. Gladen can just see the wizard in the blocked chaos beyond. The elf will have to make a hard shot to hit the wizard.

Frigga touches Gladen gently as to not disturb his held shot to heal him with a moderate spell. {+16} {DM action- vacation}

Bodi thought the group was retreating, but the elf and a few others held at the top, and was causing things to slow up here on the 3rd floor landing. She holds in case any of the thugs get close to her allies.

Lockhart will hold the rear of the group outside the alchemist's lab. He is raging, and still sees nothing coming up or out the doors on the 2nd level.

The middle man is a strong willed thug, and when Zohra dances up the stairs to try and entrance him with her magic, he shrugs it off with a mighty grunt.

At this he charges! "Blast your magic!!!" He roars.
With Gladen holding his shot, Bodi meets the thug to defend her allies. She cuts deeply into the craggy thug now facing up to her. He screams out, but manages to stick Bodi as well. {d:11} He slices her side with a slash of his sword. However, Bodi holds the front, and blocks the approach of the other two thugs as well. She dodges their attacks on the landing. This movement of clearing the doorway makes Gladen's held shot slightly easier.

Baka will move alongside Bodi and help with a mighty jab into the craggy faced man's belly with his golden spear. This man is tough, and takes this blow as well. The landing area on the third level is crowded, but still Gladen's shot is possible.

Gladen's keen eyes watch the wizard who hides behind the man in pink's cape. It is difficult because of all the movement on the landing, as well as activity in the room now coming toward the doorway.
{Wow! Normally when I roll I don't show it, but: 17+14; total damage with electricity: 20}
The wizard Greeson finally peeks around the cape, but only enough so he can get a glimpse of the fight on the landing. Gladen moves like lightning! The elf rolls forward, through the mess of men on the landing, and comes up firing at the open doorway! The shot doesn't kill the wizard, but does manage to ruin his concentration, even though he made a valiant attempt to cast it still! The pink caped man screeches as Greeson is hit, and covers him with his cape. {Greeson's spell lost!}

At this point Gladen will see one of the armored women stepping up to combat him at the doorway. He will be hit hard, by an evilly empowered attack. {d:18} There are also 4 other dark clothed fellows moving behind desks and tables defensively. There does appear to be less people in here now than there was before.

There are screams from outside, and horses whinnying.

End Round 2----------------------------->

Nerississ- Invisible
Bar-lgura- demons
Frigga 20+0 hp 39/73{PRAYER}
Lockhart 9+6 -RAGE-
Zohra 11+4 {BARD +2}
Bodiccea 15+4 hp 100/128
3 Thugs
Baka 8+4 hp 58/75
Gladen hp 27/68 {holding for shot on Wizard}
Master Greeson/Man in Pink
Others of the Enemy

2009-08-08, 01:26 PM

Zohra readies another hold person but this time targets the armoured woman that dealt the mighty blow to Gladen. She will once again use the rest of her action to continue her 5 ft retreat action.

(OOC: Your narrative indicated that Zohra was moving up towards the action, but she is actually moving down the stairs. The range on her hold person is 160 ft., and you said we started about 70 ft. apart. So she can still retreat 5 ft. per round and still be in range of her spell)

2009-08-09, 04:56 AM

Gladen grins in satisfaction as he interrupts the wizard's spell. Now hurting, he tumbles 25ft down the stairs but re-readies his shot for whomever first moves to follow them.

Sweat trickles down his temple and he realizes he should favor his left side the next time he needs to move.

Downstairs, Brash moves to the kitchen doorway, and whines softly. He is torn between the duty to follow Gladen's instructions, and the sense that he may be needed.

Gladen's movement and readied attack:
Tumble: [roll0]
Composite Longbow +1, Composite+1, Shock (within 30ft)
Attack: [roll1] (increased by bard)
Damage: [roll2] P&S (increased by bard); [roll3] electricity;
Skirmish: [roll4] precision P&S;

2009-08-09, 06:46 PM
{OOC- I like one round a day... I have run solo or duet adventures before, and will again if needed. :smallcool:}

Nerississ can't be seen, but once s/he hears the screams outside he'll race toward the henchmen, heading down to the entry hall.
Arnett is screaming, from outside. "The demons! The demons! The demons are back!!!"

Frigga pulls back, knowing she may be the best hope to keep the group alive. She'll tell Gladen to meet her down the stairs closer to the 2nd floor landing where Lockhart is currently. {DM action... trying to keep her alive. Simba's back tomorrow I hope.}}

Lockhart sees that nothing is coming from this side, so in his rage he rushes up the stairs. He won't be able to attack since he had to move maneuver through allies. {DM aciton... he's now back near the 3rd floor landing and the thug-action.}

With Zohra moving down the stairs she won't be able to see the 3 thugs let alone the woman facing Gladen in the doorway. {DM- I assumed she wanted to see the enemy. We can retro this...}

Bodi is fierce in the cramped quarters of the landing. She stabs the lead thug twice, and he is starting to look quite bad. The thugs all attack her and are able to cut her flesh painfully. {total damage: 24}

Baka is there with his golden spear, and he can hear Lockhart racing up the stairs behind him. He jabs hard into the lead thug, and pokes him in the heart. With that the lead thug collapses! This does surprise the other two armored thugs standing in against Bodi and Baka.

Gladen is able to roll backwards right over the fallen thug, and down the stairs. He is nimble enough to get through you all with ease. He will be safely behind your front-line and passes Lockhart on his way up the stairs. Gladen can save his shot from here, but for now he is safe. Frigga will be moving quickly to his side.

The woman at the door that had attacked Gladen slams the door shut, leaving the 2 thugs on the 3rd floor landing. The thugs' morale drops quickly as they are left alone to face the 'invaders'. More activity can be heard inside the top floor room, but can't be seen.

End Round 3-------------------------------->

Nerississ- Invisible
Bar-lgura- demons
Frigga 20+0 hp 39/73{PRAYER}
Lockhart 9+6 -RAGE-
Zohra 11+4 {BARD +2}
Bodiccea 15+4 hp 76/128
2 of 3 Thugs
Baka 8+4 hp 58/75
Gladen hp 27/68 {holding for shot on Wizard}
Master Greeson/Man in Pink
Others of the Enemy

2009-08-10, 06:11 AM

Now protected (sort of) by her multiple images, and hearing the cries of Arnett from the outside, Zohra rushes down the stairs to attempt to get outside and aid the rest of the party that stayed behind from the demon attack.

2009-08-10, 06:17 AM

Frigga utters a prayer to Freya, touches Gladen and he feels warmth spreading through him as his wounds close.

Cure Critical Wounds: [roll0]