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2009-04-10, 08:22 AM
The ship lands on the soft forest floor. "Get up you filthy scum!" One of the guards shouts at you. You roughly hauled out of the ship and into the prison. Slowly the number of prisoners around you decrease as they are put into empty cells or are led away by the guards until only six are left. The hallway you are in ends with six empty cells and a closed door. Your numbers are now greater than the guards, but only by one. Even with that you all know that you could get pass the guards in some way if binders didn't block your movement. Suddenly you hear simultanious clicks and the bracers fall off of you. The guards are shocked by this turn to face you, but that's all they can do before the fight begins.

2009-04-10, 12:28 PM

The diminutive Lurmen recoils instinctively as chaos bursts out around her, and quickly realizes this is the only opportunity she'll have to get out of here. Thinking fast, she grabs her binders from where they've fallen, turns and latches them onto the legs of the guard being attacked by the clone trooper behind.

Not waiting for the guard to notice, she bounds off between the legs of the people around her, reaching for another pair of the restraints.

2009-04-10, 01:04 PM
When the binders sudenly release and fall off Juku knows now was there one and only chance, Turing toward the guard practically standing next to him, Juku lunches into an attack by throwing a punch at the guard. At the same time he lets out with a loud shouted battle cry,Oya!!!

Punch attack [roll0]
damage [roll1]

Oya! has Many meanings: literally ""Let's hunt!"" and also ""Stay alive!"", but also ""Hoorah!"", ""Go you!"", ""Cheers!"" Always positive and triumphant."

2009-04-10, 01:59 PM
Heaing his binders drop Berk leaps to action. He leaps behind the first Sullustan guard, he then shouts "Don't just stand there, hit somebody!"
He then waits untill some one attacks the first guard trying to help them disable him.

2009-04-10, 02:04 PM
Confused, but not one to give up the opportunity to attack these strange beings he lunges at the nearest one guarding him. There was little places to hide so using stealth wasn't an option. Jiibayag pulls his arm back far making sure this one would hurt. He had to get the spirit devices away from them.

Attack Roll [roll0] Damage if I hit [roll1]

2009-04-10, 08:00 PM

Rose having come to terms with failing her mission of peace and ending up in this situation becomes jubilant with the release of the binders. (Thoughts automatically translated to English) Now I undo this damage, and help these people to escape

With a roar Rose swings her green fist at the nearest guard.
Grrrowwg hwrr gogooa.

attack roll
damage roll

Goblin Music
2009-04-10, 08:00 PM
The Mon Cal Moves to the nearest guard and throws a punch at him
[roll0] [roll1]

2009-04-11, 01:02 PM
The guards barely have time to react before they are attacked. One is knocked unconscious and two others are injured. Now it is their turn however. One strikes at the Gamerean and another at the Mon Calamari, but the first is triipped by binders placed around his feet. The other guards pull out their blaster and shoot in at the prisoners, but they miss. In the end one guard is knocked out another on the ground and only the Mon Cal is hit.

The guard by Rose(Eloquent) is knocked prone and Lacu is hit for 3 damage

2009-04-11, 01:53 PM
After knocking out the Guard Juku attacked, Juku picks up the guards weapon turns and rushes at one of the guards that have blaster swing the baton as he goes.

(OOC:the guards weapon is a stun baton i believe, correct me if I'm wrong)

stun batton attack [roll0]
damage [roll1]

2009-04-11, 01:57 PM
Berk having failed to distract the guard, tries again. Shouting in sullustan, "Your mother had a flat face!"

I wasn't sure of I use my melee penalty or my ranged bonus, or if I get a flanking bonus.

2009-04-11, 02:57 PM
As the guard she targeted arcs down to the floor, the blue-grey girl ducks beneath him, nabs another pair of binders, and before the impact has even finished driving the air from his lungs in a noisy grunt, she slaps them over his wrists and snatches his weapon from his grip.

"Sorry!" she mutters, flicking the baton's stun setting on.

Goblin Music
2009-04-12, 07:34 AM
Lacu swings another fist at the guard.
[roll0] [roll1]

2009-04-12, 12:11 PM
Seeing some of the guards go down Jibbayag let's out a low growl and he moves over to his next target ominously fangs barred. He attempts to slam his fist into the nearest target with as much force as he could muster.

Moving to next closest enemy. Attack [roll0] Fist Damage [roll1]

2009-04-12, 01:15 PM
Seeing the guard fall in front of her she gives a kick towards the sullustian's chest hoping not to kill him only knock him unconscious.

Grunt snort snort snort grunt growl
We should not kill these people it would be wrong

Attack Roll

2009-04-14, 10:25 AM
The gurads are shocked at how quickly two of their comrads have fallen nad that distracts them. The two guards with pistols miss their first shots, but one of the succeeds with a second shot. The blasterbolt hits the nelvaanian. The one other guard left standing attacks the Mon Calamari and once again succeeds in hitting him. "You scum won't win!" he yells failing to see his comrad fall.

six damage is dealt to both Gamgee and Goblin. Yep got a six on a 1d6 Someone needs to help Goblin he's having bad luck on rolls I'll probably make a new map tomorrow

2009-04-14, 12:14 PM
The Nelvaanian let's out a snarl of pain as the bolt slightly burns him. He does not let this distract him and he continues to attack his current target. He takes another swipe at the guard hoping to end it fast.

Force Point added to attack [roll0] Attack [roll1] Damage if it hits [roll2]

Goblin Music
2009-04-14, 12:15 PM
Lacu snarls angrily as he is his once again and throws an almighty roundhouse kick at the Guard in front of him
((roll has the already spent force point added))
[roll0] [roll1]

2009-04-14, 12:18 PM
Ducking down as the guards' blaster bolts zip over her head, Shivahn looks up to see the two rear guards firing wildly. Deciding to take advantage of a fellow prisoner rushing to attack them, she leaps forward, curling into a circle as she lands, and deftly rolls along the floor at high speed, through and past the developing scrum before gracefully unfolding herself back into a standing position and turning to face back again, her momentum making her feet slide a short distance across the smooth floor.

2009-04-14, 03:05 PM
After watching the gamorrean knock the stuffing out of a sullustan guard, Berk barrels at the guard the little furry thing is behind.


2009-04-14, 03:19 PM
Only after he had swung and miss the guard did Juku realizes he forgot to activate the stun baton, flicking the switch-on, Juku press on with his attack of the guard with the blaster.

stun batton attack [roll0]
damage [roll1]

2009-04-15, 04:16 PM
Rose breaths heavily as she turns to find her next opponent. She moves as quickly as her trunkish legs carry her to try and knock out one more of the guards.


2009-04-17, 03:13 PM
Seeing the Gamorean come toward him he lashes out with baton after taking a hit from the Mon Calamari. He tries to hit the Gamorean again, but you dodge it just in time. The other guard fires afterseeing another of his friends fall. This time however the guard is not unconcious, but dead. The blaster bolt is quickly evoided however.

You killed the guard. 4 damage is dealt to Eloquent.

2009-04-17, 09:48 PM

That really stings... With another swing of her fist Rose attacks the guard hoping to actually hit him this time.


2009-04-18, 12:04 PM
Infuriated by how he keeps missing his opponent he swings his fist once more hopping to knock the enemy out and move on.

Attack [roll0] Damage [roll1]

Goblin Music
2009-04-18, 12:34 PM
Lacu swings another fist at the guard

2009-04-18, 07:41 PM
Seeing the guard he attacked fall, Juku retrieves the mans blaster and will use it to fire at the other guard with a blaster.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2009-04-21, 07:15 PM
Berk continues his charge hoping to take the guard out of this fight.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2009-04-22, 03:38 PM
Shivahn recoils at the sight of the dead guard falling to the floor. With a shudder, she suppresses the sensation of guilt that lodges in her stomach, and runs for the next guard, hoping to get this over with as soon as possible.

Charging, attacking with stun baton.

2009-04-23, 07:58 PM
Taking the hit the guard falls to the ground. The other guard shoots at the Nelvaan prisoner. The bolt hits him in the arm leaving a slight scorch mark.

The guard hit Gamgee for six damage. The guard has 2 health and the other is unconscious. almost done guys!

2009-04-24, 12:17 PM
With only one guard standing Berk charges at him hoping to build on previous success.


2009-04-24, 03:00 PM
Juku again fires at the remaining guard.

Juku's Blaster attack
Attack [roll0]
damage [roll1]

2009-04-24, 10:12 PM
Rose studies her surroundings she looks for the closest set of binders to her and draws them to herself with the Force.

Move light object as per use the force skill DC 10


Goblin Music
2009-04-24, 10:59 PM
Lacu Moves to set up a flank with Shivahn

2009-04-25, 03:27 PM
Jiibbayag closes in on his next foe and throws another swift punch at them. He could see victory at this point, but it would be a task to escape the spirit's prison.

Attack [roll0] Damage [roll1]

2009-04-27, 07:28 AM
Heart thudding with the adrenaline-soaked desperation of battle, the Lurmen jabs wildly with her weapon, hoping that one of the others will get the final blow in.


2009-04-28, 08:06 PM
The last guard falls down dead as the blaster bolt hits him in the forehead and almost at the same time binders come flying at the young jedi. They hit her in the gut, not damaging her, but making her quite embarrassed. Other attacks had come close to hitting him, but missed. Finally the battle is over, but you know your not free yet. Before you have time to even take the rest of the stuff the guards have an old Kel Dor waves for you to come over. As you start to walk over to him, but you notice who is in the cell next to him. In that cell is a remarkably beautiful woman. She appears human, but with so many species across the galaxy you never know. Her blue eyes study you as near the old Kel Dor. "Please there isn't much time. I'm going to die soon and you people need to escape. *cough* To answer some questions, yes I'm the one who released your binders, and *cough* yes I'm a jedi just like your gamorean friend here. In exchange fore me freeing me I would like to take this young woman out of here. *cough* I've been here for a long time and I've watched the guards and there is a hanger *cough* of some sort past the door over there." He points to a door in the wall that you hadn't noticed with being so preoccupied with the battle. "Behind there is probably where your *cough* stuff is too. One of these guard must have a key, but please hurry." He starts coughing hard before he becomes quiet and still. The woman now has tears streaming from her eyes. You feek urged to honor the old man.

2009-04-28, 08:28 PM
As the Sick Jedi starts his his Finle coughing jag Juku says, We'll get her out of general, you have my word. Juku then get to the task of finding the Key to get the Girl out of the cell and the door out of her.

Perception to find the pass key [roll0]

2009-04-28, 09:23 PM
Rose searches her feelings about what the Jedi asked of them she didn't know all of them that well, but it would be her duty to see that the woman was taken care of. Need stupid noise box thing. If only she had a way of getting in touch with the council even though they wouldn't deal with her much anymore.

Search your feelings by using the Force

Goblin Music
2009-04-28, 10:12 PM
Lacu nods as the old man finishes will do then the Mon Cal searches the last guard to fall for anything interesting, like a spare blaster or some extra credits

2009-04-29, 01:15 AM
"Sir, yes sir!" Berk shouts with an exaggerated mock slatue. He then shrugs his shoulders, "What? Didn't they give you tubies a sense of humor?"
He then proceeds to check sullustans for any vaulables. "I wonder if I could get anything for the guards boots."


2009-04-29, 11:41 AM
"No, don't die!" Shivahn pleads, and looks about frantically. "Where did they take my equipment...!?"

Perception: [roll0]

2009-04-30, 07:15 PM
Berk finds the card key inside one of the guards pockets along with another weapon. All together you find enough weapons for everyone to either have a blaster or a baton. You also find that the guards are wearing a thing armor and although it doesn't offer much protection it is much more decent than the thin prison suits you are wearing.

As soon as the prisoners see you have the card they start asking you to release them. They really aren'y asking though, more like commanding. However if you look at them you think that they probably are exactly what they appear to be, which is criminals.

The woman who you were asked to free from this place stands in her cells watching you. She seems different than the other prisoners and although you don't quite know why she is different uou just know she is. The tears are now gone and replaced with seemingly cold and calculating face. You can however see a sadness and joy mixed deep within her blue eyes.

((Eloquent's results))
You sense turmoil, but are unable to tell much else. You can't tell whether freeing the girl will cause anything bad. Nor are you able to tell if anything will cause anything bad, but you will you and the edge of knowledge.

2009-04-30, 08:08 PM
Berk takes Card key and the armor. Then he grabs a Blaster. (If there is a hold-out blaster he takes that over a regular blaster)

After every one grabs a weapon, he then waves the key card at the demanding prisoners.
"Let you out? Hmmm...that depends whats in for me? A nice shiv in back? We'll start the auction at your first born. Any takers? No, ok perhaps thats a bit step. Ok then ten thousand credits." All the time with a smirk on his face.

2009-04-30, 09:04 PM
Having found herself a stun baton Rose moves behind Berk and lets out a very deep aggressive rumbling growl. Then she speaks in the Gamorrean dialect.

Grrrrr Snort snort snort growl humph growl snort humph!

You NOT abuse prisoners unlock lady and stop thinking about only yourself!

Goblin Music
2009-04-30, 11:17 PM
Heh, you are not making friends fast, friend. Lacu says to Berk as he spins a blaster in his hand this will do for now Oh! and i am Lacu. Glad to meet you all. he gives a small bow to the other PCs

2009-05-01, 01:10 AM
"Settle down tall, green and piggish, anyone of these yahoos would shiv you so fast it would make your head spin"
He gives her a quick look. Well it would spin if you had more of a neck. These guys are not the friendly type, Hell I should kn...uhhh, nevermind. The names...uhh...Berk,yea, Berk Bindo

2009-05-01, 08:05 AM
Juku already having a blaster takes and gets in to a set of armor, turning to the other and introduce himself, I'm Sargent Juku RC-1019 of the 92nd recon group, now might i sagest that you Berk let the women the General asked us to save out and move are shebs out of here before more trouble comes are way.

2009-05-01, 09:59 AM
Rose points to herself and then to a Floral tattoo on her left forearm.



2009-05-01, 10:47 AM
It takes Juku several moments for him to figure out what she meant and to recognize the flower as a Rose, are you saying your name is Rose, realizing he doesn't understand what she saying or said he adds, if I'm right gaunt once for yes, two for No.

2009-05-01, 11:23 AM
''All right, then Juku and Forearm, I'll let her out, But I don't like it. Somthings smells fishy, and it ain't fish face." With that last statment he jerks his thumb at Lacu.

With that Berk walks over to the cell containing the Kel Dor and the woman. Then he swipes the key card opening the door.

Goblin Music
2009-05-01, 12:45 PM
Yes, her name is Rose. Lacu just looks blankly at Berk in response to Berk's statement.

2009-05-01, 01:14 PM
"I... I'm Shivahn. If we're introducing ourselves... excuse me."

The Lurmen brushes past Berk as he opens the door to the sick jedi's cell, quickly moving in to examine the old man; she lifts the lid of an eye, presses her fingers to the Kel Dor pulse points, and presses an ear to his chest as she checks for any signs of remaining life.

Treat Injury: [roll0]

2009-05-01, 02:44 PM
The Nelvaanian warrior was in the corner of the room completely uncaring as to the situation. He looked over the others with his fangs slightly barred and his ears back, but otherwise remained silent. He ripped his prison shirt and lightly wound the ripped parts over his burns and tied them up. This would have to do for now with no proper supplies.

Seeing the others pick up the spirits weapons he gets slightly sick and starts a low growl of disgust slips from him as he sees one of the other strange ones pick up a blaster. He manages to slip a metal rod away from one of the guards he had been fighting and examines it for a second before accepting it.

Seeing the others fuss so much over the two in the ghost field he wondered who they were. They looked just as alien and confusing to him as everything else so far and he paid no attention to the ones in the force ghost cage.

2009-05-01, 10:46 PM
Rose nods appreciatively at Lacu.

2009-05-02, 12:17 AM
Looking at the big blue critter in the corner, and his apprehensive expression"Ok, so which one thought it was bring you dog to jail day?
Also Lets get the hell outta here, hmm?"

2009-05-02, 07:33 PM
The woman walks out of her cell. "Hello my name is Aila." She notices the Nelvaan and turns to him speaking his own language. "I see you must be fresh off Nelvaan. Too bad, well listen I know you don't like it, but you must come with us or you will surely be killed."

Then she turns to The Duros called Berk. "While I thank you for saving me, you should probably start cutting back on the snide remarks." One of the guards starts to wake up, but she walks over and kicks him in the head. The blow knocks him out and she takes his pistol.

She turns back and looks at the Kel Dor and Shivahn. Her eyes soften as she says, "He's dead there's nothing you can do. He had an infection in his lung and was heading back to Couruscant for treatment, but we were captured by the sepratists and the infection got worse. Yesterday he told me he was going to die soon." When she finishes speaking her eyes are watery and there is a tear running down her cheek. She looks away from the body and you see her wipe the tear away.

Her eyes harden again with a look of determination as she turns to the clone. "Sargent if you will lead us out." she say pointing to the door. She quickly turns and talks to the Nelvaan again. "We are leaving now please come with us. Also what is your name?"

2009-05-02, 09:59 PM
The smallest member of the group sits back, knowing that the woman is right: he's dead. She presses her hand over her eyes for a moment, trying to compose herself, then turns and rejoins the others, not looking back at the body of the jedi.

"We need to find where they took our things," she says, looking up at the others. "I think I'm going to need my medical supplies..."

She looks at the other prisoners, and then adds: "I know these are... unsavory types, but surely, the more prisoners are escaping, the less chance the guards will be able to catch any one of us? A bit more... chaos... would only help us escape."

2009-05-02, 10:13 PM
"You know, I like the way you think. Attetion scum sucking Nerf Herders, this means you" pointing at the various prisoners.

"I'm make gonna offer you can't refuse, I'm gonna let you all out, cause i'm a nice guy. But we're gonna leave this way I suggest you go the other way, Because if I see your ugly, and trust me they are ugly, faces come peaking out that door, the last thing that you will see is a blaster bolt boring a hole clean though your skulls. We clear like transparisteel?"

2009-05-03, 03:08 AM
Juku salutes and smiles as he say, Yes Ma'am it be my pleasure. holding the blaster at the ready Juku move over to the door and stands to one side so as not expose himself when he opens the door, Juku motions for the other to do the same, once they have Juku hits the door release to open it, once open he takes a quick peeks in side the other room to make sure there is no danger before heading in side.

Perception [roll0]

2009-05-03, 04:01 PM
Rose smiles as she sees that the woman seems to be strong willed. She moves up to her and gies a slight bow.

Grunt grunt snort growl grunt snort.

I swear to protect you

2009-05-04, 02:47 PM
The Nelvaanian looks up stunned that someone had spoken his language. His ears go back into a normal friendly if curious position and he gets up and walks over to the woman.

"How did you speak my language? Also they are carrying spirit weapons! That is simply forbidden, how can I trust them? Then again I have to live and make it out of here, so for now I will join you. My face name is Jiibayag"

After the blue canine stops talking to the girl he cautiously comes over to the group. It is clear he is ready to work with the group.

2009-05-04, 07:11 PM
((Juku's Results))
You don't see any enemies or security systems. You can however hear quiet talking from three of the doors in the hallway. You notice that the wall next to the blast door seems to be made of metal instead of the Permacrete of the other walls.
The hallway is long with five doors. Two doors are in the wall on each side of the hallway and there is one door at the end. The door on the end is a blast door with a secruity key slot on the wall next to it. After checking to make sure the hallway is clear Aila watches as the Gamorrean bow. "While I don't know Gamorrese I think I can somewhat understand you, so thank you." She says graciously. Then she turns toward the Nelvaanian she now knows as Jiibayag.
"Well Jiibayag I thank you for coming with us, but as for how I can speak your language that is a story for another time. By spirit weapons I guess you mean blasters, well they will help us survive and while on Nelvaan it may be forbidden. Here it isn't. I just noticed I haven't told you my name. My name is Aila."
"Juku, I bet in one of these rooms is where they keep the prisoner's stuff, but I don't know which one. So, what do you suggest we do?" She asks the clone Sargent guessing he probably knows best.

Goblin Music
2009-05-04, 10:50 PM
i would say the farthest one. Lacu puts in helpfully as he move near the Clone and the lady

2009-05-05, 12:40 AM
I believe that last door is blast-door and may lead to some place vital maybe even the hanger bay also the wall with the blast-door is made of medal unlike the rest witch are made of Permacrete, but that's not are worst problem there's maybe some one behind each of the door i can her some faint talking from each of the door, I think we should hit the two side doors first and at the same time, then we hit the blast-door all together.

2009-05-05, 04:39 PM
"Um..." Shivahn mutters, "I could try check to see who's behind those doors. There might be some way to get in... I'm pretty small..."

2009-05-05, 07:43 PM
That could work and if there hostile the rest of can take then down, says Juku

2009-05-06, 01:09 AM
Taking a position in the middle of the group he is clearly apprehensive about how this thing is going to work. He couldn't talk to the others, so it would make whatever they were planning hard to get by with him. Confused as to the situation he speaks up to the woman again.

"Why are we just standing here? Also this may not be Nelvaan, but home is always with you where ever you go. I find it odd and outlandish, but if it gets me out of here and back home then so be it. Also it is good to know your name Alia. Now if only I can get to my spear I know I can safely get us out of here."

2009-05-06, 08:07 PM

Rose waves her arms to get the attention of the others. When she feels as though she has it, she points to the heavy door and hits her open palm with a fist. Grunt grunt growl.

Break through door.

2009-05-06, 10:54 PM
Berk peaks up, "You think there sullustans? I can speak sullustan. I could probably trick them into running to the cell block. Does this door lock?"
With that last comment Berk checks the door for a lock.

2009-05-07, 04:05 PM
You see an electric lock on the door and it looks pretty sophisticated. Aila nods in acceptence to Jiibayag, but looks at the others curiously. She listens for a second before saying, "Why don't we just check out that room first?" She points at the first door on the left. "It's pretty quiet in there while the other rooms are noisy, excluding the blast door that is."

2009-05-07, 04:35 PM
Sounds like a plan to me Juku goes over to the door with his blaster held at the ready Juku opens the door.

2009-05-07, 05:00 PM
Shivahn nods and lifts her stun baton, but looks nervous.

2009-05-07, 07:15 PM
Rose grunts in affirmation and makes sure her stun baton is set to stun. She then tries to get a feel (see spoiler) for what's beyond the door that the woman suggested.

Use the Force check

2009-05-08, 09:30 PM
After checking to see that is blaster is NOT set on stun. "Ok you guys check that on, i'm gonna take a real close look at this lock."
[roll0] Mechanics check

2009-05-09, 06:46 PM
((Mo's results))
You try to sabatodge the lock, but you fail and you know it. You almost had it, but somehow you messed up.
((Eloquent's results))
You are once again unable to determine anything from the turmoil of your feelings.
You burst into the room with weeapons at the ready, but it is empty. The only thing in the room other than your selves are lockers. They seem to be unlocked and have a number printed on the top. "Hmm.." Aila says as she looks down at her prison uniform. On the uniform is a number that looks like the ones on the lockers. She walks over to the corresponding locker and gives it a pull. It flies open to reveal weapons and other items. "I think this is where they keep our stuff." She says already putting on her armor and grabbing her stuff.

2009-05-09, 07:12 PM
Rose, frustrated with her attempts at using the Force becomes much calmer now that the room is found to be enemy free, and that they have regained their equipment. She moves over to the locker and grabs her utility belt and vox box. She picks up her lightsaber and moves to an empty corner of the room. Rose places the lightsaber on the ground and takes a few calming breaths. Reaching within herself she once again tries to touch the Force and pull the unlit blade to her hand.

Use the Force check DC:10

2009-05-09, 10:32 PM
Juku opens the locker with his number on it and retrieves his gear, first donning his Tracker Utility Vest and utility belt, and then his weapons, Juku decides to also keep the rifle he took from the guard, Juku will check any locker that doesn't belong to any one in the group, look for useful things, but in particularly he's looking for the Dead Jedi's things so he can return the saber to the High Council.

Persuasion [roll0]

2009-05-10, 01:24 AM
Watching the others he looks at the odd symbol on his shirt and matches it with one of the lockers. He opens it to find that his spear, bow, arrows, quiver, and cloak are intact. He also still had the belt he had stolen earlier which had all sorts of fascinating little odd and ends. Seeing the owner was far from here it may as well be his. He was sad to see that the rest of his clothing didn't make it. So for now he just tore his prison shirt off and wrapped the thick wool like cloak around him and drew the hood. Now only his snout could be seen from under it. Finally he hefted the spear and examined it to make sure none of the charms had been stolen or lost on it. Seeing that it was perfectly intact he picked it up, but remained wary of his surroundings. He picked up the feather ties near the base of the stone blade and started to murmur in his own language.

Goblin Music
2009-05-10, 08:48 AM
when Lacu opens his locker he murmurs something in Mon Calamarian, then he examines everything that was taken from him. Lacu clasps his cloak around his neck and fastens his belt around his waist and slides his comm around his wrist. Lacu hefts his rifle checks the power then slides the stolen blaster in his belt and finally affixing his concealable holster to his ankle. ready?
after assorting all his gear Lacu checks all the other lockers for any thing that would help him, like a ion pistol or some stun grenades

2009-05-10, 09:45 AM
Perception [roll0]

2009-05-10, 10:09 PM
Berk having failed to sabotage the door lock, he tries again this time taking care to do it right.
[taking 20]29 Mechanic check

(Presuming success)
Berk having sabotaged the lock, he rejoins the group, "I've rigged the lock to fail, so we can use that as a trap. If we want. Worst case scenario I broke their lock."

2009-05-11, 02:14 PM
As her locker opens to reveal her stuff, Shivahn smiles - the first time any of the others has seen that expression on her face, though it keeps an anxious edge - and climbs in, her small body allowing access, so that all that can be seen is her long, striped tail. This waves and sweeps from side to side as various rustlings and clankings sound from within, and soon her prison uniform flies out onto the ground, followed by the small lurmen herself, garbed in her normal, worn but practical clothes.

She swings a heavy medical pack down onto the ground, and opens it to rummage, checking to see that everything is there. After a moment, she pkes her head up again.

"Is anyone badly hurt?" she asks, peering around at the others with a critical eye.

2009-05-12, 07:10 PM
((Goblin's Results))
You search a few lockers and find nothing, but dirty uncleaned clothes and rusted blasters. However just as you are ready to give up you find a pair of stun grenades and a few medpacs((4 to be exact)).
((Grraybacca's Results))
Yuou search, but all you find is junk. However when you look over at Aila you see a lightsaber hanging from her belt.
((EloquentRune's Results))
The lightsaber flows slowly into your hand. You smile at your success happy that you could complete this when you were having trouble before.
((Mo's Results))
You realize that you can'y do this without your secruity kit so you decide to join the others. Once you realise what they found you take your stuff and put it on.
Aila turns to Shivahn and says "That won't be neccesary" She hands out a few small jars of bacta and says "put this on your wounds it will help." Trusting her you all do as she says. The Nelvaan although nervous follows suit. Just as you finish however. You hear a droid yell "Escapees!" as a blaster bolt flies near you. More droids rush out into the hallway. In total you count five B1 battle droids and two B2 Super Battle Droids.
You alll have full health now and you go first.

2009-05-12, 07:22 PM
After healing her wounds with the bacta the sudden approach of battle droids makes her battle senses tingle. Now that she feels the force flowing through her she hits the ignition on her blade and with a snap-hiss the yellow blade appears. Grunt grunt growl!!!

Rose goes strait to the closest droid and swings her blade down with both hands.

protect the female!

2009-05-12, 07:41 PM
Damn Clankers Lets Slag'em, Juku Raise his blaster rifle and switched the blaster to autofire and lets loss on the Clankers

Juku's blaster rifle autofire
atk [roll0]
dmg [roll1]

((OOC: Oh well it's a miss but hey on the bright side i do half damage.))

Goblin Music
2009-05-12, 08:04 PM
Blasted droids! Lacu raises his rifle to his shoulder and squeezes off a few shots at the closest B-2.
[roll0] [roll1]

2009-05-12, 08:06 PM
Disappointed by being denied the chance to make herself seem worth something to her new companions, Shivahn is nevertheless startled from the dip in her mood by the rattle of many metal feet on the floor. Her sad frown is replaced by a fearful surprise, and she turns, half-panicking, to find something that could help deal with the oncoming droids.

She spots the ion grenade, a memento of a smuggler whose burns had been too severe; and, after a moment's hesitation, she grabs it, turns, and hurls it as hard as she can.

Attack [roll0]
Damage (Ion) [roll1]

2009-05-13, 12:10 AM
Berk leaps behind the locker stand, then snaps a shot off at the B2(the damaged one of it stills stands).
Shouting in binary "011001010110000101110100 00100000011000100110110001100001011100110111010"

2009-05-14, 04:37 PM

Seeing more enemies arrive he thinks for a second before finally deciding on using his bow and arrow. There were still too many to just attack them in melee. So swiftly pulling his bow and notching an arrow he fires at the closest B1 droid.

If the droid is down Jiibayag has enough sense to target one that isn't down, or so I assume. Attack [roll0] Damage if it hits [roll1]

2009-05-16, 07:46 PM
A B2 and three B1's fall to the floor either disabled or destroyed, but it doesn't matter. The B2 points at Rose and fires. The blaster bolts miss her. The other droids target her too. More bolts fly at her and some hit her shoulder.

Eloquent your hit for 19 damage and there are 2 B1s and 1 B2 left with full health

2009-05-16, 09:24 PM
AHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! I don't want to die!!!
Rose reeling from the pain that blaster bolts cause tries to center herself for an oncoming attack.

Negate energy use the force check

2009-05-16, 10:05 PM
Juku fires again at the droids as he shouts, Die Clankers.

Juku's blaster rifle autofire
atk [roll0]
dmg [roll1]

2009-05-16, 11:17 PM
Berk still leaning behind the lockers, lets fly with another shot.


Goblin Music
2009-05-17, 09:00 AM
Lacu aims for the other B2 and fires
[roll0] [roll1]

2009-05-17, 12:31 PM
Jiibayag knocks another arrow in place and this time prays to god the arrow will do more than deflect off the odd spirit. Uttering a small curse at his luck thus far he fires praying to god.

Shooting a B1. [roll0] Damage if it hits [roll1]

2009-05-18, 02:37 PM
Having exhausted her options for fighting from afar, and not being foolish enough to try and fight battle droids hand-to-hand, Shivahn ducks behind a corner and readies herself to help should any of her compatriots fall.

2009-05-20, 03:58 PM
Another B2 falls and so does a B1, but there is still one remaining. The B1 fell to autofire and the B2 by rifle fire. The remaining B1 is hit by an arrow that hits one of it's leg joints making practically immoible. It fires again at the jedi thinking that it might take her down with it, but it is negate by her force power. It says, "Bantha poodoo," in that unique droid voice.

One droid left with 6hp left. Not too hard right?

2009-05-21, 05:06 PM
Juku fires again at the Droid, and says Damn Right Clanker

Juku's blaster rifle autofire
atk [roll0]
dmg [roll1]

2009-05-21, 05:45 PM
Seeing that there was only one droid left he notches another arrow and fires at the damn thing.

Attack [roll0] Damage if it hits [roll1] Also for the record my one roll being good and the other being bad streak is spreading into other games!!!! Curse you dice gods!!!!

2009-05-21, 07:19 PM
Rose smiles at her use of the Force. She is always so pleased when she does something right. She watches as the battle unfolds leaving only one droid left in the fight. Her allies are fully able to take care of this threat. She moves away from the battle and tries to get a calm grasp on the pain that still troubles her.

2009-05-21, 08:43 PM
Hoping to take the last droid out of the fight Berk gives him his best shot.

2009-05-21, 11:29 PM
Seeing Rose move with some signs of injury, Shivahn glances towards the last blasts of the battle, decides it's safe enough, and darts over to the Jedi to give her a critical medical eye.

"You're hurt," she says.

2009-05-22, 10:55 PM
Grunt Grunt *Nod*Growl snort grunt.

Much pain from shot will be fine go help others.

Goblin Music
2009-05-23, 08:34 AM
Lacu glances at the party, thus satisfied he moves to the door and looks out around the hallway

2009-05-25, 06:27 PM
The droid is riddled with blaster fire and then an arrow slices a wire leading to its head which is promptly blown off by a blast bolt. Some of you turn to check on Ail,a who had remained at the back during the fight. She is now standing over the bodies of three B1s and the grate to a ventilation shaft. "We should probably keep moving," she says.

((Goblin's Results))
You see a droid tapping furiosly at the lock and then slide get ready to slide a card though, but sees you and stops. He attempts shoot at you with his carbine in one hand. He misses and then starts banging on the door. A red light turnss on and a voice says "The Master does not want to be disturbed and you broke the maximum noise level." Then two blaster turrets come out of the ceiling and blast the dorid. The blaster return into the ceiling as if they had never been there at all. You also see that the small light on the lock is yellow. You remember that when you had first looked the lock the light had been red. The card lays undamaged on the ground.

2009-05-25, 11:28 PM
Berk sensing an opportunity for some possible profit takes the blasters off the B1 droids. He then proceedes to check both B2s for any salvageable parts or if the droids could be repaired and reprogramed.

[roll0] Mechanics
[roll1] Perception (searching the droids for parts)

Goblin Music
2009-05-26, 01:38 PM
let's keep quiet Ok? Lacu says before he starts to slowly move down the hallway

2009-05-26, 09:44 PM
The blue Nelvaanian warrior picks up the arrows that he fired and quickly inspects them to see if they are still use able. He follows the other lead and attempts to be as quite and invisible as possible while following them.

Stealth [roll0] Also you can just tell me OOC if I have salvaged any arrows otherwise I toss them to the ground.

2009-05-27, 08:51 AM
Shivahn frowns at Rose's passing off of her own wounds, but finally shakes her head and moves off again, not willing to go against the intimidating Jedi's wishes. She moves up to Berk.

"Hey, um..." she mutters, and glances aside, "Could I..."

She pauses a moment, as if contemplating the horror of her, as a Lurmen, handling such a deadly weapon as a blaster. Then she looks to the droids lying next to them. Her ears flatten back against her head in an expression of fear, and she continues: "... Could I have one of those blasters? I think I need a... a better weapon."

2009-05-27, 11:29 AM
Juku looks at the Lurmen and then at one of the droids fallen' weapons, and says, sure go head were probably going to need the extra fire power any way, and be sure to take a spare power pack from one of the other weapons as well.

2009-05-27, 08:20 PM
Berk sighs appearing to grealty weigh the decision to hand over a blaster, then with an ever so slight sigh,"No sweat fuzz ball." He hands her one of his aqquired blasters, then with a wink he whispers, ''They even have stun settings For those who are faint of heart'', returning to his normal volume, "Just remember to give it back, I know a guy."

2009-05-28, 03:18 PM
((MO's results))
The droids have been obviosly destroyed beyond repair. It also looks dirty and grimy. You know that the droid hasn't been cleaned or repaired in a long time.
((Goblin's results))
You quietly sneak down the hallway. no one finds you or even notices you. When you near the door you think that the blaster will pop out and end your life, but they don't. They just remain where they are. The card on the floor is clearly undamaged still operable.
((Gamgee's results))
Two of the arrows are undamaged and still will work, but the third is broken in half. Quietly you sneak down the hallway behind Lacu. You notice the lock, the card, the droid body, and the way Lacu carefully watches the ceiling.

Aila noticing Lacu and Jiibayag sneak into the hallway quietly follows them. She quietly comes up behind the two and quielty asks "What happened here?" She then repeats the question to Jiibayag and quietly awaits an answer while looking around her.

2009-05-28, 07:29 PM
Rose breaths deeply glad that the short chaos was over. She really should have accepted the nice beings offer to help secure her wounds but the others are more important and should be looked after first. She quietly goes to where the group is collecting the weapons of the fallen. She even smiles at the snide comments of the covetous one.

Goblin Music
2009-05-28, 07:33 PM
Lacu stoops down and picks up the card a B1 got blown to bits after it saw me, something about the master does not want to be disturbed. he whispers to Aila

2009-05-29, 10:32 PM
[roll0] Stealth

Berk carefully watches Aila clear out of the room. Berk then bends low while giving the blaster to Shivahn, he appears to checking the weapon. He whispers in Huttese to Shivahn, "Mi bosco de ateema bolla che dyst, boska? Dolpee kikyuna. Mi nobata dopa maskey. Uhman nobata champio, chess ko."

After his brief charade with the blaster, Berk gives Shivahn a slight shove toward the door. He sharply snaps at Shivahn "Come on fuzzball don't just stand there, I want to keep you where I can see you. I won't have you walking off with my credits in your hands."

2009-05-31, 09:58 PM
He whispers to Aila. It is clear he is not taking the lead under any circumstance and has taken up a spot roughly in the back of the group.
"Battle was met upon this day and we have helped to assist the spirits in returning to their rest. The shades of their temporary reincarnation litter the ground. The path ahead is blocked by more of the death bringer, but this time it is different as it comes from the wall and not the animated ghosts.

2009-05-31, 11:15 PM

"Y... yes!" the Lurmen quavers, holding the blaster as if it were some venomous reptile; she seems reluctant to touch it even so far as to find and activate the stun setting. Holding it in one arm, then, she begins to move forward quietly in that distinctive loping sidle her people use when not rolling to their destination.

2009-06-02, 05:37 PM
Aila notices the card and the lock asks "What do you want to do?" Not long after she finishes the voice you heard before says, "Ten seconds before lock returns to origanal state. Please swipe the acess card or hit cancel." You all look at the card in Lacu's hands. "Well that thing seems to have answered my question. I think we should swipe the card."

Goblin Music
2009-06-02, 06:10 PM
*shrug* here goes nothing he swipes the card and moves for cover

2009-06-04, 12:25 PM

Rose moves over to Shivahn and places her hand on the lurman's shoulder. Grunt grunt growl snort grunt grunt. She the flinches from her burns and then she continues. Grunt snort snort *chuckle* grunt...

1. Best defense sometimes offense good.
2. I should have accept you help heh oww...

2009-06-05, 04:21 PM
As you swipe the card the light turns green. The voice says. "Authorization accepted." The door slides open to reveal a darkly lit room in which there are three figures. Two are kneeling on the florr and one is sitting in a chair raised above the floor. The one that is sitting yells, "Prove yourselves to me and destroy these intruders." Immediately the two that were kneeling get up and turn around. One runs at you while activating two red lightsabers and the other slowly walks toward you and activates one red lightsaber. You hear Aila shouting, "Sith!"

The door(where you are at is seven squars from the two lightsabered sith and nine from the door. Rose you should have accepted the healing.

2009-06-06, 02:13 AM
Jiibayag hunches forward fangs barred and ears low. A low growl is escaping him as he looks at the beings drawing the red ghost blades. He didn't know why, but he could feel the taint of their spirits. He draws one of his spears and flourishes it to his side by giving it a little swirl before gripping it firmly in two hands. He moves up to the front line of the group, but no further. He waits for the Sith to come to him.

Move action to move up a square or two to the front, and then I draw my weapon. Fighting defensively for now.

Goblin Music
2009-06-06, 08:44 AM
Sith?!? Damn. he thinks for a second then ha pulls out a stun grenade Clone i hope to hell you start shooting soon he says quietly mostly to himself. as soon as there are blaster bolts flying in the air Lacu will pull whatever pin like thing the grenade has and toss the grenade as far into the room as possible

2009-06-06, 04:16 PM
Berk leaning out of the door way of the equipment room sees the scene unfold. "Hey fish face, how about looking before your leap next time!" Berk shouts in a mildily sarcastic voice. He then takes his blaster and aim fo the door lock squeezing off a shot hoping to make the door close.

1d20+3+1d6 To hit the lock used force point (rolled a 20 in the OOC
[roll0] damage

(I'm on the road again this part is just assumption)
With the door sliding shut Berk shouts "I'm not sure what a Sith is but I dont think the door will hold them for long. I think we need to set up a more organized defense to stop them. I say we spread out take cover and let them eat blaster!"

2009-06-08, 01:30 PM
The grenade lands by the Sith in the back exploding and hitting him.

Blaster bolts hit the lock and it sparks. Just as you expect the door closes shut, but just as you open your mouth something you didn't expect happens. The turrents pop our of the ceiling and fire at Juku. One hits him and the other hit next to him.

Ok the door is closed, but you have two blaster pistol turrents. Juku you are hit for two damage. By the way they were programmed to attack clones and jedi before others just to answer any questions. They will attack Juku unless destroyed

2009-06-08, 07:24 PM
Berk shouts to Juku, "Take cover! Get in here!"

2009-06-08, 07:28 PM
after taking the hit Juku dose as Berk say and takes cover with him.

Goblin Music
2009-06-10, 07:01 AM
Nice going loud mouth. Lacu snarls at Berk before dashing to where Berk is hiding for cover. these halls have a maximum noise allowance, so keep it down!

2009-06-10, 04:25 PM
Jiibayag takes cover with the others, he still has his spear out and ready for the odd ones wielding Spirit Blades.

Readied action to attack the first Sith through the door.

2009-06-10, 09:37 PM

Shivahn, for her part, is all too eager to duck away to relative safety; she tucks herself up and rolls rapidly around behind the others.

"Oh dear, we're in trouble..." she whispers, trying to be heard by her compatriots while not aggravating the turrets. "We can't face up against Sith, we need to run, find a ship... let's go back, let the other prisoners out, they'll be too busy to come after us. Please!"

She looks around.

"There's got to be a terminal that could tell us where everything is..."

2009-06-10, 10:43 PM
"Right because grenades are known for their silent killing ability. I don't know about you but I don't want to fight no lightsabers." Berk responds to Lacu.

Then looking at the lockers and then the door he motions to Juku,
"Hey tough stuff give me a hand with the lockers we could shove them over and use them as cover from the turrets."

Hearing Shivahn's comments "Thats not a bad idea, but first see if you can patch up Forearm over there."

2009-06-11, 04:53 PM
Aila, who had followed Juku, helps Berk push over the locker and Rose makes it in the door just before the locker falls. You look over at where the locker was and see the wall is lightly different color. Your couriosity gets the best of you and you push it. It slides back in the wall and a keyboard and screen slide out. You hear Aila ask, "Is anyone here good with computers?"

2009-06-11, 05:24 PM
Juku after helping push the locker, shakes his head no at Aila, question.

Goblin Music
2009-06-11, 05:40 PM
nope. Lacu says with a shrug

2009-06-11, 09:57 PM
Berk pipes up with ''I could take a whack at it."

Use Computer [roll0]

2009-06-12, 02:57 PM

The Lurmen, seeing Berk go for the terminal, decides her talents are better put elsewhere, and pulls Rose down beside her. Swinging her medical kit onto the floor and swiftly pulling a medpac and other equipment from within, she sets to work fixing the Jedi up as fast as she can.

+2 bonus from medkit, total bonus +9.

"Is there anyone else hurt?"

2009-06-12, 03:33 PM
Juku says, I just have a miner blaster Burn.

[[Current hp 22 of 24]]

2009-06-12, 09:04 PM
He keeps a wary guard stance at the door. He is ready to attack the ones wielding spirit blades the second they come through the door.

2009-06-14, 09:28 PM
The loud clang of metal agaisnt metal fills the air. All of you except for Berk, who is furiously working on the computer, wait nervously for the Sith to bust through the door, but it doesn't happen. The air is tense as you wait anxiously for anything to break the air.
((For Mo))
An alert appears as you work. It says that someone is trying to open the door that was damaged. However you succesfully avert that and lock them out of that console, for now. Now you return to your work and you have some options. As you found out in your search the only way to the hanger is through the room with the Sith. You also found out that there are turrents in the Sith room, you could however ignore those and attack the Sith by opening the door and charging in there. Further possibilities and information could be found, but they would cost you time and you don't know how long you can keep the door closed.

2009-06-14, 10:48 PM
A wide smile breaks across Berk's face while activating the turrets in the Sith room, and checking on the turrets in the hall way. "Well, Ive got good news and bad news. Bad news we have to go through the room with the sith. Good news? I am activating turrets in that room. Make sure they don't break through the door"

After activating the turrets(if there is time before the next thing happens) Berk looks for cameras in the system. Then tries to have the turrets reconize the party as friendlies.

Use Computer [roll0] Activating the Turrets
Use Computer [roll1] Looking for cameras
Use Computer [roll2] Reprograming the IFF

2009-06-15, 08:33 PM
You succesfully activate the turrents, but they don't attack immediately. They do however attack when you reprogram the IFF. You also find a cmaera that shows the room your in. Everything you do is can be viewed on the camera. You also find a camera that displays the Hanger bay where there are two B1 battle droids on guard and two ships. One clearly belongs to the Sith as it has a sleek design and the other ship looks like the ship of the infamous bounty hunter Jango Fett.

2009-06-15, 10:22 PM
Berk quickly shuts the camera down in the room they are in. He also keeps an eye on the hanger room.

''Well boys and girls we got trouble with a capital T. Jango Fett is here, I think we need to have a talk with her.'' Jerking his thumb at Alia.

He then motions to Shivahn. Whispering to her, "Murishani bosk che uhman, mi tinka. Mi boscod de dyst."
"Bounter Hunter come for human, I think. I found the ship."

Rolls messed, Rerolling in OOC

2009-06-15, 11:25 PM

Finishing up her work on Rose, Shivahn looks worried at the news the Jango Fett is around. Who hasn't heard of that legendary bounty hunter?

"<That's bad...>" Shivahn replies in the same language, her words heavily accented by the dialect she learned. "<Ve can hope 'e will not be after us without pay, but taking 'is ship would be bad idea. Is 'e the only one there?>"

2009-06-15, 11:50 PM
Berk still whispering "Nobata, dopa."

No, two

2009-06-16, 05:28 AM
there's just one thing it can't be Jango Fett he died on geonosis killed by General Windu. May be it's his son Boba.

2009-06-16, 07:10 PM
"Well all I know is that ship he has, is here. At least I think it's his, I never saw one like except for his." Berk remarks.

2009-06-17, 01:57 PM
You succesfully shut down the camera, but you hear another loud clang. The indistinctable sound of an opening door fills the air. You know that somehow the Sith opened the door.

You left the hanger bay camera on the screen and its lucky you did. You watch as the Sith ship flees with the two droids. You sigh in relief that you won't have to fight those two on yor way out.
You watch as the door slowly opens to reveal the Sith with two lightsabers kneeling with his eyes closed and hands raised. His eyes pop open startingly you, but he doesn't have time to do anything else.

Gam you get an attack of oportunity. I told you things would be heating up.

2009-06-17, 05:01 PM
Alarmed, and slightly over joyed at having a chance to finally hit back the Nelvaan warrior lunges forward with his spear. The foolish warrior had left itself open when it entered the room. As he does this he is laughing and muttering in his own language.

You foolish warriors, I am going to severe your connection to the great mother once and for all for twisting the spirits to your will!

Attack [roll0] Damage [roll1]

2009-06-17, 06:57 PM
Berk leaps behind the barricade, firing a quick shot at the dual lightsaber weilder. "Need to get past these guys." Berk mutters.


2009-06-17, 07:10 PM
From behind the barricade Juku lets loose a autofire attack on the sith.

Juku's blaster rifle autofire
atk [roll0]
dmg [roll1]

((half damage on a miss))

2009-06-17, 07:28 PM
Missing his first lunge of opportunity he quickly recovers at makes a stab at the target again.

I assume that I get to make another attack since I had had an attack of opportunity, and now this being my regular turn.

Force Point[roll0] Attack [roll1] Damage if it hits. [roll2]

Goblin Music
2009-06-17, 08:05 PM
wha? well that sucks. Lacu raises his rifle. and fires a shot at the sith
[spoiler] [roll1]

2009-06-18, 04:27 PM

Letting loose a short shriek of fright as the sith appears, Shivahn grabs the blaster she was given and aims wildly at the dark jedi, barely even looking where she's firing.

attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]

2009-06-21, 06:19 AM
The Sith falls to the floor with a dull thud. You wait to see if he moves, but he doesn't and kjust when you think the Sith are gone, the other Sith immediately turns around the corner and lets loose a blast of the force. Jiibayag is knocked to the floor by the power of the blast. Just as you'd hoped you hear the sound of turrents turning. Seconds later that sound is followed by the sound of blaster fire. You see one of the blasts bounce of the Sith's hand, but the other one hits him.

Gam you are hit for 14 damage and knocked prone

Goblin Music
2009-06-21, 09:05 AM
looking to Die Sith? Lacu says with a delighted grin, then he fires a shot at the new Sith

2009-06-21, 01:54 PM
The blast that hits the blue warrior is powerful and wracks his body with waves of pain. Collapsing on the floor Jiibayag could tell a minor bone or two had probably cracked from the force of that blast. He quickly does his best to get to his feet, and as he does so you can see him shaking off what has just happened to him. Finally he lunges with his spear one more time.

Move action to get up, and I used a second wind as a swift action. Finally I attack the Sith using a force point on the damage. [roll0] [roll1] Force Point [roll2] So the second wind puts me up 14 HP aka max health.

2009-06-21, 07:36 PM
Juku continues to send hot laser bolts at the Sith menace

Juku's blaster rifle autofire
atk [roll0]
dmg [roll1]

((Oh cool that would have been natural 20 if I didn't have a -3 modifier))

2009-06-22, 08:06 AM
Berk adds his blaster to the chorus of fire heading the siths way.

[roll0] [roll1] Spending a pair of force points
[roll2] [roll3]

2009-06-22, 11:24 AM

Again, the Lurmen roughly aims the blaster in her hands and fires, not daring to look; only the hum of the sith's lightsaber guides her desperate shots. The recoil of the weapon almost knocks it from her unskilled hands.

attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]

2009-06-23, 06:55 AM
The Sith is pelted by the rain of blaster fire. He is constantly jolting from the impact of the blaster bolts. When your fire stops he slumps to the floor. Aila runs past you and into the room where the Sith had been. "We better get out of here," she says.

Goblin Music
2009-06-23, 06:58 AM
just a sec, Lacu stops and nabs the two lightsabers off of the first Sith to die, finding his grip to much Lacu sweeps up the other sith's lightsaber, then he continues to follow.

2009-06-23, 07:04 AM
You try to grab them, but they seem to be in a death grip. He won't let go. His hands are tightly clenched around the lightsabers.

2009-06-23, 08:00 AM


Shivahn, still shaking from the terror of combat, goes over beside him. Bending down, she checks the Sith's pulse first, then looks at his hands. She glances up at Lacu, as if looking for some hint of approval or potential gratitude, then takes a scalpel from her pack and discreetly severs some of the tendons in the fallen force-user's hands, loosing his grip.

"You, uh. You wanted this one?" she asks, holding out the one that would fit his grip better. "I-if you don't mind, I'd like to keep the other. It'd be, um, useful."

Should be a simple task for anyone with medical knowledge. "Treat Injury":[roll0]

2009-06-23, 03:13 PM
After the second Sith slumped to the ground Jiibayag walked out into the hallway. It was time to leave this odd place behind and head home.

2009-06-23, 03:51 PM
Berk watching Shivahn's careful work extracing the lightsaber, "Or you could use the short cut" blasting the wrist of one the siths, and taking the hand with the lightsaber.

He then moves to hangar.

Goblin Music
2009-06-23, 06:48 PM
as Shivahn moves to the sith Lacu looks puzzled as to the actions of the lurmen(Sp?)
You, my friend, are awesome, and i will give you this and the other blade in return. Lacu says with a grin when she concludes the procedure then he hands Shivahn the medpacs (and the lightsaber) he found earlier while extending the other hand to take the offered lightsaber you look like you would get more out of them than me (4 medpacs for precision)

(EDIT: bah! need to read more carefully! EDIT2: changed to the right race)

2009-06-23, 07:44 PM
Juku heads for the hanger bay, and head strait for the boarding ramp of the ship that's left in the hanger

2009-06-23, 08:22 PM

Giving Lacu a nervous but appreciative smile and a small bow, the diminutive lurmen quickly tucks the medpacs and lightsaber away about her person. Shifting her pack around to her front, she then curls up and rolls off quickly towards the hanger.

2009-06-24, 04:49 PM
Eventualy you all make onto the sship and not a moment too soon. Just as you board the ship blaster fire can once again be heard. "Ok who's a good pilot?" Aila asks urgently. Guards rush into the hanger as the boarding ramp closes. "We better get out of here"

Who ever is a good pilot can try to fly that thing. Sorry that this is a little late

Goblin Music
2009-06-24, 05:06 PM
i can fly Lacu says as he heads for the cockpit
if he gets there first Lacu will raise the ship up on the repulsors and engage the shields before heading out into space.

2009-06-24, 05:43 PM

"Um, I'll see if I can find out something about this ship..." Shivahn says, dropping her pack next to the seat for the engineering controls and hoisting herself up. She quickly taps into the ship's self-diagnostics to check what make and manner of engines it has, as well as information on shields, weapons, fuel supply and cargo, if any.

I assume Computer Use for this sort of thing, so: [roll0]

2009-06-24, 11:16 PM
Berk slides up to Lacu, "Slide over hot shot. I'm sure you could fly this crate, but I've got the experience kid. Take the copilot seat and i'll show you how a pro does it."

Calling back to Shivahn, ''After you get done with that, inspect the engines and the power couplings." Then he initiates start up sequence, making sure the power distributes properly. Then he makes sure the navicomputer is functioning correctly.

Looking over to Lacu, "Check out the weapons panel, warm up the cannons, make sure the launchers ain't jamed. Then check the comms, then find the IFF and be sure to check the settings on the sensor banks."

2009-06-25, 07:58 PM
Seeing everyone board the odd mobile cave Jiibayag also slides in and takes a seat somewhere near the others. It is clear he has no idea what he is doing and simply doesn't want his lifeline out of here to abandon him.

2009-06-25, 08:25 PM

The small woman's attempts only result in an irritated beep from the control panel, signaling her failure. Glancing around a moment in fear that someone might take note of this ineptitude, Shivahn makes another attempt, her long tail twitching in agitation.

Another go! Use Computer: [roll0]

2009-06-26, 09:44 PM
After your failure on the first try you're hoping you can find it this time. Thankfully you succeed. You discover that the many weapons are armed and ready, the Sublight engines are ready, the fuel supply is full, but you can't find anything about the cargo. You find that the shields aren't activated, but they are powerful.

You hear the firing stop, but you can just barely hear the clanking of metal. You guess they must be setting up heavier fire power. A second later a clang is heard inside the ship. "We need to leave. Me and Jiibayag will take care of whatever that was once we're in space," Aila says.

Just so you know Mo you are in the pilot seat, Goblin you're in the copilot seat, Jukashi you're in the engineer seat, Juku is in the gunner seat, Gam you are next to the entrance to the cockpit and Aila is in the seat on the other side of the entrance(which is a door) No one is in the Systems Operator Seat.

2009-06-26, 11:22 PM
"Let's kick the tires and light the fires. You all best strap in, I think this is gonna get bumpy. Keep an eye on the sensors, we don't need anybody sneaking up on us."

Berk trips on the inertial dampners. Then he heads for the hangar doors.

Goblin Music
2009-06-27, 12:08 AM
Dampeners? bah! Lacu moves to a more comfortable position in the copilot's chair

2009-06-27, 01:28 PM
Wondering what he odd sound had been Jiibayag cautiously gets to his feet. He is looking and listening for anything that might be out of place. He wanders through the ship while listening and looking for anything out of place. He is also smelling the air for anything that might be out of the ordinary.

Perception, and don't forget scent. If I am in 10 squares I can ignore cover and concealment penalties to my perception check. Its in racial traits of clone wars book. [roll0]

2009-06-28, 10:39 AM

"Weapons and engines ready, but, um, if they're shooting at us, someone needs to raise shields..." Shivahn mutters, and begins exploring her interface, not sure if that system can be accessed from her console. She glances back towards the sound inside the ship, and adds: "I can't tell what's in the cargo, either. We've got full fuel cells, though."

Rolling Use Computer again to see if I can raise the shields. Also, going to try use the internal sensors to find out something about the cargo or, at least, why not. [roll0]

2009-06-29, 10:44 AM
You fly out of the hanger and just in time. The heavy weapons begin firing just as you leave hoping to hit you, but luck is with you and none of the shots hit. You start to relax as you head towards space, but a large ship drops out of hyperspace. You start to get nervous, but you notice its a republic shp. Then a Vulture Droid flies past you and pays you no notice. Trying to stay unnoticed you don't attack, but then the Vulture Drid turns around for the attack and your shields turn on.
You find an emergency function that allows you to activate the shields, but not deactivate or recharge them.
You don't smell or see anything, but you know someone or something's back there. As soon as you leave the hanger Aila looks at you and says, "Ok, let's go." The two of you head out of the cockpit, shutting the door behind you and into the rest of the ship.
Ok so those of you in the cockpit are ingaged in a battle with the Vulture Droid and its your turn. Gamgee you aren't in combat and aren't in turns so you can do whatever, but remember there is something down there.:smallbiggrin:

2009-06-29, 12:36 PM
With the droid closing in Berk engages it in a dogfight.

26(In OCC) Initiate Dogfight (Opposed Pilot Check)
[roll0] Firing (Opposed Pilot Check)

2009-06-29, 01:28 PM

Hoping to get a better influence over the situation, Shivahn hops down from her chair and swings herself up into the systems operator's seat instead. She quickly starts tapping away at the interface, seeing what options are available to her.

Use computer again! [roll0]

2009-06-30, 02:41 PM

You succeed in engaging the dogfight and are able to out manuver it so it can't fire at you.
Make you attack from last turn and if you beat a pilot check of 21 you can make one this turn.


You quickly and quietly laught at yourself as you realize that your options are displayed easily for you to see. You see that you can fire a Double Heavy Laser Cannon and as system operator you control the shields, but they are at maximum power.
If you want to attack, roll 1d20-2 or 1d20-7 for autofire and for damage roll 6d10+1x2. You can't start saving swift actions to recharge the shields unless the shields are actually damaged so not yet.

2009-06-30, 03:19 PM
Last Turn
[roll0] Heavy Quads
This Turn
[roll1] Opposed Pilot
[roll2] Heavy Quads

2009-06-30, 03:20 PM
Forgot Damage
OOC I am not posting for this turn yet because I can't shoot at the droid, unless Goblin Aids Another)

Berk lines up the droid for a quick blast with the heavy quads. Scoring a hit.

2009-06-30, 03:38 PM
Jiibayag draws his spear as he proceeds to walk through the ship. His hair is starting to stand on end and he is barring his fangs at the possible unknown thing on board their ship. He walks around the ship with the one known as Aila, and finally he speaks up in a whisper. After that he uses the shadows of the ship to try and stealthily make his way around the ship as best he can.

There is something down there, but I don't know what it is. Just be careful and stay behind me. Also try to stay hidden while we search.

Stealth[roll0] Also I hear by wave my right to complain and use the other dice rolling program by making this roll. I'm lazy and taking my chance with the boards dice roller.

2009-06-30, 04:31 PM

The lurmen frets a little over the options available to her. Using the guns would be tactically advisable... but it felt so wrong. Using a blaster in the heat of the moment was one thing, but something this powerful! Surely the weapons available to the others would be enough to take out one measly droid...?

Inwardly relieved at finding such a justification, Shivahn instead tries to find the ship's internal sensor system and communications. Perhaps she could help find out what was inside the ship? That could be a greater danger. With that in mind, she searches for the sensors that pick up lifesigns.

Use Computer again. [roll0]

2009-06-30, 05:20 PM
Juku activates his weapon controls and fires the Double Heavy Laser Cannons

Attack [roll0]
damage [roll1]

((OOC:things are hectic here so I'm not going to be able to post with any regularity))

2009-07-01, 05:29 PM
@everyone in cockpit

The Vulture Droid blows up in a mass of fire and metal. However you hear the engines of more droid fighters. You try to get away, but three pass you and turn around as the first one did.

If you don't want to ingage in a dogfight you have to beat a 25. if you beat 19 but not 25 you are inaged with one, if you beat 12, but not 19 you are engaged with two, if you fail twelve all are engaged with you. Or you can just ingage them. I suggest attacking the twelve so even if you roll low on your attack pilot check gunners probably won't have penalties. I can make that clearer if you want.

You find sensors built exactly for that purpose and view them. An incredibly detailed holovid of the ship comes up with seven red lights showing four in the cockpit, one just inside the cargo bay, and one in the middle of the cargo bay.


You follow the sound into the cargo bay. As you and Aila sneak around searching for the source of the noise you spot a pair of B1s, but one of them spots you. The other however walks in the oppisite direction towards a distinctly different sound.
You and Aila go first.

2009-07-01, 05:48 PM
Seeing the beings from earlier Jiibayag instantly recognizes that he has been spotted and charges at the B1 and attacks the one that sees him.

Attack[roll0] Damage [roll1]Using the boards roller I once again forfeit my right to complain about dice rolls.

2009-07-01, 05:49 PM
"Friefek droids"

With so many droids in combat, Berk focuses solely on flying defensively. Trying to avoid as much fire as possiable

Granting the ship a +10 to defense, but the gunners get a -5 to hit. So spray and pray. (pp.171 SW Saga)

2009-07-01, 08:15 PM

Your spear smashes through the droids and head and falls to the floor with a loud clank. The other droid turns around and says, "Ut oh," before running away.
Once again your turn.Typical a droid running ain't it? and don't forget about the other noise

2009-07-01, 09:35 PM

Those two dots have to be the others... nothing else?

Increasingly worried by the fighters roaring into pursuit and the mystery of what's lurking in this unknown ship, Shivahn starts flicking through all the vessel's sensor modes, looking for anything helpful.

Use Computer...:smallamused:

2009-07-01, 09:38 PM
Remembering the other noise he realizes how foolish it was to run into battle like this without knowing what the other sounds were. Although if it was fighting these spirit warriors it couldn't be too bad. Finish the known enemies now and deal with whatever it could be afterwords.

Jiibayag attacks the last droid [roll0] Damage [roll1]

2009-07-03, 09:40 AM
Juku fires again at the droids

Double Heavy Laser Cannons
Attack [roll0]
damage [roll1]

2009-07-03, 08:55 PM
@Those in cockpit

You evade all the blaster fire from the droids, but they avoid all yours.

The pilot checks are 26 14 and 28

As you search through all the sensorsall you find is a small blast of energy snd an anomoly. One spot in the cargo hold never gives any information. It seems as though the spot isn't even there. When you do a magnetic readout you notice that that spot is fuzzy.


You miss the droid and it aims to fire at you. Then it falls to the floor and you see Aila standing there with her carbine. "Look what I found," she says walking towards what appears to be a lage container on on inactive gravlift.

2009-07-03, 11:09 PM

The lurmen pulls a microphone over and switches on the ship's internal communicator.

"Hey, uh, guys? In the cargo bay. Is there something strange there? There's this... spot, that's obscured from all the sensors. Perhaps some specially shielded container? Just... um. Be careful. It's probably something that could get you in trouble somehow, if they've gone to the trouble of smuggling it."

She grips her chair as the ship twists to avoid a fighter; the momentum is almost totally nullified by the gravity netting, but the sight of the stars twisting outside the window is disturbing enough.

"We... we might have some turbulence..."

2009-07-04, 12:58 PM
Looking at the odd container and seeing the droids defeated Jiibayag moves over to the container and attempt to open it. He speaks up to Aila as he tries to open it.

"Do you think it could be something dangerous in here? Only one way to find out I guess."

I assume that the crate has some sort of open switch on it. Otherwise I will attempt to break it open. Str check to break it open and using his spear as leverage to open it. I will leave the bonus up to you on the leverage part. Str Check [roll0]

2009-07-04, 05:58 PM
Berk continues to focus all of his attention on not getting shot.

"Friefek Droids, can't shake'em. Would someone please SHOOT THEM!"

Goblin Music
2009-07-05, 08:06 AM
lets just focus on not ending up floating in in a large shrapnel filled cold vacuum
Aid another
((and here i am with no book))

2009-07-05, 10:38 PM
"I've got the moves, just blast the damn droids."

2009-07-13, 09:15 PM

The 'crate' as you so delicately called it pops open and as it does you notice that the 'crate' has a barred window on one of the sides. Before you have time to react a hand grabs your throat and starts to choke you. A Rodian emerges from the 'crate' and starts laughing. "I thank you dogface for letting me out, but you're stupid. Now that I'm free I'll kill you." The rodian says in Nelvaanese. You hear the strange language that the others speak come from all around you, but then you hear it again and this time it's coming from Aila. She's standing there with her rifle pointed at the Rodian. He laughs let's him go saying, "You're lucky your friend is here, but if we meet again I doubt you will be so lucky." He turns to Aila and starts speaking in the strange language too. An exchange of words between the two quickly follows, but you don't understand a word they're saying. The Rodian puts his hands up and slowly backs up against the wall, laughing again.

@Everyone else

You try to evade the droids, but they outmanuver you and line up for a shot. Right when you think that you're all going to die the droid blows up. ARC-170s fill the sky and blow up the other two droids. A transmission comes in from one of the starfighters "Who are you and why are you here?" says the familiar clone voice.

2009-07-13, 09:24 PM
"Tell him we're on a pleasure cruise, Shivahn. You know see, the galaxy get shot at, blow apart in the void." Berk smirks. Then he powers down the pilot weapons and slows to noncombat speed.

2009-07-13, 11:50 PM
Demon warrior, this was getting incredibly bad. As he was dropped to the ground he seen the odd one backing up. Jack picks himself up, and he aims with all the essence of his body, mind and spirit at the enemy. Finally he throws the spear as he is snarling something out in Nelvaanese.

Coughing and still a bit short of breath Jiibayag speaks to the odd being "I'll find you again demon warrior, and Ill know you when I see you for sure. I'm sure you won't forget me either after this little gift!"

Destiny point for an auto critical hit against this ****er. I am aiming specifically at his eye, and I intend to cause maximum damage near it. Give him a nice scar for all his trouble or maybe even lose an eye ;) . Damage [roll0] It is only +3 this time instead of +6 because I am throwing it and not using it two handed.

2009-07-14, 07:58 PM

Juku Powers down his weapon as well he then gets up and goes over to the comm station and replied, This RC - 1019, Rank Sargent, we've just escaped from a separatists prison facility, and thanks for the assist (ner vod*)

(*my brother)

2009-07-14, 08:17 PM
''Make sure you tell we escaped in my brand new ship." Berk relays to Juku.

He then attemps to stash his newly aqquired booty.

2009-07-14, 09:51 PM
@everyone in cockpit

"You just escaped from the prison?! The General will want to see you immediately. Six and I will escort you to the Desolater." You have no choice, but to follow the clones to the Desolater. The Desolater is the cruiser you saw come out of hyperspace earlier. As soon as you land clone troopers swarm into the cockpit and escort everybody out.


Your spear heads directly for the Rodian's eye, but he moves. The spear makes a large cut from above his eye to below his eye. He screams in pain and lunges at you yelling, "You Bantha Poodoo! You will die!" Just then clone troopers storm into the room and escort you all out of the ship with the Rodian saying, "You are gutsy, but stupid. I will kill you for what you have done to my eye."


Everyone is escorted to the bridge by a bunch of clones. The bridge is filled with clones moving quickly across the room and working furiously on control panels. "General these people say they escaped from the prison and a clone trooper was with them." says the clone in front of you. The person in the room you least expected to be the General turns around. A Duro with two heavy blaster pistols hanging from his belt and a blaster carbine across his back turns around. "Really? Is Master Norran with you?"

2009-07-16, 06:43 PM
Jiibayag just snarls at the one who he had cut. He tries to fight his way out of the clones and lunge at the demon warrior, but they drag him off with the others. All he can do is smile at the demon warrior as he is escorted away.


On the bridge he is now in binder cuffs, and one of the clone troopers has a catch pole around his neck. Two more flank him with some sort of painful stun staffs at the ready to jab into him as they did earlier. It is quite evident they have mistaken him for a wild animal of some kind. He also has a muzzle on his face, joining the muzzle is a really grouchy look of anguish that he is being treated so. Jiibayag just listens bored at the odd sounds everything is making.

I figured freaking out on the clone troopers trying to attack them to get to the Rodian was enough to warrant them thinking he was an animal. :P It's not like too many see a Nelvaan for the record. ;)

2009-07-16, 10:25 PM
Berk, looking startled is drifting to back of the group and not speaking up at all.

2009-07-18, 10:27 AM
Sir, if Master Norran was an old Kel Dor, i sorry to say he died from injures stained prior to are escape, but we would not have been able to escape if not for him sir.

2009-07-18, 06:40 PM

Feeling particularly timid with all these military personnel around her, the lurmen simply makes a small nod to affirm Juku's report.

2009-07-18, 08:18 PM
Upon hearing the news he puts on a tough face, but his eyes tell of his grief. "Master Norran knew the risks of trying to take a shortcut, but we never expected him to die. We'll have to report this to the council immediately." He eyes open wider as he looks closer at your grou. "Aila, is that you?" "Yes, General Venlai it's me." "I... I thought you were dead," the general says as he walks over and gives Aila a hug. "No, When they captured Master Norran they got me too," she says as they leave each other's embrace. "You have to return to your post immediately. The planet has been falling ever since you left." "Actually sir, I want to leave the military." The General steps back with shock clearly on his face. "If that is what you want I'll have it arranged and you can leave whenever you like, but I'll miss you." "I'll miss you too sir." Then she turns to your group who during this conversation was being completely ignored. "Thank you for all your help and I wish I had something to give you in return." The General interrupts her here, "I might be able to help you with that. It seems the Rodian you had on that ship was the notorious Grelko. He is a mass murder and believed to be insane. Because of that he has 6,000 credit bounty. Since you apprehended the criminal the bounty is all yours, but I can't let you keep the ship." Aila smiles a little and continues, "Well at least you have something and I hope to see you all again. Oh and release the Nelvaanian please." The clones do as she says before she walks over and gives each of you a hug of thanks. Then she leaves. "You should head toward the Quartermaster to receive your bounty and you can buy stuff from him if you want to. And when you're ready we'll have Six here show you where you can sleep."

You now have 186 xp total, 1,200 credits and Mo you can only keep one suit of the LIGHT armor and one blaster rifle not including the one Jukashi has. Feel free to head to the quarter master to buy some things and make sure to pay licensing fees. Or you could talk to the General some more, but eventually make sure you ask Six to show you where to sleep.

2009-07-19, 02:45 PM
Berk takes the first opportunity to head down to the quartermaster to collect his bounty. "You the quartermaster? Got my bounty? I got some salvage I need to unload."

2009-07-19, 04:46 PM
General, what about me sir, should i rejoin the rest of my unit or do you want me to stay with my new friend and keep an eye on them. Asks Juku

2009-07-20, 12:59 PM
Jiibayag looks quite pleased to be free of his bonds. He goes to the clone troopers and puts his arm to their shoulder and mutters something while bowing his head. He looks like he is feeling bad about scaring them. After this he falls in line with the other and waits for them to lead the way.

He simply apologies to the clone troopers who had to calm him down. Afterward he speaks up to Alia "Thank you for getting me out of those. It was quite uncomfortable, and I was feeling rather helpless.

2009-07-21, 10:33 AM

At a loss as to what she should be doing, Shivahn looks around the room for some sort of guidance as to what she should be doing. Her gaze settles on the navigational array, and she lopes over towards it.

Trying to stay out of the way of the clone troopers moving across the bridge, she stands up on her toes to try and get a look at the ship's current heading.

2009-07-21, 02:25 PM

The clones release you at Aila's command and she smiles when she hears you. After that you follow Berk down to the Quarter Master.

@Gam and Mo

You find the Zabrak Quarter Master at place that looks like a bar counter. He answers, "Yeh I got your bounty." He turns around and digs out some credit chips. "Here ya go," he says handing them to you, "You said something about salvage?"


He thinks a minute before quietly saying,"If they can brake out of a Sepratist jail they've got some skill and I have a feeling sbout them. So to answer your question, yes. Follow them and report in when you can."


You notice that the ship is still close to Felucia, but that it is slowly heading toward the core.

2009-07-21, 06:54 PM
Yes Sir!, Juku then heads down to the Quarter Master to collect he' share.

2009-07-21, 07:30 PM
Berk takes the armor, the blasters and the misc. equipment that he took in the prison. "I'll tell ya what. I'll trade you this heads up for that droid over there." Pointing to an R5 unit.

[roll0] Persuasion

2009-07-22, 02:52 PM
Jiibayag just looks at the odd pile of chips he was given. He picks one up and smells it. He quickly rummages through his belt pouches and sees that at least one was filled with some of the odd things he had been given. Having a vague feeling this would be useful later on he puts his share of the odd things in his belt pouch.

I assume I have Jiibayags spear back. The one I threw at the Rodian? Or do I need to replace it? I just assumed one of the clones would take it and then later give ti back to me.

2009-07-25, 08:53 PM
The quartermaster looks at Berk and says, "Deal and I'll tell you what if you can get me a recommendation from the captain and seventy-five credits I can give you license immediately. However until then I'll just hold onto the droid." As soon as Juku appears he haands him his share.

Gam yes you still have that spear.

2009-07-25, 09:15 PM
"It's just a Friefek repair droid, what do I need a license for? Come on, do me a favor just let me have the droid. Also, you got any hold-out blasters back there, you know for personal defense." Berk says with a sly wink.

Persuasion [roll0]

2009-07-26, 02:12 AM
Bored out of his skull Jiibayag waits near by on a bench and starts dozing off. It's not like he can understand anything anyways.

2009-07-26, 09:41 AM
After receiving the credits from the quartermaster, Juku looks around and notice there strange new friend that dose not speak or seem to understand basic, Juku turns to the quartermaster and asks, Sir, do you have any cheap protocol droid or any thing with a translation program, are friend over there dose not understand or speak basic, and it would make communication with him easier

2009-07-26, 09:54 PM
The quartermaster looks at Berk and says, "Hmm give me a hundred credits for the license and you can have it right now." Quietly he whispers, "About those hold-outs I have one in the back, but it's gonna cost ya 500 credits." Then turning to Juku he starts speaking mando'a. "Listen I can get you a really nice droid that can speak Basic, Binary, Nelvaanian, and any other four languages you want. It'll cost you your cut of the bounty , but he isn't completely useless in combat. Wait I've got an Idea." He stops speaking Mando'a and starts speaking Nelvaanian. "Hey you! I can get you a personal translator so that you can talk to people, but You'll have to give me those chips I gave you."

2009-07-27, 11:59 AM

Feeling no objection to their course (and unlikely to say anything if she did), Shivahn heads down to the quartermaster herself. She waits for the others to finish... then waits some more... then goes and fetches a chair, pushing it in front of the counter and climbing up on top.

"Hi. Um. Do you have a surgery kit?"

2009-07-27, 01:18 PM
Alarmed at suddenly being talked at he sits up quickly and a hand moves to a spear on his back, but he realizes there was no threat and relaxes again.

"How do you speak my language? Is it that common among the stars? Also why would I want a foul spirit warrior as a translator! They are cursed things."

2009-07-28, 06:56 AM
THe quarter master quicly replies to potential cutomer. "I can speak your language because I make it my buisness to learn out of the way languages that hardly anyone knows, like yours. And why would you want this translator? Because no one else can and although you say its cursed it will probably save your live in ways you don't expect or even know. Now I suggest you come and give me those chips." Then turning to Shivan he says, "Yeh I got one. Standard price." Then he talks to Juku again. "Think about which languages you want the droid to speak if I can get him to buy it."

2009-07-28, 02:06 PM
"You're robbing me blind here! I'll give you three hundred for the whole mess."

2009-07-28, 03:32 PM
How may languages slot will the droid have, off the top of my head I'd say, his language of course, Basic, Mando'a, Huttese, Bocce, Binary, and maybe the Jawa Trade Language.

2009-07-28, 05:59 PM
Over hearing Juku, "Uh, yea I speak Huttese, Bocce and Binary, also Duros and Sullestese. So don't bother with those.''

2009-07-28, 06:26 PM
I was talking about what other languages to load on to the droid, so he can communicate with a wide verity of beings as possible Say Juku, pointing to Jiibayag.

2009-07-28, 09:01 PM
"I know, I was just saying if I can speak those languages, you don't need a droid that can speak it.'' Berk remarks.

2009-07-28, 09:17 PM
were not always going to be together so its good to have some overlap.

2009-07-28, 10:28 PM
The odd lupine figure raises his right arm to his chin and strokes some of the longer fur under it, and he is looking like he is unsatisfied at these explanations. His ears are slightly back as he has a thinking face on.

"Well... I guess Ill just accept this odd... phenomenon. I had no idea that my people have managed to spread our language even this far. Anyways, how much of these little chips do I have to give you? As a matter of fact what are these little chips? Why can I not go and hunt you a spear worth of fish for the spirit being."

2009-07-29, 09:35 PM
Speaking in Nelvaanian he says, "The little chips are money. You can buy things with them. To get the droids You have to give me all the chips I gave you. And as for why you can't just get me fish well not everyone likes fish." Then turning to Mo he says, "450 and that's pretty generous." Then to Juku he says, "Other than Basic, Binary, and Nelvaanian he can speak four other languages.

2009-07-30, 12:19 AM
"Deal" berk replies witha sly grin. Takes the blaster, and forks over the chips.

2009-07-30, 02:09 AM
"Hmm... well seeing as I am so very far from my homeworld and all I now won is on my back could I get you to reduce your price? If these chips are as important as you say they will come in handy. Help a person out who's down on their luck."
After he does this a sad puppy eyed look appears on his face.

Persuasion [roll0] Come on sad puppy eyes got to be worth at least +2 on my persuasion check ;) Ill just roll what I have for now though.

Typical... a 2.... you know what I just hand over the cash. Ill be lucky to leave this place alive at the rate I'm going.

2009-07-30, 01:03 PM

"Uh. Ok, I'll have that. You can just take it out of my part of the money. And, um, let me see..."

She appears to zone out for a fraction of a second to think about the amount of credits she'll have remaining. Then she nods to herself, reaches down, and hefts the blaster rifle she took from the prison up onto the counter, where it lands with a dull clatter.

"This, uh... isn't my sort of thing," she says, eyeing it with some distaste. "But I, uh... kind of need a weapon so, would you take it and give me, maybe, a pistol? Perhaps an ion pistol too? With the licensing? I think the rifle's price would cover it... maybe?"

2009-08-08, 08:06 PM
The quartermaster takes the credits and brings the droid around to Berk along with his license. Then he looks at Shivan and says, "Sure." He goes behind the counter and pulls out the two pistols. He hands the two pistols over along with the licenses and taks the rifle. "You guys decided on what languages to have the droid speak yet?" he takes Jiibayag's credits as he talks.

I'm back

2009-08-09, 12:37 AM
OOC: So did I get the droid? I just said f it and bought the translator droid. Pretty sure I even removed the credits from my character sheet.

2009-08-09, 05:50 AM
OOC: So did I get the droid? I just said f it and bought the translator droid. Pretty sure I even removed the credits from my character sheet.

Ya, but One of you needs to tell what other four languages it has. I'll edit my post though

2009-08-09, 11:04 AM

Ya, but One of you needs to tell what other four languages it has. I'll edit my post though

OOC: I wouldn't be able to tell him, but just say after a minute of silence he decides to put in a "standard package of common languages". This would include Durese, Bocce, Hutsese, and High Galactic. Get's all the bases covered.

2009-08-09, 11:24 AM
(Alright, but for he's gonna change it up a little)

The quartermaster without having recived a final answer on the languages walks back to a computer and starts typing. A few seconds later with a small humaoid droid following him. "This is B-3 M-2. I made the droid myself." The small droid observes the group slowly before turning to Jiibayag. "You own me now and I am your translator. Anything you would like to say?" he says in Nelvaanian.
Use B-3 to talk whenever you want.
Here are his stats.
B-3 M-2
Small Droid(3rd Degree) nonheroic 1
Init:+1 Senses: Perception +3
Languages: Basic, Binary, Nelvaanian, Bocce, Huttese, Gand, Jawa Trade Language
Defenses: Ref 12(11 flatfoot) Fort 10 Will 13
Hp 3; Threshold 10
Immune: Droid Traits
Speed 4 squares (walking)
Melee unarmed –3 (1d2)
Ranged Heavy Blaster Pistol +1 (3d8)
Fighting Space 1; Reach 1
Base Atk +0; Grp +0
Abilities Str 4, Dex 13, Con -, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 16
Feats Skill Focus(Deception) Skill Focus(Persuasion) Weapon Proficiency Pistols Linguist
Skills Persuasion +8 Deception +8 Knowledge Social Sciences +7 Stealth +6(untrained)
Systems Walking Locomotion, heuristic processor, 2 hands, vocabulator, Translator unti DC 10
Posessions Heavy Blaster Pistol, Hip Holster

2009-08-09, 11:27 AM
juku sagest, going for, Bocce, Huttese, Rodese, Twi'lek

2009-08-09, 11:53 AM
Juku asks the quartermaster, Do you have any SubRepeating Blasters if you do I'd like one and a holster for it.

2009-08-11, 08:08 AM
The quartermaster looks at Juku and says, "Sorry, but I don't have any." Then Six comes along and jokingly says, "Leave the poor old quartemaster alone will ya?" After a slight chuckle an Six receiving a punch on the arm he continues, "Its time to go to your cabins now as we're getting ready to jump to lightspeed." Six leads the way to your quarters. The quarters consist of one rathar large rec room and just enough sleeping quarters for all of you.

2009-08-11, 07:45 PM

Carrying her new surgery kit especially carefully, Shivahn follows the trooper to their new residence. She looks around it with some hint of pleasure - spartan though it is on a military ship, it's a lot better than what she'd been used to recently.

She quickly picks quarters for herself and leaves her belongings, returning to talk to Six.

"Hey. Uh, how long is the trip going to be, again?"

Goblin Music
2009-08-11, 09:27 PM
Lacu gathers his creits and waits for the rest of the party.
after the trade and barter Lacu will follow Six to his quarters Thank you Lacu will then claim a room close to the entrance to the rec room

2009-08-13, 11:44 AM
Berk is checking out his brand new droid. Stashing his stolen lightsaber inside the R-Unit.