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2009-04-10, 08:10 PM
That's right, you guessed it! I need help/advice/aid/tips/ideas for a campagin world. This is my first one and I'm just looking for genera advice, nothing specific just wondering if anyone has tips for newbies?
here's the world so far:
So yeah. Basically The North is called Winterfray (home to dwarves and their underground cities with snow...lots of snow.), the West is caled Greenborough (home to humans, mostly green valleys with a few hills and swamps), the South is called Galahad (a giant forest island home to Elves) and the East is The Lost Sands (desert wasteland).

I want this to be a really original world with few cliche...ness. Thanks for the help/ideas:smallbiggrin:

2009-04-10, 08:15 PM
First off, you need to put this over in homebrew.

That said, wow, kickass map!

2009-04-10, 08:16 PM
First off, you need to put this over in homebrew.

That said, wow, kickass map!

woah...what in the world am I thinking, you're right. You'd figure a year on this forum would mean something:smalltongue:

2009-04-10, 08:17 PM
Well, the names and places/ways the races live are pretty cliche.

How about eskimos, tropical above ground dwarves, boring industry loving elves, and no desert. Too many cliches there.

Also Lerky, how will people reasonably get from the south to the north?

2009-04-10, 08:19 PM
You should probably decide if the world is going to be high magic or low magic. That was you can handle things like communication and transportation right off the bat.

2009-04-10, 08:24 PM
Well, the names and places/ways the races live are pretty cliche.

How about eskimos, tropical above ground dwarves, boring industry loving elves, and no desert. Too many cliches there.

Also Lerky, how will people reasonably get from the south to the north?
Boats. Zepplins. Teleportation. Giant Bats. The sheer power of their AWESOME. I have no idea (those those five are pretty cool). Good question. Lerky?

Also, I recommend that you consider the technological level of the world. Is it high magic? High tech? Low both? Low one or the other?

What about the divinity level? Are the gods omnipresent and all-important (read: Forgotten Realms on speed)? Are they barely even there (read: Eberron)? Some happy medium?

Last bit: concerning cliches, don't necessarily worry about them. Make something that stirs your imagination. They aren't some great evil, just a touch overused. If you have two great ideas, and one's cliched, use the other. Otherwise, meh, who really cares. If it's well thought out and interesting, it's no biggie.

2009-04-10, 08:25 PM
Well, the names and places/ways the races live are pretty cliche.

How about eskimos, tropical above ground dwarves, boring industry loving elves, and no desert. Too many cliches there.

Also Lerky, how will people reasonably get from the south to the north?
well...okay touche. But I don't want to stray too far from the original ideas of fantasy. I'm mainy looking for interesting things like "Magic illegal" but not exactly as drastic as that:smalltongue:
I still need the originals like "Dwarves mine and like beer" and "Elves like trees" but I need something to make it diverse. I'm not really sure how to describe it now, once I get a good grasp on words I'll describe it.

The reason there's a lot of water is because cultures rarely infuence each other in this world and it's simple: "by boat":smallbiggrin:

You should probably decide if the world is going to be high magic or low magic. That was you can handle things like communication and transportation right off the bat.
I've always perfered a low magic media where it's feared and respected but very few know how to use it.

On a side-note I PMed a mod to move this thread to Homebrew when he gets the time.

2009-04-10, 08:27 PM
Last bit: concerning cliches, don't necessarily worry about them. Make something that stirs your imagination. They aren't some great evil, just a touch overused. If you have two great ideas, and one's cliched, use the other. Otherwise, meh, who really cares. If it's well thought out and interesting, it's no biggie.

I agree. Most fantasy is clichéd anyways and there's not too much you can do about it. Just don't make it too painful and people won't care. If you go really nuts you might try looking at some random literature and seeing if anything there gives you an "Ah HA!" moment.

2009-04-10, 08:32 PM
Also, I recommend that you consider the technological level of the world. Is it high magic? High tech? Low both? Low one or the other?

What about the divinity level? Are the gods omnipresent and all-important (read: Forgotten Realms on speed)? Are they barely even there (read: Eberron)? Some happy medium?
The magic is pretty low and mysterious. But their tech is pretty high, not like they're using lasers or pistols or bombs aready. More like they know what they're doing and they do it well, like Ancient Romans. They weren't sparking fires with rocks, but they weren't blowing things up yet either.

As for divinity...I'm trying to get a file that has all my so far notes of this world onto here. I think the gods are a bit more obscure and now a big part of society, but they're not ignored.

I agree. Most fantasy is clichéd anyways and there's not too much you can do about it. Just don't make it too painful and people won't care. If you go really nuts you might try looking at some random literature and seeing if anything there gives you an "Ah HA!" moment.

yeah, I know this I'm mainly looking for something interesting like a city populated only by undead (which I have done) or another city that was built over the ocean (also done).

2009-04-10, 08:33 PM
This makes me want to play around with my campaign world...I miss it. How did you do your map? It's really awesome! :smallsmile:

2009-04-10, 08:39 PM
This makes me want to play around with my campaign world...I miss it. How did you do your map? It's really awesome! :smallsmile:
messing with campagin worlds is the most fun ever. Sadly I constantly have writers block:smalltongue:

anyway here's the site (http://www.bin.sh/gaming/tools/world.cgi) it uses fractals to randomly generate a world. I of course had to photoshop it a bit to finally get my liking but I enjoy the way it turned out.:smallbiggrin:

here's my (so far) notes. They're a bit long.


Highfaeth is the name of the world in which the majority of our campagins will take place in. It is the birthplace of many races. It was blessed by the Titans who created the world until they were usurped of their power.

Geographic Features

The world of Highfaeth is composed of four major regions, The North (Winterfray), The West (Greenborough), The South (Galahad), and The East (Lost Sands). Each one is made up of several continents. The world of Londiren actually has several smaller islands that have not yet been discovered on the East side of The Lost Sands.


Points of Interest
The most interesting city in all of Highfaeth, arguably, is Underworld. A city entirely populated by Undead freed from the state of mindlessness shared by most Undead. It was originally started by Korenae Duskwalker, an elven warrior whom was banished from her house due to being spawned as a vampire. In fury she slew all the members of her house, having nothing else she made a small settlement for other cast out vampires like her. It took a few years but soon all sorts of undead joined Underworld such as Wights, Ghouls, Mohrgs, and even Mummies from the far East. The city is very small but walls surround the city that are 10 times as big as the buildings and twice as thick. The reason behind this is that there are many Paladins whom have tried to breach the walls of Underworld and slay the “mockeries of life”. A few important buildings are the temple of ???. The only church in the city run by a devout Mummy priest. The only inn is The Severed Gauntlet Inn, a shabby tavern run by a ghoul named Gob. The tallest building is the Ziggurat, a massive, intimidating, building which houses Xanardon Fatefang, the current ruler of Underworld.

Next we have the City of Stormalot. An entire city built over water. It was used as a rest stop for ships traveling from Whiteborough to Galahad. However, the government that set up the site had neglected it, not sending in supplies regularly, not sending in people to keep the law (many that were sent died on the ship ride there), and soon the city succumbed to corruption. The city is corrupt and is legally run by Horhand Shipsail but everyone knows the city if controlled by Tyber Zan, a local crime lord. He was originally Lt. of the soldiers sent to keep peace in the city, but as his men slowly gave way to corruption (demanding money from citizens, and business, kidnapping, acts of intimidation, etc.) he saw the potential. He gathered what men he had that were corrupted and made them aid him into taking over the city by slowly corrupting it.

2009-04-10, 08:39 PM
The magic is pretty low and mysterious. But their tech is pretty high, not like they're using lasers or pistols or bombs aready. More like they know what they're doing and they do it well, like Ancient Romans. They weren't sparking fires with rocks, but they weren't blowing things up yet either.

Are they progressing towards normal tech, magi-tech, or steampunk? Also, how does the magic play with the technology? Are wizards and scientist getting together? Are they at odds?

As for divinity...I'm trying to get a file that has all my so far notes of this world onto here. I think the gods are a bit more obscure and now a big part of society, but they're not ignored.

So... if I get this right, they more like the God Emperor of Mankind from Warhammer 40k? They're the gods on earth that rise to positions of great power and then go out conquering and ruling over people?

yeah, I know this I'm mainly looking for something interesting like a city populated only by undead (which I have done) or another city that was built over the ocean (also done).

Maybe you can have a city floating around traveling from continent to continent?

2009-04-10, 08:41 PM
The magic is pretty low and mysterious. But their tech is pretty high, not like they're using lasers or pistols or bombs aready. More like they know what they're doing and they do it well, like Ancient Romans. They weren't sparking fires with rocks, but they weren't blowing things up yet either.

As for divinity...I'm trying to get a file that has all my so far notes of this world onto here. I think the gods are a bit more obscure and now a big part of society, but they're not ignored.

yeah, I know this I'm mainly looking for something interesting like a city populated only by undead (which I have done) or another city that was built over the ocean (also done).
Hmm, here's some ideas for towns/societies then:
-Base one empire off of Warhammer 40k's Imperium of Man. They have lots of hyper-advanced (relatively) technology, but they don't actually know how it works, and keep it going with prayer to their head of state, a being in suspended animation enthroned in their palace.
-Have a city that is built inside of a massive thundercloud. It uses the electricity generated by the storm system in the cloud to run the city's magical anti-gravity generators or whatever.
-Make there be a cult somewhere that claims the gods live amongst the people of the world. This cult is derided as heretical by most people, but they continue with their blasphemies, claiming that the end of days is coming, and only the chosen will be saved. The truth is, of course, up to you....

I might return with a few more ideas soon. Hope these spark the imagination.

2009-04-10, 08:52 PM
If you really wanted to take a blow at someone then you could have a group of environmentalists that think that this crazy new fangled technology is going to destroy the world. These guys may want to go to a magic only system so as not to angry the gods of magic and all that jazz.

I think it would also be interesting to have a place of interest like the Draco Tavern created by Larry Niven. A bar that caters to anything and anyone, especially those that are non-human. This place can have all kinds of crazy drinks and foodstuffs.

2009-04-10, 08:52 PM
Are they progressing towards normal tech, magi-tech, or steampunk? Also, how does the magic play with the technology? Are wizards and scientist getting together? Are they at odds?

So... if I get this right, they more like the God Emperor of Mankind from Warhammer 40k? They're the gods on earth that rise to positions of great power and then go out conquering and ruling over people?

Maybe you can have a city floating around traveling from continent to continent?
Well magic is more secretive and subtle, and there's not a lot of people who use it. And there's no scientists...yet. It's still a medieval world.

Well the gods were originally three Titans, but after the titans began dying due to a mysterious illness that can only affect the immortal, they chose a small group of people and rose them to godhood. They didn't make these new gods immortal, for fear that they'd just gain the disease like the Titans. These gods now rule over their people from the safety of spread out planes.

That's a pretty cool idea

Hmm, here's some ideas for towns/societies then:
-Base one empire off of Warhammer 40k's Imperium of Man. They have lots of hyper-advanced (relatively) technology, but they don't actually know how it works, and keep it going with prayer to their head of state, a being in suspended animation enthroned in their palace.
-Have a city that is built inside of a massive thundercloud. It uses the electricity generated by the storm system in the cloud to run the city's magical anti-gravity generators or whatever.
-Make there be a cult somewhere that claims the gods live amongst the people of the world. This cult is derided as heretical by most people, but they continue with their blasphemies, claiming that the end of days is coming, and only the chosen will be saved. The truth is, of course, up to you....

I might return with a few more ideas soon. Hope these spark the imagination.
hm...these are also some pretty darn cool ideas. I'll make sure to write them down:smallwink:

2009-04-10, 09:04 PM
I like the subtlety of the magic. That means that finding magic gear is probably going to be pretty difficult. How will people overall respond to high level casters who are painfully obvious? Or is this a case where magic is still there, but it's Gandalf type magic where it's used only when it's necessary?

Is there any way for these mortal gods to become immortal? Or do the remaining immortals just keep appointing the leaders of mankind? Either way, cool stuff.

2009-04-10, 09:14 PM
Here's another good idea or two:

-Unknown to the gods (who think them dead), the Titans have discovered a cure for their ailment, and have successfully applied it to themselves. Now, with renewed interest in the world, they are watching and gathering servants to themselves. For what purpose, none, not even the gods, are sure.

-A Spelljammer descends from the sky into the largest city in the world. The crew is all dead from some unknown disease and the world's leaders are in a blind panic over what this damn thing IS and what to do with it. After a few days, another 'jammer appears in the sky, broadcasting a message that demands the return of the other 'jammer and it's crew. Unfortunately, the damaged ship has vanished, and no one seems to know what happened to it. (Twist on "aliens descend and demand stuff")

EDIT: Something involving the Far Realm is never bad. Lol indescribable horrors from the beyond. :smallbiggrin:

2009-04-10, 09:15 PM
I like the subtlety of the magic. That means that finding magic gear is probably going to be pretty difficult. How will people overall respond to high level casters who are painfully obvious? Or is this a case where magic is still there, but it's Gandalf type magic where it's used only when it's necessary?

Is there any way for these mortal gods to become immortal? Or do the remaining immortals just keep appointing the leaders of mankind? Either way, cool stuff.
People will react with terms of respect. In most civilized cultures magic isn't feared, just a majority of people can't learn it. A group of people however know that where magic goes trouble is most likely to follow. They may even have small secret society like the Freemasons or something.
So it's not really "only used when necessary" it's just really really hard to get.

They don't want to become immortal, for fear of contacting the virus. Although a few dark gods might seek this out anyway...

They can be killed, but they were given such extreme power to keep people from killing them.

Irate Ranger
2009-04-10, 09:16 PM
I like the idea of dwarves living in an arctic environment (rather than plain old mountains and such) Maybe you could try to blend in some Inuit culture? That would make for some interesting dwarves.

2009-04-10, 09:25 PM
I like the idea of dwarves living in an arctic environment (rather than plain old mountains and such) Maybe you could try to blend in some Inuit culture? That would make for some interesting dwarves.
I planned for them to live in giant underground caverns that spread for miles. But you know, that could actually be pretty cool to.:smallbiggrin:

2009-04-10, 09:33 PM
I planned for them to live in giant underground caverns that spread for miles. But you know, that could actually be pretty cool to.:smallbiggrin:

Are these natural cave systems or are they caves that the dwarves dug out themselves.. so mines?

Maybe one of the Dwarven lords can live in a cave system like Lechuguilla? And another like Carlsbad. You know, several well known rulers be in some of the most well known or the world's caves, and have each cave system be really unique.

2009-04-10, 09:41 PM
Are these natural cave systems or are they caves that the dwarves dug out themselves.. so mines?

Maybe one of the Dwarven lords can live in a cave system like Lechuguilla? And another like Carlsbad. You know, several well known rulers be in some of the most well known or the world's caves, and have each cave system be really unique.
They started out as natural caves that the Dwarves might of expanded. But not exactly mines, they don't mine they just dig a cavern big enough for a few metropolises to stand in but they don't look for gold ro something.

You know, that's not a half bad idea. Thanks:smallsmile:

2009-04-10, 09:50 PM
My advice is go and do some research on human cultures outside of the standard European Medieval with maybe some Feudal Japan over there template, and incorporate them into the campaign as your main cultures, human or otherwise. All sorts of great stuff out there - pre-colonial India, the Byzantine Empire, Ancient Eygpt...or better yet, more obscure ones.

For a great city, look at Sarejevo or maybe 15th century Granada instead of Rome or London. There's endless possibilities, and historians have already done most of the owrk for you.

2009-04-10, 09:58 PM
No love for my second bevy of ideas Lerky? Shucks... :smallfrown:

Meh, they weren't amazing, but I liked the Titan Cure idea. :smallwink:

2009-04-10, 10:16 PM
sorry I had dinner:smalltongue:

these ideas are all good and I'm writing them down:smallwink:

2009-04-10, 10:19 PM
No love for my second bevy of ideas Lerky? Shucks... :smallfrown:

Meh, they weren't amazing, but I liked the Titan Cure idea. :smallwink:

I'm sure he just liked your ideas so much that he's speechless ;)

2009-04-10, 10:28 PM
I'm sure he just liked your ideas so much that he's speechless ;)

sorry I had dinner

these ideas are all good and I'm writing them down
I like her explanation better. :smalltongue:

Anyways, I'm thinking about other stuff (I personally really like the Titan Cure idea though, really). Ooh, here's a new one:

-In the center of the ocean, a new empire has risen from the deeps. A fleet of deep-sea ships, crewed by aquatic squid creatures with strange mental powers (re-fluffed illithids and aboleths) has used their city-ships and magical prowess to create a chain of islands. The nations of the world, concerned about this new development, are putting together expeditions to ascertain the allegiances of these creatures.

2009-04-10, 10:38 PM
I like her explanation better. :smalltongue:

Anyways, I'm thinking about other stuff (I personally really like the Titan Cure idea though, really). Ooh, here's a new one:

Yeah, we know you like it ;) You're really likin' that really cool idea you have there, really. :P

-In the center of the ocean, a new empire has risen from the deeps. A fleet of deep-sea ships, crewed by aquatic squid creatures with strange mental powers (re-fluffed illithids and aboleths) has used their city-ships and magical prowess to create a chain of islands. The nations of the world, concerned about this new development, are putting together expeditions to ascertain the allegiances of these creatures.

And their steeds are the creatures of the sea and their guardians are great whales. I like that. :)

Maybe you could also have holes that link the planes together. That would leave certain areas completely infested with demons or devils that got through. They would be the badlands so to speak.

2009-04-10, 10:53 PM
In the center of the ocean, a new empire has risen from the deeps. A fleet of deep-sea ships, crewed by aquatic squid creatures with strange mental powers (re-fluffed illithids and aboleths) has used their city-ships and magical prowess to create a chain of islands. The nations of the world, concerned about this new development, are putting together expeditions to ascertain the allegiances of these creatures.
Nice, very nice. By city-ships you mean something like Rivet City from Fallout 3 (a giant city built on an air-craft carrier. It can't move, but these cities could).

Yeah, we know you like it ;) You're really likin' that really cool idea you have there, really. :P
THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID...sorry...I usually never do that...:smallfrown:

Maybe you could also have holes that link the planes together. That would leave certain areas completely infested with demons or devils that got through. They would be the badlands so to speak.
That is by far going in the book:smallbiggrin:

2009-04-10, 11:17 PM
Not really like Rivet City. Remember, they used to live deep under the surface of the sea. Think giant coral formations that they turned into cities. Now, they released the moorings to the coral and let them float upwards toward the surface. Once there, they tethered them all together, and rechained them to the ocean's floor. So, you have a bunch of giant coral cities that sorta drift about with the tides, but never hit anything, since they're still chained to ocean floor, just by a lot longer now.

Also, what do you mean by holes, Katrascythe? You mean places where the planar boundaries are thin, so the planes overlap? Or do you mean LITERAL holes in the ground that lead places infested with demons/devils/whatever?

2009-04-10, 11:28 PM
I think I see what he means. To use a terribly infantile example... I think he means like the Little Mermaid, where they just kind of expanded upon what was already there.

And arguskos, what I meant by holes is maybe so there's either a thing overlap, or like the remains of a gate spell, or something like that. Enough so that with a bit of fanagling something could go through but not so bad that it will rain into another plane.

I guess the explanation if it were the remains of gate spells is that once upon a time there was large amounts of travel to different areas, but then (maybe when the Titans became ill) the magic "glitched" and the gates collapsed, leaving remnants where they remained. Over the years they've been forgot about. Iunno, that was just a thought.

2009-04-10, 11:32 PM
I think Step 1 is making sure you've read The Giant's Guide to World Building (http://www.giantitp.com/articles/YPgbz2j3PckGjjviJU5.html). Best guide I've ever read - and tremendously helpful in my own world building.

In particular, Names and Cultures (http://www.giantitp.com/articles/ieXLOFKij6eMmNIwTcy.html) will serve you well.

I look forward to seeing those notes you promised. Any details that are particularly sticky at the moment?

2009-04-10, 11:49 PM
Not really like Rivet City. Remember, they used to live deep under the surface of the sea. Think giant coral formations that they turned into cities. Now, they released the moorings to the coral and let them float upwards toward the surface. Once there, they tethered them all together, and rechained them to the ocean's floor. So, you have a bunch of giant coral cities that sorta drift about with the tides, but never hit anything, since they're still chained to ocean floor, just by a lot longer now.
ooooooh, I getcha now. That's one of the most jawsome ideas ever:smallamused:

Also, what do you mean by holes, Katrascythe? You mean places where the planar boundaries are thin, so the planes overlap? Or do you mean LITERAL holes in the ground that lead places infested with demons/devils/whatever?
I imagined like tears in space/time itself. Like a hole in the sky and on the other side you can see the other plane. Sort of like OOTS and it's rifts. Or like the Dark Portal in WoW, though many of these may just be hole, without any structure around it. But a few cultists might bring sacrafices here, and even some priests might build temples around holes which angels come through.

2009-04-11, 09:13 AM
Dont hate me now....

But: I dont like the map. it looks like it was computer generated. Could be because it was. Use crayons. Yes, i am serious. It will look more organic than any fractal/perlin combination ever could. Also while you spend 3 hours with the mindbogglingly boring task of filling the great elven woodlands with trees (drawing each by hand) you can think about what the elves are actually doing in those woods.
Seriously: trust me. there is a lot of inspiration found in the actual drawing of a map.

2009-04-11, 01:30 PM
But: I dont like the map. it looks like it was computer generated. Could be because it was. Use crayons. Yes, i am serious. It will look more organic than any fractal/perlin combination ever could. Also while you spend 3 hours with the mindbogglingly boring task of filling the great elven woodlands with trees (drawing each by hand) you can think about what the elves are actually doing in those woods.
Seriously: trust me. there is a lot of inspiration found in the actual drawing of a map.

yeah, I actually tried to run it through a photoshop program to make it look like it was pencil sketched but...it didn't turn out that good. I plan to convert it too something like a grid so I can postion cities and such. I'm more or a technology using DM, I even found a generator that can randomly generate an entire tavrens of patrons, with each answer very unique.

I think Step 1 is making sure you've read The Giant's Guide to World Building (http://www.giantitp.com/articles/YPgbz2j3PckGjjviJU5.html). Best guide I've ever read - and tremendously helpful in my own world building.

In particular, Names and Cultures (http://www.giantitp.com/articles/ieXLOFKij6eMmNIwTcy.html) will serve you well.

I look forward to seeing those notes you promised. Any details that are particularly sticky at the moment?

oh, yeah here's my notes which we posted earlier:

Here's my (so far) notes. They're a bit long.


Highfaeth is the name of the world in which the majority of our campagins will take place in. It is the birthplace of many races. It was blessed by the Titans who created the world until they were usurped of their power.

Geographic Features

The world of Highfaeth is composed of four major regions, The North (Winterfray), The West (Greenborough), The South (Galahad), and The East (Lost Sands). Each one is made up of several continents. The world of Londiren actually has several smaller islands that have not yet been discovered on the East side of The Lost Sands.


Points of Interest
The most interesting city in all of Highfaeth, arguably, is Underworld. A city entirely populated by Undead freed from the state of mindlessness shared by most Undead. It was originally started by Korenae Duskwalker, an elven warrior whom was banished from her house due to being spawned as a vampire. In fury she slew all the members of her house, having nothing else she made a small settlement for other cast out vampires like her. It took a few years but soon all sorts of undead joined Underworld such as Wights, Ghouls, Mohrgs, and even Mummies from the far East. The city is very small but walls surround the city that are 10 times as big as the buildings and twice as thick. The reason behind this is that there are many Paladins whom have tried to breach the walls of Underworld and slay the “mockeries of life”. A few important buildings are the temple of Evening Glory, the only church in the city run by a devout Mummy priest. The only inn is The Severed Gauntlet Inn, a shabby tavern run by a ghoul named Gob. The tallest building is the Ziggurat, a massive, intimidating, building which houses Xanardon Fatefang, the current ruler of Underworld.

Next we have the City of Stormalot. An entire city built over water. It was used as a rest stop for ships traveling from Whiteborough to Galahad. However, the government that set up the site had neglected it, not sending in supplies regularly, not sending in people to keep the law (many that were sent died on the ship ride there), and soon the city succumbed to corruption. The city is corrupt and is legally run by Horhand Shipsail but everyone knows the city if controlled by Tyber Zan, a local crime lord. He was originally Lt. of the soldiers sent to keep peace in the city, but as his men slowly gave way to corruption (demanding money from citizens, and business, kidnapping, acts of intimidation, etc.) he saw the potential. He gathered what men he had that were corrupted and made them aid him into taking over the city by slowly corrupting it.

these were my textbased notes, I have a few written ones as follows:

The Word of Highfaeth
Name Origin: Prehistoric humans named their world after their Faeth, beleiving it be the peak of their gods creation they placed the suffix High- after Faeth (which is basically pronounced Faith).

Political System:
The political system in Highfaeth varies on each region. To the west it is a Republic where the land is divided among lords and each lord rules his city independently, occasionally the lords meet to discuss nationwide issues (lords of smaller cities or elft out due to the hgih entry fee to join the meetings.)
The North is a monarcy. A single king born from a royal bloodline rules the entire legion (and lives in an extravagant cavern, as given the idea by someone on this thread).
The south has a feudal system. Peasent->Solider->Samurai (The south's word for Paladin)->Noble->King.

Origin: At the start of time there were three omnipotent and immortal beings called Titans. The Titans created the Material Plane and all other planes surrounding it. Uonynajguibuu, a male Titan, was a strict and lawful man who believed beings should be told what to do in order for them to reach true happiness. Oerdujyu, the only female Titan, beleived people should follow their own whims and build their own path to happiness. Meanwhile, Ngulalotath, didn't care of being's "happiness" he only wanted power and too be worshiped as the omnipotent god he was. These diffrence in beleifs gave the gods diffrent sections to work in. Oerdujyu was given the Mortal realms to work with, giving all of her creations a diffrence in appearance and individual thoughts and wishes. Uonynajguibuu created angels and archons, striping them of indiviudal looks and giving them all similar, just, goals. Ngulalotath created Fiends, he created these creatures merely to intimidate, and to worship him. He wanted his Deamons to enslave the mortal plane, who were weak with their own seperated goals, and then move on to the strengthed angels and archons. But Uonynajguibuu and Oerdujyu protected their creations from Ngulalotath, but Ngulalotath wanted all existance to worship him so he devised his plot. Using a combinaton of his omnipotent magic, and his demons dark magic, he created "Pandorym" a powerful and fatal virus that only infected immortal beings. Uonynajguibuu and Oerdujyu caught the disease, and try as he might, Ngulalotath couldn't quartine himself from it. As the Titans lay, weakened, they knew their time was almost at an end. Quickly they grabbed a handful of the strongest mortals they had and granted them godhood, making them omnipotent and powerful but sparing them immortality, for fear that they'd just contact the disease. The New Gods fled to distant planes to live and rule over their people as the Titans lay down to die. Uonynajguibuu died on the earth, which is wy the earth is so structured and has pysical rules. Oerdujyu died in the sky, which is why space is so chaotic. Ngulalotath...well...no one knows where he died, many believe he DIDN'T die, that he ordered his minions to butcher him to pieces before the posion spread so he could be ressurected when the cure for Pandorym was found. This was supposed to be the sole goal of his people, but fighting broke out now that their god (the one thing they followed) was gone. Demons wished for the chaotic life style of killing for fun and just slaughtering everything, even their own. Devils wanted a lawful lifestyle of tricking mortals and slowly decaying their minds and bodies. Deamons (or Hellions, still debating this one) were once mortals who got greedy and took on infernal complex's for power (kind of like Vaarsuvius has done recently). They are the weakest of the Fiends but are masters of deceit and illusions. Soon war broke out between the three sub-races and the pieces of their god were lost an forgotten, along with their goal to ressurect him. In fact, if it weren't for their fighting the Fiends could easily wipeout the mortal races (since it was their original intention).