View Full Version : Wellman University

2009-04-12, 05:55 PM
Wellman University

This is a prerecruited RP that will lack a system. If you have interest in playing please message me privately and don't post in the main thread. If you are among those playing just post below.

Please make sure to include some origin or backstory with your initial post.

The first day of college is a day usually approached with the utmost dread, but for you, there is an added sense of fear. You've seen statistics of population ratios for a lot of schools, 30% male, 50% foreign students, but Wellman University boasts a completely different statistic. 89% metahuman. Sure it's not like you've never met a metahuman, you might even be one, but going from you and little Jimmy (who breathed underwater) is a lot different from getting friendly with guys who could detonate continents or blank out the contents of your entire brain, and that's only perhaps 2% of the metahumans...

But as you arrive, dropped off by your parents or alone via whatever transportation you have to take to an immense campus deep in the woods cut off entirely from the rest of the world you realise that there isn't anything to fear, that this is a school, no matter how strange, and that it is here where you will learn.

But what you might learn here might not be what you expected.


Scene 1
Location: Wellman 101, Introduction course to College and the Campus
Time: 12:08

The teacher is late, class was supposed to start eight minutes ago and the students are getting a bit antsy, one has begun flying a paper airplane around the room while another spins a shard of ice between his fingers. One girl is telling the person next to her about a rule she read about being allowed to leave if the teacher is more than fifteen minutes late...

2009-04-12, 07:25 PM
A young man wearing simple blue jeans with a black Ramones t-shirt sat near the back of the room, his blonde hair somewhat frizzy. He was flipping through his text book, his blue eyes scanning the page quickly. He seemed to twitch involuntarily on occasion. He glanced at the clock, then returned his focus to the page before him, hoping the professor wouldn't show so he could finish reading the book. Jason Neur had always seemed somewhat hyperactive, even as a child. But then again, he also seemed to be highly intelligent at times, though this seemed to come and go.

2009-04-12, 08:08 PM
The door opened once more, shortly after the first boy had arrived. Ryan Winter walked much slower and his eyes, which were hard to see under the curtain of stringy brown hair, were locked on the floor. He took one quick glance up to see if the teacher was there yet and to make a quick mental sketch of the room before he made his way to a seat in the back as well. However, he took the seat furthest away from the other boy.

He looked very unkempt. Lanky, pale, large grandpa glasses, and wrinkled baggy clothes. He had the college nerd look down already.

He put down the book sack he had been clinging to for dear life and sat motionless with his eyes fixed on the top of his desk in silence.

Ryan Winter wasn't really antisocial as much as he was concerned for the safety of others and very annoyed with his powers. You see, every single time he made eye contact with someone they would sneeze. That was fine and all. Except if he did not say "God Bless You" within 10 seconds after, their heart would stop. It gets really annoying when you try to have a conversation with someone you're practically allergic to.

High school was torture for him. He wasn't very well liked. No one likes sneezing. It's just never all that fun. People just felt it was easier to avoid him altogether and avoid him they did. With a lack of human interaction, video games became his midnight mistress and from the moment he discovered his powers in the 3rd grade he had been labeled as a metahuman nerd. He wasn't exactly overly popular.

But he did have one non-meta friend and a sister who kept tabs on him. His father wasn't overly concerned. He had his own problems. Destructive powers ran in the family and Ryan's mother had skipped town when she realized she had the power to give diseases with a kiss on the lips. Little four year old Ryan and his seven year old sister, Loretta, were left with a cancer ridden father in a tiny apartment and little to no income.

So there he was. Poor college student in a school for metahumans and so far in debt that his grandchildren would be paying for this school. Assuming he could find a girlfriend that didn't mind sneezing...

2009-04-12, 08:36 PM
Drumming her fingers across the surface of the desk, a girl in an overly warm jacket listened as the classroom began to slowly fill. Each person that entered had their own unique smell, one that told a story and subtlety defined them using water and salt.

She was one of the first students that had entered the classroom, sitting halfway back in the seats and slightly to one side. She lowered her sunglasses so that she could stare at someone without them knowing it, and began chewing on a strand of her lengthy bangs, as if it were an absent habit, like biting one's nails.

2009-04-12, 08:39 PM
Ryan: I'm gonna go ahead and say that heart stopping is a bit over the top. Perhaps it might cause them pain but death is no. Similarly anyone can say "God Bless You".

2009-04-13, 12:23 PM
((Okie dokie))

2009-04-13, 02:48 PM

A young woman has stood up, shouldering her booksack, she walks towards the door. Her hand extends to the handle only to have it leap backwards as the door is thrown open and in a shining blur of unrelenting progress a clockwork knight finds himself standing snapped at attention like the suits of armor that decorate the halls of wealthy english families. From within the folds of his white fluttering cape the mechanized personage removes a book, and with the ticking precision of a swiss timepiece, flicks it open to reveal the first page of the first chaper.

A voice resonates from the being's chest, twanging like an ancient music box.

"This class will be the first page in the first chapter of your life here, and so it is that in this class that we will act as poor authors. We shall introduce ourselves, our purpose for being here, and our goals, an exposition of sorts. I shall begin."

The being stands up straighter, as though it's former formal posture had not been enough, "I am called Plate, I am the second to last creation of the late Dr. Wellman. While I do not have true sentience, and thus creativity, my able to reason, not to mention high grade weaponry level construction, makes me an A level Technology Based Metahuman. No one here should be above A rank in their abilities and my experience as a liscenced hero means that I will have an immense advantage over any of you. With this in mind I remind you that abusing abilities on the school campus can result in expulsion if not legal action, and should you pose a significant identifiable threat, liscenced heroes have the right to deal with you however they deem neccasary. That concept having been introduced I now urge you to introduce yourselves and display your abilities in an appropriate manner."

Plate directs his hand toward the student in the first seat of the first row, the girl who had been attempting to leave. Her name is Jennifer Cowle, her father is Randy Cowle, also known as Randy Rage, one of the strongest men on the planet. Her power is the ability to read anything instantly by touching it. This power lead her father to quit the freelance hero buisness and start a construction agency so he could pay for her education. Plate nods and proceeds to move up the lines.



2009-04-13, 03:05 PM
Upon hearing the constructs words, Jason immediately stood, volunteering himself to go first. His words were spoken very quickly, as though his mouth couldn't quite keep up with what he wanted to say.

"My name is Jason, and I'm a metahuman. My body naturally generates more electricity in my brain than the average person which allows me to think exponentially faster than most people. However, the charge can build up over time, causing me to become magnetic and short out any weak electronics near me. I'm also able, with extreme focus, to channel this electricity into touch, delivering a slight shock, or focus it into a relatively small EMP. Doing so, however, uses up my stored energy, causing my thinking powers to slow. I hope to not only gain a useful education here, but also learn to use my discharging abilities without reducing my cognitive faculties."

Sitting down, he began absentmindedly drumming his fingers on the desk, waiting for the next introduction.

2009-04-13, 03:35 PM
The girl in the fur-lined coat stood up, bumping her desk with her leg in the process and making an awkward sort of "umph" noise. She clasped both hands together tightly and kept her arms straight, obviously nervous.

"My name is Kylie Snowbell, and I -er- can smell things good." She sat down hurriedly with a thump. Her ears turned bright red while she inwardly scolded herself at having lost several grades of grammar in the process of an introduction.


Kylie Snowbell had always been a shy person; she made friends slowly and spent most of her days in the backyard of the house where she grew up. Her parents were gentle souls and let her do as she wished; she never wanted for anything that money could buy, and until a few weeks prior, did not know that she was in anyway abnormal, or special.

How was she to know that not everyone had a nose that could take a scent and follow its color back several days, if not weeks? Her eyes were weak, like watered down lemonade, making her vision poor. Whatever she saw was delayed a few seconds since she had to wait for the air to accept the new movement's scent. Kylie basically saw with her nose.

2009-04-13, 06:57 PM
We're moving! GITP is a tad too moody for my tastes, and we don't really need it's rollers for a free form game...


is where we are moving to. I'll transcribe what we have so far.