View Full Version : Bloody Jack's Gold (IC)

Shhalahr Windrider
2009-04-13, 08:44 AM
Bloody Jack's Gold

One hundred years ago, "Bloody" Jack Dascombe staged the most daring pirate raid in history. His own fleet of pirate attacked an Imperial Tribute Fleet. Dascombe was able to comandeer one of the primary treasure galleons and, leaving the bulk of his ships behind to cover his escape (and subsequently sink at Imperial hands), made off with the ship and the wealth it carried.

Several years later the Empire finally captured Jack. The pirate was quickly executed without trial, taking the secret of the stolen treasure's final to his grave.

However, legends suggest that Bloody Jack may have recorded the hiding place of the treasure on a map tatooed on the back of a slave who was subsequently slain and skinned. This map may be more than legend, since one fitting its description has recently fallen into your hands.


2009-04-29, 09:53 PM
Sha-ray runs her hand gently across the old flesh and mutters a prayer in hopes that the soul of the poor slave is in no way bound by the purpose of the tattoo. Well, its no dotted line with an X, but it'll have to do. Looks like we should start with the monestary. What do you think cap'n? She smiles across the table at the man running the show.

Squirrel Girl
2009-05-05, 01:39 AM
Yeah cap-e-ton do we have a plan?

2009-05-05, 02:03 AM
That seems like a sound plan to me.

2009-05-05, 07:46 PM
Sha-ray rocks back and forth on her heels and smiles at our captain while he ponders in momentary silence.