View Full Version : The Bar Fight Murderers

2009-04-13, 08:15 PM
First and foremost, we put all Out Of Character (that's abbreviated to OOC) talk in double parenthesis. For example:
Later on, when we get used to the system, I recommend that we switch to spoiler tags. But that decision will be made then.
Try to keep OOC from getting excessive. Focus on battle strategies, small jokes that you just have to say, and so forth.

(NOTE: THE FORUM RULES ARE RADICALLY DIFFERENT THAN OUR KITCHEN TABLE. I think that in these personal threads, it shouldn't matter as much, but still follow them. See this thread http://www.giantitp.com/forums/announcement.php?f=13&a=1to get the full rules. Read before posting.)

On the topic of tags, this forum provides us with an awesome tool: the roll tag. The roll tag ONLY WORKS in the Dice Rolling forum, in which we have our own thread. http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=5992114#post5992114 You must go to this thread, roll your die, then edit your post here with a link to the post in the rolling thread. You can get links to individual posts by clicking on the number in the top right corner of the post itself. For instance, this post has the number 1 because I am the first poster.

When you want to roll a die, you format the post like so:
For instance: 2d4 would come up with a roll for 2d4. You can also do things such as...
2d4+3 to add three to the roll, although I think we'll do this externally so as not to **** it up.
2d4 would name the roll itself.
Remove all spaces between the roll tags. Otherwise, it wont work.

Rolls that the DM will handle: All Knowledge skills, Insight, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Bluff, Perception. He'll roll them privately so as we cant see the roll result.

Keeping this in mind, we're still going to apply the rule of Role before you Roll. We'll get a hang of this once we get it started off. Also keep in mind that since you have the time and the resources afforded to you by this medium to make epic posts, you should epic posts. Rule of Cool is always in effect. A good post will almost always get a bonus.

Now, as far as formatting posts, I'm going to let Sheb fill us in on this. He's got the most lvls, so he knows exactly the best way to get our ideas across. His user name here is Fie.

Enjoy the thread!

2009-04-16, 08:43 PM
((And now I'm going to explain how exactly how playing is going to be managed. We're going to start with the instructions for, and an example of, a typical round of combat because, frankly, it's a much simpler affair than pure role playing. We will start here, as we start at the table, with an exposition from your esteemed DM. Here I'll be posting in third person, however it is easily possible for posting to be done in either first and third person. This is something open for discussion. ))

The first DM Post (A.K.A The Setup.): The Lovely Assistant finds herself mysteriously placed within a perfectly rectangular room about 35 feet in size. From every surface of the room a glowing light beats in a slow undulation, gently illuminating everything in the room evenly-- including, standing a small span away from the Lovely Assistant, a goblin in severely weathered combat gear. His yellow gaze rests hungrily upon the exposed flesh of her throat, his mouth cracks open in a lewd, crooked smile.

(( Here we establish the dramatic situation present in the room, just as I would if you, say, opened a door. Next I will translate this post into game terminology. The first step of doing so is providing a grid:))
Example 1 - Turn 0 (http://i652.photobucket.com/albums/uu246/BarFightMurderers/Example%201/Example1.png)
((Following this will be a legend explaining anything on the grid assigning labels to the monster. Here we have The Lovely Assistant, L.A, and the goblin, G1. Since the intent of the goblin is pretty readily apparent, we're going to roll initiative. This brings us to our next post.))

2009-04-19, 05:11 PM
(( Here we resolve initiatives. This is a very simple affair. You guys simply go to the dice thread and make a post with the word "initiative" in it and roll a d20, adding your modifier. Subsequently I will make the monster initiative rolls and then post the order. ))

Goblin 1
Lovely Assistant (2)

(( The goblin has beaten the Lovely Assistant's roll of a 2. He'll be going first. Now, since the goblin is going first, we'll resolve his turn in this post, and in doing so demonstrate the proper formatting of a basic combat post. ))

The goblin's grimy hands shoot to his belt to clasp onto the cloth wrapped helve of a short sword hanging there. He rips it from its sheath with an unpleasant metallic rasp, bringing to light its rusty and serrated edge. (Minor action: Draw weapon.) He then rushes forwards towards the Lovely assistant, quickly closing the distance between them (Move action: Move 4 squares.) His sword comes down at her in an overhead arc, aimed to bite into her face with its dull teeth. (Standard action: Charge.)

(( Here we describe the goblin's turn, then translate into game terminology, much like we did with the setup post. After each item of description we post the action described. It's fairly simple.

Now since the attack is a monster attack, it is resolved in the same post which it is made. Your posts will only feature the above portion of the turn where you attack a target (providing that you do attack), or the "approach" portion, while I will be describing the resolution, or the "connect" portion, where damage is done to the target, in a post following. This will be shown in detail later.))

The Lovely Assistant's eyes grow wide and white as the goblin barrels in her direction. She is able to anticipate his swing and she side-steps it. The serrated sword bites only air.

((For any given turn of combat you will be responsible for two maps. The first map charts all of your action during the turn ( movement, AoE, etc) while the second map displays only your updated position and any alterations made to the terrain. Avoid making unessential marks. The point of the description is to flesh out your action, not the map. The map's purpose is to demonstrate your turn in game language. You will upload this map to the photo bucket in the folder for the current encounter. Name the image Encounter name turn x. Simply mark the maps as follows in your post ))

Map 1 ( Turn )
Map 2 ( Updated Position. )

(( Next, the Lovely Assistant. ))

2009-04-20, 11:10 PM
The Lovely Assistant makes a daring escape for the opposite side of the room (move action: move 6 squares), drawing her wand as she does (minor action: draw item). With a flick of her wrist, she unleashes a Magic Missile towards the Goblin. (standard action: Magic missile)

((Here, the Lovely Assistant would go into the Dice Rolls thread and roll for the Magic Missile. As a convenience, the Lovely Assistant will include a link to the specific post with the die roll. After the Lovley Assitant's turn, she waits for the DM to make a "connection" post, completing her turn with the description of her actions.))

Roll: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=6017770&postcount=5 ((The dice formatting for an attack will be as followS: Player - Target - Power - Attack Roll - Damage Roll, for example: Lovely Assistant - Goblin1 - Magic Missle - Attack Roll - Damage Roll))

Movement: http://i652.photobucket.com/albums/uu246/BarFightMurderers/Example%201/Example1t1la.png

Position: http://i652.photobucket.com/albums/uu246/BarFightMurderers/Example%201/Example1t1la2.png

2009-04-20, 11:17 PM
(( This is the first "connection" post. This is where I resolve an attack, role playing the hit and damage (or a miss) while also confirming that I have seen your turn and prompting the next player in the initiative count to take his turn. After each player post in battle there will be a "connection" post.

Next we'll touch on interruptions. Interruptions will be handled in the beginning of the "connect" post. In this turn, the Lovely Assistant has triggered two interrupts: an attack of opportunity and a floor trap.))
As the Lovely Assistant makes her dash she exposes her flank to the goblin. He quickly spins, swinging his sword after her in persuit-- but he's not fast enough: the teeth of his blade once more bite only air. (Attack of Opportunity.)

She then finds herself stuck to the floor just before the mark of her dash, anchored by a mysterious heaviness gripping her legs. (Floor trap.)


(( On the movement map, interrupts will be indicated by a red X. ))

(( Unfortunately not all interrupts will be as simple as this, so we'll resolve problems or complications concerning them on a case-by-case basis through IM or OOC conversation. Consider these scenarios: multiple attacks of opportunity, and actions that would invalidate the previous post or make the action in the previous post undesirable. Here, the Lovely Assistant will choose to continue her turn as planned. Generally I will ask you if you'd like to continue after an interrupt and I will require a post of description-- save for opportunity attacks you have clearly decided to take in advance and other simple matters such as the floor trap. I'd appriciate it if you would indicate things such as opportunity attacks you intend to take in your post IC or OOC if at all possible.))

The Lovely Assistant's magic missile sizzles through the air, slamming into the goblin's chest and exploding, concussing his chest inwards visably and drawing from him a pained, wheezing cry.

(( In every connect post we'll include a bit of OOC information to help you guys track the progression of combat. This will include the status ailments effecting the monsters, your HP, bloodied, and conditions/actions that exist beyond the course of one turn, and any resistances, powers, and pertinent information you have gleaned with knowledge checks, items, etc. If you'd like me to document anything else in particular, please ask.))

Goblin 1: N/A
Lovely Assistant: 20hp (full)

(( Now, it's the goblin's turn.))

The goblin, stunned by the force of the missile, assumes a defensive posture, warily eying the lovely assistant. His fervor is notably dampened. (Delay)

Position Map:

2009-04-20, 11:31 PM
The Lovely Assistant, now frozen in place, draws her wand once again. Aiming it directly at the Goblin, she begins reciting magical encantations that draw a pillar of flame centered around the Goblin. (Standard action: Scorching Burst)

Roll: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=6017827&postcount=6
Movement Map: http://i652.photobucket.com/albums/uu246/BarFightMurderers/Example%201/Example1t2laarea.png
Position Map: http://i652.photobucket.com/albums/uu246/BarFightMurderers/Example%201/Example1t1lainterrupt2.png

(( With Area of Effect attacks [which include Area and Close attack], make markings on the movement map detailing which squares are effected. In this map presented, the red square indicates that the eight squares surrounding the Goblin, and the ninth square in which the Goblin resides, are included in the attack roll. In cases where an Area attack would effect an unseen creature, the DM will make the roll himself, using the bonuses presented. If you have a bonus that can only be used on one creature [for instance, the Wand of Accuracy power], indicate what creature the bonus counts towards in your attack rolls. Remember: each creature needs it's own attack roll, but ALL creatures share the same damage roll. ))

2009-04-20, 11:43 PM
The scorching burst envelops the goblin, catching his clothes, his flesh, and his hair aflame. He lets out a sharp cry of agony. The blast clears and the goblin is standing blistered and blackened, slouching under the effort it takes to hold himself up.

Goblin 1: Bloodied.
Lovely Assistant: 20

(( This ends our example combat.))

2009-04-21, 12:06 AM
(( Now for the Role Playing posts. These posts still need to be formatted so that we can read over them and understand it all in one go through. Here's the basic formatting for the post:

Post Formatting
Character Name, Character Race and Class (Optional)

"Character speech, often further differentiated by being colored text, preferably a color different from those of other characters in the game," the characters other actions are written as part of the paragraph, as if in a novel. Character thoughts, which are often not colored, but can be if preferred.

Separating by paragraphs at conversation breaks or at logical action breaks is a good idea. <<Other symbols can indicate such things as radio calls, speech in languages other than the standard assumed language of the campaign, etc. Which symbols mean what should be established by the GM in the OOC thread or in the first post.>>

(( OOC: Out of character information, usually statistical information or questions. OOC banter is usually reserved for the OOC thread. ))

[taken from this thread: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=2685483#post2685483 - Check it out. Near the bottom, it has examples for prose, script, first and third person. The whole thread is pretty neat, actually.]

Take a look at many of the other threads in this specific forum to see some good examples. Once we get started, we'll have a much better idea about how we are most comfortable with formatting our posts. Here's an example of a good thread:http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=109039&page=7

As far as posting order goes outside of combat, we will have to maintain respect for one another and their right to post. Obviously, no double posting, unless given express permission by the DM. Generally, whoever is at a computer and wants to post can post, but remember that other people aren't always at computers, and therefore cant always post what their reaction is to a specific happening. Give them a chance to respond, and be realistic. ))

2009-04-22, 02:09 PM
Our (( intrepid )) adventurers find themselves once more in one of two rooms rented from the more than obliging Ignus brothers. The rooms, as before, are modestly, but comfortably, furnished; there are three soft beds and a cot with rough cotton linens occupying the majority of the right side of the room; on the left side of the room there is a large, but somewhat battered, writing desk below a large rectangular window with puce curtains; and situated in the center of the room there is a table whose tilt must be corrected by a brick under one leg and whose circular stains suggest previous usage in the Ignus tavern. It is around this table M. Bison, Ur, Rumpipe, Anung, and Ludovico sit, respectively, on a piecemeal set of chairs. Asaj sits on the table top, grinning, between M.Bison and Ur.

It is the parties intention to straighten out the series of events leading up to their current position before they set out into the morning to continue their search for the shard.

2009-04-22, 11:01 PM
Anung Seret

Anung leans slightly forward over the table, resting his elbows near the edge it. His hand massages the back of his neck, casting aside the shoulderblade-length brown hair that covers it. Tense knots still appear on his neck from yesterdays adventuring.

"Well," Anung starts, "initially we, we, we, we were just observing the monastery here, right? I checked to see if there was any magic emminating from the statues of the gods, and saw that the Raven Queen had a large magical aura about her. It was a lock that needed some kind of blade to open it, but we just passed right through that. I opened some stairs, and we descended into a... a... a room I can only describe as painful. Thankfully, Bison, your intelligence got us through the riddle."

Anung turns to face Bison, and nervously glances at Asaj as she sits on the table beside Bison.

2009-04-22, 11:53 PM
Hearing Anung's distaste to the unfortunate room of darts Ambly "pipes" up and says in a somewhat commical yet somewhat drunken exclemation, "Painful? BAH!" he scoffs "Not once could I be -hic- hit!"

He tilts back in his chair and tries terrably to hold his balance...for once again upon arrival to the inn he has become giddy with drink and smoke.

2009-04-23, 02:10 AM
Luvaris shifts his head up to glare at Rumpipe as he sits scrubbing vigorously at his charred, blackened pauldron making a slow progress. Every few moments dipping his rag into a freshly sanitized urn full of potent alcohol to help remove the grime. "I wish I could say the same for my armor. That basher nearly killed me out there. Why I'm still here...." He mumbles off to himself attacking the piece of metal with the cloth.

2009-04-23, 06:05 PM
Anung Seret

"That wasn't for some time, though, Luvaris. We-we-we should go in chronological order so that we might be able to pick up on... on.... clues, for our current predicament," Anung stutters, repositioning his weight on the chair. His loose buckles sway about with the motion. He hasn't strapped them taught for the day's challenges just yet.

"Let's see... After the dart room, di-di-did we descend directly into the room of statues, or did we find that blood trail first?" he ponders, tilting his head and rubbing his temple, gazing off is recollection of past events.

Fal M.Bison
2009-04-23, 09:06 PM
Riardan is staring intensely at his cigarette, rolling it continually between his thumb and forefinger even though it is already quite smokable. Actually it would soon move beyond the realm of the smokable and into the land of snortableness, arriving at intravenous town tomorrow morning and being ground out of existence within a week, tops. As for Bison, his expression made it clear he was beginning to envy his cigarette and its chosen destiny.

“After the pit room there was another room. We split up to find exits, met back, took an elevator down to that accursed fog…” I should have left her in there, he thinks, making a note of how dark and murderous his feelings toward the crazy broad have become lately and to address them in his next meditation session. “Then we went back up, fiddled around, descended again, and discovered…” Just more questions… Bison realizes, his voice trailing off, raspy from lack of use and enthusiasm.

“We have everything but the motive,” Bison mutters absent-mindedly. Sitting up straight and clearing his throat once, Bison declares, “I don’t think it’s possible to make sense of that roller coaster of a tomb, monastery, ancient prison… whatever, because we did so much backtracking. Hell I have a hard time making sense of why we were down there in the first place.”

“Let’s stick to the important bits,” he suggests, body returning to his voice and some color spreading over his pale, matted, scab-decorated skin with the discovery of some authority to assume.

2009-04-23, 11:53 PM
Ur is sunken into back into his wooden chair with his arms folded over one another. One could easily mistake this position as reclining if it weren't for the almost geometric straightness imposed on his shoulders by the flexing of his muscle beneath the thin white cloth of his matted Henley shirt. The rest of Ur's appearance is likewise ruffled, providing a contrast to the neat angles of his face: a brow that is puckered into parallel bars, tight oval lips, and cheeks, still ever so slightly gaunt from the malnutrition of imprisonment, that are suggestive of a degree of 110. He stares unblinkingly at point just slightly off the center of the table. He answers Bison almost immediately-- though his tone is thin.
"Agreed...Bison...there's no need to dwell on the literal."

Asaj V'ntiel
Asaj's lips draw back, baring a blindingly white set of teeth, seemingly gum-less. She then falls backward with a resounding wooden thump, her short black hair pouring like ink over the edge of the table. Her face turns to Bison, so pale and taut that the only thing readable is her bared teeth. Her black pupiled gaze facets unnervingly on the Eladrin's.
"You're so smart, you know that? All the pauses-- you think in the abstract! And look at you assert, so dashing!" her voice tinkles out, a confusing mixture of a low seductive purr and a high sarcastic quip employed intermittently.

Fal M.Bison
2009-04-24, 08:37 PM
A cold wave of nausea sweeps over Bison as the color leaves his face once more. Prickly beads of sweat start to form along his back, adding a new layer of discomfort to his already disheveled state. His hair, normally a brilliant white/blond, had become matted and caked with soot, grime, dust, blood, and whatever passes for mummy blood these days. His face, usually displaying the unperturbed angular fairness of Eladrin, was currently marked by cuts and bruises. He raises his left gloveless hand (the protective gear had somehow sprouted holes, maybe it was all the sharp things that guardian kept hitting him with) to his mouth, swallowing some vomit that had forced its way up, rather rudely at that.

Determined, not to let the crazy bitch's taunting get to him, and perhaps no longer caring (there is definitely a rock bottom for dignity, even that of the proud Eladrin), Bison presses on: "Just stuff it Asaj, you're still on thin ice after last night. I am quickly losing site of why we keep you around." ((the mad dash she made for the room we thought the shard was in)).

Turning to Ur, Bison begins, "We know that the sheriff of this town had contact with the guardian and maybe the shard 4 years ago during the battle with the monster. He was within an inch of his life and we've seen the puzzles down there, there's no way he made it all that way on his own."

"Furthermore," he continues, raising his hand to stop Anung's corrections,"we see physical evidence of the guardian helping him into the shard room. The only piece we don't have is motive..."

2009-04-24, 08:58 PM
Slowly beginning to come to his senses after all the ale. Ambly leans forward and settles his chair as level as the wobbly legs would allow. His face seems to be sobering up and then as if as sudden as a flash of lightening, his head slips down with a resounding *THUD* Then instantly he pulls himself up and falls over backwards in his chair and then tumbles up and out of the roll into a mock standing position trying to make everyone believe these strange antics were of a purposeful meaning. He sits down on the nearest cot and rests his head trying to shrug off the Trauma. ((FACE DESKKKK!!!!))

"You know...I think I liked fighting that angel better then that table of yours." :smallsigh:

"So another thing that we need to know is where the shadow shard is at this current moment in time." He says seeming to have almost recovered from the falls and stunts of questionable actions.

2009-04-24, 09:14 PM
Underneath the layer of black soot and burn marks the metal is left an orangy rust color from the heat of the angel's blows. Luvaris tosses it back into the unorganized pile of armor on his cot in frustration. "The damn armor is tarnished." He turns and slides from his chair and kneels on the floor next to his pack and begins to rummage through it pulling out his odds and trinkets he's collected. He finally settles on a wine skin full of ash and resumes his place back at the table. He pours a bit from his skin into clear glass and turn it over on itself to if the effects of the ash are still active.

"So why don't we tail this guard and see what he does and where he. He's bound to reveal something, anything!"Luvaris adjusts himself in his seat to better view the contents of the glass.

"I mean, everyone leaves some sort of trail. For Kord's sake we just followed a trail the Raven Queen left who knows how many years ago."

2009-04-25, 12:43 PM
There no special reaction from the ash.

Fal M.Bison
2009-04-25, 02:53 PM
Bison begins to speak but freezes and looks at Luvaris' concoction quizically. Nausea returning, he slouches back into his seat and closes his eyes.

Rubbing his temples, he thinks of his happy place.

2009-04-25, 07:22 PM
Quickly Ambly gets up again and says "You know he has a point. The Guard would probably give something away I mean I could go talk to some people I know here. If anyone knows anything its clearly going to be a bar keep or someone of the sort...I could figure things out if'n you'd like me to."

Ambly "ambles" over to Luvaris's pile of armour and weapons and begins to inspect his frozen Bastard checking for tarnish and other abnormalities possiably caused by the angel and his lover.

Fal M.Bison
2009-04-26, 01:08 PM
"Ok, let's make a plan," Bison says, attempting to steer the careening conversation back into the realm of sanity and relevance.

"We're not in a good enough position with the warforged sheriff to be asking him about something so personal...yet. We should work a little on gaining some favor with him before we approach him about it."

"However, having Ambly tail him a little wouldn't be a bad idea...so long as he doesn't get caught," Bison continues, intercepting Rumpipe's enthused smile with a stern look.

"Meanwhile, Anung, I want you to use your contacts with the Dark Ones to find out what we could do to help out a bit around here, or otherwise gain the Sheriff's positive attention."

"Ur and Luvaris, you guys can initiate contact with the Sheriff, so he at least knows who we are. You're both better at people skills than I am, just make sure not to lay it on too thick. He seems like a cautious dude."

(("Dude" is an old Eladrin word meaning male goat. Actually it originally meant goat penis. In contemporary Eladrin, it is used loosely as a term to refer to any male, penis, goat, or bad goat cheese.))

"While you guys are working your magic, I'm going to look up historical records and maybe talk to some of the townspeople to see if I can make any progress on this mystery." I'm especially interested in talking to that elven girl...

2009-04-27, 12:13 AM
Anung Seret

Anung has been slowly reclining farther and farther back into his chair as he watched Luvaris throw his magical armor onto his cot and observe a cup full of ash, Ambly smash his head into the desk, stumble backwards, fall upon a second cot and miraculously become sober, Asaj throw herself backwards onto the table, and Bison almost vomit onto the table - twice. His pale-red face flashes between looks of amusement and amazement. Only here...

After catching up with the plans being discussed over the table, and being interrupted once by the hand of Bison, Anung chimes in:

"I-I... I, uh... I don't think that having A-Ambly tail the sheriff would produce anything we don't already know. As the sheriff, if there was anything suspicious about him, we would've noticed or heard about already. Remember that after we with... withdrew from the monastery, we
went to Mr. Lenid Sharp and asked him about both the Shadow Shard in the tower and about the sheriff. He told us that he had just gotten into town about the time when the sheriff rose to his position, and that the sheriff has been very... introverted. Now, I have started to-to... to make doubts on Lenid's character. These second guesses have no solid backing, but they easily could, if you would help me, Ambly."

Anung turns his head towards the cot where Ambly is observing Luvaris's weapons and armor. "Instead of following the sheriff, I think you should tail Lenid. There's more to the plan than just that, but-but that's one of the biggest parts of it. Do you think you'd be up for it?"

Fal M.Bison
2009-04-27, 06:43 PM
"Keep in mind Ambly," Bison qualifies, "that if the Sheriff catches you, his reaction will probably stay within bounds of the law while if Lenid does..."

He makes a cockeyed shrugging gesture meant to convey the possibility of torture at the hands of tiny dark midgets, probably involving leather, clamps, and the shocking grasp spell ((or its 4e equivalent)).

2009-04-27, 10:50 PM
Noticing the frozen fingers in the sheath of the sword Ambly disgustedly sheaths the weapon and sets it down taking his seat at the table once again.

"You know I think tailing Lenid would make a little more sense. But I'm not so sure what reason he has to lie to us... Well like I said I'll go talk to some people around here and gather what I can before I tail Lenid, so unless anyone has any objections to my taking a leave of absence after a quick nap(rubbing his head) I'll be on my way."

Turing towards the cots Ambly picks out the cleanest looking of the cots and the furthest away from Luvaris' cot to take his nap. Then he lays down still listening to the conversation and closes his eyes.

"Oh also Anung, did you want me to come with you to talk to Lenid at some point?"

((What time of day is it?))

2009-04-27, 10:55 PM
It is morning, around nine or ten o'clock.

2009-04-28, 01:38 AM
Anung Seret

"Sort of, Ambly. I-it's part of the same system of tailing Lenid." Anung lifts his hands off the table and starts to move his hands through the air as he speaks, indicating different points of interest in his speech.

"This is my reasoning of why he is lying to us: Say the Shard was in the tower. We told him exactly where to look for it. He could have easily gone in, gotten it, and told us 'S-sorry, but it wasn't there.' I have a slight feeling that he's using us to g-get information he wants, and I want to put him to the test for it.

We go back to that house we found near the monastery, and leave an item of some kind. Then, I go to Lenid Sharp and tell him about it, and ask him if he could have a Dark One check it out. If we see that the item we placed is missing, and he says again that he found nothing, we've got a better idea of who to... to go after.

Of course, there are multiple other possibilities, but thi-this-this one seems the most pertinent and promising in my opinion. Others include the Sheriff and Lenid being on some agreed terms or understanding, or the possibility that the Sheriff destroyed the Shard to rejuvenate his health in that close-to-death encounter."

Anung hands hang in the air in their final positions, then drop slightly crossed infront of him on the table. His switches his gaze around the party, actively and eagerly looking for a reaction from them.

(( Sorry for the long post, but I just needed to get it all out in one go. ))

2009-04-28, 01:02 PM
Luvaris jostles the glass a little to see if he gets a response before he sweeps it all back into the cup and discards it. Motioning to his pack he comments,

"I've Got plenty of things we could leave for him to find. All we need to do is tell him it's special in some way, shape or form. As for talking to the guard, it sounds easy enough but didn't we hear he's a pretty distant guy. Keeps to himself, yea? But it's worth a shot."

Luvaris stands up once again but this time reaches for the short sword from his pack. Unsheathing it smoothly, admiring the blade, he draws it across the air in a slashing motion. One after the other with slow, increasing speed he practices his striking maneuvers and then covering himself with an invisible shield.

Fal M.Bison
2009-04-28, 07:03 PM
Bison considers the plan, rubbing his chin and eying Anung as if seeing him for the first time.

"That's actually...incredibly conniving," Bison intones, smiling, "I didn't think you were capable of such roundabout methods. You'd make a good tactician you know that?"

"Only caveat I can see is to make sure we are extra stealthy when placing the item," He reasons, "Lenid seems like the kind of guy to have eyes everywhere..."

2009-04-28, 07:35 PM
Ur's shoulders softens, his gaze adjusts, resting on Anung. As the Tiefling takes the table to deliver his plan, Ur places the flats of his hands onto the arms of his chair, using them as leverage to bring him into a straight backed position and to softly scrape the chair close into the table. The harshness of his face melts down and the only tension resisting the wash is a subtle pull of his cheek on his lips-- a pull which creates a slight and approving smile.

Asaj V'ntiel
Asaj's dark eyes wander about disinterestedly, faceting themselves fleetingly on the articles of furniture populating the room.

2009-04-28, 10:08 PM
"Indeed he has eyes everywhere, but I doubt that he knows anything about the passages below the monestary to the house. I could sneak around get back in, get to the house and place the item and cover my tracks? Hows about that?" He says as he lifts his head only slightly.

2009-04-28, 11:01 PM
(( Welcome to page two! ))

Anung Seret

After receiving the positive reactions from his party members, Anung bashfully smiles.

"Many thanks, Riardan. Th-that's a-that's a compliment I accept whole-heartedly from you." Anung's smile then passes to Ur, to whom he gives an acknowledging nod, before it softly recedes to its neutral position.

"Ambly, you-you... you would be the man to place the item, but I doubt that his eyes roam outside the limits of the city. The Dark Ones that... that report to him function in those places. Still, I would stress the utmost discreetness in placing the item. Any notice he gets of our tampering with it will lead him to dis-distrust us, and limit our resources.

Now, my biggest fear in all of this is-is..." Anung lets out a sigh, and recomposes himself, leaning back into his chair, "is if Lenid is actually being truthful. We would fall back to square one, with possibly a much l-larger enemy to worry about. What if we do what Bison suggested, going around and gathering information for today, while... while Ambly set's the item. That way, if we fail, we'll start at square two."

2009-04-30, 12:35 AM
Luvarus turns his head to Anung with his arms stretched out frozen in mid swing.
"You could always take me with you. I'm pretty good at reading people. It comes from traveling so much. Have to learn who you can trust."

2009-05-04, 01:36 PM
Anung Seret

Anung nods to Luvaris, acknowledging his suggestion.

"That's a very good point. I would appreciate it if you would assist me with that. That would be for tomorrow, though. For now, we will need search through other sources, and place the item."

Anung's expression turns to one of thought, as if calculating a mental list. Suddenly, a mix of distaste and conclusion crosses his visage. "Why dont we use those... those fingers of yours, Luvaris, for the item? They're distinct enough so that Lenid can't readily accuse us of hiding a-a plain item, and strange enough to warrant an actual search by him!" He nods to the others as he details this usage of the fingers.

2009-05-05, 06:20 PM
(( We're going to be taking a break until Friday due to AP tests. ))
(( Hiatus over. ))

Fal M.Bison
2009-05-05, 08:53 PM
Fighting off another wave of nausea, Bison forces himself to relax, absent mindedly lighting the cigarette as he does. Recovering from the thought of touching those fingers, He begins to relax, Leaning back in his chair with his arms crossed behind his head. As Anung details his plan, Bison lifts his legs onto the table and closes his eyes, suddenly looking, and feeling, more at ease than he had in a long time, including in his sleep.

Raising up as Anung finishes his plan, Bison yawns, stretches, and says "I can see I'm leaving this part of the plan in capable hands."

Grabbing his cloak and pack, he turns toward the door, "We shall meet back here at sundown. Any other questions before I begin my research?"

2009-05-09, 10:48 AM
Ambly rises as Bison begins to walk out. "In all honestly I think if we used the fingers it would raise a little bit more suspicion with Lenid. I mean first of all why would there be fingers in the middle of the swamp, two they would get eaten by various animals, and three they would be much to preserved by the frost if he did see them. Your very smart Anung, a good think tankard but some things just aren't as straight forward as they may seem to be. I mean absoutly no disrespect but I propose we use some of the various artifacts me and Luvarious have procured over the many adventures."

2009-05-10, 12:01 AM
Luvaris sheaths his weapon and tosses it on his cot. He kneels down by his pack and starts to pile up his armor neatly and slides it under his cot out of the way before he slips open the cord and dives into his bag. He begins pulling things out and examining them and setting them on the cot. He pulls out the other urn and two Raven Queen medallions, the elegant blue glass bottle of wine wrapped in plenty layers of cloth and linens and carefully puts it on the cot. "I got it! It's a new member to the collection so I better get this back."

Luvaris reaches into his pack and pulls out the statue head from the bottom of the bag. He turns and plants it onto the center of the table looking straight at Ur. "I also have an arm. Rumpipe has a scepter if I'm not mistaken."

2009-05-11, 11:27 PM
Asaj V'ntiel
Asaj digs her hands into the edge of the table and pops herself up, employing the momentum to slip off. She then wanders over to the writing desk, opens it, and begins removing the drawers one by one.

Ur's face contracts once again, his lips drawn tight into a purse. His eye moves around the table, catching the gaze of Luvaris, then Anung, then Bison, before resting on Ambly.

2009-05-12, 08:34 PM
Anung Seret

Anung waves farewell towards Bison. "Good luck. Until sundown." He then shifts his gaze steadily onto Ambly. His neck crooks slightly, and his brow furrows, as he examines the words spoken by the Halfling carefully. Measuredly, he places his weight forward onto the table, closer to the center now that it's no longer occupied by Asaj.

"I-I... I would think that artifacts recovered at the monastery would stir no wonder why they are placed at a monastery. The fingers still remain as the best... best item, for two of the reasons which you just gave. Firstly, they're completely set apart from the rest of the swamp. They're a significant enough item to garner our curiosity, and they're not easily mistaken or replicated. And secondly, the fact that they're well preserved lends even more to their uniqueness, making them seem magical and-and-and, therefor, even more worthy of examination. Because of these two reasons, Lenid might want to keep the fingers for himself, for further observation, and we could then see his true character."

"I-I find your jump to another suggestion a bit... hurried, Ambly. Wouldn't you be glad to allow Luvaris a chance to use his precious d-d-digits? Here, Luvaris," Anung says, as he turns to him, "take the fingers out. We can find them a suitable container, and place them where they need to be."

2009-05-12, 11:24 PM
Luvaris turns his head to look at Rumpipe for a moment and then glances at Anung. He lets his mind settle and turns towards his sheathed weapon. He picks it up in his rough hands and holds it level to his waist as he slowly slides the blade from its chilling home. The a sharp ring and a thud he slips it out and into a standing position sticking slightly into the wooden floor. Tilting the sheath and cupping his hand, three medium sized human fingers roll out into his palm. He turns and pulls a box from his back, the original box they came in and placed them inside and setting it on the table before them facing away from Ambly. "Well there they are. I knew I kept them for a reason. Kord told me it was a wise choice. Bounty of body. Now we need to figure a way to preserve them. They'll only stay in this condition for 12 hours or so depending on the temperature. Anung, can you make them look more mystical or magical. Or Ur? You're good at what you do. Just don't hurt them."

2009-05-13, 01:07 AM
...three medium sized human fingers roll out into his palm...

There are no fingers in the Frozen Bastard's sheath.

2009-05-13, 01:20 AM

Luvaris turns his head to look at Rumpipe for a moment and then glances at Anung. He lets his mind settle and turns towards his sheathed weapon. He picks it up in his rough hands and holds it level to his waist as he slowly slides the blade from its chilling home. The a sharp ring and a thud he slips it out and into a standing position sticking slightly into the wooden floor. Tilting the sheath and cupping his hand, but old cold metal sits in his palm. Luvaris raises the sheath in the aim and shakes it aimlessly trying to get something out of the empty scabbard. He turn and looks upon the ground by his feet and bag where they may have fallen but finds nothing. Luvaris eyes wander up and focus in on Ambly. His voice his not his usual hearty tone but a dark, sarcastic cheery tone. "Ambly, the fingers are gone. Where are they? I knew you were hiding something. I could tell it by the every so slight tone in your voice. I've never done you wrong. Why steal from me?"

2009-05-14, 07:32 PM
Ambly is taken aback at this sudden assumption by Luvaris.

"What? How could they be gone? I swear on my honor as a thief I would never steal from someone who has fought along side me in combat. Sure I looked at them but their disgusting, I put them right back into the sheath. Perhaps they froze to the inside or something."

He walks casually over to Luvaris pushing up his sleeves, as men do to look stronger, and grabs the sheath and turns it down to the floor shaking violently. hoping to dislodge the fingers from their icy dweling.

2009-05-17, 03:51 PM

Two small thumps signal that the fingers have fallen onto the floor below the sheath.

Fal M.Bison
2009-05-18, 08:29 PM
Bison had left the room before Luvaris had looked for the fingers, but had stopped with his back against the outside of the door to listen to the whole exchange. He nodded approvingly of Ambly's initial observation, realizing as well that fingers could be seen as a threatening message, and found himself a little bit awed by the halfling's eloquence. Hmmm, he thought, and here I thought he suffered from ADD...

Then of course Bison face-palmed when it came out that Ambly may have stolen the fingers.

Once the fingers were found, Bison walked away, cursing himself for not leaving sooner, and made his way downstairs to the bar, he would require directions to the library.

2009-05-21, 06:40 PM
Luvaris quickly retrieves the fingers from the floor and abruptly takes his shieth from Ambly. His voice is smooth and stern as he says "the fingers were there, but you're still hiding something." After a moment of locked eyes he turns and pulls a wooden box from deep inside his bag and places it on the table face away from Ambly and sets the three appendages inside it. "At your service Anung."

2009-05-23, 05:47 PM
Ambly rubs his temples and looks up at the ceiling.

Muttering under his breath as if talking to himself "I tell the truth and they think I'm hiding something, I prove I didn't take them and they still call me a theif...I suppose it comes with the profession..."

Gathering his pack he walks over to Anung and extends his hand and says, flat out "Give me the item to hide and let me go hide it. I can't spend much of my time in the same room with people who doubt my creditability when we have matters of more importance to deal with. Now please, if you will, decide upon an item to have placed and I shall place it without much further delay."

He does this with every intention or receiving the item and leaving hastily to place said item without any delay.

2009-05-25, 12:46 AM
Anung Seret

Anung stands up to receive both the Halfling and the Half-Elf, and switches his gaze from one to the other, to the spot where the fingers fell on the ground, and goes to scratching his jawline and fiddling with the tip of his short, curled horns. After a very small pause, he picks up the box and turns it over carefully, half-assessing if it's secure.

"Well, Ambly, I... I-I really don't know what to say. Just.... hmm...." Anung tumbles over his own thoughts, still fidgeting with the box. He abruptly shakes his head, and focuses his attention on Ambly. "Alright. Get this to the house the swamp. Take care of it, and of y-yourself. W-we'll be out to get information, so after you place the, the... the box, return here safely."

He begins to stretch his hand out to give the box to Ambly before pulling it back and turning to Ur. "Oh, I nearly forgot. Ur, do you think we should place any magical markings on the box?" he asks, tracing a few impromptu arcane marks on the lid of the box with his fingernail.

2009-05-29, 08:03 PM

Bison had left...and made his way downstairs to the bar...

((There is no downstairs-- the Ignus residence, where you are all staying, is actually seperate from the Ignus & Ignus bar and forge and is in fact a single story building. I'm simply going to have you progress through the Ignus residence and stop at..well... the following text is for Bison's eyes only; no peeking on pain of attribute loss.))

Bison moves through the unfurnished hallway leading to their room, and upon coming to the door at the end, he opens it. He then finds himself in the dining room and, on the side across from him, sits Celia Ignus, bent slightly, one elbow on the table, her forehead sitting in her hand. Her long flax hair tumbles down over through her fingers. Betwixt both brows is a divot which draws her eyebrows into angles, and her forehead into a troubled knit.

Ur takes a moment to let out a sigh and roll his slender fingers through his hair, pausing momentarily in the gesture to adjust his eye patch. He shoots a glance onto Lodovico and Rumpipe, his brow cocked critically, before looking back at Anung, his face settling into relaxation and attentiveness.
"Yes, actually-- naturally you're thinking of a ritual for the purpose?"

Crazy Bitch Asaj V'ntiel
Asaj begins to re-insert the drawers of the writing desk, found out as empty, one by one.

2009-06-01, 12:47 AM
"Will I get those back?" Luvaris asks to no one in particular. "It's not everyday one comes across something like that and it's a keepsake really. Of when we first came together. Strange I may be but I honor my companions who honor me." Luvaris not knowing exactly where he was going with this statement decides he should make a point so to seem he wasn't just wasting time babbling. "So wizards, if you will, don't hurt them." Luvaris's eyes are firm but forgiving. "And Ambly, though shady as you are, I trust you won't do anything with them as well."

Fal M.Bison
2009-06-03, 05:41 PM
Bison is slightly startled at finding his objective so suddenly but quickly recovers and manages a nonchalant "Good Morning" as he walks toward the door.(gonna wait for reply, if any, before continuing)

2009-06-13, 01:27 PM
Celia is so absorbed by her thoughts that she is oblivious to Bison's greeting.

2009-06-17, 08:16 PM
Anung Seret

Anung shifts his weight to adjust the straps and buckles wrapped around him, and turns his head towards Luvaris. "You should have n-n-no worries. Our rituals would merely be on the box. And yes, Ur," remarks Anung, again shifting his weight along with his attention, "I w-wa-was pondering on the possibility of using a ritual. The... the... unfortunate part of this situation is that I'm c-completely out of ritual components, residuum or otherwise. Per... perhaps a trip to the Tilting Tower would provide us with some components?" Anung fastens hsi buckles, getting ready to depart for wherever his destination may be.

2009-06-23, 04:41 PM

Ur rises from his chair, scraping its legs across the wood. "I agree." He moves across the room, gathering up his pack, before adding, with a slight hint of humor " and I think it would be good for the old man to see something of us other than the full party, eager and, well, imposing..."

Fal M.Bison
2009-07-04, 01:47 AM
Stopping to lean over the table, Bison intones: "I'm sorry but you seem distracted by something. Is there anything I can do to help you?"

2009-07-04, 05:31 PM
"Well seeing as how this is a little more complicated than I had previously expected it to be I'm going to go out into the town and try to figure something out to be of fit to us. If only I'd like to get a feel for the city a little more then I have now."

Ambly opens the door and begins to step out, when he turn back to address Ur.

"Please contact me when you return if I'm still out. I do doubt that I'll be much longer than the two of you."

With that he turns out and leaves the room.

2009-07-11, 10:49 PM
Anung Seret

"Very well. This swamp town isn't too... large, but Amlby's going to know every square inch of it be-before we leave." Anung picks up his pack and starts towards the door.

He stops himself abruptly and turns to face Luvaris. "I almost forgot! I have barely any gold on me, and I believe you have the... the... larger portion of it. We should need about... Well, for this ritual itself, not more than thi-thirty gold's worth of residuum. But for our... future endeavors, what say you for 200 gold's worth of residuum?"

Anung tosses a glance at Ur, as if checking to see if his estimate is correct, before returning to face Luvaris.