View Full Version : Investigative Demolitions

2009-04-14, 11:21 AM
Coming down out of the harsh mountains, the wide plains of the Vale, and the sight of the town in the distance makes for a great feeling of relief and tranquility. As you trudge down out of the mountains, the way slowly changes from hard and barren rock to a gravel, to eventually a rutted dirt road. Dirt soon surrounds you, and the cold of the mountain begins to fade from your blood. To the northwest, you can see a gigantic forest, spanning much of the horizon the closer you get to Alstonvar. South and east are mountains. The lowering sun glimmers off what seems to be some body of water or something to the north. You have arrived in the Vale of Isi-nå.


As you descend, the entire place strikes you as very primal -- with the exception of the town that you see, the rest of the area is almost completely wild nature.


Your small band of fellows stops far short of the city, glancing around, and then nods to you. "This be as far as we take ya. There's yer town." The fellow points off in the direction of the settlement, then turns off the road, leaving you to your own devices.

2009-04-14, 02:19 PM

Otho climbs down and checks Max's feet. The rocky "paths" were hard on a dog his size. He climbs up again and stands in the stirrups, looking for... something.

He rides slowly into town, seeking signs of life. He gazes at the buildings, trying to determine what kind, or at least what size, of humanoid built them.

Otho and Max are a gnome and his dog. Each is wearing leather armor and miles of road dirt.

2009-04-14, 10:29 PM

Making a silent departure Kael, walks away from the caravan and begins his descent into the Vale, where his prey resides.

Kael is a tall, but young, man with dark hair and a few scabs on his chin from his recent need for shaving the new growth of hair. He wears leather armor, two curved knives, and a tortured gaze that often wanders off while he's not looking for a quest to prove his heroism.

2009-04-15, 06:50 PM
As you approach the town, you can see that it appears to be fairly well-populated, although spread out. There is at least three separate sections that you can tell, one to the south, one to the east, and one to the west, with the section that the road runs into lying between them.

Max licks your face as you examine his paws -- a little sore, by his reaction, but nothing dramatically wrong.

The buildings you see are a mixture of tents and slapdash buildings mostly, at least on the outskirts. Further in, it looks to be more permanent structures. A mingling of people go about their business in the area, mostly humans, but a small variety of others -- several dwarves, the occasional elf. Not many even give you a second glance.

2009-04-16, 10:59 AM

Otho hails a friendly looking human, "Hello. I'm Otho. What is this place?"

2009-04-18, 02:23 PM

Kael descends to the southern section and wanders around a little bit, before asking another human "Have you seen the trader Yelloveien around anywhere? He has something for me and I needed to pick it up today but I can't seem to find him."

2009-04-18, 02:30 PM
The fellow you hail is dressed in somewhat dirty brown clothes, splinters of wood here and there. He turns to you, blinking and biting back some words softly when he first sees you. You don't catch the muttered words. A second glance, and he seems to reassess you. "Yer in Alstonvar, laddie. If yer here for the contract, Yelloveien is up that way." He points at a side street up ahead.

"Ah, you're here about the contract?" He glances at your blades and nods approvingly. "You can find them up ahead a little ways, 's a big place. They'll have someone to tell you what's what." Glancing around suspiciously, then leaning a little closer. "Hope you cut the lot of them up."

2009-04-18, 05:54 PM

After thanking the nameless man, Kael heads for the large building the man pointed to. He arrives at the front door and...

2009-04-18, 06:22 PM

After thanking the nameless man for his assistance, Kael heads towards the large building he pointed at. He arrives at the door and...

2009-04-18, 07:45 PM

"Yes, thank you."

"Contract?" That must what they call the animal I was following.

2009-04-22, 06:38 PM
The building you locate is a fairly large one, broadly fronted with a number of empty wagons in front. There seems to be a stable, also fairly large and noisy, off to one side. Inside the building itself, pushing inside, are a wide spread of people. Humans, the occasional elf, a rather scruffy looking gnome, a dangerous-looking human, a beautiful and radiant woman, and several broad tables set up.

2009-04-22, 09:27 PM

Otho leaves Max outside. He strides in, but once there, isn't sure who to talk to. "I'm looking for Yelloveien?" he asks, and if pointed the way tells him, "I'm here following the contract."

2009-04-22, 10:55 PM

Kael looks for an important looking person, and when he finally chances upon one he asks, "What's this all about, then?" and after that he says in a low voice, "And who do I talk to about a job?"

2009-04-23, 04:57 AM
A thin-looking, somewhat haggard woman nods to the people that approach -- the other tables seem to be mostly handling merchants. Three of you stand in front of her -- a pair of humans and a gnome. "Fellow in the back will give ya details on the work." She jerks her thumb towards a door behind her.

Besides the two of you, there is also a human woman, fairly tall, in a tight-fitting red dress. Behind her is a cascade of flaming-red curls. Her face, covered in a creamy smooth skin over high cheekbones, seems to have an ever-present starting smile upon it. She leads the charge through the doorway, barely sparing a glance for the two of you.

Behind the thick but otherwise somewhat ramshackle wooden door is a somewhat more dim room, complete with shelves of some sort of scrolls on the walls, and a medium desk in one corner, a rather pudgy human seated behind it. He nods to the three of you, and gestures you closer.'
"Here about work, are ya? Yer not exactly the Bandros Band, but..." A hoarse chuckle out of a dry throat. "Yer what we've got. Maybe ye'll do a bit better than the other layabouts we've had in. Maybe not." He pulls a scroll from one corner of the desk, spreading it out. "Locally, we're the folok who gets thin's done 'round here. We handle most o' the goods comin' in and out o' this here town. Our particular interest is the loggin' though. Good, old lumber from the forest. There's been proble'ns though." He taps the grimy scroll on the far left side -- it seems to be a crude representation of the town and local area. The area he is indicating is off to the west. "Bad stuff. Shipments gone missing, equipment -- carts, axes -- bein' stolen... Not quite sure what's up. Might be some of the local folk who don't live 'ere in town, think they should be a bit more vehmenant about gettin' rid of civilized life. Might be something else. That's what yer here for. Well, the money you get fer that." Another hoarse laugh.

2009-04-23, 01:34 PM

Otho smiles and nods. That is what he does when confused and between the accent, innuendo, and foreign concepts, he's pretty lost. He's not completely lost: Problem. West. They may be against civilization. Money. But what does that have to do with the animal he was following?

"And the contract?"

2009-04-24, 12:08 AM

Puzzled as to why he was still not given the full details of his bounty, Kael begins to realize he may not get the chance to fullfill his mission and coming here would have been for naught. After all, he hadn't come to find a shipment for some petty merchants, especially not with company. He had to know, "Not so sure I'm supposed to be here," he said quietly, "you few haven't heard about a Falri Duke or a Marvin DuClare I suppose?"

2009-04-26, 07:07 PM
The man's eyes glance up at the three of you, even as the woman is already turning on her heel. "That is the contract. You solve our prol'lem, one way or another, ye get paid. That's what yer all here fer, ta get paid." The woman gestures at you, slight impatience showing on her face, when Kael speaks up in the soft murmur.
"Falri... Mr. Duke is a busy man. Too busy to deal with every adventurer who comes through looking for a job. If you were looking to speak with him, I'm afraid you're out of luck." Eyes traveling around the room. "You'd need to do a fair bit of impressin' to grace 'is place. Maybe.... solve our little problem?"

2009-04-27, 01:39 AM

Hmmm he thought to himself, not exactly an easy task especially considering Duke is a VIP, but not exactly impossible. He cursed himself for believing it was going to be easy, and then remembered a second burden. "Alright I'll join you, but first, is there anything you know about DuClare?"

2009-04-30, 08:06 PM
The man crinkles his face at you. "DuClare... I can't say the name sounds familiar. We hire a great lot of people around here. Can't help ya." The door opens behind you, the woman stepping halfway out.

2009-05-01, 12:10 PM

Sensing that this is not a patient man, Otho turns and goes. He squeezes past the woman, out the door. He heads out of the building and checks on Max.

"I don't know," He tells the dog. He looks west.

2009-05-01, 08:19 PM

"Fine, I'll find him later. For now," he said while following the other two out the door, "I'll take care of your vandals."

He leaves the building and heads off to the west, still wishing he could do this alone.

2009-05-01, 11:55 PM
((Kael, you're on foot, right?))


Otho mounts up and soon catches up to the tall young man. He rides there in silence for a few moments before he says, "I think I'll be able to find the problem, but I'm not certain I'll recognize it. Do you know what logging is supposed to look like?"

2009-05-02, 04:11 AM
((Yes, I am on foot))


He looked down at the odd little gnome and wonders where he came from, it may answer some of the reasons behind his ill-knowledged inquiries. With a grunt he responds, "You don't know what logging is.. well basically its just a bunch of men choppin' down trees. And shippin' it out."

2009-05-02, 08:10 PM

Otho thinks for a while before he responds. "Want me to wait for you?"

2009-05-02, 09:19 PM
The woman has remained relatively silent, eying you both speculatively and shaking her head. She leads a horse that stood waiting outside. A bag over one shoulder, a small quiver on her back, and a strung bow at her side you notice as you go along. Traveling westish through the town, less and less of the buildings seem to be the office and shop type buildings that you had been seeing, and more ramshackle warehouses and boarding rooms.

2009-05-05, 11:53 AM
((So the woman riding slow enough that Kael can keep up?))


The gnome assumes a yes, and rides in silence.

2009-05-05, 07:28 PM

Kael sighs to himself realizing he would probably need the other two, he just hoped he could keep himself from becoming attached to either of them.

"C'mon, the sooner we find those thieves the sooner I can get rid of you..." he says gruffly. "We should start askin' around, see if anyone's seen them."

Gather Info:
and Kael rumages through his memory to see if he knows anything about them.
Knowledge (local):

2009-05-06, 11:36 PM

Otho tries to take his social queues from the humans. He sits taller in the saddle and tries to look surly. He growls to himself. It might be insulting if it weren't so transparently guileless.

2009-05-07, 09:33 PM
Asking around town, at least, proves fairly fruitless. Few of the towns folk seem to feel at ease talking to an obvious military man, and are reluctant to say what little they do share. They seem to know nothing. Your knowledge of the area is very dim -- it is too small to have been of any consequence in your training, too out of the way.

While you are canvassing the people, you are able to at least pick up the woman's name -- Kylina. She still speaks very little, arching her brow from time to time as you try to get information out of one of the villagers, but otherwise content to watch you try to work.

2009-05-07, 11:41 PM

"Gods, this is useless, can either of you track?"

2009-05-07, 11:46 PM

Otho doesn't understand the utility of asking around town. If people knew anything, they'd tell Yellowveien, wouldn't they? But Otho watches and doesn't interrupt. Once they reach the forest it'll be his turf. He can ask the animals, who may have actually seen something.

2009-05-09, 10:41 PM
The woman's melodious laugh is almost mocking, but too warm to hold any malice. "You're going about this all wrong... Even if these town louts knew anything, getting all in their face won't do you any good." She turns back, a critical eye on the sun. "It'll be getting dark soon. If we're to work together..." Her head shakes slightly, almost to herself. "Well, where are you bedding for the night? We can meet early in the morning, and maybe get something a bit more productive done."

2009-05-11, 12:14 PM

Otho looks around. He points. "Max and I will sleep between those two buildings; out of the wind. I'm Otho. What do I call you? Will you be ready to go tomorrow?"

2009-05-12, 05:04 AM
Her smile is soft and warm as those eyes scan over Otho. "To each their own... palace. I am Kylina. I should be sufficiently prepared shortly after daybreak tomorrow. Breakfast, and all that. Dress for forest travel, I think. Perhaps the workers can shed some light on events..." She turns slightly, shifting to face the other human. "And our mystery man with questions?"

2009-05-14, 11:00 AM

Otho nods. "Tomorrow, then."

Once they part company, Otho looks for something to eat. On discovering a garbage heap, he readies his sling and waits for a racoon or opossum to show up for dinner.

Later, still hungry, he sleeps.


2009-05-15, 09:31 PM
The day blossoms with an orange sun rising above treetops and the roofs of buildings, faint rays tickling you awake. Scarcely long after the sun had begun to rise, did Kylina appear outside her inn, clad in thick pants and a cloak with a good weave on it. Her bow and bag followed. "Sleep well? To the west, I think, should be the most... profitable for us. If they don't know anything, then we might be able to see the trouble for ourselves. Yes?"

2009-05-15, 11:47 PM

Otho rubs his head. "Not really." His stomach rumbles. "Forest sounds really good."

On the way he keeps his eyes peeled for game.


2009-05-16, 04:19 AM
((Sorry about not posting for a while, caught up with schoolwork. I got my own color :smallbiggrin:))

Kael returns from a local inn hoping that today's events would bring better results and inwardly glad there would be no more criticism from his earlier futility, uttering, "Let us hasten, the sooner this is done the better."

Sporting his own cloak and armor, Kael leaves his backpack in his room bringing a bit of food and water in a smaller sack in favor of a lighter load.

2009-05-16, 11:06 PM
That melodious laughter again. At a trot, off to the west, your small party heads, through rough streets and over stretches of clear pasture. As you go along, the gnome lets loose with his sling, managing to get himself a hare. The town peters out a little, becoming mostly a dirt road. Along the trail, there are numerous ruts from wheels.
It takes part of the morning before you begin to see more signs of habitation. There is upon the road a small collection of buildings, wooden structures -- several fairly large long ones, with a few smaller shacks between. There is some movement you can see from a distance. As you get closer, you are able to see a few men moving around in the area. Most are men, some shirtless, all human. They spare not a glance your way as approach.

Kylina pulls up short, glancing over the camp with a sideways eye. The trees around the immediate area are cut short, heads lopped off.

[ I'm awful about remembering this. 550 xp for the both of you for surviving to the Vale. ]

2009-05-17, 06:01 PM

Kael takes note of the lone remains of the wagons but says nothing. After she stops he steals a glance at Kylina's face, and looks in the same direction, wondering, "What's wrong?"

2009-05-18, 03:19 PM

Otho's looking at all the stumps. "Busy little beavers, aren't they? Lets go find who's in charge."

Still mounted, Otho continues forward.

2009-05-18, 07:29 PM
Her cheek twitches for a moment or two, then stills. "Maybe nothing. We will see."

Your small procession enters the encampment -- a few men turn to glance as you pass, some sitting on stumps or chairs -- wood shavings and dust are scattered around the camp, some of the men stripped to the waist and plastered in sweat. It isn't particularly easy to figure out where to go, but with a question or two, and by following the general curve of the path -- the wheel ruts stop in front of some of the larger buildings, you find a smaller wooden structure, this one unique in having a porch out front. Kylina swings off her horse, hitching it in front, looking around the camp with a critical eye and muttering a few choice words under her breath, then turns on booted heel and makes her way up the steps. The door is partially open -- inside it seems to be another man behind a desk, one or two others in the room as well. She turns to look a question at Kael -- would he like to take this one?

2009-05-20, 12:35 PM

Oblivious to the subtle play between Kylina and Kael, Otho steps up. He tries to find the right compromise between proximity and being able to make eye contact over the edge of the desk.

"Yelloween [sic] said you've been losing equipment. I'm here to find out what happens to it. This is Kylina and Kael. I'm Otho. Can we get started?" It turns out that at first blush, a cranky gnome sounds a lot like a hardboiled investigator.

2009-05-21, 05:50 PM
The man glances over his desk at the gnome, letting out a short chuckle. "So you're the new saps. At least you're quick to business, not more drunks." He turns his head to one side, leaning towards a window, and calls something out it, then faces the party again. "Plenty of problems, that's for sure. Men disappearing without a trace, storehouses ransacked, equipment breaking down... Plenty of problems, all right." The door opens behind you, and a younger man comes in, short cropped hair and a bare chest. "Lyle here can show you one of the store places -- had half a house full a couple nights ago, and it just vanished. We have guards, they didn't see anyone." The man behind the desk shrugs his broad shoulders.

2009-05-21, 06:09 PM

Otho follows Lyle to the storehouse and looks around. "Thank you. When was this storehouse ransacked, and what was here? Were things destroyed or taken? I'd like to talk to one of the guards from that night. And bring me some grain: wheat, rolled oats, anything like that." He cups two hands to show how much.

Otho has a couple of tactics, which he'll use if the crime was recent.

Speak with Animals to chat up the rats. The grain is for a bribe.
Look for tracks
Speak with Animals to have Max scent around for something other than humans and rats, and then track by scent.

2009-05-22, 07:31 PM

((agh, too much school, sorry for the delayed posts, I wont be here for about two days, I might get the chance to use a computer I might not))

The little gnome is a little more experienced than I expected, he thought to himself. For lack of anything better to do, he asked Kylina, "You looked like you had something you wanted to ask me?"

2009-05-23, 11:25 PM
Lyle shrugs shoulders at your question, taking you to a large, wooden structure with crude walls and a decently thick door, complete with a large bar. "Mostly just wood kept in here. Stacked lumber. Don't know what happened to it, 'xcept for it was here one day, and not the next. No sign of fire, no one seen taking it anywhere... Must have been... three days past. Yeah, that sounds right. " He says something to one of the other men, lounging nearby. "Rupert here has been on watch the past couple nights.". With that and a bemused shake of his head, he goes off shortly to bring back some grain.

You've talked to rats before, so you have a little idea of what to expect. They are simplistic in their language, mainly concerning themselves with either food, barriers, or predators. They liken quickly to the free food, and you are able to get the impression that there was no hunting danger to them in these houses at night, but they don't go there all the same. The idea is more along the lines of just a bad place to stay -- similar to a river or mountain.

The area all around the place is worn down with both human prints and wagon ruts. Max smells plenty of human, as well as some sort of wild game in the woods off further west, but he also growls at the great expansive forest that lies northwest -- no particular smell, just a strong power that might be danger.

Kylina wears a small smile, nodding approvingly at Otho's command of the situation. "Oh, I just thought you might like another chance at asking questions -- you seem to like doing that so much."

2009-05-24, 12:16 AM

Kael's face flushes, and he remains silent for the remainder of the encounter, muttering something about women and trouble.

2009-05-24, 10:27 AM

Otho has also seen rats use a woodpile for shelter. Having shelter disappear is a big deal for critters that low on the food chain, but having them remember something three hours ago is asking a lot, let alone three days.

When Max tells him about his feeling, Otho stares off into the forest. "Lyle, how do you know which trees to take?"

2009-05-24, 09:34 PM
The rats gave no indication of using these woodpiles as shelter -- if anything, they seemed to avoid them. Lyle follows your gaze at the big woods and shakes his head. "Don't cut up there. Keep on the outer copses. As for what... we just cut what we're told. If it's healthy and big 'nough... well, it's ours seems."

2009-05-24, 11:14 PM

"I mean, who tells you? A dryad? A treant? Who?"

2009-05-25, 08:55 PM
Lyle blinks confusedly. "Dryads? No... The chief tells us." He gestures back at the building you came from. "I think he has men that check the woods, pick out the good trees." He shrugs, unsure what direction the questions and the grain is going.

2009-05-25, 11:48 PM

Otho give Lyle a complicated look and stops asking questions. He looks at his companions and back off the the NW again.

2009-05-26, 08:58 PM

Kael strides silently behind his two companions and keeps an eye out for a potential fight.

2009-05-27, 08:11 PM

Another question reaches the edge of his consciousness and Kael asks, "Do you think that those are the vandals, the ones who pick out the trees?" remembering Otho's westward glance after comunicating with his dog.

2009-05-27, 09:08 PM
Kylina walks around the inside of the storehouse musedly, half paying attention, muttering something under her breach, giving the premises a light searching. After a few moments, she comes back out, chewing her lower lip and wrinkling her forehead in thought. "Maybe. What are they doing with the wood, though? Carting it off would make noise I would think, and attract attention besides selling it... Very very strange." She turns her back to Lyle slightly, and brings up her hand in front of her, opening it slowly. A chunk of thick green fabric, with part of a pattern showing, lies within. "From inside. It might be from a worker. Judging from these fellows though, thick clothes aren't exactly common labor wear..."

2009-05-27, 11:06 PM

"Do you think that those are the vandals, the ones who pick out the trees?"Otho shakes his head, still unable to vocalize what's bothering him.

The cloth catches his eye, though. "Max. Smell that? Track." He'll make a circle outside the building, and if they find nothing, again inside. (Tunnel maybe?). If they're still without a trail, Otho explains, "Those tracks are probably long gone. But the faerie that came from is probably still poking around. We might pick up his scent if we range a little farther."

Edit: Nice time to see a '20'

2009-05-28, 08:15 PM
Max sniffs the cloth, baring his teeth a little, following you around the building then taking off to the west. The trail continues out only a very short ways. Max stops abruptly at the base of a large tree, sniffing around the trunk, then looks up and barks. Kylina follows your and Max with a bemused look on her face, staring up in the trees. "So the fur is useful for something..." The bark is rough where she runs her hands over it, following Max's barks to the branches, looking up and around. The tree is one of perhaps eight in a small grove. From there, it's more open ground around. "They might have climbed. But was it coming or going? And where would they go or come from in the branches?"

2009-05-29, 12:35 PM

Otho hmmphs. He takes Max in a circle around the grove and then back to the selected tree.

I'll let you roll the Max's track, since I wouldn't know the difference between 'failure' and 'no tracks exist'.

Otho's going to attempt [roll0] and [roll1] on the tree. OOC, my theories are Tree Stride and Dryad.

2009-05-30, 09:48 PM
Max circles the trees, but can find no tracks leading off in any direction. The tree is a large deciduous, stretching high to the sky. You detect no active spells on the tree.

2009-05-30, 11:42 PM

"Lyle," says Otho, "forests have spirits. Everybody knows about fae like nymphs and dryads. There are greater spirits; huge forests, entire mountains, whole river systems are alive. They don't talk to people like you or even me, but some of the ordinary faeries can understand them. That's who you have to talk to them when you're taking trees. They can tell the great spirits that you mean no harm, and they can tell you how to stay out of trouble. You're lucky. This forest has a kind spirit."

Otho's tap dancing back and forth between truth and religion. None of this has to be real.

2009-06-01, 08:49 PM
Lyle shakes his head in disinterest, but Kylina's brow furrows, and she strokes the bark of the tree with a far-off look in her eyes. "The trees is where our path ends..." Her gaze turns north, to the large forest. "Lyle, no one goes into the deep forest?" The shake of the head was all she needed. She turned again to the little one. "These kind forest spirits of yours? Can you talk to them? Ask them questions, about what goes on in the woods?"

2009-06-01, 11:58 PM

Otho shrugs. "Things are already a little strained, I fear."

((What time of day is it?))

2009-06-02, 04:24 PM
[( Starting early, a few hours walk, talking... Nearing midday. )]

2009-06-04, 11:34 PM

"I hope they'll talk to me," he says, louder than necessary, "We may just have to wait for the next Event."

He leads the group away from the grove. In a normal voice he asks, "Lyle, has anything else happened lately?"

2009-06-07, 12:52 AM
It takes a few moments before he answers. "No, nothin' unusual. Camp life is pretty simple thning. We go to work, come back, eat, sleep, and keep our eyes to ourselves."

2009-06-07, 08:54 PM

Otho gives Lyle a squinty look. "All right. We may want to take a field trip into the deep forest, but tonight, I'm going to hide out near that grove. I suspect whatever wears the green is going to be back, and that's where I'll see him. Or her."

Otho is curious about Lyle's pause. [roll0]

2009-06-07, 10:24 PM
Kylina is still muttering something under her breath, too soft for any words to be distinguished. As for Lyle, he grunts at your mention of the deep woods, and his face seems to pale a little bit, but you feel confident that he speaks truth to you.
At one point, as you make your way back over to the buildings, Kylina drops to a knee for a moment, running her fingers through the grass and looking around, then stands shaking her head at something. Lyle looks around for a few moments. "Anything else you'll be needing? Getting around lunch time for us here, and there's still work to be done."

2009-06-08, 04:39 AM
Nothin' for me, thanks but she he points a thumb at Kylina, might. thinking about it for a moment Kael continues, Or, she might not.

2009-06-09, 01:16 AM

Recall that this morning, Otho devoured a rabbit raw, and he's still looking a bit lean. "I'd like some food, and a chance to talk to the men about the other incidents."

You can just hand wave past lunch, since you've already covered the nature of the incidents in about as much detail as you'd care to. This would be a chance for Kael or Kylina to Gather Info, though.

2009-06-09, 09:47 PM
Kylina favors Kael with a brief grimace. Lyle frowns and looks off at another building for a short while, then turns back to your small party, looking over you all suspiciously, then jerking a finger over his shoulder and turning on his heel, walking off with nary a word. He passes another building about thirty paces down the path, a large structure, distinguished from the rest by the chimney, and points at the door, then heads about his duties. Kylina sticks her head in the door, then pulls back and looks around carefully, laying her pack down next to the building and pulling out some cloth that she seats herself on regally, rummaging through her pack all the while. "You can go about and eat in there, I'd prefer to stay in the open, I think."

[ Feel free to ask a random worker(s) questions as you wish. ]

2009-06-22, 11:35 PM

Otho looks around at the lunching lumberjacks. He skirts the edge, gets some of whatever they're having, and picks someone to bother at random.

"Hi, I'm Otho," he says, "I'm here to figure out what's been going on. Lyle showed me the warehouse. What other things have happened? How often are these events? Are they mostly around here or do they happen all over?"

2009-06-30, 04:06 PM
The fellows give you the occasional strange eye, but are willing to talk around bites of bread and mouthfuls of soup.
"Well, there was this one time... All the axeheads. Just gone."
Another chimes in. "And then there was the carts. Axles done and broke."
"Aye. Couple incidents in the woods. Tools vanishing. Hafts all broken."
"Shipments goin' missing between here and town. Started.. must have been a couple months back that was started noticing. Been getting worse, more often too. Used to be only once every week or so. Now... every couple days, it seems, something goes wrong. Some fellows, they went off and left -- said something about it getting too dangerous. Bunch of dust, that. No one's getting hurt, not until we catch who's behind this."

Outside, Kylina sits comfortably in the grass, watching the busy scenes. A smile works its way up her face as a small white shape flits through the grass, landing in her lap a short time later. Picking it up and consulting the scrap, her face contorts in a look of confusion, then puzzlement. So it was true... But there must be something!

2009-06-30, 04:59 PM

For the most part, Otho is content to smile, nod, and give the occassional verbalized prompt.
"No one's getting hurt, not until we catch who's behind this."Otho's eyes get big.

"It sounds like they've been playing with you. Are you sure you want to be the first one to bring out the claws? Catch one, if you can, but you draw blood.... I don't think you want to end up where those axe heads have gone."

"Well, thank you for lunch," he says, hopping off the bench.

He rejoins the others, and pats his belly. "Good. A little salty." He hands a massive bone to over to Max. "Ready to brave the deep forest? We have to be back by dark, remember."

2009-07-01, 04:09 PM
Kael nods and grunts in approval, and starts off with the gnome and girl into the forrest. He keeps alert, glancing around every so often, hands at his hips, should any danger arise. It could just be a preemptive excuse in case he is caught taking a second glance at Kylina. (:smallwink:)

2009-07-10, 01:19 PM

Otho takes the lead, riding Max. He trusts the dog to be alert for hazards while he tries to blend with the forest empathically.

2009-07-28, 10:45 PM
The forest rim doesn't appear to be too bad -- as you enter, it seems to be a bit larger than either of you are used to seeing -- taller and thicker trees, a little less light penetrating the branches. Kylina seems a bit anxious as you enter the forest, but she says little.
The feeling lasts about thirty paces. Beyond that, it feels progressively darker and colder. The trees are no longer just tall, they seem looming, giants above you, and with a hint of malice almost in the air. Nonsense. Then, sounds from the outside fall away, and all that you can hear is a faint wind in the canopy high above you. Rustles in the bushes sound louder. It feels gradually darker, until finally Kylina, muttering, fumbles around in a sack by her leg, pulling out a strange looking chunk of wood, muttering a few words, and a soft but unwavering flame spreads a circle of light around your small grouping.
Sharp ears, growing more and more paranoid pick up what seem to be almost voices, coming from deeper in. Much, much deeper though, judging by the muffling and distortion.

2009-07-31, 11:08 AM
((Is it dark because it's late or because of the tree cover?))


The druid says quietly, "It's better if we don't startle them. Can either of you sing?"

2009-08-03, 02:28 PM
((I think it's because of the trees))


I ain't singing... and what are we startling? he whispers loudly.:smalltongue:

2009-08-05, 11:26 AM

Otho doesn't answer, but he begins to sing a hymn in druidic. He's a tenor, but a bit out of pratice. Rarely does he have a discerning (or even sapient) audience.

Otho doesn't want to surprise them, nor does he want them to think they're trying to surprise them. He thinks either might prove unpleasant.

2009-08-07, 07:39 PM
Kylina shoots a glance -- glare? -- at Kael, but finally parts her lips, in a low but high voice. Slowly, the volume raises, resolving into words, albeit seemingly nonsense words, "Di mia man ricevi, o duce, Il vessillo glorioso.." Her voice trills upwards, and from somewhere, a small breeze arises, blowing quickly over flesh to bring out goosebumps from where they may have hidden, then disappears as quickly. Slowly the party continues to advance. Then, a sudden silence in the mutterings, garbled as they may have been. More noises, these sounding less like muffled nonsense and more like words, still nonsense, but spoken words coming from the forest ahead -- louder, almost insistent. A flickering of light outside, perhaps, or simply a glint of sunlight from high above?


The new sounds seem similar to the hymn you were singing, but the words don't quite seem right. About one in every ten seems close enough for you to recognize. The pitch is much lower than yours, and the pacing slowed down, though.

2009-08-10, 11:39 AM

Otho explains to Kael, "They echo back the song. This is a very good sign."

He hurries forward.

2009-08-24, 10:36 AM
Pressing on, the breeze comes back stronger, strong enough to push Kylina's hair up, lifting it up off her shoulders and back. The sound vanishes. A space of silence, then... Less numerous the voices are now, perhaps only one, guttural and low, barking something still intangible to your ears.

Ahead, the trees seem to be getting closer and closer, until the point where trunk nearly touches trunk. Kylina edges her mount forward, raising her light to pierce the gloom.

It bites with a vengeance, the wind does, for it howls, tearing at the three of you, extinguishing the light, leaving you in darkness, surrounded by the trees. The voice is growing louder, louder, and harsher as well. A drumming of footsteps seems to be coming closer -- the wind has vanished again.

2009-08-24, 11:20 AM

Noone needs to say that this sign isn't so good. Otho stops.

Calling on the magic latent in his gnomish blood, he summons new light. Four glowing orbs appear in the air around him, and rise until they brush the canopy.

((Dancing Lights. I assume the lowest extent of the canopy is less than 40' above. Otherwise, stop at 40'.))

2009-09-10, 12:10 AM

After Kylina shoots her dirty look, he just shrugs and then switches his gaze onwards.

As the "singing" becomes more savage, Kael's fists curl around the hilts of his blades, and he begins to growl as his face contorts into a snarl. As the wind stops, he'll draw them both. He doesn't even flinch at the sudden conjuration, intent only on discovering whatever creature might be making that droning beat of footsteps.

2009-09-12, 06:22 PM
The lighted orbs shoot upwards, producing a dim illumination through the sparse lower branches of the towering trees. A loud splitting sound comes from ahead, and a fragment of light begins to escape from where the wall of trees was a moment ago. As you watch, they begin to sway, seeming to spread away from a single passageway through. From within, you can make out a dimly illuminated group. From the other side of the opened tree barrier, you hear a growling, and it looks like there are three humanoid forms directly visible, pointing something at you. A harsh voice calls out something in the strange tongue, throaty words.

All of you, but Kael in particular, feels a tingling working through your body, a faint tickling and tensing.

2009-09-12, 07:35 PM

Without shifting his gaze, he'll grunt to the two beside him, "Magic?" Unable to stand the tensing feeling, he'll growl, "I don't like this... cover me." And he'll charge into his foes, blades flashing.

Charge with an attack at the end at the closest creature.

Unless that creature happens to be within 30 feet of him. In which case he'll move at that speed and attack twice using Wolf Fang Strike:

2009-09-12, 07:37 PM
Sorry dice rolls didn't work:
Charge: [roll0]
Wolf Fang Strike:

2009-09-18, 12:52 PM
Can Otho identify the effect? [roll=spellcraft]1d20+2[/dice]. If he can, and it's more hostile than charm person, I'd like to redo the turn. It's pretty unlikely that he'll make that check, so there's what he'd probably like to do:

I don't know if Otho can react in time, or give Max precise enough instructions. Otho would like Max to trip but not injure Kael as an AoO as Kael is leaving Max's threat range.

[roll=Max Attack]1d20+3[/dice] touch?
[roll=Max Trip]1d20+2[/dice] opposed

Edit: rolls redone here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=6952957&postcount=25)
Gosh it'll be nice to not be first level, some day.


"We're here to make peace," Otho tries to explain. He nudges Max, who nips at Kael as he passes.

(If the trip is successful, ride forward so as to place himself between Kael and the newcomers.)

(If not, Otho calls after him, "Kael, stand down.")

Otho sends the lights forward until he can make out the new arrivals' features with his lowlight vision.

2009-09-23, 04:55 PM
Since Kael did warn you first, he doesn't have surprise. No, you don't recognize the spell. The touch attack hits -- exactly. Kael, I need an initiative roll, as well as an opposed trip (In your case, 1d20+3 (Strength)).

2009-09-24, 12:15 AM
One initiative roll:
And an opposed strength check: [roll1d20+3

2009-09-24, 12:16 AM
God I suck with this dice rollerOpposed strength check: [roll0]

2009-09-24, 02:40 PM
Within the flurry of motion, Kael springs forward, leaving the reins of his horse, going through Max's attempt to trip him, and into the clearing. Kylina sighs, shaking her head, but she looses the rains, and in a flash, an arrow whizzes over Kael's left shoulder, landing in the ground dead ahead. The snarls that you heard resolve into shadowy figures, one on each side of the small entrance. One snaps at Kael as he passes, a flurry of teeth and claws and blackness, but misses. The figure in the middle snarls something at the figure standing to his left, then as Kael continues charging, and the other figure seems to hesitate, the center -- what appears to be a bearded man -- waves one hand in a casual gesture to the skies, and the ground itself clutches at Kael as he charges.

Reflex save, or be halted.

2009-09-24, 07:16 PM

I was unaware Kael had a horse

Reflex if not flatfooted [roll0]
if he is flatfooted, subtract two.

2009-09-25, 02:15 AM
Um... right >.> That's my subtle way of telling you to make the character sheet public again so I can see you possessions list?
Also, roll damage.

Kael's charge carries him through the grasping plants, which manage to slow him, but don't quite stop him. With great precision, he strikes at the astonished figure in the center.
Up close, you can see that he appears to be a old man, with a faintly green beard, and greatly wrinkled face. He appears only mildly astonished as Kael's kukri slashes through the thin outer layer of light hides, and digs into... something slightly tougher than flesh.

The figures seem to shake off their slight startlement at Kael's actions, even as Kylina knocks another arrow, drawing it partly, wavering between pointing it in the general direction of the four figures, and towards the entrance to the clearing.

Rough outline for tonight: W, E, Y are the three figures. K is Kael, A is Kylina, O is Otho+Max, C are the two growlers, and T is the trees.



2009-09-25, 02:44 AM
The character sheet is public, bottom of my sig.:smalltongue:

And damage for one kukri attack: [roll0]

2009-09-25, 04:50 PM
The one to the man's left darts forward, past Kael, and heads for the entrance to the clearing -- and the snarling seems to grow louder as a filmy flash of light passes between the man and creature. The second of the two, this one with hair over each shoulder, and angular features, raises a hand above the one Kael struck, and a glow radiates to him, knitting close the wound.

Then the third humanoid, the one struck, begins to chant, raising his hands to the skies, and chanting guttural words, tossing some sort of fine grains from a pouch into the hair, and holding a small staff with some sort of ornament about it.

Hm, it won't let me view the Mythweaver's sheet. Also, Attack of Opportunity, as the guy moves away.
Anyways, the battle map as it stands:
http://img42.imageshack.us/img42/3241/bmap11.th.jpg (http://img42.imageshack.us/i/bmap11.jpg/)

Kael's next, then the two passageway guards, then Otho and Max.

2009-09-25, 08:20 PM
Really? I'll have to take a look at that. And can I take an attack of opportunity on the guy that just healed the other guy. Or the guy that I just hit? They both seem to have been casting spells.

2009-09-26, 04:36 PM
Yes, you are right, that you do potentially get an attack against either of them as well. I was trying to figure out how to do it, in that normally you don't know whether you'll have another opportunity this round or not. Maybe a priority list... Anyways, yes, take an AoO, and then it's your turn anyways.

2009-09-26, 05:46 PM

As the humanoid begins to chant, Kael takes the opportunity to attack him while he's wide open.

Attack of opportunity on the guy I just hit: [roll0]

And damage if it hits: [roll1]

2009-09-27, 09:18 PM
((Oops, hadn't realized it was my turn, thanks for reminding me Rainshine.))


Kael's face remains contorted as he swiftly cuts the same foe with both his kukris.

Full attack First: [roll0] damage: [roll1]
off hand:[roll2] damage: [roll3]

2009-09-29, 03:18 PM
Lips back in a soundless baring of teeth and shirking from the repeatedly blows, the humanoid doggedly continues his casting, even as his legs begin to slump ever so slightly. A fury of snarls arise as the twin creatures come around into the entrance, and charge at the nearest targets -- Kylina and Otho. An arrow streaks over one furry shoulder, nicking the creature as it lunges, savagely ripping at Kylina's left leg, even as she struggles to nock another arrow.
The other, held at bay by Max's snarling mouth, tries to find an opening but fails, snapping in futility.

Otho, you're up.

Battle map:
http://img70.imageshack.us/img70/8826/bmap12.th.jpg (http://img70.imageshack.us/i/bmap12.jpg/)

2009-10-19, 11:43 AM

Otho directs Max to cross-block, attacking Kylina's assailant. Otho stands in the sturrups and calls again to Kael, "Don't kill them, Kael, though it may be in your power."

Otho directs his faerie lights forward so he can see better. He calls to the others in the secret language of druids:"Call off your animals. I'm trying to call off mine."

Attack Rolls[roll0]
[roll2] opposed

2009-10-22, 04:59 AM
Max lunges, and is met by the teeth of the creature. The two trade snarls and opened mouths, but to no avail. Meanwhile, Kylina backs up slowly, eyes flashing back over her shoulder, trying not to trip. Another arrow flashes forward, this one striking home on the chest area of the creature that savaged her. The tip digs into the fur and flesh, and there is a faint flash of blue. Then, the creature squeals -- a sharp sound, somewhere between the shriek of a bird, and the squeal of a ground rodent.

The humanoid who had been standing forward darted back into the shadows of the trees behind him. The middle humanoid issues one final word, and a soft glimmering appears from above. He backs up, hand held high. The other lays a hand on him again, and whispers something in his ear. His lips moves silently, then a louder voice, syllables twisting...wrongly in the air. He also seems to sniff the air, tilting his head to one side.


You can only catch a few words -- the language doesn't seem to be the same as before, it sounds more familiar. You are able to make out something about... "Who is... child... smells like... " and a word that seems very primal, an ancient version of an earth spirit name. "...not be the... reported." You're not entirely sure that all of it was directed at you, although the first part did seem to be.

Battle map:http://img63.imageshack.us/img63/7015/bmap13.th.jpg (http://img63.imageshack.us/i/bmap13.jpg/)

Kael, it's your turn.

2009-10-27, 12:28 AM

Kael looks back to the little gnome and then shouts to him as he looks back at his foe

Fine, I'll leave 'em alone if they leave me alone!

He stands his guard not moving to attack but staring his opponent down, ready to close the distance and strike if needed.
Ready action to 5-foot step and attack if I see any notion of attack. Or just 5-foot step if I can't ready an attack too. The 5-foot step will be into the spot that will put me closest to both F1 and F2 (obviously still adjacent to F2.

2009-10-28, 03:47 AM
Blood dripping from claw and blade, the seven of you stand, still tense. Sound and time seem to stop in the dimness. Then... A snarl comes from behind. Kael, facing the man, manages to turn his head just to see the end of motion. Otho is more able to see it. The wounded creature went from rigidly still to a blur of motion, surging forward at Kylina. The middle humanoid made a single, sharp gesture, and then the creature was rigid again, fangs twisted somewhere between a snarl and yelp, but still short of Kylina. The humanoid kept his gaze locked on the creature, and rattles off another string of syllables.


You only manage to catch the first word : it seems to mean poachers, or defilers.

2009-10-28, 05:26 AM

Kael is now keeping all his attention on leering intently at the other humanoid but shouts back to his companions

What the hell is going on back there.

2009-11-03, 08:02 PM

Otho sighs. I'm not prepared for this. It reeks of failure. He dismounts to stand beside Kylina. With the darkness and the interposed animals, he hopes he can successfully cast without reigniting hostilities. He tries-- Speak with Animals.

He tells Max, (dogspeech) "Move carefully around the other pack and into the clearing. You'll be our translator. Tell them, 'We want to talk.'"

Otho waits to see if one of them has the same spell prepared.

2009-11-03, 11:53 PM
Otho has to repeat himself a couple times -- the instructions are a bit complex for even Max, but with a little hand waving, it seems he has a general idea. He slips between the two animals, with barely a snarl.

Meanwhile, the three figures were murmuring lowly together, keeping a wary eye on Kael. Max gets close, then glances back at Otho. With a little encouragement, he begins to bark at the three figures. They glance at each other, then the middle one opens his mouth. "What dir.." He glances back, and shakes his head. The figure on his right steps forward. The new voice that comes forth is almost a contralto, stuttering slightly.
"This... this is your tongue, yes?" In Common.

2009-11-04, 12:13 AM

Kael's eyes dart to and fro between the middle figure and the speaking one. Finally his scowl settles on the speaker as he says himself

Yea. What of it?

2009-11-04, 05:47 AM
From the darkness above, an ethereal looking bird of some sort alights on the shoulder of the middle one.

The speaker continues. "You come from camps, yet say to talk? Bring one bloodtouched, earthtouched, and..." It trails off, looking behind, head cocked to one side. "othertouched. Far gone other. Camps desire no talk, only more, more, more. But it speaks for you." The head gestures to behind. "So we listen, and wait, for trach... treakary. Lies."

2009-11-04, 12:00 PM

What is that thing? Is it a bird? No, birds can't talk. It speaks of camps though... Kael could only guess it was the loggers' camp they were referring to. But what could they have done to druids like these? He still couldn't quite fully understand the thing's broken Common, but he thinks he has the gist of it.

We're not from the camps, but I think you already know that. I ain't lookin' to do no harm so long as you don't.

Kael still holds his menacing stance however.

2009-11-04, 01:27 PM

Otho says, "They know not what they do. They need to be taught the ways...." Sensing some history there, he continues, "Someone was sent. What happened?"

2009-11-04, 07:34 PM
"They knew, once. We send people, tell them, not destroy here." The sound that it makes is somewhere between a groan and a snarl mashed together. "They pass metal, ripped from earth, make us forget, they say. They send lies with fire and metal to kill. Talk, they say, while scream go from trunk to trunk. Send more and more, now send you."

2009-11-05, 11:46 AM

"I was not sent. I was lead by spirit creatures, and I think I know why."

"So you sneak into the humans' camps to frighten, confuse, and annoy. It's not working, though, is it. They haven't stopped. What will you do next?"

2009-11-06, 12:15 AM
"We claim back the dead flesh, and give back it to earth. They must stop. We must stop them. The old comes new, too soon, the blind say. The land must be true!" With a gesture from the middle figure, the two creatures come from their positions at the entrance, taking a wide berth around Max and Kael, and move deeper in.
"The earth spirits quiet outside... why bring you here, say you?"

2009-11-06, 02:55 PM

"I was lead here to aid this forest."

"The humans kill trees. But so do beavers and land slides, wind storms, floods. Maybe they knew, once, to leave enough that the soil is saved and the seedlings sheltered, but they have to be taught again. Someone has to show them which they can take and which they must leave."

"These humans are very powerful. They have fire and iron. They don't have to listen, and if you try to force them, you will fail. You must blend with them. The willow yields to the wind, survives, and the wind is calmed. The oak stands strong, breaks, and thereafter the wind blows unopposed."

Otho tries to discern whether they're receptive to his advice.

2009-11-08, 03:07 AM
Their understanding of what is being said seems limited. Having spent so much time in nature, Otho has a hard time getting a good sense of human reactions. Fortunately, these don't appear to be normal humans. The middle one is the one he can see the most clearly, and the reaction is not a particularly tolerant one. One is too deep in shadow to read at all, and the last, the speaker, seems to at least be following you. It does not seem to agree entirely with your conclusion.
After a pause, it continues. "The wind is natural, and natural things must take their course. But the unnatural is washed away in stream of nature, is blown out with power of earth. You say, you see spirit. You know, it is here. It not stand what they do. It rises to fight."

2009-11-09, 01:18 PM

As one unused to chairs, Otho squats comfortably. He sifts the humus through his fingers.

"Are the humans an irritation or an existential threat?"

2009-11-11, 03:31 AM
That one seems to have went past them. A hand raises and mouth opens. Then, everything seems to freeze. Otho can hear something new, faint in the distance. It sounds vaguely like water rushing in a stream. The three figures turned together to the east, gazing off. "They are here." They begin to chant, marching slowly in that direction, seemingly ignoring you three.

2009-11-13, 07:43 PM

Otho watches them, brow furrowed in extreme consternation.

He turns to his companions, "I don't know what to do. If there's a battle, it will be a tragedy, no matter who wins. Right?"

2009-11-16, 09:39 AM
The trees seem to swallow up the figures as they move off to the east. Kylina shakes her head, wincing as she attempts to bind her wounds. "Neither those.. things, or the man back in town seem the type to change their minds. Her gaze lingers on their retreating forms, and her lips purse in thought.

2009-11-16, 12:20 PM

"I don't know if I can stop them; I can only try. Kylina, go back. Convince them to leave, at least for a few days. Kael...?" He trails off, not really trusting him for either mission.

2009-11-27, 10:43 PM

Kael removes his attention from the forest folk and turns to Otho.

"What is it you want me to do?"

2009-11-30, 02:50 PM

Otho's pause extends right past thoughtful and into awkward. "Come with me," he says.

Otho climbs aboard Max and follows after the mysterious forest dwellers.

2009-11-30, 07:57 PM


Kael immediately follows without any hesitation. He jogs lightly towards the gnome, until he is walking side by side with him.

2009-12-02, 08:39 PM
Kylina glanced as the two figures headed off in pursuit, and shakes her head. This was all crazy. And here she was, listening? Nibbling at her lip, she mutters some vague words, then turns to mount.

The trees seem to give way in front of the figures as they march through the woods. Around you as you walk, you can hear strange sounds in the surroundings. After walking in the shifting shadows for an undeterminable time, you see a brightening of light up ahead -- this looks almost like genuine sunlight, searing your eyes in the gloom. From ahead, comes the sound of metal and wood, and harsh voices.

2009-12-02, 09:13 PM

Kael cringes and guards his eyes from the blinding light, wondering what he would see when his arms could fall from his face.

2009-12-07, 05:27 AM
From where the two of you have stopped to crouch, as your eyes adjust, you can see the three figures standing at the edge to what looks like a major thinning in the trees, sedately moving ahead. In the distance beyond them, in the light, is what appears to be humans, and by the squeals and growls, you're guessing that the two other creatures are out there. You can't see much from this far back though.

2009-12-08, 01:08 PM

Otho circles left, keeping in cover and trying to get a better look at what's going on up there.

Hopefully the bonuses for range will be enough:

2009-12-12, 03:14 AM
You make out more clearly humans with axes and bows, some with bleeding wounds. In the back, there appear to be carts loaded with timbers.
The humans are arranged in a semicircle outside the gateway to the woods. You hear the thud of an arrow falling short, and the three figures link hands and begin to chant -- a faint breeze stirs behind you.

2009-12-13, 12:55 AM

Otho looks around, confused. Is this Lyle's camp or a different one? What were they fighting before the wardens showed up?

2009-12-17, 05:15 PM
This doesn't appear to be Lyle's camp -- for one, the people around there weren't carrying nearly as many weapons. Something in the forest messed with your sense of direction, but the mountains look wrong, as if you might be further north. You can't see any direct indicators of what they were fighting from your position, the trees are still blocking a good part of your vision of the clearing.
The wounded humans have begun to collect themselves, and are moving in your general direction again, although their attention seems to be focused on the chanting figures.

2009-12-22, 06:38 PM

Otho looks for a straggler or two that he might be able to circle around and talk to without exposing himself to the rest of the human forces. If none of evident, he'll circle wider, flanking the human position.

2009-12-22, 11:58 PM
Kael is just confused.

2009-12-27, 05:46 AM
The humans seem to be clumped up fairly well -- as you near the exit of the forest corridor you are in, growing closer to the chanting figures, a noise grows in Otho's ears. The noise isn't quite just random, it seems to be the sound of wood hitting wood, with a chorus of much more savage sounds to it.

You manage to slip by the figures -- the exit is big enough that you can stay a fair distance back, and start trying to follow the edge of the forest to circle around to their sides. There appears to be still eight humans or so standing.