View Full Version : Dynasty Warriors Gundam

Kris Strife
2009-04-15, 06:21 AM
Anyone else play and enjoy this game? My favorite suit/pilot combo is Domone in the Burning/God Gundam.

2009-04-15, 10:32 AM
I like the concept... But, everytime I see the game, I reach for it and think "E-ah... No."
Why? I dunno. It seems like it's one of those "too awesome to be true" kind of concepts. I'm afraid it won't be what I want it to be.

Kris Strife
2009-04-15, 11:30 AM
Its Dynasty Warriors with giant robots. Your robot is 20 times better than the mooks and pretty on par with the 'ace' or named pilots for the stage. You have a melee attack (usually a beam saber, Char's zaku uses an ax, Epyon the whip thing, Burning and Master Gundams punch) and a ranged attack (usually a beam rifle, Char's zaku has a machine gun, Wing Zero and Burning have head mounted vulcan cannons and Master has homing kanji) and by using the ranged attack during a melee combo, you use a minor special.

Kris Strife
2009-04-15, 11:44 AM
As you deal or take damage, get the right power up or have low health, you fill a gauge that goes from 1-3 bars as your MS levels up. These bars are used for super moves (burning finger, the spinning thing and the giant hand of doom for Burning, different ways of using the Buster for Wing Zero). If you're close to an ally with at least one bar, lightning will arc between you and using the super moves gives you both one stage higher and a special bonus attack if all three of your bars are full.

Kris Strife
2009-04-15, 11:51 AM
I'm under a 511 character limit because I use a PSP if anyone wonders.

In summary, its widely considered the best gundam game out and a better Dynasty Warriors game than Dynasty Warriors 6, or which ever one just came out.

Blue Paladin
2009-04-15, 01:28 PM
Be fair. Dynasty Warriors 6 is hardly the best of the series, being the first in a long time to make new changes to the base system. There's a reason they took Dynasty Warriors 5 as the base for the Orochi mash-up (and kept it for the second mash-up).

I wouldn't say it's the best Gundam game out there. The ACEs were pretty fun. SRW of course. Hmm. Those are all mash-ups themselves... but so is Gundam Musou, so I feel justified.

As far as the game goes, it's silly enough to work for me. My favorites are the GF13-017 NJII God Gundam piloted by anyone who has no business being in God Gundam. Like Puru. I also like the RX-178 Gundam Mk-II (Titans ver.); it's a very solid machine. Usually piloted by someone silly, like Camille or Ema.

Gundam Musou 2 seems to be more of everything, but I haven't played much of that one yet. Still, it's got more character interactions, more voice, more mecha. It's got the Nu and the Sazabi, so that's all good. I could care less about the F91. Like how little I care about the Strike Freedom. And... yep, there's the one I couldn't care less about: the Destiny.

Now I'm vaguely wondering how Dynasty Warriors: Gundam II will do when it comes out next week.

Kris Strife
2009-04-15, 09:53 PM
I dont think SRW counts as a Gundam game. Its a game with Gundams in it.