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2009-04-15, 07:35 PM
It's been a long day, the group comes over a rise in the road and the town of Kingsholm lies in a hollow among the gently rolling hills. It looks like an excellent place to stop after a long day of walking.

Faux speaks up, There's a place called the Coroner and Cabbage Inn. It's on the main road.

The group just finished with the most recent adventure (feel free to make up stories about it) and you're looking for the next one...

((Everyone, introduce your characters and post your actions.))

Lex-kat (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/member.php?u=20190) - Arianna Bowdrie (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6068)
bue52 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/member.php?u=37600) - Faux Hewett (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=89637)
Leon (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/member.php?u=4759) - Jo'Hanrik Stormstrider (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=26647)
sum1won (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/member.php?u=28649) - Durin Hallborn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=118548) - Last Activity: 10-13-2009, pm sent 5 Nov 09
Fra Lippo (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/member.php?u=43718) - Gaius Melius Komnemnos (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=118605) - Last Activity: 10-02-2009, pm sent 5 Nov 09
Celtic8824 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/member.php?u=43687) - Caelian Thunderhawke (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=153794) - Last Activity: 10-21-2009, pm sent 5 Nov 09
SilentNight (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/member.php?u=32747) - Lazarus Klau (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=112500)
Parlity (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/member.php?u=45048) - Bree Anfarr (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=153683)
Jesse Drake (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/member.php?u=43999) - Daz Nad Ona (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=166019)
The Bushranger (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/member.php?u=31105) - Eileen Thorrson (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=83252)
neoseph7 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/member.php?u=36726) - Ivyn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=165983) - off to join the Navy, might have internet access by Aug?

2009-04-15, 09:30 PM
Arianna Bowdrie (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6068)

Arianna smiles wearily at Faux. Lead the way. It'll be nice to get off the road again.

The young paladin, not so resplendint in her worn, but still reliable studded leather, and holding her wooden shield adorned with the symbol of Wee Jas, walks near the front of the group, not feeling it her place to lead them.

Her long coppery-red hair tied in a long braided rope that extends down her back. As it sways back and forth, it is obvious that it is in dire need of being combed out, not to mention a good washing.

She looks back to the rest of them. How are the rest of you holding up?

2009-04-15, 10:59 PM
Caelian Thunderhawke

Caelian looks down at the scars on his arms, almost unseen among the green and black Celtic tattoos on his arms, I think I'll be fine. A small grin appears on his face, We left them a lot worse off than they left me. He looks up at Arianna, nodding a bit to let her know that he appreciates her concern.

The young man walking slightly behind Arianna looks as though he had just been rolled down a mountainside. His studded leather is dirty and scratched, and the shortswords in the sheathes on his back are still stained with blood. His face is dirty, but it only helps strangers to notice his Deep Blue eyes. His short red hair is pulled into a makeshift fauxhawk, held in place by it's own grease. He somehow manages not to offend those walking with him... to them, he smells of the forest, and that, by itself, is not a bad scent.

He sighs a quick sound of relief as he shifts his head to the side quickly, cracking the bones in his neck. But I'll tell you, I am looking forward to a bit of a rest.

2009-04-15, 11:18 PM

A lean Dwarf tromped along somewhat behind her, somewhat annoyed with the world in general. He was almost a walking stereotype, with his large axe across his back, the tools in his, pack, and his dour grimace. He even had the usual wiry, dark hair of his kind, except for where a chunk of it was unexpectadly missing along his jaw. The soot marks would even have been usual, had they not culminated with a fading weal almost 5 feet off the ground, the normal height for a dwarf being almost 8 inches lower.

Well enough now, no thanks to that fool. He sees a suspicious looking marking, and what does he do, but go pokin at it. The proper thing to do would ha' been ta hit it wit an axe!! I ask you, you see something funny in a place like that, would you go and pet it? No! Like me master used to say, the day I stop is the day I can't swing...

As he goes on, it becomes clear to any onlookers that he was tuned out by most of his companions by the word 'Well'. This has no noticeable effect on his grumbling, which stops when he pulls out his axe and demonstrates 'hit it with an axe' on an innocent bush.

2009-04-16, 12:47 AM
OOC Here's (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rastafarian_vocabulary#I_words) a link for some of the vocab I'll be using just incase anyone wants it. Also rewrote the backstory into something remotely coherent.

Lazarus Klau (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=112500)

A shortish, dark skinned humanoid walks down the road, gazing absentmindedly at the trees. At the sound of the Arianna's voice, the Xeph shakes his head to clear away an obstructing dreadlock and grins at her. "Irie sister, everything's all good; I and I is everliving." He scratches the matty mess of dreads atop his head and adjusts the axe on his back. He then begins to finger the totem around his neck, stroking the carved lion's mane and it's covering of vines and leaves before going back to gazing at the surrounding foliage. As Durin cuts into the bush he winces a bit but brushes it off, such wanton destruction was unnecessary. Still, that was the dwarf's choice.

2009-04-16, 02:03 AM

Mouqol willing there will be a seat and a drink to be had soon. I'll march to the moon and back if i need to but a rest would be good.

Hittin thing with axes is a tried and true method but sometimes you just have to try the poke or the prod.

A slightly shorter Dwarf walked alongside the taller, still wearing the Cuirass while the rest of his amour was bundled up on his mule which was diligently walking behind him along with his great blade

Fra Lippo
2009-04-16, 04:49 AM

Gaius has been examining his face with his thin fingers as to feel whether his shave earlier was clean. When he sees that Arianna has moved to the front, he instinctively marches forward to contest her leadership, and smacks into the ground as his legs get entangled with his crimson cloak.
"This has occured twice now, and the first time nearly saw the death of me. Perhaps I should see a tailor about shortening the cloth of this fine but cumbersome cloak."
The cleric stumbles to his feet and begins to hover between the front and the rear of the group while he brushes the dust from his washed skin and his carefully arranged armour.
"And sometimes you have to rely upon the priest of Pelor" Gaius announces, hoping that this extremely arrogant statement would draw his comrades' attentions away from his blunder.

2009-04-16, 06:51 AM
Caelian Thunderhawke

Caelian chuckles as the grumbling dwarf takes an unnecessary swing at the bush. True, my willingness to touch the marking may have made matters worse. But I can count quite a few scars on this here body that were due to battles because you couldn't allow your Dwarven pride to be challenged. Caelian said with a sideways grin. We all make our mistakes, but what matters is we all watch out for each other as well.

He pauses for a good couple of minutes before speaking up quickly, But you have to admit, not a single one of us knew what would happen if we touched it... would you want to go through life wondering what it would have done? Caelian said, trying not to laugh as he spoke. For someone as beaten as he was, he seemed to be in a pretty good mood.

2009-04-16, 10:39 AM
Lazarus again turns his attention back to the party to agree with Caelian. "And see it all worked out for de best mon. That be in de past. Be inna this ya iwa* (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rastafarian_vocabulary). And you mon," he turns to Durin, "All de fighting be breeding strife iya. Be respecting your I man, ya aren't being overstanding." ((The accent'll be varying a bit till i get it nailed down, let me know if it's too archaic.))

2009-04-16, 12:57 PM

Although Durin doesn't comprehend most of what Lazarus says to him, he nevertheless makes a manful (or dwarful) effort.
Well, you've got the truth of it, sure enough. A spade is a spade and a dwarf is a dwarf, and we don't be over-standing much of anything. Not without a ladder, least-ways.

OOC: Durin does not have a high wisdom score, and has an even lower charisma. Effective communication is something that happens to other people, especially when two very different dialects are involved. It'll purely be an RP thing, and let me know if it treads on anyone else's RPing toes.

2009-04-16, 05:09 PM
Arriana just rolls her eyes and keeps going. She noticed Gaius try to assert his authority. Which is why he stumbled. He is a good man, but too prideful. Is that what being a cleric of Pelor was about, Pride?

They are a good bunch, I'm glad to be one among them.

(Italic= Thoughts)

2009-04-16, 05:57 PM
The group makes it into the Inn. Someone finds a table big enough for everyone. There are a few stares as you enter, despite the fact that the Town is on a main road, the locals are clearly not used to so many adventurers walking in at once. A barmaid walks over, she looks a bit nervous, unsure of the groups intentions, but she asks, Mi' lords 'n lady, we 'ave stew 'n ale. She waits expectantly to see if they want it or not (and when she can escape to the back to get their order for them).

2009-04-16, 06:20 PM

That sounds good, miss. Who do I talk to about getting a room?

2009-04-16, 06:30 PM

"I'll have some stew.... and just a cup of clean water if it ain't too much trouble. Gotta keep my wits about. A room would be quite appreciated as well." Caelian says as he smiles at the barmaid. He runs his hand through his hair as he sits down, resting his tattooed arms on the table in front of him. Nice lady. Have to tip her well, never know what she's working for, you know? he thought to himself quietly.

"So, not that I don't enjoy the rest... I really do..." his blue eyes already seeming a bit restless, despite his tired demeanor, "but what do we do now?"

2009-04-16, 06:38 PM
The owner mi' lady, he's the one that has the keys. She gestures with her chin at the door to a back room, He's back there...be out shortly. She looks at the others in the group to see if they want the same, stew and ale or something else.

2009-04-16, 06:49 PM

After seeing that his mule was in the stables well and good and all unloaded, Joh makes his way into the Inn.
I'll have a stew's and two ale thanks

2009-04-16, 07:49 PM
"D'yer stew be having meat?" Lazarus asks with a questioning look.

2009-04-16, 08:12 PM

I'll be taken a bowl of stew and an ale, for now.

2009-04-16, 08:16 PM
It has beef... Leaving you to imagine if the beef is actually worthy of the name.

She glances at the door to the back room. Voices are beginning to rise from behind the door, the sounds of people arguing.

2009-04-16, 08:29 PM

Caelian looks to the concerned barmaid, then to the backdoor, then back to the barmaid. "Is everything okay back there, miss?" he asks genuinely. Better yet, I'll see if I can hear for myself...

He leans forward, subtly trying to hear what exactly is going on in the backroom...

Caelian will try to hear whatever is going on back there.


2009-04-16, 08:45 PM

Arianna looks at Caelian. Caelian, it's rude to eavesdrop. Have you no manners? If they wish us to know their business, they'll come to us. She says sternly.

2009-04-16, 09:02 PM

Caelian looks back at Arianna with a grin, "If they wanted it to be a secret, they wouldn't be talking so loud."

But the paladin seemed upset by his apparent rudeness, so he decided to try to fix his mistake. I'm sorry, miss. That wasn't my place to ask." he says to the barmaid, before turning and looking to Arianna for her approval.

2009-04-16, 09:22 PM

She nods her head and gives him a smile. At least don't make it so obvious next time.

Fra Lippo
2009-04-17, 07:58 AM

As the cleric walks inside he becomes even more uptight.
"I will take the stew as well, I'm famished. If there isn't any wine, then I shall have some water instead".
The church of Pelor would never have offered ale, and in any case there were so many rumours about this drink...
With the rising voices Gaius is increasingly nervous, staring at everyone in the room and worrying if they'll steal from him, and if they've washed, or - stop. there is no one judging you here, and there is no need to judge them. He then relaxes, and smiles.
"I suggest that we sit, that stroll was quite tiring; let us commandeer that table", indicating they could take a table near to the back. Maybe Caelian thought there was something worth hearing, or had already heard something.

OOC:thanks for the italics idea.

2009-04-17, 08:04 AM

Caelian seems much more at ease after the paladin approves of his behavior. She knows I'm not one for manners... no place for manners in nature. Nice of her to keep an eye out for me though. Without it I would probably walk around offending everyone I came across! Caelian chuckles to himself at this thought, before speaking up...

"So, about that bed...."

2009-04-17, 06:34 PM
Caelian can’t hear anything more than he did before…

When he apologizes the barmaid nervously nods once. Then repeats, The owner, he's the one that has the keys to the rooms.

With that last bit, she goes and brings back the bowls of greasy stew, ale and water for everyone. The cups are mostly clean and the water probably came from a well.

After a few of you take a couple of bites of the stew before the door to the back room suddenly opens and a man, woman and a dwarf stride out and into the common room. Unswervingly the man walks up your table. The barmaid makes a hasty escape.

”Are you mercenaries?” the big man asks. He glares at you with dark eyes as if challenging you to deny it. ”Are you adventurers? We need brave and capable folk, right now, and we’re willing to pay!”

2009-04-17, 07:32 PM

Well... I wouldn't call myself a mercenary. But I will work for coin, to pay for room, board and other upkeep.

What is the problem, and how may we be of service?

2009-04-17, 08:57 PM

Caelian thinks for a moment when the man asks this question... Well, that is a bit of a loaded question, ain't it? He ponders a bit longer before answering, Aye, I've been known to work for coin here and there... but never anything that would make me look down upon myself.

He may be a bit of mercenary... but he is still a man of morals. But I'm always willing to hear someone out. Please, continue.

2009-04-17, 09:46 PM

No one's ever accused me of not being brave, although mercenary is not the word I'm likin' most. Still, if its gold you're offerin, you have my attention. Tell us, what needs takin care of? said Durin, although he had no intention of leaving his place until he at least knew what he was getting into.

2009-04-18, 07:30 AM
"Mia says we have trouble up in the old graveyard," the man continues, indicating the woman in uniform. She looks uncomfortable, and you sense fear from all of the onlookers. "We need your help, and we need it now!" The man looks expectantly around the table at each adventurer.

Fra Lippo
2009-04-18, 09:41 AM

"The Undead? My church's tenets require that me to investigate and purge any appearances of such beings, and I have no qualms about performing my duties. I agree with my friends however that we should receive at least food and lodging as compensation for the dangers we risk, and preferably pay as well. A priest cannot help others if he cannot support himself".

2009-04-18, 09:47 AM

Caelian looks around the table at his friends... wondering what their answers would be. "I'm not one to go running into things all by myself... but as long as my friends here agree to help, I am all for it." Caelian stops for a second to chuckle and grin to those around him. "Can never be too helpful, you know?" But his thoughts were a bit elsewhere...

Graveyard? Does that mean undead? Or just bandits that have holed up in the graveyard? Other unnatural creatures? We need more information... hopefully Arianna or Lazarus will think enough to ask... pretty sure the dwarves are in the same boat as me, willing as long as we all are still together.

2009-04-18, 10:29 AM

While our dear Arianna is no mercenary, i these days am.
Dead bones shatter well enough as the live type do.

Joh nods in approvement with Gaius

that and they are a blight on the land when not contained in the safety of the blessed grounds

then digs into his stew, as much as you can "dig" liquid

2009-04-18, 11:22 AM

What is the problem? Has someone desecrated the graves or worse, the bodies themselves?

Arianna eats more of her stew. It wasn't the best she'd ever had, but it was warm and filling.

Fra Lippo
2009-04-18, 12:04 PM

The priest looks at the two who demanded their help: "I would think it unlikely that the local militia would require help for anything mundane, like local banditry or grave robbers, especially if their appeal was to an unidentified group of armed travelers. It must be something more sinister, and I think we would all appreciate honesty so that we can be fully prepared."
Gaius had noticed his companions' questioning and saw their point: this offer of money for anyone who could explore the graveyard was suspicious.

2009-04-18, 01:24 PM
The man, I’m sorry, I should have introduced myself. I’m Ian Turbrand, the innkeeper here.

The town guard Mia speaks up, We’re unsure of what’s in the graveyard. Three townsfolk went up the day before last to prepare a recently deceased family member and never returned. When they were reported missing, two sentinals went to investigate and never returned. I’m reluctant to send any more of my people to their death. This is a quiet town and we don't know what's in the graveyard.

Ian, I’m willing to give 50 gp per person plus room and board to investigate the disappearance of our friends.

2009-04-18, 01:41 PM

Arianna rubs her head with one hand. I'm willing to investigate this. Is there anything else we should know? Is the family influential in the town? Did they have enemies? Is the graveyard gated and locked? If so, do you have the keys?

2009-04-18, 02:04 PM

And how did you say the fellow died? The one they went to bury, I mean.

2009-04-18, 02:59 PM
Lazarus looks up from the carrot he had been munching absent mindedly. Drawing himself back into the moment, he adds, Jah jah, I and I be willing to help. Something be trying to steal everliving life."

2009-04-18, 03:07 PM

Caelian takes a break from slurping his stew straight from the bowl to look at Ian and Mia, "I'm up to it." His face is still a bit covered in stew around his mouth. Did you want us to go tonight? or in the morning?"

2009-04-18, 06:24 PM
Mia shakes her head, The family owned a large farm south of town. They were well liked by everyone, they didn’t have any enemies. The father died from a farm accident. The graveyard isn’t locked, but the mausoleum is. I have keys to the building and several rooms inside.

Ian wrings his hands, We’d prefer if you could go tonight? He’s worried, the locals in the Inn have been listening in and it’s obvious they’re all worried as well. Something has everyone spooked.

2009-04-18, 06:46 PM

"Give her the keys." Caelian says, pointing to Arianna. He pours the rest of his water into his waterskin, topping it off to the point of a bit of overflow, and placing it back in his pack. He stands up and walks to the front door, not rushing anyone, but letting his friends know that he is ready.

When he reaches the door, he crosses his arms, and leans his back against the wall, smiling a toothy grin at Ian and Mia. He then looks to the group back at the table. "I'm ready whenever you all are. But take your time." Looking back at Ian, "You mind having our rooms ready by the time we get back?" he says with as much politeness as he can muster. "It would be much appreciated, as we've already had a long day... and I believe it's only gonna get longer."

Fra Lippo
2009-04-18, 06:56 PM

"If we are leaving tonight, then I will begin my preparations now. Turbrand, a room if you please."
Gaius finishes his stew and water while he waits for a room key. He then sees Caelian at the door:"If we are leaving now rather than tonight, I would like ten minutes to pray".
He waves away Ian and heads outside to find an area of quiet, but where he can easily be spotted.

2009-04-18, 08:16 PM
Arianna Bowdrie (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6068)

Arianna scowls at Caelian. Why am I getting stuck with the keys.

She stands up. You'll get your ten minutes, Gaius. I need to use the washroom, if I may? She says to Ian.

After that, we'll leave. So if any of you have anything you need to buy, do so now. We have five potential survivors up there, and I'd like help them if we can.

2009-04-18, 10:35 PM

Caelian grins and chuckles at Arianna's scowl. She's probably upset she's getting the keys. But she is the closest thing to a leader we have. Gaius would be up there too, if he wasn't so concerned with it... he quietly nods as everyone gets ready. "Like I said, no hurry... I am just standing here cause I'm ready.

He takes this extra time he has been allowed to check his equipment, making sure his pack is tightly on his back, and his swords are not stuck in the sheathes on his back. (Under the pack). He strings his composite longbow, all the while ignoring the stares of all the townsfolk watching this strange man prepare for battle in the middle of the tavern while they eat.

2009-04-18, 10:35 PM
Lazarus lounges back in his seat. "Relax sister, it'll be alright. I and I'll get de people back." He then retrieves a small white parcel from a pouch on his belt and holds it to a nearby candle. He then puts it to his mouth and begins to blow whispy strands of smoke.

2009-04-18, 10:46 PM

Well I'll just finish this and start strapping my kit on

i hope its survivors and not recruits, given what maybe happening up there

2009-04-19, 09:08 AM
Ian nods. Mia slowly takes out the keys. She's tempted to say don't lose them. ((I'm tempted to have Arianna fill out a receipt in triplicate in non-smudge ink)) Be careful up there.

When she asks for the washroom, Ian says, It's out back.

Mia says, I'll meet you out front. I'll show you where the graveyard is. After all, it's not directly in town...

2009-04-19, 09:27 AM

After hearing Mia's words, Caelian quits smiling and nods seriously. "If we are all meeting out front, I might as well wait there." He runs his fingers through his red hair, pulling it up as he does, indicating for the first time where the mohawk like shape of his hair comes from. Swinging the door open, he strides outside, letting the door shut on the way out.

Once outside, Caelian assumes the position he had inside, leaning now against the outside of the tavern.

2009-04-19, 10:48 AM
Faux having been to tired to talk much, was finally revitalized by the simple but filling meal. "Well, if its a graveyard I may be of service, it is y area of specialization after all." Faux says with unnerving confidence. The last few adventures have been surprisingly fruitful for him, with him learning some new spells. Alas, I can try out these new spells, it'll be fun, as long as there isn't any major tragedy of course, necromantic monstrosities are the hardest to tackle.

2009-04-19, 11:10 AM

After taking the keys, Arianna makes her way to the washroom.

2009-04-19, 11:30 AM
Mia follows Caelian outside and loiters around while waiting for the others.

Ian is inside and will answer questions, or help out if he can.

2009-04-19, 01:56 PM

Durin quickly eats his stew and finishes his ale. Before leaving, he asks for a tankard 'For the road'

2009-04-19, 02:04 PM

Caelian looks the militia woman up and down as she walks out. Not in a way that is inappropriate, merely the action of a man attempting to size up the entire situation. "Didn't catch your name, miss." he says without looking at her, he seems to be looking back and forth for the nearest way to the graveyard. "Name's Caelian, I'll be your undead hunter this evening." He says with a chuckle and a grin. I've hunted live men... hunting dead men isn't that much more difficult. Just gotta know where to aim the sword strikes.

If I'm posting too often, let me know... I'm overly excited :smallbiggrin:

2009-04-19, 06:03 PM
Lazarus emerges from the inn sometime later with a serene smile on his face. "It'll all be irie," he thinks to himself, "I and I are the everliving, the dead be pretending."

2009-04-19, 06:20 PM
Mia looks him over in the same way, I'm Captain Mia Desarna. She looks nervous and she's anxious to get going, get this over with.

2009-04-21, 12:00 AM

Jo'Hanrik Stormstrider, ready to assist. just call me Joh

Joh offers his name and a small salute before going back to checking his gear and getting his focus

Moment of a Perfect Mind
Stone Bones


2009-04-21, 03:59 AM

Arianna returns after 10 minutes. Is everybody ready?

2009-04-21, 04:40 AM
"More or less I guess" Faux replies, he turns to Mia saying "It's a pleasure to meet you ma'm." he says with a smile and raises his hand in the hope of a handshake.

Fra Lippo
2009-04-21, 06:56 AM

He sees the group gathered around the entrance, so Gaius finishes the words of his prayer and strides over to them. "Right, onward into the darkness and all that".
The milita captain looks like she already has enough male company, I'd better leave her alone and concentrate on the matter at hand. What scares me is our lack of knowledge of what we may face, but that whatever it is, is dangerous.

2009-04-21, 07:09 AM

Caelian stays toward the front of the group, in hopes that he can see or hear any oncoming danger before it sees them. How far away is this graveyard? he asks Mia.

Caelian will be listening and watching for anything out of the ordinary:


2009-04-21, 08:26 AM
As the party sets out, Lazarus absentmindedly turns to Mia after ignoring her the entire time, "Lazarus Klau sister, don't fret, I and I'll take care of this." He extends his hand before following the group.

2009-04-21, 12:02 PM
Mia shakes the hands offered, smiles a little and leads them to the graveyard. It isn't to far.

As everyone approaches the entrance, you see ivy winding its way up the iron bars of the cemetery gate. No rust discolors the black metal, and flowers bloom near the wall. Beyond that wall, you see a gravel walkway that weaves its way up through carefully cut grass and white tombstones. A few statues rise up along the hillside, their gray features gleaming in the sun.

That's not good, says Mia. The gate is open. She pauses, looking through the bars at the cemetery. Here it is, I'll leave you to do the investigating. She'll wait til everyone walks in past her.

2009-04-21, 12:43 PM

Arianna pulls out her warhammer. We'll take it from here, Lady Mia.

2009-04-21, 03:49 PM

"Aye," Caelian says, louder than usual, "handle it, we will." As he finishes his sentence he draws his shortswords from the sheathes on his back. "I'll try and be at least close to the front, that way my keen senses will alert us to danger" he says the last part of the sentence with a large grin and an apparent cheesiness that had to be blatantly overdone on purpose.

Caelian will still be keeping an eye and ear out for trouble, his shortswords are now in his hands and at the ready:

1d20+6[/roll ]
[roll=Listen]1d20+6[/roll ]

Sigh, botched rolls. Let's try this again.

2009-04-21, 03:53 PM
And I just remembered the NO EDITING ROLLS rule that these forums mechanically follow. Sighx2


2009-04-21, 03:56 PM
Durin trundles along in tow, although he falls toward the back of the party to assume a sort of rear-guard position. He tightens his buckler and unslings his axe, holding it in one hand for now as they continue forwards. He's not terribly comfortable in the graveyard, though he looks curiously at the black metal of the gate as he passes it.

Fra Lippo
2009-04-21, 04:52 PM

"Your keen senses? Maybe we should rename you after my father's hunting dog, Seeker", Gaius jokes before the grimness of the graveyard can oppress him into silence.
Although he stays nearer to the back and notches his shortbow, Gaius is just as nervous as Caelian and constantly looks around him, although he doesn't consider listening for any noise.


2009-04-21, 11:43 PM
Lazarus follows with a relaxed gait, a smile on his face despite the morbid surroundings. Nevertheless, he unslings his axe, holding it in a loose grip.

2009-04-22, 01:02 AM

Arianna lets Caelian take the lead, staying just behind him.

Listen: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]

2009-04-22, 10:01 AM
The group enters the graveyard, the gravel path leads the way up to the mausoleum. The graveyard appears old but lovingly cared for. Fresh gravel covers the path and flowers, not weeds, grow beside the tombstones. Arianna and Gauis notice that it looks like the gravel has been stirred up along the path, as if someone began to run from that spot.

Further up, a narrow path winds its way up the hill toward a large structure flanked by ancient, life sized statues of a warrior and a priest. Two humanoids lie sprawled on the mausoleum’s steps. Dark liquid seeps out from under the bodies, and beyond them, the doors to the mausoleum are open.

((need an order of march and spot checks from everyone. Caelian may make a survival check to learn more about the tracks))

2009-04-22, 10:51 AM


On seeing the two fallen human's Joh draw's his sword and takes a guarded stance slightly to the side to cover the right side

be these the sentinels?

about the middle of group, now slightly to the right side to alow for movement if need be

Spot [roll0]

2009-04-22, 11:30 AM

Caelian stops suddenly, with his blades at the ready, upon seeing the bodies.

"The hells? I'm gonna guess whatever happened to those two, the... 'thing' that caused the happening ran in that mausoleum."

Caelian looks around carefully before leaning down to look at the distortions in the gravel...

I'm pretty sure Caelian is in front, don't want to speak for anyone else, though I have an idea of where a few of them are.



2009-04-22, 03:39 PM

Durin was in the rear, readying his axe in his hands. On seeing the corpses, he moves up somewhat so as to be able to guard Gauis and any 'soft targets'.

[roll0] Spot

2009-04-22, 08:39 PM

Arianna stops behind Caelian and looks around.

Spot: [roll0]

Fra Lippo
2009-04-23, 05:35 AM

The cleric retreats away from Arianna and Caelian, glad that Durin is standing nearby to defend him. He also lifts his bow a little, trying to peer into the mausoleum and examine the corpses from a short distance.


2009-04-23, 08:48 AM
Completely oblivious to the bodies, Lazarus continues to stare at the morbid scenery from his post near the back of the group. As he finially notices the commotion, he approaches before backing away quickly. Looking away he says, "Bad blood, bad feelings, Jah, death is bad business." He stays back as the group examines the corpses.

2009-04-23, 04:46 PM
Caelian is unable to determine any more about the scuffs in the road.

The mausoleum is about 50-70 feet up the gravel path and it's hard to make out any details about the dead humanoids on the steps.

2009-04-24, 07:39 AM

Caelian shakes his head as he stands back up from inspecting the gravel. "I can't make out any shape from tracks in this damned gravel. But I think our best bet is to move in a bit closer and inspect the bodies up there."

Caelian waits for the rest of the team's approval, or another idea from someone else, he holds his swords down at his side, almost impatiently.

Hopefully someone will actually come up with a plan... I'm not much of a 'strategic genius' myself.

2009-04-24, 08:09 AM
Faux was at the back of the group, carefully weaving his way through the terrain.

Knowledge: Arcane on whatever he spots [roll1]

Fra Lippo
2009-04-24, 09:39 AM

"Well, we shall not accomplish anything by standing around. Let us proceed in the formation we are in now, but maybe tighter just in case there is any trouble. That is if no one can suggest something else. Arianna?"

As soon as the cleric reaches the mausoleum (if nothing happens in the meanwhile), he looks at the bodies and studies the mausoleum for any religious markings.
[roll0] for the bodies
[roll1] for the mausoleum

2009-04-24, 12:54 PM
Arianna (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6068)

Lead the way Caelian. We need to stay vigilant people. Who ever killed those soldiers may still be here.

Spot: Spot: [roll0]

2009-04-24, 02:11 PM

Caelian nods, holding his swords in a cross in front of him, keeping his eyes and ears open as he stalks towards the mausoleum.

Everybody keep close...


2009-04-24, 09:24 PM
Arianna, Faux, Durin and Caelian perceive movement at the feet of the statues. Two pairs of feral eyes gleam out at you from behind the graven images. Wolves! Another darker wolf-shape roams further away, among the nearby gravestones.


((please choose a spot near the left edge of the map at the far end of the path and roll Init. All squares are 5ft by 5 ft.))

2009-04-24, 09:40 PM

Caelian grins, swinging the sword in his right hand upside down before gripping it again. Wolves! Everyone stay on they're toes!

Caelian is in C-13, if that's okay. if not, put me where you think he would be.


2009-04-24, 09:41 PM
Botched Roll :-(


2009-04-24, 10:45 PM

Aye, I see them, lad. I'm doubting they made those poor corpses up ahead, though. Wolves be killin' for eatin', if I remember right.
OOC: b-10

2009-04-25, 12:46 AM

Joh will move forward slightly to cover the south side of the path

Initiative [roll0]

2009-04-25, 01:21 AM

Arianna takes up a defensive stance. I... I hate wolves. She sounds slightly frightened.

Initiative: [roll0]

Edit: She's in B-14

Fra Lippo
2009-04-25, 06:46 AM

The priest puts an arrow into his composite bow and begins to ready it.


2009-04-25, 10:07 PM
OOC: Faux is at B-18
Initiative: [roll0]
Faux readied himself, for now he knew that none of his spells have the power to even reach the wolves for now he would wait and see how it goes. " Do you think that the wolves may just be wary of us, I see no need to attack anything that is just cautious and just growling for self-defense, but don't worry, I'll attack once it does threaten to bite." he tells Arianna.

2009-04-25, 10:21 PM

A-agreed. Let's leave them be as long as they don't attack first. Maybe they'll just go away.

2009-04-25, 10:28 PM

Caelian moves forward slightly, lowering his blades slightly... "It's okay, we may not have to fight them. I'll try to see if I can calm them a bit... they may not take this well, be on the ready, and stay alert in case this upsets." Caelian takes a deep breath before stepping close enough to calm the wolves, and looking at them with sympathetic, slightly feral eyes...

Caelian is going to move slowly forward in an non-threatening manner until he is close enough to attempt wild empathy on the wolves. (if he can only try to empathize with one, he'll try to spot the leader of their pack)



(the spot and knowledge(nature) is to attempt to recognize the leader of the pack)

2009-04-25, 10:30 PM
Botched roll. Can you edit posts to add new rolls? As long as you aren't changing existing rolls?


2009-04-26, 09:42 AM

Wolves would be ok somewhere more suitable, but wolves in a place like this has gotta mean malign infulence

Joh shifts his stance slightly, firming his grip on the ground
<< Stonefoot Stance>>

2009-04-26, 08:14 PM
Caelian walks slowly forward as he studies what he can see of the wolves. He is unable to determine if one of them is the leader.

Joh firms up his stance and prepares for the possibility of battle.

The others in the group, prepare themselves as well.

The wolves don’t move out from behind the statues.


((Your place is marked by the first letter of your char’s name. Lazarus has not stated where he is on the map, nor rolled init))

---------- Round 1 ----------

Init Order

Faux 24
Caelian 19
Joh 18
Durin 10
Gaius 7
Arianna 7
Enemy (2 wolves)

2009-04-27, 09:00 AM
Sorry, out of town.

Lazarus nods, "Jah, no need to be fighting, let us leave them be." He remains where he is but nevertheless pulls his shortbow from his back.

At B-15

2009-04-27, 01:24 PM

Arianna moves closer, her warhammer at the ready.

She whispers a prayer for protection to Wee Jas. (Not a spell, just words of encouragement for herself.)

2009-04-27, 03:06 PM
Durin scoffs outloud. 'If these wolves be peaceful, then I'll just be walkin' up here then. No sense in being feared o' a couple of nice wolves.'
He then walks 20' forwards.

Fra Lippo
2009-04-28, 06:49 AM

"Peaceful wolves? That is extremely unlikely". The cleric moves 5ft forward to ensure a better viewpoint, and keeps his bow up at half stretch.

2009-04-28, 09:20 AM

Caelian looks back, slightly discouraged, "I can't tell which one is the pack leader... if he's even here. Any other ideas?"

He stays in position, ready to pounce if there are any sign of problems

Fra Lippo
2009-04-30, 03:37 PM

The cleric looks nervous, frustrated, and angry. "These beasts are wasting our time; either we must frighten them off or else kill them". Saying these words Gaius draws back the bowstring and looses an arrow at the grass near the left hand statue.

Gaius's aim is to hit the area aroud that statue, or at least the statue itself, which he imagines will cause the wolves to react; he thinks they will flee from a fast moving, sharp object, but doesn't overly care what they do exactly.

2009-05-01, 12:28 AM

Arianna shakes her head as if waking herself up, then follows after Durin.

2009-05-01, 07:37 PM
Faux remains near the rear for the moment, waiting to see what the wolves do.

Caelian remains where he is, carefully watching the wolves.

Joh also remains back, waiting.

Durin advances 20 feet up the hill.

Lazarus extracts his shortbow from his back and prepares for a fight.

Gaius takes a 5 foot step forward, keeping his bow at the ready. Finally he looses an area, aiming for the ground near one of the statues.

Arianna whispers a prayer to her god and feels the familiar flutter in her belly before battle begins. She advances towards the mausoleum on the hill.

The wolf that Gaius fired an arrow toward, darts around the other side of the statue. The other wolf, is snarling and for now remains where he is.


---------- Round 2 ----------

Init Order

Faux 24
Caelian 19
Joh 18
Durin 10
Lazarus 10
Gaius 7
Arianna 7
Enemy (2 wolves)

((If you don’t state what square you’re moving to or a distance, I’ll just move you 20 feet forward))

2009-05-01, 10:07 PM
Durin moves to H12, preparing to hit any charging wolves with his axe.

2009-05-01, 10:42 PM

Joh will advance to H14, ready to intercept any wolf that comes forward

I'll be away for a couple of days so if any further action as needed Joh will aid Arianna or Caelian in defense or offense
If attacked himself he will fight defensive

2009-05-01, 11:15 PM

Arianna will move to I13, holding her warhammer, ready to strike.

Readying an attack, if the wolves charge her, then she'll hit the first to arrive.

Attack: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]

2009-05-02, 01:20 AM
Lazarus closes his eyes briefly to gain composure. He then continues to eye the wolves warily. ((Readied action to shoot at any wolf that makes an overtly aggressive action, otherwise he will do nothing.))

2009-05-02, 02:27 AM
Faux moves forward readying in his mind the necromatic spell Ray of Enfeeblement , if the second wolf were to move forward, he will then cast it without hesitation.

Fra Lippo
2009-05-02, 09:03 AM

Disappointed that his attempt tp flush out the wolves failed, Gaius notches another arrow and stands where he is, hoping that his companions' advances will provoke the wolves somehow.

2009-05-02, 10:49 AM

That's it... I'm getting closer too. Stay on the lookout.

Caelian will move to I-15, if anything attacks, he will defend himself
(Took a move action so I can only attack one handed I believe)


2009-05-04, 01:48 PM
Faux moves forward readying a spell to use if a wolf attacks.

Caelian moves up to I-15 and holds his weapon at the ready.

Joh moves up to H-14, ready…

Durin moves up to H-12, prepared to attack a wolf with his axe.

Lazarus holds a readied action to shoot either wolf if they move forward.

Gaius remains where he is, ready to support his companions.

Arianna moves up to I-13, warhammer at the ready.

Wolf 2 moves out from behind the statue and goes for Durin as he comes closer to the building. He bites into his arm for 4 damage, sinking his teeth into his flesh. The other wolf, darts around the other way and right up against Arianna’s warhammer. Arianna gets in a good strike. She almost cripples the beast as she strikes it in the side. The wolf retaliates by biting her and sinking his teeth into a weak spot in her armor (damage: 7)

Lazarus sees the 2nd wolf move out from behind cover although Durin is in the way for a moment. Soon the wolf is in his sights and he fires an arrow at it just after it attacks Durin. ((Attack (1d20+5=25), Damage (1d6+1=2) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2056331/), Crit check (1d20+5=13) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2056337/) – not high enough))

Faux is still to far away to get a clear view of the fight and is unable to cast the spell this round.


---------- Round 3 ----------

Init Order

Faux 24
Caelian 19
Joh 18
Durin 10 (damage: 4)
Gaius 7
Arianna 7 (damage: 7)
Enemy (2 wolves)
Lazarus 10

((If you don’t state what square you’re moving to or a distance, I’ll just move you 20 feet forward))

2009-05-04, 02:00 PM
Durin shakes off the wolf and drops his buckler before gripping his axe in both hands and attempting to split the wolf in two.

(power attack:2)

Fra Lippo
2009-05-04, 02:32 PM

Seeing that the far wolf is surrounded, he aims at the nearest wolf which is attacking Durin. "Stand back Durin, so I can bring it down". May Pelor guide my aim. Firing off his arrow, Gaius leaves his bow to fall as he runs at the wolf, short sword drawn and taking up his shield.

Attacking W2
Then moves to G11)

2009-05-04, 04:12 PM

"On my way!" Caelian yells to Arianna, seeing that Durin and Gaius have the other wolf under control. He runs toward the left side of the nearest statue, sliding his left blade in it's sheath on his back. As he picks up speed, he flips the right sword around, so it is held bladeside downwards. He reaches out with his left hand, grabbing the arm of the statue, and using it as a pivot point as his feet leave the ground. He swings with all of his momentum at the wolf, coming down right behind it with a blade at it's back.

Caelian is moving (very impressively) to K-13 to flank the wolf. So he should set up flanking (-2 to wolf AC) and by putting away his left weapon, he loses 1 AC (Two-weapon Defense). If he can't sheath his weapon, he'll just drop it to the ground.


2009-05-04, 04:18 PM

2009-05-04, 07:01 PM

Arianna smashes her warhammer into the wolves head. Get away from me beastie!!

Attack: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]

2009-05-05, 12:52 AM

Seeing a chance to kill 2 wolves with one blow, Joh advances into the gap between Durin and Arianna.
Making a sharp downward slice at the wolf on Durin then reversing a low thrust at the one on Arianna

Mai Mouqol Führer dieser Schlag



2009-05-05, 08:34 AM
Lazarus looks sad as he lets the arrow fly. Still, the wolves had moved first. Lazarus moves up the path and , almost regrettably it seems, draws and fires another arrow at the second wolf.

Move to F12.
Crit confirmation:[roll1]

2009-05-06, 07:58 PM
Faux moves toward the fight near the statue, but there is too much of a crowd around the wolf.

Caelian runs around behind the statue to flank the wolf from the rear as he attacks with one sword. His sword sinks into the wolf’s flank and it drops in its tracks as Caelian finishes him off.

Joh realizes the wolf is down before he would’ve completed his strike.

Durin easily drops the wolf in front of him with his axe.

Gaius, Arianna and Lazarus see that the wolves are dead and in the confusion, they miss a dark form slinking away from the graveyard to the north.

---------- Round 4 ----------

Init Order

Faux 24
Caelian 19
Joh 18
Durin 10 (damage: 4)
Gaius 7
Arianna 7 (damage: 7)
Enemy (2 wolves) - dead
Lazarus 10

((If you don’t state what square you’re moving to or a distance, I’ll just move you 20 feet forward))

The mausoleum doors are open and the two humanoids lie sprawled on the steps. Dark liquid seeps out from underneath them.

Fra Lippo
2009-05-08, 10:01 AM
"Is anyone hurt?". The priest retrieves his bow, and while he waits for the rest of the party he decides to examine the bodies, and the mausoleum itself for anything.


2009-05-08, 11:02 AM
Gaius walks up the rest of the way. Two bodies, seemingly savaged by some wild beast, lie in a pool of blood. One is a male dwarf, and the other is a female human. Each wears the remnants of a town sentinel’s tabard. Blood spatters cover the landing and the flagstones just inside the tomb’s doorway and further into the mausoleum.

((anyone, give me a heal check, a survival check))

---------- Aftermath ----------

Durin 10 (damage: 4)
Arianna 7 (damage: 7)

2009-05-08, 01:33 PM
Arriana (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6068)

Quick! They may still be alive. Arianna rushes to the side of the two fallen warriors, and will check to see if there is any chance they might still be alive.

Heal: [roll0]

2009-05-08, 04:57 PM

Caelian runs over to the bodies, knowing he wasn't able to help much with the healing, but doing his best to help out, as well as figure out what else he could do....


2009-05-09, 09:47 AM
Arianna rushes up the steps to check on the bodies. They are dead and after looking at them for a moment, Arianna realizes that they were not mauled to death. One was bludgeoned to death and the other was shot with arrows. The shafts broke off after the wolves began to consume the bodies.

Caelian isn’t much help and Arianna seems to have things under control. He looks back along the trail into the mausoleum, but can’t determine anything more.

---------- Aftermath ----------

Durin 10 (damage: 4)
Arianna 7 (damage: 7)

2009-05-09, 12:41 PM

Sheathing is sword as he walks up to where Arianna stands, Nasty mess, you ok

2009-05-09, 06:28 PM

I think I have it covered, thanks. They were attacked by someone. The wolves came after. Arianna pulls out one of the arrow tips from the corpse.

We need to go inside, now. The family may be in peril. She stands and heads to the doorway. Placing a glowing hand over her wound as she goes.

Lay on Hands: +4 hp

Fra Lippo
2009-05-10, 10:26 AM

"Durin, let me heal you". After the cleric finishes with Durin, he casts a light onto his helm and enters after Arianna, sword and shield still drawn.

Cure Minor Wounds replaces Fleeting Fame, 1 hp of healing

2009-05-10, 06:30 PM
Lazarus rushes over to the bodies, hoping their lives could be saved, but slows when he sees Arianna's face. However, as he draws close a smile is on his lips nonetheless, "Jah sister, they'll be fine if we hurry ina this 'ere iwa."

2009-05-11, 05:45 PM
Arianna heals herself as she heads inside the building. The open doors reveal a large stone room containing a stone table and several vaults built into the walls. Across the room you see a closed stone door. Blood is spattered and smeared on the table, walls and floor. The only light is coming in through the open doors behind Arianna.

Durin follows in after her, casting light on his helm, providing another source of light in the mausoleum.

---------- Aftermath ----------

Durin 10 (damage: 3)
Arianna 7 (damage: 3)

((Anyone else to crowd inside?))

2009-05-12, 12:20 AM
Faux follows the rest into the building, hoping in his mind nothing worse could happen.... at least nothing they cannot handle.

2009-05-12, 08:37 AM
Lazarus follows the group inside, a slight bounce coming into his step despite the morbid surroundings.

2009-05-12, 10:23 AM

Ich, who ever did this wasn't worried about spreading the gore about

Advancing froward towards the door readying a hammer to throw while resting his free hand on the hilt of the small sword to his waist Joh will await someone else to open the door

2009-05-12, 09:38 PM
"You all head on in, take a look around, I'm gonna make sure nobody sneaks up on us." Caelian says, holding his blades to his sides, and standing guard in front of the building.


Fra Lippo
2009-05-15, 07:54 AM

The priest veers away to the near left corner of the room and crouches; he returns, a little paler but otherwise as normal. You must be strong Gaius, you are of the Melius family, a nobleman; make your family proud! He marches towards the stone door. "Cover me", and tries to pull it open.

2009-05-15, 10:58 AM

Gah. It's lookin' like somebody be a sloppy eater..

The dwarf will retrieve his buckler and go up next to Gaius as the preist attempts to open the door.

ooc: Can search for stone-based stuff as a rogue, IIRC

2009-05-16, 11:51 AM
Faux, Lazarus, Joh, Gaius all follow Arianna into the mausoleum.

Durin searches the area and doesn’t find anything of interest. The mausoleum was built to last.

Joh crowds near the back door with a hammer in one hand, waiting for someone to open it.

Gaius follows him back and he’ll yank on the door with the key in it.

Caelian remains near the front door, keeping an eye out for danger. He doesn’t see or hear anything out of the ordinary.

When Gaius opens the door, Joh can see down a narrow staircase that descends to a wide landing below. You can tell the landing leads to a wider room that is lit by wavering firelight, but he doesn’t immediately see or hear anything in the stairwell.

---------- Aftermath ----------

Durin 10 (damage: 3)
Arianna 7 (damage: 3)

((need an order of march and spot/listen checks for the people descending the staircase))

2009-05-16, 12:37 PM
Arianna (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6068)

Arianna takes the lead, pulling out a sunrod and striking it against a nearby wall. As it begins to glow, she descends the stairs, her Warhammer in her right hand.

Listen: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]

2009-05-16, 01:41 PM
Joh (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=26647)

Relaxing slightly, Joh tucks the two weapons back into their places and draws his great sword and waits for a space to follow down the steps.

We going to leave tha door open free or chock it with something?

Fra Lippo
2009-05-16, 03:21 PM

The priest almost seems disappointed as he follows Arianna. Next time don't get so excited then. He looks back towards Joh:

"Presumably, if we just lock this door behind us, we can leave the entrance as it is and continue?"

2009-05-18, 06:23 PM
Arianna takes the lead and activates a sunrod on her way down the steps. Joh is behind her, holding his great sword at the ready. Gaius is close behind. The door can be locked from this side.

Arianna can see a lump on the floor near the bottom of the stairs, past the landing. It’s still to hard to tell from this distance what it might be.

---------- Aftermath ----------

Durin 10 (damage: 3)
Arianna 7 (damage: 3)

2009-05-18, 08:41 PM
Arianna (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6068)

Arianna singals for everyone behind her to stop. Joh, can you make out what that is below us? She whispers back to him.

Spot: [roll0]

2009-05-19, 09:07 AM


Joh looks down past her at the bottom of steps.
i hope its not what I'm thinking it is

Fra Lippo
2009-05-20, 09:10 AM

"Which is?". The priest grips his sword a little tighter.


2009-05-20, 09:18 AM
"Not good, not good," Lazarus mutters. He closes his eyes and takes a breath, ceasing to shudder. ""It'll be irie," he says although it's not too clear to whom. He takes a tighter grip on his axe keeps his eyes on the lump.

2009-05-20, 12:50 PM
Arianna (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6068)

Arianna slowly continues her way down the stairs. Her weapon raised, ready to smash anything that comes near enough. Careful now.

2009-05-20, 06:48 PM
As Arianna reaches the landing, she can see into a chamber lit by torches. From the landing you now stand upon, a shallow staircase leads down into a room obviously designed to allow corpses to be prepared for burial. Arianna and Joh can now clearly see that at the bottom of that staircase is the corpse of a human woman, crumpled and broken. The statue of some winged celestial being overlooks the scene from its pedestal east of the stairs. Several tables stand against the east and west walls, and all but two of the seven have corpses on them. Farther into the chamber is a long pile of crushed stone where somebody or something toppled and crushed two of the tables. Aside from the one table that is beyond that debris, the farthest features you can see are vault doors along the north wall, a couple of which hang open, exposing the rudely tousled bones within.


Arianna is in K3 with the others behind her. This map is what you can see of the room so far. The figure in the box at the bottom of the stairs is the human woman. There are several stone tables in rows F, G, H and destroyed tables in row E with one more stone table in row C. The little figures on the tables are the corpses.

---------- Aftermath ----------

Durin 10 (damage: 3)
Arianna 7 (damage: 3)

((Downstairs: Arianna, Joh, Gaius, Lazarus. At the front door: Caelian. Inside the mausoleum on the ground floor: Faux, Durin))

2009-05-20, 07:16 PM
Seeing that everyone has started to move in, Faux quickly joins Caelian, waiting for the rest to leave some space for him to move into the room too.

2009-05-20, 07:21 PM

Durin will squint down the staircase at the backs of his companions.

There don't be snakes there, right? I'll be up here for a wee bit if'n you found snakes. Got to see a man about a mongoose.

He will wait until theres a bit more room down there before coming down. He thinks it looks pretty cramped near the next room.

2009-05-20, 08:00 PM
Lazarus moves into the room, gazing around a little dazedly until he nearly trips over the body. Darting back, he calms an approaches the corpse, lifting its head with a sad face which quickly turns to a contented smile. "Rest now sister, ye be done, be at peace inna this iwa." Closing the woman's eyes, he makes the body a little more comfortable before straightening again.

Fra Lippo
2009-05-21, 07:16 AM

Although Lazarus has already seen to the woman's corpse, the priest goes over to her. He looks over her for anything meaningful, and says a quick prayer to Pelor. He then hurries around the bodies, repeating the same prayer of supplication for each. Gaius remembers those outside, and promises to himself that he will make further preparations when their urgent business is finished.


2009-05-21, 04:27 PM
Faux joins Caelian at the front door to the mausoleum. Outside, everything is quiet.

For now, Durin remains at the top of the stairs.

Lazarus moves around Arianna and down the remaining stairs. He closes the eyes on the dead woman as Gaius follows him down the stairs. Gaius says a prayer over her body, then proceeds to minister to the other dead. As he reaches G4, suddenly the corpse on the nearby table swings its arm at him. Moaning accompanies another corpse’s shifting from its resting place and shambling toward you. A clattering comes from deeper in the room, behind the corner at D/E 6. The first corpse suddenly attacks Gaius but misses from its prone position on the table.


((Roll Init and post your actions))

---------- Aftermath ----------

Durin 10 (damage: 3)
Arianna 7 (damage: 3)

((Downstairs: Arianna, Joh, Gaius, Lazarus. At the front door: Caelian, Faux. Inside the mausoleum on the ground floor: Durin))

2009-05-21, 04:50 PM

Durin, no snakes, just zombies

moving down to stand next to Lazarus (I2) Joh shoulders his blade with one hand and deftly draws a hammer and slings it at the unengaged one

Init [roll0]
Attack with Light Hammer [roll1]
Damage w/ hammer [roll2]
If things change due to Init Order and the Z2 becomes engaged i'll just hold my action untill next round

Gaius watch your flank

2009-05-21, 05:41 PM
Seeing the corpses, Lazarus merely smiles wider. "Don't worry bout a thing, the envious cannot 'arm I and I the everliving," he says. He then spins on his heel and in a burst of super-human speed runs up the wall behind him, continuing onto the ceiling towards the zombie near Gaius. As he approaches the two from above he pushes off the ceiling, hurtling into the zombie with his axe.

Assuming the ceiling is about 10ft. Using a Xeph burst puts Lazarus' speed at 40ft. for this round. Up the walls takes him from I-3 to J-4, J-5 and then a straight line for the zombie ending on H-5.

From the OOC: Initiative: 11
Attack(+1 for higher ground, +2 for Battle Jump charge):[roll0]
Damage:[roll1](Doubled for battle jump.)
Jump check to remain standing:[roll2]

2009-05-21, 06:23 PM

Well, thats alright then. Zombies have necks

Durin will make his way down the stairs, and charge the nearest zombie once he has a chance.

Rolls, if needed

[roll0] Initiative
[roll1] Attack

2009-05-21, 07:42 PM
Arianna (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6068)

Arianna rushes to F4 and smashes her warhammer into the Z2 zombie, avoiding being hit by Leon's flying hammer.

Initiative: [roll0]
Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Fra Lippo
2009-05-22, 07:09 AM

The sudden attack from the corpse momentarily shocks Gaius, and he instinctively steps backwards. Joh's warning only serves to panic him further, and (if he hasn't collided with someone) he swings his small sword at the zombie nearest to him with desperate force. (If someone is already there, then he trips and falls onto his back and is unable to do anything until he can calm himself).

Steps back onto G3
If the square's free:

2009-05-23, 11:12 AM

Hearing the sounds of fighting, Caelian taps Faux on the shoulder... "Come on, sounds like trouble!" He runs down the stairs, drawing his blades as he comes...

Caelian runs down the stairs, taking the time that the DM feels he needs to get to the floor and where the action is.

(Sorry I wasn't posting, for some reason my subscription wasn't telling me when there was a new post. :-/)

2009-05-23, 09:20 PM
Arianna rushes to F4 as Gaius takes an involuntary step back from the monster in front of him. She swings with her warhammer and feels the satisfying meaty thunk as it hits the zombie.

Durin, at the top of the stairs, realizes his companions are being attacked. He runs down on his stocky legs and makes it far enough to be of use next round. ((you can use the same attack/damage numbers next round and pick your square…))

Lazarus runs up the wall, across the ceiling for a short distance before jumping downward onto his foe. He slashes into the undead with his greataxe and almost cuts it in two. He lands firmly on both feet, but he’s in H4 (I wouldn’t recommend landing in a spot with a table-unless you state you’re landing on it).

Joh moves to I2 and waits for a clear shot at the far zombie.

Gaius takes that step backward, only to find himself next to the second zombie. He takes a desperate swing at it with his short sword. He manages to connect, but the zombie doesn’t even notice.

The clattering comes from animated skeletons that round the corner from the passage to the east. All are unarmored, and each wields a bow and has a quiver at its hip. The skeletal archers have arrows nocked, and one of those arrows is swathed in flames. They stand behind the row of rubble, making it impossible to charge them or move toward them quickly.

S1 fires off an arrow at Joh and misses, the arrow ends up striking the table instead.
S2 aims for Lazarus, the arrow comes close and barely misses him.
S3 aims for Durin, but also misses with the flaming arrow.

Z2 attacks the first person who stepped into its range. It mindlessly attacks Arianna and solidly connects, dealing 5 damage. Z1 isn’t really close enough to attack and it gets off the table.

Caelian runs down the stairs into a mad house. 2 zombies, one looks extremely wounded, with 3 skeletons on the far side of the room. (choose a spot near the stairs.)

Faux follows him and stops on the landing to get a good look at what’s happening on the lower level.


---------- Round 1 ----------

Arianna 18 (damage: 8)
Durin 13 (damage: 3)
Lazarus 11
Joh 10
Gaius 9
undead monsters


2009-05-24, 12:17 AM

"Damn!" shouts Caelian. "Joh, Durin, coming through!" Caelian runs from his position by the stairs between his two friends he had just warned, and hops up onto the coffin to his left, in some kind of attempt to get a chunk of the zombie with his right blade. "Let's see how well you fight, you filthy deader!"

Caelian will start at J3 and move to F2, to attack Z2. Okay... here goes:

[roll0] (Since he's only attacking one handed)

2009-05-24, 12:32 AM
Arianna (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6068)

Arianna will drink one of her Potions of Cure Light wounds, then begins to climb over the debris to D5.

CLW Potion: [roll0]
Climb: [roll1]

2009-05-24, 01:13 AM

Moving up next to Gaius, Joh takes a over head chop at the shambling target

Attk [roll0]
Dmg [roll1]

2009-05-24, 08:08 AM
Seeing the battle scene, Faux rushes down the stairs and takes cover behind the table.

2009-05-24, 10:38 AM
Durin ducks the flaming arrow as he stumps forwards, an easy feat given his size. With a howl, he plants his axe into the back of the nearby zombie (Z1), before moving forwards to D4. As he follows Arianna, he shouts

No sense runnin' ahead without help, lass!

climb check, if needed [roll0]. +7 skill and Strenth, -7 armour check penalty)

Fra Lippo
2009-05-24, 04:21 PM

The priest is still shaken by the commotion around him and continues to bash at the zombie with his sword.


2009-05-26, 02:24 AM
Giving a satisfied smile as the undead's flesh gives way, Lazarus hops up onto the nearby table(G-5) and hacks at it again.


2009-05-28, 09:30 AM

Careful going over the rubble, no need to turn a ankle for some bones

Check to work out what the rubble was (not sure if i can apply my dwarfy bonues for stone cunning or a craft, so i'll do a flat roll and relative additions can be added after)

2009-05-28, 10:16 AM
Arianna drinks a cure potion before she undertakes the climb over the dense rubble to reach the skeletons. She finds the going rough and it takes a little more time than she expects, but by the end, she’s in D5.

Caelian moves quickly by his friends, but when he tries to jump onto the table, he finds he can’t make it and spends the rest of the time getting up on it the hard way. ((not even close on the jump check))

Durin ducks the flaming arrow, sinks his axe into a zombie (Z1) and drops it where it is. He follows Arianna, but only makes it E4 as he struggles with the dense rubble from the marble tables.

Lazarus finds the way clearing before him as the first zombie is taken down by the dwarf. He can easily move up to F4 and attack the second zombie. He easily dispatches the already wounded monster and it falls.

Joh moves up by Gaius in preparation for the next assault from the skeletons.

Gaius hacks into the downed zombie, not really aware that the undead is really dead.

Faux moves up to hide behind a table and hopefully avoid the arrows from the skeletons.

S1 shoots a flaming arrow at Caelian, but it misses to one side as Caelian gets his footing on the table.
S2 drops the shortbow in favor of its claws and attacks Arianna, but it flails ineffectively at her and fails to connect with its claws.
S3 shoots an arrow at Lazarus. The arrow barely pierces his armor for 3 damage.


---------- Round 2 ----------

Arianna 18
Caelian 18
Durin 13 (damage: 3)
Lazarus 11 (damage: 3)
Joh 10
Gaius 9
undead monsters (2 zombies-dead, 3 skeletons)


((here is the long awaited update, sorry for the bit of wait over the long weekend and such))

Fra Lippo
2009-05-28, 01:18 PM

The priest regains control of himself as the zombies fall and his companions advance. When he sees that the skeletons are using flaming arrows he decides to take the more forceful approach: he ascends the rubble a little as cover; and dropping to his knees begins to call for Pelor's aid, right hand extended towards the undead with his holy symbol.
"May Pelor's fire crush these abominations".
It seems as if a warm light has risen from the floor at back of the hall, so that Gaius becomes clothed in shining yellow. A few rays pass the kneeling cleric to strike the undead, fainter in the darkness.

Moves to the closest available space on E - obviously I'm nearly last for initiative.
I'll roll damage on the OOC thread.

2009-05-28, 01:27 PM
Arianna (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6068)

Arianna will strike at the skeleton in C5. For the Glory of Wee Jas!!

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2009-05-28, 04:59 PM
"And for I and I," Lazarus says quietly to no one in particular, ignoring the arrow in his shoulder. He runs to his right, bounding onto the table and onto the wall as he runs to the corner and pushes off at the third skeleton.

Moving F-5 to F-6, onto the wall and then straight at the skeleton, ending in D-6. Battle jumping for double damage.

2009-05-28, 07:54 PM

Climbing to his feet on the table, Caelian notices the skeletons on the other side of the rubble. Without saying a word, he attempts a leap over the rubble to attack one of the deaders.

Attempting to leap to the top of the rubble, then to the table on the other side at C2 to attack S1. Attacking with one hand again.


2009-05-28, 07:55 PM
Sigh. Caelian is climbing over the rubble after falling to his ass I'm sure. :-(


2009-05-28, 10:40 PM
Durin clambers over the rubble in D3 in an effort to reach and attack the lone skeleton archer.

[roll1] Attack
[roll2] Damage

EDIT: Heading to C3 from D3

2009-05-29, 12:12 AM
Joh (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=26647)

Joh will advance up to the rubble line pausing briefly to scoop up his loose hammer

2009-05-30, 11:13 PM
I'm not too sure if I have already rolled for initiative[roll0], Of if we are using our original initiative.
Using the table as a shield, Faux takes out his crossbow and fires it at (S1)

2009-06-01, 02:59 PM
Arianna yells her battle cry and strikes out at the skeleton in C5 and misses.

Caelian finds out he isn’t as graceful as Lazarus and doesn’t quite make it over the rubble and spends the rest of his time getting up and taking the time to struggle over the rubble in the way. (you can keep your attack/dam rolls).

Durin climbs over the rest of the rubble and attacks the lone archer. He smashes the bones into rubble.

Lazarus gracefully jumps on the marble table, pushes off the wall, lands in D6 and completely takes apart the skeletal archer in front of him… (talk about overkill =P)

Faux is a bit slow and 2 skeletons are already dead and the third is in melee with Arianna with several party members near her.

Joh keeps an eye on the archers as he advances forward to retrieve his hammer.

Gaius regains his composure and moves forward to kneel by the rubble. He raises his symbol and prays to Pelor. The remaining skeleton turns to dust in front of Arianna’s eyes.


---------- Round 3 ----------

Arianna 18
Caelian 18
Durin 13 (damage: 3)
Faux 12
Lazarus 11 (damage: 3)
Joh 10
Gaius 9
undead monsters (2 zombies-dead, 3 skeletons - dead)

2009-06-01, 06:41 PM
Arianna (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6068)

Arianna moves to C6 and looks down the hall for any more unwelcome company.

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

2009-06-02, 12:33 AM
Told you I'd get the chance to use the feat. :smalltongue:

Smiling as the skeleton crumbles in front of him, Lazarus rises and places his axe on his back. "Jah, are I and I alright idren?" he asks the group. After obtaining a response, he walks over the rubble and begins examining the statue.

Taking 20 on a search check of the room with an emphasis on the statue assuming it doesn't take too long. EDIT: For a result of 26.

2009-06-02, 02:43 AM

Crimey, its always over by the time i make it in... he grins while saying this.
Poking through shattered bone and dust with his boot Dint have much on them, guess you don't when your missing skin

Search 120
Spot [roll0]

Fra Lippo
2009-06-04, 07:22 AM

The priest scowls at Joh's remark, and even forces up a sigh from his throat. "The dead should be treated with a little more respect". Although the battle is over Gaius is still shocked from the image of those bodies rising up as he was performing his rites...
He advances forward to stand next to Arianna (B6). He looks as if he will reach for his bow, but then decides against it.


2009-06-04, 08:09 AM

True enough, Blessed be Mouqol, i ask you to look favorably on their ventures on the other side.

That enough respect, I'd have more if they were not up and about

2009-06-04, 08:40 AM
" Either way, these skeletons are quite an interesting specimen, I heard of the spell that reanimates them, but I have yet to learn it. " Faux says, taking some time to simply observe the skeleton.

2009-06-05, 11:58 AM
Arianna moves down to C6 and looks down the other half of the L shaped room. There’s a closed door at the far end of the room. There is no movement from that direction. Several of the vaults lining the walls have been opened and looted, but many remain sealed.

Lazarus thoroughly checks the area from the landing to the statue. The bodies remain still and the statue is about 5 feet thick and he could possibly climb it, but other than that, there is nothing special about it.

Joh kicks through the rubble and bones and doesn’t find anything of interest on the floor. When he looks up and to the left towards where one of the skeletons used to be, he suddenly notices that one of the vaults in the northwest corner has been nailed shut with pitons.

Gaius is more worried about the bodies and their reactions than in doing much searching. As he thinks about it, he thinks the townspeople might not want the dead left (on the floor) where they are, perhaps lying more peacefully on the remaining tables would be better for them.

Faux moves forward to rejoin the group and looks at the dead/dismembered skeletons.

2009-06-05, 12:51 PM
Arianna (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6068)

Arianna turns back to the others. So we've found the wife, and the two sentinels. Do we see the other two?

2009-06-05, 07:27 PM

Oh, something of interest here.
This vault seems to have been opened and now is nailed shut again with pitons
Moving forward to take a closer look and possibly hear any movement inside


Fra Lippo
2009-06-05, 07:48 PM

Gaius fails to detect sarcasm on Joh's part, and considers how he will shift the bodies onto the table. When he hears Faux's comment, the mortified priest hastily hugs one of the corpses to protect it - and then promptly pushes it away. Unable to lift the bodies onto the tables by himself, yet unwilling to let any of the necromantic heretics touch them, he ends up sulking and watching Joh's new discovery.

2009-06-06, 01:03 AM
Arianna (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6068)

Arianna joins Joh beside the vault and listens as well. It's probably nothing...

Listen: [roll0]

2009-06-06, 02:32 AM
Seeing the reaction of his paladin teammate, Faux merely looks at the bones and jolts down some notes of reference. He then turns to wait for the results of Joh's search, not being a person of sharp senses, he feels that it would be better to let his teammates do the scouting instead, <too many cooks spoil the soup after all>he thinks to himself.

2009-06-06, 04:49 PM
Joh hears a faint banging sound from inside the vault and a voice begging to be let out.

The pitons are firmly placed and the vault will require brute strength to open it. (STR check)

2009-06-06, 04:52 PM
Durin will attempt to chop off the piton using his waraxe.

-2 power attack.

Steel/iron hardness is 10.

2009-06-06, 05:20 PM
Durin takes his waraxe to the nearest one and fails to dislodge it and partially slices the piton, making it more likely that the next blow might remove half of the piton, leaving the point firmly entrenched in the vault. The pounding inside the vault stops when Durin starts trying to free whoever is in there.

2009-06-06, 05:42 PM
Oblivious to the commotion around the corner, Lazarus merely gazes at the statue with a glazed look.

Extremely passive listen check:[roll0]

2009-06-06, 10:02 PM
Arianna (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6068)

Quick, help me open it!! Arianna grabs for the vault door and tries to pull it open.

Strenght: [roll0]

2009-06-07, 01:18 AM


Joh make a attempt to assist with the door opening

Str Check [roll0]

2009-06-07, 05:10 PM
Lazarus stares with glazed eyes at the statue and eventually he'll figure out it's just a statue. :smalltongue:

Joh and Arianna will need a bit more help to get the pitons out of the vault door. They are firmly stuck.

2009-06-09, 01:21 PM
Arianna (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6068)

Arianna renews her efforts.

Strenght: [roll0]

2009-06-09, 02:22 PM
Arianna finally finds the right combination of leverage, strength and determination and suddenly gets the first one out. She works steadily at the remaining ones until she finally has them all out.

2009-06-09, 07:21 PM
Still gazing at the statue, Lazarus realizes the others may have left without him. It didn't matter if they had, he could just catch up. Still, his assistance might be needed. Lazarus gets to his feet slowly and walks around the corner back to the group. He then looks quizzically at the situation, attempting to divine the details.

2009-06-09, 09:36 PM
Durin gives the stone a big heave to pull it aside and peers down the hole.

Oy! You down there! We killed the beasties, so you can be comin' out now!

[roll0] Strength

2009-06-10, 05:00 PM
A pale oval face looks out at him, Are you sure? Is it safe to come out? I want to go home.

2009-06-10, 10:07 PM
"Yes, everything is alright now, don't worry, we'll protect you" Faux says with a smile.

2009-06-11, 09:29 AM
She slowly climbs out of the vault. She keeps her eyes only on her rescuers and doesn't look around. She doesn't want to see the dead bodies and it's obvious that she's afraid. She looks like she's between 16-19 yrs old. I would really like to go home, now.

2009-06-11, 09:38 AM
Finally understanding the situation, Lazarus comes forward and puts his hand on the woman's shoulder as he sees the fear on her face. "Don't fret now sister. The envious ones are gone, they canna hurt ya. Everything will be alright."

2009-06-11, 10:25 AM
She looks at him and she's surprised. She doesn't have to look up to look in his eyes. She still doesn't look around at the mayhem, especially not at the bodies. Will you take me back? I really want to go back. She shudders a little in reaction.

Fra Lippo
2009-06-11, 12:15 PM


If its okay with everyone I will change to this colour, since nobody's using it.

He watches the events in front of him, still too proud to involve himself. When he sees the girl he moves forward, proferring his water bottle. "Please, take some water first". Whether she accepts or not he begins talking to the others:
"Someone must obviously take her back immeadiately. I have to continue my important work with the dead" - at this point the priest glares at Faux - "but I suppose I shall take her back if you all feel that would be more appropriate". Having balanced, in his mind, the conflict between his inflexible ethics and his desire to take the opportunity of escape, Gaius waits for the rest to speak.

2009-06-11, 12:37 PM
Arianna (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6068)

Arianna gives the girl time to accept the water from Gaius. Close your eyes dear, and I shall lead you out.

Once she does, she will take the girl's hand, and begin leading her outside, careful to lead her over the rubble, lifting over if necessary. Gaius, if you truly wish to remain behind, two of the others should remain with you, who wishes to stay?

She continues on, doing her best to avoid the dead bodies. Near the entrance... Keep your eyes closed until I tell you to open them, understand?

2009-06-12, 06:07 AM
The girl obediently closes her eyes and follows Arianna's directions on getting out of the lower level and back outside away from the worgs. When she's finally allowed to open her eyes, she seems very relieved to be outside in the open air. She looks up at Arianna hopefully, Will you come with me the rest of the way?

2009-06-12, 12:51 PM
Arianna (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6068)

Of course I will. Arianna looks back to see if any of the others followed her.

2009-06-13, 05:18 AM

Dont worry, I'll be here till your ready to leave Gaius

said while looking at the pitons that the door was shut with and wondering if they could all be worked free and recovred

Fra Lippo
2009-06-14, 07:42 PM

Satisfied with the events so far, the priest manages a "thank you" to both Arianna and Joh.
"Perhaps you can help me lift these bodies onto the tables? Once we have prepared them we can go look at that door and continue onwards".
Once the bodies are lifted onto the tables, Gaius makes his rounds: he arranges each of them in a more graceful repose; he dabs a little water on each of them; and presses his symbol of Pelor onto their foreheads while chanting a prayer of the dead. Still, he fixes his eyes directly on each body, rather than upwards which is the tradition.

2009-06-14, 07:48 PM
Outside, the girl looks relieved to be out of there. I’m Tyra.

Inside, Gaius treats the dead with respect and carefully arranges them for the villagers. He feels the warmth from his holy symbol as he prays over each one. None of them rise and attack him. Joh realizes the pitons are pretty useless now.

((I have Arianna outside. Joh and Gaius inside. Anybody else want to go outside with Arianna and the rescued girl?))

2009-06-14, 11:10 PM
Lass, ye best not be escortin' her home by yer lonesome. I'll be comin' with you, at the least. Ye be handy with a sword, true, but its still no right for women to be walkin around out there without some additional protection!

OOC: Durin may be a bit of a misogynist. I figure that might be something that works for a fellow a little obsessed with tradition and the like.

2009-06-14, 11:38 PM
Faux stays and observe Gaius doing the rituals. He doesn't say much, though a part of him wishes to know more, he doesn't want to hurt Gaius' feelings, not now at least.

2009-06-14, 11:56 PM
Arianna (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6068)

Arianna nods to Durin in thanks. It's a warhammer, by the way.

Let's get you home Tyra. Hopefully someone there can take care of you. Arianna leads the girl towards town, giving her hand a reassuring squeeze.

2009-06-16, 04:28 PM
The girl nods and Arianna and Durin escort her back to the Inn. Once there, they innkeeper makes much of the rescue of Tyra and asks if there is anything the adventurers need or want. Captain Mia is sent for and when she arrives, she inquires about the status of the graveyard and what/if anything they’ve discovered so far.


Gaius puts the dead back to rest on the marble tables without incident. There are no sounds from the other side of the closed door at the end of the room.

((I have Arianna and Durin outside. Joh, Gaius, Faux, Caelian, Lazarus inside.))

2009-06-16, 06:51 PM
Arianna (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6068)

First, if you could get Tyra here a room. She was locked away in one of the vaults and is in need of rest and medical attention.

Arianna then sits down.

After Tyra is taken care of, and Mia enters. The graveyard might have a wolf problem, maybe even a couple of wargs. Inside, the crypts and vaults look to be fairly okay, though there is some rubble you may wish to clean up.

But more importantly, it is plagued by the undead. You will need to send someone in to investigate further and uncover the evil behind them.

My fellows should be along shortly, Gaius wished to remain behind and show your dead the respect they deserve.

2009-06-17, 09:02 AM
Tyra is led off and seems more than happy to go.

Mia listens and replies back, Plagued by undead? We don’t have anyone here that can look into something that serious. She looks worried. Ian comes over and sits down with the group. Surely you and your companions can look into the problem?

2009-06-17, 01:15 PM
Arianna (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6068)

Well, I'd be willing to help, but I wish to wait for my comrades to hear their thoughts on the subject.

She looks up toward the stairs. I wonder how Tyra's doing?

Fra Lippo
2009-06-18, 09:29 AM

In the meantime, Gaius is relieved when he has finished the burial preparations.
"Now, I think, we should continue onwards and purge this place of the undead. Do any of you have an objection?". Without listening however the priest strides down the passageway and opens the door (if he can).

2009-06-18, 05:41 PM

Hold up there, you'd want to continue this purge with only us couple left to assist?

Joh moves to stop the priest from doing anything foolish

I think we ought to go back, take some rest and find out if the wee lass can tell us anything. Even if not I'm sure Lady Arianna would want to be here for purging the undead

2009-06-18, 09:58 PM
Ian smiles, Don’t worry about her, she’s in good hands and we’ll take good care of her.

Mia asks, Are they coming back here? Or?


Gaius finishes his work and feels the peace that comes with a job well done. The bodies are ready to be interred by the townsfolk and everything remains quiet down in the mausoleum. He makes it to the far door, but as he grabs the doorknob, Joh stays his hand…

((Arianna and Durin at the Inn. Joh, Gaius, Faux, Caelian, Lazarus inside the mausoleum.))

2009-06-18, 10:57 PM

I certainly hope they are. What fool would decide to venture through the rest of the area without taking all precations first.

Fra Lippo
2009-06-19, 03:02 PM

"I'm not sure that girl can tell us anything, stuck inside a vault and all! No, Joh, we must continue onwards, and finish this. I expect Arianna will be heading back here as we speak".
Gaius, confident after completing the burial preparations, turns the knob as far as it can go (if Joh doesn't force him to stop); but he doesn't open the door yet.
"Joh, my friend, and all of you: if you wish to stand idly by, I can understand your fear of the darkness beyond. But do you want to let this evil continue, perhaps risk more survivors like the little girl", indicating backwards with a flourish and a pause, "being caught and killed, or used to further this evil? Together we can succeed in accomplishing the greater good; but I shall continue regardless, and do what is right, and honourable!".
Unlike last time, he waits for their answers before opening the door and confronting the evil he just spoke of defeating.

2009-06-19, 06:46 PM

As you wish, i cannot speak for you or the others but i will be returning to the town. The town guard may wish for other action to be taken now that we have found the lass.

Joh speaks this while partially blocking the door.

Faux, Caelian, Lazarus your thoughts on this?
I know i can say for Durin that he would be disappointed to have missed a fight.

2009-06-19, 11:49 PM
Lazarus shrugs, raising his hands, "Whatever appen's it'll be alright. Although our everliving sister might be a help." Lazarus smiles the smile of one at complete peace, holding fast to a singular belief for confidence.

Fra Lippo
2009-06-22, 08:25 AM


I'm asssuming that everyone's waiting for someone to post.

At first the priest looks as if he will sneer at Joh.
"I think a great many people will be disappointed".
He presents a hard stare to Joh, staring at him and the others in an attempt to guess who would continue with him. But he also remembers the first stone door in the mausoleum; and the dead bodies: both aspects of this image frighten him. He forces a little smile, and says "perhaps you are right Joh, I concede that I am...a little overconfident...in my abilities. We shall return to Arianna, and I will defer to the party's council."
He releases the door and begins to saunter away before he loses face, and produces a sullen silence for the whole journey to the inn.

2009-06-22, 09:10 AM
"Very well," Faux says, "Let us all return and hopefully, we have solved the village's problems already."

2009-06-22, 12:43 PM
Gaius leads the way out of the mausoleum. It's an uneventful journey back to the Coronet and Cabbage and they easily find Arianna and Durin at the Inn. It's getting late and it might be advisable to rest at the Inn overnight.

2009-06-22, 09:14 PM
Arianna is asleep at the table.

2009-06-22, 11:09 PM

Arriving at the Inn, Joh checks that his mule is settled in well and then proceeds into the building, seeing Arianna he moves to wake her

Wake up lass, we're back. stubborn priests and all.
You should be up in a bed not on bench

Joh looks up and around to see if any staff are about, if he see's one he'll ask for a small bowl of soup to warm the chill

2009-06-24, 10:21 AM
Joh's mule is happy to see him and looks well taken care of. When he goes inside and orders, a barmaid brings Joh a bowl of stew and a drink. She sets it quietly on the table next to Arianna.

2009-06-24, 01:00 PM
Arianna (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6068)

Hmmmm? Wha.... is everyone here? Arianna wakes up slowly, looking up at Joh.

2009-06-24, 04:59 PM

All present and accounted for, Gauis wanted to charge off into the rest of the tomb but we managed to convince him the foolishness of that endeavor.

Joh eats for a while before continuing

How's the lass we rescued and have you spoken to the sentinels?

2009-06-24, 05:44 PM
Arianna (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6068)

Tyra's fine, last I knew. I talked to Mia, and was trying to negotiate a new deal with her and the other two. I mean, we did what they asked of us, for 50 gold each.

Going any further is going to be more dangerous, I don't think any of us wish to risk our lives for nothing. Arianna looks at his stew hungrily.

Ma'am, more stew please! And an ale.

2009-06-25, 05:50 PM
Arianna gets a hot bowl of stew and a mug of ale placed in front of her. Otherwise the group is left to talk.

((Are most people still here?))

2009-06-25, 09:34 PM
Faux returns back to the inn and sits next to Arianna, "So how's the girl?" he asks.

2009-06-26, 01:07 AM
Arianna smiles at Faux. She's fine. A little shaken, but I think she'll survive.

2009-06-26, 09:01 AM
Durin gets up, stretches, and walks around.

The villagers are after us to kill the dead. I'm for it, but we should be getting ready for a big expedition for tommorow, I'm thinking. An unsharpened axe is sure to fail ye, as me master always said.

Fra Lippo
2009-06-26, 04:32 PM

When the priest arrives at the inn he decides to sit down, at the same table as Arianna and Durin. He takes a little water from his flask, but otherwise gazes round the party. Once he mutters, "an axe is only blunt when you fail to maintain it"; but, as he stated, Gaius listens to the others rather than trying to force his own opinion.
"What does Millie - Mia? never mind - want us to do?"

2009-06-26, 07:06 PM
Arianna (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6068)

Arianna gives Gaius a look. I'm not sure, Gaius. I told her I was waiting for the rest of you, so that we may discuss things together, rather than charging off without thought or care as to what everyone else wishes.

2009-06-28, 12:34 AM
Lazarus, quiet for the journey back, smiles as he hears of Tyra's good condition. He reclines as much as possible, waiting for Arianna to propose a plan, the woman was proof of the everliving after all.

Fra Lippo
2009-06-29, 11:33 AM

The priest opens his mouth and inhales deeply, as if to begin a speech; but, remembering his promise, he instead passively replies:
"I was merely asking for what you have learned here so that...we can make a decision more easily. And it is not what anyone wants that matters the most, it is what is right. I do not need to defend my actions to anyone present, only to my own god Pelor".
With those words the priest slouches back into his seat and shuts one eye, indicating that he is absenting himself from further conversation.

2009-07-01, 06:35 PM
Arianna (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6068)

When Mia gets back in the morning, we should discuss proper payment for cleaning out their catacombs.

Any suggestions for how much we should ask? Let's keep it reasonable. As in not for free, but also not more than say, five hundred a person?

She looks to the others for their views.

2009-07-02, 06:24 PM
Everyone heads off to their rooms for the evening/night and it passes quietly, with no incidents.

Next morning, Mia and Ian show up early and eat breakfast at the Inn and are available to answer questions or talk about the graveyard.

2009-07-02, 08:36 PM

Arianna comes downstairs, she isn't wearing her armor yet. She looks refreshed and ready for the next day.

Upon seeing Mia and Ian, she goes over to their table. May I join you?

If yes, she sit down across from Mia and order some porridge and fresh water.

Fra Lippo
2009-07-02, 10:13 PM

Realising he has missed the dawn (again), Gaius lightly slaps himself and hurries downstairs. He goes to the table, gives them a genuinely meant "good morning", and outside of the inn stakes out an area for his matins prayers. The daylight has eased his mood, and the inn reminds him a little of home...

2009-07-03, 01:10 AM
Lazarus emerges from his room in a cloud of smoke, a serene smile on his face, holding a half-eaten carrot. Coming downstairs, he approaches the table of Mia, Ian and Arianna. "Morning Idren," he says, "How are I and I this beautiful day?" As the barmaid comes by Lazarus orders a large bowl of porridge.

2009-07-04, 07:06 PM
Arianna and Lazarus join Mia and Ian and both are brought breakfast. Ian nods to Lazarus, Certainly, and I believe we owe you for finding out what happened to the sentinals and the family members? He looks around, Will your other companions be joining us?

2009-07-04, 10:21 PM
Arianna (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=6068)

It is a beautiful morning, Lazarus.

Arianna looks to Mia. I'm not sure. Gaius seems to worship the morning.

I'd like to discuss how you'd like us to handle the rest of your situation. The fifty gold was only to find the family, which we have done. But it looks as if you have a bigger, more dangerous problem on your hands.