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The Demented One
2006-08-20, 01:11 AM
The Dark Plea, Stain on the Future
The Dark Plea is a malign force which lurks in dreams, a darkness from a far off and improbable future who seeks to manipulate the past to insure his future becomes reality.

Vestige Level: 8th
Binding DC: 32

The Dark Plea is an insidious psionic force from a far future, a fleeting and incorporeal dream whose only link to reality is through dreaming. It created an ancillary region of dreaming known as the Shallows, through which it extruded itself into the past, seeking to alter events to make its future the true one. It corrupted a group of seers known as the seven sages through their dreams, and nearly managed to bend all to his will, combining their power to bring about the Plea’s wishes.

But it failed. A brave group of heroes delved into the depths of the Shallows, defeating the corrupted seers. They, along with the seventh sage, who had remained incorrigible defeated the Dark Plea, closing his only gateway into the past.

But in dreaming, there is no door that cannot be opened. Though the Dark Plea could no longer influence the past directly through dreaming, it found a group of people in the past who sought out alien influences like the Plea, binding them to their souls. Through the channels of dreaming the Dark Plea rushed to greet them as a vestige.

Special Requirement
The Dark Plea will only bind itself to binders with at least 5 ranks in Lucid Dreaming.

The Dark Plea manifests as a swirling vortex of dark and shadowy dreamstuff within his seal. Interspersed in the fluid vortex are a multitude of eyes of all sizes and colors, which all focus on the binder. A faint, oneiric voice speaks to the binder through the vortex.

While bound to the Dark Plea, your outline becomes hazy and indeterminate.

The Dark Plea’s influence is a subtle one. At the DM’s digression, he may require those bound to him to perform certain tasks whose true nature or consequences cannot be determined. However, they are somehow essential to the coming of the Dark Plea’s future.

Granted Abilities
The Dark Plea grants absolute power over dreams and nightmares.

Aura of Disturbing Dreams
Any creature that comes within 30 ft. of you must make a Will save or be panicked for 1 round/binder level. Even if it succeeds on the save, it is still shaken for 1 round. Once a creature successfully saves against your aura, it becomes immune to it until the next time you bind to the Dark Plea.

Bolsterering Dreams
You may make a Lucid Dreaming check in place of any saving throw while psionically focused.

Dream Travel
By spending an hour meditating, you and up to one other creature touching your per binder level may move through the plane of dreams, as the dream travel power, with manifester level equal to your binder level.

Extrude Dire Dreamself
As a standard action, you may extrude a dire dreamselfHC from your mind. The dreamself appears in a square adjacent to you and acts on your initiative on your next round. The dreamself serves you for 1 round/binder level before it dissipates into inert dreamstuff. You may only have a single dire dreamself/binder level extruded at a time. Once you have used this ability, you may not use it again for 5 rounds.

Nightmarish Conduit
As a standard action, you may channel the force of nightmares into the mind of a single creature within 30 ft. If it fails a Will save, the next time it goes to sleep it is ravaged by nightmares, as the psionic nightmareHC power, with manifester level equal to your binder level and fully augmented for your binder level. Once you have used this ability, you may not use it again for five rounds.

Touched by Dreams
While bound to the Dark Plea, you gain the dreamborn subtype, granting you a 20% miss chance. You do not gain this ability if you do not show the Dark Plea’s sign.

Dromilius, the Hivemind Triumphant
A gestalt vestige, Dromilius was born from the linked minds of thousands of Dromites, whose telepathic bond allowed them as a whole to survive their own individual deaths.

Vestige Level: 1st
Binding DC: 15

Dromilius was not any one person, but a great city of dromites. The people of Dromilius were unique in that they had formed a perfect mental linkage–every single dromite of Dromilius has unlimited access to the thoughts and memories of all other dromites. Located deep beneath the ground, Dromilius prospered, existing in a halcyon era of prosperity.

But some things cannot be overcome even by the perfect hivemind that was Dromilius. The city had been built upon a long dormant fault, and, decades after its creation, it was leveled by a great quake. Dromilius was razed to the ground, and all its people died, caught in an inescapable chasm fathoms beneath the earth.

But though the people of Dromilius had died individual deaths, the whole lived on. Those who died remained alive as part of the telepathic gestalt. And when the last dromite died, the hivemind lived on–a telepathic union freed of flesh. This formless, shapeless gestalt was lost from the world for years until it made contact with the most unlikely of subjects: an apprentice binder who accidentally misdrew a seal, and called up the Dromilius hivemind. The people of Dromilius now live on as a single vestige.

Dromilius presents no physical manifestation. Instead, it speaks to the binder through its many voices–voices of men and women, young and old. Each voice speaks a few words to the binder and fades out, allowing another voice to complete its sentence.

While you remain silent, faint whispers whose meaning cannot be determined can be heard, which seem to come from your mouth.

Dromilius requires you to conform, to put the many above the few. It requires you obey the law, respect the majority, and above all, show as little difference as possible.

Granted Abilities
Dromilius grants you greater skill at communication, whether by telepathy or through simpler means, as well as the chitinous shell of a dromite.

Charming Words
You may, as a standard action, attempt to sway a creature to your point of view, as the psionic charm power, with a manifester level equal to your binder level. The ability is fully augmented for your manifester level. Once you have used this ability, you may not use it again for 5 rounds.

Upon binding to Dromilious, you choose an energy type–cold, electricity, fire, or sonic. You gain resistance 5 to that energy type as long as you remain bound to Dromlious.

Dromilius’s Influence
You gain a +4 competence bonus on Diplomacy checks.

You gain the ability to communicate telepathically with creatures at a range of 5 ft. per binder level.

Gith, Liberator of the Astral
Gith is the great hero of both the githyanki and the githzerai, the ancient progenitor who freed them from the cruel dominion of the mind flayers. Though Gith has lain dead for ages, the veneration of the two races he fathered has given him a measure of life as a vestige.

Vestige Level: 5th
Binding DC: 28

Gith was the legendary hero who freed his people from the harsh rule of the mind flayers. His people would eventually split into the races known today as the Githyanki and the Githzerai. Though the two races are sworn foes, both revere Gith as a cultural hero.

It was this reverence that allowed Gith to become a vestige. Though he died in his rebellion against the illithids, he was immortalized by his descendants. Eventually, the near-religious worship of him reached the point where he was able to return from the dead. But belief is no substitution for life, and all the reverence in the world could not grant Gith a true rebirth. Rather, he became a vestige, a distant but immortal figure who has aided both Githyanki and Githzerai since ages immemorial.

Special Requirement
Gith requires his seal be drawn on the Astral Plane.

Gith manifests as a silvery-skinned humanoid, looking as if made from the stuff of the Astral Plane. His build is much like that of a githzerai or githyanki. The only noticeable features he has are his eyes, which glow a deep azure blue.

Your skin becomes the pale silver-grey color of a Githyanki or Githzerai.

Gith requires those bound to him defend and serve all Githyanki and Githzerai, putting their own lives on the line if need be. In addition, those under his influence must fight any mind flayer they encounter to the death, and cannot retreat.

Granted Abilities
Gith grants mastery over the astral plane and the martial prowess of both the Githyanki and the Githzerai.

Astral Dancer
As a standard action, you may expend your psionic focus to teleport up to 10 ft. per binder level. Once you have used this ability, you may not use it again for 5 rounds. In addition, by meditating for an hour, you and up to seven other creatures touching you may travel to another plane, which functions otherwise as the psionic plane shift power, with a manifester level equal to your binder level.

Aura of Pride
As long as you maintain psionic focus, you and all Githyanki or Githzerai within 30 ft. of you gain a +2 morale bonus on all attack and damage rolls. The bonus increases to +5 against illithids.

Fist and Blade of the Mind
You gain the benefits of the Psionic Fist and Psionic Weapon feats while bound to Gith. In addition, when attacking an illithid, the extra damage dice granted by these feats are maximized.

Gith Resilience
While psionically focused, you gain power resistance equal to 12 plus your binder level.

Seradess, the Envoy in Exile
Once envoy from the Obsidian Dragons (http://wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psb/20030124b) to the neutral dragon god Sardior (http://wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20030124a), Seradess was exiled for her corrupt ways. Refused by all three major deities of dragonkind, she found herself rejected by her people–and from her world.

Vestige Level: 8th
Binding DC: 35

Seradess was once an envoy to the ruby dragon Sardior. However, she eventually grew corrupt, and Sardior woefully banished her and the rest of the obsidian dragons from his service. While most obsidian dragons sought out refuge in desolate corners of the Material Plane, or the Inner Plane, Seradess could find no such domicile, as Sardior banned her from all planes in his demesne. She sought sanctum in the Lower Planes as a consort of Tiamat, but the Dragon Queen was way of retaining the service of one who had already betrayed her master, and banished her from the Lower Planes. Desperately, she sought to redeem herself in service to Bahamut, but he could not accept one who had betrayed his staunch ally Sardior and pledged her service to Tiamat, and exiled Seradess from his realm.

Banned from Upper, Inner, and Lower Planes, Seradess was forced into the non-reality in which the vestiges reside. She slowly grew weaker and weaker, till it was believed she would fade away entirely. But then, she found a new cause to survive: a group of obsidian dragons, Seradess’ kin, had been attacked by gem dragons in service to Sardior. In an act of sheer willpower, Seradess rent asunder the barrier between reality and unreality, and reached out as a vestige to defend the obsidian dragons.

Special Requirement
Because of her hatred for Sardior, Seradess refuses to bind to any character of True Neutral alignment.

Seradess appears in her seal as an egg-shaped sphere of flawless obsidian, from which emanates a commanding, feminine voice.

While bound to Seradess, your body is covered in obsidian-like scales.

Seradess’ influence causes you to distrust any creature that serves as your master or protector, going as far as to sabotage any plans it may have or suspecting it of imminent betrayal.

Granted Abilities
Seradess grants many of the psionic abilities that are hallmarks of the Obsidian Dragons.

Astral Egg
If you die while bound to Seradess, an astral seed, as the power with manifester level equal to your binder level, is immediately created on the Astral Plane and your soul is transferred to it. However, when you are reborn through the astral egg, Seradess demands payment for her protection over you. You must make a binding check. If you fail, you immediately lose 5,000 xp. Even if you succeed, you still lose 1,000 xp. This xp loss cannot cause you to lose a level. If you choose, you may simply die without the egg being formed, allowing you to be resurrected normally.

Breath of Seradess
As a standard action, you may breath out a 60 ft. cone of fire. The breath weapon deals 1d6 points of fire damage per binder level. Creatures caught in the breath weapon’s area may attempt a Reflex save for half damage. In addition, if you expend your psionic focus, the damage of the breath weapon is increased by 50%. You may not do so and use the Empower Supernatural Ability feat at the same time. Once you have used this ability, you may not use it again for 5 rounds.

Fire Subtype
While bound to Seradess, you gain the fire subtype. You become immune to fire damage, but become vulnerable to cold damage.

Scales of Obsidian
While bound to Seradess, you gain a +6 natural armor bonus to AC. You do not gain this ability if you do not display Seradess’ sign.

Taratai, the Dream that Was
Once the mightiest of the good Quori spirits bound to the Kalashtar of Eberron, Taratai and her mortal lineage were destroyed by the Dreaming Dark. However, sustaining herself upon the dreams of ages past, she was able to persist as a vestige.

Vestige Level: 3rd
Binding DC: 20

Taratai’s lineage was one of the foremost in the Kalashtar society of Eberron. Those of her lineage were noble warriors, erudite scholars, and pious meditants. A scion of her lineage is said to have developed the path of the Atavist, which allowed the Kalashtar to draw more directly upon their patron quori–a power that gave them the ability to crush their Inspired foes, and bring about the turning of the Wheel.

The Dreaming Dark’s ire was earned by this, and they set out to destroy Taratai by the only means possible: ruthlessly hunting down and killing every single member of her lineage. It was a difficult task, but the Dreaming Dark never fails. Within a decade, the Kalashtar mourned a pile of bodies that was all that remained of Taratai’s lineage, and Taratai herself lost all connection to the world of Eberron.

Taratai found herself in a void, a placeless place devoid of light, substance, or hope. But it was not devoid of dreams. The quori of ages past, who were celestials rather than fiends, have been banished to the selfsame void when the giants of Xen’drik forced the Wheel of Dal Quor to turn ages ago. The quori had spent aeons in the void, becoming twisted shells of what they once were. Taratai rallied these quori, drawing them to her. As more and more quori unified behind Taratai, she grew more and more powerful. But with each corrupted spirit she aligned with drained her of a little of her noble nature, till she was an immortal, but amoral thing: a vestige. Taratai reached out through the void, seeking to reestablish herself on Eberron and claim revenge for her lineage.

Special Requirement
Taratai refuses to bind herself to any Empty Vessel or Inspired.

Taratai manifests herself as a pillar of radiant light, in which only a pair of emerald green eyes can be seen. Brief flashes of movement, as that of writhing tentacles, can occasionally be seen within the pillar, just on the edge of sight. Taratai communicates with the binder telepathically.

Your eyes glow a radiant, unearthly emerald green.

Taratai’s influence causes you to grow hateful of all Inspired. You must attack any Inspired or evil-aligned Quori you see on sight, and may not retreat from battle with them.

Granted Abilities
Taratai grants you the ability to form a mind blade, protection against mental interference, and the power to sense and punish vile quori spirits.

Cloistered Mind
You gain a +5 resistance bonus on all Will saves while psionically focused.

Mind Blade
As a swift action, you may create a mind blade, like that of a Soulknife. You may shape it into the form of a longsword or bastard sword, or you may split it into two shortswords. The mind blade has an enhancement bonus, which depends on your effective binder level. If you split your mind blade, each blade has a bonus on lower than normal.
{table=head]Binder Level|Enhancement Bonus

Quori Hunter
When psionically focused, your mind blade is treated as good-aligned for overcoming damage reduction, and you gain an insight bonus on attack rolls against quori and any creature possessed by a quori equal to half your binder level.

Sense Possession
At will as a standard action, you may expend your psionic focus to probe the mind of a creature within 30 ft. of you. You learn if that creature is under possession, and the nature of the possessing entity.

Fax Celestis
2006-08-20, 01:46 AM
Dromilius reminds me of the Many from System Shock 2.

Glory To The Many. I Am A Voice In The Choir.

2006-08-20, 02:30 AM

I love these!

Dromilius seems to be a good version of the borg

I find it odd that Gith has no abilities agaisnt mindflayers, maybe Fist and Blade of the Mind should give bonuses agaisnt mindflayers as well?
edit: Also I don't like having an ability I can use once then is gone, It just doesn't seem right for the binder class.

Seradess looks great to me, but perhaps something about the astral eggs hitpoints, just in case it is neseccary to destroy a binder bad guy with this vestige.

Taratai looks great to me, however I would put a note that she cannot be bound to a quori even with the ignore Special requirements feat. also the overlap with gith for power resistance (except giths being better) is a bit annyoning, but okay.

Overall great job.

edit: also any way we can get more of these? like 1 or 2 for every level (>_> <_< What?) [and yes I realize these take an incredible amount of work and inspiriation]

The Demented One
2006-08-20, 08:26 AM
I find it odd that Gith has no abilities agaisnt mindflayers, maybe Fist and Blade of the Mind should give bonuses agaisnt mindflayers as well?
Hmm. Good point.

edit: Also I don't like having an ability I can use once then is gone, It just doesn't seem right for the binder class.
Uhh, which one is like that?

Seradess looks great to me, but perhaps something about the astral eggs hitpoints, just in case it is neseccary to destroy a binder bad guy with this vestige.
See the astral seed power.

Taratai looks great to me, however I would put a note that she cannot be bound to a quori even with the ignore Special requirements feat.
Good idea.

also the overlap with gith for power resistance (except giths being better) is a bit annyoning, but okay.
Hmm, maybe I'll change that.

edit: also any way we can get more of these? like 1 or 2 for every level (>_> <_< What?) [and yes I realize these take an incredible amount of work and inspiriation]
I'm working on the Dark Plea from Hyperconscious right now, and I might do a few Dark Sun vestiges. Patience is a virtue.

The Vorpal Tribble
2006-08-20, 09:00 AM
Whats a vestige?

The Demented One
2006-08-20, 09:04 AM
Whats a vestige?
It's from Tome of Magic. They are all-but-nonexistant beings who have somehow become lost in a placeless place outside the planes, whose only contact with reality is in being bound through pact magic to a mortal binder.

Winged One
2006-08-20, 07:13 PM
The Dark Plea, Stain on the Future
This is probably just my personal interpritation, but I just don't see any vestiges actually being able to force binders to do something completely evil like bringing about the Dark Plea.

Dromilius, the Hivemind Triumphant
Very nice, although considering Tome of Magic lists binders as normally non-lawful...

Gith, Liberator of the Astral
Seradess, the Envoy in Exile
A tad...specialized, but I'm sure they would be great vestiges when helping the races they exist for.

In any case, I'm showing these to the DM of the campaign where I'm playing a Binder.

The Demented One
2006-08-20, 07:31 PM
This is probably just my personal interpritation, but I just don't see any vestiges actually being able to force binders to do something completely evil like bringing about the Dark Plea.
But what it forces them to do is not evil in any recognizable way. It's like a Rube Goldberg machine, an unimaginably long chain of relatively harmless actions that lead to the future of the Plea.

[qupte]Very nice, although considering Tome of Magic lists binders as normally non-lawful...[/quote]
Not so much lawful as just a hivemind mentality. It isn't "respect law and order" so much as "be one with the hive".

A tad...specialized, but I'm sure they would be great vestiges when helping the races they exist for.
While I admit Gith is specialized in killing flayers and buffing giths, anyone can gain the full benefit of being bound to Seradess.

Winged One
2006-08-20, 07:54 PM
But what it forces them to do is not evil in any recognizable way. It's like a Rube Goldberg machine, an unimaginably long chain of relatively harmless actions that lead to the future of the Plea.
Yes, but if the binder knows it's legend, he'll also know that submiting to it's influence is going to screw the world over.

Not so much lawful as just a hivemind mentality. It isn't "respect law and order" so much as "be one with the hive".
Isn't that what lawful alignments are all about?[/ChaoticCynical]

While I admit Gith is specialized in killing flayers and buffing giths, anyone can gain the full benefit of being bound to Seradess.

Oh, right. I just read the flavor for her, not the mechanics. Still, isn't Seradess a bit underpowered? You can get an identical breath weapon from Amon, a 1st level vestige, natural armor that is better if I recall correctly from Dhalver-Nar, the fire subtype does more harm then good if your opponet has enough ranks in Knowledge(arcana) to know that obsidian dragons have it, and Astral Egg doesn't give you the option of just dying and waiting for your friends to True Ressurect you.

The Demented One
2006-08-20, 08:03 PM
Yes, but if the binder knows it's legend, he'll also know that submiting to it's influence is going to screw the world over.
Eventually. Some just don't care, while some are willing to take the risk of giving him a slight influence on reality in exchange for his power.

Isn't that what lawful alignments are all about?[/ChaoticCynical]
Meh, I was thinking more along the lines of how ants are--no philosophical basis, just an instinctive conformity to the hive.

Oh, right. I just read the flavor for her, not the mechanics. Still, isn't Seradess a bit underpowered? You can get an identical breath weapon from Amon, a 1st level vestige, natural armor that is better if I recall correctly from Dhalver-Nar, the fire subtype does more harm then good if your opponet has enough ranks in Knowledge(arcana) to know that obsidian dragons have it, and Astral Egg doesn't give you the option of just dying and waiting for your friends to True Ressurect you.
Good point, good point. Maybe a 7th or 6th level vestige would be more appropriate? Gave an option to empower the breath weapon by expending psionic focus, increased natural armor bonus by 1, and made astral egg optional.

Winged One
2006-08-20, 08:23 PM
So how does the psionic focus option work with the Empower Supernatural Ability feat(I think it exists, I'd have to double-check my ToM to be sure)?

Also, do these vestiges grant you the ability to gain psionic focus, or do you need to already have it to use the abilities that require it?

The Demented One
2006-08-20, 08:24 PM
So how does the psionic focus option work with the Empower Supernatural Ability feat(I think it exists, I'd have to double-check my ToM to be sure)?
I don't think they would stack, but I'm not sure if I worded it right. Assume they don't.

Also, do these vestiges grant you the ability to gain psionic focus, or do you need to already have it to use the abilities that require it?
Nope. You're going to want to be a psionic race or take Wild Talent to get full power from these suckers.

2006-08-20, 11:14 PM
Uhh, which one is like that?

I think he means the teleport thing under Astral Dancer. It does say "Once you have used this ability, you may not use it again."

Also, I think I'll have to look into Tome of Magic some time. These vestige things seem interesting. The ones here look great.

The Demented One
2006-08-20, 11:41 PM
I think he means the teleport thing under Astral Dancer. It does say "Once you have used this ability, you may not use it again."

Also, I think I'll have to look into Tome of Magic some time. These vestige things seem interesting. The ones here look great.

Oops, left off the "for 5 rounds" clause on that.

2006-08-21, 02:59 AM
new one looks great good job.

2006-08-21, 12:59 PM
Just asking, but couldn't Seradess gone to Mechanus or Limbo? They aren't Inner, Upper, or Lower, IIRC.

The Demented One
2006-08-21, 01:38 PM
Just asking, but couldn't Seradess gone to Mechanus or Limbo? They aren't Inner, Upper, or Lower, IIRC.
Oh yeah, Planes of Order and Chaos, there are those. Let's just say the various dragon gods pulled some planar strings.