View Full Version : Evolution

2009-04-16, 07:35 PM
The sun rises on a new day, everything is calm and peaceful, There is nothing immediately threatening, except perhaps the rival species'. you can all see one or more members of the rival species' in or near a clearing where all the habitats meet.

All species have a population of 10 members to start with.

You each have 2 EP to spend currently.

The race to survive is on.

please post your stats, and population whenever you evolve. The OOC thread is here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=6003746#post6003746)


Fiery Justice
2009-04-17, 01:01 PM
Facing predators (and a limited amount of food), The Gobblers grow smaller then they were before (which was dog-size... I probably should have noted that)

Population 10
The Gobbler, as we shall call them, are basically large slug-like creatures that crawl on the ground and eat. They have a thin epidermis and a weak bone structure, a slight sense of touch and enough sight to avoid large obstacles. They have enough of a brain to not stay put for too long (lest they use up their nutrients) and to seek out a mate when the time comes.

Brains 1: The gobblers are barely sentient creatures that exist to feed and breed.
Sight 1: Proto-vision, Gobblers see very fuzzy outlines of things in black and white.
Touch 1: Gobblers can feel pain and react to it.
Advanced Digestive System 5: Gobblers can eat a very wide range of foods and plants. If it was once living matter, they can probably eat it with little danger. They developed this adaptation because they are (frankly) too stupid to tell the difference between foods and they have the habit of consuming foods that would be very bad for them.
Enhanced Breeding 1: The Gobblers reproduce slightly faster then other species would.
Movement (Snake-like) 1: The Gobblers swivel along the ground slowly.
Shrink 2: The Gobblers have grown slightly smaller.

2009-04-17, 01:49 PM
Facing such large possible prey, the Netters burrow underground and strengthen their webs to be able to handle catching things about their own size.

Brains: 2 Knows enough to put it's pits across gametrails and such.
Hearing: 2 Fair hearing, enough to locate things caught in it's webs.
Digging: 3 digs a few pit, with connecting tunnels back to it's central burrow
Web Spinning: 5 Generates strong webs, strong enough to catch and hold creatures of it's own size. Anything larger, and the netter either waits for it to escape, or die in the pit.

2009-04-17, 06:23 PM
As the Rockytars venture out into the area they gradually start to remember where the best areas to find plants are.

Sight 2: It can see short distances in black and white.
Taste 1: It can tell the difference between plants and rocks when it eats them.
Brains 3: Its smart enough to recognize areas rich in plants and return to them later to eat.
Burrowing 2: It can dig through anything softer than bedrock at about 2 miles an hour.
Metal Digestion 2: As the rock and dirt passes through it the digestive system can extract most simple metals from the debris and distribute it to the rest of the body.
Metal Skin 2: The metal extracted in this way is distributed along it's outer skin in a random fashion.

2009-04-17, 07:19 PM
As the small mammal population of the area is depleted or learns to stay away from them, the Hivers being to grow small prehensile tendrils to hold down larger animals.

the cold conditions and harsh winds mean that almost no spores manage to grow in the mountains, and with substantial competition for the food source in the jungle, they mostly grow into the forest.

Pop 10
Senses 2: heat and pressure sens allows them to determines were prey is and excrete acid there.

Acid 5: power and painful acid, able to kill insects and things of field mouse size or small almost instantly, takes longer for bigger things.

prehensile tendrils 2: holds down prey to large to be destroyed normal, giving a bigger food source.

Fast growing 3: spores are a very efficient method of spreading.

2009-04-18, 10:22 AM
while we are waiting on the others you guys can do other things such as traveling or interacting with other players, just no evolving

2009-04-18, 12:20 PM
Having to chase prey, the acherons grow slightly faster and develop the ability to feel the ground (and their prey) on a very basic level.

internicivus acheronsis

brains 2-not completely instinctual, able to use basic pack tactics
speed 3-getting a little bit faster.
energy sense 2-able to sense short distances and distinguish outlines through what essentially amounts to echolocation, but substituting energy for sound
exoskeleton 1-has a carapace that's a little tougher than human skin
claws/teeth1-able to tear into flesh enough to bring down small prey
hive mind 2-when in close proximity to each other they are in constant communication with one another by using their energy sense to subconsciously emit signals that can be picked up by others of their kind
touch 1-able to tell when they're touching something

2009-04-18, 12:35 PM
as the Arcanies travel out they have a hard time finding prey causing there sight to increase.there staying mainly in the forest but some are wanting to explore in the direction of the plains speed 5-it is a long distance runner rather than a sprinter
brains 2-they can work together to bring down larger prey
sight 4-It can see long distances in black and white
teeth 1-sharp teeth able to get through skin as long as it's not overly tough

2009-04-19, 08:04 PM
Time goes on, creatures live and die, but mostly live (+5 pop to everyone, please include you're pop in you're stats for those of you who didn't). Nothing major changes in the environment. Everyone stays in the same area, except the Arcanies, who move mostly east and a little south (I'll update the map tomorrow). Somehow none of the rival species have interacted with each other, yet. Everyone gains 2 more EP.

2009-04-19, 08:13 PM
wait, 3 EP in fast growth don't do anything?

The Hiver moss continues migrating into the forest, although expanding might be the right word, as the places it grows, it stays there. It is starting to cooperate, as information from different area's is spread to make sure that no animal that can't fly or climb up an uncovered tree gets away. The tendrils are also growing longer and stronger
Hive mind +1 Tendrils +1

Pop 16
Senses 2: heat and pressure sens allows them to determines were prey is and excrete acid there.

Acid 5: power and painful acid, able to kill insects and things of field mouse size or small almost instantly, takes longer for bigger things.

prehensile tendrils 3: holds down prey to large to be destroyed normal, giving a bigger food source.

Fast growing 3: spores are a very efficient method of spreading.

Hive mind:1

2009-04-19, 08:16 PM
As the Rockytars congregate around sites with better and better supplies of plants they gradually head west into the lusher vegetation of the jungle.

With their increased population and an instinct to always go to the same set of areas to eat, the tunnels they dig to move to different sites gradually become more and more permanent. [burrow +2]

Population: 15

Sight 2: They can see short distances in black and white.
Taste 1: They can tell the difference between plants and rocks when it eats them.
Brains 3: They're smart enough to recognize areas rich in plants and return to them later to eat.
Burrowing 4: They can dig through anything softer than bedrock leaving long permanent tunnels behind them to speed up travel between their separate foraging locations.
Metal Digestion 2: As the rock and dirt passes through their digestive systems they can extract most simple metals from the debris and distribute it to the rest of their bodies.
Metal Skin 2: The metal extracted in this way is distributed along their outer skin in a random fashion.

2009-04-19, 09:09 PM
oops, sorry puppy, I missed that. we'll call that a +1 extra pop, although that may change in future rounds after I think about it more.

also could everyone also make it clear what they are putting their points into(ex: the [species] claws become stronger to penetrate the shell of their prey (+1 claws)), so I don't have to look at previous stats? Thanks.

2009-04-19, 09:10 PM
As the acheron's prey gets scarce they need to be able to detect them when they're hiding. They refine their gravilocation to be more precise in the information it gives them.

internicivus acheronsis, Pop 15

brains 2-not completely instinctual, able to use basic pack tactics
speed 3-getting a little bit faster.
energy sense 4-able to sense short distances in relatively sharp detail through what essentially amounts to echolocation, but substituting gravitational energy for sound
exoskeleton 1-has a carapace that's a little tougher than human skin
claws/teeth1-able to tear into flesh enough to bring down small prey
hive mind 2-when in close proximity to each other they are in constant communication with one another by using their energy sense to subconsciously emit signals that can be picked up by others of their kind
touch 1-able to tell when they're touching something

Fiery Justice
2009-04-21, 11:02 AM
Still overeating the flora and fauna, the Gobblers grow smaller still

Population 15
The Gobbler, as we shall call them, are basically large slug-like creatures that crawl on the ground and eat. They have a thin epidermis and a weak bone structure, a slight sense of touch and enough sight to avoid large obstacles. They have enough of a brain to not stay put for too long (lest they use up their nutrients) and to seek out a mate when the time comes.

Brains 1: The gobblers are barely sentient creatures that exist to feed and breed.
Sight 1: Proto-vision, Gobblers see very fuzzy outlines of things in black and white.
Touch 1: Gobblers can feel pain and react to it.
Advanced Digestive System 5: Gobblers can eat a very wide range of foods and plants. If it was once living matter, they can probably eat it with little danger. They developed this adaptation because they are (frankly) too stupid to tell the difference between foods and they have the habit of consuming foods that would be very bad for them.
Enhanced Breeding 1: The Gobblers reproduce slightly faster then other species would.
Movement (Snake-like) 1: The Gobblers swivel along the ground slowly.
Size 4 (Tiny): The Gobblers have shrunken to the size of house cats.

2009-04-21, 02:15 PM
Faced with the possibility of Larger prey, the Netters grow vemenous claws. These allow them to paralyze smaller animals, and slow the larger ones. They slowly begin expanding east, the new members of the Species grabbing territory that way.

Pop: 15
Brains: 2 Knows enough to put it's pits across gametrails and such.
Hearing: 2 Fair hearing, enough to locate things caught in it's webs.
Digging: 3 digs a few pit, with connecting tunnels back to it's central burrow
Web Spinning: 5 Generates strong webs, strong enough to catch and hold creatures of it's own size. Anything larger, and the netter either waits for it to escape, or die in the pit.
Vemenous Claws: 2 Deliver Paralyzing poison.

2009-04-21, 06:07 PM
as the Arcanies keep traveling they are keeping strong and healthy they keep heading in the direction of the plains but on there way they run into a some creatures that are about the size of a dog covered in a gray chitinous material, standing in a friendly stance they try to communicate with them causing communicate +2 pop 15 speed 5-it is a long distance runner rather than a sprinter
brains 2-they can work together to bring down larger prey
sight 4-It can see long distances in black and white
teeth 1-sharp teeth able to get through skin as long as it's not overly tough
communication 2-they can speak with each other to perform simple task such as hunting and gathering and a few other task

2009-04-23, 09:48 AM
I like where this is going, remember you have control in the game, so what happens? Just remember your stats and try not to go beyond their limits

Fiery Justice
2009-04-23, 11:54 AM
The Gobblers migrate deeper into the forest, in an attempt to avoid a large array of predators that seem to be developing near the jungle.

2009-04-25, 09:42 AM
the creatures I'm trying to communicate with are the Netters

2009-04-27, 08:17 PM
Tackyhillbillu: what do the Netters do in response to the Arcanies?

2009-04-29, 02:20 PM
Ok the Netters completely ignore the Arcanies attempts at communication.

2009-04-29, 03:00 PM
As the Netters move into the forest, several of the younger ones are caught by the the Hiver fungus whenever they go above ground.

2009-04-30, 08:03 PM
If Tackyhillbillu doesn't post soon then his species will die out and we will either continue without him, or we will try to find a replacement player/species.

2009-05-04, 08:14 PM
Well, life goes on. The Arcanies continue their futile attempts to communicate with the Netters, the Netters continue to walk right into the Hivers, and the Hivers continue to eat well. Everyone gains 5 more population, except the Hivers which gain 7(for fast growth and good eating) and the Netters which lose 3.

lets see how 3 EP works this time.

2009-05-05, 05:40 PM
With their expanded populations the Rockytars are being forced to expand further into the jungle in search of food. As a result of seeing all the new areas they have become more curious and are starting to explore just for fun(brains +2). In response to increasingly long ranged explorations they have also grown food pouches to store food for periods when plants aren't available to eat (Storage +1)

Population: 20

Sight 2: They can see short distances in black and white.
Taste 1: They can tell the difference between plants and rocks when it eats them.
Brains 5: They've developed a very good sense of curiosity and have taken to actively exploring their surroundings in order to scout out the best forage sites.
Burrowing 4: They can dig through anything softer than bedrock leaving long permanent tunnels behind them to speed up travel between their separate foraging locations.
Metal Digestion 2: As the rock and dirt passes through their digestive systems they can extract most simple metals from the debris and distribute it to the rest of their bodies.
Metal Skin 2: The metal extracted in this way is distributed along their outer skin in a random fashion.
Storage 1: Small pouches have developed along their backs where extra food is stored for later consumption.

2009-05-05, 07:10 PM
With a much more lucrative source of food in the form of netters, the hive mind continues to develop, tracking where the Netter settlements are and eating them when ever they're isolated.

However, one day a Hiver spore actually begin to grow on a netter, leaving beds of itself whenever the Netter sleeps and growing over it eating anything within reach.

Hive mind plus 1
Parasitic relationship with Netters+2

pop 23

Senses 2: heat and pressure sens allows them to determines were prey is and excrete acid there.

Acid 5: power and painful acid, able to kill insects and things of field mouse size or small almost instantly, takes longer for bigger things.

prehensile tendrils 3: holds down prey to large to be destroyed normal, giving a bigger food source.

Fast growing 3: spores are a very efficient method of spreading.

Hive mind 2

Symbiosis Netter 2

2009-05-09, 09:13 AM
due to ummm *thinks for a minute*... global warming, many species begin to die out. The Rockytars and the Hivers are the only exception, they become the dominant life on the planet. (I'm saying this on the assumption that this game is dead, only two players are even paying attention.)

puppyavenger and ArcaneStomper: I'll try to get another one of these up and running after I do some better planning, if you want I'll shoot you a PM when I give this another go.

2009-05-09, 09:46 AM
A Pm would be nice, thank you.

2009-05-09, 10:14 AM
Yeah give me a pm as well. Too bad it didn't work out it was fun while it lasted.