View Full Version : What brings out your inner fanboy?

Lord of Rapture
2009-04-18, 08:31 AM
Simply put, is there anything that you absolutely love have a really difficult time taking criticism of?

For me, WH40K, FMA, Fallout 3, Fate/Stay Night, Monster, and Berserk all bring out my inner fanboy.

2009-04-18, 08:40 AM
There are lots of things I fanboy over, but I'll take criticism leveled at anything...

Except for one person who I don't know if I've ever seen criticized. Yoko Kanno.

And don't you guys start just to antagonize me.

Less extreme fanboyism includes Metroid, JAM Project, Super Robot Wars, Glenn Beck, KISS, Macross (specifically Do You Remember Love?). And a few others.

2009-04-18, 10:06 AM
For me it's mostly Warcraft, although I try to be as objective as possible when it is necessary. And also Dschinghis Khan. Don't you dare tell me you don't like their music in front of me...

2009-04-18, 12:05 PM
I have no trouble taking criticism for these things, but my love for them still approaches irrational levels:

* D&D
* Doctor Who
* Batman
* Deadpool
* Cartoons. In general. I'm an animation nut.
* Certain toy lines I grew up with.

2009-04-18, 05:04 PM
For me, it's:
*Final Fantasy
*Kingdom Hearts
*Fire Emblem
*Star Wars
*video game music
*classical/orchestral music
*string instruments

2009-04-18, 06:01 PM
Shadowrun for me. Gods I love that game.

2009-04-18, 06:02 PM
Gaming in general. I take my gaming seriously, people who don't take it seriously are subject to my extremely superior opinions on the matter.

Also like the OP, I won't hear any Type-Moon or any Nasu-verse dislikings. You're wrong. You should feel wrong.

2009-04-18, 06:07 PM
Homer. I actually wanted to argue with Plato and St. Augustine for badmouthing him. XD

Edit: Also, the poem Beowulf. It is one of the very few things I will relentlessly argue for against anyone who disputes its significance, skill and beauty as a work of art.

2nd Edit: Now that I think about it, while I don't think it's worth arguing over the merits of Watchmen, I'm taken aback whenever someone says they don't like it. And have to stifle "you're retarded" as my counterargument to most of their complaints. So I guess you could say I'm a Watchmen fanboy.

2009-04-18, 06:39 PM
No-one insults Morrowind near me. I have perfect Morrow-senses too, so I can tell. Then I go over and speak my mind!

2009-04-18, 06:57 PM
Let's see.
There's Batman.
Then there's the concept of "Paladins".
Oh, and then there's Batman.
Have I mentioned Batman?

Fiery Diamond
2009-04-18, 07:37 PM
You should check out other threads, you know. Like this one that I started. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=108978) It's full of fanboy/fangirl goodness.

2009-04-18, 08:14 PM
I'm a Real World fanboy. I believe in the power of modern weapons to take on superheroes.:smalltongue:

2009-04-18, 08:27 PM
Webcomics I like.

2009-04-18, 09:27 PM
Beatles, Monty Python, Douglas Adams, Terry Pratchett. Why does England produce so much awesome?

Mr. Scaly
2009-04-18, 09:41 PM
Christopher Lee for one.

Star Wars for another.

Dragonlance for a third.

And any good RPG that takes days and days to complete.

2009-04-18, 09:57 PM
Godzila (tri-star)and Erigon.

2009-04-18, 10:55 PM
For me;
Daemons (and Demons) and Devils
Roleplaying before Mechanics (although, oddly, 'Freeform' games anger me to no end)
Paladins and Alignment interpretations. Sadly. :smallamused:
Theology discussions. :smallamused:
Lots of TV shows; Especially
Mr. Sinister and Sabretooth.
Shadowrun, especially
Dunkelzahn the Dragon :smallbiggrin:
The virtues of Normals ('Badass' or otherwise) in a Supernatural and/or Fantastic mythos.
The Ninth Doctor (While the Tenth is awesome, the tenth doesn't inspire me to FANBOI RAEG! when someone insults him)
...and Captain Jack :smallbiggrin:
Wesley Wyndham-Pryce
(40K) The Inquisition, and
The Imperial Guard

2009-04-18, 11:24 PM
Gurren Lagann. Anyone who Insults the giga drill breaker will look forward to several long hours argument.

2009-04-18, 11:29 PM
D&D, my music, certain food places, Monty Python, some video games.

2009-04-18, 11:37 PM
Shocked I'm the only one who said Homer so far. :C

2009-04-18, 11:48 PM
There are a few, but the main ones for me are:

- Lord Of The Rings
- Star Wars (all of them)

2009-04-18, 11:50 PM
Lots of TV shows; Especially

You like Galvatron more than Megatron?

2009-04-19, 02:33 AM
You like Galvatron more than Megatron?

Yes. Only the original Gen-1 version though.

2009-04-19, 03:40 AM
While I try to be as objective as possible whenever I discuss something, I have an irrational llove for:

D&D, the way 3.5 had it, because I WANT to be a hero. Get your gritty and realistic out of my D&D
Fallout series, all of them
Blizzard games
Warhammer 40000

2009-04-19, 06:13 AM
Top Gear

Those who speak ill of the sacred Trimurti (Clarkson the Creator, Captain Slow the Preserver, Hamster the Destroyer) will be butchered by silent white-jumpsuited stormtroopers who suck the moisture out of ducks (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Stig). :smallamused:

2009-04-19, 07:25 AM
I have a fanboyish attitude to:

- especially Lofwyr and Saeder-Krupp

some webcomics

christian religion

most of German music.

obscure Metal bands no one ever heard of.

Berserk Monk
2009-04-19, 08:29 AM
Watchmen (as well as most things Alan Moore)
99 Luftbalons (long that song)
medieval armor

Mr. Scaly
2009-04-19, 08:37 AM
Wait, I forgot to add kobolds and gnolls to my fanboy list!

2009-04-19, 10:17 AM
While I can take criticism of these things, it really dampens my day.

-Kamina of TTGL
-video games in general
I won't deny that there are many that are crap, but don't knock the medium, and DON'T make any arguments about "corrupting the youth". I have a very hard time not hating Jack Thompson.
-Tome of Battle: The Book of Nine Swords
It revolutionized 3.5 combat, and every argument that I've ever heard against it was either ignorant or wrong-headed.

2009-04-19, 10:37 AM
D&D, the way 3.5 had it, because I WANT to be a hero. Get your gritty and realistic out of my D&D

You do realize that 4e is actually less realistic and more heroic than 3.5, as characters start at much higher power level, there's very few things that can cripple you permanently and people who aren't casters are still useful beyond level 10, right?

Fiery Diamond
2009-04-21, 01:56 AM
Cute, badass anime tomboys.


I wish I knew people like that in real life.
I'd want to date someone like that.

2009-04-21, 02:13 AM
No-one insults Morrowind near me. I have perfect Morrow-senses too, so I can tell. Then I go over and speak my mind!

This!!! Jeez I miss that game. So many months of enjoyment.

Let's see what else...
Twilight Saga (as mentioned in the other thread)
Let the Right One In - The book and the movie
Vampires in general
also werewolves
DnD (particularly 3.5 but 4th is good too)
Star Wars
Blizzard games
Icewind Dale 1&2
Music (just about everything)
Sleeping :smallredface:

I need to find my case with my games. They're somewhere at my grandmas packed away. :smallfrown:

Dumbledore lives
2009-04-21, 02:18 AM
These are the things I basically ignore criticism for, or argue about just how wrong the insults are.

Stephen Colbert
Nintendo (To all my 360 owning friends)
Classic video games (Legend of Zelda, Super Mario Bros, Metroid)
Super Smash Bros
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann

2009-04-21, 02:28 AM
You do realize that 4e is actually less realistic and more heroic than 3.5, as characters start at much higher power level, there's very few things that can cripple you permanently and people who aren't casters are still useful beyond level 10, right?

And that's precisely why several people think it's less heroic(except the noncaster-caster part). Can you call yourself a hero when you're really not risking anything for victory? Can you call yourself a hero when you didn't do anything to earn your power? Characters in 3.X must face much harder challenges, really puting their life and material gains in the line to suceed, and they must earn their own power the hard heroic way, by starting as soft almost normal people. Plus you end up suffering alzheimer no matter what you are as you start forgeting powers and the wizard erases his own spellbook.

Sure, some people prefer to start as blessed guys with natural invulnerability, super regeneration who are almost impossible to kill and poped out of nowhere (since there's no middle ground between them and everybody else), but I would hardly call that heroic. You're no hero if you only face things that really can't hurt you.

By your defintion of heroic, almost normal people can't be heros, and for many people that's simply a raping of the concept of hero. Being a hero is doing what's right when other people in your conditions would rater run away or do what's wrong. It has nothing to do with power level, or being blessed with natural invulnerability.

2009-04-21, 02:33 AM
I fail to see how "doing what's right when other people in your conditions would rater run away or do what's wrong" has anything do with working your way up the ranks.

2009-04-21, 04:25 AM
Western Comics, in general.
DC getting more specific, as they tend to get more flak by the populace at large.
Superman specifically. I think he may be one of the most misunderstood characters by the populace at large. Superdickery doesn't help any.

2009-04-21, 05:40 AM
I fail to see how "doing what's right when other people in your conditions would rater run away or do what's wrong" has anything do with working your way up the ranks.

And I fail to see what ranks have anything to do with heroism. So now you're saying you can't be a hero if you dont belong to the military? That's very odd.

2009-04-21, 06:03 AM
And that's precisely why several people think it's less heroic(except the noncaster-caster part). Can you call yourself a hero when you're really not risking anything for victory? Can you call yourself a hero when you didn't do anything to earn your power?

So you're saying Superman isn't really a hero...

Superman specifically. I think he may be one of the most misunderstood characters by the populace at large. Superdickery doesn't help any.

Uh oh.

Is this the start of a relentless firefight? Is a thread about rampant fanboyism peppered with intolerance of criticism doomed to go down in flames? Will anyone think of the children?

Tune in next time to see!
That was too good not to troll...

2009-04-21, 06:05 AM
And I fail to see what ranks have anything to do with heroism. So now you're saying you can't be a hero if you dont belong to the military? That's very odd.
I was using ranks metaphorically. You're saying that you need to "earn" abilities in order to qualify as heroic. That appears to be unrelated to your own definition of heroism, which is to do what's right when other people in your conditions would rater run away or do what's wrong.

Ashen Lilies
2009-04-21, 07:52 AM
2004's Battlestar Galactica. All of it. Even Black Market, which, for some reason, people hated. Okay, it wasn't really 'awesome' and more merely 'good', but it wasn't horrible.

Watchmen, comic and movie. I was foaming at the mouth with rage when the student newspaper (which frankly, sucks, as do most of the student council) gave it a negative review. Not because they thought it was genuinely bad, but because they totally missed the point. In the immortal words of the reviewer: "It's a movie about superheroes without superpowers. WOW."
Seething. Rage.

D'n'D, despite the fact I have never played a game in my life. Something to do with the fact that it's a social game and all my classmates think it too 'geeky' to be worthy of their attentions.

Superhero Comics in general. Because they, in the eyes of my classmates (cultural genii that they are), are 'for children'.

Fantasy Literature, because they are either too childish, or too needlessly complicated.

No, I don't get along much with most of my school. Why do you ask?

2009-04-21, 09:07 AM
Incredibly hot cosplay chicks.

2009-04-21, 10:56 AM
Mother 3
And Neverwinter Nights: Mask of the Betrayer.

2009-04-28, 03:36 AM
Final Fantasy first and foremost. I cannmot seem to stop buying all the random stuff they keep releasing, and absolutely loving it all.

Another one that I'm aware that I'm ashamed of is Pokemon. I'm pretty sure that given some paper I could write out all of the first 151 Pokemon, near enough in order. For more details into my style of Pokemon fanboyism see here (http://www.vgcats.com/comics/?strip_id=263).

2009-04-28, 03:39 AM
So you're saying Superman isn't really a hero...

Uh oh.

Is this the start of a relentless firefight? Is a thread about rampant fanboyism peppered with intolerance of criticism doomed to go down in flames? Will anyone think of the children?

Tune in next time to see!
That was too good not to troll...

Nah. Although Superman was born with his power he can be beaten and die, so it's not like he's not risking anything.

Oh and Kid Kris:

2009-04-29, 03:28 AM
The Wire, Arrested Development, Miller's Crossing, Blade Runner and Martial Arts (both actual and old Hong Kong-style).

Oh, and history, loads and loads of history.

2009-04-29, 08:28 AM
*Points to the TVTropes link in sig*

Everything in there pretty much. 40k will bring it out most though, because I have the most knowledge of it out of the other shows/games/whatever.

2009-04-29, 09:34 PM
The Joker. My favorite character since I was in grade school.

ASOIAF. A newer addiction, but an addiction I could talk about for hours on end.

2009-04-29, 10:03 PM
Raven+Beastboy shipping. Screw what the writers say, it was meant to be!
OK, I am not that bad, but I do think they make a good couple. Beastboy distracts himself from his insecurity by being an extrovert explosion, while Raven take these same feelings and internalizes them in an introvert implosion. The effect is different, the base emotions are the same.

Project Apollo. Call it politically motivated, fine. Call it a waste of money, sure.
But don't you dare call it fake unless you got a metric tonne of evidence.
So far, nothing that science can't pop like a torch to the Hindenburg .

D&D and rpg in general. No, it's not devil worship, it's people having a nerdy good time using their imaginations and creativity to tell stories of adventure where they are the hero. There's no 'actual' spells, there's no 'real' summoning demons. It's just geeky good fun!

Star Trek is great, but it's EU isn't quite so hot. Star Wars sucks, but it's EU/mythos is great.
That's about all I can think of.

2009-05-06, 09:52 PM
what brings out my inner fanboy? Seeing other people being fanboys. I dunno if it inspires me, gets me jealous, and just plain old setsw up a competetion, but seeing other people being geeky fans makes me want to start being one:smallamused:

2009-05-07, 09:52 AM
Star Trek
Epic musical scores
Epic space battles
Alien world geography
Marvel Comics (Spider-Man in particular)
Others I am sure I am missing....

Finn Solomon
2009-05-09, 12:42 PM
Anything Neil Gaiman, and a Song of Ice and Fire.

2009-05-09, 01:04 PM
While I can take criticism of these things, it really dampens my day.

-Kamina of TTGL
-video games in general
I won't deny that there are many that are crap, but don't knock the medium, and DON'T make any arguments about "corrupting the youth". I have a very hard time not hating Jack Thompson.
-Tome of Battle: The Book of Nine Swords
It revolutionized 3.5 combat, and every argument that I've ever heard against it was either ignorant or wrong-headed.

Person after my own heart. Pretty much those, with:

-Orchestral video game arranges, or games with orchestral pieces. "The Genesis" from Persona 4 == the musical equivalent of an orgasm.
-Also rock arranges of video game music.
-...most video game music in general, really. A good enough soundtrack is enough to make me want to play a game.

2009-05-09, 03:03 PM
Matthew Woodring Stover's writings in general, and in addition, the philosophy presented in his Star Wars books.
Knights of the Old Republic 2, on that note...
The New World of Darkness
Resident Evil games (for some reason)

2009-05-09, 03:13 PM
-Stanley Kubrick *swoon*

-Science gone wrong/right

-super genius children or savants (bonus points if they are military strategists)

-Investigators and deductive reasoning

There are plenty of others, but these stick out into the fore-front.

Vorpal Soda
2009-05-09, 05:34 PM
Cuddly toys
40k Eldar
Yume Nikki
Mondo Medicals and Mondo Agency.