View Full Version : Vacation to the Tower of Light [Town Plot]

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2009-04-19, 01:35 PM
The first-class car is, well, first-class. There are couches and armchairs for sitting, entertainment systems for watching.

2009-04-19, 01:41 PM
Sparky sits in one of the chairs while humming a tune.
He's taking it all in, despite his job, he's never gone first class before, it's too obvious to take first class.

2009-04-19, 01:59 PM
Dante is sitting next to Rose and probably Valencia. Rose has a window seat, and she's pointing at all the stuff on the road.

Jake is sitting next to Melissa.

2009-04-19, 02:05 PM
Melissa sighs.
Hey, who was that guy in the labcoat earlier? The one who called the whole magic-door thing odd?

2009-04-19, 02:09 PM
Jaya is sitting by herself looking out the window

2009-04-19, 02:10 PM
"That was Chris Wogal, he's a friend of mine. They have 3 kids, one of which is the Archgoth of that Gothmo Empire."
Ooh, sounds fun!
Sounds stressful. I'm much more happy on vacation. Everything OK, Jaya?

2009-04-19, 02:12 PM
Amen to that.
Sparky smiles and closes his eyes for the journey.
Wake me when we get there.

2009-04-19, 02:20 PM
Jaya looks up
oh it's nothing

2009-04-19, 02:21 PM
That's Neiz's dad? Whoa. I'm in her Empire; I'm the Baroness of the ravers---although I'm thinking of stepping down and chilling out.

2009-04-19, 02:24 PM
"Can do, Fred."
Ooh, what's that?
"A deer."
What's that?
"A turkey."
They continue this until Dante says: "Ok, everything that you see from here is obviously a repeat."

OK, Jaya. He says, going back to Melissa. Baroness of ravers; I'm sure they could've given you a better name, and more suiting...like..."Amazingly amazing Glow Queen," or..."Super Cute Glow-y Lady." Those are awesome titles, I must say. He says, trying to hug Melissa.

2009-04-19, 02:30 PM
I'm just glad we could get so many willing people. She smiles.

A Rainy Knight
2009-04-19, 02:32 PM
Val is sitting with her head resting on Dante's shoulder.
How far away is it, anyway?

2009-04-19, 02:35 PM
Far enough for us to be here overnight and arrive first thing in the morning, I think.

2009-04-19, 02:50 PM
Jaya looks over
That long? Wow...

2009-04-19, 03:00 PM
"So...what should we do?" Dante says, lying his head over on Val's.
Dante looks at Melissa. "I don't think we've met. I'm Dante, and this is my girlfr-- fiancée, Valencia."

2009-04-19, 03:01 PM
Hey, if we have to travel overnight... She leans against Jake. Not suggestively.
At least we can travel in style.
She sits up and smiles at Dante and Val.
Hi, I'm Melissa Davies. Nice to meet the two of you. You have a wonderful daughter.

2009-04-19, 03:10 PM
"Yeah, she is. I remember the last time I went to the tower...it was terrible. Probably because I met Lien there, and Neil had come along..."
"No one, pumpkin."

2009-04-19, 03:13 PM
Sparky falls asleep, yeah, he's gone from nap to actual sleep.

2009-04-19, 03:27 PM
Jake yawns as he puts his arm around Melissa and closes his eyes. Rose lies down on Dante's lap.

2009-04-19, 03:31 PM
Her eyes close as well as she leans on him, dozing.

2009-04-19, 03:34 PM
Jaya falls asleep in her seat

A Rainy Knight
2009-04-19, 03:37 PM
Val falls asleep leaning against Dante.

2009-04-19, 04:09 PM
They should be jostled awake by the bumpage. It's already nighttime outside...
Nestled against Jake, Melissa stirs.
Mm... nnh... what was that?

2009-04-19, 04:12 PM
Jaya wakes up alert
what is it?

2009-04-19, 04:36 PM
Again, BUMP.

2009-04-19, 05:24 PM
((Back!)) Dante slowly wakes up. "Hmmm? What's...up?"

Jake wakes up with a jolt. Just a bump, right?

2009-04-19, 05:26 PM
I... think so...
There are smaller bumps, like something walking around on the roof.
Or not.

2009-04-19, 05:28 PM
Jaya looks up to where the steps are coming from
Well this should prove interesting
She pulls her bow off her back

A Rainy Knight
2009-04-19, 05:32 PM
Val slowly wakes up.
Dante? Rose?
She rubs her eyes and looks around.
Do you hear something on the roof?

((I only have time for this one post, but I'll be on later.))

2009-04-19, 05:33 PM
If it's that creepy ex-boyfriend of yours, Melissa...
Oh, no one.
What's happening?

2009-04-19, 05:35 PM
Melissa huddles against Jake.
The train enters a tunnel. The walky-bumps stop.

2009-04-19, 05:37 PM
...Ouch. I feel bad for whoever was on there.
...So do I.
"Something tells me it's not that easy. If this guy or girl can get onto a moving train, I'm not sure a tunnel can stop he or she."

2009-04-19, 05:38 PM
Jaya relaxes
...or not?
Guess it left whatever it was.

2009-04-19, 05:50 PM
Hopefully, Jaya.
"Yeah, I want to get back to snuggling..."

2009-04-19, 05:59 PM
There's a sort of WHUMP and a clatter, as if something on the roof just fell off.
Melissa presses her face into Jake's arm.

2009-04-19, 06:03 PM
What's happening? You okay, Melissa?

A Rainy Knight
2009-04-19, 06:05 PM
Val leans against Dante.
Do you have any idea what's going on?

2009-04-19, 06:05 PM
oh dear....
She says worried

2009-04-19, 06:07 PM
"Not a clue, baby. I know just as much as you at this point."
...So, what happens now?

2009-04-19, 06:09 PM
She looks up at him.
I think... I think it's gone. I think it fell off.
She sighs and collapses against him.
I was just terrified there... but we're alright, it's fine...

A Rainy Knight
2009-04-19, 06:14 PM
So... crisis passed? Can we get back to daydreaming about our upcoming vacation now?

2009-04-19, 06:15 PM
Jaya sits down
I guess
...that was anti-climactic

2009-04-19, 06:15 PM
Jake holds her. Aww, don't worry, Melissa. Jake-y's got you.
Dante stifles a laugh, so it's hardly noticeable. "...Jake-y."
Jake glares at him, not letting go of Melissa.

"I sure hope so, Valencia."

2009-04-19, 06:17 PM
We should all probably catch some Z's... big day tomorrow and all.

2009-04-19, 06:20 PM
"Yeah, I'm tired, I guess." He says, laying his head on Val's lap.

A Rainy Knight
2009-04-19, 06:22 PM
You don't have to tell me twice.
She leans back and closes her eyes.

2009-04-19, 06:27 PM
Melissa is already asleep.

2009-04-19, 06:27 PM
Jake sits back down in chair, but doesn't close his eyes. Now he's sure that something's out there...

*Yawn.* "Night, Val. Good night, pumpkin."
Yeah, yeah. Good night Dad.

A Rainy Knight
2009-04-19, 06:29 PM
G'night, Dante. G'night, honey. Sleep well.
She starts to drift off.

2009-04-19, 06:30 PM
Jaya is also wary and doesn't sleep either.

2009-04-19, 06:34 PM
...Whatever it was, it can't be gone. I have my suspicions, but, Jaya, I think it's that Jasper freak.

Dante and Rose are asleep.

2009-04-19, 06:37 PM
Sun comes up.
Melissa is curled up, head in Jake's lap.

2009-04-19, 06:37 PM
I think it might be too
Or something worse
and I don't think it's gone.
how many other cars do you think are on this train?
((or not))

A Rainy Knight
2009-04-19, 06:39 PM
Val opens her eyes, yawn, and stretches her arms.
Mornin', you two.

2009-04-19, 06:42 PM
Jaya is standing vigil in her seat already awake
good morning

2009-04-19, 06:51 PM
Melissa stirs in her sleep.
Mmmnnhh... glowstick... nose... mrhh...

2009-04-21, 03:19 PM
((I'm here. What about you guys?))
Dante yawns, his arm around Val.

2009-04-21, 03:24 PM
Sparky undeadtimes and yawns.
Wow, that has to be one of the best nights of sleep I've ever had.
(I'm here)

2009-04-21, 03:33 PM
Jake yawns, still cuddled up with Melissa.

"Hey, Sparky. How's it *Yawn* going?"

2009-04-21, 03:35 PM
Pretty good, I got a good night's sleep and I didn't wake up with a gun pressed against my head. It's usually a good day when I don't wake up on the wrong end of a shotgun.
Sparky is kind of joking about the last part..... kind of.
How about you?

2009-04-21, 03:42 PM
"I'm not too bad. Any night with my fiancee is a good one."

2009-04-21, 03:44 PM
I know exactly what you mean my friend.
He smiles.
Sparky sighs.
So, what now?

2009-04-21, 03:49 PM
"I suppose we wait."
...Dad, I'm bored.
"Go to sleep then, pumpkin."

2009-04-21, 03:52 PM
(Urgh, gotta deadtime now, I've got school in the morning)
Nothing else to do, so I might as well go back to sleep.
Sparky also falls back into slumber.

A Rainy Knight
2009-04-21, 04:01 PM
Val undeadtimes.
So you say you've been to this Tower of Light before, Dante?

2009-04-21, 04:06 PM
"Yes, so romantic. I had to drag Neil along, though. But something tells me it will be better this time, baby." He says, smirking as he tries to kiss her.

A Rainy Knight
2009-04-21, 04:07 PM
She kisses him and then laughs.
I'll try my best.

2009-04-21, 04:17 PM
"Something tells me you won't disappoint." He says with a smile.
...Dad, I'm bored.

A Rainy Knight
2009-04-21, 04:21 PM
Well, what would you suggest we do until we're there?
The question is directed at both of them.

2009-04-21, 04:30 PM
"I have an idea..."
"What? I'm 23, what do you think I do, draft new business ideas?"
...Good point. We don't have any board games, do we?
"I hope not. Board games make me BORED!" He laughs at his own pun.

A Rainy Knight
2009-04-21, 04:34 PM
Ha. Ha. Ha. What a delightful pun. Really, though, we need to learn just how families are supposed to have fun together. I'm kind of new to it myself.

2009-04-21, 04:37 PM
Dante ponders for a moment. "Wow...what do families do for fun? Go on vacations, watch movies, play games..."
Board Games!
"...That's still a no, honey."
*Sigh.* Fine, I'm going to try on some new clothes.

A Rainy Knight
2009-04-21, 04:43 PM
You approved of all of the stuff she bought, right, Dante?

2009-04-21, 04:47 PM
"Yeah, I did. I hope Dad didn't...eh, nevermind. He's an angel.

Umm, Dad? I think you got the bags mixed up...
"...Do you have Mom's?"
"I'll give you yours then..." He smiles, then walks to Rose with the other bag. After a minute, Rose comes out wearing different clothes. (http://www.tektek.org/avatar/26311782)

A Rainy Knight
2009-04-21, 04:50 PM
Well, it's certainly... colorful. Unique, too.
She smiles at Rose.

2009-04-21, 04:53 PM
"Yeah, colorful. It hurts my eyes." He says, jokingly. Rose pouts.
"I was just kidding, honey."

A Rainy Knight
2009-04-21, 04:58 PM
Did you get any other outfits?
Partly from curiosity, partly from wanting to see anything else.

2009-04-21, 05:04 PM
Yeah, I did. Dad got something, too.
"No, I didn't."
Yeah you did!
"...No I didn't..." He says, glaring at Rose.
Jake chuckles. What's wrong, Dante? What did you get?

A Rainy Knight
2009-04-21, 05:08 PM
Yeah, Dante, let's see it!

((Except I have to deadtime...))

2009-04-22, 03:13 PM
((I'm here. What about you peoples.))
Dante yawns with his arm around Melissa.
Jake is lying on Val's lap.
...That can't be right! :tongue:

A Rainy Knight
2009-04-22, 03:15 PM
Val looks down at her lap.
Excuse me?

2009-04-22, 03:17 PM
(Yeah, I'm here, but only for 30mins)
Sparky undeadtimes and wakes up with a yawn. He looks over at the two couples and realises that they're the wrong way round.
Dante, I thought you were with Val and Jake was with Melissa. Is there something you haven't told me about the four of you? he says with a sly smile. :smallamused:

2009-04-22, 03:20 PM
Jake yawns. ...Morning, Melissa. He opens his eyes. ...Um...good morning?
Dante slowly wakes up. "*Yawn.* Hey, everyone...morning, Val." He says, not opening his eyes. He slowly opens them. "...What....who...how?"
I don't know, but I say we switch...
"...Good idea."

2009-04-22, 03:22 PM
Okay, that was slightly weird.
Sparky smiles a bit.
But I'll be damned if it wasn't even a little bit funny.
More joking smiles.

A Rainy Knight
2009-04-22, 03:23 PM
Yeah, let's do that.
She helps Jake off of her lap.

2009-04-22, 03:27 PM
Jake falls onto the floor as Val "helps" him off her lap. ...Awkward...
Rose laughs. You should've seen the look on your faces!
"...You did that, Rose?"
Sch'yeah, duh. That was hilarious!
"...We need to teach you some matters, pumpkin." He sits down on Val's lap. "Hi, honey."

A Rainy Knight
2009-04-22, 03:31 PM
Hello, honey. How're you doing today?
She leans over to kiss him.

2009-04-22, 03:31 PM
Rose, that was a classic prank. You have learned well.
Sparky smiles slyly. He could be joking, then again, he might not be. You'll never know.

2009-04-22, 03:38 PM
Dante returns the favor. "I'm fine, what about you?"
That was funny, Uncle Sparky.

2009-04-22, 03:42 PM
Sparky will try to hi-five Rose.
Soon, the student shall become the master. That is the day Uncle Sparky becomes afraid, very afraid.
He says the last part jokingly.

A Rainy Knight
2009-04-22, 03:42 PM
I'm fine. I was thinking: you've never seen my parents before. I thought that, maybe after the vacation, you should meet them.

2009-04-22, 03:49 PM
Rose hi-fives Sparky. So...what now?

Dante smiles. "You're parents must be great. Anything that gave birth to you must be perfect...or pretty damn close."

2009-04-22, 03:54 PM
No idea, I usually don't plan very far ahead, plans can go wrong if you go too far ahead with them.
(Urgh, deadtime, damn you school! Why can't you begin sometime at Noon, that way I can stay up later! :smalltongue:)

A Rainy Knight
2009-04-22, 03:54 PM
Heh. With an attitude like that, I'm sure that you'll get along great. Dad's always been just a little... protective, let's say, of me, but I'm sure it'll be no problem.

2009-04-22, 03:58 PM
"Protective, eh? How do we tell him about Rose? Say that we got to it quickly?" He says with a snicker.

A Rainy Knight
2009-04-22, 04:01 PM
He's pretty reasonable. I wouldn't worry about it. He just doesn't want me hanging around with half-demons and necromancers and such. That's all. After all, he and Mom didn't wait up long on me.
She laughs.

2009-04-22, 04:08 PM
"Might as well follow traditions, eh? I'll follow in their footsteps any day." He says with a sly smile.

Rose is occupied by watching some GI-Joe.

A Rainy Knight
2009-04-22, 04:12 PM
Not waiting up on getting Rose a sibling, are we?
She returns the smirk.

2009-04-22, 04:27 PM
"Why wait? Each moment feels like an hour, you're just so.....perfect, Val! I'm one damn lucky guy, because I got you when I did. I mean, look at you! You're a fox, honey!" He says, with a kiss to her cheek.

A Rainy Knight
2009-04-22, 04:34 PM
She gets kiss'd.
Thanks, honey. I'm glad I can live up to your expectations, but I think it would be best to at least wait until we get off the train.
She laughs.

A Rainy Knight
2009-04-24, 02:38 PM
((Sorry for the double post.))

Val undeadtimes and looks around.

2009-04-24, 02:40 PM
Sparky undeadtimes.
Hey Val.
He salutes politely.
Sparky's hanging from the roof by his arms.
Don't mind me, I'm just trying to get a bit of exercise done.
He pulls himself up on the rafters/bars/whatever and repeats the repetitive motion several times.

A Rainy Knight
2009-04-24, 02:45 PM
Hey Sparky. Do you really have to exercise that much even if you're a cyborg?

2009-04-24, 02:48 PM
Technically, I'm not a cyborg. I still have human muscles, human organs, etc, etc. They're just backed up by a metal skeleton and nanobots. There are augmented soldiers out there who have literally become robots though. In other words, yes I do, in fact, because of the nanobots and everything, I have to work harder due to how easy they make exercise.
He starts pulling himself up with only one hand.

A Rainy Knight
2009-04-24, 02:54 PM
I suppose that makes sense.
She yawns and settles back in her seat.
I'm plenty fine with just sticking to psychic exercise.

2009-04-24, 02:57 PM
I like to break a mental sweat and a physical sweat. Which is why I read books.
He drops to the floor, sits down and takes out a book. He begins reading.

A Rainy Knight
2009-04-24, 03:01 PM
((Crap, unexpected deadtime.))

2009-04-24, 03:02 PM
(No worries I have about 1hr and a half right now anyway)

2009-04-24, 05:43 PM
Jake is sprawled out across Jaya's lap for some reason...odd...

2009-04-24, 05:50 PM
Jaya looks at Jake
ummm can I help you?
she says confused

2009-04-24, 05:50 PM
Melissa is, also odd, on the floor by Jaya's feet.

2009-04-24, 05:55 PM
She glances down
ummm what are you two doing?

2009-04-24, 05:58 PM
Jake yawns as he goes up to kiss Jaya, his eyes not opened. *Yawn.* Mornin', Melissa. Your voice sounds...different today. His eyes are still not opened. :tongue:

2009-04-24, 06:01 PM
She sits bolt upright.
... Oh, hey, Jaya... I, uh... kinda had a nightmare just now... what am I doing on the floor? And what's Jake doing... there?
Jake, I'm down here, you brick!

2009-04-24, 06:03 PM
Jaya gets kissed she is very surprised
she coughs loudly
Jake wake up!
wrong person!

2009-04-24, 06:06 PM
Jake opens his eyes. Ummm...morning, Jaya? He rolls on the floor next to Melissa. Now, lemme do this right... He tries to kiss Melissa on the cheek.

2009-04-24, 06:08 PM
She is kiss'd.
It's kinda cute when he makes an ass of himself---doncha think, Jaya?
She smiles coyly.

2009-04-24, 06:10 PM
Jaya just rolls her eyes

2009-04-24, 06:12 PM
He smiles. I oughta do it more often, then. I might need lessons from Dante. He says with a laugh. Dante chucks a book at him.
I hope there's another way I can be cute. I'm not to good at being an ass. He says with a smirk.

2009-04-24, 06:15 PM
Sure you're not, sweetie.
Her expression of amusement declares otherwise.
It's a pre-dawn gloom outside.

2009-04-24, 06:20 PM
You've got jokes now, do ya? I thought I was the funny one in this relationship. He says with a joking pout. He then tries to pull off her shoe and tickle her foot, all with a cocky smile on his face.

2009-04-24, 06:21 PM
She is tickle'd (through her rather interesting rainbow-striped toe-sock) but restrains herself (with great effort) from laughing.

2009-04-24, 06:23 PM
Jaya doesn't say much and looks outside
she kicks the two since they are still below her
go mess around not in my leg space!

2009-04-24, 06:25 PM
You're no fun at all, Melissa. None at all. He says with a smirk. I may just have to change that. Now, laugh, you know you want too. He says, now tickling under her armpits. The weak point.

2009-04-24, 06:34 PM
She rolls away from Jaya's footsies, then bursts into paroxysms of laughter.

2009-04-24, 06:40 PM
He smiles at Melissa's laughter, also rolling away from Jaya, but not before playfully zapping her with a joy-buzzer-like touch. He stops tickling Melissa and just lays beside her.

2009-04-24, 06:44 PM
Jaya gets up and goes to a different car just to be alone or something

2009-04-24, 06:49 PM
Melissa watches her go.
Was it something I said?

2009-04-24, 06:54 PM
no, it's nothing...
She says leaving the car

2009-04-24, 06:57 PM
Just let her, Melissa. She might need to blow off some steam...or something. At least we get some alone time now, like you promised.

2009-04-24, 06:59 PM
She smiles and nuzzles against his shoulder.
I was kinda hoping you'd say that.

2009-04-24, 07:07 PM
He smirks. So, what now? He whispers to her in a seductive tone.

2009-04-24, 07:09 PM
That all depends.
She smiles coyly. Um, again.

2009-04-24, 07:13 PM
He tries to wrap his arms around her.
What do you suggest we do, gorgeous?

2009-04-24, 07:19 PM
Jaya walks in the next car and sits down sighing heavily

2009-04-24, 07:26 PM
Well, I was thinkAAEIIHK---
She suddenly jerks; her back arches like a drawn bow. She shrieks in pain.
I only sorta know what the hell is going on.

2009-04-24, 07:31 PM
It's Jasper again, ruining alone time, as usual. I mean, ignore previous comment! :smalltongue: Melissa! What's wrong...who's doing this?

A Rainy Knight
2009-04-24, 07:33 PM
Val undeadtimes and looks at Melissa.
Uh... what the hell?

2009-04-24, 07:34 PM
I don'tIEEICHHH---knowwwWAAEEKHH---get... someone... break holdEAAHGH---

2009-04-24, 07:37 PM
Dante and Rose walk into the car. "And that's why you don't pick up things in a skirt...Melissa! What happened!"
...She's currently held by some unseen force, and has limited to no control. Me and Mom could try to help her, seeing as we're psionic. She tries to free Melissa.

2009-04-24, 07:39 PM
She'll come up against a smoky, shadowy mind.
She is mine.

A Rainy Knight
2009-04-24, 07:41 PM
Val joins in with Rose.
And who might you be to lay claim to a person?

2009-04-24, 07:42 PM
And just who are you? She says, telepathically. There's someone in her head! I think it's a guy...it's sort of dark and shadow-y, it says Melissa's his!
Jakes face turns to an angry scowl, and he lets out a low growl. ...If it's you, Jasper, I'm personally going to find you and rip out your intestines to emasculate and strangle you with.

2009-04-24, 07:48 PM
A better psion than you are, for one thing.
True. Jasper, as it seems to be, is more powerful, and his mind bears down on hers... but...
scream scream scream scream scream scream scream scream scream scream SCREAM---
Scream, wretches. Scream, or I will make you scream.
Oh, hell's bells and buckets.

2009-04-24, 07:52 PM
Rose clutches her head and falls to the floor.
Dante runs to her side. "Who are you! Leave, now!"
Melissa's old obsessive boyfriend, I had a feeling the bstrd couldn't leave me and Melissa alone for a minute. HE'S JUST JEALOUS BECAUSE MELISSA ACTUALLY LIKES ME!
"Where is he?"

2009-04-24, 07:53 PM
((scream (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3JtYlaPYh3w)! Scream! Scream!))
Jaya is just sort of exploring the train at this point

A Rainy Knight
2009-04-24, 07:54 PM
Val starts shrieking for several seconds and then steadies herself on a nearby seat, breathing heavily.
He's... powerful. Very much so.

2009-04-24, 08:01 PM
Even Jasper is uneasy around this "SCREAM" person. Consciousness. Thing.
Who're you, then?
To quote your narcissistic self, "a better psion than you are."
The two mental voices meet in a roiling snarl, then cut off. Melissa is freed.
She breathes heavily.

2009-04-24, 08:05 PM
((Something tells me plot is going to get better! :smallbiggrin:))
Jake wraps his arms around her. You OK, Melissa?
Dante does the same with Val. "Everything alright, babe?"

A Rainy Knight
2009-04-24, 08:09 PM
I think so... I was probing around Melissa's mind, and then something just started whispering "scream scream scream scream!" ...ugh, my head hurts. I think the same thing happened to Rose.

2009-04-24, 08:10 PM
Jaya bursts into the car sword drawn
I heard screaming what is it?!

2009-04-24, 08:12 PM
She shudders.
I'm... I'm... Sniffle.
I'm okay as long as you're with me.

But wait, kids! Who was the mysterious psion who interfered in the dastardly deeds of the nefarious Jasper? Only time will tell!

2009-04-24, 08:18 PM
Jake nuzzles Melissa a bit lot. Well, it looks like our moment of alone time just flew away, Melissa. Jake turns to Jaya. Nothing, just some pest that was bothering with my Melissa. He says, sort of warning Jasper if he's still there.

Yes, kiddies, who is that dastardly number two and how can we relieve him! He seems to have caused great pain so far, but how can you beat him? :smalltongue:

A Rainy Knight
2009-04-24, 08:21 PM
Val steadies herself on Dante for a bit.
I'm... I'm scared, Dante. There might have been more than one voice there. I don't know if Jasper was the one who psychically assaulted me and Rose... I don't like not knowing what I'm up against.

2009-04-24, 08:26 PM
"Don't worry, baby. If those two are men at all, they'd stop hiding behind Psionics."
Rose slowly gets up. Oh, I'm fine, thanks for asking. :smallannoyed: Those two seem to be busy with one another, we can only hope they don't team up.

A Rainy Knight
2009-04-24, 08:32 PM
Yeah, hopefully...
Val stops and looks at Rose.
This young, and you're already a psion like me. I'm proud of you, honey.

2009-04-24, 08:38 PM
Rose sighs. Thanks, Mom. But you could've done that by yourself, I'm no help.

2009-04-24, 08:38 PM
Melissa blinks.
There was a second someone? What?
I dunno of any other psion besides Jasper. You guys know anyone like that? Besides you and Rose, I mean.

A Rainy Knight
2009-04-24, 08:42 PM
I really have no idea what that other voice was. It was pretty frigging scary, though.
She turns to Rose and shrugs.
Well, you're definitely on the way to being a great psion.

2009-04-24, 08:42 PM
Jaya stands there and doesn't say anything

2009-04-24, 08:46 PM
Thanks, Mom. That means a bunch.

I know of no pisons, besides the nice ones in this train. So, what was it you were telling me earlier, Melissa? He says placing his head on her shoulder with a smirk.

2009-04-24, 08:51 PM
... Ya know, I can't remember at allHOLY CRAP, THERE IT IS.
She stands bolt upright, pointing ecstatically at... well, whoa.
The Tower of Lights isn't just a tower. It's got a thriving city sprawling at its feet, surrounded by majestic walls. The Tower itself is a sort of iridescent black, reflecting shades of blue, then green, then red...
It's awesome, and that's just in the broad daylight.

A Rainy Knight
2009-04-24, 08:52 PM
Val looks out the window, speechless.

2009-04-24, 08:57 PM
Jake looks out the window. He's completely speechless - he has never seen something nearly as grand. His face is a mixture of awe, confusion, and happiness.
"Just how I remember it. Now I can see it with my darling fiancee....and my daughter."
...This....This....it's beautiful..... Jake says, still staring out the window.
Rose is just staring out the window. She doesn't know how to feel.

2009-04-24, 09:00 PM
Jaya shields her eyes
wow, I'm stupid...
I'm a drow that went to the city OF LIGHTS

2009-04-24, 09:02 PM
Melissa smiles.
Sensitive eyes, Jaya. Don't worry, sweetie, already thought of that one.
She fishes around in her backpack and brings out a pair of mirrored wraparound sunglasses, handing them to the drow.

2009-04-24, 09:03 PM
She takes the glasses ad puts them on
thank you

A Rainy Knight
2009-04-24, 09:04 PM
So... are we staying in a hotel or something?

2009-04-24, 09:09 PM
The hotel. Le Chateau Des Lumières, which basically translates to either "The House of Lights" or "Freakin' Awesome Hotel That I'll Get Us Into Free By Being A Raver Baroness."

A Rainy Knight
2009-04-24, 09:20 PM


2009-04-24, 09:26 PM
so does everything in this city have to do with lights?

2009-04-24, 09:29 PM
We're ravers. Lights, loud techno, and more lights is about all we have.

2009-04-24, 09:34 PM
She rolls her eyes

2009-04-24, 09:36 PM
((Blungh. Deadtiem.))

2009-04-25, 11:25 AM
All of my people are there...doing people stuff.

2009-04-25, 11:45 AM
Sparky's here, taking in the wonder of it all.

2009-04-25, 11:46 AM
(Hi.) It's nice...
"Yeah. Really nice."
It's pretty!

2009-04-25, 11:48 AM
Yeah, isn't it?

A Rainy Knight
2009-04-25, 11:51 AM
How long did it take them to build this, anyway?

2009-04-25, 11:53 AM
It's just wow. I thought the Emerald Isle looked good but this is breathtaking.

A Rainy Knight
2009-04-25, 12:03 PM
So the whole thing is basically just a giant raver mecca?

((EDIT: Looks like half the people are gone now...))

2009-04-25, 12:22 PM
Yeah, pretty much. Except we don't exclude non-Ravers---people there are going to be alarmingly nice, just to warn ya.

2009-04-25, 12:29 PM
(I'm still here)
It's even better than McPaddies.

EDIT: (Hello? Anyone here?)

2009-04-26, 01:10 PM
((I'm here.))
So...what do we do now?

2009-04-26, 01:12 PM
Jaya shrugs
Well no one's told me
probably going to go to rave
seeing as were in the city of raving
She shrugs

2009-04-26, 01:16 PM
(Hey, I've got 15-30mins before I have to do some work, why not spend it here?)
Sparky undeadtimes.
That sounds about right.

2009-04-26, 01:17 PM
First, we check into the Hotel.
The train stops... right in front of the magnificent hotel's steps.

2009-04-26, 01:19 PM
Whistling sound.
Wow. Do we have to knock or do we just barge in?

2009-04-26, 01:22 PM
Barge. Kinda.
She takes them through a large revolving door into a large, snazzy lobby.

2009-04-26, 01:22 PM
Ahh, hotels. I love them so.
The people I control follow her through.

2009-04-26, 01:23 PM
Jaya walks in
Never really stayed in hotels or inns
This will probably a first
wait DFI right...

2009-04-26, 01:25 PM
Sparky follows everyone into the hotel.

2009-05-01, 05:53 PM
Time to kick this thread in the--...nevermind.

Jake is there, doing Jake-ish stuff.
Dante and Rose are there doing stuffs.

2009-05-01, 05:56 PM
((Holy crap Falgorn's back!))
Jaya is there
being kinda anti social

2009-05-01, 05:57 PM
Melissa is handed a bunch of keycards, then turns to the group.
I got our suites. So, me'n Jake---she pockets a card, handing an identical one to Jake---Dante and Val, here ya go, Rose got a connected room, one for Sparky, one for Jaya.
Les keycards are handed out.

2009-05-01, 05:58 PM
She takes the card

2009-05-01, 06:02 PM
((For one night, so let's make the best of it!))
Cards? Bah, I'm gonna lose it. Hold on to mine, will ya? He says, putting the card where her pockets are/ should be.
((Tell me, is it night in this plot?))

2009-05-01, 06:04 PM
((Eh, yeah.))
She looks at his card and flicks it away over her shoulder.
Clumsy me.
It reappears in his pocket.
These cards are raver-proof. Can't lose 'em.

2009-05-01, 06:06 PM
makes absolutely no sense
She says skeptically

so what do we do now?

2009-05-01, 06:06 PM
Nice trick. Tell me, are you busy tonight? I was thinking about doing something romantic, since every frickin' other time is ruined by that ass of a boyfriend you used to have.

2009-05-01, 06:10 PM
As to what we in our entirety are going to do, I have no idea. That is, do whatever you want.
She turns to Jake.
True dat. Er, maybe we can get dinner somewhere? It's nighttime now, so it'll be awesome to be anywhere at all. I know there's an awesome Chinese place not far from here.

2009-05-01, 06:12 PM
ok then
He thinks on what to do

2009-05-01, 06:16 PM
Chinese...yummy.... Maybe he's not referring to the Chinese food, though. :smallwink::smalltongue: So, let's go then.

2009-05-01, 06:19 PM
She grins, grabs his arm, and yanks him through the revolving door and out into the... into the... wow. Holy crap.
Lights of all colors. Everywhere. And they're not staying still, either. By day, this city is lovely. By night, it's OH CHRIST OH BLEEDING BLIMEY awesome.

2009-05-01, 06:22 PM
...Wow, you have really great taste in vacation spots, Melissa. He says, taking in all the colors to the best of his ability.

2009-05-01, 06:23 PM
Jaya watches them go and sighs a bit than heads out of the hotel in some random direction
it was stupid coming here
She mumbles
and not just about the light

2009-05-01, 06:26 PM
I know, right?
She sets off, his arm clamped in her hand, toward the Chinawesome Eatery.

A group of ravers wave to Jaya cheerily.
((Deadtime for now.))

2009-05-01, 06:27 PM
Dante goes to his room and Rose follows Jaya.
Hi Jaya, what's wrong?

Jake gets...dragged into there.

2009-05-01, 06:30 PM
She looks up at them
can I help you?

2009-05-01, 07:00 PM
You OK, Miss Jaya? You seem upset... She says, trying to pull on her shirt.

2009-05-01, 07:04 PM
it's clearly not nothing

2009-05-01, 07:07 PM
Rose crosses her arms. It's clearly not nothing. I could probe your mind for it, but Mom said not to.

2009-05-01, 07:15 PM
Yes I'd rather if you wouldn't
You know that guy Jake?

2009-05-01, 07:17 PM
Jake. He's cute. She says, her eyes sparkling a bit.

A Rainy Knight
2009-05-01, 07:19 PM
((Hey Falgorn.))

Val is probably hanging around wherever Dante is.

2009-05-01, 07:21 PM
(( Hey, ARK. You came just in time. My parents are out for the night, so I'm off punishment! For the night...come to HALO, too. The Gods compel you too.))
"Hey, Val. You got any plans tonight? I was thinking of doing something really romantic."

A Rainy Knight
2009-05-01, 07:23 PM
((Heh, I see how it works. :smalltongue:))

I've got no other commitments. This is our vacation. What did you... have in mind?

2009-05-01, 07:24 PM
Jaya winces a bit
well you see...
we had a thing...
and well, I kinda fell in love with him...
but then...
She seems reluctant in this last part

2009-05-01, 07:25 PM
"The Tower. It's...amazing, trust me. Just me and you, a giant glowing tower, surrounded by a city of lights, sounds romantic, does it not?" He says, putting his arms around her and whispering this to her, and only her.

A tear wells up Rose's eye. Awww, what happened? You two would make such a cute couple.

A Rainy Knight
2009-05-01, 07:27 PM
It sounds wonderful. When shall we go?

2009-05-01, 07:33 PM
The Chinese place is awesome. No need to describe it.

2009-05-01, 07:33 PM
"Now, preferably. Before the line up gets too crowded. Not that it isn't crowded already. This place is almost as big as the Eiffel Tower...in Paris....in France. Ahhh, I have always loved the French. They have a great way of doing things." He says, his mind wandering.

Awesome. Let's eat.

2009-05-01, 07:38 PM
A small tear comes up in her eye too
well, than apparently he was seeing another person behind my back the entire time almost and he was in love with both of us...
I had to make a choice
And I chose to let Jake go to her
for I could not have the breaking of her heart on my conscious my entire life
Being a ranger I support the wants and needs of other over my own.
I won't have the weight of her broken heart on me...
but I will have mine
Aa few more tears roll down her face

2009-05-01, 07:39 PM
What they like is already in front of them. Trippy.

A Rainy Knight
2009-05-01, 07:43 PM
Hee hee. Focus, Dante.

((ARGH deadtime.))

2009-05-01, 07:44 PM
Rose gasps. How could he do something like that?

Jake motions for Melissa to take a seat. Ladies first. And then he pushes in her chair and sits across from her, beginning to eat.

"Oh, sorry." He says, regaining the thought train.

2009-05-01, 07:48 PM
She sits and eats.
How d'ya (OM) like the (NOM) city? (NOM)

A Rainy Knight
2009-05-01, 07:49 PM
((Whew, false alarm.))

So... let's go, then.

2009-05-01, 07:52 PM
She shakes her head
people do crazy things
I... I don't know maybe he though we were just friends
I really don't know....
It just hurts me so bad to see Jake and Melissa together like that
I don't know if my heart can really take it...

2009-05-01, 07:53 PM
Om Nom Nom! :smalltongue:
It's great. He says, between bites.
By some chance or twist of fate made by the Plot Gods, there is what looks to be an orangish-red ninja within the direct vicinity of them. He seems...rather unhappy. Try to cheer him up, I dare 'ya. :smalltongue:

"Should I carry you? That's what I prefer. But, the choice is yours."


A Rainy Knight
2009-05-01, 07:55 PM
If you want to.
She laughs. If he tries, she'll hop up into his arms.

2009-05-01, 07:56 PM
Does that satisfy your lust for knowledge?
She says her voice turning cold

2009-05-01, 07:58 PM
A raver girl looks at the Ninja of Sad.
Hey, you look kinda down. You alright?

2009-05-01, 08:01 PM
Rose returns the glare. Hey, don't take this out on me, I'm less than three weeks old.

Dante picks up Valencia and walks out of the door to go to the tower.

Falgorn...Oh Gods of Plot....looks up at the raver, and glares a red, evil glare that would make children cry and housewives scream. Jake sees the obvious glare, and looks quizzically at Falgorn.

2009-05-01, 08:08 PM
I apologize that was rash of me
it's... just
well you know exactly it

A Rainy Knight
2009-05-01, 08:08 PM
You're sure I'm not too heavy for you?

2009-05-01, 08:10 PM
"Raver" has the same root word as "oblivious."
I guess you're not alright, then.

What's his problem? She looks as well.

2009-05-01, 08:16 PM
It's OK. Let's at least try to have some fun here. Those ravers seem nice enough, so, go, introduce yourself to them, have a little fun!

Dante smiles with pride. "Half-angel, babe. And I, if I say so myself, think I'm pretty damn strong."

Hey, buddy, lighten up a bit!
"Are you talking to me?"
Yeah, you got a problem with it?
"I think I do. Some people just wanna be left alone... 'buddy.'" He says "buddy" with a mimicking tone.

2009-05-01, 08:19 PM
She folds her arms
I guess
as it is stick with me
these people seem nice enough
yet I'm still a bit nervous with leaving you alone out here
if something happened to you your parent's would have my head

2009-05-01, 08:20 PM
Leave 'em alone, Jake. Guess this guy's just a sour little orange gumdrop. I know this type of person. They get real pissy when you bother them. Melissa sighs. She's seen her fair share of parties and party-poopers.

A Rainy Knight
2009-05-01, 08:20 PM
My hero.
She laughs and smiles at Dante.

2009-05-01, 08:23 PM
Falgorn hears Melissa. "I'm standing ten feet away, I can hear you!" Falgorn's eyes suddenly stop burning; he clutches his head.
"Woah, sorry about that. It happens from time to time. I"m Falgorn, by the way."
Jake seems confused. What?

He goes to the Tower, puts Val down on her feet, and smiles. "Here we are..."

2009-05-01, 08:27 PM
Jaya goes back to wandering in the city

2009-05-01, 08:29 PM
Wherever Jaya Is.
A lone raver smiles slightly and waves.

The Chinawesome Resty-rawnt.
I second that. What?

2009-05-01, 08:32 PM
Rose smiles and waves back. Hi, I'm Rose.

"I'm Falgorn...what...is that strange? Who are you two?"

2009-05-01, 08:33 PM
She waves back
she says in a semi friendly voice

2009-05-01, 08:42 PM
With Jaya and Rose.
The raver, who was sitting down, stands up. With difficultly.
This young man has only one leg.
Hello, Rose and... er, didn't catch your name, miss. He addresses Jaya. I'm Tristan.

At the Chinawesome Place.
]I'm Melissa, and I'm also somewhat unused to people having cranky alternate personalities.

2009-05-01, 08:43 PM
Do you require aid?

2009-05-01, 08:52 PM
With What's-Her Face and the Angsty One.
Thanks, Jaya, but I'm alright. He has a cane, sections of which glow unsurprisingly.
Are you visitors to the City?

2009-05-01, 09:02 PM
umm yeah with some friends
one of them is this head raver person thing
I'm not a much of a raver myself