View Full Version : The Challenge of Olek Banesworn

2009-04-19, 10:46 PM
Through your contacts you have discovered that the raiders who destroyed your temple were disbanded after a raid by the Kings Army, or to more accurate seperated into several groups, One a man by the name of Hhalitha one-eye has taken his portion of the raiders and become a pirate group. You believe he can be found in the city of Greyport. You are traveling from the Kings City of Tirus to greyport in search of him and complete the first step in your revenge.

You spent the day travelling through the rolling hills and farmlands of Vosgone, a peaceful region that has been settled for generations. You have passed through area several times in your career. The grey Skies and chilling showers of early spring have been with you all day, and you are looking forward to a hot meal and a warm bed.
Your are following an ancient road known as the stoneway, it has stood since before the last great human empire of Nerath. As darkness falls, you find yourself descending through a wooded valley towards the ford of the river Volar, and the small town Pommeville. You are tired and cold, and it's a good time to stop.
The Volar is cold and swift, and you lead your Horse across the ford and into the town. Pommeville is a prosperous village, and you can see stores and cottages to either side of the road. A steep, wooded hill rises above the town, hiding ivy-grown ruins on its crown.
You spy the welcome light of an inn, with the sign of a green griffon proudly displayed. Few people are out and about, but from inside the inn you can hear the voices in conversation and the clink and clatter of dishes.

2009-04-19, 11:41 PM
Olek numbs himself from thinking of how cold and wet he feels. "Shoulda bought a cloak..." He looks up at the night sky, thinking that the grey clouds kinda look like stone. This comforts him somewhat as he makes his way into town. He slowly guides his horse to the inn and swiftly dismounts. He ties the horse to a hitching post and enters the inn.

2009-04-20, 09:38 PM
The Inn's common room is comfortable, with a dozen or so villagers and travelers enjoying a roaring fire and tankards of ale. A short, broad-shouldered man with a drooping mustache approaches with a smile. " Welcome To the Green Griffon," he says "My Name is George Marsette, and I'm the ostler. Have a seat by the fire, and I'll have my nephew look after your horse."
Taking a seat, you look over the crowd. Most appear to be villagers- A tall man man in a smith's apron, a brash young man dressed as a craftsman, a pair of weathered farmers- but you also see a couple of travelers. One is a handsome soldier in uniform, one is a towering monk*, and a third appears to be a half-elven trader or merchant of some kind.

2009-04-21, 01:12 AM
Olek takes a seat close to the fire. He begins to warm slightly as he eyes the people in the room. He sits back with a yawn and relaxes.

[Does he recognise the soldier's uniform?]

2009-04-21, 07:18 AM
Its the uniform of a captain in the Kings Army.

2009-04-21, 08:15 AM
Olek signals to the soldier to come sit by him. "King's Army, eh?" He signals to George for a couple of drinks. "Heard you fellows busted up a bunch of raiders a while back. I'm on the look out for one of them, Hhalitha One-Eyed. I heard he's holed up somewhere in Greyport. You wouldn't happen to know anything 'bout him?"

2009-04-21, 07:37 PM
"You know about Halitha One-Eyed? My name is Captain Miles and yeah I was there, damned bandits and thugs they were keeping company with orcs and other fouler things..."
He gives an account of the battle, how the raider leadership left most of their raiders except their most valued soldiers their for the royal army to crush and escaped to the four corners of the earth.
"I'm heading to Greyport in fact to get a new assignment, hopefully to either tackle the Orc raids or the pirate threat. I've been rambling whats your name master dwarf?"

2009-04-21, 11:09 PM
"Banesworn." Olek says simply. "Since we are both headed in the same direction, a bit of company wouldn't go astray. I'm heading for Greyport in the morning, if you want to join me."

[[roll0] to recognise anything significant about the monk. ]

2009-04-21, 11:38 PM
"I'd would be honored...Banesworn" he does not seem to know what to think about your 'name'.

The monk appears to be a friar of erathis.

2009-04-22, 12:02 AM
"Well captain, I am cold, tired an hungry. I shall be turning in shortly and I trust you are not averse to leaving at dawn." With that, he looks for the Innkeep to inquire about a room and meal.

2009-04-22, 11:10 AM
George greets you again "Oh room and board? 1 silver please, that for a room, a good hot meal, and a couple tankards of ale." He seems to be pleased with himself.

2009-04-23, 12:27 AM
Olek smiles slightly at the inkeep. "Thankyou." He hands over a silver and sits at a table and waits for his meal.

2009-04-23, 07:02 AM
It doesnt take long to get the meal, its salted pork, hot fresh bread, sweet potatoes and some turnips and blueberries. the ale is not bad either.

2009-04-23, 07:32 AM
"Certainly not dwarven, but it'll do." Olek mutters to himself. He finishes the meal by popping blueberries into his mouth, one by one.

When he finishes, he finally decides to talk to the merchant. We ambles over to the half-elf and 'introduces' himself. "Olek Banesworn, you wouldn't happen to have any cloaks, would ya? Let me buy you an ale."

2009-04-23, 07:19 PM
She looks at you and gives a aluring smile "Business is for the morning. Though I have a good sized dwarven cloak fringed with fur that would fit you just right. The name's Shanna."

2009-04-23, 10:20 PM
"A pleasure. Though I won't be around long in the morning, so I thought now would be a better time to conduct business."

2009-04-23, 10:48 PM
"Okay, how's this hunny I'll take the gold and you'll have your cloak first thing in the morning."

2009-04-23, 10:54 PM
Olek rubs his chin. "How much gold are we talking?"

2009-04-23, 11:14 PM
"15 now, 15 later."

2009-04-23, 11:35 PM
"It had better be a fine cloak." He pulls some gold from his pocket. "10 now, the rest if I see it's worth it."

2009-04-23, 11:46 PM
"Fair deal-dwarf, you will get your cloak. excuse me I have things to attend to" she heads towards her room.

2009-04-23, 11:50 PM
With that out of the way, Olek too heads for his room for the night.

2009-04-23, 11:55 PM
That room is small but comfortable and you feel at ease as you take your armor and equipment off to get a good rest.

That night you dream uncomfortablly, You dream of the raiders, the wanton destruction and death of...

You are awakened by screams in the distance. Sitting up in bed, you listen and for a moment all you hear is the moaning of the wind and rustling of leaves. Then there is a Piercing Shriek from the hallway, and something thumps and fumbles at the door!

You spring to your feet just as the door gives way. In the Darkness, you can make out a horrible, shambling form that advances on you, claws outstretched, Your stomach turns at the stink of the thing in the room!

Important info: You are unarmed, with out armor, you can pick up your weapon and holy symbol as a minor action but there is no time to don armor.

2009-04-24, 12:09 AM
Just going to roll initiative for now, I have to run to work...

2009-04-24, 10:50 AM
Some knowledge checks-
I rolled them all this time, let me know if it's ok to just roll 1 d20 and you add the relevant modifier

2009-04-24, 11:57 AM
You recognised that this thing is a zombie, and you won initiative so please act.

2009-04-24, 09:51 PM
Olek Banesworn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=121386), Dwarf Avenger
Init +2 HP 37/37 Bloodied 18 Healing Surge 9 (0 used /10)
AC 16 Fort 15 Reflex 14 Will 16 Speed 5

Olek grabs his weapons and blasts the zombie with holy vengeance.

Minor: Grab Weapons
Standard: Radiant Vengeance (I'm assuming I'm not adjacent to it)
[roll0] vs Ref
[roll1] radiant, and I gain 4 Temp HP.

2009-05-02, 12:30 AM
You blast the creature with holy power and it lurches backword, then launches forward grabbing your throat and holding you down to the bed.

2009-05-03, 09:47 AM

"Get off me, you piece of..."

Athletics check to escape the grab [roll0] vs Fort.
Bond of Retribution
[roll1] vs AC (-2 if still grabbed)

2009-05-03, 12:50 PM
In order to escape you rip the creatures hand off removing its arm and your follow up attack with your massive hammer removes a good chunk of torso and completely removeing the shoulder, and most of the rib cage off of corpse, how it is still standing you have no idea, it makes a lunge at you but you bounce off the other side of the bed keeping out of its way.

2009-05-03, 11:36 PM
"Abomination, stay dead!" Olek swings his hammer at the zombie again.

Hey, I forgot to Oath of Emnity him.
Minor: Oath of Emnity
Standard: Bond of Retribution
vs AC
[roll1] vs AC (use highest)
[rollv]Brutal 1 rerolls]3d6

2009-05-03, 11:41 PM
Brutal rolls [roll0]. Do you mind if I use 2d5+2 for this instead of brutal?

2009-05-05, 03:32 PM
yes please 2d5+2 would be better. gets rid of the complication, as actually rolling it is harder on the internetz.

2009-05-08, 09:59 PM
Soo... did that hit?