View Full Version : Fallout: Prelude: Radioactive Dysentery on the Oregon Trail

2009-04-21, 10:04 PM
(this is all loose play. Consider everyone to have 100 caps (except Halna and Kuma Dad who have 200 because of their trade) but for the most part improvise. Any trivial item you could reasonably have you do (pencils, food, radiated water, beer). )
Another day comes to a peak. The sun high above clouds filled with acid shone down on the tiny Oregon trail. The Brahman mooed their sickly call, the rad scorpions fight in the distance over a dead wastelander. It's lunch time, and while the 'shops' of the Oregon district are transient at best everyone ate in one place. The sign and roof was gone, but what remained was beauty: an old Irish pub. The liqueur was long looted but the humidor still held a good number of the cheaper cigars. The tables did alright and so you all sat, once again.

They say all adventures start in a pub. Like war, that never changes...

2009-04-22, 10:59 PM

"Dalin" they call him. The madman of the organ trail. He used to, and for the most part still does, live in a tiny shack out in the now wasteland like area a ways outside orgen. However, Dalin finds himself drawn into the city. mostly in search of "material" for his "work" but during his excursion Daliin becomes dehydrated and seeks refreshment. This leads him to this particular pub. And so, this is where his story begins.....

2009-04-23, 01:53 PM
A stout man was cleaning the solid wood bar that was impressive before wood was rare. He waved to Dalin through the torn wall before he came into the bar. The man was Doohan, or that's what he called himself. He wore a deep red blazer (despite the heat) and a kilt. As he approached, he shouted to 'Good afta'noon. Dalin, right? Yea. You don't come 'round as much as the others, but I remember your name. What can I get ya this day? Molerat meat is pretty fresh."

2009-04-23, 02:00 PM

Dalin, dressed in a large white torn labcoat, takes a seat at one of the bar stools. " No, water will suffice. and with that he tosses some caps down on the counter. Humming to himself and digging around his his pockets.

2009-04-23, 02:37 PM
Warren Peace-

Warren had lived in the trail for many years, not doing much, but working enough to keep a honest wage. He worked down at the scrap metal factory to pass the days, as he had abandoned the one person who had given his life meaning long ago, he didn't really say or do much here, but everyone knew that the chain sword on his back wasn't just ornamental, and the leather armor that bore the marks of multiple lazor burns speaks of a past filled with strife. He walks up to the bar keep, a familiar throbbing building in his head as he ordered a mutfruit from the menu, wanting to keep his strength up.

2009-04-23, 02:54 PM
Doohan counted the caps and smiled; 20 caps. "Either you are used to getting ripped off, or you must be looking for the good stuff." He placed down a bottle of crystal clear water. "That aught keep ya refreshed all day, sir"

2009-04-23, 03:07 PM
"Getting the usual today, Warren? It's good to see you out of your place. Was worried when I didn't see you yesterday." Doohan placed Warren's order in front of him. "You're payed up for the week, so don't worry about any caps today."

2009-04-23, 03:12 PM
Warren Peace-

Warren looked up at his friend with what amounted to a chipper grin, and said in as much of a happy tone as he could without sounding horribly sarcastic
"Thanks very much Doohan, but I assure you that I was fine yesterday, just came down with abit of a weak spell, and couldn't find the strength to get up, and go to the mill. Anyways, enough about me, how's the wife doing?"

2009-04-23, 03:26 PM

Oh, fine as can be last I saw her. She went off to trade with some of tha folks at St. Amand. Lord knows we're low on Brandy. Doohan grinned and raised his brow, unashamed to boast that it was he that finished it off.

2009-04-23, 03:44 PM
"Always a pleasure to hear good news in this troubled world Doohan." He said with a warm smile as he dug into his mutfruit with as much enthusiasm as possible to show he enjoyed the hospitality of the kind bar keep.

2009-04-23, 04:23 PM

Dalin does not grin or frown. He seems focused on whatever it is he is manipulating in his pocket. And with that he takes a drink of the enticingly clear water. " Gulp Ahh.

2009-04-23, 07:10 PM

A paired of heeled feet appear at the top of the stairs and gradually reveals a pair of legs belonging to a girl known around here as Miyuki. Yawning as she descends, her light robe closed around her, she says. "Oh dear...I overslept! Doohan, thanks for letting me crash upstairs last night. I was like, soooo tired. Do you have any brahmin milk and iguana on a stick?" People around here know Miyuki as the small local slice of the Garden of Eden, if somewhat airheaded. Her friends that really know her are aware of her cunning and determination inside. As she brushes her long, dark brown hair, she smiles waves to both Warren and Dalin. "G'morning you two! Or...is it afternoon already?"

2009-04-23, 07:31 PM
Seeing the young girl come out Warren flashes a warm smile, almost fatherly in nature, as he says.
"Oh, hello Miyuki. I hope you slept well, and yes it's still morning if you would like some breakfast."
Warren is still eating his mutfruit, despite it being about the size of a grape fruit, he eats with reserved bites, his appeitite had been somewhat quenched for quite some time, and couple that with his philosphy of eating until your not hungry rather than until your full, and it amounted to him eating about half the mutfruit before setting down his utensil's.

2009-04-23, 08:03 PM

Dalin seems to shrug off the girls greetings with nothing mroe then a crude grunt. " Hrm

The man takes the rest of his water with him before setting out towards the door. " thanks for the water doohan" the man then vanishes from the building.

( Dalin is heading back to his little house shack thing in the wasteland )

2009-04-24, 12:35 AM

Beaming at the man in scorched leather armor, Miyuki happily bounces to his table. "Haven't slept for that long in ages. Boy am I famished! I think I can probably eat TWO iguanas on a stick this morning." When it comes to eating, Miyuki is the polar opposite of Warren. She has a voracious appetite and eats till she has her fill. Yet somehow her figure remains perfect.

2009-04-24, 12:59 PM
"Well, how abou' a very large Iguana on a Stick. Same price seein' as you're such a nice kid. Brahman milk is good today."Doohan placed the food in front of her and smiled."You're tab is gettin' a bit large. If'n you could pay it, I'd be much obliged. It's now at... 62 caps with today's breakfast."

2009-04-24, 03:11 PM
Warren Peace

Warren frowned abit when he heard of the rather...ample...nature of Miyuki's tab. Such a young girl didn't need debt like that, especialy with what she's been through, so Warren motioned for Doohan to come over to him, and assuming he does, places the sum of 62 caps in his hands as he says in a quiet tone.
"Please, count this towards the young lady Myuki's tab."

2009-04-24, 08:54 PM

There are many things "ample" about Miyuki, and her ample food bill may in fact be connected with her other ample-ness. "Great. One extra-large iguana for me then! Mmm...I do love brahmin milk. Helps a young girl in development like me grow you know?" she responds to Doohan. After taking a sip of the refreshing white liquid, she whispers in Warren's ear, "Silly, I could talk him into reducing my tab down to 50 caps or something. I'm very good at that you know." Giving him a silly grin, she waitas to see whether he'll give her a chance to do so before calling Doohan over.

2009-04-24, 09:40 PM
Doohan saw the exchange and grinned. He knew Miyuki well enough to see through her deceiving appearance and through most of the rumors. He let it pass though. "62 caps, all right here. Thanks Warren. But be careful, she'll charm you till you don't have a cap left on ya."

Halna LeGavilk
2009-04-27, 06:00 PM
Nicolas walked in the door of the bar, smiling at everybody. He sat down at the bar, swirled around once, then turned to Doohan. "What's up, Doohan, my man? Can I get a glass of refreashing purified water please?"

2009-04-27, 06:20 PM
"15 caps young man. How was trading out with the snoots of Wrightville? They aren't so snooty when you got some nice electronics though." He placed the clear bottle on the bar, waiting for the common exchange.

2009-04-28, 12:51 AM
Upon seeing Nicolas the caravaner enter, and having just about finished the iguana-on-a-stick at the same time (she wolfs down meals like she has a black hole in her belly), she puts down her mug and more or less POUNCES towards Nicolas! "Mr. Nicolas! How's me favorite caravaner? Didja bring me any gifts from Wrightville? Do ya need a...diplomat for your next caravan trip?" She offers a hug.

Halna LeGavilk
2009-04-29, 05:45 PM
Nicolas accepts Miyuki's hug, and even sneeks in a kiss on the cheek. He laughs. " No, not this time, Miyuki. Thanks for the offer though." He turns to face Doohan. ""You're right. They aren't so snooty when you have electronics. I do have something though. I think you'll all like it."

Nicolas gets up and walks out of the bar to his Mr. Handy, who was carrying several large bags, and rummages through one. "Shall I seek it for you?" The robot asked. Nick shook his head. "Nah, I'm good." He smiled as the robot sighed. "Oh, yes... Just the same... SOOO boring..."

2009-04-30, 08:48 PM
Doohan waited while keeping his hands on idle things. "In fairness, I really do like your Mr. Handy. Have ya named 'm yet, Nic' my boy?"

2009-05-01, 06:50 PM
Miyuki goes "ooooh..." at the mention of gifts. "Is it clothing for me? I'm always short on those. My last customer kind of cut up all of my clothes. Luckily I had this terry cloth robe left..."

Halna LeGavilk
2009-05-02, 05:19 PM
Nick nodded his head at Doohan's question. "Yup. I call him Jerry." Jerry spoke up. "Yes. It's quite an interesting name. I believe he picked it off of a dead Raider."

Nick pulled a small, covered package out of the sack. "It's not clothes Miyuki. Something better."

2009-05-03, 03:19 AM
Miyuki, being the materialistic girl she is, starts to open the package with glee! "Oooh better than clothes? I mean, I'm in real desperate need of clothes right now but what could be better than that?" And she finds...

Halna LeGavilk
2009-05-03, 08:07 PM
A book. A picture book, in fact. It was mostly clean, untorn, unburned. The title read Here and Now, 2077! The book was full of old, nostalgic pictures of life before the bombs dropped. How good it was, how much clean water there was, people, ordinary, clean, people. It was truly a book for the ages.

2009-05-03, 08:16 PM
"That is quite a find, my boy. You must have done quite some trading to get that from the scholars. Quite a prize indeed. I'm not a great historian... but I don't think it was as great as it shows here. Funny how even then they had to try and put a good spin on things."

2009-05-04, 11:54 PM
Miyuki grasps the book into her hands carefully, as if it were some holy artifact. "Wow...paradise lost indeed. Was the world really that innocent back then?"

Halna LeGavilk
2009-05-05, 04:09 PM
"More innocent then they are now." Nick laughed, short and bitter. "At leas then they had clean food and water. They may have had the threat of armaggedon hanging over them, but they didn't have to sweat the little stuff." Nick sighed and walked over to a seat. He sat down, and slumped over. "Something to drink, Doohan?"

2009-05-08, 02:30 PM
"Did you hear the news over the wire? The techies over at Wrightville should have been all over it. DC just got a huge water purifier installed. Apparently it's hooked right into the damn river- believe that? I don't really expect much of that water to ever reach here... I mean, it took 4 weeks for the message to get here, I don't want to know how long something on Brahman back would take."Doohan placed a cold, perspiring nuka-cola on the bar. "Your regular, aye? 15 caps."

Halna LeGavilk
2009-05-08, 11:03 PM
Nick put the caps on the counter, took a swig of the Nuka-Cola, and immediately brightened up. "So maybe we'll get some semblance of civilization in these lands. Do you know who got it up and running?"

2009-05-09, 10:35 AM
"Well, I know the Brotherhood was involved it seems that wasn't the full story. Something about a 'Lone Wanderer'. Sounds like another Wasteland myth to me. I do know they used some kinda huge robot. That's pretty exciting in my book."

2009-05-13, 03:46 AM
ooc - I still don't quite get exactly how this part works
Feature:Slave- Forced Profession
Years of slavery means years of doing something, like it or not. Pick one skill that isn't part of your job. You gain a Lore bonus worth of skills in it and an emphasis. but I'm going to rp that as she's at least somewhat competent in a skill not relating to being a female slave. For now let's say she was also taught the basics of computer usage and hacking.

Miyuki's ears perk up some more at the mention of actual clean water...in the actual here and now! Well...in the Now anyways...since the water is in DC and not here. She jumps up and down, excited, causing her terry-cloth robe to partially fall off, showing exactly how badly she needs clothes. "Nick, you gotta make a trip up there and take me with you! Maybe like, we can learn the techni-thingamajigs like plans and stuff so we could build our own puree-fyger for this place."

2009-05-13, 11:29 AM
"Whoa whoa whoa there Lassy. That be a three week trip at best! That information might come this way though. But Ah hear that the Brotherhood here don't get along too well with the one in DC, so I dunno how long that'll be."

Halna LeGavilk
2009-05-16, 10:41 AM
Nick shrugged. "I dunno. The Brotherhood up there is supposed to be pretty friendly to Wastelanders and Travelers, right? She may have a point. At the very least, it'd be good for my business."

2009-05-18, 08:29 PM
"Getting fresh water, that's one thing lad; learning how to get it is another. They had to fight them 'phantoms'... the uh, Enclave. Or so they say. I still haven't ever seen any of these boys. It would be mighty suspicious if you just showed up an' started askin' questions, though." He rubbed his grizzled chin. "Aye, but if you were awful keen you might still get the information..."

Halna LeGavilk
2009-05-25, 10:27 AM
Nick smiled. "I'm an awfully keen boy, ain't I? I bet I could do it."

2009-05-26, 02:11 PM
"Aye, that you are. Alright, but you either need to try and talk with tha Brotherhood here or find a way to get there. That, of course, probably means gettin' hold of some air transportation. Ya should take that Dalin fellow with you, either way. He's pretty useful if not a bit... ah, crazy."

Halna LeGavilk
2009-05-26, 02:27 PM
Nick cocked his head to the side. "Dalin?"

2009-05-31, 01:29 PM

Waltzing through the door once more is the middle aged man garb in lab robes. Unlike when he first entered, there are now blood stains on his robes, and he is holding his shotgun across his shoulder.

Argh... Where the hell...

The man seems to be mumbling to himself. Something about losing something. (Possibly his mind)

Within seconds he finds a small metal cylinder under the counter where he first came in. Aha! damned thing. Dalin then pockets this little bit of scrap metal.

Dalin then makes for the door once more, but quickly turns on his heels.

*Turning to Dohan the bartender*
Oh, before I forget, you might want to break out the good foods and drinks. Sounds like there is a small army worth of customers comming this way. *Tilting his head to one side*

Think they might be wealthy too. I heard their copters about a mile back.

Dalin then walks out of the building.

Halna LeGavilk
2009-06-01, 08:15 PM
Nick raised an eyebrow. "Dalin?"

2009-06-02, 10:42 PM
"Ach, I'm afraid so. Not one for manners I'm afraid. But his warning is important. No one travels by 'copter 'cause they are rich. It's probably Huey. I'd get your guns ready, we're probably about to be raided."

Halna LeGavilk
2009-06-03, 10:43 AM
Nick sighed. "Fantastic." He unslung his shotgun, cocked it, and waited.

2009-06-03, 03:16 PM
You start to hear the helicopter yourself. It's loud and powerful; more than your usual copter.

Everyone roll detect[hearing] vs 30

((This is done as such: First, if you want to declare any tricks for greater info, do so now. Then, roll 10d10. Then, pick out x dice and add them together (x=your perception) and add your ranks in detect (if you have 27 points in detect, add 2). You succeed if you can get a number above 30. If you can get 30 or within 2 of it, you hit the BE and get free tricks. If you guys succeed, I'll tell you the next part.))

Halna LeGavilk
2009-06-03, 10:21 PM
Let's see.

Halna LeGavilk
2009-06-03, 10:22 PM

Alright. Now lets try it.

2009-06-04, 01:45 AM
Miyuki doesn't actually have her gun with her at the moment. All she has a small, almost invisible piano wire. She looks a bit scared.

-ooc- I'm still doing my stats. My default skills gave no ranks in detect so I'd just roll 10 keep 2 right? Does me having luck 3 affect anything?


Keeping the two highest dice gives me a 19.

btw, how is Lore calculated? Is it 10 + Int*3? And then a flat +3 if you have the Educated Perk? The way you wrote it before is very confusing.

2009-06-04, 09:32 AM
14 on the bottom. (6+7+1) (Also I haven't updated my sheet for XP expenditure, but I am sure I dident have any tricks that supported perception. So I will finish updating it today (hopfully) )

2009-06-04, 09:35 AM
[ As for the above. I rolled a 100d10s by mistake. (10d10x10.) And apparently editing it screws up the rolls. ]











2009-06-12, 11:11 PM
We waiting on some(one/thing) ?(question mark)