View Full Version : On Ill-Advised Kicks

2009-04-22, 07:38 AM
So, today, at karate, I've managed to make a goof of myself yet again.

It was a spinning hook kick. About halfway through the kick, I realised that I was off-balance, and I went down, accompanied by a horrible feeling from the ankle that was still on the ground.

So now, I'm sitting at home, icing an extremely painful ankle, waiting to find out if it's a sprain (best case scenario), broken ankle (unlikely, and worst case scenario), or tendon damage/snappage (Most likely).

Has anyone done something similar? I know I felt like a fool when it happened...(well, not so much when it happened as after the pain subsided a bit).

2009-04-22, 11:14 AM
Broke my the baby toe on my planted right foot while I was doing a spinning back kick. My heel turned, but my baby toe stayed planted in the too-spongy mat I was standing on. Snap! Unfortunately there's not much to do for a broken toe except force it back into place and tape it for a month. Now the silly thing bends at an odd angle when I lift it. :smallsigh:

2009-04-22, 11:42 AM
Heh... In Garmisch, I walked down a flight of stairs, and somehow fell. Right side up. It wasn't even falling. But somehow, I sprained my ankle. It was awfully pathetic. :smalltongue:

2009-04-22, 03:53 PM
Okay after a day of Crew (rowing) (5am), Long walks (I lived 3 miles from campus), Martial Arts practice (2pm) AND rugby practice (7 pm) (okay I was fittness freak for a while) I sprain my ankle on the walk back by stepping in a pothole outside my dorm.

2009-04-22, 04:00 PM
Falling after a roundhouse kick, Either preformed by me or delivered to my face by the pain express:smallsigh: Both times were painful.

2009-04-22, 09:35 PM
Glad to know I'm not the only one who does this stuff ^^

I've also, once, pulled five tendons in my ankle (the same one, I think ^^;) by falling down the stairs...

2009-04-22, 10:41 PM
Well, I don't kick much, but I do fall over mysteriously with alarming frequency.

2009-04-22, 11:01 PM
Well, I don't kick much, but I do fall over mysteriously with alarming frequency.

Same here! I trip over everything I that can possibly be tripped over as well as a few things that can't.

2009-04-22, 11:13 PM
Was doing parkour a few years ago, twisted by entire body about 50 degrees to the right around my right knee. Won't go into how. Still twinges occasionally.
On kicking; have, more than once, had to do high-kicks and either been wearing bad pants for the exercise or just not had my balance right and have kicked hard enough to lift me ever so slightly off the ground, enough to bring me crashing onto my side and shoulder. Sucks =/

2009-04-22, 11:22 PM
Was doing parkour a few years ago, twisted by entire body about 50 degrees to the right around my right knee. Won't go into how. Still twinges occasionally.
On kicking; have, more than once, had to do high-kicks and either been wearing bad pants for the exercise or just not had my balance right and have kicked hard enough to lift me ever so slightly off the ground, enough to bring me crashing onto my side and shoulder. Sucks =/

Don Julio Anejo
2009-04-23, 12:27 AM
Could be worse. I broke my kneecap, had surgery and had most of the bone removed. Now I can't snowboard (hurts like a bitch) and it's also pretty hard to bike. Oh, and I can't kick anything with my left leg.

I was sparring in Muay Thai, tried to crouch to dodge a right hook and my knee bent inwards instead of forward.

2009-04-23, 01:10 AM
Oh sweet cranberry cake that sounds horrible D:

2009-04-23, 01:22 AM
I once landed right on my ass at a pool. And i was just walking.

2009-04-23, 08:19 AM
Well I have never done anything to hurt myself during Martial arts or Parkour (haven't done much of the second sadly enough :smallfrown:); I seem to have been blessed with amazing dexterity and grace, and NO upper body strength. However, a friend of mine once broke his knee during TKD during a snap kick. He hit the other kid's pelvis and broke the hip on the other kid and his own knee. He also bunched a bed and destroyed his shoulder, he now has 17 everyday rubber bands holding his shoulder in place. :smallbiggrin: This kid hurts himself in the most amazing ways possible.

2009-04-23, 08:56 AM
Oh jeeze, I forgot to mention the couple times I tried headbanging for kicks. The fastest way to get me to fall on my butt is to tell me to headbang. :smallbiggrin:

2009-04-23, 10:50 AM
During the summer, I usually sleep on top of my sheets etc. because it's Hot where I live. This past summer, I had a dream where I was Really Pissed at someone for I have no idea what reason anymore... In the dream, I was going to kick the guy in the nuts, and I ended up kicking out my foot, physically, in real life, and connecting solidly with the windowsill, which resulted in a broken foot.

Go figure. :smalltongue:

2009-04-23, 01:56 PM
During the summer, I usually sleep on top of my sheets etc. because it's Hot where I live. This past summer, I had a dream where I was Really Pissed at someone for I have no idea what reason anymore... In the dream, I was going to kick the guy in the nuts, and I ended up kicking out my foot, physically, in real life, and connecting solidly with the windowsill, which resulted in a broken foot.

Go figure. :smalltongue:

rofl, i always do that and kick my foot into the wall, though with no real damage.

never broken any bones, but sprained my ankle on a razor once...stupid scooters

Cristo Meyers
2009-04-23, 02:07 PM
I've got nothing on those with stories of broken bones, but my own tales of pain by stupidity:

Both are from sparring with wooden swords. The first requires a bit of explanation.

A somewhat popular defensive stance involves bringing the weapon in towards your chest point-outward, one hand on the hilt the other on the pommel. Considering these are 2-handed swords (a good 48 inches), that's a lot of blade between you and your opponent. I tried to swat the sword away and step in before my opponent could recover, but I underestimated how fast he could recover in that stance. My step brought his sword right between my ribs, close to the sternum. I swear my ribs actually separated a bit. The spot was sore for a good week.

The other, someone tried to swat my own weapon away. It worked, sort of. He hit my blade low, so instead of going to the side my sword came straight up...right into my head. Split the skin above my eye, still have a small scar.

2009-04-23, 04:21 PM
I once tripped over a punchbag after a kick. Ankle, meet sprain. :smallsigh:

2009-04-23, 04:58 PM
It's not related to kicking but it is foot related. I was walking down the stairs a few years ago and tripped on the very last step. I landed vertically on my left big toe and fell flat on my face. About 30 minutes later I noticed that the toe nail was bleeding. It stopped bleeding eventually. A few months later another nail had started growing underneath it.

2009-04-23, 05:04 PM
Same here! I trip over everything I that can possibly be tripped over as well as a few things that can't.

I fall over when my boyfriend hugs me. And we're talking just a simple hug, before it turns into "drag Collin to where he should be". The act of him wraping his arms around me somehow causes me to lose balance. And not in the 'swooning' way, either. It's more like I just tripped over something. It's bizzare.

Thanatos 51-50
2009-04-24, 02:41 AM
Am I the only one who came into this thread epecting it to be on overdone Health/Fitness 'Kicks'?

2009-04-24, 06:08 AM
On kicking: so far, touch wood, I haven't fallen badly while kicking, but I once took a hard block to the ankle when coming in with a turning kick, and it had me limping for about 5 days after. Such things happen.

Otho Trois
2009-04-24, 07:01 AM
Yeah, I've regrettably done quite a few of those myself, but my worst one was during sparring (last week, actually). Threw a roundhouse kick at the person's head, got it stuck there and he threw a side kick at the same time. While my foot was in the air. It struck me square in the nethers. Hurt like the Dickens too.

2009-04-24, 08:19 AM
Am I the only one who came into this thread epecting it to be on overdone Health/Fitness 'Kicks'?

What, you mean Dynamic Stretching kicks? Like, high leg-lifts?