View Full Version : The Dancing Fox Inn LVI: What's Your Poison?

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Chas the mage
2009-04-22, 11:16 PM

((Banner by Celtois))

Welcome to the Dancing Fox Inn! Come and try our one of a kind beverages and food, chat with friends, or grab a private room and relax. All are welcome to the Dancing Fox Inn.

We would like to ask, please, no smoking in the establishment. Thank you for understanding.. Be sure to enjoy your stay.

There is no map. The Inn has as much space as is needed, as many tables as is needed, as many rooms as needed (Upstairs), as many corners as needed, and so on.
There is, however, a description:


The inn is . . . indescribable. Size wise, anyway. It has as many tables as needed, and as many chairs as needed. So that needn't be said as well.
However, the floors have been . . . completely changed.
They were rough hewn logs. They are now laminated hardwood. All of the broken, dirty glasses and silverware have been removed, and replaced with better, more functional (And clean) ones. The kitchen is, by far, the best room in the inn. Sparklingly clean, the best equipment out there, and so on. The entire inn has been renovated. It is now made of better wood, and is much cleaner. It's not the prettiest building in the town, but it's functional. Which is what counts.
Also, any damage done to the inn will fix itself by the next day. So don't worry.
There is, downstairs, a bag. A small bag, but it . . . is bottomless. It is where the food comes from. Grade A food, and limitless supply. So there's no chance of running out of food. Same for the drinks. But, you know, a barrel, not a bag.
Also, there is a giant metal pillar in the center of the room.

Disclaimer: The only thing changing about the inn is the size. So it will allow anyone in. And will supply as many corners as needed. Nothing else is changing. And it never does change. It just . . . you watch it, it . . seems to stay the same, but you know it changes, but . . . it doesn't, but . . .. (Think about it, and your head will explode)
Current Staff:
Nerick- Barkeep and Manager
???- Barboy
Gabriella - Barmaid
Julie - Waiter
Jessica - Cook
??? - Bard
(If the person with the job, such as the barboy, if that person does not come around for a month (Or so), they lose the job. Not to be mean, but to clear up the space, so that someone else who might want it can have it.)
NOW HIRING: A Waiter / Waitresses, and a janitor.
If you're none of these but think you can help ask about a job, ask Nerick, IC.
((Also if you have a Banner idea, please, PM it to... dunno, Quinsar or Celtois.))


Name: Naim ElLess.
Race: Human.
Gender: Genderless.
Description: Completely average hight, weight, and so on.
He's the waiter when Nerick isn't around.

Be sure to keep an eye out for our DAILY SPECIALS!
Chimera Cabernet - A hearty red with hits of oak and black cherry.
Elven Wine – imported straight from Elven lands
Merfolk Merlot - Full-bodied with a hint of rose.

Bar Drinks*:
Swampwater - A delicious lemon-lime delight
Shocker Lizard’s Chider – Sends a shock through your body, bound to wake you up
Mai Tai - Dark and pineapple juice.
Sneak on the Beach - Vodka, Cranberry juice, pineapple juice and Peach Schapps.
Rust Monster - Scotch and Drambuie
Coffee - buzzzzz.
Ice Liqueur - Guaranteed to cool you down.
Dragon's Liver Buster - The strongest drink in the house. Don't say we didn't warn you...
Ichor Liquor - Made from a fermented mix of various kinds of blood, the perfect drink for vampires and similar creatures, like Kurvis.
Haley's Liquer - named for the redheaded rogue, a sweet creme liquer, excellent over ice.
Wizard Blizzard - The effect depends on the spell stored in it. Other than that, it's made with crushed ice and Bourbon.
Manticore Martini – a regular Martini but stirred with a spike from a Manticore tail, giving it an exotic taste.
Melon Juice – relaxes the mind - Now available without alcohol!
Green Tea - with a hint of sugar
Beholder's Earl Grey - It's a tea named after everyone's favorite abberation. Need I say more?
Root Beer – For those who have a weak stomach
Cold Milk – For the kids
Burning Brandy- To keep the Archbishop happy
Apple Cider - Non-alcoholic, fruity goodness!

Beers, Ales & Such*:
Thunder Ale - puts a boom in your tummy
Grim Brewery brand Ginger Ale - deathly good
Dwarven Brandy - comes from dwarven lands
Pirate's Drink (Rum) - Be drunk while saying "Yarrr!"
Guilders Ale - a tasty treat that doesn't mess with your mind
Rouges Rum - Warning: You may pickpocket while drunk
Fairy Ale - You'll think you can fly

Fizzy Drinks: (courtesy of Leigh and Mee. Thanks!)
Blueberry buzz - Spyte soda, with blueberries, and blueberry syrup in it.
Banana beer - Root beer, banana slices, whipped cream on the top, and a cherry on that.
Leigh special - A warm coffee (Bubbly, of course...with your choice of a hazelnut or chocolate flavor), with a swirl of peppermint, a stick of cocoa, and optional sprinkles and whipped cream.
Triple threat - Root beer and coffee swirled together, with a lemon wedge jammed on the rim.
K's special - Carbonated water, mixed with cream, pineapple flavoring, coconut sprinkled on top, then a few strawberries dropped into it. Very good.
Ice cream float - Your choice of flavors.
The cute drink - Just like K's special, but it has some fruit on the top. A lime slice as a smile, and two cherries as eyes. It's cute. It also comes with a little umbrella.
Spryte - the regular, boring drink.

Chips & Dip
Curry - Chicken, beef, pork, or seafood
Cured Ham Steak
BBQ Hydra Heads
Salads (Spring Greens, Caesar, and Italian Pasta)
Pork Chops
Mutton Chops
Golden Apple
Fish (Cod, Eel, Trout, Salmon) – Served with a lemon wedge
Fresh Bread
Fine Aged Cheddar
Fava Beans
Berries - all kinds, blue, black, straw
Roasted Quail - kinda like a small turkey
And anything else you may want. Just ask.

Slice of cake (Chocolate, cheese, whatever...)
Pie (Pick a flavor)

*Can substitute the alcohol for a magical liquid that can make anybody drunk, no matter what the resistance, for a little extra.

We hope you enjoy your stay at the Dancing Fox Inn.

Dancing Fox Inn '09 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5592826&postcount=1146)
The Ballad of the Inn (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4780487&postcount=714)
We Dream of a Town (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4561030&postcount=61)

Helping the Town
I (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4833803&postcount=173)
II (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5295652&postcount=745) III (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5394073&postcount=617) IV (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5394840&postcount=645) V (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5693258&postcount=786)

Chas the mage
2009-04-22, 11:19 PM
...umm...? ...A duck...?

2009-04-22, 11:28 PM
Yes sir! A pretty.. yellow... furry... duck..

Chas the mage
2009-04-22, 11:30 PM
I'm wearing noblemans garments... that aren't yellow... and don't have plumage...
he looks at himself, making sure hes not wearing a duck suit or somthing,

2009-04-22, 11:41 PM
-A duck with bear clothes!
He waves his hands and his hat turn into a yellow duck.. WITH HORNS!

Chas the mage
2009-04-22, 11:52 PM
I'm going to change the subject now... or run...

2009-04-22, 11:55 PM
His duck with horns hat turns into his hat again.
-Uhh.. Who are you duck strange person?

Chas the mage
2009-04-22, 11:58 PM
Saint and Emperor Richard Bedrydant.
He says, slightly pompusly. The name may sound firmiliar as some noble knight or benevolant king from an old folk tale.

2009-04-22, 11:59 PM
Ravik walks in
He is a tall demon wearing a large trenchcoat and has piercing red eyes
emperor ha!
He laughs to himself

Chas the mage
2009-04-23, 12:00 AM
He points
yes, I do infact rule and empire! Could friggin' take you there if I wanted to!
((deadtime :smallsigh:))

2009-04-23, 12:01 AM
-Uhhh! A saint emperor duck! You like rainbows?

2009-04-23, 12:03 AM
then why'd you come here Richard?
I'm just kidding we love you
well not everyone...
not gonna get into depth of that one
He looks at the scholar dude
who might you be?

2009-04-23, 12:03 AM
Points at Ravik
-Red eyes!

2009-04-23, 12:05 AM
yes, very observant of you my eyes are red
Now if you can figure out why, I would be open to your theory

2009-04-23, 12:06 AM
-I'm... I'm... hmm... I'm a Wizard!
Wave his hands and turns his hat into a puppie!

2009-04-23, 12:08 AM
Your eyes are red 'cuz you are big and scary

2009-04-23, 12:09 AM
He tilts his head at the hat
well then
quite interesting
I'm Ravik you?

Well I don't like to think of myself as scary but close

2009-04-23, 12:13 AM
-I'm Moondaine! Like the moon! So shine... I'm a... a... Insane Scholar.
The stars on his robes start walking to the hat.

2009-04-23, 12:14 AM
good to meet you
an insane scholar?

2009-04-23, 12:17 AM
-Yes, sir. Magic in my mind.
He take his hat off, his head cracks open and birds fly out of it. He puts the hat back on.
-They say we are insane. Buy we just see the universe with other eyes... And with more puppies.

2009-04-23, 12:20 AM
Hmm I see
and don't call me sir if you don't mind
Well, nice to meet you Moodaine
He goes upstairs and deadtimes

2009-04-23, 12:22 AM
He sleeps at the table and deadtime.

2009-04-23, 12:46 AM
"Hmm...the description seems to fit..."

The kobold walks cautiously into the inn, taking the pipe out of his mouth while doing so.

"'Scuse me, 'scuse me. Would this be the Dancing Fox? The brochures recommended it to me."

2009-04-23, 12:58 AM
Closely followed by Trent. He answers the Kobold's question.
That's what the sign above the door said. He said as he makes his way over to the bar.

2009-04-23, 01:13 AM
"Ah, gut, gut. Herr Barkeep? I would like to rent a room for a stay. And please, one mug of ethanol."

2009-04-23, 01:21 AM
"Cider for me, please." Trent asks. "What species are you?" Trent asks the kobold.

2009-04-23, 01:59 AM
"Aquatic, mein herr. If you'll excuse me, I'll take my drink up to my room. Guten tag to everyone."

2009-04-23, 02:08 AM
The jedi shrugged as the kobold went up to his room. It wasn't exactly the answer he was looking for, but he dismisses it.

2009-04-23, 04:28 PM
Chris sits in the DFI, smoking.

Green-Shirt Q
2009-04-23, 04:35 PM
Haunto is also in the DFI. Smoking as well.

He tips his hat to Chris.

2009-04-23, 04:35 PM
Chol is nearby, conversing with Serj, who sits in her coat---totally unaware of the similarity of their setup to that of Chris and Chex.
Your sister's got some major freakin' attitude problems.
Don't call her my sister.

2009-04-23, 04:38 PM
Geez, you're really taking that hard, huh?

Chris nods to Haunto.

2009-04-23, 04:44 PM
The scarred snout of a mottled grey-rusty-red-dingy-ocher lizard, about the size of a monitor lizard (or... whatever, he's about a foot long) protrudes from over her shoulder to look at Chris.
You said it. Although, an' I don' mean to be offensive here, your daughter Bio can be freakin' harsh.

Green-Shirt Q
2009-04-23, 04:45 PM
Haunto sits in his chair, I guess. Thinking....

I can't think of anything for him to do or say.

He listens to the conversation.

2009-04-23, 04:50 PM
(I can't think of anything to do either, but I've gotta prep this character for Quinsar's plot, so...)

A girl who looks somewhat like Kaylee, but not really walks into the Inn, sitting down in the "Thinking Section."

2009-04-23, 05:00 PM
Well, you have succeeded in being offensive, by stating that my emotionally and mentally unstable daughter who has no control over her mouth or emotions acts mean sometimes.
Hard to tell if he's being sarcastic or not.

2009-04-23, 05:02 PM
The lizard blinks.
((Deadtime for a dinnor.))

2009-04-23, 05:04 PM
Lizards don't have eyelids.

Chris grinds his teeth, accidentally cutting his cigarette in half.

Green-Shirt Q
2009-04-23, 05:08 PM
Haunto shrugs, and sighs in boredom.

So, labcoat-guy.... Haunto says to Chris to make conversation (I'll just assume he still has his labcoat).

Marriage and Family. How's that working out for you? :smallconfused:

2009-04-23, 05:09 PM
Well, I suppose... Why do you ask?

Green-Shirt Q
2009-04-23, 05:13 PM
Haunto shrugs.

Boredom, I suppose. :smallsigh:

And...well...I dunno. I guess I will wonder what having a family would be like, see? A wife...a child.....who knows?

A ghost can dream, I guess.......:smallsigh:

2009-04-23, 05:15 PM
Nah, there's probably plenty of fish in the sea for you... Or, um... Ghosts in the... World.

Green-Shirt Q
2009-04-23, 05:18 PM
Haunto gets bored of this conversation.

...Hey, I just remembered. Did I try to rob your wedding? :smallconfused:

Chas the mage
2009-04-23, 05:18 PM
Richard, the short and scrawny nobleman walks in. he wears his regal attire, and he has a claymore acrossed his back taller then he is, and almost as big...

2009-04-23, 05:19 PM
Yes. Yes you did. I'm trying to be friendly at the moment, so I didn't bring it up.

Chas the mage
2009-04-23, 05:22 PM
Hi Chris...
Richard says as he plops down at the bar.

Green-Shirt Q
2009-04-23, 05:23 PM
Haunto ignores Chas' character, since they never seem to do anything. :smalltongue:

Fair enough. Haunto nods.

So....I hear you have a daughter. What's she look like?

I think I might have met her yesterday.

2009-04-23, 05:29 PM
He waves to Richard, then looks back at Haunto.
Blonde hair with violet streaks, looks to be around twelve...

2009-04-23, 05:30 PM
Ravik walks in and sits down for a beer

Chas the mage
2009-04-23, 05:33 PM
Richard says to ravik.

2009-04-23, 05:35 PM
He says to Richard

Green-Shirt Q
2009-04-23, 05:40 PM
Haunto nods.

Yup. I met her. She was pretty smart. Knew I was a theft even before I said anything.

I'm thinking of asking her to be my new sidekick. :smalltongue: He says, jokingly just to see what Chris' reaction would be.

2009-04-23, 05:43 PM
She's smarter than that, Haunto.

Chas the mage
2009-04-23, 05:45 PM
Richard smirks.

Green-Shirt Q
2009-04-23, 05:51 PM
Haunto nods, good humouredly. He puffs his large cigar.


But still, I guess I might ask her anyway. I need a new sidekick, and I see no reason why somebody as smart as her might refuse.

Although if she's anything like you, she'll dismiss it before she even hears my offer. :smalltongue:

2009-04-23, 05:54 PM
It probably depends on your approach...
Just then, Bio actually comes down...

Chas the mage
2009-04-23, 05:57 PM
Richard watches to see what happens, with a large grin on his face.

Green-Shirt Q
2009-04-23, 05:57 PM
Haunto turns to Bio.

Hello again, Bio. I was just talking to your father. :smallsmile: He says, pointing to Chris.

How are you? He askes her, friendily.

2009-04-23, 07:10 PM
Wakes up and look around

2009-04-23, 07:29 PM
((You poor lonely thing.))
Chol (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5990781&postcount=136) looks at Moondaine.

2009-04-23, 07:35 PM
Maria is here.

2009-04-23, 07:42 PM
She turns to Maria, and smiles.
I was wondering where my best friend ever was.

2009-04-23, 07:43 PM
I was out explorin!:smallbiggrin:

2009-04-23, 07:45 PM
Really? Awesome! Didja find anything?

2009-04-23, 07:46 PM
I found this!
She holds up a red gem.

2009-04-23, 07:56 PM
That's awesome! It's so pretty... where'ja find it?

2009-04-23, 07:57 PM
In a tunnel!

2009-04-23, 08:00 PM
Looks around and see people!
-Hello puppies!

2009-04-23, 08:03 PM
A tunnel? You gotta show it to me sometime.
She turns to look at Moondaine.
Puppies? Where?

2009-04-23, 08:04 PM
I like puppies.
She tucks the gem in her pocket.

2009-04-23, 08:08 PM
Ravik walks into the inn

2009-04-23, 08:18 PM
Puppies are awesome, so are kittens.
How 'bout lizards?
They're alright when they're terrorizing rats.
Point taken, toots.
Serj slithers out of her coat and back into the rathole.
What about ducklings?

2009-04-23, 08:22 PM
I like lizards...
Wanna go do somthing fun Chol?

2009-04-23, 08:23 PM
-Ducks! Richard is a saint duck!
Looks at Maria
-Can we go to the tunnel? Pleaaaasseee?

2009-04-23, 08:29 PM
Sure, I guess.

I also guess that he also really wants to check out this tunnel thing.

2009-04-23, 08:30 PM
The tunnel is awesome!:smallbiggrin:

2009-04-23, 08:30 PM
Ravik sips at his drink as he listens

Well if you do go to that tunnel I would come too
goodness knows what lives in those things...

2009-04-23, 08:31 PM
The girl who I accidentally left sitting here for 2 hours is watching the three of you with a mix of bordom and intrest.

2009-04-23, 08:32 PM
Points at Ravik
-Uh! Red eyes! Let's go to the tunnel see the puppies!

2009-04-23, 08:34 PM
My name's ravik you don't have to keep calling me "Red eyes"
He shrugs

2009-04-23, 08:36 PM
Maria smiles and tries to hug Ravik.

2009-04-23, 08:38 PM
Looks at Maria hugging herself.

2009-04-23, 08:40 PM
Ravik hugs her daughter
so, what are you two planning to do?

2009-04-23, 08:40 PM
Tunnel-puppies. Now that's an idea. I think tunnel-duckies would be cooler, though.

2009-04-23, 08:40 PM

Alysha gives a smile and wave to everybody.

Semaj orders a drink.

((You know, I need to make a post for Alysha in the characters thread.))

2009-04-23, 08:42 PM
He enters and moves to the bar, silently.

We'r eogin to a tunnel!

2009-04-23, 08:44 PM
I would like to come if you don't mind
you really don't know what you'll find in there...

Kowalski walks into the inn
and Jaya

2009-04-23, 08:45 PM
The girl starts looking at the new arrival.

This could be fun. Just the thing to get my mind off my... Condition.

2009-04-23, 08:47 PM
Alysha gives the newcomer a smile and a wave.

Semaj watches him from under his hood as he sips his drink.

2009-04-23, 08:48 PM
Chol waves to the new person. Serj, the lizard, slithers up her leg and back into her coat pocket.

2009-04-23, 08:49 PM
Sure dad, you can come!

The man ignores everyone, he orders a drinks and sits there.

2009-04-23, 08:50 PM
all right then
He smiles

2009-04-23, 08:52 PM
(The NPC barman is on duty. Nerick's been gone for a while... Just wanted to point that out. Also, deadtime soon. I'm very upset about that.)

Evening sir, how are you?
She asks the man with a too-sweet expression on her face.

2009-04-23, 08:52 PM
Wave for Alysha

Looks to everybody.

2009-04-23, 08:57 PM
Alysha goes back to practicing Reflect.

Semaj continues watching the man.

2009-04-23, 08:59 PM
Can I ride on your shoulders, daddy?

The man observes everyone.

2009-04-23, 09:01 PM
He bends down to let her on

Jaya looks at the man
So, who might you be?

2009-04-23, 09:02 PM
To the tunnel we go.
Serj pokes his scarred snout from over Chol's shoulder and blinks (yes, Durp, they have eyelids. Snakes have no eyelids, not lizards.) at Moondaine.
You coming?

2009-04-23, 09:03 PM
(Bah, deadtime.:smallannoyed:)

Could we assume that the girl follows the crowd so as not to be left out of the plot?
If not, that's fine, just tell me, I'll check back tomorrow.
Sorry about the unfortunate curfew.

Goodnight everyone!

(I HATE 10:00 PM CURFEWS!:smallmad:)

2009-04-23, 09:03 PM
((Ok, sorry about that... But I'm getting just a little confusing with those people that play more than one char... So, can you guys let me know the names of the chars you are using so I can keep up? lol, thanks.))

Looks, almost crying, at Maria

2009-04-23, 09:04 PM
Maria jumos onto Ravik's shoulders.
To the tunnel!

I'm Edol...

2009-04-23, 09:05 PM
Look at Serj and smile.
Looks at Edol.

-Uh! Nice to met you! Can you turn water into whine?

2009-04-23, 09:07 PM
Semaj does not try to hide that he's watching the group at the bar. He just doesn't feel the need to go over there yet.

2009-04-23, 09:08 PM
Smile at Maria
-Tunnel! Puppies! Led the way!

2009-04-23, 09:10 PM
Ravik follows Chol

I'm Jaya, where are you from?
She pulls off her hood to show the face of a female drow with stark white hair put up into a ponytail

2009-04-23, 09:11 PM
Chol (bloody-eyed little girl) looks up at Maria.
Where d'we go?
Serj (large lizard residing in her coat, able to speak) sighs at Moondaine.
Yes, tunnel, sure, whatever.

2009-04-23, 09:13 PM
Actually, Maria leading.
That way daddy!
She points.
Come on you guys!

That does not matter.
I'm from here and there.

2009-04-23, 09:16 PM
Ravik goes in the way Maria directs

Jaya nods
yeah I know the feeling
so what do you do?

2009-04-23, 09:16 PM
-Summon Snack!
Suddenly chips appears at Moondaine's hands. He offers to Chol and Serj.

-We are going to a tunnel!

2009-04-23, 09:23 PM
Maria leads here. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=45388)

He shrugs.

2009-04-23, 09:26 PM

2009-04-23, 09:28 PM
Jaya nods and shrugs a bit
hmm whatever

2009-04-23, 09:32 PM
Now, pretty lady, may I continue my drink?

2009-04-23, 09:34 PM
Semaj smirks to himself a little. He sips his drink, contemplating going to this stranger.

2009-04-23, 09:36 PM
Jaya stands up and leaves
umm sure...

2009-04-23, 09:36 PM
He downs the rest of his drink and begins to look around, stoppin momentarily on Semaj.

2009-04-23, 09:42 PM
And Semaj takes that as the cue to go to him. He gets up and walks to the bar. Mind if I ask what group it is that you belong to?

Alysha gives a wave to Jaya.

2009-04-23, 09:43 PM
Jaya waves back and walks over
Hey Alysha how have you been?

2009-04-23, 09:43 PM
I belong to a group of warriors...

2009-04-23, 09:49 PM
Curiosity. A need to know. Maybe preservation. There are a number of reasons. And, I think it is safe to assume that there are a number of reasons for your presence here. Am I right?

I've been great! How about you?

2009-04-23, 09:51 PM
She glances around
well, to be honest...
I've been better

2009-04-23, 09:51 PM
I am simply an observer.

2009-04-23, 09:53 PM
Something wrong?

An observer? Well, that can mean many things. Do you observe for yourself? Or for others?

2009-04-23, 09:55 PM
My superiors are...
Interesed in this location.

2009-04-23, 09:56 PM
Well, yes but I don't want to talk about it right now really...
Is there anything else going on

2009-04-23, 10:02 PM
And why would that be?

Nothing much. Just the normal stuff.

2009-04-23, 10:03 PM
I can disclose no more to you, I apologize.

2009-04-23, 10:03 PM
how's your spell practice going?

2009-04-23, 10:05 PM
Good! I think I'm close to advancing my Reflect level.

That is a shame. I thought you would have appreciated some help.

2009-04-23, 10:06 PM
I could take you to my superiors...

2009-04-23, 10:18 PM
Semaj thinks about this for a moment. Alright then.

2009-04-23, 10:22 PM
IO'll be back tommorow.
And he leaves.

Chas the mage
2009-04-23, 11:04 PM
Richard, the short, gaunt, pale nobleman walks in. He has a claymore acrossed his back, and it is taller than he is. It looks so big that he shoulden't be able to carry it, muchless weild it...

2009-04-23, 11:07 PM
Alysha gives him a smile and a wave before going back to practicing magic.

Semaj looks at him for a moment, then turns back to his drink.

Chas the mage
2009-04-23, 11:09 PM
Richard waves back and ungracefully plops down onto one of the bar stools.

2009-04-23, 11:12 PM
How you doing? Alysha sits at the bar as she takes a break from training.

Chas the mage
2009-04-23, 11:13 PM
He says. Not fine as in actual fine, but like medeocre 'fine'

2009-04-23, 11:15 PM
That's good. She orders a drink.

2009-04-23, 11:20 PM
Areisha groans...
She's coming out of her coma.
She looks really thin.

2009-04-23, 11:23 PM
Alysha hears her, and turns to look. She lets out a surprised gasp, and goes over to her. Hey, you ok?

2009-04-23, 11:24 PM
Oh, hey...

2009-04-23, 11:27 PM
Alysha smiles. Yep. Need anything? I know my Cure didn't work, but I have a couple potions.

2009-04-23, 11:28 PM
Nah, I'm fine...
Maybe water...

Chas the mage
2009-04-23, 11:30 PM
What a fine time to wake up...

2009-04-23, 11:32 PM
As she gets a glass of water for Areisha, she looks at Richard. What do you mean?

2009-04-23, 11:34 PM
I'm Areisha.

Chas the mage
2009-04-23, 11:37 PM
'cause chris friggin owns the place, and thinks we should all be exaulting his heroy-ness for defending the place from a few walking toasters. Not to mention the undead that seem to enjoy walking around and acting like they're completely normal....

2009-04-23, 11:41 PM
Alysha seems confused by all of that. Uh...ok... She gives Areisha the water, and giggles a little after hearing her name. Sorry, I just find it funny that you name's Areisha, which sounds a lot like mine. Alysha.

And deadtime. Nighty night all.

2009-04-23, 11:42 PM
Heh, it doe.s


2009-04-23, 11:44 PM
A younger man walks into the inn. He's 4 ft tall and has a mop of blonde hair and sea blue eyes.

Chas the mage
2009-04-23, 11:45 PM
Richard shrugs and produces a golden goblet. he then pulls out a wine bottle. It has lots of accumulated dust, the label on the bottle looks like its made from ancient paper, and the text on the label resembles old english. I don't mean old english as in ye olde english... as in taking place in the time of Beowulf...

2009-04-23, 11:51 PM
Oh.. and he's wearing clothes :smallredface: They aren't particularly nice.. But they are nice enough they could garner attention I suppose, as could the decent sized money back strapped to his hip.

He looks around the Inn as if judging a beauty contest for ugly people... with utter disgust.

2009-04-23, 11:52 PM
Areisha smiles at the boy.

Chas the mage
2009-04-23, 11:52 PM
Richard is wearing nobleman's attire, with several signet rings ans a golden amulet. Its kind of abvious he's some sort of aristocrat.

2009-04-23, 11:57 PM
(Younger man..as in 20... he's just short)

He smiles back...before remember he is supposed to be angry and scowling... again.

2009-04-23, 11:57 PM
Areisha has beautiful silver hair and pail skin, she's very skin and wearing a red dress.
She's very beautiful.
Hey there.

Chas the mage
2009-04-23, 11:58 PM
Ho there, child. Why doth thee come forth into the tavern with such greivious looking intent?

2009-04-24, 12:01 AM
Oh.. hello. He nods to Areshia It is not your place to question my intent fop. He drives home the second statement with a withering glare at Richard

2009-04-24, 12:03 AM
Yeah, leave the boy alone.

Chas the mage
2009-04-24, 12:04 AM
I would question you further yeoman, but I have pressing affairs.
he says, annoyed at him
Stupid peasents don't care if I'm a friggin emperor! DON'T THEY KNOW WHO THE HELL I AM?
he says as he goes out the door
((deadtime :smallannoyed:))

2009-04-24, 12:06 AM
I appreciate your concern miss. But I am not child I am in my twenties.. He laughs slightly before returning to a somber expression.

2009-04-24, 12:06 AM
I'm Areisha.

2009-04-24, 12:08 AM
Graham Wiziarc (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=6029650&postcount=145) enters The Dancing Fox Inn, sits on a table and order some random food.

2009-04-24, 12:09 AM
Emten the kobold (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=6022169&postcount=141) returns downstairs, looking much less harried than last time. He plops down onto a stool, a small brochure in one hand.

2009-04-24, 12:11 AM
I find myself with the name Randy. Nice to meet you Areisha. He spares the two newcomers a glace before setting himself down at the bar.

2009-04-24, 12:12 AM
She, watching him, starts to write in a heavy leatherboundbook.

2009-04-24, 12:12 AM
Looks at the koblod.
-Hey there...

((want me to give a try drawing your koblod? quickly, InkScape is open))

2009-04-24, 12:16 AM
Randy looks around the room. Before muttering something to himself... Very very quietly. Answer that will you.. he frowns at the wall.

2009-04-24, 12:24 AM
Looks at Randy confused

2009-04-24, 12:27 AM
Randy looks around again.. he seems to be looking for somebody one particular.

2009-04-24, 12:31 AM
Looks around trying to find out who Randy is looking for.

2009-04-24, 12:32 AM
There doesn't appear to be said person here.. as Randy shakes his head in annoyance... before...deadtiming..

2009-04-24, 12:35 AM
His food arrives, and its deadtime.

2009-04-24, 12:37 AM
Looks at the koblod.
-Hey there...

((want me to give a try drawing your koblod? quickly, InkScape is open))

((No thanks, I'll work on him when I have time.))

"Hmm? Oh, guten tag. I'm Kapitänleutnant Emten, U-0075. And your name is?"

2009-04-24, 05:25 PM
Kowalski walks in hearing snady's character's last comment
hmm, Germans...
says the old Russian man

2009-04-24, 08:45 PM

Alysha waves to anybody here.

Semaj orders a drink.

Chas the mage
2009-04-24, 08:47 PM
Richard, the wimpy looking nobleman enters. he has his oversized, off scale claymore acrossed his back.

2009-04-24, 08:47 PM
Serj, the foot-long lizard, raises his scarred, mottled snout toward Aly.
Hey, howya doin'?

2009-04-24, 08:49 PM
Alysha looks at Serj. I'm great! You?

Opie is chasing his tail on the bar.

Chas the mage
2009-04-24, 08:57 PM
Richard begins to drink.

2009-04-24, 09:00 PM
Not bad.
He suddenly shifts in form from a rather cuddly-sized monitor lizard to a lizardman, one dressed in a leather bomber jacket and army cargo-pants. His appearance is still similar to that of a Komodo lizard or monitor; his skin is a mottled grey/rust-red/ocher.
Ahhh, I've missed these duds.

2009-04-24, 09:04 PM
That's cool! How'd you do that?

2009-04-24, 09:06 PM
Well, I'm not really totally... of this world. This isn't even my truest form, but I like the whole lizard thing.
Which reminds me---you seen a 12-year-old girl, dark red hair, bloody eyes---seen her lately?

2009-04-24, 09:10 PM
You mean Chol? Not lately. How's she doing, anyway?

2009-04-24, 09:13 PM
Eh. She's a'ight, though her sister Bio is freakin' cold. I mean subzero cold here, even to her own mom. The hell is up with that? I wouldn't pull that kinda crap, and I'm a semi-deiatical personification of angerNo, I did not just say that.
Yes he did.

2009-04-24, 09:21 PM
From what I know, it has something to do with the fact that she's growing up crazy fast. But I'm not sure. I know Thry and Chris are working on a way to stop it.

2009-04-24, 09:26 PM
They stopped that, I think. And she's still being a bitch to her mom and sis. That is decidedly wack.
Aha, how lucky that she missed his slip of the tongue involving him being almost on-par with a low-level god.

2009-04-24, 09:30 PM
She heard it, she just didn't know what it meant. She's from the dimension of Kingdom Hearts. She doesn't know about that stuff. Really? Well that's just not right.

Semaj also heard it. And also doesn't really know what it means. Because the dimension he's from has no gods or deities. He sips his drink.

2009-04-24, 09:34 PM
Amen to that, man. Kids need to sit the hell down, shut the hell up, and think about what their parents do for them before they talk. Otherwise we get all this crap.

2009-04-24, 09:39 PM
People just need to be nice. That's all.

2009-04-24, 09:41 PM
Oh, I wish, man. We all do.
((He's like Megadeth, all yelling about RARR GRARR DESTRUCTION POW and then being all GORR WHERE PEACE AT?!

2009-04-24, 09:44 PM
((The question is, does he sway to the symphony?))

Alysha goes back to practicing.

2009-04-24, 09:46 PM
((Just like the Pied Piper lead rats throooough the streeeeeets.
Okay, now I gone.))

Chas the mage
2009-04-24, 09:52 PM
Richard drinks.

2009-04-24, 09:55 PM
((Hey Chas. Plot maybe?))

Alysha gives Richard a wave. Hi! How ya doing?

Chas the mage
2009-04-24, 09:56 PM
((right, right))

Fine...he says hollowly.

2009-04-24, 09:58 PM
That's good. So, what do you do around here?

Chas the mage
2009-04-24, 10:00 PM
I don't really do much here...
he sighs
I own the walled plot of land on the outskirt of town, thats constantly being patrolled. I also rule an empire, but at this rate its to far away for much...

2009-04-24, 10:02 PM
She seems awestruck. Wow! So, you're like a king, or something? That's cool!

Chas the mage
2009-04-24, 10:05 PM
Diety, saint, and emperor...
he says. the bored expression on his face seem to make it look like he doesen't think much of it, but only in his eyes can one tell hes proud...

2009-04-24, 10:06 PM
Diety? What's that? She seems curious.

Chas the mage
2009-04-24, 10:07 PM
God...? great divine power...? y'know...

2009-04-24, 10:09 PM
Oh, a god! I've met a couple before! Back at Olympus Colosseum.

Chas the mage
2009-04-24, 10:10 PM
exactly how old are you...?

2009-04-24, 10:12 PM
I'm nineteen. Why?

Chas the mage
2009-04-24, 10:14 PM
mmkay... young...

2009-04-24, 10:17 PM
What? You don't believe I've met any gods before?

Chas the mage
2009-04-24, 10:19 PM
Richard shrugs.

2009-04-24, 10:21 PM
So, what are you the god of?

2009-04-24, 10:22 PM
"Barkeep!" The kobold tapped on the desktop lightly. His next request was a little unusual: "Can you get me a cup of nitric acid? HNO3, ja? And make sure it's a glass cup!"

Chas the mage
2009-04-24, 10:28 PM
I am the god of my empire and its peoples. I only bow down to one other god.

2009-04-24, 10:30 PM
Really? And who's that?

Opie is still chasing his tail on the bar.

Semaj orders a refill.

Chas the mage
2009-04-24, 10:33 PM
The god... Also known as 'the father'
((note that the religion in the campaign setting this guy is from is heavily based on christianity))

2009-04-24, 10:37 PM
((Yeah, I kinda got that from his last statement. This should be interesting.))

Alysha seems confused. Ok, so he's the head god. Does he have a name?

Chas the mage
2009-04-24, 10:39 PM
No... not really... It is said that mortal men are not worthy enough to so much as speak it...

Chas the mage
2009-04-24, 10:40 PM
on the horizon is a seemingly inmpenetrable wall of trees and greens.

2009-04-24, 10:42 PM
Oh, so he's a mysterious head god. I think he should be called Mysterio then. She giggles.

Chas the mage
2009-04-24, 10:43 PM
he sighs
he says firmly.

2009-04-24, 10:45 PM
Aw. Fine. She thinks for a moment. So, have you been to any other worlds?

Chas the mage
2009-04-24, 10:46 PM
The heavens, the hells, the land of chaos and lands of order...

2009-04-24, 10:47 PM
Graham Wiziarc (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=6029650&postcount=145) awakes.

((Question... With which characters are you guys playing?))

2009-04-24, 10:51 PM
((Right now, I'm using Alysha, Semaj, and Opie, a blue ferret.))

Did you have any fun there?

Opie is now running all over the place.

Semaj surveys the Inn. He sips his drink.

Chas the mage
2009-04-24, 10:52 PM
I don't journey to other realms to 'have fun'
He says.
((richard, the nobledude))

2009-04-24, 10:53 PM
Graham order some random food and two knifes.

2009-04-24, 10:54 PM
Really? You should. It's great!

Chas the mage
2009-04-24, 10:56 PM
after 10s of thousands of years the novelty of planehopping begins to run thin...

2009-04-24, 10:57 PM
start paying attention to the conversation next to him.

2009-04-24, 11:00 PM
Well, sure, if you keep going to the same places. Try going somewhere new.

2009-04-24, 11:12 PM
Go talk to Alysha
-Excuse me... Where are we?

2009-04-24, 11:15 PM
Huh? Oh, well, this building is the Dancing Fox Inn. And this town is called...Town. Which is kind of weird.

2009-04-24, 11:21 PM
Meanwhile, the kobold is busily stuffing his cotton handkerchief into his glass of nitric acid, occasionally muttering "prestidigitation". "Gods and emperors...Next thing we know [i]Grossadmiral Donitz is going to arrive here," he muttered. He is grinning when the handkerchief soaks up the last of the HNO3.

2009-04-24, 11:22 PM
Well.. Not wierd... Just logical...

2009-04-24, 11:24 PM
"Weird or logical, I've seen worse. Though I'm new here, so I can't really say much."

2009-04-24, 11:26 PM
Alysha shrugs a little. Yeah, I guess. Easy to remember, too.

Semaj looks at the kobold. I would hope that you are not planning on using that in here.

2009-04-24, 11:29 PM
"What? This thing?" Emten tosses his glass and catches it nonchalantly. "Ach, come now, no one need be concerned over a bit of guncotton, are they?"

2009-04-24, 11:29 PM
Looks at the koblod
Hello again mister Koblod

2009-04-24, 11:31 PM
"Hello." Emten stops juggling the glass.
"I think we've met before...didn't you greet me two nights ago? Ah, sorry about then, I was just very, very tired from traveling."

2009-04-24, 11:33 PM
Alysha gives Emten a wave and a smile.

Semaj's expression is pretty much impossible to read, since most of his face is covered in bandages and hidden by a hood. His voice is monotone. I am not concerned. But, you will be if you choose to use it here.

2009-04-24, 11:35 PM
"Nein, nein. Everyone knows we kobolds are half-[drackon, ja? And drackons breathe fire, ja? So..."

Emten takes a bite out of the guncotton and begins to chew, at least until smoke leaks out of his ears...

2009-04-24, 11:38 PM
Semaj just watches him.

2009-04-24, 11:38 PM
Yes sir, we've met before.. But don't worry about that. I'm Graham

2009-04-24, 11:42 PM
In walks a man we appears to be covered in blood... he has cuts all over and massive swelling under one eye. He looks like he could be handsome if both his nose and jaw weren't broken. He Grins gaily at the occupants of the Inn

2009-04-24, 11:42 PM
"Happy to meet you, Herr Graham...now if you will excuse me..."

The kobold manages to dash outside. Seconds later a bright flash lights up the landscape, and a slightly dizzy-looking, soot-blackened Emten staggers back in.

2009-04-24, 11:44 PM
Looks at the new comer
Holy son of a talking blade! What happend to you?

2009-04-24, 11:46 PM
"Ja, do tell." The kobold holds his cup of nitrocellulose in a toast. "What happened?"

2009-04-24, 11:46 PM
((Holy crap! It's celtois! *hug tackles*))

Alysha looks at the newcomer. She gasps a little and rushes over to him, her Keyblade appearing in her hand as she goes. Are you ok? I can cast Cure if you want.

Semaj just glances at him.

2009-04-24, 11:46 PM
Got in a fight... ended up like more of blood bath really. The may flashes him a grin or tries too it comes out a grimance of pain due to the broken jaw.

2009-04-24, 11:56 PM
Did you won the fight?

2009-04-24, 11:58 PM
You could say that :smallamused:

2009-04-25, 12:02 AM
So...do you want me to cure you?