View Full Version : The East Coast Guardians (IC)

2009-04-23, 01:50 PM
April 21, 2009
Today was a day like any other in The Big City. The birds were chirping, people were getting to work, and the local heroes were beating up bad guys.

On the third-highest floor of the Stillwater Building, several superpowered individuals have been called upon to form a new team, one that would protect the The Big City and the east coast from threats that the police simply could not handle.

Unfortunately, the team was surprisingly short-staffed. The original plan was for eight full-time members and two dozen reserves. What they got was two full-time members and five people who couldn't show up on time.

You are sitting at a conference table on one The Guardians' private floors of the Stillwater Building. The walls are decorated with pictures of prominent current and former members of The Guardians, including Achilles, Ka-Zam, Professor Fury, and a previous Captain Unstoppable.

At one end of the table is Vulcan, a man in red spandex and black goggles; and he is having an angry discussion about the low turnout with a young woman in a business suit. You are at the other end, along with a man in a baseball uniform and a goth woman shoving pins into her knuckles.

It is 10 am and you have been sitting there waiting silently for an hour, what do you do next?

2009-04-25, 05:35 PM
The man who calls himself The Ebon Eye feels the hand of his watch slowly revolve as he waits. Having passed an hour in absolute silence, he has grown impatient.
Are we going to have a meeting, or what, exactly?

2009-04-25, 08:04 PM
The man known as Vulcan is currently ignoring everyone except the woman. "I'm telling you, this turnout is pathetic. We can't hold a ****ing press conference yet."
"And I'm telling you, if we don't hold a press conference by this time next week, you can kiss your job as leader good bye!"

The woman storms off, leaving Vulcan scowling.

He stands up, takes a deep breath, and addresses the room. "Yeah, okay, you bastards. My name Is Vulcan. I don't know who half of you are and I'm sure none of you know who I am, so we're even." He lets off a faint chuckle, then continues his angry speech.

"Now that nice lady who left us was Miss Stillwater, her daddy owns the building and they're getting a nice little tax break for giving us a base. Kinda ****** me the **** off. Anyway, next week we're gonna have a press conference for this new team. Problem is, we're in no ****ing shape for it. We've gotta do two things this week. One is to raise our public image by busting bad guys. The other is to get some more suicidal bastards to join this motley crew. Raise your hand to say what you want to do, and don't be afraid to ask stupid questions."

"Do I make myself clear?"

2009-04-26, 01:12 AM
Captain Unstoppable, dressed in the full regalia of the Captain Unstoppable line, stands up to his considerable height. He is a giant of a man, nearly as thick as he is tall, and his full figure is quite imposing. He slams his hands hard on the table, clearly not raising either of them. His voice booms as he begins to speak.

"I joined this group with the belief that united team of heroes would make an incedible amount of progress in the war on crime."

His mustache twitches with agitation.

"If all this this is is a publicity stunt, then know that CAPTAIN UNSTOPPABLE is out. I shall not besmirch the names of my predecessors with this... atrocity to the name of The Guardians"

He looks down on the relatively small man.

"Is that understood, Vulcan?"


2009-04-26, 11:02 AM
It's not just a publicity stunt, so sit down.

"Clearly you have no idea what is going on here. You haven't realized this is the third team of Guardians running around and we don't talk about the second one. If this team doesn't do a good job, we get no funding. No funding means no food to third-world orphans; no doing the jobs of good, lazy cops; and no worldwide team. That last one is why we're here. The EU have their own ****ing team, and they don't want the Americans to join in until we can prove we've got a good team of our own." The speech sounds a little rehearsed, like the previous one.

2009-04-26, 02:28 PM
Well, then, it seems to me that if we need to make our mark on the world with some kind of inane policing to do any real hero work, then let us go and do it. I suppose it can't be helped.
Ebon leans back in his seat, clearly unmoved by either of the speakers.
So, what are we to do? I don't suppose there's a bank being robbed or an apartment burning to the ground?

2009-04-26, 04:16 PM
"It's not like I can predict these th.."


The room's phone goes off. From the caller ID, you can see that it's the local police.

Vulcan picks up the phone and listens for a bit.

"Uh huh...Really, two? Ok..."

He hangs up and says "Ok, there are two bank robberies going on right now. Both are being committed by supervillains. We're splitting up. One is being robbed by some idiot named Dog-Walker. The other is being robbed by Mercy and Pain, the sadistic freaks. Lots of hostages for both. Since you two spoke up, pick where you want to go and I'll split the rest of the team up according to skill. We don't have much time."

2009-04-26, 04:25 PM
"Don't much care for animal-types. I'll take the despicable duo."
Ebon rises to his feet and begins stretching, not visibly concerned about the sudden emergency.
"Just point me in the right direction."

2009-04-26, 09:15 PM
"You've got a high class teleporter next to you, she's your ride."

"Now how about you?"

2009-04-26, 10:09 PM
"If my sightless comrade will do battle with Mercy and Pain, then I shall take on the villain known as DOG WALKER!"

Captain Unstoppable pauses.

"Do I get a teleporter as well do I have to walk?

2009-04-26, 10:32 PM
"Debbs is great at porting, but she's bad at fighting. She's here only to keep us from dying."

"Debbs, second national to the left, first national to the right."

The gothic girl charges into the wall, leaving a swirly purple portal, shaped just like the young woman. A few feet to the right, she pops out of the wall, , leaving an identical gate.

"Follow me, Black Eye. Other two, use the one on the left." Vulcan walks into the gate on the right and disappears.

2009-04-26, 10:34 PM
"Ebon," he mutters to nobody and follows Vulcan.

2009-04-27, 01:54 PM
Ebon Eye passes through the gate, and sees...nothing. He can make out the faint outline of Vulcan in front of him, but the world is shut off to his abilities. It's as if this place isn't composed of matter. A few seconds later, things come back into focus.

Ebon Eye and Vulcan are standing by the doors of a bank. All of the customers and employees are on the ground, scared. In the middle, holding a large executioner's axe and wearing a long black cloak, is the villain known as Lady of Mercy. Beside her, wearing some sort of tight and skimpy outfit, is Ms. Pain.

"We have company, don't we? Oh yes we do."

"Then we must end their suffering. Make sure they don't touch the hostages."

Roll for initiative

2009-04-27, 05:41 PM
The good Captain grins broadly, looks back at his companion, nods, then leaps through the the portal feet first.

2009-04-27, 05:59 PM
Captain Unstoppable steps through the portal, and sees a landscape that would make Willy Wonka cry in terror. Whatever it is, at least he knows it is going to stop soon.

Unstoppable finds himself next to the bank's entrance, with Heavy Hitter(Now carrying a large baseball bat) next to him. Everyone, the customers, the employees, even the security guards are pressed against the walls as a man with over two dozen leashed Dobermans threatens them.

"Oh, quiet down. You're going to make my boys hungry. Yes. Now which one of you is the manager?"

A few of the dogs spot you and start barking madly.

"Oh, what is it? Intruders? Well, you know what to do, go get 'em, boys!"

The dogs begin charging at you, the leashes connecting them to their master seem to stretch unnaturally.

Roll for initiative

2009-04-27, 06:12 PM

2009-04-27, 06:15 PM
Ok, strangely calm strange woman with a big axe is about to charge at you. You go first, do whatever.

2009-04-27, 06:21 PM
OOC: [roll0]

2009-04-27, 06:25 PM
Ebon Eye will feel with his powers to see whether any of the hostages are within 40 ft of the villains.

The area is clear, Ebon will say "You talk too much," and lay down his field so that it is centered on Mercy and Pain but does not hit any hostages.

This is not possible, Ebon will say, "You should probably just surrender now and save yourselves the trouble."
Intimidate to Demoralise [-5 for Move Actions]
[roll0] vs Mercy
[roll1] vs Pain

2009-04-27, 06:36 PM
Ms. Pain is standing right next to the hostages, juggling a pair of knives to amuse herself. As far as you know, the hostages are in extreme danger.

Ebon's taunting seems to be ineffective against the girls. Mercy continues to charge and Pain giggles slightly.

Mercy attacks, swinging her axe widely in your direction, slicing everything in its path, including the wall behind you.

Next to you, you see that Vulcan has become a sort of fiery blur and dodges Mercy's attack effortlessly, and responds by throwing some sort of blast at Mercy.

"Go Big Sis! You can do it! Cut their ****ing heads off!"

Area attack, roll a reflex, then a toughness.




2009-04-27, 06:44 PM

(And if it matters, I have Evasion 1)

2009-04-27, 06:52 PM
Ebon eye tries to avoid the attack, but ends up receiving a gash to his ribs.

Bruised + Injured.
Your turn again.

2009-04-27, 07:03 PM
"Ah! That's no toy, you know."

Ebon will attempt to disarm Mercy.
Attack Roll (-2 Power Attack, +2 All-out Attack)
"Damage" Roll (+2 Power Attack)

2009-04-27, 07:09 PM
Mr. Brightside

The alien has been sitting there for about 4 hours now.
A remote and oddly blank expression is all that shows on the slightly off human features of the hero, its hundred yard stare slowly boring into the wall opposite, even as all the action happens around it.
No seriously. There's a little hill of plaster where his stare carved a hole through the wall.
".......................Wait, what?"
The white dressed super-being pops its head in the portal that Ebon Eye went through.

Initiative: [roll0]

"Hey, do you need any help?
Cause if not, I'll go help those other two."

2009-04-27, 07:23 PM
The portal isn't like a door, it's more like a tunnel. It takes a round to pass through.

2009-04-27, 07:26 PM
OOC: So.... what happens if he sticks just his head in?:smallconfused:
In any event, Mr. B will go all the way through.

2009-04-27, 07:43 PM
"I do not know why you wish to continue your suffering."

Mercy repels Ebon's attempts to disarm her and retaliates by slashing him in the chest, again, and again.

"What are you doing?! Get the hostages out! She's too much for you!" Vulcan snaps his fingers and three orbs of flame appear, he then directs them towards the woman, causing her to flinch.

Brightside sees swirling darkness, chickens being decapitated, giant insects eating the heads of tiny people, etc.

Roll toughness. DC 29[roll0]



[roll3] - bruise

2009-04-27, 07:53 PM

2009-04-27, 07:59 PM
"I need backup! I need ****ing backup!"

Vulcan continues to fight Mercy as Ebon freezes up.

Wadledo, you can come in now. Then it's Colin again.

Failed by five. Stunned + Bruised + Injured.

2009-04-27, 08:59 PM
Coat tails swirling, Mr. Brightside steps from the portal, removing its hat and taking a deep bow, the space in its head drawing int the light like a miniature black hole.
Straightening, it draws the light in around it, making the being's fists swell and arms bleed sunlight like sweat.
"Could you stop doing that for a moment?"

2009-04-27, 09:11 PM
OOC: I'm assuming that the turn I was stunned got played out, then? Cause you did say it was my turn.
"Chatty b<&#~!$>. Make yourself useful or something," Ebon says through ragged breathing.
"Like get out of the way."

Ebon is going to lay down his field now, and then move behind Mercy after she is deprived of her senses and forced to make a DC 14 Fort save to breathe, same with everyone else caught in the field who isn't me. Furthermore, assuming it's something he has an option in, Ebon will include the other villain in the field's area.

"Try that again, b<%!#@>," he says, though nobody can hear him.

2009-04-27, 09:34 PM
Brightside can see a young-looking girl with a knife in a pink latex bikini top and miniskirt, also latex.

"Hey, what's going on?"

Mercy is starting to stumble. She lets off a very wide attack, hoping to hit you.

The girl is being dragged through the floor, into some sort of purple pit, similar to the one you arrived in.

[roll0] - Huh, lucky you. Except, I can't find where in the book natural 1 fails on

You can say bitch online. It means female dog, you're perfectly fine.

Make a reflex and a toughness. Roll a concentration.

Back in the other bank, the sires and bitches are about to descend on Captain Unstoppable's throat.

2009-04-27, 09:36 PM
"You had best get ready, doggies, for CAPTAIN UNSTOPPABLE has arrived!"

The Captain charges toward the dogs, bringing up his fists to smash down on the closest dog.

OOC: Shifting 5 points from Defense to Attack using All-Out Attack and 5 points from Attack to Damage using Power Attack. I also get +2 to Attack and -2 to Defense with the Charge action.

So that's Defense -2, Attack +10, and Damage +17.

The nearest dog takes a DC 32 Toughness save, I believe.

2009-04-27, 09:45 PM
OOC: Aw, but "bitch" doesn't make me feel as comic-bookish as a string of punctuation marks. And spending time in a school makes one lose track of where swears rank. But, cool.
That was Brightside for those saves, yeah? Cool.

2009-04-27, 09:53 PM
Reflex: [roll0]+Evasionx2

Toughness: [roll1]

Concentration: [roll2]

2009-04-27, 09:54 PM
Captain Unstoppable manages to take out one of the dogs with his fists. Sending it flying.

It's too bad that there are twenty more.

Your switch-hitting friend in the green baseball uniform is trying to knock them into each other with the bat, it's not going so well.

"Are we just going to keep hitting these things, or what?"

Three dogs lunge at Unstoppable, bite, and can't even pierce his skin.

"It seems my boys need some help."

Dog-walker takes out a whistle, blows, and the dogs each gain twenty pounds in muscle.

Dogs follow mook rules. Just land a good hit, and it's over for one.


Colin, you have to roll.

2009-04-27, 10:00 PM
OOC:Wait, doesn't my Takedown Attack feat activate, then?

2009-04-27, 10:02 PM
Reflex(evasion 1)


2009-04-27, 10:04 PM
Let's try that again.

2009-04-27, 10:40 PM
Mercy & Pain

The axe strikes Ebon in the side hard, forcing him to lose his concentration and be stunned for a moment.

"You c***, pick on someone your own size! Or at least as violent!" Vulcan launches another volley of attacks at Mercy.

Take another bruise and injury. Also, where are you getting +4 from, shouldn't it be higher? You only have two injuries (3 now).


Unstoppable mows through the dogs. He can't seem to keep track of them. Are there more than when they started?

2009-04-27, 10:49 PM
OOC: My mistake, I had been adding both Bruised and Injured penalties. right. I am new to this, remember.

2009-04-27, 10:49 PM
OOC - How far away is Dog Walker from the Captain?

2009-04-27, 10:51 PM
He is about thirty feet away.

2009-04-27, 11:11 PM
"DOG WALKER! Face me like a MAN!"

Captain Unstoppable leaps from the clutch of dogs he's in toward the villain, slamming his super-strong fist toward Dog Walker's head.

OOC - Same combination of point shifting as last, minus the charging bonus (unless I can treat my jump attack as a charge)

DC 32 Toughness for Dog Walker

2009-04-27, 11:19 PM
The man is clearly afraid of you, yet he doesn't want to back down. "You missed."

"Get eaten like a dog... treat... who cares? Die!"

Vulcan was right, this man is an idiot. He doesn't even have the decency to put on a costume, he's wearing a flannel shirt and jeans.

Make four toughness saves.

2009-04-27, 11:26 PM

2009-04-27, 11:34 PM
Forgot one.


2009-04-27, 11:38 PM
Several dogs charge Unstoppable and miss, but one gets lucky and causes a deep bite in his thigh.

Something is clearly wrong. None of the dogs are unconscious, despite the massive number of blows that have dealt to them, and there are twice as many now as when the battle started.

2009-04-27, 11:45 PM
OOC: So, is that injured or bruised or what?

Michael is unconcerned by the growing number of dogs or the fact that none of them have come down yet.

CAPTAIN UNSTOPPABLE loves a challenge.

"I'm afraid THIS dog treat is too much for you to SWALLOW!"

The Captain roars a battle cry as he draws back his fist before moving forward in an uppercut.

OOC: Captain Unstoppable uses his move action to use his Startle feat to feint Dog Walker at a -5 penalty and uses his standard action to make another attack with the same points shifted.


2009-04-27, 11:46 PM
DC 32 Toughness for Dog Walker

2009-04-27, 11:55 PM
Unstoppable again misses Dog-Walker widely.

"All that muscle and you can't even touch me. I've never had a fight go this smoothly before. Take him down!"

Several of the dogs rush you and try to push you down.

Bruise only. They like their meat very fresh.

Roll to avoid being tripped four times.

Wadledo, do something. It's your turn, I think.

2009-04-28, 12:01 AM
OOC - Wait, their strength is only +8? How did they manage to get pass my Impervious Toughness then? Did my Startle effect him at all?


2009-04-28, 12:48 AM
Unstoppable is knocked down by a dog, somehow. Logically this shouldn't be possible, but it did anyway.


And the surprise doesn't matter if you're missing with or without the modifier. I didn't bother to roll for it.

Captain Unstoppable gets a Hero Point
Ebon Eye gets a Hero Point

2009-04-28, 01:01 AM
"I find yo-"

Mr. Brightside moves almost impossibly fast, landing a resounding blow right into Mercy's stomach before gently coming to a stop on the other side of the room.
The hollows fist steams light a little, as the genteel continues his sentence with nary a pause.

"-u quite unpleasant, you know that?"

Attack: [roll0]
Move-by Action, Penetrating Strike +10

2009-04-28, 01:49 AM
OOC - Oh, I just wanted to see if I scared the dude a little. I mean, its a big guy with an impressive moustache and bulging muscles roaring at you and charging.

Also, Wadleo? You don't roll for damage in M&M. They just make a save of DC15+(your bonus)

IC -

"I might be DOWN, but you're going UP!"

The Captain Leaps up from the ground to make another uppercut.

OOC - Move action to stand up, Standard Action to attack.
DC 32 Tough.

2009-04-28, 01:54 AM
OOC - Hero Point to Improve Roll


EDIT: That's a natural 20! It hits automatically and if it would hit normally is a crit with DC 37 Tough!

2009-04-28, 11:32 AM
"Ow, that hurt." The man falls to the ground with a dull thud. At the same time, his many dogs start to disappear and he is left with a single leash in his left hand.

Now, let us take a moment to look over the situation. The job of a dog-walker isn't to take care of one's own dogs, but to take care of someone else's. In this case, the dog in question is something that has been popularized in a number of media.

You hear a large snarling sound coming from behind you. The hostages begin to panic and start running for the locked doors. You look around, and behind you is what can only be Cerberus, ten feet high, foaming from its three mouths, and preparing to strike.

Mercy & Pain
Mercy shrugs off the attack as if nothing happened.

"Really, if this is the best you can do, you don't deserve life." The woman in the blue cloak again makes a massive swing with her axe.

"You're wasting your time!"

Vulcan zips towards the wall, creating a very large sphere of flame, then throws it at the *BOOOOOOOM* -ing a huge explosion so that the hostages can escape.

Both of you, roll reflex and toughness.

[roll1] - 27, three bruises.

2009-04-28, 04:47 PM
OOC - What's Heavy Hitter doing?

2009-04-28, 04:53 PM
Heavy hitter is collapsed against the wall, with his uniform ripped heavily and his bat still in his left hand.

2009-04-28, 05:44 PM
Captain Unstoppable glances at the fallen Heavy Hitter. He'd be alright, hopefully.

"Well, aren't you one ugly son of a bitch?"

Without fear or hesitation, Captain Unstoppable charges the dog.

OOC - Same shifting of points.

DC 32 Tough

2009-04-28, 06:06 PM
The beast goes down in one hit. Well, that was unexpected. Maybe it wasn't even the right dog. It collapses to the floor and vanishes into a puff of smoke.

The bank's manager opens the door and the police rush in as the hostages rush out.

On the wall you arrived through, Debbie the Goth Girl pops out. "Hey, you two. We need backup against the twisted sisters. Come on!"


2009-04-28, 06:36 PM
Reflex (Evasion)

OOC: Can I get a recap of the current status of the battle? The split-action confused me.

2009-04-28, 06:45 PM
Mercy & Pain

Ebon ducks under the axe, avoiding its blade.

You tried to suffocate her, she swung wildly and stunned you, stopping the suffocation effect.

Brightside charged at her.

She then made another wild swing, trying to nail you both at once.

Vulcan is rescuing hostages.

Ebon's turn, then it's Brightside, then stuff will happen.

2009-04-28, 06:51 PM
OOC: Doesn't she get a miss chance or something due to not being able to sense me? But whatever.

Ebon is going to try the field again as a Standard action, and using his move action will reposition himself within that field so that Mercy, again, has no idea where he is. She must, again, make a DC 14 Fort save or start suffocating. (Linked powers, remember)

2009-04-28, 07:32 PM
Ebon releases the cloud of darkness, surrounding Mercy. Brightside can't see through it to attack Mercy.

It's an area attack. She isn't hitting multiple targets, she is just hitting everything in range and hoping you're in it.


2009-04-28, 09:07 PM
OOC: Well, I'll concede area countering concealment, but Brightside should still be able to attack,albiet with a 50% miss chance.

2009-04-28, 09:22 PM
Reflex: [roll0] Evasionx2

Toughness: [roll1]

25%, with Blind-fight.
Also, Mr. B used Move-By-Action to make a standard attack and then move out of her range(I thought at least).
Are there AoO? I didn't see any rules for them.

2009-04-28, 09:40 PM
There aren't AoOs in M&M. And I forgot they changed the name of spring attack in M&M.

Also, what's your speed? The enemy's range is very large.

2009-04-28, 09:45 PM
OOC: 250 miles per hour with flight.

2009-04-28, 09:49 PM
In that case, Brightside wasn't in range.

And I misspoke previously. I only meant he can't see the enemy. Now take your action.

2009-04-28, 10:03 PM
OOC - So, is Heavy Hitter still slumped against the wall?

2009-04-28, 10:06 PM
He is knocked out. I told you he wasn't doing a very good job fighting the dogs.

2009-04-28, 10:08 PM
Mr. Brightside contemplates the scene for a moment before nonchalantly sending a bolt of streaming white light randomly into the darkness, roughly about half a foot above where Ebons head could possibly be, and far more likely to be near where Mercy is.

"Are there supposed to be two of them?
I wasn't paying much attention."

OOC: I'm not expecting to hit, anyway, even if it did any damage, so I won't bother rolling (+5 mod doesn't give me much hope).

2009-04-28, 10:09 PM
"Another challenge? FANTASTIC! However, my companion here needs medical attention"

Walking over to Heavy Hitter, the Captain hefts him over his shoulder and jumps into the portal.

2009-04-28, 10:14 PM
"You should try the fireman's carry instead. Moving people like that really hurts the ribs."

Captain Unstoppable heads back into the tunnel of insomnia and crying.

You'll get your shot next round.

2009-04-28, 10:37 PM
OOC - Regarding the other battle... shouldn't Ebon's field be enveloping more than just Mercy? I mean, it has a 50 ft. radius.

2009-04-28, 10:44 PM
OOC: My turn now, right?
Concentration (Maintain power as Move Action, DC 14

Mercy is for the purposes of this attack, assumed by me to be flatfooted, unless she has some secret sense I don't know about or something.
Attack (-7 Power Attack) (+5 All-Out Attack)

Damage: DC 15+2+5(Sneack Attack)+7(Power Attack): DC 29

2009-04-28, 10:50 PM
The hostages are screaming as they run out of the bank. Vulcan is cursing and saying some very mean things about Ebon.

Mercy is making dozens of wild swings at once, turning the black cloud and a wide area around it into the equivalent of a giant blender.

Who else would it envelop? Pain is now missing from the battlefield. The only other target would be hostages and other types of friendly fire.

I guess it's your turn again. Make a reflex and a toughness.

2009-04-28, 10:51 PM
The hostages are screaming as they run out of the bank. Vulcan is cursing and saying some very mean things about Ebon.

Mercy is making dozens of wild swings at once, turning the black cloud and a wide area around it into the equivalent of a giant blender.

Who else would it envelop? Pain is now missing from the battlefield. The only other target would be hostages and other types of friendly fire.

I guess it's your turn again. Make a reflex and a toughness.

OOC:I wasn't done, diddn't you see the note? I just needed to know if my power stayed up or not.

2009-04-28, 10:53 PM
And the other roll diddn't roll anyways. Let's try that again, and see if I can't restore coherancy: Ahem:
Attack [roll0]

2009-04-28, 10:55 PM
It wasn't your turn until I posted that info, so yeah...

And what are you attacking with, your fist?

2009-04-28, 10:56 PM
Who else would it envelop? Pain is now missing from the battlefield. The only other target would be hostages and other types of friendly fire.

Well, it is a FIFTY-FOOT RADIUS and the power isn't selective, so it should be hitting those friendlies.

2009-04-28, 11:02 PM
It wasn't your turn until I posted that info, so yeah...

And what are you attacking with, your fist?

OOC: What, really? Coulda sworn she'd already done her blendy thingy this round. And yeah, my fists. Or possibly a kick.

2009-04-28, 11:06 PM
Mercy again doesn't flinch.

I'm going easy on you. Simple as that. And the black cloud hasn't lasted for longer than 1 round at a time anyways.

Collin, roll a concentration check along with the other rolls.

Also, take another bruise and injury

2009-04-29, 03:20 PM
OOC: Nah, I'll forgoe the check and just drop the field; "take 1", sort of.

2009-04-29, 09:08 PM
Wadledo, Kpenguin, you guys are up.

Kpenguin, feel free to write your own entrance.

2009-04-29, 10:27 PM
Captain Unstoppable leaps out of the portal, landing easily on his feet with a great thud.

"Gentlemen! The cavalry has arrived!"

Michael takes a moment to assess the situation and spots the woman with the ridiculously oversized axe. He identifies her in an instant with his knowledge of supervillains.


The Captain rushes toward Mercy, hands outstretched, trying to grab her and pull her to the ground.

Move action to rush her
Standard action to initiate grapple.
If he manages to put Mercy in grapple, he will proceed to pin her.
Using All-Out Attack to shift 5 points from Defense to Attack. Not using Power Attack this round.


2009-04-29, 10:31 PM
Rolling for grapple:

EDIT: Forgot to add my Attack bonus to my grapple mod. Add an 8 to that.

2009-04-29, 11:17 PM
The woman is knocked down, still holding her axe.

"You're awfully loud. Are you compensating for something?"


Wadledo, go.

KPenguin, make a toughness save in advance.

2009-04-29, 11:32 PM
OOC - How does grappling work here? The handbook seems to imply that I can go straight from initiating the grapple to pinning without expending an action.

To start a grapple, you first need to grab and hold your target. Make
a melee attack to grab the target. If you don’t hit the target, you fail to
start the grapple. Once you hit, you have grabbed your opponent, make
an opposed grapple check. If you lose, the target is not grappled. If you
succeed, you can apply one of the following effects:

Pin: You hold your opponent immobile for one round. You can’t use a weapon on the pinned character or attempt to damage or pin another opponent while pinning the first unless you have the Improved Grapple feat or the Additional Limbs power. When an opponent has pinned you, you are immobile (but not helpless) for one round. You have a –4 Defense modifier and lose your dodge bonus against attacks while pinned.


2009-04-30, 04:29 PM
Mr. Brightside is nothing but a streak as he speeds past Mercy a second after she falls, his fist a glowing orb of power, blasting her is the side of the head as the Alien flips over her and hits the wall opposite, ready to bounce back into the fray.
His hat remains perfectly on his head the entire time, oddly enough.

OOC: Move-By-Action, All-Out-Attack (-5 defense, +5 Attack)
Attack: [roll0]
Penetrating Strike 10

2009-04-30, 04:32 PM
Brightside's strike hits true... and does absolutely nothing.

"This is it? This is all you can do? I'm doing you a favor."

With her free hand, she grabs Unstoppable's neck and *SNAP*.

"Really?" She tosses Unstoppable's limb body to the side, casually getting up as if nothing happened.

"YOU IDIOT!" A massive stream of flames erupts from Vulcan, striking Mercy.


At the moment, unstoppable is dying. Make a fortitude save (DC 10) or he fully dies. I don't think you can fail on this, however.

Can someone find the rules for natural ones for me? It's driving me nuts.

2009-04-30, 05:26 PM

OOC: Heh.

2009-04-30, 06:02 PM
Cross-posted from the OOC thread:

Anyway, looking through the threads at the rules questions Tank, it appears that the the person who initiates the grapple can apply a grapple effect immediately after winning the grapple check in that same round. Which means Mercy should have been pinned...

Ruling from the official rules question (http://www.atomicthinktank.com/viewtopic.php?p=318203)

Also, since applying damage during a grapple is a grapple effect, I believe it would require grapple check from Mercy, not an attack roll. So, Captain Unstoppable should have had the opportunity to resist via an opposed grapple check.

2009-04-30, 06:54 PM
Let us just say the last bunch of posts were a hallucination.

Mercy is standing up, Vulcan attacked her. Do your things.

2009-04-30, 07:07 PM
OOC - So if we're not grappling... well that ruins my strategy of holding down Mercy and asking Vulcan to go flamey on her.

Can I use a Hero Point to get inspiration?

2009-04-30, 08:08 PM
After Unstoppable identifies Mercy as the superpowered serial killer she is, he whispers in a surprisingly low voice back into the portal

"Debbs... can you make this portal go somewhere else?"

2009-04-30, 08:10 PM
"Anywhere if it's close. I have to be able to visualize it if it's far."

2009-04-30, 08:14 PM
"How about this bank's vault?"

2009-04-30, 08:19 PM
"I guess."

"AHHHHH!" Pain is ejected through the wall, forming a new portal a few feet from the last one. She has a bungee cord attached to her and is pulled back into the portal a second later, as if she were a giant pink yo-yo.

"Ok, you're good!"

2009-04-30, 08:29 PM
"Thanks Debbs"

The Captain turns back to the menacing woman with the ridiculous axe. His voice quickly shifts back into his usually hammy, booming tone.

"EXCUSE ME! I'm AFRAID need that AXE of YOURS!"

The Captain rushes towards Mercy, trying to grab the axe.

OOC: Shifting, once again, all points into All-Out Attack. Unstoppable is going to be trying to disarm.


2009-04-30, 08:31 PM
Rolling opposed strength.


2009-04-30, 08:33 PM
Roll damage.


2009-04-30, 08:35 PM
OOC - Only the attacker rolls damage for disarm. The defender rolls strength. In the case of Cap, its the same since he's unarmed striking all the time, so I just rolled strength.

2009-04-30, 08:42 PM
No, I hadn't seen you rolled, so I was telling you to roll damage.


I forget who wins in ties.

2009-04-30, 08:44 PM
So, we're re-rolling?


EDIT: Okay, that's just weird.

2009-04-30, 08:47 PM
I only rerolled since I was hoping you knew who wins in ties.


2009-04-30, 08:50 PM
OOC: I don't know either.


2009-04-30, 08:51 PM
Using Hero Point to Improve Roll!


EDIT: Okay, according to the book, I add a 10 to the roll when rolling to improve a roll using a hero point if the roll is 1-10... so that means that's a 32.

2009-05-01, 12:36 PM
Unstoppable grabs the axe and finds it is far too heavy for him to use as a weapon.

Collin, go.

2009-05-01, 05:42 PM
Ebon will stand by inneffectually and bleed profusely from his multiple lacerations.

2009-05-01, 09:45 PM
Ok, Wadledo is up.

Everybody, if you've stopped having fun, tell me. I'm starting to get combat fatigue.

2009-05-02, 03:59 PM
"......Wait, you call me weak and you haven't even tried to him me once?"

Mr. Brightside stands on the wall, contemplating their struggle.

"Can't you do anything without that axe of yours, or can't you hit even one little alien?"

He sticks his tongue out at Mercy, pulling down one eyelid and making a *nenerner!* sound, goading her into attacking him, while he stands horizontal on the wall.

OOC: I have no idea how to use the rules for blocking, so he prepares an action to block, or whatever.
I'll look up the rules in a bit, and post any checks I have to make in the OOC.

2009-05-03, 01:30 PM
OOC: Psssst.... roll an attack roll to block...

2009-05-03, 01:36 PM
Mercy tries to punch Unstoppable in the throat.


Roll toughness.

2009-05-03, 01:39 PM
Rolling Toughness

2009-05-03, 01:41 PM
The punch is nowhere near as strong as one of her axe strikes, but it managed to hurt Unstoppable slightly.

Take a bruise and an injury.

2009-05-03, 01:47 PM
Unstoppable internally grimaces in pain, but shows nothing but a smile on his face.

"HOHOHO! Is THAT the best you can do without your axe?!"

2009-05-03, 03:59 PM
Anyone else just want to skip the battle and roleplay in the other thread?

2009-05-03, 04:29 PM
OOC: That would be okay with me.

2009-05-03, 04:33 PM
OOC: Yea, we're not getting anything but headaches here.

2009-05-03, 04:50 PM
Editor's Note:
We are very sorry, but due to the mistakes of several people who have since been fired, the first printing of The East Coast Guardians Vol 1, Issue #2 has pages missing from it. Unfortunately, the original copies were used as toilet paper by an irate inker. So, in compensation, we're going to give you a very rushed recap of those missing pages and spoil some things for you.

Mercy was eventually defeated by the Unstoppable's plan to trap her in the vault, but when the vault was reopened, she wasn't there! Only a note saying that the score was 3-2.

Half the team is in the hospital, getting stitches and rabies shots. Heavy hitter is being reassigned to the Backup Team, pending his knee surgery; And Debbie has a broken arm thanks to Unstoppable's plan.

After seeing what a mess the new team did, Vulcan is being pressured by Ms. Stills to whip them into shape. Seeing no other alternatives, Vulcan and Ms. Stills have decided to call in their second choices.

Start posting in the other thread. Here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=110478). It's the next day in that thread.

Your character can start wherever they want, be it the hospital, the character's home, or home base.

Your characters are going to be shuttled around by another goth girl who is completely identical to Debbie and has the same powers. Her name is Janice.

2009-05-03, 04:52 PM
OOC: How did Debbie break her arm?

2009-05-03, 04:57 PM
She was standing in the middle of the tunnel as Mercy was pushed in. Mercy grabbed her and tried to hold on to her arm as she was being shunted through the portal. She only got her arm free once it was broken and Mercy lost her grip.