View Full Version : [40k]Inducted IG and Advisors????

Darth Stabber
2009-04-24, 09:07 AM
So can I as a witchhunters player using inducted guard include Commissars and sanctioned psykers in my IG units?

2009-04-24, 09:12 AM
So can I as a witchhunters player using inducted guard include Commissars and sanctioned psykers in my IG units?

Wait for the FAQ/Q&A to come out. I'm betting on 'No.'

Darth Stabber
2009-04-24, 09:56 AM
The Witchhunter's Codex has been out for over half a decade, so lets assume 4e rules, then I still don't have an answer. From what I have found there is not an answer anywhere. I suppose worst case scenario I could just make the 2 guys count as normal guardsmen, since they both have laspistol and CCW.

2009-04-24, 11:17 AM
Under the current rules, I'd say that you can't take advisors. Commissars and Sanctioned Psykers have their own entry in the codex, under HQ, and the Witch Hunters rules have a list of units that can be taken, which they're not on. Besides, from a fluff-wise point of view, an Inquisitor is going to fulfil the same roles they'd have had.
Come the new Guard Codex, I'd say that you still can't take Sanctioned Psykers, as they're now arranged in squads of Battle Psykers and are an Elite choice, but can take Commissars, as they're an upgrade for the standard Platoon.

2009-04-24, 11:31 AM
no offence mate, but any chance you can keep all of these in one of the 3 main warhammer threads? Its just spliting up from the 3 main parts needlessly.

2009-04-24, 12:41 PM
no offence mate, but any chance you can keep all of these in one of the 3 main warhammer threads? Its just spliting up from the 3 main parts needlessly.To be fair, the 'Tactics' thread is a bit misnamed, making this mistake easier to happen. Its name suggests it's about discussing strategies only, where in fact we use it for rule questions as well.
When the current tactics thread hits 50 pages and has to be restarted, I'd strongly suggest we change its name to something more descriptive that makes it clear that the thread is for everything that does not fit into neither the Models nor the Fluff thread.