View Full Version : Proof Aquaman is the Most Powerful Superhero

2009-04-26, 10:49 AM
Gave in terror at his TRUE POWER
This is a Joke topic, feel free to discuss if you wish though

2009-04-26, 10:56 AM
That's blasphemy in every sense of the word. Seriously... :smalleek::smalltongue:

2009-04-26, 10:59 AM
How can I ever forget this image? These to things will be for ever linked in my head.

2009-04-26, 11:00 AM
... That's incredibly hyper super-duper special awesome.

2009-04-26, 11:01 AM

I call it: "The adventure where I mind controlled Cthulhu to fight pirates"!

2009-04-26, 11:02 AM
I laughed.

Guess Aquaman's gonna get some revenge.

2009-04-26, 11:09 AM
"Poach humpback whales, will you?!"
"Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn."
*head explodes*

2009-04-26, 12:21 PM
Do you mind if I post this on another forum?

Mando Knight
2009-04-26, 12:38 PM
Magnificent work, old chum!

And because I found you sleeping at the bottom of the sea, I think I'll call you...

-Except, that's Cthulhu.

Kraken it is!

2009-04-26, 12:41 PM
You know, I...I really, really didn't think anything could possibly make Aquaman even cool by proxy.

What this image makes me think of is the slowly-spreading, wickedly-gleaming grin of the lawyer-accountant RPG player who's just connected the dots between a seemingly useless ability and a seemingly impossible task.

It's a good thing.

2009-04-26, 01:08 PM
*jaw drop*


lame superhero......link with.......cool horror-god.........equals......

mind has been blown..........this brain is experiencing an error shutting down now........

2009-04-26, 01:10 PM
I see your Cthulthu and raise you one Hawkgirl.

2009-04-26, 01:23 PM

I call it: "The adventure where I mind controlled Cthulhu to fight pirates"!


2009-04-26, 01:29 PM
Actually, I read a short story on this bit a while back.

Tis here. (http://lurkingrhythmically.blogspot.com/2007/03/aquaman-written-so-that-he-does-not.html) Dates back to aught seven, meaning this idea has been done at least twice.

And since I was thinking about it, why not add in a second bit of goodness mostly unrelated. Here (http://the-isb.blogspot.com/2007/03/just-imagine.html)

2009-04-26, 01:50 PM
Ha! Nicely done.

You know, I...I really, really didn't think anything could possibly make Aquaman even cool by proxy.

Aquaman was always cool, Superfriends just mucked him up hugely.

2009-04-26, 02:32 PM
Aquaman was never as lame as people portray him. If someone says he's weak, you can bet they're referring to the Superfriends version.

In fact, during his "bearded, angry, hook-handed grouch" phase he was downright badass at times. Sadly, the "purists" (read: bearded, angry grouches most of whom do not have hooks for hands) were against it.

2009-04-26, 02:35 PM
Aquaman doesn't have a hook for a hand. He has a HARPOON for a hand.

2009-04-26, 02:46 PM
Yeah, the scion of Atlantis is okay. Brave and the Bold Aquaman goes all the way into awesome.

That, however, does nothing to change the fact Namor could beat his sorry hinder from Ryeth to Atlantis and back. Imperius Rex!

Kris Strife
2009-04-26, 07:16 PM
Rustkarn, thats me... This explains Aquaman's mood swings: he's so far off the deep end hes went back around to the kiddie pool.

2009-04-26, 08:41 PM
it makes scents. Also something bothering me , It says on the Mr. Welch list that Dwarves do not count as burrowing mamels except , they do , when you think about it. so Gnomes should, in theory, be able to effectively use there spell like ability to speak dwarfish.

2009-04-26, 09:34 PM
*jaw drop*


lame superhero......link with.......cool horror-god.........equals......

mind has been blown..........this brain is experiencing an error shutting down now........

Cthulhu's work is done.

2009-04-26, 09:50 PM
Ok... this image is officially canon. It completes the world.

2009-04-26, 10:30 PM
it makes scents. Also something bothering me , It says on the Mr. Welch list that Dwarves do not count as burrowing mamels except , they do , when you think about it. so Gnomes should, in theory, be able to effectively use there spell like ability to speak dwarfish.

Dwarves don't burrow. They mine/dig.

2009-04-27, 02:15 PM
Wow, nothing original to add here really.

But that was awe inspiring!

2009-04-27, 04:11 PM
Yeah, the scion of Atlantis is okay. Brave and the Bold Aquaman goes all the way into awesome.

That, however, does nothing to change the fact Namor could beat his sorry hinder from Ryeth to Atlantis and back. Imperius Rex!

Psht. Its hillarious to even assume that King Oriin would grace Namor with a fair fight when all he would have to do is mentally shut down his brain and walk away with a 5 second win over Marvel's king of the seas.

2009-04-27, 07:31 PM
You know, I...I really, really didn't think anything could possibly make Aquaman even cool by proxy.

I can't take credit for this, I don't remember all of it, and the thread title gives the punchkline away. I saw it years ago on another board that was having a contest for scripting a superhero movie trailer.

Generic Victim Character is being chased through an ally by Race-Indeterminate Gangster Types when GVC trips at the feet of Protector, who cannot be seen yet. The RIGTs brandish their weapons

P (in Russian-type accent): English is not my first language, but I believe the young lady was saying she is not interested.

RIGTs: Generic threats.

P: If it is a fight you want, I should warn you it will not be a fair one, since I have a super power.

RIGTs: Only one?

P: Only one.

RIGTs: Attack him.

The knife weilded by the first RIGT breaks when it hits P. Another RIGT tries to shoot him, but the bullet drops to the ground without penetrating. Another RIGT comes up with flashy martial arts moves, but P is clearly quicker.

Extremely Big And Threatening RIGT then lumbers up -- and P picks him up with one hand by the waist and throws him several stories up into the air. P then jumps up after him, catches him, and throws EB&T into a nearby trash container. The gun-weilding RIGT then shoots out the nearest light source -- but it is immediately clear this is no hindrance to P as he wipes the floor with the remaining thugs.

GVC (stammering): But... but... I thought you said you only had ONE power?

P (for the first time, you can see enough of him to realize he has blonde hair): This is true. And I didn't even have to use it this time.

GVC (quizzically): What... what is it?

P (smirk): I talk to fishies.

2009-04-27, 08:53 PM
Dwarves don't burrow. They mine/dig.

But.. it's the same thing! They might not be using there hands and feet , but they burrow all the same. They live most of there lives in the tunnels, they raise kids inside. Some versions even eat rats and other tunnel vermin.

2009-04-28, 04:22 AM
But.. it's the same thing! They might not be using there hands and feet , but they burrow all the same. They live most of there lives in the tunnels, they raise kids inside. Some versions even eat rats and other tunnel vermin.
Read the Artemis Fowl series. It has dwarves which are like crosses between Wario and an earthworm.

2009-04-28, 04:38 AM
Now hold on a second, are we sure that Aquaman is actually controlling Cthulhu there? This looks an awful lot like a picture (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Amphiprion_perideraion.jpg) of a Clownfish (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clownfish) clearing off the dirt from a sea anemone.

2009-04-28, 09:03 AM
Now hold on a second, are we sure that Aquaman is actually controlling Cthulhu there? This looks an awful lot like a picture (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Amphiprion_perideraion.jpg) of a Clownfish (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clownfish) clearing off the dirt from a sea anemone.

Not really.
At the least, he's advising him on which direction to go.
That pose is classic "Onward! In that direction! Towards our foes!" and all that.

2009-04-28, 10:09 AM
Now hold on a second, are we sure that Aquaman is actually controlling Cthulhu there? This looks an awful lot like a picture (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Amphiprion_perideraion.jpg) of a Clownfish (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clownfish) clearing off the dirt from a sea anemone.

Don't you know? Aquaman has the ability to dominate monster any monster with the aquatic sub-type with no save. If they are normally immune to mind-effecting then he gets to make a Cha check (DC 25) to work through it.

:smalltongue: Clearly Big C has the aquatic sub-type and we are seeing the result of a natural 20.

2009-04-28, 10:19 AM
Aquaman for a while had the power to activate the parts of mammal brains that are left-overs from when we shared traits with fish, and so cause seizures in people by sending fish commands to them.

Now, with that ridiculousness it doesn't seem very far-fetched that Cthulhu falls under his power. On the other hand, Cthulhu has mind-control of sorts of his own, so Aquaman would still eventually go insane and start doing Cthulhu's bidding. I have no doubt who's mind is actually the strongest.

Berserk Monk
2009-04-28, 10:22 AM
That's blasphemy in every sense of the word. Seriously... :smalleek::smalltongue:

True that, unless of course Cthulhu goes "There's some manner of vermin on my head," and proceeds to destroy Aquaman in every manner possible. Also, as for the name of this thread, no, he isn't. You want to argue that he's powerful than some superheroes like say Superman, than maybe. Heck, Aquaman vs Superman near the beach, Aquaman has the better odds, but considering beings like Dr. Manhattan, and other god like entities, no, Aquaman isn't even in the top hundred.

2009-04-28, 10:28 AM
Don't you know? Aquaman has the ability to dominate monster any monster with the aquatic sub-type with no save. If they are normally immune to mind-effecting then he gets to make a Cha check (DC 25) to work through it.

:smalltongue: Clearly Big C has the aquatic sub-type and we are seeing the result of a natural 20.

Are we? Or are we seeing the result of a failed Sanity check by Aquaman, followed by a roll of 96-100 on the Indefinite Insanity (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/campaigns/sanity.htm#indefiniteInsanity) table?

Other disorders exist in common parlance, but most of these are actually symptoms or specific instances of disorders already mentioned above. These include quixotism (seeing the supernatural everywhere, even in the most mundane surroundings), panzaism (seeing the most extraordinary events as ordinary and rational), and megalomania (delusions of power, wealth, fame, and ability).

(emphasis added)

2009-04-28, 10:49 AM
Are we? Or are we seeing the result of a failed Sanity check by Aquaman, followed by a roll of 96-100 on the Indefinite Insanity (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/campaigns/sanity.htm#indefiniteInsanity) table?

(emphasis added)

This is Brave and the Bold Aquaman.

All that is his standard operating procedure.

Face it. Big C got owned hard.

2009-04-28, 05:06 PM
I have no doubt who's mind is actually the strongest.

Niether do I. He's called the king of the seas for a reason.

2009-04-28, 05:51 PM
Don't really see how the picture makes him that powerful. Cthulu isn't going to be all that in universe with Superman or Darkseid or stronger folks. He's tougher than residents of our world, but we are a bunch of wimps. Nothing I've heard about any of the Cthulu mythos makes me think the majority of them could take a Galactus, Thanos, Thor or Silver Surfer.

2009-04-28, 06:20 PM
...They unmake creation by waking up.... Far more powerful then Darksied, or Doomsday, or the One above all's sleeping habits.:smalltongue:

2009-04-28, 06:45 PM
...They unmake creation by waking up.... Far more powerful then Darksied, or Doomsday, or the One above all's sleeping habits.:smalltongue:

Less powerful than Squirrel Girl though.

2009-04-28, 08:31 PM
...They unmake creation by waking up.... Far more powerful then Darksied, or Doomsday, or the One above all's sleeping habits.:smalltongue:

Eh, the DCU has had it's share of those. Anti-Monitor, Mageddon, Imperiex, Extant. When villains trying to destroy the world gets boring, throw in a few who want to destroy the universe.

Less powerful than Squirrel Girl though.

That goes without saying. There is no greater superpower than the love of the fans.

2009-04-28, 09:25 PM
...They unmake creation by waking up.... Far more powerful then Darksied, or Doomsday, or the One above all's sleeping habits.

Yeah, supposedly, in the Cthulu mythos with no really strong beings on our side or out to stop them. The entire point of my post is that DC, Marvel, and Manga do have people/entities that are strong enough to fight back. There is actually a character that has an ability that shields against instant wins(like an "I wake up, creation is destroyed" ability) and blocks universe destruction. Silver Surfer can convert matter to nothing and vice versa. Even the super powerful villains would try to stop them, because they can't rule their worlds if the crazy ancients destroy everything.

2009-04-28, 10:28 PM
...They unmake creation by waking up.... Far more powerful then Darksied, or Doomsday, or the One above all's sleeping habits.:smalltongue:

I don't think any Cthulu mythos monstrosity is as powerful as the One Above All. The One Above All is Marvel. He doesn't rule the universe, he isn't even the universe itself. He is the personification of Marvel the company and everything it represents.

One Above All vs. Cthulu comes down to Marvel vs. Lovecraft. Marvel wins because HP Lovecraft is dead and his works are copyright free.

2009-04-28, 10:34 PM
I don't think any Cthulu mythos monstrosity is as powerful as the One Above All. The One Above All is Marvel. He doesn't rule the universe, he isn't even the universe itself. He is the personification of Marvel the company and everything it represents.

One Above All vs. Cthulu comes down to Marvel vs. Lovecraft. Marvel wins because HP Lovecraft is dead and his works are copyright free.

And Kirby beats the one above all.

Jack Kirby: Possibly the most powerful entity in the Marvel or DC universes.

Seriously, he brought Ben Grimm back to life and ran heaven. Or at least God looks a lot like The King.

Lord of the Helms
2009-04-29, 02:09 AM
...They unmake creation by waking up.... Far more powerful then Darksied, or Doomsday, or the One above all's sleeping habits.:smalltongue:

More like "Makes a couple of guys go mad, eats a few folks, and is knocked back into sleep by a steamboat". So nah, that's not planet-eating or universe-destroying or anything.

2009-04-29, 02:14 AM
And Kirby beats the one above all.

Jack Kirby: Possibly the most powerful entity in the Marvel or DC universes.

Seriously, he brought Ben Grimm back to life and ran heaven. Or at least God looks a lot like The King.

It is heavily implied that Jack Kirby and Stan Lee are manifestations of the One-Above-All

2009-05-01, 05:24 PM
This is Brave and the Bold Aquaman.

All that is his standard operating procedure.

Face it. Big C got owned hard.

Yes I have to admit thats the version of Aquaman who I can see pulling that off!

He's the only hero who can scare villains with his generally over positive demeanor!

Watch the episode with his brother and notice how he chooses to punish him for his misdeeds!

Seriously not even Chtulhu can stand up against that!

2009-05-02, 01:38 AM
It is heavily implied that Jack Kirby and Stan Lee are manifestations of the One-Above-All

I am convinced Jack Kirby was actually an avatar of the chaos god Kur'Beh, whose resurrection will bring about the birth of his Fourth World.

2009-05-02, 02:09 AM
This is awesomesauce!

Also...im asking politly if i can steal this and turn it into something like...



Lord Blace
2009-05-02, 02:42 AM
This is awesomesauce!

Also...im asking politly if i can steal this and turn it into something like...



I got one in response to that. :smalltongue:


2009-05-02, 03:32 AM
Gave in terror at his TRUE POWER
This is a Joke topic, feel free to discuss if you wish though

Aquaman: The worst superhero ever conceived.

Cthulhu: The best anything ever conceived.

Aquaman greater then Cthulhu? BLASPHEMY!

2009-05-02, 03:39 AM
The only plausible explanation is that that is NOT Cthulu.

Rather, everyones favorite Decapodian, Dr. Zoidburg, is taking a bath in the ocean (he can't afford a shower at the public swimming pool) after Bender painted him green while he slept, and, still unbeknownst to the good doctor, stuck an old Aquaman action figure on his head with the Super Glue. . . OF THE FUTURE, which Bender picked up while on the Giant Ball of Garbage.

In short, this isn't Cthulu being subdued by that fish talking freak Aquaman, but rather a rather realistic piece of Futurama fan-art.
The only other possibility would drive any mortal to madness.

2009-05-02, 03:48 AM
This is awesomesauce!

Also...im asking politly if i can steal this and turn it into something like...



you're. you'RE

Must...not...go...insane...from...simple grammar errors in pictures. *twitch*

2009-05-02, 04:18 AM

In short, this isn't Cthulhu being subdued by that fish talking freak Aquaman, but rather a rather realistic piece of Futurama fan-art.
The only other possibility would drive any mortal to madness.

Between the two of you, you make a pretty good argument that this is completely appropriate for Cthulhu. :smalltongue:

Fifty-Eyed Fred
2009-05-02, 04:36 AM
you're. you'RE

Must...not...go...insane...from...simple grammar errors in pictures. *twitch*

I feel you're your pain.

2009-05-02, 05:20 AM
Between the two of you, you make a pretty good argument that this is completely appropriate for Cthulhu. :smalltongue:

My thoughts exactly. Anything this good a breaking brains MUST be the true Cthulu.

And anyone capable of inspiring so much "It can't be, he's supposed to suck, right?" must be the real Aquaman.

2009-05-02, 01:02 PM
My thoughts exactly. Anything this good a breaking brains MUST be the true Cthulu.

And anyone capable of inspiring so much "It can't be, he's supposed to suck, right?" must be the real Aquaman.

Right you are my good man.

2009-05-02, 01:23 PM
Aquaman was never as lame as people portray him. If someone says he's weak, you can bet they're referring to the Superfriends version.

In fact, during his "bearded, angry, hook-handed grouch" phase he was downright badass at times. Sadly, the "purists" (read: bearded, angry grouches most of whom do not have hooks for hands) were against it.

Must second that. Aquaman was awesome when Peter David was writing the book, and it leaked over into books like Grant Morrison's JLA.

I loved the gerneral "Fine, don't pay any attention, I'm just going to have amazing adventures and kick ass all over that 70% of the planet none of you have a clue about" vibe...