View Full Version : [4e Dual] Dungeon Delves [IC]

2009-04-26, 08:39 PM
The city has been plagued by mysterious nighttime assassinations that leave behind no clues about who might have perpetrated them. Divinations from the mages guild adherents suggest the guilty parties can be found under a nearby curio shop. Your party is sent to investigate.

Inside the shop is little of interest, but you find a door into the cellar.

Three pale, tattooed people cluster near the far side of this cellar. They start at your appearance, becoming alert and drawing weapons.

Roll initiatives.

Map.html (http://www.editgrid.com/user/jokes/Dungeon_Delve.html)

Map edit (http://www.editgrid.com/user/jokes/Dungeon_Delve)

You start off the map, when your initiative comes up, your first move is into E1 and take the rest of your move from there.

2009-04-26, 10:13 PM

2009-04-26, 11:13 PM
Initiative- [roll0]

2009-04-26, 11:19 PM
Initiative - [roll0]

2009-04-27, 12:18 AM
Initiative [roll0]

2009-04-27, 06:03 PM
sorry, couldn't bear to sit in front of a computer yesterday

init [roll0]

2009-04-27, 07:48 PM
The two warriors dig their feet into the ground, ready to attack.

[They delay until after Cobolt.

Witch (F)

2009-04-27, 10:11 PM
GM - We actually forgot my Combat Leader trait - +2 init for everyone in the party. (I'm assuming we're within 10 squares).

*thud* *thud* *thud* ....

Crafted of iron and steel and animated with magic, a living suit of armour has many strengths to its name... being light on its feet, however, is not included in the specification. As the warforged led the party down the creaking stairs that only barely seemed to support the weight, it spotted the quarry they were seeking with weapons already raised.

"In the name of Erathis, you are commanded to lower your weapons, and surrender. Those that do not will be slow to find her mercy."

Having stated this, the 'forged moves to take up a defensive posture near the base of the stairs; awaiting both a response, and his allies to join it.

Move Action - E3
Standard - Ready Action - Use Holy Strike against an enemy attacks it in melee, or charge + basic melee if they appear to use a ranged weapon.

.. If that sort of conditional readied action is impossible, then just ready a charge against the first enemy to move.

2009-04-28, 12:41 AM
GM - We actually forgot my Combat Leader trait - +2 init for everyone in the party. (I'm assuming we're within 10 squares).

Alright, Koth goes before the Shadars then.

2009-04-28, 02:11 AM
Much more eager to fight, Koth reacts to sight of drawn weapons at the bottom of the stairs by bellowing praises to Kord in draconic and engaging the frontmost figures. He leaps for the table in the center of the room and unleashes a barrage of cuts with his greatsword, aiming to hold the room for his companions behind him.

move action to C3 (acrobatics [roll0])

standard action: arcing smite (str vs ac, 2 targets, hit marks target)

targetting W1
[roll2] damage

targetting W2
[roll4] damage

minor action: divine challenge
If I miss once, challenge the one I missed. If both hit or both miss, challenge W1

2009-04-28, 02:31 AM
Not needing to move, the two shadar-kai warriors swing their katars at Koth. The first manages to get one blade deep in, but Koth parries the second blow. The second warrior slashes in and from the wound, shadows begin to wrap around Koth. The paladin merely waves through the shadows and they dissipate. [13 damage to Koth]

[roll0] vs Koths AC
[roll2] vs Koths AC

[roll4] vs Koths AC

If that hits-
[roll6] vs Koths Fort.
Effect: Koth is restrained.

Mathas' turn.

2009-04-28, 04:26 AM
Mathas follows his comrades and jumps right into the fray, sword at the ready. He holds it horizontially in front of him and two brilliant blue rays shoot from the blade. He looks at the witch in the back and shout at her.

"You shall do no harm."

Move Action: to D2
Standard action: Icy Rays against W1 and W2
W1: Attack- [roll0]
Hit- [roll1] and immobilized

W2: Attack- [roll2]
Hit- [roll3] and immobilized

Minor: Mark F with Aegis of Shielding.

2009-04-28, 08:01 AM
@Osiris- Swordmage Mark is a close burst 2- F is out of range for it.

The witch smiles at Mathas. "Nor shall you."

Move: A2
Attack: Mathas
[roll0] vs Mathas' Will
[roll1] and Mathas loses Line of Sight to anything more than two squares away (save ends).

Up are Sonaire, Michaius and Cobolt.

2009-04-28, 11:24 AM
Assuming we can go in any order and you'll just sort things out...

Holding his wand in one hand, Sonaire leaps down the stairs and points his wand towards the center of the Shadar-kai, shadows flowing up from the ground and encircling them. "The rest of you should keep some distance, those shadows don't distinguish between friend and foe."

Move: D1
Standard: Grasping Shadows centered in A3. Int vs Will
W1-Attack: [roll0]
W2-Attack: [roll1] Crit hit. Will roll for extra damage in OOC thread.
F-Attack: [roll2]
Any targets that are hit are slowed, and any creature that enters the area before the end of my next turn takes damage to my Int mod and is slowed.

2009-04-28, 08:46 PM
"I'll be careful, But I'll add some flame to the shadow."

Michaius Utters a few arcane words and spins his blade causing a ball of flame to form above his head which launches toward the shadarkai. Then he rushes over to one of the shadarkai unleashes a series of attacks.

Standard action: Flaming sphere at A3. attack against W2(reflex) [roll0] Damage: [roll1]
Effect: all creatures adjacent to the sphere take 1d4+9 damage on the start of their turn.
Move Action: move to c2.
Actionpoint: Dual Strike attack 1(vs ac) [roll2] Damage: [roll3] Dual Strike attack 2 [roll4] Damage: [roll5]
And overwriting the mark(if any) on w2 and putting my own.

2009-04-28, 09:45 PM
The shadar-kai warriors get caught in the writhing shadows, but they seem to avoid the shadowy witch.

Michaius' ball of fire and his attacks both miss their mark.

[Leaving W2 unmarked because you can't mark with a wizard power]

@Sonaire- You notice the wine rack behind you is rather rickety and precariously balanced.

Cobolt Cobalt, then Koth, then Me.

2009-04-28, 10:47 PM

Stepping forward to meet the shadar-kai's challenge, the 'forged shouted a quick command of "Strike now!" towards Koth, gesturing with one outflung gauntlet before it brought the blade of its bastard sword to bear on the opposing warrior.

"For Erathis, you will be judged for your crimes. We will need one of them alive."

Move Action - Walk to C4
Hammer and Anvil - Attack Roll: [roll0] - Str vs Reflex - W2
Damage - [roll1]
On Hit - Koth may make a melee basic attack against W2, with +4 damage. (CHA mod)

2009-04-29, 12:09 AM
Koth sends a savage backhanded swing into the opening created by Cobolt. His battle fury up, he unleashes a furious roar, made all the more spectacular by the arm-thick bolt of white that arcs from his mouth with a crash to snap and twist in a writhing link to his foes. The brilliant flash fades as Koth shifts his and weight brings his blade back around in a descending arc.

assuming 30+ vs reflex is a hit:

free action: mba (targetting W2 vs AC)
[roll1] damage

minor action: dragon breath

[roll2] lightning

targetting F vs ref:

targetting W1 vs ref:

targetting W2 vs ref:

standard action: righteous brand (targets AC)
if after all this, W2 is still alive, targetting W2
otherwise, targetting W1

[roll7] damage

on a hit, someone recieves a +5 power bonus to melee attack rolls against the target until the end of my next turn. If I attack W2, it goes to Cobolt, if I attack W1 it goes to Michaius

2009-04-29, 05:36 AM
I'm gonna post now because I have to leave for school in a little bit and I won't be back fo ~12 hours and I don't want to hold anything up.

Move Action: Arathor's Step to A-3
Standard Action: Chilling Blow on F
Attack:[roll0] vs. AC
Hit: [roll1] and the target takes damage equal to my Con modifier every time it attacks until the start my next turn.
Minor Action: Aegis of Shielding against F

If she attacks at all just assume I blow my immeadiate action on reducing damage.

In a blink of an eye Mathas appears next to the witch. He grins amischevious grin.

"Your foul magic has no effect on me!"

2009-04-29, 06:45 AM
I got two points to make

1) w2 is still marked because i attacked it with my dual strike fighter power

2)remember that even though i missed with flaming sphere it is still in the a3 square and the shadarkai will still take damage from it at the start of their turns.

2009-04-29, 08:42 AM
Drackcove-My point still stands- How are you attacking W2 when it isn't in Melee reach? Not that it matters, it dies this round anyway.

Koth's first attack hits the Shadar-Kai square, and it stumbles, close to death and falls out of the way of the dragonborns breath, but the others are shocked by the attack. The final blow misses, but as it collapses, the flaming ball of fire incinerates the warrior, as it also deals damage to the others near it.

The first warrior lashes out at Koth.

[roll0] to those near the sphere.
[roll1] vs AC
[roll3] vs AC

From the staircase, another shadar-kai appears. He looks down at the group and smiles, kicking the wine rack onto those beneath it.

[roll7] vs Ref

He then disappears and reappears next to Cobalt, his katar's ready.

Another Shadar-kai climbs to the top of the stairs. "Fatale, what's going on up..." He takes a quick look around and runs at Cobalt, swirling his katars around.

(Takes damage from shadows and is slowed)
[roll9] Vs Ac

If attack 1 hits-
[roll11] vs Reflex
Hit: Cobalt is restrained.

The shadar-kai witch bares her teeth at Mathas. "Nor yours, it seems." She disappears in a cloud of shadow, reappearing near Cobalt. "Shadows take you." A cloud of dense shadow pours from her hand, swirling around her and her warriors, the inky blackness concealing them.

She activates her aura 2. All shadar-kai in 2 squares gain concealment, and enemies who enter or start their turn in the aura take 5 necrotic damage.

Ok, I think thats all of it, Sonaire, Michaeus, Cobalt then Koth.

edit: wow, epic fails. Only 1 hit...

2009-04-29, 09:50 AM

The warforged raises its shield in instinctive response as it sees the new combatant running forward. Not able to completely block the blow, the shadar'kai's weapons leave a thin score in the armor's finish.

From that imposed shield, however, a concussive burst of force explodes to send the attacker sprawling to the ground!

Immediate Reaction at being hit with a melee attack - Recoil Shield sends the attacker prone.

2009-04-29, 10:46 AM

After jumping out of the way of the falling wine bottles, Sonaire points his wand at one of the warriors and with a word in some strange langauge foul spirits leap from the wand and swarm his foe.

Illusionary Ambush on W1.
Int vs Will
on hit, W1 has a -2 to attack until the end of my next turn.

2009-04-30, 07:53 PM
Lol I think I mentioned the wrong target. I think i meant to attack w1 instead.

Michaius will continue to attack the shadarkai at w1 a wirl of blades.

Minor action: sustain Flaming sphere Attack at w4 [roll0] [roll1]
again any adjacent enimies to the sphere will take 1d4+9 fire damage
Dual Strike attack against w1 attack #1: [roll2] [roll3]
Dual Strike attack against w1 attack #2: [roll4] [roll5]

2009-04-30, 09:38 PM
Drackcove- Yeah, to sustain the sphere is a minor, but to repeat the attack is a standard. I'll ignore the sphere's attack and use your melee attacks.

2009-04-30, 10:19 PM
jokes-your right my bad =)

2009-04-30, 11:06 PM
Swiftly following up on the earlier riposte against the shadra'kai that hit it, the warforged warlord levered a vicious kick against the fallen creature; hopefully leaving an opening for his nearby ally to exploit.

Standard Action - Furious Smash vs Fortitude against W4
Attack - [roll0]
Damage - STR Mod (5)
On Hit - Koth gains my CHA mod (4) on both attack and damage for the next attack against that foe.
Concealment Miss Chance < 20 [roll1]
Move Action - Shift to D3

2009-05-01, 12:18 AM
Koth turns and makes to finish the foe behind, sweeping his greatsword towards the shadar-kai's neck. He turns back those before him, then, roaring challenges and of Kord in draconic.

Sorry to waste the buff Cobolt, it looks like I can pop W1 and prevent flanking shennanigans in the process.

The 5 necrotic from the aura is accounted for.

standard action: righteous brand
targetting W1 vs AC
[roll1] damage
if it hits and he lives, Mathas gets the bonus (+5 to hit him in melee)

free action: "nature's wrath"
all adjacent enemies are marked by me

minor action: divine challenge
W4 is marked with a better mark

2009-05-01, 12:20 AM
looks like I crit. That's 19 + [roll0] (high crit weapon) + [roll1] (vanguard enchant). I think he splats.

2009-05-01, 08:14 AM
Koth's blade cleaves the warriors head from his body. The body slumps to the ground while the head flies into the wall with a sickening splat. The prone shadar-kai rises and both assault Koth.

Takes [roll0] from Sphere


If above hit:
[roll8] vs Ref
Hit: Koth is Restrained

Mathas is up.

2009-05-01, 04:17 PM
"You can't hide from me!"

Mathas moves into position and brings his sword over his head. He brings it down a wave a force come rushing out the blade, right towards the witch.

Standard Action: Spectral Ram against Fatale
Attack: [roll0] vs. Fortitude
Hit: [roll1] and push the target to E5.
Move Action: Shift to B2
Minor Action: None

2009-05-02, 05:44 AM
[The crates in D5 and E5 are 5 foot high, and require a check to move through, so there isn't a Clear Path, so she doesn't move]

The witch is slammed into the crates behind her, but her form is able to withstand a lot of the damage. She curses at Mathas and sends a shadowy bolt at him.

Mathas takes [roll0] damage from the sphere.
Shift B5.
[roll1] vs Will (should be +11 actually)
[roll2] and Mathas loses line of sight to anything more than 2 squares away.
Minor: Sustain Aura

2009-05-02, 09:59 PM

Putting away the wand, Sonaire pulls out one of his favorite weapons, the garrote. Teleporting on top of the boxes, he surprises the Shadar-kai in front of him, reaching around his neck with the thin wire.

Minor: Put away wand.
Free: Draw Garrote.
Move: Fey Step to E5
Standard: Choking Grab on W3 vs Reflex
On hit, he is dazed and grabbed. He gets a -2 on any attempt to break free. And thanks to my gloves, my defenses to resist the grab are +1.

(If it hits...)With his hands around his enemies throat, Sonaire chuckles, "Back away boys, don't worry I've got this one."

2009-05-02, 10:00 PM
Wow, epic fail on the tag coding there on my part. Let's try that again.

2009-05-03, 08:59 AM
Michaius Begans to chant his words of flame and pain. The sphere rolls around and again stands in the midst of the shadarkai, Michaius swords glow red and sphere expands temporarily consuming all around it. before returning to its normal size.

minor action to sustain sphere
He moves the flaming sphere to c5 as a move action
Casts Scorching burst centered at the sphere.
Attack 1 against w4 [roll0]
Attack 2 against w3 [roll1]
Attack 3 against f [roll2]
Damage [roll3]
and again all adjacent enemies to the sphere take 1d4+9 fire damage at the start of their turn.

2009-05-03, 09:33 AM

Seeing Sonaire immobilize the shadar'kai, the warforged breaks away from the engagement and sprints around the table, iron feet thudding against the cellar floor as it moves to stroke at the remaining two.

Lunging in to strike, the armoured construct let out a resounding roar, bolstering the spirits of those around it as its blade whistled in towards the target.

Move Action to B4 around the table.
Standard Action: Lion's Roar - Myself or one ally in 5 squares can spend a healing surge with +4hp added. - If Koth doesn't take it, I will.

Attack: [roll0] vs AC
Damage: [roll1]

2009-05-04, 02:14 AM
Koth lines up a mighty blow against the restrained shadar-kai as he feels strength returning. "Block the stairwell!" he bellows.

I'll grab Cobolt's heal, and try to send one back. Took the aura damage after healing to full.

standard action: healing strike targetting W3 vs AC
[roll0] (includes combat advantage) (edit: doesn't include concealment, but shouldn't matter)
[roll1] radiant damage

on hit, target is marked until the end of my next turn, and Cobolt may spend a healing surge + regain 2 additional hp

edit: since it looks like that hit, any chance of the mark penalty applying to his escape attempt?

2009-05-04, 07:43 AM
edit: since it looks like that hit, any chance of the mark penalty applying to his escape attempt?

Since it's a skill check, not an attack, I'm going to say no.[/spoiler]

Sonaire grabs the shadar-kai by the throat, it's face going a strange pink colour as it fights for breath and tries to break free.

Technically happening on it's turn. Acrobatics to break free [roll0] vs Ref (-2 taken into account) and shift to D3 is

The other two Shadar-kai are blasted by Michaeus' fireball and ball of fire ([roll1])

Cobalt's swing misses, but Koth is energised by the attempt and lands a massive blow on the restrained Shadar-kai.

The other continues it's assault on Koth.


Mathas' Turn.

2009-05-04, 02:57 PM
Move Action: Shift to A3
Standard Action: Frigid Blade
Attack: [roll0] vs. AC
Hit: [roll1] and the target takes a -4 penalty to speed if it starts it's turn adjacent to me.

Blinded by the witches magic, Mathas can see one of the Shadar-kai at the edge of his vision. Moving around his Cobolt, the deva has a better view of his opponent. Mathas speaks a word and his blade begins to glow. He raises it over his head and brings it down on the warrior.

2009-05-05, 02:12 AM
Mathas' icy blade misses the warrior by a hairs breadth. Fatale takes the chance to strike at Michaeus.

The blindness thing is Save Ends, so roll your save.
Takes [roll0] from sphere
Minor Sustain Aura (only Sonaire and W3 are unnafected by it this round edit: and Michaeus)
[roll1] vs Michaeus' will.
[roll2] fire and necrotic damage, and lose line of sight to anything more than 2 squares away (save ends)
Move: shift A5

2009-05-05, 05:13 PM

Keeping his current position, Sonaire continues to tighten the noose, or in this case, the garrote, around his opponent.

Minor: Sustain the grab.
Standard: Attack with Enforced Threat vs AC
Damage-[roll1]+Sneak Attack-[roll2]

2009-05-05, 08:24 PM
A twitch of his blade and ball rolls but slightly "burn." he extends his other blade into the air and red flaming runes light up and the entire room is filled with flame but only the enemies burn.

Minor action:Sustain sphere
Move action: Move sphere to b5
Standard action: Fire Shroud:
Attack against F: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]
Attack against w4:[roll2] Damage:[roll3]
Attack against w3:[roll4] Damage[roll5]
Any hit also take ongoing 5 firedamage (save ends)

2009-05-05, 09:04 PM

A surge of energy burned through the warforged's form from Koth's strike against the shadar'kai, scratches and scrapes in the suit's armour mending themselves as you watch.

Viciously, the warlord brought its sword around in a waist-high cleave, swiping at the injured warrior in front of it.

Holy Strike against W4: [roll0] vs AC
Concealment Miss Chance <20: [roll1]
Radiant Damage: [roll2]

2009-05-07, 01:15 PM
Koth savagely presses in on the choking and almost finished warrior, eager to finish another foe and bring the fight further under control. His greatsword chops down from his high perch on the table, aimed at an angle to avoid splitting Sonaire's garotte wire.

Yay, the website works. Although I'm assuming OOC that the ongoing damage will kill W3, I'm going to try not to metagame HP numbers. Koth thinks he's "cut up real bad" not "about 5hp from 0"

Took 5 necrotic at the beginning of turn.

righteous brand (targetting W3 vs AC)
[roll1] damage

if it hits and he survives, Sonaire gets a +5 power bonus to melee attacks against W3 until the end of my next turn

2009-05-07, 10:51 PM
Sonaire feels the warrior go limp after Koth's brutal attack.

The other warrior ignores Koth and turns his sights on Mathas.

[roll=1d4+9[/roll] damage from sphere.

Shift: A4

[roll0] vs Mathas' AC
[roll2]vs Mathas' AC

(Both should have -2 from mark, not that it matters, and Koth may use an immediate action to deal cha damage to it)

Mathas' turn.

2009-05-08, 10:34 AM
((ack, I didn't realize the damage part of DC timed out after one round... seems a little odd, since the mark itself persists and it's not worded such that it could trigger multiple times anyway))

2009-05-15, 10:31 AM
Mathas delays until he wants back in.

The witch drops into the hatch, catching herself on the ladder and slamming the hatch closed. The darkness in the room fades after a moment.

[roll0] orb damage, and the remaining shadar-kai no longer has concealment.

Sonaire's turn.

2009-05-16, 09:39 PM

Dropping the lifeless body of the Shadar-kai, Sonaire draws his wand again, a dark bolt leaves it, flying towards the last enemy.

Illusionary ambush on W4, vs. Will.

2009-05-19, 11:05 PM
[That's a miss. Michaeus Koth and Cobolt, free for all on the last one. Please check the OOC thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=110163) for some news.]

2009-05-20, 08:03 PM
Koth hops down from the table and begins a flashy routine that encases the shadar-kai in a cage of blurred steel, cutting from all sides and threatening further pain should he dare move from the outline drawn around him.

ok, I accidentally posted my turn in the OOC... reposting it here.

move: shift up next to W4
minor: re-Divine Challenge W4
standard: awe strike targetting W4

[roll0] vs WILL

on hit, the target is immobilized until the end of my next turn
this is a fear effect

2009-05-20, 09:19 PM

Holding its ground, the 'forged followed up Koth's strike with a swift swing of its own blade... chanting a sharp litany of prayer for Erathis to guide the attack home.

"One went underground. We can not let it get away to warn any others."

Standard Action: Holy Strike on W4 - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]

Move Action: If W4 is dead, move to the trap door, open it, and follow the caster down the stairs.

2009-05-20, 09:32 PM
Koth's attack fells the last shadar-kai, and the room becomes silent.

@A4 is a chest that Fatale was looking through when you entered.

Cobalt (yes I get you and Koth confused :smallredface:)- You open the hatch and climb down the ladder into a sewer. The witch is nowhere in sight, and the murky sewer water moves slowly toward an intersection south of you.


2009-05-23, 12:16 AM
((do we short rest, folks? and also, if peeking down, what square are we looking from?))

2009-05-23, 09:19 AM

Not able to spy the fleeing sorceress, and with the flowing liquid wiping away any tracks there may have been, the 'forged climbs back up the ladder to make his report.

"The last one appears to have escaped into the sewers. We may as well take a moment here, and search for anything they've left behind. Be ready in case she finds more of her friends in the meantime."

2009-05-23, 09:30 AM
[Which reminds me, I'm not handing out XP, because at the end of each delve, you level up.

So, spend healing surges and adjust your health stats (the one on the Sewers page please, or both)]

2009-05-26, 08:10 PM

Nodding at the warforged words, Sonaire checks the room, seeing if the Shadar-kai left anything interesting behind in the chaos.

perception - [roll0]