View Full Version : The Automatic Hound (IC)

2009-04-27, 01:22 AM
Menshirr: Following your goal to defeat bigger and more powerful beasts, whilst traveling through a forrest, you come across some strange tracks. Following them for a while (they are obvious enough for even you to follow), you shortly come across a carriage, on a pathway through the forrest. A feirce scene meets your eyes, when you notice that the occupants inside have been feircly slaughtered, their blood splattering the carriage and the grass around it. Whatever attacked the carriage must've been powerful. The tracks seem to head down the path that the carriage was heading. After following them, you find the town deserted.

Carver: On your wanders, helping people wherever and whenever you can, you eventually end up in a local church of St. Cuthbert for a while. Several times you hear about an 'animal problem' that a small settlement seems to be happening, when the clerics and preists talk about letters that the local cleric has been continually sending through for the past few weeks. When it becomes clear that they're not going to send anyone, you decide to travel there yourself. After gaining directions, you find the town apparantly deserted.

Morrath: Your travels eventually lead you to Dramsburg, however upon arrival there, you find the town deserted.

Quill: (Sorry about editing your background a little). After staying in a nearby Hamlet for a while, you hear about trouble in Dramsburg, a town you had resided in previously, and quite enjoyed. After arriving back, you find the town apparantly deserted

Taitan: The latest small village you've headed to goes by the name of Dramsburg. However, when you arrive there, the place seems deserted.

All (except Quill): A few minutes after arriving, a pair of human men approach you, the first sign of life you've seen. One of them introduces himself as the Sherriff, a lean weathered man with a bushy moustache, carrying himself with confidence in uniform, and with several throwing knives at his side. Behind him, a slightly pudgy man in his early fifties shifts uncomfortably under the weight of hiw mayoral chain of office. The pair introduce themselves (the Mayor by his name, Alfred Tilbottom, the Sheriff as 'the Sheriff'), and the Sheriff instantly gets down to buisness. "Listen, you're not from around here, so you ain't to know. There's a dangerous animal stalkin' these areas, so you'll need to stay inside if you're going to stay here." He goes on to tell you to follow him to the tavern where it's safe.

Quill: A few minutes after arriving, a pair of human men approach you, the first sign of life you've seen. You recognise them as Mayor Alfred Tilbottom, and the Sheriff Mahen Grigsby (who goes by his title instead of his name). The pair introduce themselves (the Mayor by his name, Alfred Tilbottom, the Sheriff as 'the Sheriff'), and the Sheriff instantly gets down to buisness. "Quill, you've been away, so you ain't to know. There's a dangerous animal stalkin' these areas, so you'll need to stay inside if you're going to stay here." He goes on to tell you to follow him to the tavern where it's safe.

OOC: Sorry if I'm railroading you all into the tavern, you'll be fine to do whatever you want from here on. I'll say you all arrive within a few hours of each other, and in the order you first post. Ladies and Gentlemen, the adventure has started!

2009-04-27, 02:07 AM
Morrath, standing more than six feet tall with untamed raven hair and deep amber eyes does certainly not appear to be afraid of a measly beast.

"Well met the two of you. My name is Morrath, Back in my days as a farmhand I have fought with owlbears, eight feet tall with razor beaks and deadly claws. Now you tell me you have a town on it's other end because of a mere animal? I propose that you best tell me the full story before I will have to laugh."

He gestures for Mayor Tilbottom to lead the way to nearest mug of ale.

2009-04-27, 03:37 AM
A strange humanoid walks in the village. He has many features of a cat but walks like a human. Unlike others of it's kind who resemble anthromorphic big cats like lions, tigers and leopards, this one more closely resembles an almost 7tf tall common house cat, as he lacks the frame and mucle of others like him. His limbs are long and slim, covered in orange fur like the rest of his body.

On one hand a small shield. On his shoulders a dark green cape barely conceling a large wooden bow from which small trinckets hang. On his torso a dark bandolier half-hides a blusing metal chaint shirt and carrys a couple of throwing axes and a dagger. Everything else he might carry is in a old backpack.

His kind green eyes contrast with the natural ferocious look of his face and they jump around curiously and nervously at every object in the village. When the two humans appear his hands immediatly slide to his bow, but it's clear that the men have no bad itentions.

He listens to what they have to say, his eyes glowing at the mention of a dangerous animal. So excited he is about it that he forgets any sort of introduction.

"Dangerrrous animal? I are able to hunt him down. Yes?"

2009-04-27, 04:32 AM
Brother Path

A somewhat tall human shy of six feet, but not much older than a boy really, Brother Path arrives plainly and listens with a serene intensity as the mayor and the sheriff introduce themselves. One hand on his walking stick and in plain loose fitting clothes that are tied with a simple cloth at his waist Brother Path glances at the strange catlike creature and Morrath with his black eyes as the sheriff speaks.

Nodding his head, in approval of these strangers, his long black hair whips briefly in front his face before finding its way back to just past his shoulders.

"Yes, I agree, more information is needed. I have heard disturbing reports of this animal from many leagues from here at house of St. Cuthbert. I assume it is the reason Dramsburg is deserted. Was anyone injured?" Brother Path says as he follows the others toward the tavern.

Aside from yon tavern is there anything else in this town?

2009-04-27, 04:49 AM
Taitan his six feet tall but he is too thin to be really impressive and his pale skin make him look even less menacing add to that the small owl on is shoulder and he can even appear harmless.

While observing the interior of the tavern he think to himself.

"What sort of animal could menace an entiere town ?"

Helid, his owl, only respond with a sentiment of confusion.

Psionic Dog
2009-04-27, 07:48 AM
A lanky humanoid a few inches short of six feet enters the inn proper from a side door. At first glance he might pass as human, but his features-from his long thin face to his green eyes to his spindly frame- declare him to be something more exotic on a second glance.

The humanoid is wearing a fine chain-shirt with a rapier at his side and a wooden shield and crossbow on his back... along with some type of musical instrument. After waving a greeting to the locals he makes his way straight for the group of travelers.

"Ah, Heros I presume! No doubt here to rescue Dramsburg from its troubles. It's a fine town so I came quick as I could when rummer of the times reached me, and lo, here we all are!

Quill is my name, and I'd be delighted to accompany and assist you, even if I still don't understand why a wild animal is so exciting." He adds with a frown as he takes his place in the group. "There must be something more to this, some mystery the minstrals will sing of when all is done."

No No, declaring starting positions is never railroading. :smallcool:

It'll be a while before I can adjust the backstory, but for now I hope it isn't too much trouble for me to tack a stable on as part of the inn for Quill's pack animal.

2009-04-28, 12:29 AM
Dispite your questions, the Sherrif and Mayor Tilbottom refuse to answer your questions. After the whole lot of you have been gathered at the tavern, the Sherrif re-enters. "Folks," he begins, "We have here what you might call a situation. About two weeks back, two of our boys, young men, really, names of Bron and Letham, went off into the East Wood on a Lark, hunting and playing at being adventurer types. We generally avoid heading too deep into the forest around here, but they were both decent woodsmen and able to take care of themselves. Almost a week laster, Bron comes limping back into town with Letham's body, screaming about monsters. Saddened us all, for sure, but that weren't the half of it. Almost immediatly afterward, strange things started happining to the animals. We've found dogs with their thoats cut out, cows cut near in 'alf. Figured it had to be a wolf, and a big one. And then we found the Eastons." At this, he pauses, removes a handkercheif from his pocket and rubs his eyes. "'Tain't right what happened to them. Young couple, probably headed back from the barn after haying. Couldn't hardley recognise them after what had been done to 'em. He was torn up something feirce, and she'd been badly burned by some sorta acid. After that, we got serious. I set up traps near the attack sites, put our best hunters out around the edges of town in deer blinds. Took shifts myself. But after the thing killed Big Jef and Ted Rumple, I brought everyone abck into town, told the outliers to move into town for a spell and lock up tight. Since then, there haven't been any more deaths. But it's still leaving signs, right in among our houses. And that's about the shape of things. Mayor Tilbottom sent for aid, as did our local preist, but we're low down on priorities. The big cities don't care about us."

OOC: Quill: there is indeed a stable.
MOD: There is the tavern, a church of St. Cuthbertm a general store, a corral and smithy, a few grain silos and miscelaneous housing. To the near west, a creek runs by the village, to the east; a forrest.

2009-04-28, 03:29 AM
Menshirr follows the group impaciently. He listens to what the Sherrif has to say and as soon as he finishes the catfolk gets up heading for the door. When he sees the others are not following immediatly he pauses and asks:

"We go now, no?"

ooc:How about that ooc thread? :P

2009-04-28, 04:22 AM
Nodding to Quill in recognizition Morrath soundly clears his throat before he speaks.

"I may not be a scholar, but I can tell you for certain Sheriff that you ain't dealing with no wolf here. I am a traveler, and I came with no intention to stay for longer than the night here in your hamlet. However, if the roads are as dangerous as you say they are, someone will have to take action before I can leave, and that someone might just as well be me."

Morrath stands up and adresses the whole tavern.

"Who's with me?!"

2009-04-28, 05:36 AM
Taitan stand and respond.

"I'm too curious on what sort of beast could do that, I will help you"

2009-04-28, 07:54 AM
The sheriff seems mighty pleased at your willingness to help out the community. "Do you want me to show you folk to the latest attack site?" he says, heading to the doorway.

Psionic Dog
2009-04-28, 11:57 PM
"We may as well: the sight of attacks is usually the traditional start of any investigation, although these fine fellows probably have ah, better applied skill than I in matters such as these." Quill states with charming smile as starts after the sheriff.

2009-04-29, 02:32 AM
Brother Path

Taking a moment to listen the jumble that comes pouring out of the sheriff's mouth as well as the replies from his fellow questioners Brother Path smiles, "With the death of innocents abound and the still looming threat of this creature or creatures lurking about I would be more than happy to assist, as I know Pelor wills it." He says humbly towards the group, "I go by Brother Path or just Path if you will."

2009-04-29, 04:59 PM
Taitan nodded to the sheriff.

"Yes, i think it's our only option at this time"

That said he take a better look at his new companion and think to himself.

"They look experience, I think together we should be able to find out what happened here"

2009-04-29, 05:24 PM
Menshirr listens carefully to what everyone has to say but it's clear that he is eager to get down to business.

While Taitan is speaking he whispers to Quill (perhaps finding confort in another strange and out of place creature) poiting to Brother Path

"Why is he telling us the name of his brrrother? And what kind of name is that anyway. Path? and what his? Way? *snort*"

No offense there MOD ;)
SoD... can you set up that ooc topic... there's a couples things I would like to check with you about my character sheet...

2009-04-30, 02:14 AM
The sheriff leads you to the Smithy, located towards the east of the village. "The beast comes every night, a few hours after nightfall. It comes fairly close to some o' the buildings, but none of us have seen it yet. We hear it sometimes. Sounds like a wolf o' some sort, but no sorta wolf leaves acid in its path." The walls of the Smithy have acidic acid singes, and the occasional footprint can be seen in the mud, a three-toed print unlike any you've seen before.
Searching the area, you find the occasional print in the occasional muddy patch, but not enough to get an idea of what the beast is, nor whereabouts it came from.

Here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=110325). I sent out a PM to everyone, but apparantly my computer still hates me.

Survival checks made. Poor rolls, I fear. Also; nobody has any ranks in survival! What fun!

2009-04-30, 04:11 AM
Taitan look attentively around him and adress his companion.

"I will try to see if any magic add been use here"

Taitan made a few hand gesture while mutring a few word.

I cast detect magic (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Detect_Magic), so I need to roll for a concentration check:

Concentration: [roll0]

While I'm at it I also roll a Knowledge(arcana) and a Knowledge(Dungeonering) to see if the trace let me remember something.

Knowledge (Arcana) [roll1]

Knowledge (Dungeonering) [roll2]

2009-04-30, 02:18 PM
Brother Path

Brother Path seems oblivious to the whisperings of his companions as they travel onwards towards the site of the attack. After a first rushed attempt at finding the strange beasts tracks Path takes his time trying to discover the tracks.

Searching his mind Path thinks on his teachings for anything that matches the description of the beast the sheriff gave.

"Let me look about a little more fellows I think we might discover something if we search a little more carefully." Brother Path says examining the area for clues as he sets his walking stick down.

Path will take ten on a survival check to find the tracks for a 14 total but without the track feet we are gonna be screwed if the DC is higher than ten. Though a convenient DM handwave of the track feet is always cool... ;)

Knowledge Religion [roll0]

Search [roll1]

No offense takin' arkol...begins planning token revenge...

2009-04-30, 03:23 PM
While the party inspects the area Morrath adresses the Sheriff.

You say that none of you has seen the beast Sheriff, yet the woodsman you mentioned earlier... Bron was it? Could it be possible to have a talk with him? I prefer doing my investigation by talking to the witnesses, rather than searching the dust for clues.

Sorry for the late reply, had some issues with the board that turned out to be my own fault ^^;

Psionic Dog
2009-04-30, 05:04 PM
"Why is he telling us the name of his brrrother? And what kind of name is that anyway. Path? and what his? Way? *snort*"

"Hmm? Oh, no... 'Brother' is merely a pompous title granted by religious orders, particularly human ones. I was once told that twas a proud declaration of humility." Quill whispers back, intrigued by Menshirr. "A strange name and title, but stranger I've heard. You could ask him. It might be a religious name, or mayhaps a family name once in honor of an ancestral street sweeper. Humans have such variety it's hard to tell."


At the sight of the attack Quill stares blankly at the area before stepping aside no longer even pretending to know what to look for, content to watch how how heros work. It would need a bit of varnish to make a good song, but the best legends still have a core of truth.

After the Sheriff answers Morrath's question Quill adds one of his own.
"Say Sheriff, you mentioned traps: I gather they failed, but mind sharing how? Were they broken, avoided?"

2009-04-30, 11:43 PM
Zagan; Taitan cannot sense any lingering magic around the attack site.

MOD: Your search of the area doesn't find any useful tracks. Your knowlege of religious stuff doesn't help either.

Quill; Terry Pratchett reference. Gold.

The Sheriff gives Morrath a bit of a look at the mention of Brom. "Feel free ta talk to Brom, but I can't promise he'll be able to reply coherently. 'E's been in a drunken stupor since comin' back, he'll either be moping around the tavern, in 'is house, or collapsed near tha cemetary. An' as for traps, we'd tried a few pits, covered by leaves an' stuff, an' wit' some meat to attract the beast. The meat was snatched from the surface of leaves. A few snares and similar were just avoided. We talked about settin' up some tripwire connected to crossbows, an' the like, but they woulda been too easy for one o' us ta accidentally set off."

2009-05-01, 05:32 AM
Drunk or not, I'll get him to talk. By the gods I might even do him a favor while I'm at it. I have little patience for men wallowing in their own misery. Morrath says with a grim smile.

After having listened to the Sheriff's reply to Quill's inquires about traps he nods in agreement.

We cannot risk dangerous traps inside and around the town. Quill, what do you say we go have a talk with this Bron.. or was it Brom...? Ah nevermind, let's just go talk with the fellow, my gut tells me he may provide some valuable clues.

2009-05-01, 11:04 AM
After having look all around him and not finding anything, Taitan turn toward Morrath.

"Sadly,I didn't find anything here, I think we should all go see this Brom and in any case we should stay together if the creature is that powerful"

Detect magic, is active for four minute total tell me if i see anything during the trip please. I doubt it but while the spell is active I can have a look.

2009-05-01, 06:04 PM
Brother Path

A slight frown crosses Brother Path's face as his search yet again turns up futile. Picking up his walking stick he turns towards the group, "Alas, I have searched in vain," he says wrinkling his eyebrows.

After listening to the others' ideas about this witness Path turns towards the sheriff, "Hmmm, well while they go and gather information I would like to investigate the other sites of attack perhaps they will reveal some clues that the first did not."

2009-05-03, 08:27 AM
"The other attack sites? Check almost any building for them. And as fer Brom, we'll go find 'im."

Path: you check out a number of other buildings, all with similar markings, acidic burns, and the occasional three-toed footpring. Buildings towards the centre of the town don't have as many markings, and the local church, next to the edge of the forrest, appears to have remained unscathed, as has one of the Grain Silos.

Others: Brom is eventually found sitting on the grass near the Mausoleum. He seems to have once been a handsome young man, but is now a disheved wreck. With heavy stubble from a few days without shaving, his eyes red and puffy, and his clothes are badly stained with mud, and vomit. "Well," says the Sheriff. "Here 'e is. I've got ta go, check up on a few things, so I'll jes' leave you'se to it." he says, and takes his leave, heading back to the town, stopping to call back; "And make sure ye get 'im inside afore dark!"

Brom is sitting on the ground, clutching his knees and gentley rocking. The smell of alcohol and of his clothes, worn for days on end, is rather unpleasantly clinging to him.

2009-05-03, 10:52 AM
"Hmm? Oh, no... 'Brother' is merely a pompous title granted by religious orders, particularly human ones. I was once told that twas a proud declaration of humility." Quill whispers back, intrigued by Menshirr. "A strange name and title, but stranger I've heard. You could ask him. It might be a religious name, or mayhaps a family name once in honor of an ancestral street sweeper. Humans have such variety it's hard to tell."

Menshirr, Catfolk Archer

"Oh... You so smarrrt." says the catfolk with a big grin. He then follows the group to see Brom

Guys sorry for not adding much right now but I don't think my character would reallu come up with anything relevant to say in this situation. All he wants is to find the beast.

2009-05-03, 11:55 AM
Disgusted by how the once proud woodsman has reduced himself to a blabbering wreck Morrath decides to have a little intervention. He digs out a full waterskin from his backpack, then proceeds to empty it's liquid contents on Brom in hope that the water will help make him back to reality. Once the waterskin is empty he goes down on one knee in front of Brom.

Listen here you, me and my friends here need some information, and we need it quick. Now you tell me from the beginning to the end, what has happened to you and your friend, you leave no details out, and you don't break down crying in the middle of things... ARE YOU WITH ME?!!

He ends the sentence with a yell, then silently expects the man to talk.

Intimidate check to make the man talk if neccesary

2009-05-03, 03:56 PM
Aid another, intimidate check [roll0]
edit:damn not enough

Taitan decide to add a few word to encourage him to talk.

"You should listen to him you know, I don't know him but he don't seem to be a very nice guy"

no offense to your character darwin

2009-05-03, 07:36 PM
Brother Path

Finding no really new clues Brother Path considers his options. Remembering the letters that that had been sent from this church of St. Cuthbert Brother Path ventures inside hoping that maybe the local priest will be able to provide some information.

Upon entering the church Path calls out, "Hello?"

2009-05-04, 06:35 AM
Just noticed I messed up my roll (yet again, will I ever learn?) in the previous post. Fixed here. [roll0]

zagan: No offense taken :smallbiggrin:. He doesn't scare people on purpose, it's just the way is. :smalltongue:

2009-05-10, 12:13 AM

As you enter the curch, you hear a loud voice coming from inside. Opening the final door, you see an elderly, balding man standing at the altar, with the rest of the church crowded with humans, and the odd halfling, and even a young looking elf. The man at the altar is wearing traditional garb of the Cuthbertians, and his hair is slick to his head from sweat. "And what is this but a judgement? For too long we've been complacent! Thinking that the love and protection afforded to us by St. Cuthbert is a given, our right! What hubris! Ours is no weakling god to be taken for granted, and each one of us should be on our knees daily, desperatly trying to know His will, that we might follow His path more closely. For if we err, if we give in to arrogance or stray from the path of righteousness into the darkness that lurks always beyond our doors...then we will truely learn the meaning of sorrow, of pain, of suffering! As we are learning now, with each child we lose! Letham! Jef and Tad! The Eastons! These, these are the prices we pay for a paucity of faith! Go, go now, and pray for St. Cuthbert to deliver us from this evil! Pray for forgivness!" and with these words, the preist sags slightly, pulls a handkercheif from a pocket and wipes his forehead as he gets down from the altar. The churchgoers slowly begin to trickle out, and after five minutes or so, only the preist remains, sitting down, and breathing heavily.


"Okay...I'll tell you my story." Brom tells his story, slurring his words heavily, occasionally taking a swig from a bottle, and swaying where he sits. "Me and Letham headed out in the woods, an adventure of sorts. We were both compe...pomcet...both good woodsmen, an' shouldn'a had trouble. We hunted for our food. We'd been out for a week or so, an' were 'eading back to the rest o' the village when we came into a clearing A bunch o' pillars an' such with a rock altar in th' middle o' it. We went up to have close look, 'cos Letham's always been curious about stuff like that. But as soon as we went inside th' circle of pillars, a demonic, tattoed wolf-thing leapt at us from th' other side o' th' altar." at this point, he begins sobbing as he speaks, reliving the moments in his mind. We drew our swords, but th' thing survived ev'n the hardest of our sword strokes, an' we barely cut it! It pounced on Letham and killed him quickly, so quickly. The rest is a blur, an' all I remember is grabbing Lethams body an' runnin' as quickly as I could, all th' way back here. I took his body to the church, but we couldn' revive 'im. 'E was too far dead. An' it's all my fault! It were my idea to go into th' forrest, an' now Lethams dead, an' the beast is huntin' us all down, an' it's my fault!" and with those words, Brom bursts into tears again, sobbing uncontrolably.

2009-05-11, 02:21 AM
Brother Path

Brother Path waits until the parishioners have filed out remaining inconspicuous. As Path crosses closer to the balding man breathing heavily on the ground he kneels down and extends a hand. "Greetings, my name is Brother Path. I have heard of the trouble your village is facing from letters that were sent from this church and I have come to aid as best I can." Path smiles warmly at the man and makes sure the symbol of Pelor, that is stitched into his plain clothes, is obvious.

"I and several others have spoken with the sheriff and toured around some of the sites of attack but we were unable to deduce anything of consequence. By your rousing speech I can tell you are man of conviction as am I," Path pauses for a moment wanting to add the others as well, however his lack of knowing them at all or even knowing most of their names prevents him, "Do you have any assistance either with information or aid that you could provide?"

Diplomacy [roll0] An additional plus 2 to the roll if he's of good alignment.

2009-05-11, 02:44 AM

"Ah, so my superious sent aid? That is good to know." the preist says, still breathing heavily. "Even if they did look outside the faith for that aid. How much did they say about Dramsburg? Ah, but how rude of me, I've forgotten my manners. My name is Kerin, and I'm the preist of Dramsburg, as I'm sure you know. But I'm afraid I can't give you any more information on the attacks than what I assume you'd already know. If it helps, I could show you the body. I've been preserving it for the funeral, and if there's anything else I can do to aid you, I'll be happy to help." as he speaks, he slowly rises, and offers his hand in greeting. He smiles weakly while he speaks, and seems more nervous than righteous.

2009-05-11, 03:12 AM
After thinking about it for a few second Taitan turn toward his companion.

"Our next move seem clear, visiting this clearing to see if we find anything of help"

2009-05-11, 06:05 AM
Morrath nods to Taitan.

I agree. This drunk may have more information to share once he's sober, but until then let's head into the forest.

He finishes the sentence by drawing the grim heavy flail hanging by his side.

We better be prepared!

2009-05-11, 08:23 AM
Timewise, it's late afternoon, early evening. Do you want to head out now, or wait until the morrow?

Psionic Dog
2009-05-11, 01:47 PM
"A tatooed wolf... a stone alter and pillars, unantural strength and acid..." Quill muses to himself as he commits the details to memory and tries to think of anything relevant.

I guess with this information now's the time to attempt a bardic knowledge check about this "tatooed wolf" and/or stone circle: [roll0]

"Huh, that's a mystery we'll have to see for ourselves, but lets find Brother Path before any of us go rushing off into the woods."

2009-05-13, 05:13 AM
Morrath turns and scouts the party for the presence of Brother Path.

By the gods Quill! I had yet to notice his absence. Where do you suspect our pious brother might have gone?

2009-05-14, 11:02 PM
Path: All you heard was that they were having 'serious animal problems', however, the church didn't consider animal problems in such a small township worthy of attention, and that it would pass over quickly..

2009-05-14, 11:16 PM
Brother Path

Brother Path shakes the hand of the priest before continuing. "In all honesty I learned very little about Dramsburg before coming," Path doesn't have the heart to tell him of his superior's dismissal of this town's plight, "But I am glad I am here. I don't know if it will be all that helpful but I will gladly examine the body for more clues." Path nods toward the priest to take him to the body.

As the two walk Path examines the church visually but tries to just appear to be marveling at its construction, "So, how long have you been a priest here?" Path asks with interest.

To speed things up Path will go ahead and take a 20 on examining the body with a Heal? check. For a total of 25.

Also use some knowledge religion to see if that will somehow help with examining the body. [roll0]

2009-05-15, 08:04 AM
"I have been the preist of St. Cuthbert here for, ooh, probably going on thirty-five or so years now." He leads you down a short pathway to the mausoleum, and shows you the body. You instantly notice how well preserved it is, and seeing you notice, Kerin says; "I've been using my magic to preserve the body until we have the funeral." The cuts and tears in the flesh have been stiched up, however, you can clearly see where he's been attacked, ripped by claws and teeth, and several bad acidic burns on his lower arms and neck. As to what could've caused it, however, you haven't a clue. Something with claws, and teeth, something large, but not giant.

You notice some odd runes, half sticking out of the ground, etched into the church. However, they're merely that to you. Odd symbols half showing, in a foreign language.

2009-05-15, 05:54 PM
Brother Path

After examining the body and not finding out anything really new or all that useful Path gives the priest a slight frown, "Hmm, I had been hoping the body would provide some new clues as to the identity of this creature. It is not to be however." Brother Path nods cordially to the priest for his aid, "I thank you for your time sir, I think I will go rejoin the others and see if they have progressed further. With their aid we might be able to put a stop to this beast once and for all. Do you know the way to a Mr. Brom's home?" After getting his answer Path turns to leave and makes it to the doorway before his curiosity gets the better of him.

"I'm afraid my knowledge of St. Cuthbert is not as great as I would like it to be can you tell me what these mean?" Path says pointing towards the odd runes.

2009-05-17, 04:02 AM
Taitan think for a minute before responding to Quill.

"Yes, finding brother Path would be wise"

Thinking about it, he turn toward Helid, his owl.

"Please fly ahead and look for Brother Path for me."

Helid nod and take flight.

Helid will fly 60ft above us and come back only when she see Path

2009-05-17, 07:49 AM

Kerin obligingly gives directions to Brom's house, but also mentions that he might be drinking himself into a stupor in the inn. Upon your noticing the runes, Kerin frowns slightly. "Those are from old buildings, from before the building was a church for St. Cuthbert. It is beyond my knowlege, or that of any others in the village, to read them. You'd be best putting them out of your mind, for I fear you won't find answers to them."

But as you leave the mausoleum, you see the others finishing off with Brom himself. "Then again, he could be in a drunken stupor already." says Kerin.

After a few minutes, Path and a man dressed in preists robes walk out from the Mausoleum. "Then again, he could be in a drunken stupor already." says the preist.

For your question on the runes, I'll just assume you noticed and asked about them earlier.

Helid flies swiftly off, before returning, having seen

Psionic Dog
2009-05-20, 06:02 PM
"Brother Path! Excellent timing,we were just looking for you. If you're looking for the town drunk I think we've already spoken with your man Brom." Quill exclaims. "So, what did you learn?"

2009-05-21, 03:45 AM
Brother Path

Brother Path waves towards the group as he approaches and leans on his walking stick once all are close enough for talking. "Not too much really the town seems to be pretty well scarred from this beasts attacks. The church and a grain silo seem to be the only areas unaffected." Path says pointing out the offending buildings, "Kerin, the local priest, is holding the body of the man I assume is young Letham for burial and based on my examination of it I can say that the beast is," Path gives a vague sort indication of size with his hands that is roughly large sized.

Quietly in almost a whisper to the group so that Kerin doesn't overhear, "There were also some oddities I can say. The priest seemed helpful and nervous and there were some strange markings I couldn't read inside the church. The priest claimed they were from a previous building and he had no knowledge of their meanings but his overly quick dismissal and warning not to investigate were suspicious." Path looks at the group for a repsonse before hastily adding, "But I hardly think a priest of St. Cuthbert would be up to anything evil. What information did you fellows find out?"

2009-05-21, 04:49 AM
Regretting his eagerness Morrath hangs the grim flail back to it's hook on his belt. A nervous priest of Saint Cuthbert? Sounds mighty strange to my ear brother, does the Master of Law not teach his followers to forge their hearts with steel of strength and courage?

He takes a glance at Kerin the Priest. Seeing nothing of importance he quickly turns back to the party. While a priest of your clergy might not be up to something evil, there is always the possibility of an imposter. Would you perhaps possess a spell that could determine this Brother Path?

2009-05-21, 05:32 AM
Brother Path

Brother Path smiles and looks down after Morrath speaks, "While it is true that Pelor's light does shine stronger on me than ordinary followers, he has not blessed me with right of a cleric." He says quietly.

2009-05-21, 05:56 AM
"Can you guys see in the dark?" says the catfolk suddendlly after being silent for the whole encoutner with Brom.

2009-05-21, 06:02 AM
Morrath makes a questioning frown at Menshirr's question. I'm not exactly sure what you're talking about cat-man? He says with an uncertain voice.

2009-05-22, 06:46 PM
Kerin looks quizzically at the group of you, whispering amongst yourselfs and occasionally throwing a quick look at him. "Is there some way I can be of help? And it's near sunset. I'd reccomend getting inside now, unless you want to tackle the beast head on, there'd be room for all of you in the tavern, or we could hold you up in the church, which would be closer, if you'd rather."

Also, guys; from the 26th-30th, my internet acess will be patchy if not non-existant. Just a little warning that I may drop out for a few days, I haven't forgotten you!

2009-05-23, 05:21 AM
Taitan decide to respond to Menshirr before adressing Kerin.

"I personaly can't see in total darkness, and I believe I'm not the only one with a similar handicap."

After that he turn toward Kerin.

"I would prefer to spend the night in the Inn, but I will abide by the majority"

2009-05-23, 08:01 AM
The catfolk turns to Morrath:

"Not smarrrt to hunt in the darrrrk if you can't see in the darrrk"

2009-05-23, 04:11 PM
Brother Path

Turing to the strange cat-creature,"Well, I can um..., I can glow like a torch if that will provide enough light, but unless you all know where this creature resides when not menacing this town I suggest we formulate a plan of attack." Path says totally ignoring Kerin.

2009-05-23, 07:21 PM
"We know wherrre to find the beast rrright? The stones?"

2009-05-23, 07:22 PM
The activities of this beast seems to suggest it's a creature of the night, which in turn tells us that we will stand a much greater chance at finding it while looking at night, rather than having to fine trim the forest at day. He takes a grave look at the rest of the party before continuing. I do not fear the dark if I can have the light of a torch with me. I say we head out tonight!

2009-05-23, 07:58 PM
"Spooky man, smarrrt too!" says the catfolk with his big dumb smile.

Just to ilustrate the kind of big udmb smile we're talking here:

Panel 8


Psionic Dog
2009-05-25, 12:39 PM
Quill shrugs.
"Sounds reasonable enough, you probably know best. If it helps, I can indeed see into the darkest of nights. So, do we have the necessary torch for Morrath here?"

2009-05-26, 03:26 AM
"Thank you for the consideration m' boy." Morrath grins at Quill "but I have learned my lesson not to go anywhere without proper illumination." He knocks on the lantern hanging by his side, concealed by his purple fur rimmed cape.

Shall we head out then? I'm quite eager to see this beast with my own two eyes! He exclaims with a largely unnecesary wave of his arm.

Morrath will light the lantern with a pint of oil and his flint n' tinder once it turns dark

2009-05-26, 04:05 AM
Brother Path

Brother Path listens to the group exchange words while thinking over his words, "Perhaps, since it is nearing night time, we should arrange ourselves strategically around the town and wait for the beast to come to us. One of us could let out a cry when the beast is spotted..." Brother Path trails off and looks towards the rooftops.

2009-05-29, 04:29 AM
"I'm sorry, but I must disagree with you brother. If the beast is that dangerous staying together could be our only chance to survive and perhaps to kill it, alone we would be easy prey"

2009-05-29, 04:56 AM
Brother Path

"You speak the truth," Path says to the latest speaker who has still not given his name, "The beast is undoubtedly dangerous, perhaps we could still enact my plan if we use the rooftops as our vantage points and do not engage until everyone has arrived."

Path raises his eyebrows looking at the group for comments or suggestions.

2009-05-29, 05:34 AM
Perhaps we could talk the sheriff into lending us a few men of the city watch. We could station them around town, and instruct them to sound the alarm if the beast is stopped. That way we won't have to split up, and no matter where the beast shows up, we'll know it.

Psionic Dog
2009-05-29, 07:15 AM
Quill looks around the group. "So, our new plan is to spend the night here in town to see for ourselves what comes, and tomorrow after we rest to inspect the stone ring in the forest?"

"I suppose that could work. Men from the town might consent to stand on roof tops, but after the warnings they've given us I doubt any would patrol the ground for us."

Turning to Brother Path he adds:
"For ourselves splitting into groups of two and three might be possible, but even on roof tops I too think it unwise for any to travel alone this night."

2009-05-29, 03:49 PM
Brother Path

Brother Path sighs, "You are right Quill there is a greater safety in numbers I'll just go ask the sheriff then if he can help us get some volunteers stationed. It is a good plan Morrath." He giving Morrath a pat on the shoulder.

As Brother Path turns to leave he notices Kerin still standing there, "Kerin we are going to fight this beast tonight. If you can do anything to aid us in that regard even if it is only prayer to St. Cuthbert it would be greatly appreciated."

Path continues on towards wherever the sheriff is.

2009-06-15, 01:22 AM
"I fear that all I can do is offer shelter, and some healing when you need it. I'll be in the temple tonight, preparing a sermon. If you get badly injured, you know where to find me." Kerin says, and farewells you all. "May the gods look favourably upon you, and may St. Cuthbert bless you this night.".



After telling you plan to the Sheriff, he looks thoughtful for a moment, before speaking. "I'll ask aroun', but I can't promise anything. Nevertheless, I'll see if any o' the lads are prepared to help out." he replies, before promtly leaving.

Anything you guys going to do before the evening?

2009-06-17, 04:26 PM
Brother Path

After returning to the group and informing them of the sheriff's reply, "I suggest we all find a place go hide out until the beast arrives, perhaps we can catch him off guard."

2009-06-18, 03:46 AM
"Excellent. Quill, if you go with me we'll split into two groups. We'll hide on the rooftops, close enough to each other so that once the alarm is raised the other group can reach us quickly. I suggest we stay somewhere near center of town.

He shakes hand with Menshirr and Brother Path before heading out looking for a good hiding spot.

Search Check to find a suitable hiding place: [roll0]
Hide Check to hide from the monster: [roll1]

Psionic Dog
2009-06-18, 06:31 PM
Quill nodes his assent. "Within eyesight as well possibly. If it helps, I have a grappling hook and rope if anyone needs assistance reaching the rooftops." He adds.

Once Morrath finds a spot Quill plays quietly on his mandalin until the sun starts to sink low, at which point he hides.


2009-06-18, 11:26 PM
Brother Path

Taking his own advice he spots a likely hiding spot and motions the others to follow him. Brother Path concentrates as inward as night begins to fall and stops himself from glowing with Pelor's light so as not to attract attention. Brother Path negligently forgets to stop himself from providing the loving radiance of Pelor so as not to give himself away.

Hide! [roll0]

2009-06-22, 05:51 AM
As night falls, the Sheriff approaches you with three young men. One is thin, and lithe with brown hair, one with short ginger curly hair and a handlebar moustache seems fairly strong, and the other is rather overweight, also with ginger hair. "This is three of our young men who are willing to help." says the Sheriff, introducing them. "This here's Josh, he works at the bar," indicating the thin lithe man, "Eli Halliwell," the man with the moustache, "and Nick, they work on one of the outlying farms, and have been moved in now that the beast is prowlin' the streets. An' seein' as our boys are helpin' out, you've got me as well."

Shortly after the Sheriff motions to have a private word with Quill.


The Sheriff looks around to make sure that Nick, Josh and Eli are out of earshot before speaking. "Listen, I'll get straight to the point. I've been the sheriff here for longer than most remember. I'm used to bein' in a fight, but the boys...Josh 'as tried breakin' up a few brawls at the pub, and the others have had to deal with the occasional wolf, but apart from that...nothin'. Keep 'em out o' trouble. They've got weapons for if they need 'em, but I don' want it to have to come to that. I've lived a good life, they've only jus' begun theirs." he says, with a meaninful look.

Psionic Dog
2009-06-22, 04:05 PM
Before hiding Quill has a quiet personal word with the new recruits.
"Hey, great to see you two again. Nick, I don't think we've met but I go by Quill. Thanks for volunteering, but remember don't try to be heroic (that's what those new visitors over there are for) They just need the likes of us to help them see, so stay safe and hidden and only wave or shout if you see the demonic wolf thing sulking some place you don't think they can see."

Later that night Quill quietly turns to Morrath: "I hope the locals don't panic or do anything too stupid... even if it would make a better song than us sitting here waiting in the dark. Any idea how much longer before the beast usually makes it's appearance?"

2009-06-24, 05:28 AM
"As long as they do what they're told we can't be held responsible. I feel little pity for the man getting killed by his own foolish actions."

The bitterness beneath Morrath's harsh words is easy to detect. He shifts his position, and his voice fills with impatience as he goes on.

"Legends tell tales of mysterious things happening at midnight, but you, more than anyone in this town should already be familiar with this Quill. I have no patience for sitting out nights like this on my flat bottom, waiting and doing nothing. If the beast does not reveal itself tonight I shall personally head to the forest and slay the beast first thing in the morning."