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Mando Knight
2009-04-27, 08:48 PM
IC Thread! OOC here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=6044110).

Your group, a small traveling party of adventuring heroes, has gotten lost in the forests of the Feywild. You wander along a strange path in the forest and arrive at an enormous ornate door of wood. This magnificent door is of clearly fey design, bearing intricate patterns of flora, runes in the Elven language, and a single peephole. Lacking any other decoration—even a handle or knob—it stands alone in the woodland setting, with no walls to hold it up. Beyond it is a grove of trees within which you can just make out a low structure. Silence
hangs eerily about the area. Pleasant woodland smells mix with a hint of something foul. You each sense something is amiss—that perhaps it is not that the walls are not there, but that you cannot perceive them.

The runes read "Keep out! Yes, this means you, Amandirial, and your friends Kalper, Gornak, Daniel, and Thorfin, too!"

2009-04-27, 11:40 PM
As the party sees the door emerge out of the trees in front of them, Flick throws up his hand. "Ha! We have arrived! The attempts of this mystical forest to confuse our trail have proven no match for my keen ninja senses!"

Flick moves stealthily forward up to the door, reads the runes engraved there, and his eyes widen. "By Sehanine! The runes challenge us by name! Clearly, this is a test!" He signals to everyone else. "Remain wary! I will find us a safe entrance using my KEEN NINJA SENSES!" Flick proceeds to carefully examine the door.

Flick searches the door for traps, locks, and to see if its open. He also examines the space to either side of the door, just to see if he can find what's odd about it.

Keen Ninja Senses, aka Perception: [roll0]

2009-04-28, 12:58 AM
The minotaur lets out a snort and unslings his greataxe. "Bah! I knew we should have turned left at the stream. Now we are lost and hungry and being taunted by carpentry! Step aside Flick, I will take care of finding us an entrance." With that, he raises his greataxe preparing to cleave into the door.

2009-04-28, 01:05 AM
Daniel frowns.
If it's warning us off by name, why exactly do we want to go in?
He stands clear of the minotaur's axe but keeps looking at the door.

Arcana check: "What's with the door?" [roll0]

2009-04-28, 03:54 AM
Kalper smiles while he responds to Daniel's question:

- Ah, but aren't we lost here, and in dire need of directions? And doors usually mean there's someone living inside, someone who could show us a way out. - he turns his attention to Gornak - Though I believe it would be wise of us to - instead of smashing the door right away - try knocking first.

Mando Knight
2009-04-28, 10:43 AM
Flick's keen ninja senses can find no trace of a physical wall, and thus cannot figure out whether the door is open or not. He furthermore can't find any way to manipulate it, whether locks, traps, or knobs. The peephole reveals simply an empty grove.

However, the lack of wall indicates to his senses that he might be able to walk around the door.

Daniel detects nothing about the door itself, oddly. Instead, he picks up a magical aura from around that selfsame door, a magical effect that seems to form an invisible dome over and around the grove behind the door. He gets the feeling that the magic sustaining the dome is meant to keep something in rather than out.

2009-04-28, 11:09 AM
The minotaur lowers his axe again.

"Knock? There is clearly no one behind the door as I can see around to the other side. My guess is some despicable, loathsome creature, probably a halfling, left this here to taunt us in our misery. I mean, there are not even any walls holding it up!"

Gornak walks a circle around the door to illustrate his point.

Mando Knight
2009-04-28, 12:41 PM
Gornak circles around the door, but as soon as he tries to return to the group, he flattens comically against an invisible barrier. Daniel's arcane premonitions seem justified...

2009-04-28, 12:54 PM
Flick straightens up from examining the door. "My keen ninja senses have determined that this door is . . . uh . . ." He pauses.

As Gornak finds himself unable to return, however, Flick jumps into action. "An arcane barrier! Fear not, I shall use my ninja infiltration skills to clear your retreat!" He quickdraws a set of thieves' tools and gets to work.

Ninja Infiltration Skills, aka Thievery, to open the door: [roll0]. If the first go doesn't work he'll keep trying.

No, I have no clue how you can use Thievery to open a door with no keyhole or handle, but given that Thievery works on Arcane Lock in 4e I figure it's worth a shot.

Mando Knight
2009-04-28, 01:04 PM
The door remains firmly un-thief-able. Flick might be getting the feeling that he looks a bit foolish trying to unlock a door that has no visible means of manipulating it.

2009-04-28, 01:10 PM
Flick continues trying to open the door until it becomes completely clear that it's impossible, or until Gornak tries to hack it open with his axe from the other side. This probably won't take long.

Flick is completely oblivious to the idea that he might look foolish, not just in this situation but ever. I mean, this is a guy who wears a ninja outfit in broad daylight.

2009-04-28, 01:50 PM
"What the -!?! You have got to be kidding me!"

Gornak begins pounding on the invisible barrier with his fists.

Mando Knight
2009-04-28, 02:26 PM
Nothing happens.

However, those watching the Minotaur and Elf-Ninja humorously fail at unlocking not-doors and moving through walls-that-do-not-seem-to-be-there notice also that past the door and Minotaur lies a fairly pleasant-looking grove. Among the trees wander nearly half a dozen small creatures that look like golden armadillos. Each has what looks like a ruby embedded in its head. Two shiny pillars of a mysterious white substance also stand among the trees. To the north flows a brook, and a small pool lies amid the trees.

2009-04-28, 03:30 PM
Daniel raises a hand.
Hold on, Gornak. I'm going to try teleporting you out.

He moves as close to Gornak as possible without touching the barrier, and points his sword at him.

Casting Dimensional Warp on Gornak to swap our positions.

Mando Knight
2009-04-28, 05:48 PM
The arcane magic powering the wall causes the spell to dissipate before it even finishes. (i.e. the power failed to activate, as if you lost line of effect) The wall's magic source seems to have been part of an ancient and powerful ritual, only allowing passage in the outward direction once some condition defined by the ritual has been fulfilled.
Go in go in go in go in go in go in go in go in

2009-04-28, 09:55 PM
Flick gives up on the door and steps backward. He nods. "Clearly, this is a test that we must overcome with our martial skill. I shall scout us a path!"

He quickdraws a rope and grappling hook, throws it up to catch on to the top of the door, scales the door, and lowers himself down the other side to land lightly next to Gornak.

Athletics to climb the door and then climb down again, Acrobatics to drop once low enough. Take 10 on both for 19. Yes, I know he could just walk around.
Flick then moves to investigate the grove.

Perception: [roll0]
Nature: [roll1]

Mando Knight
2009-04-28, 10:04 PM
Flick easily climbs the door and lands on the side Gornak's on. However, because he's been in contact with the door so much, the small insects living inside have taken interest...

Earseeker Infestation. [roll0] vs. Fortitude.
If it succeeds, you lose one healing surge, which cannot be restored until you are cured.

For reference, Curing takes an extended rest and either an Endurance check from Flick or a Heal check from anyone else. You won't die from it within the context of this being a single "dungeon," so you needn't worry about it unless y'all decide to make this a longer campaign. :smalltongue:

Flick might have noticed a strange rustling in one of the trees, but he can't make anything out. The trees seem to be a fey variation of oak and maple, consistent with the rest of the forest and almost as mundane as anything in the Feywild comes. They should provide cover to anything standing in the branches. The bushes and rocks are likewise fairly mundane, and would hinder anyone trying to move through them.

2009-04-29, 02:09 AM
Daniel sighs as his spell fails and Flick climbs over. He beckons the rest of the group.
Come on, these two will get slaughtered by themselves.

He walks around the door, through the barrier. Once he's through, he prods the barrier with his sword and feels it with his bare hand. Then he takes a stone from the ground and throws it straight up, as hard as he can.
Arcana check:[roll0]
Perception check: [roll1]
Both for "any information about the barrier".

2009-04-29, 05:24 AM
- Ah yes, if we can't get them out we indeed should follow inside - perhaps this way we'll find out what it's all about. - the priest nods and follows Daniel - Oh and Flick - once we camp, remind me to take a look at those bug-bites of yours. They look nasty.

2009-04-29, 08:21 AM
Thorfin has been sitting a bit away from the door, drinking - after all, what does a simple dwarven warrior have to do with magic?
When he notices that the others are moving on, he gets up. He takes a last sip of his jug and then stows it in his backpack.

"So, are we ready ta go?" he asks in his deep, hoarse voice.
"Good! Ye sure took tha time ta just walk 'round tha door!"

Thorfin joins the rest of his companions at the other side of the barrier.
Right! Let's get moving!

2009-04-29, 08:26 AM
Flick nods in agreement to Kalper, then narrows his eyes, studying the trees until he's sure if there's something there or not.

Two active Perception checks: [roll0] [roll1]

He also looks over the golden armadilloes.

Perception: [roll2]
Nature: [roll3]

2009-04-29, 10:37 AM
Gornak stops his beating on the invisible barrier as his other party members join him within the barrier. "Bah, why must you people complicate things? It is obvious what we must do."

Gornak moves to a few yards from the free standing door. "Clear the way, clear the way, don't want anyone getting hurt now." Once everyone is out of the way, the minotaur lowers his horns, lets out a growl and charges the door.

Mando Knight
2009-04-29, 10:48 AM
Roll Initiative!

Flick spots some squirrel-archers standing in the treetops. He barely catches sight of them before Thorfin crosses the barrier, at which point the little guys fire their arrows at the intruders.

Daniel notices that the pillars are really creatures, which becomes all too apparent as they coalesce into massive humanoid forms. Recognizing them as long-forgotten beasts known as an "envelopers," Daniel knows that they will copy whoever they can get a hold of.

The armadillos, Flick remembers, are strange creatures called "carbuncles." The precious gem set upon their heads disintegrate when the creatures die... which they do whenever they get threatened. Their telepathic abilities grant tactical advantages to those close to them... anyone close to them.

The squirrel-beings (called Kercpas) and Flick gain a Surprise Round. Flick can take one action, and the Kercpas will take one action. Map probably to appear sometime this afternoon (Daylight Savings Time, Central Time Zone)... kinda busy. Will definitely be up when I get Flick's initiative. Kercpas and Carbuncles (7 Kercpas, 5 Carbuncles) are Minions, Envelopers are plain ol' monsters.

2009-04-29, 12:35 PM
"To arms" Flick cries, pointing to the trees. "We are under attack by Deadly Squirrel Ninjas!" He leaps into action in a blur of motion.

Initiative: [roll0]

2009-04-29, 02:48 PM
As soon as the squirrels start firing, the engravings on Daniel's sword change, looking less like abstract designs and more like screaming faces. His eyes glaze over as if he's hypnotised or sleepwalking. He points at one of the humanoids and calls out to the rest of the party, his voice as expressionless as his face.
My. Target.

Initiative: [roll0]

2009-04-29, 02:55 PM
- Squirrel people? With bows? - the cleric is obviously amused, but grabs hold of holy symbol nonethenless - That's a novelty for sure.

Initiative: [roll0]

Mando Knight
2009-04-29, 05:22 PM
Map: (Large-ish image...)
{table]Dark red|Kercpas
Big E|Envelopers

The squirrels attack! (though one or more may be dead already if Flick hits them... will strike through the dead ones if that's so...) Their crazy twittering noise is clearly audible, and somewhat angry.
F6 on Flick: [roll0] vs AC
F7 on Gornak: [roll1] vs AC
M6 on Daniel: [roll2] vs AC
M9 on Daniel: [roll3] vs AC
M10 on Thorfin: [roll4] vs AC
N5 on Thorfin: [roll5] vs AC
N9 on Gornak: [roll6] vs AC
5 damage for each hit.

The Kercpas are yelling out insults and calling out their targets through insulting nicknames in a high-pitched, fast-paced form of Elven. Examples of their rudeness include "Kill fat-beard!" "Get the ugly one!" and most annoyingly, "Yar! I be takin' down that scurvy ninja!"

The barrier seems to be blocking off a 90 foot by 80 foot area from the rest of the dome. To you, because you know the arcane ways, it appears as a shimmering cascade of iridescence. To everyone else, and you when you aren't looking directly at it, it's simply not visible. The barrier seems to block images and sound between areas within the dome, as the area beyond is rather static.

Pictures of the monsters:

2009-04-29, 06:41 PM
Gornak skids to a halt mid-charge kicking up a small cloud of dust at his feet. "Wait, there's a tussle?"

Turning to look at the grove behind him, he's quickly hit by two arrows into his chest. Letting out a low growl, he raises his shield and axe. "Come out of those trees little vermin and fight like real... whatever you are."

Initiative [roll0]

2009-04-29, 08:39 PM
"Ninja Sudden Strike! WOH-PAH!" In a blur of motion, Flick's bow flashes into his hands and he fires twice before the squirrels get off a single shot. Two arrows flick out at the nearest squirrels.

Standard Action:

Quickdraw my bow, Twin Strike at the two closest squirrels. One shot at N5, one shot at F6. They've got cover.
Longbow attack vs. AC at squirrel N5: [roll0].
Damage: [roll1]
Longbow attack vs. AC at squirrel F6: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]
By 4e's weird geometry I actually count as the closest to them, for an extra +1 to hit, already included in the roll, but feel free to take it off. :)

Mando Knight
2009-04-29, 08:54 PM
Even though Flick can see the Kercpas and his arrows are guided by a mysterious voice helping him aim, he manages to miss both squirrels with his shots. (Rolling a pair of sixes does that to an attack...) They chitter annoyingly at him.

...Oddly, everyone's getting telepathic instructions from someone or something nearby. The voices in your heads seem to be telling you all of the monsters' weakpoints... and you see a reddish haze outlining the Kercpas against the tree limbs... weird, huh?
(All of you have Combat Advantage against everything. Unfortunately, firing at the Kercpas hidden in the tree branches takes a -2 penalty because of their cover, for a net +0 modifier. The envelopers and carbuncles will be easier to hit, though...)

2009-04-29, 09:53 PM
Flick's arrows miss, and a return shot from one of the squirrels scores along his arm, drawing blood. As he hears their chittering, his eyes widen. "Can it be true?" He shouts to the rest of the party. "Everyone, beware, for this ambush is more than it seems! These squirrels are not merely tree-borne archers, but the ancestral enemies of my people! The masterminds behind this attack are none other than PIRATES!"

Flick strikes a pose, throws out his hand towards the squirrel who shot him, and shouts in Elven. "Dishonourable sea rats! You will rue the day you swam ashore to attack us! Feel now the WRATH OF THE NINJA!"

2009-04-30, 01:56 AM
Daniel walks briskly towards the carbuncle directly in front of him. His sword starts to flicker with an unearthly green flame and he swings it at the carbuncle. Flames burst out in all directions, burning the grass but falling short of any enemy. The enveloper closest to Daniel is briefly outlined with a green aura, but seems to be unharmed.

Moving from K1 to K5 and casting Greenflame Blade on the carbuncle.
To hit [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Critical hit damage [roll2]
Using Aegis of Assault to mark the enveloper.

2009-04-30, 10:02 AM
Watch out for tha gems with your magic! Thorfin nearly bursts out in tears when he sees the beatiful stones being enveloped in flames.

He pulls out the two arrows that pierced his armor.

Yay...I was kind of hoping to get to post Thorfin's first turn, but I guess the monsters get to go first...

Mando Knight
2009-04-30, 10:41 AM
Flick's turn. Daniel's actions will come into effect as soon as Saph posts Flick's actions. The map is thus currently unchanged, but will change swiftly.

Flick: 19
Daniel: 16 (actions specified for this round)
DM 1: 15
DM 2: 14
Gornak: 10 (higher mod)
DM 3: 10 (lower mod)
Thorfin: 7
Kalper: 4

2009-04-30, 06:47 PM
Flick dodges to the side and shouts up at the pirate squirrels. "Feel my arrows, you Redwall rejects! WOH-PAH!" He shoots again.

Move action: Move two squares right, to M1.
Standard Action: Twin Strike again, targeting the squirrels at N5 and M6.
+1 from Prime Shot, -2 from cover, +2 from combat advantage.
Attack vs N5 Pirate Squirrel: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Attack vs M6 Pirate Squirrel: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Mando Knight
2009-04-30, 07:30 PM
As Flick's arrows pierce the trees, the pesky squirrels try to dodge... but the two he aimed at dodge into the arrows, and fall out of the trees in a comical manner will giving out a high-pitched variation of the Wilhelm scream (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/StockScream). The arrows protruding from their chests, confirms their lack of life. (M1 is three squares to the right, though. Not that it changes much of anything...)

Daniel's flaming assault incinerates the carbuncle, and one of the voices chillin' out in your heads vanishes with a scream. The really big, shiny ruby stuck on the thing's forehead disintegrates into a pile of dust.

The remaining kercpa archers chitter astonishingly as they see their friends die so swiftly. They take out their revenge on the meanies, though, as they dash swiftly through the treetops and fire back on them.

H4 on Daniel: [roll0] vs AC
H5 on Daniel: [roll1] vs AC
N9 on Flick: [roll2] vs AC
M10 on Gornak: [roll3] vs AC
M9 on Flick: [roll4] vs AC
5 damage for each hit.

The remaining carbuncles stand there, completely astonished that you would kill one of their friends. You hear voices in your heads, "You killed him? Why? Why? Why?"

Flick: 19
Daniel: 16
DM 1: 15
DM 2: 14
Gornak: 10 (higher mod)
DM 3: 10 (lower mod)
Thorfin: 7
Kalper: 4


2009-04-30, 08:06 PM
Flick dodges one arrow and winces as he takes a direct hit from a second one. (Lucky for him minions don't do extra damage on criticals.) He calls out to Daniel. "Ah, a common mistake among novice ninjas. While tempting, it is a bad idea to kill everything that moves. Since these creatures are assisting us against the pirates, a wise ninja should conclude that they are our allies!" He pauses. "Well, they were, anyway."

He then resumes shouting back at the squirrels. "And while we're at it, the Brian Jacques books you come from are terrible! The author reuses the same plot over and over again! And the squirrel protagonists have absolutely no characterisation!"

2009-04-30, 09:49 PM
No sooner had Gornak pulled out the two arrows sticking in him when another one took their place. He gives an annoyed snort and moves to the side to engage the closer of the Envelopers.

Move to F3

Crushing Surge attack [roll0] (counting Combat Advantage)
damage [roll1]

Mark Enveloper

Mando Knight
2009-05-01, 10:23 AM
Gornak's valiant swipe at the odd, doughy humanoid is met with only air and a loud swoosh. The envelopers look at their challengers, and make a short questioning "Dur?" before expressing themselves with a joyous "DAAAH!" and rushing towards their new toys with arms spread wide for a massive hug. The one nearest Daniel manages to catch a few of the Kercpas and one of the carbuncles in his massive sweeping arms.

Both Envelopers try to give their "friends" a great big hug.
On Gornak: [roll0] vs Reflex
On Daniel: [roll1] vs Reflex
On M10: [roll2] vs Reflex
On M9: [roll3] vs Reflex
On N9: [roll4] vs Reflex
On L9: [roll5] vs Reflex
Hit: You are grabbed.

Mando Knight
2009-05-01, 10:33 AM
Now that the enveloper marked by Gornak had grabbed him, the beast began to cuddle with Gornak. The creature's grip is suffocating. Daniel manages to dodge the enveloper, which then begins to snuggle one of the Kercpas instead.

The envelopers are now targeting their grabbed "friends" with Consuming Cuddle!
On Gornak: [roll0] vs Fortitude
On M9: [roll1] vs Fortitude
Hit: You are weakened (save ends)

The enveloper near Daniel stops crushing the kercpas... and begins to reform its body. It grows a long, bushy tail out of the same substance as its body, and its face looks... squirrelly. With a loud "DO-DOOO!" it throws its arm upward. It then begins hurling words in Elvish. The tone of the thing's voice hasn't changed, but it now speaks even faster than the chittering kercpas, so much so that its speech almost doesn't sound like such. You don't need Flick to translate it, though... they're the most commonly heard Elvish expletives, strung together in an entirely nonsensical manner.

Flick: 19
Daniel: 16
Kercpas: 15
Carbuncles: 14
Gornak: 10
Envelopers: 10
Thorfin: 7
Kalper: 4


2009-05-01, 10:58 AM
Thorfin dashes straight forward while drawing his large Maul. He looks up at the big Enveloper and grins.
By the beards of my ancestors, I'll take ye down, ye clay giant!
With a mighty swing, the dwarf brings his weapon down on his opponent. But because he throws all of his weight into the attack, Thorfin loses his balance and leaves himself open to attacks.

Thorfin moves to L6, Minor action to draw his maul.
Free action: Thorfin activates his Maul's magical property. He takes 1 damage and deals 3 extra damage in return
Brash Strike!

Thorfin grants combat advantage to his target until the start of his next turn.
He does not mark the target. (Which leaves the enveloper marked by Daniel)

2009-05-01, 11:32 AM
- Don't give up my friend... - Kalper whispered to Gornak as he came close and channeled a bit of divine power to the Minotaur.
- As for you - begone! - he rose his holy symbol and in response a circle of eerie glow appeared right in front of the priest.

Minor Action - Healing Word on Gornak (he can spend a healing surge to heal [roll0] hit points)
Move action - move to G2
Attack Action - Divine Glow (squares F3-5, G3-5, H3-5)
Attack [roll1] vs Reflex at H4 (CA and the cover penalty cancel each other out))
Attack [roll2] vs Reflex at H5
[roll3] radiant damage each
Allies in that area get +2 power bonus to attack rolls untill end of my next turn)
Party health (for healer's use :P):
Thorfin Goldlock - 33/43
Daniel - 32/37
Kalper - 40/40
Gornak - 30/45
Flick - 31/41

Mando Knight
2009-05-01, 12:09 PM
Two more kercpa fall out of the trees, these seared by radiant light.

The enveloper is missed by the maul.

(Flick's turn...)

2009-05-01, 07:02 PM
"Ha! Die, pirates!" Flick dodges around to one side, continuing to fire steadily at the squirrels as their numbers dwindle.

Move Action: Move to P2.
Standard Action: Twin Strike, targeting N9 and M9.
Attack vs M9 Pirate Squirrel: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Attack vs N9 Pirate Squirrel: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Daniel's turn.

Mando Knight
2009-05-01, 09:24 PM
Another kercpa falls from the trees, but the other one Flick attacked managed to dodge handily.

2009-05-02, 01:33 AM
An arrow hits Daniel in the back. He lurches forward from the impact but otherwise doesn't react at all. He also ignores Flick's advice as he runs towards the enveloper. Daniel ducks out of the way of its huge arms and runs at its legs, stabbing out with his sword.

Hit points 32/35. Moving from K5 to K6.
Casting Foesnare on the enveloper.
To hit: [roll0]
Critical hit damage [roll2]
If hit, immobilised until end of my next turn.

2009-05-02, 02:07 AM
Sorry for posting a bit early but seeing how there are only 2 kercpa left on the other side of the map, I figure I can get this out of the way and simplify things for you Mando.

Gornak lets out a laugh as the healing energy closed his wounds. "Give up you say Kalper? Hardly. This is just getting interesting. Now get off me fiend, I am not your mommy." The minotaur tries to use his immense strength to throw off the Enveloper's arms and bring his axe down on the creature's shoulder.

Escape Check (Move Action) [roll0] vs Fortitude
Brash Strike attack [roll1] vs AC
Damage [roll2]

2009-05-02, 02:13 AM
Woot, critical.

Revised damage roll due to crit 1d12+1d6+24
D'oh, guess the forum dice don't like rolls like that. Gonna need to triple post, sorry.

2009-05-02, 02:16 AM
Crit damage [roll0] + [roll1]+24 = 38

Mando Knight
2009-05-02, 08:58 PM
One enveloper takes a sword to the gut, while the other gets a good bit of its... substance chopped off. (Right enveloper has taken 18 damage, left enveloper took 38 and is bloodied)

The remaining kercpas are now scared. They've never been out-maneuvered this quickly. They start feeling far more skittish, and concentrate their fire on the pesky sniper-ninja.
Move and attack
N9 on Flick: [roll0] vs AC, 5 damage
O9 on Flick: [roll1] vs AC, 2 damage (weakened)
Saving throw for O9: [roll2]
The carbuncles nearest the fray realize that they're probably doomed, and the voices in your heads cry out "DIEEEEEEE!!!!" just before the beings' heads explode, disintegrating the gems set on their heads.
They have the will to die!
Two attacks on Daniel: [roll3], [roll4] vs Will
One attack on Flick: [roll5] vs Will
Hit: 4 psychic damage, and the target is slowed until the end of its next turn.
Effect: the carbuncles die.
Everyone except Gornak stops hearing voices in their heads, and lose the tactical coordination that the voices granted them. (lose the CA)

Mando Knight
2009-05-02, 09:06 PM
The wounded enveloper continues to cuddle Gornak, while the other tries again to grab Daniel.
Slam and Hug on Daniel: [roll0] vs AC, grab if hit.
Consuming Cuddle on Gornak: [roll1] vs Fortitude, weakened (save ends) if hit
Since they failed at hugging, the envelopers end their turn. (Thorfin's turn)


2009-05-03, 03:50 AM
Thorfin is having a hard time when he sees the gems disintegrate.
Blast! Those would've looked good in my pockets!

He swings his maul once more at the Enveloper.

Again, Brash Strike. Oh, and Thorfin moved to L6 last turn.
Activate Bloodclaw Maul. Thorfin takes 1 damage, deals 3 extra damage.


End Turn

2009-05-03, 05:20 AM
- Those things exploded themselves? How bizzare. - Kalper pondered while relocating to get closer to Flick. Once there he sent a quick surge of healing energy to him, before turning to the nearest enveloper and sending a ray of light at the creature.

Move action - move from G2 to M2
Minor Action - Healing Word on Flick (he can spend a healing surge to heal [roll0] hit points)
Attack Action - Lance of Faith (on right enveloper)
Attack [roll1] vs Reflex
[roll2] radiant damage
Thorfin gets a +2 power bonus to his next attack against this enveloper (assuming that was enough to hit)
Party health (for healer's use :P):
Thorfin Goldlock - 31/43
Daniel - 26/37
Kalper - 40/40
Gornak - 45/45
Flick - 22/41, Slowed

2009-05-03, 07:18 AM
"Ow! Arrows!"
"Ow! Psychic daggers stabbing brain!"
"Ow! Healing surg- wait, that last one didn't hurt. Ah! My thanks, faithful servant of Sehanine!" Revitalised, Flick bounds (very slowly) forward and targets the last remaining squirrels. "Ninja Pirate-Seeking Arrow Strike!"

Move to Q3 and take cover behind the tree trunk, then Twin Strike the little pests to the north. No Prime Shot, attack roll doesn't count penalties from cover.
Attack vs Pirate Squirrel at O9: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Attack vs Pirate Squirrel at N9: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

2009-05-03, 02:40 PM
The faces on Daniel's sword dissolve into abstract swirls. He clutches his head and staggers back, avoiding another grab by the enveloper in the process. He shakes his head to clear it and slowly raises his sword, which bursts into green flame. He swings it at the enveloper, spraying green fire in all directions. The fire catches two kercpas in the tree next to the enveloper.
HP 24/37 (not 26), slowed until end of this turn. Casting Greenflame Blade on enveloper.
To hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Critical hit damage: [roll2]
If hit, kercpas at M9 and M10 take 2 fire damage.

Mando Knight
2009-05-03, 03:23 PM
Only one kercpa remains, and the enveloper targeted by the main group of adventurers gets pummeled relentlessly. (Both enveloper are bloodied now, left has taken 38 damage, right has taken 44)

The last kercpa dodges Flick's arrow and instinctively fires back, with a second arrow following immediately thereafter.

It went nuts, then fired its tinybow again... (I'd been forgetting to use its other power. :smallredface:)
Twice on Flick: [roll0] vs AC, 5 damage each hit
The remaining carbuncle scurries away as fast as it can, which is to say not that fast.

{table]Dark red|Kercpa
Big E|Envelopers

Mando Knight
2009-05-03, 03:26 PM
Forgot the second attack roll, and it's Gornak's turn.
On Flick [roll0] vs AC, 5 damage

2009-05-03, 11:10 PM
Gornak rears his axe for another swing while trying to deflecting one of the Enveloper's "loving" arms with his shield.

"Hey, that last critter is getting away! Anyone wanna try to bring him back here? I'm a little smothered right now."

Athletics roll [roll0] vs Fortitude
Brash Strike [roll1] vs AC (if Gornak doesn't have CA, it's only a +10. Enveloper gets CA against Gornak until next round)
Damage [roll2]

Mando Knight
2009-05-03, 11:14 PM
Gornak finally manages to free himself from the "loving" arms of the enveloper, and his axe cleaves the beast neatly in two. The remaining enveloper attempts to hug Daniel again.
Left enveloper has fallen! Right enveloper slams & hugs Daniel.
[roll0] vs AC, grabbed if hit.

Having failed to hug Daniel, the enveloper stops and looks stupidly at the unhugged human in front of him.

{table]Dark red|Kercpa
Big E|Enveloper

Thorfin's turn, then Kalper, Flick, and Daniel.

2009-05-04, 09:25 AM
Little busy here as well, mate! Thorfin responds to Gornak's demand.

He unleashes another furious strike on his opponent.

Brash Strike:


Mando Knight
2009-05-04, 09:52 AM
The monster collapses into a heap of dead.

Kalper's turn.

2009-05-04, 03:22 PM
- Let's see if I can get him. - Kalper mumbled to himself and moved towards the last carbuncle and throwing a dagger at him

Move action - to G8
Minor action - draw the dagger
Attack action - throw it at the carbuncle

Attack [roll0] (-2 for range included)
Damage [roll1]

Mando Knight
2009-05-04, 04:58 PM
The carbuncle falls over, dead. The gem on its head disintegrates into worthless dust.

Flick's turn. For what it's worth, anyway. There's only one minion left. :smalltongue:

2009-05-04, 05:08 PM
Flick dodges the arrows sent his way. "Ha! Your allies have fallen, pirates! Now you see the folly of daring to strike at the ninja! Let your death come swiftly!" Flick proceeds to shoot the last squirrel full of holes.

Twin Strike on the last squirrel, etc etc.
Attack 1: [roll0]
Attack 2: [roll1]
Damage 1: [roll2]
Damage 2: [roll3]

Mando Knight
2009-05-04, 05:31 PM
Flick's first arrow pierces the thing's skull, and it falls backward. As it falls from the tree, his second arrow flies into its body, sticking it into the ground. It is dead.

Encounter Over!

Feel free to take a short rest and look around a bit.

2009-05-04, 06:32 PM
- I'll be, thos were most interesting creatures I've met so far. It's a bit of a shame it came down to combat in the end. - the priest mentioned amused. He shook his head once more before going to recover his dagger.

- I wonder what other things we'll meet before we get out - he mused looking around.

Perception [roll0] - just in cease :P
HP info for conveinience sake. Please note if you use healing surges during the rest as a healbot cleric I find this info usefull :P

Thorfin Goldlock - 31/43
Daniel - 24/37
Kalper - 40/40
Gornak - 45/45
Amandirial (Flick) - 39/41

2009-05-04, 06:46 PM
Gornak gingerly steps out of the mass of clay that was his opponent.

"A shame none of the creatures survived. It would be nice to get some answers. Oh well, back to making an exit."

The minotaur heads back to the door and gives it a solid kick with his foot.

2009-05-04, 06:48 PM
Flick nods. "Indeed, it was a pity. Clearly, they were manipulated into combat by the squirrel pirates. We should search the area for the pirate ship and any buried treasure."

Flick proceeds to do just that, retrieving his arrows from the squirrel corpses along the way.

Flick didn't use any encounter powers, so take 10 on Perception to search the area while everyone else takes a short rest, for a score of 20. Look for any valuables, pirate ships, or objects of interest.

Oh, and Malek, my HP is 39. The last shot missed me due to my cloak. :)

Mando Knight
2009-05-04, 09:37 PM
The door remains firmly in place, just as it was less than a half-minute ago.

Flick finds no treasure here, and neither does Kalper. Apparently, the only things of any value in the area were the gemstones set on the carbuncles' heads... but those are gone now, merely worthless dust.

2009-05-04, 11:09 PM
Flick looks around for possible directions in which to proceed. Following the path seems the obvious choice. He tries to get an idea of how big this grove might be.

2009-05-05, 12:49 AM
Gornak kicks the door several times. Then he tries throwing his shoulder into it. When that doesn't work he tries hacking at it with his axe. After a few attempts at that, he pauses pensively.

"You know, I'm starting to think there is something supernatural going on here."

2009-05-05, 01:21 AM
As soon as the last kercpa dies, Daniel drops his sword. He winces, and reaches around to pull the arrow out of his back.
Give me a minute.
He works the arrow free without causing further injury, then sits down to rest.

Spending a healing surge to bring hit points from 24 to 33. Seven healing surges left for the day.

As he rests he looks curiously at the door.
If we all attacked that at once, using everything we've got, we might be able to break it down. What do you think?

2009-05-05, 02:43 AM
"Doubt it," Flick says absently, rubbing his bug bites. "Probably made of phlebotinium. Let's explore further."

2009-05-05, 03:14 AM
Daniel nods.
You're probably right. Something has to be generating the barrier, let's find it and smash it.

He picks up his sword and starts walking down the path.

2009-05-05, 09:24 AM
After the last kercpa is taken down, Thorfin idly searches the remains of the karbuncles.
"Why did we kill them again?"

Thorfin takes a couple of minutes to rest before joining the others.
"By the way, how would them squirrels taste? I'm getting mighty hungry from all tha fightin'!"

Thorfin spends 1 healing surge, bringing him to 41 HP. 11 Surges left.

2009-05-05, 04:22 PM
- If you're hungry, then why didn't you take any rations with you? Wouldn't try those squirrels anyway, they might be unhealthy. - Kelpar responds to the dwarf - Anyway I agree with others, let's move onwards, and see what lies ahead.

Mando Knight
2009-05-05, 04:51 PM
Along the path lies a log placed like a bridge across a stream. Daniel can see that the magic barrier has a door-like opening near the log bridge. Beyond the bridge is a garden with overgrown beanstalks.

2009-05-05, 05:43 PM
Flick looks for signs of life, and to see if there are any more pirates.

Perception: [roll0]

Mando Knight
2009-05-05, 06:07 PM
A small stream loops into this area from outside and meanders happily north. A single, old, gray log with no bark allows one to cross the stream to another path. That path wanders toward a dilapidated structure. Rows of a root-vegetable and fungus garden flank the path near the stream and northward, dotted in several places with worn stones that look suspiciously like grave markers. The northernmost rows are covered in winding beanstalks that are taller than a man. Bunnies, large for their ilk, wander the garden, feasting on chutes and leaves. Each of the beasts has an enormous spiral horn jutting from its furry head. Across the path from the beanstalks looms a grassy knoll and a sinister tree. Near the tree is a hideous, grumpy cow with a hunched back, orange hair, a green mane, and bulging eyes that have a vicious gleam. You think you can smell it from here, and that smell isn’t just manure!

Something large makes a squelching sound as it moves behind the beanstalks.

Atop the grassy knoll, a dark mole peers at you from a mound of freshly turned earth. It must be about 3 feet long, judging from the upper part of its body. It doesn't look to be much of a threat, like the kercpa and carbuncles from the previous area.

As soon as the last party member crosses the log, the creatures stop what they're doing and turn straight towards you! Roll Initiative!
Mole: [roll0]
Cow: [roll1]
Unseen: [roll2]
Rabbits: [roll3]

2009-05-05, 06:16 PM
- First squirrels, now rabbits. Is it some feywild inhabitant making fun at our expense? - Kalper complains, but readies himself, seeing that the creatures seem to be unfriendly as the last ones.

Initiative: [roll0]

Mando Knight
2009-05-05, 06:37 PM
Not just rabbits. Eeevil unicorn rabbits. :smalltongue:

2009-05-05, 09:20 PM
"Beware! We're under attack from a killer cow, evil unicorn rabbits, and maybe a giant mole!" Flick pauses. "Aww, the bunnies look cute."

Initiative: [roll0]

2009-05-05, 10:12 PM
"Yuck, no cow would smell that foul. More like a half rotting overgrown goat. Oh well, back to work."

Gornak readies his axe again.

Initiative [roll0]

2009-05-06, 01:04 AM
Daniel points at the cow with his sword.
I'll get Daisy over there, you guys handle the others.

Initiative: [roll0]

2009-05-07, 09:23 AM
"It's a wabbit! I mean, a rabbit. Those'll taste a lot better than skinny squirrels!"
Thorfin looks around to see if there's any more creatures with treasure in their forehead.


Mando Knight
2009-05-07, 05:15 PM
Kow 24
Mole 23
Flick 19
Al-mi'rages 19
Kalper 18
Unseen 17
Thorfin 16
Gornak 9
Daniel 4
Thorfin cannot see any treasure-wearing beasts here... unless he calls the horns of the Al-mi'rages (the unicorn-rabbits) treasure. However, he does see a glint of gold in one of the root vegetable patches.

Unfortunately, the beasts seem to be rarin' to fight today, as the mole and the Stench Kow react even faster than Flick. The vile cattle moves around the mole's knoll and charges Gornak, while the mole points at your group. One of the unicorn-rabbits charges Gornak, while another attacks Thorfin. The cow turns from Gornak to Daniel, trying to gore him with its horns.

Kow charges Gornak. [roll0] vs AC, [roll1] on a hit, and Gornak is knocked prone and marked by the Kow until the end of the Kow's next turn.
Mole uses A Mole Madness! Two al-mi'rages and the Stench Kow attack again!
Al-mi'rage on Thorfin: [roll2] vs AC, [roll3] damage on hit.
Al-mi'rage on Gornak: [roll4] vs AC, [roll5] damage on hit.
Kow on Daniel: [roll6] vs AC, [roll7] damage on hit, and Daniel is marked by the Kow until the end of the Kow's next turn.

One of the Al-mi'rages digs in terror after it misses Thorfin, the other slips to Gornak's side to get next to Flick. (no OAs provoked)

Al-mi'rages|Red, A
Stench Kow|Large K
????|Large S
Mole|Yellow, M
Flick|Blue, F
Thorfin|Grey, T
Kalper|Orange, K
Gornak|Red, G
Daniel|Purple, D[/table]
The knoll is Difficult Terrain when climbing it.

If you fall into the stream, or wish to cross the log bridge during combat, you must make a DC 10 Athletics check to successfully move. The stream is five feet deep.

The tree is as before: creatures standing in the branches have cover, the tree trunk itself functions as a wall.

The bushes and rocks (G9, O7) are Difficult Terrain.

The "headstones" are actually garden markers. Some have inspirational quotes on them. When on a square with a marker (E4, E3, G4, G3, N3, N4, L3, L4), a PC can take a Minor Action to read a quote. The other players and DM will judge the quote. If sufficiently inspirational, the character gains +1 to all defenses until the start of his next turn, or gains a +2 to any d20 roll made before the end of his next turn. This can be done once by each PC.

The large masses of shrubbery are the beanstalks. They block line of sight (to anything past the beanstalks, not in the beanstalk square itself), provide Cover for Small or smaller creatures, and function as Difficult Terrain for other creatures.
That Kow stinks! Daniel and Gornak are so disgusted by the smell that they take a -2 penalty to attack rolls!

2009-05-07, 07:32 PM
"Ninja Sword! WOH-PAH!"

Flick's shortswords flash into his hands and he strikes twice at the unicorn bunny in a blur of motion, then nimbly steps back with one foot resting on the bridge.

Minor Action: Hunter's Quarry the bunny next to me.
Standard Action: Quickdraw paired shortswords and Twin Strike it.
Attack number 1: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Attack number 2: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]
Hunter's Quarry damage: [roll4]
Move Action: Shift SW to I2. Athletics roll to cross the bridge (although I'm not really crossing it yet):
Athletics: [roll5]

Mando Knight
2009-05-07, 08:34 PM
The al-mi'raj takes Flick's first strike, but manages to dodge his second. (damage taken=11)

It then shifts to where Flick was, and strikes back at him. Another al-mi'raj attacks Gornak, while two more charge Thorfin.

Al-miraj attacks!
Gornak: [roll0] vs AC, [roll1] damage
Thorfin: [roll2] vs AC, [roll3] damage
[roll4] vs AC, [roll5] damage
Flick: [roll6] vs AC, [roll7] damage
Al-mi'rajes|Red, A
Stench Kow|Large K
????|Large S
Mole|Yellow, M
Flick|Blue, F
Thorfin|Grey, T
Kalper|Orange, K
Gornak|Red, G
Daniel|Purple, D[/table]
The knoll is Difficult Terrain when climbing it.

If you fall into the stream, or wish to cross the log bridge during combat, you must make a DC 10 Athletics check to successfully move. The stream is five feet deep.

The tree is as before: creatures standing in the branches have cover, the tree trunk itself functions as a wall.

The bushes and rocks (G9, O7) are Difficult Terrain.

The "headstones" are actually garden markers. Some have inspirational quotes on them. When on a square with a marker (E4, E3, G4, G3, N3, N4, L3, L4), a PC can take a Minor Action to read a quote. The other players and DM will judge the quote. If sufficiently inspirational, the character gains +1 to all defenses until the start of his next turn, or gains a +2 to any d20 roll made before the end of his next turn. This can be done [I]once by each PC.

The large masses of shrubbery are the beanstalks. They block line of sight (to anything past the beanstalks, not in the beanstalk square itself), provide Cover for Small or smaller creatures, and function as Difficult Terrain for other creatures.
Characters disgusted by stench (-2 to attack):


2009-05-08, 04:11 AM
- Argh, you brought them closer to me, why did you do that?! - priest's complain dissolved into rapid series of mumbled prayers, as he streteched one hand holding the symbol forward, bringing the same eerie glow he used previous fight on the rabbits and the kow; while sending additional ray of light to the kow, over Daniel's shoulder, with the other.

Attack action - Divine Glow on squares J3-5, K3-5, L3-5
Attack vs Kow: [roll0] vs Reflex
Attack vs J3: [roll1] vs Reflex
Attack vs K4: [roll2] vs Reflex
On hit: [roll3] radiant damage
Effect: Allies in the blast (Gornak) get +2 power bonus to attack rolls untill end of turn
Action point spent for another attack action
Attack action 2 - Lance of Faith on Kow
Attack [roll4] vs Reflex
On hit: [roll5] radiant damage and Daniel gets +2 power bonus to his next attack roll

2009-05-08, 11:36 AM
Thorfin dodges out of the way of the two attacks aimed at him - he's a lot more agile than you'd think dwarves to be.
Then he brings down his maul on the Al-mi'raj's head.
Die, Diner!

Posting before my turn as I might not be able to get on later today.
Brash Strike on G3. G3 has combat advantage to Thorfin until the start of his next turn.
Activate Bloodclaw Maul's property. (-1 HP, +3 Damage)

HP: 40

Mando Knight
2009-05-08, 03:30 PM
As the first burst of light slams into the Kow, a wind picks up... and its foul stench fills Daniel and Gornak's nostrils and makes them stumble as they try to keep their lunches. (5 poison damage each. One of the al-mi'rajes also took 5 poison damage)

As Kalper tries to hammer the Kow with more light, an al-mi'raj tackles him, knocking off his aim, causing him to miss the Kow entirely.
OA for ranged attack: [roll0] vs AC, [roll1] damage on a hit

Right before Thorfin slams one of the al-mi'rajes with his massive mace, a vile mollusk sloshes into view. Out of its head grow multiple antennae, giving it the appearance of a flail. A massive spiraling shell armors its soft flesh.

Al-mi'rajes|Red, A
Stench Kow|Large K
Flail Snail|Large S
Mole|Yellow, M
Flick|Blue, F
Thorfin|Grey, T
Kalper|Orange, K
Gornak|Red, G
Daniel|Purple, D[/table]
The knoll is Difficult Terrain when climbing it.

If you fall into the stream, or wish to cross the log bridge during combat, you must make a DC 10 Athletics check to successfully move. The stream is five feet deep.

The tree is as before: creatures standing in the branches have cover, the tree trunk itself functions as a wall.

The bushes and rocks (G9, O7) are Difficult Terrain.

The "headstones" are actually garden markers. Some have inspirational quotes on them. When on a square with a marker (E4, E3, G4, G3, N3, N4, L3, L4), a PC can take a Minor Action to read a quote. The other players and DM will judge the quote. If sufficiently inspirational, the character gains +1 to all defenses until the start of his next turn, or gains a +2 to any d20 roll made before the end of his next turn. This can be done once by each PC.

The large masses of shrubbery are the beanstalks. They block line of sight (to anything past the beanstalks, not in the beanstalk square itself), provide Cover for Small or smaller creatures, and function as Difficult Terrain for other creatures.
Characters disgusted by stench (-2 to attack) (Stench Kow aura 1):

Flail Snail|17

Damage taken:
Stench Kow|12
Flail Snail|0
Brain Mole|0
J3|25 (near-dead)
G3|17 (bloodied)

Enemy pics:
Flail Snail
Brain Mole
Stench Kow

2009-05-08, 03:54 PM
Coughing and choking, the minotaur dry heaves a little even as he tries to keep his shield between himself and the mutant forest animals. "Hey Daniel, I thought you were going to take care of this overgrown goat? What are you doing over there? Must I do everything myself?"

Even with the biting remark and the nauseating odor and the rabbit horn gouges in his side, Gornak could not help but smile to himself. Nothing like being outnumbered and overmatched to put a thrill in the day. Squinting a little from the light of Kalper's divine glow, the minotaur could make out clearly the outlines of the killer bunnies for his assault.

Passing Attack (Divine Glow and Nauseating stench cancel each other out)

Attack 1 at J3 vs AC [roll0] Damage [roll1]
Shift to J4
Attack 2 at K3 vs AC [roll2] Damage [roll3]

HP 36/45, 0 Temp HP

Forgot to mention, Gornak marks both Al-mi'rages he attacked.

Mando Knight
2009-05-08, 04:20 PM
The al-mi'raj at J3, already severely wounded, dies immediately when Gornak's axe cleaves through it. The second al-mi'raj takes the hit and is bleeding, but still lives. (total damage = 14)

Daniel's turn.

2009-05-09, 12:38 AM
As the stench and poison wash over him, Daniel stands as if in a trance, avoiding the kow's horns but not attacking it. When the snail comes into view he hurls his sword at it. He runs after it, almost colliding with the loathsome mollusc.

HP 28/37. Casting Whirling Blade.
Primary Target, Flail Snail. To hit [roll0]
Secondary Target, Stench Kow. To hit [roll1]
Tertiary Target, Mole. To hit [roll2]
Quaternary Target, Al-Mi'raj at K3 [roll3]
Damage for first target hit: [roll4]
Moving to I8.
Marking the Flail Snail with Aegis of assault

Mando Knight
2009-05-09, 06:10 PM
The al-mi'rajes next to Daniel get some strikes in while he's directing his sword's flight, scurrying away afterwards.

2 OAs on Daniel when he attacks:
[roll0] vs AC, [roll1] damage.
[roll2] vs AC, [roll3] damage.

(full post to come as soon as I see the proper damage rolls for Daniel's attacks. All four attacks hit, and the powers I'll use will vary depending on how much damage he deals)

Both al-mi'rajes escape through burrowing astonishingly quickly through the garden's soft earth. (neither provoke OAs when burrowing)

2009-05-09, 09:23 PM
(full post to come as soon as I see the proper damage rolls for Daniel's attacks. All four attacks hit, and the powers I'll use will vary depending on how much damage he deals)

It's only one attack. Whirling Blade stops as soon as you score one hit with it. So he hit the snail, but nothing else.

2009-05-09, 09:39 PM

Corrected damage roll: [roll0]

Mando Knight
2009-05-09, 09:45 PM
It's only one attack. Whirling Blade stops as soon as you score one hit with it. So he hit the snail, but nothing else.

Ha. You're right. I forgot to read the power and thought it dealt multiple hits when they succeed. :smallredface:

Right then! Mando Knight received the Fen badge!

The Kow did manage to make an attack of opportunity as Daniel passed (in order to get to I8, he had to move through I7), then follows up with a strike at Gornak.

Two strikes with the Stench Kow's horns:
On Daniel, [roll0] vs AC, [roll1] damage and marked by the Kow until the end of the Kow's next turn on a hit.
On Gornak, [roll2] vs AC, [roll3] damage and marked by the Kow until the end of the Kow's next turn on a hit.
The mole stares at Kalper, and its stare burrows deep into the cleric's mind, threatening to drive him insane.

Brain Burrow on Kalper:
Attack: [roll4] vs Will
Hit: [roll5] psychic damage, and 5 ongoing psychic damage (save ends).
Al-mi'rajes|Red, A
Stench Kow|Large K
Flail Snail|Large S
Mole|Yellow, M
Flick|Blue, F
Thorfin|Grey, T
Kalper|Orange, K
Gornak|Red, G
Daniel|Purple, D[/table]
The knoll is Difficult Terrain when climbing it.

If you fall into the stream, or wish to cross the log bridge during combat, you must make a DC 10 Athletics check to successfully move. The stream is five feet deep.

The tree is as before: creatures standing in the branches have cover, the tree trunk itself functions as a wall.

The bushes and rocks (G9, O7) are Difficult Terrain.

The "headstones" are actually garden markers. Some have inspirational quotes on them. When on a square with a marker (E4, E3, G4, G3, N3, N4, L3, L4), a PC can take a Minor Action to read a quote. The other players and DM will judge the quote. If sufficiently inspirational, the character gains +1 to all defenses until the start of his next turn, or gains a +2 to any d20 roll made before the end of his next turn. This can be done once by each PC.

The large masses of shrubbery are the beanstalks. They block line of sight (to anything past the beanstalks, not in the beanstalk square itself), provide Cover for Small or smaller creatures, and function as Difficult Terrain for other creatures.
Characters disgusted by stench (-2 to attack) (Stench Kow aura 1):

Flail Snail|17

Damage taken:
Stench Kow|12
Flail Snail|17
Brain Mole|0
E3|17 (bloodied)

Enemy pics:
Flail Snail
Brain Mole
Stench Kow

2009-05-09, 09:57 PM
"Fear not, Kalper!" Flick announces. "I shall clear you a path using my ninjutsu magic!"

He steps back over the stream, darts east, and splashes through the stream again to pop up right behind the unicorn bunny, flanking it. As the unicorn bunny turns in surprise, Flick leaps into the air with both swords out. "Inflict Stabbity Wounds!"

*stab stab stab stab stab*

Move Action: South, East, East, Northeast, to flank the unicorn bunny with Gornak. Athletics roll to cross the stream: [roll0]. If it fails, I'll use my bow instead.
Minor Action: Hunter's Quarry the bunny.
Standard Action: Twin Strike the bunny.
Sneak Attack!
First attack: [roll1]
Damage roll: [roll2]
Second attack: [roll3]
Damage roll: [roll4]
Sneak Attack and Hunter's Quarry (delivered if either attack hits): [roll5]

Mando Knight
2009-05-09, 10:08 PM
The al-mi'raj takes a blow to the stomach, near death now (damage = 25, very near death. One 3 would've done it, Saph). It stabs its horn at Gornak, and desperate to escape, flees as fast as it can. The other two charge Thorfin, eager to kill.

Horn attack on Gornak: [roll0] vs AC, [roll1] damage on a hit.

Charges on Thorfin:
[roll2] vs AC, [roll3] damage on a hit.
[roll4] vs AC, [roll5] damage on a hit.

Thanks to their powers, the two charging Thorfin manage to burrow and shift their way back to E3 and F4. K3 retreats, burrowing to P7. Map update to come after Kalper takes his turn, as I'm a bit too lazy to upload another map right now.

2009-05-10, 02:04 AM
- Ungh... No mole will dig into my brain! - Kalper shouts firmly resisting mole's sight, and turns back towards the... erm... stinky problem closer to him.
- Sehanine guide my aim... - he whispers as remains of the glow he summoned moments ago rise and form a ball of light around the kow's head, burning and distracting it

I assume that onging damage from mole takes effect only on hit :P (which doesn't happen)

Free action - Channel Divinity: Divine Fortune (+1 on my next attack roll)
Attack action - Daunting Light on kow
Attack [roll0] vs Reflex
On hit: [roll1] radiant damage
Effect: Gornak has combat advantage against the Kow until end of my next turn.

Mando Knight
2009-05-10, 11:00 AM
The mole chants in his head "Miss! Miss! Miss!" and nearly throws off Kalper's aim... but missing a Kow that large is pretty hard at that range. As the orb of light burns into the Kow, it breaks wind. Gornak, being too close to the smell already, engages his gag reflex as he smells the result. (5 poison damage)

The flail snail begins flailing its flails, hoping to harm Daniel with its hail that could pierce mail.
Flailing Snail! Two attacks on Daniel.
[roll0] vs AC, [roll1] damage.
[roll2] vs AC, [roll3] damage.
If both hit, Daniel is knocked prone.
Al-mi'rajes|Red, A
Stench Kow|Large K
Flail Snail|Large S
Mole|Yellow, M
Flick|Blue, F
Thorfin|Grey, T
Kalper|Orange, K
Gornak|Red, G
Daniel|Purple, D[/table]
The knoll is Difficult Terrain when climbing it.

If you fall into the stream, or wish to cross the log bridge during combat, you must make a DC 10 Athletics check to successfully move. The stream is five feet deep.

The tree is as before: creatures standing in the branches have cover, the tree trunk itself functions as a wall.

The bushes and rocks (G9, O7) are Difficult Terrain.

The "headstones" are actually garden markers. Some have inspirational quotes on them. When on a square with a marker (E4, E3, G4, G3, N3, N4, L3, L4), a PC can take a Minor Action to read a quote. The other players and DM will judge the quote. If sufficiently inspirational, the character gains +1 to all defenses until the start of his next turn, or gains a +2 to any d20 roll made before the end of his next turn. This can be done once by each PC.

The large masses of shrubbery are the beanstalks. They block line of sight (to anything past the beanstalks, not in the beanstalk square itself), provide Cover for Small or smaller creatures, and function as Difficult Terrain for other creatures.
Characters disgusted by stench (-2 to attack) (Stench Kow aura 1):
No one.

Flail Snail|17

Damage taken:
Stench Kow|29 (bloodied)
Flail Snail|12
Brain Mole|0
P7|25 (oh so bloodied)
E3|17 (bloodied)

Enemy pics:
Flail Snail
Brain Mole
Stench Kow

2009-05-10, 11:24 AM
Taking my turn early since it's just PCs in mostly separate fights left to go this round.

Gornak blocks the Kow's strike and manages to sidestep the wounded rabbit's gouge. As he turns back to Kow though, an overwhelming wall of stench drives him backwards coughing.

Alright rotten Goat, just you left now. And it's my moooove."

Taking a deep breath, he plunges back into the foul cloud surrounding the beast.

Move back to J4

Crushing Surge
Attack [roll0] (possibly -2 for going back into stench aura)
Damage [roll1]
+5 temp hp on hit

Marks Kow

2009-05-10, 12:55 PM
Thorfin manages to shrug of the first attack, but the second almi'raj successfully stabs under his armor.
Get back here, ya filthy cowards! he shouts at them as they move away from him.
He runs up to one, and continues his assault on the poor rabbits.

Typical attack. Brash Strike, with Bloodclaw property activated. If only it wasn't such a solid power, I'd put some variation in my attacks.


Edit: That should drop him, I think.

Mando Knight
2009-05-10, 01:44 PM
He runs up to one, and continues his assault on the poor rabbits.

Which one? If it's F4, it's still up, but if it's E3, F4 gets an OA on you.

2009-05-10, 04:41 PM
((Whoops, I intended to specify that in the spoiler bracket. I did mean to take down the wounded one. It's E3, and Thorfin'll take the OA))

Mando Knight
2009-05-10, 10:06 PM
The al-mi'raj nearest Thorfin attacks as he passes by, then again as it realizes that its friend has fallen.

OA as Thorfin passes, then of course you know that This Means War! when Thorfin drops the E3 al-mi'raj.
2 attacks:
[roll0] vs AC, [roll1] damage
[roll2] vs AC, [roll3] damage

Daniel's up.

...Also! Since the Kow is now bloodied... its aura of stench increases to 2. And you thought it smelled bad on the outside.

2009-05-11, 03:12 AM
Daniel runs down the path, easily dodging the blows of the al-mi'rajes and the kow. When he reaches the snail he hesitates, and barely escapes a blow from the snail's flail. Finally he draws back his sword and makes a furious swing at the snail. There is a clap of thunder as his sword reaches his target.

Casting Blastback Swipe at the snail.
To hit [roll0] vs Fortitude
Damage [roll1]
Critical hit damage [roll2]
If hit, snail pushed to I12-J12-J11-I11.
If the snail is pushed, Daniel uses a move action to follow it, moving from I8 to I10.

Mando Knight
2009-05-11, 03:11 PM
The stinking Kow, oozing the most pungent blood you've ever smelled, shifts and continues to thrash at Gornak. The mole stays still, strangely enough.

Horns on Gornak.
[roll0] vs AC, [roll1] 13 damage and marked by the Kow until the end of the Kow's next turn on a hit.
Al-mi'rajes|Red, A
Stench Kow|Large K
Flail Snail|Large S
Mole|Yellow, M
Flick|Blue, F
Thorfin|Grey, T
Kalper|Orange, K
Gornak|Red, G
Daniel|Purple, D[/table]
The knoll is Difficult Terrain when climbing it.

If you fall into the stream, or wish to cross the log bridge during combat, you must make a DC 10 Athletics check to successfully move. The stream is five feet deep.

The tree is as before: creatures standing in the branches have cover, the tree trunk itself functions as a wall.

The bushes and rocks (G9, O7) are Difficult Terrain.

The "headstones" are actually garden markers. Some have inspirational quotes on them. When on a square with a marker (E4, E3, G4, G3, N3, N4, L3, L4), a PC can take a Minor Action to read a quote. The other players and DM will judge the quote. If sufficiently inspirational, the character gains +1 to all defenses until the start of his next turn, or gains a +2 to any d20 roll made before the end of his next turn. This can be done once by each PC.

The large masses of shrubbery are the beanstalks. They block line of sight (to anything past the beanstalks, not in the beanstalk square itself), provide Cover for Small or smaller creatures, and function as Difficult Terrain for other creatures.
Characters disgusted by stench (-2 to attack) (Stench Kow aura 2):

Flail Snail|17

Damage taken:
Stench Kow|37 (bloodied)
Flail Snail|18
Brain Mole|0
P7|25 (oh so bloodied)

Enemy pics:
Flail Snail
Brain Mole
Stench Kow

2009-05-11, 07:18 PM
"Shh! Be wery, wery qwiet. I'm hunting wabbits." Flick is just about to go sneaking after the fleeing unicorn bunny when he sees Gornak get skewered by the Stench Kow's horns.

"Oh well, I'm sure he'll be back. They always are." Moving with lightning speed, Flick sheaths his two shortswords, takes a bead on the Kow, quickdraws his bow, and sends two arrows into it.

Minor Action: Sheathe my shortswords.
Minor Action: Hunter's Quarry the Kow.
Standard Action: Two-Fanged Strike on the Kow.
Attack number 1: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Attack number 2: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]
Hunter's Quarry damage, delivered if either hit: [roll4]
2 extra damage if both attacks hit.
Free Action: If either attack misses, use Elven Accuracy. Replace the roll that misses with [roll5].

Mando Knight
2009-05-11, 07:30 PM
As soon as the first arrow strikes the Stench Kow, it slumps over, and the second finds its mark in a dead bovine. The winds carrying its stench die down, and the smell somehow becomes far more bearable.

The al-mi'raj next to Thorfin tries to stab him, then runs.
Unicorn Horn on Thorfin. [roll0] vs AC, [roll1] 12 damage on a hit.
Dammit, good luck. Go bother one of my other games. Like the ones where I'm a player.
Al-mi'rajes|Red, A
Flail Snail|Large S
Mole|Yellow, M
Flick|Blue, F
Thorfin|Grey, T
Kalper|Orange, K
Gornak|Red, G
Daniel|Purple, D[/table]
The knoll is Difficult Terrain when climbing it.

If you fall into the stream, or wish to cross the log bridge during combat, you must make a DC 10 Athletics check to successfully move. The stream is five feet deep.

The tree is as before: creatures standing in the branches have cover, the tree trunk itself functions as a wall.

The bushes and rocks (G9, O7) are Difficult Terrain.

The "headstones" are actually garden markers. Some have inspirational quotes on them. When on a square with a marker (E4, E3, G4, G3, N3, N4, L3, L4), a PC can take a Minor Action to read a quote. The other players and DM will judge the quote. If sufficiently inspirational, the character gains +1 to all defenses until the start of his next turn, or gains a +2 to any d20 roll made before the end of his next turn. This can be done once by each PC.

The large masses of shrubbery are the beanstalks. They block line of sight (to anything past the beanstalks, not in the beanstalk square itself), provide Cover for Small or smaller creatures, and function as Difficult Terrain for other creatures.
The snail's slime is a sticky mess. Daniel (and anyone else that starts its turn adjacent to the snail) is slowed until the start of his next turn. (doesn't affect teleports, though)

Flail Snail|17

Damage taken:
Flail Snail|18
Brain Mole|0
P7|25 (oh so bloodied)

Enemy pics:
Flail Snail
Brain Mole
Stench Kow

2009-05-12, 04:46 AM
- *choke* *gag* ...oh, right in time Flick... *vomit* ...damn... be healed Gornak. - the priest mutters channeling is healing powers through the last words then moves on, closer to the dwarf - And you too Thorfin.
Minor action - Healing Word on Gornak (he can spend an healing surge to heal [roll0] (see OOC) hit points)
Move action - to G3
Standard action - Cure Light Wounds on Thorfin (he heals 10 hit points, no surge needed)

Mando Knight
2009-05-12, 05:19 PM
The flail snail flails wildly at Daniel again.
Two attacks on Daniel, if both hit, he is knocked prone.
[roll0] vs AC, [roll1] damage
[roll2] vs AC, [roll3] damage
Al-mi'rajes|Red, A
Flail Snail|Large S
Mole|Yellow, M
Flick|Blue, F
Thorfin|Grey, T
Kalper|Orange, K
Gornak|Red, G
Daniel|Purple, D[/table]
The knoll is Difficult Terrain when climbing it.

If you fall into the stream, or wish to cross the log bridge during combat, you must make a DC 10 Athletics check to successfully move. The stream is five feet deep.

The tree is as before: creatures standing in the branches have cover, the tree trunk itself functions as a wall.

The bushes and rocks (G9, O7) are Difficult Terrain.

The "headstones" are actually garden markers. Some have inspirational quotes on them. When on a square with a marker (E4, E3, G4, G3, N3, N4, L3, L4), a PC can take a Minor Action to read a quote. The other players and DM will judge the quote. If sufficiently inspirational, the character gains +1 to all defenses until the start of his next turn, or gains a +2 to any d20 roll made before the end of his next turn. This can be done once by each PC.

The large masses of shrubbery are the beanstalks. They block line of sight (to anything past the beanstalks, not in the beanstalk square itself), provide Cover for Small or smaller creatures, and function as Difficult Terrain for other creatures.
The snail's slime is a sticky mess. Daniel (and anyone else that starts its turn adjacent to the snail) is slowed until the start of his next turn. (doesn't affect teleports, though)

Flail Snail|17

Damage taken:
Flail Snail|18
Brain Mole|0
P7|25 (oh so bloodied)

Enemy pics:
Flail Snail
Brain Mole
Stench Kow

2009-05-12, 11:12 PM
Posting early again just to keep things moving along

Gornak stumbled a little, still reeling from the Kow's hard strike. Just as he's about to strike back, Flick's arrow catches the Kow in the side dropping it. The disappointment was quickly disipated as with the Kow no longer distracting him, he could see the Brain Mole on the gnoll.

"Your turn!"

Charge to L5, attack Brain Mole

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Mark the Mole
HP 42/45 Temp 0

2009-05-13, 05:23 AM
Daniel tries to dodge as the snail attacks him, but two flails connect solidly with his head. There's a sickening thump and Daniel collapses. He lies there for a moment, then raises his head. There's a visible dent in his skull and his eyes stare vaguely at the horizon. He calls out to Kalper, his voice sounding strained and hoarse but emotionless.

CLERIC! This body is badly damaged. Repair it or supply another.

Daniel is bloodied and prone but still conscious and able to attack. This isn't my turn yet, just my reaction to the damage.

Mando Knight
2009-05-16, 02:35 PM
In interest of getting things back on the road...

Thorfin brashly strikes at the al-mi'raj next to him.
[roll0] vs AC, [roll1] damage, mark.

Daniel is up.

2009-05-16, 03:47 PM
Daniel sheathes his sword and whispers a few arcane syllables. His cloak clings to him and the red trim seems to pulse in time with his laboured breathing. He closes his eyes and pauses for a moment, then crawls away from the snail.

Activating the daily power of the Cloak of Resistance: resistance 5 until the start of my next turn.
Using my second wind to increase HP from 8 to 17. Defenses increase by 2 until start of my next turn: AC 24 Fort 17 Ref 19 Will 17.
Shifting to I9.

Mando Knight
2009-05-16, 03:53 PM
(Are you sure you wish to sheathe your sword? The swordmage class feature that boosts your AC by 3 only works while your sword is drawn, and if you are prone, enemies get an attack bonus against you for melee attacks.)

2009-05-16, 05:15 PM
Whoops, you're right. Cancel that, it's still unsheathed.

Mando Knight
2009-05-17, 12:26 PM
The mole uses its mind powers to try to turn the minotaur away...

Mole Aversion on Gornak.
[roll0] vs Will
Hit: [roll1] damage, and 5 ongoing psychic damage (ends if Gornak ends his turn 2 or more squares away from the mole).

Al-mi'rajes|Red, A
Flail Snail|Large S
Mole|Yellow, M
Flick|Blue, F
Thorfin|Grey, T
Kalper|Orange, K
Gornak|Red, G
Daniel|Purple, D[/table]
The knoll is Difficult Terrain when climbing it.

If you fall into the stream, or wish to cross the log bridge during combat, you must make a DC 10 Athletics check to successfully move. The stream is five feet deep.

The tree is as before: creatures standing in the branches have cover, the tree trunk itself functions as a wall.

The bushes and rocks (G9, O7) are Difficult Terrain.

The "headstones" are actually garden markers. Some have inspirational quotes on them. When on a square with a marker (E4, E3, G4, G3, N3, N4, L3, L4), a PC can take a Minor Action to read a quote. The other players and DM will judge the quote. If sufficiently inspirational, the character gains +1 to all defenses until the start of his next turn, or gains a +2 to any d20 roll made before the end of his next turn. This can be done once by each PC.

The large masses of shrubbery are the beanstalks. They block line of sight (to anything past the beanstalks, not in the beanstalk square itself), provide Cover for Small or smaller creatures, and function as Difficult Terrain for other creatures.
The snail's slime is a sticky mess. Anyone who starts their turn next to the snail is slowed until the start of their next turn.

Flail Snail|17

Damage taken:
Flail Snail|18 (marked)
Brain Mole|10 (marked)
P7|25 (oh so bloodied)
F4|0 (marked)[/table]

Enemy pics:
Flail Snail
Brain Mole
Stench Kow

2009-05-17, 06:52 PM
"We shall assist you, Daniel!" Flick cries, running forward. "Snail! Feel the wrath of my NINJA ARROWS!" He puts two shots into the snail and stands ready to fire a third.

Move Action: Move to J8.
Minor Action: Hunter's Quarry the snail.
Standard Action: Twin Strike the snail.
Attack number 1: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Attack number 2: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]
Hunter's Quarry damage: [roll4]
Also, if the snail hits Daniel on its next turn, I'm going to use Disruptive Strike on it.

Mando Knight
2009-05-18, 11:54 AM
The flail snail fails. Its shell shatters into a billion tiny pieces as Flick's first arrow flies through it, and the second sinks directly into the beast's soft flesh underneath.

The al-mi'raj next to Thorfin stabs at him, then tries to get away.
[roll0] vs AC, [roll1] damage on hit.

Mando Knight
2009-05-18, 11:57 AM
The al-mi'raj manages to stab Thorfin, then as it tries to shift away, the dwarf swings his maul at the unicorn-rabbit.
Immediate interrupt, [roll0] vs AC, [roll1] damage
Al-mi'rajes|Red, A
Flail Snail|Large S
Mole|Yellow, M
Flick|Blue, F
Thorfin|Grey, T
Kalper|Orange, K
Gornak|Red, G
Daniel|Purple, D[/table]
The knoll is Difficult Terrain when climbing it.

If you fall into the stream, or wish to cross the log bridge during combat, you must make a DC 10 Athletics check to successfully move. The stream is five feet deep.

The tree is as before: creatures standing in the branches have cover, the tree trunk itself functions as a wall.

The bushes and rocks (G9, O7) are Difficult Terrain.

The "headstones" are actually garden markers. Some have inspirational quotes on them. When on a square with a marker (E4, E3, G4, G3, N3, N4, L3, L4), a PC can take a Minor Action to read a quote. The other players and DM will judge the quote. If sufficiently inspirational, the character gains +1 to all defenses until the start of his next turn, or gains a +2 to any d20 roll made before the end of his next turn. This can be done once by each PC.

The large masses of shrubbery are the beanstalks. They block line of sight (to anything past the beanstalks, not in the beanstalk square itself), provide Cover for Small or smaller creatures, and function as Difficult Terrain for other creatures.
The snail's slime is a sticky mess. Anyone who starts their turn next to the snail is slowed until the start of their next turn.

Flail Snail|17

Damage taken:
Flail Snail|38 (marked, bloodied)
Brain Mole|10 (marked)
R10|25 (oh so bloodied)
F4|12 (marked)[/table]

Enemy pics:
Flail Snail
Brain Mole
Stench Kow

2009-05-18, 04:15 PM
- What? Oh shi... Daniel! - Kalpers reacted to the call for help running towards his comrade. He sretched his left hand towards Daniel and lo, his wounds begun to heal. Then he brought his right arm, holding his sacred symbol, high and silver flame started to descend upon the snail.
Move action - to J6
Minor action - Healing Word on Daniel (he can spend an healing surge to heal [roll0] hit points)
Standard action - Sacred Flames on Flail Snail (Attack [roll1] vs reflex; On hit: [roll2] damage (critical hit, see below) and Daniel can either gain 3 temporary hit points or make a save against one effect

2009-05-18, 04:18 PM
Wooho a critical hit (on at-will power though :smallyuk:) - so thats [roll0] damage actually

Mando Knight
2009-05-18, 05:11 PM
The snail burns into a pile of dead. The al-mi'raj, angered by this, declares that this means war!

...and while it charges, Thorfin swings his maul, killing it in one final blow.
E4 charges to H4 and attacks Kalper, but takes an OA from Thorfin.
On Al-mi'raj: [roll0] vs AC, [roll1] damage
On Kalper: [roll2] vs AC, [roll3] damage

2009-05-18, 06:35 PM
Gornak, Daniel, and Thorfin's turns. Looks like it's all over but for cleanup.

Mando Knight
2009-05-18, 06:49 PM
Gornak, Daniel, and Thorfin's turns. Looks like it's all over but for cleanup.

...Come to think of it, it really is. All that's left is the mole and an almost-dead Al-mi'raj.

...The mole and al-mi'raj dig as much as they can, but accidentally run into each other underground. :smalltongue: Encounter over.

2009-05-18, 06:52 PM
Gornak prepares a mighty deathblow of truly epic proportions. He curses loudly when the mole retreats underground. The sound of the mole and the al-mi'raj knocking each other senseless gives him little satisfaction.

"Well, I guess that's that. Everyone still alive?"

2009-05-18, 07:06 PM
"Indeed." Flick pauses. "Though I've got to say, these have to be the weirdest creatures I've ever met in the Feywild, and that's saying a lot."

2009-05-19, 01:23 AM
As Daniel is bathed in the silver light, the dent in his head fills out and his eyes refocus. He stands up and starts to run towards the mole, only to stop immediately as it disappears. He grimaces and feels the side of his head.
He looks back at the group.
Thanks for helping me out, that could have been nasty.
He hesitates for a moment, then continues.
Uh, whatever I said after that thing hit me, just ignore it. I wasn't myself, you know?

2009-05-19, 03:31 AM
- Lad - if you continue to "be not yourself" like that, I think I'll have to excorcise you. You gave me quite a spook there. - Kalper's grin suggests he's joking, but his concerned look says otherwise.

- And I agree with Flick on the wierdness - our adversaries look like a joke - a deadly joke, but a joke nonthenless.

Aside from taling Kalper will do a mandatory search through the area :P [roll0]

2009-05-19, 04:46 AM
Flick waves his hand to Daniel. "Show no concern. After all, when the spirit employing your body manifested in the first encounter, it immediately identified the pirates and the minions serving their evil plans as enemies. This combined with its admirable stealth abilities demonstrates the instincts of a ninja, and should be applauded. While its inability to use its own physical form might show a lack of mastery, the incorporeality identifies it with the kazen-ti form of mist, a highly advanced technique. After all, the true art of the ninja is to be one with the emptiness that surrounds all things, seeing and perceiving all. As revealed in the first principles of ninjutsu, the Qiba Lianxi . . ."

(Five minutes later)

" . . . which is further proof of the superiority of Ninja and the inherent evil of Pirates." Flick pauses. "What? Oh, searching." He searches the area for tracks and anything of interest.

Perception: [roll0]

2009-05-19, 05:12 AM
Daniel laughs in a rather strained manner, as he hastily sheathes his sword.
Ha! No, I'm sure it was just the knock on the head.
He climbs the knoll and peers in all directions.
Anyway, we can't just keep wandering around and bumping into monsters. We need to figure out where to go to get out of here.

I really am sheathing my sword this time, for roleplaying purposes. AC goes from 22 to 19 until I draw it again.
Perception check for what Daniel can see from the knoll: [roll0]

2009-05-19, 02:25 PM
Gornak nods along sagely as Flick speaks for the whole 5 minutes. At the end he grunts and says "It's gotta be those halflings. I just know it. Well, I'm ready for some more wandering and bumping into things. I say we see where the road takes us and if it is not to an exit then we can reconsider."

Mando Knight
2009-05-20, 01:38 PM
Those searching all simultaneously lay their eyes on a glint of gold in the garden. After digging it up, you find that it's an enormous golden carrot. (As everlasting provisions, but the first attack roll of each day for each person who eats of the carrot gains a +2 bonus)

Ahead along the path is a squat, rundown hut. Those nearest it can hear voices.

2009-05-20, 06:29 PM
The minotaur stops and listens intently.

Perception Check [roll0]

2009-05-20, 07:10 PM
Flick will also listen . . . and try to sneak forward to get a closer look at what might be inside.

Perception: [roll0]
Stealth: [roll1]

Mando Knight
2009-05-20, 07:49 PM
Flick nears the odd building, and nearly trips. However, he is unnoticed by the inhabitants and gets a good look:

A round, squat room stands here, with several walls that have been—long ago, it would appear—knocked down or eroded away. Descending on the northern side of the building is a stairway from which thin smoke billows. Odors from that smoke assault your nose, smelling like fungus prepared with exotic spices and herbs from lands that exist only in your most fevered imaginings.

Around a low table, which appears to be made from a thick oak door laid upon ceramic pots that serve as table legs, are gathered several bizarre beasts. Floating in midair, these varyingly white and yellow creatures have eyestalks extending up from the tops of their saucer-shaped bodies. From their undersides hang slender tendrils that seem to wave in the breeze.

The table is piled high with plates, each filled with big mushrooms, or perhaps toadstools. You observe one of the floating creatures lower its body onto a plate of food, skewering a mushroom with a spike concealed on the underside
of the monster’s body, then rise up and drop the victuals into the mouth of one of the others.

A portly badger lies near one of the walls. It seems to be peacefully slumbering, judging by the raspy snoring emitting from its curled-up form.

Gornak, not quite as close as Flick, can see one odd creature flying up and down, and can make out a faint snoring sound.

2009-05-20, 08:12 PM
Flick blinks, and for once, doesn't say anything about ninjas. He sneaks back to Gornak.

Stealth again: [roll0]
"You're not going to believe this, but I think the creatures in there are flumphs. They were supposed to have gone extinct like, thirty years ago." Flick pauses. "Perhaps we should slip through the shadows and evade them."

Mando Knight
2009-05-20, 08:18 PM
Flick's sneakery is almost in vain... a large stick that wasn't there before hits him on the shoulder as he slips by. The creatures look around a moment, then return to their previous activity.

2009-05-20, 10:55 PM
"Ah, flumphs. Of course. I should have known... what's a flumph?"

2009-05-21, 12:07 AM
Daniel nods.
I have no desire to fight those things, and I'm guessing they won't be very helpful. Let's just leave them alone.

2009-05-21, 12:57 AM
"No idea. They were a running joke in an old elven story. They were supposed to be really soft landing pads for being fallen on, or something."

2009-05-21, 03:30 AM
- Monsters from a joke? Considering the kind of creatures we've fought previously this... kind of makes sense, eh? Anyway if we were to avoid them is there another way we can go, or is this the end of the way? - Kalper looks around

Perception: [roll0] - glancing around to see if this is dead end or not :P

2009-05-21, 11:42 PM
Assuming Kalper can spot a way around, Flick will try to lead everyone in an evasive course to sneak around the flumph-and-badger tea party. "We shall be shadows in the night." Flick glances upwards. "Early afternoon. Whichever."

Stealth, again, and let's try to roll higher than a 2 this time: [roll0]
"Now, let your selves be as one with your surroundings. You must concentrate only on invisibility. Concentrate! Yes! Like that!"

Believe it or not, this actually helps. Flick will use his Crucial Advice utility power on whoever most needs help trying to be stealthly. First person to get below 10 can reroll their Stealth check with a +2 bonus.

2009-05-22, 05:24 PM
"Yes, be like my surroundings. I am one with the grass. I am like the wind. I can see it now..."

Stealth roll [roll0]

2009-05-22, 05:25 PM
I believe that qualifies... :)

Stealth [roll0]

2009-05-22, 11:10 PM
Daniel draws his sword and tries to sneak past the building with the others.
AC back to 22. Stealth: [roll0]

Mando Knight
2009-05-23, 11:30 AM
(Once I get a Stealth roll from Kalper, I can start the next encounter... so you may wish to consult your friend Roland Itiative as well.

For Thorfin, since Mephit hasn't been around for at least a week:
Stealth [roll0]
Initiative [roll1])

2009-05-23, 12:05 PM
Kalper starts sneaking, following Flick's example.

Stealth: [roll0]
Initiative: [roll1]

Mando Knight
2009-05-23, 12:20 PM
A diminutive, wild-haired gnome trots amiably into the room, hoisting a platter of cooked mushrooms that smoke as though they’ve just come from off a cooking fire. In a nasally fey voice he says, "I just brought in more campestris off the cooking fire," the creature speaks, "Who wants seconds?"

Despite his best efforts to stay hidden, Gornak hits the tree branch that nearly exposed Flick earlier, then trips on a rock and barely manages to catch himself, but is fairly visible. Staring directly at him, the gnome shrieks, quickly following with the words, "This isn’t an adventuring party! It’s for monsters only! Get outta here!" He promptly prepares to throw a plate of food at Gornak.

Flumphs [roll0]
Badger [roll1]
The Gnome [roll2]

All of the players but Gornak get a surprise round. (i.e. a single action)

2009-05-23, 02:54 PM
"I am one wind... I am one with - What the?! Who put that tree there?"

Initiative roll [roll0]

2009-05-23, 03:43 PM
Daniel looks exasperated.
Hold your fire, everyone!They haven't attacked us yet. Kalper, you're the best diplomat, try talking to them.
He turns to the gnome.
We don't mean you any harm, we'll leave right now if you let us.

Initiative [roll0]

2009-05-23, 04:26 PM
- A gnome? This is the big thing the barrier and monsters were warding? A gnome having a party? - Kalper rises from cover, looking annoyed - Bah, how about a deal: You show us the way outside of the barrier, and we leave you alone to your party?

Diplomacy [roll0]
Also, since I couldn't find any rule against using "ready action" on surprise round - Kalper readies using Cascade of Light on the Gnome, should this end up in voilence anyway. :P (assuming that the gnome is in range anyway.

2009-05-23, 08:43 PM
Flick stays hidden behind one of the trees, his hands empty, but listening very carefully for signs of violence.

Ready action: if any of the tea party attack us, quickdraw my bow and Twin Strike the attacker.


Attack rolls in case they're needed: [roll1], [roll2]
Damage rolls if needed: roll]1d10+1, [roll3]

Mando Knight
2009-05-25, 06:16 PM
(Sorry for the lack of posting. I was trying to come up with a witty response, then forgot entirely. :smallsigh:)

The gnome shakes his head. "What barrier? There's no barrier! You just want to take our treasure and ruin our party! Go away! Getoutgetoutgetout!"

(Map and such to come soon. Posting this to remind myself not to forget again.)

Mando Knight
2009-05-25, 08:29 PM
Thorfin moves in to block off the advance of the Flumphs to his allies.

Francis the Badger|Brown, B
Flumphs|White, F
The Gnome|Green, G
Flick|Blue, F
Thorfin|Grey, T
Kalper|Orange, K
Gornak|Red, G
Daniel|Purple, D[/table]
Campestris: Any creature that starts its turn in a square of campestris is slowed until the end of its next turn. Unless said creature is deafened, it also has to leave the campestris’ square if possible. At the end of every round, each square of campestris that aren’t on a plate can move 1 square.
Rocks: The rocks outside are difficult terrain.
Stairs: These are steep and difficult terrain. They descend to a small, oppressive kitchen with shelves, crockery, and a cookfire pit.
Tree: The tree’s trunk is blocking terrain, and creatures standing in the branches have cover.
Walls: The walls are masonry but fell into disrepair long ago (Athletics DC 15 to climb).

Campestri Toss
Anybody in the encounter can make the following ranged attack if they’re adjacent to a plate full of campestris. There are six plates in total. (Each one immediately west of a monster)
R Campestri Toss (standard; at-will) • Psychic
Ranged 5/10; +6 vs. Reflex; 1d10 + 3 psychic damage.
Effect: One square of the target’s space now contains campestris.

Flick|Readied action
Kalper|Readied action
The Badger|17
The Gnome|16

Damage taken:

Enemy pics:
The Gnome (He's got a gorgeous lair! Do you have a lair? He's got a lair!)... and his Badger.

2009-05-26, 12:10 AM
Daniel sighs.
Fine, we're leaving.
Moving from L8 to F8

Mando Knight
2009-05-26, 03:50 PM
As the Gnome's pet badger scurries over to help its master, the Gnome brings his hands up and curls them like claws, and hysterically shouts "I'm a monster! RAWR!"

Those with weaker wills might not be able to help but begin laughing uncontrollably at the creature.

The Gnome's a Monster! RAWR!
vs. Thorfin's Will: [roll0]
vs. Flick's Will: [roll1]
vs. Kalper's Will: [roll2]
vs. Daniel's Will: [roll3]
vs. Gornak's Will: [roll4]

Hit: Dazed until the end of the Gnome's next turn, and is marked by the K4 Flumph.

Thorfin responds with a swing of his mace at the nearest Flumph.
Reaping Strike
[roll5] vs AC
[roll6] damage on hit, else 4 damage
Francis the Badger|Brown, B
Flumphs|White, F
The Gnome|Green, G
Flick|Blue, F
Thorfin|Grey, T
Kalper|Orange, K
Gornak|Red, G
Daniel|Purple, D[/table]
Campestris: Any creature that starts its turn in a square of campestris is slowed until the end of its next turn. Unless said creature is deafened, it also has to leave the campestris’ square if possible. At the end of every round, each square of campestris that aren’t on a plate can move 1 square.
Rocks: The rocks outside are difficult terrain.
Stairs: These are steep and difficult terrain. They descend to a small, oppressive kitchen with shelves, crockery, and a cookfire pit.
Tree: The tree’s trunk is blocking terrain, and creatures standing in the branches have cover.
Walls: The walls are masonry but fell into disrepair long ago (Athletics DC 15 to climb).

Campestri Toss
Anybody in the encounter can make the following ranged attack if they’re adjacent to a plate full of campestris. There are six plates in total. (Each one immediately west of a monster)
R Campestri Toss (standard; at-will) • Psychic
Ranged 5/10; +6 vs. Reflex; 1d10 + 3 psychic damage.
Effect: One square of the target’s space now contains campestris.

The Badger|17
The Gnome|16

Damage taken:
The Gnome|32

Enemy pics:
The Gnome (He's got a gorgeous lair! Do you have a lair? He's got a lair!)... and his Badger.

2009-05-26, 05:57 PM
Do mine and Saph's readied actions still trigger? If so then my rolls:
Attack [roll0] vs Will
On hit [roll1] radiant damage and the Gnome gains vulnerability 5 to my attacks (save ends)

Mando Knight
2009-05-26, 05:59 PM
Do mine and Saph's readied actions still trigger? If so then my rolls:
Attack [roll0] vs Will
On hit [roll1] radiant damage and the Gnome gains vulnerability 5 to my attacks (save ends)

(Yes. I already factored in Saph's readied action since it was all rolled out for me.)

2009-05-26, 06:21 PM
I'm guessing we're out of the surprise round then?

So no Campestris on the map yet, right? They'll appear after the monsters start throwing.

"Hee hee hee. Oh, the little badger thinks he's a big bad guy! Ha ha ha ha ha. He's going to be the death of us all!! Ho Ho Ho HO."

Move to H8

Mando Knight
2009-05-26, 06:26 PM
I'm guessing we're out of the surprise round then?

So no Campestris on the map yet, right? They'll appear after the monsters start throwing.

"Hee hee hee. Oh, the little badger thinks he's a big bad guy! Ha ha ha ha ha. He's going to be the death of us all!! Ho Ho Ho HO."

Move to H8

Yes, you're out of the surprise round, and the Campestris has not yet appeared.

2009-05-26, 09:38 PM
Flick desperately tries to avoid bursting out laughing, as rolling on the floor in hysterics isn't in keeping with his ideas of ninja mystique. "A *snort* monster. Yes, you're *snerk* obviously *snerk* obviously a, a, er . . . oh, for the love of Sehanine, someone knock him out." (He's still dazed from the effort.)

2009-05-27, 01:52 AM
Daniels smiles at the gnome's outburst. Then he notices the reaction of the others and his face falls, then freezes in an expressionless mask. He charges back through a small gap in the wall and stabs the gnome with his sword.

Charging to K3 and casting Foesnare on the gnome. I'm going through the hole at G6, tell me if I can't do that.
To hit: [roll0] vs AC
Damage: [roll1] and immobilised.
Critical hit damage:[roll2]

Mando Knight
2009-05-27, 03:22 PM
The flumphs fly about, stabbing Daniel and Thorfin with their spikes, as the Gnome vanishes from sight and his faithful badger Francis scurries up to attack Thorfin.

Spike attacks on Daniel:
[roll0] vs AC, [roll1] damage
[roll2] vs AC, [roll3] damage
[roll4] vs AC, [roll5] damage
If any attack hits, take 5 ongoing acid damage (save ends)
Spike attack on Thorfin:
[roll6] vs AC, [roll7] 6 damage, 5 ongoing acid damage (save ends)

Bite attack on Thorfin:
[roll8] vs AC, 5 damage
Francis the Badger|Brown, B
Flumphs|White, F
The Gnome|Green, G
Flick|Blue, F
Thorfin|Grey, T
Kalper|Orange, K
Gornak|Red, G
Daniel|Purple, D[/table]
Campestris: Any creature that starts its turn in a square of campestris is slowed until the end of its next turn. Unless said creature is deafened, it also has to leave the campestris’ square if possible. At the end of every round, each square of campestris that aren’t on a plate can move 1 square.
Rocks: The rocks outside are difficult terrain.
Stairs: These are steep and difficult terrain. They descend to a small, oppressive kitchen with shelves, crockery, and a cookfire pit.
Tree: The tree’s trunk is blocking terrain, and creatures standing in the branches have cover.
Walls: The walls are masonry but fell into disrepair long ago (Athletics DC 15 to climb).

Campestri Toss
Anybody in the encounter can make the following ranged attack if they’re adjacent to a plate full of campestris. There are six plates in total. (Each one immediately west of a monster)
R Campestri Toss (standard; at-will) • Psychic
Ranged 5/10; +6 vs. Reflex; 1d10 + 3 psychic damage.
Effect: One square of the target’s space now contains campestris.

The Badger|17
The Gnome|16

Damage taken:
The Gnome|42 (bloodied, invisible)

Enemy pics:
The Gnome (He's got a gorgeous lair! Do you have a lair? He's got a lair!)... and his Badger.

2009-05-27, 10:08 PM
Managing to regain his composure, Flick pulls a couple of blunt-headed arrows from his quiver and shoots them into the badger, trying to knock the beastie unconscious. "I don't care if you're a monster! Beat it!"

Twin Strike on the badger, nonlethal. Flick really can't bring himself to take these guys seriously enough to try and kill them.
Attack number 1: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Attack number 2: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Still dazed, so no move or minor action.

2009-05-28, 02:47 AM
- Heh heh heh... sucha a monster, we don't stand a chance *snort* - Kalper stubles laughing towards Gornak - Move, will ya? I need... ha!... I need a better angle of look at the battlefield... *snerk* "battlefield", yeah right...

Move to I8

Mando Knight
2009-05-29, 06:42 PM
The Gnome reappears as it stabs forks into Gornak Daniel.

2 attacks vs AC.
[roll0]. Hit: [roll1] damage, and Daniel slides to K4.
[roll2] (+2 if the first missed). Hit: [roll3] damage, and Daniel slides to J5. (K4 if the first missed)

Thorfin steps on the collapsed badger and swings at the Gnome.
Reaping Strike
[roll4] vs AC, [roll5] damage on hit, 3 on miss.

Francis the Badger|Brown, B
Flumphs|White, F
The Gnome|Green, G
Flick|Blue, F
Thorfin|Grey, T
Kalper|Orange, K
Gornak|Red, G
Daniel|Purple, D[/table]
Campestris: Any creature that starts its turn in a square of campestris is slowed until the end of its next turn. Unless said creature is deafened, it also has to leave the campestris’ square if possible. At the end of every round, each square of campestris that aren’t on a plate can move 1 square.
Rocks: The rocks outside are difficult terrain.
Stairs: These are steep and difficult terrain. They descend to a small, oppressive kitchen with shelves, crockery, and a cookfire pit.
Tree: The tree’s trunk is blocking terrain, and creatures standing in the branches have cover.
Walls: The walls are masonry but fell into disrepair long ago (Athletics DC 15 to climb).

Campestri Toss
Anybody in the encounter can make the following ranged attack if they’re adjacent to a plate full of campestris. There are six plates in total. (Each one immediately west of a monster)
R Campestri Toss (standard; at-will) • Psychic
Ranged 5/10; +6 vs. Reflex; 1d10 + 3 psychic damage.
Effect: One square of the target’s space now contains campestris.

The Badger|17
The Gnome|16

Damage taken:
The Gnome|45 (bloodied, marked by Thorfin)

Enemy pics:
The Gnome (He's got a gorgeous lair! Do you have a lair? He's got a lair!)... and his Badger.

2009-05-29, 09:50 PM
Gornak gives a sigh as the crippling laughter ends. "Alright Kalper, I'm moving, I'm moving. Hope the party isn't already over."

Move to I4

Crushing Surge on J4
Attack (with flanking) [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2009-05-29, 11:21 PM
Daniel easily dodges the first fork but the second stabs into him and he slides across the room. He scrambles back to his orginal position and sweeps his sword around him twice.
Move from K4 to K3
Casting Swordburst on square J4-L4-L2-J2. All attacks have critical hit damage 12.
To hit: [roll0] vs Reflex.
Damage [roll1] (force)
To hit: [roll2] vs Reflex.
Damage [roll3] (force)
To hit: [roll4] vs Reflex.
Damage [roll5] (force)
To hit: [roll6] vs Reflex.
Damage [roll7] (force)
To hit: [roll8] vs Reflex.
Damage [roll9] (force)

Using an action point to cast Swordburst again on the same square. Action Surge gives +3 to hit.
To hit: [roll10] vs Reflex.
Damage [roll11] (force).
To hit: [roll12] vs Reflex.
Damage [roll13] (force)
To hit: [roll14] vs Reflex.
Damage [roll15] (force)
To hit: [roll16] vs Reflex.
Damage [roll17] (force)
To hit: [roll18] vs Reflex.
Damage [roll19] (force)

Mando Knight
2009-05-29, 11:24 PM
Daniel easily dodges the first fork but the second stabs into him and he slides across the room. He scrambles back to his orginal position and sweeps his sword around him twice.
Move from K4 to K3
Casting Swordburst on square J4-L4-L2-J2. All attacks have critical hit damage 12.
To hit: [roll0] vs Reflex.
Damage [roll1] (force)
To hit: [roll2] vs Reflex.
Damage [roll3] (force)
To hit: [roll4] vs Reflex.
Damage [roll5] (force)
To hit: [roll6] vs Reflex.
Damage [roll7] (force)
To hit: [roll8] vs Reflex.
Damage [roll9] (force)

Using an action point to cast Swordburst again on the same square. Action Surge gives +3 to hit.
To hit: [roll10] vs Reflex.
Damage [roll11] (force).
To hit: [roll12] vs Reflex.
Damage [roll13] (force)
To hit: [roll14] vs Reflex.
Damage [roll15] (force)
To hit: [roll16] vs Reflex.
Damage [roll17] (force)
To hit: [roll18] vs Reflex.
Damage [roll19] (force)

Only the first damage rolls for each attack will be accepted: In 4E, you roll each attack separately, and damage only once. (deleting the superfluous rolls will make the forum mad at you, though.)

2009-05-30, 12:30 AM
Well, given that he rolled a 5 for his first damage roll for the first attack and a 6 for the first damage roll for the second attack, I don't think he'll be complaining about that particular ruling. :P

Is anything left after all that?

Mando Knight
2009-05-30, 01:09 AM
The flumphs flutter about, stabbing their defensive opponents, and run out of the hut.
2 attacks on Gornak, 2 on Daniel.
Gornak: [roll0] vs AC, [roll1] damage.
Gornak: [roll2] vs AC, [roll3] damage.
Daniel: [roll4] vs AC, [roll5] damage.
Daniel: [roll6] vs AC, [roll7] damage.
If either character is hit by an attack, he takes 5 ongoing acid damage (save ends).
Francis gets up, tumbles out from under Thorfin, then bites him.
[roll8] vs AC, 5 damage
Francis the Badger|Brown, B
Flumphs|White, F
The Gnome|Green, G
Flick|Blue, F
Thorfin|Grey, T
Kalper|Orange, K
Gornak|Red, G
Daniel|Purple, D[/table]
Campestris: Any creature that starts its turn in a square of campestris is slowed until the end of its next turn. Unless said creature is deafened, it also has to leave the campestris’ square if possible. At the end of every round, each square of campestris that aren’t on a plate can move 1 square.
Rocks: The rocks outside are difficult terrain.
Stairs: These are steep and difficult terrain. They descend to a small, oppressive kitchen with shelves, crockery, and a cookfire pit.
Tree: The tree’s trunk is blocking terrain, and creatures standing in the branches have cover.
Walls: The walls are masonry but fell into disrepair long ago (Athletics DC 15 to climb).

Campestri Toss
Anybody in the encounter can make the following ranged attack if they’re adjacent to a plate full of campestris. There are six plates in total. (Each one immediately west of a monster)
R Campestri Toss (standard; at-will) • Psychic
Ranged 5/10; +6 vs. Reflex; 1d10 + 3 psychic damage.
Effect: One square of the target’s space now contains campestris.

The Badger|17
The Gnome|16

Damage taken:
The Gnome|56 (bloodied, marked by Thorfin)
F6|30 (bloodied)
G6|23 (bloodied)
F3|23 (bloodied)
F2|23 (bloodied)[/table]

Enemy pics:
The Gnome (He's got a gorgeous lair! Do you have a lair? He's got a lair!)... and his Badger.

2009-05-30, 03:01 AM
Flick blinks as he sees the badger jump to its feet. "I thought I got that one."

Shifting targets, he takes aim at the Gnome and fires, aiming to put the little beastie down.

Minor Action: Quarry the Gnone.
Standard Action: Twin Strike him.
First attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Second attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]
Hunter's Quarry damage: [roll4]
Try and not actually kill him, though Flick's patience is rapidly running out and this is the last break they're going to get.

2009-05-30, 04:24 AM
- Well look at that - monsters came to me on their own. - still laughing Kalper sent a sheet of pale glow engulfing two closest Flumphs. Then, clearing his head finally and realizing that there's nothing between him and his targets he started moving back.

Attack: Divine Glow
Attack [roll0] vs Reflex (F6) and [roll1] vs Reflex (G6)
On hit [roll2] radiant damage

Move: To L8

2009-05-30, 11:05 AM
The minotaur barely manages to deflect one of the flumph's attacks but the other gets beneath his guard. "Ack, what is this stuff?! It burns! Hey, where are you all going? I'm not done with you yet!"

Move: Try to climb the wall from H2 - G1
Athletics [roll0]

More to follow...

2009-05-30, 11:11 AM
Having climbed the wall with ease, Gornak takes a moment to congratulate himself. "Yup, still got it." Then he turns back to his adversaries. Now, which one of you spit on me?

Gornak takes 3 damage from the previous strike (gains 5 temp hp) and 5 ongoing at the start of his round. See OOC to temp hp question.

Standard: Passing Attack
Attack vs AC on F2 [roll0]
Shift to G2
Attack vs AC on F3 [roll2]

Mark both Flumphs. OAs if they move or shift.
Save vs Acid [roll4]

Mando Knight
2009-05-30, 01:35 PM
The Gnome falls comically. His badger panics.

Francis the Badger|Brown, B
Flumphs|White, F
The Gnome|Green, G
Flick|Blue, F
Thorfin|Grey, T
Kalper|Orange, K
Gornak|Red, G
Daniel|Purple, D[/table]
Campestris: Any creature that starts its turn in a square of campestris is slowed until the end of its next turn. Unless said creature is deafened, it also has to leave the campestris’ square if possible. At the end of every round, each square of campestris that aren’t on a plate can move 1 square.
Rocks: The rocks outside are difficult terrain.
Stairs: These are steep and difficult terrain. They descend to a small, oppressive kitchen with shelves, crockery, and a cookfire pit.
Tree: The tree’s trunk is blocking terrain, and creatures standing in the branches have cover.
Walls: The walls are masonry but fell into disrepair long ago (Athletics DC 15 to climb).

Campestri Toss
Anybody in the encounter can make the following ranged attack if they’re adjacent to a plate full of campestris. There are six plates in total. (Each one immediately west of a monster)
R Campestri Toss (standard; at-will) • Psychic
Ranged 5/10; +6 vs. Reflex; 1d10 + 3 psychic damage.
Effect: One square of the target’s space now contains campestris.

The Badger|17
The Gnome|16

Damage taken:
The Gnome|-- (KO)
F6|30 (bloodied)
G6|23 (bloodied)
F3|23 (bloodied, marked by Gornak)
F2|31 (bloodied, marked by Gornak)[/table]

Enemy pics:
The Gnome (He's got a gorgeous lair! Do you have a lair? He's got a lair!)... and his Badger.

2009-05-30, 03:16 PM
Daniels runs after the fleeing monsters. His sword bursts into eerie green flame and he swings it at the nearest flumph, spraying green flame in all directions.
Move to H6. Cast Greenflame Blade on G6.
To hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Critical hit damage: [roll2]
If hit, F6 takes 2 fire damage.

Mando Knight
2009-05-30, 11:09 PM
The flumphs fly about, stabbing in such a way that counter attacks are impossible as they flee. (Flight of the Flumphs prevents OAs when moving away from the target of the attack)

Francis grabs the Gnome, and burrows through the dirt, disappearing from the map entirely.

2 attacks on Daniel, 2 on Gornak.
Gornak: [roll0] vs AC, [roll1] damage
Gornak: [roll2] vs AC, [roll3] damage
Daniel: [roll4] vs AC, [roll5] damage
Daniel: [roll6] vs AC, [roll7] damage
Again, if any attack hits, the target takes 5 ongoing acid (save ends)
Francis the Badger|Brown, B
Flumphs|White, F
The Gnome|Green, G
Flick|Blue, F
Thorfin|Grey, T
Kalper|Orange, K
Gornak|Red, G
Daniel|Purple, D[/table]
Campestris: Any creature that starts its turn in a square of campestris is slowed until the end of its next turn. Unless said creature is deafened, it also has to leave the campestris’ square if possible. At the end of every round, each square of campestris that aren’t on a plate can move 1 square.
Rocks: The rocks outside are difficult terrain.
Stairs: These are steep and difficult terrain. They descend to a small, oppressive kitchen with shelves, crockery, and a cookfire pit.
Tree: The tree’s trunk is blocking terrain, and creatures standing in the branches have cover.
Walls: The walls are masonry but fell into disrepair long ago (Athletics DC 15 to climb).

Campestri Toss
Anybody in the encounter can make the following ranged attack if they’re adjacent to a plate full of campestris. There are six plates in total. (Each one immediately west of a monster)
R Campestri Toss (standard; at-will) • Psychic
Ranged 5/10; +6 vs. Reflex; 1d10 + 3 psychic damage.
Effect: One square of the target’s space now contains campestris.

The Badger|17
The Gnome|16

Damage taken:
The Gnome|-- (KO)
C2|32 (bloodied)
B6|36 (bloodied)
B8|23 (bloodied, marked by Gornak)
B4|31 (bloodied, marked by Gornak)[/table]

Enemy pics:
The Gnome (He's got a gorgeous lair! Do you have a lair? He's got a lair!)... and his Badger.

2009-05-30, 11:42 PM
"Finally," Flick says as he sees the gnome and badger vanish. Just as he's about to shoulder his bow, he hears the sizzle and chorus of stabbing noises as the flumphs attack.

At this point Flick snaps.

"That is IT! I have HAD IT with these flying SNAKES on this forest PLANE!" Flick comes striding around the corner of the hut, sights on the nearest two flumphs, and opens fire.

Move Action: Move to F8. If I can't get that far, G8. Either way, I gain the benefit of Prime Shot.
Minor Action: Hunter's Quarry on flumph B8.
Standard Action: Two-Fanged Strike, targeting B8 and B6.
Attack against B8: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] plus Hunter's Quarry: [roll2]
Attack against B6: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4]
If either attack misses, use Elven Accuracy; replace the attack roll with [roll5]

After this, Flick will use an Action Point. Details in next post after I see the results of the first attacks.

Mando Knight
2009-05-30, 11:44 PM
B8 is dead, B6 barely dodges the shot.

2009-05-30, 11:51 PM
Elven Accuracy? Or did I already use that up hitting B8?

Mando Knight
2009-05-30, 11:53 PM
Elven Accuracy? Or did I already use that up hitting B8?

Whoops. Forgot about Elven Accuracy. Both are dead.

2009-05-30, 11:58 PM
In a blur of motion, Flick keeps shooting, even though it really should be impossible to fire that many arrows in six seconds. "SNAKES! On a forest PLANE! HAD IT!"

Action Point: Twin Strike, targeting B4 and C3. I think I still get Prime Shot, but if not, reduce the attack bonus by -1.
Attack against B4: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Attack against C3: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

2009-05-31, 04:50 AM
- Well that was fast. - Kalper moves forward to get in range of fleeing Flumphs and closes his eyes for a moment - Let's see if I can do it right this time - he says and starts whispering prayers that conjure the same orb of light he used against kow not so long ago.

Move: To F6
Free action - Channel Divinity: Divine Fortune (+1 on my next attack roll)
Attack: Daunting Light at C3 [roll0] vs reflex, on hit [roll1] radiant damage and Gornak gets combat advantage against it untill end of round.

Mando Knight
2009-05-31, 08:15 AM
The C3 flumph explodes spectacularly.

2009-05-31, 10:36 AM
"Ouch! Owww. OUCH!!" He gives some thought to chasing down the creature but changes his mind. "Hey buddy! Don't be scared. Come on back. We got off on the wrong foot, maybe we can work things out."

Save [roll0]

Mando Knight
2009-05-31, 11:16 AM
The critter speaks. Most of you probably didn't see that one coming.

"No. You hurt me. Hurt friends, too. You are a bad thing."

2009-05-31, 02:36 PM
When the flumph starts talking Daniel relaxes and lowers his sword. As he listens he looks annoyed.
The gnome made a psychic attack on us. We had to fight back against all of you.

Mando Knight
2009-05-31, 02:41 PM
It is rather angry at you still. "But... but you messed up our tea party! And killed my friends!"

2009-05-31, 07:54 PM
"Obviously then we are much stronger and more impressive than your friends. Do you want to be our friends now? We could use another friend."

Mando Knight
2009-06-01, 06:14 PM
"You aren't my friends! My friends don't kill my friends!"

2009-06-02, 01:23 AM
Daniel clutches his head.
I don't think this is getting us anywhere.

He thinks for a moment, then approaches the flumph.

I'm sorry it had to come to this. Here's some money for the damages. Kalper here will heal you back to full health.

He offers the creature 100 gold pieces, while gesturing to Kalper to follow him.

2009-06-02, 03:26 AM
- I admit that I don't understand why you insist on trying befriend a creature that doesn't want to become one. It's futile, you can't make up killing it's friends. You can only let him go. - Kalper shakes his head and then points his finger at the flumph - You there. These here guys are powerfull enough to defeat you, and easily at that. Yet they are nice enough to let you live. I suggest you use that offer and flee.

Mando Knight
2009-06-02, 01:02 PM
The flumph thinks this over a bit while muttering to itself. "Get more treasure? Get heal? Get food all to myself? Not die? Good deal. Can always get new friends..."

It looks back at the adventurers. "OK." He floats over to the dilapidated room, and grabs a small bag. It takes the gold from Daniel and fills the bag much fuller than it was before. Then it goes back into the hut and picks up a pair of gloves and a bow. "I can't use these. You can have them."

Encounter over. The money did the trick. With a monster as simple as a flumph, giving it lots of shinies gives you like a +1 modifier to Diplomacy for every 10 gp. :smalltongue:

The items are Gloves of Piercing and a +2 longbow.

Daniel notices the eldritch barrier holding them in dissolve away.

2009-06-02, 02:29 PM
Daniel points into the air.
The barrier's down, let's get out of here before it comes back.

He starts walking to the nearest point where the barrier used to be.

2009-06-02, 03:42 PM
- A heal as promised then. - Kalper starts speaking healing prayers directing the power at flumph.

- So where do we go from here?

2009-06-02, 10:11 PM
"Ooh, shiny." Flick picks up the longbow, forgetting about the flumph completely. "Ahem, I mean, yes, we should employ the way of the ninja and disappear as the mist in the morning sun." He catches Daniel up.

2009-06-03, 01:00 PM
"Yes, morning mist and all that. But first..."

Gornak goes to raid the cellar of any food that might be remaining.

2009-06-08, 04:06 AM
- I think we should take a rest now - I still need to take a look at Flick's bite marks.

Heal check to use on nearest opportunity [roll0]

Mando Knight
2009-06-12, 11:59 AM
And we're back! (Maybe. Here's to hoping that Malek can solve his computer troubles soon)

The crew decides to take a rest, and the Flumph suggests that they stay in his "hut." Kalper takes a look at Flick, and finds tiny insect eggs in his ear. He manages to dig them all out. (Earseeker infestation cured)

Drawing lots for the watch, Thorfin and Daniel get the last shifts. The night seems to pass without incident, but when the group awakens the next morning, they find their host and two of their own missing.

No trace is left of Daniel, Thorfin, or the Flumph, except for a slimy pouch filled with gold (107 gp) and a foul-smelling ooze coating parts of the wall.

2009-06-12, 05:27 PM
- Daniel! DANIEL! - the priest shouts in hopes of getting some reaction, then curses - Damnations! I knew I should have kept an eye on that lad, and his sword. It's that blade I tell ya! And that lazy dwarf gets lost as well, hrmph.

I aten't ded yet :smalltongue:

2009-06-13, 10:25 AM
Flick frowns. "Strange." He searches the area thoroughly, then when he can't find anything gives up and folds his arms, frowning. "Such a disappearance suggests great skill. No pirates would have been so stealthy. Perhaps they've withdrawn into the forest to train their skills. Training in isolation and seclusion is an ancient ninja tradition."

Mando Knight
2009-06-13, 01:41 PM
Flick's thorough searches find massive gouges in the wall and floor in groups of three parallel lines. Something big came through here last night.

While Flick is searching the ruin, Kalper and Gornak happen to see a Drow and an Eladrin walking about.

2009-06-13, 03:00 PM
El Usien The Great
Doesn't Need to Stop for Directions

"No, I'm Positive, the venue is just around this corner. " El Usien said to the Drow next to him. "The Gnome said it was just around the corner, and El Usien the Great is never late, or early, I arrive precisely when I find where the friggin' venue is."

2009-06-13, 09:22 PM
"Hmm... the large size would seem to indicate that it is not a halfling. Which is EXACTLY what a halfling would want us to think! Wait, I see wanderers." Picking up his greataxe and shield, the minotaur fighter steps onto the road in plain view of the Drow and Eladrin.

"Hullo there. What are you doing wandering so close to where we are lost? Answer quickly or else we will assume you are minions of halfling pirates and act accordingly."

2009-06-14, 04:24 AM
El Usien The Great
Doesn't follow anyone's demands.

El Usien spotted the Minotaur standing nearby, and completely ignoring what he said he began; "Why hullo there, are you the usher for this theatre? I am EL USIEN THE GREAT!"

*Slight pause*

"And this here is my performing partner, I believe he does a knife throwing trick. Do you happen to know where the... Mr. Gnome, of this residence is? I need to inspect the performing area. EL USIEN THE GREAT!!!

*Slight Pause*

"Does not perform in a shoddy venue."

2009-06-14, 04:28 AM
Flick appears from around the corner and peers at the eladrin. "Looks like an eladrin. Talks like a gnome. Maybe it's the gnome." He studies the two new arrivals carefully. "Talking thing, are you a monster? And is the one that looks like a drow a drow, or is it a badger?"

2009-06-14, 04:47 AM
El Usien the Great
Ponders over Existentialism

Seeing (Or maybe not seeing) the Ninja (Or maybe not a ninja) emerge from around the corner, and hearing (Or perhaps not hearing) a question it (May or may not have) asked, (Definately) El Usien the Great replied;

"I see you are familiar with my field sire Ninja. You already have the mind of a good illusionist." He walked over and drew a coin from behind the Ninja-elf's ear, and handed it to him.

"Is it a coin, and if it is was, why was it there? Could you have hidden it there, or did I or someone else put it there?

He walked back to the centre of the clearing.

"Am I even here?" He asked and dissapeared with a small 'bampf' and a puff of smoke.

"Or am I behind you?" A voice came from behind them.

"Or am I standing behind the drow?" He said, stepping out from behind her. He bowed.

"I am most definately EL USIEN THE GREAT!!!"

*Measured cup of 50ml of Silence*

"And I am an Eladrin, Illusionist and Entertainer supreme. I do not thing I am a monster, although one of my Girlfriends did call me one once. And as far as I am certain," he said, while conjuring a mage hand to point at the drow, out side her field of vision, "She is a drow, as she shares little of the favourable or unfavourable qualities of badgers."

2009-06-14, 04:54 AM
"Hmm." Flick considers. "You didn't shout 'I'm a Monster! Rawr!' so you can't be that gnome. So the drow's probably not a badger either. That still leaves the more important question. Are you or your friend, identified with, or in any way connected with pirates? Especially squirrel or halfling pirates."

2009-06-14, 05:09 AM
El Usien The Great
Wonders if he should mention the trip he took to Disneyland.

El Usien ponders this for a moment. "I doubt it." El Usien said, "Are you having trouble with pirates? I do know a wonderful exterminator"

2009-06-14, 05:15 AM
"The threat of pirates is ever-present. One must be alert at all times." Flick studies the eladrin critically. "But any proper pirate would have attacked us by now. So if you're not a gnome and a badger, and you're not pirates, what are you doing here?"

2009-06-14, 08:11 AM
El Usien The Great
Tells the truth (Whenever possible)

"The Gnome and his friend Francis contacted me to inform me that they were in possession of a venue for the TRIUMPHANT EL USIEN THE GREAT REUNION TOUR!!!"

*Silent that could be easily be cut by Any of the weapons present, accompanied by streamers and a large spray of sparks that spell out EL USIEN THE GREAT REUNION TOUR*

"My friend agreed to be the warm up act, and we were on out way to the venue. The directions we received were questionable however."

2009-06-14, 10:46 AM
Gornak looks over at the hut a little sheepishly. "Yes... a gnome and Francis you say? I believe they had to leave quite suddenly. Suffice it to say, the show has been cancelled."

2009-06-14, 01:17 PM
El Usien the Great
Is appaled at this turn of events

"What? What am I supposed to do now?" El Usien said, his hands and cane rising into the air. They dropped slowly.
"What reason do you have for being here, and what do you plan to do now?"

2009-06-14, 02:38 PM
- We're here because we encountered a barrier that prevented us from going anywhere else. And now that it's gone we plan to go away... after, perhaps, searching for our lost comrades. - Kalper gives an uncertain glance to Gornak and Flick, before turning to the newcomers again - Funny... You travel with a drow, yet I was always told your races have an ancient feud against each other.

2009-06-14, 10:00 PM
"Very silent drow, too." Flick switches his attention from El Usien to the drow and frowns. He isn't holding a weapon, but doesn't look entirely friendly, either. "You're a long way from the Underdark, shadowy one. What's this about a warm-up act?"

Mando Knight
2009-06-15, 07:35 PM
The universe shivers a bit, and you find your minds being scribbled over, as if with a giant piece of rubber and a shard of graphite. The drow standing before you is replaced by an anthropomorphic frog (or toad? You're not a specialist in amphibians, you can't really tell). Soon, you find yourself thinking that it is odd that you ever thought that the Bullywug standing next to El Usien was a Drow.

2009-06-15, 08:15 PM
Strange. Very strange. The frog-like creature stood in uffish thought for a mere moment, considering that... peculiar sensation. Something akin to slithy toves gyre'ing and gimble'ing through the wabe of reality. For a second there, he felt almost... fey. It was quite the disturbing thought.

Peering at Flick, the bullywug considered the sight, blinking its oversized eyes with a flicker of nictating membranes. "Greetings. My companion is... " It pauses here, before continuing: "... well, no. I cannot say he has ever introduced himself. My name is, however," and here the creature seems slightly reluctant to finish. ".. Yup-yup. It was a very traditional village I come from, you see."

Waving one webbed hand, the frog continued: "I have trained and traveled with the monks of El-Hazard and Those Who Wear Six Rings, with a brief stint in the Monastery of Peril. And now, it seems, I have found myself here." at this, he turned to the side, and prodded the eladrin. "And where is 'here', anyway?"

2009-06-16, 05:20 AM
El Usien the Great
Is almost entirely certain that a Drow had been standing next to him.

Looking at the Bullywug, he began to stammer, "I'mmm.... eh.... not sure. Maybe you should ask our friends over there? They said we we're near our intended venue."

2009-06-16, 04:42 PM
- Talking... frog? Talking frog I though to be drow? - Kalper scratches his head - Aaaargh. This damned feywild is starting to get on my mind. Why did we even choose to go here, instead of somewhere saner. Wait... - he pauses for a moment and turns away from newcomers for a moment

- Wait, wait, wait. That's a good question - does any of you two remember why we went here in the first place? - he asks Gornak and Flick

2009-06-16, 09:15 PM
"We were retreating into solitude to hone our martial skills and perform special training for the upcoming tournament?" Flick pauses. "No, couldn't be that, we don't have a tournament. Maybe we were hunting down an ancient enemy who'd committed heinous crimes against our school?" Flick thinks. "Well I can't remember who he was, so they couldn't have been that heinous." He shrugs. "Well, since we were trying to find a way out, clearly that must have been our goal."

2009-06-16, 10:32 PM
"Perhaps, then, we may be of some assistance? Once you find the way out, you are then were you need to be, and we will then know where we are." The frog-like creature nodded to himself, seemingly pleased with this chain of logic.

2009-06-17, 07:45 AM
"Exactly. By finding our way out, we will have achieved our objective of entering. Your reasoning is excellent." Flick pauses. "So, do you know the way out?"

2009-06-17, 08:26 AM
"That, alas, escapes me at the moment. Our 'in' quite possibly equates to your 'out', so it seems we must continue searching. I do wish our friend here was provided better directions." At this, the bullywug shakes his head, sadly.

2009-06-17, 08:32 AM
"Well, he was provided directions to here. And they must have been good enough directions to take him from there to here. So why don't we follow them backwards to go from here to there?"

2009-06-17, 09:59 AM
"Let us go back that way then. You All-Using can provide the directions. What's the worse that could happen?"

With that, the minotaur picks up his things and starts to depart.

2009-06-17, 02:52 PM
El Usien The Great
Wonders whether his hours spent in taverns would have been better practicing Orientiering

El Usien drew out the map that he had been set. He looked one way, and then the other and gestured vaguely.

"Alright, It's this way"

Then he consulted the map again.

"Wait... Wait." He span on his left foot like a top, and ended up 270 degrees from his last position.

"It's definately this way or my name isn't All Using."

2009-06-17, 10:36 PM
Flick inspects the map.

Nature: [roll0]
"Allow me?" He adjusts it another 90 degrees, bringing it opposite to its starting orientation. "Aha! My keen ninja senses have located a path which may bring us to an exit."

OOC: At least I hope they have, with a roll of 30. Mando?

Mando Knight
2009-06-18, 12:07 AM
There are two paths immediately obvious to Flick. The first is to the west and then south, the path that the first half of the group came from. The other is north of the hut and leading northeast, from where the newcomers wandered in. There isn't much good detail on the map itself, and a small part of the map, approximately where Flick has ascertained the group to be, is scrawled over with a red circle and "Party Here!" in bad Elvish handwriting.

The fastest way to get back to a main path and to one of the major cities would be north.

2009-06-18, 01:32 AM
Flick throws out an arm to point dramatically north. "This way!"

2009-06-18, 03:54 AM
- So we're following Flick again, eh? - Kalper said to Gornak, starting to walk - Want to bet what we'll walk into this time?

2009-06-18, 08:04 AM
Overhearing Kalper's comment, the bullywug considered their erstwhile 'leader' as they forged on ahead. "I take it, you have had an interesting journey so far, while following him?"

Mando Knight
2009-06-18, 12:45 PM
The Feywild quivers again, and a Drow pops into existence. You all get a sense of deja vu when you look at the Drow... but then shake it off as you remember that El Usien came in with two traveling buddies, and this was definitely not a last-minute addition.

2009-06-18, 10:09 PM
Flick spins around, his longbow flashing into his hands. "Agh! Teleporting Drow! Kill it!"

2009-06-18, 11:04 PM
Gornak chuckles at Kalper. "Well, hopefully this time there will be more food involved."

Unfazed by the suddenly appearing Drow, the minotaur continues to go north.

2009-06-18, 11:06 PM
"Wait, what?" the bullywug exclaimed as he reacted to Flick's cry. Turning, he stared, eyes bulging at the dark-skinned elf standing there. "YOU!" he cried. "Stop gyreing through the wabe! You'll whuffle us all!"

2009-06-18, 11:22 PM
Flick draws an arrow in a blur of motion and sights.

Yes, he's going to shoot unless he gets a damn good reason not to. We're in dangerous territory, and elves and drow really, really hate each other. Besides, the fact that this drow hasn't said a single word to explain its presence is just plain suspicious.

2009-06-20, 04:50 AM
. . . and when the drow still doesn't explain its presence, Flick opens fire. Two arrows to the head, distance fifteen feet.

Hunter's Quarry the Drow then use Two-Fanged Strike.
Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Attack 2: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]
If either attack misses, replace that roll using Elven Accuracy: [roll4]
If either attack hits, Hunters Quarry deals an additional [roll5] damage, and if both attacks hit, Two-Fanged Strike deals an additional 2 damage.

2009-06-20, 04:54 AM
Huh. Two hits, including a critical hit. Don't need Elven Accuracy.

First arrow deals 14 damage. Second arrow deals max damage (16) plus [roll0] from the crit bonus. Add another 8 damage from Hunter's Quarry and Two-Fanged Strike.

Unless the drow has an AC of 28 or more, I think it's dead.

2009-06-20, 10:25 AM
As Flick draws the first arrow, Yup-yup unobtrusively inches to the side, not wanting to be anywhere near the new(old?) arrival for the next couple of moments. "Yes, dear drow. It would be a very good idea for you to explain how you've found us."

... When Flick releases that arrow, however, the bullywug leaps several feet into the air and off to the side in a diving dash for cover. "I say! How rude!" ... He's forced to admit, though, eyeing the feathered remains of the intruder. "Quite a good shot. I must say, I am glad that you do not greet everyone you meet in the same manner."

2009-06-20, 10:47 AM
As he continues north, Gornak explains his plan to the human cleric. "So I was thinking, once we reach town we pool our money and buy a feast. Not just any meal, something the bards will sing about from now until doomsday. That way our legend grows and anyone who hears about us will know where to find us should they need some adventuring done. What do you think?"

Turning back to the group, he shouts. "Hey, you guys coming? You're the ones with the map. Where did the Drow go?"

2009-06-20, 10:49 AM
"Well, of course not," Flick says in surprise to Yupyup. "That wouldn't make any sense at all."

Assuming the drow's down, he goes over to see what he can find on its body. "Coming!" he shouts to Gornak. "Just finishing something off over here."

Mando Knight
2009-06-20, 12:44 PM
Seven absurdly-strong canaries catch the Drow as it falls. An old man in a grey cloak with a long pointed hat and an equally long white beard suddenly appears and grabs the Drow. "Sorry about the intrusion. The higher-ups had a bit of a mix up. Carry on northward to your adventures."

With a blinding flash, the man and his canaries disappear, taking the Drow with them. Two arrows spontaneously appear in Flick's quiver.

2009-06-20, 12:52 PM
After a brief pause, Flick catches up to Gornak and Kalper. "Sorry about that, needed to take care of something. However, I've been assured by the old man and the canaries that this is definitely the right direction. Onward!" He strides cheerfully north.

2009-06-20, 01:19 PM
"Worry not." he nodded to Gornak as the pair caught up again. "The budgies have made off with him this time. I do not believe we'll be bothered again."

"I would note that we are off to see the wizard, but I believe the wizard has just seen us. Alas, we'll have to think of something else to sing along the way."

2009-06-20, 03:15 PM
- "Feast of legends" you say? - priest thinks - Thats a a bit bizzare, but at the same time novel enough it might work. But you are forgetting that bards don't sing ballads for free anymore. Since the time they've set up that blasted guild of theirs, they charge absurd fees for every word they speak about you.

- Old man and canaries? What the... wait, I don't want to know. Do not tell me under any circumstances. -Kalper quickly searched his pockets before producing a small box. The label at the lid read:
"Dry Frog Pills
Headache - one pill
Insanity - two pills
Journey through Feywild - three pills every 6 hours"

Without more words the priest helped himself to three doses.