View Full Version : Ultimatum Game - economics in the playground (fast and easy to play!)

2009-04-30, 09:31 AM

Your goal is to get more points than other players. To get points, you attempt to strike deals with other players. You also gain points for each deal you accept. The game is based on the Ultimatum game.


You make an offer (10%-50%), for example 40%. This means that you get 60 points and the other player gets 40 points if he accepts the deal. If he doesn't, neither player gets points.

You also set a threshold for accepting offers (10%-50%), for example 30%. This means that you accept each offer of 30% or better.


1. Post a message in this thread and say something like "I'm in" so that other people know how many players have joined.
2. Send me an IM with the following information, where xx and yy are numbers between 10 and 50:
Offer: [xx]%
Threshold: [yy]%

If you have questions about the rules, post them here or send me an IM.


Offer: 40%
Threshold: 30%


Once 10 players have joined, I'll calculate your points totals and declare the winner(s) and give you some statistics.


Player A offered 40% and set his threshold at 30%. 6 out of the 9 players accepted the deal he offered. This nets him 6 X 60 = 360 points.
In addition, 7 out of the 9 deals offered by other players were at or above his threshold: one at 50% (+50 points), three at 40% (+120 points) and three at 30% (+90 points).

Player A gets 620 points.