View Full Version : East Coast Guardians (IC) Issue #3

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2009-04-30, 03:36 PM
In the last issue:
The Guardians are a national team of superheroes, devoted to stopping crimes and protecting the American people. Feeling they haven't done enough, a new team is forming in The Big City to protect the East Coast of America. Vulcan, a member of the original group, has been given the responsibility to get the new team into shape. But with a low turnout and low morale, he has a lot of work ahead of him.

After the fights with Dog-Walker and Angel of Mercy, half the new team is in the hospital. Seeing no other alternatives, Vulcan and Ms. Stills have decided to call in their second choices.

April 22, 2009 - Noon
You are meeting at a restaurant with some unpronounceable French or Japanese name, you can't really tell either way. The restaurant is empty of customers, save for the table you are at. The entire restaurant has been rented out, probably costing quite a bit to do so. At the head of the table is Ms. Stills, a young woman in a sensible business outfit; On her left is a young man in a black suit, with a fairly stern face; And on her right, the seat is empty.

While they're dressed properly for the restaurant, the other guests are not. Several costumed heroes are at this table, enticed by the free food and the possibility of moving out of the D-list.

A older gentleman, in his fifties at least, enters the restaurant with cane in hand. He heads to his seat next to Ms. Stills, whistling as he does so.
"Hi Everybody!" he shouts.
"Hi Dr. Frank!" shout the two in the suits.

"So, I guess you all know why you're here, right?"

2009-04-30, 04:09 PM
Green hound

" Heard rumours, gonna take a guess. You're searching people to fill in while your team recover."
the green hound looks around him at the collection of superheroes around him
Lieutenant Ferret, Gravatar ... good god, is that The Caped Lemming ?! the man is a total ...
Then he looks at himself, making no illusion about his own capabilities.
"So ,with all due respect, what could make you so desperate as to start looking into the bargain bin ?"

2009-04-30, 04:14 PM
One second be back in a blur.
There is a streak of black that moves out of the restaurant and returns in an instant. When the blur fades Alex is seated in a domino mask and suit.
To join the new guardians team. Presumably...

2009-04-30, 04:19 PM
"Are you suggesting that you yourself belong in it? Besides, the one guy we really want is off painting eyeballs." Frank seems familiar to you, but you can't place him precisely.

"And Mr. Tanzarian, I knew the last man in that costume. You can't possibly be worse, but you are much ruder."

The only heroes there are the ones playing. Don't state their names directly.

2009-04-30, 04:26 PM
"Eh, I'm not bad at what I do, but compared to what I heard about somme of the guardians... Well I KNOW I'm second rate."
He pause a bit and raise an eyebrow (not that anyone can see it under that helmet he wears)
"Painting eyeballs...? "

2009-04-30, 04:28 PM
Jake Wollok, better known as Impact, sits uncomfortably in his seat. He'd gotten off work only about twenty minutes ago, and was still in his flannel shirt and jeans. [COLOR="Navy"]"You asked us here because you need more people to join your team, and having so many hospitalized on their first time out didn't help much."

2009-04-30, 04:50 PM
"Painting eyeballs...? "

"The man makes creepy paintings, what else can I say?"

"You asked us here because you need more people to join your team, and having so many hospitalized on their first time out didn't help much."

"Use your inside voice, please. So it seems you all know why you were invited. We know exactly what your powers and abilities are. The problem we have on the team is that the current members don't work well together. We're hoping that it's not true for you guys and gals."

2009-04-30, 05:00 PM
Rude? I apologize if I was offensive or presumptuous. Just thought I should dress right for a job interveiw. And hey for the record... He jerks his thumbs back at his chest.
Team player.

2009-04-30, 05:07 PM
"Inside voice? What is this, kidnergarden?" He does speak a little softer though. "So, what's your deal anyway? Is there some special reason you keep having to lower your standards?"

2009-04-30, 05:09 PM
Looking at The Black blurr
Turning back to the doctor.
" I've mostly worked solo in my ... officious capabilties. I'm willing to do my best, here, but it might require a small time of adaptation"

2009-04-30, 05:22 PM
"Is there some special reason you keep having to lower your standards?"

"Well, I honestly don't know. Linda?"

Ms. Stills speaks, she sounds rather bored. "There is something big going on. That's all you need to know."

"Well said."

" I've mostly worked solo in my ... officious capabilties. I'm willing to do my best, here, but it might require a small time of adaptation"

"We don't expect you to try, but you should all try to try."

2009-04-30, 05:27 PM
"Something big, you obviously want us to help, but at the same time you're keeping us in the dark about it? Okay..."

2009-04-30, 05:30 PM
"Sir, I'm used to work on a Need to Know basiss.
He mimics a small ironic gest of military salute
"But, just for the reccords I'd like to add that in my experience what you don't know about tend to stab you in the back later. The more we know the more we can prepare, the more efficient we'll be .""

Archpaladin Zousha
2009-04-30, 05:35 PM
A large, hefty young woman, dressed in an orange bodysuit and mask, sits nearby. She's already put away a great deal of food, but as the meeting starts she listens intently.

"I resent being called 'bargain bin'." she says. "I'm just new to the scene, that's all. I'd be more than happy to work with a team starting out. I'm probably gonna need someone to show me the ropes anyway. The Prof's a smart guy, but he's all science and not much practical know-how."

2009-04-30, 05:48 PM
"Eh, didn't meant any ofense..."
He turns to the girl in orange
"You're gravatar right ? "

Archpaladin Zousha
2009-04-30, 06:03 PM
She smiles.

"In person! I'm surprised you've heard of me, really. My only real claim to fame are a few fights with The Plastic Surgeon."

2009-04-30, 06:07 PM
"Green Hound. Gathering info is pretty much what I do. Didn't heard about this "Plastic Surgeon" guy, though. A new villain ?"
He shake his head sadly
"They really are growing more and more uninspired by the minute. What next ? The plant Waterer ? The Garbage disposer ?"

Archpaladin Zousha
2009-04-30, 06:17 PM
"Yeah, he got his powers in the same accident that gave me mine. He freaked out when his face got burned by the accident, and now uses his power to shapeshift people to make them ugly. Getting revenge on the "beautiful people" he calls it. He can't really hurt my self-esteem like he does his normal victims, so he just gives me a stick-thin supermodel body to weaken my powers. Real piece of work."

2009-04-30, 06:20 PM
Looking over at gravatar Alex is a bit taken aback.
So you fight a Plastic Surgeon who tries to make you thin? Huh, How... empowering.

Archpaladin Zousha
2009-04-30, 06:26 PM
"Eh, I guess so. I didn't pick his lame gimmick. And before you even think it, I'm not some fat acceptance advocate. Under this flab is solid muscle. I only maintain this physique because the heavier I get, the stronger my powers are. I try to build both muscle and fat equally to keep my powers at peak form. You wouldn't believe how many "fat women's rights" activists get on my case and ask me to endorse them. They don't have superpowers that depend on weight, they just live an unhealthy lifestyle. I don't like putting up with that "empowerment" bull. Yeah, I'm empowered, but I don't wanna be some figurehead for a bunch of whiners who claim to want empowerment but all they want is some freakin' attention!"

She pauses, and then rolls her eyes.

"Sorry, I get a little touchy on that whole "empowerment" thing. Makes me seem one-dimensional."

2009-04-30, 06:36 PM
Actually that's a lot more reassuring then if you had gone of on a "I y'am what I y'am speech.

2009-04-30, 06:36 PM
Shaking his shoulder , trying not to laff.
"He H He.. Don't worry anyway. Believe me . Nobody, and I really mean the Nobody, in this community is entitled to pass psychological jugement on you. Those that aren't frothing at the mouth are usualy pretty neurotic or completly self absorbed."
Glance sideway at the Black blurr (although it's visible due the the helmet)

2009-04-30, 06:40 PM
"Muscle is denser than fat. If you worked out a bit more, you'd be stronger still then."

2009-04-30, 06:40 PM
Alex raises his hand.
Teacher, can I call both self absorbed and team player? I'm working on my college transcript and I need the extra extracurriculars.

Archpaladin Zousha
2009-04-30, 06:45 PM
"Muscle is denser than fat. If you worked out a bit more, you'd be stronger still then."

"I know that. That's why I work out every day. Just because I bulk up on calories is no excuse not to build my normal strength too."

2009-04-30, 06:56 PM
When Gravitar finishes her rant, Impact gives her a thumbs up and says in a dry tone, "You go girl."

Archpaladin Zousha
2009-04-30, 06:59 PM
"Not impressed, huh? You know, I've read about you, Impact. They call you the ultimate average joe superhero."

2009-04-30, 07:02 PM
"Oh great. We've got a media sweetheart in our midst. At least that will give someone to deal with the leeches".

2009-04-30, 07:04 PM
Alex starts humming under his breath. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cGhuYsMW4VY)

2009-04-30, 07:07 PM
Impact opens his mouth to retort, but pauses to think. "Actually, you're right. How on earth do I make lifting hundreds of tons look unremarkable?" He looks genuinely confused.

Archpaladin Zousha
2009-04-30, 07:21 PM
"Oh great. We've got a media sweetheart in our midst. At least that will give someone to deal with the leeches".
"You know, before I got my powers I was planning on becoming one of those leeches. I had plans for a talk show and everything."

Impact opens his mouth to retort, but pauses to think. "Actually, you're right. How on earth do I make lifting hundreds of tons look unremarkable?"
"Well, I like how you don't bother with all the costume and secret identity stuff. I read every interview you've had back in high school. It was always my belief that underneath the masks, we're still ordinary people, and you were always my favorite since you're the first hero to really show that."

2009-04-30, 07:44 PM
"Really?" He grins. "I have a fan! Awesome."

2009-04-30, 07:45 PM
"Oh yeah, that reminds me. We've got an appointment with Ron at three for new costumes. If you want one, raise your hand."

Archpaladin Zousha
2009-04-30, 07:45 PM
Gravatar smirks.

"Just don't let it go to your head, big boy."

Archpaladin Zousha
2009-04-30, 07:49 PM
"Oh yeah, that reminds me. We've got an appointment with Ron at three for new costumes. If you want one, raise your hand."

Gravatar raises her hand.

"This bodysuit the Professor gave me is okay, but spandex doesn't really look good on a figure like mine, you know?"

2009-04-30, 07:51 PM
"Well, I'm not opposed to the idea of a costume, I just can never think of an idea for one."

2009-04-30, 07:55 PM
"Hum... Does this costume offer would cover light custom body armor, by any means ?"
"As much as I loathe to admit it the old jacket is starting to get a litlle light as far as defense go. If I have to get in more dangerous situations I'd like to get something a little better"

2009-04-30, 07:57 PM
Sure, I'll take some swanky new threads.

2009-04-30, 08:05 PM
"No idea about the body armor. I usually go to Dominique. But you really don't want to go there at the moment. Trust me on that."

"Anyway, once everyone is done eating, we'll go out on a patrol so we can get to know each other better."

2009-04-30, 08:11 PM
"Oh yeah right, patrol. Forgot you spandex wearing "heroes" types did that a lot."
"You know. It is much easier to simply listen to Police frequence. Just saying."

2009-04-30, 08:16 PM
A grey blur passes over the buffet table.
Can I take a second to change into work clothes?

2009-04-30, 08:20 PM
"Nobody has really patrolled since the eighties. This is more like a friendly walk, in costume. And feel free to change."

Archpaladin Zousha
2009-04-30, 08:22 PM
"Walk? I can fly, and I can make other people fly too!"

2009-04-30, 08:29 PM
Alex affects his best bandito accent.
Flight? Flight? We don't need no stinking flight.
In a moment he zooms out of the room leaving a gust of wind in his wake, only to reappear in full costume.
Actually, flight's pretty sweet. Wish it had come with the rest of the zippy zip quick.

2009-04-30, 08:34 PM
"Yes yes yes, Nice showing off. We got it, you are really fast. Congratulations. I hope you take great confort in that if you ever head straight into a wall you didn't see comming."
"As for Miss Gravatar kind offer, I am afraid i will have to decline. While flying is tempting I think you should reserve your powers in case of an unexpected surprise."

2009-04-30, 08:44 PM
Alex tips his head to one side and squints.
You're kind of a hater aren't you?
Edit:OOC: Huh, I guess that is an editable word but still... huh.

2009-04-30, 08:47 PM
"Sorry, been on edge recently. A very annoying criminal...
Plus I'm not really in my element, here. super strenght, super speed, flight , those feels so .. flashy."

2009-04-30, 09:29 PM
Well what do you do then? Amaze me with your subtlety.

Archpaladin Zousha
2009-04-30, 09:52 PM
Gravatar thinks and nods.

"Probably right. I don't wanna run ahead or anything. Of course, I'm pretty slow on my own, as you can probably tell."

2009-04-30, 10:37 PM
"Thanks, but I get around well enough on my own. Maybe now I can get some help measuring just how far I can jump..."

2009-05-01, 11:05 AM
"Well what do you do then? Amaze me with your subtlety."

"As I already said, I gather informations. I track criminals and evidence where our normal instutions would be legaly bound. Think of me as Justice little helper."
"As for my powers, if that's what you meant"
He wave his hand in a dismissal gesture
"They only act on a personnal level so they're quite irrelevant. I try to identify myself more in term of mission and skills."

2009-05-01, 03:57 PM
"R-i-g-h-t. Justice and such... with the skills and whatnot.
So, about that patrol?"

2009-05-01, 03:59 PM
"Is everyone finished eating?"

Archpaladin Zousha
2009-05-01, 04:08 PM
"Yeah, I'm full."

2009-05-01, 04:13 PM
"Same here. Full and a bit bored."

2009-05-01, 04:22 PM
"Ready when you are."

2009-05-01, 07:06 PM
"I'm good."

2009-05-01, 07:28 PM
"Ok, follow the nice man in the suit. Linda and I have things to discuss."

The man sitting across from Frank puts on a pair of shades and leads the way out. He looks perfectly plain from your opinions, with brown hair and eyes. He walks perfectly straight with a very rigid posture.

"This restaurant is a few blocks from Middle Park. We're going to cut across it to get to the other side."

Outside, it's quite busy and the streets are filled with annoyed citizens in a rush to go nowhere. While you may have finished eating, the rest of the city is heading out now.

2009-05-01, 07:48 PM
After they leave, Impact comments to the others, "That was the most condecending man I've ever met. It's like he thought he was talking to five-year-olds. 'Follow with the nice man in the suit'? It's like he wants us to quit."

2009-05-01, 08:21 PM
GH answers softly.
"I think he was more making a show of superiority, here. "I know everything there is to know about you and it's not mutual so you'll just have to trust me"
"Still this IS the opportunity of a life time, so I don't think we can afford the luxury of mistrust"
Almost muttering for himself on an amused tone
"I knew the man in that suit before you", "We know what you're abilities are", "That's all you need to know". hell those almost sounds like veiled threats ."

2009-05-01, 09:01 PM
"So it's not just me then?"

2009-05-02, 10:34 AM
"It's definitely not just you."

2009-05-02, 12:26 PM
The man continues to lead you through the park. It's a fairly humid day, but the flowers are beginning to bloom, so that makes up for it a little. The park itself is fairly empty except for college students and old men, some of which are laughing. There is a scared child with a balloon walking about. Which is odd, seeing as it is a school day.

2009-05-02, 01:55 PM
Alex walks over to the boy at a normal speed.
You okay, little guy? Shouldn't you be in school?

2009-05-02, 02:16 PM
The little girl lets off a tiny shriek and runs a couple feet away from you.

2009-05-02, 03:00 PM
Alex turns his head back towards the group.
Any of you good with kids? Apparently I'm not.

2009-05-02, 05:13 PM
Impact kneels down. "Hey, you okay? Where's your mom?"

2009-05-02, 05:19 PM
The kid continues to run away, but not far enough where you can't see her.

2009-05-02, 05:27 PM
"Hey, anyone see a cop?" He followes the girl, fully aware this could be a trap, but if it's not he'd like to sleep at night knowing he didn't just ignore a little kid in need.

2009-05-02, 05:51 PM
"Okay, A kid skipping school, it happens. A kid frightened without reason, why not ? But here, this is weird."
GH take a step back and looks around for anything fishy

Am I entitled to a Spot Check ?
If yes: [roll0]

2009-05-02, 07:08 PM
He sees no cops, but he does spot someone littering while he is only three feet from the trash can.

2009-05-02, 07:26 PM
Captain Planet gonna be pissed. Then again this is the big city, that poor captain would have a corronary just by looking at the streets.
He relaxes a little
"Don't know what I expected. Guess I'm just being paranoid."

"Sorry, no cops in sight. "
Now if I may sugest that we stop wasting time playing boy scouts and keep walking ."
" Plus, it looks like we're more traumatizing her than helping."

2009-05-02, 07:49 PM
"Good point. Just seemed odd is all. Gravitas, you wanna give asking the girl why she's here a try?"

Archpaladin Zousha
2009-05-03, 10:13 AM
"Gravatar, pal. You know, pun on "avatar?" No worries, I'll see what I can do."

She approaches the girl.

"You alright? We're not gonna hurt you."

Diplomacy check: [roll0]

2009-05-03, 12:11 PM
"Daddy said not to talk to strangers."

2009-05-03, 02:51 PM
"Then I suppose we should introduce ourselves. I'm John. What's your name?"

2009-05-03, 03:05 PM
The kid runs away, hiding behind a sleazy-looking guy chatting up an equally sleazy woman. The man pats the kid on the head, judging by the context of their conversation, the man is the little girl's father.

2009-05-03, 03:09 PM
Impact whispers to GH. "We can't just leave her, how would that look to the public?"

2009-05-03, 03:14 PM
"way to go."
He claps ironicaly
Wispering back:
"Oh yes, peoples in masks and tights suits bothering kids in a public park... Now THAT's gonna raise media attention indeed. But i'm not sure it's the kind you'd like."

"So if we could just GET GOING."

2009-05-03, 03:18 PM
"I hate to agree with him but ya that was apparently a waste of time. Sorry to get us caught up in... whatever that was.'

2009-05-03, 03:24 PM
The man in the suit was continuing to walk through the park as the others dealt with the little girl, without caring if anyone was keeping up.

2009-05-03, 03:40 PM
A dark streak is left in his wake as Alex catches up to the man in the suit.
Say, did you ever give us a name to call you by?

2009-05-03, 03:48 PM
"Cross, simply Cross."

2009-05-03, 03:55 PM
"Okay than Simply, where we going?"

2009-05-03, 04:01 PM
"I simply wasn't told to do anything other than send you on a friendly walk until three. We could visit the hospital or track down the man with the overpriced artwork."

2009-05-03, 06:38 PM
"Dun-dun-dun dun-dun-dun-duuuuuun! Dun-dun-dun dun-dun-dun-duuuuuun! Dun-dun-dun-dun-dun dun-dun-dun-dun-du-dun..."

Michael Tanner hums the CAPTAIN UNSTOPPABLE theme tune, or what would be if Michael ever put his idea of making CAPTAIN UNSTOPPABLE: THE ANIMATED SERIES into motion, as he puts on his costume.

He had spent last afternoon and the morning resting and healing up his wounds. Its noon as he steps out of his room in the East Coast Guardian HQ and heads toward the meeting room.

2009-05-03, 06:42 PM
"...track down the man with the overpriced artwork"

"Wait, what ?! Where ?"

OOC: Uh, I think you posted on the wrong thread.*
edit: oh okay my bad.

2009-05-03, 06:42 PM
OOC: We're moving over to this thread now...

2009-05-03, 06:51 PM
In the park

"He is the man that Frank wanted for the team. He lives in NoHo, and hates people. Which is quite obviously why we couldn't get him."

Back at HQ

Vulcan is sitting at the board room with a pair of laptops and a couple dozen textbooks and scientific papers cluttering the table. You get the feeling this man doesn't sleep.

2009-05-03, 06:54 PM
"Oh god, tell me it's not another one of those misanthropic, half crazy, psychic sociopaths"
(Yes, he is completly obliviously blind to the irony of that statement.)

2009-05-03, 06:56 PM
"Good mo- afternoon, sir!"

2009-05-03, 06:57 PM
In the park

"It's more like he is entirely crazy with self esteem issues who can kill you by blinking. He isn't a sociopath though. From what I hear, he was quite a nice guy before he got his powers."


Vulcan doesn't look up from his work. He is moving much faster than a normal human, but he looks a bit overwhelmed. "I'm off duty now. Now, I've been told that I lack the necessary leadership skills, so you can stop calling me Sir. I'm more along the lines of an Administrator now."

2009-05-03, 07:01 PM
"Riiight. And we're supposed to do what with that ? "

"I don't know if you have noticed but after that episode with the child, it become glaringly obvious that no one on this team is a psychologist."
"If I'm gonna get killed i might as well know how. What kind of powers does he have, anyway ?"

2009-05-03, 07:04 PM
At the park

"Telepathy, mind control, and a bunch of stuff I can't remember. Mostly because he wouldn't let me and I didn't run away fast enough."

2009-05-03, 07:08 PM
"You? A poor leader? I never would have guessed. I suppose our benefactors have someone in mind?"

2009-05-03, 07:25 PM

"Seeing as the Big Three are all busy, I have no ****ing idea. My best bet is the new Major Victory, Prez Palmer's grandson."

The big three are Million-Dollar Bill, General Victory, and Achilles. Bill is off-planet and has been for years, Achilles is with the main team, and General Victory is retired after decades of crime fighting and politics.

2009-05-03, 07:55 PM
Unstoppable pulls up a seat.

"Well then, I suppose that unless there are any outstanding emergencies, I'll just be waiting here."

2009-05-03, 07:56 PM
At the park

"Telepathy, mind control, and a bunch of stuff I can't remember. Mostly because he wouldn't let me and I didn't run away fast enough."

"See! Speed is important."

2009-05-03, 08:02 PM
"See! Speed is important."

"Okay okay I admit. Imagine that i'm very busy putting a foot in my mouth right now. While we still have a mind to imagine things that is."

2009-05-03, 08:10 PM
"Just think, if the psychic gets a chuckle out of it he might actually make you put your foot in your mouth." Alex pauses for a moment and looks around himself worriedly.
"That sounded weird didn't it?"

2009-05-03, 08:12 PM
"So that's what it was. I thought it was cheese."

2009-05-03, 08:21 PM
"Why do I get the nagging impression that at somme point of this conversation we just fell in a Lewis Carrol booK ?"

2009-05-03, 08:22 PM
Breaking into a grin Alex continues the riff.
"Nah, couldn't be. I'm never late."

2009-05-03, 08:28 PM
In The Park

"I don't want to talk about this any further."

Cross is now averting your gazes.


"You could talk to the new recruits. They should be with that Cross girl in Middle Park right now. Get Janice to take you."

2009-05-03, 08:35 PM
"And tell them what? 'Hi! You're all second picks who are only here because we screwed up so hard foiling a simple bank robbery!"

2009-05-03, 08:43 PM

"I think Frank already told them that. And really, get to know the new guys. Teams fall apart if everyone hates everyone else. And we're halfway there already."

2009-05-03, 08:56 PM
"Very well then."

Unstoppable walks over to Janice.

"I need to get to the park. Portal?"

2009-05-03, 09:01 PM
A gate opens in the board room; It leads out to a tree in Middle Park, of which cross is within 100 ft of.

2009-05-03, 09:13 PM
Notice Check to see the portal. [roll0]

2009-05-03, 09:14 PM
same [roll0]

Yes i'm a copycat.

2009-05-03, 09:27 PM
"Thank you kindly."

CAPTAIN UNSTOPPABLE jumps through the portal.

2009-05-03, 10:50 PM
"Yeah, we could have done better with the girl, but I can't believe you actually suggested we walk away and ignore a little kid like that." He's talking to GH, and Mr Suit who's name he couldn't remember, equally. "Yeah, lost children aren't typically a superhuman's problem, but it's still a human's problem. I don't care what's going on, or what we're doing. If I see a kid, alone and crying, I'm going to at least try to help."

2009-05-04, 11:08 AM
Doc Atom

*Meanwhile, somewhere else*

A man stands atop a sky scraper overlooking the city. He is wearing a green and black costume (http://i287.photobucket.com/albums/ll145/JeminiZero/1-HM-DocAtom.jpg), with cape, cowl, and a bright yellow atom emblazoned across his chest. He carefully stretches his body, and his bones give a quiet *crick*, indicating they had fully recovered from his latest ordeal. Once he is sure he is ready, he makes a call on his cellphone to HQ.

"Hello, Vulcan? Its me, Doc Atom."

"Well, some guy in a black mask decided to shatter my ribcage."

"Yes, yes, anyway, what happens now?"

"Middle Park eh? Who do I look for?"

"Captain Unstoppable? Never heard of him. Whats he like?"

"Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Hahahahaha."

"No, don't worry, I won't tell him you said that."

"Yes, yes, goodbye."

As Vulcan hangs up, Doc Atom heaves a sigh. Man, what a rough week. I get ambushed, nearly killed, and miss my first meeting with the big league. Well, hopefully my luck will change for the better. The cowled man thinks, as a passing pigeon defecates on his right shoulder. *sigh* Or maybe it won't. Brushing the pigeon dropping off, Doc Atom takes to the sky, and flies to Middle Park in a streak of green radiation.

OOC: I hope this is ok for an introduction. Internet is very spotty now, so I'll try and post more tomorrow

Archpaladin Zousha
2009-05-04, 02:16 PM
"Yeah, we could have done better with the girl, but I can't believe you actually suggested we walk away and ignore a little kid like that." He's talking to GH, and Mr Suit who's name he couldn't remember, equally. "Yeah, lost children aren't typically a superhuman's problem, but it's still a human's problem. I don't care what's going on, or what we're doing. If I see a kid, alone and crying, I'm going to at least try to help."

Gravatar nods.

"You got that right, Impact. I thought the whole point of bein' a super was making a difference or something like that."

2009-05-04, 02:48 PM
Alex looks at Gravatar & Impact as if they're crazy.
"A kid's playing hooky with her dad! Last I checked it's not our job to enforce good parenting. I came, I saw, kid trundled off to pops. She's safe, he's a schmuck and you two are nuts." He begins to turn and resume what he was doing but he just can't let it rest.
"Or is defeating the evil that is single dads a part of Gravitatas and The Plain Clothes Avenger's mission statement?"

2009-05-04, 04:47 PM
"You were ready to leave her before we knew her father was nearby."

2009-05-04, 05:23 PM
:smallconfused: Are you confusing me with someone else? Maybe a friend from your psyche ward?

2009-05-04, 05:32 PM
"I was ready to leave when I realised she obviously wasn't in any kind of danger and that there was no actual problem to solve."

Turns to Gravatar
"I understand your enthousiasm to help, believe me. But you've gotta understand that this a Huge citiy. There are lost children and desesperate men at pretty much every corner. If you try to help them all ...
Well you simply can't. Even if you had the power of ubiquity. So sometime you just gotta FOCUS on the matter at hand.
Speaking of wich, we still haven't decided weither we wanted to go to the hospital or get lobotomized by a crazy telepath ?"

Archpaladin Zousha
2009-05-04, 05:49 PM
Alex looks at Gravatar & Impact as if they're crazy.
"A kid's playing hooky with her dad! Last I checked it's not our job to enforce good parenting. I came, I saw, kid trundled off to pops. She's safe, he's a schmuck and you two are nuts." He begins to turn and resume what he was doing but he just can't let it rest.
"Or is defeating the evil that is single dads a part of Gravitatas and The Plain Clothes Avenger's mission statement?"

Gravatar rolls her eyes at Alex's comment.

"Just because I wanna help people doesn't make me nuts. If I were REALLY nuts I'd have bounced the father around like he was a superball just for the hell of it. And why mention my chest? Jealous your girlfriend doesn't have tatas like mine?"

Then she listens to GH's statement and nods.

"Can't argue with that. Still, you'd think people'd behave themselves a bit more knowing there were people like us everywhere. You think a bunch of rookies like us can pose a challenge to a psychic like that?"
Gravitatas? Is he poking fun at her or something? I don't get it.:smallconfused:

2009-05-04, 06:31 PM
"I know we can't help everyone, but that doesn't mean we should ignore it when it falls in our laps. If that market over there is robbed in the next five seconds, should we do nothing because we can't stop all robberies, everywhere, forever?"

Gravitatas! :smalltongue:

2009-05-04, 06:32 PM
"I vote hospital. See who made the cut before we did."

Gravitatas? Is he poking fun at her or something? I don't get it Yep. He's just sort of feeling her out, trying to get a bead on how she'll react.

Archpaladin Zousha
2009-05-04, 06:45 PM
I thought it was a joke, but what does he mean by Gravitatas? Is he commenting on her breasts or something?

2009-05-04, 06:50 PM
Yeah... Not proud of that one.

Archpaladin Zousha
2009-05-04, 07:09 PM
I figured. Is Alex gonna respond to her now?

2009-05-04, 07:17 PM
Gravatar rolls her eyes at Alex's comment

"Just because I wanna help people doesn't make me nuts. If I were REALLY nuts I'd have bounced the father around like he was a superball just for the hell of it. And why mention my chest? Jealous your girlfriend doesn't have tatas like mine?"

"Just being petty. It's been a long day of creeping out little girls and being reminded that I'm second choice for a second choice team. That being said..." He shakes his head.
Nope. Not gonna say it.

Archpaladin Zousha
2009-05-04, 07:32 PM
"No man could resist my tatas. But they usually do when they see the belly they're sitting on."

2009-05-04, 07:47 PM
Alex nods with that old "And now the crazy person is talking" look on his face
"Okay then. Gravity girl has started discussing her endowments. Can we please get moving?"

2009-05-04, 08:48 PM
Doc Atom

Doc Atom flies over Middle park and surveys premises. Lets see now... Shady man talking to shady woman, with young child clinging to his pants. Nope. Man littering 3 feet from garbage can. Nope. Bunch of folk bickering like children. Ah! That must be the new team. Hmm... thats odd, I don't see anyone matching Cap Unstoppable among them.

OOC: Where is Wadledo and Collin. No point visiting the hospital if they actually chose to be resting in HQ.

2009-05-04, 09:11 PM
((OOC: Since I'm going to come out the portal anyway, I think I'll post now before UglyPanda does to move quickly. I don't want to miss the team before they go the hospital and/or telepath))

Captain Unstoppable lands in the park, having flown out of the portal through the force of his jump.

Spotting the team (they're not exactly hard to miss) he leaps over to them. He poses dramatically.


The Captain's voice booms throughout the park, easily being heard by Doc Atom flying above and scaring off some birds perched in the trees.

2009-05-04, 09:36 PM
"You know what, Cap? Even though we're outside, indoor voices are allowed. Really they are. Don't even get fined or nothing."

Archpaladin Zousha
2009-05-04, 09:46 PM
((OOC: Since I'm going to come out the portal anyway, I think I'll post now before UglyPanda does to move quickly. I don't want to miss the team before they go the hospital and/or telepath))

Captain Unstoppable lands in the park, having flown out of the portal through the force of his jump.

Spotting the team (they're not exactly hard to miss) he leaps over to them. He poses dramatically.


The Captain's voice booms throughout the park, easily being heard by Doc Atom flying above and scaring off some birds perched in the trees.

"Captain Unstoppable?! I had no idea we'd be working with him!"

2009-05-04, 09:51 PM
From what you can tell, Cross is staring down a pigeon. He then takes out her phone, listens to something for a minute, then puts it away.

"I really don't recommend talking to crazy artist number three. There's also some guy at a karaoke bar, but he isn't going to be very useful. Anyways, we've got news of a gun shipment at the docks at midnight. So you guys have to stay sober for the time being."

2009-05-04, 09:56 PM
"Captain Unstoppable?! I had no idea we'd be working with him!"

OOC: Is this a joke?

2009-05-04, 09:59 PM
"There was the possibility of alcohol?":smalleek:
Dropping to his knees the Black Blur screams to the heavens.

2009-05-04, 10:01 PM
"Wait, what day is today?"

Cross then looks at his watch, and says "Okay, it's next week. Kill your livers all you want today."

2009-05-04, 10:04 PM
"Team we have reached the most important milestone in a teams formation... The Drinking! Who knows a decent bar and or pub?"

2009-05-04, 10:11 PM
"It's 1 am. Just wanted you to know that in case I'm supposed to be the voice of reason."

There is one nice bar that tailors exclusively to superpowered individuals on the other side of town, but the more famous superheroes hate it there. Otherwise, there are way too many bars in this city, so you can come up with your own descriptions if you desire.

2009-05-04, 10:14 PM
"I would prefer you all get to know the other members of the team. Head to the hospital perhaps and do a bit of meet and greet."

Unstoppable claps a hand on The Black Blur!™'s shoulder.

"But you shall have your chance at drinks tonight! We shall drink together and forge the bonds that make our team strong!"

2009-05-04, 10:16 PM
"We're superheros and no one's getting robbed or blown up at the moment. By estimate each of us has either the powers or the sheer mass to drink heavy liquor until next week without worrying about the buzz."
He jerks a thumb towards Captain Unstoppable.
"See the most experienced team member agrees with me. Plus I want to see what happens when people who can defy the laws of physics get smashed."

2009-05-04, 10:46 PM
"Tonight, my loose-mouthed comrade. Tonight! Before then, I believe we should visit our wounded teammates in the hospital."

Captain Unstoppable scans the area.

"This is everyone, yes?"

Notice check to notice anything in the area that might have something to do with the team. Doc Atom perhaps?

2009-05-04, 10:49 PM
"Wait, what just happened? Where'd this guy come from? And...it might be best if I don't get to drunk."

2009-05-04, 10:59 PM
"CAPTAIN UNSTOPPABLE! at your service!"

The Captain extends a hand.

"I'm one of the original members of the team."

A hearty chuckle.

"Which means that I was on it yesterday instead of today."

Archpaladin Zousha
2009-05-04, 11:01 PM
OOC: Is this a joke?

Why would it be a joke? She said that because she didn't expect to be working with someone who's been in superheroing for so long and has maintained his enthusiasm for it. While Gravatar still holds to her belief that "Superheroes are people too," she admits that some supers are so into superheroing they don't have room to be people too, and Captain Unstoppable is one of those people. She thinks he's not as deep as someone like Impact, but respects him as one of the most dedicated superheroes out there. What, did I make a gaffe or something?

2009-05-04, 11:06 PM
Why would it be a joke? She said that because she didn't expect to be working with someone who's been in superheroing for so long and has maintained his enthusiasm for it. While Gravatar still holds to her belief that "Superheroes are people too," she admits that some supers are so into superheroing they don't have room to be people too, and Captain Unstoppable is one of those people. She thinks he's not as deep as someone like Impact, but respects him as one of the most dedicated superheroes out there. What, did I make a gaffe or something?

When Gravatar said "him" instead of "you", I thought she was making some crack about Michael not being the real Captain Unstoppable or at least a secondhand one

Archpaladin Zousha
2009-05-04, 11:25 PM
When Gravatar said "him" instead of "you", I thought she was making some crack about Michael not being the real Captain Unstoppable or at least a secondhand one

Oh, it was nothing like that at all. She was making a surprised comment and I didn't think he was talking to her in the first place.

2009-05-04, 11:30 PM
Ah. That's cool. :smallsmile:

Archpaladin Zousha
2009-05-04, 11:35 PM
"CAPTAIN UNSTOPPABLE! at your service!"

The Captain extends a hand.

"I'm one of the original members of the team."

A hearty chuckle.

"Which means that I was on it yesterday instead of today."

"The fact that you're on the team at all is a great honor! I've always admired you, Captain. Can I call you Captain"

Gravatar goes up to shake his hand.

2009-05-04, 11:39 PM
"*Cough Cough Kiss Ass Cough Cough*"
"So can we get moving? Even a non-speedster would be bored by now."

2009-05-04, 11:48 PM
"The fact that you're on the team at all is a great honor! I've always admired you, Captain. Can I call you Captain"

Gravatar goes up to shake his hand.

Captain Unstoppable leans down a bit to shake hands with Gravatar.

"I'm not as great as all that! Just trying to live up the name. But thank you, Miss..."

OOC: No result on that notice check?

Archpaladin Zousha
2009-05-05, 12:19 AM
"...Gravatar. I'm one of those college students who got superpowers a few years ago."

2009-05-05, 12:29 AM
Alex begins hopping from foot to foot at mach 13.
"Willkommen, bienvenue, welcome!
Fremde, etranger, stranger.
Gluklich zu sehen, je suis enchante,
Happy to see you, bleibe, reste, stay."
I'm giving you guyss like another minute and then I start doing mischief on this park.

Archpaladin Zousha
2009-05-05, 12:38 AM
"Okay, okay, we get it, you're bored. Let's get to the hospital. Gawd, that's the problem with speedsters. Everything about them is sped up, including their attention span!"

2009-05-05, 12:47 AM
"Well, I'm glad to have you on board, Gravatar!"

CAPTAIN UNSTOPPABLE lets loose another hearty, roaring chuckle at Black Blur!™. He puts a firm hand on his shoulder.

"Patience, Zippy! We shall be doing something in good time."

OOC: Is the portal still open?

2009-05-05, 12:48 AM
Doc Atom is floating overhead, and Cross is staring at another pigeon. Nothing weird is going on.

And the portal is closed.

2009-05-05, 12:49 AM
While it may be hard to discern speech going ten thousand times faster than average it is easy to telll that this is somewhat annoying to Alex. Only brief snippets of his tirade are audible.
After about twenty seconds he calms himself.
Bunch of Racists.

2009-05-05, 12:51 AM
CAPTAIN UNSTOPPABLE squeezes the hand on The Black Blur!™'s shoulder a bit tighter.

"Calm. Down."

2009-05-05, 12:52 AM
"Yes sir."

2009-05-05, 12:57 AM
"HOHOHOOHO! At any rate, we have company."

He points up toward the flying Doc Atom. Turning to the new figure, he waves and yells up.


2009-05-05, 02:04 AM
GH, who was standing a bit on the edge and didn't say anything, studying the captain.

"Bunch of Racists."

"No we're not being racist, you're just being an ass."


"Are you alway THAT subtle ? Or is it your power to ruin any kind of surprise effect by warning any potential targets in a ten miles radius ?"

2009-05-05, 02:58 AM
Alex takes a moment to search for any villains in a mile radius. He'll take thirty seconds to take a twenty on the check. So 29 search check to notice a villain or crime in a mile radius of the group.

2009-05-05, 03:05 AM
"Item: Our flying friend already appears to have spotted, negating any chance we have already for surprise.

Item: We're in the middle of a open park in the middle of the day wearing obvious superheroic clothing. If he didn't spot us when he came here, he certainly would have by now.

Item: Even if he did not spot us, it would be discourtous for us to not announce ourselves. Doing otherwise runs the risk of having a superhero on superhero fight, mistaking the other side for being a villian. I am a man who enjoys tradition, but that is one that I would rather avoid.

Item: There is a time for sneaking and subtlety. The first days of our team, when we want to get as much publicity as we can is not among them."

2009-05-05, 03:25 AM
"Don't mind Captain Subtle. He makes me seem like a charm school graduate at times."

2009-05-05, 06:43 AM
Doc Atom

Doc Atom quietly puts his palm to his face, as he observes the antics of the group, and especially of the speedster. Good grief, if I didn't know any better, I would have thought I was joining a circus.


Well looks like I've been spotted, better go introduce myself. Lets see if I can do this in style. After all, first impressions count. Standing upright and with his arms crossed, Doc Atom descended quickly until he was just above the ground. Without changing his pose, he hovered easily over to the boisterous group, his flowing cape trailing in his wake.

"Ah, Captain Unstoppable I presume? I have heard much about you." Doc Atom speaks, as he unfolds his arms, and extends a friendly handshake. Granted, all of it was from Vulcan some minutes ago, and most of it wasn't good. But still...

"I'm Doc Atom." he says as he introduces himself to the rest of the group. "I was supposed to join you earlier, but I was ambushed some nights ago, and couldn't make it for the bank robberies."

Sorry about the delay, but my Internet connection is still spotty, and will likely remain so, until the Service Providers decide to do their jobs. If I don't post in time, just assume Doc Atom follows the group.

2009-05-05, 06:44 AM
a little before Dr atom lands:

"I'd rather be unpleasant that childish and obnoxious, thank you."
remember, teamwork , trying to make a good impression.
To the captain:
"Well it makes sense, my bad. I believe I had misjudged both you and the situation on every count. I'm afraid i'm not used to work neither in daylight neither in a team."
"I apologise for my earlier comment. I am Green Hound, at your service."

"Well looks like your "flying friend" is about to make his landing anyway."
"I was supposed to join you earlier, but I was ambushed some nights ago, and couldn't make it for the bank robberies."
"Don't worry. Except for Unstopable, none of us we're at the bank . We're the second picks.
To the captain.
"By the way, If you don't mind me asking , what the hell exactly hapened there ?"

[roll0] Not to sound like he was forced to swalow a handfull of razors when admiting he might have been wrong

2009-05-05, 11:41 AM
The Black Blur finds nothing because: he was investigating a small area of the city; villains don't wear their costumes unless they are in a private area or currently committing a crime; he only looked for half a minute; he is in a nice area of the city; he isn't allowed to look inside private areas, regardless of his status as a superhero; less crimes are performed at 1 am; by taking extra time to search, he covered less than a half-mile radius; etc.

Another portal opens up in the same tree and a soft voice can be heard. "J train to the hospital has arrived. Otherwise, the doors are closing."

2009-05-05, 12:20 PM
"Hey Doc, welcome to the team."

Archpaladin Zousha
2009-05-05, 12:48 PM
"Looks like that's our cue to head out."

2009-05-05, 01:00 PM
Alex jumps through the portal.

2009-05-05, 01:57 PM
The hospital is just like any other. Everything is quite clean and the doctors, nurses, and interns are doing their jobs as usual.

There is a janitor performing a prank on an attending and a bald surgeon having an argument with a nurse.

2009-05-05, 04:55 PM
Alex flags down a passing doctor.
"Pardon, I'm looking for the capes that would have been brought in recently. Could you point me towards their rooms?"

2009-05-05, 04:59 PM
"Ask someone else. I just started my shift."

2009-05-05, 05:05 PM
Alex begins checking the rooms at super speed taking care to avoid interrupting any medical procedures or get in the way of any doctors.

2009-05-05, 05:18 PM
Black Blur finds a number of people in their rooms. Then he realizes he has no idea who made the original cut for the team.

2009-05-05, 05:28 PM
Son of a-
He blurs back to the portal. After a moment of waiting he sits with his back against the wall, pulls out an mp3 player, and closes his eyes.

2009-05-05, 05:43 PM
Impact steps through the portal, and looks around. "Okay..." He flags down a nurse. "Excuse me, do you know where the people injured in the bank heist are?"

Archpaladin Zousha
2009-05-05, 05:43 PM
Gravatar follows Impact through the portal into the hospital.

2009-05-05, 06:04 PM
"Might as well follow the lead."
GH steps through.

2009-05-05, 06:12 PM
Captain Unstoppable does the same.

2009-05-05, 06:13 PM
"I don't know, you should ask the front desk."

2009-05-05, 06:20 PM
"Which way?"

2009-05-05, 06:43 PM
"Escape is the yellow line." The nurse points to the floor, where there are a number of thick colored lines painted on.

2009-05-05, 08:53 PM
Doc Atom

Doc Atom quietly follows the rest through the portal.

"Escape is the yellow line." The nurse points to the floor, where there are a number of thick colored lines painted on.

"Well, I suppose we should follow the yellow brick road then." Doc Atom says as he follows the yellow line, and tries to find the reception. I wonder why the Janice couldn't just have the portal exit to the correct room...

Take 10 on survival check for navigation: 10 + 7 = 17

2009-05-05, 09:06 PM
The yellow line is actually quite convenient and ends at the front desk.

"Can I help you?"

2009-05-05, 09:06 PM
"Thank you." He smiles at the nurse, and followes the yellow line.

Archpaladin Zousha
2009-05-05, 10:10 PM
Gravatar follows the yellow line as well. When the nurse asks if she can help, she responds:

"Yeah, we're here to talk to some of the people who were injured in the bank robbery, please."

2009-05-05, 10:48 PM
"Which one? There were five yesterday. It was busy."

Archpaladin Zousha
2009-05-05, 10:57 PM
"Uh, the superheroes." Gravatar replies sheepishly. She didn't want to sound insensitive to any civilians that might have been hurt in the fight, but she'd stuck her foot in her mouth now.

2009-05-05, 11:02 PM
"I meant which robbery. There were five yesterday. And most heroes keep their identities a secret, we're not allowed to specifically identify people as powered."

On the desk is a copy of today's Big City Times. While the main article is about the conviction of Vito Bianchi, Aaron Roman's famous "I Hate You All" column on the front page is an angry rant about simultaneous bank assaults yesterday and how the police are withholding details.
Meanwhile, Cross has appeared through the portal and is wondering if any of the heroes are making asses of themselves.

2009-05-05, 11:16 PM
Alex takes puts away the music player stands up and blurs to the front desk.
"Cross might be able to give us an ID on who we're here to see."
He glances about looking for Cross

Archpaladin Zousha
2009-05-05, 11:18 PM
Gravatar facepalms.


She looks at Impact.

"You know which ones we're lookin' for, Impact?"

2009-05-05, 11:21 PM
Alex rolls his eyes under his mask and blurs back to the portal.
So who we here to see Cross?

2009-05-05, 11:29 PM
"Over there"

Cross points to the two locked private rooms next to the portal. She knocks on the door and asks "Hey, it's Cross, can I come in?"

"Yeah, I'm decent." replies a man's voice.

The door opens and you can see a well-built man lying in his hospital bed, surrounded by about a dozen flower bouquets and gift baskets. He is watching ESPN classic with the sound off. You recognize him as the disgraced former first-baseman of the Big City Metros, Carl Coste.

2009-05-05, 11:35 PM
OOC: Name and position he played?

2009-05-05, 11:37 PM
Doc Atom

"Good day to you, I'm Doc Atom latest addition to the Guardians." Doc Atom says as he enters the room. "So how are you doing?" The cowled man searches around for the patient's case file to give it a quick look over.

Presumably, this is where my +8 to medicine should tell me something. Maybe take 10?

We buying time until Collin recovers from the fish?

2009-05-05, 11:41 PM
Captain Unstoppable

The Captain walks in and immediately makes the connection.

"Heavy Hitter, I presume? Haha! I hope you're recovering well!"

2009-05-05, 11:43 PM
"Yesterday sucked but it was better than last week. I'm just happy I'm still on the team after that disaster."

The medical file tells you that he received several dozen dog bites and a sprained ankle. He had to receive several stitches as well as rabies and tetanus shots. He blacked out for a few hours, so they're keeping him for observation, but it's more likely that they're only keeping him around today because he has good insurance.

Your characters are free to do whatever they want until 3:00 PM game time. I don't even care if you stay in the same place, just do what your characters want.

Unstoppable saw him yesterday and he doesn't wear a mask. It's obvious that it is Heavy Hitter. It's just that none of your characters could recognize that he used to be a professional baseball player.

2009-05-06, 12:11 AM
Alex blurs to the lobby grabs a news paper and blurs back. He leans against the wall and blurs through the article on the robbery's.
From what I can tell you did about as well as any of us could have. No one expects their first mission to be against Cerberus's Dogwalker.

2009-05-06, 12:13 AM
Impact waves at the injured man from the back of the group. "Hey. So, uh, how you feeling?"

2009-05-06, 12:19 AM
"I talked to Vulcan about it after last night. He said that Dog-Walker has never been able to summon anything bigger than a greyhound before. He got some sort of upgrade."

"Anyways, I'll be fine, don't worry about me." Carl stares at the TV, not looking at anyone. He probably would feel better if he were left alone.

2009-05-06, 12:31 AM
Captain Unstoppable

Well, we'll leave you to your rest! I'll see you out in the field soon, I hope.

Captain Unstoppable makes to give Carl a friendly punch in the shoulder, but decides against it. He heads out to the hall and over to the other room.

2009-05-06, 12:36 AM
"Well I'll leave you to your rest. See you on the beat."
Ducking out of the room Alex takes a moment to ponder.
"Hey, Cross? Can I talk to you for a second?"

2009-05-06, 12:39 AM
Doc Atom

"Yes, yes. Just flesh wounds and no serious complications, you should be able to get discharged tomorrow." Doc Atom says as he closes the file, and replaces it where he found it. "See you around Carl." With that, he follows the Captain to the next room.

2009-05-06, 07:04 PM
Impact moves back out into the hall. "Well, that was a fine way to meet someone. 'Hello, we're the people that could have kept you from getting mauled'. Perfect."

Archpaladin Zousha
2009-05-06, 07:21 PM
"Hey, it's not like I could have done anything! I was indisposed. I had an encounter with Pete the other night, and I was still recovering from it."

2009-05-06, 07:34 PM
Alex archs and eyebrow above his mask.
Pete? That doesn't sound like a villain. You get a little, Gravatar?

2009-05-06, 07:37 PM
Captain Unstoppable

Unstoppable coughs.

"I could have prevented his mauling. Perhaps if I had taken down Dog Walker sooner."

Archpaladin Zousha
2009-05-06, 07:40 PM
"Pete's his real name. Peter Thompson. He got powers from the same accident that gave me mine, but he got burn scars that he can't get rid of. He went loco and started calling himself "The Plastic Surgeon," and for some reason blames me for his problems. He's a vain and whiny prick, who disfigures celebrities with his superpowers because he thinks it'll make him feel better, and he discovered that my weight affects my powers, so I usually end up leaving fights with him much slimmer than I was when I went in. It really sucks when you lose all the muscle mass you've spent weeks trying to build in an instant."

2009-05-06, 07:50 PM
"Ouch. That's a rough one. De-powering sucks."

Archpaladin Zousha
2009-05-06, 07:56 PM
"Well, not so much depowering as weakening. I don't lose my powers completely when he pulls crap like that, I just can't affect gravity as well. Which means I can't fly as well, or lift heavier objects. Back when I first started working with my powers, I was pretty skinny, and I couldn't lift anything much heavier than a fork."

2009-05-06, 07:58 PM
"I hear you. When I started it took me a month to break mach one."

2009-05-06, 08:13 PM
Captain Unstoppable

Unstoppable coughs.

"I could have prevented his mauling. Perhaps if I had taken down Dog Walker sooner."

"At least you were there to try, I didn't know anything was going on till it was over."

2009-05-06, 08:17 PM
Doc Atom

"Yes Captain, I'm sure you did your best. As powerful as we might be, we are still not Gods." Doc Atom says as he gave Unstoppable a consoling pat on his back.

2009-05-06, 08:27 PM
Captain Unstoppable

"Thank you, friends."

2009-05-06, 08:29 PM
Cross is in the next room, talking to a goth girl with her left arm in a cast.

Sitting in the chair by the window is an identical goth girl in a black dress.

2009-05-06, 08:34 PM
Captain Unstoppable

Unstoppable marches into the room.

"Debbie. Janice."

2009-05-06, 08:36 PM
"Hey...wasn't it Pain and Mercy that robbed the bank?"

2009-05-06, 08:36 PM
OOC: Just one question: How much of what hapened to the bank does the people that weren't there know. was there like an official repport or something like that ?

2009-05-06, 08:38 PM
"I'm not Janice, I'm Helen. Janice is a bitch."

"Oh, come on, she's nice."

"That bitch keeps trying to leave me in the desert."

"It's just a joke. And it's not like you can't just leave."

"But it's the principle of the thing."

Yesterday, five banks were attacked by supervillains within a ten minute time period. No money was taken from any of them, but each of the villains who managed to get into a vault disappeared. All the other villains are currently in police custody.

2009-05-06, 08:41 PM
OOC - How many of these portal-making goth girls are there?:smalleek:

IC - Unstoppable coughs sheepishly.

My apologies. You... all... look... very... similar.

He steps forward toward the one in the cast.

Debbie, I wanted to apologize to you about yesterday. I should never have put you in danger like that. Mercy could have down something much worse to you and it's my fault your arm is broken.

2009-05-06, 08:52 PM
Doc Atom

As before, Doc Atom quickly browses through the case file. "So you're Debbie right? I'm Doc Atom, how are you doing today?"

Turning to Helen, he asks. "Are you all twins or triplets or something?"

Doc Atom will try to use Notice to find distinguishing features between the 2 girls (besides the broken arm): [roll0]

Edit: Well, could have gone better. Could I take 10 or 20 on this?

2009-05-06, 08:52 PM
"Don't worry Captain, we'll get her next time. People like that can't hide forever."

Archpaladin Zousha
2009-05-06, 08:54 PM
Gravatar moves to the room with Debbie and Janice and hears Captain Unstoppable's words. She puts a hand on his shoulder.

"Don't be so hard on yourself, Captain. You stopped her from getting worse than a broken arm. Broken arms heal in time. Lives don't. Even supers can't save everything."

2009-05-06, 09:00 PM
Captain Unstoppable

"She wouldn't have been in danger if not for me and my plan."

2009-05-06, 09:03 PM
Alex leers at the girls.
"We have an army of goth girls? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=phT0HRC69AA) I love this job."

2009-05-06, 09:09 PM
"You guys really don't want to know their story. It still gives me headaches. Not the kind you treat with pills, but the kind that are mostly metaphorical in...."

"She would have been just fine if you told her what the plan ****ing was, you dip****!"

"Helen, calm down. Everybody, I'm fine. Doc says it'll be healed up in three weeks. I can leave the hospital today but Ms. Stills has already paid for the room, so I'll be leaving around four."

Other than the quite obvious personality and clothing differences, Helen and Debbie look exactly identical.

According to the chart, Debbie suffered a hairline fracture in the left arm. She has had surgery and the cast can be taken off in three or four weeks.

2009-05-06, 09:15 PM
And you can all create those portals ? The familly reunions must a real blast."

"Good luck with that arm, miss."

2009-05-06, 09:19 PM
Still, I'm so very, very sorry. I'm glad that all you suffered was a broken arm.

2009-05-06, 09:26 PM
"You put a goth girl in danger?"
Alex pulls off one of his and lightly slaps it against the back of Unstoppable's head. He puffs out his chest and speaks in a theatrical baritone
"Have you no honor sir?"

2009-05-06, 09:36 PM
Doc Atom

"Yes, just a hairline crack, nothing serious. In the meanwhile, I would suggest you get as much Calcium and Vitamin D as you can. Drink more milk, get a little sun so long as you don't get burnt." Doc Atom said as he replaced the file."And a desert is probably a bit too harsh for that, so you might want to stick with a simple deck chair on your roof."

2009-05-06, 09:59 PM
"I wish I could help, but I can only heal myself, not other people."

2009-05-06, 10:04 PM
"Anyways, I'm fine, so you guys can go work out at HQ or something."

I got the names mixed up, who wouldn't?

2009-05-06, 11:32 PM
Alex bops Captain Unstoppable with his glove again.
"Je Challange!"

Archpaladin Zousha
2009-05-06, 11:50 PM
"Black Blur, knock it off."

Gravatar wouldn't know Black Blur's civvie name I don't think, right?

2009-05-06, 11:56 PM
Alex makes a flourish with his wrist.
"What? It's chivalry!"
Earlier he told the little girl it was John.

2009-05-07, 12:27 AM
"What? It's chivalry!"

"That's commes as a pretty funny comment comming from someone who was nicknaming Gravatar: "Gravititas" not ten minutes ago."

To Cross
"Say , is it possible to check out the bank vault where you kept Mercy ? I don't expect to find anything, really, but you never know.

2009-05-07, 12:34 AM
"Why you gotta make a brother look bad in front of the ladies? Particularly goth chicks."

2009-05-07, 12:36 AM
"Frank and Rufus checked it out yesterday. You wouldn't find anything, but Rufus knows what happened. You're not entitled to know until the investigation is over and the criminals are all captured."

Cross walks up to Black Blur and whispers "You're not their type."

2009-05-07, 12:36 AM
The Captain cheers up a bit from Blur's antics.

"Challenge accepted, zippy. Perhaps a sparring match is in order?"

2009-05-07, 12:41 AM
Cross walks up to Black Blur and whispers "You're not their type."
"With god as my witness I will be."

"Challenge accepted, zippy. Perhaps a sparring match is in order?"
Alex bellows his response.
"Choose your field of battle!" He cracks a grin.
"How about a foot race?"

2009-05-07, 12:43 AM
"I believe as the challenged party, I get to pick the weapon of choice for this duel..."

Unstoppable grins broadly.

"I don't suppose you have a spare sledgehammer, do you?"

2009-05-07, 12:45 AM
Blur laughs.
"I can get one."

2009-05-07, 12:46 AM
"Debbie... Helen... either of you... would you please portal us to the headquarters gym?"

2009-05-07, 12:49 AM
"Actually ladies I'll jog back. Got to use it or lose it."

2009-05-07, 12:54 AM
"I've been given orders not to let you mess that place up. It was rather expensive."

Cross reaches inside his jacket and pulls out a pair of latex gloves, mutters a few words, and throws them at the feet of the two "heroes", causing both of them to disappear in a flash.

"I didn't have a gauntlet handy, so that had to do."
Unstoppable & Blur

The two "heroes" find themselves in the middle of a gladiatorial arena, with spectators composed of demons, angels, aliens of all races, mystical beings of all types, and a token amount of humans spread through the crowd.

They're screaming for blood.

2009-05-07, 12:59 AM
"Cooooooooooool! Also Daaaaaaaaaaamn."
Blur begins shuffling his feet back in forth until they blur in a Looney Tunes-esque manner. He bends back and raises his fist into a caricature of a boxer's stance.
"Put up your dukes, put em up, put em up!"

2009-05-07, 12:59 AM
Captain Unstoppable looks around, only slightly surprised by the change of scenery. As sidekick to his father, he's seen much stranger things than being teleported to an extradimensional arena.

"Well, no sledgehammers."

Unstoppable shifts into a fighting stance.

"Looks like we're going to have to do this with our bare hands. When you're ready, zippy."

2009-05-07, 01:03 AM
Blur drops his hands into his pockets but keeps his feet shuffling.
"Want to lay any rules down?"

2009-05-07, 01:03 AM
The Arena

"Bring Back Strikemaster Veng!"
"Stupid Humans!"
"Stupid Humans!"
"Stupid Humans!"

Their taunts remind you of a certain talk show run by a former politician.
The Hospital

"Ok, what do you want to do now?"

2009-05-07, 01:09 AM
"No eye gouging... and no groin attacks"

2009-05-07, 01:14 AM
"Why not just ban the Hadouken while you're at it? No that's fair. How about we start..."
Alex blurs to the opposite edge of the arena.
Initiative [roll0]