View Full Version : ITT: We admit we like Forum Warz

2009-04-30, 11:15 PM
Well, on the recommendation of a friend who wouldn't shut up about how good it is, I recently tried the Forum Warz web game. I instantly found out it's the most warped and offensive game I've seen in my life. ....Actually, I'm not even sure it's safe to talk about on this forum.

I haven't been able to stop playing since.

The basic concept is playing as one of the standard types of internet @#$%wad, attempting to destroy message boards with whatever your class' tactics are: sending other posters into frothing rage as a Troll, wrecking the forum's code as a Hacker, driving everyone away as an Emo Kid, threadjacking with pics of yourself as Camwhore, or spamming incoherent random keystrokes as a Re-re. Plus, if you can level high enough as Re-re, your obvious total incomprehension of how to play the game gets you a prestige class: Permanoob!

The sick humor is intelligently done, with user created content encouraged. An amazing amount of depth went into making an entire fake internet contained in the site to interact with. There's actually a storyline, as a mystery man starts you on your quest to ruin the internet for everyone, for reasons that I'm nowhere near finding yet.

I'm kind of disturbed at the amount of time I'm dedicating to this game, as I want to find every bit of funny I can.

Can't... stop... playing....

Currently a Level 7 Troll

(Oh yeah... turns out 90% of the players play Trolls. Doh.)

Illiterate Scribe
2009-05-01, 12:45 AM
Sorry ... I can't.

It's just so ridiculously meta. I mean, it's analogous to getting your Sims to buy a copy of The Sims, in game, and vicariously playing it through them.

2009-05-01, 01:02 AM
My god. What have you done to me.

But seriously, neat little discovery.

2009-05-01, 01:28 AM
Sorry ... I can't.

It's just so ridiculously meta. I mean, it's analogous to getting your Sims to buy a copy of The Sims, in game, and vicariously playing it through them.

My view on meta is summed up by the fact that in my RL group's last session of Mage, a lot of the session was taken up by discussion of our characters' D&D 2e game.

And hey, do you want more people acting like this on the real internet?

Toss me a friend request, Myatar. It looks like you can't give away stuff to other players, so I can't toss you my spare .moar files, but I can give some starting tips.

Handy to know:

Ego, Offense, Upkeep and Frugality are the most important stats.

A few levels into the game, you'll meet a hacker who lets you respec all your points every 4 days, so don't worry about that too much.

DO NOT try to handle forums above your level when starting out. You will need items that give you big boosts before you can handle that.

When you're given the long-term missions to plant code for other users, use the codes on forums you've already beat, and know you can handle. Trying to hack a forum the first time you go in is a recipe for traumatic retaliation.

2009-05-03, 01:57 PM
I used to play that when it first came out, a long time ago. I've beaten all the free content though, and I'm not inclined to pay for the rest.

2009-05-03, 10:38 PM
Im a level 9 Hacker working currently with a woman named Ophelia Titsupp. Get it? Its a joke. A lesbian joke! Because ophelia is a female name but its ill-feel-yo-t**s-up. Its funny!!!111!!11436f

Actualy, i only recently got back into the game after a month hiatus. Lets rock some code!

My name is either Muphin_Mann or Muhpin Mann btw. Send me a tell or something, folks.

2009-05-04, 11:58 PM
My name is either Muphin_Mann or Muhpin Mann btw. Send me a tell or something, folks.


I was just given the Bad Poetry attack for publicly committing suicide on two forums. It's twice as good as any other attack I've got. Damn.

Also, I can't tear myself away from the INCIT caption contests. Good thing I win them often enough to justify wasting all my time there.