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Neon Knight
2009-04-30, 11:45 PM
1rst Thread. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=107589&page=50)

The Merchant answered Rin quickly. "We provide you with programs."


Meanwhile, Apple finds her ship exactly as she left it. Everything is in order.

2009-05-01, 12:03 AM

There it was. They could probably manipulate and adjust the programs if they wanted to control her... but she bet she could figure them out. Maybe even learn to program them (or at least catch anything bad in them) herself. Knowing that the full moon was coming, and that Mio needed protection, could she pass this up?

Her fingers paused over the keyboard, hesitating. She thought of how Amelia tried to keep her from helping- how she couldn't fight. The marks on Mio's neck...
But what really made up her mind was when she remembered the look on Mio's save when she saved her. Mio deserved someone who could save her, and keep her safe. Rin didn't trust anyone else to manage it.

She drops her fingers onto the keys and types her response.

I'll do it.

2009-05-01, 12:15 AM
Muffy (18/40) (19)

Mary goes back outside, walking again... Rin has disappeared into her own world, and now Mary feels alone.

2009-05-01, 06:39 AM

A few minutes after Mary leaves Amelia looks at the door, thinking for a moment, then shuts her book, (toss in a utensil as an impromptu bookmark) and heads out the front door after Mary. When Amelia catches up to within a pace or two of Mary she stops. "Um, Mary? Do...you have some time to talk?"

Neon Knight
2009-05-01, 11:59 AM
"Excellent. You want system now, or wait? We need send man over to give, so make sure no one around."

2009-05-01, 12:02 PM

Yes, now.

She didn't want to hesitate. Rin gets up and closes the door, locking it once making sure Amelia wasn't likely to come back any time soon (and seeing her leaving with Mary seemed to indicate that...)

2009-05-01, 01:21 PM

Harumi looks nervous as she watches Ume. Can I get you some tea, Senpai? She starts preparing it without waiting for an answer. Or maybe coffee? Do you take sugar or milk?

2009-05-01, 01:42 PM
Muffy (18/40) (19)

Mary pauses, looking wistfully at the moon, she turns, hearing Amelia and nods, "Of course..."

Shades of Gray
2009-05-01, 02:03 PM

I'm fine, I don't drink much. Ume says, more polite than usual.

2009-05-01, 02:08 PM

Oh... she moves back over to Ume. Would you like a foot massage then? She seems antsy for some reason.

Shades of Gray
2009-05-01, 02:11 PM

I'm fine. What's wrong? Ume says, unnerved at all this offered hospitality.

2009-05-01, 02:16 PM

Harumi sighs quietly. Well... Mary was mad at me earlier and then she sort of brushed me off. I just didn't want you to think that I don't respect you as my Senpai. And so I was trying to get closer together? She shrugs nervously.

Shades of Gray
2009-05-01, 02:21 PM

Thing is, I don't care if you respect me as your Sempai. Very few do. I'm older than every other girl in this school, and I haven't once been offered anything. Age doesn't really matter at all. Any business between Mary and you is strictly between you two. It's been a very rough day for them all. Ume doesn't seem to include herselves with the people who went on the mission. They're all very tense.

2009-05-01, 02:29 PM

You... don't care? I thought maybe I could help you out to make up for being too scared to go with you. Well... see you soon. Harumi seems disappointed and turns to the direction of her room.

Shades of Gray
2009-05-01, 02:30 PM

Ume mumbles something. Audible enough to know that she is referring to Harumi, but mumbled enough not to discern what she's actually saying. Before she stands up and starts heading to her room.

2009-05-01, 04:24 PM

Amelia didn't say anything for a moment, but Mary would be able to see the wheels spinning in her head. Finally, after a silence that approached awkward, Amelia spoke.

"Mio should be dead."

She let that hang in the air a moment before she clarified."She should be dead. I wouldn't have been able to save her. I...I don't want to involve people who don't understand what is out there. But if it wasn't for Rin we'd have never known about the island. I'd have just tried to sneak around the Biology garden."

Amelia's face took on a mixture of seriousness and worry. "I'm not good at helping others. I...I've always been just avoiding notice. I can make sure I might be okay. It's just...if people had listened to how I thought we should have reacted. Mio would be dead. And that scares me. It scares me so much I'm...not scared anymore? How do you do it?"

2009-05-01, 04:38 PM
Muffy (18/40) (19)

Mary nods, "It's hard dealing with this stuff... it goes against all that we're taught... all that we want to believe isn't true. Unfortunately, it is true... it's real, and it's merceless... That's why people like me exist; to fight the things nobody wants to believe are true. The main thing I fight them with, and the thing that keeps me going is belief... faith. I believe in something bigger than myself... something that says the universe cares what happens to me and others. That I can make a difference... even though I screwed up on this one..."

2009-05-01, 04:58 PM

Amelia's eyebrows scrunched in thought. "I see. I guess I don't understand myself. Before a couple of days ago, I knew about these kinds of things, but it was more like things I'd read in a book. I know about them, but I never really saw and understood them."

"And then Shizuka said that she could feel me buzzing with energy when I first showed up. When she...well, when I knew she could use magic too, I just assumed she'd be stronger. And all I can do with the extra is just throw it around wildly. It's like...it's like finding out you've got a set of sculpter's tools, and all you're doing is hitting something with the hammer. I hate not knowing things, and then there are all of these things that are new." Amelia paused for a second. "Speaking of things unknown, who's in our corner? I mean, somebody is leaving you notes, and I don't think the vampire would call down somebody like you on purpose."

2009-05-01, 05:04 PM
Muffy (18/40) (19)

Mary shrugs, "I don't actually know... unless someone who is tied to the vampire is helping us subconciously... perhaps Shizuka... perhaps Tsukiko - even if he may partially control them, there might be something in them that resisted him. Then there is the strange group that Rin is talking to over the net... they seemed to know all about the vampire... things none of us knew..."

Neon Knight
2009-05-01, 05:58 PM
A man appeared in Rin's room. He was dressed warmly, and he wore a ski mask. He set a silver briefcase on the floor, then pulled a black cube out of his jacket. he pressed the button, disappearing without a word.

"Good. You get. Pleasure doing business."

2009-05-01, 06:09 PM

A pleasure.

Not really. A necessity.
Rin turns to open the briefcase and look inside.

2009-05-01, 06:17 PM

Apple is relieved that her ship is in good condition. She decides not to swim down, but to go visit that place that she went with Ume. Ume said she would probably go to sleep tonight anyway.

Neon Knight
2009-05-01, 07:08 PM
Inside, a pair of syringes lie against a velvet interior. One is marked with a tag labeled "Slave" and the other "Master - 0X183." The Master syringe also has a sticky note with "Mixed Martial Arts" written in sharpie.

2009-05-01, 08:42 PM

Rin gulps as she gently lifts out the one marked Slave, looking it over. She closed her eyes and looked away from it.
I just need to do this quickly.
Taking a deep breath, she lines up needle neatly with the appropriate vein in her neck (utilizing a mirror to get it in place), breathing steadily to keep herself calm and to prevent shaking.

Don't think don't think don't think-

She sinks the needle into her neck and injects the contents, shuddering as she tries to block out the pain and sensation. Her hand shakes as it almost rips out the needle, pulling it out possibly a little too quickly and leaving a blot of blood where it went in. Rin lets out a moan of pain and puts a hand to her neck, gasping as she holds it there.

Just once more- don't think about it. Do it.

Hands still shaking, she reached out to pick up the second needle, whimpering despite her force of will. She fumbles with it a little, taking deep breaths again as she lines it up with a spot just above the previous injection, waiting for her hand to still. There's a long pause as she sits there, trying to build up the courage to do this to herself again.

Just do it for Mio. Think of her face.

Gritting her teeth, she jammed the needle in again and pressed down on the syringe before pulling it out more smoothly this time, shaking terribly as she put the empty syringes back in the briefcase. It felt terrible, but it was over now. All over.

I need some water. Water. Just a glass- and something for my neck.

She makes her way out of her room to the kitchen, trembling as she finds a glass and fills it, hoping no one would happen by and realize something was up. That seemed particularly likely to happen...

2009-05-01, 10:28 PM

Amelia nodded. "I don't like the idea of being watched so much either." Amelia looked at Mary again, wheels spinning for a moment, and then she shook her head slightly before continuing. "Oh, and, you mentioned meditation techniques last time we talked? Could you show me some of those tonight?"

Shades of Gray
2009-05-01, 10:33 PM

Rin? Is something wrong? Ume asks. You're acting like that girl from last year who we tricked into taking some- Never mind that.

2009-05-01, 10:41 PM

"I'm fine. Perfectly fine."
Says Rin, giving a shaky smile and trying to keep her pierced neck out of Ume's view.

((Cunning Lie! [roll0]

She's terrible at lying.))

Shades of Gray
2009-05-01, 10:45 PM

((Cunning: Auto success. [roll0]))

There's something wrong, and I know it. Ume says, her eyes becoming narrow.

2009-05-01, 10:47 PM

Rin frowns at Ume, finishes drinking her water, and then turns to go back to her room, not saying anything more.

Shades of Gray
2009-05-01, 10:49 PM

Well if you don't tell me what it really is then I'll just tell Katashi what I believe it is. I think I recall something about tricking a girl last year... Ume smiles.

2009-05-01, 11:02 PM

Keeping her head held high, Rin goes back to her room, ignoring Ume's threats.

Shades of Gray
2009-05-01, 11:05 PM

Whatever. Be that way. Ume begins walking towards her room, but will stop and listen at the door of Rin's room if she leaves it closed.

2009-05-02, 12:17 AM
Muffy (18/40) (19)

Mary nods, "Of course..." She frowns, "A quiet place would be best... I know." She leads Amelia to a clearing in the woods behind the dorm. "I found this the other night..." she blushes a little, "Anyway... it should work." She assumes lotus position on the grass and says, "You need to practice relaxing and breathing... I'm going to take this a little faster than my teacher did." She begins to run through basic meditation and focus techniques.

Using Will to Focus and teach Amelia to do the same: [roll0]

2009-05-02, 08:24 AM

Once in her room, Harumi happily begins humming to herself and works on a new costume. Anyone outside can hear her sewing machine buzzing.

She thinks that maybe she was upset earlier, but now she can't remember why.

2009-05-02, 08:41 AM

Amelia clumsily assumes the lotus position as well, facing Mary, and trying to follow the instructions as best she can.

OOC: Will roll if needed? [roll0]

2009-05-02, 09:41 AM
Muffy (18/40) (19)

Mary speaks softly as Amelia tries to focus. "Now, it's important to practice this focusing... the better you get at it, the more you will be able to channel your magic. You seem to be good at evocation, particularly lightening - which is what the wizards call quick and dirty force magic... blasting things with raw energy. It's important to remember though that magic comes from all the life around us... that is what creates it. What fuels your own personal magic are your emotions... feelings, so the better you are, not so much at controlling your feelilngs, but channeling them... the better you will be at your magic. You may find that on an emotional high... love, fear, hate... you can be more powerful, but be careful not to let your emotions lead you into breaking the laws of magic. I only know two of them... the first is, you may not kill with magic; the second is, you may not control another mortal's mind - basically, you can't take away their free will... even for their own good."

2009-05-02, 09:45 AM

Rin looks for a good place to hide the briefcase once she's back in her room, and closes out the conversation with the merchant, trying to erase all traces of what she just did.

Neon Knight
2009-05-02, 10:05 AM
Rin felt an odd tingling up and down her spine. It wasn't painful or uncomfortable, but it was very noticeable. If Rin thought about if for a moment, she could feel... memories filtering into her consciousness, of training and fighting. If she tested her memories, she would find that her reflexes and muscle memory seemed to have been conditioned.

Rin gains Martial arts as a Weapon.


Amelia is having a difficult time focusing. Seeing how effortlessly Mary does it, its easy to get a little jealous.

2009-05-02, 12:25 PM

Apple goes to the special spot and then thinks she might want to get Harumi. Harumi already knows what she looks like. She goes to get Harumi and paws the window. Skritch skritch

2009-05-02, 12:36 PM

Amelia nodded, almost in frustration, her eyes closed and scrunched up in effort like she was trying to find peace of mind through sheer willpower. This was almost like a lecture from her mother."Right. I was told that your power manifests in a way that you can relate to it. So I guess I always thought of electricity being like the power."

"For the um, evocations, it's hard to explain. I can just feel it build up inside of me, and if I give it a...a shape, I can just release it all quickly. I can do other things then lightning. I did wind today; I can do fire, but it's hard to control. I...I guess I don't know what else I can really do with it. Everything I think and feel just gets heightened, I don't know if I stop to think about the details."

"And I uh, never really got any laws, but I did get some rules I had to follow." She continued, her eyebrows scrunching up even more as she tried to remember. "One, never knowingly use your magic to kill a mortal. Two, Never change your shape. Three, call up nothing that you cannot send back. Four, never accept a gift without giving one in return. Five, live your life unbound to any." Her eyes still closed, Amelia paused. "I uh, guess I"ll add 'no mind control' into that list."

OOC: Still trying to find her center: [roll0]

2009-05-02, 04:55 PM
Muffy (18/40) (19)

Mary looks thoughtful, "What I've learned about wizards was secondhand from a Council Wizard... though I suppose it might not all have been true. Here, I'm going to use some pressure points to see if I can help your focus a bit, once you achieve the state it gets easier and easier to fall into, which is a bonus, since unlike standard meditation, you don't try to still your emotions and feelings, you need to use them."

Mary uses pressure points, not to harm, but to help Amelia focus, Athletics: [roll0]

Edit: I'm trying to add to her Will roll, if that's possible.

Neon Knight
2009-05-02, 06:25 PM
Between Amelia's redoubled effort and Mary's aid, Amelia managed to find her center.

I like this whole meditation thing.

Mary loses [roll0] stress.

Amelia loses [roll1] stress.

2009-05-02, 06:47 PM

Amelia gasped as everything seemed to suddenly click into place under Mary's assistance. The glow of her power suddenly welled up, but without any of the usual crackling of electricity. "W-wow." she said quietly, breathing steadily with her eyes still closed. "I can feel it...but...there's no urgency. Usually when I'm holding power, it's like holding your breath; I can't keep holding it, and there's an urgency to either let it go or do something with it." An almost dream-like smile crept onto Amelia's face. "This feels good. I...feel like I could stay like this for hours."

2009-05-02, 08:07 PM

Harumi looks up from her sewing and gasps, frightened by the tiger scratching at the window. Gradually she recalls that the beast is actually Apple, and she timidly approaches the window and opens it, hoping that the alien's plan isn't to eat her after all.

2009-05-02, 08:19 PM

"Hey get on my back and hold on. I want to take you someplace."

2009-05-02, 08:32 PM

Harumi glances around, worried that someone is watching, but decides not to waste time arguing. She climbs carefully onto Apple's back and hugs her tightly.

Shades of Gray
2009-05-02, 08:35 PM

Ume stops listening at Rin's room. She heads back to her own room. She sees that Mary is not present, but who cares? Certainly not her. She leaves via the window because doors are for chumps.

2009-05-02, 08:44 PM

Apple jumps down and walks briskly towards the spot. She would run, but she doesn't want to scare Harumi.

"Hold on tight."

2009-05-02, 08:47 PM

Harumi wraps her arms tight around Apple's neck. She's frightened, but after a while she has to admit that it's kind of fun.

Shades of Gray
2009-05-02, 08:48 PM

Ume casually watches as Harumi rides a tiger through the forest out of sight. She's, appropriately, eating an apple, sitting in the tree she picked it from. She then looks at it.



Gah! She drops it. Was I just eating?

2009-05-02, 08:54 PM

Apple reaches the spot. She stops to let Harumi off.

"Isn't it nice and peaceful out here. Ume showed it to me."

2009-05-02, 09:02 PM

Harumi takes an obligatory look around, but is more fascinated by Apple. Umm... you're a tiger.

2009-05-02, 09:03 PM
Muffy (22/40) (19)

Mary smiles, "That's good... as I said, you'll be able to attain this state more easily each time you practice it... and now, unfortunately, you are in a position to face your greatest challenge." She assumes a more sober expression, "You will literally be able to do anything you can imagine with your magic... the sympathetic links you form in your own mind can make things easier for you - define your power... for example many see blue as a protective coloration, so they will burn blue candles to focus a protective spell... foci can make your powers respond with greater strength but it is the belief that makes foci work. Approach books of magic carefully, because if they tell you how to work certain things and you believe the book - then that is how it will work for you, and you might not be able to do it any other way." She pauses, "But that's not the greatest challenge... the greatest challenge is yourself. Given the power you now have, the only one who can restrain you and your desires is you. Many can't resist the temptation of the kind of power you have and begin working it for selfish reasons, which eventually become evil reasons. Actually, that's not entirely true, one other force might restrain your power... the wizard's council. If they catch you breaking their laws. If you don't want to join them, your best course is to avoid public notice of your abilities."

2009-05-02, 09:09 PM

"Yeah, we have been over that before."

Apple lies down on the ground looking up at the sky.

"I can't stay human all the time. I might lose my ability to become a tiger again. Is it a problem?"

2009-05-02, 09:11 PM

Harumi furrows her brow. Well... it's... kind of... cute. She giggles and lies down on the grass, putting her head on Apple's tummy. Are you the only one here? Until that moment it hadn't occurred to her that Apple might be only one member of an invading fleet.

2009-05-02, 09:30 PM

"Oh there are many others. I think I am the only one in Japan. There are more of us near jungles."

Apple wiggles some.

"Oooo could you rub my tummy. That would feel good."

2009-05-02, 09:31 PM

Eventually Rin comes back out of her room and begins looking around the Red Dorm, walking about as she tries to find something to do.

2009-05-02, 09:34 PM

The smile on Amelia's face slowly drooped as she digested the severity of some of the things that Mary was telling her, but her voice still carried a feeling of contentment. "I didn't realize it was the potential to do so much." She said, her eyes still closed. "Some of this, some of this I knew. I've sort of...made up words in my head...helps me direct the little things. My mother taught me how to control the big things, but she never told me about...all of the rest of this, I wonder why?"

"Mary, I...I promise I'll try to be careful with this. I've always been afraid of hurting myself or others with this." Amelia's eyes opened, the irises glowing with solid bands of purple color instead of the usual motes. "Mary, if I ever...change, or if I am ever bound to another, and they want to use me to hurt others, I want you to...stop me, whatever that takes."

2009-05-02, 09:41 PM
Muffy (22/40) (19)

Mary assumes a very serious expression and nods, "I promise." She smiles, "Actually, my wizard friend told me that making up one's own words is almost standard practice for wizards... for their favorite spells they create nonsense words to focus their spells, because the more you use words that your own mind can understand, it's almost like stripping away insulation. The less sense the words make to your own mind actually shields you more from feedback with your own power." She smiles, "It sounds like your mother taught you just enough to eventually master your own power, but wisely kept from teaching you too much in order to place as few limits on that power as she could."

Neon Knight
2009-05-02, 09:42 PM
I don't have anything planned for the rest of today, and wanted to give my NPCs the rest of the night off to recuperate. So once everyone's ready, we can progress to tomorrow, which is a free day.

2009-05-02, 09:54 PM

"Good." Amelia said, the dreamy smile starting to creep back onto her face. "I'd...really like to do this again, Mary. I think we should get back before the teachers start checking rooms though."

2009-05-02, 11:07 PM
Muffy (22/40) (19)

Mary nods, "A good point. My compliments, by the way, you're a quick student." The two walk back to Red Dorm.

2009-05-02, 11:12 PM

Rin goes back to her room and readies for bed.

((Waiting for the next day...))

2009-05-03, 07:45 AM

Harumi giggles and rolls onto Apple's tummy, sprawling out and giving it a good scratch. Hehehe, this is really cool now that I'm used to it. She sighs happily and closes her eyes.

2009-05-03, 08:59 AM

"Thanks...I really appreciate this." Amelia replied, still sounding supremely content. When they get back to the dorms, Amelia goes straight to her room, getting ready for bed and curling up underneath the covers against her pillow with a contented sigh.

2009-05-03, 10:46 AM
Muffy (22/40) (19)

Mary bids Amelia good night and goes to her own room. She won't be surprised if Ume isn't in. She makes preparations and goes to bed.

Shades of Gray
2009-05-03, 10:55 AM

Ume climbs back in to her and Mary's room through the window while Mary was getting ready for bed. She was already in pajamas, that cool person, so she climbed directly into bed without a word.

2009-05-03, 11:02 AM
Muffy (22/40) (19)

Mary nods, "Good night, Ume."

Shades of Gray
2009-05-03, 11:02 AM

Night Ma- Ume falls asleep. Right there all of a sudden. Weird.

2009-05-03, 11:06 AM
Muffy (22/40) (19)

Mary looks curiously at Ume and checks her... is she actually sleeping?

Shades of Gray
2009-05-03, 11:07 AM

Sort of... She's not breathing, but looks altogether peaceful.

2009-05-03, 11:10 AM
Muffy (22/40) (19)

Mary shrugs and goes to bed herself.

2009-05-03, 11:55 AM

"Lets just sleep out here under the stars. You should be plenty comfortable if you lay on me. I am kinda tired now too."

Apple's eyes start to close.

2009-05-03, 12:36 PM

Harumi wraps her arms around Apple's neck. We can't, we'll get in trouble if we miss curfew. Carry me back to the dorm, okay? She's getting sleepy too, however.

2009-05-03, 12:44 PM


Apple stands up and waits for Harumi to get on.

2009-05-03, 12:49 PM

Harumi climbs onto Apple's back with assistance and then holds tightly onto her neck.

2009-05-03, 01:52 PM

Apple runs towards the Red Dorm. She gets back into the building. After that she collapses on the bed.

"I am too tired to change back. Could you cover me up?"

2009-05-03, 01:57 PM

Harumi doesn't think it's a good idea, but decides not to argue. She bundles Apple up as best she can. If anyone finds out, she'll just tell them that it's her Canadian, or her pet tiger. Whatever.

2009-05-03, 02:07 PM

"I love you."

Apple falls asleep.

2009-05-03, 02:11 PM

Apple... Harumi rubs the tiger's ears tenderly and quickly falls asleep curled up with her.

Neon Knight
2009-05-03, 05:16 PM
A new day's dawn rose over the school. This morning, however, the school grounds are rather quiet. A great number of students chose to sleep in this morning, as there are no classes, and those that do wake up don't linger on school grounds.

Nanami lay in her bed, gingerly feeling her sides. She's was still sore from the battering she took yesterday at the hands of the vampire. Pulling up her pajama shirt revealed a rather large, dark, ugly bruise on her side.

Mio was up, looking in the mirror. Her sleep had been surprisingly peaceful and restful, considering what she'd experienced the previous day. She was currently trying to figure out what to do about the marks on her neck. She didn't want to walk about with marks exposed; people would ask questions. And Mio felt that if Rin saw the marks, it would make her sad...

Noriko was facing the wall, still in bed. She didn't feel like getting up. Mary had told her that she didn't have to deal with the weirdness anymore, that she could be normal, but Noriko didn't believe her for a second. Shizuka was also still in bed; Noriko remembered the look in her eyes as she had wrapped her hands around Noriko's throat...

Shizuka herself was lying on her back, staring up at the ceiling. She too was remembering what had happened yesterday, and wondered if anyone else in the dorm trusted her anymore. She wouldn't blame them if they didn't...

Tsukiko was in her room, lying on the floor. She was still in her school uniform from last night. It was strange. She remembered going to the gardening club meeting, but couldn't remember anything during or after the meeting. She supposed she was so tired that she had just fallen asleep on the floor. That was dangerous. If she did that on the night of the full moon, someone could get hurt...

Tsukiko really freaked when she found the cuts on her face. She stayed in her room, panicking quietly and looking into the mirror.

Natsuki and Natsuko were already up, dressed, and making breakfast.

2009-05-03, 05:27 PM
Muffy (22/40) (19)

Mary gets up and goes to the shower. Cleans up and goes back to her room, dressing.

Perhaps Tsukiko will have something in her room that will clue me in to her situation... what her transformations are like... a diary perhaps.

She frowns, ordinarily not desirous of sneaking or spying on others, but it's for Tsukiko's good and the good of the other girls. She goes past the common area where the twins are making breakfast and quietly goes down the hall to Tsukiko's room. Almost as a reflex, she knocks.

Shades of Gray
2009-05-03, 05:28 PM

When Mary goes back she finds Ume is still asleep. Still not breathing.

2009-05-03, 05:29 PM

Apple wakes up long enough to change back into a human. She stays curled around her Harumi and goes back to sleep.

2009-05-03, 06:08 PM

Rin wakes up and yawns, stretching before getting dressed, studying a little, checking her email and cell phone, and all other kinds of minutia. Eventually, however, she comes to the kitchen to check on breakfast.

2009-05-03, 06:09 PM

Harumi's sleep was restless, and she senses the tense atmosphere even from her bed. She stays with Apple, clutching her for protection, not yet ready to get up.

2009-05-03, 06:18 PM

Apple wakes up again to Harumi clutching her. She starts to smooth Harumi's hair with her hand.

"Its ok. I am here. I can protect you."

2009-05-03, 06:26 PM

Harumi nestles against Apple with a soft sigh. But... I'm not worried about myself. I'm worried about the others.

2009-05-03, 06:30 PM

"The others can take care of themselves. Don't do anything rash, sweetie. It will all be ok."

Apple pulls Harumi tight against her.

"You don't have anything special to protect you, sweets. If you don't take care of yourself I am afraid something will happen to you."

Neon Knight
2009-05-03, 06:33 PM
Tsukiko started at the knock on the door. She carefully opened the door just a sliver, turning the wounded side of her face away from the door. "Y-yes?"

2009-05-03, 06:33 PM

What are you talking about? I have you to protect me.

2009-05-03, 06:36 PM

"I can't be around all the time. Please be careful when I am not around. I wish there was a way I could know if you are in danger when I am not around."

2009-05-03, 06:51 PM
Muffy (22/40) (19)

Mary's eyes go wide, "Tsukiko... you're here!" She glances down the hallway, and then pushes quickly into the room. "Close the door!" She looks at Tsukiko, "What happened? Did you get away from him?"

Neon Knight
2009-05-03, 06:54 PM
Tsukiko kept the injured side of her face away from Mary as she backed away from her. "W-what are you doing? W-what are you talking about?"

2009-05-03, 07:06 PM
Muffy (22/40) (19)

Mary's sighs, "Last night, most of Red Dorm went after a vampire that had abducted Mio... you were gone. When we faced him, he summoned you to his aid, and you partially shape shifted, fighting us. I threw my silver chain crucifix over your head to distract you, and hopefully break his control. We got Mio, but he disappeared with you, saying he was coming back for all of us. I figured he would wait til tomorrow night when your curse would be at full strength."

2009-05-03, 07:07 PM

Rin helps herself to some breakfast if it is ready, and then decides to go check up on Mio, walking to her room and knocking quietly on the door.

Neon Knight
2009-05-03, 07:12 PM
Tsukiko gaped at Mary in shock. What she was saying... and she knew her secret... Tsukiko backed up into the wall, then slid down to sit on the floor. She didn't say anything, she just stared at Mary.


Mio walked over to the door and opened it. "Rin! Good morning!" She smiled sweetly. When she'd been in the depths of the vampire's island, she'd thought she might never smile again, but now, seeing Rin's face... she was wondering how she couldn't smile.

2009-05-03, 07:14 PM

"Good morning, Mio."
Says Rin, giving her a gentle smile.
"Are you feeling better?"

Neon Knight
2009-05-03, 07:20 PM
Mio nodded. "Yes, I feel fine." She glanced over her shoulder. "I don't think Nanami is, though."

"I'm fine."

2009-05-03, 07:22 PM
Muffy (22/40) (19)

Mary's hunkers down, "I'm sorry... your secret came out in the fight... I would have kept it if I could have, but I only realized what you were as we fought..." She puts a hand out, "I'm sorry I got all wierd over you... you reminded me of... someone I'd known, and maybe there was something pheromonal too..." She pulls her hand back, "I've mismanaged this so much... but Tsukiko, we have to find a way to break the vampire's control of you..."

2009-05-03, 07:24 PM

Rin glances over at Nanami and bites her lip.
"Well, if you say so, Nanami..."
She looks back to Mio and smiles.
"I was going to go to the library. Do you want to come with me?"

2009-05-03, 07:25 PM

Amelia woke up after Rin had left the room. She sat up in her bed, the mental euphoria of the previous night only a memory. She sat thinking for a moment about the important things to do. There was only one day that she had to prepare, if Mary was right. But she needed to do a couple of things first. She swung herself off of the bed, headed to shower, then came back and got dressed for the day.

A few minutes later she was in front of Shizuka and Noriko's room, politely tapping on the door.

Shades of Gray
2009-05-03, 07:25 PM

Ume leaves her room, finally awake. She's still wearing adorable purple pajamas with bats on them.

Ugh... Haven't slept in years...

Neon Knight
2009-05-03, 07:29 PM
Mio nodded happily. "Let me get dressed real quick, and I'll be right out."

Mio skipped out of her room a few minutes later in a white blouse and pink skirt. "I'm ready."


Noriko rolled over and looked at Shizuka, then sighed. She got up and answered the door. "Amelia? what do you need?"


Tsukiko traced the lines of the cut on her face. "Then, this.. I got this fighting you, last night?"

"D-did... did I hurt anyone?"

2009-05-03, 07:37 PM

Smiling, Rin leads the way off towards the library, taking the familiar path there.
Mio might notice the bruised area on her neck, or maybe the slight needle marks on it. Rin couldn't quite figure out how to cover up her wounds either, it seems.
"Hopefully we won't run into any trouble just by going to the library."
She says, grinning a little.

Neon Knight
2009-05-03, 07:59 PM
Mio noticed the marks on Rin's neck and was surprised, but kept quiet about for a little while. She was concerned, but she didn't want to upset Rin by making a fuss. She approached it quietly.

"Rin, you're okay too, right?"

2009-05-03, 08:00 PM

"Oh, I um...Well, how are you doing?" Amelia responded to Noriko, not expecting her to have answered the door.

2009-05-03, 08:06 PM

Apple loosens her grip on Harumi some.

"Maybe we should get some breakfast, my princess."

Then Apple looks down at her body. She is naked.

"Maybe I should get dressed first. I forgot that I had to get naked to make transformation easier."

Neon Knight
2009-05-03, 08:06 PM
Noriko stared at Amelia. "Oh, I'm fine. Just peachy. I just fought a vampire that hurt my friends and would have killed us all if he got the chance, a vampire who is still out there waiting to strike. A freakin' vampire. There is no way I'm letting that affect me. I'm just dandy." She glared at Amelia, her tone acidic.

2009-05-03, 08:10 PM
"Of course I'm fine, Mio. I didn't even get into the fight."
Rin says reassuringly. There's something about the way she says it that almost sounds guilty though.

2009-05-03, 08:46 PM
Muffy (22/40) (19)

Mary shakes her head, "You fought hand to hand with Ume mostly... I don't think you hurt anyone."

Neon Knight
2009-05-03, 08:53 PM
Mio looked up at Rin. "You came to find me instead, to make sure I was alright. She smiled, "Rin, I'm ever so grateful..."


Tsukiko nodded dazedly. "T-that's good, but... it's going to h-happen again?"

2009-05-03, 08:57 PM

Amelia flinched and glanced away at Noriko's verbal assault. In her defense, Amelia's question probably wasn't the best one. "Well, at least you know what's going on, as terrible as it is." she said softly. "And now you have an idea of how to react to it. You know, once bitten, twice shy."

"Burned! Once burned!" Amelia covered her face in embarrassment at the verbal slipup.

Neon Knight
2009-05-03, 09:01 PM
Noriko stared daggers at Amelia. "Look, what do you want?"

2009-05-03, 09:07 PM

"Just...just tell Shizuka that I'd like to talk with her when she's up and about." Amelia said, hands still burying her face.

"Going now." she added as she turned to go back to the main room.

2009-05-03, 09:11 PM

Rin blushes a little and as they arrive at the library, opens the door for Mio.

Neon Knight
2009-05-03, 09:12 PM
Noriko closed the door. "Shizuka."

Shizuka swung her legs off the bed. "I heard, I'm going."

Noriko laid back down as Shizuka got dressed. Halfway through, Shizuka paused and looked at Noriko. "Don't... don't talk to her like that again, okay? If you want to blame someone, blame me."

Noriko grunted in response. Shizuka finished and went into the main room. "Amelia? Are you alright?"


Mio herself got a small hint of pink blush at Rin's gesture and walked inside the library and looked back at Rin. "what books were you looking for?"

2009-05-03, 09:21 PM

"No, I"m okay, actually." Amelia said to Shizuka. "All things considered, I think I'm doing good."

"But um, I did want to talk about yesterday, though. And um, if you want to go someplace private, um, have you ever been to "Hoshi's"? I saw a flier for it a few days ago; it's a used bookstore/antique shop, has a little cafe, supposed to be really empty early in the morning. Thought it might make for a nice change of scenery."

"If, um, that's okay with you." Amelia finished quietly.

2009-05-03, 09:23 PM
Muffy (22/40) (19)

Mary nods, "I'm pretty sure the vampire plans to use you against us when the moon is full tomorrow night."

2009-05-03, 09:33 PM

"Well, if I'm lucky enough to find it, hopefully something on nanotechnology and programming. Or maybe just a nice story."
Says Rin, going over to one of the computers to conduct a search.

2009-05-04, 01:59 AM

Harumi didn't realize Apple was naked either, since they were under the covers and she was wearing pajamas. She blushes and turns her back to her roommate as she changes into her weekend clothes, which are pink and tight-fitting.

Apple... I came here because I know this is what my mother wants. She was a brave Oneesama, and all her classmates loved her. If she was here... I know she would feel the same way I do. The next time I pray, I can't tell her I just did nothing.

She takes Apple's hand and goes to breakfast. She's surprised to see Natsuki and Natsuko in the kitchen, and she greets them shyly.

Oh- good morning Senpai! Are you making breakfast for everyone? Can I help?

Shades of Gray
2009-05-04, 02:09 AM

Ume enters the main area/kitchen and gives a small wave to everyone there. She pours herself a glass of milk. She drinks from it. She drops the it, spitting out the milk and accidentally shattering the glass.

2009-05-04, 02:12 AM

Harumi's attention is drawn away from the eerily similar girls. Oh, Senpai! Are you alright?

Shades of Gray
2009-05-04, 02:14 AM

Yeah... Yeah. Just the milk's gone bad. I'm fine.

Why are you drinking Ume? She thinks to herself.

2009-05-04, 07:56 AM

Apple dresses in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt.

"You can't tell her you just did nothing...what did you do? I am confused again. Is this some Japanese thing?"

Apple walks into the kitchen and picks up an apple from a basket. She starts eating it while Harumi talks to Ume.

2009-05-04, 07:57 AM

Oh. Harumi takes the milk and checks the date. It seems fine... but why would Ume spit it out if it wasn't bad? She dumps it all down the drain.

Anyone have any plans for today? Harumi gets herself a piece of toast and munches it.

2009-05-04, 06:25 PM

"I don't have any plans. Yay me."

Apple does a dance.

"What do people do on days off here in Japan?"

Neon Knight
2009-05-05, 09:07 AM
Shizuka nodded. "That would be nice."

Tsukiko was quiet for a while, feeling the cut on her face. "I believe you, Mary." She looked at the Slayer. "We need to do something to make sure I don't hurt anyone."

Rin's search turns up a few books that might be helpful. Mio sits quietly in a chair nearby and waits patiently for Rin to finish.

Natsuki (or was it Natsuko?) spoke. "We don't have any plans."

"Indeed." Natsuko (Natsuki?) looked at Harumi. "And we do not require any assistance in making breakfast."

2009-05-05, 09:34 AM

Rin picked up a few books and gave them a cursory look, then went to check them out before going over to Mio.
"Want to go, or should we stay here for a little bit?"

2009-05-05, 09:41 AM
Muffy (22/40) (19)

Mary looks thoughtful, "It has to be something he won't think of or can't easily get around... we can't just put you in a cage because he can teleport and summon you." She looks at Tsukiko, "We're not going to do anything that will cause you permanant harm, either..."

2009-05-05, 10:03 AM

Ohh... Harumi fidgets and gets a really nervous smile on her face. Well, would you like to do something with Apple and me? We could go to a bookstore... or, or see a movie!

Neon Knight
2009-05-05, 01:27 PM
Mio stood up. "I haven't eaten yet. Are you hungry? Do you want to get some breakfast?"


Tsukiko looked back at Mary gently. "Mary... I've had to deal with this for a long time. I've come to accept that one day I might have to hurt myself to protect others from what I become. If that's the only way to keep him from using me against you... then I'll do it."


Natsuk(i/o) looked at Natsuk(o/i). "It would be a waste of time."

"Inefficient, agreed."

"Costly to our stretched finances."

"That is correct."

"Such a thing is an utterly frivolous way to spend an afternoon better spent improving oneself."

As one, they turned to Harumi. "We'll go with you and Apple."

2009-05-05, 01:32 PM
Muffy (22/40) (19)

Mary looks frustrated, "Let me try to think of something... Tell me about your situation, is it a curse or are you a natural werewolf... I know there's more than one kind. When you're a wolf, are you a true wolf or a hybrid, and what is your mental state in wolf form in or out of a full moon... oh, and are you contagious?"

2009-05-05, 01:37 PM

Harumi looks over at Ume. What about you Senpai? Is there anyway you'd like to spend your day off? She's still a little put off by last night, but there's no way that she's going to make plans right in front of her without inviting her along.

2009-05-05, 01:42 PM

"Oh! I'm sorry, Mio. I didn't think about that."
Rin looks chagrined at her negligence.
"I've already eaten a little, but I'd be happy to come along with you."

Neon Knight
2009-05-05, 02:35 PM
Tsukiko smoothed out the hem of her dress. "Well, I'm a natural werewolf. I can shift between a true wolf and a hybrid form during the full moon; otherwise, I can only shift very little. Usually just my hands, really. Under the full moon... if I'm alone, I'm normal, but other people... I go a bit crazy. I'm not contagious; only curse wolves are contagious."


Mio smiled at Rin. "It's okay. Um, when I was lost on my first day, I passed by this little place that looked really nice. Want to go there?"

2009-05-05, 02:41 PM
Muffy (22/40) (19)

Mary nods, "That's helpful... if you're not a cursed werewolf the only thing he can be controling you with is a demon of some kind... so let's make sure that's taken care of first." She pulls out one of the blessed wooden crucifixes... exorcising it may... hurt. It wasn't easy on Shizuka. She holds the crucifix forth, touching Tsukiko's forehead. "May the power of the most High touch upon you, In his name, let all that is evil be banished from his daughter Tsukiko, let evil's hold over her be broken, and let her exercise her granted right of free-will!"

Faith: [roll0]

Cooking and Faith... *sigh* Although, technically, a 4 is an average success...

2009-05-05, 03:01 PM

Rin says, smiling back at Mio.
"What type of place is it?"

2009-05-05, 04:08 PM

Amelia nodded and led the way, following the map on the back of the flier she'd found. On their way out of the building and exiting campus, Amelia's mouth opens several times like she's about to say something, but she keeps closing it again without saying eventually. Finally, after about a half-dozen aborted attempts at starting a conversation, Amelia finally blurted something out. "Shizuka, I...I want to let you know I still want to be your friend."

Neon Knight
2009-05-05, 05:58 PM
Mio played with the hem of her skirt a bit. "Well, it looked like a rather traditional place. If that's not alright with you, we can go someplace else."


Shizuka studied Amelia's face carefully, and then she smiled. "That.. that means a lot to me, Amelia. Thank you."


Tsukiko winced when Mary placed the cross against her forehead. For a second, nothing happened.

And then the room was filled with black, choking smoke.

2009-05-05, 06:10 PM

"No, I'd like to go there with you, Mio."
Rin says gently, holding her satchel full of books in front of her.

2009-05-05, 07:03 PM
Muffy (22/40) (19)

Mary leaves the cross pressed against Tsukiko's head, and pulls out her silver crucifix with the other hand, "Begone foul spirit of evil, you shall not touch Tsukiko, you shall not touch me... you are allowed no vessel on this Earth but must return to the pit from whence you came, you are bound to do so in His name, for He has been given dominion over you!"

Faith: [roll0]

You know... the other threads don't do this to me... only this one...

2009-05-05, 07:05 PM

Amelia shyly smiled back at Shizuka. "Back when Mary and I forced the demon off of you, I just felt something very...green? I knew it was, well, you" Amelia laid a hand over her heart for emphasis. "And that you don't really mean to do...what you did. When I pried the blackness off the first thing you said was that you were sorry."

Amelia stopped talking as they kept walking for a moment before starting to talk again. "And last night when Rin wanted to come along and I was trying to tell her not to come..." Amelia's face got sheepish. "For a split second I thought maybe I could scare her away; just puff up and zap something and she'd not get involved with things she didn't understand. And then I realized, well, that's how you must have felt with me. So I guess I don't blame you for that anymore."

2009-05-05, 07:58 PM

Apple is jumping up and down.

"So where are we going? Can I wear a costume?"

Shades of Gray
2009-05-05, 08:02 PM

I'm going to work on a costume myself. Harumi, perhaps we could have another meeting of the cosplay club after? Ume, begins heading to her room.

2009-05-05, 09:08 PM

Oh! Well, since we can't use the club room today, it's better if we wait until tomorrow for our next meeting. If you need a sewing machine, you can use the one in my room, okay? I'll see ya soon.

Her gaze wanders back to Natsuki and Natsuko. Yes Apple, you may wear a costume. As for where we're going... since you're new to the country, is there anyplace you want to go in particular?

2009-05-05, 09:44 PM

"Can we go to Comi-con? Anime shows me that that happens every day right?"

2009-05-05, 09:50 PM

Umm... no Apple, that's once a year. She give's Apples hand a calming pat. If you want, we could go to a manga cafe? We're new to the area though... so you two get to show us wherever you usually hang out.

She's still fixated on the twins. This is so cool I can't believe they're actually letting us hang out with them!

Neon Knight
2009-05-06, 10:02 PM
Mio led Rin to a small restaurant off of the school campus. It was quite a ways away, and tucked away in a rather out of the way spot. The food was excellent, however, and it was very reasonably priced.


The twins looked at Harumi blankly. "We are transfer students. This is our first year here, and we are also new to the area."

One of them stroked her chin thoughtfully. "Hmm, none of our party is familiar with the area."

"Wandering about blindly could be dangerous if we happen to stray into the rough parts of town."


Shizuka stopped suddenly. "You... forgive me?"


Mary could hear Tsukiko coughing. "Mary... this isn't working..."

2009-05-06, 10:11 PM

"Maybe we could ask the female teacher about what there is around here to do."

2009-05-06, 10:21 PM
Muffy (22/40) (19)

Mary growls to herself as the demonic entity or power seems to resist her faith, "Let me try once more... we can't let this thing stay in you or get anyone else... For the final time I call upon you to begone, leave this world, inhabit no more innocents, rob nobody of their free will. Return to the pit from whence you came now!"

Faith: [roll0]

2009-05-06, 10:23 PM

Amelia stopped a half-step after Shizuka stopped walking, and turned to look back at her. "I...I guess I do." Amelia said softly, nodding. "After last night I think I understand some of the reasons why you did what you did. And I don't think you're a bad person Shizuka. You've made some bad mistakes, but I really think you want to fix them. And I think we'd be swapped, I might have made some of those mistakes as well. So, I do forgive you."

2009-05-06, 10:30 PM

Rin looks up at the restaurant, humming softly as she lets Mio lead the way. It did look like a very good place...
"It looks nice."
She says a little simply, but happily.

Neon Knight
2009-05-06, 11:05 PM
The twins looked at Apple skeptically. "Atsuko is a new teacher here. She may not be familiar with the area either."

"Also, she's a tremendous dolt."

"That's true."


Shizuka looked at Amelia with shining eyes. "Amelia... I don't think I can ever repay you... thank you so much..."



Mary's wooden cross was no longer pressed against Tsukiko's forehead. From somewhere in the smoke near her feet, Mary heard Tsukiko say, "T-that... hurts w-worse than s-silver..."


Inside the restaurant, Mio and Rin were quickly seated and served. "Thank you for coming with me, Rin. I'd wanted to come here, but... um... I was a little afraid of coming here on my own. I thought I might run into those bullies again... or worse..."

2009-05-06, 11:14 PM

"Fine you guys figure out what to do then."

Apple sits back and waits for them to come up with a plan.

2009-05-06, 11:22 PM

"I understand, Mio. You don't have to worry while I'm here."
Rin says, smiling.
I've made sure of that.
She thinks to herself, recalling the needle. One of her hands reaches up unconsciously towards her neck.

2009-05-07, 01:17 AM

Well, it's not like we'll ever learn our way around town if we don't go out. So, until we find something to do... we'll go out and take a walk! We'll be sure to find something that way.

Harumi boldly leads the way.

2009-05-07, 01:59 AM
Muffy (22/40) (19)

Mary goes down on her knees and drops the crosses, wrapping her arms around Tsukiko, "Please, heavenly father... do not let your daughter Tsukiko come to harm through my actions, let her be healed of whatever harm has been done to her. Let the demon depart from her, let it's control be washed from her mind and body as though she had bathed in clear water. Let the demon be sent back to the place it has earned in hell for its actions... please, don't let more people be hurt because I am in some way unworthy..."

Faith: [roll0] Burned 10 Favor to make it +3 or 42

2009-05-07, 06:14 AM

Amelia blushed and looked away. "N-nothing to it." she said shyly. "Come on, we do have some work we'll need to get to later today." Amelia starts to walk again, although she's walking a step or two closing to Shizuka then before.

Neon Knight
2009-05-07, 09:28 AM
Mio saw Rin's hand, and where it was going. Worried that she might have upset Rin by reminding her of what had happened, Mio focused on her food for a moment.


The twins shrugged and followed Harumi.

Perception checks from both Harumi and Apple, please.


Shizuka walked with Amelia to the bookstore, looking truly relieved. She didn't seem to mind that Amelia was walking closer to her.


The smoke cleared, perhaps cycled out by the ventilation system, or perhaps...?

Was it slightly brighter in the room than it had been before?

Tsukiko sighed sighed and slumped against Mary. "Mary... I think you did it..." She smiled gently at Mary.

The two were very close together. Mary could feel Tsukiko's body against hers...

2009-05-07, 09:33 AM

Rin drops her hand after a moment, feeling rather self conscious now.
"So, um, besides everything else that has happened... how are you enjoying school?"

2009-05-07, 09:39 AM
Muffy (22/40) (9)

Mary holds Tsukiko, her heart beating like a sledgehammer.

Maybe it wasn't just pheromones... what if... but Rin... I... should say something.

Mary hugs Tsukiko tightly for a moment, "I'm glad, Tsukiko... nobody should have their free will taken away. I..." She relaxes her hold a bit, "I'm sorry if I've been acting weird towards you, but I think it's because... I love you... and I don't want... well, I don't want you to feel weird about me.... I mean... we can still be friends, I hope."

Neon Knight
2009-05-07, 09:55 AM
"Oh, it's been fine. It's very interesting, actually. I really like my French class." Mio smiled at Rin, pleased at the change of topic.


"You... love me? Why would you love me?"

2009-05-07, 09:58 AM

"Oh really? How far have you gotten in it? Do you like your teacher?"
Asks Rin, smiling back at her. She sips a bit of her drink, though she hasn't eaten much, and she's getting through it rather slowly... most of her attention is focused on Mio, and so her food goes cold because of it.

2009-05-07, 10:18 AM
Muffy (22/40) (9)

Mary slowly, reluctantly lets go of Tsukiko, "I'm sorry, it does seem silly. To fall in love so fast. I've been confused about myself for a long time. I... knew a girl, and... well, I was told it was wrong for girls to be in love. But when you spoke to me the other day, you reminded me of her gentleness, and... I sensed something in you that opened up something in me... I was afraid to tell you though, because I thought you would hate me for my feelings. It's okay... I'm not saying you have to feel the same way about me... you see... I make mistakes a lot... I mess things up..."

Neon Knight
2009-05-07, 10:29 AM
Mary may have let go, but Tsukiko clung to her. "Oh, Mary, I didn't mean it like that! I just..."

Tsukiko sighed. "Look, Mary, I understand that you make mistakes. We all do. But you regret our mistakes, and you try to fix them. And telling me this, letting me understand how you feel... it isn't a mistake, Mary. You shouldn't ever regret that, and you're still my friend, Mary, no matter what. Okay?"


"Oh, well, I'm not very good at it. And my teacher is kinda strict. But, um.." Mio shrugged, "I've always been interested in France. My father, he's a photographer, and he took me when I was a little girl to France to take some pictures of the buildings there. I don't really remember it all that well, but I always loved looking at the pictures. I want to go there again, sometime..." Mio blushed. She'd sort of just launched into that with little provocation. "Oh, I'm rambling. I'm sorry..."

2009-05-07, 10:37 AM
Muffy (22/40) (9)

Since Tsukiko is still holding her, Mary's arms come up, slowly... almost of their own accord to gently hold the other girl. She smiles, a slight tearing in her eyes. "Thank you... I feel it's important to express myself to others, look how my stupid displays put you off..." She looks into Tsukiko's eyes, "I hope isn't a mistake, but given what we've been through these last few days... I don't think I'd forgive myself if I didn't... just once..." She leans forward and kisses Tsukiko gently on the lips.

Affection Seduction: 2 (believe it or not *sigh*)

2009-05-07, 10:50 AM
((Mary has no luck...))


"Oh, no, um, it's okay..."
Rin smiles shyly.
"I wanted to hear more about you, Mio. You don't need to apologize."

Neon Knight
2009-05-07, 03:07 PM
Mio had nearly finished eating by this point. "Um, well, there's really not much else to say about me."


Tsukiko felt an electric jolt as their lips met softly. She held the kiss for a long time, savoring the sensation, before breaking for air. "Mary..."

A 1. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=6077343&postcount=113) Mary gets the girl anyway.

2009-05-07, 03:13 PM
Muffy (22/40) (9)

Mary is just as shaken, feeling the electricity in their kiss, her eyes look deep into Tsukiko's. "Tsukiko..." Her heart seems to be hammering to escape her chest, perhaps to go into Tsukiko's.

2009-05-07, 04:06 PM

Amelia doesn't say much else until they reach the bookstore. Once they do reach the bookstore, Amelia looks at the various shelves with a grin. "Meet back in in about ten minutes?" She says to Shizuka, but Amelia is already starting to inevitably drift between the shelves, starting to glance at the titles of books and the various trinkets listed on sale.

Luck for finding anything potentially useful in terms of books is a 6 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=6077553&postcount=114)

Also burning 4 favor for an item that she'll buy. Current favor: 10

2009-05-07, 04:11 PM

Rin bites her lip, unsure of what to say to that. I mean, certainly there was more to Mio, but how did know what to bring up?
"Well, what would you like to talk about?"

Neon Knight
2009-05-07, 05:03 PM
Mio looked at Rin thoughtfully. "What about Harumi's club? Didn't you and Mary miss the first meeting?"


Tsukiko's hand began stroking along Mary's body. "Mary... that wasn't a mistake either..." Tsukiko went in for another kiss.


Shizuka agreed to Amelia's suggestion.

There were a number of odd books. The Culinary Dark Arts? What practical purpose could that serve? There were a lot of New Age books of dubious value, but there were some rather old books that might be worth a look..


Anti-Lock Blade
This is a strange, narrow knife. With it you can open virtually
any lock by simply touching it with the blade. This
works the same as the “Lock Picking” Maid Power.

2009-05-07, 05:14 PM
Muffy (22/40) (9)

Mary moans into Tsukiko's kiss, her hands stroking her hair. She nuzzles Tsukiko's neck, nibbling her ear. "Good... I'm... gla...mmmmmmmmmmmm..." Her hands move almost of their own accord again, slowly unbuttoning the other girl's shirt, sliding it aside to touch softness.

2009-05-07, 06:12 PM

Rin nods.
"Yeah... I feel bad about that. But she really needed to study, and then... um..."
She looks down, remembering the situation that followed. It hadn't been a very happy one, and she'd not really talked to Mary since.
"You saw that happened..."

2009-05-07, 06:17 PM

Amelia meets back up with Shizuka like she said she would, carrying a bag of some of the books she thought looked interesting and a little box containing an almost-impulse buy. "So, did you want to eat first or um..." Amelia looks away, she doesn't want to kill the good mood that Shizuka's been having, but she'd have to talk about this sooner or later. "talk about last night?"

2009-05-07, 06:22 PM

Apple follows after Harumi.

2 for perception check.

Neon Knight
2009-05-07, 06:52 PM
"L-let's talk about something else." Mio mentally kicked herself for accidentally bringing that up. "Um, how are your classes going?"


Natsuki and Natsuko follow Harumi as they walk about.

Now I'd like a roll to not got lost from Apple and Harumi.


"Let's get something to eat." Shizuka clearly wasn't eager to begin that discussion.


Tsukiko's own hands were working at the buttons of Mary's shirt as she sought to reciprocate Mary's attentions. The two girls were huddled on the floor, hands stroking softness as their moans steadily increased. "The bed..." Tsukiko suggested breathlessly.

2009-05-07, 06:55 PM

Apple doesn't recognize anything that she sees.

"I hope you know where we are, Harumi. I am completely lost."

2 for not getting lost.

2009-05-07, 07:09 PM

"I do need to sort that out at some point..."
Says Rin quietly, before moving on.
"I'm doing well enough. I'm not having any problems in them, and my teachers seem pleased."

2009-05-07, 07:37 PM

Amelia nodded, and headed over to the cafe portion of the store, glancing at the menu until she found some sort of sweet-looking snack of a meal to eat.

2009-05-07, 07:48 PM

Don't worry, says Harumi, who is doesn't realize that she is completely lost. I know exactly where we are! Does anyone see a place where they want to eat?

Got a 4 to avoid getting lost.

2009-05-07, 08:43 PM
Muffy (22/40) (9)

Mary gasps and nods, she stands, helping Tsukiko up, then glancing over, she stumbles to the door and locks it. She turns around, back to the door, breathlessly looking at Tsukiko and then rushes into her arms, overbearing her onto the bed, kissing her fiercely.

Neon Knight
2009-05-07, 09:28 PM
Apple, Harumi, and the twins soon get fairly lost. Oh, they know the general direction that the school is in, and they can get back to it with a little trial and error. What's worrying is that they're now in the rough section of town, and the people eying them on the street look rather... abrasive.


Mio nodded. "That's good. I'd hate for you to have school trouble on top of..."

Mio kicked herself mentally again. "I mean, it's good to be successful in school, right?"

Mio finished her food. "We should come here again. That was excellent."

Shizuka got something similar and sat down with Amelia to eat.


Tsukiko's hands roamed all over Mary as she moaned in pleasure. Soon clothes were littering the floor as the act began escalate...

2009-05-07, 09:30 PM

Rin nods in agreement, smiling a little as she stood, and then hesitated before offering Mio her hand.
"I'll look forward to it."

Neon Knight
2009-05-07, 09:44 PM
Mio took Rin's hand shyly. "So, um, what next?"

2009-05-07, 09:49 PM
Muffy (22/40) (9)

Mary kisses Tsukiko and turns on the bed, grasping the last bit of cloth between her and her lover, tearing it away. The lights dim for the sake of the little children.

Athletics for Fun: [roll0]

2009-05-07, 09:56 PM

Harumi doesn't seem worried at all, because why would anyone have any ill intentions toward four cute, defenseless high school students? She looks around to see if she can find anything fun to do.

2009-05-07, 09:58 PM

Amelia tries to avoid the inevitable conversation a little while longer while idly flipping through the books and munching on her food. It's pretty obvious after a few minutes that Amelia's not really into either; the snack sits half eaten on the table next to some of the books, and with Amelia's constant fidgeting she's either trying to force herself through the book or she'd sat on a colony of ants. After about ten minutes of this Amelia finally sighs, folds her arms and and leans forward onto the table, looking at Shizuka gently without pushing, but the hint of concern lurking in her expression.

2009-05-07, 10:03 PM

"Well... we could go to the park. I think there is one nearby, at least- it would be nice for a walk."
She suggests, also looking rather shy, if pleased.

2009-05-07, 10:07 PM

Apple starting getting closer to Harumi. She put her hand on her ray gun in case anyone got fresh. She had seen hentai. She knew what bad guys or tentacle monsters could do to innocent girls.

"Are you sure we shouldn't turn back?"

Neon Knight
2009-05-07, 10:32 PM
After the culmination, Tsukiko lay on the bed, her chest rises and falling with heavy breaths. She was spent from the exorcism and from the vigorous bout of lovemaking, but she was happy and she smiled as she embraced Mary.


Shizuka returned Amelia's look with a sad little smile. "I guess this just made it worse, huh?"


Mio nodded happily. "A walk would be lovely. It's a very nice day."


Four badboys with ill intentions stepped into the path of the girls. "Well, look at what we got here."

2009-05-07, 10:35 PM

Rin led Mio off in the direction that she believed the park was in, taking a bit of time to find it, but eventually leading them correctly.
"Oh, here it is!"
It's a nice little place- a bit idyllic, with equal parts lake, forest, and hilly meadow.

2009-05-07, 10:40 PM

Hello! Are you here to show us around town? We're new!

2009-05-07, 10:43 PM

"I'm sorry." Amelia said."I'm just worried about you. When I...um, helped fix you last night, I didn't know what I was doing. Mary's trying to help me understand what I can do, but what if I hurt you next time trying to do that? What if I...can't fix you? After what I saw, or um, felt, of you last night, I don't want to have to fight you again. And I don't know what I'd do if I hurt or lost you trying to help you."

Amelia dejectedly put her head down. "I'm sorry, this was a bad idea."

Neon Knight
2009-05-07, 10:56 PM
Mio smiled brightly as she looked at the park. "It's beautiful..." Mio looked up at Rin, "Thank you for showing me this..."


Natsuki and Natsuko sighed in unison as the boys sniggered. "Oh, we'll show you around..."

Natsuki and Natsuko both stepped forward, gently laying a hand on Harumi's shoulders and pushing her behind them. "We do not require your services as a guide."

The leader approached them with an imploring gesture. "Hey, babe, I just wanna show you a good time..."


Shizuka reached across the table to give Amelia a comforting touch (accompanied by a small discharge.) "It's okay. Look, Amelia..." she sighed, "I can't promise you anything. I don't know what's going to happen to me. Maybe I'll get what I deserve. But you need to know that whatever happens, you have to do what's right. You have to keep innocent people like Mio safe, alright?"

Shizuka sighed and let her hand fall away from Amelia. "That wasn't too reassuring. I guess... I guess there's nothing we can do, other than just... hope it doesn't come to that."

2009-05-07, 10:59 PM

"It's better when it's shared."
Says Rin, smiling down at Mio and squeezing her hand gently, a faint blush across her cheeks.

2009-05-07, 11:23 PM
Muffy (22/40) (9)

Mary was similarly exhausted, but happy. She snuggled against Tsukiko. "I can't wait to see you as a wolf, I'll bet you're beautiful in that shape too..."

2009-05-07, 11:36 PM

"Don't be naive, Harumi. They aren't going to show us around. Go away and leave us alone. We don't need you to show us around. If you don't I will assume you have ill intentions and I will shoot."

Apple stands between the guys and Harumi. Apple pulls out her ray gun.

2009-05-07, 11:59 PM

Harumi gets a disgusted look on her face. Eww, perverts! She fishes around in her backpack and pulls out a frilly pink dress and a crown, which she passes to Apple. Apple! She commands! Execute Cosplay Attack now!

2009-05-08, 12:08 AM

Apple holds them.

"How are these going to help me shoot a ray gun?"

2009-05-08, 12:12 AM

They're not for you to wear, silly. She gives the head thug an evil look.

2009-05-08, 12:25 AM

Apple runs over and tries to strip then dress up the lead boy. She tucks her gun into her jeans for easy access.

"You should feel pretty soon."

16 for athletics to cross dress him.

2009-05-08, 06:16 AM

As Shizuka's hand fell away Amelia reached out and grabbed it with hers. She ignored the pop-crackle of their touch and just held her hand, not saying anything, looking directly into her eyes. Amelia's jaw worked silently like she was trying to figure out what to say, but nothing came out.

Neon Knight
2009-05-08, 10:21 AM
Mio breathed in a lungful of clean air and smiled. "When you see a place like this, you think maybe, just maybe, nothing bad is ever going to happen again..." Mio shook herself a bit, "That's not true, of course, but it's a nice thought..."

Mio took a step forward, gently tugging on Rin's hand. "Well, what are we waiting for?"


Tsukiko just shook her head. "Not really... Mary, I don't necessarily like what I am..."


Shizuka watched Amelia with another sad little smile. "I know. you want to say something, anything, against that, make it not true. But it is true, and we have to live with it."


The gang members formed a protective phalanx around their leader as Apple advanced. "Are you crazy?"

Natsuko and Natsuki stepped forward as one and grabbed Apple by the arms and hauled her roughly back. "Yes, she is."

The other twin joined in. "These are both special needs students. Please forgive their behavior. They can't help themselves, the poor dears."

"It's rather sad, isn't it?"

"I... guess..." The gang leader was clearly weirded out.

A few other scoundrels had noted the confrontation and were gathering. Two delinquents reinforced the three goons behind the leader. "Hey, boss! Katsurou is here!"

"Shut up, Katsurou."

Total of 31 against Apple. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=6079900&postcount=120) Apple takes 7 stress.

2009-05-08, 10:27 AM

Rin watches Mio, almost hypnotized as she speaks, then blushes, smiles, and follows Mio's lead as she's tugged. The younger girl was really quite cute and Rin couldn't help but feel protective and attracted to her... but... what about Mary?

She couldn't just toss her aside, could she?

Still, she found Mary slipping out of her mind as she watched Mio happily walk through the park with her, and found everything more pleasant and so much less uncertain as she just enjoyed the other girl's presence.

"Mio, what do you think about the cosplay club?"
She asks, a little amused as she thinks of Harumi's antics.
"Do you really want to make a costume with me?"

2009-05-08, 10:41 AM
Muffy (22/40) (9)

Mary looks confused, "But it isn't a curse, you're a natural werewolf. It's part of your nature... who you are. It's probably why you have such a love of nature. Don't you think?"

2009-05-08, 10:55 AM

Harumi folds her arms, looking really put off. This situation is getting out of control. Apple, go ahead and use your American Violence to kill all of them.

Neon Knight
2009-05-08, 11:11 AM
Mio thought for a moment. "Well, it is a bit strange, and Harumi very silly. But it might be fun. I do want to make a ostume with you, Rin. I, um..." Mio blushed again. "I like sharing things with you..."


Tsukiko sighed. "That may be true, but it's something I have to hide from everyone, and..." Tsukiko shuddered, "It brings out bad emotions, when I change..."

"It may be part of my nature, but there are parts of me I don't like, that nobody likes... This part of me taps into the dark sid eof my nature."


One of the twins snaked a foot back to stop on Harumi's toe. "Don't mind her, she's just being silly."

The twins looked back to give Harumi a "shut up or we'll kill you ourselves" look before returning to face the gang leader with reassuring smiles.

2009-05-08, 11:27 AM

Rin blushes even more, pausing and looking out at the lake as she replies quietly and a little awkwardly.
"I-I like sharing things with you too, Mio."
There's silence for a little before she continues, blushing and looking even more hesitant and unsure.
"I've... really liked you ever since I really met you for the first time, Mio. You're just so sweet and kind."

2009-05-08, 11:35 AM
Muffy (22/40) (9)

Mary nods, "I find that I push people I care about too hard... so I'm not going to tell you what I think about how it might work. Goodness knows, I've never been a werewolf, so how would I know. However, I do think that fate has handed us one advantage for this particular situation that the vampire may never have considered."

Neon Knight
2009-05-08, 12:02 PM
Tsukiko looked curious. "What's that?"


Mio blushed again. "Rin..."

"You were so brave when you saved me, both times, and you're smart and gentle and graceful..."

"I've always liked you, too..."

2009-05-08, 12:05 PM

Oww! Harumi idly wishes she'd brought her Sailor Venus costume, since Sailor Venus is invincible.

Alright team, we're moving to Plan B, which is let Natsuki and Natsuko solve everything, since they're my senpai and are certainly-looking-out-for-my-well-being-and-aren't-going-to-hurt-me.

2009-05-08, 12:07 PM

Rin hesitates a little more, then puts her arms around Mio, pulling her close and holding her tightly. Her violet eyes look down into Mio's as she smiles shyly at her. It was so tempting to kiss her, but she knew she couldn't. Not unless she sorted things out- and ended things- with Mary.
Besides, Rin felt far too shy and nervous to initiate a kiss anyways. She feels embarrassed enough saying and showing her affection for Mio as it was. Not that she didn't enjoy it...
"You deserve everything I can give you, Mio."

2009-05-08, 12:17 PM
Muffy (22/40) (9)

Mary smiles, "Even if he's aware of us freeing you from his demonic control... and that's not guaranteed since the demon may have gone straight back to hell. He will probably still want to attack tomorrow night because he would feel your werewolf nature would add confusion to the battle. But... he is unlikely to be aware of the fact that this werewolf..." Mary lays a finger on Tsukiko's chest. "Who is a natural werewolf, and therefore though she expresses your darker traits is still at heart, a wolf. Would happen to have this person..." She moves the finger to herself. "Who is the werewolf's alpha female in the room." She highlights this by nuzzling Tsukiko's neck with her teeth gently while growling softly. She lifts her head and smiles at Tsukiko, "You never have to worry about hurting anyone ever again; because as long as you want me, I'm going to be right here with you... under every full moon, or any other kind of moon for as long as you want me."

2009-05-08, 04:17 PM

Amelia's eyes started tearing up, but she blinked them away, standing up from the table and releasing her grip from Shizuka. Still blinking away tears she moved around to Shizuka's side of the table, sat down next to her, and leaned into her. "Then...I just want to stay like this." She said quietly. "I just want to pretend that nothing bad is going to happen."

And when The Darkness comes for you...I hope I can be there for you, Shizuka...

2009-05-08, 06:04 PM

"I will protect you, Harumi. Also I am not a retard."

Apple tries to shake off the twins and pulls out her ray gun.

30 for athletics to shoot and shake off twins.

2009-05-08, 06:45 PM

I'll help! Get them Apple!

Harumi seizes one of the thugs to hold him still so Apple can kill him.


Neon Knight
2009-05-08, 07:26 PM
On the other side of the equation, Mio also wanted to kiss (or be kissed) by Rin, but she was afraid. Mary had upset Rin by pushing too hard, so Mio was carefully feeling out the boundaries of what she was allowed to do. She didn't want to make Rin unhappy.

Besides, she was plenty content to be in Rin's arms. "Rin... "


Shizuka held Amelia gently. "Then let's pretend, okay?"


"... I don't want to spend any night alone, Mary." She kissed Mary's neck.


Natsuki and Natsuko both blocked Harumi as she moved forward. So sudden was their interception that Harumi was knocked roughly to the road.

The gang members look quizzically at the scene. "What is that? A toy gun?"

"No wait, it's a stun gun! ****, I don't wanna be tazed!"

As one, the gang decided that discretion was the better part of valor and fled before Apple could shoot them, using bystanders and pedestrians as cover.

Natsuki and Natsuko glared at Apple and Harumi. They looked pissed. Identically pissed.

Rolls. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=6081155&postcount=122)

Harumi takes 8 stress.

2009-05-08, 07:37 PM

Apple walks over to help Harumi up.

"Are you ok, princess? Luckily those men were cowards. See I did protect you."

Apple seems very proud of herself. She totally doesn't notice that the twins are mad.

2009-05-08, 07:38 PM

Rin gently rests her forehead against Mio's, smiling and keeping her enfolded in her arms. Little by little she just lets go of her worries and problems and just enjoys the moment.

2009-05-08, 08:00 PM

Amelia laid back into Shizuka's embrace, silent tears slowly forming as she wordlessly stroked the arm that Shizuka held her with, wishing that she could stop time so that the two would never have to face what was likely coming their way tomorrow.

2009-05-08, 09:12 PM
Muffy (22/40) (9)

Mary looks into Tsukiko's eyes, "Neither do I, my love... neither do I." She kisses Tsukiko on the lips, long and slow.

2009-05-08, 11:19 PM

Yay! Cries Harumi as Apple pulls her up. Everything worked out fine for everyone! She hugs Apple fiercely and then tries to make it a group hug by hugging both of the twins at once.

2009-05-09, 12:03 AM

Apple looks at Harumi.

"I don't think this area has what we want. We should turn around and go in a different direction."

Apple pulls at Harumi to go back the way they came.

"Also you scared me when you tried to go after those boys."

Neon Knight
2009-05-10, 05:51 PM
"That was not 'fine', Harumi."

"The school does not look kindly upon those who get into fights, and I doubt Katashi would have been understanding of the situation."

"Especially since those boys did nothing but walk up to us and talk to us. That hardly warrants you attacking them."

"Especially with a weapon of some sort. I doubt such devices are permitted on campus."

"In fact, I bet Katashi would be most eager to be informed of this kind of behavior so he can correct it. Why shouldn't we tell Katashi about this incident?"


Shizuka stroked Amelia's hair in a soothing fashion. After a while, she asked, "Do you want to do something else? Something to take your mind off of it?"


The moment would stretch on as long as Rin and Mio permitted it.


"Mmm..." Tsukiko enjoyed the kiss, moaning softly.

However, Tsukiko had been through a lot. Last night's venture, the exorcism, and their earlier session of fun had left her rather tired. She was beginning to nod off in Mary's arms.

2009-05-10, 06:02 PM

Amelia tilted her head up to look at Shizuka and nodded. "For a little while, sure...what did you have in mind?"

2009-05-10, 06:25 PM
Muffy (22/40) (9)

Mary smiles as her lover falls asleep in her arms. She just rests a while, enjoying the feel of Tsukiko's warm skin against her own. Then she reluctantly rises, pulling a cover over the beautiful werewolf. She stands and stretches, then gets dressed and steps out the door, closing it behind her. She'll walk to her room, get some clothes and go hit the showers a second time. She'll come back out, dressed in some new clothes to the common area.

2009-05-10, 06:43 PM

Eventually Rin pulls back a little and looks around.
"It's getting late... maybe we ought to head back."
She keeps hold of Mio's hand.

2009-05-10, 07:24 PM

"Why shouldn't I use it on you two right now? I suggest that you both keep quiet about it. Unfortunate things can happen when you are off campus you know. Besides they weren't just talking to us, they were hitting on us. I am sure Katashi disapproves of that too."

Apple looks at them both menacingly.

2009-05-10, 07:48 PM
Muffy (22/40) (9)

If nobody is in the common room, Mary will wait until some people arrive. Everyone risked much during the rescue of Mio... they deserve some time to themselves, but it's also important to talk about what they are going to do for tomorrow... probably tomorrow night.

Shades of Gray
2009-05-10, 08:14 PM

Mary will notice a sign that says "Don't open it" on her and Ume's room.

2009-05-10, 09:07 PM

Harumi steps in front of Natsuki and Natsuko to block Apple's line of fire and folds her arms, glaring at Apple. No! Enough American Violence!

She turns to the twins and smiles sheepishly, bowing several times. Please excuse her. It's not her fault that her culture produces heavily armed psychopathic killers.

She takes a deep breath. Anyway, I really thought you came with us to develop a closer bond, and Apple is already in a lot of trouble Katashi-san, so it would be really great if you didn't tell him about this. Besides, they were being huge perverts. She was only defending us.

She gives them her most charming look.


2009-05-10, 09:27 PM

Apple looks sheepishly away. She tucks the weapon into her bra.

"I was only trying to help."

Neon Knight
2009-05-10, 10:31 PM
"...I suppose an angry Katashi, even one whose anger is mostly directed at Apple, is not exactly beneficial for us."

"'But our patience for such thing is limited, and if it happens again, we'll be forced to take action."

"We'll be going back to the dorm now."

The twins wasted no time in separating themselves from Apple and Harumi.


Mio looked around. "You're right." She took one last look at the park. Something caught her eye, and she stopped. "Um, hold on a second..."

Mio softly slipped her hand out of Rin's and walked off the path a few steps. She bent down and plucked something off the ground, returning to Rin's side holding a white flower.

Going up on her tip toes, she carefully placed the flower in Rin's hair, above her left ear. When she was done, she blushed and looked down at her feet. "Um, you can take it out if you want... I-I just... you're really pretty, Rin..."

She slid her hand back into Rin's. "W-we can go now..."


Shizuka thought for a second. "Um... do you want to play a game or something? Chess, maybe?"

2009-05-10, 10:35 PM

"I so want to flip them the bee."

2009-05-10, 10:40 PM

W-wait guys... Harumi looks devastated at being ditched. She stares at the ground but looks up at Apple when she speaks up.

I think that if I keep hanging around you... I'll never make any other friends.

Her gaze drops to the ground again. Excuse me. She walks off without paying any attention to where she's going.

2009-05-10, 10:52 PM

"Wait Harumi, please don't leave me. I just wanted to take care of you."

Apple is left once again confused by the situation. How could saving people go so wrong?

2009-05-10, 10:57 PM

Harumi looks back at Apple and there are tears in her eyes. Take care of me?! I don't want you to be my mother! I just... want some friends! She sniffles and runs away.

2009-05-10, 11:01 PM

"I am not enough for you. I thought you loved me."

Apple doesn't try to follow Harumi since she doesn't want to seem like she is mothering her. Apple tries to go back to the school. She goes in the direction the twins went in to start with.

luck for making it back to red dorm [roll0]

2009-05-10, 11:08 PM

Harumi wanders around for a while until she cheers up. She feels bad about taking out her sadness on Apple but isn't ready to confront her roommate just yet. So she keeps wandering around town without any specific goal in mind except to find out what sort of interesting things there are to do and get to know the town well enough that she won't get lost again.


2009-05-11, 06:41 AM

Amelia nodded at Shizuka's suggestion. "Sure," she said, sitting up and disengaging herself from Shizuka. "Although I don't have my travel set with me, it's back in my room, so we'll have to head back."

2009-05-11, 08:10 AM

Rin blushes and reaches up to gently touch the flower, smiling down at Mio.
"N-no, I like it, Mio. Thank you."
Her thanks is directed at both the flower and the compliment. She squeezes Mio's hand and leans down to kiss her very lightly on the cheek before leading them back towards the Red Dorm.

Neon Knight
2009-05-11, 01:53 PM
Apple makes it back to the dorm safely.


Harumi diligently manages to gain an understanding of the local area, which should prove useful.


"That's alright. Let's go." Shizuka stood up to go.


Rin and Mio would find that they could return to the Red Dorm without anything particularly interesting occurring.

2009-05-11, 02:06 PM
Muffy (22/40) (9)

While Mary waits for others to show up, she studies for tomorrow's classes.

Did my activities with Tsukiko relieve any stress?

2009-05-11, 02:10 PM

As Mio and Rin enter the Red Dorm, Rin becomes aware that Mary is in the common room. Very gently and discreetly, she lets go of Mio's hand.
"Mio... I think I should talk to Mary."
She whispers to the younger girl.

2009-05-11, 02:24 PM
Muffy (22/40) (9)

Mary looks up, nodding to Mio and Rin. "Good evening."

Neon Knight
2009-05-11, 02:31 PM
Mio whispered back quickly. "Okay."

"Hello, Mary! I hope you've had a nice day." She glanced over at the hallway leading to her room, then back to Mary. "I'm going to go check on Nanami, okay?" She quickly excused herself, leaving Rin and Mary alone.

2009-05-11, 02:34 PM

Rin seems a little awkward as she goes to sit down nearby Mary.
"Mary... I think we need to talk."

2009-05-11, 02:36 PM
Muffy (22/40) (9)

Mary nods, "Of course... here? Or, elsewhere?"