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2009-05-01, 06:45 PM
So I'm about to start a 3.5 zombie-apocalypse game. I've slightly modified the zombie template and added the classic "zombie virus" to their list of special qualities. I've never designed a disease or poison or whatever for D&D, so I'd kinda like some help. Is this terribly underpowered? Ridiculously overpowered? Talk to me.

Necrophage Bite (Ex): Zombies transfer the necrophage virus through their bite. If a zombie hits with its bite attack and deals damage, there is a 75% chance that they infect their target with the necrophage virus. The infected target must make a DC 10 Fortitude save to resist the effects of the virus after one hour. If they succeed at this first save, they must make another at DC 11 one hour later. Assuming success on their save, the infected target must make another save at another +1 to the DC every hour thereafter. If the target succeeds their saves for 24 hours, the virus goes into hibernation and any subsequent bites from zombies reactivate it at DC 10 an hour after the new bite.
If the target fails two of its Fortitude saves in a row, it dies. 12 hours after dying, the corpse will reanimate as a new zombie.
The necrophage virus can be purged from an infected person by casting remove disease with a successful caster level check versus a DC of the HD of the zombie + the zombie’s Str modifier.
The leaves of the lifebloom plant, when boiled in water, make a potent anti-necrophage medicine. If an infected character drinks lifebloom tea, they gain a +10 competence bonus on all Fortitude saves against the virus for twelve hours.

2009-05-01, 07:28 PM
So, they have to make 24 saves, at DCs going from 10 to 34, and if they fail two in a row they die and become zombies? That seems harsh. I suggest setting up mechanics like a disease, that's what I did for my Dread Plague (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=39821).

2009-05-01, 07:36 PM
Well, Max Brooks's Solanum virus is 100% fatal, unless the infected limb is immediately amputated, and that has a low success rate as it is.

So at least this virus has a chance you'll survive.

2009-05-01, 07:49 PM
The question is how balanced you want it in a dnd game. With those chances, it's not particularly fair to the players unless they're mid to high level so they have easy access to cure disease.

2009-05-01, 07:53 PM
Those look good for Plot-unimportant NPC's. As in, the PC's are escorting some villagers, and you want to see how many of them turn into zombies, but for PC's or important NPC's I'd lower the chances of Zombieification a good deal.

Zeta Kai
2009-05-01, 07:57 PM
You might find Resident Evil D20 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=2833324#post2833324) to be useful. Especially now that I've (finally) added pictures.

The Tygre
2009-05-01, 08:23 PM
You might find Resident Evil D20 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=2833324#post2833324) to be useful. Especially now that I've (finally) added pictures.

Has my seal of approval. Enough that I actually printed it all out for my D&D collection.

2009-05-01, 08:51 PM
Cool, thanks for the ideas. In response to the comment that this might be a little too harsh for PCs, I made it this way on purpose. >:) It's a pretty high-difficulty campaign, but you guys are right, I should probably tone it down a little. Thanks for the suggestion, Zeta. I'll check it out.

2009-05-01, 11:25 PM
Well, Max Brooks's Solanum virus is 100% fatal, unless the infected limb is immediately amputated, and that has a low success rate as it is.

So at least this virus has a chance you'll survive.I hate you so much right now. Yet I love you so much more.

Lord Loss
2009-05-29, 07:29 AM
I did something kinda like this for my zombie infested town:

Get bitten: -2 On Will saves

Second Time: -8 on will saves

3rd Time: Save or it's ZOMBEH TIME.

However, your concept seems to work fine too.

This is a bit off subject, but it comes to my attention that you are running a HARD campaign in a horror based setting. Therefore add this little rule and your PCs and their players will scream with rage (and horror):

No Ressurection is possible.