View Full Version : Belkar's death... my theory

2009-05-01, 11:47 PM
people have probably came up with this before, but if not, then here you go

V is gonna murder/suicide him. The Oracle hinted that Belkar will cause V's death in some way, so I think V's gonna get pissed and kill him, and then kill him, and immediately regret it and kill hirself. Or maybe the other members of the order will kill hir, like they were gonna do if Belkar killed Elan.

anyway, that's what i think will happen, but who knows...

David Argall
2009-05-02, 12:51 AM
As has been pointed out many times, the Oracle described Belkar's relationship with V's death in a manner that meant it was extremely loose. [It has to be weaker than the idea that Belkar has killed Miko's horse, who is still alive.] So any theory that suggests a clear relationship between Belkar and V's death is flatly rejected.

2009-05-02, 02:59 AM
I think the oracle was just mesing with Belkar because he knew it would make him mad, and repeated it to Roy because of the whole hanging out a window thing. So Belkar could have already died as the person he was, but that would be stretching the "last breathe" bit. Maybe Belkar will die and become that which he said he was, a "sexy shoeless god of war"?

2009-05-02, 04:40 AM
I've spent some time wondering about Belkar's demise.

I think:

It will be in some way humerous
It will be close to the end of the story
It will in some way redeem Belkar... at least a little, like he might accidentally save the world, for all the wrong reasons :-)

I don't have any specific information to back this up, it's just a feeling based on Rich's storytelling style to date in OOTS.

2009-05-02, 04:49 AM
Or ....

V's deal with the fiends has some fine print. Specifically, no one said the fiends have to wait till V's death to gain custody of his soul. They were willing to spell out other salient points of the deal but not this one because THIS is the reason they're setting the hook in the first place

Once Uber V is near a gate at some point in the future the fiends will try to make him use it. Belkar would be the one most likely to stab him to stop him

2009-05-02, 05:34 AM
Nale gets his hands on a Death Note and tests it out on Belkar.

He then rolls a 1 on his "unnecessarily awesome writing" check, writes "Nale" instead of "Elan" and because he was, technically, picturing his own face, dies.

The Dark Fiddler
2009-05-02, 05:59 AM
This has been beat to death... can't we just let it drop... or at least KEEP IT TO THE 50000 THREADS ALREADY DEVOTED TO IT?

2009-05-02, 06:32 AM
Durkon will kill Belkar to resurrect Roy. That is not part of the rules, but it says that the DM may necessitate other things, such as a quest.

That enough of a longshot for you?

2009-05-02, 07:26 AM
It will in some way redeem Belkar... at least a little, like he might accidentally save the world, for all the wrong reasons :-)
Sorry, beklar is not reedemable, even slightly, by a selfless sacrifice to save the entire world.

His evil is measured in Kilo Nazis and even the combined evil of Sauron and Cruella De'vil is about half as evil as good ol' Belkster.

2009-05-02, 01:42 PM
Well if for some reason he actually gives his life to save the world I would think he could be redeemed. Maybe even just to spite him so the afterlife he ends up in is not the one he would have preferred to be in.

He did have karma work in his favor before when he thwarted the unnamed prisoner with poison arrow and shortly after proclaimed himself the "sexy shoeles god of war".

So one almost good act gave Belkar something he wanted, and his new perspective combined with the conscience may just have bigger parts to play for Belkar.

2009-05-02, 01:56 PM
My guess...

The aprty fight Xykon at the next gate. They start to win, and as the army withdraws the UFCC take control of V. Belker realises what has happenned and throws himself at V, taking both of them in to the gate. The party is saved by Girard (who is the last remaining Order of the Scribble). Girard becomes the new group tracker, Celia the new group spell caster and we get a zany afterlife spin off series with V and Belkar.

2009-05-02, 08:43 PM
My guess...

The aprty fight Xykon at the next gate. They start to win, and as the army withdraws the UFCC take control of V. Belker realises what has happenned and throws himself at V, taking both of them in to the gate. The party is saved by Girard (who is the last remaining Order of the Scribble). Girard becomes the new group tracker, Celia the new group spell caster and we get a zany afterlife spin off series with V and Belkar.

That would be cool. Just imagine, each trying to make the other's CE afterlife even more of a hell than it already is.