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2009-05-02, 08:01 AM
It is a strange feeling that got hold of you after you fell through the portal... it was dark for a while, you couldn't say how long, and then there was the sensation of falling. Something was there, you could feel it all around you, a presence. There were whispers, so muted you couldn't make out words, but somehow, you shuddered nonetheless, and not from the cold surrounding you alone.

Then you awoke.


It is still dark, but something changed. There is a stone floor beneath your feet, and the air is warm and stuffy. Other people are here, dozens, you can hear them, breathing, moving against floors and walls, from time to time a heavy metallic jingle. No one is speaking a word, but you can hear a woman sobbing quietly some distance away.


The room is wider than you can see in the complete darkness, with massive stone walls. It seems that there are at least three dozen people here, all but a handful of them wearing the same brown, ankle-long shirt, half of them chained to the walls. You can't make out a door, only a metal trapdoor in the ceiling.

2009-05-02, 11:25 AM

Vargo coughed as he landed, stumbling to his hands and knees. As he lay crouched in the dark, he wondered Where am I? Is this real? Am I... dead? He felt his face, checking that he was still there in a brief moment of panic. He then assayed a brief flare of power from his hand.

2009-05-02, 11:46 AM
Vargo's face is still as present as ever, and his powers are not failing him.

2009-05-02, 02:23 PM

Xylia stays very still, paralyzed with uncertainty and terrified by the breathing about her. She wonders what kind of animal or monsters they may be; the sounds of the chains tell her she's safe, but otherwise do not offer much comfort.

She grips her staff in her trembling fingers and scrapes the butt of her staff on the stone floor, searching for any irregularities that may tell her where she is, or at least what kind of room she's in. As she does so, she looks about her for the gate she came through, hoping that it be glowing somewhere in the darkness.

2009-05-02, 03:18 PM
Morgan lifts himself up from the floor, his head pounding. He finds that he can't see a single thing in the darkness so he begins to prepare a spell.


He utters the spell upon his blade, it glows with an orange hue and lights all around him. He peers at one of the chained people and points his blade towards one of them.

"Where are we?" He demanded of the person.

2009-05-02, 04:10 PM

Tanthalas grunts as he stumbles through the doorway in his lair, falling into darkness. He looks around and mutters to himself, "Huh, I wonder where this could be? Perhaps some underground slaving pen? 'Tis possible I suppose. The Dark Dwarves have been known to take slaves now and again." He cautiously explores the room.

2009-05-02, 04:15 PM
The chained creature is a young man, his skin covered in black spots and festering sores and Morgan notes that many others show the same signs on their faces.
As he is spoken to, the man lifts his head slowly, his face showing an expression of resignation and tiredness. He coughs loudly, before replying, in coarse and whispered tone:
"The plague pits, my Lord."

2009-05-02, 04:31 PM
"Well, if you are willing to be our guide in this place, I shall liberate you."

2009-05-02, 04:39 PM
The man manages a puzzled expression on his face, overtaking the obvious pain for a moment.
"Guide?... Why? There are only ever more catacombs, the dead and the dying."

2009-05-02, 04:47 PM

Aaron awakens, face pressed to the hard stone floor. Seeing nothing but blackness, he fumbles around him to orient himself and reaches instinctively for his sword.

What had happened? Where was he? The sound of a woman crying in the dark reminds him jarringly of his young charge.

"Xylia?" he whispers loudly.

At the sight of an orange glow in the distance he remains prone and silent as he listens to two men converse.

2009-05-02, 04:47 PM
Morgan lifted his longsword and heaved it against the chain with all his might. With any luck it shatters, but he heaves three more powerful blows just to be sure.

"We shall see about that. I wish to find something other than this dungeon."

After liberating the plagueman, Morgan begins searching the room for a door.

2009-05-02, 04:55 PM
Even after four blows, the chain shows not even a nick or dent. The prisoner sighs and falls back against the stone pillar he is chained to.
The room seems to extend in all directions, only separated by massive stone pillars holding up the vaulted ceiling and short pieces of wall separating smaller, but still open chambers from the main room.
However, Morgan soon discovers a trapdoor in the ceiling, an extremely heavy-looking slate of granite, the hinges not visible from this side, only distinguishable from the rest of the ceiling by the faint, rectangular outline.

2009-05-02, 05:05 PM
Morgan sees the trapdoor and begins demanding the shirts from all the plaguepeople.

"Does anyone have a bow and arrow? I think I see something up there."

2009-05-02, 05:16 PM

Xylia looks about her when she hears Sir Aaron calling her. She also sees the bright light down the corridor, illuminating the people lining the walls. She looks about her excitedly, searching for her uncle.

"Uncle Aaron?" she calls, loudly than she probably should. "Where are you? I thee a light."

She eyes the figure in the light, an imposing dark shape with a glowing sword attempting to speak to the chained people. Xylia shrinks in her patch of darkness, hoping her uncle will find her.

"Uncle Aaron, there'th people here."

2009-05-02, 05:20 PM

OOC: After Tanthalas makes his comment
"Dwarves? The dwarves were exterminated over 600 years ago. I doubt this place was built by them. Next you'll start talking about elves..."

Observing the armoured figure's attempt to smash the chains, Vargo purses his lips and mutters a phrase under his breath as he points his hand at a chain link, and at the rock the chain is secured to, casting Baleful Utterance. He is unimpressed by the fellow so far, and wishes to test his own abilities for comparison's sake.

ooc: Using the Baleful Utterance invocation as a spell-like ability. Acts as the shatter spell cast at my level (5th). If the chain doesn't shatter, he will attempt to shatter the rock the chain is secured to.

If the rock doesn't shatter, he will concentrate and use his Detect magic ability for a few rounds, studying the prison

I hear people. Were you all sent here as well when the portal exploded?
Also, why should I need a bow?

ooc: I originally redacted the bow bit, but put it back in since you responded quickly

2009-05-02, 05:25 PM
(OOC- I'm assuming that Morgan can tell you are a caster from the baleful utterance)

"If you have not a bow, do you have any method of launching something up to that light rectangle?"

2009-05-02, 05:51 PM
The man flinches at the word of dark speech uttered by the warlock, but his chain instantly shatters into a dozen broken links, falling to the ground. The man, however, just remains sitting, staring at you.

2009-05-02, 05:53 PM

He moves towards the light, glowing from a sword. Careful to keep his face hidden in the shadows, he overhears the conversation about the bow, "I have a crossbow, if you have need. I believe it will get a bolt up there."

2009-05-02, 05:54 PM
"Could you shatter that trapdoor up there the same way you shattered his chain?"

EDIT- Morgan grabs the crossbow and loads a bolt into it. He takes some rags and ties them into a crude rope and then he fires the bolt at the trapdoor. If it misses he goes to the bolt and tries again until he gets it.

2009-05-02, 06:11 PM

I could try. But first, I have a question for this liberated resident.

I'm new here. Can you tell me a bit more about these plague pits, as you call them? As a soon-to-be former prisoner here, I'm sure that there is plenty of information you could give me. If you like, I may be able to offer something in the way of aid. Perhaps by putting my abilities towards ending your present condition?

ooc: As it stands, shatter can only break around 50 ibs of stuff. The trapdoor is probably larger, but Vargo will make the attempt anyways.

2009-05-02, 06:12 PM

Hearing Xylia's voice, Aaron moves towards it in the room, carefully picking his way among the people by the dim orange light, keeping his distance from those gathering around it - discretion being the better part of valour, and Xylia's safety being his foremost priority.

Assuming he finds her:

Sir Aaron kneels low and whispers "My child, there you are! Are you hurt?"

As he hears the violent ping of a rent chain behind him he looks round to observe the people by the light. "Keep quiet, now, and stay behind me. Perhaps these men will enlighten us as to our predicament."

2009-05-02, 06:24 PM

Xylia nods and quickly shuffles to a safe place behind the old knight. She takes a look around her, sniffing the pungent, diseased air.

"It thmells like dead thingth in here," Xylia murmurs to no one in particular.

She watches, impressed, as one of the men in the light breaks the chains of one of the prisoners with his magic.

"Magic!" she comments excitedly, tapping Sir Aaron's armor. "Ooh, do you think he knowth where Daddy ith?"

2009-05-02, 09:54 PM
Morgan begins removing his mail in preparation to climb the rope he has attached to the trapdoor. He talks as he prepares himself for the climb.

"How is it that you live here if all there is is labyrinth? What do you eat? And do you remember anything before the plague?

2009-05-03, 03:12 AM

Hushing Xylia's enthusiastic chattering, Sir Aaron takes a deep breath and begins to walk towards the magic-user as calmly and as confidently as he can achieve.

Addressing the thin man attempting to fire a crossbow at the ceiling, he bows and speaks: "Greetings, strangers. My travelling companion and I have come by some accident to this foul place. I wonder if there is any way we might aid you in some attempt to escape, if that is your plan?"

Suddenly, seeing the festering, pock-marked face of the liberated prisoner below him Aaron stifles a gasp and mutters "Dear God... these people... what is this place?"

2009-05-03, 06:13 AM
Vargos Utterance directed against the trapdoor leads to a cloud of chalky dust raining down on them, while Morgan's crossbow bolt ricochets off and falls to the ground when reaching the limit of the cloth-line.

Meanwhile, the diseased man coughs again, spitting a few droplets of blood before his feet.
"The Steel Lords sold us as mercenaries to the Grey Wastes. It's where we caught this plague, and the Wasting. There's not many of us left now, most were sent to defend the breach in the outer wall when they came back sick. The others were infected later. They throw some kind of sludge through the trapdoor to keep us fed, every turn. At least I think it's every turn."

2009-05-03, 08:27 AM

Xylia says nothing. She looks about her, barely listening to the pathetic sore-ridden man on the ground. Squinting in the light, she looks at the unchained people about her: a ferocious-looking man, a second man practicing a sort of magic that she's not entirely familiar with, and some sort of withered creature that has all the appearance of something that should be dead.

Necromancy, she guesses, looking at Tanthalas. She sniffs in disdain, as she considers that particular branch of magic uncouth.

Xylia ends up breathing in more of the foul odours of the diseased hall which sends a shiver of repulsion over her skin. She covers up her mouth and nose with the hem of her robe to block the smell.

She looks up at the rectangle in the ceiling --a trap door. She immediately starts going through the spells she studied that morning, searching for one that may get her out of this foul place.

2009-05-03, 11:56 AM

Tanthalas stays in the shadows, observing and listening to the conversations going on. He remains silent, trying to learn as much about these people and where he is as he can. He remains on the lookout for trouble, though, never letting down his guard.

2009-05-03, 11:59 AM
Morgan reloads the crossbow in case the trapdoor should open and begins pacing back and forth as he tries to think of a plan.

"Well, lets gather what we know about this area before we continue. This location has no significant natural light source of its own and my spell of light is limited to ten minutes. The size of the catacombs is unknown, but would have to be very large if it once held a large squad of mercenaries. The only know hazard here is the Plague, which will most likely infect us if we do not leave here with haste or kill and burn the infected. The amount of time it takes for the trapdoor to open occurs in regular cycles of an unknown length of time. So, several questions for you plagueman. What else is in the catacombs and is it possible to navagate to a exit? How long would it take to infect us with the plague and is that longer than said 'cycle'? How does the plague react to magical healing? Also," He says, directing his voice towards the Mage now "what sort of spells to you have that might be useful in this situation?"

2009-05-03, 12:55 PM
Thankful to be talking to a rational man at last, Vargo nods his head. The elderly warrior might be wizened, but he at least seemed to be the most sane of the fellows in here.
Our bespotted friend here says that these are the Plague Pits, in the Grey Waste. Or possibly the other way around. Have you ever heard of either? I was with TPS myself, in the Vespucci Federation, but I don't think they've heard of either here. Nor have you, from your looks.

Either way, this doesn't seem like the place to be, and I too would like to leave. I'd be glad to work with you towards that end. My name's Vargo.

Vargo turns at the question the skinny, frenetic man in armour asks and gives him a long, cool look.
I'm sorry, do I know you?

2009-05-03, 01:32 PM
"I have not explained my self correctly. Excuse my mistake, my Lords, but we are not in the Grey Wastes. This are the Plague Pits of Steel, where we were held after returning from the Wastes. We are on Acheron."

2009-05-03, 04:19 PM
"Well that brings to mind a plethora of new questions. Where, when and what is this plane? Tell us what you know of your home, leave not a single fact out even if it is simple enough for a child to know. (this part is edited in) It seems a door has once again taken me to a foreign plane, and you all seem to not know where or what this is. All of us have been transported through magical means to a world an indifineable distance. This is not in your home town, fiefdom, country, continent, planet or possibly even plane. We have been cast into the cruel politiking of the gods."

2009-05-03, 05:05 PM

Xylia peeks at the blond man from behind Sir Aaron.

"Thpell, thpell," she mutters to herself, scratching the skin under her cap. "Daddy thaid Thpiderclimb wath not worth learning, but he didn't know about thith. I know, maybe, maybe..."

She remembers an enlarging spell she's prepared that morning. Should she cast in on herself she should grow to about eleven feet tall. With her staff, she would gain an additional eleven feet of reach. It should be enough to press against the trapdoor, get it open and take her uncle out with her.

Squinting at the rectangle of light above her, Xylia tries to guess how many feet above her it is.

2009-05-03, 05:29 PM
Even at the highest points, such as where the trapdoor lies, the ceiling is not higher than fifteen feet from the ground.

The prisoner shakes his head wearily, then sighs and continues his explanation:
"We are below the City of Steel. It is a prosperous city, since it has held against the sieges for centuries now. It is on one of the smaller cubes, and reinforcements for the besiegers only arrive in case of a collision. The palace of the Lords holds several stable portals, to sigil, the deper layers and a few of the other planes, which means the Lords made some money from trade. We have no proxies or powers, and should be grateful for it, I guess."

2009-05-03, 05:40 PM
Morgan looks around for a pillar close to the trapdoor.

"If I can shimmy my way up a pillar I could pry it open with my lance..."

2009-05-03, 06:30 PM

To the Warlock, Sir Aaron replies: "I have not heard of the Vespucci Federation; neither am I familiar with this "Acheron". I fear some great and mischievous magic has brought us here. My name is Aaron."

At his niece's mention of spells, he sighs. "...I concede that, since magic brought us here, it might aid us in our escape. But Xylia, mark me: be careful!"

To the prisoner, he adds (with a softer, sympathetic tone): "Sir, what siege do you speak of? Who are these Steel Lords?"

Resigned to watching and waiting as the others plot their escape, Aaron begins to worry. A siege must mean war! The old Knight is familiar with conflict, of course, but Xylia... it wouldn't be right to keep her in this besieged city. He must leave with her as soon as possible.

2009-05-03, 06:44 PM

Xylia begins to fish in her spell components pouch for some powdered iron. As she does so, she says something about Aaron worrying to much, about the thin man worrying to much and about everyone else in the stinking corridor having the same problem as her companions.

Not wanting to use the spell on strangers and in too bad a mood to bestow it on her anxious uncle, Xylia targets herself. She spills glittering grey powder from a small vial she produced from her pouch into the air in a specific pattern. As she does so she begins to rasp out the incantation in a lispless arcane language. On her shoulder, her lizard familiar blinks and offers some hisses to the spell. They continue their chanting until Xylia begins to feel the magic pull of her body growing.

2009-05-03, 10:39 PM

Vargo caustiously takes a step back as Xylia casts her spell. He isn't sure what is going on, and as comfortable as it is to have plenty of magic around, he hasn't had a chance to really assess her. He also has no idea as to what she is casting, and whether or not it is hostile.

He is relieved and slightly amused when she merely doubles in size, instead of tossing a fireball or something.

Still, he concentrates a moment, willing the magical auras of those surrounding him to reveal themselves. (detect magic!)

2009-05-04, 06:07 PM
"The Lords..."
The man coughs again, spitting more blood on the floor.
[COLOR="Red"]"The Lords rule the city. Few have ever seen them, I don't know what kind of creatures they are.
There are of course speculations, Tiger-demons, Baatezu or Bloodsuckers, but no one knows for sure.
And the city has been under siege since it was built. It is the nature of this plane. Goblins, orcs, dwarves, bladelings, even humans[. The attackers come and go, but the siege never ends."/COLOR]

As Xylia grows up, the can reach the door with her hands and push against it. First, it only shakes a little, sending another cloud of dust down, but after trying two more times, she manages to open a small gap between the trapdoor and the surrounding stone, letting in a faint shimmer of red light.

2009-05-04, 06:42 PM

Xylia puffs away the ticklish cloud of dust that forms when she opens the trap door.

"Tiger-demonth an' Baatethu," she repeats softly after the plagueman. "I think we're in the Hellth. Or thomewhere. Atheron, Atheron, do I know Atheron..."

When it dissipates, she stands on her tip-toes, bouncing, trying to peek over the narrow edge of the trap door and into the red-lit world beyond. Are there more people out there, she wonders. or is it nice and empty? Am I safe inside or in the strange outer world?

Either way, she hoped this place outside the corridor would have fresher air. She pushes against the stone door with both her arms, trying to dislodge it further and get a better chance of seeing something.

2009-05-04, 07:08 PM
Finally, Xylia manages to open the trapdoor wide enough to have a look through: there is a narrow corridor with stone walls and a brazier full of glowing coals providing the red light, but no one to be seen.


Some facts about Acheron:
Acheron is an outer plane, in alignment between lawful neutral and lawful evil, or between Mechanus and Baator.
It consists of metallic cubes and shards flying through a black void, colliding with each other. On most of them, the petitioners of dead soldiers continue to fight their battles for eternity.
Magic is changed on Acheron: necromancy has a tendency to backlash if the target is stronger than the caster and divinations tend to fail entirely. Also, spells often create the exact opposite of the intended effect simultaneously: a fire spell also creates ice somewhere nearby.

2009-05-04, 11:35 PM

Vargo is pleased to have made progress, especially as it was a fellow caster who did it. Oh, I say! What a delightfully simple solution. It solves both the problems of reach and the weight of that barrier. Well done!Besides, it is never a foolish idea to flatter those who possess some measure of might. He then coughs at the falling dust, and asks.

What is it you see up there? Assuming there are no foes waiting to cleave at our heads, would you be willing to boost a few of us up, so that we in turn could lift you?

2009-05-05, 02:47 PM

"Perhaps you should boost me up first? I can scout a bit, and tell you whether it is safe?" Tanthalas says from the darkness, as they discuss how to get out. "I do have some.... advantages in that area."

2009-05-05, 04:39 PM
"I suggest you simply make haste to lift us all, take my mail up and then end the spell. The less time we spend with the plaguemen the less our risk of infection and the less retaliation we can expect from the local rulers.You wont be able to fit through the portal. I shall lower the rope I've made down to you once you dispell it." Turning now to the plagueman, Morgan begins speaking to him "I thank you for your assistance, without you we would most likely be in much graver peril than we are. I have little in the way of magic at my disposal, but if this plague is fatal I'm honor bound to bring what little comfort I can. A swift death is all reward I can offer"

2009-05-05, 07:51 PM

"If you wish" Tanthalas concedes as Morgan argues with him, "But don't say I didn't warn you, when your head is smashed as it is pushed through the hole. If you wish, I will still go first. That is, if your 'manly pride' can handle it" He finishes with a smirk.

2009-05-06, 01:58 AM

The glow of pride Xylia feels when the warlock compliments dissipates as the thin man and ghoul begin to argue.

She looks at the bickering man and not-quite man, to the polite warlock and then at the old warrior. She looks at Sir Aaron beseechingly, that he tell her she doesn't need to lift anyone out but the old man and herself (and maybe the warlock, since he was nice and interesting).

2009-05-07, 02:33 AM

At Xylia's imploring glance, Aaron looks stern, thinks for a second, and suggests "Take the paladin and his armour first, then myself, then Vargo, and then our odd yellow-eyed friend here."

Aaron steps forward towards the thin man. "There'll be no killing yet, stranger. There's a good chance that when we get out of whatever hell this place turns out to be that there might be a cure for these poor souls. If there is no cure, then by all means offer them a swift death. Besides, killing them isn't going to make this place any more sanitary."

Looking up at Xylia, he smiles and adds "You've done well, my girl. Now make haste and help us out."

2009-05-07, 03:16 AM

Looking thoroughly unhappy, Xylia leans her enlarged quarterstaff against the wall. She crouches down towards Morgan after he's set aside his armor, with all the intent of lifting him up to the hole as she would a child.

2009-05-07, 09:31 AM
The prisoner looks up at Morgan, a confused look on his face.
"I can't die here. The war is not over. I might have to fight again."
Meanwhile, Xylia easily manages to move Morgan up, followed by his armour and the others.
The corridor above the trapdoor is narrow, made from the same grey stone as the vault below, leading away in one direction, towards a stairway leading upwards.

2009-05-07, 12:04 PM

Vargo pushes the trap door back over the pit. Now that they're out, there's no sense in leaving any more tracks than they have to. Besides, their hosts might not appreciate it.

Well, now, unless anyone sees any other way, may I suggest that we make our way up and out?

He gestures ahead, hoping someone else will lead the way. If they do, he will follow along a little further back.

2009-05-08, 12:04 PM

The young wizard ends her enlargement spell as she exits through the trapdoor. She shrinks with little problems, quarterstaff back in hand.

Xylia looks about the new narrow corridor, looking for any symbols on the walls that may give her a clue as to what part of Acheron she may be in or what creatures live here. She walks down the edge of the corridor with little heed for the warlock's cautious words, running a hand over the stone, hoping to find something --anything-- interesting.

2009-05-08, 11:59 PM

Tanthalas steps forward. "Allow me to go first. I have some ability to remain undetected, and I have many immunities due to my... condition that help protect me." With that he sets off down the hallway, stealthily, keeping a wary eye and ear out for danger.

2009-05-09, 02:30 AM

Mildly unsettled by the way Tanthalas moves, Sir Aaron nevertheless follows suit, a ways behind him. He motions for Xylia to keep close, positioned so that she is kept safe at the center of the group.

2009-05-09, 01:41 PM
The corridor walls are entirely featureless, giving no hint as to your position, but at least they are delicately crafted, the blocks put together nearly seamlessly.
Tanthalas sneaks ahead, no sound indicating his presence. Holding himself in the shadows between the rare few braziers, he reaches a corner, just above the stairs where a guard is standing watch, his back to the stairs, apparently not noticing the ghoul behind him.
The man carries leather armor and a heavy spear, as well as a closed helmet hiding his face.

2009-05-10, 10:07 PM
Morgan dons his armor as the others go sneaking ahead, he then stalks his way towards the others, sneaking as best he can in the heavy mail and only reaching the corner before stopping.

2009-05-12, 12:31 PM
Tanthalas sneaks up behind the guard and quietly bites his exposed neck, allowing his paralyzing saliva to go to work.

2009-05-12, 12:55 PM
The guard turns stiff like a plank of wood as the ghoul's bite pierces his skin, dropping his weapon to the floor with a loud clang.

2009-05-14, 09:23 PM
Morgan, upon hearing the thump of the man hitting the floor, spun out from behind the corner and sprinted toward the fallen man. Morgan kicked the spear back toward the corner. He then cast aside his shield and pointed his hand toward the unconcious guard. His hand glowed with dark power, crackling like a fire. He growled to the others "Nobody touch him. We need him alive.

2009-05-14, 11:10 PM

Tanthalas glares at the Morgan, "Why do you think I only paralyzed him?" He hisses, "Of course we need him alive. I could have torn his throat out, but I did not, so do not lecture me, paladin."

2009-05-15, 11:02 AM

Vargo motions at Morgan. Get back! Do you forget that we weren't exactly invited in? Now, do we question him, toss him in the pit, or simply continue onwards until we find somewhere to blend in?

2009-05-15, 01:21 PM

Making an admirable attempt at suppressing his distaste for the Ghoul , Aaron examines the unconscious body, hoping to discern at least his race and searching for some clue as to who the guard works for.

"Our greatest weakness is not our capability to fight, evidently, but our lack of information on this place. Let us question him. We need to find how to get out of here, wherever this is, and reach some form of civilisation again."

2009-05-15, 01:50 PM
Morgan groweled darkly at the ghoul"I'm so sorry I troubled you with what you already knew. It's not as though there are other people around who might have thought this man better off executed. I shouldn't blame you, though. Ghouls aren't exactly known for being pack animals. Perhaps that has to do with the hunger that played across your eyes as you bit him. It would have been wiser of you to get you fill of flesh from the plaguemen, beast, for now we lack targets should your feeble self control lapse."

2009-05-15, 02:40 PM

Xylia frowns as the men bicker amongst each other. She leans down to the unconscious man, eying Morgan's glowing hands cautiously, and examines the prone body.

She looks at the bite mark that Thalanthas left on the guard and momentarily regrets being completely illiterate in necromantic magics. The feeling soon passes as she begins to experimentally tap the hard leather of the armor. Her hand also moves up to the closed helmet to open it and get a look at what kind of creature may be wearing it.

2009-05-15, 02:47 PM

Tanthalas' yellow eyes flash as Morgan taunts him. "Do not test me, human, or perhaps I will sate myself on your flesh. Or perhaps we should focus on escaping this hell. But know that, were I on my home plane, I would not hesitate to call out the clergy of Majere on one such as you, 'paladin'" He turns to the rest of the group. "So which of you would like to lead the interrogation? I have little skill in that area, myself."

2009-05-15, 09:07 PM
"Ghoul, if you wish to finish this, know that I will be glad to duel you here and now, but we both know that that will leave all of us dead. If you have an ounce of sapience you will step down and end this, but By The Gods don't provoke me. I cannot afford to falter now, and your goading will soon bind me. Let me go to my work, you fool, or we will all regret it." Turning now towards the guard, Morgan begins speaking in a low clear voice to him "Let me be perfectly clear with you sir, the moment you come out of paralysis our lives are in one anothers hands. If you obey my every command you will live, but hesitate for a second and I will kill you indiscriminately, and painfully. When you are again able to move, you must first remove all of your armor. Hand your armor and helm to the ghoul, and any assistance you will recieve will be from the girl. Any attempt to get up will result in me killing you. After you have removed your armor you will give it to the ghoul to wear, without leaving your prone position. You will then spin to have your back to us and have your hands bound. After being bound you will rise up and lead us to wherever your leader is, any attempt to warn the other guards will get you, and them, killed"

2009-05-16, 01:07 AM

Tanthalas glares at Morgan for a second, "Despite any desire I may have to 'finish this', you are correct in that we must put all our effort into escaping this pit. However, if you ever call me a fool again, I will not hesitate to rip out your throat and feast on your flesh, though it would be the first living flesh I have consumed, do to my 'feeble self control." He turns to the guard, "His paralysis should wear off any moment now." He addresses the man, "Guard, if you so much as speak when you are not instructed to do so, I will consume your flesh while you still live, and devour your still beating heart in front of your face."

2009-05-16, 01:24 AM
Vargo will simply stand watch and listen as the two men posture and bicker. Fools will be fools, and they'll never learn that useful power is never gained over others by beating them with it.

Instead, he'll focus as he hunts for hints of magic around them, on the guard, and his armaments. Watchers will notice his pupils shift to a deep purple, and a dark haze form around his hands.

ooc: Detect magic is on. Taking ten on the concentration check

2009-05-16, 03:36 PM
Both the hallway and the guard himself show an absolute absence of magic to Vargo's attuned senses.
Meanwhile the guard, still paralyzed, nods almost imperceptibly, even that small motion obviously causing him major pain.

2009-05-16, 09:27 PM
Morgans ears perk up in preparation for any form of assault to come, fearing the worst from the racket involved in capturing the guard.

2009-05-25, 03:07 PM
Behind his heavy helmet, the guard does at least look human: dark hair, grey eyes, pale skin, with a black cloth wrapped around the lower half of his face, hiding his nose and mouth.
His leather armour creaks as he moves, looking at you with fear-filled eyes, then slowly begins to open a series of straps along his side, taking his torso-armour, followed by the leg and arm pieces. Visibly shaking, but without a word, he hands his armour to the ghoul, followed by a dagger from his belt. Then, as instructed, he turns on his stomach, face to the ground, hands behind his back.

Otherwise, all is silent around you.

2009-05-25, 07:28 PM
"Off with the bandages too."

2009-05-25, 08:53 PM

Tanthalas accepts the armor and weapon from the guard, and quietly sets them down by the tunnel wall. He then turns to the guard, "Perhaps you should begin by telling us all that you know of the rulers of this place, and how we can escape this pit."

2009-05-28, 02:49 PM
The guard's voice is coarse and shaking, he is clearly affraid.
"Yes, my Lord. Along the corridor to the right lies the guard room. Currently, only Garll and Rubem will be there. Beyond that are the stars up to the entrance hall of the western garrison. It should be empty, but there will be guards at the outer doorway. Beyond that lies the city.
I have never seen the Lords of Steel, and neither has anyone else. They communicate only via magical statues spread throughout the city."

2009-05-28, 03:46 PM
"Where is the nearest of these statues? And what do you know of the Lords?"

2009-05-29, 12:11 AM
At this point, Vargo will approach the guard.

Now, friend, do you suppose you could escort us past Garll and Rubem? As you are no doubt aware, my companions are desperate and dangerous men, but we have no grievance with you or your friends, and simply wish to leave. It would be easier to do so quietly, and I'm sure that you would prefer that I leave your features on the outside. Magic can be terribly messy, you know. So, to expedite affairs, why don't you simply lead us out as quietly as you can, and forget this happened? It would be terrible if someone were to think you failed your duty, though we both know it isn't really your fault.

2009-06-08, 12:55 PM
The guard bows his head a little, then continues his explanations:
"Yes, my Lords. If you wish, the Guard is at your command. There are statues in the yard of the fortress, and on every street corner.
What shall we do when we meet Garll and Rubem? Is it your wish to take them prisoner as well, or are they to remain in their room?"

He begins leading the way up the indicated corridor.

2009-06-08, 07:58 PM

Tanthalas follows the guard silently, staying back and in the shadows. He stalks up behind Morgan, "I don't trust that guard. He doesn't seem frightened enough. Keep an eye on that one." With that he sinks back into the shadows.

2009-06-10, 12:42 AM
Vargo approaches the man, grinning as he pats him on the back in a manner that might appear reassuring to anyone who hadn't been threatened with severe bodily harm with that same hand.

Oh, they may remain as they are. In truth, it is far safer for you to think of yourself as an escort for some rather bewildered and slightly dangerous individuals. Put on your things, and let us be on, then.

2009-06-11, 03:39 AM
The guard nods, then leads you up the stairs and into a small chamber with the same heavy stone walls, where, on a table, two guards in the same armor as the one guiding you sit on an iron table, spears leaned against a wall. They are eating a kind of grey gruel out of metal bowls.
As you enter, the one on your left jumps up, grabbing his spear, while the other remains sitting. Not much of their faces is visible behind armor and scarf, but they seem at the very least suspicious.
"Hey. No reason for alarm, Garll, I'm just escorting a few guests who found themselves in the wrong part of the fortress. They have metal armor and weapons."

2009-06-11, 12:43 PM

Tanthalas enters the room at the back of the group, keeping his face hidden, lest the guards realize what he is.

2009-06-12, 07:36 AM
Vargo grins at the guards.

Easy, lads. We were just going. He then strides confidently forward to their table.

Inidently, our previous lodgings were less than satisfactory, and my companions and I have but recently arrived, having little time to explore. I'd appreciate it if you could point us towards some of the... better lodgings in your fine city

2009-06-15, 05:47 AM
The two guards look at each other for a moment, then the one at the table nods, while the other one raises his spear to the ceiling again. Your guide gives an almost imperceptibly quiet sigh of relief and guides you to the other side.
"Can you let me go no, my Lords? You will get out without any problems now...", he asks as he leads you up the stairs.
At the top of the stairs lies a wide hall, three stories high with balconies running along the top floor. Dozens of doors and corridors branch off in all directions, but the main exit is obvious: doors from wrought iron, nearly as high as the hall itself are set in one wall, currently standing open.
Outside, only a further ring of walls are visible beneath the sky, but that sky is impressive enough to be mentioned: it is dark grey, lacking a sun or stars, but instead, massive shards and geometric structures made of metal can be seen moving across it, in slow, but unstoppable movements, like planets.

2009-06-15, 03:05 PM
Morgan banishes the energy he had up against the guards back and quickly exits the guards room.