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2009-05-02, 10:29 AM
Its sort of a game/alignment clarification tool. take all nine alignments, then pick a character who exemplifies it from a popular book, movie, comic book, or television show (nothing unduly obscure)

I'll go first, to take all the easy ones
LG: Superman
NG: Harry Dresden (Eponymous Dresden Files)
CG: Mal Reynolds from Firefly
LN: Javert from Les Miserables
N:Uncle Owen (Star Wars)
CN: Jack Sparrow
LE: Micheal Corleone (The Godfather)
NE: Mr. Burns (Simpsons)
CE: Joker (the Dark Knight)

2009-05-02, 10:53 AM
LG: Rorschach
LN: Silk Spectre II
LE: Rorschach
NG: Owlman II
TN: Dr. Manhattan
NE: Ozymandias(depending)
CG: Rorschach
CN: The Comedian
CE: Rorschach

2009-05-02, 11:18 AM
LG: Jonathan Joestar
NG: Caesar Zeppeli
CG: Joseph Joestar
LN: Rudolph von Stroheim
TN: Bruno Bucciarati
CN: Giorno Giovana
LE: Yoshikage Kira
NE: Cars
CE: Dio Brando

Anyone who knows all of these characters is totally awesome. :3

2009-05-02, 11:32 AM

LG: Jaina Solo (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Jaina_Solo)
LN: Mitth'raw'nuruodo (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Thrawn)
LE: (SPOILERS! Don't use the link if you don't want Star Wars Spoilers.) Darth Caedus (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Jacen_Solo#Darth_Caedus_is_born)
NG: Talon Karrde (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Talon_Karrde)
TN: The Watcher (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Watcher_(comics))
NE: Julian Sark (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julian_Sark)
CG: Shawn Spencer (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shawn_Spencer)
CN: Mister Mxyzptlk (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mister_Mxyzptlk) (which, surprisingly, I spelled correctly the first time.)
CE: Gabrial Gray (http://heroeswiki.com/Sylar)

2009-05-02, 11:46 AM
Though ironically, you spelled "Gabriel" wrong. :smalltongue:

2009-05-02, 11:48 AM
LG: Rorschach
LE: Rorschach
CG: Rorschach
CE: Rorschach

I like this assessment. :smalltongue:
It gets my approval.

Maybe you could summarize it as "ethically and morally bipolar."

2009-05-02, 12:09 PM
LG: The First Doctor - "You can't re-write history! Not one line!"

NG: The Tenth Doctor - "Just do what I do - walk around like you own the place"

CG: The Sixth Doctor - "UNSTABLE?!"

LN: Judge Dredd - "Emotions... there ought to be a law against them."

N: Doctor Manhattan - "Life and death are unquantifiable abstracts. Why should I be concerned?"

CN: Deadpool - "I prefer 'Well-Compensated Establishment Provocateur.'"

LE: Lex Luthor - "I control everything in this town, Superman. Your cooperation is not really necessary. The offer was merely a courtesy."

NE: The Master - "And the best part is he isn't dead for long, I get to kill him again!"

CE: The Joker - "It would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic... Ah, heck I'll laugh anyway."

Blue Ghost
2009-05-02, 12:32 PM
The Redwall books don't really have a broad range of character alignments, but Martin the Warrior seems to have representatives for all nine.

LG: Brome
NG: Martin the Warrior
CG: Felldoh
LN: The Warden
N: The Pygmy Shrews
CN: The Gawtrybe
LE: Badrang the Tyrant
NE: Skalrag
CE: Tramun Clogg

Irate Ranger
2009-05-02, 12:45 PM
LG: Eddard Stark
LN: Worf
LE: Saren from Mass Effect
NG: Jean-Luc Picard
TN: Everyday commoners
NE: Ser Bronn
CG: The A team
CE: Tarantulas

2009-05-02, 01:20 PM
LG: Captain America (this needs an explanation?)
NG: Batman (Works with the police, but is willing to do things without them to stop evil)
CG: Wolverine (Yeah, he is sometimes a ****, but he is a good guy. Always has to do things his way)
LN: The Punisher (The criminals must BE PUNISHED)
TN: HRG(from heroes) (Wants nothing more than to make society safe. I dont put him as good because he is willing to do lots of evil to make it safe. Not chaotic because he wants stability, but not lawful because he fights the man later on)
CN: The Punisher (seriously - lawful ends through chaotic means? I dont want to put that as true netural because he isnt about balance - he is about killing criminals, but he isnt part of the law)
LE: Magneto (Wants to rule the world)
NE: Lex Luthor (Wants to be rich and personally powerful)
CE: The Joker (some men just want to watch the world burn)

2009-05-02, 01:25 PM
LE: Saren from Mass Effect

No seriously, spoilers inside

Really, dont read this unless you have finished the game

He was mind controlled by a friggen mechanical god! He had the good of the galaxy in mind, and was mind controlled by Sovereign's indoctrination ability. Saren isnt evil.

2009-05-02, 01:33 PM
Though ironically, you spelled "Gabriel" wrong. :smalltongue:

At least I'll never misspell Sylar...

Just watched Buzz Lightyear of Star Command the movie again, so I'll make a second of these lists, they're fun:

LG: Buzz Lightyear, Booster
NG: Mira Nova
CG: X-R, NG at best.
TN: Jawas, the whole lot of 'em
LE: Evil Emperor Zurg
NE: Warp Darkmatter
CE: Victor Creed (Sabertooth)

Yeah, I know, TN and CE aren't Lightyear related, but I couldn't think of anyone in the movie who fit.

Sinfire Titan
2009-05-02, 01:42 PM
NG: Batman (Works with the police, but is willing to do things without them to stop evil)

Varies. He's been depicted as LG, CG, CN, LN, N, and LE (once). Some add CE and NE to that list. In other words, his alignment varies based on the person writing him.

2009-05-02, 01:46 PM
Hey, Listen!

I have one for you guys.

The original Mr. Freeze

What alignment is he?


My brain is numb, i can only think of one right now.

CN: Carmen Sandiego

2009-05-02, 01:57 PM
Hey, Listen!

I have one for you guys.

The original Mr. Freeze

What alignment is he?

Victor Freeze of Batman, yes? Scientist who freezes things with diamond powered guns and loves his frozen wife?

First reaction would be NE, or even TN. He doesn't care much for the law, if at all, but he doesn't exactly go crazy either. He definitely doesn't have a heart of gold, but most of the more powerful and memorable depictions of him I've read/seen have him mostly doing what he does out of love, and not really truly evil intentions.

Tiki Snakes
2009-05-02, 02:12 PM
LE: Magneto (Wants to rule the world)

Vast, VAST over-simplification of character. :)

2009-05-02, 03:21 PM
Let's get some Final Fantasy 6 going.

LG: Cyan
NG: Celes
CG: Edgar
LN: Strago
TN: Gau
CN: Setzer
LE: Gestahl
NE: Ultros?
CE: Kefka

2009-05-02, 03:45 PM
LG: Batman
NG: Batman
CG: Batman
LN: Batman
TN: Batman
CN: Batman
LE: Batman
NE: Batman
CE: Batman


...All depending on incarnation, of course :smalltongue:

2009-05-02, 05:46 PM
LG: Batman
NG: Batman
CG: Batman
LN: Batman
TN: Batman
CN: Batman
LE: Batman
NE: Batman
CE: Batman


...All depending on incarnation, of course :smalltongue:

Aww...you beat me

2009-05-02, 07:17 PM
No seriously, spoilers inside

Really, dont read this unless you have finished the game

He was mind controlled by a friggen mechanical god! He had the good of the galaxy in mind, and was mind controlled by Sovereign's indoctrination ability. Saren isnt evil.

This is a spoiler. If you read this before finishing Mass Effect or reading the first Mass Effect book, well, it's your own fault.It's hinted at in the game, but Saren was an incredibly evil jackass even before he got mind-corrupted by Sovereign, as shown in the prequel book. He's completely willing to torture anyone to get information, kill anyone who gets in his way, and at the end of the book, blows up an entire mining facility filled with innocent civilians. Even if he has good intentions, it's still pretty clear that he's evil to the core.

Anyway, for me? KotOR would be interesting. There's some white-text below, so don't highlight unless you want spoilers.

LG: Bastila (She's er, sort of a jerk, but she's pretty lawful, and she does actually try to do good. Most of the Jedi probably fit here.) Pre-turning, anyway.
NG: Carth Onasi (Carth seems pretty NG to me, but I could see him as CG or LG.)
CG: Mission (A pretty textbook case, actually.)
LN: Vrook (AKA That Humorless Jedi Master Prick)
TN: Kreia Oh god, Kreia. I suppose you could make a case for her being pretty much any alignment ever, but to me, she's TN to the core.
CN: Atton Rand Post Jedi Assassin days, anyway. Before that, he sounds really CE.
LE: Revan Back in the heyday, before becoming the PC. Afterwords, you can be every alignment.
NE: Canderous/Mandalore (Most Mandalorians would fall into this, I think. A lot of the Sith, too.)
CE: Darth Nihilus (Nihilus is CE taken to the logical limits. Malak, Sion, and quite a few of the Sith fit here as well, and HK-47 does too.)

2009-05-02, 07:27 PM
I've had discussions with my friends about this.
LG: Ashi.taka, from Princess Mononoke (period is because the censor blocks the name)
NG: Harry Potter
CG: Drizzt Do'Urden; or, if he doesn't count, Anakin Skywalker
LN: Camus, from Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
TN: Han Solo, in his first appearance
CN: Deadpool, methinks
LE: Darth Vader (such a change)
NE: Sephiroth
CE: The Kurgan, from Highlander

2009-05-02, 07:53 PM
This is a spoiler. If you read this before finishing Mass Effect or reading the first Mass Effect book, well, it's your own fault.It's hinted at in the game, but Saren was an incredibly evil jackass even before he got mind-corrupted by Sovereign, as shown in the prequel book. He's completely willing to torture anyone to get information, kill anyone who gets in his way, and at the end of the book, blows up an entire mining facility filled with innocent civilians. Even if he has good intentions, it's still pretty clear that he's evil to the core.

Being ruthless isnt necessarily evil. The punisher in my example does good through evil means (he murders criminals violently), so I put him as neutral)

2009-05-02, 09:21 PM

Babylon 5 time.

LG: Sinny.
NG: Sheri.
CG: Vanava.
LN: Vorlonz.
TN: Lando (He changes too much.)
LE: Moaden?
NE: Bessie.
CE: ???


I have no idea.

Jack Zander
2009-05-02, 10:21 PM
LG: Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda
NG: Princess Leia, Padame, Qui-Gon Jinn
CG: Han Solo, Chewie
LN: Mace Windu
TN: R2-D2, C-3PO, any droid
CN: Jar-Jar Binks, the Fetts
LE: Darth Sideous
NE: Darth Vader, Jabba the Hutt
CE: Darth Maul

2009-05-02, 11:00 PM
Being ruthless isnt necessarily evil. The punisher in my example does good through evil means (he murders criminals violently), so I put him as neutral)

Let me repeat that last statement. He blew up a mining station filled with innocents. There were definitely ways, in-book, to get that job done that didn't involve mass murder of innocents. Saren did it anyway. Adding to that is the casual murder of innocents, torture to the point of sadism, and a variety of other things.

2009-05-03, 03:54 AM

Babylon 5 time.

LG: Sinny.
NG: Sheri.
CG: Vanava.
LN: Vorlonz.
TN: Lando (He changes too much.)
LE: Moaden?
NE: Bessie.
CE: ???


I have no idea.

Humorously enough I am watching Bab5 right now.

I disagree with your goods, however.
LG: Ivanava, Lt. Corwin,
NG: Sheridan, Garibaldi, Brother Theo
CG: Sinclair
LN: Vorlons
TN: Mr. Morden (brainwashed into doing what he does, noone else fits)
CN:Shadows, Byron
LE: Londo
NE: Bester
CE: Whatever the name of that Bug that deals in the black market

Kris Strife
2009-05-03, 02:43 PM
I use this to explain alignments to new people: http://www.rhjunior.com/GH/00058.html

2009-05-03, 03:26 PM
How about Final Fantasy IV?
LG: Yang
NG: Cecil, Rosa
CG: Edward
LN: Kain
TN: Namingway
CN: Edge
LE: Golbez, Rubicante
NE: Scarmiglione
CE: Zemus

The Rose Dragon
2009-05-03, 05:05 PM
I've had discussions with my friends about this.
LG: Ashi.taka, from Princess Mononoke (period is because the censor blocks the name)

Did you try A****aka?

2009-05-03, 06:06 PM
Did you try A****aka?


@Assassin89: Edward is more of an NG in my book, not being incredibly free-spirited to warrant that C (more of an F :smallamused:)
Edge is more of a CG. He's a nice guy, willing to do right things, just a bit rash.

Heh, Cecil the Paladin as NG.

2009-05-03, 07:13 PM
~Ducks behind something heavy and hides~

Neighborhood of Make-Believe

LG: Queen Sara Saturday
LN: Daniel Stripèd Tiger
LE: King Friday XIII
NG: X the Owl
TN: Henrietta Pussycat
NE: Prince Tuesday
CG: Cornflake S. Pecially
CN: The trolley
CE: Lady Elaine Fairchilde

2009-05-03, 11:21 PM
From the Dark Knight

LG: Lucius Fox (cuts a very clear moral line and sticks to it) [Morgan Freeman]
NG: Commissioner Gordon (accepts others lies to further the cause) [Gary Oldman]
CG: Harvey Dent (wavers all over the place around the law and the right thing, very "crusader/vigilante") [Aaron Eckhart]
LN: ...
TN: ...
CN: Two-Face (aka Dent post cosmetic surgery by petrol bomb) [Aaron Eckhart]
LE: Mob Bosses
NE: Lau the Accountant [Ng Chin Han]
CE: Joker (everyone but Batman can be corrupted with the right "push") [Heath Ledger]