View Full Version : Help me identify these old NES games!

2009-05-03, 07:44 AM
Ah, NES... the game console of my childhood. So many memories, many of them vivid (including the infamously difficult Dragon's Lair), others not so. Here's where this thread comes along - I remember some aspects of several video games, everything else about them lost to the sands of time. Help me identify these titles by name!

1. A platformer where you control some kid in a cap. The stages were mostly natural - forests, islands, plains (including night versions of all of them). Boss fights took part in some kind of old temples, where you fought a giant demon - each time the same one, but after every defeat its head/face fell off, revealing a new form for you to fight on the next boss battle. You could ride a skateboard. This will be easiest to identify because I have actual game footage available - this (http://www.gametrailers.com/player/44106.html?type=flv) video by Angry Video Game Nerd, 00.47-00.48. Language warning! But then, what'd you expect from AVGN?

2. Run and gun game, Contra-style but with much larger characters. The first mission took part in some kind of military base (outside, not in a building), with vehicles armed with missiles being part of the stage - you could hop onto them, etc. No, they didn't move. Other stages had similar military-oriented decor, inside and outside buildings but with little (nothing that I remember) natural environments. Your first weapon was a knife - I forgot if you can find any guns, but probably yes. The enemies were some kind of terrorists. The first boss was a wave of attack dogs coming from both sides of the screen. Quite brutal for a video game, slaughtering poor dogs en masse. A cooperative two player mode was available.

3. This one I remember least of, and therefore it's the most alluring mystery for me, but it also means the chances to identify it are the slightest. You control some kind of martial artist, using energy blasts (chi? magic? I don't remember!) rather than fighting hand to hand. The last boss, or at least that's how far I remember getting to, was a giant spider-demon whom you fought falling down. The art style kinda resembled Mega Man II, both character and stage designs. Yeah, that wasn't a lot of info.

So, see if you can help me out on any of these.

2009-05-03, 08:40 AM
1. A platformer where you control some kid in a cap. The stages were mostly natural - forests, islands, plains (including night versions of all of them). Boss fights took part in some kind of old temples, where you fought a giant demon - each time the same one, but after every defeat its head/face fell off, revealing a new form for you to fight on the next boss battle. You could ride a skateboard. This will be easiest to identify because I have actual game footage available - this video by Angry Video Game Nerd, 00.47-00.48. Language warning! But then, what'd you expect from AVGN?
Adventure Island.

I feel like I should know the other two as well, but I can't come up with names. Maybe later.

2009-05-03, 08:57 AM
one from the intro is wonder boy (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J323JguGX9s&feature=PlayList&p=7872581F9459C8B7&index=0)
2nd one sounds like Green Beret (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FcTQarRrTjM)

2009-05-03, 09:06 AM
2 is almost certainly Rush 'n Attack/Green Beret (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UR983mCz-3o). The dogs were the third boss, though.

2009-05-03, 09:28 AM
Yeah, you all got both of the first titles right. Wonder Boy looks like Adventure Island on a different game console, so it's still Adventure Island. I recall Green Beret looking different, but I played that game 15 years ago so my mind played tricks with the memories. But it must be that game.

So, just the third one remaining.

2009-05-03, 11:39 AM
The second one sounds like Metal Gear to me. That starts off with only a knife and the first enemies are attack dogs.

Bavarian itP
2009-05-12, 04:44 AM
3. This one I remember least of, and therefore it's the most alluring mystery for me, but it also means the chances to identify it are the slightest. You control some kind of martial artist, using energy blasts (chi? magic? I don't remember!) rather than fighting hand to hand. The last boss, or at least that's how far I remember getting to, was a giant spider-demon whom you fought falling down. The art style kinda resembled Mega Man II, both character and stage designs. Yeah, that wasn't a lot of info.

Jackie Chan's (!) Action Kung-Fu

2009-05-12, 05:29 AM
3. This one I remember least of, and therefore it's the most alluring mystery for me, but it also means the chances to identify it are the slightest. You control some kind of martial artist, using energy blasts (chi? magic? I don't remember!) rather than fighting hand to hand. The last boss, or at least that's how far I remember getting to, was a giant spider-demon whom you fought falling down. The art style kinda resembled Mega Man II, both character and stage designs. Yeah, that wasn't a lot of info.

Like this right? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=csNZGB6MkDQ)
Like the guy above me says Jackie Chan's Kung Fu Adventure.

2009-05-12, 03:20 PM
What do you know, it really is Jackie Chan's Kung-Fu Adventure. Despite my description having differences from how the game actually is, it got holed in one go. Excellent.

Good job guys. I'll let you know if I find any more NES games I need identified.