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2009-05-03, 04:34 PM

Head Maid Serenity leads Mistress Miwako into the mansion. Miwako looks all around wide eyed.

"This is really where I used to live. I have never seen anything like it before."

"I am sure that in time you will remember, Mistress. Being home should help you remember. The maids should come soon to introduce themselves to you."

The head maid leads her to a chair. Miwako continues looking around.


There is a run down restaurant in a small Chinese town. Inside Master Rui is working hard to serve all the customers. He doesn't appear to have anyone helping him for some reason.

OOC: Pick where you want to go. Make sure you have your background straight first. No going back after you start posting.

2009-05-03, 04:53 PM
Hisa walked into the Chinese Restaurant. Her Private Investigators, tracking rumors, had lead her to this place. Supposedly, the former Master of her family, a man who might know where her birth parent's vanished to, worked within. She assumed he was the Manager. It wouldn't be fit for a person who might have commanded her loyalty, if things had gone differently to be working on the floor in such a run down shop.

Perhaps he runs multiple shops. Certainly, this can't be the only one.

Hisa had no idea what the man looked like. Her Investigators wanted an exobirant price for the photograph, and she didn't need it. She'd just ask for the manager. The young woman smiled, and walked into the shop, walking up behind the fellow who seemed to be handling the work by himself.

He should be able to tell me where this Rui fellow is...

Hisa walked up behind him and tapped him on his back. When she spoke, her voice had a haughty tone, that spoke of her being used to being obeyed.

"Excuse me. I am Hisa Takagaki. I am looking for the owner of this establishment. Would you mind directing me to him? I have some business to conduct with him."

2009-05-03, 05:08 PM
Ameko, in Japan

As Ameko was wandering the streets of Japan with her sister, she looks off in the distance, to see a familiar house. She tugs on Kazuko's shirt, pointing at the mansion. "Kazuko, that place look familiar?" Ameko thought she may have even lived there once, but she couldn't be quite sure. "I'm gonna go check it out. Ya comin'?" With that, she begins walking quickly towards it. I've definitely been here before, I wonder when?

OOC: I'll wait for Smuch before I post again.

Shades of Gray
2009-05-03, 05:09 PM

Noa walked out of the bathrooms. She had finally given her owner the slip. She smiles, self assured, as she leaves. However, she accidentally bumps into a woman.

Hey, watch where you'r- Suddenly her eyes brighten a bit.
Goddamnit! It's her. In all the restaurants in China, she had to pick this one. This was not said or heard.
Hisa! It's really you! I've finally found you! I missed you so much, can I have a hug?

Mando Knight
2009-05-03, 05:09 PM
The gynoid catgirl SAKURA enters the room and looks at her mistress, trying to remember her years in service.
Error. Sector corrupted. Attempt Repair? Y/N

"I am your loyal maid Sakura, mistress Miwako. I must apologize, but I cannot access my memories of my previous service to you."

Repair attempt failed. Sector inaccessible. Reformatting sector. Please Wait.
Hydraulics leak detected. System autorepair activated. Massive excess buildup has occurred. Recommend external bleed-off.

She bows deeply. "I am certain your memories will return in time, mistress. As ever, I am at your service."

2009-05-03, 05:18 PM

A teenager in a black qipao is running through the busy streets, trying to find a particular restaurant. Annoyed, she starts asking random people on the street.
"Excuse me, do you know of a restaurant owned by a Japanese man named Rui?"
"Man named Rui, owns a restaurant?"
"Japanese Guy, named Rui?"

Eventually she finds the place and sees a man hard at work. She mutters to herself. "Is it him?"

She then charges at him, full speed with a look of determination in her eyes.
She hugs Rui tightly, wanting to never let him go.

What part of China is it?

2009-05-03, 05:26 PM
"I'm gonna go check it out. Ya comin'?"

"Ameko, wait ! I already told it's dangerous to go in unfamiliar places alone ! "

For the love of...that airhead is going to get me into trouble again. On the other hand the other option is having to mom and dad explaining me about the danger of leaving my sister alone for hours. erf. As she NEEDED help.

"Fine. we're going. but I'm not leaving my eyes from you, ok ?. And no shooting pebbles at windows to make people believe it's raining outside ."

"No. There's no need to give me the puppy eyes. It might work with mom and dad but not with me"

2009-05-03, 05:37 PM

"I am the owner and I do not recall having any business with a city girl. Are you here about the job opening?"

Suddenly Rui is hit by a flying girl.

"DADDY! Who are you? I am not anyone's daddy."

Rui looks very disturbed.


"I hope I do get my memories back soon. It is so weird having people tell me that this is all mine when I have been living with so much less for so long."

OOC: I haven't really thought about what part of China this is. I don't really expect you will be there long.

2009-05-03, 05:42 PM

Ameko turns back to Kazuko, still walking slowly backwards, her eyes closed and with a smirk on her face. "Don't worry, Sis, if anythin' happens, I'll protect'cha." She realizes how torturous this is for Kazuko, even if it was true to an extent, and enjoys it all the more. She turns back around, skipping towards the mansion.

Once she gets there, she stands up on her tip-toes and rings the doorbell. I wonder who's here?

2009-05-03, 05:45 PM

"Don't you remember me? I've looked all over to find you, Daddy."

Lin looks around at the busy restaurant and decides to help.

"You're just too stressed out to remember me at the moment. I'll take orders and bus tables."

Lin steals a spare apron and puts it around her waist. She then starts running around, taking orders.

[roll0] Running back and forth between the kitchen and the tables.

2009-05-03, 05:46 PM
Hisa was distracted by a small form bumping into her. She was about to yell at it, when she noticed it was Noa. So she continued yelling at it.

"Noa! Where have you been? I've been worried sick about you! Running off like that. You almost gave me a heart attack. Apologize this moment!"

Hisa turned back to Rui, but he was distracted by someone clinging to him.

"...really? You are Rui, the owner of this establishment?"

Hisa's voice was filled with the profoundest suspiscion.

"I am not here about any job opening. I am Hisa Takigawa, and working in a place like this is beneath me. I have come looking for Rui, specifically."

She wasn't sure who she had ere, but could a person who had a chance of being her master have sunk so low?

Shades of Gray
2009-05-03, 05:49 PM

Like I'd ever apologize to you.
I'm so sorry Ms. Hisa.

She bows.
Why am I bowing?
Bowing is fun!

2009-05-03, 05:54 PM
"Don't worry, Sis, if anythin' happens, I'll protect'cha."

"No jurry in the world would condemn me"

Sadly, mom isn't really a figure of democratic justice.
Just three years too wait before college. Just three years too wait before college. Just three years too wait before college...

She catches up to her sister while concentrating very hard on not bitting her own lips.

Mando Knight
2009-05-03, 05:54 PM
Sakura tilts her head, smiling with her eyes mostly closed.

"Of course, mistress Miwako. If you require any assistance, please do not hesistate to ask."

(OOC: Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends knowingly evokes the Jump the Shark trope (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/JumpingTheShark) in its last episode ever...)

2009-05-03, 06:03 PM

While waiting for the doorbell to be answered, she pivots around on her foot, turning back to Kazuko. "Hey, I heard that! But then again, I don't think you'd need much of my help. What with all that hand to hand you do. Not that I wouldn't help in other ways. As much as she disliked admitting it, her sister could kick her butt in martial arts two out of three times.

2009-05-03, 06:03 PM

Miwako stands up.

"Why don't we all go make some lunch? That might make me feel better. I used to work in the kitchen of my brother's restaurant."

Serenity went to answer the door.

"Hello girl do you have business here?"


"I am the one and only Rui here. For the next Rui, you would probably have to return to Japan."

Rui turns towards the girl helping out.

"Little girl, are you sure it is ok if you help out? I could really use some help and I will pay you, but won't your parents be looking for you?"

2009-05-03, 06:08 PM

"You're my parent, silly. And Mom is fine with me leaving the house for a couple months at a time. Her rule is, 'No Convictions, No Worries.' which works pretty well so long as I can outrun the police."

2009-05-03, 06:09 PM

She simply glares at her little sister, wondering how much of what little parental favor she managed to keep she would loose if she gave Ameko the noogie* of the century.

"And be nice to the people you bother this time !"

*And her noogies as you can guess are anything but playfull. Oh sure she doesn't mean any harm but she just happen to lose control of her force rub a little too hard, especialy on her dear sister

2009-05-03, 06:16 PM
Hisa turned back to the cat, escaping looking into her master's eyes once more.

"I can't stay angry at you, Noa. But you run away again, and I will punish you."

Hisa's voice carried off a magnificent transition, going from forgiving to threatening in a couple words, before going back to normal afterwards.

"For now, promise me you do it again, alright? Then go help the child run the Restaurant. It's owner and I need to have a talk."

With that she turned back to Rui, still not convinced.

"If you are truly the one I seek, would you mind taking me to your office? I have something of import to speak with you about, and I'd prefer a place less public."

2009-05-03, 06:20 PM
An unfamiliar woman answers the door. She looks up at her, smiling brightly and bowing, and speaking politely. "Yes. My name is Ameko Nuru. Do you know who lives here? I think I may know them." She continues looking up at her and smiling. Aww, man. This person is so boring. I thought I'd get a nice adventure out of this...

2009-05-03, 06:35 PM

She advances lost in her thougt. as she get near the door the curse start to take effect without her realising it due to her bond with her sister.

Maybe they're right. She is alway so smart and talented. She alway was. and what have I done with my life until now ? Nothing !Maybe i should take exemple on her.
She feels a familiar and dreaded sensation rising
No I'm stronger than that. Yes I am nothing compared to her but she took everything from me ! From what I started nothing is up. It'll get better !
She start shaking as a tear appears on her eye.
Who am I kidding. Myself. She's alway so helpfull, alway doing something for the other,. I'm an underachieving slob, I deserve nothing.
when the old woman lay an eye on her she is already sobbing and on the verge of tears.

OOC: Her internal monomogue feels a little artificial I'll admit but there's a magical curse at work to justify, here

2009-05-03, 07:11 PM

Serenity sees the girl crying and walks over to her. She doesn't seem to notice the first girl anymore.

"Are you ok dear? Would you like to come inside and get something to drink or eat?"


"Your mom is pretty lax, but ok. I am not your dad though. Silly girl."

Rui turns back towards Hisa.

"Yes let me take you to my office. Here it is because my office can be anywhere at anytime. I am not going anywhere when there are so many customers. Especially for a rude girl. If you don't want a job here then either order something or let me get back to cooking."

2009-05-03, 07:17 PM
She cries
"Bwhaaaa II I am so sorry! I do nothing. I'm useless. whaaaaa.
Sorry . I should do somme wo-ork but I'm alway alway doing nothing bwaahah.
This is so humilating. Have I no self control anymore ? Not here not before Ameko
she tries to pull herself over
"I I amm sorry" -snirf- "I don't know what took me over. I I don't waha want to cause any troubles." -snif-." I wish i could be more helpfull." -niff-

2009-05-03, 07:28 PM

Normally, Ameko would slap her sister on the back of her head and tell her to straighten up. Unfortunately, this lady didn't seem the type to appreciate her doing that. It would make a bad first impression. There she goes again with that inferiority complex... She hugs Kazuko. "Come on, Kazuko, you're better than that. You're a wonderful person." She just had to be drawing sympathy, already.

Ameko looks Serenity up and down with her large eyes, coming to the conclusion that she was familiar. Who was this person? She looks back up at Serenity's face. "Excuse me, but have we ever met before?"

2009-05-03, 07:34 PM
Hisa visibly bristled, but finally caught sight of Rui's eyes, and suddenly... something happened. Her eyes went wide, and against her will, she suddenly started speaking.

"Please don't be angry sir. I just want to be near you! You so handsome, and kind..."

Internally, Hisa was amazed. She'd lost control of her body, after all. She had no idea what she was doing. She wanted to be furious. But she couldn't seem to do anything but spew forth her words.

"Just command me to do whatever you need, Master Rui. It would be my great pleasure to serve such a kind and handsome man."

Hisa was blushing furiously now, trying to figure out what the hell was going on. She wouldn't say those kind of things to anyone. She was a scion of the Takigawa family, a high class woman. All this time, her eyes were locked on Rui's, refusing her commands to look away.

2009-05-03, 07:45 PM

Serenity starts to bring Kazuko into the house. She continues to not notice the first girl, but she also leaves the door open behind her.

"Mistress Miwako, I am going to get something for this poor girl. She appears to be hysterical right now. I am sorry to be leaving you here, mistress."

"It is fine, Serenity. I hope she will be ok."

Miwako looks the girl up and down.


"You could help by running the cash register. I bet you know about money."

What a strange young girl she is.

2009-05-03, 07:48 PM
Hisa sighed, looking a little dissapointed. Internally, that terrified Hisa more then anything else yet. She nodded though.

"As you wish, Master. I hope you'll find some other duties for me later."

Hisa broke eye contact as she walked to the Cash Register. She smiled, realizing that she had regained control of her mouth. However, her legs wouldn't stop taking her to the Cash Register.

What the hell?

"Fine! I'll help for a bit, and then you and I can have a private talk. We have much to speak of."

2009-05-03, 07:52 PM

Lin continues to work, randomly hugging Rui every couple of trips. "As much as you try to deny it, you're still my Daddy."

Oddly, each time she passes by Hisa, a chill goes down her back.

2009-05-03, 07:54 PM
She Keeps crying even more, her speech is now almost ininteligble.*
"Alway the same, nothing good. - Too bad. Want - do more. -derachiever. sob -lent.-f-ire Trying"

After a couple of really awkward minutes, she seems to calm down as she looks at the floor ashamed.


2009-05-03, 07:59 PM

Ameko follows Serenity and Kazuko into the mansion, mumbling to herself. You win this round, sis.

As they reach the room, she is looking forward at eye level, and sees some familiar legs. She hears Serenity's voice say "Mistress Miwako." Part of her memory suddenly shoots out information. Mistress Miwako? Could it be, the same Miwako? And this woman, and this place? The flood of information clouded her thoughts, and she couldn't think straight. Ameko continues looking up the familiar body, until a pair of eyes she had not seen in ten years clears the fog, and she remembers everything from ten years ago. "Mistress Miwako?" Ameko feels a twinge in her temple and she immediately starts bowing. "Mistress Miwako? Is it really you? It's so nice to see you! It's been so long!"

As she bows, she tries to resist the impulse. Why am I doing this? What in the world?

2009-05-03, 08:12 PM
"Mi-Mistress Miwako ?! It's it's not possible ! mom said, mom said...

But at the back of her mind, vague memories start creeping out.

But there's no doubt, this Is the house. I can even see the mark I made on front door with a potato knife
That was almost ten years ago ,I barely remember.

She takes a look at her sister.

How could she ?!

Still looking at the floor:

"I am sorry for the trouble I caused ..."

she swallow long and hard before pronouncing the rest of the sentence as she was forced to eat a can of needles

"...Mistress Miwako"

2009-05-03, 08:20 PM

The girl keeps hugging Rui. He allows it because she is helping.

"I haven't slept with anyone for as long as I can remember. How could I be your dad?"

Rui turns towards Hisa.

"I will talk to you after hours. We can't have customers waiting. It is bad for business."

Rui points at Noa.

"Hey you catgirl! Are you going to help? If not are you going to buy something? If neither of those you need to leave."


Miwako is surprised these random young girls know her.

"You know me. How? Also why are you bowing to me?"

Serenity gets Kuzako into the kitchen.

"What would you like, sweetie?"

2009-05-03, 08:27 PM

Ameko continues bowing frantically to the mistress, against her will. "Mistress Miwako! Our parents! They worked for you! It's been what, ten years? Where have you been!"

Arg! What is going on? I should be pouring on the cute, winning her over before anyone else had the chance! What's happening?

2009-05-03, 08:29 PM
"What would you like, sweetie?"

"No-N -Maybe a glass of water, please ?"
She adds dreamily
" it was so long ago ... last I remember, I was six, there was this agitation. after all this time. Is it really mistress Miwako ?"

Mando Knight
2009-05-03, 08:32 PM
"Madam Serenity, I believe Mistress Miwako wished to make sandwiches. Perhaps these girls could join us?"

2009-05-03, 08:35 PM
Hisa turned on Noa. This at least was something she could deal with.

"Noa, I told you to get to work. Go wait Tables this instant! And be polite, and kind to the customers."

With that, His turned to running the Cash Register. It wasn't difficult, and for some reason, where she would normally have been unrelenting nasty, if she had her way, she was forced to be polite and kind to each customer.

What is going on with me?

2009-05-03, 08:40 PM

Miwako finally in her element went to the kitchen.

"Yes you girl will feel better if we do something homey like make sandwiches."

Serenity looked at the girls funny.

"Could you girls be children of people previously employed here? I don't see how else you would know Miss Miwako."

Skill to make sandwiches for Miwako [roll0]


Rui keeps his eye on the catgirl in case she doesn't do anything.

2009-05-03, 08:48 PM

She is dreamy, as lost in her thoughts
"Yes, long time ago. I remember somme flashes. It seemed so bigger at the time... A good life, i think"
She can't help but to shoot a glance at her sister
"...for a time anyway."

"Once again I'm sorry. My name is Kazuko Nuru. This is my sister, Ameko."
"I will help you with the sandwishes, it is the least I could do. "


Mando Knight
2009-05-03, 08:57 PM
Sakura follows her mistress and Serenity to the kitchen, and aids in making sandwiches.

Initiating refueling protocols. Executing C:/Routines/Refuel/Food/Sandwich.exe

(To extend SAKURA's range outside of technologically advanced areas, her creator implemented an organic hydrocarbon based fuel system. In other words, she can eat normal food to recharge. :smalltongue:)

Mando Knight
2009-05-03, 08:59 PM
Forgot the roll. :smallredface:
Skill check [roll0]

2009-05-03, 09:01 PM

Ameko stopped bowing, but the command from Mistress Miwako rings in her mind. She immediately began preparing sandwiches. Dammit, what am I doing? Listening to an authority, one not even my parents? I'm not even good at cooking! As she cooks against all sense she has in her body, she looks over to Serenity, guiltily. "Yes, our parents worked for Mistress Miwako. Unfortunately, I didn't inherit much of their cooking prowess." Ameko laughs weakly, but she is cooking a plan of her own in her mind. (Ouch.) She looks at the sandwiches, or that's what they're supposed to be, for a half a few seconds, then back at Serenity, with them ol' puppy dog eyes. "But if we work together, then we can do this, right?"

Skill to cook: [roll0]
Affection to inspire the power of teamwork! (and cover for the fact that she can't cook: [roll1]

2009-05-03, 09:14 PM
Recca; Japan

Recca came out of the laundry room, whistling to herself. Today was a good day - the sky was as blue as her lovely uniform, the birds were singing gaily in the skies, and people were talking in the atrium about a mistress...

Wait. What?

Recca hurriedly rushed over to the kitchen, straining her ears. That voice... sounded strangely familiar...

"Ah... hell-llo!" Recca curtsied to Serenity and the stranger as she entered the room, giving them her widest smile. "Sorry I'm late to meet you, miss!"

2009-05-03, 09:15 PM

Serenity looks at what Ameko had made and feels bad for her. She helps her the best she can.

"So you girls know the mansion. Would you like to work here now that the Mistress is returning?"

"Don't ask them that Serenity. They are young they should live their dreams. Besides I don't remember them."

Miwako looks sad at the last part. The sandwiches are looking pretty good with everyone helping.

"Should we make something else to go with them girl? You guys should join us eating them of course."

Skill for Serenity to help make sandwiches [roll0]

More Japan

"Oh Recca you have been doing laundry this whole time. I should have called you out. Of course this is the Mistress."

"Recca is it. I am sorry, but I do not remember you. No need to apologize to me please."

2009-05-03, 09:25 PM

Ameko allows a slight smirk of satisfaction as Serenity helps her with the sandwiches. I've still got it...

As Miwako begins speaking again, Ameko turns to her and begins bowing again. What am I doing? "No, please, Mistress Miwako, it would be my pleasure to work for you.

What am I saying? I don't want to work for this woman! I want to control my own life, not work for somebody and maybe even break some child labor laws!

"Of course, Serenity. I'll go and set the table."

Stop! No! What are you doing, Ameko?

Ameko grabs the silverware, plates, napkins, etc. and begins setting the table for...breakfast? dinner? lunch? food? Against her will.

Athletics for setting the table. [roll0]

2009-05-03, 09:36 PM
She voluntered to serve ?! She's up to something ! better keep an eye on her...
On the other hand a bit of work can't hurt her. I could just go home and ...
She can't help to smirk a bit as she see Ameko strating to put the dishes. The smirk is quickly swallowed
Oh god dammit why do I alway have to be the straight one.

"Mistress Miwako, I could not in good consience let my sister alone. I will stay with her at your sevice."

As much as I'd like to quit my joke of a familly without a note, I'd better avoid complications.
"May I ask if you have a phone I could use to call our parents ? I fear they will be worried if we do not call them ."

She is under the exact same curse than her sister, the effects are simply more subtle due to the shared magic bond.

Also: Waoh, Mando Knight I think you managed to outrobotise my Kamiko from The "A day in..." thread, here.

@ Nerd:
Kamiko was supposed to act human. she doesn't bacause she is the robotic equivalent of severly brain damaged.

You guys should do a "battle of the ginoids/catgirls/succubus, etc..." game one of those day. Just to see in the same thread how people play differently the same kind of character

2009-05-03, 09:39 PM
OOC: And you both out robotize the crap out of Saede in Assassins, because she was pretty much designed 100% human.

2009-05-03, 09:53 PM

"No problems, Mistress! I'll try not to apologize to you in future!" Recca looked up into the Mistress's eyes... She's so defenseless! She needs protection and safety!

Recca stepped forward slightly, her face taking on what she desperately hoped was a serious cast. "I can be useful, though! I'm frightfully good with a sword, Mistress, and I could protect you from danger!"

Mando Knight
2009-05-03, 10:03 PM
"Of course, Mistress Miwako. Shall I retrieve the potato chips from the pantry? Or what else do you desire with your sandwiches?"

Also: Waoh, Mando Knight I think you managed to outrobotise my Kamiko from The "A day in..." thread, here.

OOC: Just remember, anything in Fixedsys is internal I/O dialogue, so the other maids don't hear the robot-ness. She definitely has a bit of Data in her, though.

2009-05-03, 10:05 PM

"Are you sure that you want to work here? If so, then I would love to have you."

Miwako bows to them. Serenity smiles over her.

"Potato chips will be fine."

"No need to bow, Mistress. Thank you for setting the table, Ameko."

Miwako hears Recca talk about protecting her with a sword.

"What I am in danger here? No one said anything about danger."

Miwako starts moving quickly towards the nearest door.

Mando Knight
2009-05-03, 10:13 PM
"As you wish, mistress."

With that and another bow, Sakura heads to the pantry to retrieve the chips.

2009-05-03, 10:20 PM
Once she finished the table, she felt free of certain bonds. She walked around a bit, making sure she could control her body. Man, that was weird. Then again, it might not be bad working here, I could make some new "freinds."

She smirks at Recca's comment about protection with a sword. Ameko would have to teach her a little lesson about the uselessness of a sword.

She walked back over to Kazuko, who was going towards the phone. It might be nice to tell her parents that she was never coming back, have fun without her.

Mando Knight
2009-05-03, 11:10 PM
Sakura returns from the pantry with a bag of regular potato chips in her hands. She moves fluidly towards a cabinet, pulls out a large bowl, and empties the bag into it. She then sets the bowl on the table and discards the bag. With that task accomplished, she returns to Miwako for her next objective.

"What kind of drink would you prefer with your meal, mistress?"

Shades of Gray
2009-05-03, 11:22 PM

Must... escape...
May I help you, Prince Rui?

Noa says, looking him in the eyes.

2009-05-03, 11:23 PM

"Thank you very much for the chips. I won't be needing any drinks though. I am leaving this place. I am not staying where I will be in danger. Goodbye."

Miwako bows and then starts heading for the front door. Serenity does not appear to notice anything amiss.


"Yes you could go work the tables or clean the dishes. It will be the end of the working day soon. Then I will talk to you weird girls, all descending on a man at once."

Mando Knight
2009-05-03, 11:39 PM
"Danger? You are in danger here?"

Sakura halts in place for several seconds. her eyes glaze over, with odd symbols running rapidly across her irises and pupils (though one would have to look closely to see them).

Run C:/Sys/Networks/Mainframe.exe
> Enter Username and Password:
> Connecting to Network...
> Connected to Mansion mainframe.
Run C:/Sys/Security/ManSec.exe
> Enter Password:
> Access Granted.
> Connecting to Mansion security cameras...
Run C:/Sys/Security/ThreatID.exe
> No threats to the Mistress found. Recommend reassuring the Mistress.

Sakura runs after Miwako, calling after her "Mistress, perhaps you are mistaken. I cannot find any threats to you present in the mansion."

2009-05-03, 11:54 PM

Ameko glares over at Recca, the sword girl. She just had to open her mouth, and be proud of that slab of metal she carried. Now she definately had to be taught a lesson.

But for now, there was a more immediate problem, in that the mistress was leaving. It seemed that wouldn't help anybody, so she decided to take her own initiative. She went up in front of the mistress. And now, fer tha fruit of years' labor, my true talent.

She looks up at Miwako, but not at the eyes yet. Things got weird when she looked at the eyes, she could surmise that much. Ameko's cuteness was now in full force. "Please, Miss Miwako, don't leave. Nothing is wrong, and we will protect you." She hugs Miwako in her practiced manner, and then looks up at Miwako's eyes with hers, which had won her so much in life. "Please?"

Taking [roll0] stress to make an offer that can't be refused with "Maiden's Tears."

2009-05-04, 12:04 AM

Miwako stops in her tracks.

"So there is no danger to me here? Please don't lie to me. I don't want to be hurt. I don't want the money really. I just want my memory back."


The restaurant closes for the day and the girls finish their chores around the restaurant. Everything is ready for the next day of business. After Rui counts the money in the drawer and puts it safely away he turns towards the girls.

"What do you have to tell me that is so important?"

Shades gains [roll0] favor
Tacky gains [roll1] favor
UglyPanda gains [roll2] favor
All of this for working in the restaurant. Those in Japan will get their favor later.

Mando Knight
2009-05-04, 12:14 AM
"I can assure you, Mistress Miwako, no threats to you are in the mansion. And if there were, your uncle equipped me to be fully capable of handling that eventuality. Please stay with us, Mistress."

As she looks into Miwako's eyes, a small jet of steam bursts with a whispering hiss from her right arm, which twitches slightly, and for a split second reveals that it can split into several pieces to uncover an otherwise hidden mechanism.

> Error. Involuntary weapon deployment system activation. System shutdown commencing. Autorepair activated.

2009-05-04, 12:20 AM
Hisa sniffed in distaste when Rui counted the money. Evidently he didn't trust her with it. The very notion of her, stealing something. Impossible.

But so was...

At his Question, Hisa stepped forward, bowing slightly.

"I am Hisa Takagaki, as I said. But before that, I was Hisa Agata. For years my family served yours. When I was very young, my Parent's explained to me that my duty would be to serve your family as well."

Hisa's voice was strong as she spoke. Noa knew this story, of course. And the other girl... well, she claimed to be his Daughter. If so, she was mixed up in this as well.

"However, it was not to be so. Your entire family vanished one day, along with my parents. I was put up for adoption, and subsequently found a new family. But still, I wonder what happened to my parents."

Hisa's voice was quavering a little, as she continued to speak. Her haughty manner was slipping away, replaced by that kernel of self doubt that lay at the center.

"I wish to know what happened to your family. And to my parents. My investigators could find only two scions of your family remaining. Yourself, and a woman who they had some difficulty locating. I hope to recieve information on where she is shortly. I need to know why they left."

And if they left me behind willingly...

Hisa looked into his eyes, intending to make another heartfelt plea. However, to her horror, it came back again.

"And I'm glad I did. You are a man worthy of serving, Master Rui. Handsome, strong, and wise. Helping a man like yourself is it's own reward."

2009-05-04, 12:20 AM

Ameko steps back, looking the Mistress in the eye and bowing again, this time intentionally. "There is nothing to fear."

Even if there was, don't think they'd last a few seconds...

2009-05-04, 12:48 AM

"Ok well if I am safe then lets go enjoy our lunch. I will go get some lemonade from the fridge. I think I saw some earlier. You guys go ahead to the table."

Miwako smiles and waves them towards the table.


"I am sorry, little girl. I cannot help you. I do not remember anything before a bit less than 10 years ago. When I came to, I was with a nice family that took care of my sister and I for a while before we got on our feet. The people that took care of me said they did not know what happened to me. They found my sister and I outside their door one day. My sister left recently with a woman who claimed that we were from a rich family in Japan. Maybe at this point she would remember something about your family."

Rui looks sincerely sorry that he can not help her.

"You can all stay with me tonight, I don't want girls on the street. But I can't help you if that is what you all came for."

2009-05-04, 01:02 AM

"Thank you, Mistress Miwako!" She walks her way into the dining area, sitting at her set table.

Ameko allows herself another mischievous smile of satisfaction. It doesn't take any magic to put on a sweet innocent face...Then again, it doesn't take a genius to figure that nobody wants to hurt this nobody fashion designer.

2009-05-04, 01:30 AM
Hisa was caught between powerful desires she looked down at the floor, the spell releasing her. She was beginning to understand, if not the why. She began sobbing softly.

"...you must return with me! Please! I have to know what happened to my parents."

Hisa had no idea where the families mansion was. She could find it if need be, but it would mean days of negoiations, trying to see the woman. And at the end of it, she would find nothing. If they had both lost their memory, chances were she would not have recovered it that quickly.

I need both of them there.

"Please! I have to know why they left me behind! I'll do anything! Ask something of me, and it is yours!"

Affection Roll to see if her emotional display has any affect upon Rui.

2009-05-04, 02:15 AM

"Are you sure that you want to work here? If so, then I would love to have you."
She simply bow back.

At a phone, in another room, a few minutes later.

*************************************************. ...
Really ?
******** ?
"Yes, I promess, the same mansion... The woman calls herself, mistress Miwako. There's an oild woman called Serenity too.
"No ! Why would I make something like that up ?! I swear !"
"Yes, I told you: She vonlunteered, by herself."
********************* ***** ********
"Mom. Yes, we're fine."
**********"No I'm not....."
"I am at the MANSION."
It's not like I had any friend to go with, you made sure of that.
******** ! ************!**********...
"That's not true, You Know it !"
******************************* !
her voice switch to cold
"Oh ?! Maybe this would be a more apropriate tone, then."

She slamms back the phone as hard as she can.
Well, that's gone better than expected.

She heads back to the dinning room.

"Thank you, Mistress Miwako!"
. She's certainly not wasting any time. In two minutes they will all be around her little finger.

I'll let the Gm decide to wich extent the parents believed her story and what thet may have choose to tell her.
The tone of the conversation is not much of a clue.( She is after all a scrornfull teen with a huge inferiority complex and anger issues (as well as a tad of paranoia) . All she needs to get angry as her mother is an excuse.( or a ten minutes conversation.))

Mando Knight
2009-05-04, 10:05 AM
"As you wish, Mistress."

Sakura heads immediately towards the table as she was commanded. :smalltongue:

Meanwhile, she also looks at her arm. Something resembling confusion contorts her face momentarily.

> Error. No damage to system found. Anomalous action unjustified. Logging error report.

2009-05-04, 02:25 PM

Ameko sees her disgruntled sister coming in to the dining hall. This was as good a time as any to milk the enjoyment of her pain from a situation.

"So, how did the talk with mommy and daddy go?" She emphasized the names of her parents, poking fun at herself, calling her parents by such childish terms, just to advance a facade. "I'm sure that if they let us, Mistress Miwako surely will as well."

It was a nice feeling, control was. Only here a few minutes, and already convincing the master and maid that she had no intention of doing anything wrong. The freedom she would have.

2009-05-04, 06:20 PM

Rui looks like he regrets what he said.

"I will go with you, eventually. I have to find someone to man my store first though. That is not negotiable. Tomorrow I will start to look for someone while you run the store. I don't understand why I need to be in Japan though. Silly girls."

Rui walks towards the door.

"You girls coming?"

6 on our not so secret anymore dice thread. So Tacky wins and Rui will go to China.


Miwako goes to get drinks and comes into the dining room. She sits down at the table and waits for Serenity who is coming up behind her. Miwako looks at Sakura.

"So you are a robot? I have never seen one before. Why do you work here?"

"Mistress don't you think that is a bit rude?"

"Sorry Sakura, you don't have to answer that."

The sisters parents express disbelief and that while they are letting them go they are going to look into this. They also tell the Kazuko to take care of herself and watch out for her sister. They said nothing about her tone and are confused by her saying anything like that. :smallbiggrin:

2009-05-04, 06:42 PM
"So, how did the talk with mommy and daddy go?"

She answers gloomily:
"As well as expected...
They say it's okay for now."

Now I am stuck in this mansion.
This big mention ... far from our dear parents ...
Her mood brightens as her thought are racing.
With only me too look after her...
Plus if I work here maybe I'll stop going too school

Her voice oozes sweetness:
"But don't worry, they asked me to look after you. You know how I'd hate to disapoint them."

There is a faint sound of knukles creacking


@Siren: You'd think they would been used to it since Kazuko's usual telephonic conversation ends something like that:

Hello Miss and have a nice day.
What ?! How do you dare to say that ! The same to you !
Slamms the telephone as hard as she can.

The Nuru's have a frequent buyer discount at the nearest telecom shop.

2009-05-04, 06:46 PM
Hisa stood up wiping off her eyes, faintly embarassed by her display. She pulled out a handkerchief and began dabbing her eyes.

"...thank you very much, Rui. I don't have much choice."

Hisa turned to Noa, motioning her forward.

"We accept your offer. Noa and I will be in your care, then."

Mando Knight
2009-05-04, 08:24 PM
"Yes, Mistress. I am a robot, a gynoid to be precise. I work here because your uncle built me himself to work for your family. Even though that was... sixteen years ago, I am still far beyond state of the art. Your uncle was a technical genius.

Madam Serenity only reactivated me a few days before you arrived home again, and I have been using that time mostly to repair the mansion's systems and to catch up on the current affairs to best serve you."

2009-05-04, 08:36 PM

Ameko hears the sweetness in her sister's voice. It went well. Luckily, that opened up another path for her to use. She starts swinging her legs underneath her chair, a content smile on her face. "'Kay! Now we can both have fun!" and by that, she meant, I stay out of your plans, you stay out of mine.

"By da way, sis, what was up wit yer cryin' earlier?" As Ameko retreated more to her natural self, not deceiving anyone, her Kansai dialect shone through more.

2009-05-04, 09:00 PM

Waiting on Shades and Ugly.


Miwako seems surprised by what the gynoid tells her.

"Wow! Well you really don't have to work so hard for me. I can do a lot of things around the house myself. I might not be staying here long anyway. I mean if I can't remember this place then I would like to return to my life in China. That is my life now."

Miwako bows a few times to the gynoid.

2009-05-04, 09:21 PM

Recca blushed crimson as she backed away slightly. The Mistress was scared because I spoke up... but she needed protection... but I upset the Mistress...

Recca finally built up the courage to approach the Mistress again. "I-I'm sorry if you thought you were in danger, Mistress, but I what I meant is that this place is as dangerous as anywhere else, and I wanted to keep you safe from anything that might happen and I'm sorry that you thought that I meant that you were in serious danger here but you told me to stop apologizing and I'm really sorry that I kept apologizing to you but I just apologized again...?!"

Recca stammers a bit, tongue-tied, before regaining her composure slightly. "But anyone who would want to hurt you would have to get through me first, Mistress!"

Mando Knight
2009-05-04, 09:46 PM
"Please, Mistress. I was made to serve your family. It is my only wish to see you pleased. But if it is your wish that I shall leave some of the work to you, then I shall comply."

2009-05-04, 09:57 PM

"I'll follow you to Japan, Daddy. And take this!" Lin hands him sixteen-year-old picture of her mother, from around the time she was conceived.

2009-05-04, 10:07 PM

Miwako looks like she is having mixed reactions to Recca's outburst.

"Uh...well I am glad you will be here to take care of my safety. There is really no need to be so courteous to me. I am just a normal woman."

Miwako turns towards Sakura.

"Is there any way we could help you have more free will. I don't want to keep you from what you want, Sakura. This is so overwhelming."

Miwako starts to fidget. Serenity puts an arm around her.

"The mistress still isn't used to the idea that she is the mistress."


Rui takes the picture and looks at it for a minute.

"I don't know this woman. She is very pretty. Is she one of your friends?"

2009-05-04, 10:17 PM

"It's Mom! Don't you remember?" Lin hands him another picture, this one with her adult mother pointing a rifle at the photographer.

2009-05-04, 10:20 PM

Ameko listens to the conversation with growing distaste. If somebody didn't intervene, the sympathy level on that mesh of scrap metal and circuits would skyrocket over 9000. She erases the Kansai from her voice, sounding like the nice girl she was supposed to. "So, Miss Miwako, how have you been the last ten years? Last I remembered, yo were still with Mister Rui..."

Mando Knight
2009-05-04, 10:28 PM
Sakura tilts her head quizzically, her tail and ears twitching in a bit of confusion.
"I'm sorry, Mistress Miwako, but I'm afraid I don't quite understand. My will is to serve you. It was what I was made to do."

2009-05-04, 10:37 PM

"You don't want to do anything for yourself, Sakura? Don't you want to be able to go out into the world to be your own...robot?"

Miwako turns towards Ameko.

"I was fine. I was with my brother until recently, when Serenity found us. We worked together at his restaurant."


"Why is that scary woman pointing a gun at the camera? No I don't know your mother. I told you, I have no children. Although as I was saying earlier, I don't remember anything from before a bit less than 10 years ago. You look older than 10. Although I am still hoping that I don't have any kids from before that. No offense to you kid, but I have a business to run."

Mando Knight
2009-05-04, 10:54 PM
"No, Mistress Miwako. I do not believe I have any imperatives other than to ensure your family's happiness. Of course, I have been given sufficient capabilities to analyze the best route to accomplish your will, but my understanding of my own programming is that I am happiest when I am serving you."

2009-05-04, 11:02 PM
Hisa nodded at that. She remembered a few things from the days before he parents vanished. Rui might be suprised just how much of a buisiness he had to run.

"Child, might I have a word with you? Away from Rui?"

Hisa said, looking at Lin.

2009-05-04, 11:31 PM

"Alright, Hag. What is it?"

2009-05-04, 11:52 PM
Quite suddenly, Hisa bristled up. She'd been put through hell, broken down crying, acted like a harlot, and had to do menial labor today. And now some little girl was calling her a hag! Her intention had been to help the child, as she could sympathize, somewhat, with her situation. But now...

"HAG! Child, I am lady of culture and class, something a rude little brat like yourself could never understand."

Hisa reached under her dress, pulling out two of her Ofuda. She would not have the name of Hisa Takagaki besmirched by this child.


2009-05-04, 11:54 PM

"I'm fifteen years old and I break people like you for a living. Do you really want to call me a child?"

She then switches to a sickening cute voice and says "So I won't apowogize, n'yah!"

2009-05-05, 12:00 AM
Hisa wasn't about to back down. She had just been given a deadly insult, after all.

"If you'd like me to refer to you by your name, introduce yourself. As for calling you child, you are younger then me."

Hisa didn't show any fear, just holding her Ofuda at the ready.

2009-05-05, 12:06 AM

"You're older and you're mean. That makes you a hag. Maybe you should introduce yourself before I blow you up for fun."

2009-05-05, 12:17 AM

"Well if that is what makes you happy. If that ever changes, let me know right away, Sakura."


Rui watched the girls start their cat fight for a minute.

"Ladies please stop. There is no reason to fight. You are both beautiful young ladies. If you really have to fight, please do it outside where nothing will be damaged."

Rui is calculating in his head all the damage those two could do.

2009-05-05, 12:22 AM
Hisa continued to stare angrily at the child.

"I am Hisa Takagaki, scion of the Takagaki family. And I am beautiful woman of culture and class."

Hisa fingered her Ofuda.

"And most definitely not a a hag!"

2009-05-05, 12:47 AM

"My name is Lin. And I think two of the last three things you said are wrong."

2009-05-05, 12:55 AM
Hisa stared at the child menacingly. She was obvious rude and uncouth, with no respect for her betters.

"Well, you think wrong."

2009-05-05, 12:59 AM

"What you think and what is true are two very different things."

Lin walks a few feet ahead of Rui.

"Come on, let's go home, Daddy."

2009-05-05, 01:09 AM
When Lin walked off, Hisa sighed. Her honor had been defended, and she could stand down. She put away her Ofuda, and turned back to Rui.

"Yes. Lead us to your place of residence, please."

Hisa's voice had goen back to normal, and she toucher her hair, making sure it was still in place.

"I find dealing with noisome children very tiring."

2009-05-05, 04:26 PM

Ameko sighed. The robot had a free will, and the mistress wasn't ready to accept that yet, it seemed. However, the cherry blossom seemed like the type to articulate that point, so maybe Ameko wouldn't even have to work on the subject.

By the way, what were they doing again? "Miss Miwako, would you like to eat your lunch?"

Mando Knight
2009-05-05, 05:07 PM
Glad that Miwako has accepted her service for now, Sakura adopts a cheerful face. "Of course, Mistress Miwako. If anything comes up, I will let you know as soon as I can."

2009-05-05, 05:09 PM

Who has finaly calmed down a bit and decided to follow the conversation a bit. She is currently observing the others girls.

A robot. That's look like a cat girl. A bit creepy but she doesn't look like she would be any trouble.
She turns to look at Recca.
A sword.A big one at that. Weird , but potentialy dangerous.

"Nice... outfit. Recca is it ? I am kazuko."
"What is the sword for ? are you afraid of something ?"

2009-05-05, 05:26 PM

Well if her sister didn't know how to avoid answering a question. Regardless, she stayed interested in her sister's topic, which was now a talk with the sword girl who almost got the mistress to leave the mansion. She listened to it with utmost diligence.

Shades of Gray
2009-05-05, 08:09 PM

Worst. Job. Ever.
Best. Job. Ever!

Noa says as she follows her master (and Rui) wherever they go.

At least he's giving us a place to stay...
Thanks for giving us a place to stay!

2009-05-05, 08:24 PM

Rui locks up the restaurant.

"Well then follow me girls. Two of you will have to share a bed or one of you could share a bed with me. Just kidding. You girls are young enough to be my....well that is a bad thing to say right now. Well here is my house."

Rui unlocks the door.


Miwako starts to eat her food.

"This is really good. You guys all did a great job."

It's favor time
Nerd: [roll0]
Mando: [roll1]
Smuch: [roll2]
Fox: [roll3]
Nerd and Mando got more d6s because they helped stop the master from running away. Everyone got favor for cooking and roleplaying.

2009-05-05, 08:28 PM
OOC: Hahaha...my precious favor. What Ameko fights for. Even if I got a 1 on the cooking. Thanks for the extra favor, Raz! :smallwink


Ameko watches contently as Miwako eats her sandwhiches and potato chips. Assuming they mad enough, Ameko also begins to eat. After all, they did all help to make it.

2009-05-05, 08:36 PM

"If there aren't enough beds, I'll sleep on the couch."

Shades of Gray
2009-05-05, 08:37 PM

I ain't sleeping with that brat...
Miss Hisu, could I perhaps make a new friend and sleep in their bed? I would not like to bother you...

2009-05-05, 08:41 PM

Recca sat and chewed on a sandwich, thinking. The Mistress said that she wanted to be a normal person. I think she's kind of scared and intimidated; she's just got her memory back and suddenly she's got a new world! She needs to feel like this is her home, she needs to feel safe and happy here so she won't go running away. What could I do with her to make her feel at home? She probably wouldn't like swordfighting, and she probably wouldn't want to be tied up. What else can I do? ...I can exercise with her!

Recca smiled at the Mistress, swallowing her food quickly. "Miiistress... do you like to play sports? Or go running? There's this beau-eautiful trail by the river that I like to go running by in the mornings! And out in the yard is the perfect place to exercise! Do you like to keep fit, Mistress?"

Don't I get +2 Favor from my Maid Power? I don't think I should have gotten it that time, since Recca wasn't really keeping her employer's emotions in thought, but I just wanted to make sure you remembered.

2009-05-05, 08:42 PM
Hisu smiled, and patted Noa on the head fondly.

"No, I know how much it would distress you to be parted from me. I'll take the bed, and lend you a pillow or two. You can sleep on the floor. That way you won't have to part from me."

Hisu really believed she was being kind and benificent to her pet.

"I shall take a bed, and Ms. Lin..."

Hisa was trying to keep the peace, for now.

"...will take a couch. Noa will sleep on the floor near me."

2009-05-05, 08:49 PM

The living room has no couch. There are cushions on the ground and a recliner. It seems like there hasn't been much thought put into decorating or having guests.

"Sorry it is pretty bare down here. There are two beds though, so Hisa and Noa can share the guest room and Lin can have my sister's room. The guest bedroom has a bigger bed. So is there anything else I need to tell you?"

Rui flops down on a cushion.


"Yes we could exercise. I would like to walk around the grounds and see the place. Since I don't remember being here I don't know where anything is."

Miwako seems excited about this idea and starts to eat faster.

2009-05-05, 08:52 PM

Although the sword girl failed to answer Kazuko's question about the sword, the topic at hand still interested Ameko. She piped up eagerly. "Can I come to?"

Shades of Gray
2009-05-05, 08:54 PM
Ain't no way I'm sleeping on the floor.
Yay sleepover! Noa says, hugging her owner.

Why am I hugging her?

2009-05-05, 08:57 PM
Hisa bowed politely, and shook her head. She had no more questions. Rui could search for someone to take over for him tomorrow. If he didn't find someone... Hisa could take steps. Either way, they would be packing for Japan by the day after tomorrow.

"Nothing. I believe Noa and I will retire for the night. You and Ms. Lin feel free to converse. It may be that you have quite a bit to talk about."

Hisa turned to Noa, motioning for the Cat Girl to come along.

"We will see you tomorrow morning."

2009-05-05, 09:03 PM

The girl prepares to go to bed and then goes to bed. No real point in killing things today.

2009-05-05, 09:47 PM

Rui goes to sleep. A new day dawns.

"Girls come help make breakfast!"


"Yes of course you can come, everyone can come. We should hurry up eating so we can go."

2009-05-05, 09:54 PM

Lin takes out some eggs and scrambles them. Though she preferred to eat light, she still needed her protein for the day.


2009-05-05, 09:58 PM
Hisa awoke at Rui's call. She wanted to yell that she wasn't ready, that she had to do her hair, shower, do all sorts of things. At the very least she had to change out of her sleep clothes. Instead, she found herself irresistably dragged out of the bedroom in her Pajama's, still yawning. Seeing Lin was making Eggs, she turned her attention to other things, pulling out some bread, and making up a couple things of toast.

Such primative living quarters. He will be suprised when he returns to Japan.

2009-05-05, 10:01 PM

Giving at total of... 6.

Mando Knight
2009-05-05, 10:03 PM
Sakura finishes eating quietly, and helps to clean up afterward.

2009-05-05, 11:17 PM

The eggs made by Lin turn out ok. The toast turns out ok too.


Miwako finishes and takes her stuff to the kitchen.

"You don't need to clean this up, Sakura."

OOC: If you are going to clean I need a skill check.

2009-05-05, 11:24 PM

Lin starts to eat peacefully. "Rui, I'm going to be performing my morning Tai Chi later, do you want to join me?"

Mando Knight
2009-05-05, 11:25 PM
"Oh. Okay. I'll do it after we return from our walk, then."

Sakura simply sets her dishes by the sink, and bows again.

OOC: I'm too used to not-rolling for mundane tasks... like half of the things you roll in MAID. :smalltongue: I'll get it down eventually.

2009-05-06, 08:02 PM

Ameko gets out of her seat, bouncily, waving perkily to her sister. "Hey sis, are you coming!" After asking, she turns back to the mistress, making eye contact. Her body begins bowing again. Dammit! What in the world? "Thank you very much, Miss Miwako. Will we be going on our walk now?" She continues to bow.

OOC: You get used to it.

2009-05-06, 09:23 PM

She pose her sandwish that she has barely touched

"Hey sis, are you coming!"

She stand up, ready to join the walk, still looking thoughtfully at Recca and her sword.

2009-05-06, 09:58 PM

"Is Tai Chi hard to do? I haven't done it before."

Rui eats the food prepared with enjoyment.

"It is nice to have girls to cook sometimes."


"Of course everyone can go. Yes lets get going."

Miwako hooks arms with Serenity and walks out the back door. The first thing everyone sees is the hedge maze.

2009-05-06, 10:06 PM

"It's not too hard. It's all in the joints. I can do it just fine, and I think I got those genes from you. "

Mando Knight
2009-05-06, 11:32 PM
Sakura pauses a moment, then speaks up. "I believe the best route to take is this way." She points down one path of the maze.

Not sure what to roll for this...
Skill [roll0] (Or Affection or Athletics...)
...Unless you want Luck, where it's [roll1]

2009-05-07, 12:03 AM
Hisa smiled at Rui faintly, before shaking her head. She should not being feeling happy at being complimented. She was a high class woman.

Still... it shows that I learned well from her.

"You are welcome. Such things are inherent in the make-up of high class ladies like myself."

Lin invited Rui to do Tai Chi, and Hisa approved. She could take care of her appearance, which must be an awful mess at the moment.

"Myself and Noa will withdraw, if that is alright. I must see to my appearance before we return to your store."

2009-05-07, 02:38 PM

Ameko stared at the hedge maze for a few seconds in awe. Why have I never noticed this? She follows Sakura in slowly.

Assisting in Luck Check: [roll0] (I think it's 3...)

2009-05-07, 02:49 PM

Lin finishes her meal and goes outside to perform her exercises.

2009-05-07, 06:29 PM

"Ok I guess I will follow Lin and see about this Tai Chi."

Rui follows Lin out.

"So what do I need to do?"


They don't have much trouble getting through the maze to the center which has a beautiful fountain and some benches to sit on around it. Miwako runs over to the fountain and sticks her hand in the water. Suddenly she stops and grabs her head. She falls down. Serenity comes up behind her and makes sure she isn't injured.

2009-05-07, 06:53 PM

"Well, first you take this pose, and after that, just follow what I'm doing."

Lin changes her stance and carefully performs the motions required for Tai Chi.

"This type of exercise is good for your health and your chi, but you can't really hurt people with it. I know some Sambo and Krav Maga and that helps me get through most of the day."

2009-05-07, 07:07 PM
Hisa watched Rui walk outside, then turned to Noa in a brisk, and businesslike manner. She smiled.

"Noa, lay out everything. I'll be taking a shower. After that, you can brush my hair, and help me put it up."

Hisa pulled out some shampoo and soap from her overnight bag, and began washing herself off, relying on Noa to do what she was asked.

Mando Knight
2009-05-07, 08:10 PM
Sakura runs up to her mistress and helps Serenity help Miwako up, and possibly help Serenity lead Miwako to one of the benches.

"Mistress, what's wrong?"

2009-05-07, 08:37 PM

Ameko watches from the back of the group as Serenity and Sakura help up Miwako. The heck? What just... Ameko walks cautiously up to the fountain, dipping in her hand, testing to see if there is some magic force that caused Miwako's reaction.

2009-05-07, 08:49 PM

"MISTRESS!!!" Recca is understandably quite shocked that the Mistress would stumble like that, and rushes to her aid with a cry.

She took the mistress's hand in her own, frantically searching the mistress's legs and body for injury. "Are you okay, Mistress?? What happened?"

Shades of Gray
2009-05-07, 08:50 PM
Noa just lies down on the bed.

I'm her pet, not her maid.
How do I lay stuff out? Nyan!

2009-05-07, 09:22 PM

"Are you trying to tell me that you hurt people most days?"

Rui follows what Lin is doing to the best of his abililty.


After Miwako is taken to a bench, she starts to come back to herself.

"Don't worry guys. I just started to remember some stuff because of the fountain and it shocked me. I didn't know it would be like that. I think I only remember a little bit though. I still don't remember you girls or you robot. I remember you though, Serenity. We used to have such fun here near the fountain."

Serenity smiles back at the mistress.

"I knew you would remember if we just showed you enough stuff. In time I am sure you will remember everything."

2009-05-07, 09:23 PM
Hisa sighed. It was to be expected, of course. Noa didn't serve as her Maid normally. But here, they both must deal with hardship. She yelled back from the Bathroom, as she adjusted the water.

"Get out my hair dryer, my combs, and two light dresses I packed, with accompanying things."

2009-05-07, 09:28 PM

"Every other day when I have to, I suppose. I've done work as a bodyguard since I was young. It's all legal, but it's tiring. I've also done some demolitions and made fireworks, but those don't require martial arts."

She looks at Rui for a bit.

"You need to loosen up a little. The point of these exercises is relaxation."

Mando Knight
2009-05-07, 09:49 PM
> Superheating excess water...

Steam evaporates off of Sakura's body as she looks into her mistress's eyes and smiles. "Excellent, Mistress! I'm sure your memories will return in time!"

Shades of Gray
2009-05-07, 10:49 PM


Noa then puts Hisa's stuff together.

2009-05-07, 11:26 PM
Hisa took her time in the shower, washing off slowly. When she finished, she dried off with a Large Butter Yellow Towel, before putting on her Luxuriant Emerald Green Bathrobe, and walking back into the room.

"Alright Noa. Dry my hair, and then you can style my hair. You are such a dear."

Hisa patted Noa on the cheek fondly, and then sat down on the bed, waiting for her to dry her hair.

Shades of Gray
2009-05-07, 11:44 PM

I hate you...

Noa gets out the hairdryer, and sets it to VERY HOT. She begins drying her owner's hair.

2009-05-07, 11:47 PM
Hisa shrieked at Noa to stop, and looked at the Catgirl sternly.

"Put the heat on the low setting! You'll damage my beautiful hair otherwise!"

Hisa protectively smoothed her hair, as if she believed she could feel any damage done from that short burst.

Shades of Gray
2009-05-07, 11:48 PM

Whiny little-
Eeep I'm so sorry! I thought'd make it dry faster... She puts it on low and continues.

So how's your wretched life you damn witch?
How are you?

2009-05-07, 11:50 PM

Rui gets even more tense.

"So you are telling me that I have a daughter I don't remember who is working as a bodyguard at a young age? Yeah that is going to make me want to claim you for my own. How am I supposed to loosen up after hearing that?"


Miwako is smiling at Sakura.

"Yes it finally feels like they will come back. I was afraid that they wouldn't. I didn't want to live my life not knowing about my family and life before I was 20 any longer."

2009-05-07, 11:55 PM
Hisa sighed, and patted her hand affectionately.

"It's alright. Just don't do it again."

Hisa thought at her question, and smiled.

"Good. We will take Rui to Japan, meet his Sister, and hopefully... no, one will be able to tell us about what happened to my parents. Then we can return home."

Hisa's voice was happy. It seemed like everything was within her grasp.

"You are looking forward to returning to the mansion, aren't you?"

Shades of Gray
2009-05-07, 11:57 PM


She continues drying the hair.

You as well?

2009-05-08, 12:01 AM

Lin stops moving and begins to cry. "I'm sorry. I've just wanted to meet you for so long. I wondered what you looked like, what you were doing, if you even I existed. But you don't think I'm your daughter. You think that I'm mistaken, that I can't be your daughter, that I'm just some girl that wants to give you grief. But when I saw your eyes, I knew who you were, and I finally felt that I belonged in this world, that I wasn't just my mother's mistake. Please, be my Dad."

Just in case

2009-05-08, 12:01 AM
Hisa restrained herself from nodding.

"Of course. Rui might have once been a man of culture and class, but he is certainly not any longer. The conditions in his true home should be better, but I am looking forward to returning to my equals."

Hisa's eyes narrowed as she continued.

"And away from that horrible little brat."

Shades of Gray
2009-05-08, 12:20 AM

I don't like her...

Noa finishes drying and moves on to brushing.

2009-05-08, 12:26 AM
Hisa smiled.

"I know. You are good friend Noa. You saw how she treated me. Calling me a hag."

Hisa pushed Lin out of her mind. She needed to focus on the task ahead.

"If Rui does not find someone to take over the store for him today, I'll call father, and have him find someone to do it. There's little chance of him remembering here."

2009-05-08, 12:28 AM

"Sorry little girl, you have no proof. I am not going to believe something based on pictures of your angry mother. You seem like a nice girl...mostly. If you can find proof when we are in Japan or if I remember you later then I will apologize. For now you have to understand how out there this is."

15 to go against it. 2 stress to Lin.

2009-05-08, 12:42 AM

Lin runs away, needing to be alone in her sadness.

2009-05-08, 12:54 AM

"I didn't mean to make her cry. I should get a shower before I go looking for someone to watch the store."

Rui heads into the bathroom.

2009-05-08, 03:36 PM

I've searched for him so long and all he can say is that there is no proof. He doesn't even care about me. A DNA test would remove all his doubt, but even then he wouldn't accept me. He'll just see me as some girl who popped up in his life. He doesn't care that I work so hard to take care of Mom or that all the fighting I've done was just to find a lead, figure out where he is. He just doesn't care about me.

To him, I'm worthless. And to me, he is scum.

Lin walks around the city, looking for a place to be away from other people. She tries to find a hill or a cliff, somewhere where the rest of the world looks small and her own problems not so big.

2009-05-08, 03:38 PM

After realizing that the water itself wasn't the cause, and hearing what Miwako had to say, the conclusion was obvious. Of Course, just like in the movies! Whenever she tries to get past the mental block, she suffers physical damage herself!

Ameko smiles at Miwako, looking into her eyes. Once more, a fit of bowing ensues. And I'd bet myself a good amount of money that this bowing has something to do with Miwako's Past.

Ameko turns to the sword girl, Recca, who seemed already to be causing Miwako far too much trouble. She looks up at her. "Hi! I don't think we ever really met. I'm Ameko Nuru." She curtsied slightly. "What's your name?"

2009-05-08, 06:12 PM

Lin finds Loves Last Breath cliff. It is where lovers used to go to suicide a long time ago. There is a sign that explains this if she looks.

"Girls come on. I am going to open the restaurant. I need you guys to be there or I can't go look for someone to man the place."

Rui yells out to the girls. Lin of course shouldn't be able to hear.


Miwako stands up very excited. She runs over to the fountain and jumps in.

"I haven't done this since I was little. Who else wants to come in?"

"Mistress are you sure you won't catch cold?"

"Oh come in Serenity. I know you have before."

Serenity jumps in.

2009-05-08, 06:23 PM
Hisa sighed, unhappy with the fact. She needed more time. But still, there was an irresistable complusion to obey Rui's command.

What am I doing...

Hisa stood up, and walked out, still in her bath robe, staring at Rui angrily.

"If you'll give me a moment, I can get dressed. Or do you want me to go out like this!"

2009-05-08, 08:48 PM

Rui looks her up and down.

"You appear to be fully covered which makes you fine in my book. I bet the male customers would like it. You can change if you want to though. Don't let me stop you."

Rui winks at her and laughs.

2009-05-08, 08:56 PM

The prospect of swimming excites Ameko, even if only in a fountain. "Yeah!" She jumps towards the fountain, hitting her legs on the side and flopping into the fountain. "Ow!"

Athletics for Jumping: [roll0]

2009-05-08, 09:09 PM

This fountain hasn't been cleaned for ten years. It must full of plants and wildlife. And I bet the water is cold too.
There is NO way in hell I'm jumping in that.


"Are you all right, sis ?"

2009-05-08, 09:15 PM
Hisa blushed, and then turned angrily, stomping back to her room.

"Well then, excuse me."

Hisa walked into the room, and pointed toward the door.

"Noa. Out. I need to change."

2009-05-08, 09:59 PM

Ameko surfaces from the water, spurting out some water from her mouth. "Ah~! I'm fine, just slipped!" She begins splashing about slightly in the water, seeing if there are any plants or the like.

2009-05-09, 12:09 AM

Miwako swims over to Kazuko and splashes her.

"Ha I got you!"

Miwako swims for a few minutes more and then gets out.

"Who knows where my room is? I only remember things about this fountain and the maze. I want to see my room."


"She is such a shy little thing. It was just a robe."

Rui looks at his watch. He yells out for the one unaccounted for girl.

"Lin are you here?"

Mando Knight
2009-05-09, 12:17 AM
"I can bring you to your old room, Mistress."

Sakura points towards the path they took to get to the fountain.

2009-05-09, 08:06 AM

Lin continues to sit at the cliff, pondering whether or not her life had meaning and other things of little importance.

2009-05-09, 06:30 PM

"Ok show me the way back."

Miwako turns towards the others.

"Serenity can show the rest of you back later or you can come now if you want. I am going to change and take a bath. You guys could use some maid uniforms."

Miwako is looking over the sisters.

"Well whoever wants to can come take a bath. What a good day this turned out to be."

Shades of Gray
2009-05-09, 07:56 PM

Noa runs out.


2009-05-09, 08:00 PM
Hisa sighed, shaking her head at Noa. She was certainly not naked, yet. However, she shut the door behind the Cat Girl, and quickly changed into another of her clothes, before stepping back out.

"Noa, settle down."

She turned to Rui, and nodded.

"I'm ready to go. Will... Lin be joining us?"

Hisa was tempted to call her something else, but she held her tongue.

2009-05-09, 10:36 PM

Rui looks a bit embarrassed.

"Well Lin is upset with me I think. I talked to her earlier and she ran away. I hope she comes back soon, I guess I should explain to her why I am so adamant about not taking her at face value. We should go on without her. She will find us when she is ready."

Rui starts out the door.

"Come on."

2009-05-10, 06:31 AM

"A bath sounds nice but ..."
Trying to conceal the rising dread in her voice as she pronounce the word:
"Uniforms ?

Does it looks like I'm ten ? You can swim in fountains all you want, but you are mad, mad, if you think I am gonna dress up for you.

Are they really necessary , Mistress Miwako ?"

2009-05-10, 11:00 AM

Ameko goes to the edge of the fountain and lifts herself out, soaking wet. She looks down her clothes, waterlogged. "A change of clothes would be nice..."

At her sister's comment, she reaches into her clothes quickly to get the Harisen to whap Kazuko with, only to find it also wet. That'll have to wait for later, then... She looks up at her sister, smiling widely. "Of course we need uniforms! It's the universal symbol of maids! Mom and Dad wore them, didn't they?"

OOC: Do I have to get the Outfit "+ Soaking Wet," or is that only if I want to?

2009-05-10, 11:24 AM

"Yes, you have to wear them. All the maids do, look at Sakura, Recca, and Serenity. They are really cute uniforms though. You will get used to it."

Miwako follows Sakura out of the hedge maze and up to her room. Anyone who wants to follow them may. If you would rather come later then talk to Serenity when you are ready to go.

You can have the soaking wet quality if you want. It isn't required though.

2009-05-10, 11:32 AM
OOC: I won't take it.

IC: Ameko

Ameko walks behind Miwako and Sakura towards the mansion.

2009-05-10, 12:43 PM
"Of course we need uniforms! It's the universal symbol of maids! Mom and Dad wore them, didn't they?"
"I'm not sure I would consider Mom and dad such good role models."

She follows the others to the mansion still in a gloomy mood.
Uniforms, people bossing me around... It' feels like chūgakkō all over again. Except this time I have the rugrat to keep me compagny... Oh, Joy.

2009-05-10, 07:43 PM

I am assuming that everyone followed the master to the store. Rui opens the door to the store and sets everything up. He leaves the keys and some other items with Hisa.

"Take care of the restaurant. She is my pride and joy. I will probably be back quickly with help."

Rui walks off.


Everyone that came along with the master is in her room. Miwako looks around.

"I don't remember this room. It looks very childish to me. I wonder if I am still the same size I was."

Miwako looks inside the huge closet.

"I am. Maybe I will wear something from in here."

Miwako starts to strip off her wet clothing.

"I can wait to get a bath. Is one attached to here, Sakura?"

Mando Knight
2009-05-10, 07:48 PM
(I wouldn't know, I didn't design the mansion. However, since you're asking, and the maid would know...)

"Yes, Mistress. You and your brother each had private baths attached to your rooms. Yours is right through that door." She points to a door opposite the one they came in.

2009-05-10, 07:49 PM

Lin is elsewhere, purchasing fireworks. She feels the need to watch something explode.

2009-05-10, 07:50 PM

Ameko looks in the direction of the door, instead of the stripping Mistress. "You really don't remember much of this, do you, Miwako?"

2009-05-10, 08:38 PM

"You really don't remember much of this, do you, Miwako?"

Kazuko slipps behind her sister and wisper to her ear :
"That's MISTRESS Miwako, rugrat* . If you really are going to pull the both of us into this farce, you could at least play your role well."

OOc: Kazuko, means the world "rugrat" as a nickname, not an insult, when aplied to her sister.

2009-05-10, 08:41 PM
Hisa is slightly pleased that Rui would trust something important to him to her, though she doesn't show it. Instead, she just starts ordering Noa around. However, she works hard as well.

[roll0]+3=12 Skill to run the restaurant

Mando Knight
2009-05-10, 08:57 PM
Sakura is slightly confused at the order of her mistress's actions. "Mistress, are you so comfortable with people you have just met that you undress before them?"

2009-05-10, 09:12 PM

She nudges her sister slightly. "I'll refer to her as such once she gets used to the idea. And like it wouldn't kill you to be a maid. From what I've heard, they do practically nothing 90 percent of the time."

2009-05-10, 09:13 PM

Hisa runs the store well. Things go fine while Rui is gone. Rui finds someone to take care of the store with the family that took Miwako and him in. He sends that person to the store ahead of him with a note. The person hands the note to Hisa. On his way back he sees Lin walking out of a fireworks store.

"Lin, wait! We should talk."

I rolled the dice to see if Rui would see Lin. Low he wouldn't high he would. I got an 8 which is high when it is only x2, so he found her luckily.


Miwako walks towards the door she believes to be the bathroom.

"No, I don't. I only remember things about the fountain. That was a lot of good memories, but not a lot of useful ones. You don't really have to call me mistress, I haven't been a mistress for a long time and I don't act like one much anymore."

Miwako looks at Sakura.

"We are all going to take a bath together aren't we? So what does it matter. For the first few years after I lost my memory I didn't get much privacy, especially for bathing. We had a shared bath. So, I don't really care if they see me."

Miwako opens the doors to a huge bathroom with all the amenities of a bathhouse and a bath the size of a pool with a small waterfall.

I am just making the mansion up as I go along. You guys can too. It is more fun for me this way. Besides there is no real reason for a map. The fighting system for this doesn't need one. Also Nerd, your reference to how maid games go is hilarious.

2009-05-10, 09:26 PM
OOC: When in doubt, Hang a Lampshade on it. (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/LampshadeHanging) It's true, though.

And, Pertaining to "rugrat," if I may suggest aho, a word in Kansai Dialect for idiot, used jokingly.


Ameko stares around the room for a bit. "Man, I love mansions." She goes into a changing stall, emerging 20 seconds later, rushing into the water.

Athletics: [roll0] No miss this time.

2009-05-10, 09:42 PM

"What do you want to talk about?" Lin isn't looking at Rui, keeping a sour face and a flat tone as she talks.

2009-05-10, 10:05 PM

"I just wanted to explain why I refuse to believe you. You aren't the first one you know. When I started the restaurant, another woman came forward saying that she had been with me before the accident and she had my baby. I spent time with her and grew to like her a lot. Then one day she was gone with all the money from the safe. I want to believe you, Lin, but I don't want to get hurt. I have been very rough so you would go away, but I don't want to do that anymore. Please forgive me, Lin."

affection 10 to make Lin forgive him.

Mando Knight
2009-05-10, 10:10 PM
"Well, since you wish us to bathe together..."
Sakura strips as well, folding up and placing her uniform in a corner, then slips into the pool-sized bath.

...On the surface, at least, she appears to be fully (http://memory-alpha.org/en/wiki/Data)functional (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/IfYouKnowWhatIMean).

2009-05-10, 10:14 PM
Hisa carefully looked the fellow up and down. She didn't like the restaurant, of course, but she would see no job of her's badly done. When she was satisfied, she nodded.

"Alright. The restaurant is yours."

Hisa looked about for Noa.

"Noa, come along. We will wait outside for Rui."

2009-05-10, 10:19 PM

"Why would I steal from you? I don't want your money, I want a father."

Lin continues to divert her eyes from Rui. A few seconds later...


Lin drops her massive box of fireworks and gives her father a warm embrace.

2009-05-10, 10:22 PM
OOC: Which is contrary to Saede/Chachamaru, on left, who is 100% robot. By the way, how many tropers live on this forum? http://lh5.ggpht.com/_q-napoRi_DA/SfkhsNbLpiI/AAAAAAAAACc/j9kdxr9iHRQ/Chachamaru_Hakase.jpg


Seeing Sakura get into the bath, she covers her flat chest with crossed arms. What kind of robot is that? Designed to look like that... She looks down at the water, blushing slightly.

2009-05-10, 10:23 PM

Kazuko hangs a while around the bathtub, her jaw dropped in the old cliche sign of surprise.
"This is a simple bathroom ?!"

She goes in a changing stall, remerging a little later.
she take another long calculating glance at the room.

Okay. In these conditions I understand mom and dad choice of career a little better. if the servant quarters are even a tenth that luxuous, I am ready to serve here all my life and even beyond if nescessary
But for now, just gonna apreciate the moment.

She dives in the pool
Athletics: [roll0]

slipps lamentably
"...Ooouch !

2009-05-10, 10:35 PM

Ameko looks up, to see a familiar situation from not too long ago. "You okay, sis?"

2009-05-10, 10:44 PM

Rui hugs Lin back.

"We should go back to the restaurant. The other girls are probably wondering why I sent the guy ahead."


Miwako steps in slowly and carefully after seeing one of the girls get hurt.

"Are you ok?"

Miwako looks over and doesn't see anything seriously wrong with Kazuko. She walks over to the little waterfall and goes under it.

"This is so nice. I could get used to this. I can't believe I used to bathe here."

Miwako notices Sakura and openly stares at her.

"You do come fully equipped don't you Sakura?"

2009-05-10, 10:53 PM

"Ow ow ow "
"I am alright , thank you."
"God, Irony sucks. !"
She smiles faintly at her sister.
"At least no one can doubt we're related, now."

She drops into the water, slowly this time

Mando Knight
2009-05-10, 10:59 PM
Sakura looks up at her Mistress, surprised. "What?" She looks over her own body momentarily, as if trying to decipher what system Miwako was referring to. "...Oh. Yes, apparently your uncle desired that I be capable of fulfilling any of your family's desires."

2009-05-10, 11:02 PM

Ameko laughs blankly. "Yup, no doubt about it."

At Miwako's comment about Sakura, Ameko looks at the mistress in awe. The heck? How long was she a lesbian? And that robot's last comment... Robot Sex?

2009-05-10, 11:21 PM

The girl talks hand in hand with Rui back to the restaurant.

2009-05-10, 11:27 PM

Miwako moves away from the waterfall and sits down near the edge somewhere around the bath.

"So I am curious...do they feel like real ones?"


They arrive at the restaurant and see the two girls outside.

"Hey we are back. How did things go? The guy did arrive right?"

2009-05-10, 11:38 PM

Ameko floated in the water, not quite understanding what was going on. "That robot is seducing Miwako...I'm sure of it... She tries to surreptitiously get out of the pool and grab her wand from the pocket of her clothes.

Athletics: [roll0] (Someone mind doing that roll for me?)

Mando Knight
2009-05-10, 11:49 PM
Sakura is oblivious to Ameko's actions, interested mostly in answering her mistress's inquiries. She reaches up and touches her chest a moment, then looks back up at Miwako. "I suppose so... it may have been by design." She swims over to Miwako's position. (Athletics, it seems applicable... [roll0])

"But I am not entirely sure. You may check, if that was your desire."

2009-05-10, 11:54 PM
OOC: Nerd. here you go: [roll0]*2 =10


Who may not be the smartest girl around but can grabs a few clues when they are dropped from miles ahead.
She steps silently out of the water and grad her sister hand, giving a her a discreet sign meaning: "can I have a world with you in a corner ?"

2009-05-10, 11:59 PM

"No I shouldn't. Sorry I asked so many questions. I just didn't expect you to look like a woman."

Miwako seems a bit embarrassed by the questions. She is blushing a lot.

2009-05-11, 12:00 AM

Ameko grabs her wand - Short golden rod with a quartz star at the end - and goes into a corner with Kazuko. "I'm sorry, someone needs to take action." It was pretty obvious what her sister was going to tell her.

2009-05-11, 12:06 AM

So ? Even if you do something now with the robot, there is still the girl with the sword. And Serenity. And the way things are going ? I wouldn't be surprised if others are to come.
As much as I hate to admit it we are together in this. And your little talent give us an extra edge. No need to ruin the advantage of surprise now.

2009-05-11, 12:11 AM
Hisa turned over to Rui, and shrugged.

"He is inside. Noa and I turned over the running of the restuarant to him when he arrived. I assumed you wanted to evaluate his capabilities before leaving it entirely in his hands."

2009-05-11, 12:15 AM

Ameko looks down at the ground for a second. "Agreed. When it's time, though, the robot - and that sword girl - better not be expecting any mercy. She walks over to the clothes and slips the wand back into a pocket. She watches Miwako from outside of the pool.

2009-05-11, 12:43 AM

Miwako looks for something that will change the subject. She sees the sisters.

"Hey girls, are you going to come back in? We could all play a game."

Miwako moves quickly and falls right into Sakura's chest.

"It does feel real."


"That is a great idea Hisa."

Rui quickly goes in and checks with the man. He comes back out.

"I know him. He has worked with the restaurant before. He will do fine. Lets go back to my place and you can all help me pack."

Rui walks the girls back to his place.

"Well lets get to work. If it is clothing find a bag and put it in. I will handle the other stuff."

2009-05-11, 12:50 AM

Ameko watches as Miwako "trips." I swear, that robot's messing around with her. She's gonna throw Miwako into Marshmallow Hell. Ameko jumps into the pool. "What's the game?"

Mando Knight
2009-05-11, 09:55 AM
Almost as soon as Miwako falls into Sakura's twin safety devices (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FunbagAirbag), she sets her mistress back up. "Yes, what game do you have in mind?"

> Error. Personality of the Mistress is discontinuous with that on file.
> Recommend full personality evaluation to optimize service.

2009-05-11, 07:32 PM

Miwako sits down after being set up by Sakura.

"I feel a little dizzy after that. Well we could play volleyball. I saw a beach ball over near the changing room. If not that then we could play Marco Polo."

2009-05-11, 07:44 PM

Ameko is glad that Miwako is suggesting something not relating to the robo-seductress. "Volleyball sounds great!" She jumps quickly out of the water, realizing her lack of clothes, looking down and blushing deeply. "Ah...maybe we should put on some clothes..."

Mando Knight
2009-05-11, 08:08 PM
Sakura turns to Ameko for a moment and thinks. "If we play volleyball, we'll need to split into teams. How do you want to choose the teams, Mistress?"

2009-05-11, 09:06 PM

Lin walks home with Rui, only to realize that customs won't allow her to take her fireworks to Japan.

"Since we're leaving tomorrow, do you want to play with these tonight?" she says, holding her box of explosive devices.

2009-05-11, 10:21 PM

"Yes we can. That will be a nice going away thing. Help me pack first though."

Anyone want to go straight to nighttime and fireworks in China?


Miwako thinks about the question for a minute.

"Well I guess there is no fair way to make teams. So Sakura and I on a team and the sisters on the other team. Also I am not getting dressed, I feel comfortable like this."

Miwako looks at the blushing Ameko.

"You can put on some clothes if you want though."

2009-05-11, 10:32 PM

"C-Certainly." She goes into the changing room, back with a light blue frilly swimsuit. It suits the pool atmosphere. "Who gets first serve?"

2009-05-11, 11:37 PM

"I guess you guys can. I don't really care. I just want to have fun."

Miwako pulls some floaties out and makes a line across the pool.

"That will have to do instead of a net. I'm ready."

Also yes the mistress has changed a lot since she has been gone. She is no longer shy and sheltered. She hasn't been a rich girl for 10 years though.

2009-05-11, 11:45 PM
Hisa was worried about the production of fireworks by Lin. The child shouldn't be trusted with such, in her opinion, but she defered to Rui. If Lin got her hand blown off, that was hardly Hisa's concern.

"If that will get you to Japan faster..."

Hisa was finding it harder and harder to justify to herself why she was doing whatever Rui said. Currently she was jamming his clothes in a bag angrily, but she was still doing it.

OOC: Whatever you want.

[roll0]+3 skill to pack for Rui.


2009-05-11, 11:45 PM
OOC: Oh. Wow. I put on clothes assuming we would be playing volleyball beach-style, 2 vs. 2 on sand, not in a pool.


"M'kay!" Ameko gets the ball and throws it over to Kazuko. "You serve."

2009-05-12, 11:11 AM

The girl starts packing away her father's things.


Let's blow stuff up!

Mando Knight
2009-05-12, 11:40 AM
Also yes the mistress has changed a lot since she has been gone. She is no longer shy and sheltered. She hasn't been a rich girl for 10 years though.

(I knew that, you told us that before. Sakura didn't know. :smalltongue:)

Sakura slips into position a few feet from Miwako.

Run C:/Program Files/Support/PassivePsych.exe
Run C:/Program Files/Sports/Volleyball.exe
> Setting field parameters
> System ready for play.

"I'm ready!"

2009-05-12, 02:46 PM

She catches the ball.
A beach ball ? These things have no punch, that's no fun.

Service [roll0]

2009-05-12, 06:25 PM

Hisa packs very nicely with everything folded and neat despite being angry and using too much force. Lin throws everything into the bag. Then it is nighttime. Rui has gotten together some watermelon for the girls and is sitting on the porch waiting for fireworks.


Miwako tries to hit the ball. She misses it though.

"This is harder than I thought it would be. You will have to forgive me for not being very good, Sakura."

Miwako got a 4. I am not doing stress for this game because there really shouldn't be any stress for a friendly game. So rolls will only show whether the person hits it back or not.

Mando Knight
2009-05-12, 06:52 PM
"It's alright, Mistress. She did serve rather well."
Sakura picks up the ball and lightly tosses it back to Kazuko. It's still her serve, after all.

2009-05-12, 07:10 PM

She catches absent mindedly the ball and prepare for another service.
Okay, this is a friendly game. I'm going to go a little easier on them .

Second Service:

Mando Knight
2009-05-12, 07:14 PM
Sakura attempts to volley the ball back. Kazuko's serve is really good, though.


2009-05-12, 07:19 PM

"Good job, Sakura."

The ball gets over. Now Nerd or Smuch would have to get over 18 to send it back.

2009-05-12, 07:23 PM

She watch as sakura volley the ball back almost perfectly and smiles.
She's good.
She attempt to volley the ball back herself.
"I'll get that one, Ameko"

"Or maybe not."

Throwing the ball at Sakura.
"1-1.Your turn"

Mando Knight
2009-05-12, 07:36 PM
Sakura catches the ball. "Here it comes!" She tosses it into the air for an overhand serve. [roll0]

2009-05-12, 08:27 PM
Hisa smiled superiorly at Lin as she packed. Even if she didn't like doing it, she could take pride in doing it well. When she finished up, she came out on the porch quietly, sitting down. Hisa enjoyed Fireworks, even if she didn't admit it to herself.

This shouldn't be too boring...

"We finished packing your things. Such a difficult task."

Hisa's voice was sarcastic, but she couldn't help but let a tiny hint of her excitement into her voice.

2009-05-12, 08:29 PM

Athletics: [roll0] Ameko tries to set the ball for Kazuko, after a relatively weak serve. The beach ball comes in on her arms though, and she ends up hitting it into her own face. "Wah~! You make it look so simple! She tosses it to nobody in particular on the opposite side. 2 Serving 1. Playing to 15?"

OOC: May I suggest a bit of mass rolling soon, to reduce how long this volleyball game takes?

2009-05-12, 08:33 PM

Set up the fuses, light them, everything is go!

The night sky fills with color as Lin's display illuminates the night sky. There weren't enough of them in her box for a full show, so she had to go back and buy a couple crates. It was worth it though, to see the rockets and bombs pop in the air.

"Here, take a sparkler." Lin gives Noa and Rui sparklers along with other small fireworks. She then hurries back to her setup to light the right fuses at the right time.

[roll0] - 15 final.

Carefully setting up the fireworks display without anything exploding before it's supposed to. Spending favor to get a +1 to the roll.

Mando Knight
2009-05-12, 08:42 PM
"Ready for another one?" Sakura tosses up the ball for another overhand serve. [roll0]

2009-05-12, 10:27 PM

"Thanks for packing my clothes. I really just wanted to make sure everyone was busy while I was packing my personal stuff. There was a whole chest of it. Lin, I found something you might be interested in. We should talk after the fireworks."

The fireworks are very impressive. It looks just like a professional show. Other people nearby come out to watch. Children ooo and ahh over the display.

Favor time:
Noa [roll0]
Hisa [roll1]
Lin [roll2]

Also UglyPanda roll luck for me please.


OOC: Waiting for everyone to post rolls in OOC.

2009-05-12, 10:42 PM


Lin is still scrambling around the fuses, trying not to make a mistake.


2009-05-14, 06:30 PM

The fireworks end and Rui walks over to Lin.

"Well I am ready whenever you are. Where do you want to go to talk?"

After I finish with Lin it that should wrap up this day. Then we can go to Japan. Not really planning on acting that out, unless someone wants to.


The sisters win the game based off of the sudden death. Miwako bows to Sakura.

"I'm sorry I held you back, Sakura."

Serenity walks in. She bows and starts telling everyone something.

"The other maid was feeling like everyone was mad at her, so she has left. I have also prepared dinner, so when everyone is dressed, we can eat."

2009-05-14, 06:38 PM

"*huff* It doesn't *huff* really matter. *huff* We'll talk on the *huff* porch." Lin was a bit tired from the fireworks show. It would have been much easier if she brought her electronic equipment with her, but she had to do it the old fashioned way.

2009-05-14, 06:46 PM

"I had a little bit of stuff with me from before I can remember. One of those things is this."

Rui pulls out a picture of a little girl. On the back it says Linny.

"Is this you?"

2009-05-14, 07:02 PM

Lin takes a look at the picture and smiles a bit. "Yes, it is. But when did you get this? How did you get this? Something something this?"

2009-05-14, 07:23 PM

"I don't know. I won't know unless I get my memories back. It was on my person when I was found. That is all I know. I guess I must have known you existed."

Rui looks at the picture some more, but it doesn't help him to remember.

Mando Knight
2009-05-14, 07:23 PM
Sakura looks at Miwako with a comforting smile. "But you didn't hold me back, Mistress. Kazuko and Ameko just played better than we did."

Fun and games over for now, Sakura finishes washing up and dries herself off with a towel, then puts her uniform back on.

2009-05-14, 07:37 PM

"It's getting late. I'm going to go to bed. I'll see you in the morning, Dad."

2009-05-14, 08:42 PM

Ameko is panting. Her play was terrible, at best, but she wasn't expected to be good at sports. That was her sister's job. And, she wasn't feeling too good. Either way, it was like a one man army out there. She laughs nervously at Kazuko, eyes closed and smiling cute. "Sorry, Kazuko. I guess I wasn't much help." She gives Kazuko a V for Victory. "But you were great! We won!" She turns to the losers, cheerfully. She opens her eyes, which were locked on Miwako's eyes. Once more, spontaneous urges of bowing took over her body. "Great game, Miss Miwako! Great game, Sakura-San!" She tried to move out of the pool, but instead found herself unable to break eye contact. She continued her bowing, which seemed more like trying to chop a piece of invisible wood with the top of her body than bowing, with the intense speed.

2009-05-14, 10:15 PM

The master goes back to his room and gets ready for bed.

Tacky and Shades finish whatever you want for the day. When you guys are done with the day, we will go to Japan.


Miwako looks uneasy about Ameko bowing.

"You can really stop that."

Miwako gets a towel and dries off.

"I am going to check the closet out for clothes."

Miwako pulls out an outfit.

"Curious most of these have no labels, I wonder why."

Dinner will start when everyone is ready.

Mando Knight
2009-05-14, 10:46 PM
Sakura pauses a moment, her red eyes flickering with odd symbols for a short moment.
Open C:/Documents/Master Files/Miwako/Outfits
> 400 outfit files found (800 MB)

"Mistress, they lack labels because according to my records, you designed them yourself before you left."

2009-05-15, 06:13 PM

Miwako looks very shocked. She pulls out a ton of the dresses and outfits. She runs her hands across them and picks some up to look at them further.

"I don't remember this at all. I have always liked clothes, but I didn't know I could make clothes. Did I sell any of them?"

The answer to that would be no.

2009-05-15, 06:45 PM

Ameko stops bowing at Miwako's command. She does, however, bow once more, though more politely. "Thank you, Miss Miwako." She gets out of the pool slowly, back into the changing rooms of mysteriously large amounts of clothing. She comes back out in a (perfectly fitted) maid outfit, spinning around. "Yay! I look like a maid! a real maid!" She skips into the dining room.

Mando Knight
2009-05-15, 09:53 PM
"No, mistress. You designed your clothes for your own enjoyment. You might have given some away or made some for friends, but you never discussed actually selling your designs for profit."

2009-05-16, 09:25 AM
In the changing booth.

She's still not to happy about having to dress up into an uniform but the game put her in a good mood so she's willing to give it a try.
kazuko looks at the clothes with the expression of someone who loves a nice outfit as much as the next girl but suspect that it won't love her back
Might as well get on with it.
I must look ridiculous
She dress up then look at the result, select another uniform and repeat the process until she finaly find one that fits. The clothes are of good quality and have nice cut, but it is painfully obvious to her that whoever designed these didn't had girls like her in mind.

After a while she finaly steps out , bow politely to Miwako and Sakura and leave to the dining room

2009-05-16, 11:07 AM

Miwako notices the girls going into the dining room. She hurries in finding an outfit. It looks a little young for her, but that is expected since it was for a 20-year-old.

"Well I will wonder about this some more after dinner. Sakura, lets go to dinner."

Miwako walks down to dinner where the other girls and Serenity are waiting.

"I am starting to be glad I came here and got to meet all of you. I wonder if my brother will come here eventually."

Miwako sits at the head of the table.

"Well you guys can start eating as soon as Sakura sits down."

2009-05-16, 12:37 PM

Ameko looks over the displays of food, talking to Miwako. "Your brother... Rui, was it? Where is he right now?"

Mando Knight
2009-05-16, 01:48 PM
At Miwako's beckoning, Sakura sits.

2009-05-16, 01:50 PM

"He is probably still in Japan. Maybe he decided to follow me to Japan by now though. He is so stubborn, he wasn't going to leave his restaurant he said."

Miwako has filled her plate up and starts to eat after talking.