View Full Version : WFRP (Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay), The Enemy Within, IC thread

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2009-05-03, 08:42 PM
OOC thread: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=6066277

And so it begins.

Here starts Book One; Mistaken Identity.

The rain continues to pour, but the Coach and Horses Inn looms ahead. A whitewashed, ten-foot high monstrosity of a stone wall surrounds it, protecting it from rampaging monsters and bandits. Two gates in the walls are situated on paths that lead to the road. They are both wide open, and guarded by a gateman in a small office to one side of each of them. Huge columns of smoke, indicating roaring fires, pour invitingly from six chimneys on the roof. Another very inviting feature is the fact that you will probably be able to arrange transport to Altdorf on a coach. Two stories high, the coaching inn is a beacon of hope in the dank and dreary rain. You notice several other travellers (the other PCs) appear to be making their way to the same inn, but it will be a few minutes until you reach it (so now might be a good time to introduce yourselves).

2009-05-03, 08:58 PM
Drubbit begins to veer slightly towards the other travlers.

"c'mon Sausage!" he mutters to his dog.

as Drubbit makes within earshot of the other travlers he speaks up, rather loud for a small halfling "Hi, I'm Drubbit, Drubbit Dibbly-Firkin, jus' call me wha'ever ya like, Drubbit, Drub, Dibbly, Dibbs, Firkin, firkers, wha'ever, aslong as i know its me... Rat catcher, Extrodinair! an' this 'ere is me dachshund, Sausage! Drubbit proudly brandishes his 9, yes 9! dead rats on a pole over his sholder. well a rat catcher has to show his good at his job somehow doesnt he?

Drubbit smiles widely, through sholder length hair, blonde... or atleast it used to be, it still may well be, but its hard to tell as it looks like it hasnt seen clean water for a while... some kind of water perhaps, but not clean water.

Damian Jade
2009-05-03, 09:10 PM
From underneath a rain soaked hat that covers his face, comes a cheerful hello. Greetings, lads, we all seem to be making for the same place, should we queue up then? My name is Lucas Schon and I have an admiration for those brave or desperate enough to be out in weather such this."

Spotting, the halfing, he tips back his hat and dumps nearly a dram of water down the back of his dark cloak and answers "Well a man can't ask for more of a partner than that he pulls his weight. Well met friend, I've yet to meet a rat that wouldn't look better on a pole like that one."

2009-05-03, 09:36 PM
Drubbit smiles again "Well, how right ye are! I bet most o' tha rats youve met, will be on this pole soona or later, or maybe they 'ave already?"

Damian Jade
2009-05-03, 10:22 PM
I imagine you've read the flyer same as I have to come trekkin' out in the wet? I'm from Auerswald and have walked a long way and yours is the first friendly face I've met in many a day. Will you join me in a drink by the fire?

2009-05-03, 10:35 PM
"I may 'ave seen the flyer, but it would make no diff'rence to me, as i can't read, but i 'ave 'eard wisper of what you speak of... that is why i came..."

"Sure ill 'ave a drink with ya. i 'ope that fire aint too crowded.

Drubbit turns to the other travlers "So what brings you all to this Inn then?

2009-05-04, 05:40 AM
Louis looks at the Halfling completely dumbfounded by his actoins. He still had alot to learn about the Empire so it seemed. I came because of the flyer... eh... he hesitates knowing it may be a sensitive subject May I equire as the ...eh ... What you are? I did see that the flyer said no dwarves

*Oh by the enchantress why did I ask such a foolish question... I hope he isn't offened* he thinks to himself.

2009-05-04, 05:40 AM
Treading a short distance behind the clamoring pair a young red-haired man roughly 6 feet tall, a greatsword slung over his cloaked body, glances at the other travelers before responding.

"The letter you speak of. Or the money that the letter spake of, more like."

Illiterate Scribe
2009-05-04, 10:35 AM
This rain. This endless, ceaseless, forsaken rain. Rain that was, of course, something to be endured.

Mevleviye was uncharacteristically down. He had been riding across the insular country, up the banks of the river Teufel, for several weeks now, and, bar the odd highwayman who skulked away at the sight of a scimitar wielding 'demonic' figure galloping like the wind, nothing had presented itself - not a single opportunity to dispense the Lady's law. Far be it from him feel self-pitying, but a gnawing sense was growing in the back of his mind that being sent out into the provincial, bigoted heart of the Empire, where justice was simply seen as a means rather than an end, and he harboured secret doubts as to his namesake's wisdom in sending him away from the spearhead of civilisation currently driving back into Khemri.

As he crested the top of a gentle hill - this land could barely even manage geological excellence - he saw, in the form of the the Coach and Horses Inn, the road to Ostland. It was the one slender thread that he'd been seeking
- a request for aid on behalf of Heinrich Flugeland, the scribe of a local dignitary. Exploration! A chance to bring the knowledge of good and evil to a heretofore untouched land! A chance.

And who were these? It looked like he was not the only one here who was bound on this road. Well, traveling companions were ever of use. He approached, reining in Alès and bringing her alongside the group - only to hear them discussing the flyer! So, not merely fellow travellers, but putative comrades?

Sirs! You also were those brought sub rosa Hergard along the road to Altdorf?

Mevleviye de Rossignol, at the service not of any who dwell upon this basest earth, nor even the damsels, ladies, priests or gods that may or may not walk upon it, but the very immaterial Principle that informs them all!

Realising that this is a somewhat unwieldly introduction, he tips his hat.

2009-05-04, 11:31 AM
Fornoth dashed down the road, as the rain pelted down on him from above. His tattered cloak and hood were doing little to keep the rain from drenching him through to the skin. He dodged under the trees by the roadside, to try and shelter from the rain, but the wind blew it straight through whatever cover he had hoped to find. He had lost his prey about a mile or so back, having bolted as soon as the rain started coming down. It was not proud work for a son of Ulthuan, but it was Kornoth's work, and so it would do.

His feet padded down the road, clad in study boots, that gave a small, almost inaudible squelch as he began to slow, as he was nearing his destination. His cloak flapped about his slight frame. The Coach and Horse Inn loomed out of the darkness ahead of him. Hmm. A fire would be nice to sit by a fire on a night such as this. he thought to himself. A small group of people nearby seemed to be heading towards the entrance. He found himself joining the group wordlessly, as the others began to address themselves.

"Good evening, Gentlemen, my name is Fornoth. I hunt in these forests, but not in weather such as this. Come, let us get inside and warm ourselves by the fire. I'm sure it would do us all some good. I'm sure we can speak of the tasks we have ahead once we are inside."

Damian Jade
2009-05-04, 11:43 AM
Tipping his hat to the others, as he reaches for the door. Well met then, let us get out the weather and get this fine horse into a warm stable with some fodder. I cannot believe that Sigmar's hand is not in this meeting and we could all greatly benefit from a long conversation and a warm meal.

2009-05-04, 12:01 PM
As you approach the inn, a coach (bearing the insignia of two posts supporting a crossbar, under which crossbar hangs a bunch of grapes) comes charging out of he gates. Once out, the coachman whips his horses into a gallop and pelts down the road directly towards you. He levels his blunderbuss at you and yells out loud: "Get the bloody hell out of the way!"

2009-05-04, 12:10 PM
((@ Xsesiv: yeah I had started posting before that happened editing it now))

Louis stepped forward to the man with the blunderbuss. Sir I suggest you stopp waving that weapon in our faces before we get violent Louis said praticing the skills being a watchman he thought him I would hate to see an honest man of the Empire be harm for being over hasty Louis reaches for his sword ready to fight

wouldn't let me do the intimidate test adding it to the OOC thread

2009-05-04, 01:00 PM
The coachman is not intimidated in the slightest. He drives the coach right at Louis, who must make an Average (±0) Agility Test to dive out of the way or else take [roll0] Wounds modified by TB only. He doesn't stop, but continues straight ahead and points the blunderbuss at the rest of the group, screaming with all his insane rage: "If you don't all get out of my way, as Verena is my witness, I will fire this gun!"

Damian Jade
2009-05-04, 01:26 PM
I'm looking to get clear of the coach. If Louis seems unable to get clear, I'll make an effort to pull him away.

Damian Jade
2009-05-04, 01:33 PM
I'm looking to get clear of the coach. If Louis seems unable to get clear, I'll make an effort to pull him away.

2009-05-04, 02:22 PM
Fornoth moves out of the way of the cart, and calls to the others to get clear. "We'd better listen to him. He seems to be in a hurry."
As the carriage charges at Louis, Fornoth's hand strays to the quiver on his back, the bow in his hand ever ready.

2009-05-04, 02:25 PM
Seeing this the coachman panics and blasts the blunderbuss at Fornoth, who mut succed at an Average (±0) Agility Test or suffer [roll0] Wounds modified by armour and TB in the usual way.

He then whips the horses into a gallop and charges away down the road.

2009-05-04, 04:12 PM
Agility (41) [roll0]

Fornoth dies, bloodied and broken at the side of the road. Especially with Ulric's Wrath. :smallfrown:

It was never intended as a combat menoevre, more his hand moving backwards. He reloads as a free action...

2009-05-04, 04:34 PM
Agility test yay [roll0]

Don't worry anon I went splat too..... damn high rolling.... hey maybe we should roll up new characters now just i case

2009-05-04, 05:02 PM
Trying again with a fortune point to avoid using fate...
Agility (41) [roll0]

2009-05-04, 05:05 PM
Fornoth dodges the shrapnel.

Louis is hit by a horse losing 7 Wounds but doesn't take any life-threatening damage.

Illiterate Scribe
2009-05-04, 05:09 PM
Remember your fate points, guys. :smallwink:

Mevleviye is, to put it mildly, shocked. He'd heard bad things about the Empire, but by the Lady ...

He is in half a mind to charge down the road, outpace the carriage, and then personally charge down and slay the driver for such an act, but knows that this course of action would be a crude caricature of the knight's vow - he must chase down the wicked, but not at the expense of their victims.

2009-05-04, 05:10 PM
Don't take a critical hit, or indeed any damage. I re-rolled using a fortune point. But I understand now.

Thanks for clearing that up, and being patient. I won't make the same mistake again, again(Remembering the same thing happening with Mardek). :smalltongue:

Fornoth picked himself up and moved to pick Louis up from the ground.

2009-05-04, 05:17 PM
Shouldn't it only be 4 wounds cause of my TB in which case I have 8 wounds left

Louis was Looking around he had seen Mevleviye look completely shocked. He walks up to him careful to try hide his cloaks trimmings. You'll get used to it good sir knight. The Empire is a strange place for us. But come let us take some wine and foget the incident. My name is Louis

Concealment check at 1/2 agility (16) [roll0]

2009-05-04, 05:24 PM
(Yes it should, well spotted.)

You continue (or struggle, as is the case) towards the inn. The gateman, sitting in front of a stove with a cup of mulled wine, looks at you through his office window, sees the pouring rain is still going, declines to come out and instead waves you through. Despite the driving rain drenching the patio-style courtyard, it is bustling with activity as you enter. The foul but strangely sweet, sticky stench of fresh manure is heavy in the air, straw and hay lie everywhere in shreds and piles. Servants are picking seasonal vegetables from a small garden to your right. Chickens peck about the courtyard and a couple of lads are brushing down a team of horses in the stables right in front of you. From the bar room, to your left, come the delicious smells of high quality cooking and the sounds of chatter and laughter.

2009-05-04, 05:29 PM
Everard looks behind him at the coach making its getaway, then at the throng of people in front of him, then back at the coach, then shakes his head and mutters something inaudible. As he makes his way into the courtyard, the scent of hot food draws his attention and he heads towards its source, wringing the excess water off his clothes by the doorway.

2009-05-04, 05:34 PM
@Mevleviye: A lad comes over to Mevleviye and helps him off his horse. He takes the horse to an empty stall and places some hay in the manger and pours some water from a pump into a basin for it as others turn up to brush it down. The one with the basin of water comes back over to Mevleviye. "That’ll be three shillin’s, if you please, siegniore," he grins, holding out his hand, apparently thinking Mevleviye is Tilean.

The bar room is a bright and cheerful place. On opening the door the smell of cooking becomes extremely powerful. The atmosphere is smoky and beery and the loud laughter of two bearded men who are telling jokes to each other peals out across the bar. From across the room you are met by the icy stare of a finely dressed young woman, seated at the table with two other women, one of whom is hugely tall and powerfully built with a scarred face and black leather clothing, and the other of whom, dressed in fine but modest clothing (probably that of a servant), is small, nervous and mousy-looking. Sitting at another table is a skinny young man absorbed in a large book in front of him, lost in its pages. Leaning on the bar is a foppish-looking gentleman who stares closely at you until he sees you have noticed him, at which point he returns his gaze to the bar. Behind the bar stand a very short, very fat, middle-aged and balding man and a very tall and thin younger one, not counting a crow roosting on a rail set above the bar. Before you can do any more than take in the scene, the fat and jolly man opens a door in the bar, walks out and greets you. His crow flies down and sits on his shoulder as he walks across the room. "Greetings! Welcome to the Coach and Horses. So glad to see you’ve arrived safely. I’m Gustav Fondelburgher. Been travelling the roads? Of course you have. Do take a seat, yes, have this table over here by the fire where you will dry off and get nice and warm. Would you like drinks and food? Tonight we have chicken soup. Of course, you’ll want drinks first, how foolish of me."

Illiterate Scribe
2009-05-04, 05:55 PM
Perhaps their wounds were not as bad as initially suspected. Nonetheless, Mevleviye turns to his trampled countryman.

Louis, sir, I tell by your accent that you are a countryman - are you alright? The horses appear to have wounded you, in what can only be construed as an attack of deep dishonour upon your person. Seek you a magistrate?

While fussing over Louis' wounds somewhat, Mevelviye dismounts Alès, taking her over to the stablehands, negotiating a price for stabling the horse for the night, but also turning to his companions - 'If we are to work together, then sundry expenses such as those here may be easier to pay together, to avoid the issues of denomination of currency - let us pool our expenses, for the time being.' To the boy: I shall pay you five if I can break up my coinage with your master first'.

All in all, fairly busy.

It's not till he gets inside, then, that the cogs of Mevleviye's mind begin turning, working. Knowing the lie of this land - this strange, barbaric, often frightening land - will be of great help to him.

Good evening, Gustav, sir. Thank you exceedingly for your hospitality. Since I doubt that you would be in possession of Khufa beans - with all likelihood, a wise choice - I would be indebted to you if you had some water or weak ferment that you could bring.

But first, indulge me a question that I have been pondering - we encountered a carriage outside. I did not recognise its heraldry, a fact that greatly troubles me. Care to still my woes?

Rolling [roll0] on Academic Knowledge vs. Int 31 - Genealogy/Heraldry to see if I know about families or groups with 'two posts supporting a crossbar, under which crossbar hangs a bunch of grapes' - even if I do know, I'm still asking Gustav.

I may also need a [roll1] gossip check vs. Fel 35.

2009-05-04, 05:58 PM
"Ale and soup is fine," Everard says and glances back at his traveling companions before heading for their table. He seats himself with his back to the wall, places his sword within reach and keeps his eye on the rest of the guests while waiting for his order.

2009-05-04, 06:02 PM
You do not know, but he does.

"Oh, that's the Four Seasons Company's coach! The bloke came in, his wheel was broken, he's been hurrying for lost time. You're alright with water? And you're having ale and soup? Good. Anyone else? Ale? Beer? Wine? Something stronger?"

2009-05-04, 06:08 PM
Louis turns to Gustav "Actually I was wondering wether you could tell us about the roads ahead?" He loks around the bar again for a quick check "And also possibly about that Lady over there she seems to have taken an interest in us" he whispers "the one with the nice dress".

while saying so he keeps an eye on the rest as they enter the inn.

Gossip @ +10 for advanced training Fel (52) [roll0]

2009-05-04, 06:11 PM
"Oh, the roads ahead, well I never walk 'em myself, I'll tell you that. But those men over there are coachmen." He points to the two laughing, bearded men. "They're going to Altdorf tomorrow, if you're interested in booking passage, go and see 'em. And that lady...I'll go and ask her about it."

He stumps off towards the lady, and bends down to talk to her. After a few seconds, she stands up, looks over at you, then at him disgustedly, slaps him in the face and storms up to her room.

He comes back to inquire as to everyone's health, and what food and drinks they want.

2009-05-04, 06:16 PM
Drubbit smile widens even further than before "Why? a free drink ya say? can ya make it two? two pitchers that is! I'm Drubbit, Drubbit Dibbly-Firkin, jus' call me wha'ever ya like, Drubbit, Drub, Dibbly, Dibbs, Firkin, firkers, wha'ever, aslong as i know its me... Rat catcher, Extrodinair! an' this 'ere is me dachshund, Sausage!. Drubbit proudly brandishes his 9, dead rats on a pole over his sholder...

this is obviously Drubbits, inbuilt introduction, as first inpressions are everything in a business like rat catching as his appearence is not very good, so he must try to make up for it in his self introduction.

2009-05-04, 06:18 PM
"I would appreciate it if you took those rats outside." Gustav wrinkles his nose. "I hate rats. Two pitchers of ale. I'll sort that out. Anything for the dog? And the rest of you? More ale?"

2009-05-04, 06:24 PM
Louis was embarrased he hadn't intended for the barman to get hurt he was only interested in who she was. He looked at the coachers "Yeah I'll have two ales for my friends over there" He says pointing to the coachmen.

Then he turns to Drubbit "Tell me Drubbit for I am dumbfounded, I have seen a few of your people about the place before and I could have sworn you were dwarves. But your involvement in this quest proves otherwise, praytell what be you? Louis was truely curious about the Halfling.

2009-05-04, 06:29 PM
"wha? you mean you donno? I'ma halfling I am! an' as 'alflings go, I'm pretty good lookin!" this last comment, is hopefully a lie, as Drubbit looks reasonably ugly, with his face covered in wet hair and his body with slightly grubby clothes.

Drubbit suddenly looks shocked as he hears that he has to take the rats outside. "but... 'ow will people know imma good ratcatcher?" Drubbit sighs, 'lright, ill take em outside... an' a sausage for tha dog if ya would please!

2009-05-04, 06:36 PM
Gustav stumps off to get ales, soup, water and a sausage.

His crow however hops down, sits on the table and mimics him – almost in a mocking way, for the crow really does talk absolute drivel. “Awk! Well, welcome, leaving so soon? How nice to see you! Caw! Would you like a road to travel? Or have you just arrived? Of course you have, how silly of me. Have a chicken to drink. Caw!” Sausage jumps from the floor to a free chair then from there onto the table and snaps at the crow which quickly takes off. Still blathering and cawing to itself, it flaps off towards the bar, from which Gustav is pulling your drinks.

Your drinks arrive. As you settle yourselves down, you see that you are being watched by the fop at the bar, who has long, curly, reddish-dyed hair, white makeup, and an artificial beauty spot on his cheek. He is wearing a lace shirt and an embroidered jacket and breeches. The skinny young man is still buried in his large and rather boring-looking book, and the two bearded coachmen sit at their table busily getting drunk.

2009-05-04, 06:45 PM
Louis took the two ales over to the coachers. Still a little shocked about the whole halfling business he nearly falls on the way."I see your drinks have run dry friends mind if we talk for a while" he says as he places the drinks infront of the men. Surely you must have something to say about the roads in these here parts

While Louis said this he took a quick glance at the crow, Something was bothering him about it...

Gossip @ +10 for advanced training Fel (52) [roll0] to see what the coachers know

2009-05-04, 06:54 PM
You learn that the road to Altdorf is troubled by bandits and worse things these days, the roads are getting worse by the day, and the weather i only going to get worse and it is likely to rain even worse than today tomorrow. One of them offers to take you all to Altdorf in safety and comfort for the bargain price of 2gc.

The foppish looking man gets up from his position at the bar and steps over towards the fireside table taking short steps like a bird. He fiddles with his nose and begins to talk in a thick Bretonnian accent. "'Ello. Meh I seet down? I em Phillipe Descartes, and yes, I em Bretonnian, and lak you I em on ma way to ze city of Altdorf, but I em going to visit to ma old friend. Meh I offer you a dreenk?"

Damian Jade
2009-05-04, 06:59 PM
After settling in at the table with the others Lucas spends a few minutes watching everyone interact and hoping there isn't any one who might know his voice. (OOC- I don't have heraldry but do I know anything about the coaching lines? I've spent some time with them as it were.)

Lucas hangs his hat on the back of the chair to dry and settles into the man sitting with his back to the wall. "Lucas Schon of Auerswald."

2009-05-04, 07:07 PM
"Lucas Schon? Never 'eard of 'eem. but Lucas Zhager? I'm shoore I've 'eard of 'eem before...no, eet must be a, 'ow you seh...trick of ze mind."

He begins fiddling with his nose again and calls for another round of ale. He pulls out a battered pack of cards and begins to shuffle them.

"Well, mes amis, shall we 'ave a play of cards, for to pass ze time?"

2009-05-04, 07:15 PM
Louis tanks the Coachdrierrro his generous offer and says that he shall ask his freinds before the new day. He walks over to his friends table and arrives just after the foppish looking man anounces his heritage.

*another bretonnian, surely tis unfortunate that I should happen accross so many, I just hope none of them recognise me*he thinks remembering his great shame, and the self imposed exile.

"tis always a pleasure to meet a fellow bretonnian good sir" he says trying to hide his fear "the drink does sound nice, I canst speak for my friends but I would be happy to have you travel with use, tere is rumours of bandit abroad" Louis paused "Speaking of travelling in numbers, the coacher there offered to take us with him to Altdorf for 2 gold He finish looking at his new companions faces.

2009-05-04, 07:34 PM
"2 Gold you say? each? no way!... unless ya mean allt'geather? I've only got 3 Gold to me name! in tha 'ole world!

2009-05-04, 07:38 PM
The fop Phillipe looks up. "Well, would you be eenterested een weening some more, ma tiny friend?"

2009-05-04, 07:42 PM
"Tis two gold for the lot of us together, do not worry friend I shall pay for this one tis only fair that I do" Louis answered, his kinder nature showing through.

Is it possible there may be a physician in town I could get healling from or is it too late for that?

2009-05-04, 07:45 PM
There is no town. This is a coaching inn.

2009-05-04, 07:55 PM
maybe so.... phillpie...phipill... philliphe? ahh w'at ever, me brettonian frien', but i won' be bettin' much, i not got tha' much to gamble ya see? Drubbit pulls out a few silver from his pocket

2009-05-04, 07:58 PM
"Well, I personaly will gamble for any stakes. But I sink it is a waste of ma time to gamble for any-sing less zan 10 shillings. Shall we call it 10 shillings to start wiz?"

He deals out cards to each of you. Gamble test please.

2009-05-04, 08:01 PM
gamble test. INT 40/2 = 20 [roll0]

2009-05-04, 08:03 PM
He fails miserably, and you collect in 10 shillings. He then prepares to deal another hand. "Will we play anuzzer, mon 'Alfling?"

2009-05-04, 08:14 PM
"no, no. me new money will be 'appy in its new 'ome... me pocket, hehe." Drubbit takes his winnings and stops playing, feeling the guy was about to hussle him somehow.

Damian Jade
2009-05-04, 08:16 PM
[QUOTE=Xsesiv;6069391]"Lucas Schon? Never 'eard of 'eem. but Lucas Zhager? I'm shoore I've 'eard of 'eem before...no, eet must be a, 'ow you seh...trick of ze mind."

Lucas' bright smile disappears for a second then a low chuckle. "Ah, well, the name Lucas is common enough, Herr Jager is no doubt far from here waiting for a better night to do his business. I am afraid I do not gamble so I will leave this seat for some one who might help you pass the evening"

Looking around the room, he moves to sit beside the elf. "I couldn't miss such a beautiful bow as that, did you carve it yourself?" He motions to the unstrung bow he himself carries." My uncle retired from the Imperial Army and made this for me as lad." He looks to make small talk about the care of the wood and string. Catching the inn keepers eye he asks for some of the soup and an ale.

2009-05-04, 08:17 PM
Mevleviye and Lucas both notice that the fop managed to slip several cards up his sleeve and attempt to use them throughout the game.

2009-05-05, 01:22 AM
Erevard declines the offer for a game by shaking his head, introduces himself as "Erevard, a hire-sword from Scheinfeld" should someone ask him, avoiding any more precise questions with the slurping of soup, quaffing of ale, shrugging of shoulders and round-about answers. If nothing unusual attracts his attention (in this case something obviously related to the mission), Everard excuses himself after awhile and asks the innkeeper for a room.

2009-05-05, 03:29 AM
Fornoth slung his bow over his back, before he entered.

"Just a bowl of soup please, Herr Fondelburgher." Fornoth said, when asked what he wanted.

He excused himself quietly from the Brettonian fops gambling game, and looked about the room. His eyes focused on the man sitting alone and reading a large book. He remebered days of his youth sitting by a fire and reading books of history and poetry. They were some of the best of his life. Certainly much better than the last few years. He walked over to him and asked;

"Good Evening, Sir, Might I enquire as to what you're reading? It does seem to be an engaging read."

Gossip Test (Untrained) (39/2) [roll0]

2009-05-05, 07:27 AM
Louis turns to the Bretonnian "Sure I'll play a round with you friend" he said taking out 10s. "Perhaps you would care to tell me what brings you to these parts while we play?" He added after a second curious how he could run into two of his countrymen in such a place in the Empire.

gamble 1/2 INT 17 [roll0]
Also roll gossip @+10 52 [roll1]

2009-05-05, 10:20 AM
@Fornoth: The skinny man slams his book shut and shows you the cover page, which is made of leather-wrapped wood, with a title and a picture of a jar of leeches.
""Leeches and their Curative Properties." Now if you would be so kind, please go away and leave me alone, as I am trying to study for my university entrance examination."

@Louis: "I was a mercenary sergeant some years back, and I made some friends in ze Empire. I am going to meet one in Altdorf." The man seems to win but you see that he was using extra cards from up his sleeve.

@Everard: "A room eh? That'll be 25 shillings, and 5 shillings for every person you want in the room, so 30 for one person, 35 for two and so on. Sleeps four."

2009-05-05, 11:37 AM
Everard flinches slightly at the price. "Any wagons leaving for Altdorf?"

Damian Jade
2009-05-05, 01:12 PM
Everard flinches slightly at the price. "Any wagons leaving for Altdorf?"

Moving over to quietly talk to Everard, "It's but a few silvers friend. If we are all traveling together then I can help you out. After all the flier promised quiet a bit more than that. No one should have to sleep out in that weather."

Damian Jade
2009-05-05, 01:25 PM
Everard flinches slightly at the price. "Any wagons leaving for Altdorf?"

Moving over to quietly talk to Everard, "It's but a few silvers friend. If we are all traveling together then I can help you out. After all the flier promised quiet a bit more than that. No one should have to sleep out in that weather."

2009-05-05, 02:03 PM
(Could you delete one of those last two?)

@Everard:"Yes, there's a coach going tomorrow moring. I think your friends are going."

Phillipe gets accused of cheating at cards by the little skinny man who is walking past for another drink. Phillipe pulls out a pistol and fires at him but misses. He then runs for the stairs. The scrawny man chases him. Gustav stands blocking the door to the stairs and brandishing his blunderbuss.

"You’d better not be attacking my customers!" he shouts at the skinny man, who shoves him aside.

He fires the blunderbuss, and somehow he also misses. He then falls over as the vicious recoil hurls him backwards. Phillipe is still escaping up the stairs.

2009-05-05, 03:01 PM
Everard looks at the ensuing chaos somewhat bemusedly, placing his hand on his dagger should anyone close in on him with hostile intents. Everard then waits for Gustav to return behind the counter before handing 2 gold crowns to him.

"That should pay for a room for four people and my supper."

2009-05-05, 04:50 PM
Louis jumps up and runs after the Bretonnian cheater "Do you have no honour" He cries as he pounds up the stairs after the man. Drawing his sword as he runs after the cheater hoping one or two of his new companions heard his accusation and would follow after him.

2009-05-05, 05:11 PM
Dubbit shrugs and looks on slightly bemused by the events, but then decides to give chase, maybe the innkeep would give him some more free drinks? "C'mon Sausage! Lets get 'im!" drubbit says as he bounds off towards the stairs to chase the man.

Illiterate Scribe
2009-05-05, 05:18 PM
De Rossignol, having declined the offer of cards - why, they seemed so petty after the trading empires he'd witnessed in Estalia - stares with an unfocused gaze out of the window into the rain. He stays the hand of the Scheinfelder before the money can be handed over.

I thank you, Everard, but I may sleep out tonight. New ventures merit, as a grain of truth in a heathenish book of Cathay once noted, a commitment; the night's as good as gone in prayer.

Two shots. Black powder. Not the sort of thing that Mevleviye really approved of.

The knight turns to Gustav, helping the prone inn-keeper head cocked, smiling a little.

This is the second time this night that I have failed to pursue a brigand, and a fellow countryman no less, citing caution, calm, and serenity, rather than the valour of the hunt. Wish you that I alter my ways in this regard, sir? If so, this inn - how many flights of stairs does it have? Is the man cornered?

A hand on the Watered Steel, spilling out its three feet of Dimashq blacksmithing like a shower of quicksilver, all the while keeping it point down, without immediate threat. Moderation, to be sure, but twice in a night was just bad form.

Damian Jade
2009-05-06, 08:36 PM
From across the room you are met by the icy stare of a finely dressed young woman, seated at the table with two other women, one of whom is hugely tall and powerfully built with a scarred face and black leather clothing, and the other of whom, dressed in fine but modest clothing (probably that of a servant), is small, nervous and mousy-looking. [/color]

In the chaos of the shootings and running around, Lucas realizes no one has bothered to check on the three women. Feeling protective and that it is his duty to at least check on them he makes his way to the table where they sat. He makes a point to keep his hands visible turn on his most sincere expression as he says, "Forgive me my ladies are you well, do you need anything. My name is Lucas Schon and if I can help you, you need only ask."

2009-05-07, 03:33 AM

Fornoth follows Louis and Dubbit up the stairs, his bow coming off his back and into his hands, as soon as he is out of sight of the common room. Now, for the hunt! he thought, his hands steady, but his face lively with excitement.

2009-05-07, 03:32 PM
@Mevleviye: Gustav informs you that the inn has only one set of stairs.

In the chaos of the shootings and running around, Lucas realizes no one has bothered to check on the three women. Feeling protective and that it is his duty to at least check on them he makes his way to the table where they sat. He makes a point to keep his hands visible turn on his most sincere expression as he says, "Forgive me my ladies are you well, do you need anything. My name is Lucas Schon and if I can help you, you need only ask."

(Will you please read past replies? They have gone.)

@Fornoth, Drubbit & Louis: As you run up the stairs, Phillipe is just reaching the top. He looks back at you for a second, before hurling himself out of the window to the stables below – a distance of 3 yards. [roll0] against Ag 35. If he fails he takes [roll1] Wounds modified by his TB (4) only. From the floor where he lands he bounces and limps his way to Mevleviye’s horse Alès in the stables, unties it, jumps on and begins to ride away towards Altdorf.

2009-05-07, 04:04 PM

As Fornoth reached the window, his senses all screamed out to him not to let the man escape. He was more than a little annoyed at having one person try to kill him already that day. He drew an arrow from his quiver, aimed his bow and fired it at the fleeing horse rider.

Aim (Half Action)
Ranged Attack (Half Action) (61) [roll0]
Doing [roll1] damage if it hits..

2009-05-07, 04:19 PM
The man gets an arrow in the leg, but still manages to hang on to the reins and gallop away.

2009-05-07, 04:30 PM
Fornoth hung his head in shame, as he saw the horseman's unimpeded gallop. He was too far out of bowshot now for another shot, and the rain and wind were only likely to throw his aim further off. He could barely see his target anymore.

There was only one thing left to do. He turned and walked back downstairs, slinging his bow onto his back.

"Sire Mevleviye, I'm afraid he got away, and he took your horse with him. I am terribly sorry."

2009-05-07, 04:50 PM
Louis swore. Not only had he been scammed by a fellow country man but the blagard had escaped.

Louis punched the window frame trying to control his rage. He wasn't going to persue the man. It would be pointless to chace the man. So with a heavy heart he returned to the table.

2009-05-08, 11:59 AM
The night passes without any more great incident. The next morning is misty and overcast. The passengers; the skinny man with the book and the well-dressed woman and her entourage, assemble in the bar room at 8:00 and breakfast, which is free for those who paid for the night's stay and consists of porridge followed by bacon, eggs and bread, is served by Gustav. The Coachmen are nowhere to be seen – they are still in bed sleeping off the drinking of the previous night. By 9:00 it becomes apparent that they are not of going to show up.

Damian Jade
2009-05-08, 12:50 PM
Lucas eats heartily, having been on the road on foot for several days.

Feeling that it is time to be traveling he inquires of the Inn Keeper which room the coachmen occupied, offering to check in them and see if they could be motivated toward their jobs.

2009-05-08, 02:33 PM
Gustav gives you directions to the room the coachmen are occupying. They are slumped haphazardly over beds, still in heir day clothes. One of them has vomited all over his pillow and the other, who has not even taken off his shoes, has a shattered ale jug in his left hand. Getting them awake is an easy matter, but getting them to hold an intelligible conversation is decidedly not. Grasping their heads and mumbling to each other about their headaches, they bumble about the inn, trying, albeit very slowly, to get the coach ready.

2009-05-08, 06:35 PM
shame about ya horse... ah well at least we gotta coach eh?

2009-05-08, 07:47 PM
The coach is almost prepared for the journey. But one of the coachmen notices that it only seats six. At least four travellers are going to have to sit outside. The young noblewoman, for one, flatly refuses to do this, and to cram extra people inside. "It is bad enough," she says to her extremely mean-looking bodyguard, "one’s having to travel with this riff-raff, without being crammed in with commoners to have their knees and elbows constantly thrust into one’s face." The scrawny young man isn’t leaping into the air with glee at the notion of hanging onto the side either. "I have some extremely expensive books on loan from the College Library," he tells you, "and if they are spoiled by water I shall have to seek some kid of compensation for the College. I cannot pay for them as it is." Apparently it will be four of you sitting outside and two inside, unless you can convince people to let you squeeze in.

Damian Jade
2009-05-08, 08:40 PM
Lucas smiles brightly. "Well I think I'd much prefer the wind in my face and nature arrayed about me. I will gladly ride on the outside in it means leaving for Altdorf, right away."

2009-05-09, 01:09 AM
Everard climbs to the wagon's roof, apparently not bothered at all, then looks for something to fasten his five-and-a-half-feet sword to.

2009-05-09, 03:17 AM
"I much prefer the oudoors" Fornoth said, clambering onto the outside of the carriage. And sitting there wuite comfortably.

2009-05-09, 07:18 AM
"If it does suit thee I shall stay outside too. It has not been so long since my last caoch ride that I would forget it" he said and mumbles about some illness shuddering at the same time.

2009-05-09, 09:34 AM
Now that everyone is seated or hanging on, the coachmen are no longer ready to leave. One of them has gone to the toilet and does not come out for 20 minutes. During this time, the other can be heard to be snoring gently. Finally the coachmen are ready and whip the horses up into a slow walk -about 2 miles an hour.

2009-05-09, 05:34 PM
Annoyed of the lackluster speed, Everard groans, but takes up as comfortable a position as he can, since he doesn't know how to drive a coach.

2009-05-09, 06:41 PM
"Hey, Mr. Coachdriver? erm, lemme put it this way, even I can walk quicka than this! Dubbit yells from inside the cabin, with sausage, lying across his lap

so, w'ats it to be? we gonna speed up an' get there happily in reasonable time? or we gonna get ya done for theft? cus 2 gold for this? might as well walked i tellya! Drubbit remaining calm throughout his complaint, as to not offend the coach men.

2009-05-09, 07:06 PM
Louis heard the Halfling's complaint and shook his head "dear friend this coach is more than transport it is also a source of cover in a fight and a place of refuge at camp times, This is what we pay for though speed ould be nice" he said keeping his voice level but throughout the small lecture.

2009-05-10, 12:08 AM
The coachmen turn around and, with hoarse voices and pale faces, they whisper to you all to stop whinging as they both have a headache, but they whip the horses up into a reluctant canter. After five or so minutes, they allow the horses to drop back to a trot, and ten minues after that - a slow walk again.

2009-05-12, 01:32 AM
Everard starts gazing at the passing scenery, or at least at what he can see of it through the mist.

2009-05-12, 02:57 AM

Fornoth gazes almost longingly at the trees. He knew that he'd never get back to Ulthuan, if he spent the rest of his life amongst the trees. But that still didn't stop him longing for a simpler life that he'd once had. The manner of the coachmen was curious to him. He pulled himself up towards them.
"Gentlemen, are you alright? Could I help you in any way?"

2009-05-12, 06:13 AM
Drubbit mutters to himself "Stupid 'umans, cant take their drink."

2009-05-12, 11:09 AM
The coachman gives Fornoth the reins with the choice words: "You want to help, there you go." He immediately curls up and goes to sleep.

2009-05-12, 11:19 AM

Fornoth takes the reins with some surprise. That wasn't quite what I meant. Fornoth thought, holding on to the reins and looking at the road ahead.

2009-05-12, 07:53 PM
The road is not too bad and it is easy going for an hour or so, during which time the coach goes quite quickly. Once the coach really gets underway you can all feel a sense of progress - until it begins to rain. It starts as a ligh drizzle, then a shower, then within a few minutes it escalates into a downpour dwarfing even the one of yesterday and plastering the clothes and hair of everyone sat outside to their skin, rapidly soaking them to the bone.

Damian Jade
2009-05-12, 09:33 PM
Pulling his cloak securely about him and the hood on his cloak up over his hat, Lucas looks around at his traveling companions. Looking for some way to keep the feeling that this had all the makings of an ill omen, he reminds himself he's been through worse and chuckles at his own pessimism.
"Well now if we only had some tea, it would be positively cheerful out here in the beauty of nature."

2009-05-13, 12:12 AM
Everard glances at Lucas murderously, then returns his gaze to the roadside.

2009-05-13, 06:55 AM
Drubbit just smiles, nodding his head about as he hums happily to himself, stroking sausage as they go.

"Oooh, would ya look at that? It looks like its ra'nin'! an' pretty bad too. Glad were in 'ere, eh Sausage?"

2009-05-13, 11:07 AM
After a couple of hours, the rain stops and some time later you come across the junction that goes to Altdorf. A milepost by the side of the road, you are old by the thin man, marks the distance to Altdorf as being 45 miles. Nearby is a coaching inn, but the coach does not stop and continues on its way down the main road.

A few hours later, as you round a bend, you notice a grisly sight. A human figure squats in the road, his back to the coach, hunched over the body of a coachman. It turns and you see a severed human hand hanging out of its disgusting mouth. The creature is indeed human but is abhorrent. Flesh hangs in shreds from its face, hands, and all exposed places, green ichor drips slowly from its eyes. (Everyone who sees this must makea WP test or gain an IP.) It spits out the hand and draws a bloody dagger, charging the coach. It will reach it next round.

As it approaches the coach, the horses panic and bolt, snapping the traces. One of the coachmen, Hultz, who is gripping the reins, is yanked off the coach and dragged along the floor behind the horses. The other coachman, Gunnar, struggles to apply the brakes.

The figure rushing towards you with the manic gleam in its eyes looks strangely familiar. Suddenly it comes to you; it is Rolf Hurtsis, "Buzzard", a fellow thief who often supported your cause. But last time you saw him his flesh wasn't mangled and rotten and his mouth didn't gape as it dripped blood.

A while ago, he developed a strange skin condition and began acting very strangely. To hide the affliction, he took to wearing a bag over his head. But this brought him to the attention of every local watch and made it very hard to steal. Of course, he was arrested eventually, and was thrown in a jail. The last you heard of him was six months ago, when he got away and fled. That was until now!

Damian Jade
2009-05-14, 10:34 AM
Checking WP
If it succeeds Lucas grabs his bow out from the shelter of his cloak and notches an arrow.

Praying desperately to Sigmar.
"Save us from the corruption within and the evil without. Let no more good men fall to whatever corruption this is Sigmar."

BS:36 [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

2009-05-14, 11:27 AM

Is quick to follow Lucas in firing at the figure.

WP (30)-[roll0]


2009-05-14, 11:29 AM
Using a Fortune point to re-roll WP test. *Fingers Crossed*

2009-05-14, 11:45 AM
Using a Fortune point to re-roll WP test. *Fingers Crossed*

2009-05-14, 12:06 PM
"W'at was that?" Drubbit says as the horses break free. "Bet it was tha coach driver, fallin' asleep an' fallin off. Haha. Drubbit continues to sit inside the coach still oblivious to whats really going on outside.

well, just because the GM said it has happened, doesnt mean i know its happened, yet.

2009-05-14, 03:59 PM
"By the Gods..." Everard exclaims, obviously shocked and frantically loosening his greatsword from its fastenings.

WP Test (31): 1d100

EDIT: Forgot closing spoiler tag.
EDIT 2: Doesn't for some reason accept the roll.
EDIT 3: Still doesn't (expletive) work, too (expletive) annoyed at spending 20 minutes on editing one post and getting nothing but timeouts, did the roll with a randbetween function in OpenOffice.org, got a 17.

2009-05-14, 07:28 PM
Louis nearly walked into the coach when it stopped. Drawing his sword he quickly peeked out to the side. And saw the creature

WP test @ 31 [roll0]


2009-05-15, 10:25 AM
*snip* Rolls don't like working in edits. Please make another post and a reroll. I don't believe you cheated but I want it verified.

OK, since the Scribe's apparently decided to take leave of this group without being so good as to contact any of us:

The rotting-looking man sprints at the coachman that is still in his seat and leaps directly towards him, knife raised. He tries to plunge it into the coachman's chest as the same man raises his blunderbuss and tries to fire.

Rolf's Initiative: [roll0]
Rolf's WS = 32 + 10 (Charge):[roll1]
Damage (if any):[roll2]
Rolf's Ag = 39 (to dodge blunderbuss shot): [roll3]

Gunnar's Initiative: [roll4]
Damage (if any):[roll5]

The man with rotting skin bangs his head on the coach and falls to the floor. Gunnar then fires a volley of shot at him, which he somehow dodges.

2009-05-15, 10:50 AM
Rolls don't like working in edits. Please make another post and a reroll. don't believe you cheated but I want it verified.

Should've figured. Here goes:

WP Test (31): [roll0]

2009-05-15, 03:11 PM
OK, please roll Initiative if you haven't already, and say what you're going to do this round.

2009-05-15, 03:36 PM
Actions as above.

2009-05-15, 04:17 PM
Louis moves around tha wagon so as to get into position for an attack next turn and delays a half action

Init [roll0]

2009-05-15, 04:19 PM
If he can, Everard will drop down to the ground next to the abomination and strike, if not, he just drop downs.

Initiative: [roll0]
Possible Attack - WS (37): [roll1]
Possible damage: [roll2] (+4 from SB)

2009-05-15, 04:23 PM
Extra damage from possible attack's Ulric's Fury; if I can't attack, I'll delete this post afterwards.
Attack (37): [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2009-05-15, 05:17 PM
Everard hits the man hard across the back of his shoulders with his greatsword, knocking the dagger from his hand, cutting the rotten flesh and shattering the atrophied bone, releasing foul green ichor to spray from deep wounds and sending tendons twanging, obviously seriously injuring him. The attack knocks him down flat on his stomach onto the ground where he starts to convulse and spasm.

From here, Fornoth easily shoots him with an arrow, which pins him to the floor, but he still thrashes about the place. Louis strikes him two or three more times but he continues to twitch until Gunnar the coachman takes his blunderbuss up once again and blows the man's brains out in a vile spray of blood and grey matter across the floor.

He then blankly stands there, staring at the brains and then the blunderbuss, shocked at his own actions.

2009-05-15, 05:40 PM
Everard stares at the trashing body wide-eyed, muttering unintelligebly to himself, running his hands through his hair and trying to still a sudden headache. He then looks upon the gore on his sword, grimaces and starts rubbing it away with sand.

Damian Jade
2009-05-15, 08:47 PM
Lucas fumbled with his arrows, unable to gather his wits in time to fire a second shot before the fight was over. He stared in horror at what had been a man and slowly dropped to the ground.
"Emperor protect us but what does that to a man? Is anyone hurt?"
He pauses for beat looking around to make sure that this was not the set up for an ambush.
"He...it...was eating someone. There may be another coach nearby. There might be other people trapped inside. We should look while our good coachmen gather up our horses."

If we are able to look around
Perception or Search: 28

2009-05-16, 10:18 AM
The coachman he was eating is lying in the middle of the road, stabbed to death (mainly in the head and legs as he is wearing a mail shirt), a coach is overturned by the side of the road, and over near it, half in the hedge and half in the road, is a human body with two crossbow bolts sticking out of it, which hasn't been touched for some strange reason.

2009-05-16, 01:18 PM
Louis stands there holding his sword, taking in the scene. He had seen carnage and fighting before but there was something about this that threw him off. To see someone demented to the point of attacking an armed bad this size. He shuddered to think of what may have happened had the blunderbuss not killed the man.

He sheathed his sword and looked into the coach Are you ok ladies?" he asked polietly.

should it not be Lucas that hit your man while he was on the ground Xsesiv?

2009-05-16, 01:35 PM
It doesn't matter for storyline purposes.

The ladies look extremely put out. The large muscly one starts complaining about "commoners always bothering the Mistress", while the finely dressed one orders you to get the bodies out of the road so the coach can continue.

2009-05-16, 03:04 PM

Fornoth went to check the overturned carriage. Slinging his bow on his back once again.

2009-05-16, 03:42 PM
Nobody is in the carriage, and nobody appears to have been, excepting the man who is lying half off the road.

2009-05-16, 03:52 PM
After cleaning his sword, Everard advances along the road warily, looking for the other coachman and the horses.

2009-05-16, 04:01 PM
The other coachman was dragged straight down the road, off the end of the road at a bend, and off into the forest lining the road, by the horses. He struggles out of the forest after a few minutes of your looking for him, and leads the horses with him. They are a little way into the forest, and according to him, had been grazing while he recovered from the bruised ribs. He goes over to the coach, hitches up the horses and lies down, breathing raggedly. The other coachman suggests that everyone work together to move the corpses and coach off the road so that he can drive off.

2009-05-16, 06:46 PM
Drubbit wonders why people have been checkin up on those within the carrage "watsat? why what 'append?"

as i completely missed the combat and such

2009-05-16, 07:25 PM
Gunnar the coachman turns around and sees who was asking. He tells you there has been an ambush not too long ago by a mutant who was eating a coachman, and that the coach you are in was just attacked.

2009-05-16, 07:42 PM
Drubbit begins looking slightly guilty "Awww Sausage, tha' were our chance ta shine!"

2009-05-16, 08:16 PM
"You can still shine, could you," and the next bit is shouted; "or SOMEONE, PLEASE will you get the bloody bodies and the wreck of that carriage off the road! This man here needs medical help!"

Damian Jade
2009-05-16, 08:23 PM
Lucas goes over to check on the body of the man with the crossbow bolts in him. The fact that it looked untouched made him wonder and worry. If there is nothing to see he quickly gathers up a cloak or any loose fabric he can find.

Looking back at the others he shouts.
"Don't touch the body of the attacker. He...he seemed to have some skin condition. We don't won't to get it on us."

2009-05-16, 08:26 PM
"Ah, i'd better not 'elp then, Sausage might try an' eat somethin' 'e shouldnt." Drubbit sits stroking Sausage on his lap feeling left out, but he just needs a nice cooked meal and his sure he will be eager to help out!

2009-05-16, 08:38 PM
The body with the bolts in it gives you a good shock for he looks exactly identical to Everard! Sticking out of his jacket pocket are two docments. One reads:

Messrs. Lock, Stöck & Barl
Civil Lawyers, Commissionners for Oaths, &c.
Garten Weg
Dear Herr Lieberung,
After many lengthy researches we have come to believe that you are the only living relative of one Baronet Lieberung, late of the town of Ubersreik. This being the case and any heretofore unknown and pertinent factors notwithstanding, I am herewith charged to inform you that you are the sole beneficiary of the Baronet’s last will and testament (hereinafter referred to as the document of the first party).
I, the undersigned, acting in my legal capacity as executor of the aforementioned document of the first party, do therefore hereby charge you to make your way with all speed to my offices in Bögenhafen, thereupon, providing you can produce an affidavit of your identity as Herr Kastor Aloysius Lieberung, signed by two witnesses, we shall be pleased to provide the title-deeds to the Baronet’s manor-house, (together with its contents, (including a most tastefully-stocked wine cellar), its extensive estates, and the sum of the entire fortune of the Baronet, amounting to twenty thousand Gold Crowns exactly.)
I remain, your most humble and respectful servant,

Dietrich Barl, K.C., LL.B., (Alt).

This document being legally signed this day (being the tenth day of Nachexen, in the two thousandth, five hundredth and twelfth year of holy Sigmar’s founding of our most glorious Empire).

Printed by Schulz & Friedmann, Bögenhafen.

The other is tucked in next to it.

We, the undersigned, do hereby solemnly swear that the bearer of this document is one Herr Kastor Aloysius Lieberung.

Ingrid Zichermann
Priestess of Sigmar
Oscar Helmut
Guild Master of the Merchant’s Guild

Damian Jade
2009-05-16, 08:46 PM
Lucas stares open mouthed for a moment and then turns to his companions.
"Everard! Everard, you should come see this but steel yourself man for it is not a sight to behold lightly."
He stares angrily at the letters and then calls again.
"Louis, can you help me here. There are papers that might help us."
Lucas is flushed with shame at needing help with something so simple as words as paper but Louis seems to be an educated man, perhaps he learned letters and can make some sense of what this all means.

2009-05-17, 03:29 AM
Everard walks up, looks at himself on the ground and seems nauseated. "Morr's balls ... What witchcraft is this?"

2009-05-17, 07:40 AM
Louis took the letter from Lucas and read it carefully."Well this is a strange letter indeed" he said stroking his chin. "it appears our friend here was on his way to inherit a fortune, but I wonder" he glances at the letter again, mumbling to himself.

"Both a guild master and priestess signed this document so it may seem our friend her had some standing in society" He looks at the coach "So I must ask as to why he was travelling by coach surely he could have pciked a faster mode of transport" he glances between Everard and the body."I agree that the likeness is uncanny, it may be some form of trap, but if it is I say we must meet it with sword and bow to stop such misfortune from befalling anyone else"

His eyes light up at the thought of once more being able to defend the poor and unfotunate from the dangers of evil, his hand rests on his blade eager to dispence justice and rid the world of wickedness

test law to check if the document is legit Int @ 33 [roll0]

2009-05-17, 09:46 AM
It's definitely a legal document, and even if it wasn't originally, the signatures would force it to become a legitimate acted-upon document, and the affidavit is also signed legally by two witnesses. Both are valid.

Of course, now that the man's dead, nobody is going to be able to collect the inheritance...who will miss it?

Several Roadwardens arrive hearing news of the fight on the road and inspect the results. They pile the corpses into the overturned coach, right it, and attach their horses to it. Nodding to you politely, they turn to leave.

The coach now continues at a steady pace down the road, though every time you try to talk Hultz groans and Gunnar hushes you. You pss a few coaches Nuln-bound, and a detachment of Impeial Guard cavalry, but the rest of the day passes without mishap. As darkness sets in, the coach arrives at the Inn of the Seven Spokes - the last coaching inn before Altdorf. It is very similar in design to the Coach and Horses, with a high surrounding wall, two stories and just enough room, but it is far more crowded as three coaches are staying here tonight.

Damian Jade
2009-05-17, 03:14 PM
Lucas was quietly watching the road on the way to the inn. Some detail about the overturned coach nagged at him. As the inn came into sight he realized what it was. Moving to a position where he can consult with Louis, he begins.
"Louis, you seem like a man who has seen combat. Do you think our bestial attacker could have used a crossbow? Could he have fired it and loaded it and fired it again? I think someone else killed Evarard's look-a-like and likely the coachman as well. The thing that attacked us likely found what it thought an easy meal not long before we came up the road and disturbed it. I fear Evarard could be in danger in the people who commissioned this act are watching the gates to see who comes in by coach."

2009-05-17, 03:40 PM
"Why were they killed in the first place? If 'twas a robbery why didn't they take the letter promising its bringer all that gold?", Everard ponders, obviously puzzled. "I certainly would've... and, well, did."

Damian Jade
2009-05-17, 03:47 PM
Lucas rubs his chin for a moment and his eyes darken in thought.
"Maybe they were scared off by the creature and my time line was off by a bit. What if it was the coachman who did the deed and the creature came upon him unawares? More, what if they wanted him found since they had no way of knowing you'd come along? I think we had best keep a good eye out to see who might be watching us."

2009-05-17, 03:56 PM
Perception test, if you want to keep an eye out.

Damian Jade
2009-05-17, 08:46 PM
Perception 28 [roll0]

2009-05-18, 01:21 AM
Perception 36-[roll0]

2009-05-18, 01:43 AM
Everard looks somewhat troubled as the others around him start craning their heads this way and that, and scratches his neck, wondering whether he should do the same to not seem out of place, then steals a few furtive glances here and there.

Perception test (22 - Int 34, +10 % from Excellent vision, halved for being unskilled)[roll0]

2009-05-18, 10:05 AM
Nobody seems to be watching you, but of course you could simply have not seen them.

The rest of the journey is fairly uneventful. Ready for me to skip to your arrival in Altdorf?

2009-05-19, 05:40 AM
Ah so sorry i've been sick mind if I take the test? If not perception @ int 33 [roll0]

Sorry again

2009-05-19, 06:13 AM
The rest of the journey is fairly uneventful. Ready for me to skip to your arrival in Altdorf?

Fine by me.

2009-05-19, 08:25 AM
yeah, ive been ill too lately, i recon ive got swine flu... but its proberbly just a really bad cold :smallredface:

2009-05-19, 10:19 AM
Don't worry, ill people, I'm not at 100% myself

Altdorf. You have arrived in the fabled city. It is the capital of the Empire, and its richest city. Its sheer size stuns you for a minute. Even from the outskirts, the Imperial Palace can be seen rising above the River Reik and dominating the city.

All year round, this huge place is the playground of young nobles who travel here from their parents' estates, and spend their time drinking and flaunting their wealth. They are supposed to be at the University, but few attend lectures.

Just after it gets dark, the coach pulls into the mighty Königplatz, which overlooks the river. Agents from various inns converge on the coach andoffer you accomodation at very reasonable prices. You are assailed by cries of "Angelino's, best inn in town!" and "Stay at the Cat and Fiddle - the finest foods and best beds!".

Of course, you may well want to go to Prince von Tasseninck's residence first.

Damian Jade
2009-05-19, 04:55 PM
Lucas stretches and waits for everyone to group up as they exit the coach.
"My friends fate has drawn us together and I'd like to continue working with you. We all saw a copy of the flier and I'm inclined to seek that position out quickly lest it be filled by someone less worthy than us. We've a good set of skills and knowledge between us and I feel whatever lies on this quest could be overcome, however, Everard is in a hard position and I would gladly help him if he wanted to look more into the events surrounding the death of his look-alike."

2009-05-19, 05:17 PM
Drubbit looks at the city in mild awe"Wow, its rather big aint it? dont t'ink i seen a bigga buildin' other th'n that... Ah well who cares? Its neva gonna be as good as a good ol' halfling meal!"

Drubbit then listens to Lucas "yea, i t'ink i agrea wit' ya there, we best go find that guy soon, i wanna get tha' job an' be rich!"

2009-05-19, 05:49 PM
Anyone you can possibly ask is able to direct you to the Prince's residence, but they tell you you are wasting your time - he left with his entourage yesterday morning.

Before you can debate over what to do next, a couple of men who appear normal Altdorfers, but act strangely, walk up to Everard, and, staring straight into his eyes, begin to scratch their left ears with their right little fingers. The action grows more and more exaggerated and their demeanour more irritated as you fail to respond correctly, and eventually their expressions become relieved and they walk over to a stocky man standing in a doorway.

Immediately, you hear a shout of booming, though quite high-pitched voice from behind you. "Drubbit! What a surprise! It's me, Josef!" Looking in the direction of the shout, you see a tall(ish) burly man with a huge ginger beard striding towards you.


At last, a friendly face. You could never mistake the beard, or the boiler-like belly it covers. This is your old friend Josef Quartjin, a fellow ratcatcher. You have known him for over ten years, and he has always wanted to get out of ratcatching to own a boat. When he disappeared, you presumed he had. You have spent many a happy hour with him in taverns; Josef has a phenomenal thirst for alcohol and a talent for always finding the best bars wherever he goes.

2009-05-19, 06:22 PM
"Josef? wow its bin ages, god, ya dont look a day olda! where ya bin? wha' ya been upta? an'.... know any decent pubs?" Drubbit says all this with a huge grin on his face, clearly glad to meet his old friend. he almost opens his arms for a hug, but decides against it and just extends his hand instead.

2009-05-19, 06:29 PM
"I'm just glad to meet my old friend!" he shouts, before grabbing Drubbit's hand and pulling him in close for a hug. "I've been travelling up and down the Reik for about 2 years now! I finally got my boat. Still got little Sausage, I see...it's nice to meet your friends, too. Well, Drubs, what do you say we take your mates to a little tavern I know of, for a bottle of wine or two each?"

2009-05-19, 06:33 PM
"god, whaddya take me for? an idiot? course any pub you like is a good'n! lets go!"

drubbit turns round and becons the group to follow

2009-05-19, 06:39 PM
Josef leads you down the river, where there are all kinds of vessels moored up ranging from high masted sailboats to barges and houseboats, to tiny fishing vessels. The Boatman Inn is one of many establishments and looks cheerful; a little tatty, though inviting.

Inside the inn are river folk - mostly boatmen but some fishermen and sailors too. The atmosphere is cordial and friendly. Josef motions to a table, and orders six bottles of wine, before heading to the table to enjoy it.

2009-05-19, 06:43 PM
Drubbit sits with Josef and pours himself some wine. Drubbit swills it about in the glass, sticks his nose in the glass and takes a deep wiff, before proceeding to downing the whole glass, with a smile of course.

"S'good stuff!"

2009-05-19, 06:52 PM
Josef chats amiably for the most part of the evening. He tells you some rumours he has heard: apparently, all nobles are mad as they are Chaos tainted, and a local man in the other town was arrested a week ago for feeding his cat blood in its milk. A deckhand of 20 years came down with oily, leathery skin a month ago, he says, clearly tainted. Josef and his crew threw the man overboard.

He then comes onto the subject of employment. He is looking for several hands to travel with him on his barge to the city of Bögenhafen, where he means to sell some good Reikland wine at the fair. He can pay 10 ss a day, and offers free passage to the great attraction of the fair to them. "D'you know of anyone?" he asks the group at large.

2009-05-19, 07:02 PM
"Well, me an' these guys came here ta altdorf lookin' a job, but tha guy whom we were searchin' for left yest'rday, so we need a job, so ill take it! unless ya happen to know of some good rat catchin' to be done?"

2009-05-20, 02:17 AM

"Well, I must say that such work does sound good. It has been a long time since I have been on a boat."

Damian Jade
2009-05-20, 06:01 AM
Lucas strokes his chin.
"Will you be returning to Altdorf after the fair and how long will you be gone? I've never worked a boat before but I'm game for a chance to see the fair."
Looking at the others he nods out the door.
"I'm thinking that we could leave word with the von Tasseninck home and get in touch when we return."
His eyes brighten at a new idea.
"It'd be like we had an appointment, with a noble..."

2009-05-20, 07:45 AM
Everard seems somewhat hesitant about this.

"We had gathered here in Altdorf for some profitable employment..."

The encounter with the pair of Altdorfians appears to be bothering him.

2009-05-20, 09:53 AM
Louis took a sip of the wine. It as ok he had to admit better than some. He looked around the room looking for anything out of the ordinary. He was jittery and he knew it, the journey had put him on edge

Perception @33 [roll0]

2009-05-20, 11:05 AM
"Yes, we're going up and down the Reik for quite a while. We'll be back in Altdorf before you know it. So, we have offers do we? That's great, thank you all. I'd like to leave tomorrow morning, so would you like to stay on my boat tonight? We're taking Weissbruck in the morning, the canal."

The door flies open and in steps a tall, gaunt character with aquiline features, a mean look and a facial scar, dressed from head to toe in black leather. Everyone turns to stare at him and he greets them with a sneer. He stamps over to the bar, lights shining dully off his clothing. Patrons flinch as he walks by their tables, until he reaches the bar, where he demands a bottle of brandy from the landlord and throws the money onto the bar. He then walks over to a corner table. The occupants of the table quickly vacate it. He sits down and begins to drink the brandy.

Damian Jade
2009-05-20, 11:16 AM
Playing it casual, Lucas looks for signs of trouble in the room or a badge of some sort on the man

Perception28 [roll0]

Looking to Josef.
"I'd be happy to stay on the boat tonight. Do you know that man? Is he...some sort of official?"

2009-05-20, 11:40 AM
"That's Max Ernst, mate. He's a heartless, brutal thug. I don't know much about him, but they say he beats people to death for a couple of pennies."

The man continues to pour brandy down his neck.

Two young nobles enter the bar, accompanied by their four gorilla-like bodyguards. "I saay, chaps! What a quaint establishment!" they giggle to each other in high-pitched aristocratic tones. One of them swaggers over to the bar and says "Two of your finest beverages, landlord."

The nobles are already drunk and giggle a lot. They walk around the inn for a bit, being generally obnoxious and insulting, calling everyone "filthy commoners" and "smelly oiks".

Before too long, they begin playing a drinking game which involves downing pints of ale and vomiting it on anyone in the immediate vicinity. Unfortunately, this happens to include Fornoth. Both nobles think this is great fun, and one aims a bellyful of beer at Louis.

2009-05-20, 02:24 PM
Louis looks at the men in disgust and dodges out of the way of the vomit "You call yourselves nobles" he shouts in furry "I've seen cabbages with more noble blood then you pair" His anger only boiled higher the more he spoke. His hand was at the hilt of his sword his cloak pushed back and his stance aggresive.

2009-05-20, 04:28 PM
The nobles giggle, enjoying their merry jape, and dodge behind their bodyguards, each more than seven feet tall, built like oxen, and who are at the moment, very sober and very mean.

Josef leans over and restrains Louis. "Careful. It's stupid to get into trouble with the nobility. They have four bodyguards with them now, and they look like they want a fight, how many other guards do you think they have at home? You go for them, you'll be killed yourself sooner or later."

Ernst, the man in black, gets up from his table and pushes Louis back into his seat. "I wouldn't, if I were you, pea-brains," he says in his dry, rasping voice. "Why don't you just sit there and enjoy yourselves?" The whole bar goes quiet waiting for you to make some reply.

2009-05-20, 05:02 PM
Louis nearly attacks Ernst but contains himself "Heh these inbreeds ain't noble" he says spitting on the ground "I had a bitch back home with more backbone in 'er" he glances around the bar "I think I'll retire for the night though count me in for the boat job" he says his voice even though the hatred in his eyes is barely contained.

2009-05-20, 05:10 PM
"Well, wash that swill off you before you get into another civilised city!" shouts Ernst, before he stomps back to his table and pours the rest of the brandy into his mouth.

The nobles leave the bar laughing very loudly and looking for another establishment. Josef stands up. "Ready to retire, are we? Let's go to my boat then. We don't need to sit about taking abuse from these noble cow-fondlers and this jumped-up racketeer.", he says, and ushers you all out of the bar.

As you go down the road, you are aware of hearing footsteps behind you. Two figures, who you quickly recognise as the men who had made strange signs at Everard, are the source of the footsteps, and they seem to be getting closer each time you look around at them.

Damian Jade
2009-05-20, 10:05 PM
Lucas carefully reaches to his cloak and draws it close about him to cover loosening his sword in its scabbard.
"Anyone have any ideas what we should do with our friends?"

2009-05-21, 01:16 AM
"Guess they aren't going to give up", Everard says exasperatedly, and turns around to confront the two men.

"Nice evening, ain't it? Certainly would be nicer were you to follow someone else. For all of us."

2009-05-21, 09:37 AM
As Drubbit gets up to follow Josef, he grabs all the bottles of wine that arnt completely empty, and downs his current glass and catches up to the group.

"I think we 'ad better walk a little quicka eh?" Drubbit says as he slowly overtakes the group to get away from the footsteps.

2009-05-21, 09:40 AM
One of the two men falls flat on his face, a crossbow bolt in his back. The other turns around in confusion, and seconds later he too is cut down by a bolt in the throat. Both die instantly, and a dark figure vanishes into the night.

2009-05-21, 09:49 AM
With wide eyes and jaw adjar Drubbit stares at the bodys momentarily before snapping out of it and continueing to down the contents of one of the bottles as quick as possible"BLOODY 'ELL!!! LETS GET OUTTA 'ERE!" Drubbit yells in shock as he turns and runs off before stopping turning back round for a moment and calling back "Err.... which ways the boat?"

Damian Jade
2009-05-21, 10:12 AM
Lucas stares in shock at the two men corpses.
"We need information and quick. As annoying as these two men might have been they suddenly seem less threatening. Keep watch, let me see if they have any identification of letters that might explain what is going on. Drubbit stand in front and cover me"

Lucas quickly runs over to the downed men and in a stage voice cries out.
"Phillipe, is that you? What has happened?"
He quickly checks to see if the two men are actually dead and does a quick pat down trying to shield his activity with his cloak as he checks pockets and belt pouches. He does not want to leave a wounded man to bleed to death in the street nor does want to leave information to go to waste on corpses.

2009-05-21, 10:15 AM
The men have no identification, but the search yeilds 18 gc and 10 ss, as well as two short daggers.

Josef leads you all to his boat, the Berebeli, where there are two servants of his, a couple who call themselves Heinrich and Marie. He fished them out of the canal when their boat sank, and they have been eternally grateful for it. He finds room for you all with a little doubling up and retires to his own quarters to sleep the night. Before long you can hear him snoring drunkenly and contentedly.

Next morning, a panicking Josef tells you that he has heard tell that the nobles you met yesterday continued on their journey, annoying more people. There was a nasty fight and the bodyguards flew, leaving one noble to be killed. The Watch is now looking for you as potential suspects. Unless you are feeling particularly brave, stupid, or foolhardy, you should get out of town to avoid a quick arrest and execution.

Damian Jade
2009-05-21, 10:23 AM
Lucas stared at the coin pouch all night. He wasn't a thief, well not a pickpocket anyway. Neither of the dead men cared what became of their money now. Setting aside three gold coins to be donated to the first temple of Morr he ran across, Lucas divided the gold into five piles and quietly offered it to the others after Josef retired for the night.

2009-05-21, 12:28 PM
Grimaces at the news Josef brings.

"I guess we'd better leave for Bögenhafen as soon as we can, then. I wouldn't expect much in the way of ... justice ... from the courts."

2009-05-22, 01:40 AM
Fornoth's nose was still filled with the smell of the dead men's vomit. Still, he thought, Such men did not deserve to die.

Sorry I haven't been posting lately. I've exams on at the moment, I'll be fully free again after the 28th.

Damian Jade
2009-05-22, 07:13 AM
"Let us make ourselves scarce. Perhaps by our return this will have blown over or the real killers may have been found."

2009-05-22, 10:39 AM
Josef's draft horses drag the barge further and further up the Weissbrück Canal. Soon, you reach the lock, where Josef pays the toll and the boat is allowed to float up the loack and up the canal.

It will be at least a few days before you reach the town of Bögenhafen, travelling in the horse-dragged barge by day, mooring at night beside a lockside inn.

It is three days before anything interesting happens, however, as you arrive in Weissbrück, and preparing to moor outside a nearby lockside inn, the Black Gold, you see a travel-stained, shadowy man of chunky build standing outisde the inn. You recognise him as the stocky man in the doorway on the Königplatz who the two strangely-acting men ran to, and he carries a crossbow slung over his back. It is obvious he is watching you, but as soon as he sees you have seen him he slips inside the inn door.

2009-05-22, 11:06 AM
Louis looked at the man going into the inn paying most attention to the crossbow "Friends I believe we may have found the killer" he pauses thoughtfully "or has he perchance found us". He shakes his head "Let us not think on that though we should confront him that he may pay for his crimes if he is as I suspect the killer of those two men"

2009-05-22, 06:23 PM
Drubbit listens to Louis and thinks to himself for a moment "W'at if, right? he's not the killa? we would get into more trouble cus we messin' around acusin people o' stuff they aint done!........ maybe we sh'uld give this inn a miss though..."

Damian Jade
2009-05-22, 09:15 PM
"If he is the killer I fear he will not face us head on. We can try to confront him if you believe we should. I will stand with you."

2009-05-23, 04:26 AM
"But he knew the men shot in the back, why would he have done it? ... I'm starting to think we're heading into a lot of trouble ..."

2009-05-23, 08:21 AM
Louis glanced around the boat "Perhaps your right friends, this boat is making me nervous I would say"..mumbles to himself "not natural" and shuffles around the boat a bit.

2009-05-23, 05:17 PM
OK, you don't go into the inn.

That night, as the day's chores are over and you are just preparing to retire, the boat's inside begins to fill with thick, choking smoke. You have one round to do something before the smoke fills the boat; once it does, you must make an Average (±0) Toughness Test each round, or suffer a cumulative -10% penalty to WS, BS, S, T, and Ag.

2009-05-23, 06:29 PM
Drubbit grabs sausage and runs quickly outside of the indoors on the boat, looking for clear air to breath, he realises this could just be a trap, but Drubbit fancys his chances better if his not choking to death "SH*T! *cough cough* this smoke, its vile, Comon Sausage, were gettin' outta 'ere!"

2009-05-23, 06:36 PM

The stocky, blond man who was watching you from the tavern earlier fires a crossbow bolt at Drubbit, and a man standing on the upper deck rushes to attack him with a club.

BS 58 [roll0]
Damage = [roll1]
WS 28 +10 (Charge) [roll2]
Damage = [roll3]

Everyone else is still on the first round, so you still get the round's warning.

Damian Jade
2009-05-23, 07:01 PM
Lucas quickly gathers up his things, he'd learned years ago to travel light and live with one foot out the door, and bolts for the side opposite of the dock. He is hoping to put the burning enclosure between himself and any potential attackers. If he can see the attackers he will prepare an arrow and fire at them.

If I can attack this turn
Damage [roll1]

2009-05-23, 07:07 PM
Rolls in spoilers please.


As he runs out the door, a thug throws a pot of burning oil at him.

50% chance of spilling it on himself[roll0]
50% chance of it staying lit, whoever it lands on[roll1]
Damage if it stays lit: [roll2] regardless of TB or armour

The stupid thug fumbles and spills the oil on himself, and it ignites. Screaming, he hurls himself into the water and the other thugs watch with fear in their eyes.
Still on first round.

Damian Jade
2009-05-23, 07:19 PM
His worst fears confirmed Lucas begins shouting to the others in the burning barge.
"It's an ambush! They're lobbing burning oil on us! Louis, Josef, Heinrich, gather the women and get out!

Lucas is looking to shoot any enemy on the boat to clear a path for the others.
Damage [roll1]

2009-05-23, 07:24 PM
You can't have two rounds' worth of actions in one round, but speech is usually a free action, so the warning is heard.

Anyone else want to take their actions?

2009-05-24, 01:21 AM

Fornoth gathers up his things, and with the warning from Lucas, he emerges from the boat, bow in hand, and fires a shot at the first person he sees that doesn't look friendly.

Damage if it hits-[roll1]

2009-05-24, 02:57 AM
Everard curses loudly, slings his greatsword and slingbag over his shoulders and runs out.

Dodge Blow (22) if someone attacks me. [roll0]

2009-05-24, 07:11 AM
Louis sees the thug charging at Drubbit and drawwing his sword he attacks the thug "You leave that Halfling alone" he shouts brining the sword down on the man.

attack @ WS-36 [roll0]
Damage (if any) [roll1]

2009-05-24, 03:56 PM
The man attacking Drubbit gets slashed by Louis' sword, before yelling in a mixture of fear and pain. He dashes to the starboard side and leaps off the boat into the water. Another thug, whom none of you had seen, runs out from behind a crate of wine and away down the dock. Cursing at the fleeing men, the chunky blond man with the crossbow drops it, quickly draws a sword, and, yelling all the while, leaps off the top deck at Everard, slashing at him with the sword.

WS 38 [roll0]
Damage if hit [roll1]

Everard easily dodges the sword, but the man is now chasing him.

Meanwhile, Josef cuts the mooring ropes and casts off, and Heinrich goes to the top deck. You are now moving off down the canal, with the stocky blond man on board, the other three men having escaped.

2009-05-24, 07:37 PM
Drubbit puts sausage down and sets him on the blond man "Gettim!" drubbit yells pointing at the blond man.

Drubbit draws his mace, encrusted with rat brains and entrails.

Drubbit then swings for the blond man, hoping his hieght would aim the mace into the blond mans tender area.

normal attack :
WS: 20 [roll0]

2009-05-24, 07:43 PM
The man easily dodges Drubbit's atack.

Sausage the sausage dog runs at the man aiming for the tender stomach.

WS 30 +10 Charge +20 3-on-1 [roll0]
Damage (if any) [roll1]

The dog barrels straight past the man and hits a crate. In the meanwhile, the man attacks Drubbit, and, when attacked by him, Sausage.

WS 38 [roll2]
Damage (if any) [roll3] (Drubbit)

WS 38 [roll4]
Damage (if any) [roll5](Sausage)

His attack is easily blocked by Drubbit, but he slashes the poor dog for 4 Wounds.

Damian Jade
2009-05-24, 10:01 PM
Lucas moves clear of the fire and tries to angle in to get a clear shot at the blond man.


Damage: [roll] 1d10+3

"Give up now or the next one goes between your eyes."

2009-05-25, 11:23 AM
Who said there was a fire?

Heinrich pulls a bucket off the chimney, and immediately shouts out the source of the smoke. Josef meanwhile quickly draws a sword, charges at the man and manages to hit him over the shoulder with it. The man's shoulder is sheared through the muscle and he yells and drops his sword to the floor. "Lieberung!" he yells, hurling himself at Everard.

2009-05-25, 12:49 PM
Everard meets the man's charge and tries to wrestle him to the ground.

Grappling (47) [roll0], if successful opponent can roll Ag to evade. If successful in grappling Everard will try to maintain the grapple until someone else does something, trying to break the grapple is a full round action and requires a successful opposed Strength check.

1st Str check (45): [roll1]
2nd Str check: [roll2]
3rd Str check: [roll3]
4th Str check: [roll4]

2009-05-25, 01:33 PM
Everard easily grabs the man and the two topple to the ground grappling and kicking at each other.

The man's half incapacitated due to a useless arm, but he still struggles to break the grapple (at half Strength).

[roll0] 1st check, Target 20
[roll1] 2nd check, Target 20
[roll2] 3rd check, Target 20
[roll3] 4th check, Target 20

Due to having fewer Degrees of Failure, he will break loose on the fourth round, which is plenty of time to attack him, especially with a +20% WS bonus.

Damian Jade
2009-05-25, 09:54 PM
Lucas moves forward and swings a kick at the blond man's head. It wasn't sporting but then the blond man didn't seem to be interested in fair play or games.

"Why are you trying to kill us? What did we ever do to you?"

Damage SB-4

2009-05-26, 12:52 AM
Due to brilliant WS roll (5 Degrees of Success):

Lucas kicks the man's head so hard his neck breaks and he flops lifeless to the floor. His rucksack splits open and his possessions go everywhere.

Amongst them is an unfolded letter, which reads:

For the Personal Attention of Herr Adolphus Kuftso
The Nine Stars Coaching Inn
The Middenheim Road
Nr. Altdorf
My Dear Herr Kuftso


You may recall a certain conversation we had last Brauzeit in the public bar of the Hook and Hatchet in Nuln. At that time you expressed an interest in the activities of a certain society, whose name I shall not mention here. In particular, you were very anxious to trace the whereabouts of a certain officer, known only as the Magister Impedimentas.

I am now able to confirm each and every one of your suspicions. After your departure I made some discreet enquiries, and managed to ascertain that the "gentleman" you are looking for uses the name Herr Kastor Aloysius Lieberung – in accordance with your plan, Herr Lieberung will be travelling towards Altdorf along the Middenheim Road some time towards the end of the month of Jahrdrung.

I have also been fortunate enough to secure a likeness of said Herr Lieberung, which I enclose with this letter.

I remain as always, respected sir, your humble and most obedient servant,


For reasons unknown, the sketch enclosed with the letter looks exactly like Everard, down to the tone and shading, any blemishes and facial hair. There is no clue as to where it, or the letter, may have originated from.

Make of it what you will; the barge continues to drift off down the river. Josef still wants to sell his wine and make a profit on the deal, the inheritance offer seems to stand, and Bögenhafen is a safer place for suspected murderers than Weissbrück.

Here ends Book One; Mistaken Identity.

See OoC thread for XP.

2009-05-26, 01:37 AM
Here starts Book Two; Shadows over Bögenhafen.

Four days later, Josef Quartjin's Tilean-made, drafthorse-drawn river barge, the Berebeli, pulls into the Haagen Wharf. Josef, demonstrating grace normally beyond that of a man his massive size, leaps from the port side of the boat to the dock and lashes the mooring lines to cleats. Heinrich and Marie lower a gangplank and allow you to get to the dock, to firm land.

Josef moves off to check on his palomino drafthorse, but is stopped by an official who requests a mooring fee; Josef pays it, and as though reminded by the thought of money, pays each of you 4 gc, a week's wages.

"Right, mates," he says, absentmindedly scratching the ears of Drubbit's dog Sausage, "now I have to go to a Herr..." - and hesitates momentarily to scratch his own head in thought - "...Herr Ruggbroder's place. He's a wine merchant, see. I'm getting my payment off him, for delivering the wine. The stevedores'll take care of the unloading, so you've got the rest of the day off. I reckon you should go and see that fair, the Schaffenfest they call it. Just on Hafenstrasse and on till the East gate. Not to be missed! Thanks for helping with the wine, and all. Anyway, see you soon. Nice to meet you and your mates again, Drubbit!"

Josef ambles off into the centre of town, looking for Ruggbroder's address, and leaving you to decide what to do next.

Damian Jade
2009-05-26, 07:49 AM
Lucas checks with Heinrich to see if there are any temples in Bogenhafen. He needs to stop by a temple of Morr and he wants to pay his respects to Sigmar.
"Well does anyone care to take in the town?"

2009-05-26, 08:10 AM
Heinrich, a dark, well-built but short man, directs you straight down the Hafenstrasse. You pass the Teamsters' and Stevedores' guilds, which are unwisely built opposite each other, a courtroom and a massive town hall. Lock, Stöck and Barl's place must be somewhere around here.

The Göttenplatz, a cleanish, cobbled town square surrounded by temples is about halfway down the road, with a large temple to Sigmar right in the centre on a kind of pedestal; round the edges are similarly designed, though cheaper-looking and smaller temples to Ulric, Myrmidia, Verena, Handrich, Shallya, Morr and Taal and Rhya, as well as a shrine to the local deity of the livelihood-supplying river Bögen, Bögenauer, a graveyard by the Morrian temple and an orphanage and a hospital by the Shallyan.

As you advance towards the temples, the smell of animal manure grows stronger, the crowd is going mostly down the street the same way, but are not stopping at the temples, they are going on to the fair down Nulner Weg, and just outside the East Gate. From here, you can hear the people bustling round the fair. There is only one Initiate at each temple, due to all the Priests and most Initiates going to the fair.

The town, from what you can see here, seems quite nice. The cobbles are swept, the houses are mostly of two stories or more, whitewashed neatly, the inns are clean (though of course empty, due to the beer tents at the fair), and there is even a park behind the Sigmarite temple, full of grass, trees and flowerbeds. Heinrich and his wife Marie stroll past arm in arm on their way to the fair passing polite comments about the town like tourists. A ray of sunlight actually filters in through the Jahrdrung clouds. The sounds of chatter, haggling, and laughter both happy and drunken, reaches your ears from the market.

Welcome to Bögenhafen.

2009-05-26, 03:14 PM
"I think I'd like to check out the fair." Fornoth said, glad to be off the boat again, his fears following his last voyage not as forgotten as he would have wished.

Damian Jade
2009-05-26, 06:38 PM
Lucas waves to the others as they pass the temple district.
"I'll be along shortly, my friends."
At the temple of Morr, he leaves an offering of 3gc for the dead men he's seen and after a perfunctory prayer he moves to the temple of Sigmar where he stands on the steps and wonders what Sigmar would think of his empire and what he would do about those who abuse their authority and the mutants that prowled his roadways. After a time of quiet contemplation he decides to catch up to the others.

2009-05-26, 06:57 PM
Drubbit waves goodbye to Josef as they leave the dock, and Drubbit mutters to himself "T'ats anotha fine ratcatcher, whos services 'ave been lost, foreva." Drubbit sighs to himself, then picks himself up and calls sausage over and pets him.

"So... this fair eh? looks pretty good... lotsa booze, an' 'opefully alotta women too eh?!" Drubbit almost skips along with glee as the sounds of drunken laughter reaches them.

2009-05-27, 10:27 AM
The fairground, as is usuaqlly expected is noisy, crowded and bustling. It is full of people: dirty beggars to well-dressed artisans, brightly costumed entertainers to sombre-looking watchmen; the entire spectrum of the population of Bögenhafen is represented here. There are labourers singing loudly and out-of-tune (having overindulged themselves at the beer tents), babies crying and pedlars hawking their wares all mixed in with the general hubbub of people enjoying themselves. At the moment, you are in the middle of a livestock market, where the animals are driven round for inspection and then sold in the central ring. The Schaffenfest mainly is a sheep market, but at the moment, three weaned piglets are being sold and the current price is 4 gc and 12 ss the lot. There are many other stalls and sideshows, including many impromptu taverns in tents, a wrestling ring where the showman is trying to get people to wrestle the champion, and a milling crowd of excited onlookers who are so densely packed you cannot even see what it is they are looking at, a mock-up of a court with some stocks outside, and some jousting lists.

Damian Jade
2009-05-27, 10:56 AM
Lucas wanders through the crowd looking for his friends and taking in the festive atmosphere. Figuring that Fornoth and Drubbit should stand out in any crowd they were in he was confident of finding his friends. He found himself looking for anyone dressed as a noble and moving to avoid them as surreptitiously as possible. He decided to move toward the wrestling tent as a good start.

2009-05-27, 11:55 AM
The showman, who is of indeterminable age and dressed in garish clothes with violently clashing colours, spots Lucas. "Ah, a newcomer! Hello, sir, how do you fancy your chances against "Crusher" Baugen? Five crowns if you last three minutes, ten if you defeat him! Just five shillings and a few minutes' mild exertion, and you could have your money back twenty or forty times over! If you were a moneylender, you'd be locked up for charging interest like that!" The champion is huge, massively built and stripped to the waist, but he is sweating and breathing heavily.

2009-05-27, 01:33 PM
Everard wanders into the wrestling tent after Lucas, and listens to the exchange of words interestedly.

2009-05-27, 04:18 PM
The man spots Everard. "Or you, sir! You can show us all what kind of a man you really are! Great strength must be built carrying that massive blade you have, test that strength against our champion! Five or ten crowns says you won't last three minutes with him!"

2009-05-27, 04:44 PM
Everard looks at the worn-out wrestler and weighs his chances in his mind. ""I think I'll try my luck," he says to the showman. Then turning to Lucas, he starts taking off his armor and says "Hold on to these for a while, will you?" After that Everard hands the showman 5 shillings and walks towards the champion rolling his shoulders and grinning.

2009-05-27, 04:46 PM
Louis walked over to the watchmen he had seen nights like this beofre when he had been a watch man proper they had been rough at times and sometimes violent. His hand reached into his cloak and he pulled out his papers

"Here there fellows do you thing you may need help tonight, I was in town and the festival caught my attention, I know how rough these night can get and was wondering if you need the extra hand"

2009-05-27, 05:28 PM
@Everard: The showman grins, takes the money and locks it in a small chest. He then explains to you the rules as a matter of course: "Thanks for taking up the challenge. Victory is by pin or submission only, no escaping, no punching, no kneeing, no elbowing and definitely no head-butting." He then turns over a large hourglass measuring three long minutes, and shouts "Go!" The huge wrestler seems to regain some energy, and bends down to circle you warily.

@Louis: The tall, greying man looks down his very long nose at you. "No, thanks, m'lad. We've drafted in over a hundred watchmen from the nearby towns, also we have the bodyguards of the merchant houses. I'm not being rude, but your services aren't required. Why don't you enjoy the fair?"

2009-05-27, 06:10 PM
Rolling initiative: [roll0]
If first, I attack - Grappling (52): [roll1]
If he attacks, I try to evade - Agility (37): [roll2]
If I manage to grapple and he tries to break it, or he manages to grapple in which case I try to break it, a Strength (45) check: [roll3]

2009-05-27, 06:12 PM
Eh, botched up the init thingy: [roll0]

2009-05-27, 06:24 PM
Initiative: [roll0]
WS 53+10 for Wrestling=63 [roll1]
S 48+10 for Wrestling=58 [roll2]

The huge man clearly knows what he's doing. He grabs you, immobilising your arms, and almost immediately drives into you with his shoulder, simultaneously scooping up your legs with his free arm, slamming you to the ground flat on your back. He then gets directly on top of you aiming to pin. Opposed WS Test please, with a +10% modifier if you have Wrestling but a -10% modifier for the man's sheer weight.

2009-05-27, 06:55 PM
Louis nods "that's alright" He starts walkingg away but calls over his shoulder "If you do need any help at any stage I'll be around and more then likely sober" he walks around circling the crowd watching for anything out of place, He knew he was being paranoid but recent events had him on edge. He firmly believed that everything happens for a reason and that this might not be the last conincedence he will see on the trip

ooopps forgot to roll for perception it's in the ooc Right here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=6167324&posted=1#post6167324)

2009-05-27, 07:03 PM
@Louis: You pass by the Festival Court, where a Dwarf is standing in the stocks, his beard and clothes stained with rotten fruit, being taunted by a group of locals. As you pass, he begs pitifully to be lent a crown. "Excuse my stupidity. One crown, good sire, that's all I ask. I need only one small investment to get out of this blasted pillory. Please help me! I shall be eternally grateful."

2009-05-27, 07:06 PM
Opposed WS Test please, with a +10% modifier if you have Wrestling but a -10% modifier for the man's sheer weight.

WS (42 + 10% from Wrestling - 10% from weight): [roll0]

2009-05-27, 07:08 PM
Drubbit walks in and sees the fight going on, and instantly roots for Everard "Go Everard! Beat t'at fat peice o' sh*te!"

2009-05-27, 07:09 PM
@Everard: [roll0] Target 68 (48+10 Wrestling +10 weight advantage)

The wrestler easily resists your efforts to push him off, and pins you in the first 10 seconds. The man walks into the ring and raises "Crusher"'s arm. "The winner, and still undefeated champion, "Crusher" Baugen!" There is a mixture of cheers and boos. "Hard luck," says the man in an undertone to the prone Everard.

2009-05-27, 07:17 PM
Louis looks at the dwarf debating wether he should help finally he makes up his mide and tries to clear the locals away "Leave this man be before I make you has he not suffered enough"

Intimidate test @39 [roll0]

2009-05-27, 07:18 PM
Drubbit steps up "Tough break mate. they gotta be cheatin'. excuse me MR. show man, but cannai 'ave a go?"

2009-05-27, 07:24 PM
@Louis: The magistrates inside the court heard your attempt at a threat and pull you inside, to an open-and-shut court procedure, and fine you three crowns, with the promise of the stocks if you don't pay up.

@Drubbit: "Come on, let the little guy through! We have a challenger, ladies and gentlemen! Shall I pick him up, or can you all see him?" The huge champion pushes Everard out of the ring and stretches his muscles, preparing to wrestle Drubbit. The man takes the 5 ss and gives you the rules, then turns over the hourglass. The huge wrestler lumbers over and tries to grab Drubbit.
Initiative: lower than Drubbit's in any case
WS 58[roll0]
S 53[roll1]

2009-05-27, 07:30 PM
Louis pays the 3 crowns and tosses one to the dwarf on his way out "These people don't know the meaning of honour" he mutters to the dwarf "Tell me good sir why were you locked up?"

12 gold left by my count

2009-05-27, 07:34 PM
Drubbit makes advantage of his small size, and attempts to dodge

agility:54+10 small size modifier [roll0]

2009-05-27, 07:42 PM
@Louis: The Dwarf follows you about, fawning over you in a most embarrassing manner, swearing friendship for life, thanking you over and over and telling all and sundry what a good friend he has found. It is now that you realise that he absolutely stinks. "Och, locked up, y'say? 'Cause a' public drunkeness! Speakin' a' which, where's the bloody beer tent?"

@Drubbit: The man grabs Drubbit by his arm, but fails to take him to the floor. He tightens his grasp on the arm, turns around and tries to throw Drubbit over his hip by it. [roll0]S: 53 He fails, but still has Drubbit's arm caught.

2009-05-27, 07:46 PM
Drubbit attempts to break free.

agi: [roll0]

in a last desperate ditch attempt Drubbit calls "Sausage?!..... GETTIM!"

2009-05-27, 07:48 PM
Not only does Drubbit fail to get free, the man grabs his other arm as well. Tiring of this, the man begins to rotate on the spot, swinging Drubbit around by his arms, hoping to cause him to lose his footing.

[roll0]S 53

Drubbit stays standing after the man slows down, the man squares on him, and then when all hope seems lost, Sausage the dachshund jumps on the poor mans shoulders and bites into his head. The man drops Drubbit and grabs the dog off his head, before dropping him to the floor. "What the hell?" he says in a gravelly voice. "'E's cheatin', boss!" The showman boos Drubbit out of the ring. "Cheating using a dog? Disgraceful." The crowd drives Drubbit out of the ring.

2009-05-27, 08:00 PM
"C'MON! me plus me dog dont even add up ta 'alf this guy!"

2009-05-27, 08:03 PM
The man tells Drubbit "It's the principle of the thing", before closing the ring off to him.

2009-05-27, 08:08 PM
"me cheatin'? pah! ill get ya for this." he mumbles to himself, as he stands outside, waiting for sausage to have a wee up the side of tent. "take that one." he mutters as he walks off.

Damian Jade
2009-05-27, 08:13 PM
Lucas holds Everard's gear and cheers like a fiend for his friend.
"He got a lucky hold on you, man. Nothing more than that. If you could take another go, I think you'd have his measure."
After getting Everard back into his gear, Lucas watches Drubbit with good cheer until Sausage charges in. Staring in surprise he begins to move toward Drubbit in case he needs to drag his friend out of there quickly.

2009-05-27, 08:15 PM
"Hey, short one. Over here." A young woman with black hair is waving Drubbit over to her stall which is selling bunches of herbs.

2009-05-27, 08:18 PM
Drubbit wanders over more out of needing something to ocupy his mind than actuall intrest or want to.

Damian Jade
2009-05-27, 08:22 PM
"Come on Everard let's go find a drink."
Lucas leaves the tent and takes a moment to look around taking in the ever changing crowd. He didn't like to think of himself as paranoid but he hadn't survived the last few years by being careless. He hoped to catch up to Drubbit and Louis soon.

2009-05-27, 08:25 PM
"I had got these from a Halfling I met a few weeks ago, from the jolly old Mootland he was; anyway, they're herbal remedies apparently, traditional Halfling cures for anything; anyway, I just want a second opinion. I think they're real, can you just give me some confirmation..?"

Having Common Knowledge (Halflings) Drubbit is immediately able to identify the herbs as being used in several traditional Halfling remedies to treat anything from colds to broken bones.

2009-05-27, 08:41 PM
"Yep, thems authentic, allright, used in loadsa 'alfling remidies, why you wanna know?" Drubbit leaves out the part about the being used to cure colds to broken noeses incase she thinks its some kind of miricle remedy and can still have the placebo effect even if it likely wouldnt cause a thing to change.

2009-05-27, 08:45 PM
"That's great! It's nice to meet a real Halfling, one who knows their herbs from cow-dung. If you want to take up some serious medical studies, you can come to my place in Weissbruck any time. Or just drop in if you're in the area."

2009-05-27, 08:51 PM
"Weissbruck eh? that i might do..." Drubbit nods his head, as a sort of lazy but meaning full bow, and rejoins his friends.

Damian Jade
2009-05-27, 09:01 PM
"Let's find an ale Drubbit. I've worked up a thirst walking around. Is Sausage alright after his in-ring debut?"
Lucas looks around for a beer tent and motions his friends toward one of the quieter looking ones.

2009-05-27, 09:02 PM
"yeah, 'is fine, just didnt feel fair ya know? litlle ol' me being squished by that fat man."

2009-05-28, 09:53 AM
You all head off to a nearby ale-tent, where there are already a bunch of drunken louts singing. As you come in they go silent and then snigger at such a motley crew. One of them yells at Fornoth as you settle down. "Oy, pointy!" he calls. His friend stands up and lobs a bit of mouldy fruit, which hits Fornoth in the back of the head. "I reckon you should be grateful, skinny! From the look of you, I'd say that's the best meal you've had in ages, you little twig!"

2009-05-28, 01:15 PM

Fornoth stood up, and walked over to the man. "Did I do something to upset you sir? If not, I suggest you keep your Low quality mush to yourself." he handed the man his fruit back, forcefully, if needs be.

Damian Jade
2009-05-28, 08:41 PM
Lucas immediately moves up beside Fornoth. This might have been motley but every member had stood up in the face of a mutant and thugs and no one was singling out one his friends without a fight. In other circumstances he might have looked to soothe things over but after the incident with the blond man he was keyed up, unable to walk away from this blatant insult to an innocent visitor to the Empire.
"Mayhap you've misplaced your calling in life, you drunken dung herder, since you've some how come to the conclusion that my friend wanted the fruit plate. Are you a serving wench or an perhaps a medium under all that odor?"
Lucas has curled his right hand around the mug instead of the handle and is now holding it just behind his hip in case he needs to swing it at the head of one of the fruit throwers companions.

2009-05-29, 03:31 AM
A Watch patrol enters the room and splits the argument up by force, allowing you to go back to your table.

2009-05-29, 05:55 PM
Hey i'm sorry but I have pretty big exams coming up so I don't know if I will be able to keep up with the rp easily. I'll try my best though

Louis shook his head and led the dwarf to the drinking tent "You know good friend I never did get your name, may I ask of it?" he said trying to make some conversation. He arrives just to see everything settling down after the little incedent. "What's happening my friends, was there any trouble?"

2009-05-29, 09:27 PM
Drubbit sits on the table with his drink and faithful sausage by his side, he decides that this nice environment (except for a few roudy drunks) was a nice place to sit, drink and tell a story amongst friends

(i am spoilering it for length, the following spoiler is just for added flavour and isnt nessesary to read)

"Well, me friends. I think its high time we got ta know each otha' a little betta', an' I thin' that you will enjoy this little story o' mine...

Back, years ago, in tha royal city of Altdorf, I 'ad just arrived in town, from travling alon' the roads from town ta town, finding little work, mosta tha towns had dedicated rat catchers, or 'ad already hired one. So i decided, i betta go to a big city, there could be 100s o' rat catchers there, but 100 times more rats, so surely i could getta job? ya know? even a little'un, would of been enough ta get some money fa me an' sausage 'ere to survive off fora short while. so imagine me supprise that when I arrived inta Altdorf, it seemed like there was no a ratcatcher to be seen, an' everyone wanted me ta catch rats, i was rushed off ma feet... both figurativly and literally, by masses o' rats... i was makin' loadsa money, I even managed to afford ta rent a small 'ouse to meself... an' sausage o' course. After a few weeks in Altdorf, a place where i was begginin' ta call home, i was in more, an' more demand, not cus more rats were appearin', but cus of word o' mouth... about me!... well atleast i assume, it wasnt cus there was more rats... although come to think of it, that mighta been the case. well you see, this is where me story begins!

i was approached by a nobble... yeah you know tha ones, tha ones wit' tha fancy cloths an' that, anyway, this nobble... whatcha mean noble? oh.. i see, well either way, this nobble slash noble came up ta me when i was in tha street, wit' me rats onna stick. back in Altdorf, durin' those weeks, i had built up a nice collection o' rats onna stick, infact i had 4 sticks! some were bigguns, some were smalla, but all o' them were mine, mine to show to tha world what a great ratcatcher i was... so yeah this nobble came up ta me and asked, "ya think ya cou-" 'ang on, ill do tha accent, youll love this, imma good wit' impersonations, like tha one i used ta do of me uncle roland, haha me whole family thought it was great, all me brothas an' sistas loved it. "come ova 'ere an' fetch me tha' cider while ya at it!" haha good ol' uncle roland... so this nobble, he came upta me and said "you think thou can clean out some rat-eths from thine home? i hast much money, and am willing to pay thou handsomly thy sum of 50 crowns!" HAAAhahaaa, was good wasn' it! haha told ya so! you should beleive me more often, ya know that... so anyway this nobble came upta me, an' said... oh no wait, ive done that bit... so this nobble... noble, whatever. He came ova to me an' said that thing i just said, an' i said "wha? really?" an' he said "no, maketh it 100 crowns!" an' o' course, me jaw dropped so far, i 'ad ta go inta tha sewer ta fetch it... which by tha way, i 'ad to go inta the sewer! so i 'ventually said "yeah, sure, ill do it for ya" he told me ta meet 'im at 'is house tha next day, so i went ta tha pub an' built up a fair tab i tell ya! actually, i never did pay that back... so anyway, there i was, tha next day, well its wasnt the next day anymore, tha next day was then today, and the day afta was tha next day... so on tha day 'e asked me ta go meet 'im, i wen' roun' an' i knocked ontha door, i woulda rung tha bell, but i couldnt reach the rope, ya see? so, afta i waited, tha door was opened, by some poncy lookin' bloke, ya know? more poncy than that nobble, 'e said 'e was tha butla, but i wasnt sure, i mean, why would a butla open the front door for ya? if i 'ad a butla, i'd 'ave 'im follow me roun' wit' a 'uge tray o' booze... so that "butla" went and "fetched 'is master" when i told 'im i was there cus the "master" 'ad some rats he wanted catchin'. when the nobble... noble, nobble, does it matter? when the nobble answered tha door, i told 'im i was there to do tha job, an' that i was prepared, an' you know what 'e told me? he told me tha i wasnt prepared, not for this job... i was furious, ya know? im not prepared, for me own job? well i wasn' about ta say that to a man who was gonna pay me 100 juicy golden coins for killin a few rats. maybe, just maybe in hindsight, he was right, maybe i wasnt prepared... cus ma traps wernt big enough for his rats... well, 'e told me tha the problem wasnt just 'is own, but infact tha problem of tha whole city, an' i though "great! no wonder, 'e wants ta pay that much" but o' course, then i though "but then i wont 'ave a job!" but wit' 100smackers, who cared? tha rats would make their way back before i spent all that money anyway. so he directed me inta tha sewer through an man'ole cover, an' told me that i was to find tha nest an' kill tha buggers for good, he also gave me rough directions ta where they thought tha nest was, so, me an' sausage, made our merry way along tha sidewalk of tha sewer, covering me nose o' course. got, me lantern out, which comes in 'andy later by the way... an' afta about 8 minutes 14 seconds, me an' sausage found tha nest, or so we thought, so we started, catchin and kill tha rats, an' destroyin' tha nest, about 'alf way through tha job, we saw a big rat skitter pas in tha distance, so we chased it down, thinkin' it would be a pregnant mother, or summthin' but we were wrong, soooo wrong, turns out, that thing we chased led us to the REAL nest, an' then we realised that they wernt rats attal... well they were i suppose... but anyway, more like... rat...MEN! now, i know o' tha storys me momma told me as a child "tha skaven, a race o' rat men who spread disease an' foul odours from their glands" but i didnt believe 'er, i always thought that me momma was tryin ta tell us to not play wit' rats or summthin'... so there i was, face ta face wit loadsd skaven, an' sausage went crazy, rippin tha blighters ta shreds, didnt ya sausage! yes you did! yes you did! good boy, whosa good boy den? whosa good boy den! sausage is! sausages! an' so sausage wen' an' ripped tha 'ed clean offa onea tha blightas, an' i used ma trusty aim, and faithful sling ta 'it em right between tha eyes! then alla sudden, tha little blightas started spreadin' this foul smell, and they all looked kinda worried! an' so they should! infronta Drubbit! rat catcher extrodinaire! but then, from tha shadows, i saw this 'uuuuge skaven thin' like, twice me height! no thrice! an' at that point i also saw annotha skaven, walk up be'ind tha... tha....rat... ogre an' in 'is 'and 'e 'ad a green orb, which looked like it was all swirly an' misty inside, well i was right, cus 'e threw tha thing at me 'n' sausage, an' this dark, green mist rose from out it as it smashed on tha floor, i cought wiff of something... otha worldly... an' decided it was time ta get out, so i called sausage, and ran. when i did so, the rat ogre chased... little legs versus big legs, didnt work out all too good, but im cleva ya see! i jus' tooka sharp turn an' dived down a pipe, too small for tha ogre to chase... although it took me about 4 months ta get me cloths smellin normal again... but, afta about 3 minutes the ogre got bored of tryin' ta get me in tha pipe, and turned off an'... jus' walked away! o' course, i wernt takin' none o' that, you turn up wantin' ta kill me, least ya could o' done is actually attempted, so i climbed out tha pipe, an' i used an' i threw me lantern at 'im, an' 'is fur (thankfully still kinda dry) set alight, see i told ya my lantern would come in 'andy then me an sausage chased down that other bugger, who threw that green thing at us, an' usin me amazin' rat trackin' skills we caught up ta 'im, an' e' cowered in fear at a dead end, chittering in some strange tounge... till sausage bit 'is nads! haha, didnt you sausage! yes you did! yes you did! whosa good boy then? whosa go-.... sorry. anyway, so sausage bit 'im in 'is nads, an' it changed from a kinda chittering, ta more of a scream haha! serves' im right too! an' now he can neva 'ave children again... well he couldnt now anyway, cus we killed 'im after, i went back to tha surface, an' gasped for fresh air, went ta the first pub i could find, an' i drank for hours, although shortly after i arrived, everyone seemed to dissapear from tha pub... donno why? anyways, i went back ta tha nobble and 'e gave me 'is money sayin "good job Drubbit, here is your money-eth, and i would appreciate it, if you never told another living soul about this, ever, ever again....-eth." an' after tha.... oh crap... i shoulnt o' told ya that should i? ahhh well, who cares anyway! so anyway after that, i took me 100 gold coins an' would you guess? i got mugged!... the end!.... well actually, now i think about it, i didnt get mugged... i jus' spent most of it on booze.. and couln't remember i'd spent, it... or atleast thats wha' me friend grubby "sticky fingers" thiefington said anyway... come ta think of it... 'e did 'ave alotta new stuff over tha next few days... ah well, his new business "istole urmoney" musta done well, 'e opend it tha day i got me 100 gold coins, ya know... an it went under a few days later, jus' after 'e bought all that stuff.... so... anyone else got a tale ta share?" drubbit doesnt realise the gravity of all the things he just said, nor the seriousness, nor the reality, he saw only moments in his life that make him "look great"... and even then, he forgets to leave out the bad bits, and over exagerates the good.

(i bet your glad i spoilered it... oh and please, if you read it tell me what you think? im not that good at story telling, but i try... it was pretty hard to stay in character the whole way through too... hehe, i only stopped because i thought i might exceed the 50,000 character limit.)

(P.S. Xsesiv, you asked what constitutes a "ramble" and i think that does :smallbiggrin:)

(P.P.S. by the way, theres proberbly hundreds of spelling and grammer errors in there, so dont bother pointing any out, unless they cause it to mean no sense or something other than its intended meaning)