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2009-05-04, 12:46 PM
In a campaign I'm running, a Cleric in the party wants to become an Avenger. Her character's personality matches Avenger better, and she's having no fun as a Cleric so I fully support this. She hasn't told me which class feature she'd like yet, but she's 100% sure on the Avenger class. I'm trying to come up with an in-game explanation. Questions that need to be answered:

* Why did she suddenly lose so much strength?

* Why did she suddenly gain dexterity or intelligence?

* Why did she lose all her current gear?

* Where did all her new gear come from?

* Why is she now fundamentally an Avenger?

* If she decides to switch from a Longtooth Shifter to a Razorclaw Shifter, how'd that happen? (She hasn't said for sure whether she wan't to switch of not, but the Dex could be better for her than the Str, so she might.)


Details about the party & world's situation that could come into play here:

* The character's choice of deity is Sehanine. Sehanine (and some other deities) want the villain's work destroyed as it actively tampers with the gods' power to affect the region. She'd come do it herself if she could.

* The players just killed an evil King and will need to fight their way out of the town they're currently in. There are 2-3 fights on the way out. A single fight lasts for an entire session, unfortunately.

* I will be adding an NPC healer to the party to compensate for the lack of a healer. This will be the party's 7th member. They'll be a Bard who just multiclasses into all the other healing classes.

* The optional fight on the party's way out, which it seems that the party is intent on doing, is to free the citizens of a neighboring town who've been imprisoned in this town. This will temporarily add an ally to the party (With a reward if this ally stays alive): Angry Mob: Level 5 Gargantuan Swarm (Humanoid). This fight can be next, and really, the party has directions on how to get there, so it'll likely be next.

* The Dragonborn of the town they're in think that they're honorable and that their Tiefling prisoners are demons who deserve to be punished. They essentially received permission to finally invade that town by the villain's genocidal orders. (He basically marked certain races as "safe" and said anyone else should be killed. Tieflings were not on the safe list. Shifters actually are, but the party also has a Genasi, Warforged, Half-Elf and Deva who are not. The other Shifter in the party is a close childhood friend of the character.)

* The Tiefling's town is currently full of Gnolls who the party has already diplomacized to their side. The Tieflings have also been somewhat friendly to these Gnolls, so when the party returns with them, the Gnolls will gladly ally with the Tieflings, and help them in rebuilding and protecting their town.

* She wants there to be a little drama in it... Like, the party thinks she's dead and she's not. Or she's kidnapped. Something along those lines...

* A time skip is out of the question for quite a while. I'm not really giving the party a functional time limit, but if time lept forward a month, the villain would be pretty much done.

* I'd rather the class change happen sooner than later.

* She's currently got the Dhampyr feat and has multiclassed Ranger. She's likely gonna lose the multiclass. I don't know if she'll keep the Dhampyr thing... Though it could be used as a plot point here potentially.

* Earlier in the campaign, she found her sister as an elite agent of the villain and convinced her to reform. She was a Spellscarred Druid. She then left the region to search for one who could heal her spellscars. Divine power would work. My plan was, actually, to eventually have her appear again as a friendly Avenger or Invoker who, after being cleansed by a god decided to do that god's will, so they repented and trained for service to this god. She'd also have a few others with her... A full divine party... Though that much isn't necessary. However, having betrayed the villain, and knowing some about the villain's secrets, he'd likely want her dead. She also shared with the party the fact that the villain can't leave the region, as there are gods and demons that want him dead. She doesn't know which ones though.

* Yeenoghu also wants the villain dead, as the villain's work has cut off his access to the region's Gnolls. This is why the Gnolls have been able to be friendly to the party...

* The party is 1 fight away from level 4

* Any divine or demonic power above level 10 who enters the region deteriorates until they're reduced to level 10 and cut off from contact to deities and demons outside the region. Even a god. This is what keeps gods and demons like Sehanine and Yeenoghu from just entering the region, killing the villain, and destroying the artifice that is keeping this ritual going. The party doesn't yet know this fact.


There are several ways I can go about this.

* Sehanine finally gets a message into the region, and this character is the one to receive it, emboldening her with purpose.

* She's knocked unconscious in battle and the party can't get to her body. They have no healing ability without her. The Dragonborn toss her out for the Gnolls to eat, who bring her back to the Tiefling town where the party will meet up with her again. In that time, she's learned the ways of the Avenger.

* She's kidnapped by agents of a vampire who realize that she's kin. They want to train her as an Avenger to a deity they worship, but she applies these principles to Sehanine instead. The party rescues her.

* She finds the Tiefling leader dying in a hallway. He was trying to escape to get help for his people. As the only one who can heal, the character needs to tend to him, but the rest of the party needs to press on, because they're about to execute some of the remaining Tieflings if the party doesn't free them. The party fights and walks back while the character & Tiefling leader take the party's two horses back. Turns out the guy is knowledgeable in the ways of the Avenger.

* Her sister appears, an avenger hunting down a Dragonborn guard. She's badly wounded and being chased, but she continues to chase the target she's vowed to kill. Being allied with the villain, the Dragonborn all have orders to kill her. She came to release the Tieflings. This, however, introduces the problem of not splitting her from the party with adequate time to learn.

* She changes her multiclass to Avenger now. After the next fight, she becomes dual-classed Avenger/Cleric with the average of her stat changes. After another fight she becomes an Avenger multiclassed Cleric with her full stat changes. After that she loses Cleric entirely.


Any feedback? Aside from the obvious tl;dr this is sure to receive? Ideas, suggestions, criticisms... I'm still trying to think of better alternatives.

EDIT: I've just realized the irony that, in a campaign that I'm in, I've just asked for the same sort of thing of my GM. My Wizard wants to completely change their build which means losing a lot of Wis and gaining Con in it's place. I wonder if he's having as much trouble with that as I'm having with modifying this other game's character...

2009-05-04, 12:56 PM
Is there any plot dependency on the fact that she's currently a cleric? If not, you could just do a full-out retcon.

2009-05-04, 01:03 PM
Is there any plot dependency on the fact that she's currently a cleric? If not, you could just do a full-out retcon.

Aside from casting 2 heals per fight and not having any other effect ever? No. (She has a tendency to roll 1-5 on almost all her d20 rolls... I'm really not sure how, as that's very statistically improbable.)

She also tended to NPC wounds a few times... And cast Gentle Repose on several NPCs who needed to be raised at some point...

The fact that, right now, she can quarry and is a divine class does actually make her somewhat Avengerey already... So a retcon could probably work. Avenger didn't exist yet when she created the character either, and it almost seems like that's exactly what she was trying to make.

2009-05-04, 01:04 PM
Just do it and don't bother explaining it. No one should really complain.

Totally Guy
2009-05-04, 01:21 PM
You could introduce an Avenger mentor figure who could teach the way of Avenging.

I'm assuming the Cleric uses chain. You could use the removal of the chain as a metaphore for the character coming out of her old self and into a new one.

So introduce the gear change first with the mentor figure talking about a change in perspective and what you wear being a fundamental change to who you are.

So shortly after the character acknowledges change introduce a change in stats Str, Con... etc. but keep everything else constant.

Then you could use an undead encounter. During this encounter the cleric is likely to use Channel Divinity: Turn Undead. Instead it acts as the Avenger's More powerful but more tactical Abjure Undead.

Then the character is in a state of "What's happening to me?" and you can complete the transformation. And it'll all be good. Hopefully.

About changing from one kind of shifter to another. I personally wouldn't allow that. Classes aren't a mechanic in the game world, the characters themselves don't know about things like levels and feats but your race, that is known and no amount of personal epiphany can change it.

2009-05-04, 01:23 PM
Well, just find a rat tail and bring it to Bahamut...ohh wait, wrong game.

Basically, you have three choices. 1) This character leaves, new one joins the group, 2) As mentioned above, you just retcon it(why I've always been like this, or 3) You use some kind of ritual or plot device to change their abilities.

Personally, I prefer method 1 or 2, but for some groups that breaks verisimilitude too much.

2009-05-04, 01:45 PM
I heartily recommend the 'ignore the rules, do what's fun' alternative. :)

Basically, it sounds like the player wants to have something dramatic happen to her character to explain the class-switch. While a retcon is possible, it does not fulfill this need. :)

Here's what I would do; pull out an old-time classic:

In one of the battles, fights are happening all around. The character is running around, healing as per normal, getting nicked up in the process. Until suddenly, intense pain as she discovers a spearhead protruding from her chest. The character falls, and is dying.

Vision time, as the character is being talked at by divine messengers (angels/demons/whatever is approrpiate) who tell her that while the decisions she made before were perfectly valid at that time, things have now progressed where they have to intervene more directly, and her getting 'mostly dead' is an opportunity that they are going to exploit. This will not happen again, and there will be no going back.

The character awakens after the fight is done. It's a Miracle (tm). She's not dead, although she's still incapacitated and will take a bit of time to recover. When she does however, she's lost all the clerical abilities, and instead has Avenger abilities that she has to learn how to use.

2009-05-04, 01:56 PM
* If she decides to switch from a Longtooth Shifter to a Razorclaw Shifter, how'd that happen? (She hasn't said for sure whether she wan't to switch of not, but the Dex could be better for her than the Str, so she might.)

* She's currently got the Dhampyr feat and has multiclassed Ranger. She's likely gonna lose the multiclass. I don't know if she'll keep the Dhampyr thing... Though it could be used as a plot point here potentially.

As was said earlier, your race is more immutable than your class and you can't just will it away.

Yes, ability score-wise Razorclaw Shifter is a better choice than a Longtooth shifter, but the Razorclaw isn't a slouch as an Avenger. They have the same primary stat boost and their racial power is probably better for a melee character. In the Dhampyr article it seems to heavily suggest that you don't retrain it, unless you can think of a damn good reason for doing what amounts to changing your race. Nothing wrong with letting her change the attack stat on the Dhampy power from Str to Dex.

2009-05-04, 01:59 PM
* If she decides to switch from a Longtooth Shifter to a Razorclaw Shifter, how'd that happen? (She hasn't said for sure whether she wan't to switch of not, but the Dex could be better for her than the Str, so she might.)

Well first, be sure she wants to change race. Second, build yourself a Chekov's gun. Turn an ordinary magic item they've yet to identify into the plot powered race changing item.

When I was DMing more regularly, a player came to request a change from his barbarian into a Bear Warrior Whirling Frenzy variant barbarian. I wanted an in-story reason so I made a medallion that gave a +2 sacred bonus to Strength into an Awakened Whirling Fenzy Barbarian bear's medallion that did the same thing. Had the game not fell through due to my inexperience with the game, the group would have gotten into a challenging fight and the barbarian would have vanished into the ethereal plane to fight the bear so it could test him to see if he was worthy of the medallion. Cue the Barbarian's victory giving the bear reason to rest peacefully, and giving him his powers, allowing for the respec to occur as planned, and the ability to talk to bears.

2009-05-04, 02:00 PM
Personally, I prefer method 1 or 2, but for some groups that breaks verisimilitude too much.

It breaks WAY too easily for this group... So I really doubt she'll just want to retcon.

Basically, it sounds like the player wants to have something dramatic happen to her character to explain the class-switch. While a retcon is possible, it does not fulfill this need. :)

Yeah, this is another reason I really don't think she'll want to retcon.

You could introduce an Avenger mentor figure who could teach the way of Avenging.

I like this... I could probably use her sister for this.

After they're done with the current town, I was planning on having them attacked by a de-leveled Lamia who's ready to turn someone else into a Lamia. They'll defeat it, but one member of the party has Lamiafication as a sort of disease (but it can only be shrugged off by a ritual). The dungeon where the ritual is held contains lots of undead. Also... It's a ritual of Change Race. It works like Raise Dead, but costs an extra amount per level. If the person is changing to the race they were born as, however, it's a LOT cheaper. The Lamiafication is basically changing the player's race. Lamiafication and the subsequent Change Race ritual could be used to explain a LOT here... However, 1 encounter per session... Plus RP... It will be, like, about 15 sessions before they have the ritual. Probably 4 before they face the Lamia. (It's a dungeon crawl to get the ritual. The first dungeon I've ever designed.)

There is, however, an undead Deva in the area. The party is aware of a Deva who failed to form a new body 300 years ago. This is because her soul was sucked into the device that's feeding on any divine energies it can find. She'd eventually get dumped out in the northernmost part of the region, which is just north of the Tiefling town. She'd be completely confused and possibly violent from the reaction with the incredible amounts of arcana pouring in from the Elemental Chaos. Another member of the party is actually looking to discover what happened to this Deva... And they've found her grave site. (And they just released stats for an undead Deva in April's Dragon Mag. I could simply de-level that and apply a couple templates to make it a solo.)

2009-05-04, 02:37 PM
I like Fhaolan's suggestion - in the next big-ish battle, the Cleric gets killed (or "killed") and meets her goddess. Sehanine, of course, needs all the powerful followers she can get in the region to deal with the main villain, and she sees in the Cleric the potential to become something more than a normal Cleric - she sees potential to be a conduit for all of Sehanine's divine wrath. A little while after the PCs have carted their dead friend away, the body levitates into the air, cloaked in blinding radiant light, and they hear some kind of divine proclamation. The body descends to the ground, transfigured into her new form and role.

2009-05-04, 02:56 PM
I like Fhaolan's suggestion - in the next big-ish battle, the Cleric gets killed (or "killed") and meets her goddess. Sehanine, of course, needs all the powerful followers she can get in the region to deal with the main villain, and she sees in the Cleric the potential to become something more than a normal Cleric - she sees potential to be a conduit for all of Sehanine's divine wrath. A little while after the PCs have carted their dead friend away, the body levitates into the air, cloaked in blinding radiant light, and they hear some kind of divine proclamation. The body descends to the ground, transfigured into her new form and role.

This was actually the first thing I suggested to her, and she said it was "cheesy".

For the mentor thing, I was thinking:

Her sister has returned. She was last seen by the party a few ingame weeks ago. Shortly after leaving The Dome, she prayed to Sehanine to be cleansed of her spellscars, and repented for joining up with Mulvera Jr. An angel under Sehanine's service arrives and asks her for details about what happened. For some weird reason, the gods can receive prayer from within The Dome, and they can send down miracles, but they can't actually see the region. It's blocked from divine sight... So Sehanine is really curious about what's going on. After telling the angel everything, she's offered a full divine healing of her scars and forgiveness for joining up with Mulvera Jr. if she agrees to do what she can to hinder him and his plans. She agrees and the angel trains her as an Avenger. Once her training is complete, she receives divine healing for her scars and is sent back into The Dome. Somehow, she wound up trapped with the Velnazians (People of the Tiefling town of Velnazia). When the party lets her free, she joins them and begins mentoring her sister in the ways of the Avenger. She leaves to help another party once she feels her training is complete.

2009-05-04, 03:46 PM
The resurrection thing is best done without the knowledge of the rest of the party.

If you want to be evil about it, have it happen without the knowledge of the player of the character.

Ie: say at the start of the session "I don't know if this avenger thing will work. We'll talk about it at the end of the session, ok?"

Then the session happens. In it, some bad guy is fought. This bad guy kills the cleric -- hard -- right around when the bad guy is bloodied, using some ridiculous move. You could even go all 'possession movie' on the party. Throw some darkness at the party, have strange wraiths attack all over the place that drain healing surges, have a knowledge: religion check that tells you "these things eat souls".

Soul Eater:
I eat light. Your soul looks ... bright.
Level X Lurker + Unbalanced
Vunerable: Fire 10
Resist: Radiant 10

Chill Touch: vs Reflex
Become immobilised and chilled (save ends), lose a healing surge.

Shadow Spawn: Free interrupt when hit. Make a vs Fortitude attack on a Chilled target within 10. If you hit, teleport adjacent to them, and drain another healing surge, and remove the Chilled and immobilised status effects.

Soul Food: If the Soul Eater drains a healing surge from someone who lacks a healing surge, the target becomes unconscious.

Possess: Range 5, vs Will attack on a target without healing surges. Possess target until the end of the Soul Eater's next turn, and remove unconsciousness.

Fade: Move action. Make a stealth check against the passive perception of the group. If successful, become invisible until the end of next turn.

Shadow Shift: Move action. Only works from when you cannot see the Soul eater. Teleport 6.

And have the cleric die. When she does, the shadowy things that eat souls go all cracked and glowy. Some flee -- others explode in light.

And then the party is left with a dead cleric.

The cleric then opens her eyes. She looks ... different. Her body has changed, she has lost her cleric powers, and now has a different set.

All she remembers of the other side was a whisper saying "hunt my enemies."

2009-05-04, 05:06 PM
Thanks a lot, everyone! She seems to like the mentor idea... Retcon for stats where appropriate, and having her sister retrain her over the course of 4 battles.

2009-05-04, 05:35 PM
* She wants there to be a little drama in it... Like, the party thinks she's dead and she's not. Or she's kidnapped. Something along those lines...

I think you have your answer right here.

During one of those fights, kill her. (Make sure she knows in advance this is coming, but don't tell the rest of the party -- play it for drama. This could be a good chance to make them really hate one of the villains.)

It would probably be best if you can arrange for the body to disappear or be "lost" -- falling into a gaping chasm that opens underfoot, incinerated in dragon fire, disintegrated by magic, whatever. Just so the party isn't carting around her corpse. It could work without it, though.

At some point no later than the next game session (and make sure she has something to play in the meantime), the "new" character appears. She's traveled back from the future/been reincarnated by the hand of Sehanine personally/been sent back with a new body (and a somewhat new mind, as a price) by the Raven Queen, who also isn't happy with the anti-divine field/been reconstituted by an artifact she was unknowingly carrying/been permanently polymorphed by an enemy mage as "punishment"/been permanently polymorphed by an allied mage because "it was the only way to save her"/whatever.

If you're having trouble deciding on an excuse, ask the player what she suggests. If it wouldn't totally break something in your campaign, run with it. If it would, figure out a way to adjust it so it wouldn't, and then run with it.

2009-05-04, 05:36 PM
Heh, took too long typing, apparently... glad you found something that'll work.

2009-05-04, 06:29 PM
Divine powers are essentially prayers, right? Perhaps she's been praying for retribution against her enemies as of late and the gods are responding to them.

Kurald Galain
2009-05-05, 03:23 AM
* Why did she suddenly lose so much strength?

* Why did she suddenly gain dexterity or intelligence?
Handwave it. She didn't suddenly gain or lose any "attack power" and only the label in front of the attack power changes.

* Why did she lose all her current gear?

* Where did all her new gear come from?
I was unaware that clerics used lots of different gear than avengers, but this one is easy: she sells the old stuff and buys new stuff. You should probably give her a better deal than the one-fifth-sales-price that is common.

* Why is she now fundamentally an Avenger?
Her personality hasn't changed at all, only the mechanics have. In 4E, world, character and personality are expected to be completely disjoint from game mechanics. So this doesn't need to be (and in fact, cannot be) explained from an in-world perspective.

* If she decides to switch from a Longtooth Shifter to a Razorclaw Shifter, how'd that happen? (She hasn't said for sure whether she wan't to switch of not, but the Dex could be better for her than the Str, so she might.)
Likewise. She still shifts, which is what matters. Mechanics are disjoint.

2009-05-05, 11:25 AM
This does pose a loss of the group's only leader-role character. I've played in a no-leader party before and, while do-able, I don't think this group is capable of it. I've thought of two possible fixes.

First, party makeup:
Firesoul/Watersoul Genasi Aegis Swordmage
Warforged Battlerager Vigor Fighter
Half-Elf Brutal Scoundrel Rogue
Longtooth Shifter Two-Blade Ranger
Longtooth Shifter Avenger
Deva Wizard

Option 1: GMPC Prescience Bard becomes party's 7th member. She only takes feats and powers that benefit the rest of the party, including Multiclass Cleric, Multiclass Warlord, ect... I'm a bit wary of increasing party size over 6 though.

Option 2: I grant the party the ability to Third Wind. Not helpful if a player falls unconscious though... Maybe if they fall unconscious and haven't spent their 3rd Wind, they can spend it on a death save roll of 19, and if they haven't spent their 2nd Wind, they can spend it on an a death save roll of 18...

Any other ideas?

2009-05-05, 12:58 PM
A simple heal skill check can get people back up from KOs.

All parties can function without leaders.

It might mean that they have to retreat against some opponents, or go after weaker opponents. And maybe you'll lose some party members to death.

As the DM, to be nice, avoid concentrating fire and spread damage out more. (Yes, attacking the Rogue instead of the Fighter helps the party -- because the party needs to use as many of their HP as they can per fight)

You could also require or ask the newly translated avenger to keep a cleric multiclass at least for a few levels.

2009-05-05, 01:16 PM
A simple heal skill check can get people back up from KOs.

All parties can function without leaders.

It might mean that they have to retreat against some opponents, or go after weaker opponents. And maybe you'll lose some party members to death.

As the DM, to be nice, avoid concentrating fire and spread damage out more. (Yes, attacking the Rogue instead of the Fighter helps the party -- because the party needs to use as many of their HP as they can per fight)

You could also require or ask the newly translated avenger to keep a cleric multiclass at least for a few levels.

I don't think anyone's trained in Heal and the only ones with a decent Wis will be the Avenger and Wizard.

This group could barely take 1 fight per day WITH a healer. They started doing a little better once I talked to them separately about focusing and some tactics they each can try instead of scattering during the first round each to a different foe, but they're not much better yet than they were... If I give them nothing to help them survive, they WILL wipe within 2 encounters.

2009-05-05, 05:41 PM
They can barely beat a single even-level encounter?

And the rogue tries to solo an opponent? :)

2009-05-07, 02:51 PM
GM: "He's moving. Are you gonna take an AO on him?"
Rogue: "Can I get CA on it?"
GM: "Nope"
Rogue: "Nah, I'll save it."


So... I've figured everything out. It's all finally fallen into place. Here's what's happened so far:

The party reached the jail cells. Crammed in 1 cell are all the people of Velnazia (Level 5 Gargantuan Swarm: Humanoid), In the next cell over is a Doppleganger Bard. (3 multiclasses for more healing power). The guards are casters & they have a Rage Drake. The guards hit the party real hard with an encounter power, bringing them to not-quite-dead.

Cleric: Bacon of Hope. Healing Word on the most injured ally. Move up. Action Point. Charge. Caster's reaction to the melee attack pushes her into a nearby 30 foot pit. 3d10 damage doesn't drop her. The fight continues... The swordmage tosses the Rage Drake into the pit. 3d10 doesn't kill it either. She gets to solo the beast in whispered actions, and she beats it. The party, while within 5 squares of the cell with the Bard, gets hit with that same encounter power from the other caster guard. 2 people drop. On the Bards turn, she heals them (Majestic & Healing Words). When they're done, they let everyone out and push the last guard into the cell, lock it, and toss the keys into the pit... So she's got the keys to their prison cells too. The party is still fighting their way out... However, two party members aren't returning (the rogue & wizard), so they're gonna run one way as a distraction while everyone else runs the other.

So... Number of players is now 4. A GMPC healer makes 5. That's not too many. I like having 4-6 PCs total. It also gives me a way to point in a direction if the PCs are unsure what to do next, which is something that comes up a lot.

As for her story? Well, they saved her sister a while back after fighting her. She was horribly spellscarred and under the employ of the villain. They escorted her out of the region. Once outside, the player's sister prayed to Sehanine to heal her scars and to forgive her for working for that guy. An angel in Sehanine's service appears. Apparently, the gods can't see the region. They can hear prayer from it and send miracles to it, but they have no idea what's actually going on there. So, she tells the angel everything she knows. She was one of the villain's top two guards. Sehanine has the angel train her as an Avenger and send her back in to do what she can against the villain. Once her training is complete, she's healed of her scars, forgiven, and sent back in. All of this paragraph is stuff I had already planned on having happen.

So, while the party was fighting their way out, with the Velnazians, the PC who fell down the hole is found & captured. Her captors are under the false belief that they're Lawful Good and performing Bahamut's will. In comes her sister, saving her. In their escape, they ride the party's two horses, who the rest of the party forgot about when making their escape with all the villagers. When the party arrives at their next destination, the separated PC and her sister will already be there, and she'll already be retrained.

To retrain, her sister will simply direct her to combine her hunting instincts (Longtooth Shifter, Multiclass Ranger) with her faith in Sehanine (Cleric). It's not really a stretch at all to go from what she was to what she will be in so short a time. For base stats, we're just going with a flat-up retcon.

2009-05-07, 05:51 PM
GM: "He's moving. Are you gonna take an AO on him?"
Rogue: "Can I get CA on it?"
GM: "Nope"
Rogue: "Nah, I'll save it."



One per Combatant’s Turn: You can take only one opportunity action during another combatant’s turn,
but you can take any number during a round.

Any OA not taken is wasted. They can not be 'saved'. Also, since the rogue can only use SA once per round... I mean... just...

2009-05-08, 11:26 AM

Any OA not taken is wasted. They can not be 'saved'. Also, since the rogue can only use SA once per round... I mean... just...

Yes, we explained that to him, but he does not take suggestions well. He absolutely hates when anyone else tries to advise him as to what to do. I've been told it's due to some feud between him and another player there. I don't care to know the specifics... Though this player has hinted many times that he wants to tell me them. It got to the point that every time I talk to him, and every session, dealing with him became annoying... After finding out that all the other players feel the same way, I've decided to just stop telling him when we're playing. It's online and I don't otherwise know him, so that's easy enough.

His character is also chaotic evil. Not on paper, but in actions. It's counterproductive when he kills a captured enemy while the other players are interrogating them... RP-wise, there's no actual reason for his character and the party to stick together. They just happened to run into one another mid-quest. This player never even officially received this quest, and doesn't seem the sort to randomly start helping with someone else's quest.