View Full Version : Tales of Kyou II: The Darkness (Game Thread)

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2009-05-04, 01:09 PM
Kyou II - The Darkness

As a village, Kyou survived Zubera's visit, but there is still a deep scar in the community, people can still remember what happened those few summer days when the face stealer came to town.

Now, a few years after the that tragic event people are starting to die again, there are whispers in the wind, a storm is coming.

And at the hottest day of summer, a band of adventurers arrive at Kyou. Not knowing what horrors lie await in the depths of the seemingly peaceful village...

Inhabitants of Kyou (Villagers)
The Adventures (Masons)
These four persons have very different paths, but yet they stick together, only death will do them apart, if even that. They start knowing each other and every night one of them will be able to use their power, they will take turns with this.

Aegnor (http://whisperingworm.wikidot.com/aegnor) (Lie Detector): Aegnor's experience as a bard has given him insight into people, allowing him to sense whether they are truthful.
Every time its his turn, Aegnor can PM one statement, claim or phrase made in the game thread during the last day phase or the current night phase to the narrator and see if it was a lie or not.
The narrator answers truthfully if he can, and if he doesn't know the answer, he will indicate that with a response of his choice. NIGHT ACTION.

Cessie Mithar (http://whisperingworm.wikidot.com/cessie) (Seer): Cessie can every time its her turn, use her "mind probe" spell to see into the mind of one person and thus see thier true identity. If this player is a hostile spirit she will also see if its that players turn or not. NIGHT ACTION

Chelonie or "Hope" (http://whisperingworm.wikidot.com/hope) (Slayer): Every time its her turn, "Hope" can select a player. If that player is targeted by a night kill "Hope" will sacrifice herself in order to protect that player and with her barbarian rage she will kill one of the attackers too. NIGHT ACTION

Promise (http://whisperingworm.wikidot.com/promise) (Revealer): Promise have by the advantage of being the only living wolfen in town quite easy to convince others of his innocent. Every time it’s his turn Promise can confirm his role to up to two other players. NIGHT ACTION

Cookiemanjaro/Darnur (Baner): Sadly Ryo, the protecting spirit of Kyou was not able to recover after his death to Zubera's hands, he floated into the deep realms, the spirit graveyard. Now Cookiemanjaro have brought Darnur back to life and possessed him in order to protect the village of Kyou once again from the forces that threatens to destroy it. Every night Cookiemanjaro/Darnur can protect one player from being night-killed. NIGHT ACTION

Simone (http://whisperingworm.wikidot.com/simone) (Observer): Simone is very good at take notice of things no one else see. Every night she can observe one player to see if they either use some type of night action or if they are being targeted by a night action and what type it is.

Villager of Kyou (Villager): You have seen a lot of strange things in your days, Kyou is a town with a strong connection to the spirits world after all. But now it appears that something from the past has come back to hunt the town again and you must defend it to all cost. There is something evil lurking here...

The Threat (Wolves)
Hostile Spirits
These spirits have heed the mysterious spirit-speakers call and are following her strange schemes to unknown ends. They all start knowing each other at the start of the game and can every night kill one selected player together. Every night one of them will be able to use their power, they will take turns with this.

Yuki-jorō (http://www.obakemono.com/obake/yukionna/) (Revenge): Her name means "snow-prostitute" and she is by far the most murderous of the spirits serving the spirit speaker. Every time its Yuki-jorō turn she can select one player. If a threat is lynched the following day, that player will die unless it were protected by the baner during that night. NIGHT ACTION

Tengu (http://obakemono.com/obake/tengu/) (Devil): Maybe one of the most powerful spirits. The Tengu is aware of almost everything going on in the village. It can every time its is turn focus on someone to see their true role, if that player happens to be a adventurer it will also see if its that players turn or not. NIGHT ACTION

Amanojaku (http://obakemono.com/obake/amanojaku/) (Controller): Every time its the Amanojaku's turn it can use its suggestive mind powers to change the vote of one player to vote for another player during the day-phase. DAY ACTION

Tanuki (http://obakemono.com/obake/tanuki/) (Kidnapper): The Tanuki can every time it is it's turn kidnap a player at the end of the night phase. The player will remain with the Tanuki for one night phase and one day phase. During this time the player counts as being out of the game and cannot vote, use night actions, have night actions used upon it or be killed in any way. Since this player counts as being out of the game it would for example make the threats lose if the ability was used upon the last threat in the game. This ability can't be used on the same player twice during the game. NIGHT ACTION

Allyria (Day Baner): A mysterious spirit speaker that apparently have made many spirits turn against the inhabitants of Kyou. No one knows her exact identity yet but she like the hostile spirits must be hunted down to restore the peace of the village once again.
If she is targeted by a night kill the hostile spirits will instead learn her role, she can't effect the night-kill unless she is either the last of the threats in the game or have learned the identity of the hostile spirits.
Every night Allyria can protect one player from being lynched the next day phase by controlling the kami of the village. If this ability successfully protects someone from the lynch, the ability can't be used during the next night-phase. NIGHT ACTION

Other Forces (Neutrals)
Arik Mithar (Necromancer/Messenger): Arik is Cessie's brother, and also a lich. He wants to learn the many secrets of Kyou by dissecting them very closely...
When any of Allyria, Cookiemanjaro/Darnur, Griever or Mino dies, Arik will gain their night action. He can still however only use one night action every night.
Arik count as a villager as long Cessie is alive, when she dies Arik will count as a neutral for the threat's victory condition.
Every night Arik may send one message through the narrator to any number of players. NIGHT ACTION

Mino (Voider): Mino is one of the last servants of Zubera since she stole his soul. At the start of the game Mino must select the choosen ones of Zubera and then protect them from Griever and Kuori.
He will select X number of players at the start of the game, depending on the total player base. Mino count as a villager as long as Promise is alive, when he dies Mino will count count as a neutral for the threat's victory condition.
Every night Mino can use the powers Zubera granted him to draw all the energies from a player making them unable to use any night or day actions and will reduce their vote to zero during the next day phase. NIGHT ACTION

Griever (Hunter): Griever is much like Mino forced to serve the very god/oni that killed him so he now serves Kuori.
When Mino has selected the persons he wants to hide Zubera in Griever will get a list of those persons. For the sake of the game Grievers role will be randomly selected after Mino have selected the players he will protect. Griever count as a villager as long as "Hope" is alive, when she dies Griever will count count as a neutral for the threat's victory condition.
Every night Griever can send in this question to the narrator: Is -name- -role-? For example, is Murska a villager? He will get a yes or no answer to this question. NIGHT ACTION

Victory Conditions
The inhabitants of Kyou win once all the threats have been killed or are out of the game.

The threat's wins once their numbers are equal or greater to the villagers currently in the game.

Arik wins once Cookiemanjaro/Darnur, Allyria, Mino and Griever are dead and he is alive at the end of the game

Mino wins if he survives and at least one of the players he selected at the start of the game survives until the end of it.

Griever wins once all the players Mino selected at the start of the game are dead and he is still alive at the end of the game.

Extra Victory Conditions
Aegnor gains a extra victory if both Cessie and himself are alive at the end of the game.

Cessie and Arik gains a extra victory if both of them are alive at the end of the game.

"Hope" gains a extra victory if Grievers victory condition is met at the end of the game, Hope's like Griever's role is randomly selected after Mino has selected the players he is supposed to protect.

Promise gains a extra victory if Mino's victory condition is met at the end of the game.

Allyria gains a extra victory if both Aegnor and she are alive at the end of the game.

Simone gains a extra victory condition if she still is alive once all threats to Kyou have been removed.

Cookiemanjaro/Darnur gains a extra victory if at least half of the players with villager roles have survived to the end of the game.

Either Griever or Mino will gain a extra victory condition if they have completed their victory condition and the other is alive at the end of the game.

The Amanojaku, Yuki-jorō, The Tanuki and the Tengu gains a extra victory if they survive until the end of the game.

These are the final rules.
However, the high number of players have made me to introduce one secret power role who's affliction will be unknown for now.

The game starts once the starting post is up which I will post once I have given everyone a role.

Game Details
A player will need 25 % of the votes during the day-phase to be lynched, otherwise there will be no lynch during that day.

If two players scry the same player neither of them will get a result, this only includes Cessie and the Tengu.

If a player don't vote for two consecutive days, you will be removed from the game. AKA auto-lynched.

If you like to change your vote during the day-phase you need to cross over the old vote and make the new vote in a new post. You can't edit in a changed vote in the same post you made the old one.

Days will last for 48 hours, nights for 24 hours.

Role List

DD the Cookiemonster - Villager of Kyou/Killed night 1
evnafets - Tanuki (Threat)/Lynched day 2
Night Surgeon - Villager of Kyou/Auto-lynched day 2
Atreyu the Masked LLama - Cookiemanjaro/Killed night 2
deathslayer7 - Simone/Killed night 3
Kyouhen - Tengu (Threat)/Lynched day 4
Murska - Villager of Kyou/Killed night 4
DarkComet - Villager of Kyou/Lynched day 5
Mordokai - Griever/Auto-lynched day 5
Fleeing Coward - Aegnor/Killed night 5
Bitzeralisis - Jopo Samu/Lynched day 6
InaVegt - Villager of Kyou/Killed night 6
Mechafox - Villager of Kyou/Auto-lynched day 7
Uncle Festy - Cessie/Killed night 7
Banjo1985 - Mino/Lynched day 8
pondshadow - Villager of Kyou/Killed night 8
Happyturtle - Nia (Threat)/Lynched day 9
The Bushranger - Villager of Kyou/Killed night 9
Kuma Da - Villager of Kyou/Killed night 10
Recaiden - Allyria (Threat)/Lynched day 11
Mustadio - Yuki-jorō (Threat)/Lynched day 12
Lex-Kat - Villager of Kyou/Killed night 12
billtodamax - Villager of Kyou/Lynched day 13
RedScholarGypsy - Promise/Killed night 13
Selrahc - Villager of Kyou/Lynched day 14
Szilard - Villager of Kyou/Auto-lynched day 14
toasy - Villager of Kyou/Killed night 14
EagleWiz - Hope/Killed night 14
Jontom Xire - Arik/Won
Aemoh - Amonojaku/Won

The threats (wolves) won this game.

2009-05-07, 01:34 AM
Kyou was a special village, it was said to be the gate to the spirit world, a lot of mystery surrounded it, but it had been a peaceful place, until a few ago when the god Zubera had entered it.

A lot of things had changed in Kyou since then, summers had come and gone but the memories were still there, faded maybe, but they were always there, in the back of the villagers mind's. Memories of how Zubera had spend those few days in the village, days of face less horrors...

The villagers spoke of the weather, about work, the recently arrived zeppelin and the high taxes, ordinary day stuff. Constantly avoiding the subject about the last few nights murder since it reminded them of that event, so many summers ago.

But suddenly something unexpected disturbed the false ordinariness, the gate startened to open, someone that had arrived with the zeppelin was entering the village.

The villager's near it felt their eyes drawn toward the opening gate, seven figures entered trough them that instantly caught the villagers attention. The first one was easy to recognize, Jopo Samu, a wizard that recently had moved into town. But it was not him that had caught their attention; it was the ones following him, outsiders.

It was easy enough to see, their clothes, the color of their skin; it was all different, strange.

Two ruff looking characters, wild warriors, one woman and one man, neither of them looked like they even belonged to civilization, primitive barbarians. They were most likely the body guards to the other three in the group, two men, one woman and one little girl. One of them dressed in a purple robe that only a wizard would wear.

The other two were a pair obviously, the girl might have been their child but there was something off about her, she didn’t look like the typical girl, her clothes were very different from the others and so was her skin tone. She looked back at the villagers, observed every detail. The last person in the strange group was seen by everyone by quite different eyes, everyone saw a unique version of this being, she or sometimes he awoken feelings, not felt by these villagers for a long time.

These were not the types they wanted here, outsiders only meant trouble, particularly such an odd collection of them like this. Everyone watched them all the way from the gate to the moment they were out of sight. Then the gossip begun, who where these strange characters and why had the guards allowed them to enter Kyou?

But what the villagers didn’t realize was there were more than mortal eyes that had watched the newcomers enter the town.


As night fell over the village everyone went home closed and locked the door, trying to protect themselves within the safety of their own homes. But every person that had been killed until now had been found dead inside their own house, the door still locked from the inside…

As no people dared walk the streets at night, the city soon fell silent, only groups of guards dared to face the darkness outside.

This false peace lasted long into the night until finally, a scream.

Followed by another one, another, another, and another…

One by one the villagers woke up from a dreaded vision of transparent figures dancing around them, hand to hand. Mortals were not the only ones to cry out, countless of spirits joined in their cries of horror, creating a symphony of screams all over Kyou, and no one would be able to sleep that night.

In the chaos no one even noticed what had happened inside the place the new-comers had slept in. The inhabitants rushed into a room, only to find one of their most trusted friends gone, the walls of the room is covered in frost, there might have been someone laying on the bed mere moments ago.

Hope burst into tears as they realize what had happened, Promise trying to comfort her, Cessie clings into Aegnor that looks stunned at the empty room.

They were all in danger now; the spirits are without mercy…

Ai was killed, she/he was a servant of Nega.

The next Morning…

Day beings now and will end in 72 hours (since its the first day), please vote to avoid autolynch.

Player List

Fleeing Coward
DD the Cookiemonster
The Bushranger
Uncle Festy
Kuma Da
Night Surgeon
Jontom Xire
Atreyu the Masked LLama

Jontom Xire
2009-05-07, 03:31 AM
I point at Murska. Partly because it's tradition, partly because he's off to Japan so I'll save him the pain of being auto-lynched, and partly because he's been becoming increasingly dangerous recently (and we always seem to end up on opposite sides).

2009-05-07, 04:17 AM
Point at Shadowcaller

Wait, we can't kill him in this game, can we?
Fine then... Mordokai

2009-05-07, 04:44 AM
Ina walks around the scene, a bit sleepy, bumping into Jontom Xire before fully realising what's going on.

"Ai was killed, you say? A shame, let's try to find the killer, shall we?"

2009-05-07, 05:30 AM
I think I'll point at whoever's number 13 on the player list. Annnd, that happens to be banjo1985. Congratulations Banjo

2009-05-07, 05:45 AM
Yay I'm special! :smallbiggrin:

Straight back at ya' Pondshadow

2009-05-07, 07:11 AM
I point at Emperor Demonking, sorry, I mean Kyouhen

Kuma Da
2009-05-07, 10:51 AM
Point at Jontom Xire. I've got your back, Murska.

2009-05-07, 12:13 PM
Random first day point at Mechafox.


2009-05-07, 01:07 PM
Murska! I got your back! :smallbiggrin:

2009-05-07, 01:22 PM
On behalf of me and Murska, can I ask a small favour? Please don't lynch/kill us out of the game until you have a reason. http://i431.photobucket.com/albums/qq40/happyturtle-avs/smilies/happy0191.gif We've been roleplaying these characters for months, and have been looking forward to seeing 'our' game in werewolf form.

I would never ask anyone to put a consideration like that ahead of trying to win, so if you think you need one or both of us dead for your team to win, then go right ahead. Just please don't do it randomly, okay?

If everyone is still dying to day one lynch us, there are always going to be more opportunities. I think we both sign up for every werewolf game on the schedule.

2009-05-07, 01:24 PM
cause Happy asked so nicely. :smallbiggrin: Let's go with that Silly Llama Atreyu

The Bushranger
2009-05-07, 02:15 PM
And I'll go with Aemoh on the lack of better information.

2009-05-07, 05:02 PM
I'm also going to point at Jontom Xire

2009-05-07, 06:15 PM
Szilard wakes up and bumps into Mechafox.

2009-05-07, 06:58 PM
Point at Kyouhen.

2009-05-07, 07:38 PM
No lynch, no lynch. Ah, if only I could do that...

*points at TwoBitWriter randomly*

2009-05-08, 01:24 AM
But... But you can't go after me, the game was totally named after me! :smallfrown:

Also I'm pointing at Jontom Xire. Because lynching Murska while he's off on crazy adventures is just mean. :smallannoyed:

Jontom Xire
2009-05-08, 02:56 AM
I'm also going to point at Jontom Xire

What!? And I thought you were my friend.

Can I just point out that I missed the first game, got killed early in the second, and really really don't want to be day 1 lynched in the third one. Come on, people. Please!

I'm having a really bad time on these forums recently. I haven't had a decent go at a game for ages.

So give me a break, ok?

2009-05-08, 03:32 AM
Mechafox, because the only we learn anything from Day 1 is if there is a close vote between two people.

2009-05-08, 05:22 AM
Kyouhen, for confusing me. I had wondered where EmperorDemonKing went...

2009-05-08, 05:27 AM
Random at deathslayer7

Yeah, JX has been dying early a lot lately. Let's just go for a no lynch day by keeping it below 25%. I'm just not feeling ruthless enough today to try and get anyone lynched.

Fleeing Coward
2009-05-08, 05:57 AM
On behalf of me and Murska, can I ask a small favour? Please don't lynch/kill us out of the game until you have a reason. http://i431.photobucket.com/albums/qq40/happyturtle-avs/smilies/happy0191.gif We've been roleplaying these characters for months, and have been looking forward to seeing 'our' game in werewolf form.

I would never ask anyone to put a consideration like that ahead of trying to win, so if you think you need one or both of us dead for your team to win, then go right ahead. Just please don't do it randomly, okay?

If everyone is still dying to day one lynch us, there are always going to be more opportunities. I think we both sign up for every werewolf game on the schedule.

I got a reason:
At least one of you two is a wolf :smallbiggrin:
If you want proof, I can provide a PM from Murska saying so :smallamused:

((Kyouhen because I don't like lynching JX unless there's some sort of proof that he's a wolf but I also don't believe in not lynching anyone day 1))

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2009-05-08, 10:07 AM
Random at deathslayer7

Yeah, JX has been dying early a lot lately. Let's just go for a no lynch day by keeping it below 25%. I'm just not feeling ruthless enough today to try and get anyone lynched.

Hmmm...that makes sense

Fleeing Coward!!

2009-05-08, 10:27 AM
Fleeing coward because no one has voted for him and I don't want to kill anyone. Its a safe vote.

2009-05-08, 12:06 PM
I do believe I will join toasty on this one. :smallbiggrin:

2009-05-08, 01:01 PM
Kyouhen, for confusing me. I had wondered where EmperorDemonKing went...

Kyouhen isn't Emperor Demonking (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/member.php?u=7098), unless they allowed him a brand new account.

Changing point to Fleeing Coward.

2009-05-08, 01:07 PM
I probably should have asked this sooner but... Who's Emperor Demonking?

2009-05-08, 05:13 PM
Emperor Demonking, or EDK, was a player of WW. He seemed to excell at getting first day lynched. But I haven't seen him since Assassins I.

Which, by the way, anyone who wishes to join another game could join Night Surgeons Final Fantasy 7 WW (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=110542). He only needs 9 more palyers, minimum.

2009-05-08, 05:53 PM
Mechafox quick, busy.

Kuma Da
2009-05-08, 06:37 PM
I got a reason:
At least one of you two is a wolf :smallbiggrin:
If you want proof, I can provide a PM from Murska saying so :smallamused:

Well, now we all know which side you're on.:smallwink:

Edit: also, you're trusting murska?

2009-05-08, 07:02 PM
evnafets points at Recaiden for starting the whole EmporerDemonking is Kyouhen confusion.

2009-05-08, 07:21 PM
evnafets points at Recaiden for starting the whole EmporerDemonking is Kyouhen confusion.

What I meant was, EDK, oh wait, he's not playing? Kyouhen.:smallfrown:

2009-05-08, 07:46 PM
Did... did I start a bandwagon against myself?

2009-05-08, 07:58 PM
Did... did I start a bandwagon against myself?

That is full of win.:smallbiggrin:

Fleeing Coward
2009-05-08, 08:13 PM
Looks like a few people already saw through my post so guess I'll be blunt even though this will probably mean a very short game for me.
I am Aegnor and tonight's my turn.
Anyone who wants to make statements about their role or anything else is more than welcome to do so although I'd prefer that the other power roles and neutrals contact me via PM.
I'll be making a huge list of statements about a number of player at the end of today (most of them lies) including one which I will actually check so the more information I have, the more productive my check tonight can be.
Baner protection for tonight would also be appreciated or I'd have done all this for nothing.

2009-05-08, 08:20 PM
Did... did I start a bandwagon against myself?
*Looks* It sure looks like it. Congratulations. That's the first time I've ever seen that happen, successfully.

I tried to help someone else do the same, but it didn't go as planned. :smalltongue:

2009-05-08, 08:24 PM
Eagle Wiz. Just because

2009-05-08, 08:51 PM
((I am not Simone. I am just roleplaying Simone because I created her, and because this is a scene we played out.))

Ai was dead. Simone watched as Hope collapsed in tears, her mate Promise trying to comfort her. Bah. Foolishness. Hope was strong and fierce enough in battle to defeat anyone, but could be reduced to helplessness so easily.

It was obvious to Simone that they should leave Kyou at once, but the two barbarians wouldn't hear of it. Even if everyone else went, they insisted that they would stay to avenge Ai. And everyone else decided to stay as well. Loyalty. Or something.

And since Simone didn't have the means of travelling alone, that meant she was stuck here too. So she'd better learn all she could. She couldn't count on the party she travelled with. Miss Cessie had lived too sheltered a life and cared only for magic. Promise and Hope were barbarian warriors who were at home in the wilderness or on a battlefield but knew nothing of cities and seemed to make decisions based on honor rather than sense. Aegnor was the only one of them that she thought could survive on the streets. But she wouldn't trust him to protect her. She'd learned long ago to rely on no one but herself. The party all cared for each other, but Simone had only been hired as a translator. She was not one of them.

"Are you finish? I go to bed now?" Simone said, in the party's language of Western Common, one of many that she had learned growing up on the streets of a city built on trade.

"Simone, we are all staying together tonight," Promise said.

"We are?" Simone looked to Aegnor for confirmation.

"Yeah. We better."

Simone was silent for a moment, then said, "I go get my things."

As she slipped out the door, she heard Hope saying quietly to the others, "I can't remember if I ever told Ai how much he meant to me."

Simone went to her own room and left a note: I go learn more. I be back by dawn. Do not follow! To follow put me in more danger. I be safer alone.

She crept out of the inn and into the shadows of Kyou.

2009-05-08, 10:30 PM
Unknown to others, a silent figure speed across the street, sticking to the shadows. Green eyes could be seen on occassion as they peaked out from her hood. She saw the strangers on her way her, and decided to follow them.

She had waited until night though to enter, so as to not draw attention to herself. She spotted a flicker of moment and froze. Across the street, someone ran, moving silently and stealthy as her. She watched with interest as who else might be moving around during this time of night.

2009-05-08, 10:36 PM
Eagle Wiz

Also, the Baner should probably save Fleeing Coward.

Not sure why he did that...

2009-05-08, 10:39 PM
In my experience, FC is usually telling the truth when he roleclaims, just looking at F/SN and Phantom.

Just offering my two cents on that.

2009-05-08, 10:40 PM
really? cause somehow Phantom of the Opera comes to mind, at least to me. :smallbiggrin:

edit: or at least the baner part. :smalltongue:

2009-05-08, 10:53 PM
In my experience, FC is usually telling the truth when he roleclaims, just looking at F/SN and Phantom.

Just offering my two cents on that.


Also, speaking of FC in Phantom, that was all him. The rest of the wolves had nothing to do with it.

I would know.

2009-05-08, 10:57 PM
I might have some fun with this. :smallamused:

Have some fun FC.

I am a wolf

I am not a wolf.


2009-05-08, 11:43 PM
*points at Lex-kat*

AKA, day 1 random.

2009-05-08, 11:50 PM
((I'm not Simone, just roleplaying as her.))

It wasn't her home city, but it was still a city, and Simone knew how to navigate the underworld. The people may be afraid of the murderous spirits, but there were always whores and pimps, buyers and sellers, hustlers and marks. She knew how to find them, and who to talk to, and it didn't take her long to learn things--especially since she'd "borrowed" some money from her employers.

She found out that there were two concentrations of influence in Kyou - the Guild House and the House of Masks. The underworld didn't have much information on the former. It was well guarded, and the province of those with money and family connections. But the House of Masks was the place where performers, artists, and musicians entertained the public. More importantly, it was rumoured that those within the House of Masks were protected somehow.

I have to get accepted there, somehow. Just in case... It was always her way to have an escape plan. Aegnor and the others might not leave Kyou. They might get themselves killed. Or they might discover the real reason she joined their party and throw her out.

2009-05-09, 12:06 AM
Now I'm morally obligated to ask, just what constitutes a 'statement' for the lie-detecting? If I were to say something outrageous like myself, Night Surgeon and Mechafox are the neutrals, would he be forced to take that entire sentence as a statement? Or would he be able to break it down to check a single person mentioned instead? If any one of the people listed were not neutral, would the entire sentence return a false?

Fleeing Coward
2009-05-09, 12:51 AM
Now I'm morally obligated to ask, just what constitutes a 'statement' for the lie-detecting? If I were to say something outrageous like myself, Night Surgeon and Mechafox are the neutrals, would he be forced to take that entire sentence as a statement? Or would he be able to break it down to check a single person mentioned instead? If any one of the people listed were not neutral, would the entire sentence return a false?

I can only take whole statments, not parts of a statement, alreay checked tht with Shadowcaller. I would not have come out like this if that wasn't the case since it'd be alot easier to hide statements.
I'm pretty sure if even part of the statement is wrong, I'd get told it's false. Otherwise, I could just name every person playing in a single statement and know whether they're good or bad by the end of night 1.

2009-05-09, 01:01 AM
Remind me to abuse that later. :smallwink:

2009-05-09, 05:20 AM
Looks like a few people already saw through my post so guess I'll be blunt even though this will probably mean a very short game for me.
I am Aegnor and tonight's my turn.
Anyone who wants to make statements about their role or anything else is more than welcome to do so although I'd prefer that the other power roles and neutrals contact me via PM.
I'll be making a huge list of statements about a number of player at the end of today (most of them lies) including one which I will actually check so the more information I have, the more productive my check tonight can be.
Baner protection for tonight would also be appreciated or I'd have done all this for nothing.

I smell either an unnecessary risky attempt, a proxy OR a wolf.

For now, I'll err on the side of risky or proxy, but you're on my watch list.

Fleeing Coward
2009-05-09, 05:46 AM
Claiming on day 1 when I'm not a mason would just be plain stupid. I am indeed who I say I am and I can assure you that none of the other 3 masons will come out saying otherwise.

I know this is risky but I'm working with what I have now that I've decided to claim the role.

We've got plenty of time before the end of night 1 so if any of the power roles want to wait a little bit to see if any "mason" is going to dispute my claim, feel free to do so.

However, I really would prefer it if the other power roles did contact me before the end of night 1 so that we do have a network set up even if for some reason the baner fails to bane me and the wolves attack me tonight.

2009-05-09, 06:00 AM
However, I really would prefer it if the other power roles did contact me before the end of night 1 so that we do have a network set up even if for some reason the baner fails to bane me and the wolves attack me tonight.

Alarm senses tingling.

As for myself, if Aegnor wants to check it, no matter if Fleeing Coward is Aegnor or not, I provide the following statement.

I am on side villager.

Fleeing Coward
2009-05-09, 06:07 AM
Alarm senses tingling.

As for myself, if Aegnor wants to check it, no matter if Fleeing Coward is Aegnor or not, I provide the following statement.

I am on side villager.

Like I said before, I'll be checking the truth of my own statements since Shaowcaller told me that I can but I'll take into account what people's claim when I make those statements.

Also, turns out that I can check just part of a sentence as long as I don't take out or add words to it.

Kuma Da
2009-05-09, 10:54 AM
Well, this is an interesting development. Anyone who roleclaims in an easily understandable way right now is declaring themselves to be with the villagers. If they're wolf, then making a clear claim about their identity is tantamount to giving themselves up. This means that any one who doesn't roleclaim right now falls under heavy suspicion of being a wolf.

Therefore, the only sensible thing for the wolves to do is to make complex claims that look like simple clams, since making a complex claim is also tantamount to giving themselves up.

That said, I am just a villager.

2009-05-09, 11:19 AM
V to the I to the double-L-A-gur, Szilard's a villager.
I think.
Why are we doing this?

2009-05-09, 11:26 AM
Well, this is an interesting development. Anyone who roleclaims in an easily understandable way right now is declaring themselves to be with the villagers. If they're wolf, then making a clear claim about their identity is tantamount to giving themselves up. This means that any one who doesn't roleclaim right now falls under heavy suspicion of being a wolf.

Therefore, the only sensible thing for the wolves to do is to make complex claims that look like simple clams, since making a complex claim is also tantamount to giving themselves up.

That said, I am just a villager.

Not necessarily. I think anyone can make statements about you, for Aegnor to check.

Kuma Da is a spirit.
Kuma Da is Simone.
Kuma Da is Arik.
Kuma Da is a villager.
Kuma Da is wearing purple socks.

See? Much fun. :smallbiggrin:

2009-05-09, 11:59 AM
Wait, so you can cut out part of a sentence but cannot edit any words? Hmmm...

I am a villager, wolf or neutral.
Happyturtle is a female villager.
Kuma Da is a name-brand villager.
InaVegt, assuming Szilard is a villager, is neutral.

FUN TIMES FOR ALL! :smallbiggrin:

2009-05-09, 01:00 PM
Detect this, Lie Detector: I'm Captain of the Gravy Train!


I'm a villager.

2009-05-09, 01:23 PM
For a start.. I am a villager.
Here are some sweeping statements.

Out of Murska, Happyturtle, EagleWiz, Fleeing Coward, Kyouhen and Lex-Kat, none have a wolf role.

Out of InaVegt, Aemoh, pondshadow, billtodamax, DD the Cookiemonster and The Bushranger none have a wolf role.

Out of Banjo1985, Recaiden, Uncle Festy, Kuma Da, Night Surgeon and TwoBitWriter none have a wolf role.

Out of DarkComet, toasty, Jontom Xire, Mustadio, Bitzeralisis and Atreyu the Masked LLama none have a wolf role.

Out of Mordokai, Selrahc, deathslayer7, Szilard, Mechafox and evnafets none have a wolf role.

(Groups of 4 or 5 instead of 6 might be more useful.. but I don't the stamina to redo it.)

There are more wolves among the players 1-15 than there are among the players 16-30

There are more wolves among people who have the letter S in their name than among those who don't.

At least one of the players whose names begin with vowels are a wolf.

As for my point... um... Happyturtle. For no real reason.

Kuma Da
2009-05-09, 01:57 PM
Most interesting thing a wolf could do right now would be to claim that FC is a wolf and that they're aegnor. That is, assuming FC isn't a wolf…

2009-05-09, 02:24 PM
Most interesting thing a wolf could do right now would be to claim that FC is a wolf and that they're aegnor. That is, assuming FC isn't a wolf…

Good point. And Cessie wouldn't need to scry him either way as she already knows if he's telling the truth or not.

I'll be nice and play along with the claims though. I am a villager.

Also, come to think of it, shouldn't that ability be based on what the player knows? Like if I said one of the first 15 players is a wolf, but have no way of knowing what the first 15 players are, shouldn't the statement not work?

The Bushranger
2009-05-09, 05:19 PM
I am not a crook...


2009-05-09, 05:28 PM
More sweeping statements:

This role will break the game.

Shadowcaller is going to smack everyone upside the head for not pointing out its brokenness when he first asked for feedback.

Watching it play out is hella fun.

I wish my broken toe would heal.

I am not wearing any pants! :smalleek:

The Bushranger
2009-05-09, 05:35 PM

Statements to be proven wrong:

This is because she's wearing a skirt...

I can cast Cure Moderate Wounds on that broken toe.

2009-05-09, 05:54 PM
Statements that are true:
I am on team good. I am a villiger, nothing more nothing less.
Truth sence probably only detect whether the person knows what they are saying is true.

On that note, Happy is evil.

2009-05-09, 06:12 PM
Shadowcaller is going to smack everyone upside the head for not pointing out its brokenness when he first asked for feedback.

Another sweeping statement:

Shadowcaller WON'T smack me upside the head because I suggested only having a percentage chance of having it be accurate. :smalltongue:

2009-05-09, 06:16 PM
Happy WILL smack you upside the head for gloating. :smallbiggrin:

2009-05-09, 06:16 PM
* smacks Kyouhen upside the head *

I have a role.

I'm not wearing pants.

This is role claimking is ridiculous.

I'm a: neutral, therat, or villager.

2009-05-09, 06:25 PM
Oooh! Notice how Recaiden misspelled 'threat' so that the statement couldn't be verified. :smallamused:

2009-05-09, 06:36 PM
Hey! Careful there, with my role, FC! If you get him killed night one, I'll be pissed.

In any case, I'm a villager, and I'll be roleplaying once I find somewhere with an ordinary keyboard and enough time, so probably only when I'm back in Finland where I belong.

2009-05-09, 06:48 PM
* smacks Kyouhen upside the head *

You are NOT Shadowcaller. :smallannoyed:
And I would appreciate Mr. Lie Detector checking that statement to ensure I'm right. :smallbiggrin:

Fleeing Coward
2009-05-09, 07:12 PM
Hey! Careful there, with my role, FC! If you get him killed night one, I'll be pissed.

In any case, I'm a villager, and I'll be roleplaying once I find somewhere with an ordinary keyboard and enough time, so probably only when I'm back in Finland where I belong.

Sorry but there was a slight misunderstanding between myself and Shadowcaller on what I can and can't do which may or may not have been the reason that I came out and claimed the role.
I'm just trying to do as much as I can now that I have come out :smallbiggrin:

So far I've got claims from 'Simone' and 'Mino'. I'm going to assume those claims are genuine unless someone else also comes forward to claim those roles to me. If there are cases where 2 or more people claim a single power role, Cessie will be used to check conflicting claims the next night.

2009-05-09, 08:26 PM
... wow a lot going on here.

Yes, this role could break the game... but in a fun way. :p

2009-05-09, 09:22 PM
Well, according to my spreadsheet, the following have yet to vote:

Night Surgeon
Uncle Festy

2009-05-09, 09:26 PM
Unless there's a real risk of a no-lynch, I'm not bothering. I only bothered to break my no-day-1-posting policy in this one because something interesting was happening.

Although I guess I may as well...

Mechafox so he can say he started a bandwagon against himself that got him lynched. :smalltongue:

Uncle Festy
2009-05-09, 09:35 PM
Did... did I start a bandwagon against myself?

Totally QotWing that. :smallbiggrin:

Detect this, Lie Detector: I'm Captain of the Gravy Train!


Shadowcaller is going to smack everyone upside the head for not pointing out its brokenness when he first asked for feedback.


No. This is another seer. At the beginning of the game, if the town has ANY idea what it's doing, they'll start off by saying "I'm on Team Good," or "I'm a Neutral." Then, Aegnor and Cessie scry two players and, assuming they're cleared, Promise confirms his role to them and expands the Mason group by 2 every 4 turns.
I don't think it's broken, as it's already half as often as a regular seer, but it's… worrying, to say the least. :-/
Also, I thought it only worked if the person saying it thought it was a lie, so… yeah.

2009-05-09, 11:07 PM
Mechafox so he can say he started a bandwagon against himself that got him lynched. :smalltongue:

Oh, you don't have to do that. Really. It's okay.

Fleeing Coward
2009-05-09, 11:14 PM
Currently looking for ideas on how to use my powers without it been too game breaking.
Our narrator has just reserved the right to veto any use of my power that'd completely break the game :smalltongue:

2009-05-09, 11:26 PM
So, I just made a spreadsheet, and... I'm gonna die.

Kyouhen in a last-ditch attempt to save myself. By my count, that's a tie.

On second, thought, I'm going to go out with dignity.


Uncle Festy
2009-05-09, 11:30 PM
I wanted to save the guy who made the Homestar Reference. :smallfrown:

2009-05-09, 11:31 PM
So, I just made a spreadsheet, and... I'm gonna die.

Kyouhen in a last-ditch attempt to save myself. By my count, that's a tie.

On second, thought, I'm going to go out with dignity.


Are we allowed to use conditional votes? Like, I change my point to Mechafox but only if he's already going to die? :smallbiggrin:

2009-05-10, 06:41 AM
The villagers had awoken confused and scared following last night’s dream.

But life went on; most people can life with anything as long as they can go back to what they do every day. Humans are creatures of habit, and a good habit can make you forget all the sorrows of the world.

Most of them worked all day and even into the night when paper lanterns where lit all over town to keep away the darkness.

Soon enough when only the guards were up, the spirits became restless once again...

No on was lynched since there weren't enough votes for one person.

Night Starts and will end in 24 Hours.

Fleeing Coward
2009-05-10, 06:49 AM
Happyturtle, Murska, Szilard, Fleeing Coward and Selrahc are not wolves.
Darkcomet, Inavegt, Kyouhen, Mechafox and Mordokai are not wolves.
EagleWiz, Jontom Xire, Banjo1985 and Uncle Festy are not wolves but Evnafets is a wolf
At least two of Atreyu the Masked Llama, Mustiado, Recaiden, Kuma Da and Lex-Kat are wolves.
Toasy and TwobitWriter are not wolves but at least one of Deathslayer7, DD the Cookiemonster and Aemoh is a wolf.
Billtodamax, Bitzeralisis and pondshadow are not wolves but either The Bushranger or Night Surgeon is a wolf.
Atreyu the Masked Llama, Banjo1985, Billtodamax, Bitzeralisis and Uncle Festy are not wolves.
Deathslayer7, EagleWiz, Evnafets, Fleeing Coward and Jontom Xire are not wolves.
Mechafox, Mordokai, Murska, Mustiado and Happyturtle are not wolves.
Night Surgeon, Pondshadow, Recaiden, Selrahc and Lex-Kat are not wolves.
Szilard, The Bushranger, Toasty, TwoBitWriter and Inavegt are not wolves.
Aemoh, DarkComet, DD the Cookiemonster, Kuma Da and Kyouhen are not wolves.
Murska, Aemoh, evnafets, Uncle Festy and The Bushranger are not wolves.
Happyturtle, Fleeing Coward, Toasty, Kyouhen and Szilard are not wolves.
DD the Cookiemonster, Banjo1985, Inavegt, Selrahc and Mechafox are not wolves.
Eaglewiz, Lex-Kat, Deathslayer7, Darkcomet and Mustiado are not wolves.
Billtodamax, Recaiden, Kuma Da, Night Surgeon and Jontom Xire are not wolves.
Pondshadow, TwoBitWriter, Bitzeralisis, Atreyu the Masked LLama are not wolves but Mordokai is a wolf.
All the wolves have the letter a somewhere in their names.
Three or more of the wolves have the letter o in their names.
None of the wolves' names start with R-Z.
There are 2-3 wolves who have names starting with A-E
There is a 3-2 or 2-3 or 3-3 split of wolves between the first 15 people to sign up and the last 15 people to sign up.
Every wolf has at least 3 vowels in their letter.
Every wolf has 6 or more letters in their name.
I am actually a wolf acting as a proxy for the real Aegnor.
The secret role is an extra wolf.
Murska probably isn't a wolf but we should still kill him just to be safe.
The wolves should probably kill happyturtle so she can roleplay without having to worry about the game.
None of the wolves made a claim today on their role in thread.
Only the wolves contacted me, The real power roles are still hiding because they don't trust me.
Nobody actually contacted me, I just made everything up.
Shadowcaller leaked the wolf list to me.
Nobody will actually bother reading this list.
I am actually not Aegnor and just typed all this up for no reason.
My luck is so bad that the wolves will target me tonight, the baner chose not to protect me, is inactive, is voided or all 3 and I typed all this up for no reason.
with a new OOTS comic up the forum will probably eat this list up.

Edit: I've now been contacted by 'Griever', 'Mino' and 'Simone'. If you are one of these roles and did not contact me, I'd suggest that you do so or I'll assume those people are telling the truth.
The fact that noone has come out in over 24 hours to discredit my claims to been Aegnor should be more than enough proof that I am indeed who I say.

Edit2: Off to bed will come up with a list of statements that I may or may not check tomorrow. Won't have anything too complex due to the restrictions placed on me. I still think I should be allowed to take the risk of naming 10 people as not wolves with a 6.6% chance of basically ending the game after night 1 :smallbiggrin:

2009-05-10, 12:30 PM
No on was lynched since there weren't enough votes for one person.


2009-05-10, 03:06 PM
Ooooooh, Mecha, you got soooooo lucky. :smallamused:

Fleeing Coward
2009-05-10, 10:34 PM
Posted my statements n #85.
Have fun working out which one I'm checking on wolves:smallamused:
If I'm checking any of them at all that is

2009-05-11, 06:50 AM
((Night Ended. Update Incoming.))

Jontom Xire
2009-05-11, 08:43 AM
Assuming I live, I'd just like to say that I am not one of "The Threat", aka the bad guys, aka wolves.

I'd also like to put money on FC getting night killed as per last time he pulled a stunt like this :smallbiggrin:

2009-05-11, 09:02 AM
The house of a priest.
Outside a patrol of guards passed by, inside a lone man was praying feebly to the spirits to contact him.

Flames to dust
Lovers to friends
Why must all good things come to an end?

He closed his eyes, his both hands put together into a sign of utter submission to the will of the Kami. He felt their presence in the room, they had heeded his call.

“Spirits, please listen to plea, I wish to make amends to the suffering my kind have caused you, and I wish to end this hostility among our people. I wish to be the new bridge between us.”

He felt a sharp sting in his arm, but he didn’t open his eyes, this was the price for such a thing. For each sin the mortals had committed against the Kami there would be a sting, a small price to pay for peace.

The sharp stings followed each other, all down his arm. He started to have trouble keeping his eyes closed; the pain was forcing them open. More stings, he felt tears coming now, it was nothing he ever felt before. As one sting cut him deep into his leg his concentration broke, he opened his mouth in a silent scream, just enough will to prevent him from screaming.

Instead he prayed again.

"Spirits, my flesh have taken your punishment, my kin’s sins, pl- ARHHHG"

He screamed as another sting seared through his skin, there were now tiny wounds all over his body and he heard another amused voice echo in his head.

“Your words only doom brings.
You will suffer the death of thousand stings.”

His concentration broke, he rose up just to fall on the floor again as pain erupted once again in his leg. He tried to crawl to the door, the pain slowly overwhelming him, drowning his mind.
The stings came closer to his head, each one a tiny wound. He touched the door and the stings suddenly stopped. He breathed out, it was over.

But then he felt another sting, and another, and another and another and another…


They found a broken mass of flesh inside the house of a priest, the skin this mass once had had been torn apart by tiny, tiny stings…

DD the Cookiemonster suffered the death of thousand stings, he was a Villager of Kyou.

Day starts and will end in 48 hours.

The following players needs to vote today or get auto-lynched:

Night Surgeon

2009-05-11, 10:36 AM
DarkComet to avoid the auto. I'd also like to file away.

Kuma Da
2009-05-11, 01:57 PM
Mustiado, since he didn't vote or declare allegiance to either team, but is still active in the thread. This means he's probably a wolf.

2009-05-11, 02:02 PM
Vote for Mechafox to avoid auto.

I hadn't even noticed that this game had started yet. :smallredface:

Uncle Festy
2009-05-11, 04:56 PM
Mustiado, since he didn't vote or declare allegiance to either team, but is still active in the thread. This means he's probably a wolf.

Kuma Da for thinking that people WOULD declare their allegiance – it's pretty much assumed you're a villager unless stated otherwise, as no one would claim wolf except under rather interesting circumstances.
AKA placeholder.

Fleeing Coward
2009-05-11, 06:08 PM
Assuming I live, I'd just like to say that I am not one of "The Threat", aka the bad guys, aka wolves.

I'd also like to put money on FC getting night killed as per last time he pulled a stunt like this :smallbiggrin:

Now I do have reason to point at you. The timing of your statement pretty much screams wolf to me considering you had plenty of time to post that before the night ended.

Jontom Xire

2009-05-11, 06:48 PM
Mordokai, because I is now confuused.

Kuma Da
2009-05-11, 08:25 PM
There's plenty of reason to post allegiance in this game, since FC can check it. Only a wolf has a good reason to hide theirs. And, if I do point at a character on the town side, I expect FC will inform everyone of their role if there's a serious danger of them getting lynched. He did say that he'd gotten in contact with them.

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2009-05-11, 08:48 PM
I'm a player!!

I'm also pointing at Darkcomet for breaking his no posting on day one rule.

Umm, FC, Jontom would have to bet on your death before the night phase ended, otherwise, he'd know the outcome. You're just silly. :smalltongue:

2009-05-11, 08:51 PM
Twobitwriter for not paying attention

2009-05-11, 08:51 PM
I'm a player!!

I'm also pointing at Darkcomet for breaking his no posting on day one rule.

Umm, FC, Jontom would have to bet on your death before the night phase ended, otherwise, he'd know the outcome. You're just silly. :smalltongue:

I posted because something interesting happened.

Atreyu is obviously looking for revenge for all the times I've killed him. :smalltongue:

2009-05-11, 08:54 PM
*Jontom Xire*

The Bushranger
2009-05-11, 09:06 PM
Hmm...I'll go with Mustiado.

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2009-05-11, 09:11 PM
I posted because something interesting happened.

Atreyu is obviously looking for revenge for all the times I've killed him. :smalltongue:

That...yeah, may be a part of it, but I am a player!!

2009-05-11, 09:16 PM
I'm a player!!

Don't you mean "playa"? Or is that Reinholdt?

Umm, FC, Jontom would have to bet on your death before the night phase ended, otherwise, he'd know the outcome. You're just silly. :smalltongue:

I think FC was commenting on Jontom's belated admittance of "I'm a villager" - at a time when FC could no longer target him with his ability to see if he's telling the truth or not - and won't be able to for a few days now.

But a solution I haz!

(puts on llama logic hat)We could make it so FC gets his action earlier. All we have to do is wipe out his fellow adventurers, and he will be able to use his ability every night. So Mr adventurers if you can please announce yourself in thread, so that we can lynch one of you today, and the threats can kill another tonight, FC will get another turn at truth-telling tomorrow night. (innocent look) What?

Fleeing Coward
2009-05-11, 09:17 PM
I'm a player!!

I'm also pointing at Darkcomet for breaking his no posting on day one rule.

Umm, FC, Jontom would have to bet on your death before the night phase ended, otherwise, he'd know the outcome. You're just silly. :smalltongue:

Except Jontom's bet was the exact sort of thing I expect him to do if he is a wolf. What better way to put up a defense then make 'a bet' on something you know won't happen?

2009-05-11, 09:20 PM
Except that if Cessie dies, Aegnor berserks and kills everyone in the game.

What? The rules don't say that? :smallconfused:

Well they should. Because that's totally in character for him.

And since it's also in character for Simone to trust Aegnor, Jontom Xire.

2009-05-11, 09:49 PM
Jontom Xire
I'll go ahead and follow the bandwagon on this one. Makes sense as far as I can tell.

Uncle Festy
2009-05-11, 10:04 PM
Looks like it's time to play blindly follow the seer.

Fleeing Coward
2009-05-11, 10:12 PM
I never said this is a seer action. The seer doesn't use his action until tonight :smallbiggrin:
However, Jontom isn't on my safe list either and that comment he waited to make after the night was announced as over gave me a reason to suspect him.

2009-05-11, 10:17 PM
Looks like it's time to play blindly follow the seer.

Alright, enough of that. Where does it say we are following a seer?
This bandwagon was formed from FleeingCoward, based on Jontom's post just before "dawn". No mention of any seer scrying has happened as of yet.

Ok, FC is pretty much assured of being who he said he was (Aegnor the adventurer/mason), and he has my trust to not point at a fellow adventurer, But calling this a "seer" bandwagon is going a bit far.

evnafets points at Uncle Festy

Edit: Ninjaed because I got distracted while I was typing, but I'll let it stand. It pretty much backs up what FC was saying anyway.

2009-05-11, 10:20 PM
What the heck is this game based on, anyway?

Uncle Festy
2009-05-11, 10:27 PM
@Mecha: I seem to recall it being based on Champions of Kamigawa, but at the very least it's based off of Japanese mythology.
@Evvie: *grumble grumble* No one else got pointed out for leaping on FC's bandwagon *grumble grumble* >.>

Fleeing Coward
2009-05-12, 12:45 AM
Also, Cookiemanjaro/Darnur and Arik, I'd really appreciate it if you contacted me.
I think by now there should be pretty much no doubt to my identity considering noone has come forward to contradict my claims to been Aegnor.

2009-05-12, 01:41 AM
I think I'll follow along with the Jontom Xire bandwagon.

Also evnafets, I'd like to point out that FC might point at a villager if he's using your llama logic so he can do more lie detecting. :smallbiggrin: After all, he doesn't need the rest of the name-brand villagers to declare himself. He can just declare who they are for us. :smalltongue:

Also, this is based on Kamigawa?
*Gets out his Miyojin deck*
Party time. :smallamused:

Jontom Xire
2009-05-12, 02:52 AM
I'm a player!!

I'm also pointing at Darkcomet for breaking his no posting on day one rule.

Umm, FC, Jontom would have to bet on your death before the night phase ended, otherwise, he'd know the outcome. You're just silly. :smalltongue:

I also could have, if I wanted, just made a statement like Atreyu, e.g. "I'm a live person who uses the GITP forums". Or even better, just kept quiet. Try again FC. I'm not a Threat.

I point at Mustiado to try and survive.

2009-05-12, 02:56 AM
((Um... the game is based on three things actually, the Japanese mythology, kamigawa and a role-playing game Murska, Happyturtle, Wolfbane and I are playing.))

2009-05-12, 03:57 AM
I'm not willing to lynch Jontom on flimsy evidence, he doesn't get much chance to play these things as it is.


2009-05-12, 04:04 AM
*points at Mustiado*

To try and keep JX alive.

2009-05-12, 05:50 AM
I can never really trust Atreyu.
Edit: changes vote to evanets

Jontom Xire
2009-05-12, 06:01 AM
I switch my point to Atreyu.

A little bird told me to. Well, he looks like a bird in low lighting. A bit.

Aemoh, if you want to save me, and I REALLY appreciate it, switching to Atreyu too might be a good idea. Thanks.

Fleeing Coward
2009-05-12, 06:52 AM
I switch my point to Atreyu.

A little bird told me to. Well, he looks like a bird in low lighting. A bit.

Aemoh, if you want to save me, and I REALLY appreciate it, switching to Atreyu too might be a good idea. Thanks.

I'd like say that I do not endorse the lynching of the llama at all.

2009-05-12, 07:08 AM
Kuma da pointed at someone on the autolynch list.

Fleeing Coward
2009-05-12, 07:12 AM
I'd also like to point out that if we kill Jontom today, at worst I can guarantee we'll kill a dangerous neutral today and a wolf tomorrow.

I know that it's cruel to kill Jontom considering how often he gets killed but I'm just trying to eliminate the few real threats that could affect the village's chances of winning.

2009-05-12, 07:21 AM
Choices, choices.

First, I'd really like a lynch today, if not just because that should hopefully provide us with some information. That means it'd be preferred to ensure a lynch.

On one hand, I've seen llama do some very ingenious stuff when we were both on team wolf.

On the other hand, Jontom Xire is a very good wolf as well.

At the moment of writing, JX needs only a minor push to cross the 25% barrier, as such, as well as considering the circumstances, I'll be pointing at Jontom Xire.

Jontom Xire
2009-05-12, 07:26 AM
I'd also like to point out that if we kill Jontom today, at worst I can guarantee we'll kill a dangerous neutral today and a wolf tomorrow.

I know that it's cruel to kill Jontom considering how often he gets killed but I'm just trying to eliminate the few real threats that could affect the village's chances of winning.

Thanks, FC. Great way to ruin the game for me. If I survive lynching then the wolves will think I'm hunter or voider and kill me. So now I have to announce my role (Arik) in order to have any chance of surviving.

And what do you mean "dangerous neutral"? My secret power is the ability to send messages. Who exactly am I supposed to send messages to?

It's not like I am Hunter or Voider which could be very useful to the wolves. Oh no. I send anonymous messages. Beware everyone. I might send you a message containing no useful information that you have no way of knowing who sent it!! Whoooo, scary!!

And if I wanted to make a deal with the bad guys, they would want to work with me by PM, so my ability doesn't help me much there either.

But you've stuffed yourself up too. A lot. If the baner died I could have been a very useful backup. I can prove my role as well. But now, as soon as anyone whose power I can use dies, the wolves will kill me to prevent me helping you.

So all in all that was a very dumb post.

Fleeing Coward
2009-05-12, 07:32 AM
Thanks, FC. Great way to ruin the game for me. If I survive lynching then the wolves will think I'm hunter or voider and kill me. So now I have to announce my role (Arik) in order to have any chance of surviving.

And what do you mean "dangerous neutral"? My secret power is the ability to send messages. Who exactly am I supposed to send messages to?

It's not like I am Hunter or Voider which could be very useful to the wolves. Oh no. I send anonymous messages. Beware everyone. I might send you a message containing no useful information that you have no way of knowing who sent it!! Whoooo, scary!!

And if I wanted to make a deal with the bad guys, they would want to work with me by PM, so my ability doesn't help me much there either.

But you've stuffed yourself up too. A lot. If the baner died I could have been a very useful backup. I can prove my role as well. But now, as soon as anyone whose power I can use dies, the wolves will kill me to prevent me helping you.

So all in all that was a very dumb post.

Not denying that you could have been extremely useful as a backup baner but what it comes down to is the fact that I know you're a good enough player that I'm not willing to take the chance of you turning on us with the abilities that you could gain from the death of other power roles and either way, we get a wolf tomorrow.

Basically what I find dangerous is not Arik but Arik with power in your hands especially after you decided that the best time to contact me about your role is when you were up for the lynch rather than on night 1.

2009-05-12, 08:17 AM

A form of birthday present.

Jontom Xire
2009-05-12, 08:18 AM
Basically what I find dangerous is not Arik but Arik with power in your hands especially after you decided that the best time to contact me about your role is when you were up for the lynch rather than on night 1.

1) I'm not a complete gullible sheep like last time who just dives in to give away his role. Especially since it turns out from Fates that you were a double crossing back stabber.

2) I wanted to wait, ideally a bit longer, until I was more certain that you were indeed Aegnor. To give a real Aegnor time to "out" you.

I'm still not 100% certain that you really are Aegnor, though I will admit that it certainly seems like it.

Also, as far as my anonymous messaging facility goes, I forgot I had it on night 1 as I already told you. When I read my role description I found it such a pointless talent I promptly forgot about it.

I think one thing that I am really upset about is that this role is a really difficult role to win with. Nigh on impossible. I'm sure even Shadow would have difficulty with it. Nevertheless I was all set to give it my best shot until you found suspicion where there should not have been any, and forced my hand, and even then after I made it clear how useful I could have been to you you still are willing for me to be lynched.

You could have used me and used me and used me, but until I could figure out both who the baner was, and how to get him or her killed, I would have been no threat at all. I would have had no option but to play along in the hope of getting a break. And as soon as I was a threat you could have had me lynched then.

Anyway, our win options are compatible. We could have all won. You have killed me for no reason.

2009-05-12, 08:31 AM

I'd rather not kill Jontom Xire now that I know what his role is. Its somewhat useless now I suppose, but he's clearly not a wolf.

2009-05-12, 08:40 AM
This is all rather messy I feel, I'd really rather not see Jontom go if he's Amrik, which FC clearly doesn't dispute. While I hate to see LLama go either, he's the only other choice with enough votes to make a difference.

I think we're missing out if Jontom goes today, Amrik can be useful, and quite easily kept in check if FC is in touch with Mino as he claims, which I have no reason to doubt.

Fleeing Coward
2009-05-12, 08:40 AM
1) I'm not a complete gullible sheep like last time who just dives in to give away his role. Especially since it turns out from Fates that you were a double crossing back stabber.

2) I wanted to wait, ideally a bit longer, until I was more certain that you were indeed Aegnor. To give a real Aegnor time to "out" you.

I'm still not 100% certain that you really are Aegnor, though I will admit that it certainly seems like it.

I was a neutral then, wh wouldn't I try to double cross you there?

I figured 48 hours was more than enough time since any of the 4 masons could have outed me if I wasn't Aegnor.

I think one thing that I am really upset about is that this role is a really difficult role to win with. Nigh on impossible. I'm sure even Shadow would have difficulty with it. Nevertheless I was all set to give it my best shot until you found suspicion where there should not have been any, and forced my hand, and even then after I made it clear how useful I could have been to you you still are willing for me to be lynched.

You could have used me and used me and used me, but until I could figure out both who the baner was, and how to get him or her killed, I would have been no threat at all. I would have had no option but to play along in the hope of getting a break. And as soon as I was a threat you could have had me lynched then.

Anyway, our win options are compatible. We could have all won. You have killed me for no reason.

I'll agree with you that your win condition is near impossible to acheive but I'd hardly say our win conditions are compatible. You need to kill the baner as well as the other 2 neutrals. None of whom I'd be willing to sacrifice since they actually contacted me on night 1 unlike you.
Also I'd rather lynch you early while we don't really have any other leads and wait until tomorrow to kill the wolf since that'd also avoid the wolves' beast ability which I believe to be active today.

I'd also like to point out that 3 of the people Jontom needs to kill are people that the wolves would rather see dead and I still don't completely trust his claim to been Arik considering his timing of coming out.

This is all rather messy I feel, I'd really rather not see Jontom go if he's Amrik, which FC clearly doesn't dispute. While I hate to see LLama go either, he's the only other choice with enough votes to make a difference.

I think we're missing out if Jontom goes today, Amrik can be useful, and quite easily kept in check if FC is in touch with Mino as he claims, which I have no reason to doubt.

Except his win condition involves killing Mino, Griever and the baner and the secret role can stop Mino from keeping Arik in check so I'd rather eliminate a potential threat now rather than wait until it's too late.

2009-05-12, 08:47 AM
Guh-this game confuses me.

I'm going to go buy some lemonade and go to the beach...anyone else want to come?

2009-05-12, 08:49 AM
Guh-this game confuses me.

I'm going to go buy some lemonade and go to the beach...anyone else want to come?

((At this point, this game confuses me too. :smalltongue:))

2009-05-12, 08:51 AM
Okay then, Jontom

I have apparently been hamstrung by my own inattentiveness.

2009-05-12, 08:58 AM
Guh-this game confuses me.

I'm going to go buy some lemonade and go to the beach...anyone else want to come?

So I'm not the only one?

*goes to beach with banjo*

2009-05-12, 09:03 AM
Bah. Let Jontom play.


2009-05-12, 09:19 AM
((At this point, this game confuses me too. :smalltongue:))

I was confused a long time ago. :smallsigh:


2009-05-12, 10:04 AM
Bah! I'll edit my vote but I'm not entirely sure it matters so much now. This is confusing, yes. I'll go ahead and see how this game goes. FC has a good point though, we don't want the Baner dead (well... HE doesn't want the Baner dead, and since he does seem to be wanting to kill wolves that means he's on the side of the villagers).

So again, I vote that Jontom Xire die.

edit: By HE I mean FC, in case that wasn't already clear.

Jontom Xire
2009-05-12, 10:08 AM
Oh and I forgot, now everyone knows who I am, the Griever role is sure to kill me tonight.

I also made a double oops by sending my role-proving PM that was meant to go to FC to someone else. Obviously I'm paying as little attention to this game as Banjo claims to be.

So I'd like to make a deal with everyone:

Please don't lynch me, villagers. I promise not to seek the death of the Baner, but if it does happen then I'll be able to be a replacement.

Please don't vote to lynch me, Griever and Mino. I promise not to do anything to harm you (or by inaction, etc. etc.).

Please don't night kill me, wolves. I'm only any use as a replacement baner, at which point you will probably know the other targets you want to kill, and be able to kill me easily anyway while I am protecting them.

I just want a chance for once to play this game past the first couple of nights or so.

2009-05-12, 11:11 AM
Briefly in my own defense, I'd like to point out that some of us dont feel the need to completely and totally attempt to subvert and break the game at every opportunity that arises. ?:P We avoided it in USB and I'm going to do so here with the "truth-tellers" ability. If that gets me lynched, so be it.

2009-05-12, 12:24 PM
I vote for lemonade at the beach.

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2009-05-12, 03:49 PM
I can never really trust Atreyu.

Why not? Because I haven't lied in this game while I've lied up a storm in every other game we've been together in? Give me time, lad. I'm working on a good one.

I switch my point to Atreyu.

A little bird told me to. Well, he looks like a bird in low lighting. A bit.

Aemoh, if you want to save me, and I REALLY appreciate it, switching to Atreyu too might be a good idea. Thanks.

I don't think this is a good idea.

I was confused a long time ago. :smallsigh:


Why take it out on me? I didn't cause this confusion. Check FC, that statement is true!!

Fleeing Coward
2009-05-12, 06:32 PM
Except for the fact that Jontom is lying. I don't see anything in the rules that says Griever has a kill action.
He is also the only person apart from the masons that know the identity of the wolf we'll be lynching tomorrow when revenge's ability is not active and he chooses not to come forward with that piece of information.
As far as I'm concerned, that means he's supporting the wolves.

My proposal - Jontom (Arik) today, Evnafets (wolf) tomorrow and no villagers die from revenge's ability that's almost certainly active today.

There is also absolutely no doubt that Evnafets is a wolf and I have a way to deal with the day baner so that won't be a problem - my statemen last night was Evnafets, Fleeing Coward and Jontom Xire are not wolves and it returned a false answer (yes, my powers are alot more limited than I was admitting :smallfrown:)

2009-05-12, 06:59 PM
Wait, you guys know who each wolf is? What? Atreyu, what's going on?

2009-05-12, 07:14 PM
There is also absolutely no doubt that Evnafets is a wolf and I have a way to deal with the day baner so that won't be a problem - my statemen last night was Evnafets, Fleeing Coward and Jontom Xire are not wolves and it returned a false answer (yes, my powers are alot more limited than I was admitting :smallfrown:)

Limited as they are, I still consider them broken.

However, I think your "Mason" declaration breaks the game even more. You would have had baner protection last night (if the baner was half awake) and have just united team "good" with an observer, baner, voider + mason all into a co-ordinated group - and there was little to nothing "Team evil" could have done about it.

So if you can do it, I can do it.
Neutral roles: Please contact me. I can offer you a much better deal than Team Good can - you can actually achieve your roles with our help. Griever needs some targets taken out? - I'm sure we can accomodate you...

Come to the Dark Side. We have cookies...

And because I want to save Jontom Xire...
evnafets points at Mustiado

2009-05-12, 07:18 PM


Evnafets! :smalleek:

Uncle Festy
2009-05-12, 07:36 PM
I'd point at the claimed wolf, but FC seems to have a plan.
So Jontom Xire.

2009-05-12, 08:12 PM
Fleeing Coward for being mean to Jontom Xire. :smallfrown:

2009-05-12, 08:21 PM
Wolf claim? In my game? It's more likely than you think.


Fleeing Coward
2009-05-12, 10:33 PM
Evnafets, while I have created a small network faster by coming out, at the same time, our networking abilities work only twice every four days so that balances out the speed we can build up our network with the restrictions Shadowcaller placed on me.
And there's the fact that by protecting me, the baner opens himself up for the kill. I only came out due to a slight misunderstanding with the narrator and had I kept hidden, I'm certain the game would be alot more broken.

Mino, you need to keep your choices alive, that's not going to happen when the wolves have promised to kill them.
Griever, you need to live to win, that's not happening when the masons, observer and Mino all know your identity if you switch.
Secret role, what applies for Griever applies to you too.
You've pretty much all commmitted to team good by contacting me. All contacting team evil will do is increase the chances of you been killed the moment you're no longer useful to them.

As for why I want to lynch Jontom today and leave evnafets tomorrow -
1) Jontom waits until he's up for lynch before contacting me. Why would he do that unless he was thinking of siding with team evil?
2) After contacting me, I make it quite clear that evnafets is a wolf I give him an hour to agree to get evnafets killed but instead he fishes for more information from me and keeps his point on Atreyu. Why would he be doing that if he really wants to help team good?
3) Even after I expose him, he refuses to provide the easiest way out for him for tonight by naming evnafets as wolf. Why would he not do that if he hasn't already decided to side with team evil?
4) Revenge's ability is active today so we risk the chance of a villager dying too if evnafets gets lynched. That's not a risk I'm prepared to take.
5) By leaving evnafets to be killed tomorrow. It gives the secret side role to show his commitment to our cause. I want to make certain that the neutrals ain't just paying lip service and then suddenly turn on us.

Kuma Da
2009-05-12, 11:21 PM
Evnafets. Better an obvious wolf than a neutral or suspected wolf. Honestly, he wouldn't be making a deal with jx in this thread instead of by private message if he wasn't trying to discredit him and get him lynched.

2009-05-12, 11:46 PM

I encouraged Team Good to kill neutrals in USB and it was probably a mistake. (And really, do we *have* to scry Jontom early in every game? Give the guy a chance to play. :smallannoyed:)

Fleeing Coward
2009-05-13, 12:29 AM
I don't like killing Jontom if I don't have to but I gave him chances and he chose not to take them.
What was I supposed to do when he kept his point on Atreyu after I told him that if he's Arik, evnafets is definately a wolf?
I only outed him after he decided that it was best to push to get more information from me regarding my role and my powers rather than switch his point. As far as I'm concerned, Jontom chose his own fate here.

2009-05-13, 12:41 AM
Y'know, really? I don't think I much like how Fleeing Coward is trying to run this game. A neutral that could very easily be kept in check and quite useful, and here you are leading the way to kill him off. Scry me if you want, I've changed my vote to the person who's clearly the biggest threat here. :smallannoyed:

Fleeing Coward
2009-05-13, 12:49 AM
Y'know, really? I don't think I much like how Fleeing Coward is trying to run this game. A neutral that could very easily be kept in check and quite useful, and here you are leading the way to kill him off. Scry me if you want, I've changed my vote to the person who's clearly the biggest threat here. :smallannoyed:

A neutral whos win condition involves killing 2 other neutrals and the baner. If that isn't incentive to side with team evil, I don't know what is.
If you don't agree with me, vote to kill the known wolf evnafets, what you're doing does not help either way.

Thanks to Kyouhen, noone's up for lynch now with abit over 5 hours to go. Anyone who disagrees with me about lynching Jontom, vote for the wolf. The one thing we don't want is another no lynch.

Darkcomet 2
Jontom Xire 6
Mustiado 3
Atreyu 4
Evnafets 4
Fleeing Coward 2

2009-05-13, 01:09 AM
No? What's stopping you from simply not telling Jontom who the other neutrals and the baner are? You said the other neutrals have been in contact with you, have you not? And didn't you say already that Revenge's ability is active? Funny how earlier you were willing to wait to kill the wolf you were so confident of just to avoid Revenge, but now you're insisting we go after it. No thanks, we can get Evnafets tomorrow. :smallannoyed:

Fleeing Coward
2009-05-13, 01:15 AM
No? What's stopping you from simply not telling Jontom who the other neutrals and the baner are? You said the other neutrals have been in contact with you, have you not? And didn't you say already that Revenge's ability is active? Funny how earlier you were willing to wait to kill the wolf you were so confident of just to avoid Revenge, but now you're insisting we go after it. No thanks, we can get Evnafets tomorrow. :smallannoyed:

Why in the world would I tell Jontom who the other neutrals are when I'm a mason?
I'd prefer to lynch Jontom purely because I believe he decided to team up with team evil already. If I had to choose between no lynch and killing a wolf, I'll pick killing a wolf despite the fact that I strongly believe that Jontom should die now.

2009-05-13, 01:31 AM
((Just a note if I don't have time to end the day when it should: All votes coming in after 11.50 PM (GMT) will not be counted.))

2009-05-13, 01:58 AM
I'm not going to change my vote, and here's why:

1) It really wouldn't be hard to keep Jontom from killing the other neutrals and the baner. As I said, don't tell him who they are and he won't be able to do so. Then make sure he keeps using his abilities as you want him to to make sure he isn't using them for the wolves. In fact, if you're the only one who makes contact with him he'd be all but useless to the wolves. By trying to kill him off you've just given him a reason to join them.

2) You told me that if there's going to be a no-lynch you're going to change your vote to Evnafets. Go ahead. You said Revenge is active, and I'm not going to be the one to tilt things towards a Wolf kill at the cost of the baner or seer. I think it's safe for everyone to assume the baner's busy covering your exposed backside, so you're the only one that has nothing to lose from killing Evnafets today. And in all honesty I doubt the wolves would be stupid enough to name you as the target for Revenge.

3) You just outed a wolf on the second day. You've just handed them the day baner. Nice work.

So the option is now either kill Evnafets now and risk losing someone important, or leave Evnafets for today and have to spend the next two days dealing with the day baner. From where I'm standing you've done more damage than the wolves have and we're still only on the second day.

Fleeing Coward
2009-05-13, 02:08 AM
I'm not going to change my vote, and here's why:

1) It really wouldn't be hard to keep Jontom from killing the other neutrals and the baner. As I said, don't tell him who they are and he won't be able to do so. Then make sure he keeps using his abilities as you want him to to make sure he isn't using them for the wolves. In fact, if you're the only one who makes contact with him he'd be all but useless to the wolves. By trying to kill him off you've just given him a reason to join them.

2) You told me that if there's going to be a no-lynch you're going to change your vote to Evnafets. Go ahead. You said Revenge is active, and I'm not going to be the one to tilt things towards a Wolf kill at the cost of the baner or seer. I think it's safe for everyone to assume the baner's busy covering your exposed backside, so you're the only one that has nothing to lose from killing Evnafets today. And in all honesty I doubt the wolves would be stupid enough to name you as the target for Revenge.

3) You just outed a wolf on the second day. You've just handed them the day baner. Nice work.

So the option is now either kill Evnafets now and risk losing someone important, or leave Evnafets for today and have to spend the next two days dealing with the day baner. From where I'm standing you've done more damage than the wolves have and we're still only on the second day.

1) It's not just about preventing Jontom from finding out about them, it's about killing Jontom because he is almost certainly sided with the wolves and he's as good as a wolf because of that.
I gave him evnafets as a wolf an hour before I outed him, he chose to do nothing with that even after I outed him.

2) So you'd rather give them another free kill? How is that better. Revenge is the only reason why I'm pushing to kill Jontom today and evnafets tomorrow.

3) You really think I'd do that without a plan B? Like I've said before, there is no need to worry about the day baner, that's where the secret role comes in handy.

What I'm asking of you is kill Jontom today because he's as good as a wolf but if I can't get enough support for that, then killing evnafets is the next best thing since a no lynch just gives the wolves another free night kill without losing a wolf.

Also, I'd like to point out that the baner has not contacted me so for all I know he's an inactive and I'm not been protected but I'm still prepared to change my vote towards evnafets if it'd result in a lynch. This is a team game, if you're not prepared to die to kill a member of the opposing team, why are you even playing?

2009-05-13, 02:50 AM
After much consideration I am, again, changing my vote. I really should just make up my mind here.

Fleeing Coward, while you may be right, in my mind the wolves are more dangerous than neutrals who may be aligned with them. Furthermore, like you said, I'd rather kill someone rather than kill no one.


Fleeing Coward
2009-05-13, 02:51 AM
Switching to evnafets

Need 2 more, to ensure a lynch, although 1 more for evnafets might be enough depending on whether Shadowcaller rounds up or down.

Current votes:
Evnafets 6
Jontom Xire 4
Atreyu 4
Mustiado 3
Darkcomet 2
Fleeing Coward 2

Jontom Xire
2009-05-13, 02:58 AM
Except for the fact that Jontom is lying. I don't see anything in the rules that says Griever has a kill action.

That was a misunderstanding of the word "Hunter" in the role's description. I amended my post after double checking the rules.

He is also the only person apart from the masons that know the identity of the wolf we'll be lynching tomorrow when revenge's ability is not active and he chooses not to come forward with that piece of information.
As far as I'm concerned, that means he's supporting the wolves.

FC, I'm sorry but you can be really really dumb sometimes.

You told me that Evnafets was a wolf in PM. I guessed that since you knew, if you wanted EVERYONE to know you would have told them so. Since you didn't tell everyone so, I guessed that you had some cunning plan up your sleeve which might be ruined by revealing Evnafets as a wolf, so I deliberately avoided revealing that information so I wouldn't ruin any cunning plan you might have.

Why is it that in this game, every damn thing I do to try and help team good results in you casting suspicion on me.


I delayed announcing my role type until after night was over so I wouldn't get night killed by the wolves. I also deliberately phrased it so that anyone bright (and I hoped that the real Aegnor would be examining such statements more closely than anyone else) could see that I was a neutral rather than a villager. If you were Aegnor (as you now appear to be) then you stated that you knew Griever and Mino and so could work out that I was Arik.

That one statement caused you to start a bandwagon against me.


I get in contact, I do everything I can to show my good intentions.

You decide I'm too dangerous to keep alive.


Even after you have stabbed me in the back, I avoid revealing Evnafets as a wolf in case you plan to use the information in some cunning way.

You decide that this is clear evidence that I am on the wolves' side.



I cannot believe you see me not publically revealing information that you gave to me privately as a suspicious action! If I were you and I gave information like that to someone and they broadcast it all over the place I would be very annoyed.

Yes, you did advise me to vote for him, but you didn't say I could announce his identity, and as I didn't see any chance of a bandwagon forming against him, and did want to live I left my vote where it might do the most good at saving me.

Jontom Xire
2009-05-13, 03:19 AM
Sorry for the double post, but I posted answers to FC's previous post before I got aroudn to reading this one.

You've pretty much all commmitted to team good by contacting me. All contacting team evil will do is increase the chances of you been killed the moment you're no longer useful to them.

Yeah, that tells you. If you don't want some ego-maniac blackmailing you, don't contact Fleeing Coward with your role.

1) Jontom waits until he's up for lynch before contacting me. Why would he do that unless he was thinking of siding with team evil?

As stated earlier, I wanted more time to make sure you actually were Aegnor. Is that really so hard to believe. Also see above about being blackmailed by an ego-maniac. We are neutral roles, we do have a choice. It looks like all neutrals chose to side with team good, and it looks like that was a mistake for all of us.

2) After contacting me, I make it quite clear that evnafets is a wolf I give him an hour to agree to get evnafets killed but instead he fishes for more information from me and keeps his point on Atreyu. Why would he be doing that if he really wants to help team good?

See my explanation above in my previous post. The advantages to be gained from knowing a wolf and NOT lynching them have been discussed in other threads. You could use the information to track voting patterns of the known wolf. You could get a neutral whose loyalty you are sure of to approach said wolf pretending to want to be on their side to get some more wolf names, you could....well whatever you can think of. Clearly none of these options occurred to you. But they occurred to me and what also occurred to me is that if I publically announced Evnafets as a wolf I would ruin all these potential plans that you might have had.

I really don't understand your other posts above where you are so adamant that this clearly indicates that I am sided with the wolves. As far as I can see it clearly does the opposite.

Also, what is this about "fishing for information"? I was naturally curious as to how you knew that Evnafets was a wolf. You volunteered an awful lot of information without my even asking for it.

3) Even after I expose him, he refuses to provide the easiest way out for him for tonight by naming evnafets as wolf. Why would he not do that if he hasn't already decided to side with team evil?

See above. In fact the fact I didn't ruin all your potential sneaky plans even after you decided to shovel **** all over me should, I hope, indicate that I had the best intentions for team good. Besides by that time who would have believed me, and it would have looked like a last ditch attempt at survival. I knew what you clearly hadn't thought of youself which was that if you wanted Evanfets dead, you could out him yourself. You didn't need me to do it for you.

In fact that one fact alone is enough to me to indicate that outing Evnafets doesn't prove my allegiance to team good at all. If I were sided with the wolves I would have happily started a bandwagon against him to win the villagers' trust, pretending to be stupid enough that I didn't realise I might be ruining your plans.

A) Everyone knowing 1 wolf = 1 wolf lynched.

B) Masons secretly knowing 1 wolf = 1 wolf definitely lynched at a later date, + several other wolves potentially lynched after using sneaky plan.

Which is better for team good?

FC seems extremely certain, fanatically so, that option A is best for team good. I, and many other very skilled players, believe that option B is best for team good.

So I opted for option B and that conclusively proves that I'm on team evil, according to FC.

Have fun team good. If FC is your strategical leader (as he seems to be) then you're in trouble.

Oh, and I switch my point to Evnafets to ensure the lynch.

Fleeing Coward
2009-05-13, 03:20 AM
Everything here comes down to 1 thing really.
I just plain don't trust a single word you say this game. Unfortunately you seem to have convined enough people that you are indeed trying to help so I'm not going to bother arguing any further to try and get you lynched.

A) Everyone knowing 1 wolf = 1 wolf lynched.

B) Masons secretly knowing 1 wolf = 1 wolf definitely lynched at a later date, + several other wolves potentially lynched after using sneaky plan.

Which is better for team good?

FC seems extremely certain, fanatically so, that option A is best for team good. I, and many other very skilled players, believe that option B is best for team good.

So I opted for option B and that conclusively proves that I'm on team evil, according to FC.

Have fun team good. If FC is your strategical leader (as he seems to be) then you're in trouble.

With 5 wolves in a 30 player game and the information that's available already, I just can't be bothered wasting time with complicated plans.
As far as I'm concerned, from day 1 this game wasn't about whether the wolves win or lose it but when they will lose it.

2009-05-13, 03:36 AM
Fine, let it be evnafets.

2009-05-13, 03:55 AM
As far as I'm concerned, from day 1 this game wasn't about whether the wolves win or lose it but when they will lose it.

You. Are. Wrong.

And you know why?

Because you ruined all hope we had by your plans that fail to have any usefulness.

The only reason I'm not calling to lynch you for that is that you are pretty likely a misguided good guy, and not an ingenious bad guy.

Fleeing Coward
2009-05-13, 04:00 AM
We'll see soon enough. This game was broken from the start that I'd go almost as far as saying that even without a single scry from the good guys from now on, I'd still bet on the wolves losing.

2009-05-13, 04:15 AM
Um.. Evnafets. He's a wolf. Lets stab him.

The Bushranger
2009-05-13, 04:36 AM


It's All. Just. A Game.

And I'm really not in a frame of mind right now to be dealing with this kind of stuff, considering what's going on with some of my friends right now. So please, take a couple of Chill Pills.

2009-05-13, 05:18 AM


It's All. Just. A Game.

And I'm really not in a frame of mind right now to be dealing with this kind of stuff, considering what's going on with some of my friends right now. So please, take a couple of Chill Pills.

((The narrator agrees with the statement that this is just a silly game. :smallsmile:))

Jontom Xire
2009-05-13, 05:23 AM
<sarcasm>WHAT! You mean it's not real life?

Aaaarrghhhh!!!!!! I wasted all that typing for nothing! :smallfurious:


2009-05-13, 06:32 AM
It isn't...but I was going to the beach and everything...

*beach and lemonade disappear*


It appears that this game is going to be a protracted affair of silly buggers. As such, I'm claiming Mino just to put the tiger amongst the flamingoes.

I'm actually in touch with both Arik and Griever, who both either want me dead or to kill the people I want to protect...as I said, this game is silly. :smallsmile:

Fleeing Coward
2009-05-13, 07:49 AM
Well there goes my plans based on the neutrals keeping quiet and the network been too big to break. Guess we do have a game after all.

2009-05-13, 08:08 AM
This is a team game, if you're not prepared to die to kill a member of the opposing team, why are you even playing?

FC, I call on you to die tomorrow to help us in some way. I will trust nothing you say until you do.

Fleeing Coward
2009-05-13, 08:13 AM
FC, I call on you to die tomorrow to help us in some way. I will trust nothing you say until you do.

Yep, cause that will help alot if you're a wolf
Also why do I want you to trust me again? You didn't claim villager when I claimed Aegnor, you voted against Atreyu today and I know you ain't mason or neutral either.

2009-05-13, 11:18 AM
((Ugh, I just came home and I'm hungry and tried. Therefore I will make a short update that will be up soon since counted these votes haven't been easy either.

Warning: the following persons votes have NOT been counted since they changed their votes without crossing out their old one, or edited in their new vote in a old post:

Jontom Xire

2009-05-13, 12:34 PM
((The narrator agrees with the statement that this is just a silly game. :smallsmile:))

Wait, this is a silly game? Bah! Why did they put the Silly Message Board Games right beside the Serious Business Games?! I ALWAYS get those two mixed up! :smallyuk:

2009-05-14, 09:20 AM
There was a lot of gossip in town, in the paranoid eyes of the villagers everyone was a possible murderer. As the rumors caught the ears of more powerful people brisk actions were taken and a order to arrest an individual only know as “Evnafets” was issued.

But as the town guards tried to take Evnafets away his form suddenly shifted into that one of a small furry animal-link creature, it smiled amused at them and was gone the next second.

“Found me have you? Oh you poor little creatures, I already know I’m dead.”

They looked up and found the creature sitting on the roof above them grinning at them like a maniac.

"Life is but a little game, once you are out, you may play again. If you are not a mortal that is of course, then you die as you life, alone.”

One of the guards drew his bow and opened fire, an arrow that should have hit the creature passed right through it. The creature found this amusing and laughed merrily.

“You want me to go don’t you? And so I shall, I have seen our little future and there is only death within it, both for you and me, little ones.”

More arrows where fired and some of the guards tried to get up on the roof to get the annoying creature.

“But why should we wait to fulfill our destiny? We are all dead anyway, sooner or later. The only difference is… yours will be permanent."

With an even wider grin on its face the creature leaped straight out into the air, first it looked that he would stay there, but then it fell… hard down upon the street with a disturbing crack of bones breaking.

Soon there was a small gathering around the broken body of the creature; a small pool of blood had begun to form around it.
"Is it... dead?"

One of them, Night Suregeon stepped closer, carefully putting his hand on its fur. "Yes... it’s cold, very cold..."

In fact everything felt cold at the moment, mists begun covering the creature, Night Surgeon quickly withdrew his hand and backed away from the body that had begun disappearing into the mist.

He backed into someone and turned around... only to feel cold lips meet his. Before him was a beautiful woman in pure white with black hair, her lips were blood red.

She smiled at him, and that was the last thing he remembered before all the warmth in his body left him.

evnafets was lynched, he was the Tanuki (Threat). Night Surgeon was auto-lynched, he was a Villager of Kyou.
TwobitWriter is replaced by RedScholarGypsy (that will take his role.)

Night Starts and will end in 48 hours since the forum has been down for some hours.

2009-05-14, 05:45 PM
Simone took advantage of the distraction to slip through a window into the Guild Hall. It was a place for rich people, and rich people often had treasures.

2009-05-15, 12:08 PM
So... Nobody got revenge killed?

2009-05-16, 05:52 AM
Simone finds herself in a storage area, and begins searching what she can without making any noise. A few expensive looking items find their way into various hidden pockets of her saree. One of the items is a small spy-glass.

She sees steps leading upstairs, but they appear to be guarded. So instead, she slips out the window and scales the building, letting herself back in through an upper window into a luxurious bathroom. The humidity and the smell of perfumes in the air tells her it has recently been used.

There are two doors leading from the bathroom. Simone chooses one, and opens it quietly. She finds a dark room, with many beds, and women sleeping in them. A whorehouse, she thinks to herself.

She tries to leave again without waking anyone, but a sleepy voice says "Hey, what are you doing up so late?"

Simone answers in the language of Kyou, trying to make her voice sound more adult, "Have to pee"

She can see the speaking person in a bed quite close to the door "Who are you? You look a bit… small."

"What of it? I still know how to please," Simone says, her tone haughty. "Go back to sleep."

The voice pauses a second, but then continues "While you are outside, could you get a glass of water for me?"

Simone make an affirmative noise, and returns to the bathroom, then goes through the next door. A hallway, lighted up. She'll have to move quickly, and hope no one comes this way.

2009-05-16, 07:30 AM
Once again the darkness has fallen over Kyou, with only patrols of guards that dared to face it.

But there was another figure that wandered around the streets of Kyou at dark, a llama. The guards were confused by this creature, there were llamas around here, but none of them were masked or wore a necklace.

But since it was not their responsibility to protect others lost animals they ignored it and let it wander around, hoping that it would eventually find its way home again.

The llama wandered around peacefully, not wanting to bother anyone, just checking so everyone was safe this night. It stayed especially long at one special building, making sure that whoever lived there was safe of the dangers of night.

The llama sat down and waited until the sun would once again rise over Kyou to drive the darkness away. But then it heard a woman scream and rose up again, it looked in the direction of the scream and saw a woman trying to escape from a swarm of black ravens.

As a noble creature the llama first action was to save the woman, and this was by no means any ordinary llama either. Light surged out of it and surrounded the woman as a shield, protecting her from the black ravens that fled as the light blinded them.

The llama then walked up to the young woman that seemed to have fallen unconscious because of the event. It sat down beside the woman and decided to watch her until the guards would come and get her.

The llama didn’t notice but the woman suddenly opened her eyes and smiled.

She threw herself at the llama, faster than any human could have moved and kissed him. The llama staggered backwards as the kiss slowly started to drain all the warmth of its body and soul.

“You didn’t think we would notice you hiding in a llama did you risen one?”

The llama didn’t respond as llamas can’t speak but above it the form of a god took form.

“I protect the innocent, the mortals do not deserve to suffer, be gone foul spirit and leave this llama alone!"

“Innocent? Innocent?! Every day these mortals confess their little sins to us, all their crimes… and yet you think these are innocents? Every day we suffer because of their crimes and we can’t simply stand the pain anymore.”

“Revenge, Yuki? You don’t care about revenge; you only want to kill people!”

The woman that had started to shift into white smiled at the llama and the god that possessed it. “That might be true, but revenge is a very good excused you see? Something others can follow.”

“When will they be satisfied? When have the mortals paid enough blood to satisfy their blood lust?”

“We won’t stop until there are one mortal male and one mortal female left in this world, then the mortals can begin to rebuild, trembling to dare hurt us ever again.”

Cookiemanajro was about to respond to that, but felt a chill going up his spine spreading through his whole body. Then he too, as Ryo before him faded into the deep realms…


Cookiemanjaro opened his eyes again; he was still in Kyou… somehow. He tried to look around but found his eternal body unable to move on its own.

“You are awake?” Came a male voice nearby him, but he could not look that way, he was unable to act in any way.

“Well, you better get used to that, your will is mine now Cookiemanjaro. God as you call yourself.”
Cookiemajaro didn’t respond to that as he found out that not even his thoughts were his own. Must… serve…


At the morning the villagers and guards found something very odd outside one of the houses, a frozen llama.


Atreyu the Masked LLama was frozen to death by the spirits, he was Cookiemanjaro (Baner).

Arik have enslaved Cookiemanjaro to his will and can now bane a player every night.

Day Starts and will end in 48 hours

The following people are up for auto-lynch:


2009-05-16, 07:47 AM
Well that, is not good. Not good at all.

Except for Jontom who is holding a lot more cards than he did yesterday.

2009-05-16, 07:59 AM
Boy, sure is a good thing we lynched Jontom yesterday like FC asked us to! :smalltongue:

Fleeing Coward
2009-05-16, 09:26 AM
I still say we lynch Jontom although it's even less likely that anyone'd listen to me about that now :smallsigh:
Also, I really didn't know who the baner was. The wolves just got lucky there:smalltongue:

2009-05-16, 09:28 AM
*looks at autolynch warning thing*

Bill filed away in Central. Linky. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=6076166#post6076166)

2009-05-16, 09:35 AM
*looks at autolynch warning thing*

Bill filed away in Central. Linky. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=6076166#post6076166)

((Looked like bill got auto-lynched in some game... oh well, I remove him.))

2009-05-16, 09:38 AM

Fleeing Coward
2009-05-16, 09:43 AM
Make that 2 votes for Recaiden.

2009-05-16, 09:52 AM
Who's feeling like a bandwagon? *points at*Recaiden* I say, why not?

2009-05-16, 09:55 AM
Who isn't? I point at Kyouhen.

2009-05-16, 10:10 AM

Why is everyone following me? :smallconfused: :smalleek:

2009-05-16, 10:16 AM
Recaiden, although whats the chances the wolves just randomly selected someone to kill and got the banner. Theres something funny going on here.

2009-05-16, 11:17 AM
Kyouhen. Because I don't see a reasoning for killing Recaiden.

2009-05-16, 11:20 AM
I certainly didn't have one. It was random. Random I say!

*runs around in circles, flailing*

2009-05-16, 11:28 AM
to say the least, i dont see a reason for kyouhen either.

2009-05-16, 11:44 AM
Well, he asked that no one got revenge killed, and seemed to be trying to cause doubt over FC, but he probably just meant well. I just don't want to be lynched.

As for how they got Atreyu so soon, I noticed this:

I'd like say that I do not endorse the lynching of the llama at all.
Maybe they assumed that anyone Aegnor doesn't want lynched was a good target. If so, :smallsigh:

2009-05-16, 12:38 PM
Wait, bandwagon against me? :smalleek:

But I was only looking out for your best interests! For all I knew Revenge could have been pointed at the seer!

And what does Recaiden have to do with Atreyu getting lynched anyway? :smallconfused:

Also happyturtle for starting a bandwagon that apparently has hidden logic behind it. :smallannoyed:

2009-05-16, 12:50 PM
I never said Recaiden had anything to do with Atreyu getting killed. :smallconfused:

Really, people, it was a random point! And to prove it, I'll randomly change it to... um... how about Szilard?

2009-05-16, 12:58 PM
I never said Recaiden had anything to do with Atreyu getting killed. :smallconfused:

Really, people, it was a random point! And to prove it, I'll randomly change it to... um... how about Szilard?

Well you see...

Recaiden, although whats the chances the wolves just randomly selected someone to kill and got the banner. Theres something funny going on here.

At least one person here thinks Recaiden had something to do with the baner's death. So someone has a reason to think Recaiden knew something we didn't. You started the bandwagon so I'm going to go ahead and pin the explaining on you. :smallannoyed:

2009-05-16, 01:15 PM
Bandwagons for the bandwagon god!


2009-05-16, 01:29 PM
Bandwagons for the bandwagon god!


There, now leave me alone. :smallannoyed:

2009-05-16, 01:37 PM
Well you see...

At least one person here thinks Recaiden had something to do with the baner's death. So someone has a reason to think Recaiden knew something we didn't. You started the bandwagon so I'm going to go ahead and pin the explaining on you. :smallannoyed:

Okay, fine... :smallsigh:

If I played werewolf long enough in Kyou (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zrjePH49Aq0)
I'd find a way to believe that it's all true
I'm not saying that you lied straight-faced while Llama died
Still I look to find a reason to believe

Someone like you makes it hard to lynch
Somebody else
Someone like you is easy to lynch
You should point at yourself

If I gave you time to change my vote
I'd have to actually read the stuff you wrote
I know I just picked your name off the list...
Still I look to find a reason to believe

If I played werewolf long enough in Kyou
I'd find a way to believe that it's all true
I'm not saying that you lied straight-faced while Llama died
Still I look to find a reason to believe

Someone like you makes it hard to lynch
Somebody else
Someone like you is easy to lynch
You should point at yourself

I hope you find that convincing.

2009-05-16, 01:45 PM
Point at myself..? But I don't wanna die!!! :smalleek:

2009-05-16, 01:56 PM
Everyone dies, Kyouhen, it's just a matter of when and how.

2009-05-16, 01:56 PM
But the song was about Recaiden!

I think....

Or maybe it was about Eaglewiz...?

2009-05-16, 02:23 PM
Y'know what? Fine. Let's be that way. I'm a wolf. I would like to thank Fleeing Coward for outing Evnafets, for without him I wouldn't be enjoying Allyria's protection right now. I'll also tell you that it wasn't a Revenge day yesterday, nor is it today. It's tomorrow. And we scried Cessie last night. :smallamused:

Don't believe anything I'm saying? C'mon, lynch me. Waste a day. You know you want to.

Oh, also we lynched Atreyu because FC said he didn't want him dead. Thanks for that one too. :smallbiggrin:

2009-05-16, 03:15 PM
Did my song just make you confess?


Awesome! :smallbiggrin:

2009-05-16, 03:46 PM
Well hell, I was going to vote for a more even wagon... but lets go for Kyouhen.

If we waste a day, then we waste a day. But if he has been day baned, we kill him tomorrow.

2009-05-16, 03:55 PM
I'll point at Fleeing Coward, for trying to break the game.

2009-05-16, 04:06 PM
As odd as it might sound, FC is seeming suspicious to me. For now, the only team FC has truly helped is the wolves.

But the last time I followed through on a fear such as that, I lost the villager team the game. Not this time, I say.

Kyouhen for now.

2009-05-16, 04:16 PM
But the song was about Recaiden!

I think....

Or maybe it was about Eaglewiz...?

What? Don't kill me.:smalleek:

2009-05-16, 04:31 PM
Oh, also, as a show of my good will I'm pointing at Kyouhen. :smallbiggrin:

2009-05-16, 06:46 PM
Recaiden, cuz I don't think Kyouhen's bluffing about the day bane.

2009-05-16, 06:55 PM
It doesn't actually matter if he is bluffing.

Every night Allyria can protect one player from being lynched the next day phase by controlling the kami of the village. If this ability successfully protects someone from the lynch, the ability can't be used during the next night-phase.

Spending two days to lynch a wolf is slightly worse than one day, but I think it is worth it.

Kuma Da
2009-05-16, 07:00 PM
kyouhen, and again tomorrow. FC, any wisdom you wanna a share with us before night falls and you almost certainly get wolfed?

2009-05-16, 07:00 PM
Lets go for Kyouhen, in that case.

2009-05-16, 07:13 PM
Then watch me declare that I'm the secret role and get to lynch any one player who partakes of a bandwagon against me. :smalltongue:

2009-05-16, 07:14 PM
Then watch me declare that I'm the secret role and get to lynch any one player who partakes of a bandwagon against me. :smalltongue:

Bring it on. :mitd:

2009-05-16, 07:17 PM
Then watch me declare that I'm the secret role and get to lynch any one player who partakes of a bandwagon against me. :smalltongue:

Death before dishonor, mate.

2009-05-16, 07:23 PM
This... is an odd day.

*points a Kyouhen*

Fleeing Coward
2009-05-16, 07:35 PM
Y'know what? Fine. Let's be that way. I'm a wolf. I would like to thank Fleeing Coward for outing Evnafets, for without him I wouldn't be enjoying Allyria's protection right now. I'll also tell you that it wasn't a Revenge day yesterday, nor is it today. It's tomorrow. And we scried Cessie last night. :smallamused:

Don't believe anything I'm saying? C'mon, lynch me. Waste a day. You know you want to.

Oh, also we lynched Atreyu because FC said he didn't want him dead. Thanks for that one too. :smallbiggrin:

I'll call your bluff Kyouhen. If you scried Cessie last night, yesterday was revenge day so you're just contradicting yourself there or you wolves were just stupid enough to target me for the revenge ability :smallamused:

Atreyu was just a very unfortunate conincidence. I did defend him because I was hoping for the wolves to kill him if he wasn't a wolf since it'd be one less unknown on my list. How was I supposed to know he was the baner? http://forums.eventide.net/forums/images/graemlins/default_dark/banghead.gif

2009-05-16, 08:08 PM
Hmmmmm. Kyouhen

2009-05-16, 08:18 PM
I'll call your bluff Kyouhen. If you scried Cessie last night, yesterday was revenge day so you're just contradicting yourself there or you wolves were just stupid enough to target me for the revenge ability :smallamused:

Atreyu was just a very unfortunate conincidence. I did defend him because I was hoping for the wolves to kill him if he wasn't a wolf since it'd be one less unknown on my list. How was I supposed to know he was the baner? http://forums.eventide.net/forums/images/graemlins/default_dark/banghead.gif

Yay for calling bluffs! And don't worry FC, if that secret role of yours decided to negate the day bane then we'll know soon enough won't we? If it was used on Cessie we'll just night kill her. Thanks for giving me the heads up on that though.

And I love how you seem to be assuming the wolf ability turns are in the same order as they were listed on the front page. :smallamused:

2009-05-16, 08:20 PM

May not be a wolf, but I don't trust him.

Fleeing Coward
2009-05-16, 09:01 PM
Yay for calling bluffs! And don't worry FC, if that secret role of yours decided to negate the day bane then we'll know soon enough won't we? If it was used on Cessie we'll just night kill her. Thanks for giving me the heads up on that though.

And I love how you seem to be assuming the wolf ability turns are in the same order as they were listed on the front page. :smallamused:

Oh we won't be using it on Cessie, what's the point of that when I know that you guys don't know who Cessie actually is :smallamused:

2009-05-16, 09:03 PM
Oh we won't be using it on Cessie, what's the point of that when I know that you guys don't know who Cessie actually is :smallamused:

Keep calling my bluffs FC. It'll make it that much more amusing when the rest of the villagers decide you're a bigger threat than I am. :smallamused:

Fleeing Coward
2009-05-16, 09:09 PM
Keep calling my bluffs FC. It'll make it that much more amusing when the rest of the villagers decide you're a bigger threat than I am. :smallamused:

That's not going to happen. We all know that I'm going to be dead tonight and even if I live, while I admit I may have made a few mistakes this game, if you can drum up enough support from the villagers to lynch a mason, I promise never to play another WW game :smallamused:

The Bushranger
2009-05-16, 09:12 PM
I think I'll go with Fleeing Coward. Just because.

2009-05-16, 09:16 PM
I think I'll go with Fleeing Coward. Just because.

IT BEGINS! :smallbiggrin::smalltongue:

Fleeing Coward
2009-05-16, 09:21 PM
IT BEGINS! :smallbiggrin::smalltongue:

Damn, I really shouldn't have said that. I forgot that the villagers here would take that up as a challenge to lynch me anyways :smallbiggrin:

2009-05-16, 09:26 PM
Yeah, but those of us who narrate will save you, because we still want you to sign up for our games. :smallwink:

2009-05-16, 09:34 PM
Remember kids, never underestimate how big of asses people in online forums are capable of being. :smalltongue:

Fleeing Coward
2009-05-16, 09:50 PM
You mean they ain't all backstabbing creatures of the night in real life? :smallconfused:

2009-05-16, 09:51 PM
I resent that! When I was evil in SEU III, I eviscerated Wolfbane from the front! :smallmad:

Fleeing Coward
2009-05-16, 10:00 PM
But you just said that you're going to hug stab Murska so my statement is still true :smallamused:

2009-05-16, 10:08 PM
You mean they ain't all backstabbing creatures of the night in real life? :smallconfused:

Nope. Because 'all' would include myself, and I am clearly not backstabbing you. :smallbiggrin:

Fleeing Coward
2009-05-16, 10:13 PM
Nope. Because 'all' would include myself, and I am clearly not backstabbing you. :smallbiggrin:

Of course you are, I just don't know when, how or why yet :smalltongue:

2009-05-16, 10:26 PM
Of course you are, I just don't know when, how or why yet :smalltongue:

Why: Imma wolf.
How: Night kill if someone doesn't get you first
When: When I feel like it.

That fix things? :smallbiggrin:

2009-05-16, 10:27 PM
I resent that! When I was evil in SEU III, I eviscerated Wolfbane from the front! :smallmad:

playing him like a harp isnt much better. :smallannoyed: :smallamused: :smalltongue:

2009-05-16, 10:29 PM
Yeah, but he loved it. :smallamused:

I miss wolfie v.v

2009-05-16, 10:35 PM
playing him like a harp isnt much better. :smallannoyed: :smallamused: :smalltongue:

I blame myself!

Fleeing Coward
2009-05-16, 10:56 PM
Why: Imma wolf.
How: Night kill if someone doesn't get you first
When: When I feel like it.

That fix things? :smallbiggrin:

That confirms everything I need to know. Although your own life expectancy is quite short too at the moment :smallbiggrin:

2009-05-16, 11:13 PM
There's something quite awesome about a wolf and a mason, both of whom are still alive, taunting each other publicly. Keep it up, guys! :smallwink:

Uncle Festy
2009-05-16, 11:15 PM
Whee wolfwagon!

2009-05-16, 11:38 PM
There's something quite awesome about a wolf and a mason, both of whom are still alive, taunting each other publicly. Keep it up, guys! :smallwink:

Well, he WAS trying to taunt me via PM. But I'm not going to have any of that. :smallannoyed:

2009-05-16, 11:55 PM
That's not going to happen. We all know that I'm going to be dead tonight and even if I live, while I admit I may have made a few mistakes this game, if you can drum up enough support from the villagers to lynch a mason, I promise never to play another WW game :smallamused:

It's happened before. But you can still help us villagers.

2009-05-17, 08:32 AM
Bandwagons for the bandwagon god!

The bad boy is going down, going down, down like there's no tomorrow (for him.)