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View Full Version : World Jumper Idea

2009-05-05, 02:53 AM
I have a rough homebrew I mean to bring into play with my friends for fun's sake. I mean to make it a world jumping game, where they basically create whatever sort of character they want (in reason) and travel through time/space to different worlds to loot them of treasures and supplies. Imagine Kingdom Hearts, but more piratey and not confined to Disney worlds

What i need is some concepts. above all else, what sort of worlds they can visit. This can be existing ones or totally original (even though my idea's surely not). Also various weapons or abilities they could find/learn to make them distinct

Current favorite ideas include Mario Bros, Mount Olympus (bluffing themselves as gods), a realm where being organic is a crime, a world where everyone has a puppet on their hand (that is the actual living creature), and Team Fortress 2 (where two identical teams live in a half-mile long world and hurl their infinite lives at eachother; mainly to give the team plenty of guns for some basic weapons)