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Neon Knight
2009-05-05, 01:07 PM
It had been a long ride to the house of Maksim; the teacher had made his home in a rather remote section of the east, far from the concentration of city states that represented civilized society and the seat of power for most of the region's major players.

The house had been stripped of most of its glamor in the time since its master hung from the tree in the garden. Many of Maksim's possessions and holdings had already been divided up. The lords of the East, eager to maintain the appearance that Makism's death was a just action, had permitted Makism's friends and followers to oversee the distribution of these items to various institutions and causes.

The work was thought to have been completed when a man approached Niels, a disciple of Maksim's who had emerged as something of a leader in the division process, with a large cache of items connected to Maksim. After a cursory inspection to prove their genuineness, Niels had bought the whole lot and set out letters to assemble a second meeting to deal with the new found items.

When you arrived at the manor, you were greeted by servants who took your horses and baggage and directed you inside to the study, where Niels will greet you shortly. You are among the first of the invited to arrive, and are no awaiting the arrival of Niels.

Short introduction scene to make sure everyone is on board and to allow people to mingle a bit.

2009-05-05, 01:45 PM

A tall, thin, gangling fellow looks around the study. He has utterly ordinary features, pale skin, and dark brown hair. About the only thing that stands out are his eyes, which are such a dark brown they are almost black. He looks at the shelves, as if remembering the books that had once sat upon them...

2009-05-05, 02:06 PM

Silver had traveled quite light, little more than food for her horse and a few packs of clothing. As she reached the house, she paused outside and looked up at it, remembering Maksim and wondering what advice he'd have for her now. Some part of her half expected a memory or some echo of his words to come to her, but there was simply silence instead.

Her face was a serious mask, not wavering or faltering from its expression. It's clear that she was not enjoying herself, nor did she expect to. The memories of Maksim's death were still hard on her, not the least because of her feelings towards his killers. So it was that the silver haired woman entered the house grimly and without fanfare, handing over her things to the servants.

However, as she walked through the house slowly, taking a slow path through it, gazing on everything inside, her expression grew softer and more nostalgic. She hadn't been into Maksim's house often- they used to walk through the city and countryside as they discussed things- but she recognized it enough to have it bring back memories.

2009-05-05, 03:04 PM

"And here I thought I'd be the first to arrive..." A handsome man in a formal attire walks into the study. He's of average height and its easy to tell from his build that physical work is foreign to him. As he walks forward, his eyes scan the room behind a pair of round spectacles. He stops only once and only for a moment, the shelf that had held his nighttime companions was empty. He simply smiles to himself and joins the others.

"Harald, Silver, its been a while, hasn't it?" He greets each in term. "I assume its just we three for now?"

2009-05-05, 03:19 PM

"Not for long, my friend," said a warm voice. It's owner, a young Raptoran, entered the study, careful to fold back his wings as he did so. He is altogether monochromatic, with a tawny brown feathering and thin, unassuming brown linens for clothes. Despite the brown theme, he seems to radiate a faint white glow. "It's been a long time indeed. Too long..." Caelau's voice drifts off to nothing, and he greats the others with a smile and a nod.

Caelau stood propped slightly against a wall and rested himself; the flight had been long and tiring. And now, despite the occasion, he was glad to finally be back... to be home.

2009-05-05, 03:39 PM

Harald nods and smiles at the others, "It is good to see you all again... with so many of his friends here, I almost feel as if Maksim were among us again."

2009-05-05, 03:41 PM

"It's been a very long time."
Says Silver in a low, musical voice. Her voice is quiet, as if she were by someone's deathbed, and perhaps in some way she is- she certainly seems somber enough.
"I wasn't certain if I'd see any of you again."
It's very difficult to tell how she feels about seeing them now.

2009-05-05, 11:20 PM

A rather short and scrawny creature, composed of or clothed in pale brown bark, Tulacea meanders into the room- and stops, motionless, scanning through the room with her pupil-less eyes. She seems lost in her own mind for a moment, but she pulls herself out of it, and joins the group of her fellow students.

"They've really gutted this place, haven't they?" There's a note of hesitation in her rustling, whispery voice- she clearly feels out of her element in more ways than one.

Neon Knight
2009-05-06, 10:19 PM
"Indeed, they have." Niels walked in just behind Tulacea. "I'm glad that you all could come so quickly."

Niels had a rather typical story for a Maksim follower. He'd been working at his forge one day when Maksim had walked in and struck up a conversation. Within an hour Maksim was using Niel's forge as if he had worked in it his whole life. Niels had followed Maksim throughout the barbarian campaign, contributing his skills to the cause.

Niels himself was a rather ugly fellow. His nose was rather crooked, his features irregular, and his hair coarse and unkempt. He usually smelled of the forge, sweat, and soot. He was somewhat better dressed than usual, but he was still more at home with common folk than he was with nobles.

2009-05-06, 10:26 PM

"Ah, at last Master Niels arrives," Caelau said, cordially. "Are we expecting any more?" he asked, noticing that the study was quickly becoming a bit more crowded than he remembered it. Then again, he hadn't spent nearly so much time in the study during his tutelage as he did outside.

"It would be nice to see some more old faces, given the circumstance."

2009-05-06, 10:27 PM

Harald beams, "It is good to see you two as well! It feels like it's been such a long time!"

2009-05-06, 10:38 PM

Silver says in polite, terse greeting, inclining her head towards him.
"The travel was no trouble. Should we look to the items now?"
Her mood and her training are both highly apparently- every line of her face, every aspect of her body and pose, each word and intonation has its own meaning and adds its own emphasis to what she's saying. As she's not keeping her feelings private, it is obvious that she is not in the mood for small chat, nor is she here to see the others- she'd rather get to the point as quick as possible.

Neon Knight
2009-05-06, 10:56 PM
Niels nodded. "If you're eager to get the work done, I can show you the things. Follow me."

Niels led them to one of the dining halls, which were not often used even in Maksim's time. Servants were unpacking and placing items on the table.

"Most of the work is really just figuring out which old buddy of Maksim's can be trusted to keep this particular item safe. Sometimes we send them to churches or colleges that we think can use them. Our decision making process is for the most part democratic. I'm not expecting too many more, and we shouldn't wait for others for too long. Feel free to look around."

Feel free to invent items from Maksim's past to populate the tables.

2009-05-06, 11:41 PM

Silver follows on Niels' heels, a little impatient to see what he's found. As she sees the servants laying out the items on the table, she makes her way to one of the tables, then slows, passing over each item, regarding every single one of them with intense focus and scrutiny.

Something about her expression changes as she moves among them. While again the nostalgic look passes across her face, there is repressed grief and simmering anger there as well. It's clear that she has not gotten over Maksim's death yet, and perhaps has not even come to terms with it at all. Still, even amidst that, she wears the faintest smile, though it is tinged with sadness.

Her fingertips lightly brush over each and every object as she paces slowly around the table's edge, then pause as she also pauses her walk, coming to rest on the cover of a small brown leather bound book. It wasn't something she recognized, but she felt compelled to pick it up- to see whatever it might contain. Ever so gently her delicate fingers plucked it from the assortment around it, and then opened it, flipping through the pages carefully, pausing on a single page that had only a little writing on it, and in very small handwriting. Holding the book a little closer, she read it slowly.

The art of losing isn't hard to master;
so many things seem filled with the intent
to be lost that their loss is no disaster.

Lose something every day. Accept the fluster
of lost door keys, the hour badly spent.
The art of losing isn't hard to master.

Then practice losing farther, losing faster:
places, and names, and where it was you meant
to travel. None of these will bring disaster.

I lost my mother's watch. And look! my last, or
next-to-last, of three loved houses went.
The art of losing isn't hard to master.

I lost two cities, lovely ones. And, vaster,
some realms I owned, two rivers, a continent.
I miss them, but it wasn't a disaster.

--Even losing you (the joking voice, a gesture
I love) I shan't have lied. It's evident
the art of losing's not too hard to master
though it may look like (Write it!) like disaster.
Her eyes flick over it again and again, finally coming to rest on the last stanza. What was this? Something that Maksim wrote, long ago? Silver bites her lip, hands clutching the book a little bit tighter; tears were coming to her eyes, but she didn't know why. Angrily she fought them, closing the book and turning towards the other items, looking across them without really seeing them.

((I was trying to think of something for her to find when I remembered that poem... it seemed to fit the situation all too perfectly.
One Art by Elizabeth Bishop.))

2009-05-07, 04:26 AM
"Or who actually can keep which item safe. I'm... not living under a roof now, if that matters, Tulacea adds.

Nevertheless, she follows Niels into the next room- and fishes through her backpack for a moment. She slips a gold and crystal monocle over a solid, sky-blue eye, and turns her attention towards the table. A bundle of brass and gears and dials catches her eye- a finely wrought astrolabe for measuring the positions of the sun and stars. She reaches towards it for a closer examination- and then changes her mind. It doesn't feel right, somehow.

2009-05-07, 08:08 AM

Nodding to the newcomers, Jussio simply follows Niels into the dining hall. He had to admit the man was skilled, the shirt that had kept him safe during the campaign was forged in his hand, after all. His work could be compared to that of the most prestigious smiths in Genoa, yet he didn't chose to stay here, in the middle of nowhere. An oddity, he admits, one of the many he'd seen in his stay with Maksim.

"As before, the cult to the Stern Lady will gladly take any items left homeless. You can be assured that they will be guarded and properly honored, I would personally oversee the procedure." As he turns to the table, his smile become a bit more somber. Work to be done of course.

He walks past Silver without saying a word, just noting her change in demeanor. There was something almost poetic about it, an icy glare fighting to stay focused as it slowly melted away. He can't help but pause and admire her from behind. Would a pat in the back do anything? No, it probably wouldn't. He turns away before his enthrallment becomes obvious.

This felt almost routine... the only difference being that he'd actually known the deceased this time and there were no bickering cretins. He picks up a wooden flute with a gloved hand. Had he'd ever heard him play it? He wasn't sure, but if it had truly belonged to Maksim, there was no doubt in his mind that the greatest bards would be put to shame. "The world doesn't mourn simply because it doesn't know what its lost..."

2009-05-07, 02:20 PM

Caelau grew sad as he stepped into the dining hall and saw so many remnants of his master. He felt as if he'd like nothing more than to protect something of Maksim, but he'd long since given up material goods. It was probably for the best, he thought to himself.

As Caelau walked down the length of the table, he saw few things he recognized. One battered blade, however, stuck out as... familiar? That wasn't the word. It was more a feeling of having seen it somewhere... but where, he couldn't place it. He ran his hand lightly along its blade, careful of the edge.

A part of Caelau longed to grasp it, to use it. Deep down, though, he couldn't bring himself to. He gazed over the rest, admiring Maksim's multitude of possessions and the talents they represented.

2009-05-07, 02:30 PM

The young mage walks among his master's former belongings, touching things here and there. He picks up a book, remembering Maksim saying once, 'A man who has read a hundred books is my good friend, my surest enemy is somebody who has read only one...' He flips it open to see a basic text on divination - one he had read long ago when Maxim first started teaching him magic. He sets it down and moves on, finding a case that contained a set of thieve's tools. His brow wrinkled, Had Maksim taught other thieves to give up their profession... or had he practiced such skills himself?

Neon Knight
2009-05-07, 03:52 PM
While they examined the items, a servant called Niels away. He returned with more guests.

The first was Sir Travis and his wife, Georgia. Travis had been with Maksim a long time; Maksim had actually helped him meet his wife. Travis was a rather handsome man, and Georgia herself was a fair skinned beauty with flaming red locks. Travis was a senior knight in an order of paladins. His association with Maksim wasn't necessarily popular within the order, due to the scrutiny it brought from the Lords of the East.

Shortly after them, Niels led Kulin in. Kulin was a dwarf, an exceedingly old example with an iron grey beard and a pair of wiry spectacles perched on his nose. No one knew exactly what Kulin did or why he traveled with Maksim, and Maksim had made the others respect his privacy. He was perfectly amiable and willing to talk, but no matter how much you spoke with him or what you asked him, you never seemed to figure out what his trade was or anything about him, really.

Their last guest was Bertrand, an elf of respectable age who didn't look a day older than 20. He was soldier Maksim had found organizing militias on the front line against the barbarians. Bertrand was certainly an atypical elf; his build was muscular rather than slender, and like Niels he was rather rough to look at. He was exceedingly straightforward and simple, a fighter through and through who got to the point as quickly as possible.

Niels indicated that soon they would begin the work proper of organizing and determining the final fate of these possessions.

Travis and his wife mostly argued for the objects (Regardless of what said objects were) to be given to reputable organizations, Travis's own Order of the White Crescent among them, for preservation. Betrand usually sided with Travis on these points.

Kulin and Niels, on the other hand, advocated sending those objects that could still serve of some use into the hands of various village elders and militia leaders that Maksim had worked with during the Barbarian campaigns. The frontier was still dangerous, after all. Items that could serve no practical purpose they permitted to be sent to collectors of friends with no argument.

A little spiel on what position your character would take as well as his reasoning would be nice, but isn't required.

2009-05-07, 04:21 PM

Harald enters the discussion about the use of the items, "I think that anything that is purely of sentimental value should be held by some appropriate person or institution in rememberence of Maksim, but anything that might be used to assist others in the causes that were important to him should not be cared for as a keepsake, but used as a tool - Maksim was not about owning, he was about doing!"

2009-05-07, 06:26 PM

Silver doesn't speak up, but slowly collects the items that she thought would best suit her, her memories of Maksim, and the cause she is now attempting. Among her gathered collection are sheets of music, meant to be sung, the small book which contained the poem that had so moved her, and another small book on his philosophies.

One more thing she takes- something that none of the others would have understood, or even cared about. It was a simple wood carving that depicted a symbol that none could decipher the meaning of, unless they had the same training as Silver. She remembered it, how each line and grain of the wood felt under her hands, every line and curve of the symbol.

"These I will take to preserve my memory of Maksim, and what he taught me, and perhaps more which will teach me what he never got a chance to tell me in life."
She pauses.
"If anyone has objections, I'll be willing to discuss them in private."

She backs off from the tables and the rest of the group, fingers tracing over the small panel of wood, over and over the symbol. It meant nothing- and yet- it meant everything. When he had first begun teaching her, he had given it to her and asked her to tell him what it meant. Finally he revealed that it was a symbol that represented nothing, and in representing nothing, it could be ascribed any meaning that one who viewed it decided to give it. It was infinite possibility... and yet, it was a lack of meaning entirely.

2009-05-07, 07:13 PM

Caelau listened patiently as Travis, Georgia, Niels, and Kulin spoke their feelings about the fate of the assorted goods. Harald's point was a good one; the fringes of society were ever-dangerous, and those out there needed help.

Caelau pondered a bit his own feelings, and was about to speak up, when Silver broke in. After she finished, he smiled warmly at her, understanding, for the most part, her feelings. It was important to remember.

Finally, he spoke. "I agree with Harald. Maksim wouldn't want useful tools to collect dust in somebody's collections. He'd want anything that can be used to preserve life to be used for that purpose." He paused, trying to collect his thoughts a bit. After a brief moment, he continued, saying, "If there's anything Maksim taught me, it's that there are many with needs greater than our own. I see no reason to sit idly with a hoard of goods that could instead be saving lives."

Caelu held his tongue on one final point, but it rang loudly in his head: A paladin should know better.

2009-05-07, 10:13 PM

"What about the books?" Tulacea asks, picking one up from the table and idly leafing through it. "Maksim spent his life gathering knowledge- We shouldn't keep them in a shrine for the sake of keeping them, but do we want to risk seeing it all scattered?"

She looks around the room, and then down at the book in her hands: it would appear to be a botanical text, with dried leaves pressed into every page. She closes it and drops it, rather quickly.

2009-05-08, 09:06 AM

Jussio stays quiet during most of the initial banter, listening to the points and counterpoints. It's on is way, assuring that you knew what the man more, knew what he wanted, is always the first step to raised and bitter voices... I wonder...

"Most of the books in his library have already been scattered. His most renown texts were among the first things to be handed out. One of his spellbooks rest within the main temple of the Dark Eyed Lady, in a vault risen in his honor. Another rests in his actual tomb. Though I doubt either of these were his main one, the writing within is child's play compared to some of the feats he performed in life... But I digress, my apologies. My point is, most of the possessions that could have been of use are already in the hands of many." He picks up a used quill from amongst the items. He vaguely recalled it in Maksim's hand some many years back. "What we have here are is an assortment of trinkets marking a life of worldly talents. How many of these can really be of use?"

Neon Knight
2009-05-08, 11:33 AM
Sir Travis picked up a piece of cloth from one of the tables. "Look at this. This piece of cloth should be no more valuable than any other just like it. But because he used it- because it was Maksim's- there are some who would murder for this piece of cloth. It doesn't have any special properties. It can't perform miracles. But because he touched it, some are fanatical and crazy enough to believe that it will have such powers."

"These objects are part of Maksim's legacy, a legacy which if mishandled could cause strife. We must be careful with these things."

2009-05-08, 11:42 PM

Silver reluctantly speaks in agreement with Sir Travis.
"He speaks truly- Maksim has become a symbol, and in many ways that has passed on to those possessions that were once his. To some, even those who know they are powerless objects, they will be priceless, because meaning has been bestowed on them beyond what they are.
"They are no longer merely what they appear to be, but relics and symbols of something far greater."

2009-05-09, 12:24 AM

Caelau thinks over what Sir Travis says, slightly ashamed at his previous thoughts. Silver's support also resounded in his head.

"There is much wisdom in what you say. I had not thought of the symbol Maksim became for so many. Clearly, these cannot be placed in the hands of one from whom they might be forcefully taken. We cannot permit harm to come from them."

He sighs, knowing just how delicate the situation is. It was tricky, and there was no clear 'right' answer anymore.

"The problem then remains: Who or what is best suited to guard these relics from theft? Whomever it is, they must know that these are valuable to many; they must not be guarded lightly."

2009-05-09, 12:40 AM

Harald shrugs, "Do whatever you feel best with the items... personally, I feel Maksim would have been disgusted and amused at what people are making of his personal possessions." He looks over the table and sweeps up a book, an illuminated work of children's poetry with elaborate illustrations that Maksim had taught him to read from. "Here is all I want. I will cherish the memory of him teaching me to read, but more... to love learning and languages... and if I find a child who I want to teach to read, I will pass it to them. So it will be both cherished and used."

2009-05-09, 08:43 AM

Jussio shrugs "If we are to conclude that any item on this table will endanger the owner, then it seems organizations are among our most favorable choice. Travis' Order of the White Crescent, the Cult to the Ruby Sorceress, etc."

"But really, most of the people that Maksim taught would not give a second thought to being at risk if it meant holding a memento. Those that fought with him in the campaign, though, are quite able to defend themselves, as is the case of those here already claiming items for themselves."

"There's also the fact that for someone to be targeted because they hold something of Maksim would require that the attacker know it belonged to Maksim. Currently we know, the servants know, and..." He stops for a second, having hit a snag. "Niels, how exactly did to get ahold of these? Did the other hands they passed by know their origins?"

2009-05-09, 08:48 AM

Tula eyes Jussio with interest- He's seen the sage's spellbook? But he doesn't seem to be eager to pursue that thread, and the conversation rapidly moves onto an interesting point-

"An important concern, and well observed," she says with a respectful nod in Sir Travis' direction. "However, if these trinkets go under close guard and lock and key, doesn't that add to their 'power'? Won't the relic hunters be willing to do more desperate things to own them, if we take pains to keep them away?"

"Harald's approach might actually be the best way to keep Maksim's legacy intact."

She shifts slightly, feeling awkward at having made such a bold statement, and holds her left arm in her right hand. Under several layers of bark, her wounded shoulder is acting up again.

EDIT: Bah, conversationally ninja'd.

Neon Knight
2009-05-10, 06:26 PM
"Mostly, we receive items from friend's and associates of Maksim who set out to collect possessions of his after his death. Many of them were permitted to take objects from Makism's numerous retreats and homes across the East before the Lords of the East confiscated the property."

"This particular batch came from the city of Belholme. An administrator who works for the lord of that city told me that these items came from a building thought to be a storehouse."

A servant entered carrying a long wooden case. Niels turned to address him. "What's that?"

"It was with the other things, sir. It fell off the wagon and we just now found it."

"Set it on the table. We'll take a look at it."

The servant placed the case on the table and withdrew.

2009-05-10, 06:29 PM

Harald holds the book, but steps up to look at the new case.

2009-05-10, 06:45 PM

Silver glances at the others, and seeing none of them approaching, she moves up to the case to open it.
"We might as well see what is inside. Hopefully it won't be broken from the fall."
She attempts to remove the lid.

2009-05-10, 08:27 PM

Jussio just nods as he takes in Neil's words. "So there are people from here to Belholme who know of this batch. Ugh." His lifts his glasses with his index finger, rubbing his eyes with his thumb and middle. "Travis, your worry is valid, but a lunatic who thinks he can reach godhood with Maksim's hankie would probably throw himself at a guarded vault just as easily as at an individual. That, and Tulacea has a good point. If its left out in the open then its clear that it isn't worth stealing."

As peoples attention falls on the case, Jussio shrugs and joins them. After a seconds thought, he pockets the quill. "I'll keep this for my own collection then, use it in special occasions."

2009-05-10, 10:00 PM

Caelau sighed. There really wasn't any right answer. This annoyed him beyond what he was showing. "I guess we should have a full inventory before we concern ourselves with what goes where, and to whom."

Caelau steps forward tentatively. "Careful, Silver. We don't know what it may be." Caelau stood in anticipation, waiting to see what was inside this mysterious new case.

The plot thickens?

Neon Knight
2009-05-10, 11:10 PM
The case was held closed by metal clasps which Silver easily undid. Inside was an empty scabbard, resting on the bottom of the case. It was made from a sort of reddish leather and looked like it was in fairly good condition.

Most of the others (who had gathered around to have a look) apparently didn't know what to make of this.

2009-05-11, 01:22 AM

The mage raises his right brow, "Interesting... I don't recall this scabbard or what weapon went in it." He reaches in and picks the scabbard up, hefting it. "What sort of blade would you all say it might have been made for?"

2009-05-11, 02:40 AM

Intrigued, Tulacea expends a mote of magical power to take a closer look.

Casting Detect Magic, for a quick sweep of the table, and then a look at the scabbard. With her Artificer's Monocle on, she can spend one minute examining the thing to get an Identify effect, but let's see if it's shiny, first.

2009-05-11, 08:12 AM

"Alright, I'll admit that if they held one of Maksim's sword arms even the sane would feel empowered. Good chance it isn't entirely a placebo effect too." He just watches as the others examine the scabbard. "Wonder where the weapon is though."

2009-05-11, 08:21 AM

"You assume too much about the meaning of this relic."
Silver quietly objects to the others, watching them look over the sheathe and examine and speak of it.
"Why must it have ever held a blade at all? Perhaps it is not even meant to hold one... granted, the most logical assumption is that was made to carry a weapon, but we are dealing with Maksim. He learned many things, and from my own experience with him I can tell you that things may have different meanings and uses than they might first appear to have.
"Perhaps, in fact, the sheathe is meant to be empty."

2009-05-11, 02:14 PM

Caelau looks at the scabbard in puzzlement.
"An empty scabbard? That's very... odd. Granted, I of all people know that one doesn't necessarily need an occupied scabbard to fight, but..." Something about it was just too peculiar. The scabbard was in its own case, alone, and was fairly nice itself. Surely there was something more to it. "Perhaps," he postulated, "The contents of the scabbard were removed by one intent on using the sword of Maksim."

Neon Knight
2009-05-11, 02:24 PM
Tulacea detected a magical aura coming from the scabbard and the case from which the scabbard was taken.

Bertrand nodded at Silver's words. "Yeah, that was just like Maksim. Damn, I never got used to that sort of foolery..."

Sir Travis and Niels had exchanged glances. "I thought you had accounted for all of Maksim's weapons." Travis seemed a bit.. upset by this development.

Niels looked confused himself. "I thought we had. I gave his wars sword to the head of your Order myself. He kept a lot of weapons, but I thought I'd tracked them all down."

Kulin spoke in his thin, reedy voice. "Perhaps then Silver is right, and the scabbard is merely an empty scabbard."

2009-05-11, 02:28 PM

Harold looks over at Sir Travis with interest, "Why such a concern over Maksim's weapons versus any of his other possessions?"

2009-05-11, 02:29 PM

"If I am right, it is no mere scabbard, but something else entirely. A symbol, artwork, or something I haven't thought of. Or perhaps it was meant to hold a sword, but the sword was never finished. Alternately, perhaps it was made for swords, but not for any single one."
"Or," Says Silver a bit dryly, "Someone accidentally added something to the collection that wasn't Maksim's."

Neon Knight
2009-05-11, 02:41 PM
Sir Travis laid it out simply. "Many of Maksim's blades are of fine make and unusually well crafted. Many are also enchanted. They're simply excellent weapons, and very lethal and very valuable aside from their association with him."

Bertrand chuckled. "That would be funny, if we got ourselves worked up over some guard captain's lost scabbard. We need some way of making sure this is Maksim's before we lose our pretty little heads over it."

2009-05-11, 02:50 PM

Harold nods, "Well, it certainly looks like it was made for a short sword, a weapon I have some familiarity with... though I don't ever remember seeing Maksim wear this particular scabbard. However, I like the message - it's very Maksim - an empty scabbard..." He tries slipping it through his belt to see how it looks.

2009-05-11, 04:15 PM

Caelau smiles, saying, "Hm... I've always liked riddles. Let's see if we can't puzzle this one out." What do we have? An empty scabbard. But why is it empty?

He continued to think about this quandary as Harald slipped the scabbard on.
Idly, while thinking about Harald's "short sword" comment, he felt himself wanting to see the scabbard filled. He wasn't sure why.

2009-05-11, 11:16 PM

Whatever happened to assuming too much? Watching Travis and Niels exchange glances is enough for him. Honestly, Maksim the Warrior seems more likely to own a scabbard then Maksim the philosopher or Maksim the teacher.

Noticing the gestures, Jussio steps closer to Tulacea, watching the scene by her side. "Find anything?"

Spellcraft at +15, so he should be able to figure out what she's casting.

2009-05-11, 11:38 PM
"It's not just a scabbard," Tulacea announces in her whispery voice. "I need more time to be sure, but either the box and the scabbard are both enchanted, or they've been used to hold... something."

She turns her head slightly, staring rather fixedly at Harald's belt with plant-like patience.

2009-05-11, 11:40 PM
Oh, hey, forgot my roll.


Neon Knight
2009-05-12, 11:31 AM
The case emits a faint aura, while the scabbard emits a strong aura.

Bertrand spoke up. "You know, maybe this is just a spare scabbard for one of his other swords."

"Could be," Niels mused, ""might explain what it was doing collecting dust in Belholme."

Sir Travis seemed slightly perturbed at Harald's action. "This matter bears further investigation, I think. I'll take the scabbard and look into this."

Kulin smirked. "Eager to get your hands on one of Maksim's swords?"

Travis looked pointedly at the dwarf. Niels sighed.

2009-05-12, 11:45 AM

Silver stares at the sheathe for a while, then shakes her head. What did one sheathe really matter? What made it any more important or interesting than the rest, besides the fact that it was empty, or was brought in late?
"I think we may be putting too much emphasis on this sheathe. It's only one of many objects we have left to sort."

2009-05-12, 05:36 PM

Harold looks thoughtful, "Tell you what, I'm a mage as well... so I'll look into it and get back to you later with what I find out." He turns back to the other items looking at them... "So, do we have any other thoughts about the rest of these objects?"

Neon Knight
2009-05-12, 05:37 PM
Niels smiled at Silver. "She's got a point. We can't do much about it for now."

2009-05-12, 07:41 PM

"Well, I must say, I'm quite glad that at least one of us has the magical aptitude to examine such an artifact for clues." He wished he knew more about that sot of thing, but it was a route he'd given up. At least Harald and Tulacea had the knowledge. "Now, I think it'd probably be best if we decided on two things: Where the objects are going, and what is going where."

"If we indeed intend to keep them safe, we must do so fairly, and send portions to more than one place, mustn't we?" he added, querying the others.

2009-05-12, 07:48 PM

"Ah, I see." With Tula's words, there seems to be a new spark of interest in Jussio's eyes. "Harald, if you'd allow me to be present when you inspect it, I would be most grateful. I'd love to get a look at its dweomer, if for no other reason then to sooth my own curiosity."

"But the matter at hand, yes." he tries to answer Caelau's query. "It should be fair, of course, but we seem to be at a standstill as to who we should divide them amongst." He takes a moment to think before continuing.

"Before anything else, we should come to an agreement on the risks these items may bring to their recipients. Maksim's life will become the stuff of legends, and as such, anything linked to it may fall victim to the same hyperbole." He turns to Travis as he says this. "Now, there are some who will believe these stories, that these objects may hold power akin to holy relics; there is no limit to what some will do in ignorance if there is the slightest chance for personal gain. The question is, should we protect those who would treasure these out of respect and adoration to their past owner by never letting these items reach them? Or should we give them closure, give them a memento that will remind them of the great man that touched them so? They would know the risk," His eyes land on Silver, but quickly keep moving. "but I'm sure many would deem it acceptable compared personal value they may posses."

Just moved the post do to posting it originally at the same time as Vexxation

2009-05-12, 10:05 PM
Rightly or wrongly, Tulacea remains fixated on the scabbard; one of the only items in the room that might actually be a Relic in its own right. She continues to stare at Harald until her spell has satisfied her curiosity, or someone shakes her out of it.

Trying to Identify it through the Monocle, if Harald will hold still for long enough. :P

Neon Knight
2009-05-14, 01:40 PM
Tulacea analyzed the magic on the sheath. It was the trace magic left from the sword. She was able to determine the nature of the blade from this trace.

It's a +4 Holy Axiomatic Disruption Shortsword. Quite a doozy, eh?

2009-05-14, 01:58 PM

Harold looks at Tulacea, a bit bemused by her scrutiny, "Or perhaps someone already has an answer to the riddle of the scabbard?"

2009-05-14, 11:01 PM

Tula snaps out of her trance, and her hands shake faintly, rustling the stray curls of bark along her body.

"There is no answer; it is not a riddle. Nor is it a philosophical statement. It is a scabbard, for holding a very powerful sword. A sword which belong- which people will say belonged to the Sage. A sword which is presumably somewhere between here and Belholme."

Despite herself and her obvious worry, she gives a wry smile. "There's your riddle."

2009-05-15, 08:04 AM

"Or it could have been removed at an earlier point- even a later point, if you want to throw distrust on someone here."
Silver says impassively.

Neon Knight
2009-05-15, 10:25 AM
Niels sighed. "I would have preferred a riddle."

Bertrand nodded. "As much as that stuff gives me a headache, I agree with you there. A loose sword is bad news."

Sir Travis spoke up. "We should endeavor to recover this sword, wherever it is. I will undertake this task myself."

2009-05-15, 10:32 AM

Harald looks thoughtful, "If the sword was misplaced or lost along the way, there should be no trouble, because there's no connection with Maksim. After all, nobody here recognized the scabbard, and I never recall seeing him with a short sword, so it's not as if it is famous and would be recognized on sight. So, the only trouble might come if it was stolen from the shipment by somebody who knew it was Maksim's sword... in which case, why leave the scabbard? I'm not saying don't look for it, we can... but whoever looks shouldn't spread word that it is Maksim's sword we're looking for, you're most likely to cause a fuss if it gets out that the sword is out there."

2009-05-16, 11:22 AM

or we could go back to the scabbard, sure... Jussio just nods, halfheartedly. "Very well, funny how the only item that truly deserved to be under watch goes missing. If we're lucky it was just an incident in the road or discreet highwayman. Actually, if the box wasn't with the others it might have been taken here." He stands up, mostly thinking to himself. "Tula, if the scabbard itself isn't magical, then you must have caught a lingering aura. Those don't last long, a few minutes at most... Niels, could you call that servant back, it may be in our interest to see where they found the box."

Neon Knight
2009-05-17, 02:39 PM
Niels nodded. "I'll fetch all the servants. If you're right, and we're quick, we may just catch the thief."

While Niels was gone, Sir Travis regarded the room levelly. "Harald has a point. I hope I can trust all of you to be discreet about this matter?"

Kulin spoke. "Hopefully Jussio is right, and this can all be settled by nightfall."

Niels returned with the servants. The servants were 3 men who worked inside the house, four men who unloaded the cart, a half-orc who oversaw that work, a gnome who drove the cart, and a halfling who watched after the horses.

Niels had a quiet word with the gathered companions of Maksim before addressing the servants. "I've not had any of these men in my service long. They've been trustworthy so far, even around Maksim's things, but in truth I don't know any of them well enough as I'd like with one of Maksim's swords loose."

You can either question the servants yourself or let Niels do it.

2009-05-18, 08:57 PM

Silver has lost interest in the sword, and has gone back to the other items. Thinking quietly, she begins sorting them out, making a distinct section between those which are symbolic and not of any true use, and those which are tools and could be useful for direct application.

2009-05-18, 09:21 PM

Calau feels it proper that someone else at least initialize the interrogation- though interrogation may be too harsh a word. However, knowing the great value, both personal and material, of a powerful weapon of Maksim, he worries about finding it.

It could be long gone, by now.... never to be recovered, he thought, as he eyed the servants.

Stop with the pessimism, he told himself. We'll get to the bottom of this.

Caelau, tempted though he was, refused to make generalizations about the servants based solely on appearance. It would be wiser to listen to their stories, and try to find answers in that fashion.

2009-05-19, 02:06 AM

Tula frowns slightly, and joins Silver in cataloging the table, leaving the 'interrogation' to people more suited for it. She pulls a pen out of her backpack, and a large hunk of 'skin' off of her arm, and starts taking notes.

"I did not mean for my curiosity to distract us from the task at hand," she apologetically notes as she writes, "But I think I may have just seen first hand the way Maksim's possessions capture the imagination."

"I do not know what we should do with them. I do not think it is possible for anyone to know what Maksim would have us do with them. Which is why I think it is important that they not end up in the hands of someone who will say that they do."

2009-05-19, 08:01 AM

Harald goes along to observe the interrogation. He's interested in seeing how these former friends of Maksim act, for he finds their stress responses... interesting.

2009-05-19, 08:12 AM

"I am not sure I agree."

States Silver quietly as she ponders a decorative tea set, attempting to decide if it really had enough use to be considered a tool rather than decoration. Eventually she pushes it over to the decorative side.

"Maksim was a man of many facets. He learned much, taught much, and thought much. Every one of us here saw a different side of him, and I expect every other person who knew him saw a unique side of him as well. I think that, in order for Maksim's full legacy to continue, perhaps those who knew him should say what they knew of him, practice what they knew of him, and pass on these items in remembrance of that. None of us will truly be able to say what Maksim wished- but we can reflect what influence he had on us."

Silver looks down at the small book she has tucked at her side, fingers straying across it.

"And I can't think that would be a bad thing."

2009-05-19, 08:40 AM

Jussio overlooks the servants before speaking. "Very well, thank you all for cooperating. I'd like you all to know that it is in everyone's best interest to establish where that box was found, and exactly how it was found, as quickly as possible. The item it carried could be extremely dangerous, if it where to fall in the wrong hands." Nodding, his gloved hand goes to his neck and makes his symbol of the stern lady visible to all.

"Now, I'm going to call upon divine guidance to help piece together what happened, you may feel a sort of mental nudge, but I assure you, it's completely harmless. Please don't try to resist it, we need to be quick." After a short chant in foreign language, he closes his eyes. The amulet he held glows in a dark light for a few seconds, before fading. "The last thing I ask of you is that you please allow the person speaking to do so in peace. Lets start with you on the left. I require, and in so doing the Ruby Sorceress herself requires, that you tell me exactly what you saw with regards to the box and anything out of the ordinary that you may have seen or heard tonight."

He performs the verbal components in Draconic

He'll channel a rebuke attempt into Divine Spell power to boost the Detect Thought's caster level, it works as a turn check with a +3 circumstance bonus:

Check: [roll0]

The Detect Thoughts is at DC 15, Caster level 5+the check

EDIT: Caster level would be at 8, so 8 minutes at most.

2009-05-19, 10:17 AM

Tula tentatively lifts up a glass jar, filled with what turn out to be carpentry nails. She hesitates, but eventually shelves it with the 'practical' pile. She takes a moment to grow her thoughts as she works- and to consider Silver's words. There's very obviously something the girl wants to say, and she just as obviously isn't going to say it.

"I tried to go back," she offers, after a time. "Back to the way I used to live. I didn't know what to do with myself, and I couldn't think of anything else. And I was terrified," she confesses. "I spent the whole year, a full cycle of seasons, just... rooted. But I don't think I can do it anymore. I'm not who I was before I knew him."

2009-05-19, 10:41 AM

Delicate fingers pluck a simple, wood and glass mirror from amidst the other objects, sliding over the the handle carefully. Silver holds it carefully in her hands, as if both frightened of it and drawn to it, and her emerald eyes gaze into its silvery surface, hypnotized by it; she can see her reflection in it as she has not for a long time. Is that her face she sees there? Or is it carefully crafted mask? Perhaps it is even someone else entirely.

"The way you were before..."
She intones, echoing Tulacea's sentiments in her own words. They sound strange to her- distant- spoken from the other side of a wall, or perhaps muted in a dream.
"Before. It implies a beginning of something new, something that can notably be marked. 'Before yesterday,' one might say. 'Before I learned humility,' it could be said."

Silver flips the mirror over to show a second side- another mirror. This side, however, is shattered; the glass cracked and shot, but still somehow held in place. They won't budge, clinging to the semblance of the whole they once formed, refusing to acknowledge that they were broken and damaged.
"But it also implies an ending. Yesterday goes away- or perhaps the arrogance that preceded humility."

Her fingers tighten around the slender handle of the mirror, and her expression seems a bit more taught and tense as well.

2009-05-20, 12:26 AM

"So many things that 'end' happen again. The sun rises, it sets, it rises again. The leaves fall, and they bloom, and they fall again. Men learn, and they forget, and they learn again."

She's fallen behind in her note taking, and is now just doodling triangles on the corner of the page- a little fern-shaped infinite mathematical progression.

"I had thought that my time with Maksim was one of those cycles. A phase of my life where I was... where I had the opportunity to walk with the Sage. I thought that it was over, and it was winter again."

She can't quite bring herself to look Silver in the eyes.

"And that, maybe if I waited, that, too, would end again," she adds, very quietly. "And now I think that I do not know."

Neon Knight
2009-05-21, 01:30 PM
The half-orc was first. "All I know about it was what the men told me. I just told them to send it to you as quickly as possible." His thoughts confirmed this.

The gnome, halfling, and house servants (aside from the one who had brought them the case) knew nothing about it, and their words matched up with their thoughts.

It was among the men who had unloaded the cart that the dispute began. One man, Carl, said that Will had found the box. Will insisted that he'd been with the halfling and hadn't seen the box at all. And both of their thoughts backed up both mens' accounts.

2009-05-21, 01:42 PM

Harald raises a brow, "Could the item have been planted in some way?"

2009-05-21, 01:44 PM

"Maksim's legacy isn't over."
Says Silver quietly, with a level of conviction and stubbornness that is almost frightening.
"It won't be over until we let go of it."
And Silver was not going to let go.

2009-05-21, 07:12 PM

Jussio shrugs, "Maybe... Although I don't what someone could gain from it." He turns to look at the others to find the rest of the items we're being taken care of. Perfect, they'll sort out the inheritance then. Now lets see where this sword went... He doesn't let the delight show, simply maintaining his concentration on the spell.

He signals to Carl, "Could you show us where you saw Will with the box?"

2009-05-22, 01:25 AM

"Of course not," Tulacea says, quickly and quietly. She goes back to works, silently sorting things into piles- Useful, helpful things that still had a purpose, and things that had been touched by Maksim but were otherwise completely worthless.

She wonders which pile she goes in.

2009-05-22, 08:26 AM

Sadness gripped Caelau at Silver's words. He knew what she meant; Maksim's touch would echo through the pages of history so long as someone cared to write it. Maksim's echo permeated each person in this room more than most could say. Caelau's side pained him slightly, and he was forced to shift his weight to the opposite leg.

Attempting to avoid thinking about Maksim the man, Caelau turned his attention to the missing sword. The two men, Will and Carl, were both sincere in their statements, yet they contradicted each other. Either one was a skilled deceiver, or something far more sinister was afoot.

Given the power and prestige of the missing sword, Caelau feared the latter.

Neon Knight
2009-05-22, 08:01 PM
Carl nodded in the affirmative to Jussio and led him outside. Carl showed them a spot on the road leading up to the house, fairly close to the garden. "The box must've fallen off and landed in the bushes. Will said he was getting some water from the garden pool to cool his forehead when he spotted it."

Carl's thoughts once more backed him up.

2009-05-24, 12:03 PM

After passing through the area with his spell, just in case, Jussio relaxes and dismisses the network of thoughts. "There may be something in the bushes then." He shrugs "Best case scenario, the sword just fell out the box. Lets have a look."

With a snap of his fingers, the tips of his right glove begin to glow, emitting a bright light. He closes his eyes for a second and chants a few words, gaining a different kind of awareness. He passes over Carl first, half expecting to find some kind of enchantment, before letting it fall over the bushes, road and garden.

If no auras are found at all, he'll join the others in searching physically for anything peculiar.

He'll try let Detect Thoughts go over the area signaled, in the odd chance there are any thinking beings around.

He'll activate his gloves Light spell. I got the impression this was all taking place at dusk or night.

Lastly, he'll cast Detect Magic, in the odd chance there's anything in the garden or Carl's under some sort of charm.

If none of this brings up anything suspicious, He'll start using Search to try and find something. Assuming there's time to spare, he'll just take 20 for 23, starting on the bushes.

2009-05-28, 12:32 PM

Harald, observing the interrogation follows the others outside and looks around. He looks at the pool, and seems contemplative. "There was an old story he told me once... something about a king and a magic sword... a lady who lived in the water gave it to the king."

2009-06-03, 01:00 AM

Perhaps a little overeager for a change in topic, Tula smiles amiably at Harald. "I think I know that story! I was never quite sure, though, how much of it was myth and how much was history."

Neon Knight
2009-06-03, 07:17 AM
The garden was devoid of thought and magic, Carl was devoid of enchantment, and an extensive and thorough search of the garden turned up nothing.

2009-06-06, 04:44 AM

An awkward silence falls. Tulacea keeps working, sorting through items, scribbling down notes... and when she can't take any more, she sets her papers down on the table and steps away. "Excuse me. Sunlight and fresh air," she explains quietly, with a glance at the ceiling.

The fey meanders out into the courtyard, where she finds Jussio just finishing up his search. "No luck finding the sword, it appears? I can dowse for it in the morning if you think it is still somewhere on the grounds."

2009-06-07, 09:57 AM

Silver pauses in her work and slowly leans against one wall, carefully putting her arms around herself as she tries to maintain her strength. It didn't make any sense- after all this time- it had been years, she'd had years to steel herself against the pain and work with the legacy he gave to her; why was it so hard to keep herself under control now? Unable to answer the question, Silver finds herself very slowly sinking under the weight she bears.

2009-06-07, 11:52 AM

"Nothing... We found nothing at all." Jussio holds a single hand to his face, thinking. "I'm really not sure if it's still on the grounds, I mean, if you caught the aura from just the scabbard, we should have picked up something... Still we should try again in the morning." He turns to the manor, he didn't like the idea of coming back empty handed. "Tula, just how powerful is this sword?."

With a sigh, he fixes his glasses and puts his injured hand in his cloak's pockets. He finds the quill. You would have already found it, wouldn't you? Effortlessly, of course. You would have known which of the two imbeciles to question further, what had really happened. An hour to put the sword back in its place, tops. The hand just tightens around the quill.

2009-06-07, 01:43 PM

Harald walks off by himself, as if looking over the grounds.

If the scabbard just had a residual aura... but the sword is nowhere around... then the sword's magic must be extraordinarily powerful. It's possible that the sword has a non-detection spell... but would it still leak magic onto the scabbard... that doesn't seem likely... unless it leaks a small amount of magic over a long period of time... which would mean the most likely location of the sword would be...

He pauses, looking down at the scabbard.

It doesn't feel like the weight of a sword is in it though...

He reaches and touches where the hilt of the sword should be if it was still in there. "Did you have a sword that cannot be seen, Maksim?"

2009-06-07, 09:22 PM

Tula considers how to best answer that question. "Very. It was the aura of a sword of great power- further enchanted against the undead, and enemies of peace and justice. Not necessarily an artifact or the work of a God, but... close."

She pauses for a moment, disconcerted by the man's obvious anger. "Jussio? Thank you you for... for looking. While we were busy."

2009-06-08, 09:33 PM

"I see..." He seems lost in thought as she describes the weapon. Close to an artifact then... Of course, if it's of your make... Could its dweomer have qualified as one...? If it has that level of power then a trail... But if the thief knew then-

"Huh?" Once the words register, he lets go go of the quill. "Oh, no, no, its fine. I much prefer to be out here right now." He rubs his right palm with his left hand, going over the wound that refuses to heal. He smiles. "Really, if I'd wanted to sort out an intestacy tonight I would have stayed in Genoa. A service the Stern Lady's temples offer to any who seek it, sure, but the bickering amongst the parties erodes its charm..."

"I would much rather have something to show for my efforts though. Harald's still looking, though I doubt he'll find anything. How are the others doing?"

2009-06-09, 08:02 PM

"I think we are close to having everything cataloged and sorted- and no closer to actually deciding what to do with any of it. Whatever else this sword is, it's certainly a marvelous distraction."

She smiles- then notices Jussio's little unconscious hand movements, her wooden features quickly pulling into a look of concern. "Your hand... are you hurt?"

2009-06-10, 11:12 AM

"This? It's just a curious souvenir from the end of an era..." He takes of the right glove, revealing a tight white wrapping around the palm. "Huh..." At its center, a red circle was growing. "Probably shouldn't have clenched it... When Lord Maksim was executed this thorn took his place..." He places his left thumb on the center and weak divine glow, the wound closes for now. "and like everything about that man, there seems to be something more to it."

Neon Knight
2009-06-10, 01:56 PM
Sadly, Harald's hand found only empty air when he felt for a handle. It seemed that whatever this sword was, it wasn't an invisible sword hiding in it's sheath.


Silver heard a slight thunk as someone bumped against something wooden nearby.


Niels and the others were discussing the issue in the main foyer.

2009-06-10, 01:58 PM

Silver looks up, blinking away the tears that she refused to shed as she glances around for the source of the thumping sound.

2009-06-10, 09:53 PM

"A... thorn?"

Tulacea gives Jussio a long look, then turns her head peeking around the courtyard- it looks like they have a tiny bit of privacy for right now. Carefully, she reaches for a sheaf of curled bark on her left shoulder, and pulls, slowly peeling it away- and exposing a ragged hole of torn bark and wounded plant flesh, faintly wet and sticky with sap.

"Like this one?"

2009-06-10, 10:21 PM

Harald smiles, "No... that would have been too easy. One thing you never did was take the easy way of doing things." He pauses, and pulls out the scabbard, looking up inside it. "Anything or anyone hiding in there?"

2009-06-12, 03:01 PM

"Oh...?" Jussio's look grows sharper as he gets closer, his sight seems locked on the 'wound'. A killorean... a fey with a plantlike, humanoid body... but it stills 'bleeds'... so curious, as if nature were trying to imitate the gods' work... He cuts himself off before the thought is drawn out longer, Tula's nature wasn't the question here. He peers through the hole in the bark, his eye catching something familiar.

"I-... I think so."

He stands and takes a step away from Tula. Perhaps he'd been a bit too intrusive. "But... am I to assume your wound refuses to heal too? Where did your thorn come from?"

2009-06-12, 11:44 PM
Tulacea also takes a step back, a little bit unnerved by the intensity of Jussio's appraisal, though she quickly realizes she shouldn't have expected anything else. Her wound seems agitated as well- she tears off a bit of her hip and blots up some of the dribbling sap.

"The same day, from the same tree. Like yours, it has not healed, despite everything I've tried."

Like you, I have not healed, despite everything I've tried- but she shakes her head, silently dismissing the thought.

"Nothing I Know gives me any understanding of it- and I know so very little. I do not know what causes the effect, I do not know if it can be treated, I do not know if it will grow worse."

"And... I certainly didn't know I wasn't alone."

She looks away, and runs her fingers over her bark, smoothing her shoulder back into place, covering herself up.

Neon Knight
2009-07-06, 05:34 PM
A pebble rolls out of the bottom of the scabbard. Huh. It hadn't rattled or anything when Harald held it.


Silver didn't see anything. There was no one there.

2009-07-06, 06:02 PM

Hmmm. There was definitely some kind of sound though...
Lack of a definite source didn't mean lack of a source, after all.
She searches around for anything that could have made it.

((Search: [roll0]))

2009-07-06, 09:28 PM

Harald looks at the pebble carefully, pondering what significance it might have... or what lesson it might be there to teach, he takes his time looking it over and considering.

Take 20 for a Spot check: Result 28
Intellingence Check: 13 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=6443568&postcount=31)

Neon Knight
2009-07-07, 05:42 PM
Silver doesn't see anything that could have made it. I mean, it sounded like someone bumping into a table or a large wooden object, but there's no one around.


The pebble is smoothed, and looks like it was purposefully made so. Perhaps it is like a marble, meant to roll on the ground? Or maybe it is supposed to fit into some slot shaped for it? Aside form the smoothing, it hasn't been altered from a pebble you might pick up off the ground.

2009-07-09, 07:05 PM

Jussio stays quiet for a while considering this. He remembers the day of the execution, the day his exemplar died. He remembers protecting his face from the explosion and ending up with his right hand punctured. He'd tried to get rid of it, but never went to far in fear of permanetly damaging his dominant hand. Everything surrounding the wound had been an oddity, but that old bats strange words were easily on top. I still bleed... yeah, I can see the blood.

"Tch..." He draws a wand from his side and tabs his right palm with its tip. Within seconds, the red circle disappears leaving the pristine white wrapping. He slips the black glove back on. "It would seem you aren't alone then. So far this thing has been little more then a nuisance, I've been able to tend to it whenever it acts up. If it's as much trouble to you as it is to me though, there may be something more to it. something that transcends basic biology... Yes..."

"That tree belonged to Lord Maksim, after all. There are so many things he could have done to it." He turns to the house. "Who knows, the answer may have been in one of his books."

2009-07-09, 10:41 PM

Harald looks the scabbard over, then pockets the pebble for the moment, and begans walking the grounds. He's looking for anything that might trigger in his mind a connection with the pebble... in particular anything significant, related to his mentor that it might fit into. He puts the scabbard back into his belt and holds the pebble in one hand as if it were a worry stone, rubbing it as he thinks.

Search Check: take 20 for 38!

2009-07-10, 06:20 AM

"You think he might have deliberately enchanted the tree?" Tula muses as she walks with Jussio back towards the house. "It's certainly within his power... and I don't pretend to Know the mind of the Sage... Fascinating."

"I would very much like to have seen the library one more time before... before the books were moved. You mentioned seeing Maksim's spellbook?"

Neon Knight
2009-07-10, 08:39 AM
Silver heard another wooden thumping sound, in another room close by. It might occur to her that the two sounds were drawing her away from the others.


As Harald passed the garden again, something occurred to him. There was a grouping of very small stones that seemed random, but if you put one extra stone in a certain spot, they made a pattern. The pebble looked very similar in size and shape to those stones. If Harald lifted one of those stones already in place, he would discover the the earth underneath them had been subtly shaped into a socket like depression.

2009-07-10, 08:52 AM

Harald sat down in the garden, looking nonchalant... like he was resting. He examined the stones carefully and then when nobody else was looking slowly reached over with his pebble and placed it in the pattern.

2009-07-10, 12:21 PM

"I don't think he would have planted it with the sole purpose of injurying a pair of his followers, no... But as a side effect of some other enchantment, it seems viable. After all, these aren't normal." He takes a few steps before adding. "But you're right, one really can't say what he thought."

"The spell book... I'll say this, I saw what he wanted us to see as his spell books. The cult to the Stern Lady revels in anything concerning magic and the dead. We rise shrines in their honor, we keep their work on record... After the execution I made sure to keep it safe, until his tomb was finished. The book I found now rests along with him. Months later another book appeared and I was lucky enough to here of it and reach it before the news spread. That one rests in a shrine to Lord Maksim at the main temple to Wee Jas, one I tend to personally. The oddity here is that although both books fill holes that the other left, they don't account for all of Maksim's deeds, at least not all the ones I personally witnessed, the ones I'm sure belonged to the realm of the arcane. I have no way of proving it, but I believe there may be a third book out there."

After a moment's silence, he adds "Ah, my apologies. I tend to ramble at times."

2009-07-10, 12:25 PM

Silver does realize it is drawing her away from the others, but she really doesn't care. Does she need them? No. Not at all. She can act on her own.
Silver follows the noise curiously.

Neon Knight
2009-07-11, 09:22 AM
When Harald completed the pattern, everyone felt their thorn wounds ache.

The pattern disappeared, the stones and earthen slots vanishing. In its place, an arrow was drawn in the dirt, pointing back towards the house.


Silver is now in a dead end room. It looks like it might have been a study, once, or maybe a guest room. Silver will see that there is a bootprint on the wall, as if someone placed a muddy boot against it.

2009-07-11, 09:24 AM

Harald stands and walks back to the house, following the arrow. Once inside he looks around.

2009-07-12, 08:09 AM

How odd. Silver moves over towards the boot print, examining it closely as she wonders just what was up with it.

Neon Knight
2009-07-12, 07:51 PM
Inside the main room of the house, Harald found another arrow mad eof dust pointing upstairs.


It looked like someone had stepped on the wall or something. A clever girl might think of spiderwalk spells or other like affects. The ceiling were an excellent way to hide and get around in conjunction with some other magical effect like invisibility. Most of the rooms in the house had external windows, and most of them were still open.

2009-07-12, 08:47 PM

Harald will continue following the arrows, erasing them as he goes.

2009-07-12, 09:10 PM

"Oh, there's no need to apologize," Tula replies to Jussio, smiling. "I do wish it were under happier circumstances, but I'm glad that we all got a chance to get together and... Rnngh."

The plant winces at the spike of pain in her shoulder, her eyes drawn towards the house. "... Something's happening..."

2009-07-13, 08:33 AM

A more clever and suspicious girl might wonder why there is only one muddy bootprint, and not at least two. She might also wonder why if someone was going to such lengths to keep hidden and unseen, they'd be wearing muddy boots.

Presumably, they're might be a really arrogant magic user who thinks their magic will take care of everything and otherwise aren't used to hiding (which would further explain all the thumping), or their snooping and sneaking took them to some muddy or otherwise dirty area, or it is possible that this is some strange clue or trap meant to throw her off.

Silver hopes it is the first one of those.

She looks for any sign of muddy boot prints elsewhere- either leading up to the one she found, or leading beyond it and up towards the ceiling.

(If you want a search/spot check for this, feel free to roll it for me)

Neon Knight
2009-07-13, 05:26 PM
Harald's arrows eventually point to an open window on the second floor.


Now that Silver looks at it, there are faint boot prints with mud leading both to that spot and up the wall. The first step onto the wall had more force than his normal gait, probably to assure that he was anchored to that surface. The first did seem likely. Someone arrogantly assure of his magic, and not conscious enough of stealth techniques to realize that magic didn't hide his footprints.

2009-07-13, 05:55 PM

Harald looks out the window and around, trying to puzzle what his next move should be.

Search: take 20 for 32.

2009-07-13, 06:23 PM

Silver attempts to follow the bootprints, seeking out where they're headed.

Neon Knight
2009-07-14, 09:52 AM
The bootprints lead back into the sorting room where the meeting was taking place, and then loop around and head out a window.


Harald brushes up against something in his search near the window.

Something he can't see.

2009-07-14, 10:07 AM

Silver's pace grows faster as she follows the bootprints, until finally she leaps out of the window, hurdling through it as she races after the person that left them.
This may cause a collision with the person in question, or maybe Harald.
Or possibly the window frame. Silver could stand to be a bit more nimble.

2009-07-14, 10:26 AM

Harald cautiously feels to see if he can find the invisible thing again. If he locates it he will feel it out to sense what it might be.

Search: Take 20 again for 32.

Neon Knight
2009-07-16, 01:23 PM
Silver does indeed run into someone invisible. Both of them fall outside the window and land inside, the invisible fellow cursing.


Harald hears a sound behind him. That being the sound of an invisible person trying to push him out the window.

((Initiative for Silver and Harald might be helpful.))

2009-07-16, 01:30 PM

Silver tries to get up and ascertain what exactly she's run into...
And where it is.

((Initiative: [roll0]))

2009-07-16, 02:20 PM

Harald is startled, the last thing he expected being a murder attempt.

Initiative: [roll0]

Neon Knight
2009-07-18, 07:11 PM
Silver seems to have tackled a youngish looking man with pale features, rough woolen clothes and boots. He curses. ((Silver goes first.))


Harald gets a chance to get a smack in at his attacker as he comes in. ((Harald gets an AoO, and then I need a strength check from him.))

2009-07-18, 08:14 PM

Silver calls on her sorcerous powers, tapping into the potency of language. Her voice ripples with authority and magic as she shouts at the man.
"Stop where you are!"

She'll take a five foot step back, if necessary to avoid AoOs, then use her Spellweaving power. Use the Word seed- Stun (8pts), increase HP limit by 50 (5pts) and increase duration by 3 rounds (3 points).

Effect created:
Make a will save (DC 17). If the man has less than 60 hp, and fails the save, he'll be stunned for four rounds.

2009-07-20, 01:05 PM
Harald, not having a weapon drawn will most likely punch his opponent.

Attack: [roll0]
Strength Check: [roll1]

2009-07-20, 08:42 PM

Tula looks up, and notices Harald flailing around on the ground against some sort of invisible force. "Hey! What-"


Tula blasts the vague area around Harald with a Dispel Magic. [roll1]

Neon Knight
2009-07-21, 11:16 AM
The man is successfully stunned by Silver's power. He is unable to act.


Harald, who is actually on the second floor of the house, struggling with an invisible figure in the window, lands a clean blow across his opponent. He can see that his attacker is an old man dressed in concealing attire.

Right before he's pushed out the window.

((A tumble or jump check might be appropriate unless you like falling damage.))

2009-07-21, 11:40 AM
As Harald tumbles out the window, he attempts to push off the side of the house to slow his fall and tumble on the ground when he hits.

Tumble Check: [roll0]

2009-07-21, 12:29 PM

As Silver finds that her power works, she realizes she needs to deal with the man in some way, and she didn't have anything readily available to use on him.

She can't help but give the faintest smile of amusement as she remembers one of Maksim's lessons to her. After practicing her magical powers, she had finally gotten to the point where should could do quite amazing things with them, and when he next taught her...

Well, she learned a little about rope and knots.
Magic is a wonderful thing, as well as the knowledge to use it- but never forget that its just one tool of many.
And never underestimate the usefulness of a good length of rope. Everyone should know how to use rope.
That's how she remembers it, at least. Its been a while since she thought about that...

Silver looks around for some rope or something else which she could use to tie or restrain the man.

Neon Knight
2009-07-23, 08:18 PM
Unfortunately, Harald isn't quite quick enough with his maneuver, and he doesn't manage to land properly. ((11 HP damage.))

There is a toolshed nearby. Silver will find some rope inside on a hook put into the door that she can use to tie the man up. She'll probably finish just as he becomes unstunned.

2009-07-23, 08:35 PM
Harald hits the ground and looking up toward the window and his assailant casts a quick spell, the words starting slurred and quickly becoming more precisely pronounced.

cast True Strike (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/trueStrike.htm)

2009-07-24, 09:09 AM

Silver tries not rush herself, and just goes with the little she knows as she attempts to tie the man up. No sense rushing it or taking too long, or attempting something she isn't sure about and letting him get away because of it.

((Take ten on a use rope check. So that should be a 22 total.))

2009-07-26, 11:15 AM
Tula rushes to Harald's side, pulling a slender wooden wand out from whatever bundle of bark she's using as a pocket. "Harald? What happened? Who's up there?"

Slap Harald with the Wand of Vigor, granting him Fast Healing 1 for the next 11 rounds, conveniently enough

Neon Knight
2009-07-26, 11:18 AM
Silver successfully completes her task, an the man grunts and tries to break free unsuccessfully.


A blast of some magical energy sears the ground next to Harald as his assailant leans out of the window and tries to finish him off, missing.

2009-07-26, 11:22 AM

"If you try to get away, I can stop you again; and if you give me too much trouble, I'll break your legs."
Silver's threat is quite serious. To someone else it might seem rather harsh, but she feels superior to this person... her will is far more important than his, and so defying her carries greater consequences.

2009-07-26, 01:42 PM
The following round, Harold follows up his prior spell with a spate of arcane words that sound hot and crackling as a fiery ray of mystical energy shoots out at the figure leaning out of the window.

Cast Scorching Ray (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/scorchingRay.htm)
Ranged Touch Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Neon Knight
2009-07-27, 05:17 PM
The man glares at Silver, halting his struggles and staying silent.


Harald's foe is struck and topples back inside the building, either severely wounded or dying.

2009-07-27, 07:58 PM
Harald leaps up and rushes back into the building up the stairs to where his opponent was...

2009-07-28, 07:51 AM

"Now why don't you tell me what you're doing here, sneaking around?"
Silver asks suspiciously.

2009-07-31, 12:16 AM

Tula rushes along behind Harald, keeping up as best she can with her short and wooden legs. "Harald? What's going on?"

2009-07-31, 03:35 PM
Harald is dashing back up the stairs, "Someone tried to kill me!"

Neon Knight
2009-08-01, 12:37 PM
The man silver has apprehended looks evenly at her. "I'm here to steal items belonging to the Sage."


Next to the window, Harold finds the burned body of his assailant.

2009-08-02, 02:20 AM
Harald leans down and examines his assailant, looking for clues.

2009-08-02, 08:14 AM

"Why? For who? How did you know about this meeting?"
Silver is inwardly seething, fighting back the urge to give this man a bit of what he deserves.

Neon Knight
2009-08-03, 07:52 PM
Right, clues:

1. Assailant was flammable.

2. Not much else. The possessions on the body are fairly non-descript and give no hint to origin and purpose. He is clothed simply, armed simply with a dagger, and has practically nothing else on him.


"We were just looking for stuff to sell. Relics of the Sage, sell for quite high to the right loony. We didn't know anything about any meeting. We just saw some stuff being moved here by cart along the road and figured since this was his place, it might be his stuff."

2009-08-03, 07:58 PM
Harald glowers at the body, then proceeds to look for clues to what he was being guided to by the stone.

2009-08-04, 06:01 AM
Tulacea falls behind as Harald rushes up the stairs- and she overhears Silver and her prisoner in the next room. From what she saw of that blast of fire, there's likely very little for her to do upstairs anyway. Her leaves quiver as she walks into the room- she keeps her face, well, wooden, but inwardly she's deeply disturbed by the intrusion.

"How many of you are here?" she demands. "It's too late for your friend upstairs, but no one else has to get hurt."

2009-08-06, 08:54 AM

Silver turns away from the man, shaking her head a little as she tries to restrain herself.