View Full Version : A God's Diary

2009-05-07, 07:20 PM
[Alright folks, I stole this thread from another site, it's totally awesome, you should completely try this.]

My Dearest GiantitP,

If you are reading this it means I have passed into the great beyond. Which is curious because, as you know, I am (or rather was) a god, or perhaps a planeswalker, timelord, or some other name bestowed upon me is most accurate. You, my dearest GiantitP, understand these things, you are Game Masters and Dungeon Masters.

With that established, I bestow one of my pocket dimension seeds. Water it, feed it with a droplet of your blood, sing to it, or scream at it; it will grow and take the shape of whatever you want. Populating your pocket dimension is your job, of course, since only the largest planes spontaneously generate what you call life. But, from my experience, visitors and wayward spirits will find their way in.

A word on its usage, your pocket dimension exists outside the constraints of your world, but does not cause your world to cease to exist. You can enter it at will, and return to anywhere in your plane (or the solar system as defined by the Oort Cloud as your astrographers have identified) any time between when you leave your reality and when you would return had you simply walked out of the room. Getting to other planes is, entirely your job.

I have instructed each of these planar seeds to grow a desk and a set of quills and parchment for you. Please do write and tell me about your reality, which I do hope is more entertaining than your dull dimension.??

Sincerely, Greengiant

[Also adding an example]

Day 1. I have received a mysterious seed in the mail, with no return address. Most curious. I brought it inside to examine under my microscope.

Day 4. Finally got around to viewing it under the microscope, consulted my reference book of plant seeds which I had purchased and unfortunately it doesn't resemble any of them in the slightest. Most curious, I'll have to sleep on it and spend more time this weekend.

Day 7 Finally decided to go for broke and cut the seed open with a knife. That may have been a mistake, as there's... Well what can only be described as a hole in reality in my basement now. I threw some things into it and they just stopped existing entirely, so it may be that the universe it leads to has no laws of physics as we understand them. More study is most assuredly required.

Day 37. After a month of experimentation I've determined that I am immune to the "nonexistence field" of this other world. The protections extend as far as my clothing but very little else. Oddly enough my fingers also seem to leave glowing trails in the space/time of this other world.

Day 43. Fascinating, apparently time stops when I'm in this other world. This may come in handy at some point, though I'm uncertain how.

Day 48. A new discovery today, after hours of drawing simple art in the space/time I decided to do some mathematical equations. Somehow, the glow changed color and the equation stayed. I decided to try some of newton's early equations about gravity and discovered that as my skin cells shed, they interacted in a gravitational field. Perhaps I can affect the laws of physics in this realm? It certainly bears further study.

Day 432. Such an addictive process fiddling around with these physical laws can be. I've tried several times to imitate the laws of our own physical world, but with little success. For now it's been mostly limited to progress on the subatomic level, which for some reason I can see here. I really haven't a clue as to where the seed came from, but I no longer care.

Day 821
Finally created protons, and decided to modify our own laws to allow anti gravity particles. What goes up must come down is so dreadfully boring sometimes.

Day 3512. This journal is practically falling by the wayside as I forge a new physical universe of my own design. I would be among the greatest physicists in the world, but to be honest the universe of my birth bores me. If an intelligent creator designed our universe, he or she did an extremely sloppy job. I've moved on to creating my own periodic table, with new exciting elements that can generate energy in ways that would give any scientist in my world a headache. I really ought to start creating small particles soon.

Day 69213. Almost forgot I even had this old journal. My work progresses extremely well, I've all but finished the laws that govern this universe, and I've expanded upon it's dimensions but it seems.... Empty. Maybe a few galaxies ought to spice things up. I might be able to create a big bang equivalent next week.

69220. Test universe #1 has gone exceptionally well, I should have spiral galaxies soon and, thanks to my ability to speed up time, perhaps even some worlds to explore.

Day 3 x 10^27
Finally got some life started, had to make a few modifications to the laws. I'd forgotten about entropy. Created a smaller folded up dimensional world below the one most people will be able to percieve, I've always liked the concept of hyperspace and I figure someone might as well enjoy it. Maybe I'll get around to creating my own star system.

Day 3 x 10^45
Actually initiated a serious big bang event, and accelerated it enough that worlds are formed and mostly complete. Seeded a few with life just for the hell of it. Finally got around to creating my own star system, and set it up to where the temperature is perfect. I think I'll make the planet have a biosphere similar to Ireland. I always wanted to move there in my previous life, but I feel like the man I was is a complete stranger. More than anything the passion of creating has taken over my life. Maybe I'll start brewing whiskey too, always wanted to do that.

Day 3x10^49
Finally got my world up and running the way I wanted it, have some damn fine whiskey aged longer than mankind was ever meant to live. This immortality gig is absolutely sweet. Things are perfect here, so much so that I actually set up some defenses around my star system so I won't be bothered. I think I'll spend my time here, creating new forms of life, drinking my whiskey and relaxing.

2009-05-07, 08:15 PM
Those exponentials are WAAAAAYYYY too big.:smallsmile:

2009-05-07, 08:31 PM
Those exponentials are WAAAAAYYYY too big.:smallsmile:

Not if you're a god! Mwuahahahahaahha

2009-05-07, 08:38 PM
Not if you're a god! Mwuahahahahaahha

That's the point! It shouldn't take 200 years to create a big bang, millions of quadrillions of years to create life and then take quadrillions of trillions or billions of millions of billions of trillions of quadrillions of years to put these two together.
Accuracy is vital in these kinds of games! :P

Mando Knight
2009-05-07, 09:08 PM
That's the point! It shouldn't take 200 years to create a big bang, millions of quadrillions of years to create life and then take quadrillions of trillions or billions of millions of billions of trillions of quadrillions of years to put these two together.
Accuracy is vital in these kinds of games! :P

Well, unless it's your first time, and you never were omnipotent/omniscient/etc. before...

2009-05-22, 02:31 PM
Depends on whether you care about how soon you finish anything. It's not inherently an issue if you have infinite time. This is pretty much a mortal thing. We get bored. But barring that, there would be no particular reason for a god to go quickly instead of slowly.

If you think the minutes in your morning lecture are taking a long time to pass for you... (http://www.xkcd.com/505/)

2009-05-22, 03:58 PM
tl;dr, li;mo

Totally Guy
2009-05-22, 04:20 PM
I had God over the other week for D&D. He kept using His omniscience to metagame. What's so hard about keeping player knowledge and character knowledge seperate? Then, I'm not afraid to admit it but He's smarter than me, He made this totally broken build using seemingly useless abilities. And He rolls well too.

The final straw was when He suggested LARP... Can you imagine that? We might be geeks but that's more geeky than I'm prepared to go.

Flame of Anor
2009-05-22, 06:24 PM
Well, unless it's your first time, and you never were omnipotent/omniscient/etc. before...

Ah, so the first time you're omniscient you don't really know the ropes?

...does that seem a little contradictory to anyone?

And, yes, please, get the numbers right.

2009-05-27, 11:24 AM
Ah, so the first time you're omniscient you don't really know the ropes?

...does that seem a little contradictory to anyone?

And, yes, please, get the numbers right.

Seriously, dude, I specifically said I took it from another site for you guys to look at, I didn't write this.