View Full Version : Adventurers for Hire I.C.

2009-05-07, 10:39 PM
The sun had set on the southeren Isles. Screams of terror rung out as the zombie barbarian leaped into the air, its rotting eyes filled with rage, and burst into flames as a drow war-mage yells strange words in an unknown arcane language. Warriors charge toward each other flailing their swords. High upove in the sky knights on griffons charge toward a mind flayer pirate astride a black dragon.

Our heros sit in town square of a large city in Urbatas as an old man approaches them. The old man is clad in black robes and carries a large cane. "good evening young ones" he says in a hoarse voice. " you wouldn't happen to be . . . adventutrers would you?"

2009-05-07, 11:26 PM

The rogue stands up and stares the old man in the eye for several seconds. After getting a quick feel for him, Adrian relaxes slightly and responds. That depends on why you're asking.

Obviously, I'm taking dark red for my speech color. Also, how do you want us to handle OOC conversation? I didn't see anything about it in your recruitment post, unless I missed it.

2009-05-08, 08:29 AM

The words startled Sanguis, he hadn't noticed the old man's approach, broken out of a reverie of a past girlfriend that the Innkeeper's daughter had reminded him of. Seeing Adrian confront the old man Sanguis leapt to his feet to calm the situation somewhat.

Evening, Old timer. Sanguis, at your service. Don't mind Adrian, he is just a little grumpy this evening since his dinner was cold. What can we do for you?

Sanguis stands to the side of Adrian and offers the old man his hand and motions him to a seat.

I claim Blue for my speech. I'll second the motion for an OOC thread. Also FYI, while I have played quite a bit of D&D back in the day, this is my first Play by Post and my first game in quite a while, so I apologize for any mistakes or poor etiquette in advance.

2009-05-08, 03:53 PM
OOC: I think I made an OOC thread.but anyway.

The man glares at you. "I am asking because I need . . . . assistance." The man coughs and wipes his plams on his robes. "So . . . . are you in?"

2009-05-08, 03:59 PM
OOC: Ok we will do OOC on the IC thread as well.

Jesse Drake
2009-05-08, 04:06 PM

Ha, a small halfling emerges from behind the man, after having scoped him for a moment. I may be of service... what's the pay bub.

OOC:So I choose Green for my color. Simple green.

2009-05-08, 04:22 PM
The man jumps in surprise and begins coughing. Once he settles down he says "you can keep anything you wish except the artifact"

Silent Musician
2009-05-08, 10:50 PM
OOC: Blame the forums' temporary shutdown for me not seeing this.

Lafaer, the elven ranger, remains seated on a bench and answers in a blunt tone: "Just tell us the mission already."

2009-05-08, 11:07 PM

Obviously my compatriots are a little on the blunt side, presumably there is some sort of incentive for us to undertake this task.

Jesse Drake
2009-05-08, 11:10 PM

Gren steps up, smiling big, I don't prune my mother's yard without proper incentive pal.

2009-05-08, 11:47 PM

Adrian glares at Sanguis out of the corner of his eye, but remains silent.

2009-05-09, 09:31 AM
The man limps toward you. "The mission is simple" he wheeses "I need you to travel to the southern isles to a place known as 'Cruiasis'." The man mutters something in a language you don't quite understand. "Once you get there, you will need to travel through Cruiasis and at the end there is a small town of kobolds. There you will find the artifact bring it back and you will be rewarded with grat riches."

2009-05-09, 10:34 AM

Well that seems simple enough. Sanguis wanders back to the bench and lowers himself back into a reclining position. I suppose that we are going to have to bear the cost of the trip in the promise of these "riches" that you speak of?

Sanguis wonders to himself, I wonder what this "artifact" that he speaks of is, can't be too valuable if it's in the hands of a few lousy kobolds.

Sanguis surveys his new acquiantances curious about their reactions to this old man. Personally, he'd be up for anything as long as it promised to bring some excitement.

2009-05-09, 10:38 AM
The man looks at you and coughs out "yes yes just go already!"

Silent Musician
2009-05-09, 03:40 PM
OOC: Made a Knowledge Geography check on Cruiasis in the dice rolling thread but go a 5.

"Let's get going," Lafaer says, making his way toward the south exit of the town.

2009-05-09, 05:36 PM

Hold on a second. Maybe I'm the only level head here, but I'd like to know what we're getting into before I go off to potentially risk my life. What is this artifact? Why do you need it? Most importantly, is there anyone else trying to get to it?

Jesse Drake
2009-05-09, 06:07 PM

Heh, dummy, what does it matter, it's not like this old man couldn't fight us for that artifact. But what do I know, I only studied up on the best thieves in history, I couldn't possibly figure out a way to get rich out of this. Gren laughs a bit after thinking for a second, Suckers... Oh, sorry, I seem to have been bitten by a mosquito.
Gren softly swats at a figmantive mosquito. Got it.

2009-05-09, 07:16 PM

Sanquis stands up, Adrian is right, I'd love to have some additional detail on this mission of ours. But it that's all you have, I'm not going to hold us back.

OOC: I'll follow Lafaer out if there are no more details forthcoming.

2009-05-09, 10:01 PM
The old man looks at you all and smiles. "Thats all I have for you..... So get on it"

@Silent Musician: You know that Cruiasis is in the southern islands.

Silent Musician
2009-05-10, 05:31 PM
"You guys heard him. He has nothing else to say to us, so let's just get going."

Without anymore talking, he continued, not wanting to stall any longer. They had an adventure, so it was only right that they take it due to the possible rewards they'll get. Hopefully, he can get himself a new bow.

2009-05-10, 05:40 PM

Reluctantly, Adrian turns to leave. He keeps one eye on the man as they begin walking away.

2009-05-10, 08:01 PM

Sanguis gets up and follows the group.

Well here we go.

2009-05-10, 08:11 PM
1 Hour Later
When we last left our heros they were setting out for the souther islands. The sun has set and it is now dark. The trail has went from a dirt path to just a trail cut in the grass. You are tired and you want to rest but you have a quest. What do you do?

Silent Musician
2009-05-10, 09:03 PM
Lafaer scans the place to see the general terrain, to see if it's safe to rest here.

OOC: What is the landscape around us? Are there any trees? High grass?

Damian Jade
2009-05-10, 09:27 PM
OOC: Sorry to be so tardy, but Mother's day is a busy holiday.

Klaus sat silently watching everyone else discuss the proposals and bargain for information. He quietly bit his lips to allow the conversation to flow around him. Dwarves, he knew were regarded as bad negotiators and he hated the thought of spoiling a potential job for his new found companions. His interest piqued at the word artifact. Artifacts were things of legend and legends were where glory was and there was everything he quested to achieve.

OOC: Do I need to buy a horse before we leave?

Klaus joins Lafaer in searching out a campsite looking for a suitable defensive point. "Tell me elf, what set you upon this life? It is a hard path far from family or forest at times and seldom do adventurers settle down to enjoy a well earned dotage."

2009-05-11, 12:38 AM

I have a few concerns about this job I'd like to address. Something tells me that there may be more to this. The man expects us to retrieve the item without telling us much of anything about it, and more imporantly, he was willing to hire a group of complete strangers, several of whom demonstrated a clear contempt for him, to retrieve an artifact. The way I see it, there are three likely explanations. One: he's an idiot. In this case, we can't assume anything he said is accurate, because he may be wrong. Two: he has enough power and resources to get it from us by force if necessary, and he didn't tell us anything about it because he needs it for some secret purpose. In this case, we can't trust him for obvious reasons. Three: he doesn't actually need it, but our retrieving it leads to some other goal of his, and he isn't telling us about it because he doesn't want us to know this. In any case, I think there may be more than meets the eye, and we should be careful.

Of course, I may be wrong, and this is all completely harmless. But I'm not willing to take that risk, so I'll be expecting the worst.

Jesse Drake
2009-05-11, 12:43 AM

Okay, so we're off then are we? Well, I must say, the best thieves thrived when they had others who complemented their keen abilities. I should probably stick close to these folks. Gren pulls out a few berries*, and pops one in his mouth. Anyone one a berry?

2009-05-11, 03:32 PM
Ok, you are on a small trail, there are rolling hills for miles, Bushes and trees dot the landscape

@ EL Salvador: Roll me a fortitude save

Jesse Drake
2009-05-11, 04:05 PM

OOC: Fort Save 17

Gren steps up to his fellow rogue, (cause in his mind, he's a perfect rogue), Ya know Adrian, you may be right, but then think on this... if it is a powerful artifact, it'd put us in the position to bargain, since he can't be too powerful, if he can't even take on a few kobolds, eh.

2009-05-11, 04:35 PM
A very lean looking man comes into view. He sports a golden chain mail shirt and an elegent green cape. His dark hair is brushed back in a (as I would call) "fancy" style. His head darts up as he noticed you.
"Halt in the name of the king!"

2009-05-11, 05:11 PM

Greetings sir! How are you this fine day.

OOC:Diplomacy Check 24

2009-05-11, 05:24 PM

(to Gren) That's the thing, though. If he's not strong enough to take us on, then I don't know why he's trusting us; I mean, I certainly wouldn't. But if he is stronger than us, there must be some reason he isn't just retrieving it himself.

(reacting to the approaching man) Adrian stops, letting the more eloquent speaker handle things.

2009-05-11, 05:36 PM
The man draws a golden greatsword and shouts "What are you doing out at this time of night"

Jesse Drake
2009-05-11, 06:32 PM

OOC: Gren looks at the guy, and makes a 12 sense motive check, just to see if he's getting ready to attack or not, and if he is, he'll draw out a dart and get ready, otherwise he goes on sans dart.

Gren nudges Adrian. Look at that shiny golden blade... Then addressing the man, Hey, there's no need to go drawing weapons here.

2009-05-11, 06:33 PM

Sanguis takes a step back, not willing to go toe to toe with a heavily armed man.

Sir, we were unaware that there was a curfew in these parts. We are simply passing through. Perhaps if you could direct us to the nearest inn?

OOC: I'll assume my last diplomacy check is still in effect. Let me know if I need to re-roll.

2009-05-11, 06:57 PM
You think he may attack.

He steps toward you. "There is no curfew, but we have had some suspisious happenings latel, and you look mighty suspious"

2009-05-11, 07:10 PM

Sanguis raises his hands in a defensive manner and continues to backpeddle out of the range of the man's sword.

Sir, as I said before we are simply passing through and were unaware of any laws that prevented us from being on this road at night.

OOC:I'm going to ready an action to cast charm person if he attacks.

Jesse Drake
2009-05-11, 07:16 PM

Gren just steps back, dart in hand, standing firmly behind the Dwarf. He picks up a few stones in preparation, holding them in his other hand.

2009-05-11, 07:27 PM
His glare slowly shifts to an apologetic (SP?) smile. "I'm sorry guys I've just been on edge lately. A man came threw yesterday and caused alot of havoc." He sheathes his sword. "Hey, I can I trust youhuys with something?"

2009-05-11, 07:36 PM

Sanguis lets out a breath of relief and lowers his hands back to his side.

No problem at all. And certianly you can trust us.

Going from almost killing us to wanting to trust us with something? Man, this guy really must be on edge.

OOC: Hopefully I'm not hogging too much of the spotlight, I figured with my high Charisma I'd handle most of the negotiating.

2009-05-11, 07:52 PM
He smiles at you. "Ok, I know secret trail which can reach Mordarin in only 2days, the way you're going it'll take you a week." The man brushes his stubby fingers through his dark, greasy hair. He looks tired. "Oh yeah.... My name's Roamin."

2009-05-11, 08:14 PM

Adrian eyes the man with extreme suspicion, but remains silent to avoid alienating a potential ally.

OOC: Sense Motive 18

Silent Musician
2009-05-11, 08:31 PM
To the dwarf before the man appeared: "I chose this life so that I may get away from family and friends. Details aside, I am only partying with you all to contribute to my own personal goals."

Then he saw the man in the gold chain appear. During the conversation, Lafaer attempted to hide behind a bush.

OOC: made a Hide check, but got a 1. Yeeeeeaaah....

Damian Jade
2009-05-11, 08:39 PM
Sensing Gren moving behind him, Klaus makes sure to plant himself so as to be able to intercept a charge should this parley prove a ruse but still offer Gren a line of sight.

"What is this trail you speak of Roamin? A trail that shaves off that many days must surely be dangerous or it would be more widely known."

2009-05-11, 09:13 PM
Roamin's face flushes "Well.... thats the thing. The trail is kinda ....... now don't laugh.... haunted. And the ranger station is on this trail, and..... well you catch my drift." He begins to blush at this last statement

2009-05-11, 09:20 PM

Klaus makes a good point. This guy goes from almost killing us to offering us an all too convenient shortcut. I wonder what's up with that?

Sanguis, growing suspicious of Roamin's motives, makes a rash decision to be extra sure about this and summons forth his innate power to make anyone friendly.

OOC: Cast Charm Person on Roamin. DC 15.

So Roamin, tell us a little more about this trail you speak of.

OOC again: I keep posting right after the DM has updated and missed the last post, oh well, I'll let the action stand and see where it takes us.

2009-05-11, 09:31 PM
He looks a little dazed for a second and then he looks angered. "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST DO!?!

Silent Musician
2009-05-11, 09:34 PM
Lafaer facepalms.

2009-05-11, 09:36 PM
Roamin burst into tears "I knew it! You can't trust anybody anymore!"

Jesse Drake
2009-05-11, 10:05 PM

Hah! Gren snorts a bit as he laughs uncontrollably. Oh, Olidammara, that's funnier than the existance of the owlbear.

2009-05-11, 11:59 PM

And here I thought I was going to be the one to screw this up. He turns to Roamin. Look, I'll be blunt. We don't need a shortcut. Sure, cutting a few days off our trip would be nice, but we'll get there eventually either way, so we'd probably be fine without you. But the fact that you told us about it in the first place suggests that you want something from us. So let's dispense with the pleasantries, and the...whatever it is he just tried to do. What is it that you want?

2009-05-12, 08:00 AM

Oh, Crap. That didn't work out to well, one of these days I'm going to have to start taking a second to think things through.

Uhhhh.... Sorry that was just a Think, damn it, what would be believable Soothing incantation that I learned somewhere, you seemed a bit on edge. I guess I must have done it wrong?

Sanguis knew would have to stop being so impulsive, but he was never one to dwell on his past mistakes. Hopefully his new friends that he was trying to impress with his usefulness wouldn't hold it against him too much.

OOC: Diplomacy check 15

Jesse Drake
2009-05-12, 09:41 AM

In a silent, sarcastic cough, Gren chokes out Liar.

Jesse Drake
2009-05-12, 03:00 PM

OOC: Bluff 23

Hah, let me show him how it's done. Gren steps up to his friend and laughs, saying This is just a mistake, see, he's just a novice caster, he's just as likely to obliterate you with a fireball as he is to soothe you, as you see, it's just in his faulty, anarchic nature. Now, we're just a few travellers, with no outward motives, and it is a bit odd for you to be offering us a short cut to some place that we've shown no inclanation towards... So, are you a bandit, here to steal our food and drink?

2009-05-12, 07:51 PM
He jumps back in suprise. "What!?! No I'm not a bandit I'm the chief patrol out here. I'm on guard. and the reason I know your headed to Mordarin is, well this road leads there. If you wan't t know the truth I would love it if you could help us with the . . . ghost." Roamin blushes at this last word.

Silent Musician
2009-05-12, 08:15 PM
Did he just blush? What kind of guard is this? He looks inexperienced.

"We're not your heroes that are at your beck and call." Lafaer finally stepped forward, as hiding was meaningless out here. "Unless you have something to offer."

It was better to have two situations to get something out of this instead of one. He did not entirely trust the old man from the beginning.

Jesse Drake
2009-05-12, 10:32 PM

He can afford a golden greatsword, then he must be rich enough... or maybe I'll just take the sword. Gren smiles a chuckles to himself as he yet again ponders a way to get paid. Olidammara's smiling today. As my friend said, we're for hire.

2009-05-13, 10:00 AM
"we will give you free use of the trail" He begins to ponder for a second "and five-hundred gold a piece."

2009-05-13, 10:32 AM

Well, this sounds interesting..

Sanguis, doesn't want to further upset a man so clearly at the end of his rope and decides to let his compatriots do the talking for now. He'll go with whatever decision they make.

Damian Jade
2009-05-13, 10:45 AM
Klaus rubs his beard.
"Five hundred, eh? Well as long as you get our names correct in the songs your people write about the day we freed your road from this ghost, I'm in."

Jesse Drake
2009-05-13, 10:57 AM

Hah, well goldblade, we're in. Hah, 500 gold... I wonder if I can kick these guys off the tab... Nah. Then who'll I hide behind.

OOC: Okay, so I don't intend to knock you guys off, I'm just playing the character, and he want's to get paid. I hope no one mistakes me for an overgreedy guy, also, Mac-G, don't feel bad, you're still contending for highest charisma, feel free to interact with those ridiculous diplomacy checks.

2009-05-14, 05:34 PM
Ok guys since the forums are down all the fuggin time I'm switching to myth weavers forums. Just PM me your user name on there and I'll invite you.

Jesse Drake
2009-05-14, 05:57 PM
okay, I'm just salvador there, as is.

2009-05-14, 07:44 PM
Same name for me on both boards

2009-05-14, 09:30 PM
Ok log in on there and lets go.

Damian Jade
2009-05-15, 08:19 AM
I too, have the same name on both boards.

2009-05-15, 09:03 PM
I'm TheMonty over there.