View Full Version : A task for someone who isn't as lazy as me concerning Belkar.

Juron Pilo
2009-05-08, 07:13 PM
In http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0650.html Belkar says "you can't take everything I say in the last panel seriously!"

Can someone organize some links to when Belkar has made a quip in the last panel? Could be a clue to the story.

edit: Oh and my rationalization for not doing this myself is that as nerds go I'm lazy even about my interests, but it sounds like the nerdy thing to do so someone's got to do it.

edit2: also I hope there IS a clue here and Belkars not handing me a red herring. Theres lots of those in these stories

2009-05-08, 07:37 PM
I recall an early incident that may invalidate that comment or invalidate Belkar himself when coupled with a later event.

Belkar stars kicking but all alone and the last panel effectively says "this is why I keep them around" to say something about how good he did. This means they are a positive influence on him.

Then later that idea is crushed when he is all alone and first proclaims himself a sexy shoeless god of war. He didn't need anyone to validate him at that time.

I don't know it that was the kind of thing you were talking about, but tried my best from memory to find something that goes with the "last panel" bit.

As for what Belkar is likely to feed you....I would take the rock soup before anything Belkar cooks.

Juron Pilo
2009-05-08, 08:00 PM
I can only presume with that last quote that your trying to say that the only clue Belkar would leave behind IS a red herring?

2009-05-08, 08:32 PM
Well, obviously we can determine that Belkar is immune to pain --- in 568 (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0568.html), he suggests that he's in pain over the MoJ in the last panel. Quite clearly he must be unable to feel pain, because we can't take this seriously at all! :smallbiggrin:

I thought perhaps this might be a potential clue initially, but I doubt we're to draw anything from it. Trying to turn a throw-away joke like that into an actual plotline would be absurd from a story-telling point-of-view. While The Giant has foreshadowed stories with jokes before (Elan grabbing the gender belt, for instance), this joke isn't nearly prominent in a very story-heavy comic.

On the other hand, the thieves in 649 are still in the running because they were the biggest plot point in that comic; they're much more memorable because they stood out as being actually related to the plot.

2009-05-08, 09:04 PM
I can only presume with that last quote that your trying to say that the only clue Belkar would leave behind IS a red herring?

Either that, or you just flat out cannot trust ANYTHING Belkar says anywhere.

Kinda like when he tells Roy he doesn't trust him enough to think he would lie to him. Belkar says stuff JUST to confuse the heck out of you. He is a speak before you think kind of person.

2009-05-08, 10:46 PM
Either that, or you just flat out cannot trust ANYTHING Belkar says anywhere.

Kinda like when he tells Roy he doesn't trust him enough to think he would lie to him. Belkar says stuff JUST to confuse the heck out of you. He is a speak before you think kind of person.

No, he is a kill everything near you before you speak OR think kind of person. :smallamused:

2009-05-08, 11:31 PM
just want to make sure that you all know that Belkar said

"Hot damn! We keep overcoming plot obstacles at this pace, we'll be killing Xykon five strips from now!"

He said this in the last panel of the previous strip.

I believe that this is all he was referring to. As the battle between V and Xykon could easily fit into 4 strips, thus making it the 5th strip since he said that they would be killing Xykon in 5 strips.

Juron Pilo
2009-05-09, 02:07 AM
Checkmarked, stamped, and approved. I knew that its just like I said, might as well consider the possibility.

2009-05-09, 05:12 AM
Belkar stars kicking but all alone and the last panel effectively says "this is why I keep them around" to say something about how good he did. This means they are a positive influence on him.

Why a positive influence? He just needs an audienct to admire/be terrified of him.

Anyway, he did say "everything" there. This shows that he could be speaking seriously 95% of the time, making a joke/obviously false statement only occasionally.

2009-05-09, 05:46 AM
Why a positive influence? He just needs an audienct to admire/be terrified of him.

Anyway, he did say "everything" there. This shows that he could be speaking seriously 95% of the time, making a joke/obviously false statement only occasionally.

Well when he killed the gnome with the candy bar he did not get approval from Haley. The only time he gets approval is killing the right people, which oppose the good side the rest of the order works to help.

So his approval by them has been positive in the more he does right in their eyes, the more attention and gratification from them he gets.

To not completely let go of himself and the way he was, or because you cannot teach an old dog new tricks; he makes wise crack responses to any situation so he doesn't let himself be turned back to completely good in action like he was while under Owl's Wisdom.